strkjv@Romans:8:31 @ What #G5101 shall we #G2046 # then #G3767 say #G2046 (5692) to #G4314 these things #G5023 ? If #G1487 God #G2316 be for #G5228 us #G2257 , who #G5101 can be against #G2596 us #G2257 ?
strkjv@Romans:8:32 @ He that #G3739 #G1065 spared #G5339 (5662) not #G3756 his own #G2398 Son #G5207 , but #G235 delivered #G3860 # him #G846 up #G3860 (5656) for #G5228 us #G2257 all #G3956 , how #G4459 shall he #G5483 # not #G3780 with #G4862 him #G846 also #G2532 freely give #G5483 (5695) us #G2254 all things #G3956 ?
strkjv@Romans:8:33 @ Who #G5101 shall lay any thing #G1458 (5692) to the charge #G2596 of Gods #G2316 elect #G1588 ? It is God #G2316 that justifieth #G1344 (5723).
strkjv@Romans:8:34 @ Who #G5101 is he that condemneth #G2632 (5723) (5694)? It is Christ #G5547 that died #G599 (5631), yea #G1161 rather #G3123 #G2532 , that is risen again #G1453 (5685), who #G3739 is #G2076 (5748) even #G2532 at #G1722 the right hand #G1188 of God #G2316 , who #G3739 also #G2532 maketh intercession #G1793 (5719) for #G5228 us #G2257 .
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