rwp@Romans:7:4 @{Ye also were made to the law} (\kai humeis ethanat“thˆte\). First aorist indicative passive of \thanato“\, old verb, to put to death (Matthew:10:21|) or to make to die (extinct) as here and kjv@Romans:8:13|. The analogy calls for the death of the law, but Paul refuses to say that. He changes the structure and makes them dead to the law as the husband (6:3-6|). The relation of marriage is killed "through the body of Christ" as the "propitiation" (3:25|) for us. Cf. kjv@Colossians:1:22|. {That we should be joined to another} (\eis to genesthai heter“i\). Purpose clause with \eis to\ and the infinitive. First mention of the saints as wedded to Christ as their Husband occurs in kjv@1Corinthians:6:13; kjv@Galatians:4:26|. See further kjv@Ephesians:5:22-33|. {That we might bring forth fruit unto God} (\hina karpophorˆs“men t“i the“i\). He changes the metaphor to that of the tree used in 6:22|.
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