





gltv Teach

gltv@Exodus:4:12 @ And now go, and I will be with your mouth, and will teach you what you shall speak.

gltv@Exodus:4:15 @ And you shall speak to him, and you shall put the words in his mouth. And I will be with your mouth, and with his mouth, and I will teach you what you shall do.

gltv@Exodus:24:12 @ And Jehovah said to Moses, Come up to Me to the mountain, and be there. And I will give to you the tablets of stone, and the law, and the commandments which I have written, to teach them.

gltv@Leviticus:10:11 @ and to teach the sons of Israel all the statutes which Jehovah has spoken to them by the hand of Moses.

gltv@Leviticus:14:57 @ to teach when it is unclean and when it is clean; this is the law of leprosy.

gltv@Deuteronomy:4:10 @ The day that you stood before Jehovah your God in Horeb, when Jehovah said to me, Gather the people to Me, and I will make them hear My words, that they may learn to fear Me all the days that they live on the earth; and that they may teach their sons.

gltv@Deuteronomy:4:14 @ And Jehovah commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and ordinances, for you to do them in the land which you shall pass over to possess it.

gltv@Deuteronomy:5:31 @ But as for you, you stand here by Me, and I will speak to you all the commandments and the statutes and the ordinances which you shall teach them, that they may do them in the land which I am giving to them, to possess it.

gltv@Deuteronomy:6:1 @ And this is the commandment, the statute and the judgments which Jehovah your God commanded to teach you, to do them in the land to which you are crossing over, to possess it,

gltv@Deuteronomy:6:7 @ And you shall teach them to your sons, and shall speak of them as you sit in your house, and as you walk in the way, and as you are lying down, and as you are rising up.

gltv@Deuteronomy:11:19 @ And you shall teach them to your sons by speaking of them as you sit in your house, and as you go in the way, and as you lie down, and as you rise up.

gltv@Deuteronomy:20:18 @ so that they may not teach you to do according to all their filthy deeds which they have done for their gods; and you would sin against Jehovah your God.

gltv@Deuteronomy:24:8 @ Be on guard in the plague of leprosy, that you watch closely and do according to all that the Levitical priests shall teach you. As I commanded them, so you shall be careful to do.

gltv@Deuteronomy:31:19 @ Now, then, write this song for you, and teach it to the sons of Israel. Put it in their mouths, so that this song shall be for a witness to Me against the sons of Israel.

gltv@Deuteronomy:33:10 @ They shall teach Your ordinances to Jacob, and Your law to Israel. They shall put incense at Your nostrils, and whole burnt offering on Your altar.

gltv@Judges:3:2 @ only that the generations of the sons of Israel might know, to teach them war, only those who did not before know them:

gltv@1Samuel:14:12 @ And the men of the fort answered Jonathan and his armorbearer, and said, Come up to us, and we will teach you a thing. And Jonathan said to his armorbearer, Come up after me, for Jehovah has given them into the hand of Israel.

gltv@2Samuel:1:18 @ and he said to teach the sons of Judah The Song of the Bow. Behold, it is written in the Book of Jashar:

gltv@1Kings:8:36 @ then You shall hear in Heaven, and shall forgive the sin of Your servants, and of Your people Israel, for You shall teach them the good way in which they shall go, and shall give rain on Your land which You have given to Your people for an inheritance.

gltv@2Kings:17:27 @ And the king of Assyria commanded, saying, Cause one of the priests whom you removed from there to go there, and they shall go and live there; and he shall teach them the custom of the God of the land.

gltv@2Chronicles:17:7 @ And in the third year of his reign, he sent for his leaders, for Benhail, and for Obadiah, and for Zechariah, and for Nethaneel, and for Michaiah, in order to teach in the cities of Judah.

gltv@Ezra:7:10 @ For had prepared his heart to seek the law of Jehovah, and to do it, and to teach statutes and judgments in Israel.

gltv@Nehemiah:9:20 @ You also gave Your good Spirit to teach them, and did not withhold Your manna from their mouth, and gave them water for their thirst.

gltv@Job:6:24 ... Teach me,...

gltv@Job:8:10 @ Shall they not teach you, and tell you, and bring words out of their heart?

gltv@Job:12:7 @ But now please ask the animals, and they will teach you; and the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you;

gltv@Job:12:8 @ or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; and the fish of the sea will recount to you;

gltv@Job:21:22 @ Shall any teach God knowledge, since He shall judge the exalted?

gltv@Job:27:11 @ I will teach you by the hand of God; that which is with the Almighty I will not hide.

gltv@Job:33:33 @ If not, you listen to me; be silent, and I will teach you wisdom.

gltv@Job:34:32 @ Besides what I see, You teach me; if I have done iniquity, I will not do it again.

gltv@Job:38:3 @ Now gird up your loins like a man, for I will question you; and you teach Me.

gltv@Job:40:7 @ Now gird up your loins like a man, and I will question you; and you teach Me.

gltv@Psalms:16:7 @ I will bless Jehovah, who counseled me. My reins also teach me in the nights.

gltv@Psalms:25:4 @ Make me know Your ways, O Jehovah; teach me Your paths;

gltv@Psalms:25:5 @ lead me in Your truth, and teach me; for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day long.

gltv@Psalms:25:8 @ Good and upright is Jehovah; therefore He will teach sinners in the way.

gltv@Psalms:25:9 @ He will guide the meek in justice; and He will teach the meek His way.

gltv@Psalms:27:11 ... Teach me...

gltv@Psalms:32:8 @ I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you, My eye shall be on you.

gltv@Psalms:34:11 @ Come, listen to me, my sons, I will teach you the fear of Jehovah.

gltv@Psalms:45:4 @ And ride prosperously in Your majesty, on the matter of truth and meekness and right, and Your right hand shall teach You fearful things.

gltv@Psalms:51:6 @ Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts; and in the hidden parts You teach me wisdom.

gltv@Psalms:51:13 @ Then I will teach transgressors Your ways; and sinners will turn back to You.

gltv@Psalms:78:5 @ For he raised a testimony in Jacob, and set a law in Israel; which he commanded our fathers, to teach them to their sons;

gltv@Psalms:86:11 ... Teach me...

gltv@Psalms:90:12 @ So teach us to number our days, so that we may bring a heart of wisdom.

gltv@Psalms:94:12 @ Blessed is the man You chasten, O Jehovah, You teach him out of Your law;

gltv@Psalms:105:22 @ to bind his leaders at his will, and to teach his elders wisdom.

gltv@Psalms:119:12 @ Blessed are you, O Jehovah; teach me Your statutes.

gltv@Psalms:119:26 @ I have declared my ways, and You answered me; teach me Your statutes.

gltv@Psalms:119:33 @ He. O Jehovah, teach me the way of Your statutes, and I will keep it to the end.

gltv@Psalms:119:64 @ O Jehovah, the earth is full of Your mercy; teach me Your statutes.

gltv@Psalms:119:66 ... Teach me...

gltv@Psalms:119:68 @ You are good and do good; teach me Your statutes.

gltv@Psalms:119:108 @ Please, O Jehovah, accept the free offering of my mouth, and teach me Your judgments.

gltv@Psalms:119:124 @ Deal with Your servant by Your mercy; and teach me Your statutes.

gltv@Psalms:119:135 @ Make Your face shine on Your servant, and teach me Your statutes.

gltv@Psalms:132:12 @ If your sons will keep My covenant and My testimonies which I will teach them, their sons shall also sit on your throne till forever.

gltv@Psalms:143:10 ... Teach me...

gltv@Proverbs:9:9 @ Give to a wise one, and he will be more wise; teach a just one, and he will increase in learning.

gltv@Songs:8:2 @ I would lead You; I would bring You into my mother's house, that You might teach me; I would cause You to drink the spiced wine from the juice of my pomegranate.

gltv@Isaiah:2:3 @ And many people shall go and say, Come and let us go up to the mount of Jehovah, to the house of the God of Jacob. And He will teach from His ways, and we will walk in His paths. For out of Zion the law will go forth, and the word of Jehovah from Jerusalem.

gltv@Isaiah:28:9 @ Whom shall He teach knowledge? And to whom shall He explain the message? Those weaned from milk, those moving from breasts?

gltv@Jeremiah:9:20 @ Yet hear the word of Jehovah, women. And let your ear receive the word of His mouth, and teach your daughters a lament, and each one her neighbor a dirge.

gltv@Jeremiah:31:34 @ And they shall no longer each man teach his neighbor, and each man his brother, saying, Know Jehovah. For they shall all know Me, from the least of them even to the greatest of them, declares Jehovah. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sins no more.

gltv@Ezekiel:44:23 @ And they shall teach My people between the holy and the common, and between the unclean and the clean, to make them known.

gltv@Daniel:1:4 @ young men in whom was no blemish, but who were of good appearance and having understanding in all wisdom, having knowledge and understanding learning, even those with strength in them to stand in the king's palace, and to teach them the writing and the language of the Chaldeans.

gltv@Micah:3:11 @ Her leaders judge for a bribe, and her priests teach for pay, and her prophets divine for silver; yet they will lean on Jehovah, saying, is not Jehovah among us? No evil shall come on us!

gltv@Micah:4:2 @ And many nations shall come and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, and to the house of the God of Jacob. And He will teach us from His ways, and we will walk in His paths. For the law shall go forth out of Zion, and the word of Jehovah from Jerusalem.

gltv@Matthew:5:19 @ Therefore, whoever relaxes one of these commandments, the least, and shall teach men so, he shall be called least in the kingdom of Heaven. But whoever does and teaches them, this one shall be called great in the kingdom of Heaven.

gltv@Matthew:11:1 @ And it happened when Jesus finished commanding His twelve disciples, He left there to teach and to proclaim in their cities.

gltv@Matthew:22:16 @...with the Herodians, saying, Teacher, we...

gltv@Mark:4:1 @ And again He began to teach by the sea. And a large crowd was gathered to Him, so that He entered into the boat in order to sit in the sea. And all the crowd were on the land toward the sea.

gltv@Mark:6:2 @ And a sabbath occurring, He began to teach in the synagogue. And hearing, many were amazed, saying, From where came these things to this one? And what is the wisdom given to him, that even such works of power come about through his hands?

gltv@Mark:6:34 @ And going out, Jesus saw a large crowd, and had pity on them, because "they were as sheep having no shepherd." And He began to teach them many things. Numbers. strkjv@27:17; Eze. strkjv@34:5

gltv@Mark:8:31 @ And He began to teach them that it is necessary for the Son of man to suffer many things and to be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and to be killed, and after three days to rise again.

gltv@Mark:12:14 @...they said to Him, Teacher, we...

gltv@Luke:11:1 @ And it happened as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, one of His disciples said to Him, Lord teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.

gltv@Luke:12:12 @ for the Holy Spirit will teach you in the same hour what you ought to say.

gltv@Luke:18:1 @ And He also spoke a parable to them to teach it is always right to pray, and not to faint,

gltv@Luke:20:21 @...they questioned Him, saying, Teacher, we...

gltv@John:7:35 @ Then the Jews said amongst themselves, Where is this one about to go that we will not find him? Is he about to go to the Dispersion of the Greeks, and to teach the Greeks?

gltv@John:9:34 @ They answered and said to him, You were born wholly in sins, and do you teach us? And they threw him outside.

gltv@John:14:26 @ but the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things and shall remind you of all things that I said to you.

gltv@Acts:4:18 @ And calling them, they ordered them not to speak at all, nor to teach on the name of Jesus.

gltv@Acts:5:28 @ saying, Did we not command you by a command that you not teach in this name? And, behold, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine and intend to bring on us the blood of this man.

gltv@Acts:20:20 @ as I kept nothing back of what is profitable, so as not to tell you, and to teach you publicly, and from house to house,

gltv@Acts:21:21 @ And they were informed about you, that you teach falling away from Moses, telling all the Jews throughout the nations not to circumcise their children, nor to walk in the customs.

gltv@Romans:2:21 @ Then the one teaching another, do you not teach yourself? The one preaching not to steal, do you steal?

gltv@1Corinthians:2:16 @ For "who has known the mind of the Lord?" "Who will teach Him?" But we have the mind of Christ. Isaiah. strkjv@40:13

gltv@1Corinthians:4:17 @ Because of this I sent Timothy to you, who is my beloved child, and faithful in the Lord, who will remind you of my ways in Christ, even as I teach everywhere in every church.

gltv@1Corinthians:11:14 @ Or does not nature herself teach you that if a man indeed wears long hair, it is a dishonor to him?

gltv@1Timothy:1:3 @ Even as I called on you to remain in Ephesus, (I going to Macedonia), that you might charge some not to teach other doctrines,

gltv@1Timothy:2:12 @ And I do not allow a woman to teach nor to exercise authority over a man, but to be in silence.

gltv@1Timothy:4:11 @ Enjoin and teach these things.

gltv@1Timothy:6:2 @...good service in return. Teach and...

gltv@2Timothy:2:2 @ And what things you heard from me through many witnesses, commit these things to faithful men, such as will be competent also to teach others.

gltv@Hebrews:5:12 @ For indeed because of the time you are due to be teachers, yet you need to have someone to teach you again the rudiments of the beginning of the oracles of God, and you have become in need of milk, and not of solid food;

gltv@Hebrews:8:11 @ "And they shall no more teach each one his neighbor, and each one his brother, saying, Know the Lord; because all shall know Me, from the least of them to their great ones.

gltv@1John:2:27 @ And the anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone teach you. But as His anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and as He taught you, abide in Him.

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