





geneva Againe

geneva@Genesis:1:6 @ Againe God saide, Let there be a firmament in the middes of the waters: and let it separate the waters from the waters.

geneva@Genesis:4:2 @ And againe she brought foorth his brother Habel, & Habel was a keeper of sheepe, and Kain was a tiller of the ground.

geneva@Genesis:8:8 @ Againe he sent a doue from him, that he might see if the waters were diminished from off the earth.

geneva@Genesis:8:10 @ And he abode yet other seuen dayes, and againe he sent forth the doue out of the Arke.

geneva@Genesis:8:12 @ Notwithstanding he wayted yet other seuen dayes, and sent forth the doue, which returned not againe vnto him any more.

geneva@Genesis:14:16 @ And he recouered all the substance, and also brought againe his brother Lot, & his goods, and the women also and the people.

geneva@Genesis:15:3 @ Againe Abram saide, Beholde, to me thou hast giuen no seede: wherefore loe, a seruant of mine house shalbe mine heire.

geneva@Genesis:15:7 @ Againe he saide vnto him, I am the Lord, that brought thee out of Vr of the Caldees, to giue thee this land to inherite it.

geneva@Genesis:16:10 @ Againe the Angel of the Lorde saide vnto her, I will so greatly increase thy seede, that it shal not be numbred for multitude.

geneva@Genesis:17:9 @ Againe God said vnto Abraham, Thou also shalt keepe my couenant, thou, and thy seede after thee in their generations.

geneva@Genesis:18:1 @ Againe the Lord appeared vnto him in the plaine of Mamre, as he sate in his tent doore about the heate of the day.

geneva@Genesis:18:30 @ Againe he said, Let not my Lord nowe be angry, that I speake, What if thirtie be founde there? Then he saide, I will not doe it, if I finde thirtie there.

geneva@Genesis:22:19 @ Then turned Abraham againe vnto his seruants, and they rose vp & went together to Beer-sheba: and Abraham dwelt at Beer-sheba.

geneva@Genesis:24:5 @ And the seruant saide to him, What if the woman will not come with me to this land? Shall I bring thy sonne againe vnto the lande from whence thou camest?

geneva@Genesis:24:20 @ And she powred out her pitcher into the trough speedily; and ranne againe vnto the well to drawe water, and she drewe for all his camels.

geneva@Genesis:27:21 @ Againe sayde Izhak vnto Iaakob, Come neere nowe, that I may feele thee, my sonne, whether thou be that my sonne Esau or not.

geneva@Genesis:27:24 @ Againe he sayd, Art thou that my sonne Esau? Who answered, Yea.

geneva@Genesis:28:15 @ And lo, I am with thee, and wil keepe thee whithersoeuer thou goest, and will bring thee againe into this lande: for I will not forsake thee vntill I haue performed that, that I haue promised thee.

geneva@Genesis:28:21 @ So that I come againe vnto my fathers house in safetie, then shal the Lord be my God.

geneva@Genesis:29:3 @ And thither were all the flockes gathered, & they rolled the stone from the welles mouth, and watered the sheepe, and put the stone againe vpon the welles mouth in his place.

geneva@Genesis:29:33 @ And she conceiued againe & bare a sonne, and sayde, Because the Lord heard that I was hated, he hath therefore giuen me this sonne also, & she called his name Simeon.

geneva@Genesis:29:34 @ And she conceiued againe & bare a sonne, and said, Now at this time wil my husband keepe mee company, because I haue borne him three sonnes: therefore was his name called Leui.

geneva@Genesis:29:35 @ Moreouer shee conceiued againe and bare a sonne, saying, Nowe will I prayse the Lorde: therefore shee called his name Iudah, and left bearing.

geneva@Genesis:30:12 @ Againe Zilpah Leahs mayde bare Iaakob another sonne.

geneva@Genesis:31:3 @ And the Lorde had said vnto Iaakob, Turne againe into the lande of thy fathers, and to thy kinred, and I wilbe with thee.

geneva@Genesis:32:6 @ So ye messengers came againe to Iaakob, saying, We came vnto thy brother Esau, and hee also commeth against thee and foure hundreth men with him.

geneva@Genesis:34:27 @ Againe the other sonnes of Iaakob came vpon the dead, and spoyled the citie, because they had defiled their sister.

geneva@Genesis:35:9 @ Againe God appeared vnto Iaakob, after he came out of Padan Aram, and blessed him.

geneva@Genesis:35:11 @ Againe God said vnto him, I am God all sufficient. growe, and multiplie. a nation and a multitude of nations shall spring of thee, and Kings shall come out of thy loynes.

geneva@Genesis:37:9 @ Againe hee dreamed an other dreame, & tolde it his brethren, and saide, Behold, I haue had one dreame more, and beholde, the Sunne and the Moone & eleuen starres did reuerence to me.

geneva@Genesis:41:44 @ Againe Pharaoh saide vnto Ioseph, I am Pharaoh, and without thee shall no man lift vp his hand or his foote in all the land of Egypt.

geneva@Genesis:42:14 @ Againe Ioseph sayde vnto them, This is it that I spake vnto you, saying, Ye are spies.

geneva@Genesis:42:25 @ So Ioseph commanded that they should fill their sackes with wheate, and put euery mans money againe in his sacke, and giue them vitaile for the iourney: and thus did he vnto them.

geneva@Genesis:43:13 @ Take also your brother and arise, and go againe to the man.

geneva@Genesis:43:21 @ And as wee came to an ynne and opened our sackes, behold, euery mans money was in his sackes mouth, euen our money in full weight, but we haue brought it againe in our handes.

geneva@Genesis:44:8 @ Behold, the money which we found in our sackes mouthes, wee brought againe to thee out of the land of Canaan: how then should we steale out of thy lordes house siluer or golde?

geneva@Exodus:2:13 @ Againe he came forth the second day, and behold, two Ebrewes stroue: and he said vnto him that did the wrong, Wherefore smitest thou thy fellowe?

geneva@Exodus:4:4 @ Againe the Lorde saide vnto Moses, Put foorth thine hand, and take it by the tayle. Then he put foorth his hande and caught it, and it was turned into a rod in his hand.

geneva@Exodus:4:7 @ Moreouer he said, Put thine hand into thy bosome againe. So he put his hande into his bosome againe, & pluckt it out of his bosome, and behold, it was turned againe as his other flesh.

geneva@Exodus:7:23 @ Then Pharaoh returned, and went againe into his house, neither did this yet enter into his heart.

geneva@Exodus:8:16 @ Againe the Lord sayd vnto Moses, Say vnto Aaron, Stretche out the rod, and smite the dust of the earth, that it may bee turned to lyce throughout all the land of Egypt.

geneva@Exodus:10:1 @ Againe the Lorde saide vnto Moses, Goe to Pharaoh: for I haue hardened his heart, and the heart of his seruants, that I might worke these my miracles in the middes of his realme,

geneva@Exodus:10:8 @ So Moses and Aaron were brought againe vnto Pharaoh, and he saide vnto them, Goe, serue the Lorde your God, but who are they that shall goe?

geneva@Exodus:24:14 @ And said vnto the Elders, Tary vs here, vntill we come againe vnto you: and beholde, Aaron, and Hur are with you: whosoeuer hath any matters, let him come to them.

geneva@Exodus:32:9 @ Againe the Lord said vnto Moses, I haue seene this people, and beholde, it is a stiffe necked people.

geneva@Exodus:32:31 @ Moses therefore went againe vnto ye Lord, and said, Oh, this people haue sinned a great sinne, and haue made them gods of golde.

geneva@Leviticus:7:22 @ Againe ye Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,

geneva@Leviticus:14:39 @ So the Priest shall come againe ye seuenth day: and if he see that the plague bee increased in the walles of the house,

geneva@Leviticus:14:43 @ But if the plague come againe and breake out in the house, after that he hath taken away ye stones, and after that hee hath scraped and playstered the house,

geneva@Leviticus:25:29 @ Likewise if a man sell a dwelling house in a walled citie, he may bye it out againe within a whole yeere after it is solde: within a yeere may he bye it out.

geneva@Leviticus:25:51 @ If there be many yeeres behind, according to them he shall giue againe for his deliuerance, of the money that he was bought for.

geneva@Leviticus:25:52 @ If there remaine but fewe yeeres vnto the yeere of Iubile, then he shall count with him, and according to his yeeres giue againe for his redemption.

geneva@Numbers:13:25 @ {\cf2 (13:26)} Then after fourtie dayes, they turned againe from searching of the land.

geneva@Numbers:16:8 @ Againe Moses saide vnto Korah, Heare, I pray you, ye sonnes of Leui.

geneva@Numbers:16:50 @ And Aaro went againe vnto Moses before the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and the plague was stayed.

geneva@Numbers:22:15 @ Balak yet sent againe moe princes, and more honourable then they.

geneva@Numbers:23:16 @ And the Lord mette Balaam, and put an answere in his mouth, and sayd, Goe againe vnto Balak, and say thus.

geneva@Numbers:25:16 @ Againe ye Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,

geneva@Numbers:27:12 @ Againe the Lord said vnto Moses, Go vp into this mount of Abarim, & behold ye lande which I haue giuen vnto the children of Israel.

geneva@Numbers:34:16 @ Againe the Lord spake to Moses, saying,

geneva@Deuteronomy:20:7 @ And what man is there that hath betrothed a wife, and hath not taken her? let him go and returne againe vnto his house, lest he die in the battell, and another man take her.

geneva@Deuteronomy:24:19 @ When thou cuttest downe thine haruest in thy fielde, and hast forgotten a sheafe in the fielde, thou shalt not goe againe to fet it, but it shalbe for the stranger, for the fatherles, & for the widowe: that the Lorde thy God may blesse thee in all the workes of thine hands.

geneva@Joshua:8:21 @ When Ioshua and all Israel sawe that they that lay in waite, had taken the citie, and that the smoke of the citie mounted vp, then they turned againe and slewe the men of Ai.

geneva@Joshua:8:26 @ For Ioshua drewe not his hande backe againe which he had stretched out with the speare, vntill hee had vtterly destroyed all the inhabitants of Ai.

geneva@Joshua:15:7 @ Againe this border goeth vp to Debir from the valley of Achor, and Northwarde, turning toward Gilgal, that lyeth before the going vp to Adummim, which is on the Southside of the riuer: also this border goeth vp to the waters of En-shemesh, and endeth at En-rogel.

geneva@Judges:4:1 @ And the children of Israel began againe to do wickedly in the sight of the Lorde when Ehud was dead.

geneva@Judges:10:6 @ And the children of Israel wrought wickednesse againe in the sight of the Lord, and serued Baalim and Ashtaroth, and the gods of Aram, and the gods of Zidon, and the gods of Moab, and the gods of the children of Ammon, and the gods of the Philistims, and forsooke the Lord and serued not him.

geneva@Judges:11:8 @ Then the Elders of Gilead saide vnto Iphtah, Therefore we turne againe to thee now, that thou mayest goe with vs, and fight against the children of Ammon, and bee our head ouer all the inhabitants of Gilead.

geneva@Judges:11:9 @ And Iphtah said vnto the Elders of Gilead, If ye bring me home againe to fight against the children of Ammon, if the Lord giue them before me, shall I be your head?

geneva@Judges:11:14 @ Yet Iphtah sent messengers againe vnto the King of the children of Ammon,

geneva@Judges:11:39 @ And after the ende of two moneths, she turned againe vnto her father, who did with her according to his vowe which he had vowed, and she had knowen no man; it was a custome in Israel:

geneva@Judges:13:9 @ And God heard the voyce of Manoah, and the Angel of God came againe vnto the wife, as she sate in the fielde, but Manoah her husbande was not with her.

geneva@Judges:13:17 @ Againe Manoah said vnto the Angell of the Lorde, What is thy name, that when thy saying is come to passe, we may honour thee?

geneva@Judges:15:12 @ Againe they sayd vnto him, Wee are come to binde thee, and to deliuer thee into the hande of the Philistims; Samson sayde vnto them, Sweare vnto me, that yee will not fall vpon me your selues.

geneva@Judges:18:5 @ Againe they said vnto him, Aske counsell nowe of God, that we may knowe whether the way which we goe, shalbe prosperous.

geneva@Judges:18:8 @ So they came againe vnto their brethren to Zorah and Eshtaol: and their brethren saide vnto them, What haue ye done?

geneva@Judges:20:22 @ And the people, the men of Israel plucked vp their hearts, and set their battel againe in aray in the place where they put them in aray the first day.

geneva@Judges:20:23 @ (For the children of Israel had gone vp and wept before the Lord vnto the euening, and had asked of the Lorde, saying, Shall I goe againe to battel against the children of Beniamin my brethren? and the Lord said, Go vp against them)

geneva@Judges:20:25 @ Also the second day Beniamin came forth to meete them out of Gibeah, and slewe downe to the grounde of the children of Israel againe eighteene thousand men: all they could handle the sword.

geneva@Ruth:4:3 @ And he said vnto ye kinsman, Naomi, that is come againe out of ye countrey of Moab, wil sell a parcel of land, which was our brother Elimelechs.

geneva@1Samuel:3:5 @ And he ranne vnto Eli, and said, Here am I, for thou calledst me. But he said, I called thee not: goe againe and sleepe; he went and slept.

geneva@1Samuel:3:6 @ And the Lorde called once againe, Samuel; Samuel arose, and went to Eli, and said, I am here: for thou diddest call me; he answered, I called thee not, my sonne: go againe and sleepe.

geneva@1Samuel:3:21 @ And the Lorde appeared againe in Shiloh: for the Lorde reueiled himselfe to Samuel in Shiloh by his word.

geneva@1Samuel:6:21 @ And they sent messengers to the inhabitans of Kiriath-iearim, saying, The Philistims haue brought againe the Arke of the Lord: come ye downe and take it vp to you.

geneva@1Samuel:7:3 @ Then Samuel spake vnto all the house of Israel, saying, If ye be come againe vnto the Lord with all your heart, put away the strange gods from among you, and Ashtaroth, & direct your hearts vnto the Lord, & serue him only, and he shall deliuer you out of the hand of ye Philistims.

geneva@1Samuel:7:13 @ So the Philistims were brought vnder, and they came no more againe into the coastes of Israel: and the hand of the Lorde was against the Philistims all the dayes of Samuel.

geneva@1Samuel:14:34 @ Againe Saul said, Goe abroade among the people, and bid them bring me euery man his oxe, and euery man his sheepe, and slay them here, and eate and sinne not against the Lord in eating with the blood; ye people brought euery man his oxe in his hand that night, & slew them there.

geneva@1Samuel:14:44 @ Againe Saul answered, God doe so & more also, vnlesse thou die the death, Ionathan.

geneva@1Samuel:15:16 @ Againe Samuel saide to Saul, Let me tell thee what the Lord hath saide to me this night; he said vnto him, Say on.

geneva@1Samuel:15:30 @ Then he saide, I haue sinned: but honour mee, I pray thee, before the Elders of my people, and before Israel, and turne againe with mee, that I may worship the Lord thy God.

geneva@1Samuel:16:10 @ Againe Ishai made his seue sonnes to come before Samuel: and Samuel saide vnto Ishai, The Lord hath chosen none of these.

geneva@1Samuel:19:8 @ Againe the warre began, & Dauid went out & fought with the Philistims, and slew them with a great slaughter, and they fled from him.

geneva@1Samuel:19:21 @ And when it was tolde Saul, he sent other messengers, and they prophecied likewise: againe Saul sent the third messengers, and they prophecied also.

geneva@1Samuel:20:17 @ And againe Ionathan sware vnto Dauid, because he loued him (for he loued him as his owne soule)

geneva@1Samuel:26:1 @ Againe the Ziphims came vnto Saul to Gibeah, saying, Doeth not Dauid hide him selfe in the hill of Hachilah before Ieshimon?

geneva@1Samuel:30:12 @ Also they gaue him a fewe figges, and two clusters of raisins: and when he had eaten, his spirite came againe to him: for he had eaten no bread, nor drunke any water in three dayes, and three nightes.

geneva@2Samuel:3:26 @ And when Ioab was gone out from Dauid, he sent messengers after Abner, which brought him againe from the well of Siriah vnknowing to Dauid.

geneva@2Samuel:3:27 @ And when Abner was come againe to Hebron, Ioab tooke him aside in the gate to speake with him peaceably, and smote him vnder the fift ryb, that he dyed, for the blood of Asahel his brother.

geneva@2Samuel:3:34 @ Thine handes were not bounde, nor thy feete tyed in fetters of brasse: but as a man falleth before wicked men, so diddest thou fall; all the people wept againe for him.

geneva@2Samuel:6:1 @ Againe Dauid gathered together all the chosen men of Israel, euen thirtie thousand,

geneva@2Samuel:15:25 @ Then the King said vnto Zadok, Carie the Arke of God againe into the citie: if I shall finde fauour in the eyes of the Lorde, he will bring me againe, and shewe me both it, and the Tabernacle thereof.

geneva@2Samuel:15:27 @ The King sayde againe vnto Zadok the Priest, Art not thou a Seer? returne into the citie in peace, and your two sonnes with you: to wit, Ahimaaz thy sonne, and Ionathan the sonne of Abiathar.

geneva@2Samuel:15:29 @ Zadok therefore and Abiathar caried the Arke of God againe to Ierusalem, and they taried there.

geneva@2Samuel:18:22 @ Then saide Ahimaaz the sonne of Zadok againe to Ioab, What, I pray thee, if I also runne after Cushi? And Ioab said, Wherefore now wilt thou runne, my sonne, seeing that thou hast no tidings to bring?

geneva@2Samuel:21:15 @ Againe the Philistims had warre with Israel: and Dauid went downe, and his seruants with him, and they fought against the Philistims, and Dauid fainted.

geneva@2Samuel:22:38 @ I haue pursued mine enemies and destroyed them, and haue not turned againe vntill I had consumed them.

geneva@1Kings:3:22 @...thy sonne is dead. Againe she...

geneva@1Kings:8:34 @ Then heare thou in heauen, and be mercifull vnto the sinne of thy people Israel, and bring them againe vnto the lande, which thou gauest vnto their fathers.

geneva@1Kings:12:5 @ And he said vnto them, Depart yet for three dayes, then come againe to me; the people departed.

geneva@1Kings:13:17 @ For it was charged me by the word of the Lord, saying, Thou shalt eate no bread, nor drinke water there, nor turne againe to goe by the way that thou wentest.

geneva@1Kings:13:19 @ So he went againe with him, and did eate bread in his house, and dranke water.

geneva@1Kings:13:26 @ And when the Prophet that brought him backe againe from the waye, hearde thereof, hee sayde, It is the man of God, who hath bene disobedient vnto the commandement of the Lorde: therefore the Lorde hath deliuered him vnto the lion, which hath rent him and slayne him, according to the worde of the Lorde, which hee spake vnto him.

geneva@1Kings:14:28 @ And when the King went into the house of the Lorde, the garde bare them, and brought them againe into the gard chamber.

geneva@1Kings:18:34 @...and on the wood. Againe he...

geneva@2Kings:2:4 @ Againe Eliiah saide vnto him, Elisha, tarie here, I pray thee: for the Lorde hath sent me to Iericho: But he said, As the Lorde liueth, and as thy soule liueth, I will not leaue thee. So they came to Iericho.

geneva@2Kings:5:10 @ And Elisha sent a messenger vnto him, saying, Go and wash thee in Iorden seuen times, and thy flesh shall come againe to thee, and thou shalt be clensed.

geneva@2Kings:5:15 @ And hee turned againe to the man of God, hee, and all his companie, and came and stood before him, and sayd, Behold, now I knowe that there is no God in all the world, but in Israel: now therefore, I pray thee, take a reward of thy seruant.

geneva@2Kings:13:18 @ Againe he said, Take the arrowes; he tooke them; he sayde vnto the King of Israel, Smite the ground; he smote thrise, and ceased.

geneva@1Chronicles:14:13 @ Againe the Philistims came and spread them selues in the valley.

geneva@1Chronicles:14:14 @ And when Dauid asked againe counsell at God, God said to him, Thou shalt not goe vp after them, but turne away from them, that thou mayest come vpon them ouer against the mulberie trees.

geneva@1Chronicles:20:3 @ And he caryed away the people that were in it, and cut them with sawes, and with harowes of yron, and with axes: euen thus did Dauid with all the cities of the children of Ammon. Then Dauid and all the people came againe to Ierusalem.

geneva@1Chronicles:21:12 @ Either three yeeres famine, or three moneths to be destroyed before thine aduersaries, and the sworde of thine enemies to take thee, or els the sworde of the Lorde and pestilence in the lande three dayes, that the Angel of the Lorde may destroy throughout all the coastes of Israel: nowe therefore aduise thee, what word I shal bring againe to him that sent me.

geneva@1Chronicles:21:27 @ And when the Lorde had spoken to the Angel, he put vp his sworde againe into his sheath.

geneva@2Chronicles:6:25 @ Then heare thou in heauen, and be mercifull vnto the sinne of thy people Israel, and bring them againe vnto the land which thou gauest to them and to their fathers.

geneva@2Chronicles:6:37 @ If they turne againe to their heart in the lande whither they be caryed in captiues, and turne and pray vnto thee in the lande of their captiuitie, saying, We haue sinned, we haue transgressed and haue done wickedly,

geneva@2Chronicles:6:38 @ If they turne againe to thee with all their heart, and with all their soule in the land of their captiuitie, whither they haue caryed them captiues, and pray toward their land, which thou gauest vnto their fathers, & toward the citie which thou hast chosen, and toward the house which I haue built for thy Name,

geneva@2Chronicles:10:5 @ And he sayde to them, Depart yet three dayes, then come againe vnto me; the people departed.

geneva@2Chronicles:10:12 @ Then Ieroboam and all the people came to Rehoboam the third day, as the King had appointed saying, Come againe to me the third day.

geneva@2Chronicles:12:11 @ And when the King entred into the house of the Lorde, the garde came and bare them and brought them againe vnto the garde chamber.

geneva@2Chronicles:13:20 @ And Ieroboam recouered no strength againe in the dayes of Abiiah, but the Lorde plagued him, and he dyed.

geneva@2Chronicles:20:27 @ Then euery man of Iudah and Ierusalem returned with Iehoshaphat their head, to goe againe to Ierusalem with ioy: for the Lorde had made them to reioyce ouer their enemies.

geneva@Nehemiah:4:15 @ And when our enemies heard that it was knowen vnto vs, then God brought their counsell to nought, and we turned all againe to the wall, euery one vnto his worke.

geneva@Nehemiah:13:9 @ And I commanded them to clense ye chambers: and thither brought I againe the vessels of the house of God with the meate offring and the incense.

geneva@Esther:6:12 @ And Mordecai came againe to the Kings gate, but Haman hasted home mourning and his head couered.

geneva@Esther:7:2 @ And the King said againe vnto Ester on the second day at the banket of wine, What is thy petition, Queene Ester, that it may be giue thee? and what is thy request? It shalbe euen perfourmed vnto the halfe of the kingdome.

geneva@Job:40:6 @ {\cf2 (40:1)} Againe the Lord answered Iob out of the whirle winde, and said,

geneva@Psalms:85:6 @ Wilt thou not turne againe & quicken vs, that thy people may reioyce in thee?

geneva@Proverbs:26:11 @ As a dog turneth againe to his owne vomit, so a foole turneth to his foolishnes.

geneva@Proverbs:26:15 @ The slouthfull hideth his hand in his bosome, and it grieueth him to put it againe to his mouth.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:4:7 @ Againe I returned, and sawe vanitie vnder the sunne.

geneva@Isaiah:7:10 @ And the Lorde spake againe vnto Ahaz, saying,

geneva@Isaiah:8:5 @ And the Lord spake yet againe vnto me, saying,

geneva@Isaiah:49:20 @ The children of thy barennesse shall say againe in thine eares, The place is straict for mee: giue place to me that I may dwell.

geneva@Jeremiah:24:4 @ Againe the worde of the Lord came vnto me, saying,

geneva@Jeremiah:24:6 @ For I wil set mine eyes vpon them for good, and I will bring them againe to this lande, and I will build them, and not destroy them, & I will plant them, and not roote them out,

geneva@Jeremiah:28:4 @ And I will bring againe to this place Ieconiah the sonne of Iehoiakim King of Iudah, with all them that were caried away captiue of Iudah, and went into Babel, saith the Lorde: for I will breake the yoke of the King of Babel.

geneva@Jeremiah:29:14 @ And I wil be found of you, saith the Lord, and I will turne away your captiuitie, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places, whither I haue cast you, saith the Lord, and will bring you againe vnto the place, whence I caused you to be caryed away captiue.

geneva@Jeremiah:30:3 @ For loe, the dayes come, saith the Lord, that I wil bring againe the captiuitie of my people Israel and Iudah, saith the Lord: for I will restore them vnto the lande, that I gaue to their fathers, and they shall possesse it.

geneva@Jeremiah:31:16 @ Thus saith the Lorde, Refraine thy voyce from weeping, and thine eyes from teares: for thy worke shalbe rewarded, saith the Lord, and they shall come againe from the land of the enemie:

geneva@Jeremiah:31:17 @ And there is hope in thine ende, saith the Lord, that thy children shall come againe to their owne borders.

geneva@Jeremiah:31:23 @ Thus saith the Lord of hostes, the God of Israel, Yet shall they say this thing in the land of Iudah, and in the cities thereof, when I shall bring againe their captiuitie, The Lorde blesse thee, O habitation of iustice and holy mountaine.

geneva@Jeremiah:32:15 @ For the Lorde of hostes, the God of Israel saith thus, Houses and fieldes, and vineyardes shall be possessed againe in this land.

geneva@Jeremiah:32:37 @ Beholde, I will gather them out of all countreys, wherein I haue scattered them in mine anger, and in my wrath, and in great indignation, and I wil bring them againe vnto this place, and I will cause them to dwell safely.

geneva@Jeremiah:33:10 @...Thus sayth the Lord, Againe there...(which ye say shalbe desolate, without man, and without beast, euen in the cities of Iudah, and in the streetes of Ierusalem, that are desolate without man, and without inhabitant, and without beast)

geneva@Jeremiah:33:12 @...the Lorde of hostes, Againe in...& without beast, and in all the cities thereof there shall be dwelling for shepheards to rest their flockes.

geneva@Jeremiah:41:16 @ Then tooke Iohanan the sonne of Kareah, and all the captaines of the hoste that were with him, all the remnant of the people, whom Ishmael the sonne of Nethaniah had caried away captiue from Mizpah, (after that he had slaine Gedaliah the sonne of Ahikam) euen the strong men of warre, and the women, and the children, and the eunuches, whom hee had brought againe from Gibeon:

geneva@Jeremiah:47:6 @ O thou sword of the Lord, how long will it be or thou cease! turne againe into thy scaberd, rest and be still.

geneva@Jeremiah:50:19 @ And I will bring Israel againe to his habitation: hee shall feede on Carmel and Bashan, and his soule shall be satisfied vpon the mount Ephraim and Gilead.

geneva@Lamentations:3:40 @ Let vs search and try our wayes, and turne againe to the Lord.

geneva@Ezekiel:3:16 @ And at the ende of seuen dayes, the worde of the Lorde came againe vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:6:1 @ Againe the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:8:13 @ Againe he saide also vnto me, Turne thee againe, and thou shalt see greater abominations that they doe.

geneva@Ezekiel:11:14 @ Againe the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:11:17 @ Therefore say, Thus saith the Lord God, I will gather you againe from the people, and assemble you out of the countreis where ye haue bene scattered, & I will giue you ye land of Israel.

geneva@Ezekiel:12:26 @ Againe the word of the Lorde came vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:14:12 @ The worde of the Lord came againe vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:18:27 @ Againe when the wicked turneth away from his wickednes that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawfull and right, he shal saue his soule aliue.

geneva@Ezekiel:23:1 @ The worde of the Lord came againe vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:25:1 @ The worde of the Lord came againe vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:27:1 @ The worde of the Lord came againe vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:28:1 @ The woorde of the Lorde came againe vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:30:1 @ The worde of the Lord came againe vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:33:15 @ To wit, if the wicked restore the pledge, and giue againe that he had robbed, and walke in the statutes of life, without committing iniquitie, he shall surely liue, and not die.

geneva@Ezekiel:33:23 @ Againe the worde of the Lord came vnto me, and saide,

geneva@Ezekiel:37:4 @ Againe he sayde vnto me, Prophecie vpon these bones and say vnto them, O ye dry bones, heare the word of the Lord.

geneva@Ezekiel:37:15 @ The word of the Lord came againe vnto me, saying,

geneva@Ezekiel:39:25 @ Therefore thus sayth the Lord God, Nowe will I bring againe the captiuitie of Iaakob, and haue compassion vpon the whole house of Israel, and wil be ielous for mine holy Name,

geneva@Ezekiel:39:27 @ When I haue brought them againe from the people, and gathered them out of their enemies landes, and am sanctified in them in the sight of many nations,

geneva@Ezekiel:40:32 @ Againe he brought me into ye inner court toward the East, and he measured the gate according to these measures.

geneva@Ezekiel:47:4 @ Againe he measured a thousande, and brought me through the waters: the waters were to the knees: againe he measured a thousand, & brought me through: ye waters were to ye loynes.

geneva@Amos:9:15 @ And I wil plant them vpon their land, and they shall no more bee pulled vp againe out of their lande, which I haue giuen them, sayeth the Lord thy God.

geneva@Haggai:2:20 @ {\cf2 (2:21)} And againe the worde of the Lorde came vnto Haggai in the foure and twentieth day of the moneth, saying,

geneva@Zechariah:4:1 @ And the Angel that talked with mee, came againe and waked mee, as a man that is raysed out of his sleepe,

geneva@Zechariah:8:1 @ Againe the worde of the Lord of hostes came to me, saying,

geneva@Zechariah:10:10 @ I will bring them againe also out of the land of Egypt, and gather them out of Asshur: and I will bring them into the land of Gilead, and Lebanon, and place shall not be found for them.

geneva@Zechariah:12:6 @ In that day will I make the princes of Iudah like coles of fire among the wood, and like a fire brand in the sheafe, and they shall deuoure all the people round about on the right hand, and on the left: and Ierusalem shall be inhabited againe in her owne place, euen in Ierusalem.

geneva@Matthew:4:8 @ Againe the deuil tooke him vp into an exceeding hie mountaine, and shewed him all the kingdomes of the world, and the glory of them,

geneva@Matthew:13:8 @ Some againe fel in good ground, & brought forth fruite, one corne an hundreth folde, some sixtie folde, and another thirtie folde.

geneva@Matthew:20:5 @ Againe he went out about the sixt & ninth houre, and did likewise.

geneva@Matthew:21:36 @ Againe hee sent other seruants, moe then the first: and they did the like vnto them.

geneva@Matthew:26:42 @ Againe he went away the second time, and praied, saying, O my Father, if this cuppe can not passe away from mee, but that I must drinke it, thy will be done.

geneva@Matthew:26:72 @ And againe he denied with an oth, saying, I knowe not the man.

geneva@Mark:4:8 @ Some againe fell in good grounde, and did yeelde fruite that sprong vp, and grewe, and it brought foorth, some thirtie folde, some sixtie folde, and some an hundreth folde.

geneva@Mark:4:13 @ Againe he said vnto them, Perceiue ye not this parable? howe then should ye vnderstand all other parables?

geneva@Mark:5:21 @ And when Iesus was come ouer againe by ship vnto the other side, a great multitude gathered together to him, & he was neere vnto the sea.

geneva@Mark:10:10 @ And in the house his disciples asked him againe of that matter.

geneva@Mark:12:4 @ And againe he sent vnto them another seruant, and at him they cast stones, and brake his head, and sent him away shamefully handled.

geneva@Mark:12:5 @ And againe he sent another, and him they slew, & many other, beating some, & killing some.

geneva@Mark:12:25 @ For when they shall rise againe from the dead, neither men marry, nor wiues are married, but are as the Angels which are in heauen.

geneva@Mark:13:16 @ And let him that is in the fielde, not turne backe againe to take his garment.

geneva@Mark:14:39 @ And againe hee went away, and praied, and spake the same wordes.

geneva@Mark:14:70 @ But hee denied it againe: and anon after, they that stoode by, sayde againe to Peter, Surely thou art one of them: for thou art of Galile, and thy speach is like.

geneva@Mark:15:12 @ And Pilate answered, and said againe vnto them, What will ye then that I doe with him, whom ye call the King of the Iewes?

geneva@Luke:4:20 @ And hee closed the booke, and gaue it againe to the minister, and sate downe: and the eyes of all that were in the Synagogue were fastened on him.

geneva@Luke:5:36 @ Againe he spake also vnto them a parable, No man putteth a piece of a newe garment into an olde vesture: for then the newe renteth it, and the piece taken out of the newe, agreeth not with the olde.

geneva@Luke:13:20 @ And againe he said, Whereunto shall I liken the kingdome of God?

geneva@Luke:14:6 @ And they could not answere him againe to those things.

geneva@Luke:17:4 @ And though he sinne against thee seuen times in a day, and seuen times in a day turne againe to thee, saying, It repenteth mee, thou shalt forgiue him.

geneva@Luke:20:11 @ Againe he sent yet another seruant: and they did beate him, and foule entreated him, and sent him away emptie.

geneva@Luke:23:20 @ Then Pilate spake againe to them, willing to let Iesus loose.

geneva@Luke:24:46 @ And said vnto them, Thus is it written, and thus it behoued Christ to suffer, and to rise againe from the dead the third day,

geneva@John:4:3 @ Hee left Iudea, and departed againe into Galile.

geneva@John:6:39 @ And this is the Fathers will which hath sent mee, that of all which hee hath giuen mee, I should lose nothing, but shoulde raise it vp againe at the last day.

geneva@John:8:2 @ And early in the morning came againe into the Temple, and all the people came vnto him, and he sate downe, and taught them.

geneva@John:8:8 @ And againe hee stouped downe, and wrote on the ground.

geneva@John:9:7 @ And sayd vnto him, Go wash in the poole of Siloam (which is by interpretation, Sent.) He went his way therefore, and washed, and came againe seeing.

geneva@John:9:15 @ Then againe the Pharises also asked him, how he had receiued sight; hee sayd vnto them, He layd clay vpon mine eyes, & I washed, and doe see.

geneva@John:10:40 @ And went againe beyonde Iordan, into the place where Iohn first baptized, and there abode.

geneva@John:11:24 @ Martha said vnto him, I know that he shall rise againe in the resurrection at the last day.

geneva@John:11:38 @ Iesus therefore againe groned in himselfe, and came to the graue; it was a caue, and a stone was layde vpon it.

geneva@John:12:22 @ Philippe came and tolde Andrewe: and againe Andrewe and Philippe tolde Iesus.

geneva@John:16:28 @ I am come out from the Father, and came into the worlde: againe I leaue the worlde, and goe to the Father.

geneva@John:19:9 @ And went againe into the common hall, and saide vnto Iesus, Whence art thou? But Iesus gaue him none answere.

geneva@John:19:37 @ And againe an other Scripture saith, They shall see him whom they haue thrust through.

geneva@John:20:9 @ For as yet they knewe not the Scripture, That he must rise againe from the dead.

geneva@John:20:10 @ And the disciples went away againe vnto their owne home.

geneva@John:20:26 @ And eight dayes after, againe his disciples were within, and Thomas with them. Then came Iesus, when the doores were shut, and stood in the middes, and said, Peace be vnto you.

geneva@John:21:14 @ This is now the third time that Iesus shewed himselfe to his disciples, after that he was risen againe from the dead.

geneva@John:21:16 @ He said to him againe the second time, Simon the sonne of Iona, louest thou me? He said vnto him, Yea Lorde, thou knowest that I loue thee. He said vnto him, Feede my sheepe.

geneva@Acts:7:39 @ To whom our fathers would not obey, but refused, and in their hearts turned backe againe into Egypt:

geneva@Acts:10:16 @ This was so done thrise: and the vessell was drawen vp againe into heauen.

geneva@Acts:11:10 @ And this was done three times, and all were taken vp againe into heauen.

geneva@Acts:15:16 @ After this I will returne, and will builde againe the tabernacle of Dauid, which is fallen downe, and the ruines thereof will I build againe, and I will set it vp,

geneva@Acts:22:17 @ And it came to passe, that when I was come againe to Hierusalem, and prayed in the Temple, I was in a traunce,

geneva@Romans:10:7 @ Or, Who shal descend into the deepe? (that is to bring Christ againe from the dead)

geneva@Romans:15:10 @ And againe he saith, Reioyce, ye Gentiles with his people.

geneva@Romans:15:12 @ And againe Esaias sayth, There shall be a roote of Iesse, and hee that shall rise to reigne ouer the Gentiles, in him shall the Gentiles trust.

geneva@2Corinthians:1:16 @ And to passe by you into Macedonia, and to come againe out of Macedonia vnto you, and to be led foorth towarde Iudea of you.

geneva@Galatians:1:17 @ Neither came I againe to Hierusalem to them which were Apostles before me, but I went into Arabia, and turned againe vnto Damascus.

geneva@Galatians:1:18 @ Then after three yeeres I came againe to Hierusalem to visite Peter, and abode with him fifteene dayes.

geneva@Galatians:2:18 @ For if I build againe the things that I haue destroyed, I make my selfe a trespasser.

geneva@Galatians:5:1 @ Stand fast therefore in the libertie wherewith Christ hath made vs free, and be not intangled againe with the yoke of bondage.

geneva@Galatians:5:3 @ For I testifie againe to euery man, which is circumcised, that he is bound to keepe the whole Lawe.

geneva@Philippians:4:16 @ For euen when I was in Thessalonica, yee sent once, and afterward againe for my necessitie,

geneva@1Thessalonians:3:9 @ For what thankes can wee recompense to God againe for you, for all the ioy wherewith we reioyce for your sakes before our God,

geneva@Hebrews:4:7 @ Againe he appointed in Dauid a certaine day, by To day, after so long a time, saying, as it is sayd, This day, if ye heare his voyce, harden not your hearts.

geneva@Hebrews:10:3 @ But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance againe of sinnes euery yeere.

geneva@Hebrews:13:20 @ The God of peace that brought againe from the dead our Lord Iesus, the great shepheard of the sheepe, through the blood of the euerlasting Couenant,

geneva@Jdt:1:22 @ {\cf2 And when Achiacharus had made a request for me, I came againe to Niniue: nowe Achiacharus was cupbearer and keeper of the signet, and stewarde, and ouersawe the accompts: so Sarchedonus appoynted him next vnto him, and he was my brothers sonne.}

geneva@Jdt:6:17 @ {\cf2 Which if the spirit do smel, he wil flee away, and nether come againe any more: but when thou shalt come to her, rise vp both of you, and pray to God which is mercifull, who wil haue pitie on you, and saue you: feare not, for she is appoynted vnto thee from the beginning, and thou shalt keepe her, and she shall go with thee: moreouer I suppose that she shall beare thee children: nowe when Tobias had heard these things, he loued her, and his heart was effectually ioyned to her.}

geneva@Jdt:12:3 @ {\cf2 For he hath brought mee againe to thee in safetie, and hath made whole my wife, and hath brought me ye money, & hath likewise healed thee.}

geneva@Jdt:13:9 @ {\cf2 O Ierusalem the holy citie, he will scourge thee for thy childrens works, but he will haue pitie againe on the sonnes of righteous men.}

geneva@Jdt:13:10 @ {\cf2 Giue prayse to the Lord duely, and praise the euerlasting King, that his tabernacle may be buylded in thee againe with ioy: and let him make ioyfull there in thee those that are captiues, and loue in thee for euer those that be miserable.}

geneva@Jdt:14:5 @ {\cf2 Yet againe God wil haue pitie on them, & bring them againe into the lande where they shall builde a Temple, but not like to the first, vntil the times of that age be fulfilled, which being finished, they shall returne from euery place out of captiuitie, & buylde vp Ierusalem gloriously, & the House of God shall be buylt in it for euer with a glorious buylding, as the Prophets haue spoken thereof.}

geneva@Jdt:14:10 @ {\cf2 And bury me honestly, & thy mother with me: but tary no longer at Nineue. Remember, my sonne, how Aman hadled Achiacharus that brought him vp, howe out of light hee brought him into darkenes, & how he rewarded him againe yet Achi acharus was saued, but the other had his reward: for he went downe into darknes. Manasses gaue almes, and escaped the snare of death, which they had set for him, but Aman fell into the snare and perished.}

geneva@Tob:14:17 @ {\cf2 Againe the ambition of the craftesman thrust forward the ignorant to increase the superstition.}

geneva@Tob:15:8 @ {\cf2 So by his wicked labour he maketh a vaine God of the same clay: euen he, which a litle afore was made of earth himselfe, and within a litle while after goeth thither againe whence he was taken, when he shall make account for ye lone of his life.}

geneva@Tob:16:14 @ {\cf2 A man in deede by his wickednesse may slaie another: but when the spirite is gone foorth, it turneth not againe, neither can he cal againe the soule that is taken away.}

geneva@Tob:16:23 @ {\cf2 Againe it forgate his owne strength, that the righteous might be nourished.}

geneva@Tob:17:18 @ {\cf2 Or a great noyse of the falling downe of stones, or the running of skipping beastes, that coulde not be seene, or the noise of cruell beastes, that roared, or the sounde that answereth againe in the holowe mountaines: these fearefull thinges made them to swoone.}

geneva@Sir:6:10 @ {\cf2 Againe some friend is but a companion at the table, and in the day of thine affliction he continueth not.}

geneva@Sir:11:12 @ {\cf2 Againe there is some that is slouthfull, and hath neede of helpe: for he wanteth strength, and hath great pouertie, yet ye eye of the Lord looketh vpon him to good, and setteth him vp from his lowe estate,}

geneva@Sir:11:24 @ {\cf2 Againe say not, I haue ynough, and possesse many thinges, and what euill can come to mee hereafter?}

geneva@Sir:17:24 @ {\cf2 Turne againe vnto the most High: for he wil bring thee from darkenesse to wholesome light: forsake thine vnrighteousnesse, and hate greatly all abomination.}

geneva@Sir:18:6 @ {\cf2 But when a man hath done his best, he must beginne againe, and when he thinketh to come to an ende, he must go againe to his labour.}

geneva@Sir:29:2 @ {\cf2 Lend to thy neighbour in time of his neede, and pay thou thy neighbour againe in due season.}

geneva@Sir:38:23 @ {\cf2 Seeing the dead is at rest, let his remembrance rest, and comfort thy selfe againe for him, when his spirit is departed from him.}

geneva@Sir:50:21 @ {\cf2 Hee began againe to worship, that he might receiue the blessing of the most High.}

geneva@Bar:1:8 @ {\cf2 When hee had receiued the vessels of the Temple of the Lorde, that were taken away out of the Temple, to bring them againe into the lande of Iuda, the tenth day of the moneth Sinan, to wit, siluer vessels, which Sedecias the sonne of Iosias King of Iuda had made,}

geneva@Bar:2:34 @ {\cf2 And I will bring them againe into the land, which I promised with an othe vnto their fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Iacob, and they shalbe Lordes of it: and I will increase them, and they shall not be diminished.}

geneva@Bar:4:23 @ {\cf2 For I sent you away with weeping, & mourning: but with ioy and perpetuall gladnes will God bring you againe vnto me.}

geneva@Bar:4:28 @ {\cf2 And as it came into your minde to goe astray from your God, so endeuour your selues ten times more, to turne againe and to seeke him.}

geneva@Bar:5:6 @ {\cf2 For they departed from thee on foote, and were led away of their enemies: but God will bring them againe vnto thee, exalted in glorie, as children of the kingdome.}

geneva@Bar:6:26 @ {\cf2 For if they fall to the grounde at any time, they can not rise vp againe of themselues, neither if one set them vp right, can they mooue of them selues, neither if they be bowed downe, can they make them selues streight: but they set gifts before them, as vnto dead men.}

geneva@1Macc:1:21 @ {\cf2 And after that Antiochus had smitte Egypt, he turned againe in the hundreth, fourtie and three yeere,}

geneva@1Macc:4:16 @ {\cf2 So Iudas turned againe with his hoste from pursuing them,}

geneva@1Macc:4:23 @ {\cf2 So Iudas turned againe to spoyle the tentes, where he gate much golde and siluer, and precious stones, and purple of the sea, and great riches.}

geneva@1Macc:4:35 @ {\cf2 Then Lysias, seeing his armie put to flight, and the manlines of Iudas souldiers, and that they were ready, either to liue or die valiantly, he went into Antiochia, and gathered strangers, and when he had furnished his armie, he thought againe (being prepared) to come against Iudea.}

geneva@1Macc:5:8 @ {\cf2 And tooke Gazer with the townes thereof, and so turned againe into Iudea.}

geneva@1Macc:5:54 @ {\cf2 Thus they went vp with ioye, and gladnesse vnto mount Sion, where they offred burnt offrings, because there were none of them slaine, but came home againe in safetie.}

geneva@1Macc:5:67 @ {\cf2 At the same time were the Priests of the cities slaine in the battel, which would shewe their valiantnes, and went forth to battel without counsell: and when Iudas came to Azotus in the strangers lande, he brake down their altars, and burnt with fire the images of their gods, and tooke away the spoyles of the cities, and came againe into the lande of Iuda.}

geneva@1Macc:6:4 @ {\cf2 And rose vp against him in battel, & hee fled and departed thence with great heauinesse, and came againe into Babylon.}

geneva@1Macc:6:56 @ {\cf2 Was come againe out of Persia and Media, and the Kings hoste with him, and thought to take vnto him the rule of things,}

geneva@1Macc:7:25 @ {\cf2 But when Alcimus sawe that Iudas and his people had gotten the vpper hande, and knew that he was not able to abide them, he went againe to the King, and accused them of wicked things.}

geneva@1Macc:7:35 @ {\cf2 And swore in his wrath, saying, If Iudas and his hoste be not deliuered nowe into mine handes, if euer I come againe in safetie, I will burne vp this house. With that, went he out in a great anger.}

geneva@1Macc:8:9 @ {\cf2 Againe when it was told them that the Grecians were comming to destroy them,}

geneva@1Macc:9:1 @ {\cf2 In the meane season when Demetrius had heard how Nicanor, and his hoste had giuen the battel, he sent Bacchides, and Alcimus againe into Iudea, and his chiefe strength with them.}

geneva@1Macc:9:42 @ {\cf2 And so when they had auenged the blood of their brother, they turned againe vnto Iorden.}

geneva@1Macc:9:50 @ {\cf2 Then hee turned againe to Ierusalem, and buylt vp the strong cities in Iuda, as the castell of Iericho, and Emmaus, and Bethhoron, and Bethel, and Thamnatha, Pharathoni, & Tepho, with high walles, with gates, and with barres,}

geneva@1Macc:9:57 @ {\cf2 And when Bacchides saw that Alcimus was dead, he turned againe to the King, and so the land of Iuda was in rest two yeeres.}

geneva@1Macc:10:52 @ {\cf2 For so much as I am come againe to my realme, and am set in the throne of my fathers, and haue gotten the dominion, and haue destroyed Demetrius, and enioy my countrey,}

geneva@1Macc:10:55 @ {\cf2 Then Ptolemeus the King gaue answere, saying, Happie bee the day, wherein thou art come againe vnto the land of thy fathers, and sittest in the throne of their kingdome.}

geneva@1Macc:10:87 @ {\cf2 After this went Ionathan and his hoste againe to Ierusalem with great spoyles.}

geneva@1Macc:11:7 @ {\cf2 So when Ionathan had gone with the king vnto the water that was called Eleutherus, hee turned againe to Ierusalem.}

geneva@1Macc:11:51 @ {\cf2 So they cast away their weapons, and made peace, and the Iewes were greatly honoured before the King, and before all that were in his Realme, and they came againe to Ierusalem with great pray.}

geneva@1Macc:11:72 @ {\cf2 And turned againe to them to fight, and put them to flight, so that they fled away.}

geneva@1Macc:11:73 @ {\cf2 Now when his owne men that were fled, saw this, they turned againe vnto him, and helped him to followe after all vnto their tentes at Cades, and there they camped.}

geneva@1Macc:11:74 @ {\cf2 So there were slaine of the strangers the same day about three thousande men, and Ionathan turned againe to Ierusalem.}

geneva@1Macc:14:17 @ {\cf2 But when they heard, that Simon his brother was made hie Priest in his steade, and howe he had wonne the land againe with the cities in it,}

geneva@1Macc:14:25 @ {\cf2 Which when the people vnderstood, they sayd, What thankes shal we recompense againe vnto Simon and his children?}

geneva@1Macc:15:36 @ {\cf2 But turned againe angrie vnto the King, and tolde him all these wordes, and the dignitie of Simon, with all that he had seene: and the King was very angrie.}

geneva@2Macc:1:29 @ {\cf2 Plant thy people againe in thine holy place as Moyses hath spoken.}

geneva@2Macc:3:35 @ {\cf2 So Heliodorus offered vnto the Lorde sacrifice, and made great vowes vnto him, which had graunted him his life, and thanked Onias, and went againe with his hoste to the King.}

geneva@2Macc:3:37 @ {\cf2 And when the King asked Heliodorus, who were meete to be sent yet once againe to Ierusalem, he said,}

geneva@2Macc:4:36 @ {\cf2 And when the king was come againe from the places about Cilicia, the Iewes that were in the citie, and certeine of the Greeks that abhorred the fact also, complained because Onias was slaine without cause.}

geneva@2Macc:5:7 @ {\cf2 Yet hee gate not the superioritie, but at the last receiued shame for the rewarde of his treason, and went againe like a vagabounde into the countrey of the Ammonites.}

geneva@2Macc:7:14 @ {\cf2 And when he was now ready to die, he sayd thus, It is better that we shoulde change this which we might hope for of men, and wayte for our hope from God, that we may be raised vp againe by him: as for thee, thou shalt haue no resurrection to life.}

geneva@2Macc:9:1 @ {\cf2 At the same time, came Antiochus againe with dishonour out of the countrey of Persia.}

geneva@2Macc:13:26 @ {\cf2 Then went Lysias vp into the iudgement seate, and excused the facte as well as he could, and perswaded them, and pacified them, and made them well affectioned, & came againe vnto Antiochia. This is the matter concerning the Kings iourney, and his returne.}

geneva@2Macc:14:46 @ {\cf2 And gate him to the toppe of an high rock: so when his blood was vtterly gone, he tooke out his owne bowels with both his handes, and threwe them vpon the people, calling vpon the Lorde of life and spirit, that he woulde restore them againe vnto him, and thus he dyed.}

geneva@2Macc:15:19 @ {\cf2 Againe they that were in the citie, were carefull for the armie that was abroad.}

geneva@2Macc:15:28 @ {\cf2 Now when they left off, & were turning againe with ioy, they vnderstoode that Nicanor himselfe was slaine for all his armour.}

geneva@2Macc:15:40 @ {\cf2 For as it is hurtfull to drinke wine alone, & then againe water: and as wine tempered with water is pleasant and delighteth the taste: so the setting out of the matter deliteth the eares of them that reade the storie; here shall be the ende.}

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