strkjv@Genesis:22:7 @ And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?

strkjv@Genesis:22:8 @ And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.

strkjv@Exodus:12:3 @ Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for an house:

strkjv@Exodus:12:4 @ And if the household be too little for the lamb, let him and his neighbour next unto his house take it according to the number of the souls; every man according to his eating shall make your count for the lamb.

strkjv@Exodus:12:5 @ Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: ye shall take it out from the sheep, or from the goats:

strkjv@Exodus:12:21 @ Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and said unto them, Draw out and take you a lamb according to your families, and kill the passover.

strkjv@Exodus:13:13 @ And every firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb; and if thou wilt not redeem it, then thou shalt break his neck: and all the firstborn of man among thy children shalt thou redeem.

strkjv@Exodus:29:39 @ The one lamb thou shalt offer in the morning; and the other lamb thou shalt offer at even:

strkjv@Exodus:29:40 @ And with the one lamb a tenth deal of flour mingled with the fourth part of an hin of beaten oil; and the fourth part of an hin of wine for a drink offering.

strkjv@Exodus:29:41 @ And the other lamb thou shalt offer at even, and shalt do thereto according to the meat offering of the morning, and according to the drink offering thereof, for a sweet savour, an offering made by fire unto the LORD.

strkjv@Exodus:34:20 @ But the firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb: and if thou redeem him not, then shalt thou break his neck. All the firstborn of thy sons thou shalt redeem. And none shall appear before me empty.

strkjv@Leviticus:3:7 @ If he offer a lamb for his offering, then shall he offer it before the LORD.

strkjv@Leviticus:4:32 @ And if he bring a lamb for a sin offering, he shall bring it a female without blemish.

strkjv@Leviticus:4:35 @ And he shall take away all the fat thereof, as the fat of the lamb is taken away from the sacrifice of the peace offerings; and the priest shall burn them upon the altar, according to the offerings made by fire unto the LORD: and the priest shall make an atonement for his sin that he hath committed, and it shall be forgiven him.

strkjv@Leviticus:5:6 @ And he shall bring his trespass offering unto the LORD for his sin which he hath sinned, a female from the flock, a lamb or a kid of the goats, for a sin offering; and the priest shall make an atonement for him concerning his sin.

strkjv@Leviticus:5:7 @ And if he be not able to bring a lamb, then he shall bring for his trespass, which he hath committed, two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, unto the LORD; one for a sin offering, and the other for a burnt offering.

strkjv@Leviticus:9:3 @ And unto the children of Israel thou shalt speak, saying, Take ye a kid of the goats for a sin offering; and a calf and a lamb, both of the first year, without blemish, for a burnt offering;

strkjv@Leviticus:12:6 @ And when the days of her purifying are fulfilled, for a son, or for a daughter, she shall bring a lamb of the first year for a burnt offering, and a young pigeon, or a turtledove, for a sin offering, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, unto the priest:

strkjv@Leviticus:12:8 @ And if she be not able to bring a lamb, then she shall bring two turtles, or two young pigeons; the one for the burnt offering, and the other for a sin offering: and the priest shall make an atonement for her, and she shall be clean.

strkjv@Leviticus:14:10 @ And on the eighth day he shall take two he lambs without blemish, and one ewe lamb of the first year without blemish, and three tenth deals of fine flour for a meat offering, mingled with oil, and one log of oil.

strkjv@Leviticus:14:12 @ And the priest shall take one he lamb, and offer him for a trespass offering, and the log of oil, and wave them for a wave offering before the LORD:

strkjv@Leviticus:14:13 @ And he shall slay the lamb in the place where he shall kill the sin offering and the burnt offering, in the holy place: for as the sin offering is the priests, so is the trespass offering: it is most holy:

strkjv@Leviticus:14:21 @ And if he be poor, and cannot get so much; then he shall take one lamb for a trespass offering to be waved, to make an atonement for him, and one tenth deal of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering, and a log of oil;

strkjv@Leviticus:14:24 @ And the priest shall take the lamb of the trespass offering, and the log of oil, and the priest shall wave them for a wave offering before the LORD:

strkjv@Leviticus:14:25 @ And he shall kill the lamb of the trespass offering, and the priest shall take some of the blood of the trespass offering, and put it upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot:

strkjv@Leviticus:17:3 @ What man soever there be of the house of Israel, that killeth an ox, or lamb, or goat, in the camp, or that killeth it out of the camp,

strkjv@Leviticus:22:23 @ Either a bullock or a lamb that hath any thing superfluous or lacking in his parts, that mayest thou offer for a freewill offering; but for a vow it shall not be accepted.

strkjv@Leviticus:23:12 @ And ye shall offer that day when ye wave the sheaf an he lamb without blemish of the first year for a burnt offering unto the LORD.

strkjv@Numbers:6:12 @ And he shall consecrate unto the LORD the days of his separation, and shall bring a lamb of the first year for a trespass offering: but the days that were before shall be lost, because his separation was defiled.

strkjv@Numbers:6:14 @ And he shall offer his offering unto the LORD, one he lamb of the first year without blemish for a burnt offering, and one ewe lamb of the first year without blemish for a sin offering, and one ram without blemish for peace offerings,

strkjv@Numbers:7:15 @ One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:

strkjv@Numbers:7:21 @ One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:

strkjv@Numbers:7:27 @ One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:

strkjv@Numbers:7:33 @ One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:

strkjv@Numbers:7:39 @ One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:

strkjv@Numbers:7:45 @ One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:

strkjv@Numbers:7:51 @ One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:

strkjv@Numbers:7:57 @ One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:

strkjv@Numbers:7:63 @ One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:

strkjv@Numbers:7:69 @ One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:

strkjv@Numbers:7:75 @ One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:

strkjv@Numbers:7:81 @ One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:

strkjv@Numbers:15:5 @ And the fourth part of an hin of wine for a drink offering shalt thou prepare with the burnt offering or sacrifice, for one lamb.

strkjv@Numbers:15:11 @ Thus shall it be done for one bullock, or for one ram, or for a lamb , or a kid.

strkjv@Numbers:28:4 @ The one lamb shalt thou offer in the morning, and the other lamb shalt thou offer at even;

strkjv@Numbers:28:7 @ And the drink offering thereof shall be the fourth part of an hin for the one lamb: in the holy place shalt thou cause the strong wine to be poured unto the LORD for a drink offering.

strkjv@Numbers:28:8 @ And the other lamb shalt thou offer at even: as the meat offering of the morning, and as the drink offering thereof, thou shalt offer it, a sacrifice made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD.

strkjv@Numbers:28:13 @ And a several tenth deal of flour mingled with oil for a meat offering unto one lamb; for a burnt offering of a sweet savour, a sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD.

strkjv@Numbers:28:14 @ And their drink offerings shall be half an hin of wine unto a bullock, and the third part of an hin unto a ram, and a fourth part of an hin unto a lamb: this is the burnt offering of every month throughout the months of the year.

strkjv@Numbers:28:21 @ A several tenth deal shalt thou offer for every lamb, throughout the seven lambs:

strkjv@Numbers:28:29 @ A several tenth deal unto one lamb, throughout the seven lambs;

strkjv@Numbers:29:4 @ And one tenth deal for one lamb, throughout the seven lambs:

strkjv@Numbers:29:10 @ A several tenth deal for one lamb, throughout the seven lambs:

strkjv@Numbers:29:15 @ And a several tenth deal to each lamb of the fourteen H6240lambs:

strkjv@1Samuel:7:9 @ And Samuel took a sucking lamb, and offered it for a burnt offering wholly unto the LORD: and Samuel cried unto the LORD for Israel; and the LORD heard him.

strkjv@1Samuel:17:34 @ And David said unto Saul, Thy servant kept his fathers sheep, and there came a lion, and a bear, and took a lamb out of the flock:

strkjv@2Samuel:12:3 @ But the poor man had nothing, save one little ewe lamb, which he had bought and nourished up: and it grew up together with him, and with his children; it did eat of his own meat, and drank of his own cup, and lay in his bosom, and was unto him as a daughter.

strkjv@2Samuel:12:4 @ And there came a traveller unto the rich man, and he spared to take of his own flock and of his own herd, to dress for the wayfaring man that was come unto him; but took the poor mans lamb, and dressed it for the man that was come to him.

strkjv@2Samuel:12:6 @ And he shall restore the lamb fourfold, because he did this thing, and because he had no pity.

strkjv@Isaiah:11:6 @ The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

strkjv@Isaiah:16:1 @ Send ye the lamb to the ruler of the land from Sela to the wilderness, unto the mount of the daughter of Zion.

strkjv@Isaiah:53:7 @ He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.

strkjv@Isaiah:65:25 @ The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpents meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD.

strkjv@Isaiah:66:3 @ He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man; he that sacrificeth a lamb, as if he cut offa dogs neck; he that offereth an oblation, as if he offered swines blood; he that burneth incense, as if he blessed an idol. Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations.

strkjv@Jeremiah:11:19 @ But I was like a lamb or an ox that is brought to the slaughter; and I knew not that they had devised devices against me, saying, Let us destroy the tree with the fruit thereof, and let us cut him off from the land of the living, that his name may be no more remembered.

strkjv@Ezekiel:45:15 @ And one lamb out of the flock, out of two hundred, out of the fat pastures of Israel; for a meat offering, and for a burnt offering, and for peace offerings, to make reconciliation for them, saith the Lord GOD.

strkjv@Ezekiel:46:13 @ Thou shalt daily prepare a burnt offering unto the LORD of a lamb of the first year without blemish: thou shalt prepare it every morning.

strkjv@Ezekiel:46:15 @ Thus shall they prepare the lamb, and the meat offering, and the oil, every morning for a continual burnt offering.

strkjv@Hosea:4:16 @ For Israel slideth back as a backsliding heifer: now the LORD will feed them as a lamb in a large place.



strkjv@Acts:8:32 @ The place of the scripture which he read was this, He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened he not his mouth:

strkjv@1Peter:1:19 @ But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:













strkjv@Revelation:13:11 @ And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.













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