rwp@Romans:3:24 @{Being justified} (\dikaioumenoi\). Present passive participle of \dikaio“\, to set right, repeated action in each case, each being set right. {Freely} (\d“rean\). As in kjv@Galatians:2:21|. {By his grace} (\tˆi autou chariti\). Instrumental case of this wonderful word \charis\ which so richly expresses Paul's idea of salvation as God's free gift. {Through the redemption} (\dia tˆs apolutr“se“s\). A releasing by ransom (\apo, lutr“sis\ from \lutro“\ and that from \lutron\, ransom). God did not set men right out of hand with nothing done about men's sins. We have the words of Jesus that he came to give his life a ransom (\lutron\) for many (Mark:10:45; kjv@Matthew:20:28|). \Lutron\ is common in the papyri as the purchase-money in freeing slaves (Deissmann, _Light from the Ancient East_, pp. 327f.). {That is in Christ Jesus} (\tˆi en Christ“i Iˆsou\). There can be no mistake about this redemption. It is like kjv@John:3:16|.
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