rwp@Romans:11:22 @{The goodness and the severity of God} (\chrˆstotˆta kai apotomian theou\). See on kjv@Romans:2:2| for \chrˆstotˆs\, kindness of God. \Apotomia\ (here alone in the N.T.) is from \apotomos\, cut off, abrupt, and this adjective from \apotemn“\, to cut off. This late word occurs several times in the papyri. {If thou continue} (\ean epimenˆis\). Third class condition, \ean\ and present active subjunctive. {Otherwise} (\epei\). Ellipse after \epei\, "since if thou dost not continue." {Thou also} (\kai su\). Precisely as the Jewish branches of verse 17| were. {Shalt be cut off} (\ekkopˆsˆi\). Second future passive of \ekkopt“\, to cut out.
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