





geneva Heare

geneva@Genesis:21:6 @ Then Sarah said, God hath made me to reioyce: all that heare will reioyce with me.

geneva@Genesis:23:8 @ And he communed with them, saying, If it be your minde, that I shall bury my dead out of my sight, heare me, and intreate for me to Ephron the sonne of Zohar,

geneva@Genesis:23:11 @ No, my Lorde, heare me: the fielde giue I thee, and the caue, that therein is, I giue it thee: euen in the presence of the sonnes of my people giue I it thee, to bury thy dead.

geneva@Genesis:23:13 @ And spake vnto Ephron in the audience of the people of the countrey, saying, Seeing thou wilt giue it, I pray thee, heare me, I will giue the price of the fielde: receiue it of me, and I will bury my dead there.

geneva@Genesis:27:8 @ Nowe therefore, my sonne, heare my voyce in that which I command thee.

geneva@Genesis:27:43 @ Now therefore my sonne, heare my voyce, arise, & flee thou to Haran to my brother Laban,

geneva@Exodus:5:2 @ And Pharaoh saide, Who is the Lorde, that I should heare his voyce, & let Israel go? I knowe not the Lord, neither will I let Israel goe.

geneva@Exodus:15:14 @ The people shal heare and be afraide: sorow shal come vpon the inhabitants of Palestina.

geneva@Exodus:19:5 @ Now therefore if ye wil heare my voyce in deede, and keepe my couenant, then ye shalbe my chiefe treasure aboue all people, though all the earth be mine.

geneva@Exodus:22:23 @ If thou vexe or trouble such, and so he call and cry vnto me, I will surely heare his cry.

geneva@Exodus:32:18 @ Who answered, It is not the noyse of them that haue the victorie, nor the noyse of them that are ouercome: but I do heare ye noyse of singing.

geneva@Exodus:36:14 @ Also he made curtaines of goates heare for the couering vpon the Tabernacle: he made them to the nomber of eleuen curtaines.

geneva@Leviticus:13:4 @ But if the white spot be in the skinne of his flesh, and seeme not to bee lower then the skin, nor the heare thereof be turned vnto white, then the Priest shall shut vp him that hath the plague, seuen dayes.

geneva@Leviticus:13:10 @ And the Priest shall see him: and if the swelling be white in ye skin, & haue made ye heare white, and there be rawe flesh in the swelling,

geneva@Leviticus:13:25 @ Then the Priest shall looke vpon it: and if the heare in that spot be changed into white, and it appeare lower then the skin, it is a leprosie broken out in the burning therefore the Priest shall pronounce him vncleane: for it is the plague of leprosie.

geneva@Leviticus:13:26 @ But if the Priest looke on it, and there be no white heare in the spot, and be no lower then the other skinne, but be darker, then the Priest shall shut him vp seuen dayes.

geneva@Leviticus:13:31 @ And if the Priest looke on the sore of the blacke spotte, and if it seeme not lower then the skinne, nor haue any blacke heare in it, then the Priest shall shut vp him, that hath the sore of the blacke spot, seuen dayes.

geneva@Leviticus:13:37 @ But if ye blacke spot seeme to him to abide, and that blacke heare growe therein, the blacke spot is healed, he is cleane, and the Priest shall declare him to be cleane.

geneva@Leviticus:13:40 @ And the man whose heare is fallen off his head, and is balde, is cleane.

geneva@Leviticus:14:9 @ So in the seuenth day hee shall shaue off all his heare, both his head, and his beard, and his eye browes: euen all his heare shall he shaue, and shall wash his clothes and shall wash his flesh in water: so he shalbe cleane.

geneva@Numbers:6:5 @ While hee is separate by his vowe, the rasor shall not come vpon his head, vntill the dayes be out, in the which he separateth him selfe vnto the Lord, he shalbe holy, and shall let the lockes of the heare of his head growe.

geneva@Numbers:9:8 @ Then Moses saide vnto them, Stande still, and I will heare what the Lorde will commande concerning you.

geneva@Numbers:14:13 @ But Moses saide vnto the Lorde, When the Egyptians shall heare it, (for thou broughtest this people by thy power from among them)

geneva@Deuteronomy:1:16 @...that same time, saying, Heare the...

geneva@Deuteronomy:3:26 @ But the Lord was angrie with me for your sakes, and would not heare me: and the Lord said vnto me, Let it suffice thee, speake no more vnto me of this matter.

geneva@Deuteronomy:4:10 @ Forget not the day that thou stoodest before the Lord thy God in Horeb, when the Lord said vnto me, Gather me the people together, and I wil cause them heare my wordes, that they may learne to feare me all the dayes that they shal liue vpon the earth, and that they may teache their children:

geneva@Deuteronomy:4:33 @ Did euer people heare the voyce of God speaking out of the middes of a fire, as thou hast heard, and liued?

geneva@Deuteronomy:4:36 @ Out of heauen hee made thee heare his voyce to instruct thee, and vpon earth he shewed thee his great fire, and thou heardest his voyce out of the middes of the fire.

geneva@Deuteronomy:5:25 @ Now therefore, why should we dye? for this great fire wil consume vs: if we heare ye voyce of the Lord our God any more, we shall dye.

geneva@Deuteronomy:5:27 @ Go thou neere and heare all that the Lord our God saith: and declare thou vnto vs all that the Lorde our God saith vnto thee, and we will heare it, and doe it.

geneva@Deuteronomy:13:8 @ Thou shalt not cosent vnto him, nor heare him, neither shall thine eye pitie him, nor shewe mercie, nor keepe him secret:

geneva@Deuteronomy:13:11 @ That all Israel may heare and feare, and doe no more any such wickednesse as this among you.

geneva@Deuteronomy:13:12 @ If thou shalt heare say (concerning any of thy cities which the Lord thy God hath giuen thee to dwell in)

geneva@Deuteronomy:17:13 @ So all the people shall heare and feare, and doe no more presumptuously.

geneva@Deuteronomy:18:16 @ According to al that thou desiredst of the Lord thy God in Horeb, in the day of the assemblie, when thou saidest, Let me heare the voice of my Lorde God no more, nor see this great fire any more, that I die not.

geneva@Deuteronomy:19:20 @ And the rest shal heare this, and feare, and shall henceforth commit no more any such wickednes among you.

geneva@Deuteronomy:30:12 @ It is not in heauen, that thou shouldest say, Who shall go vp for vs to heauen, & bring it vs, and cause vs to heare it, that we may doe it?

geneva@Joshua:3:9 @ Then Ioshua said vnto the children of Israel, Come hither, and heare the wordes of the Lord your God.

geneva@Joshua:6:5 @ And when they make a long blast with the rams horne, and ye heare the sound of the trumpet, al the people shal shoute with a great shoute: then shall the wall of the citie fall downe flat, and the people shall ascend vp, euery man streight before him.

geneva@Joshua:24:10 @ But I would not heare Balaam: therefore he blessed you, and I deliuered you out of his hand.

geneva@Judges:5:16 @ Why abodest thou among the sheepefolds, to heare the bleatings of the flockes? for the diuisions of Reuben were great thoughts of heart.

geneva@Judges:14:13 @ But if you cannot declare it mee, then shall yee giue mee thirty sheetes and thirtie change of garments; they answered him, Put forth thy riddle, that we may heare it.

geneva@Judges:20:16 @ Of all this people were seuen hundreth chosen men, being left handed: all these could sling stones at an heare breadth, and not faile.

geneva@1Samuel:2:23 @ And hee saide vnto them, Why doe ye such things? For of all this people I heare euill reportes of you.

geneva@1Samuel:8:7 @...Lord said vnto Samuel, Heare the...

geneva@1Samuel:8:19 @ But the people would not heare the voyce of Samuel, but did say, Nay, but there shall be a King ouer vs.

geneva@1Samuel:19:13 @ Then Michal tooke an image, & layde it in the bed, & put a pillow stuffed with goates heare vnder the head of it, & couered it with a cloth.

geneva@1Samuel:19:16 @ And when the messengers were come in, behold, an image was in the bed, with a pillow of goates heare vnder the head of it.

geneva@1Samuel:22:12 ...And Saul said, Heare now...

geneva@1Samuel:25:24 @ And fel at his feete, and sayd, Oh, my lord, I haue committed the iniquitie, and I pray thee, let thine handmayde speake to thee, and heare thou the wordes of thine handmayde.

geneva@2Samuel:13:16 @ And she answered him, There is no cause: this euill (to put mee away) is greater then the other that thou diddest vnto me: but he would not heare her,

geneva@2Samuel:15:3 @ Then Absalom said vnto him, See, thy matters are good and righteous, but there is no man deputed of the King to heare thee.

geneva@2Samuel:15:10 @ Then Absalom sent spyes throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, When yee heare the sound of the trumpet, Ye shal say, Absalom reigneth in Hebron.

geneva@2Samuel:15:35 @ And hast thou not there with thee Zadok and Abiathar the Priests? therefore what so euer thou shalt heare out of the Kings house, thou shalt shew to Zadok and Abiathar the Priests.

geneva@2Samuel:17:5 @ Then said Absalom, Call now Hushai the Archite also, and let vs heare likewise what he sayth.

geneva@2Samuel:20:17 @...she said to him, Heare the...

geneva@2Samuel:22:7 @ But in my tribulation did I call vpon the Lord, and crie to my God, and he did heare my voyce out of his temple, and my crie did enter into his eares.

geneva@1Kings:1:52 @ Then Salomon sayd, If he will shewe him selfe a worthy man, there shall not an heare of him fall to the earth, but if wickednes be found in him, he shall dye.

geneva@1Kings:4:34 @ And there came of all people to heare the wisedome of Salomon, from all Kings of the earth, which had heard of his wisedome.

geneva@1Kings:8:28 @ But haue thou respect vnto the prayer of thy seruant, and to his supplication, O Lorde, my God, to heare the cry and prayer which thy seruant prayeth before thee this day:

geneva@1Kings:8:30 @ Heare thou therefore the supplication of thy seruant, and of thy people Israel, which pray in this place, & heare thou in the place of thine habitation, euen in heauen, and when thou hearest, haue mercie.

geneva@1Kings:8:34 @ Then heare thou in heauen, and be mercifull vnto the sinne of thy people Israel, and bring them againe vnto the lande, which thou gauest vnto their fathers.

geneva@1Kings:8:36 @ Then heare thou in heauen, and pardon the sinne of thy seruants and of thy people Israel (when thou hast taught the the good way wherein they may walke) and giue raine vpon the land that thou hast giuen to thy people to inherite.

geneva@1Kings:8:39 @ Heare thou then in heauen, in thy dwelling place, and be mercifull, and doe, and giue euery man according to all his wayes, as thou knowest his heart, (for thou only knowest the heartes of all the children of men)

geneva@1Kings:8:42 @ (When they shal heare of thy great name, and of thy mightie hande, and of thy stretched out arme) and shall come and pray in this house,

geneva@1Kings:8:45 @ Heare thou then in heauen their prayer & their supplication, and iudge their cause.

geneva@1Kings:8:49 @ Then heare thou their prayer and their supplication in heauen thy dwelling place, and iudge their cause,

geneva@1Kings:10:24 @ And al the world sought to see Salomon, to heare his wisedome, which God had put in his heart,

geneva@2Kings:18:28 @...language, and spake, saying, Heare the...

geneva@2Kings:20:16 @...Isaiah said vnto Hezekiah, Heare the...

geneva@2Chronicles:6:19 @ But haue thou respect to the prayer of thy seruant, and to his supplication, O Lord my God, to heare the crye and prayer which thy seruant prayeth before thee,

geneva@2Chronicles:6:21 @ Heare thou therefore the supplication of thy seruant, and of thy people Israel, which they pray in this place: and heare thou in the place of thine habitation, euen in heauen, and when thou hearest, be mercifull.

geneva@2Chronicles:6:25 @ Then heare thou in heauen, and be mercifull vnto the sinne of thy people Israel, and bring them againe vnto the land which thou gauest to them and to their fathers.

geneva@2Chronicles:6:27 @ Then heare thou in heauen, and pardon the sinne of thy seruants, and of thy people Israel (when thou hast taught them the good way wherein they may walke) and giue rayne vpon thy lande, which thou hast giuen vnto thy people for an inheritance.

geneva@2Chronicles:6:33 @ Heare thou in heauen thy dwelling place, and doe according to all that the stranger calleth for vnto thee, that all the people of the earth may knowe thy Name, and feare thee like thy people Israel, and that they may knowe, that thy Name is called vpon in this house which I haue built.

geneva@2Chronicles:6:35 @ Then heare thou in heauen their prayer & their supplication, and iudge their cause.

geneva@2Chronicles:6:39 @ Then heare thou in heauen, in the place of thine habitation their prayer and their supplication, and iudge their cause, and be mercifull vnto thy people, which haue sinned against thee.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:7 @ Happie are thy men, and happie are these thy seruants, which stande before thee alway, and heare thy wisedome.

geneva@2Chronicles:9:23 @ And all the Kings of the earth sought the presence of Salomon, to heare his wisedome that God had put in his heart.

geneva@2Chronicles:10:16 @ So when all Isarael sawe that the King would not heare them, the people answered the King, saying, What portion haue we in Dauid? for we haue none inheritance in the sonue of Ishai. O Israel, euery man to your tents: now see to thine owne house, Dauid. So all Israel departed to their tents.

geneva@2Chronicles:15:2 @ And he went out to meete Asa, and said vnto him, O Asa, and all Iudah, and Beniamin, heare ye me. The Lorde is with you, while ye be with him: and if ye seeke him, he wil be founde of you, but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you.

geneva@2Chronicles:28:11 @ Nowe therefore heare me, and deliuer the captiues againe, which ye haue taken prisoners of your brethren: for the fierce wrath of the Lord is toward you.

geneva@Nehemiah:1:6 @ I pray thee, let thine eares be attet, & thine eies open, to heare the praier of thy seruat, which I pray before thee dayly, day & night for ye childre of Israel thy seruats, & confesse the sinnes of the children of Israel, which we haue sinned against thee, both I and my fathers house haue sinned:

geneva@Esther:4:17 @ So Mordecai went his way, and did according to all that Ester had commaunded him. {\cf2 (13:8) Then Mardocheus thought vpon all ye workes and of the Lord, and made his prayer vnto him, (13:9) Saying, O Lord, Lord, the King Almighty (for all things are in thy power) & if thou hast appointed to saue Israel, there is no man that can withstand thee. (13:10) For thou hast made heauen and earth, and all the wonderous things vnder the heauen. (13:11) Thou art Lorde of all thinges, and there is no man that can resist thee, which art the Lord. (13:12) Thou knowest all things, and thou knowest, Lord, that it was neither of malice, nor presumption, nor for any desire of glory, that I did this, and not bowe downe to proude Aman. (13:13) For I woulde haue bene content with good will for the saluation of Israel, to haue kist the sole of his feete. (13:14) But I did it, because I would not preferre the honour of a man aboue the glory of God, & would not worship any but onely thee, my Lorde, and this haue I not done of pride. (13:15) And therefore, O Lord God and King, haue mercy vpon thy people: for they imagine how they may bring vs to naught, yea, they would destroy the inheritance, that hath bin thine from the beginning. (13:16) Despise not the portion, which thou hast deliuered out of Egypt for thine owne selfe. (13:17) Heare my prayer, and bee mercifull vnto thy portion: turne our sorow into ioy, that we may liue, O Lord, and praise thy Name: shut not the mouthes of them that praise thee. (13:18) All Israel in like maner cried most earnestly vnto the Lord, because that death was before their eyes. \par (14:1) Qveene Esther also, being in danger of death, resorted vnto the Lord, (14:2) And layd away her glorious apparell, and put on the garments of sighing, and mourning. In the stead of precious oyntment, she scattered ashes, and dongue vpon her head: and she humbled her body greatly with fasting, and all the places of her ioy filled she with the heare that she pluckt off. (14:3) And she prayed vnto the Lord God of Israel, saying, O my Lorde, thou onely art our King: helpe me desolate woman, which haue no helper but thee. (14:4) For my danger is at hand. (14:5) From my youth vp I haue heard in the kinred of my father, that thou, O Lord, tookest Israel from among all people, and our fathers from their predecessours for a perpetuall inheritance, and thou hast performed that which thou didest promise them. (14:6) Now Lord, we haue sinned before thee: therefore hast thou giuen vs into ye hands of our enemies. (14:7) Because we worshipped their gods, O Lorde, thou art righteous. (14:8) Neuerthelesse, it satisfieth them not, that we are in bitter captiuitie, but they haue stroken hands with their idoles, (14:9) That they wil abolish the thing that thou with thy mouth hast ordeined, & destroy thine inheritace, to shut vp the mouth of them that praise thee, and to quench the glory of thy Temple, and of thine altar, (14:10) And to open the mouths of the heathen, that they may praise the power of the idoles, and to magnifie a fleshly King for euer. (14:11) O Lord, giue not thy scepter vnto them that be nothing, lest they laugh vs to scorne in our miserie: but turne their deuise vpon theselues, and make him an example, that hath begunne the same against vs. (14:12) Thinke vpon vs, O Lord, and shewe thy selfe vnto vs in the time of our distresse, and strengthen me, O King of gods, and Lord of all power. (14:13) Giue me an eloquent speach in my mouth before the Lion: turne his heart to hate our enemie, to destroy him, and all such as consent vnto him. (14:14) But deliuer vs with thine hand, and helpe me that am solitary, which haue no defence but onely thee. (14:15) Thou knowest all things, O Lord: thou knowest, that I hate the glory of the vnrighteous, and that I abhorre the bed of the vncircumcised, and of all the heathen. (14:16) Thou knowest my necessitie: for I hate this token of my preeminence, which I beare vpon mine head, what time as I must shewe my selfe, and that I abhorre it as a menstruous cloth, and that I weare it not when I am alone by my selfe, (14:17) And that I thine handmayde haue not eaten at Amans table, and that I haue had no pleasure in the Kings feast, nor drunke the wine of the drinke offerings, (14:18) And that I thine handmayde haue no ioye since the day that I was brought hither, vntill this day, but in thee, O Lord God of Abraham. (14:19) O thou mighty God aboue al, heare the voyce of them, that haue none other hope, & deliuer vs out of the hand of ye wicked, & deliuer me out of my feare.}

geneva@Job:13:6 @ Nowe heare my disputation, and giue eare to the arguments of my lips.

geneva@Job:13:17 @ Heare diligently my wordes, and marke my talke.

geneva@Job:15:17 @ I will tell thee: heare me, and I will declare that which I haue seene:

geneva@Job:22:27 @ Thou shalt make thy praier vnto him, & he shal heare thee, & thou shalt render thy vowes.

geneva@Job:27:9 @ Will God heare his cry, when trouble commeth vpon him?

geneva@Job:30:20 @ Whe I cry vnto thee, thou doest not heare me, neither regardest me, when I stand vp.

geneva@Job:32:10 ...Therefore I say, Heare me,...

geneva@Job:33:1 @ Wherefore, Iob, I pray thee, heare my talke and hearken vnto all my wordes.

geneva@Job:33:31 @ Marke well, O Iob, and heare me: keepe silence, and I will speake.

geneva@Job:33:33 @ If thou hast not, heare me: holde thy tongue, and I will teach thee wisedome.

geneva@Job:34:16 @ And if thou hast vnderstanding, heare this and hearken to the voyce of my wordes.

geneva@Job:35:13 @ Surely God will not heare vanitie, neyther will the Almightie regard it.

geneva@Psalms:13:3 @ Beholde, and heare mee, O Lord my God: lighten mine eyes, that I sleepe not in death:

geneva@Psalms:27:7 @ Hearken vnto my voyce, O Lorde, when I crie: haue mercie also vpon mee and heare mee.

geneva@Psalms:38:15 @ For on thee, O Lord, do I waite: thou wilt heare me, my Lord, my God.

geneva@Psalms:39:12 @ Heare my prayer, O Lord, & hearken vnto my cry: keepe not silence at my teares, for I am a strager with thee, and a soiourner as all my fathers.

geneva@Psalms:54:2 @ O God, heare my prayer: hearken vnto the wordes of my mouth.

geneva@Psalms:60:5 @ That thy beloued may be deliuered, helpe with thy right hand and heare me.

geneva@Psalms:61:1 @...A Psalme of Dauid. Heare my...

geneva@Psalms:69:16 @ Heare me, O Lord, for thy louing kindnes is good: turne vnto me according to ye multitude of thy tender mercies.

geneva@Psalms:81:11 @ But my people would not heare my voyce, and Israel would none of me.

geneva@Psalms:84:8 @ O Lorde God of hostes, heare my prayer: hearken, O God of Iaakob. Selah.

geneva@Psalms:91:15 @ He shall call vpon me, and I wil heare him: I will be with him in trouble: I will deliuer him, and glorifie him.

geneva@Psalms:92:11 @ Mine eye also shall see my desire against mine enemies: and mine eares shall heare my wish against the wicked, that rise vp against me.

geneva@Psalms:102:2 @ Hide not thy face from me in the time of my trouble: incline thine eares vnto me: when I call, make haste to heare me.

geneva@Psalms:115:6 @ They haue eares and heare not: they haue noses and smell not.

geneva@Psalms:119:149 @ Heare my voyce according to thy louing kindenesse: O Lord, quicken me according to thy iudgement.

geneva@Psalms:130:2 @ Lorde, heare my voyce: let thine eares attend to the voyce of my prayers.

geneva@Psalms:135:17 @ They haue eares and heare not, neither is there any breath in their mouth.

geneva@Psalms:143:7 @ Heare me speedily, O Lorde, for my spirit fayleth: hide not thy face from me, els I shall be like vnto them that go downe into the pit.

geneva@Proverbs:5:7 @ Heare yee me nowe therefore, O children, and depart not from the wordes of my mouth.

geneva@Proverbs:7:24 @ Heare me now therefore, O children, and hearken to the wordes of my mouth.

geneva@Proverbs:8:33 @ Heare instruction, and be ye wise, and refuse it not:

geneva@Proverbs:13:1 @ A wise sonne will obey the instruction of his father: but a scorner will heare no rebuke.

geneva@Proverbs:18:13 @ He that answereth a matter before hee heare it, it is folly and shame vnto him.

geneva@Proverbs:19:20 @ Heare counsell and receiue instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter ende.

geneva@Proverbs:19:27 @ My sonne, heare no more the instruction, that causeth to erre from ye words of knowledge.

geneva@Proverbs:22:17 @ Incline thine eare, and heare the wordes of the wise, and apply thine heart vnto my knowledge.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:7:5 @ {\cf2 (7:7)} Better it is to heare ye rebuke of a wise man, then that a man should heare the song of fooles.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:12:13 @ Let vs heare the end of all: feare God and keepe his commandements: for this is the whole duetie of man.

geneva@Isaiah:6:10 @ Make the heart of this people fatte, make their eares heauie, and shut their eyes, lest they see with their eyes, and heare with their eares, and vnderstand with their hearts, and conuert, and he heale them.

geneva@Isaiah:28:14 @ Wherefore, heare the worde of the Lorde, ye scornefull men that rule this people, which is at Ierusalem.

geneva@Isaiah:28:23 @ Hearken ye, and heare my voyce: hearken ye, and heare my speach.

geneva@Isaiah:29:18 @ And in that day shall the deafe heare the wordes of the booke, and the eyes of the blinde shall see out of obscuritie, and out of darkenesse.

geneva@Isaiah:36:13 @ So Rabshakeh stood, &...Iewes language, and sayd, Heare the...

geneva@Isaiah:37:17 @ Encline thine eare, O Lord, and heare: open thine eyes, O Lorde, and see, and heare all the wordes of Saneherib, who hath sent to blaspheme the liuing God.

geneva@Isaiah:39:5 @...Isaiah saide to Hezekiah, Heare the...

geneva@Jeremiah:2:4 @ Heare ye the word of the Lord, O house of Iaakob, and all the families of the house of Israel.

geneva@Jeremiah:4:21 @ Howe long shall I see the standert, and heare the sounde of the trumpet?

geneva@Jeremiah:5:21 @ Heare nowe this, O foolish people, and without vnderstanding, which haue eyes and see not, which haue eares and heare not.

geneva@Jeremiah:7:2 @...woorde there, and say, Heare the...

geneva@Jeremiah:7:26 @ Yet would they not heare me nor encline their eare, but hardened their necke & did worse then their fathers.

geneva@Jeremiah:10:1 @ Heare ye the worde of the Lord that he speaketh vnto you, O house of Israel.

geneva@Jeremiah:11:2 @ Heare ye the wordes of this couenant, and speake vnto the men of Iudah, and to the inhabitants of Ierusalem,

geneva@Jeremiah:11:6 @...streetes of Ierusalem, saying, Heare yee...

geneva@Jeremiah:11:10 @ They are turned backe to the iniquities of their forefathers, which refused to heare my wordes: and they went after other gods to serue them: thus the house of Israel, & the house of Iudah haue broken my couenant, which I made with their fathers.

geneva@Jeremiah:13:10 @ This wicked people haue refused to heare my word, and walke after ye stubbernesse of their owne heart, and walke after other gods to serue them, and to worship them: therefore they shalbe as this girdle, which is profitable to nothing.

geneva@Jeremiah:13:15 @ Heare and giue eare, be not proude: for the Lord hath spoken it.

geneva@Jeremiah:14:12 @ When they fast, I will not heare their cry, and when they offer burnt offering, and an oblation, I will not accept them: but I will consume them by the sworde, and by the famine and by the pestilence.

geneva@Jeremiah:16:12 @ ( And ye haue done worse then your fathers: for beholde, you walke euery one after the stubbernesse of his wicked heart, and will not heare me)

geneva@Jeremiah:17:20 @...And say vnto them, Heare the...

geneva@Jeremiah:17:24 @ Neuerthelesse if ye will heare me, sayth the Lorde, and beare no burden through the gates of the citie in the Sabbath day, but sanctifie ye Sabbath day, so that ye do no worke therein,

geneva@Jeremiah:17:27 @ But if ye will not heare me to sanctifie the Sabbath day, and not to beare a burden nor to go through the gates of Ierusalem in the Sabbath day, then will I kindle a fire in the gates thereof, and it shall deuoure the palaces of Ierusalem, and it shall not be quenched.

geneva@Jeremiah:18:10 @ But if it do euill in my sight and heare not my voyce, I will repent of ye good that I thought to do for them.

geneva@Jeremiah:18:19 @ Hearken vnto mee, O Lorde, and heare the voyce of them that contend with me.

geneva@Jeremiah:19:15 @ Thus saith the Lorde of hostes, the God of Israel, Beholde, I will bring vpon this citie, and vpon all her townes, all the plagues that I haue pronounced against it, because they haue hardened their neckes, & would not heare my wordes.

geneva@Jeremiah:21:11 @...the King of Iudah, Heare ye...

geneva@Jeremiah:22:2 ...And say, Heare the...

geneva@Jeremiah:25:7 @ Neuerthelesse ye would not heare me, saith the Lord, but haue prouoked mee to anger with the workes of your hands to your owne hurt.

geneva@Jeremiah:26:4 @ And thou shalt say vnto them, Thus saith the Lord, If ye will not heare me to walke in my Lawes, which I haue set before you,

geneva@Jeremiah:26:5 @ And to heare ye wordes of my seruants the Prophets, whome I sent vnto you, both rising vp earely, and sending them, and will not obey them,

geneva@Jeremiah:26:13 @ Therefore nowe amende your wayes and your workes, and heare the voyce of the Lorde your God, that the Lorde may repent him of the plague, that he hath pronounced against you.

geneva@Jeremiah:27:9 @ Therefore heare not your prophets nor your southsayers, nor your dreamers, nor your inchanters, nor your sorcerers, which say vnto you thus, Ye shall not serue the King of Babel.

geneva@Jeremiah:27:14 @ Therefore heare not the words of the prophets, that speake vnto you, saying, Ye shall not serue the King of Babel: for they prophecie a lie vnto you.

geneva@Jeremiah:27:17 @ Heare them not, but serue the King of Babel, that ye may liue: wherefore shoulde this citie be desolate?

geneva@Jeremiah:28:7 @ But heare thou now this worde that I will speake in thine eares and in the eares of all the people.

geneva@Jeremiah:28:15 @...vnto the Prophet Hananiah, Heare nowe...

geneva@Jeremiah:29:12 @ Then shall you crie vnto mee, and ye shal go and pray vnto me, and I will heare you,

geneva@Jeremiah:29:20 @ Heare ye therefore the word of the Lord all ye of the captiuitie, whome I haue sent from Ierusalem to Babel.

geneva@Jeremiah:31:10 @ Heare the worde of the Lord, O ye Gentiles, and declare in the yles afarre off, and say, Hee that scattered Israel, wil gather him and wil keepe him, as a shepheard doeth his flocke.

geneva@Jeremiah:34:4 @ Yet heare the worde of the Lord, O Zedekiah, King of Iudah: thus sayth the Lord of thee, Thou shalt not dye by the sword,

geneva@Jeremiah:36:3 @ It may bee that the House of Iudah will heare of all the euill, which I determined to doe vnto them that they may returne euery man from his euil way, that I may forgiue their iniquitie and their sinnes.

geneva@Jeremiah:36:25 @ Neuerthelesse, Elnathan, and Delaiah, and Gemariah had besought the King, that he would not burne ye roule: but he would not heare them.

geneva@Jeremiah:37:14 @ Then sayde Ieremiah, That is false, I flee not to the Caldeans: but he would not heare him: so Iriiah tooke Ieremiah, and brought him to the princes.

geneva@Jeremiah:37:20 @ Therefore heare nowe, I pray thee, O my lorde the King: let my prayer be accepted before thee, that thou cause mee not to returne to the house of Iehonathan the scribe, least I die there.

geneva@Jeremiah:38:15 @ Then Ieremiah sayd to Zedekiah, If I declare it vnto thee, wilt not thou slay me? and if I giue thee counsell, thou wilt not heare me.

geneva@Jeremiah:42:2 @...vnto Ieremiah the Prophete, Heare our...(for we are left, but a fewe of many, as thine eyes doe beholde)

geneva@Jeremiah:42:13 @ But if ye say, We will not dwell in this land, neither heare the voyce of the Lord your God,

geneva@Jeremiah:42:14 @ Saying, Nay, but we will goe into the land of Egypt, where we shall see no warre, nor heare the sounde of the trumpet, nor haue hunger of bread, and there will we dwell,

geneva@Jeremiah:42:15 @ (And nowe therefore heare the worde of the Lorde, ye remnant of Iudah: thus sayeth the Lord of hostes the God of Israel, If ye set your faces to enter into Egypt, and goe to dwell there)

geneva@Jeremiah:44:5 @ But they would not heare nor incline their eare to turne from their wickednes, and to burne no more incense vnto other gods.

geneva@Jeremiah:44:24 @...to all the women, Heare the...

geneva@Jeremiah:50:45 @ Therefore heare the counsell of the Lorde that hee hath deuised against Babel, and his purpose that hee hath conceiued against the lande of the Caldeans: surely the least of the flocke shall drawe them out: surely he shall make their habitation desolate with them.

geneva@Ezekiel:8:18 @ Therefore will I also execute my wrath: mine eye shall not spare them, neither will I haue pitie, and though they crie in mine eares with a loude voyce, yet will I not heare them.

geneva@Ezekiel:16:7 @ I haue caused thee to multiplie as the bud of the fielde, and thou hast increased and waxen great, and thou hast gotten excellent ornaments: thy breastes are facioned, thine heare is growen, where as thou wast naked and bare.

geneva@Ezekiel:16:35 @ Wherefore, O harlot, heare the worde of the Lord.

geneva@Ezekiel:27:31 @ They shal plucke off their heare for thee & gird them with a sackecloth, and they shal weepe for thee with sorow of heart & bitter mourning.

geneva@Ezekiel:33:32 @ And loe, thou art vnto them, as a iesting song of one that hath a pleasant voyce, and can sing well: for they heare thy woordes, but they doe them not.

geneva@Ezekiel:34:7 @ Therefore ye shepherds, heare the woorde of the Lord.

geneva@Ezekiel:34:9 @ Therefore, heare ye the word of the Lorde, O ye shepherds.

geneva@Ezekiel:36:1 @ Also thou sonne of man, prophesie vnto the mountaines of Israel, & say, Ye mountaines of Israel, heare the word of the Lord.

geneva@Ezekiel:36:4 @ Therefore ye mountaines of Israel, heare the worde of the Lord God, Thus sayth the Lord God to the mountaines & to the hilles, to the riuers, and to the valleys, and to the waste, and desolate places, and to the cities that are forsaken: which are spoyled & had in derision of the residue of the heathen that are round about.

geneva@Ezekiel:36:15 @ Neither will I cause men to heare in thee the shame of the heathen any more, neither shalt thou beare the reproche of the people any more, neither shalt cause thy folke to fal any more, saith the Lord God.

geneva@Ezekiel:37:4 @ Againe he sayde vnto me, Prophecie vpon these bones and say vnto them, O ye dry bones, heare the word of the Lord.

geneva@Ezekiel:40:4 @ And the man said vnto me, Sonne of man, beholde with thine eyes, and heare with thine eares, and set thine heart vpon all that I shal shew thee: for to the intent, that they might be shewed thee, art thou brought hither: declare al that thou seest, vnto the house of Israel.

geneva@Ezekiel:44:5 @ And the Lord sayd vnto me, Sonne of man, marke wel, & behold with thine eyes, & heare with thine eares, all that I say vnto thee, concerning al the ordinances of the house of the Lord, & al the lawes thereof, & marke well the entring in of the house with euery going forth of the Sanctuarie,

geneva@Daniel:3:5 @ That when ye heare the sound of the cornet, trumpet, harpe, sackebut, psalterie, dulcimer, and all instruments of musike, ye fall downe and worship the golden image, that Nebuchad-nezzar the King hath set vp,

geneva@Daniel:3:10 @ Thou, O King, hast made a decree, that euery man that shall heare the sounde of the cornet, trumpet, harpe, sackebut, psalterie, and dulcimer, and all instruments of musike, shall fall downe and worship the golden image,

geneva@Daniel:3:27 @ Then the nobles, princes and dukes, and the Kings counsellers came together to see these men, because the fire had no power ouer their bodies: for not an heare of their head was burnt, neither was their coates changed, nor any smell of fire came vpon them.

geneva@Daniel:9:14 @ Therefore hath the Lord made ready the plague, and brought it vpon vs: for the Lord our God is righteous in all his works which he doeth: for we would not heare his voyce.

geneva@Hosea:2:22 @ And the earth shall heare the corne, & the wine, and the oyle, and they shall heare Izreel.

geneva@Amos:3:1 @ Heare this worde that the Lord pronounceth against you, O children of Israel, euen against the whole familie which I brought vp fro the land of Egypt, saying,

geneva@Amos:5:1 @ Heare ye this worde, which I lift vp vpon you, euen a lamentation of the house of Israel.

geneva@Amos:5:23 @ Take thou away from me the multitude of thy songs (for I wil not heare the melodie of thy violes)

geneva@Amos:7:16 @ Now therefore heare thou the word of the Lord. Thou sayest, Prophecie not against Israel, & speake nothing against the house of Izhak.

geneva@Micah:3:9 @ Heare this, I pray you, ye heades of the house of Iaakob, and princes of the house of Israel: they abhorre iudgement, and peruert all equitie.

geneva@Micah:6:2 @ Heare ye, O mountaynes, the Lordes quarel, and ye mightie foundations of the earth: for the Lord hath a quarell against his people, and he will pleade with Israel.

geneva@Zechariah:13:9 @ And I will bring that third part thorowe the fire, and will fine them as the siluer is fined, and will trye them as golde is tryed: they shall call on my Name, and I will heare them: I will say, It is my people, and they shall say, The Lorde is my God.

geneva@Matthew:5:36 @ Neither shalt thou sweare by thine head, because thou canst not make one heare white or blacke.

geneva@Matthew:10:14 @ And whosoeuer shall not receiue you, nor heare your woordes, when yee depart out of that house, or that citie, shake off the dust of your feete.

geneva@Matthew:12:19 @ He shall not striue, nor crie, neither shall any man heare his voyce in the streetes.

geneva@Matthew:13:13 @ Therefore speake I to them in parables, because they seeing, doe not see: and hearing, they heare not, neither vnderstand.

geneva@Matthew:13:15 @ For this peoples heart is waxed fat, & their eares are dull of hearing, and with their eyes they haue winked, lest they should see with their eyes, and heare with their eares, & should vnderstand with their hearts, & should returne, that I might heale them.

geneva@Matthew:13:17 @ For verely I say vnto you, that many Prophets, & righteous men haue desired to see those things which ye see, & haue not seene them, & to heare those things which ye heare, and haue not heard them.

geneva@Matthew:13:18 @ Heare ye therefore ye parable of ye sower.

geneva@Mark:4:18 @ Also they that receiue the seede among the thornes, are such as heare the word:

geneva@Mark:4:20 @ But they that haue receiued seede in good ground, are they that heare the worde, and receiue it, and bring foorth fruite: one corne thirtie, another sixtie, and some an hundreth.

geneva@Mark:8:18 @ Haue yee eyes, and see not? and haue yee eares, and heare not? and doe ye not remember?

geneva@Mark:9:7 @ And there was a cloude that shadowed them, and a voyce came out of the cloude, saying, This is my beloued Sonne: heare him.

geneva@Luke:8:21 @ But he answered, and sayd vnto them, My mother and my brethren are these which heare the worde of God, and doe it.

geneva@Luke:9:9 @ Then Herod sayd, Iohn haue I beheaded: who then is this of whome I heare such things? And he desired to see him.

geneva@Luke:9:35 @ And there came a voyce out of the cloud, saying, This is that my beloued Sonne, heare him.

geneva@Luke:10:24 @ For I tell you that many Prophets and Kings haue desired to see those things, which ye see, and haue not seene them: and to heare those things which ye heare, and haue not heard them.

geneva@Luke:11:28 @ But hee saide, Yea, rather blessed are they that heare the woorde of God, and keepe it.

geneva@Luke:11:31 @ The Queene of the South shall rise in iudgement, with the men of this generation, and shall condemne them: for shee came from the vtmost partes of the earth to heare the wisedome of Solomon, and beholde, a greater then Solomon is here.

geneva@Luke:16:2 @ And hee called him, and saide vnto him, Howe is it that I heare this of thee? Giue an accounts of thy stewardship: for thou maiest be no longer steward.

geneva@Luke:16:29 @ Abraham said vnto him, They haue Moses and the Prophets: let them heare them.

geneva@Luke:16:31 @ Then he saide vnto him, If they heare not Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rise from the dead againe.

geneva@Luke:18:6 @...And the Lord said, Heare what...

geneva@Luke:21:18 @ Yet there shall not one heare of your heads perish.

geneva@Luke:21:38 @ And all the people came in the morning to him, to heare him in the Temple.

geneva@John:8:47 @ He that is of God, heareth Gods wordes: yee therefore heare them not, because ye are not of God.

geneva@John:9:27 @ Hee answered them, I haue tolde you already, and yee haue not heard it: wherefore would yee heare it againe? will yee also be his disciples?

geneva@John:10:20 @ And many of them sayd, He hath a deuill, and is mad: why heare ye him?

geneva@John:10:27 @ My sheepe heare my voyce, and I knowe them, and they follow me,

geneva@John:12:47 @ And if any man heare my wordes, and beleeue not, I iudge him not: for I came not to iudge the world, but to saue the world.

geneva@Acts:3:23 @ For it shalbe that euery person which shall not heare that Prophet, shall be destroyed out of the people.

geneva@Acts:10:22 @ And they sayd, Cornelius the captaine, a iust man, and one that feareth God, and of good report among all the nation of the Iewes, was warned from heauen by an holy Angel, to send for thee into his house, and to heare thy wordes.

geneva@Acts:10:33 @ Then sent I for thee immediately, and thou hast well done to come. Nowe therefore are we all here present before God, to heare all things that are commanded thee of God.

geneva@Acts:13:7 @ Which was with the Deputie Sergius Paulus, a prudent man. He called vnto him Barnabas and Saul, and desired to heare the woorde of God.

geneva@Acts:13:44 @ And ye next Sabbath day came almost the whole citie together, to heare the worde of God.

geneva@Acts:21:22 @ What is then to be done? the multitude must needes come together: for they shall heare that thou art come.

geneva@Acts:22:1 @ Ye men, brethren and Fathers, heare my defence nowe towards you.

geneva@Acts:22:14 @ And he sayd, The God of our fathers hath appointed thee, that thou shouldest knowe his wil, and shouldest see that Iust one, and shouldest heare the voyce of his mouth.

geneva@Acts:23:35 @ I will heare thee, said he, when thine accusers also are come, and commaunded him to bee kept in Herods iudgement hall.

geneva@Acts:24:4 @ But that I be not tedious vnto thee, I pray thee, that thou wouldest heare vs of thy courtesie a fewe wordes.

geneva@Acts:26:3 @ Chiefly, because thou hast knowledge of all customes, and questions which are among the Iewes: wherefore I beseech thee, to heare me patiently.

geneva@Acts:28:22 @ But we will heare of thee what thou thinkest: for as concerning this sect, we knowe that euery where it is spoken against.

geneva@Philemon:1:5 @ (When I heare of thy loue & faith, which thou hast toward the Lord Iesus, and towarde all Saintes)

geneva@Hebrews:4:7 @ Againe he appointed in Dauid a certaine day, by To day, after so long a time, saying, as it is sayd, This day, if ye heare his voyce, harden not your hearts.

geneva@Revelation:1:3 @ Blessed is he that readeth, and they that heare the wordes of this prophecie, and keepe those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

geneva@Revelation:2:29 @ Let him that hath an eare, heare what the Spirite saith to the Churches.

geneva@Revelation:3:13 @ Let him that hath an eare, heare what ye Spirit saith vnto the Churches.

geneva@Revelation:3:22 @ Let him that hath an eare, heare what the Spirit saieth vnto the Churches.

geneva@Revelation:9:8 @ And they had heare as the heare of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lyons.

geneva@Jdt:3:13 @ {\cf2 And say, Take me out of the earth, that I may heare no more any reproch.}

geneva@Jdt:3:15 @ {\cf2 And that I haue neuer polluted my name, nor the name of my father in ye land of my captiuitie: I am ye only daughter of my father, neither hath he any manchild to be his heire, neither any neere kinseman or childe borne of him, to whome I may keepe my selfe for a wife: my seue husbands are now dead, & why should I liue? But if it please not thee that I should die, command to looke on me, and to pitie me that I do no more heare reproch.}

geneva@Jdt:6:12 @ {\cf2 And the mayde is faire and wise: nowe therefore heare me, & I wil speake to her father, that we may make the mariage when we are returned from Rages: for I know that Raguel can not marry her to another according to the lawe of Moyses: els he should deserue death, because the right doth rather apperteine to thee then to any other man.}

geneva@Jdt:6:15 @ {\cf2 Then the Angel sayde vnto him, Doest thou not remember the preceptes which thy father gaue thee, that thou shouldest marry a wife of thine owne kinred? wherefore heare me, O my brother: for she shall be thy wife, neither be thou carefull of the euill spirit: for this same night shall she be giuen thee in marriage.}

geneva@Jdt:10:12 @ {\cf2 And he sayd to his daughter, Honour thy father, and thy mother in lawe which are nowe thy parents, that I may heare good report of thee: and hee kissed them, Edna also sayde to Tobias, The Lord of heauen restore thee, my deare brother, and graunt that I may see thy children of my daughter Sarra, that I may reioyce before the Lord. Beholde nowe, I commit to thee my daughter, as a pledge doe not entreat her euill.}

geneva@Wis:5:5 @ {\cf2 Then saide Achior the captaine of all the sonnes of Ammon, Let my lord heare ye word of the mouth of his seruant, and I will declare vnto thee ye trueth concerning this people, that dwell in these mountaines, neere where thou remainest: and there shall no lie come out of the mouth of thy seruant.}

geneva@Wis:7:9 @ {\cf2 Let our captaine nowe heare a worde, least an inconuenience come in thine armie.}

geneva@Wis:8:11 @ {\...she sayde vnto them, Heare me,...}

geneva@Wis:8:17 @ {\cf2 Therefore let vs wayte for saluation of him and call vpon him to helpe vs, and hee will heare our voice if it please him.}

geneva@Wis:8:32 @ {\...sayd Iudeth vnto them, Heare mee,...& I will doe a thing, which shall bee declared in all generations, to the children of our nation.}

geneva@Wis:9:4 @ {\cf2 And hast giuen their wiues for a pray & their daughters to be captiues, and all their spoyles for a bootie to the children that thou louedst: which were mooued with thy zeale, & abhorred the pollution of their bloud, & called vpon thee for ayde, O God, O my God, heare me also a widdowe.}

geneva@Wis:9:12 @ {\cf2 Surely, surely thou art the God of my father, and the God of the inheritance of Israel, the Lorde of heauen and earth, the creator of the waters, the King of all creatures: heare thou my prayer,}

geneva@Wis:10:3 @ {\cf2 And putting away the sackecloth wherewith she was clad, and putting off the garmentes of her widowhode, shee washed her bodie with water, and anointed it with much oyntment, and dressed the heare of her head, and put attire vpon it, and put on her garments of gladnesse, wherewith shee was clad during the life of Manasses her husbande.}

geneva@Wis:11:16 @ {\cf2 Wherefore I thine handmaide, knowing all this, am fledde from their presence, and God hath sent me to worke a thing with thee, whereof all the earth shall wonder, and whosoeuer shall heare it.}

geneva@Wis:13:7 @ {\cf2 And approched to the bed, and tooke holde of the heare of his head, and said, Strengthen me, O Lord God of Israel this day.}

geneva@Wis:14:1 @ {\...said Iudeth vnto them, Heare me...}

geneva@Wis:16:8 @ {\cf2 For shee put off the garment of her widowhoode, for the exaltation of those that were oppressed in Israel, and anointed her face with oyntment, and bound vp her heare in a coife, and tooke a linnen garment to deceiue him.}

geneva@Tob:5:11 @ {\cf2 Or as a birde that flieth thorow in the ayre, and no man can see any token of her passage, but onely heare the noise of her wings beating the light winde, parting the aire through the vehemencie of her going, and fleeth on shaking her wings, whereas afterward no token of her way can be found:}

geneva@Tob:6:1 @ {\cf2 Heare therefore, O ye Kings, and vnderstande: learne, ye that be iudges of the endes of ye earth.}

geneva@Tob:8:12 @ {\cf2 When I hold my tongue, they shall abide my leysure: when I speake, they shall heare diligently,and if I talke much, they shall lay their hands vpon their mouth.}

geneva@Tob:8:15 @ {\cf2 Horrible tyrants shalbe afraide when they heare me: among the multitude I shalbe counted good, and mightie in battell.}

geneva@Sir:3:2 @ {\cf2 Heare your fathers iudgement, O children, and doe thereafter, that yee may be safe.}

geneva@Sir:5:11 @ {\cf2 Be humble to heare the worde of God, that thou maiest vnderstand it, and make a true answere with wisdome.}

geneva@Sir:5:12 @ {\cf2 Be swift to heare good things, & let thy life be pure, and giue a patient answere.}

geneva@Sir:6:36 @ {\cf2 Desire to heare al godly talke, & let not the graue sentences of knowledge escape thee.}

geneva@Sir:9:4 @ {\cf2 Vse not the companie of a woman that is a singer, and a dancer, neither heare her, least thou be taken by her craftines.}

geneva@Sir:21:15 @ {\cf2 When a man of vnderstanding heareth a wise worde, he will commende it, and increase it: but if an ignorant man heare it, he will disalowe it, and cast it behinde his backe.}

geneva@Sir:27:14 @ {\cf2 The talke of him that sweareth much, maketh the heare to stande vp: and to striue with such, stoppeth the eares.}

geneva@Sir:31:22 @ {\cf2 My sonne, heare me, and despise me not, & at the last thou shalt finde as I haue tolde thee: in all thy works be quicke, so shall there no sicknesse come vnto thee.}

geneva@Sir:33:17 @ {\cf2 Heare me, O ye great men of the people, and hearken with your eares, ye rulers of ye Cogregation.}

geneva@Sir:34:27 @ {\cf2 So is it with a man that fasteth for his sinnes, and committeth them againe: who will heare his prayer? or what doeth his fasting helpe him?}

geneva@Sir:36:17 @ {\cf2 O Lorde, heare the prayer of thy seruants according to the blessing of Aaron ouer thy people, and guide thou vs in the way of righteousnesse, that all they which dwel vpon the earth, may know that thou art the Lord the eternall God.}

geneva@Sir:43:24 @ {\cf2 They that saile ouer the sea, tell of the perils thereof, and when we heare it with our eares, we marueile thereat.}

geneva@Sir:45:5 @ {\cf2 He caused him to heare his voyce, & brought him into the darke cloude, and there he gaue him the commandements before his face, euen the Law of life and knowledge, that he might teach Iacob the couenant, and Israel his iudgements.}

geneva@Bar:1:3 @ {\cf2 And Baruch did reade the woordes of this booke, that Iechonias the sonne of Ioacim king of Iuda might heare, and al the people that were come to heare the booke,}

geneva@Bar:1:19 @ {\cf2 From the day that the Lord brought our fathers out of the lande of Egypt, euen vnto this day, we haue bene disobedient vnto the Lord our God, and we haue bene negligent to heare his voice.}

geneva@Bar:2:14 @ {\cf2 Heare our praiers, O Lorde, and our peticions, and deliuer vs for thine owne sake, and giue vs fauor in the sight of them, which haue led vs away,}

geneva@Bar:2:16 @ {\cf2 Therefore looke downe fro thine holy Temple, and thinke vpon vs: encline thine eare, O Lord, and heare vs.}

geneva@Bar:2:22 @ {\cf2 But if ye will not heare the voyce of ye Lord, to serue the King of Babylon,}

geneva@Bar:2:30 @ {\cf2 For I know that they will not heare me: for it is a stifnecked people: but in the lande of their captiuitie they shall remember themselues,}

geneva@Bar:3:4 @ {\cf2 O Lorde Almightie, the God of Israel, heare nowe the prayer of the dead Israelites, and of their children, which haue sinned before thee, and not hearkened vnto the voyce of thee ther God, wherefore these plagues hang vpon vs.}

geneva@Bar:3:9 @ {\cf2 O Israel, heare ye comandements of life: hearken vnto them, that thou maiest learne wisdome.}

geneva@1Macc:10:61 @ {\cf2 And there assembled certaine pestilent fellowes of Israel, and wicked men to accuse him: but the King would not heare them.}

geneva@2Macc:1:5 @ {\cf2 And heare your praiers, and be reconciled with you, and neuer forsake you in time of trouble.}

geneva@2Macc:7:7 @ {\cf2 So when the first was dead after this maner, they brought the second to make him a mocking stocke: and when they had pulled the skinne with the heare ouer his head, they asked him, if he would eate, or he were punished in all the members of the body.}

geneva@2Macc:8:3 @ {\cf2 And that he woulde haue compassion vpon the citie that was destroyed, and almost brought to the grounde, and that he woulde heare the voyce of the blood that cryed vnto him,}

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