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1John 1

rwp@1John:1:2 @{Was manifested} (\ephaner“thˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \phanero“\, to make known what already exists, whether invisible (B. Weiss) or visible, "intellectual or sensible" (Brooke). In strkjv@Colossians:3:4| Paul employs it of the second coming of Christ. Verse 2| here is an important parenthesis, a mark of John's style as in strkjv@John:1:15|. By the parenthesis John heaps reassurance upon his previous statement of the reality of the Incarnation by the use of \he“rakamen\ (as in verse 1|) with the assertion of the validity of his "witness" (\marturoumen\) and "message" (\apaggellomen\), both present active indicatives (literary plurals), \apaggell“\ being the public proclamation of the great news (John:16:25|). {The life, the eternal life} (\tˆn z“ˆn tˆn ai“nion\). Taking up \z“ˆ\ of verse 1|, John defines the term by the adjective \ai“nios\, used 71 times in the N.T., 44 times with \z“ˆ\ and 23 in John's Gospel and Epistles (only so used in these books by John). Here lt means the divine life which the Logos was and is (John:1:4; strkjv@1John:1:1|). {Which} (\hˆtis\). Qualitative relative, "which very life." {Was with the Father} (\ˆn pros ton patera\). Not \egeneto\, but \ˆn\, and \pros\ with the accusative of intimate fellowship, precisely as in strkjv@John:1:1| \ˆn pros ton theon\ (was with God). Then John closes the parenthesis by repeating \ephaner“thˆ\.

rwp@1John:1:3 @{That which we have seen} (\ho he“rakamen\). Third use of this form (verses 1,2,3|), this time resumption after the parenthesis in verse 2|. {And heard} (\kai akˆkoamen\). Second (verse 1| for first) use of this form, a third in verse 5|. Emphasis by repetition is a thoroughly Johannine trait. {Declare we} (\apaggellomen\). Second use of this word (verse 2| for first), but \aggelia\ (message) and \anaggellomen\ (announce) in verse 5|. {That ye also may have} (\hina kai humeis echˆte\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and present active subjunctive of \ech“\ (may keep on having). "Ye also" who have not seen Jesus in the flesh as well as those like John who have seen him. Like \kai humin\ (to you also) just before. {Fellowship with us} (\koin“nian meth' hˆm“n\). Common word in this Epistle, from \koin“nos\, partner (Luke:5:10|), and \koin“ne“\, to share, in (1Peter:4:13|), with \meta\ emphasising mutual relationship (Acts:2:42|). This Epistle often uses \ech“\ with a substantive rather than a verb. {Yea, and our fellowship} (\kai hˆ koin“nia de hˆ hˆmetera\). Careful explanation of his meaning in the word "fellowship" (partnership), involving fellowship with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ and only possible in Christ.

rwp@1John:1:4 @{We write} (\graphomen hˆmeis\). Literary plural present active indicative of \graph“\, which see in the singular in strkjv@2:12-14|. {May be fulfilled} (\ˆi peplˆr“menˆ\). Periphrastic perfect passive subjunctive of \plˆro“\, stressing the state of completion in the purpose (\hina\), remain full, precisely as in strkjv@John:16:24|. See aorist subjunctive in strkjv@John:15:11| and perfect indicative in strkjv@John:17:13|. The MSS. differ as often between \hˆm“n\ (our) and \hum“n\ (your).

rwp@1John:1:5 @{And} (\kai\). Mutual fellowship depends on mutual knowledge (Westcott). {Message} (\aggelia\). Old word (from \aggelos\, messenger), in N.T. only here and strkjv@3:11|, and note \ap' autou\ (from God like \apaggell“\ in verse 3|) and \anaggellomen\, to announce, to disclose, here as in strkjv@John:4:25|. {God is light} (\ho theos ph“s estin\). Precisely so the \Logos\ is light (John:1:4-9|) and what Jesus claimed to be (John:8:12|). John repeats it in negative form as he often does (John:1:3|).

rwp@1John:1:6 @{If we say} (\ean eip“men\). Condition of third class with \ean\ and second aorist (ingressive, up and say) active subjunctive. Claiming fellowship with God (see verse 3|) involves walking in the light with God (verse 5|) and not in the darkness (\skotos\ here, but \skotia\ in strkjv@John:1:5|). See strkjv@2:11| also for \en tˆi skotiƒi peripate“\. {We lie} (\pseudometha\). Present middle indicative, plain Greek and plain English like that about the devil in strkjv@John:8:44|. {Do not the truth} (\ou poioumen tˆn alˆtheian\). Negative statement of the positive \pseudometha\ as in strkjv@John:8:44|. See strkjv@John:3:21| for "doing the truth," like strkjv@Nehemiah:9:33|.

rwp@1John:1:7 @{If we walk} (\ean peripat“men\). Condition of third class also with \ean\ and present active subjunctive (keep on walking in the light with God). {As he} (\h“s autos\). As God is light (verse 5|) and dwells in light unapproachable (1Timothy:6:16|). {One with another} (\met' allˆl“n\). As he has already said in verse 3|. But we cannot have fellowship with one another unless we have it with God in Christ, and to do that we must walk in the light with God. {And the blood of Jesus his Son cleanseth us from all sin} (\kai to haima Iˆsou tou huiou autou katharizei hˆmƒs apo pƒsˆs hamartias\). This clause with \kai\ in true Johannine style is coordinate with the preceding one. Walking in the light with God makes possible fellowship with one another and is made possible also by the blood of Jesus (real blood and no mere phantom, atoning blood of the sinless Son of God for our sins). John is not ashamed to use this word. It is not the mere "example" of Jesus that "cleanses" us from sin. It does cleanse the conscience and life and nothing else does (Hebrews:9:13f.; strkjv@Titus:2:14|). See in verse 9| both forgiveness and cleansing. Cf. strkjv@1John:3:3|.

rwp@1John:1:8 @{If we say} (\ean eip“men\). See verse 6|. {We have no sin} (\hamartian ouk echomen\). For this phrase see strkjv@John:9:41; strkjv@15:22,24|. That is, we have no personal guilt, no principle of sin. This some of the Gnostics held, since matter was evil and the soul was not contaminated by the sinful flesh, a thin delusion with which so-called Christian scientists delude themselves today. {We deceive ourselves} (\heautous plan“men\). Present active indicative of \plana“\, to lead astray. We do not deceive others who know us. Negative statement again of the same idea, "the truth is not in us."

rwp@1John:1:9 @{If we confess} (\ean homolog“men\). Third-class condition again with \ean\ and present active subjunctive of \homologe“\, "if we keep on confessing." Confession of sin to God and to one another (James:5:16|) is urged throughout the N.T. from John the Baptist (Mark:1:5|) on. {Faithful} (\pistos\). Jesus made confession of sin necessary to forgiveness. It is God's promise and he is "righteous" (\dikaios\). {To forgive} (\hina aphˆi\). Sub-final clause with \hina\ and second aorist active subjunctive of \aphiˆmi\. {And to cleanse} (\kai hagiasˆi\). Songs:again with \hina\ and the first aorist active subjunctive of \kathariz“\ (verse 7|).

rwp@1John:1:10 @{If we say} (\ean eip“men\). As in verses 6,8|. {We have not sinned} (\ouch hamartˆkamen\). Perfect active indicative of \hamartan“\. This is a denial of any specific acts of sin, while in verse 8| we have the denial of the principle of sin. David Smith observes that the claim to personal perfectionism has two causes, one the stifling of conscience in making God a liar (\pseustˆn\, the word used of the devil by Jesus in strkjv@John:8:44|), and the other ignorance of God's word, which is not in us, else we should not make such a claim.

rwp@1John:1:6 says '... fellowship with God involves walking in the

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