





ylt If

ylt@Genesis:4:7 @Is there not, if thou dost well, acceptance? and if thou dost not well, at the opening a sin-offering is crouching, and unto thee its desire, and thou rulest over it.'

ylt@Genesis:13:9 @Is not all the land before thee? be parted, I pray thee, from me; if to the left, then I to the right; and if to the right, then I to the left.'

ylt@Genesis:13:16 @And I have set thy seed as dust of the earth, so that, if one is able to number the dust of the earth, even thy seed is numbered;

ylt@Genesis:15:5 @and He bringeth him out without, and saith, 'Look attentively, I pray thee, towards the heavens, and count the stars, if thou art able to count them;' and He saith to him, 'Thus is thy seed.'

ylt@Genesis:18:21 @I go down now, and see whether according to its cry which is coming unto Me they have done completely -- and if not -- I know;'

ylt@Genesis:18:28 @peradventure there are lacking five of the fifty righteous -- dost Thou destroy for five the whole of the city?' and He saith, 'I destroy [it] not, if I find there forty and five.'

ylt@Genesis:18:30 @And he saith, 'Let it not be, I Pray thee, displeasing to the Lord, and I speak: peradventure there are found there thirty?' and He saith, 'I do [it] not, if I find there thirty.'

ylt@Genesis:20:7 @and now send back the man's wife, for he [is] inspired, and he doth pray for thee, and live thou; and if thou do not send back, know that dying thou dost die, thou, and all that thou hast.'

ylt@Genesis:23:13 @and speaketh unto Ephron in the ears of the people of the land, saying, 'Only -- if thou wouldst hear me -- I have given the money of the field -- accept from me, and I bury my dead there.'

ylt@Genesis:24:8 @and if the woman be not willing to come after thee, then thou hast been acquitted from this mine oath: only my son thou dost not cause to turn back thither.'

ylt@Genesis:24:41 @then art thou acquitted from my oath, when thou comest unto my family, and if they give not [one] to thee; then thou hast been acquitted from my oath.

ylt@Genesis:24:42 @'And I come to-day unto the fountain, and I say, Jehovah, God of my lord Abraham, if Thou art, I pray Thee, making prosperous my way in which I am going --

ylt@Genesis:24:49 @'And now, if ye are dealing kindly and truly with my lord, declare to me; and if not, declare to me; and I turn unto the right or unto the left.'

ylt@Genesis:27:46 @And Rebekah saith unto Isaac, 'I have been disgusted with my life because of the presence of the daughters of Heth; if Jacob take a wife of the daughters of Heth, like these -- from the daughters of the land -- why do I live?'

ylt@Genesis:30:1 @And Rachel seeth that she hath not borne to Jacob, and Rachel is envious of her sister, and saith unto Jacob, 'Give me sons, and if there is none -- I die.'

ylt@Genesis:30:31 @And he saith, 'What do I give to thee?' And Jacob saith, 'Thou dost not give me anything; if thou do for me this thing, I turn back; I have delight; thy flock I watch;

ylt@Genesis:31:8 @'If he say thus: The speckled are thy hire, then bare all the flock speckled ones; and if he say thus: The ring-straked are thy hire, then bare all the flock ring-straked;

ylt@Genesis:34:15 @'Only for this we consent to you; if ye be as we, to have every male of you circumcised,

ylt@Genesis:34:17 @and if ye hearken not unto us to be circumcised, then we have taken our daughter, and have gone.'

ylt@Genesis:38:9 @and Onan knoweth that the seed is not [reckoned] his; and it hath come to pass, if he hath gone in unto his brother's wife, that he hath destroyed [it] to the earth, so as not to give seed to his brother;

ylt@Genesis:40:14 @'Surely if thou hast remembered me with thee, when it is well with thee, and hast done (I pray thee) kindness with me, and hast made mention of me unto Pharaoh, then hast thou brought me out from this house,

ylt@Genesis:42:15 @by this ye are proved: Pharaoh liveth! if ye go out from this -- except by your young brother coming hither;

ylt@Genesis:42:16 @send one of you, and let him bring your brother, and ye, remain ye bound, and let your words be proved, whether truth be with you: and if not -- Pharaoh liveth! surely ye [are] spies;'

ylt@Genesis:42:37 @And Reuben speaketh unto his father, saying, 'My two sons thou dost put to death, if I bring him not in unto thee; give him into my hand, and I -- I bring him back unto thee;'

ylt@Genesis:43:5 @and if thou art not sending -- we do not go down, for the man said unto us, Ye do not see my face without your brother [being] with you.'

ylt@Genesis:43:9 @I -- I am surety [for] him, from my hand thou dost require him; if I have not brought him in unto thee, and set him before thee -- then I have sinned against thee all the days;

ylt@Genesis:43:10 @for if we had not lingered, surely now we had returned these two times.'

ylt@Genesis:44:23 @...sayest unto thy servants, If your...

ylt@Genesis:44:26 @and we say, We are not able to go down; if our young brother is with us, then we have gone down; for we are not able to see the man's face, and our young brother not with us.

ylt@Genesis:44:32 @...from my father, saying, If I...-- then I have sinned against my father all the days.

ylt@Genesis:47:6 @the land of Egypt is before thee; in the best of the land cause thy father and thy brethren to dwell -- they dwell in the land of Goshen, and if thou hast known, and there are among them men of ability, then thou hast set them heads over the cattle I have.'

ylt@Genesis:47:16 @and Joseph saith, 'Give your cattle; and I give to you for your cattle, if the money hath ceased.'

ylt@Exodus:1:16 @and saith, 'When ye cause the Hebrew women to bear, and have looked on the children; if it [is] a son -- then ye have put him to death; and if it [is] a daughter -- then she hath lived.'

ylt@Exodus:4:1 @And Moses answereth and saith, 'And, if they do not give credence to me, nor hearken to my voice, and say, Jehovah hath not appeared unto thee?'

ylt@Exodus:4:8 @'-- and it hath come to pass, if they do not give credence to thee, and hearken not to the voice of the first sign, that they have given credence to the voice of the latter sign.

ylt@Exodus:4:9 @'And it hath come to pass, if they do not give credence even to these two signs, nor hearken to thy voice, that thou hast taken of the waters of the River, and hast poured on the dry land, and the waters which thou takest from the River have been, yea, they have become -- blood on the dry land.'

ylt@Exodus:8:2 @and if thou art refusing to send away, lo, I am smiting all thy border with frogs;

ylt@Exodus:8:21 @for, if thou art not sending My people away, lo, I am sending against thee, and against thy servants, and against thy people, and against thy houses, the beetle, and the houses of the Egyptians have been full of the beetle, and also the ground on which they are.

ylt@Exodus:9:2 @for, if thou art refusing to send away, and art still keeping hold upon them,

ylt@Exodus:10:4 @for if thou art refusing to send My people away, lo, I am bringing in to-morrow the locust into thy border,

ylt@Exodus:12:4 @'(And if the household be too few for a lamb, then hath he taken, he and his neighbour who is near unto his house, for the number of persons, each according to his eating ye do count for the lamb,)

ylt@Exodus:13:13 @'And every firstling of an ass thou dost ransom with a lamb, and if thou dost not ransom [it], then thou hast beheaded it: and every first-born of man among thy sons thou dost ransom.

ylt@Exodus:19:5 @'And now, if ye really hearken to My voice, then ye have kept My covenant, and been to Me a peculiar treasure more than all the peoples, for all the earth [is] Mine;

ylt@Exodus:20:25 @'And if an altar of stones thou dost make to Me, thou dost not build them of hewn work; when thy tool thou hast waved over it, then thou dost pollute it;

ylt@Exodus:21:3 @if by himself he cometh in, by himself he goeth out; if he [is] owner of a wife, then his wife hath gone out with him;

ylt@Exodus:21:5 @'And if the servant really say: I have loved my lord, my wife, and my sons -- I do not go out free;

ylt@Exodus:21:9 @'And if to his son he betroth her, according to the right of daughters he doth to her.

ylt@Exodus:21:11 @and if these three he do not to her, then she hath gone out for nought, without money.

ylt@Exodus:21:21 @only if he remain a day, or two days, he is not avenged, for he [is] his money.

ylt@Exodus:21:23 @and if there is mischief, then thou hast given life for life,

ylt@Exodus:21:27 @and if a tooth of his man-servant or a tooth of his handmaid he knock out, as a freeman he doth send him away for his tooth.

ylt@Exodus:21:29 @and if the ox is [one] accustomed to gore heretofore, and it hath been testified to its owner, and he doth not watch it, and it hath put to death a man or woman, the ox is stoned, and its owner also is put to death.

ylt@Exodus:22:3 @if the sun hath risen upon him, blood [is] for him, he doth certainly repay; if he have nothing, then he hath been sold for his theft;

ylt@Exodus:22:7 @'When a man doth give unto his neighbour silver, or vessels to keep, and it hath been stolen out of the man's house; if the thief is found, he repayeth double.

ylt@Exodus:22:12 @but if it is certainly stolen from him, he doth repay to its owner;

ylt@Exodus:22:15 @if its owner [is] with it, he doth not repay, -- if it [is] a hired thing, it hath come for its hire.

ylt@Exodus:22:23 @if thou dost really afflict him, surely if he at all cry unto Me, I certainly hear his cry;

ylt@Exodus:23:22 @for, if thou diligently hearken to his voice, and hast done all that which I speak, then I have been at enmity with thine enemies, and have distressed those distressing thee.

ylt@Exodus:29:34 @and if there be left of the flesh of the consecration or of the bread till the morning, then thou hast burned that which is left with fire; it is not eaten, for it [is] holy.

ylt@Exodus:32:30 @And it cometh to pass, on the morrow, that Moses saith unto the people, 'Ye -- ye have sinned a great sin, and now I go up unto Jehovah, if so be I atone for your sin.'

ylt@Exodus:32:32 @and now, if Thou takest away their sin -- and if not -- blot me, I pray thee, out of Thy book which Thou hast written.'

ylt@Exodus:34:20 @and the firstling of an ass thou dost ransom with a lamb; and if thou dost not ransom, then thou hast beheaded it; every first-born of thy sons thou dost ransom, and they do not appear before Me empty.

ylt@Exodus:40:37 @and if the cloud go not up then they journey not, until the day of its going up:

ylt@Leviticus:1:10 @'And if his offering [is] out of the flock -- out of the sheep or out of the goats -- for a burnt-offering, a male, a perfect one, he doth bring near,

ylt@Leviticus:1:14 @'And if his offering [is] a burnt-offering out of the fowl to Jehovah, than he hath brought near his offering out of the turtle-doves or out of the young pigeons,

ylt@Leviticus:2:5 @'And if thine offering [is] a present [made] on the girdel, it is of flour, mixed with oil, unleavened;

ylt@Leviticus:2:7 @'And if thine offering [is] a present [made] on the frying-pan, of flour with oil it is made,

ylt@Leviticus:2:14 @'And if thou bring near a present of first-ripe [fruits] to Jehovah, -- of green ears, roasted with fire, beaten out [corn] of a fruitful field thou dost bring near the present of thy first-ripe [fruits],

ylt@Leviticus:3:1 @'And if his offering [is] a sacrifice of peace-offerings, if out of the herd he is bringing near, whether male or female, a perfect one he doth bring near before Jehovah,

ylt@Leviticus:3:6 @'And if his offering [is] out of the flock for a sacrifice of peace-offerings to Jehovah, male or female, a perfect one he doth bring near;

ylt@Leviticus:3:12 @'And if his offering [is] a goat, then he hath brought it near before Jehovah,

ylt@Leviticus:4:13 @'And if the whole company of Israel err ignorantly, and the thing hath been hidden from the eyes of the assembly, and they have done [something against] one of all the commands of Jehovah [concerning things] which are not to be done, and have been guilty;

ylt@Leviticus:4:27 @'And if any person of the people of the land sin through ignorance, by his doing [something against] one of the commands of Jehovah [regarding things] which are not to be done, and hath been guilty --

ylt@Leviticus:4:32 @'And if he bring in a sheep [for] his offering, for a sin-offering, a female, a perfect one, he doth bring in,

ylt@Leviticus:5:1 @'And when a person doth sin, and hath heard the voice of an oath, and he [is] witness, or hath seen, or hath known -- if he declare not, then he hath borne his iniquity:

ylt@Leviticus:5:7 @'And if his hand reach not to the sufficiency of a lamb, then he hath brought in his guilt-offering -- he who hath sinned -- two turtle-doves or two young pigeons to Jehovah, one for a sin-offering, and one for a burnt-offering;

ylt@Leviticus:5:11 @'And if his hand reach not to two turtle-doves, or to two young pigeons, then he hath brought in his offering -- he who hath sinned -- a tenth of an ephah of flour for a sin-offering; he putteth no oil on it, nor doth he put on it frankincense, for it [is] a sin-offering,

ylt@Leviticus:6:28 @and an earthen vessel in which it is boiled is broken, and if in a brass vessel it is boiled, then it is scoured and rinsed with water.

ylt@Leviticus:7:16 @'And if the sacrifice of his offering [is] a vow or free-will offering, in the day of his bringing near his sacrifice it is eaten; and on the morrow also the remnant of it is eaten;

ylt@Leviticus:7:18 @and if any of the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace-offerings be really eaten on the third day, it is not pleasing; for him who is bringing it near it is not reckoned; it is an abominable thing, and the person who is eating of it his iniquity doth bear.

ylt@Leviticus:12:5 @'And if a female she bear, then she hath been unclean two weeks, as in her separation; and sixty and six days she doth abide for the blood of her cleansing.

ylt@Leviticus:12:8 @'And if her hand find not the sufficiency of a sheep, then she hath taken two turtle-doves, or two young pigeons, one for a burnt-offering, and one for a sin-offering, and the priest hath made atonement for her, and she hath been cleansed.'

ylt@Leviticus:13:4 @'And if the bright spot is white in the skin of his flesh, and its appearance is not deeper than the skin, and its hair hath not turned white, then hath the priest shut up [him who hath] the plague seven days.

ylt@Leviticus:13:7 @'And if the scab spread greatly in the skin, after his being seen by the priest for his cleansing, then he hath been seen a second time by the priest;

ylt@Leviticus:13:12 @'And if the leprosy break out greatly in the skin, and the leprosy hath covered all the skin of [him who hath] the plague, from his head even unto his feet, to all that appeareth to the eyes of the priest,

ylt@Leviticus:13:21 @'And if the priest see it, and lo, there is no white hair in it, and it is not lower than the skin, and is become weak, then hath the priest shut him up seven days;

ylt@Leviticus:13:22 @and if it spread greatly in the skin, then hath the priest pronounced him unclean, it [is] a plague;

ylt@Leviticus:13:23 @and if in its place the bright spot stay -- it hath not spread -- it [is] an inflammation of the ulcer; and the priest hath pronounced him clean.

ylt@Leviticus:13:26 @'And if the priest see it, and lo, there is no white hair on the bright spot, and it is not lower than the skin, and it is become weak, then the priest hath shut him up seven days;

ylt@Leviticus:13:27 @and the priest hath seen him on the seventh day, if it spread greatly in the skin, then the priest hath pronounced him unclean; a plague of leprosy it [is].

ylt@Leviticus:13:28 @'And if the bright spot stay in its place, it hath not spread in the skin, and is become weak; a rising of the burning it [is], and the priest hath pronounced him clean; for it [is] inflammation of the burning.

ylt@Leviticus:13:35 @'And if the scall spread greatly in the skin after his cleansing,

ylt@Leviticus:13:37 @and if in his eyes the scall hath stayed, and black hair hath sprung up in it, the scall hath been healed -- he [is] clean -- and the priest hath pronounced him clean.

ylt@Leviticus:13:41 @and if from the corner of his face his head is polished, he [is] bald of the forehead; he [is] clean.

ylt@Leviticus:13:53 @'And if the priest see, and lo, the plague hath not spread in the garment, or in the warp, or in the woof, or in any vessel of skin,

ylt@Leviticus:13:56 @'And if the priest hath seen, and lo, the plague [is] become weak after it hath been washed, then he hath rent it out of the garment, or out of the skin, or out of the warp, or out of the woof;

ylt@Leviticus:13:57 @and if it still be seen in the garment, or in the warp, or in the woof, or in any vessel of skin, it [is] a fretting; with fire thou dost burn it -- that in which the plague [is].

ylt@Leviticus:14:21 @'And if he [is] poor, and his hand is not reaching [these things], then he hath taken one lamb -- a guilt-offering, for a wave-offering, to make atonement for him, and one-tenth deal of flour mixed with oil for a present, and a log of oil,

ylt@Leviticus:14:43 @'And if the plague return, and hath broken out in the house, after he hath drawn out the stones, and after the scraping of the house, and after the daubing;

ylt@Leviticus:14:48 @'And if the priest certainly come in, and hath seen, and lo, the plague hath not spread in the house after the daubing of the house, then hath the priest pronounced the house clean, for the plague hath been healed.

ylt@Leviticus:15:23 @'And if it [is] on the bed, or on the vessel on which she is sitting, in his coming against it, he is unclean till the evening.

ylt@Leviticus:15:24 @'And if a man really lie with her, and her separation is on him, then he hath been unclean seven days, and all the bed on which he lieth is unclean.

ylt@Leviticus:15:28 @'And if she hath been clean from her issue, then she hath numbered to herself seven days, and afterwards she is clean;

ylt@Leviticus:17:16 @and if he wash not, and his flesh bathe not -- then he hath borne his iniquity.'

ylt@Leviticus:19:7 @and if it be really eaten on the third day, it [is] an abomination, it is not pleasing,

ylt@Leviticus:20:4 @'And if the people of the land really hide their eyes from that man, in his giving of his seed to the Molech, so as not to put him to death,

ylt@Leviticus:25:28 @'And if his hand hath not found sufficiency to give back to him, then hath his sold thing been in the hand of him who buyeth it till the year of jubilee; and it hath gone out in the jubilee, and he hath returned to his possession.

ylt@Leviticus:25:30 @and if it is not redeemed until the fulness to him of a perfect year, then hath the house which [is] in a walled city been established to extinction to the buyer of it, to his generations; it goeth not out in the jubilee;

ylt@Leviticus:25:52 @'And if few are left of the years till the year of jubilee, then he hath reckoned with him, according to his years he doth give back his redemption [money];

ylt@Leviticus:25:54 @'And if he is not redeemed in these [years], then he hath gone out in the year of jubilee, he and his sons with him.

ylt@Leviticus:26:14 @'And if ye do not hearken to Me, and do not all these commands;

ylt@Leviticus:26:15 @and if at My statutes ye kick, and if My judgments your soul loathe, so as not to do all My commands -- to your breaking My covenant --

ylt@Leviticus:26:18 @'And if unto these ye hearken not to Me, -- then I have added to chastise you seven times for your sins;

ylt@Leviticus:26:21 @'And if ye walk with Me [in] opposition, and are not willing to hearken to Me, then I have added to you a plague seven times, according to your sins,

ylt@Leviticus:26:23 @'And if by these ye are not instructed by Me, and have walked with Me [in] opposition,

ylt@Leviticus:26:27 @'And if for this ye hearken not to Me, and have walked with Me in opposition,

ylt@Leviticus:27:4 @And if it [is] a female -- then hath thy valuation been thirty shekels;

ylt@Leviticus:27:5 @and if from a son of five years even unto a son of twenty years -- then hath thy valuation been of the male twenty shekels, and for the female, ten shekels;

ylt@Leviticus:27:6 @and if from a son of a month even unto a son of five years -- then hath thy valuation been of the male five shekels of silver, and for the female thy valuation [is] three shekels of silver;

ylt@Leviticus:27:7 @and if from a son of sixty years and above -- if a male, then hath thy valuation been fifteen shekels, and for a female, ten shekels.

ylt@Leviticus:27:8 @'And if he is poorer than thy valuation, then he hath presented himself before the priest, and the priest hath valued him; according to that which the hand of him who is vowing doth reach doth the priest value him.

ylt@Leviticus:27:9 @'And if [it is] a beast of which they bring near an offering to Jehovah, all that [one] giveth of it to Jehovah is holy;

ylt@Leviticus:27:10 @he doth not change it nor exchange it, a good for a bad, or a bad for a good; and if he really change beast for beast, -- then it hath been -- it and its exchange is holy.

ylt@Leviticus:27:11 @'And if [it is] any unclean beast of which they do not bring near an offering to Jehovah, then he hath presented the beast before the priest,

ylt@Leviticus:27:13 @and if he really redeem it, then he hath added its fifth to thy valuation.

ylt@Leviticus:27:15 @and if he who is sanctifying doth redeem his house, then he hath added a fifth of the money of thy valuation to it, and it hath become his.

ylt@Leviticus:27:16 @'And if of the field of his possession a man sanctify to Jehovah, then hath thy valuation been according to its seed; a homer of barley-seed at fifty shekels of silver;

ylt@Leviticus:27:18 @and if after the jubilee he sanctify his field, then hath the priest reckoned to him the money according to the years which are left, unto the year of the jubilee, and it hath been abated from thy valuation.

ylt@Leviticus:27:19 @'And if he really redeem the field -- he who is sanctifying it -- then he hath added a fifth of the money of thy valuation to it, and it hath been established to him;

ylt@Leviticus:27:20 @and if he do not redeem the field, or if he hath sold the field to another man, it is not redeemed any more;

ylt@Leviticus:27:22 @'And if the field of his purchase (which [is] not of the fields of his possession) [one] sanctify to Jehovah --

ylt@Leviticus:27:27 @And if among the unclean beasts, then he hath ransomed [it] at thy valuation, and he hath added its fifth to it; and if it is not redeemed, then it hath been sold at thy valuation.

ylt@Leviticus:27:31 @'And if a man really redeem [any] of his tithe, its fifth he addeth to it.

ylt@Leviticus:27:33 @he enquireth not between good and bad, nor doth he change it; and if he really change it -- then it hath been -- it and its exchange is holy; it is not redeemed.'

ylt@Numbers:5:8 @'And if the man have no redeemer to restore the guilt to, the guilt which is restored [is] Jehovah's, the priest's, apart from the ram of the atonements, whereby he maketh atonement for him.

ylt@Numbers:5:19 @...said unto the woman, If no...[to] uncleanness under thy husband, be free from these bitter waters which cause the curse;

ylt@Numbers:5:20 @and thou, if thou hast turned aside under thy husband, and if thou hast been defiled, and any man doth give his copulation to thee besides thy husband --

ylt@Numbers:5:27 @yea, he hath caused her to drink the water, and it hath come to pass, if she hath been defiled, and doth commit a trespass against her husband, that the waters which cause the curse have gone into her for bitter things, and her belly hath swelled, and her thigh hath fallen, and the woman hath become an execration in the midst of her people.

ylt@Numbers:5:28 @'And if the woman hath not been defiled, and is clean, then she hath been acquitted, and hath been sown [with] seed.

ylt@Numbers:10:4 @And if with one they blow, then have the princes, heads of the thousands of Israel, met together unto thee;

ylt@Numbers:11:15 @and if thus Thou art doing to me -- slay me, I pray Thee; slay, if I have found grace in thine eyes, and let me not look on mine affliction.'

ylt@Numbers:12:6 @...pray you, My words: If your...-- in an appearance unto him I make Myself known; in a dream I speak with him;

ylt@Numbers:14:35 @I [am] Jehovah, I have spoken; if I do not this to all this evil company who are meeting against me; -- in this wilderness they are consumed, and there they die.'

ylt@Numbers:15:24 @then it hath been, if from the eyes of the company it hath been done in ignorance, that all the company have prepared one bullock, a son of the herd, for a burnt-offering, for sweet fragrance to Jehovah, and its present, and its libation, according to the ordinance, and one kid of the goats for a sin-offering.

ylt@Numbers:15:27 @'And if one person sin in ignorance, then he hath brought near a she-goat, daughter of a year, for a sin-offering;

ylt@Numbers:16:30 @and if a strange thing Jehovah do, and the ground hath opened her mouth and swallowed them, and all that they have, and they have gone down alive to Sheol -- then ye have known that these men have despised Jehovah.'

ylt@Numbers:19:12 @he doth cleanse himself for it on the third day, and on the seventh day he is clean; and if he cleanse not himself on the third day, then on the seventh day he is not clean.

ylt@Numbers:20:19 @And the sons of Israel say unto him, 'In the highway we go, and if of thy waters we drink -- I and my cattle -- then I have given their price; only (it is nothing) on my feet I pass over.'

ylt@Numbers:21:9 @And Moses maketh a serpent of brass, and setteth it on the ensign, and it hath been, if the serpent hath bitten any man, and he hath looked expectingly unto the serpent of brass -- he hath lived.

ylt@Numbers:22:34 @And Balaam saith unto the messenger of Jehovah, 'I have sinned, for I did not know that thou [art] standing to meet me in the way; and now, if evil in thine eyes -- I turn back by myself.'

ylt@Numbers:27:9 @and if he have no daughter, then ye have given his inheritance to his brethren;

ylt@Numbers:27:10 @and if he have no brethren, then ye have given his inheritance to his father's brethren;

ylt@Numbers:27:11 @and if his father have no brethren, then ye have given his inheritance to his relation who is near unto him of his family, and he hath possessed it;' and it hath been to the sons of Israel for a statute of judgment, as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.

ylt@Numbers:30:5 @'And if her father hath disallowed her in the day of his hearing, none of her vows and her bonds which she hath bound on her soul is established, and Jehovah is propitious to her, for her father hath disallowed her.

ylt@Numbers:30:6 @'And if she be at all to a husband, and her vows [are] on her, or a wrongful utterance [on] her lips, which she hath bound on her soul,

ylt@Numbers:30:8 @'And if in the day of her husband's hearing he disalloweth her, then he hath broken her vow which [is] on her, and the wrongful utterance of her lips which she hath bound on her soul, and Jehovah is propitious to her.

ylt@Numbers:30:10 @'And if [in] the house of her husband she hath vowed, or hath bound a bond on her soul with an oath,

ylt@Numbers:30:12 @'And if her husband doth certainly break them in the day of his hearing, none of the outgoing of her lips concerning her vows, or concerning the bond of her soul, is established -- her husband hath broken them -- and Jehovah is propitious to her.

ylt@Numbers:30:14 @and if her husband certainly keep silent at her, from day unto day, then he hath established all her vows, or all her bonds which [are] upon her; he hath established them, for he hath kept silent at her in the day of his hearing;

ylt@Numbers:30:15 @and if he doth at all break them after his hearing, then he hath borne her iniquity.'

ylt@Numbers:32:20 @And Moses saith unto them, 'If ye do this thing: if ye are armed before Jehovah for battle,

ylt@Numbers:32:23 @'And if ye do not so, lo, ye have sinned against Jehovah, and know ye your sin, that it doth find you;

ylt@Numbers:32:30 @and if they do not pass over armed with you, then they have possessions in your midst in the land of Canaan.'

ylt@Numbers:33:55 @'And if ye do not dispossess the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it hath been, those whom ye let remain of them, [are] for pricks in your eyes, and for thorns in your sides, and they have distressed you on the land in which ye are dwelling,

ylt@Numbers:35:16 @'And if with an instrument of iron he hath smitten him, and he dieth, he [is] a murderer: the murderer is certainly put to death.

ylt@Numbers:35:17 @'And if with a stone [in] the hand, wherewith he dieth, he hath smitten him, and he dieth, he [is] a murderer: the murderer is certainly put to death.

ylt@Numbers:35:20 @'And if in hatred he thrust him through, or hath cast [anything] at him by lying in wait, and he dieth;

ylt@Numbers:35:26 @'And if the man-slayer at all go out [from] the border of the city of his refuge whither he fleeth,

ylt@Numbers:36:4 @and if it is the jubilee of the sons of Israel, then hath their inheritance been added to the inheritance of the tribe which is theirs, and from the inheritance of the tribe of our fathers is their inheritance withdrawn.'

ylt@Deuteronomy:5:25 @'And, now, why do we die? for consume us doth this great fire -- if we add to hear the voice of Jehovah our God any more -- then we have died.

ylt@Deuteronomy:8:19 @'And it hath been -- if thou really forget Jehovah thy God, and hast gone after other gods, and served them, and bowed thyself to them, I have testified against you to-day that ye do utterly perish;

ylt@Deuteronomy:11:13 @'And it hath been -- if thou hearken diligently unto My commands which I am commanding you to-day, to love Jehovah your God, and to serve Him with all your heart, and with all your soul --

ylt@Deuteronomy:11:22 @'For, if ye diligently keep all this command which I am commanding you -- to do it, to love Jehovah your God, to walk in all His ways, and to cleave to Him,

ylt@Deuteronomy:11:28 @and the reviling, if ye do not hearken unto the commands of Jehovah your God, and have turned aside out of the way which I am commanding you to-day, to go after other gods which ye have not known.

ylt@Deuteronomy:15:5 @'Only, if thou dost diligently hearken to the voice of Jehovah thy God, to observe to do all this command which I am commanding thee to-day,

ylt@Deuteronomy:19:8 @'And if Jehovah thy God doth enlarge thy border, as He hath sworn to thy fathers, and hath given to thee all the land which He hath spoken to give to thy fathers --

ylt@Deuteronomy:20:11 @and it hath been, if Peace it answer thee, and hath opened to thee, then it hath come to pass -- all the people who are found in it are to thee for tributaries, and have served thee.

ylt@Deuteronomy:20:12 @'And if it doth not make peace with thee, and hath made with thee war, then thou hast laid siege against it,

ylt@Deuteronomy:21:14 @'And it hath been -- if thou hast not delighted in her, that thou hast sent her away at her desire, and thou dost not at all sell her for money; thou dost not tyrannize over her, because that thou hast humbled her.

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:2 @and if thy brother [is] not near unto thee, and thou hast not known him, then thou hast removed it unto the midst of thy house, and it hath been with thee till thy brother seek it, and thou hast given it back to him;

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:20 @'And if this thing hath been truth -- tokens of virginity have not been found for the damsel --

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:25 @'And if in a field the man find the damsel who is betrothed, and the man hath laid hold on her, and lain with her, then hath the man who hath lain with her died alone;

ylt@Deuteronomy:24:1 @'When a man doth take a wife, and hath married her, and it hath been, if she doth not find grace in his eyes (for he hath found in her nakedness of anything), and he hath written for her a writing of divorce, and given [it] into her hand, and sent her out of his house,

ylt@Deuteronomy:24:12 @'And if he is a poor man, thou dost not lie down with his pledge;

ylt@Deuteronomy:25:2 @then it hath come to pass, if the wrong-doer is to be smitten, that the judge hath caused him to fall down, and [one] hath smitten him in his presence, according to the sufficiency of his wrong-doing, by number;

ylt@Deuteronomy:25:7 @'And if the man doth not delight to take his brother's wife, then hath his brother's wife gone up to the gate, unto the elders, and said, My husband's brother is refusing to raise up to his brother a name in Israel; he hath not been willing to perform the duty of my husband's brother;

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:1 @'And it hath been, if thou dost hearken diligently to the voice of Jehovah thy God, to observe to do all His commands which I am commanding thee to-day, that Jehovah thy God hath made thee uppermost above all the nations of the earth,

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:15 @'And it hath been, if thou dost not hearken unto the voice of Jehovah thy God to observe to do all His commands, and His statutes, which I am commanding thee to-day, that all these revilings have come upon thee, and overtaken thee:

ylt@Deuteronomy:30:17 @'And if thy heart doth turn, and thou dost not hearken, and hast been driven away, and hast bowed thyself to other gods, and served them,

ylt@Deuteronomy:32:30 @...a myriad to flee! If not...-- that their rock hath sold them, And Jehovah hath shut them up?

ylt@Joshua:2:14 @And the men say to her, 'Our soul for yours -- to die; if ye declare not this our matter, then it hath been, in Jehovah's giving to us this land, that we have done with thee kindness and truth.'

ylt@Joshua:2:19 @and it hath been, any one who goeth out from the doors of thy house without, his blood [is] on his head, and we are innocent; and any one who is with thee in the house, his blood [is] on our head, if a hand is on him;

ylt@Joshua:2:20 @and if thou declare this our matter, then we have been acquitted from thine oath which thou hast caused us to swear.'

ylt@Joshua:7:12 @and the sons of Israel have not been able to stand before their enemies; the neck they turn before their enemies, for they have become a devoted thing; I add not to be with you -- if ye destroy not the devoted thing out of your midst.

ylt@Joshua:14:9 @...in that day, saying, If not...-- the land on which thy foot hath trodden, to thee it is for inheritance, and to thy sons -- to the age, for thou hast been fully after Jehovah my God.

ylt@Joshua:14:12 @'And now, give to me this hill-country, of which Jehovah spake in that day, for thou didst hear in that day, for Anakim [are] there, and cities, great, fenced; if so be Jehovah [is] with me, then I have dispossessed them, as Jehovah hath spoken.'

ylt@Joshua:22:19 @'And surely, if the land of your possession is unclean, pass over for you unto the land of the possession of Jehovah, where the tabernacle of Jehovah hath tabernacled, and have possession in our midst; and against Jehovah rebel not, and against us rebel not, by your building for you an altar, besides the altar of Jehovah our God.

ylt@Joshua:22:22 @'The God of gods -- Jehovah, the God of gods -- Jehovah, He is knowing, and Israel, he doth know, if in rebellion, and if in trespass against Jehovah (Thou dost not save us this day!)

ylt@Joshua:22:23 @[we are] building for ourselves an altar to turn back from after Jehovah, and if to cause to go up on it burnt-offering and present, and if to make on it peace-offerings -- Jehovah Himself doth require [it].

ylt@Joshua:22:24 @'And if not, from fear of [this] thing we have done it, saying, Hereafter your sons do speak to ours sons, saying, What to you and to Jehovah God of Israel?

ylt@Joshua:23:12 @'But -- if ye at all turn back and have cleaved to the remnant of these nations, these who are left with you, and intermarried with them, and gone in to them, and they to you,

ylt@Joshua:24:15 @and if wrong in your eyes to serve Jehovah -- choose for you to-day whom ye do serve; -- whether the gods whom your fathers served, which [are] beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorite in whose land ye are dwelling; and I and my house -- we serve Jehovah.'

ylt@Judges:4:8 @And Barak saith unto her, 'If thou dost go with me, then I have gone; and if thou dost not go with me, I do not go;'

ylt@Judges:4:20 @And he saith unto her, 'Stand at the opening of the tent, and it hath been, if any doth come in, and hath asked thee, and said, Is there a man here? that thou hast said, There is not.'

ylt@Judges:6:3 @And it hath been, if Israel hath sowed, that Midian hath come up, and Amalek, and the sons of the east, yea, they have come up against him,

ylt@Judges:6:31 @And Joash saith to all who have stood against him, 'Ye, do ye plead for Baal? ye -- do ye save him? he who pleadeth for him is put to death during the morning; if he [is] a god he himself doth plead against him, because he hath broken down his altar.'

ylt@Judges:6:37 @lo, I am placing the fleece of wool in the threshing-floor: if dew is on the fleece alone, and on all the earth drought -- then I have known that Thou dost save Israel by my hand, as Thou hast spoken;'

ylt@Judges:7:10 @and if thou art afraid to go down -- go down, thou and Phurah thy young man, unto the camp,

ylt@Judges:8:19 @And he saith, 'My brethren -- sons of my mother -- they; Jehovah liveth, if ye had kept them alive -- I had not slain you.'

ylt@Judges:9:15 @...saith unto the trees, If in...-- fire cometh out from the bramble, and devoureth the cedars of Lebanon.

ylt@Judges:9:16 @'And, now, if in truth and in sincerity ye have acted, when ye make Abimelech king; and if ye have done good with Jerubbaal, and with his house; and if according to the deed of his hands ye have done to him --

ylt@Judges:9:19 @yea, if in truth and in sincerity ye have acted with Jerubbaal and with his house this day, rejoice ye in Abimelech, and he doth rejoice -- even he -- in you;

ylt@Judges:9:20 @and if not -- fire cometh out from Abimelech and devoureth the masters of Shechem and the house of Millo, and fire cometh out from the masters of Shechem and from the house of Millo, and devoureth Abimelech.'

ylt@Judges:11:10 @And the elders of Gilead say unto Jephthah, 'Jehovah is hearkening between us -- if according to thy word we do not so.'

ylt@Judges:13:16 @And the messenger of Jehovah saith unto Manoah, 'If thou detain me -- I do not eat of thy bread; and if thou prepare a burnt-offering -- to Jehovah thou dost offer it;' for Manoah hath not known that He [is] a messenger of Jehovah.

ylt@Judges:14:12 @And Samson saith to them, 'Let me, I pray you, put forth to you a riddle; if ye certainly declare it to me [in] the seven days of the banquet, and have found [it] out, then I have given to you thirty linen shirts, and thirty changes of garments;

ylt@Judges:14:13 @and if ye are not able to declare [it] to me, then ye have given to me thirty linen shirts, and thirty changes of garments.' And they say to him, 'Put forth thy riddle, and we hear it!'

ylt@Judges:16:17 @that he declareth to her all his heart, and saith to her, 'A razor hath not gone up on my head, for a Nazarite to God I [am] from the womb of my mother; if I have been shaven, then hath my power turned aside from me, and I have been weak, and have been as any of the human race.'

ylt@Judges:21:21 @and have seen, and lo, if the daughters of Shiloh come out to dance in dances -- then ye have gone out from the vineyards, and caught for you each his wife out of the daughters of Shiloh, and gone to the land of Benjamin;

ylt@Ruth:3:13 @Lodge to night, and it hath been in the morning, if he doth redeem thee, well: he redeemeth; and if he delight not to redeem thee, then I have redeemed thee -- I; Jehovah liveth! lie down till the morning.'

ylt@Ruth:4:4 @and I said, I uncover thine ear, saying, Buy before the inhabitants, and before the elders of my people; if thou dost redeem -- redeem, and if none doth redeem -- declare to me, and I know, for there is none save thee to redeem, and I after thee.' And he saith, I redeem [it].'

ylt@1Samuel:1:11 @and voweth a vow, and saith, 'Jehovah of Hosts, if Thou dost certainly look on the affliction of Thy handmaid, and hast remembered me, and dost not forget Thy handmaid, and hast given to Thy handmaid seed of men -- then I have given him to Jehovah all days of his life, and a razor doth not go up upon his head.'

ylt@1Samuel:2:16 @and the man saith unto him, 'Let them surely make a perfume (as to-day) with the fat, then take to thee as thy soul desireth;' and he hath said to him, 'Surely now thou dost give; and if not -- I have taken by strength.'

ylt@1Samuel:2:25 @If a man sin against a man, then hath God judged him; but if against Jehovah a man sin, who doth pray for him?' and they hearken not to the voice of their father, though Jehovah hath delighted to put them to death.

ylt@1Samuel:3:9 @And Eli saith to Samuel, 'Go, lie down, and it hath been, if He doth call unto thee, that thou hast said, Speak, Jehovah, for Thy servant is hearing;' and Samuel goeth and lieth down in his place.

ylt@1Samuel:3:10 @And Jehovah cometh, and stationeth Himself, and calleth as time by time, 'Samuel, Samuel;' and Samuel saith, 'Speak, for Thy servant if hearing.'

ylt@1Samuel:3:17 @And he saith, 'What [is] the word which He hath spoken unto thee? I pray thee, hide it not from me; so doth God do to thee, and so doth He add, if thou hidest from me a word of all the words that He hath spoken unto thee.'

ylt@1Samuel:6:9 @and ye have seen, if the way of its own border it goeth up to Beth-Shemesh -- He hath done to us this great evil; and if not, then we have known that His hand hath not come against us; an accident it hath been to us.'

ylt@1Samuel:11:3 @And the elders of Jabesh say to him, 'Let us alone seven days, and we send messengers into all the border of Israel: and if there is none saving us -- then we have come out unto thee.'

ylt@1Samuel:12:15 @'And if ye do not hearken to the voice of Jehovah -- then ye have provoked the mouth of Jehovah, and the hand of Jehovah hath been against you, and against your fathers.

ylt@1Samuel:12:25 @and if ye really do evil, both ye and your king are consumed.'

ylt@1Samuel:14:10 @and if thus they say, 'Come up against us,' then we have gone up, for Jehovah hath given them into our hand, and this to us [is] the sign.

ylt@1Samuel:14:30 @How much more if the people had well eaten to-day of the spoil of its enemies which it hath found, for now, the smiting hath not been great among the Philistines.'

ylt@1Samuel:14:39 @for, Jehovah liveth, who is saving Israel: surely if it be in Jonathan my son, surely he doth certainly die;' and none is answering him out of all the people.

ylt@1Samuel:14:45 @And the people say unto Saul, 'Doth Jonathan die who wrought this great salvation in Israel? -- a profanation! Jehovah liveth, if there falleth from the hair of his head to the earth, for with God he hath wrought this day;' and the people rescue Jonathan, and he hath not died.

ylt@1Samuel:15:17 @And Samuel saith, 'Art not thou, if thou [art] little in thine own eyes, head of the tribes of Israel? and Jehovah doth anoint thee for king over Israel,

ylt@1Samuel:17:9 @if he be able to fight with me, and have smitten me, then we have been to you for servants; and if I am able for him, and have smitten him, then ye have been to us for servants, and have served us.'

ylt@1Samuel:20:7 @If thus he say: Good; peace [is] for thy servant; and if it be very displeasing to him -- know that the evil hath been determined by him;

ylt@1Samuel:20:8 @and thou hast done kindness, to thy servant, for into a covenant of Jehovah thou hast brought thy servant with thee; -- and if there is in me iniquity, put thou me to death; and unto thy father, why is this -- thou dost bring me in?'

ylt@1Samuel:20:21 @...Go, find the arrows. If I...[are] on this side of thee -- take them, -- then come thou, for peace [is] for thee, and there is nothing; Jehovah liveth.

ylt@1Samuel:20:22 @And if thus I say to the young man, Lo, the arrows [are] beyond thee, -- go, for Jehovah hath sent thee away;

ylt@1Samuel:20:29 @and he saith, Send me away, I pray thee, for a family sacrifice we have in the city, and my brother himself hath given command to me, and now, if I have found grace in thine eyes, let me go away, I pray thee, and see my brethren; therefore he hath not come unto the table of the king.'

ylt@1Samuel:21:4 @And the priest answereth David, and saith, 'There is no common bread under my hand, but there is holy bread; if the youths have been kept only from women.'

ylt@1Samuel:21:5 @And David answereth the priest, and saith to him, 'Surely, if women have been restrained from us as heretofore in my going out, then the vessels of the young men are holy, and it [is] a common way: and also, surely to-day it is sanctified in the vessel.'

ylt@1Samuel:21:9 @And the priest saith, 'The sword of Goliath the Philistine, whom thou didst smite in the valley of Elah, lo, it is wrapt in a garment behind the ephod, if it thou dost take to thyself, take; for there is none other save it in this [place].' And David saith, 'There is none like it -- give it to me.'

ylt@1Samuel:23:23 @And see and know of all the hiding-places where he hideth himself, and ye have turned back unto me prepared, and I have gone with you, and it hath been, if he is in the land, that I have searched him out through all the thousands of Judah.'

ylt@1Samuel:25:22 @thus doth God do to the enemies of David, and thus He doth add, if I leave of all that he hath till the light of the morning -- of those sitting on the wall.'

ylt@1Samuel:26:19 @And, now, let, I pray thee, my lord the king hear the words of his servant: if Jehovah hath moved thee against me, let Him accept a present; and if the sons of men -- cursed [are] they before Jehovah, for they have cast me out to-day from being admitted into the inheritance of Jehovah, saying, Go, serve other gods.

ylt@2Samuel:10:11 @And he saith, 'If Aram be stronger than I, then thou hast been to me for salvation, and if the Bene-Ammon be stronger than thou, then I have come to give salvation to thee;

ylt@2Samuel:11:11 @And Uriah saith unto David, 'The ark, and Israel, and Judah, are abiding in booths, and my lord Joab, and the servants of my lord, on the face of the field are encamping; and I -- I go in unto my house to eat and to drink, and to lie with my wife! -- thy life, and the life of thy soul -- if I do this thing.'

ylt@2Samuel:11:20 @then, it hath been, if the king's fury ascend, and he hath said to thee, Wherefore did ye draw nigh unto the city to fight? did ye not know that they shoot from off the wall?

ylt@2Samuel:12:8 @and I give to thee the house of thy lord, and the wives of thy lord, into thy bosom, and I give to thee the house of Israel and of Judah; and if little, then I add to thee such and such [things].

ylt@2Samuel:14:11 @And she saith, 'Let, I pray thee, the king remember by Jehovah thy God, that the redeemer of blood add not to destroy, and they destroy not my son;' and he saith, 'Jehovah liveth; if there doth fall of the hair of thy son to the earth.'

ylt@2Samuel:14:32 @And Absalom saith unto Joab, 'Lo, I sent unto thee, saying, Come hither, and I send thee unto the king to say, Why have I come in from Geshur? -- good for me while I [am] there -- and now, let me see the king's face, and if there is in me iniquity then thou hast put me to death.'

ylt@2Samuel:15:8 @...Geshur, in Aram, saying, If Jehovah...

ylt@2Samuel:15:21 @And Ittai answereth the king and saith, 'Jehovah liveth, and my lord the king liveth, surely in the place where my lord the king is -- if for death, if for life, surely there is thy servant.'

ylt@2Samuel:15:25 @And the king saith to Zadok, 'Take back the ark of God to the city; if I find grace in the eyes of Jehovah, then He hath brought me back, and shewn me it and His habitation;

ylt@2Samuel:15:26 @and if thus He say, I have not delighted in thee; here [am] I, He doth to me as [is] good in His eyes.'

ylt@2Samuel:15:34 @and if to the city thou dost turn back, and hast said to Absalom, Thy servant I am, O king; servant of thy father I [am] also hitherto, and now, I [am] also thy servant; then thou hast made void for me the counsel of Ahithophel;

ylt@2Samuel:17:6 @And Hushai cometh in unto Absalom, and Absalom speaketh unto him, saying, 'According to this word hath Ahithophel spoken; do we do his word? if not, thou -- speak thou.'

ylt@2Samuel:17:13 @And if unto a city he is gathered, then they have caused all Israel to bear unto that city ropes, and we have drawn it unto the brook till that there hath not been found there even a stone.'

ylt@2Samuel:18:3 @And the people say, 'Thou dost not go out, for if we utterly flee, they do not set [their] heart upon us; and if half of us die, they do not set [their] heart unto us -- for now like us [are] ten thousand; and now, better that thou be to us from the city for an helper.'

ylt@2Samuel:19:6 @to love thine enemies, and to hate those loving thee, for thou hast declared to-day that thou hast no princes and servants, for I have known to-day that if Absalom [were] alive, and all of us to-day dead, that then it were right in thine eyes.

ylt@2Samuel:19:13 @And to Amasa say ye, Art not thou my bone and my flesh? Thus doth God do to me, and thus He doth add, if thou art not head of the host before me all the days instead of Joab.'

ylt@1Kings:1:52 @And Solomon saith, 'If he becometh a virtuous man -- there doth not fall of his hair to the earth, and if evil is found in him -- then he hath died.'

ylt@1Kings:2:4 @...spake unto me, saying, If thy...

ylt@1Kings:3:14 @and if thou dost walk in My ways to keep My statutes, and My commands, as David thy father walked, then I have prolonged thy days.'

ylt@1Kings:6:12 @'This house that thou art building -- if thou dost walk in My statutes, and My judgments dost do, yea, hast done all My commands, to walk in them, then I have established My word with thee, which I spake unto David thy father,

ylt@1Kings:8:25 @'And now, Jehovah, God of Israel, keep for Thy servant David my father that which Thou spakest to him, saying, There is not cut off to thee a man from before Me, sitting on the throne of Israel -- only, if thy sons watch their way, to walk before Me as thou hast walked before Me.

ylt@1Kings:9:4 @'And thou -- if thou dost walk before Me as David thy father walked, in simplicity of heart, and in uprightness, to do according to all that I have commanded thee -- My statutes and My judgments thou dost keep --

ylt@1Kings:11:38 @and it hath been, if thou dost hear all that I command thee, and hast walked in My ways, and done that which is right in Mine eyes, to keep My statutes and My commands, as did David My servant, that I have been with thee, and have built for thee a stedfast house, as I built for David, and have given to thee Israel,

ylt@1Kings:18:5 @and Ahab saith unto Obadiah, 'Go through the land, unto all fountains of waters, and unto all the brooks, if so be we find hay, and keep alive horse and mule, and do not cut off any of the cattle.'

ylt@1Kings:18:10 @Jehovah thy God liveth, if there is a nation and kingdom whither my lord hath not sent to seek thee; and they said, He is not, then he caused the kingdom and the nation to swear, that it doth not find thee;

ylt@1Kings:18:21 @and Elijah cometh nigh unto all the people, and saith, 'Till when are ye leaping on the two branches? -- if Jehovah [is] God, go after Him; and if Baal, go after him;' and the people have not answered him a word.

ylt@1Kings:20:10 @And Ben-Hadad sendeth unto him, and saith, 'Thus do the gods to me, and thus do they add, if the dust of Samaria suffice for handfuls for all the people who [are] at my feet.'

ylt@1Kings:20:18 @And he saith, 'If for peace they have come out -- catch them alive; and if for battle they have come out -- alive catch them.'

ylt@1Kings:20:39 @And it cometh to pass -- the king is passing by -- that he hath cried unto the king, and saith, 'Thy servant went out into the midst of the battle, and lo, a man hath turned aside and bringeth in unto me a man, and saith, Keep this man; if he be at all missing, then hath thy life been for his life, or a talent of silver thou dost weigh out;

ylt@1Kings:21:2 @and Ahab speaketh unto Naboth, saying, 'Give to me thy vineyard, and it is to me for a garden of green herbs, for it [is] near by my house, and I give to thee in its stead a better vineyard than it; if good in thine eyes, I give to thee silver -- its price.'

ylt@1Kings:21:6 @And he saith unto her, 'Because I speak unto Naboth the Jezreelite, and say to him, Give to me thy vineyard for money, or if thou desire, I give to thee a vineyard in its stead; and he saith, I do not give to thee my vineyard.'

ylt@2Kings:1:2 @and Ahaziah falleth through the lattice in his upper chamber that [is] in Samaria, and is sick, and sendeth messengers, and saith unto them, 'Go ye, inquire of Baal-Zebub god of Ekron if I recover from this sickness.'

ylt@2Kings:1:10 @And Elijah answereth and speaketh unto the head of the fifty, 'And if I [am] a man of God, fire doth come down from the heavens, and consume thee and thy fifty;' and fire cometh down from the heavens, and consumeth him and his fifty.

ylt@2Kings:2:2 @and Elijah saith unto Elisha, 'Abide, I pray thee, here, for Jehovah hath sent me unto Beth-El;' and Elisha saith, 'Jehovah liveth, and thy soul liveth, if I leave thee;' and they go down to Beth-El.

ylt@2Kings:2:4 @And Elijah saith to him, 'Elisha, abide, I pray thee, here, for Jehovah hath sent me to Jericho;' and he saith, 'Jehovah liveth, and thy soul liveth, if I leave thee;' and they come in to Jericho.

ylt@2Kings:2:6 @And Elijah saith to him, 'Abide, I pray thee, here, for Jehovah hath sent me to the Jordan;' and he saith, 'Jehovah liveth, and thy soul liveth, if I leave thee;' and they go on both of them,

ylt@2Kings:2:10 @and he saith, 'Thou hast asked a hard thing; if thou dost see me taken from thee, it is to thee so; and if not, it is not.'

ylt@2Kings:4:30 @And the mother of the youth saith, 'Jehovah liveth, and thy soul liveth -- if I leave thee;' and he riseth and goeth after her.

ylt@2Kings:5:16 @And he saith, 'Jehovah liveth, before whom I have stood -- if I take [it];' and he presseth on him to take, and he refuseth.

ylt@2Kings:5:20 @And Gehazi, servant of Elisha the man of God, saith, 'Lo, my lord hath spared Naaman this Aramaean, not to receive from his hand that which he brought; Jehovah liveth; surely if I have run after him, then I have taken from him something.'

ylt@2Kings:6:31 @And he saith, 'Thus doth God do to me, and thus He doth add -- if it remain -- the head of Elisha son of Shaphat -- upon him this day.'

ylt@2Kings:7:4 @if we have said, We go in to the city, then the famine [is] in the city, and we have died there; and if we have sat here, then we have died; and now, come and we fall unto the camp of Aram; if they keep us alive, we live, and if they put us to death -- we have died.'

ylt@2Kings:18:23 @'And, now, give a pledge for thee, I pray thee, to my lord the king of Asshur, and I give to thee two thousand horses, if thou art able to give for thee riders on them.

ylt@2Kings:20:19 @And Hezekiah saith unto Isaiah, 'Good [is] the word of Jehovah that thou hast spoken;' and he saith, 'Is it not -- if peace and truth are in my days?'

ylt@2Kings:21:8 @and I do not add to cause the foot of Israel to move from the ground that I gave to their fathers, only, if they observe to do according to all that I commanded them, and to all the law that My servant Moses commanded them.'

ylt@1Chronicles:12:17 @and David goeth out before them, and answereth and saith to them, 'If for peace ye have come in unto me, to help me, I have a heart to unite with you; and if to betray me to mine adversaries -- without violence in my hands -- the God of our fathers doth see and reprove.'

ylt@1Chronicles:19:12 @And he saith, 'If Aram be stronger than I, then thou hast been to me for salvation; and if the sons of Ammon be stronger than thou, then I have saved thee;

ylt@1Chronicles:22:13 @then thou dost prosper, if thou dost observe to do the statutes and the judgments that Jehovah charged Moses with concerning Israel; be strong and courageous; do not fear, nor be cast down.

ylt@1Chronicles:28:7 @and I have established his kingdom to the age, if he is strong to do My commands, and My judgments, as at this day.

ylt@1Chronicles:28:9 @'And thou, Solomon, my son, know the God of thy father, and serve Him with a perfect heart, and with a willing mind, for all hearts is Jehovah seeking, and every imagination of the thoughts He is understanding; if thou dost seek Him, He is found of thee, and if thou dost forsake Him, He casteth thee off for ever.

ylt@2Chronicles:6:16 @'And now, O Jehovah, God of Israel, keep for Thy servant David my father that which Thou didst speak to him, saying, There is not cut off to thee a man from before Me, sitting on the throne of Israel, only, if thy sons watch their way to walk in My law, as thou hast walked before Me.

ylt@2Chronicles:6:24 @'And if Thy people Israel is smitten before an enemy, because they sin against Thee, and they have turned back and confessed Thy name, and prayed and made supplication before Thee in this house --

ylt@2Chronicles:7:13 @If I restrain the heavens and there is no rain, and if I lay charge on the locust to consume the land, and if I send pestilence among My people --

ylt@2Chronicles:7:17 @'And thou, if thou dost walk before Me as David thy father walked, even to do according to all that I have commanded thee, and My statutes and My judgments dost keep --

ylt@2Chronicles:7:19 @and if ye turn back -- ye -- and have forsaken My statutes, and My commands, that I have placed before you, and have gone and served other gods, and bowed yourselves to them -- then I have plucked them from off My ground that I have given to them,

ylt@2Chronicles:15:2 @and he goeth out before Asa, and saith to him, 'Hear, me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin; Jehovah [is] with you -- in your being with Him, and if ye seek Him, He is found of you, and if ye forsake Him, He forsaketh you;

ylt@2Chronicles:25:8 @but if thou art going -- do [it], be strong for battle, God doth cause thee to stumble before an enemy, for there is power in God to help, and to cause to stumble.'

ylt@2Chronicles:30:9 @for in your turning back unto Jehovah, your brethren and your sons have mercies before their captors, even to return to this land, for gracious and merciful [is] Jehovah your God, and He doth not turn aside the face from you, if ye turn back unto Him.'

ylt@2Chronicles:33:8 @and I add not to turn aside the foot of Israel from off the ground that I appointed to your fathers, only, if they watch to do all that I have commanded them -- to all the law, and the statutes, and the ordinances by the hand of Moses.'

ylt@Ezra:4:13 @'Now, be it known to the king, that if this city be builded, and the walls finished, toll, tribute, and custom they do not give; and at length [to] the kings it doth cause loss.

ylt@Ezra:4:16 @We are making known to the king that, if this city be builded and the walls finished, by this means a portion beyond the river thou hast none.'

ylt@Ezra:5:17 @'And now, if to the king it be good, let search be made in the treasure-house of the king, that [is] there in Babylon, whether it be that of Cyrus the king there was made a decree to build this house of God in Jerusalem, and the will of the king concerning this thing he doth send unto us.'

ylt@Nehemiah:1:9 @and ye have turned back unto Me, and kept My commands, and done them -- if your outcast is in the end of the heavens, thence I gather them, and have brought them in unto the place that I have chosen to cause My name to tabernacle there.

ylt@Nehemiah:2:5 @and say to the king, 'If to the king [it be] good, and if thy servant be pleasing before thee, that thou send me unto Judah, unto the city of the graves of my fathers, and I built it.'

ylt@Nehemiah:4:3 @And Tobiah the Ammonite [is] by him and saith, 'Also, that which they are building -- if a fox doth go up, then it hath broken down their stone wall.'

ylt@Nehemiah:13:21 @and I testify against them, and say unto them, 'Wherefore are ye lodging over-against the wall? if ye repeat [it], a hand I put forth upon you;' from that time they have not come in on the sabbath.

ylt@Esther:4:14 @but if thou keep entirely silent at this time, respite and deliverance remaineth to the Jews from another place, and thou and the house of thy fathers are destroyed; and who knoweth whether for a time like this thou hast come to the kingdom?'

ylt@Esther:5:8 @if I have found grace in the eyes of the king, and if unto the king [it be] good, to give my petition, and to perform my request, the king doth come, and Haman, unto the banquet that I make for them, and to-morrow I do according to the word of the king.'

ylt@Esther:7:3 @And Esther the queen answereth and saith, 'If I have found grace in thine eyes, O king, and if to the king [it be] good, let my life be given to me at my petition, and my people at my request;

ylt@Esther:7:4 @for we have been sold, I and my people, to cut off, to slay, and to destroy; and if for men-servants and for maid-servants we had been sold I had kept silent -- but the adversity is not equal to the loss of the king.'

ylt@Esther:8:5 @and saith, 'If to the king [it be] good, and if I have found grace before him, and the thing hath been right before the king, and I [be] good in his eyes, let it be written to bring back the letters -- a device of Haman son of Hammedatha the Agagite -- that he wrote to destroy the Jews who [are] in all provinces of the king,

ylt@Job:1:11 @The work of his hands Thou hast blessed, and his substance hath spread in the land, and yet, put forth, I pray Thee, Thy hand, and strike against anything that he hath -- if not: to Thy face he doth bless Thee!'

ylt@Job:2:5 @Yet, put forth, I pray Thee, Thy hand, and strike unto his bone and unto his flesh -- if not: unto Thy face he doth bless Thee!'

ylt@Job:9:19 @If of power, lo, the Strong One; And if of judgment -- who doth convene me?

ylt@Job:9:24 @...its judges he covereth, If not...-- where, who [is] he?

ylt@Job:9:32 @But if a man like myself -- I answer him, We come together into judgment.

ylt@Job:13:8 @His face do ye accept, if for God ye strive?

ylt@Job:13:10 @He doth surely reprove you, if in secret ye accept faces.

ylt@Job:14:7 @For there is of a tree hope, if it be cut down, That again it doth change, That its tender branch doth not cease.

ylt@Job:16:4 @...like you, might speak, If your...

ylt@Job:17:16 @[To]...Sheol ye go down, If together...

ylt@Job:21:4 @I -- to man [is] my complaint? and if [so], wherefore May not my temper become short?

ylt@Job:21:6 @Yea, if I have remembered, then I have been troubled. And my flesh hath taken fright.

ylt@Job:24:25 @And if not now, who doth prove me a liar, And doth make of nothing my word?

ylt@Job:27:5 @Pollution to me -- if I justify you, Till I expire I turn not aside mine integrity from me.

ylt@Job:34:16 @And if [there is] understanding, hear this, Give ear to the voice of my words.

ylt@Job:34:32 @Besides [that which]...see, shew Thou me, If iniquity...-- I do not add?'

ylt@Job:36:8 @And if prisoners in fetters They are captured with cords of affliction,

ylt@Job:36:12 @And if they do not hearken, By the dart they pass away, And expire without knowledge.

ylt@Job:37:20 @...Him that I speak? If a...

ylt@Job:38:4 @Where wast thou when I founded earth? Declare, if thou hast known understanding.

ylt@Job:38:5 @Who placed its measures -- if thou knowest? Or who hath stretched out upon it a line?

ylt@Job:38:18 @Thou hast understanding, Even unto the broad places of earth! Declare -- if thou hast known it all.

ylt@Psalms:7:3 @...I have done this, If there...

ylt@Psalms:14:2 @Jehovah from the heavens Hath looked on the sons of men, To see if there is a wise one -- seeking God.

ylt@Psalms:41:6 @And if he came to see -- vanity he speaketh, His heart gathereth iniquity to itself, He goeth out -- at the street he speaketh.

ylt@Psalms:53:2 @God from the heavens looked on the sons of men, To see if there be an understanding one, [One] seeking God.

ylt@Psalms:59:15 @They --...they wander for food, If they...-- then they murmur.

ylt@Psalms:66:18 @Iniquity, if I have seen in my heart, The Lord doth not hear.

ylt@Psalms:81:8 @Hear, O My people, and I testify to thee, O Israel, if thou dost hearken to me:

ylt@Psalms:95:7 @For He [is] our God, and we the people of His pasture, And the flock of His hand, To-day, if to His voice ye hearken,

ylt@Psalms:127:1 @...builders laboured at it, If Jehovah...

ylt@Psalms:132:3 @...tent of my house, If I...

ylt@Psalms:137:6 @...do not remember thee, If I...

ylt@Psalms:139:24 @And see if a grievous way be in me, And lead me in a way age-during!

ylt@Proverbs:1:10 @My son, if sinners entice thee be not willing.

ylt@Proverbs:2:1 @My son, if thou dost accept my sayings, And my commands dost lay up with thee,

ylt@Proverbs:2:3 @For, if for intelligence thou callest, For understanding givest forth thy voice,

ylt@Proverbs:3:30 @...a man without cause, If he...

ylt@Proverbs:4:12 @In thy walking thy step is not straitened, And if thou runnest, thou stumblest not.

ylt@Proverbs:4:16 @...been taken violently away, If they...[some] to stumble.

ylt@Proverbs:6:1 @My son! if thou hast been surety for thy friend, Hast stricken for a stranger thy hand,

ylt@Proverbs:19:19 @A man of great wrath is bearing punishment, For, if thou dost deliver, yet again thou dost add.

ylt@Proverbs:23:2 @...knife to thy throat, If thou...[art] a man of appetite.

ylt@Proverbs:23:15 @My son, if thy heart hath been wise, My heart rejoiceth, even mine,

ylt@Proverbs:24:14 @So [is]...wisdom to thy soul, If thou...

ylt@Proverbs:25:21 @If he who is hating thee doth hunger, cause him to eat bread, And if he thirst, cause him to drink water.

ylt@Proverbs:30:32 @If thou hast been foolish in lifting up thyself, And if thou hast devised evil -- hand to mouth!

ylt@Ecclesiastes:4:10 @For if they fall, the one raiseth up his companion, but wo to the one who falleth and there is not a second to raise him up!

ylt@Ecclesiastes:4:11 @Also, if two lie down, then they have heat, but how hath one heat?

ylt@Ecclesiastes:4:12 @And if the one strengthen himself, the two stand against him; and the threefold cord is not hastily broken.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:11:3 @If the thick clouds are full of rain, On the earth they empty [themselves]; And if a tree doth fall in the south or to the north, The place where the tree falleth, there it is.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:11:8 @But, if man liveth many years, In all of them let him rejoice, And remember the days of darkness, For they are many! all that is coming [is] vanity.

ylt@Songs:5:8 @...you, daughters of Jerusalem, If ye...-- What do ye tell him? that I [am] sick with love!

ylt@Songs:7:12 @We lodge in the villages, we go early to the vineyards, We see if the vine hath flourished, The sweet smelling-flower hath opened. The pomegranates have blossomed, There do I give to thee my loves;

ylt@Songs:8:7 @...not wash it away. If one...-- they tread upon it.

ylt@Songs:8:9 @If she is a wall, we build by her a palace of silver. And if she is a door, We fashion by her board-work of cedar.

ylt@Isaiah:1:18 @...they shall be white, If they...

ylt@Isaiah:1:20 @And if ye refuse, and have rebelled, [By] the sword ye are consumed, For the mouth of Jehovah hath spoken.

ylt@Isaiah:7:9 @And the head of Ephraim [is] Samaria, And the head of Samaria [is]...the son of Remaliah. If ye...

ylt@Isaiah:8:20 @...and to the testimony! If not,...

ylt@Isaiah:21:12 @...morning, and also night, If ye...

ylt@Isaiah:28:25 @Hath he not, if he have made level its face, Then scattered fitches, and cummin sprinkle, And hath placed the principal wheat, And the appointed barley, And the rie [in] its own border?

ylt@Isaiah:36:8 @'And now, negotiate, I pray thee, with my lord the king of Asshur, and I give to thee two thousand horses, if thou art able to put for thee riders on them.

ylt@Isaiah:53:10 @...hath made him sick, If his...-- he prolongeth days, And the pleasure of Jehovah in his hand doth prosper.

ylt@Isaiah:58:9 @...He saith, 'Behold Me.' If thou...

ylt@Jeremiah:2:10 @For, pass to the isles of Chittim, and see, And to Kedar send, and consider well, And see if there hath been like this:

ylt@Jeremiah:2:28 @And where [are] thy gods, that thou hast made to thyself? Let them arise, if they may save thee, In the time of thy vexation, For -- the number of thy cities have been thy gods, O Judah,

ylt@Jeremiah:4:1 @If thou dost turn back, O Israel, An affirmation of Jehovah, unto Me turn back, And if thou dost turn aside Thine abominations from My face, Then thou dost not bemoan.

ylt@Jeremiah:5:1 @...ye find a man, If there...-- Then am I propitious to her.

ylt@Jeremiah:5:2 @And if they say, 'Jehovah liveth,' Surely to a falsehood they swear.

ylt@Jeremiah:7:5 @...ways and your doings, If ye...

ylt@Jeremiah:12:16 @...hath come to pass, If they...

ylt@Jeremiah:12:17 @And if they do not hearken, Then I have plucked up that nation, Plucking up and destroying, An affirmation of Jehovah!'

ylt@Jeremiah:13:17 @And if ye do not hear it, In secret places doth my soul weep, because of pride, Yea, it weepeth sore, And the tear cometh down mine eyes, For the flock of Jehovah hath been taken captive.

ylt@Jeremiah:14:18 @If I have gone forth to the field, Then, lo, the pierced of the sword! And if I have entered the city, Then, lo, the diseased of famine! For both prophet and priest have gone up and down Unto a land that they knew not.

ylt@Jeremiah:15:19 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah: If thou turnest back, then I bring thee back, Before Me thou dost stand, And if thou bringest out the precious from the vile, As My mouth thou art! They -- they turn back unto thee, And thou dost not turn back unto them.

ylt@Jeremiah:17:24 @And it hath been, if ye certainly hearken unto Me, An affirmation of Jehovah, So as not to bring in a burden By the gates of this city on the day of rest, And to sanctify the day of rest, So as not to do in it any work --

ylt@Jeremiah:17:27 @And if ye do not hearken unto me to sanctify the day of rest, And so as not to bear a burden, And to come in at the gates of Jerusalem on the day of rest, Then I have kindled a fire in its gates, And it hath consumed the high places of Jerusalem, And it is not quenched!'

ylt@Jeremiah:22:4 @For, if ye certainly do this thing, Then come in by the gates of this house Have kings sitting for David on his throne, Riding on chariot, and on horses, He, and his servants, and his people.

ylt@Jeremiah:22:5 @And if ye do not hear these words, By myself I have sworn -- an affirmation of Jehovah, That this house is for a desolation.

ylt@Jeremiah:22:6 @For thus said Jehovah, Concerning the house of the king of Judah: Gilead [art] thou to Me -- head of Lebanon, If not -- I make thee a wilderness, Cities not inhabited.

ylt@Jeremiah:23:22 @But -- if they stood in My counsel, Then they cause My people to hear My words, And they turn them back from their evil way, And from the evil of their doings.

ylt@Jeremiah:23:38 @And if the burden of Jehovah ye say, Therefore thus said Jehovah: Because of your saying this word, The burden of Jehovah, And I do send unto you, saying, Ye do not say, The burden of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:26:4 @...them: Thus said Jehovah, If ye...

ylt@Jeremiah:26:15 @Only, know ye certainly, that if ye are putting me to death, surely innocent blood ye are putting on yourselves, and on this city, and on its inhabitants; for truly hath Jehovah sent me unto you to speak in your ears all these words.'

ylt@Jeremiah:27:18 @'And, if they be prophets, and if a word of Jehovah be with them, let them intercede, I pray you, with Jehovah of Hosts, so that the vessels that are left in the house of Jehovah, and [in] the house of the king of Judah, and in Jerusalem, have not gone into Babylon.

ylt@Jeremiah:31:37 @Thus said Jehovah: If the heavens above be measured, And the foundations of earth below searched, Even I kick against all the seed of Israel, For all that they have done, An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:33:20 @'Thus said Jehovah: If ye do break My covenant of the day, And My covenant of the night, So that they are not daily and nightly in their season,

ylt@Jeremiah:33:25 @Thus said Jehovah: If My covenant [is] not daily and nightly, The statutes of heaven and earth I have not appointed --

ylt@Jeremiah:38:17 @...Hosts, God of Israel: If thou...

ylt@Jeremiah:38:18 @And if thou dost not go forth unto the heads of the king of Babylon, then hath this city been given into the hand of the Chaldeans, and they have burnt it with fire, and thou dost not escape from their hand.'

ylt@Jeremiah:38:21 @'And if thou art refusing to go forth, this [is] the thing that Jehovah hath shewn me:

ylt@Jeremiah:40:4 @'And now, lo, I have loosed thee to-day from the chains that [are] on thy hand; if good in thine eyes to come with me [to] Babylon, come, and I keep mine eye upon thee: and if evil in thine eyes to come with me to Babylon, forbear; see, all the land [is] before thee, whither [it be] good, and whither [it be] right in thine eyes to go -- go.' --

ylt@Jeremiah:42:5 @And they have said to Jeremiah, 'Jehovah is against us for a witness true and faithful, if -- according to all the word with which Jehovah thy God doth send thee unto us -- we do not so.

ylt@Jeremiah:42:13 @'And if ye are saying, We do not dwell in this land -- not to hearken to the voice of Jehovah your God,

ylt@Jeremiah:42:15 @...Hosts, God of Israel: If ye...

ylt@Jeremiah:49:9 @...do not leave gleanings, If thieves...

ylt@Jeremiah:51:8 @Suddenly hath Babylon fallen, Yea, it is broken, howl ye for it, Take balm for her pain, if so be it may be healed.

ylt@Lamentations:1:12 @[Is it]...Look attentively, and see, If there...

ylt@Lamentations:3:29 @He putteth in the dust his mouth, if so be there is hope.

ylt@Ezekiel:3:6 @...thou dost not understand. If I...-- they, they do hearken unto thee,

ylt@Ezekiel:20:39 @And ye, O house of Israel, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Each his idols -- go -- serve ye, And, afterwards, if ye are not hearkening to me, And My holy name ye do not pollute any more by your gifts, and by your idols.

ylt@Ezekiel:21:13 @Because [it is] a trier, And what if even the sceptre it is despising? It shall not be, an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:34:8 @I live --...of the Lord Jehovah, If not,...

ylt@Ezekiel:35:6 @Therefore, I live --...blood doth pursue thee, If blood...

ylt@Daniel:2:5 @The king hath answered and said to the Chaldeans, 'The thing from me is gone; if ye do not cause me to know the dream and its interpretation, pieces ye are made, and your houses are made dunghills;

ylt@Daniel:2:6 @and if the dream and its interpretation ye do shew, gifts, and fee, and great glory ye receive from before me, therefore the dream and its interpretation shew ye me.'

ylt@Daniel:2:9 @[so] that, if the dream ye do not cause me to know -- one is your sentence, seeing a word lying and corrupt ye have prepared to speak before me, till that the time is changed, therefore the dream tell ye to me, then do I know that its interpretation ye do shew me.'

ylt@Hosea:8:7 @For wind they sow, and a hurricane they reap, Stalk it hath none --...shoot not yielding grain, If so...-- strangers do swallow it up.

ylt@Joel:2:8 @...way they go on, If by...

ylt@Joel:3:4 @And also, what [are] ye to Me, O Tyre and Zidon, And all circuits of Philistia? Recompence are ye rendering unto Me? And if ye are giving recompence to Me, Swiftly, hastily, I turn back your recompence on your head.

ylt@Amos:3:3 @Do two walk together if they have not met?

ylt@Amos:3:4 @...voice from his habitation, If he...

ylt@Amos:6:9 @And if there are left ten persons in one house, It hath come to pass -- that they have died.

ylt@Amos:9:2 @If they dig through into sheol, From thence doth My hand take them, And if they go up the heavens, From thence I cause them to come down.

ylt@Amos:9:3 @And if they be hid in the top of Carmel, From thence I search out, and have taken them, And if they be hid from Mine eyes in the bottom of the sea, From thence I command the serpent, And it hath bitten them.

ylt@Amos:9:4 @And if they go into captivity before their enemies, From thence I command the sword, And it hath slain them, And I have set Mine eye on them for evil, And not for good.

ylt@Obadiah:1:4 @If thou dost go up high as an eagle, And if between stars thou dost set thy nest, From thence I bring thee down, An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Obadiah:1:5 @...not steal their sufficiency? If gatherers...

ylt@Micah:5:8 @Yea, the remnant of Jacob hath been among nations, In the midst of many peoples, As a lion among beasts of a forest, As a young lion among ranks of a flock, Which if it hath passed through, Hath both trodden down and hath torn, And there is no deliverer.

ylt@Nahum:3:12 @All thy fortresses [are] fig-trees with first-fruits, If they are shaken, They have fallen into the mouth of the eater.

ylt@Habakkuk:2:3 @For yet the vision [is]...and doth not lie, If it...

ylt@Zechariah:3:7 @...said Jehovah of Hosts: If in...

ylt@Zechariah:6:15 @And the far-off come in, and they have built in the temple of Jehovah, and ye have known that Jehovah of Hosts hath sent me unto you, yea, it hath come to pass, if ye do certainly hearken to the voice of Jehovah your God.'

ylt@Zechariah:11:12 @And I say unto them: 'If good in your eyes, give my hire, and if not, forbear;' and they weigh out my hire -- thirty silverlings.

ylt@Zechariah:14:18 @And if the family of Egypt go not up, nor come in, Then not on them is the plague With which Jehovah doth plague the nations That go not up to celebrate the feast of booths.

ylt@Malachi:1:6 @A son honoureth a father, and a servant his master. And if I [am] a father, where [is] Mine honour? And if I [am] a master, where [is] My fear? Said Jehovah of Hosts to you, O priests, despising My name! And ye have said: 'In what have we despised Thy name?'

ylt@Malachi:2:2 @If ye hearken not, and if ye lay [it] not to heart, To give honour to My name, said Jehovah of Hosts, I have sent against you the curse, And I have cursed your blessings, Yea, I have also cursed it, Because ye are not laying [it] to heart.

ylt@Matthew:4:9 @and saith to him, 'All these to thee I will give, if falling down thou mayest bow to me.'

ylt@Matthew:5:13 @'Ye are the salt of the land, but if the salt may lose savour, in what shall it be salted? for nothing is it good henceforth, except to be cast without, and to be trodden down by men.

ylt@Matthew:5:20 @'For I say to you, that if your righteousness may not abound above that of the scribes and Pharisees, ye may not enter to the reign of the heavens.

ylt@Matthew:5:29 @'But, if thy right eye doth cause thee to stumble, pluck it out and cast from thee, for it is good to thee that one of thy members may perish, and not thy whole body be cast to gehenna.

ylt@Matthew:5:30 @'And, if thy right hand doth cause thee to stumble, cut it off, and cast from thee, for it is good to thee that one of thy members may perish, and not thy whole body be cast to gehenna.

ylt@Matthew:5:46 @'For, if ye may love those loving you, what reward have ye? do not also the tax-gatherers the same?

ylt@Matthew:5:47 @and if ye may salute your brethren only, what do ye abundant? do not also the tax-gatherers so?

ylt@Matthew:6:1 @'Take heed your kindness not to do before men, to be seen by them, and if not -- reward ye have not from your Father who [is] in the heavens;

ylt@Matthew:6:14 @'For, if ye may forgive men their trespasses He also will forgive you -- your Father who [is] in the heavens;

ylt@Matthew:6:15 @but if ye may not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

ylt@Matthew:6:23 @but if thine eye may be evil, all thy body shall be dark; if, therefore, the light that [is] in thee is darkness -- the darkness, how great!

ylt@Matthew:6:30 @'And if the herb of the field, that to-day is, and to-morrow is cast to the furnace, God doth so clothe -- not much more you, O ye of little faith?

ylt@Matthew:7:9 @'Or what man is of you, of whom, if his son may ask a loaf -- a stone will he present to him?

ylt@Matthew:7:10 @and if a fish he may ask -- a serpent will he present to him?

ylt@Matthew:8:2 @and lo, a leper having come, was bowing to him, saying, 'Sir, if thou art willing, thou art able to cleanse me;'

ylt@Matthew:9:17 @'Nor do they put new wine into old skins, and if not -- the skins burst, and the wine doth run out, and the skins are destroyed, but they put new wine into new skins, and both are preserved together.'

ylt@Matthew:10:13 @and if indeed the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it; and if it be not worthy, let your peace turn back to you.

ylt@Matthew:10:25 @sufficient to the disciple that he may be as his teacher, and the servant as his lord; if the master of the house they did call Beelzeboul, how much more those of his household?

ylt@Matthew:11:14 @and if ye are willing to receive [it], he is Elijah who was about to come;

ylt@Matthew:11:21 @'Wo to thee, Chorazin! wo to thee, Bethsaida! because, if in Tyre and Sidon had been done the mighty works that were done in you, long ago in sackcloth and ashes they had reformed;

ylt@Matthew:11:23 @'And thou, Capernaum, which unto the heaven wast exalted, unto hades shalt be brought down, because if in Sodom had been done the mighty works that were done in thee, it had remained unto this day;

ylt@Matthew:12:7 @and if ye had known what is: Kindness I will, and not sacrifice -- ye had not condemned the blameless,

ylt@Matthew:12:11 @And he said to them, 'What man shall be of you, who shall have one sheep, and if this may fall on the sabbaths into a ditch, will not lay hold on it and raise [it]?

ylt@Matthew:12:26 @and if the Adversary doth cast out the Adversary, against himself he was divided, how then doth his kingdom stand?

ylt@Matthew:12:27 @'And if I, by Beelzeboul, do cast out the demons, your sons -- by whom do they cast out? because of this they -- they shall be your judges.

ylt@Matthew:12:28 @'But if I, by the Spirit of God, do cast out the demons, then come already unto you did the reign of God.

ylt@Matthew:12:29 @'Or how is one able to go into the house of the strong man, and to plunder his goods, if first he may not bind the strong man? and then his house he will plunder.

ylt@Matthew:14:28 @And Peter answering him said, 'Sir, if it is thou, bid me come to thee upon the waters;'

ylt@Matthew:15:14 @let them alone, guides they are -- blind of blind; and if blind may guide blind, both into a ditch shall fall.'

ylt@Matthew:16:26 @for what is a man profited if he may gain the whole world, but of his life suffer loss? or what shall a man give as an exchange for his life?

ylt@Matthew:17:4 @And Peter answering said to Jesus, 'Sir, it is good to us to be here; if thou wilt, we may make here three booths -- for thee one, and for Moses one, and one for Elijah.'

ylt@Matthew:17:20 @And Jesus said to them, 'Through your want of faith; for verily I say to you, if ye may have faith as a grain of mustard, ye shall say to this mount, Remove hence to yonder place, and it shall remove, and nothing shall be impossible to you,

ylt@Matthew:18:3 @and said, 'Verily I say to you, if ye may not be turned and become as the children, ye may not enter into the reign of the heavens;

ylt@Matthew:18:8 @'And if thy hand or thy foot doth cause thee to stumble, cut them off and cast from thee; it is good for thee to enter into the life lame or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet, to be cast to the fire the age-during.

ylt@Matthew:18:9 @'And if thine eye doth cause thee to stumble, pluck it out and cast from thee; it is good for thee one-eyed to enter into the life, rather than having two eyes to be cast to the gehenna of the fire.

ylt@Matthew:18:12 @'What think ye? if a man may have an hundred sheep, and there may go astray one of them, doth he not -- having left the ninety-nine, having gone on the mountains -- seek that which is gone astray?

ylt@Matthew:18:13 @and if it may come to pass that he doth find it, verily I say to you, that he doth rejoice over it more than over the ninety-nine that have not gone astray;

ylt@Matthew:18:15 @'And if thy brother may sin against thee, go and show him his fault between thee and him alone, if he may hear thee, thou didst gain thy brother;

ylt@Matthew:18:16 @and if he may not hear, take with thee yet one or two, that by the mouth of two witnesses or three every word may stand.

ylt@Matthew:18:17 @'And if he may not hear them, say [it] to the assembly, and if also the assembly he may not hear, let him be to thee as the heathen man and the tax-gatherer.

ylt@Matthew:18:19 @'Again, I say to you, that, if two of you may agree on the earth concerning anything, whatever they may ask -- it shall be done to them from my Father who is in the heavens,

ylt@Matthew:18:35 @so also my heavenly Father will do to you, if ye may not forgive each one his brother from your hearts their trespasses.'

ylt@Matthew:19:9 @'And I say to you, that, whoever may put away his wife, if not for whoredom, and may marry another, doth commit adultery; and he who did marry her that hath been put away, doth commit adultery.'

ylt@Matthew:19:17 @And he said to him, 'Why me dost thou call good? no one [is] good except One -- God; but if thou dost will to enter into the life, keep the commands.'

ylt@Matthew:21:3 @and if any one may say anything to you, ye shall say, that the lord hath need of them, and immediately he will send them.'

ylt@Matthew:21:21 @...I say to you, If ye...-tree shall ye do, but even if to this mount ye may say, Be lifted up and be cast into the sea, it shall come to pass;

ylt@Matthew:21:24 @And Jesus answering said to them, 'I will ask you -- I also -- one word, which if ye may tell me, I also will tell you by what authority I do these things;

ylt@Matthew:21:26 @and if we should say, From men, we fear the multitude, for all hold John as a prophet.'

ylt@Matthew:22:24 @'Teacher, Moses said, If any one may die not having children, his brother shall marry his wife, and shall raise up seed to his brother.

ylt@Matthew:23:30 @and say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.

ylt@Matthew:24:22 @And if those days were not shortened, no flesh would have been saved; but because of the chosen, shall those days be shortened.

ylt@Matthew:24:23 @'Then if any one may say to you, Lo, here [is] the Christ! or here! ye may not believe;

ylt@Matthew:24:24 @for there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and they shall give great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, also the chosen.

ylt@Matthew:24:43 @and this know, that if the master of the house had known in what watch the thief doth come, he had watched, and not suffered his house to be broken through;

ylt@Matthew:24:48 @'And, if that evil servant may say in his heart, My Lord doth delay to come,

ylt@Matthew:26:24 @the Son of Man doth indeed go, as it hath been written concerning him, but wo to that man through whom the Son of Man is delivered up! good it were for him if that man had not been born.'

ylt@Matthew:26:33 @And Peter answering said to him, 'Even if all shall be stumbled at thee, I will never be stumbled.'

ylt@Matthew:26:35 @Peter saith to him, 'Even if it may be necessary for me to die with thee, I will not deny thee;' in like manner also said all the disciples.

ylt@Matthew:26:39 @And having gone forward a little, he fell on his face, praying, and saying, 'My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou.'

ylt@Matthew:26:42 @Again, a second time, having gone away, he prayed, saying, 'My Father, if this cup cannot pass away from me except I drink it, Thy will be done;'

ylt@Matthew:26:63 @and Jesus was silent. And the chief priest answering said to him, 'I adjure thee, by the living God, that thou mayest say to us, if thou art the Christ -- the Son of God.'

ylt@Matthew:27:40 @and saying, 'Thou that art throwing down the sanctuary, and in three days building [it], save thyself; if Son thou art of God, come down from the cross.'

ylt@Matthew:27:42 @...not able to save! If he...

ylt@Matthew:27:43 @he hath trusted on God, let Him now deliver him, if He wish him, because he said -- Son of God I am;'

ylt@Matthew:27:49 @but the rest said, 'Let alone, let us see if Elijah doth come -- about to save him.'

ylt@Matthew:28:14 @and if this be heard by the governor, we will persuade him, and you keep free from anxiety.'

ylt@Mark:2:21 @'And no one a patch of undressed cloth doth sew on an old garment, and if not -- the new filling it up doth take from the old and the rent doth become worse;

ylt@Mark:2:22 @and no one doth put new wine into old skins, and if not -- the new wine doth burst the skins, and the wine is poured out, and the skins will be destroyed; but new wine into new skins is to be put.'

ylt@Mark:3:24 @and if a kingdom against itself be divided, that kingdom cannot be made to stand;

ylt@Mark:3:25 @and if a house against itself be divided, that house cannot be made to stand;

ylt@Mark:3:26 @and if the Adversary did rise against himself, and hath been divided, he cannot be made to stand, but hath an end.

ylt@Mark:3:27 @'No one is able the vessels of the strong man -- having entered into his house -- to spoil, if first he may not bind the strong man, and then his house he will spoil.

ylt@Mark:4:26 @And he said, 'Thus is the reign of God: as if a man may cast the seed on the earth,

ylt@Mark:6:56 @and wherever he was going, to villages, or cities, or fields, in the market-places they were laying the infirm, and were calling upon him, that they may touch if it were but the fringe of his garment, and as many as were touching him were saved.

ylt@Mark:7:3 @for the Pharisees, and all the Jews, if they do not wash the hands to the wrist, do not eat, holding the tradition of the elders,

ylt@Mark:7:4 @and, [coming] from the market-place, if they do not baptize themselves, they do not eat; and many other things there are that they received to hold, baptisms of cups, and pots, and brazen vessels, and couches.

ylt@Mark:7:11 @and ye say, If a man may say to father or to mother, Korban (that is, a gift), [is] whatever thou mayest be profited out of mine,

ylt@Mark:8:3 @and if I shall let them away fasting to their home, they will faint in the way, for certain of them are come from far.'

ylt@Mark:8:23 @and having taken the hand of the blind man, he led him forth without the village, and having spit on his eyes, having put [his] hands on him, he was questioning him if he doth behold anything:

ylt@Mark:8:36 @for what shall it profit a man, if he may gain the whole world, and forfeit his life?

ylt@Mark:9:22 @and many times also it cast him into fire, and into water, that it might destroy him; but if thou art able to do anything, help us, having compassion on us.'

ylt@Mark:9:42 @and whoever may cause to stumble one of the little ones believing in me, better is it for him if a millstone is hanged about his neck, and he hath been cast into the sea.

ylt@Mark:9:43 @'And if thy hand may cause thee to stumble, cut it off; it is better for thee maimed to enter into the life, than having the two hands, to go away to the gehenna, to the fire -- the unquenchable --

ylt@Mark:9:45 @'And if thy foot may cause thee to stumble, cut it off; it is better for thee to enter into the life lame, than having the two feet to be cast to the gehenna, to the fire -- the unquenchable --

ylt@Mark:9:47 @And if thine eye may cause thee to stumble, cast it out; it is better for thee one-eyed to enter into the reign of God, than having two eyes, to be cast to the gehenna of the fire --

ylt@Mark:9:50 @The salt [is] good, but if the salt may become saltless, in what will ye season [it]? Have in yourselves salt, and have peace in one another.'

ylt@Mark:10:2 @And the Pharisees, having come near, questioned him, if it is lawful for a husband to put away a wife, tempting him,

ylt@Mark:10:12 @and if a woman may put away her husband, and is married to another, she committeth adultery.'

ylt@Mark:11:3 @and if any one may say to you, Why do ye this? say ye that the lord hath need of it, and immediately he will send it hither.'

ylt@Mark:11:13 @and having seen a fig-tree afar off having leaves, he came, if perhaps he shall find anything in it, and having come to it, he found nothing except leaves, for it was not a time of figs,

ylt@Mark:11:25 @'And whenever ye may stand praying, forgive, if ye have anything against any one, that your Father also who is in the heavens may forgive you your trespasses;

ylt@Mark:11:26 @and, if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in the heavens forgive your trespasses.'

ylt@Mark:11:32 @But if we may say, From men,' -- they were fearing the people, for all were holding John that he was indeed a prophet;

ylt@Mark:12:19 @'Teacher, Moses wrote to us, that if any one's brother may die, and may leave a wife, and may leave no children, that his brother may take his wife, and raise up seed to his brother.

ylt@Mark:13:20 @and if the Lord did not shorten the days, no flesh had been saved; but because of the chosen, whom He did choose to Himself, He did shorten the days.

ylt@Mark:13:21 @'And then, if any may say to you, Lo, here [is] the Christ, or, Lo, there, ye may not believe;

ylt@Mark:13:22 @for there shall rise false Christs and false prophets, and they shall give signs and wonders, to seduce, if possible, also the chosen;

ylt@Mark:14:21 @the Son of Man doth indeed go, as it hath been written concerning him, but wo to that man through whom the Son of Man is delivered up; good were it to him if that man had not been born.'

ylt@Mark:14:29 @And Peter said to him, 'And if all shall be stumbled, yet not I;'

ylt@Mark:14:35 @And having gone forward a little, he fell upon the earth, and was praying, that, if it be possible the hour may pass from him,

ylt@Mark:15:36 @and one having run, and having filled a spunge with vinegar, having put [it] also on a reed, was giving him to drink, saying, 'Let alone, let us see if Elijah doth come to take him down.'

ylt@Mark:15:44 @And Pilate wondered if he were already dead, and having called near the centurion, did question him if he were long dead,

ylt@Mark:16:18 @serpents they shall take up; and if any deadly thing they may drink, it shall not hurt them; on the ailing they shall lay hands, and they shall be well.'

ylt@Luke:3:22 @and the Holy Spirit came down in a bodily appearance, as if a dove, upon him, and a voice came out of heaven, saying, 'Thou art My Son -- the Beloved, in thee I did delight.'

ylt@Luke:4:7 @thou, then, if thou mayest bow before me -- all shall be thine.'

ylt@Luke:5:12 @And it came to pass, in his being in one of the cities, that lo, a man full of leprosy, and having seen Jesus, having fallen on [his] face, he besought him, saying, 'Sir, if thou mayest will, thou art able to cleanse me;'

ylt@Luke:5:36 @And he spake also a simile unto them -- 'No one a patch of new clothing doth put on old clothing, and if otherwise, the new also doth make a rent, and with the old the patch doth not agree, that [is] from the new.

ylt@Luke:5:37 @'And no one doth put new wine into old skins, and if otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins, and itself will be poured out, and the skins will be destroyed;

ylt@Luke:6:7 @and the scribes and the Pharisees were watching him, if on the sabbath he will heal, that they might find an accusation against him.

ylt@Luke:6:32 @and -- if ye love those loving you, what grace have ye? for also the sinful love those loving them;

ylt@Luke:6:33 @and if ye do good to those doing good to you, what grace have ye? for also the sinful do the same;

ylt@Luke:6:34 @and if ye lend [to those] of whom ye hope to receive back, what grace have ye? for also the sinful lend to sinners -- that they may receive again as much.

ylt@Luke:7:39 @And the Pharisee who did call him, having seen, spake within himself, saying, 'This one, if he were a prophet, would have known who and of what kind [is] the woman who doth touch him, that she is a sinner.'

ylt@Luke:10:6 @and if indeed there may be there the son of peace, rest on it shall your peace; and if not so, upon you it shall turn back.

ylt@Luke:10:13 @'Wo to thee, Chorazin; wo to thee, Bethsaida; for if in Tyre and Sidon had been done the mighty works that were done in you, long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes, they had reformed;

ylt@Luke:11:8 @'I say to you, even if he will not give to him, having risen, because of his being his friend, yet because of his importunity, having risen, he will give him as many as he doth need;

ylt@Luke:11:11 @'And of which of you -- the father -- if the son shall ask a loaf, a stone will he present to him? and if a fish, will he instead of a fish, a serpent present to him?

ylt@Luke:11:12 @and if he may ask an egg, will he present to him a scorpion?

ylt@Luke:11:18 @and if also the Adversary against himself was divided, how shall his kingdom be made to stand? for ye say, by Beelzeboul is my casting forth the demons.

ylt@Luke:11:19 @'But if I by Beelzeboul cast forth the demons -- your sons, by whom do they cast forth? because of this your judges they shall be;

ylt@Luke:11:20 @but if by the finger of God I cast forth the demons, then come unawares upon you did the reign of God.

ylt@Luke:12:28 @and if the herbage in the field, that to-day is, and to-morrow into an oven is cast, God doth so clothe, how much more you -- ye of little faith?

ylt@Luke:12:38 @and if he may come in the second watch, and in the third watch he may come, and may find [it] so, happy are those servants.

ylt@Luke:12:39 @'And this know, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief doth come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken through;

ylt@Luke:12:45 @'And if that servant may say in his heart, My lord doth delay to come, and may begin to beat the men-servants and the maid-servants, to eat also, and to drink, and to be drunken;

ylt@Luke:12:49 @'Fire I came to cast to the earth, and what will I if already it was kindled?

ylt@Luke:13:3 @No -- I say to you, but, if ye may not reform, all ye even so shall perish.

ylt@Luke:13:5 @No -- I say to you, but, if ye may not reform, all ye in like manner shall perish.'

ylt@Luke:13:9 @and if indeed it may bear fruit --; and if not so, thereafter thou shalt cut it off.'

ylt@Luke:14:31 @'Or what king going on to engage with another king in war, doth not, having sat down, first consult if he be able with ten thousand to meet him who with twenty thousand is coming against him?

ylt@Luke:14:32 @and if not so -- he being yet a long way off -- having sent an embassy, he doth ask the things for peace.

ylt@Luke:14:34 @'The salt [is] good, but if the salt doth become tasteless, with what shall it be seasoned?

ylt@Luke:15:8 @'Or what woman having ten drachms, if she may lose one drachm, doth not light a lamp, and sweep the house, and seek carefully till that she may find?

ylt@Luke:16:12 @and if in the other's ye became not faithful -- your own, who shall give to you?

ylt@Luke:16:30 @and he said, No, father Abraham, but if any one from the dead may go unto them, they will reform.

ylt@Luke:16:31 @...he said to him, If Moses...

ylt@Luke:17:2 @it is more profitable to him if a weighty millstone is put round about his neck, and he hath been cast into the sea, than that he may cause one of these little ones to stumble.

ylt@Luke:17:3 @'Take heed to yourselves, and, if thy brother may sin in regard to thee, rebuke him, and if he may reform, forgive him,

ylt@Luke:17:4 @and if seven times in the day he may sin against thee, and seven times in the day may turn back to thee, saying, I reform; thou shalt forgive him.'

ylt@Luke:18:4 @and he would not for a time, but after these things he said in himself, Even if God I do not fear, and man do not regard,

ylt@Luke:19:8 @And Zaccheus having stood, said unto the Lord, 'Lo, the half of my goods, sir, I give to the poor, and if of any one anything I did take by false accusation, I give back fourfold.'

ylt@Luke:19:31 @and if any one doth question you, Wherefore do ye loose [it]? thus ye shall say to him -- The Lord hath need of it.'

ylt@Luke:19:40 @and he answering said to them, 'I say to you, that, if these shall be silent, the stones will cry out!'

ylt@Luke:20:6 @and if we may say, From men, all the people will stone us, for they are having been persuaded John to be a prophet.'

ylt@Luke:20:28 @...Moses wrote to us, If any...-- that his brother may take the wife, and may raise up seed to his brother.

ylt@Luke:22:42 @saying, 'Father, if Thou be counselling to make this cup pass from me --; but, not my will, but Thine be done.' --

ylt@Luke:22:68 @and if I also question [you], ye will not answer me or send me away;

ylt@Luke:23:6 @And Pilate having heard of Galilee, questioned if the man is a Galilean,

ylt@Luke:23:31 @for, if in the green tree they do these things -- in the dry what may happen?'

ylt@Luke:23:35 @And the people were standing, looking on, and the rulers also were sneering with them, saying, 'Others he saved, let him save himself, if this be the Christ, the choice one of God.'

ylt@John:1:25 @and they questioned him and said to him, 'Why, then, dost thou baptize, if thou art not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the prophet?'

ylt@John:3:2 @this one came unto him by night, and said to him, 'Rabbi, we have known that from God thou hast come -- a teacher, for no one these signs is able to do that thou dost, if God may not be with him.'

ylt@John:3:3 @...I say to thee, If any...

ylt@John:3:5 @...I say to thee, If any...

ylt@John:3:12 @if the earthly things I said to you, and ye do not believe, how, if I shall say to you the heavenly things, will ye believe?

ylt@John:3:27 @John answered and said, 'A man is not able to receive anything, if it may not have been given him from the heaven;

ylt@John:5:19 @Jesus therefore responded and said to them, 'Verily, verily, I say to you, The Son is not able to do anything of himself, if he may not see the Father doing anything; for whatever things He may do, these also the Son in like manner doth;

ylt@John:5:43 @'I have come in the name of my Father, and ye do not receive me; if another may come in his own name, him ye will receive;

ylt@John:5:46 @for if ye were believing Moses, ye would have been believing me, for he wrote concerning me;

ylt@John:5:47 @but if his writings ye believe not, how shall ye believe my sayings?'

ylt@John:6:44 @no one is able to come unto me, if the Father who sent me may not draw him, and I will raise him up in the last day;

ylt@John:6:51 @'I am the living bread that came down out of the heaven; if any one may eat of this bread he shall live -- to the age; and the bread also that I will give is my flesh, that I will give for the life of the world.'

ylt@John:6:53 @...I say to you, If ye...

ylt@John:6:65 @and he said, 'Because of this I have said to you -- No one is able to come unto me, if it may not have been given him from my Father.'

ylt@John:7:4 @for no one in secret doth anything, and himself seeketh to be in public; if thou dost these things -- manifest thyself to the world;'

ylt@John:7:51 @'Doth our law judge the man, if it may not hear from him first, and know what he doth?'

ylt@John:8:14 @Jesus answered and said to them, 'And if I testify of myself -- my testimony is true, because I have known whence I came, and whither I go, and ye -- ye have not known whence I come, or whither I go.

ylt@John:8:16 @and even if I do judge my judgment is true, because I am not alone, but I and the Father who sent me;

ylt@John:8:19 @They said, therefore, to him, 'Where is thy father?' Jesus answered, 'Ye have neither known me nor my Father: if me ye had known, my Father also ye had known.'

ylt@John:8:24 @I said, therefore, to you, that ye shall die in your sins, for if ye may not believe that I am [he], ye shall die in your sins.'

ylt@John:8:46 @Who of you doth convict me of sin? and if I speak truth, wherefore do ye not believe me?

ylt@John:8:51 @...I say to you, If any...-- to the age.'

ylt@John:8:52 @...and thou dost say, If any...-- to the age!

ylt@John:8:55 @and ye have not known Him, and I have known Him, and if I say that I have not known Him, I shall be like you -- speaking falsely; but I have known Him, and His word I keep;

ylt@John:9:22 @These things said his parents, because they were afraid of the Jews, for already had the Jews agreed together, that if any one may confess him -- Christ, he may be put out of the synagogue;

ylt@John:9:31 @and we have known that God doth not hear sinners, but, if any one may be a worshipper of God, and may do His will, him He doth hear;

ylt@John:10:9 @I am the door, through me if any one may come in, he shall be saved, and he shall come in, and go out, and find pasture.

ylt@John:10:24 @the Jews, therefore, came round about him, and said to him, 'Till when our soul dost thou hold in suspense? if thou art the Christ, tell us freely.'

ylt@John:10:38 @and if I do, even if me ye may not believe, the works believe, that ye may know and may believe that in me [is] the Father, and I in Him.'

ylt@John:11:9 @Jesus answered, 'Are there not twelve hours in the day? if any one may walk in the day, he doth not stumble, because the light of this world he doth see;

ylt@John:11:10 @and if any one may walk in the night, he stumbleth, because the light is not in him.'

ylt@John:11:12 @therefore said his disciples, 'Sir, if he hath fallen asleep, he will be saved;'

ylt@John:11:21 @Martha, therefore, said unto Jesus, 'Sir, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died;

ylt@John:11:25 @Jesus said to her, 'I am the rising again, and the life; he who is believing in me, even if he may die, shall live;

ylt@John:11:32 @Mary, therefore, when she came where Jesus was, having seen him, fell at his feet, saying to him, 'Sir, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died;'

ylt@John:11:40 @Jesus saith to her, 'Said I not to thee, that if thou mayest believe, thou shalt see the glory of God?'

ylt@John:11:57 @and both the chief priests and the Pharisees had given a command, that if any one may know where he is, he may shew [it], so that they may seize him.

ylt@John:12:24 @verily, verily, I say to you, if the grain of the wheat, having fallen to the earth, may not die, itself remaineth alone; and if it may die, it doth bear much fruit;

ylt@John:12:26 @if any one may minister to me, let him follow me, and where I am, there also my ministrant shall be; and if any one may minister to me -- honour him will the Father.

ylt@John:12:32 @and I, if I may be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto myself.'

ylt@John:12:47 @and if any one may hear my sayings, and not believe, I -- I do not judge him, for I came not that I might judge the world, but that I might save the world.

ylt@John:13:17 @if these things ye have known, happy are ye, if ye may do them;

ylt@John:13:35 @in this shall all know that ye are my disciples, if ye may have love one to another.'

ylt@John:14:2 @in the house of my Father are many mansions; and if not, I would have told you; I go on to prepare a place for you;

ylt@John:14:3 @and if I go on and prepare for you a place, again do I come, and will receive you unto myself, that where I am ye also may be;

ylt@John:14:6 @Jesus saith to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one doth come unto the Father, if not through me;

ylt@John:14:11 @believe me, that I [am] in the Father, and the Father in me; and if not, because of the works themselves, believe me.

ylt@John:14:28 @ye heard that I said to you -- I go away, and I come unto you; if ye did love me, ye would have rejoiced that I said -- I go on to the Father, because my Father is greater than I.

ylt@John:15:4 @remain in me, and I in you, as the branch is not able to bear fruit of itself, if it may not remain in the vine, so neither ye, if ye may not remain in me.

ylt@John:15:14 @ye are my friends, if ye may do whatever I command you;

ylt@John:15:20 @'Remember the word that I said to you, A servant is not greater than his lord; if me they did persecute, you also they will persecute; if my word they did keep, yours also they will keep;

ylt@John:16:7 @'But I tell you the truth; it is better for you that I go away, for if I may not go away, the Comforter will not come unto you, and if I go on, I will send Him unto you;

ylt@John:18:23 @Jesus answered him, 'If I spake ill, testify concerning the ill; and if well, why me dost thou smite?'

ylt@John:18:36 @Jesus answered, 'My kingdom is not of this world; if my kingdom were of this world, my officers had struggled that I might not be delivered up to Jews; but now my kingdom is not from hence.'

ylt@John:19:11 @Jesus answered, 'Thou wouldst have no authority against me, if it were not having been given thee from above; because of this, he who is delivering me up to thee hath greater sin.'

ylt@John:20:15 @Jesus saith to her, 'Woman, why dost thou weep? whom dost thou seek;' she, supposing that he is the gardener, saith to him, 'Sir, if thou didst carry him away, tell me where thou didst lay him, and I will take him away;'

ylt@John:20:23 @if of any ye may loose the sins, they are loosed to them; if of any ye may retain, they have been retained.'

ylt@John:21:25 @And there are also many other things -- as many as Jesus did -- which, if they may be written one by one, not even the world itself I think to have place for the books written. Amen.

ylt@Acts:3:12 @and Peter having seen, answered unto the people, 'Men, Israelites! why wonder ye at this? or on us why look ye so earnestly, as if by our own power or piety we have made him to walk?

ylt@Acts:5:8 @and Peter answered her, 'Tell me if for so much ye sold the place;' and she said, 'Yes, for so much.'

ylt@Acts:5:38 @and now I say to you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone, because if this counsel or this work may be of men, it will be overthrown,

ylt@Acts:5:39 @and if it be of God, ye are not able to overthrow it, lest perhaps also ye be found fighting against God.'

ylt@Acts:8:22 @reform, therefore, from this thy wickedness, and beseech God, if then the purpose of thy heart may be forgiven thee,

ylt@Acts:8:31 @and he said, 'Why, how am I able, if some one may not guide me?' he called Philip also, having come up, to sit with him.

ylt@Acts:9:2 @did ask from him letters to Damascus, unto the synagogues, that if he may find any being of the way, both men and women, he may bring them bound to Jerusalem.

ylt@Acts:10:18 @and having called, they were asking if Simon, who is surnamed Peter, doth lodge here?

ylt@Acts:13:15 @and after the reading of the law and of the prophets, the chief men of the synagogue sent unto them, saying, 'Men, brethren, if there be a word in you of exhortation unto the people -- say on.'

ylt@Acts:17:27 @to seek the Lord, if perhaps they did feel after Him and find, -- though, indeed, He is not far from each one of us,

ylt@Acts:18:15 @but if it is a question concerning words and names, and of your law, look ye yourselves [to it], for a judge of these things I do not wish to be,'

ylt@Acts:19:39 @'And if ye seek after anything concerning other matters, in the legal assembly it shall be determined;

ylt@Acts:20:16 @for Paul decided to sail past Ephesus, that there may not be to him a loss of time in Asia, for he hasted, if it were possible for him, on the day of the Pentecost to be at Jerusalem.

ylt@Acts:23:9 @And there came a great cry, and the scribes of the Pharisees' part having arisen, were striving, saying, 'No evil do we find in this man; and if a spirit spake to him, or a messenger, we may not fight against God;'

ylt@Acts:24:19 @whom it behoveth to be present before thee, and to accuse, if they had anything against me,

ylt@Acts:24:20 @or let these same say if they found any unrighteousness in me in my standing before the sanhedrim,

ylt@Acts:25:5 @'Therefore those able among you -- saith he -- having come down together, if there be anything in this man -- let them accuse him;'

ylt@Acts:25:11 @for if indeed I am unrighteous, and anything worthy of death have done, I deprecate not to die; and if there is none of the things of which these accuse me, no one is able to make a favour of me to them; to Caesar I appeal!'

ylt@Acts:25:20 @...question concerning this, said, If he...--

ylt@Acts:26:8 @why is it judged incredible with you, if God doth raise the dead?

ylt@Acts:26:32 @and Agrippa said to Festus, 'This man might have been released if he had not appealed to Caesar.'

ylt@Acts:27:12 @and the haven being incommodious to winter in, the more part gave counsel to sail thence also, if by any means they might be able, having attained to Phenice, [there] to winter, [which is] a haven of Crete, looking to the south-west and north-west,

ylt@Acts:27:39 @And when the day came, they were not discerning the land, but a certain creek were perceiving having a beach, into which they took counsel, if possible, to thrust forward the ship,

ylt@Romans:1:10 @always in my prayers beseeching, if by any means now at length I shall have a prosperous journey, by the will of God, to come unto you,

ylt@Romans:2:25 @For circumcision, indeed, doth profit, if law thou mayest practise, but if a transgressor of law thou mayest be, thy circumcision hath become uncircumcision.

ylt@Romans:3:3 @for what, if certain were faithless? shall their faithlessness the faithfulness of god make useless?

ylt@Romans:3:5 @And, if our unrighteousness God's righteousness doth establish, what shall we say? is God unrighteous who is inflicting the wrath? (after the manner of a man I speak)

ylt@Romans:3:7 @for if the truth of God in my falsehood did more abound to His glory, why yet am I also as a sinner judged?

ylt@Romans:4:2 @for if Abraham by works was declared righteous, he hath to boast -- but not before god;

ylt@Romans:4:14 @for if they who are of law [are] heirs, the faith hath been made void, and the promise hath been made useless;

ylt@Romans:5:15 @But, not as the offence so also [is] the free gift; for if by the offence of the one the many did die, much more did the grace of God, and the free gift in grace of the one man Jesus Christ, abound to the many;

ylt@Romans:5:17 @for if by the offence of the one the death did reign through the one, much more those, who the abundance of the grace and of the free gift of the righteousness are receiving, in life shall reign through the one -- Jesus Christ.

ylt@Romans:6:5 @For, if we have become planted together to the likeness of his death, [so] also we shall be of the rising again;

ylt@Romans:6:8 @And if we died with Christ, we believe that we also shall live with him,

ylt@Romans:7:2 @for the married woman to the living husband hath been bound by law, and if the husband may die, she hath been free from the law of the husband;

ylt@Romans:7:3 @so, then, the husband being alive, an adulteress she shall be called if she may become another man's; and if the husband may die, she is free from the law, so as not to be an adulteress, having become another man's.

ylt@Romans:7:7 @What, then, shall we say? the law [is] sin? let it not be! but the sin I did not know except through law, for also the covetousness I had not known if the law had not said:

ylt@Romans:7:16 @And if what I do not will, this I do, I consent to the law that [it is] good,

ylt@Romans:7:20 @And if what I do not will, this I do, it is no longer I that work it, but the sin that is dwelling in me.

ylt@Romans:8:9 @And ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God doth dwell in you; and if any one hath not the Spirit of Christ -- this one is not His;

ylt@Romans:8:10 @and if Christ [is] in you, the body, indeed, [is] dead because of sin, and the Spirit [is] life because of righteousness,

ylt@Romans:8:11 @and if the Spirit of Him who did raise up Jesus out of the dead doth dwell in you, He who did raise up the Christ out of the dead shall quicken also your dying bodies, through His Spirit dwelling in you.

ylt@Romans:8:13 @for if according to the flesh ye do live, ye are about to die; and if, by the Spirit, the deeds of the body ye put to death, ye shall live;

ylt@Romans:8:17 @and if children, also heirs, heirs, indeed, of God, and heirs together of Christ -- if, indeed, we suffer together, that we may also be glorified together.

ylt@Romans:8:25 @and if what we do not behold we hope for, through continuance we expect [it].

ylt@Romans:8:31 @What, then, shall we say unto these things? if God [is] for us, who [is] against us?

ylt@Romans:9:22 @And if God, willing to shew the wrath and to make known His power, did endure, in much long suffering, vessels of wrath fitted for destruction,

ylt@Romans:10:9 @that if thou mayest confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and mayest believe in thy heart that God did raise him out of the dead, thou shalt be saved,

ylt@Romans:10:15 @and how shall they preach, if they may not be sent? according as it hath been written, 'How beautiful the feet of those proclaiming good tidings of peace, of those proclaiming good tidings of the good things!'

ylt@Romans:11:6 @and if by grace, no more of works, otherwise the grace becometh no more grace; and if of works, it is no more grace, otherwise the work is no more work.

ylt@Romans:11:12 @and if the fall of them [is] the riches of a world, and the diminution of them the riches of nations, how much more the fulness of them?

ylt@Romans:11:15 @for if the casting away of them [is] a reconciliation of the world, what the reception -- if not life out of the dead?

ylt@Romans:11:16 @and if the first-fruit [is] holy, the lump also; and if the root [is] holy, the branches also.

ylt@Romans:11:17 @And if certain of the branches were broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wast graffed in among them, and a fellow-partaker of the root and of the fatness of the olive tree didst become --

ylt@Romans:11:18 @do not boast against the branches; and if thou dost boast, thou dost not bear the root, but the root thee!

ylt@Romans:11:21 @for if God the natural branches did not spare -- lest perhaps He also shall not spare thee.

ylt@Romans:11:22 @Lo, then, goodness and severity of God -- upon those indeed who fell, severity; and upon thee, goodness, if thou mayest remain in the goodness, otherwise, thou also shalt be cut off.

ylt@Romans:11:23 @And those also, if they may not remain in unbelief, shall be graffed in, for God is able again to graff them in;

ylt@Romans:11:24 @for if thou, out of the olive tree, wild by nature, wast cut out, and, contrary to nature, wast graffed into a good olive tree, how much rather shall they, who [are] according to nature, be graffed into their own olive tree?

ylt@Romans:12:20 @I will recompense again, saith the Lord;' if, then, thine enemy doth hunger, feed him; if he doth thirst, give him drink; for this doing, coals of fire thou shalt heap upon his head;

ylt@Romans:13:4 @for of God it is a ministrant to thee for good; and if that which is evil thou mayest do, be fearing, for not in vain doth it bear the sword; for of God it is a ministrant, an avenger for wrath to him who is doing that which is evil.

ylt@Romans:13:9 @for, 'Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false testimony, Thou shalt not covet;' and if there is any other command, in this word it is summed up, in this: 'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself;'

ylt@Romans:14:8 @for both, if we may live, to the Lord we live; if also we may die, to the Lord we die; both then if we may live, also if we may die, we are the Lord's;

ylt@Romans:14:15 @and if through victuals thy brother is grieved, no more dost thou walk according to love; do not with thy victuals destroy that one for whom Christ died.

ylt@Romans:14:23 @and he who is making a difference, if he may eat, hath been condemned, because [it is] not of faith; and all that [is] not of faith is sin.

ylt@Romans:15:24 @when I may go on to Spain I will come unto you, for I hope in going through, to see you, and by you to be set forward thither, if of you first, in part, I shall be filled.

ylt@Romans:15:27 @for it pleased well, and their debtors they are, for if in their spiritual things the nations did participate, they ought also, in the fleshly things, to minister to them.

ylt@1Corinthians:1:16 @and I did baptize also Stephanas' household -- further, I have not known if I did baptize any other.

ylt@1Corinthians:2:8 @which no one of the rulers of this age did know, for if they had known, the Lord of the glory they would not have crucified;

ylt@1Corinthians:3:12 @and if any one doth build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw --

ylt@1Corinthians:3:18 @Let no one deceive himself; if any one doth seem to be wise among you in this age -- let him become a fool, that he may become wise,

ylt@1Corinthians:4:7 @for who doth make thee to differ? and what hast thou, that thou didst not receive? and if thou didst also receive, why dost thou glory as not having received?

ylt@1Corinthians:4:15 @for if a myriad of child-conductors ye may have in Christ, yet not many fathers; for in Christ Jesus, through the good news, I -- I did beget you;

ylt@1Corinthians:4:18 @And as if I were not coming unto you certain were puffed up;

ylt@1Corinthians:4:19 @but I will come quickly unto you, if the Lord may will, and I will know not the word of those puffed up, but the power;

ylt@1Corinthians:5:11 @and now, I did write to you not to keep company with [him], if any one, being named a brother, may be a whoremonger, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner -- with such a one not even to eat together;

ylt@1Corinthians:6:2 @have ye not known that the saints shall judge the world? and if by you the world is judged, are ye unworthy of the smaller judgments?

ylt@1Corinthians:6:4 @of the things of life, indeed, then, if ye may have judgment, those despised in the assembly -- these cause ye to sit;

ylt@1Corinthians:7:8 @And I say to the unmarried and to the widows: it is good for them if they may remain even as I [am];

ylt@1Corinthians:7:9 @and if they have not continence -- let them marry, for it is better to marry than to burn;

ylt@1Corinthians:7:11 @but and if she may separate, let her remain unmarried, or to the husband let her be reconciled, and let not a husband send away a wife.

ylt@1Corinthians:7:12 @And to the rest I speak -- not the Lord -- if any brother hath a wife unbelieving, and she is pleased to dwell with him, let him not send her away;

ylt@1Corinthians:7:15 @And, if the unbelieving doth separate himself -- let him separate himself: the brother or the sister is not under servitude in such [cases], and in peace hath God called us;

ylt@1Corinthians:7:21 @a servant -- wast thou called? be not anxious; but if also thou art able to become free -- use [it] rather;

ylt@1Corinthians:7:28 @But and if thou mayest marry, thou didst not sin; and if the virgin may marry, she did not sin; and such shall have tribulation in the flesh: and I spare you.

ylt@1Corinthians:7:36 @and if any one doth think [it] to be unseemly to his virgin, if she may be beyond the bloom of age, and it ought so to be, what he willeth let him do; he doth not sin -- let him marry.

ylt@1Corinthians:7:39 @A wife hath been bound by law as long time as her husband may live, and if her husband may sleep, she is free to be married to whom she will -- only in the Lord;

ylt@1Corinthians:7:40 @and she is happier if she may so remain -- according to my judgment; and I think I also have the Spirit of God.

ylt@1Corinthians:8:2 @and if any one doth think to know anything, he hath not yet known anything according as it behoveth [him] to know;

ylt@1Corinthians:8:3 @and if any one doth love God, this one hath been known by Him.

ylt@1Corinthians:8:5 @for even if there are those called gods, whether in heaven, whether upon earth -- as there are gods many and lords many --

ylt@1Corinthians:8:8 @But victuals do not commend us to God, for neither if we may eat are we in advance; nor if we may not eat, are we behind;

ylt@1Corinthians:8:10 @for if any one may see thee that hast knowledge in an idol's temple reclining at meat -- shall not his conscience -- he being infirm -- be emboldened to eat the things sacrificed to idols,

ylt@1Corinthians:8:13 @wherefore, if victuals cause my brother to stumble, I may eat no flesh -- to the age -- that my brother I may not cause to stumble.

ylt@1Corinthians:9:11 @If we to you the spiritual things did sow -- great [is it] if we your fleshly things do reap?

ylt@1Corinthians:9:16 @for if I may proclaim good news, it is no glorying for me, for necessity is laid upon me, and wo is to me if I may not proclaim good news;

ylt@1Corinthians:9:17 @for if willing I do this, I have a reward; and if unwillingly -- with a stewardship I have been entrusted!

ylt@1Corinthians:10:27 @and if any one of the unbelieving do call you, and ye wish to go, all that is set before you eat, nothing inquiring, because of the conscience;

ylt@1Corinthians:10:28 @and if any one may say to you, 'This is a thing sacrificed to an idol,' -- do not eat, because of that one who shewed [it], and of the conscience, for the Lord's [is] the earth and its fulness:

ylt@1Corinthians:10:30 @and if I thankfully do partake, why am I evil spoken of, for that for which I give thanks?

ylt@1Corinthians:11:6 @for if a woman is not covered -- then let her be shorn, and if [it is] a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven -- let her be covered;

ylt@1Corinthians:11:14 @doth not even nature itself teach you, that if a man indeed have long hair, a dishonour it is to him?

ylt@1Corinthians:11:15 @and a woman, if she have long hair, a glory it is to her, because the hair instead of a covering hath been given to her;

ylt@1Corinthians:11:16 @and if any one doth think to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the assemblies of God.

ylt@1Corinthians:11:31 @for if ourselves we were discerning, we would not be being judged,

ylt@1Corinthians:11:34 @and if any one is hungry, at home let him eat, that to judgment ye may not come together; and the rest, whenever I may come, I shall arrange.

ylt@1Corinthians:12:16 @and if the ear may say, 'Because I am not an eye, I am not of the body;' it is not, because of this, not of the body?

ylt@1Corinthians:12:17 @If the whole body [were] an eye, where the hearing? if the whole hearing, where the smelling?

ylt@1Corinthians:12:19 @and if all were one member, where the body?

ylt@1Corinthians:13:2 @and if I have prophecy, and know all the secrets, and all the knowledge, and if I have all the faith, so as to remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing;

ylt@1Corinthians:13:3 @and if I give away to feed others all my goods, and if I give up my body that I may be burned, and have not love, I am profited nothing.

ylt@1Corinthians:14:6 @And now, brethren, if I may come unto you speaking tongues, what shall I profit you, except I shall speak to you either in revelation, or in knowledge, or in prophesying, or in teaching?

ylt@1Corinthians:14:7 @yet the things without life giving sound -- whether pipe or harp -- if a difference in the sounds they may not give, how shall be known that which is piped or that which is harped?

ylt@1Corinthians:14:8 @for if also an uncertain sound a trumpet may give, who shall prepare himself for battle?

ylt@1Corinthians:14:9 @so also ye, if through the tongue, speech easily understood ye may not give -- how shall that which is spoken be known? for ye shall be speaking to air.

ylt@1Corinthians:14:14 @for if I pray in an [unknown] tongue, my spirit doth pray, and my understanding is unfruitful.

ylt@1Corinthians:14:16 @since, if thou mayest bless with the spirit, he who is filling the place of the unlearned, how shall he say the Amen at thy giving of thanks, since what thou dost say he hath not known?

ylt@1Corinthians:14:24 @and if all may prophecy, and any one may come in, an unbeliever or unlearned, he is convicted by all, he is discerned by all,

ylt@1Corinthians:14:28 @and if there may be no interpreter, let him be silent in an assembly, and to himself let him speak, and to God.

ylt@1Corinthians:14:30 @and if to another sitting [anything] may be revealed, let the first be silent;

ylt@1Corinthians:14:35 @and if they wish to learn anything, at home their own husbands let them question, for it is a shame to women to speak in an assembly.

ylt@1Corinthians:14:38 @and if any one is ignorant -- let him be ignorant;

ylt@1Corinthians:15:2 @through which also ye are being saved, in what words I proclaimed good news to you, if ye hold fast, except ye did believe in vain,

ylt@1Corinthians:15:12 @And if Christ is preached, that out of the dead he hath risen, how say certain among you, that there is no rising again of dead persons?

ylt@1Corinthians:15:13 @and if there be no rising again of dead persons, neither hath Christ risen;

ylt@1Corinthians:15:14 @and if Christ hath not risen, then void [is] our preaching, and void also your faith,

ylt@1Corinthians:15:15 @and we also are found false witnesses of God, because we did testify of God that He raised up the Christ, whom He did not raise if then dead persons do not rise;

ylt@1Corinthians:15:16 @for if dead persons do not rise, neither hath Christ risen,

ylt@1Corinthians:15:17 @and if Christ hath not risen, vain is your faith, ye are yet in your sins;

ylt@1Corinthians:15:29 @Seeing what shall they do who are baptized for the dead, if the dead do not rise at all? why also are they baptized for the dead?

ylt@1Corinthians:15:32 @if after the manner of a man with wild beasts I fought in Ephesus, what the advantage to me if the dead do not rise? let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die!

ylt@1Corinthians:16:4 @and if it be meet for me also to go, with me they shall go.

ylt@1Corinthians:16:7 @for I do not wish to see you now in the passing, but I hope to remain a certain time with you, if the Lord may permit;

ylt@1Corinthians:16:10 @And if Timotheus may come, see that he may become without fear with you, for the work of the Lord he doth work, even as I,

ylt@2Corinthians:2:2 @for if I make you sorry, then who is he who is making me glad, except he who is made sorry by me?

ylt@2Corinthians:2:5 @And if any one hath caused sorrow, he hath not caused sorrow to me, but in part, that I may not burden you all;

ylt@2Corinthians:2:10 @And to whom ye forgive anything -- I also; for I also, if I have forgiven anything, to whom I have forgiven [it], because of you -- in the person of Christ -- [I forgive it,]

ylt@2Corinthians:3:7 @and if the ministration of the death, in letters, engraved in stones, came in glory, so that the sons of Israel were not able to look stedfastly to the face of Moses, because of the glory of his face -- which was being made useless,

ylt@2Corinthians:3:9 @for if the ministration of the condemnation [is] glory, much more doth the ministration of the righteousness abound in glory;

ylt@2Corinthians:3:11 @for if that which is being made useless [is] through glory, much more that which is remaining [is] in glory.

ylt@2Corinthians:4:3 @and if also our good news is vailed, in those perishing it is vailed,

ylt@2Corinthians:4:16 @wherefore, we faint not, but if also our outward man doth decay, yet the inward is renewed day by day;

ylt@2Corinthians:5:1 @For we have known that if our earthly house of the tabernacle may be thrown down, a building from God we have, an house not made with hands -- age-during -- in the heavens,

ylt@2Corinthians:5:14 @for the love of the Christ doth constrain us, having judged thus: that if one for all died, then the whole died,

ylt@2Corinthians:5:16 @So that we henceforth have known no one according to the flesh, and even if we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know him no more;

ylt@2Corinthians:5:17 @so that if any one [is] in Christ -- [he is] a new creature; the old things did pass away, lo, become new have the all things.

ylt@2Corinthians:5:20 @in behalf of Christ, then, we are ambassadors, as if God were calling through us, we beseech, in behalf of Christ, 'Be ye reconciled to God;'

ylt@2Corinthians:7:8 @because even if I made you sorry in the letter, I do not repent -- if even I did repent -- for I perceive that the letter, even if for an hour, did make you sorry.

ylt@2Corinthians:7:14 @because if anything to him in your behalf I have boasted, I was not put to shame; but as all things in truth we did speak to you, so also our boasting before Titus became truth,

ylt@2Corinthians:8:12 @for if the willing mind is present, according to that which any one may have it is well-accepted, not according to that which he hath not;

ylt@2Corinthians:9:4 @lest if Macedonians may come with me, and find you unprepared, we -- we may be put to shame (that we say not -- ye) in this same confidence of boasting.

ylt@2Corinthians:10:7 @The things in presence do ye see? if any one hath trusted in himself to be Christ's, this let him reckon again from himself, that according as he is Christ's, so also we [are] Christ's;

ylt@2Corinthians:10:8 @for even if also anything more abundantly I shall boast concerning our authority, that the Lord gave us for building up, and not for casting you down, I shall not be ashamed;

ylt@2Corinthians:10:9 @that I may not seem as if I would terrify you through the letters,

ylt@2Corinthians:11:6 @and even if unlearned in word -- yet not in knowledge, but in every thing we were made manifest in all things to you.

ylt@2Corinthians:11:15 @no great thing, then, if also his ministrants do transform themselves as ministrants of righteousness -- whose end shall be according to their works.

ylt@2Corinthians:11:16 @Again I say, may no one think me to be a fool; and if otherwise, even as a fool receive me, that I also a little may boast.

ylt@2Corinthians:11:20 @for ye bear, if any one is bringing you under bondage, if any one doth devour, if any one doth take away, if any one doth exalt himself, if any one on the face doth smite you;

ylt@2Corinthians:12:6 @for if I may wish to boast, I shall not be a fool, for truth I will say; but I forebear, lest any one in regard to me may think anything above what he doth see me, or doth hear anything of me;

ylt@2Corinthians:12:11 @I have become a fool -- boasting; ye -- ye did compel me; for I ought by you to have been commended, for in nothing was I behind the very chiefest apostles -- even if I am nothing.

ylt@2Corinthians:13:2 @I have said before, and I say [it] before, as being present, the second time, and being absent, now, do I write to those having sinned before, and to all the rest, that if I come again, I will not spare,

ylt@2Corinthians:13:4 @for even if he was crucified from infirmity, yet he doth live from the power of God; for we also are weak in him, but we shall live with him from the power of God toward you.

ylt@2Corinthians:13:5 @Your ownselves try ye, if ye are in the faith; your ownselves prove ye; do ye not know your ownselves, that Jesus Christ is in you, if ye be not in some respect disapproved of?

ylt@Galatians:1:8 @but even if we or a messenger out of heaven may proclaim good news to you different from what we did proclaim to you -- anathema let him be!

ylt@Galatians:1:9 @...and now say again, If any...-- anathema let him be!

ylt@Galatians:1:10 @for now men do I persuade, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if yet men I did please -- Christ's servant I should not be.

ylt@Galatians:2:16 @having known also that a man is not declared righteous by works of law, if not through the faith of Jesus Christ, also we in Christ Jesus did believe, that we might be declared righteous by the faith of Christ, and not by works of law, wherefore declared righteous by works of law shall be no flesh.'

ylt@Galatians:2:18 @for if the things I threw down, these again I build up, a transgressor I set myself forth;

ylt@Galatians:2:21 @I do not make void the grace of God, for if righteousness [be] through law -- then Christ died in vain.

ylt@Galatians:3:18 @for if by law [be] the inheritance, [it is] no more by promise, but to Abraham through promise did God grant [it].

ylt@Galatians:3:21 @the law, then, [is] against the promises of God? -- let it not be! for if a law was given that was able to make alive, truly by law there would have been the righteousness,

ylt@Galatians:3:29 @and if ye [are] of Christ then of Abraham ye are seed, and according to promise -- heirs.

ylt@Galatians:4:7 @so that thou art no more a servant, but a son, and if a son, also an heir of God through Christ.

ylt@Galatians:4:15 @what then was your happiness? for I testify to you, that if possible, your eyes having plucked out, ye would have given to me;

ylt@Galatians:5:2 @lo, I Paul do say to you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing;

ylt@Galatians:5:11 @And I, brethren, if uncircumcision I yet preach, why yet am I persecuted? then hath the stumbling-block of the cross been done away;

ylt@Galatians:5:15 @and if one another ye do bite and devour, see -- that ye may not by one another be consumed.

ylt@Galatians:5:18 @and if by the Spirit ye are led, ye are not under law.

ylt@Galatians:6:1 @Brethren, if a man also may be overtaken in any trespass, ye who [are] spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of meekness, considering thyself -- lest thou also may be tempted;

ylt@Galatians:6:3 @for if any one doth think [himself] to be something -- being nothing -- himself he doth deceive;

ylt@Philippians:1:22 @And if to live in the flesh [is] to me a fruit of work, then what shall I choose? I know not;

ylt@Philippians:2:1 @If, then, any exhortation [is] in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of spirit, if any bowels and mercies,

ylt@Philippians:2:17 @but if also I am poured forth upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice and joy with you all,

ylt@Philippians:3:4 @though I also have [cause of] trust in flesh. If any other one doth think to have trust in flesh, I more;

ylt@Philippians:3:12 @Not that I did already obtain, or have been already perfected; but I pursue, if also I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by the Christ Jesus;

ylt@Philippians:3:15 @As many, therefore, as [are] perfect -- let us think this, and if [in] anything ye think otherwise, this also shall God reveal to you,

ylt@Philippians:4:8 @As to the rest, brethren, as many things as are true, as many as [are] grave, as many as [are] righteous, as many as [are] pure, as many as [are] lovely, as many as [are] of good report, if any worthiness, and if any praise, these things think upon;

ylt@Colossians:2:5 @for if even in the flesh I am absent -- yet in the spirit I am with you, joying and beholding your order, and the stedfastness of your faith in regard to Christ;

ylt@Colossians:3:13 @forbearing one another, and forgiving each other, if any one with any one may have a quarrel, as also the Christ did forgive you -- so also ye;

ylt@Colossians:4:10 @Salute you doth Aristarchus, my fellow-captive, and Marcus, the nephew of Barnabas, (concerning whom ye did receive commands -- if he may come unto you receive him,)

ylt@1Thessalonians:3:8 @because now we live, if ye may stand fast in the Lord;

ylt@1Thessalonians:4:14 @for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, so also God those asleep through Jesus he will bring with him,

ylt@2Thessalonians:2:3 @let not any one deceive you in any manner, because -- if the falling away may not come first, and the man of sin be revealed -- the son of the destruction,

ylt@2Thessalonians:3:10 @for even when we were with you, this we did command you, that if any one is not willing to work, neither let him eat,

ylt@2Thessalonians:3:14 @and if any one do not obey our word through the letter, this one note ye, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed,

ylt@1Timothy:1:8 @and we have known that the law [is] good, if any one may use it lawfully;

ylt@1Timothy:1:10 @whoremongers, sodomites, men-stealers, liars, perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that to sound doctrine is adverse,

ylt@1Timothy:2:15 @and she shall be saved through the child-bearing, if they remain in faith, and love, and sanctification, with sobriety.

ylt@1Timothy:3:1 @Stedfast [is] the word: If any one the oversight doth long for, a right work he desireth;

ylt@1Timothy:3:5 @(and if any one his own house [how] to lead hath not known, how an assembly of God shall he take care of?)

ylt@1Timothy:3:15 @and if I delay, that thou mayest know how it behoveth [thee] to conduct thyself in the house of God, which is an assembly of the living God -- a pillar and foundation of the truth,

ylt@1Timothy:5:4 @and if any widow have children or grandchildren, let them learn first to their own house to show piety, and to give back a recompense to the parents, for this is right and acceptable before God.

ylt@1Timothy:5:8 @and if any one for his own -- and especially for those of the household -- doth not provide, the faith he hath denied, and than an unbeliever he is worse.

ylt@1Timothy:5:10 @in good works being testified to: if she brought up children, if she entertained strangers, if saints' feet she washed, if those in tribulation she relieved, if every good work she followed after;

ylt@2Timothy:2:5 @and if also any one may strive, he is not crowned, except he may strive lawfully;

ylt@2Timothy:2:11 @Stedfast [is] the word: For if we died together -- we also shall live together;

ylt@2Timothy:2:12 @if we do endure together -- we shall also reign together; if we deny [him], he also shall deny us;

ylt@2Timothy:2:25 @in meekness instructing those opposing -- if perhaps God may give to them repentance to an acknowledging of the truth,

ylt@Philemon:1:18 @and if he did hurt to thee, or doth owe anything, this to me be reckoning;

ylt@Hebrews:2:2 @for if the word being spoken through messengers did become stedfast, and every transgression and disobedience did receive a just recompense,

ylt@Hebrews:3:6 @and Christ, as a Son over his house, whose house are we, if the boldness and the rejoicing of the hope unto the end we hold fast.

ylt@Hebrews:3:7 @Wherefore, (as the Holy Spirit saith, 'To-day, if His voice ye may hear --

ylt@Hebrews:3:11 @...sware in My anger, If they...--!')

ylt@Hebrews:3:14 @for partakers we have become of the Christ, if the beginning of the confidence unto the end we may hold fast,

ylt@Hebrews:3:15 @in its being said, 'To-day, if His voice ye may hear, ye may not harden your hearts, as in the provocation,'

ylt@Hebrews:4:3 @for we do enter into the rest --...sware in My anger, If they...--;' and yet the works were done from the foundation of the world,

ylt@Hebrews:4:7 @again He doth limit a certain day, 'To-day,' (in David saying, after so long a time,) as it hath been said, 'To-day, if His voice ye may hear, ye may not harden your hearts,'

ylt@Hebrews:4:8 @for if Joshua had given them rest, He would not concerning another day have spoken after these things;

ylt@Hebrews:6:3 @and this we will do, if God may permit,

ylt@Hebrews:7:15 @And it is yet more abundantly most evident, if according to the similitude of Melchisedek there doth arise another priest,

ylt@Hebrews:8:7 @for if that first were faultless, a place would not have been sought for a second.

ylt@Hebrews:9:13 @for if the blood of bulls, and goats, and ashes of an heifer, sprinkling those defiled, doth sanctify to the purifying of the flesh,

ylt@Hebrews:12:8 @and if ye are apart from chastening, of which all have become partakers, then bastards are ye, and not sons.

ylt@Hebrews:12:20 @for they were not bearing that which is commanded, 'And if a beast may touch the mountain, it shall be stoned, or with an arrow shot through,'

ylt@Hebrews:12:25 @See, may ye not refuse him who is speaking, for if those did not escape who refused him who upon earth was divinely speaking -- much less we who do turn away from him who [speaketh] from heaven,

ylt@Hebrews:13:23 @Know ye that the brother Timotheus is released, with whom, if he may come more shortly, I will see you.

ylt@James:1:5 @and if any of you do lack wisdom, let him ask from God, who is giving to all liberally, and not reproaching, and it shall be given to him;

ylt@James:1:23 @because, if any one is a hearer of the word and not a doer, this one hath been like to a man viewing his natural face in a mirror,

ylt@James:2:2 @for if there may come into your synagogue a man with gold ring, in gay raiment, and there may come in also a poor man in vile raiment,

ylt@James:2:9 @and if ye accept persons, sin ye do work, being convicted by the law as transgressors;

ylt@James:2:11 @for He who is saying, 'Thou mayest not commit adultery,' said also, 'Thou mayest do no murder;' and if thou shalt not commit adultery, and shalt commit murder, thou hast become a transgressor of law;

ylt@James:2:14 @What [is] the profit, my brethren, if faith, any one may speak of having, and works he may not have? is that faith able to save him?

ylt@James:2:15 @and if a brother or sister may be naked, and may be destitute of the daily food,

ylt@James:2:17 @so also the faith, if it may not have works, is dead by itself.

ylt@James:3:2 @for we all make many stumbles; if any one in word doth not stumble, this one [is] a perfect man, able to bridle also the whole body;

ylt@James:3:14 @and if bitter zeal ye have, and rivalry in your heart, glory not, nor lie against the truth;

ylt@James:4:11 @Speak not one against another, brethren; he who is speaking against a brother, and is judging his brother, doth speak against law, and doth judge law, and if law thou dost judge, thou art not a doer of law but a judge;

ylt@James:5:15 @and the prayer of the faith shall save the distressed one, and the Lord shall raise him up, and if sins he may have committed, they shall be forgiven to him.

ylt@James:5:19 @Brethren, if any among you may go astray from the truth, and any one may turn him back,

ylt@1Peter:1:6 @in which ye are glad, a little now, if it be necessary, being made to sorrow in manifold trials,

ylt@1Peter:1:17 @and if on the Father ye do call, who without acceptance of persons is judging according to the work of each, in fear the time of your sojourn pass ye,

ylt@1Peter:2:19 @for this [is] gracious, if because of conscience toward God any one doth endure sorrows, suffering unrighteously;

ylt@1Peter:2:20 @for what renown [is it], if sinning and being buffeted, ye do endure [it]? but if, doing good and suffering [for it], ye do endure, this [is] gracious with God,

ylt@1Peter:3:1 @In like manner, the wives, be ye subject to your own husbands, that even if certain are disobedient to the word, through the conversation of the wives, without the word, they may be won,

ylt@1Peter:3:13 @and who [is] he who will be doing you evil, if of Him who is good ye may become imitators?

ylt@1Peter:3:14 @but if ye also should suffer because of righteousness, happy [are ye]! and of their fear be not afraid, nor be troubled,

ylt@1Peter:3:17 @for [it is] better doing good, if the will of God will it, to suffer, than doing evil;

ylt@1Peter:4:11 @if any one doth speak -- 'as oracles of God;' if any one doth minister -- 'as of the ability which God doth supply;' that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom is the glory and the power -- to the ages of the ages. Amen.

ylt@1Peter:4:12 @Beloved, think it not strange at the fiery suffering among you that is coming to try you, as if a strange thing were happening to you,

ylt@1Peter:4:16 @and if as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; and let him glorify God in this respect;

ylt@1Peter:4:17 @because it is the time of the beginning of the judgment from the house of God, and if first from us, what the end of those disobedient to the good news of God?

ylt@1Peter:4:18 @And if the righteous man is scarcely saved, the ungodly and sinner -- where shall he appear?

ylt@2Peter:2:4 @For if God messengers who sinned did not spare, but with chains of thick gloom, having cast [them] down to Tartarus, did deliver [them] to judgment, having been reserved,

ylt@2Peter:2:20 @for, if having escaped from the pollutions of the world, in the acknowledging of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and by these again being entangled, they have been overcome, become to them hath the last things worse than the first,

ylt@1John:1:7 @and if in the light we may walk, as He is in the light -- we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son doth cleanse us from every sin;

ylt@1John:2:1 @My little children, these things I write to you, that ye may not sin: and if any one may sin, an advocate we have with the Father, Jesus Christ, a righteous one,

ylt@1John:2:3 @and in this we know that we have known him, if his commands we may keep;

ylt@1John:2:15 @Love not ye the world, nor the things in the world; if any one doth love the world, the love of the Father is not in him,

ylt@1John:2:19 @out of us they went forth, but they were not of us, for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but -- that they might be manifested that they are not all of us.

ylt@1John:2:24 @Ye, then, that which ye heard from the beginning, in you let it remain; if in you may remain that which from the beginning ye did hear, ye also in the Son and in the Father shall remain,

ylt@1John:3:2 @beloved, now, children of God are we, and it was not yet manifested what we shall be, and we have known that if he may be manifested, like him we shall be, because we shall see him as he is;

ylt@1John:3:13 @Do not wonder, my brethren, if the world doth hate you;

ylt@1John:3:20 @because if our heart may condemn -- because greater is God than our heart, and He doth know all things.

ylt@1John:3:21 @Beloved, if our heart may not condemn us, we have boldness toward God,

ylt@1John:4:1 @Beloved, every spirit believe not, but prove the spirits, if of God they are, because many false prophets have gone forth to the world;

ylt@1John:4:11 @Beloved, if thus did God love us, we also ought one another to love;

ylt@1John:4:12 @God no one hath ever seen; if we may love one another, God in us doth remain, and His love is having been perfected in us;

ylt@1John:5:5 @who is he who is overcoming the world, if not he who is believing that Jesus is the Son of God?

ylt@1John:5:14 @And this is the boldness that we have toward Him, that if anything we may ask according to his will, He doth hear us,

ylt@1John:5:15 @and if we have known that He doth hear us, whatever we may ask, we have known that we have the requests that we have requested from Him.

ylt@3John:1:10 @because of this, if I may come, I will cause him to remember his works that he doth, with evil words prating against us; and not content with these, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and those intending he doth forbid, and out of the assembly he doth cast.

ylt@Revelation:1:14 @and his head and hairs white, as if white wool -- as snow, and his eyes as a flame of fire;

ylt@Revelation:2:5 @remember, then, whence thou hast fallen, and reform, and the first works do; and if not, I come to thee quickly, and will remove thy lamp-stand from its place -- if thou mayest not reform;

ylt@Revelation:2:16 @'Reform! and if not, I come to thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.

ylt@Revelation:2:22 @lo, I will cast her into a couch, and those committing adultery with her into great tribulation -- if they may not repent of their works,

ylt@Revelation:3:20 @lo, I have stood at the door, and I knock; if any one may hear my voice, and may open the door, I will come in unto him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

ylt@Revelation:11:5 @and if any one may will to injure them, fire doth proceed out of their mouth, and doth devour their enemies, and if any one may will to injure them, thus it behoveth him to be killed.

ylt@Revelation:13:10 @if any one a captivity doth gather, into captivity he doth go away; if any one by sword doth kill, it behoveth him by sword to be killed; here is the endurance and the faith of the saints.

ylt@Revelation:14:11 @and the smoke of their torment doth go up to ages of ages; and they have no rest day and night, who are bowing before the beast and his image, also if any doth receive the mark of his name.

ylt@Revelation:20:15 @and if any one was not found written in the scroll of the life, he was cast to the lake of the fire.

ylt@Revelation:22:18 @'For I testify to every one hearing the words of the prophecy of this scroll, if any one may add unto these, God shall add to him the plagues that have been written in this scroll,

ylt@Revelation:22:19 @and if any one may take away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the scroll of the life, and out of the holy city, and the things that have been written in this scroll;'

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