rwp@Romans:3:19 @{That every mouth may be stopped} (\hina pƒn stoma phragˆi\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and second aorist passive subjunctive of \phrass“\, old verb to fence in, to block up. See kjv@2Corinthians:11:10|. Stopping mouths is a difficult business. See kjv@Titus:1:11| where Paul uses \epistomizein\ (to stop up the mouth) for the same idea. Paul seems here to be speaking directly to Jews (\tois en t“i nom“i\), the hardest to convince. With the previous proof on that point he covers the whole ground for he made the case against the Gentiles in 1:18-32|. {May be brought under the judgement of God} (\hupodikos genˆtai t“i the“i\). "That all the world (Jew as well as Gentile) may become (\genˆtai\) answerable (\hupodikos\, old forensic word, here only in N.T.) to God (dative case \t“i the“i\)." Every one is "liable to God," in God's court.
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