





kjv Them

kjv@Genesis:1:14 @ And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

kjv@Genesis:1:15 @ And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

kjv@Genesis:1:17 @ And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,

kjv@Genesis:1:26 @ And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

kjv@Genesis:2:19 @ And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

kjv@Genesis:3:7 @ And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

kjv@Genesis:6:2 @ That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

kjv@Genesis:6:13 @ And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

kjv@Genesis:6:19 @ And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female.

kjv@Genesis:6:20 @ Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive.

kjv@Genesis:9:19 @ These are the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth overspread.

kjv@Genesis:10:1 @ Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood.

kjv@Genesis:11:3 @ And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.

kjv@Genesis:11:8 @ So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.

kjv@Genesis:11:9 @ Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

kjv@Genesis:11:29 @ And Abram and Nahor took them wives: the name of Abram's wife was Sarai; and the name of Nahor's wife, Milcah, the daughter of Haran, the father of Milcah, and the father of Iscah.

kjv@Genesis:11:31 @ And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran his son's son, and Sarai his daughter in law, his son Abram's wife; and they went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan; and they came unto Haran, and dwelt there.

kjv@Genesis:12:3 @ And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

kjv@Genesis:14:8 @ And there went out the king of Sodom, and the king of Gomorrah, and the king of Admah, and the king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela (the same is Zoar;) and they joined battle with them in the vale of Siddim;

kjv@Genesis:14:14 @ And when Abram heard that his brother was taken captive, he armed his trained servants, born in his own house, three hundred and eighteen, and pursued them unto Dan.

kjv@Genesis:14:15 @ And he divided himself against them, he and his servants, by night, and smote them, and pursued them unto Hobah, which is on the left hand of Damascus.

kjv@Genesis:14:24 @ Save only that which the young men have eaten, and the portion of the men which went with me, Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre; let them take their portion.

kjv@Genesis:15:10 @ And he took unto him all these, and divided them in the midst, and laid each piece one against another: but the birds divided he not.

kjv@Genesis:15:11 @ And when the fowls came down upon the carcases, Abram drove them away.

kjv@Genesis:15:13 @ And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;

kjv@Genesis:18:2 @ And he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground,

kjv@Genesis:18:8 @ And he took butter, and milk, and the calf which he had dressed, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree, and they did eat.

kjv@Genesis:18:16 @ And the men rose up from thence, and looked toward Sodom: and Abraham went with them to bring them on the way.

kjv@Genesis:19:1 @ And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground;

kjv@Genesis:19:3 @ And he pressed upon them greatly; and they turned in unto him, and entered into his house; and he made them a feast, and did bake unleavened bread, and they did eat.

kjv@Genesis:19:5 @ And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.

kjv@Genesis:19:8 @ Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof.

kjv@Genesis:19:12 @ And the men said unto Lot, Hast thou here any besides? son in law, and thy sons, and thy daughters, and whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring them out of this place:

kjv@Genesis:19:13 @ For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the LORD; and the LORD hath sent us to destroy it.

kjv@Genesis:19:17 @ And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed.

kjv@Genesis:20:14 @ And Abimelech took sheep, and oxen, and menservants, and womenservants, and gave them unto Abraham, and restored him Sarah his wife.

kjv@Genesis:21:27 @ And Abraham took sheep and oxen, and gave them unto Abimelech; and both of them made a covenant.

kjv@Genesis:22:6 @ And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering, and laid it upon Isaac his son; and he took the fire in his hand, and a knife; and they went both of them together.

kjv@Genesis:22:8 @ And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.

kjv@Genesis:24:28 @ And the damsel ran, and told them of her mother's house these things.

kjv@Genesis:24:53 @ And the servant brought forth jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment, and gave them to Rebekah: he gave also to her brother and to her mother precious things.

kjv@Genesis:25:6 @ But unto the sons of the concubines, which Abraham had, Abraham gave gifts, and sent them away from Isaac his son, while he yet lived, eastward, unto the east country.

kjv@Genesis:26:15 @ For all the wells which his father's servants had digged in the days of Abraham his father, the Philistines had stopped them, and filled them with earth.

kjv@Genesis:26:18 @ And Isaac digged again the wells of water, which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father; for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham: and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them.

kjv@Genesis:26:30 @ And he made them a feast, and they did eat and drink.

kjv@Genesis:26:31 @ And they rose up betimes in the morning, and sware one to another: and Isaac sent them away, and they departed from him in peace.

kjv@Genesis:27:9 @ Go now to the flock, and fetch me from thence two good kids of the goats; and I will make them savoury meat for thy father, such as he loveth:

kjv@Genesis:27:14 @ And he went, and fetched, and brought them to his mother: and his mother made savoury meat, such as his father loved.

kjv@Genesis:27:15 @ And Rebekah took goodly raiment of her eldest son Esau, which were with her in the house, and put them upon Jacob her younger son:

kjv@Genesis:28:11 @ And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep.

kjv@Genesis:30:14 @ And Reuben went in the days of wheat harvest, and found mandrakes in the field, and brought them unto his mother Leah. Then Rachel said to Leah, Give me, I pray thee, of thy son's mandrakes.

kjv@Genesis:30:35 @ And he removed that day the he goats that were ringstraked and spotted, and all the she goats that were speckled and spotted, and every one that had some white in it, and all the brown among the sheep, and gave them into the hand of his sons.

kjv@Genesis:30:40 @ And Jacob did separate the lambs, and set the faces of the flocks toward the ringstraked, and all the brown in the flock of Laban; and he put his own flocks by themselves, and put them not unto Laban's cattle.

kjv@Genesis:30:42 @ But when the cattle were feeble, he put them not in: so the feebler were Laban's, and the stronger Jacob's.

kjv@Genesis:31:9 @ Thus God hath taken away the cattle of your father, and given them to me.

kjv@Genesis:31:33 @ And Laban went into Jacob's tent, and into Leah's tent, and into the two maidservants' tents; but he found them not. Then went he out of Leah's tent, and entered into Rachel's tent.

kjv@Genesis:31:34 @ Now Rachel had taken the images, and put them in the camel's furniture, and sat upon them. And Laban searched all the tent, but found them not.

kjv@Genesis:32:16 @ And he delivered them into the hand of his servants, every drove by themselves; and said unto his servants, Pass over before me, and put a space betwixt drove and drove.

kjv@Genesis:32:23 @ And he took them, and sent them over the brook, and sent over that he had.

kjv@Genesis:33:13 @ And he said unto him, My lord knoweth that the children are tender, and the flocks and herds with young are with me: and if men should overdrive them one day, all the flock will die.

kjv@Genesis:34:21 @ These men are peaceable with us; therefore let them dwell in the land, and trade therein; for the land, behold, it is large enough for them; let us take their daughters to us for wives, and let us give them our daughters.

kjv@Genesis:35:4 @ And they gave unto Jacob all the strange gods which were in their hand, and all their earrings which were in their ears; and Jacob hid them under the oak which was by Shechem.

kjv@Genesis:36:7 @ For their riches were more than that they might dwell together; and the land wherein they were strangers could not bear them because of their cattle.

kjv@Genesis:37:17 @ And the man said, They are departed hence; for I heard them say, Let us go to Dothan. And Joseph went after his brethren, and found them in Dothan.

kjv@Genesis:40:3 @ And he put them in ward in the house of the captain of the guard, into the prison, the place where Joseph was bound.

kjv@Genesis:40:6 @ And Joseph came in unto them in the morning, and looked upon them, and, behold, they were sad.

kjv@Genesis:40:11 @ And Pharaoh's cup was in my hand: and I took the grapes, and pressed them into Pharaoh's cup, and I gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand.

kjv@Genesis:40:17 @ And in the uppermost basket there was of all manner of bakemeats for Pharaoh; and the birds did eat them out of the basket upon my head.

kjv@Genesis:41:3 @ And, behold, seven other kine came up after them out of the river, ill favoured and leanfleshed; and stood by the other kine upon the brink of the river.

kjv@Genesis:41:8 @ And it came to pass in the morning that his spirit was troubled; and he sent and called for all the magicians of Egypt, and all the wise men thereof: and Pharaoh told them his dream; but there was none that could interpret them unto Pharaoh.

kjv@Genesis:41:21 @ And when they had eaten them up, it could not be known that they had eaten them; but they were still ill favoured, as at the beginning. So I awoke.

kjv@Genesis:41:27 @ And the seven thin and ill favoured kine that came up after them are seven years; and the seven empty ears blasted with the east wind shall be seven years of famine.

kjv@Genesis:41:30 @ And there shall arise after them seven years of famine; and all the plenty shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt; and the famine shall consume the land;

kjv@Genesis:41:35 @ And let them gather all the food of those good years that come, and lay up corn under the hand of Pharaoh, and let them keep food in the cities.

kjv@Genesis:42:17 @ And he put them all together into ward three days.

kjv@Genesis:42:18 @ And Joseph said unto them the third day, This do, and live; for I fear God:

kjv@Genesis:42:23 @ And they knew not that Joseph understood them; for he spake unto them by an interpreter.

kjv@Genesis:42:24 @ And he turned himself about from them, and wept; and returned to them again, and communed with them, and took from them Simeon, and bound him before their eyes.

kjv@Genesis:42:25 @ Then Joseph commanded to fill their sacks with corn, and to restore every man's money into his sack, and to give them provision for the way: and thus did he unto them.

kjv@Genesis:42:27 @ And as one of them opened his sack to give his ass provender in the inn, he espied his money; for, behold, it was in his sack's mouth.

kjv@Genesis:43:24 @ And the man brought the men into Joseph's house, and gave them water, and they washed their feet; and he gave their asses provender.

kjv@Genesis:43:27 @ And he asked them of their welfare, and said, Is your father well, the old man of whom ye spake? Is he yet alive?

kjv@Genesis:43:32 @ And they set on for him by himself, and for them by themselves, and for the Egyptians, which did eat with him, by themselves: because the Egyptians might not eat bread with the Hebrews; for that is an abomination unto the Egyptians.

kjv@Genesis:43:34 @ And he took and sent messes unto them from before him: but Benjamin's mess was five times so much as any of theirs. And they drank, and were merry with him.

kjv@Genesis:44:6 @ And he overtook them, and he spake unto them these same words.

kjv@Genesis:45:1 @ Then Joseph could not refrain himself before all them that stood by him; and he cried, Cause every man to go out from me. And there stood no man with him, while Joseph made himself known unto his brethren.

kjv@Genesis:45:21 @ And the children of Israel did so: and Joseph gave them wagons, according to the commandment of Pharaoh, and gave them provision for the way.

kjv@Genesis:45:22 @ To all of them he gave each man changes of raiment; but to Benjamin he gave three hundred pieces of silver, and five changes of raiment.

kjv@Genesis:45:26 @ And told him, saying, Joseph is yet alive, and he is governor over all the land of Egypt. And Jacob's heart fainted, for he believed them not.

kjv@Genesis:47:2 @ And he took some of his brethren, even five men, and presented them unto Pharaoh.

kjv@Genesis:47:6 @ The land of Egypt is before thee; in the best of the land make thy father and brethren to dwell; in the land of Goshen let them dwell: and if thou knowest any men of activity among them, then make them rulers over my cattle.

kjv@Genesis:47:11 @ And Joseph placed his father and his brethren, and gave them a possession in the land of Egypt, in the best of the land, in the land of Rameses, as Pharaoh had commanded.

kjv@Genesis:47:17 @ And they brought their cattle unto Joseph: and Joseph gave them bread in exchange for horses, and for the flocks, and for the cattle of the herds, and for the asses: and he fed them with bread for all their cattle for that year.

kjv@Genesis:47:21 @ And as for the people, he removed them to cities from one end of the borders of Egypt even to the other end thereof.

kjv@Genesis:47:22 @ Only the land of the priests bought he not; for the priests had a portion assigned them of Pharaoh, and did eat their portion which Pharaoh gave them: wherefore they sold not their lands.

kjv@Genesis:47:24 @ And it shall come to pass in the increase, that ye shall give the fifth part unto Pharaoh, and four parts shall be your own, for seed of the field, and for your food, and for them of your households, and for food for your little ones.

kjv@Genesis:48:10 @ Now the eyes of Israel were dim for age, so that he could not see. And he brought them near unto him; and he kissed them, and embraced them.

kjv@Genesis:48:12 @ And Joseph brought them out from between his knees, and he bowed himself with his face to the earth.

kjv@Genesis:48:13 @ And Joseph took them both, Ephraim in his right hand toward Israel's left hand, and Manasseh in his left hand toward Israel's right hand, and brought them near unto him.

kjv@Genesis:48:16 @ The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth.

kjv@Genesis:48:20 @ And he blessed them that day, saying, In thee shall Israel bless, saying, God make thee as Ephraim and as Manasseh: and he set Ephraim before Manasseh.

kjv@Genesis:49:7 @ Cursed be their anger, for it was fierce; and their wrath, for it was cruel: I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel.

kjv@Exodus:1:10 @ Come on, let us deal wisely with them; lest they multiply, and it come to pass, that, when there falleth out any war, they join also unto our enemies, and fight against us, and so get them up out of the land.

kjv@Exodus:1:11 @ Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Raamses.

kjv@Exodus:1:14 @ And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in morter, and in brick, and in all manner of service in the field: all their service, wherein they made them serve, was with rigour.

kjv@Exodus:1:16 @ And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live.

kjv@Exodus:1:21 @ And it came to pass, because the midwives feared God, that he made them houses.

kjv@Exodus:2:17 @ And the shepherds came and drove them away: but Moses stood up and helped them, and watered their flock.

kjv@Exodus:3:8 @ And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites.

kjv@Exodus:3:22 @ But every woman shall borrow of her neighbour, and of her that sojourneth in her house, jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment: and ye shall put them upon your sons, and upon your daughters; and ye shall spoil the Egyptians.

kjv@Exodus:4:20 @ And Moses took his wife and his sons, and set them upon an ass, and he returned to the land of Egypt: and Moses took the rod of God in his hand.

kjv@Exodus:5:5 @ And Pharaoh said, Behold, the people of the land now are many, and ye make them rest from their burdens.

kjv@Exodus:5:7 @ Ye shall no more give the people straw to make brick, as heretofore: let them go and gather straw for themselves.

kjv@Exodus:5:9 @ Let there more work be laid upon the men, that they may labour therein; and let them not regard vain words.

kjv@Exodus:6:1 @ Then the LORD said unto Moses, Now shalt thou see what I will do to Pharaoh: for with a strong hand shall he let them go, and with a strong hand shall he drive them out of his land.

kjv@Exodus:6:4 @ And I have also established my covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan, the land of their pilgrimage, wherein they were strangers.

kjv@Exodus:6:13 @ And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, and gave them a charge unto the children of Israel, and unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, to bring the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt.

kjv@Exodus:8:2 @ And if thou refuse to let them go, behold, I will smite all thy borders with frogs:

kjv@Exodus:8:14 @ And they gathered them together upon heaps: and the land stank.

kjv@Exodus:9:2 @ For if thou refuse to let them go, and wilt hold them still,

kjv@Exodus:9:17 @ As yet exaltest thou thyself against my people, that thou wilt not let them go?

kjv@Exodus:10:14 @ And the locusts went up over all the land of Egypt, and rested in all the coasts of Egypt: very grievous were they; before them there were no such locusts as they, neither after them shall be such.

kjv@Exodus:10:19 @ And the LORD turned a mighty strong west wind, which took away the locusts, and cast them into the Red sea; there remained not one locust in all the coasts of Egypt.

kjv@Exodus:10:27 @ But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he would not let them go.

kjv@Exodus:12:3 @ Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for an house:

kjv@Exodus:12:33 @ And the Egyptians were urgent upon the people, that they might send them out of the land in haste; for they said, We be all dead men.

kjv@Exodus:12:36 @ And the LORD gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto them such things as they required. And they spoiled the Egyptians.

kjv@Exodus:12:42 @ It is a night to be much observed unto the LORD for bringing them out from the land of Egypt: this is that night of the LORD to be observed of all the children of Israel in their generations.

kjv@Exodus:13:17 @ And it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, Lest peradventure the people repent when they see war, and they return to Egypt:

kjv@Exodus:13:21 @ And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night:

kjv@Exodus:14:3 @ For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel, They are entangled in the land, the wilderness hath shut them in.

kjv@Exodus:14:9 @ But the Egyptians pursued after them, all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh, and his horsemen, and his army, and overtook them encamping by the sea, beside Pihahiroth, before Baalzephon.

kjv@Exodus:14:13 @ And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever.

kjv@Exodus:14:22 @ And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left.

kjv@Exodus:14:23 @ And the Egyptians pursued, and went in after them to the midst of the sea, even all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots, and his horsemen.

kjv@Exodus:14:25 @ And took off their chariot wheels, that they drave them heavily: so that the Egyptians said, Let us flee from the face of Israel; for the LORD fighteth for them against the Egyptians.

kjv@Exodus:14:29 @ But the children of Israel walked upon dry land in the midst of the sea; and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left.

kjv@Exodus:15:7 @ And in the greatness of thine excellency thou hast overthrown them that rose up against thee: thou sentest forth thy wrath, which consumed them as stubble.

kjv@Exodus:15:13 @ Thou in thy mercy hast led forth the people which thou hast redeemed: thou hast guided them in thy strength unto thy holy habitation.

kjv@Exodus:15:17 @ Thou shalt bring them in, and plant them in the mountain of thine inheritance, in the place, O LORD, which thou hast made for thee to dwell in, in the Sanctuary, O Lord, which thy hands have established.

kjv@Exodus:15:25 @ And he cried unto the LORD; and the LORD shewed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet: there he made for them a statute and an ordinance, and there he proved them,

kjv@Exodus:16:16 @ This is the thing which the LORD hath commanded, Gather of it every man according to his eating, an omer for every man, according to the number of your persons; take ye every man for them which are in his tents.

kjv@Exodus:16:20 @ Notwithstanding they hearkened not unto Moses; but some of them left of it until the morning, and it bred worms, and stank: and Moses was wroth with them.

kjv@Exodus:18:8 @ And Moses told his father in law all that the LORD had done unto Pharaoh and to the Egyptians for Israel's sake, and all the travail that had come upon them by the way, and how the LORD delivered them.

kjv@Exodus:18:16 @ When they have a matter, they come unto me; and I judge between one and another, and I do make them know the statutes of God, and his laws.

kjv@Exodus:18:20 @ And thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws, and shalt shew them the way wherein they must walk, and the work that they must do.

kjv@Exodus:18:22 @ And let them judge the people at all seasons: and it shall be, that every great matter they shall bring unto thee, but every small matter they shall judge: so shall it be easier for thyself, and they shall bear the burden with thee.

kjv@Exodus:18:25 @ And Moses chose able men out of all Israel, and made them heads over the people, rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens.

kjv@Exodus:19:10 @ And the LORD said unto Moses, Go unto the people, and sanctify them to day and to morrow, and let them wash their clothes,

kjv@Exodus:19:21 @ And the LORD said unto Moses, Go down, charge the people, lest they break through unto the LORD to gaze, and many of them perish.

kjv@Exodus:20:5 @ Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

kjv@Exodus:20:6 @ And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

kjv@Exodus:20:11 @ For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

kjv@Exodus:22:11 @ Then shall an oath of the LORD be between them both, that he hath not put his hand unto his neighbour's goods; and the owner of it shall accept thereof, and he shall not make it good.

kjv@Exodus:22:23 @ If thou afflict them in any wise, and they cry at all unto me, I will surely hear their cry;

kjv@Exodus:23:23 @ For mine Angel shall go before thee, and bring thee in unto the Amorites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Canaanites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites: and I will cut them off.

kjv@Exodus:23:29 @ I will not drive them out from before thee in one year; lest the land become desolate, and the beast of the field multiply against thee.

kjv@Exodus:23:30 @ By little and little I will drive them out from before thee, until thou be increased, and inherit the land.

kjv@Exodus:23:31 @ And I will set thy bounds from the Red sea even unto the sea of the Philistines, and from the desert unto the river: for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand; and thou shalt drive them out before thee.

kjv@Exodus:25:8 @ And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them.

kjv@Exodus:25:12 @ And thou shalt cast four rings of gold for it, and put them in the four corners thereof; and two rings shall be in the one side of it, and two rings in the other side of it.

kjv@Exodus:25:13 @ And thou shalt make staves of shittim wood, and overlay them with gold.

kjv@Exodus:25:28 @ And thou shalt make the staves of shittim wood, and overlay them with gold, that the table may be borne with them.

kjv@Exodus:25:40 @ And look that thou make them after their pattern, which was shewed thee in the mount.

kjv@Exodus:26:24 @ And they shall be coupled together beneath, and they shall be coupled together above the head of it unto one ring: thus shall it be for them both; they shall be for the two corners.

kjv@Exodus:26:37 @ And thou shalt make for the hanging five pillars of shittim wood, and overlay them with gold, and their hooks shall be of gold: and thou shalt cast five sockets of brass for them.

kjv@Exodus:27:6 @ And thou shalt make staves for the altar, staves of shittim wood, and overlay them with brass.

kjv@Exodus:28:9 @ And thou shalt take two onyx stones, and grave on them the names of the children of Israel:

kjv@Exodus:28:11 @ With the work of an engraver in stone, like the engravings of a signet, shalt thou engrave the two stones with the names of the children of Israel: thou shalt make them to be set in ouches of gold.

kjv@Exodus:28:25 @ And the other two ends of the two wreathen chains thou shalt fasten in the two ouches, and put them on the shoulderpieces of the ephod before it.

kjv@Exodus:28:26 @ And thou shalt make two rings of gold, and thou shalt put them upon the two ends of the breastplate in the border thereof, which is in the side of the ephod inward.

kjv@Exodus:28:27 @ And two other rings of gold thou shalt make, and shalt put them on the two sides of the ephod underneath, toward the forepart thereof, over against the other coupling thereof, above the curious girdle of the ephod.

kjv@Exodus:28:33 @ And beneath upon the hem of it thou shalt make pomegranates of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet, round about the hem thereof; and bells of gold between them round about:

kjv@Exodus:28:40 @ And for Aaron's sons thou shalt make coats, and thou shalt make for them girdles, and bonnets shalt thou make for them, for glory and for beauty.

kjv@Exodus:28:41 @ And thou shalt put them upon Aaron thy brother, and his sons with him; and shalt anoint them, and consecrate them, and sanctify them, that they may minister unto me in the priest's office.

kjv@Exodus:28:42 @ And thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness; from the loins even unto the thighs they shall reach:

kjv@Exodus:29:1 @ And this is the thing that thou shalt do unto them to hallow them, to minister unto me in the priest's office: Take one young bullock, and two rams without blemish,

kjv@Exodus:29:3 @ And thou shalt put them into one basket, and bring them in the basket, with the bullock and the two rams.

kjv@Exodus:29:4 @ And Aaron and his sons thou shalt bring unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and shalt wash them with water.

kjv@Exodus:29:9 @ And thou shalt gird them with girdles, Aaron and his sons, and put the bonnets on them: and the priest's office shall be theirs for a perpetual statute: and thou shalt consecrate Aaron and his sons.

kjv@Exodus:29:13 @ And thou shalt take all the fat that covereth the inwards, and the caul that is above the liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, and burn them upon the altar.

kjv@Exodus:29:17 @ And thou shalt cut the ram in pieces, and wash the inwards of him, and his legs, and put them unto his pieces, and unto his head.

kjv@Exodus:29:24 @ And thou shalt put all in the hands of Aaron, and in the hands of his sons; and shalt wave them for a wave offering before the LORD.

kjv@Exodus:29:25 @ And thou shalt receive them of their hands, and burn them upon the altar for a burnt offering, for a sweet savour before the LORD: it is an offering made by fire unto the LORD.

kjv@Exodus:29:30 @ And that son that is priest in his stead shall put them on seven days, when he cometh into the tabernacle of the congregation to minister in the holy place.

kjv@Exodus:29:46 @ And they shall know that I am the LORD their God, that brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, that I may dwell among them: I am the LORD their God.

kjv@Exodus:30:5 @ And thou shalt make the staves of shittim wood, and overlay them with gold.

kjv@Exodus:30:13 @ This they shall give, every one that passeth among them that are numbered, half a shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary: (a shekel is twenty gerahs:) an half shekel shall be the offering of the LORD.

kjv@Exodus:30:14 @ Every one that passeth among them that are numbered, from twenty years old and above, shall give an offering unto the LORD.

kjv@Exodus:30:29 @ And thou shalt sanctify them, that they may be most holy: whatsoever toucheth them shall be holy.

kjv@Exodus:32:2 @ And Aaron said unto them, Break off the golden earrings, which are in the ears of your wives, of your sons, and of your daughters, and bring them unto me.

kjv@Exodus:32:3 @ And all the people brake off the golden earrings which were in their ears, and brought them unto Aaron.

kjv@Exodus:32:4 @ And he received them at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, after he had made it a molten calf: and they said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.

kjv@Exodus:32:8 @ They have turned aside quickly out of the way which I commanded them: they have made them a molten calf, and have worshipped it, and have sacrificed thereunto, and said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.

kjv@Exodus:32:12 @ Wherefore should the Egyptians speak, and say, For mischief did he bring them out, to slay them in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth? Turn from thy fierce wrath, and repent of this evil against thy people.

kjv@Exodus:32:18 @ And he said, It is not the voice of them that shout for mastery, neither is it the voice of them that cry for being overcome: but the noise of them that sing do I hear.

kjv@Exodus:32:19 @ And it came to pass, as soon as he came nigh unto the camp, that he saw the calf, and the dancing: and Moses' anger waxed hot, and he cast the tables out of his hands, and brake them beneath the mount.

kjv@Exodus:32:24 @ And I said unto them, Whosoever hath any gold, let them break it off. So they gave it me: then I cast it into the fire, and there came out this calf.

kjv@Exodus:32:25 @ And when Moses saw that the people were naked; (for Aaron had made them naked unto their shame among their enemies:)

kjv@Exodus:32:31 @ And Moses returned unto the LORD, and said, Oh, this people have sinned a great sin, and have made them gods of gold.

kjv@Exodus:34:32 @ And afterward all the children of Israel came nigh: and he gave them in commandment all that the LORD had spoken with him in mount Sinai.

kjv@Exodus:35:26 @ And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun goats' hair.

kjv@Exodus:35:29 @ The children of Israel brought a willing offering unto the LORD, every man and woman, whose heart made them willing to bring for all manner of work, which the LORD had commanded to be made by the hand of Moses.

kjv@Exodus:35:35 ... Them hath...

kjv@Exodus:36:8 @ And every wise hearted man among them that wrought the work of the tabernacle made ten curtains of fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet: with cherubims of cunning work made he them.

kjv@Exodus:36:29 @ And they were coupled beneath, and coupled together at the head thereof, to one ring: thus he did to both of them in both the corners.

kjv@Exodus:36:36 @ And he made thereunto four pillars of shittim wood, and overlaid them with gold: their hooks were of gold; and he cast for them four sockets of silver.

kjv@Exodus:37:4 @ And he made staves of shittim wood, and overlaid them with gold.

kjv@Exodus:37:15 @ And he made the staves of shittim wood, and overlaid them with gold, to bear the table.

kjv@Exodus:37:28 @ And he made the staves of shittim wood, and overlaid them with gold.

kjv@Exodus:38:6 @ And he made the staves of shittim wood, and overlaid them with brass.

kjv@Exodus:38:25 @ And the silver of them that were numbered of the congregation was an hundred talents, and a thousand seven hundred and threescore and fifteen shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary:

kjv@Exodus:39:7 @ And he put them on the shoulders of the ephod, that they should be stones for a memorial to the children of Israel; as the LORD commanded Moses.

kjv@Exodus:39:18 @ And the two ends of the two wreathen chains they fastened in the two ouches, and put them on the shoulderpieces of the ephod, before it.

kjv@Exodus:39:19 @ And they made two rings of gold, and put them on the two ends of the breastplate, upon the border of it, which was on the side of the ephod inward.

kjv@Exodus:39:20 @ And they made two other golden rings, and put them on the two sides of the ephod underneath, toward the forepart of it, over against the other coupling thereof, above the curious girdle of the ephod.

kjv@Exodus:40:12 @ And thou shalt bring Aaron and his sons unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and wash them with water.

kjv@Exodus:40:14 @ And thou shalt bring his sons, and clothe them with coats:

kjv@Leviticus:1:12 @ And he shall cut it into his pieces, with his head and his fat: and the priest shall lay them in order on the wood that is on the fire which is upon the altar:

kjv@Leviticus:2:12 @ As for the oblation of the firstfruits, ye shall offer them unto the LORD: but they shall not be burnt on the altar for a sweet savour.

kjv@Leviticus:3:16 @ And the priest shall burn them upon the altar: it is the food of the offering made by fire for a sweet savour: all the fat is the LORD'S.

kjv@Leviticus:4:10 @ As it was taken off from the bullock of the sacrifice of peace offerings: and the priest shall burn them upon the altar of the burnt offering.

kjv@Leviticus:4:35 @ And he shall take away all the fat thereof, as the fat of the lamb is taken away from the sacrifice of the peace offerings; and the priest shall burn them upon the altar, according to the offerings made by fire unto the LORD: and the priest shall make an atonement for his sin that he hath committed, and it shall be forgiven him.

kjv@Leviticus:5:8 @ And he shall bring them unto the priest, who shall offer that which is for the sin offering first, and wring off his head from his neck, but shall not divide it asunder:

kjv@Leviticus:6:10 @ And the priest shall put on his linen garment, and his linen breeches shall he put upon his flesh, and take up the ashes which the fire hath consumed with the burnt offering on the altar, and he shall put them beside the altar.

kjv@Leviticus:6:17 @ It shall not be baken with leaven. I have given it unto them for their portion of my offerings made by fire; it is most holy, as is the sin offering, and as the trespass offering.

kjv@Leviticus:6:18 @ All the males among the children of Aaron shall eat of it. It shall be a statute for ever in your generations concerning the offerings of the LORD made by fire: every one that toucheth them shall be holy.

kjv@Leviticus:7:5 @ And the priest shall burn them upon the altar for an offering made by fire unto the LORD: it is a trespass offering.

kjv@Leviticus:7:34 @ For the wave breast and the heave shoulder have I taken of the children of Israel from off the sacrifices of their peace offerings, and have given them unto Aaron the priest and unto his sons by a statute for ever from among the children of Israel.

kjv@Leviticus:7:35 @ This is the portion of the anointing of Aaron, and of the anointing of his sons, out of the offerings of the LORD made by fire, in the day when he presented them to minister unto the LORD in the priest's office;

kjv@Leviticus:7:36 @ Which the LORD commanded to be given them of the children of Israel, in the day that he anointed them, by a statute for ever throughout their generations.

kjv@Leviticus:8:6 @ And Moses brought Aaron and his sons, and washed them with water.

kjv@Leviticus:8:13 @ And Moses brought Aaron's sons, and put coats upon them, and girded them with girdles, and put bonnets upon them; as the LORD commanded Moses.

kjv@Leviticus:8:26 @ And out of the basket of unleavened bread, that was before the LORD, he took one unleavened cake, and a cake of oiled bread, and one wafer, and put them on the fat, and upon the right shoulder:

kjv@Leviticus:8:27 @ And he put all upon Aaron's hands, and upon his sons' hands, and waved them for a wave offering before the LORD.

kjv@Leviticus:8:28 @ And Moses took them from off their hands, and burnt them on the altar upon the burnt offering: they were consecrations for a sweet savour: it is an offering made by fire unto the LORD.

kjv@Leviticus:9:2 @ And he said unto Aaron, Take thee a young calf for a sin offering, and a ram for a burnt offering, without blemish, and offer them before the LORD.

kjv@Leviticus:9:13 @ And they presented the burnt offering unto him, with the pieces thereof, and the head: and he burnt them upon the altar.

kjv@Leviticus:9:14 @ And he did wash the inwards and the legs, and burnt them upon the burnt offering on the altar.

kjv@Leviticus:10:1 @ And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the LORD, which he commanded them not.

kjv@Leviticus:10:3 @ Then Moses said unto Aaron, This is it that the LORD spake, saying, I will be sanctified in them that come nigh me, and before all the people I will be glorified. And Aaron held his peace.

kjv@Leviticus:10:5 @ So they went near, and carried them in their coats out of the camp; as Moses had said.

kjv@Leviticus:10:11 @ And that ye may teach the children of Israel all the statutes which the LORD hath spoken unto them by the hand of Moses.

kjv@Leviticus:10:17 @ Wherefore have ye not eaten the sin offering in the holy place, seeing it is most holy, and God hath given it you to bear the iniquity of the congregation, to make atonement for them before the LORD?

kjv@Leviticus:11:4 @ Nevertheless these shall ye not eat of them that chew the cud, or of them that divide the hoof: as the camel, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you.

kjv@Leviticus:11:9 @ These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat.

kjv@Leviticus:11:22 @ Even these of them ye may eat; the locust after his kind, and the bald locust after his kind, and the beetle after his kind, and the grasshopper after his kind.

kjv@Leviticus:11:24 @ And for these ye shall be unclean: whosoever toucheth the carcase of them shall be unclean until the even.

kjv@Leviticus:11:25 @ And whosoever beareth ought of the carcase of them shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the even.

kjv@Leviticus:11:26 @ The carcases of every beast which divideth the hoof, and is not clovenfooted, nor cheweth the cud, are unclean unto you: every one that toucheth them shall be unclean.

kjv@Leviticus:11:28 @ And he that beareth the carcase of them shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the even: they are unclean unto you.

kjv@Leviticus:11:33 @ And every earthen vessel, whereinto any of them falleth, whatsoever is in it shall be unclean; and ye shall break it.

kjv@Leviticus:11:42 @ Whatsoever goeth upon the belly, and whatsoever goeth upon all four, or whatsoever hath more feet among all creeping things that creep upon the earth, them ye shall not eat; for they are an abomination.

kjv@Leviticus:14:6 @ As for the living bird, he shall take it, and the cedar wood, and the scarlet, and the hyssop, and shall dip them and the living bird in the blood of the bird that was killed over the running water:

kjv@Leviticus:14:12 @ And the priest shall take one he lamb, and offer him for a trespass offering, and the log of oil, and wave them for a wave offering before the LORD:

kjv@Leviticus:14:23 @ And he shall bring them on the eighth day for his cleansing unto the priest, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, before the LORD.

kjv@Leviticus:14:24 @ And the priest shall take the lamb of the trespass offering, and the log of oil, and the priest shall wave them for a wave offering before the LORD:

kjv@Leviticus:14:40 @ Then the priest shall command that they take away the stones in which the plague is, and they shall cast them into an unclean place without the city:

kjv@Leviticus:14:42 @ And they shall take other stones, and put them in the place of those stones; and he shall take other morter, and shall plaister the house.

kjv@Leviticus:14:45 @ And he shall break down the house, the stones of it, and the timber thereof, and all the morter of the house; and he shall carry them forth out of the city into an unclean place.

kjv@Leviticus:14:51 @ And he shall take the cedar wood, and the hyssop, and the scarlet, and the living bird, and dip them in the blood of the slain bird, and in the running water, and sprinkle the house seven times:

kjv@Leviticus:15:14 @ And on the eighth day he shall take to him two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, and come before the LORD unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and give them unto the priest:

kjv@Leviticus:15:29 @ And on the eighth day she shall take unto her two turtles, or two young pigeons, and bring them unto the priest, to the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.

kjv@Leviticus:16:4 @ He shall put on the holy linen coat, and he shall have the linen breeches upon his flesh, and shall be girded with a linen girdle, and with the linen mitre shall he be attired: these are holy garments; therefore shall he wash his flesh in water, and so put them on.

kjv@Leviticus:16:7 @ And he shall take the two goats, and present them before the LORD at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.

kjv@Leviticus:16:16 @ And he shall make an atonement for the holy place, because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel, and because of their transgressions in all their sins: and so shall he do for the tabernacle of the congregation, that remaineth among them in the midst of their uncleanness.

kjv@Leviticus:16:21 @ And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat, and confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions in all their sins, putting them upon the head of the goat, and shall send him away by the hand of a fit man into the wilderness:

kjv@Leviticus:16:23 @ And Aaron shall come into the tabernacle of the congregation, and shall put off the linen garments, which he put on when he went into the holy place, and shall leave them there:

kjv@Leviticus:16:28 @ And he that burneth them shall wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in water, and afterward he shall come into the camp.

kjv@Leviticus:17:5 @ To the end that the children of Israel may bring their sacrifices, which they offer in the open field, even that they may bring them unto the LORD, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, unto the priest, and offer them for peace offerings unto the LORD.

kjv@Leviticus:17:7 @ And they shall no more offer their sacrifices unto devils, after whom they have gone a whoring. This shall be a statute for ever unto them throughout their generations.

kjv@Leviticus:17:16 @ But if he wash them not, nor bathe his flesh; then he shall bear his iniquity.

kjv@Leviticus:18:29 @ For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people.

kjv@Leviticus:19:10 @ And thou shalt not glean thy vineyard, neither shalt thou gather every grape of thy vineyard; thou shalt leave them for the poor and stranger: I am the LORD your God.

kjv@Leviticus:19:31 @ Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.

kjv@Leviticus:20:11 @ And the man that lieth with his father's wife hath uncovered his father's nakedness: both of them shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

kjv@Leviticus:20:12 @ And if a man lie with his daughter in law, both of them shall surely be put to death: they have wrought confusion; their blood shall be upon them.

kjv@Leviticus:20:13 @ If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

kjv@Leviticus:20:18 @ And if a man shall lie with a woman having her sickness, and shall uncover her nakedness; he hath discovered her fountain, and she hath uncovered the fountain of her blood: and both of them shall be cut off from among their people.

kjv@Leviticus:20:27 @ A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.

kjv@Leviticus:22:16 @ Or suffer them to bear the iniquity of trespass, when they eat their holy things: for I the LORD do sanctify them.

kjv@Leviticus:22:22 @ Blind, or broken, or maimed, or having a wen, or scurvy, or scabbed, ye shall not offer these unto the LORD, nor make an offering by fire of them upon the altar unto the LORD.

kjv@Leviticus:23:20 @ And the priest shall wave them with the bread of the firstfruits for a wave offering before the LORD, with the two lambs: they shall be holy to the LORD for the priest.

kjv@Leviticus:23:22 @ And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not make clean riddance of the corners of thy field when thou reapest, neither shalt thou gather any gleaning of thy harvest: thou shalt leave them unto the poor, and to the stranger: I am the LORD your God.

kjv@Leviticus:23:43 @ That your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.

kjv@Leviticus:24:6 @ And thou shalt set them in two rows, six on a row, upon the pure table before the LORD.

kjv@Leviticus:25:31 @ But the houses of the villages which have no wall round about them shall be counted as the fields of the country: they may be redeemed, and they shall go out in the jubile.

kjv@Leviticus:25:44 @ Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids.

kjv@Leviticus:25:45 @ Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession.

kjv@Leviticus:25:46 @ And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour.

kjv@Leviticus:25:51 @ If there be yet many years behind, according unto them he shall give again the price of his redemption out of the money that he was bought for.

kjv@Leviticus:26:36 @ And upon them that are left alive of you I will send a faintness into their hearts in the lands of their enemies; and the sound of a shaken leaf shall chase them; and they shall flee, as fleeing from a sword; and they shall fall when none pursueth.

kjv@Leviticus:26:41 @ And that I also have walked contrary unto them, and have brought them into the land of their enemies; if then their uncircumcised hearts be humbled, and they then accept of the punishment of their iniquity:

kjv@Leviticus:26:44 @ And yet for all that, when they be in the land of their enemies, I will not cast them away, neither will I abhor them, to destroy them utterly, and to break my covenant with them: for I am the LORD their God.

kjv@Numbers:1:3 @ From twenty years old and upward, all that are able to go forth to war in Israel: thou and Aaron shall number them by their armies.

kjv@Numbers:1:19 @ As the LORD commanded Moses, so he numbered them in the wilderness of Sinai.

kjv@Numbers:1:49 @ Only thou shalt not number the tribe of Levi, neither take the sum of them among the children of Israel:

kjv@Numbers:3:6 @ Bring the tribe of Levi near, and present them before Aaron the priest, that they may minister unto him.

kjv@Numbers:3:16 @ And Moses numbered them according to the word of the LORD, as he was commanded.

kjv@Numbers:3:22 @ Those that were numbered of them, according to the number of all the males, from a month old and upward, even those that were numbered of them were seven thousand and five hundred.

kjv@Numbers:3:32 @ And Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest shall be chief over the chief of the Levites, and have the oversight of them that keep the charge of the sanctuary.

kjv@Numbers:3:48 @ And thou shalt give the money, wherewith the odd number of them is to be redeemed, unto Aaron and to his sons.

kjv@Numbers:3:49 @ And Moses took the redemption money of them that were over and above them that were redeemed by the Levites:

kjv@Numbers:3:51 @ And Moses gave the money of them that were redeemed unto Aaron and to his sons, according to the word of the LORD, as the LORD commanded Moses.

kjv@Numbers:4:8 @ And they shall spread upon them a cloth of scarlet, and cover the same with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put in the staves thereof.

kjv@Numbers:4:12 @ And they shall take all the instruments of ministry, wherewith they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put them on a bar:

kjv@Numbers:4:19 @ But thus do unto them, that they may live, and not die, when they approach unto the most holy things: Aaron and his sons shall go in, and appoint them every one to his service and to his burden:

kjv@Numbers:4:27 @ At the appointment of Aaron and his sons shall be all the service of the sons of the Gershonites, in all their burdens, and in all their service: and ye shall appoint unto them in charge all their burdens.

kjv@Numbers:4:29 @ As for the sons of Merari, thou shalt number them after their families, by the house of their fathers;

kjv@Numbers:4:36 @ And those that were numbered of them by their families were two thousand seven hundred and fifty.

kjv@Numbers:4:44 @ Even those that were numbered of them after their families, were three thousand and two hundred.

kjv@Numbers:5:4 @ And the children of Israel did so, and put them out without the camp: as the LORD spake unto Moses, so did the children of Israel.

kjv@Numbers:5:23 @ And the priest shall write these curses in a book, and he shall blot them out with the bitter water:

kjv@Numbers:6:16 @ And the priest shall bring them before the LORD, and shall offer his sin offering, and his burnt offering:

kjv@Numbers:6:19 @ And the priest shall take the sodden shoulder of the ram, and one unleavened cake out of the basket, and one unleavened wafer, and shall put them upon the hands of the Nazarite, after the hair of his separation is shaven:

kjv@Numbers:6:20 @ And the priest shall wave them for a wave offering before the LORD: this is holy for the priest, with the wave breast and heave shoulder: and after that the Nazarite may drink wine.

kjv@Numbers:7:2 @ That the princes of Israel, heads of the house of their fathers, who were the princes of the tribes, and were over them that were numbered, offered:

kjv@Numbers:7:3 @ And they brought their offering before the LORD, six covered wagons, and twelve oxen; a wagon for two of the princes, and for each one an ox: and they brought them before the tabernacle.

kjv@Numbers:7:5 @ Take it of them, that they may be to do the service of the tabernacle of the congregation; and thou shalt give them unto the Levites, to every man according to his service.

kjv@Numbers:7:6 @ And Moses took the wagons and the oxen, and gave them unto the Levites.

kjv@Numbers:7:9 @ But unto the sons of Kohath he gave none: because the service of the sanctuary belonging unto them was that they should bear upon their shoulders.

kjv@Numbers:7:13 @ And his offering was one silver charger, the weight thereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them were full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:

kjv@Numbers:7:19 @ He offered for his offering one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:

kjv@Numbers:7:25 @ His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:

kjv@Numbers:7:31 @ His offering was one silver charger of the weight of an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:

kjv@Numbers:7:37 @ His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:

kjv@Numbers:7:43 @ His offering was one silver charger of the weight of an hundred and thirty shekels, a silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:

kjv@Numbers:7:49 @ His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:

kjv@Numbers:7:55 @ His offering was one silver charger of the weight of an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:

kjv@Numbers:7:61 @ His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:

kjv@Numbers:7:67 @ His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:

kjv@Numbers:7:73 @ His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:

kjv@Numbers:7:79 @ His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering:

kjv@Numbers:8:7 @ And thus shalt thou do unto them, to cleanse them: Sprinkle water of purifying upon them, and let them shave all their flesh, and let them wash their clothes, and so make themselves clean.

kjv@Numbers:8:8 @ Then let them take a young bullock with his meat offering, even fine flour mingled with oil, and another young bullock shalt thou take for a sin offering.

kjv@Numbers:8:13 @ And thou shalt set the Levites before Aaron, and before his sons, and offer them for an offering unto the LORD.

kjv@Numbers:8:15 @ And after that shall the Levites go in to do the service of the tabernacle of the congregation: and thou shalt cleanse them, and offer them for an offering.

kjv@Numbers:8:16 @ For they are wholly given unto me from among the children of Israel; instead of such as open every womb, even instead of the firstborn of all the children of Israel, have I taken them unto me.

kjv@Numbers:8:17 @ For all the firstborn of the children of Israel are mine, both man and beast: on the day that I smote every firstborn in the land of Egypt I sanctified them for myself.

kjv@Numbers:8:21 @ And the Levites were purified, and they washed their clothes; and Aaron offered them as an offering before the LORD; and Aaron made an atonement for them to cleanse them.

kjv@Numbers:10:2 @ Make thee two trumpets of silver; of a whole piece shalt thou make them: that thou mayest use them for the calling of the assembly, and for the journeying of the camps.

kjv@Numbers:10:33 @ And they departed from the mount of the LORD three days' journey: and the ark of the covenant of the LORD went before them in the three days' journey, to search out a resting place for them.

kjv@Numbers:10:34 @ And the cloud of the LORD was upon them by day, when they went out of the camp.

kjv@Numbers:10:35 @ And it came to pass, when the ark set forward, that Moses said, Rise up, LORD, and let thine enemies be scattered; and let them that hate thee flee before thee.

kjv@Numbers:11:1 @ And when the people complained, it displeased the LORD: and the LORD heard it; and his anger was kindled; and the fire of the LORD burnt among them, and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp.

kjv@Numbers:11:4 @ And the mixt multitude that was among them fell a lusting: and the children of Israel also wept again, and said, Who shall give us flesh to eat?

kjv@Numbers:11:12 @ Have I conceived all this people? have I begotten them, that thou shouldest say unto me, Carry them in thy bosom, as a nursing father beareth the sucking child, unto the land which thou swarest unto their fathers?

kjv@Numbers:11:16 @ And the LORD said unto Moses, Gather unto me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom thou knowest to be the elders of the people, and officers over them; and bring them unto the tabernacle of the congregation, that they may stand there with thee.

kjv@Numbers:11:21 @ And Moses said, The people, among whom I am, are six hundred thousand footmen; and thou hast said, I will give them flesh, that they may eat a whole month.

kjv@Numbers:11:24 @ And Moses went out, and told the people the words of the LORD, and gathered the seventy men of the elders of the people, and set them round about the tabernacle.

kjv@Numbers:11:26 @ But there remained two of the men in the camp, the name of the one was Eldad, and the name of the other Medad: and the spirit rested upon them; and they were of them that were written, but went not out unto the tabernacle: and they prophesied in the camp.

kjv@Numbers:11:31 @ And there went forth a wind from the LORD, and brought quails from the sea, and let them fall by the camp, as it were a day's journey on this side, and as it were a day's journey on the other side, round about the camp, and as it were two cubits high upon the face of the earth.

kjv@Numbers:11:32 @ And the people stood up all that day, and all that night, and all the next day, and they gathered the quails: he that gathered least gathered ten homers: and they spread them all abroad for themselves round about the camp.

kjv@Numbers:13:3 @ And Moses by the commandment of the LORD sent them from the wilderness of Paran: all those men were heads of the children of Israel.

kjv@Numbers:13:17 @ And Moses sent them to spy out the land of Canaan, and said unto them, Get you up this way southward, and go up into the mountain:

kjv@Numbers:13:26 @ And they went and came to Moses, and to Aaron, and to all the congregation of the children of Israel, unto the wilderness of Paran, to Kadesh; and brought back word unto them, and unto all the congregation, and shewed them the fruit of the land.

kjv@Numbers:14:6 @ And Joshua the son of Nun, and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, which were of them that searched the land, rent their clothes:

kjv@Numbers:14:9 @ Only rebel not ye against the LORD, neither fear ye the people of the land; for they are bread for us: their defence is departed from them, and the LORD is with us: fear them not.

kjv@Numbers:14:10 @ But all the congregation bade stone them with stones. And the glory of the LORD appeared in the tabernacle of the congregation before all the children of Israel.

kjv@Numbers:14:12 @ I will smite them with the pestilence, and disinherit them, and will make of thee a greater nation and mightier than they.

kjv@Numbers:14:16 @ Because the LORD was not able to bring this people into the land which he sware unto them, therefore he hath slain them in the wilderness.

kjv@Numbers:14:23 @ Surely they shall not see the land which I sware unto their fathers, neither shall any of them that provoked me see it:

kjv@Numbers:14:31 @ But your little ones, which ye said should be a prey, them will I bring in, and they shall know the land which ye have despised.

kjv@Numbers:14:40 @ And they rose up early in the morning, and gat them up into the top of the mountain, saying, Lo, we be here, and will go up unto the place which the LORD hath promised: for we have sinned.

kjv@Numbers:15:38 @ Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a ribband of blue:

kjv@Numbers:16:7 @ And put fire therein, and put incense in them before the LORD to morrow: and it shall be that the man whom the LORD doth choose, he shall be holy: ye take too much upon you, ye sons of Levi.

kjv@Numbers:16:19 @ And Korah gathered all the congregation against them unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation: and the glory of the LORD appeared unto all the congregation.

kjv@Numbers:16:21 @ Separate yourselves from among this congregation, that I may consume them in a moment.

kjv@Numbers:16:28 @ And Moses said, Hereby ye shall know that the LORD hath sent me to do all these works; for I have not done them of mine own mind.

kjv@Numbers:16:30 @ But if the LORD make a new thing, and the earth open her mouth, and swallow them up, with all that appertain unto them, and they go down quick into the pit; then ye shall understand that these men have provoked the LORD.

kjv@Numbers:16:32 @ And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their goods.

kjv@Numbers:16:34 @ And all Israel that were round about them fled at the cry of them: for they said, Lest the earth swallow us up also.

kjv@Numbers:16:38 @ The censers of these sinners against their own souls, let them make them broad plates for a covering of the altar: for they offered them before the LORD, therefore they are hallowed: and they shall be a sign unto the children of Israel.

kjv@Numbers:16:45 @ Get you up from among this congregation, that I may consume them as in a moment. And they fell upon their faces.

kjv@Numbers:16:49 @ Now they that died in the plague were fourteen thousand and seven hundred, beside them that died about the matter of Korah.

kjv@Numbers:17:2 @ Speak unto the children of Israel, and take of every one of them a rod according to the house of their fathers, of all their princes according to the house of their fathers twelve rods: write thou every man's name upon his rod.

kjv@Numbers:17:4 @ And thou shalt lay them up in the tabernacle of the congregation before the testimony, where I will meet with you.

kjv@Numbers:18:8 @ And the LORD spake unto Aaron, Behold, I also have given thee the charge of mine heave offerings of all the hallowed things of the children of Israel; unto thee have I given them by reason of the anointing, and to thy sons, by an ordinance for ever.

kjv@Numbers:18:11 @ And this is thine; the heave offering of their gift, with all the wave offerings of the children of Israel: I have given them unto thee, and to thy sons and to thy daughters with thee, by a statute for ever: every one that is clean in thy house shall eat of it.

kjv@Numbers:18:12 @ All the best of the oil, and all the best of the wine, and of the wheat, the firstfruits of them which they shall offer unto the LORD, them have I given thee.

kjv@Numbers:18:18 @ And the flesh of them shall be thine, as the wave breast and as the right shoulder are thine.

kjv@Numbers:18:26 @ Thus speak unto the Levites, and say unto them, When ye take of the children of Israel the tithes which I have given you from them for your inheritance, then ye shall offer up an heave offering of it for the LORD, even a tenth part of the tithe.

kjv@Numbers:19:9 @ And a man that is clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer, and lay them up without the camp in a clean place, and it shall be kept for the congregation of the children of Israel for a water of separation: it is a purification for sin.

kjv@Numbers:20:8 @ Take the rod, and gather thou the assembly together, thou, and Aaron thy brother, and speak ye unto the rock before their eyes; and it shall give forth his water, and thou shalt bring forth to them water out of the rock: so thou shalt give the congregation and their beasts drink.

kjv@Numbers:20:25 @ Take Aaron and Eleazar his son, and bring them up unto mount Hor:

kjv@Numbers:20:26 @ And strip Aaron of his garments, and put them upon Eleazar his son: and Aaron shall be gathered unto his people, and shall die there.

kjv@Numbers:20:28 @ And Moses stripped Aaron of his garments, and put them upon Eleazar his son; and Aaron died there in the top of the mount: and Moses and Eleazar came down from the mount.

kjv@Numbers:21:1 @ And when king Arad the Canaanite, which dwelt in the south, heard tell that Israel came by the way of the spies; then he fought against Israel, and took some of them prisoners.

kjv@Numbers:21:3 @ And the LORD hearkened to the voice of Israel, and delivered up the Canaanites; and they utterly destroyed them and their cities: and he called the name of the place Hormah.

kjv@Numbers:21:16 @ And from thence they went to Beer: that is the well whereof the LORD spake unto Moses, Gather the people together, and I will give them water.

kjv@Numbers:21:30 @ We have shot at them; Heshbon is perished even unto Dibon, and we have laid them waste even unto Nophah, which reacheth unto Medeba.

kjv@Numbers:22:6 @ Come now therefore, I pray thee, curse me this people; for they are too mighty for me: peradventure I shall prevail, that we may smite them, and that I may drive them out of the land: for I wot that he whom thou blessest is blessed, and he whom thou cursest is cursed.

kjv@Numbers:22:11 @ Behold, there is a people come out of Egypt, which covereth the face of the earth: come now, curse me them; peradventure I shall be able to overcome them, and drive them out.

kjv@Numbers:23:11 @ And Balak said unto Balaam, What hast thou done unto me? I took thee to curse mine enemies, and, behold, thou hast blessed them altogether.

kjv@Numbers:23:13 @ And Balak said unto him, Come, I pray thee, with me unto another place, from whence thou mayest see them: thou shalt see but the utmost part of them, and shalt not see them all: and curse me them from thence.

kjv@Numbers:23:22 @ God brought them out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn.

kjv@Numbers:23:25 @ And Balak said unto Balaam, Neither curse them at all, nor bless them at all.

kjv@Numbers:23:27 @ And Balak said unto Balaam, Come, I pray thee, I will bring thee unto another place; peradventure it will please God that thou mayest curse me them from thence.

kjv@Numbers:24:8 @ God brought him forth out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn: he shall eat up the nations his enemies, and shall break their bones, and pierce them through with his arrows.

kjv@Numbers:24:10 @ And Balak's anger was kindled against Balaam, and he smote his hands together: and Balak said unto Balaam, I called thee to curse mine enemies, and, behold, thou hast altogether blessed them these three times.

kjv@Numbers:25:4 @ And the LORD said unto Moses, Take all the heads of the people, and hang them up before the LORD against the sun, that the fierce anger of the LORD may be turned away from Israel.

kjv@Numbers:25:8 @ And he went after the man of Israel into the tent, and thrust both of them through, the man of Israel, and the woman through her belly. So the plague was stayed from the children of Israel.

kjv@Numbers:26:3 @ And Moses and Eleazar the priest spake with them in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho, saying,

kjv@Numbers:26:7 @ These are the families of the Reubenites: and they that were numbered of them were forty and three thousand and seven hundred and thirty.

kjv@Numbers:26:10 @ And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up together with Korah, when that company died, what time the fire devoured two hundred and fifty men: and they became a sign.

kjv@Numbers:26:41 @ These are the sons of Benjamin after their families: and they that were numbered of them were forty and five thousand and six hundred.

kjv@Numbers:26:50 @ These are the families of Naphtali according to their families: and they that were numbered of them were forty and five thousand and four hundred.

kjv@Numbers:26:62 @ And those that were numbered of them were twenty and three thousand, all males from a month old and upward: for they were not numbered among the children of Israel, because there was no inheritance given them among the children of Israel.

kjv@Numbers:26:64 @ But among these there was not a man of them whom Moses and Aaron the priest numbered, when they numbered the children of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai.

kjv@Numbers:27:3 @ Our father died in the wilderness, and he was not in the company of them that gathered themselves together against the LORD in the company of Korah; but died in his own sin, and had no sons.

kjv@Numbers:27:7 @ The daughters of Zelophehad speak right: thou shalt surely give them a possession of an inheritance among their father's brethren; and thou shalt cause the inheritance of their father to pass unto them.

kjv@Numbers:27:17 @ Which may go out before them, and which may go in before them, and which may lead them out, and which may bring them in; that the congregation of the LORD be not as sheep which have no shepherd.

kjv@Numbers:28:31 @ Ye shall offer them beside the continual burnt offering, and his meat offering, (they shall be unto you without blemish) and their drink offerings.

kjv@Numbers:30:12 @ But if her husband hath utterly made them void on the day he heard them; then whatsoever proceeded out of her lips concerning her vows, or concerning the bond of her soul, shall not stand: her husband hath made them void; and the LORD shall forgive her.

kjv@Numbers:30:15 @ But if he shall any ways make them void after that he hath heard them; then he shall bear her iniquity.

kjv@Numbers:31:3 @ And Moses spake unto the people, saying, Arm some of yourselves unto the war, and let them go against the Midianites, and avenge the LORD of Midian.

kjv@Numbers:31:6 @ And Moses sent them to the war, a thousand of every tribe, them and Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest, to the war, with the holy instruments, and the trumpets to blow in his hand.

kjv@Numbers:31:8 @ And they slew the kings of Midian, beside the rest of them that were slain; namely, Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, five kings of Midian: Balaam also the son of Beor they slew with the sword.

kjv@Numbers:31:13 @ And Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and all the princes of the congregation, went forth to meet them without the camp.

kjv@Numbers:31:27 @ And divide the prey into two parts; between them that took the war upon them, who went out to battle, and between all the congregation:

kjv@Numbers:31:30 @ And of the children of Israel's half, thou shalt take one portion of fifty, of the persons, of the beeves, of the asses, and of the flocks, of all manner of beasts, and give them unto the Levites, which keep the charge of the tabernacle of the LORD.

kjv@Numbers:31:36 @ And the half, which was the portion of them that went out to war, was in number three hundred thousand and seven and thirty thousand and five hundred sheep:

kjv@Numbers:31:47 @ Even of the children of Israel's half, Moses took one portion of fifty, both of man and of beast, and gave them unto the Levites, which kept the charge of the tabernacle of the LORD; as the LORD commanded Moses.

kjv@Numbers:32:8 @ Thus did your fathers, when I sent them from Kadeshbarnea to see the land.

kjv@Numbers:32:13 @ And the LORD'S anger was kindled against Israel, and he made them wander in the wilderness forty years, until all the generation, that had done evil in the sight of the LORD, was consumed.

kjv@Numbers:32:15 @ For if ye turn away from after him, he will yet again leave them in the wilderness; and ye shall destroy all this people.

kjv@Numbers:32:17 @ But we ourselves will go ready armed before the children of Israel, until we have brought them unto their place: and our little ones shall dwell in the fenced cities because of the inhabitants of the land.

kjv@Numbers:32:19 @ For we will not inherit with them on yonder side Jordan, or forward; because our inheritance is fallen to us on this side Jordan eastward.

kjv@Numbers:32:28 @ So concerning them Moses commanded Eleazar the priest, and Joshua the son of Nun, and the chief fathers of the tribes of the children of Israel:

kjv@Numbers:32:29 @ And Moses said unto them, If the children of Gad and the children of Reuben will pass with you over Jordan, every man armed to battle, before the LORD, and the land shall be subdued before you; then ye shall give them the land of Gilead for a possession:

kjv@Numbers:32:41 @ And Jair the son of Manasseh went and took the small towns thereof, and called them Havothjair.

kjv@Numbers:33:55 @ But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell.

kjv@Numbers:35:3 @ And the cities shall they have to dwell in; and the suburbs of them shall be for their cattle, and for their goods, and for all their beasts.

kjv@Numbers:35:5 @ And ye shall measure from without the city on the east side two thousand cubits, and on the south side two thousand cubits, and on the west side two thousand cubits, and on the north side two thousand cubits; and the city shall be in the midst: this shall be to them the suburbs of the cities.

kjv@Numbers:35:6 @ And among the cities which ye shall give unto the Levites there shall be six cities for refuge, which ye shall appoint for the manslayer, that he may flee thither: and to them ye shall add forty and two cities.

kjv@Numbers:35:7 @ So all the cities which ye shall give to the Levites shall be forty and eight cities: them shall ye give with their suburbs.

kjv@Numbers:35:8 @ And the cities which ye shall give shall be of the possession of the children of Israel: from them that have many ye shall give many; but from them that have few ye shall give few: every one shall give of his cities unto the Levites according to his inheritance which he inheriteth.

kjv@Numbers:36:6 @ This is the thing which the LORD doth command concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, saying, Let them marry to whom they think best; only to the family of the tribe of their father shall they marry.

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:8 @ Behold, I have set the land before you: go in and possess the land which the LORD sware unto your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give unto them and to their seed after them.

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:13 @ Take you wise men, and understanding, and known among your tribes, and I will make them rulers over you.

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:15 @ So I took the chief of your tribes, wise men, and known, and made them heads over you, captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds, and captains over fifties, and captains over tens, and officers among your tribes.

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:39 @ Moreover your little ones, which ye said should be a prey, and your children, which in that day had no knowledge between good and evil, they shall go in thither, and unto them will I give it, and they shall possess it.

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:6 @ Ye shall buy meat of them for money, that ye may eat; and ye shall also buy water of them for money, that ye may drink.

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:9 @ And the LORD said unto me, Distress not the Moabites, neither contend with them in battle: for I will not give thee of their land for a possession; because I have given Ar unto the children of Lot for a possession.

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:11 @ Which also were accounted giants, as the Anakims; but the Moabites call them Emims.

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:12 @ The Horims also dwelt in Seir beforetime; but the children of Esau succeeded them, when they had destroyed them from before them, and dwelt in their stead; as Israel did unto the land of his possession, which the LORD gave unto them.

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:15 @ For indeed the hand of the LORD was against them, to destroy them from among the host, until they were consumed.

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:19 @ And when thou comest nigh over against the children of Ammon, distress them not, nor meddle with them: for I will not give thee of the land of the children of Ammon any possession; because I have given it unto the children of Lot for a possession.

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:20 @ (That also was accounted a land of giants: giants dwelt therein in old time; and the Ammonites call them Zamzummims;

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:21 @ A people great, and many, and tall, as the Anakims; but the LORD destroyed them before them; and they succeeded them, and dwelt in their stead:

kjv@Deuteronomy:3:14 @ Jair the son of Manasseh took all the country of Argob unto the coasts of Geshuri and Maachathi; and called them after his own name, Bashanhavothjair, unto this day.

kjv@Deuteronomy:3:20 @ Until the LORD have given rest unto your brethren, as well as unto you, and until they also possess the land which the LORD your God hath given them beyond Jordan: and then shall ye return every man unto his possession, which I have given you.

kjv@Deuteronomy:3:28 @ But charge Joshua, and encourage him, and strengthen him: for he shall go over before this people, and he shall cause them to inherit the land which thou shalt see.

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:3 @ Your eyes have seen what the LORD did because of Baalpeor: for all the men that followed Baalpeor, the LORD thy God hath destroyed them from among you.

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:9 @ Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons' sons;

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:10 @ Specially the day that thou stoodest before the LORD thy God in Horeb, when the LORD said unto me, Gather me the people together, and I will make them hear my words, that they may learn to fear me all the days that they shall live upon the earth, and that they may teach their children.

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:13 @ And he declared unto you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform, even ten commandments; and he wrote them upon two tables of stone.

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:14 @ And the LORD commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and judgments, that ye might do them in the land whither ye go over to possess it.

kjv@Deuteronomy:5:9 @ Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me,

kjv@Deuteronomy:5:10 @ And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.

kjv@Deuteronomy:5:22 @ These words the LORD spake unto all your assembly in the mount out of the midst of the fire, of the cloud, and of the thick darkness, with a great voice: and he added no more. And he wrote them in two tables of stone, and delivered them unto me.

kjv@Deuteronomy:5:31 @ But as for thee, stand thou here by me, and I will speak unto thee all the commandments, and the statutes, and the judgments, which thou shalt teach them, that they may do them in the land which I give them to possess it.

kjv@Deuteronomy:6:1 @ Now these are the commandments, the statutes, and the judgments, which the LORD your God commanded to teach you, that ye might do them in the land whither ye go to possess it:

kjv@Deuteronomy:6:7 @ And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

kjv@Deuteronomy:6:8 @ And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.

kjv@Deuteronomy:6:9 @ And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.

kjv@Deuteronomy:7:2 @ And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them:

kjv@Deuteronomy:7:9 @ Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;

kjv@Deuteronomy:7:10 @ And repayeth them that hate him to their face, to destroy them: he will not be slack to him that hateth him, he will repay him to his face.

kjv@Deuteronomy:7:15 @ And the LORD will take away from thee all sickness, and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest, upon thee; but will lay them upon all them that hate thee.

kjv@Deuteronomy:7:22 @ And the LORD thy God will put out those nations before thee by little and little: thou mayest not consume them at once, lest the beasts of the field increase upon thee.

kjv@Deuteronomy:7:23 @ But the LORD thy God shall deliver them unto thee, and shall destroy them with a mighty destruction, until they be destroyed.

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:3 @ Understand therefore this day, that the LORD thy God is he which goeth over before thee; as a consuming fire he shall destroy them, and he shall bring them down before thy face: so shalt thou drive them out, and destroy them quickly, as the LORD hath said unto thee.

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:4 @ Speak not thou in thine heart, after that the LORD thy God hath cast them out from before thee, saying, For my righteousness the LORD hath brought me in to possess this land: but for the wickedness of these nations the LORD doth drive them out from before thee.

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:5 @ Not for thy righteousness, or for the uprightness of thine heart, dost thou go to possess their land: but for the wickedness of these nations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee, and that he may perform the word which the LORD sware unto thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:10 @ And the LORD delivered unto me two tables of stone written with the finger of God; and on them was written according to all the words, which the LORD spake with you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly.

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:12 @ And the LORD said unto me, Arise, get thee down quickly from hence; for thy people which thou hast brought forth out of Egypt have corrupted themselves; they are quickly turned aside out of the way which I commanded them; they have made them a molten image.

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:17 @ And I took the two tables, and cast them out of my two hands, and brake them before your eyes.

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:28 @ Lest the land whence thou broughtest us out say, Because the LORD was not able to bring them into the land which he promised them, and because he hated them, he hath brought them out to slay them in the wilderness.

kjv@Deuteronomy:10:2 @ And I will write on the tables the words that were in the first tables which thou brakest, and thou shalt put them in the ark.

kjv@Deuteronomy:10:4 @ And he wrote on the tables, according to the first writing, the ten commandments, which the LORD spake unto you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly: and the LORD gave them unto me.

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:4 @ And what he did unto the army of Egypt, unto their horses, and to their chariots; how he made the water of the Red sea to overflow them as they pursued after you, and how the LORD hath destroyed them unto this day;

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:6 @ And what he did unto Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, the son of Reuben: how the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their households, and their tents, and all the substance that was in their possession, in the midst of all Israel:

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:9 @ And that ye may prolong your days in the land, which the LORD sware unto your fathers to give unto them and to their seed, a land that floweth with milk and honey.

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:18 @ Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:19 @ And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:20 @ And thou shalt write them upon the door posts of thine house, and upon thy gates:

kjv@Deuteronomy:12:3 @ And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.

kjv@Deuteronomy:12:18 @ But thou must eat them before the LORD thy God in the place which the LORD thy God shall choose, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy manservant, and thy maidservant, and the Levite that is within thy gates: and thou shalt rejoice before the LORD thy God in all that thou puttest thine hands unto.

kjv@Deuteronomy:12:22 @ Even as the roebuck and the hart is eaten, so thou shalt eat them: the unclean and the clean shall eat of them alike.

kjv@Deuteronomy:14:7 @ Nevertheless these ye shall not eat of them that chew the cud, or of them that divide the cloven hoof; as the camel, and the hare, and the coney: for they chew the cud, but divide not the hoof; therefore they are unclean unto you.

kjv@Deuteronomy:17:5 @ Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.

kjv@Deuteronomy:18:3 @ And this shall be the priest's due from the people, from them that offer a sacrifice, whether it be ox or sheep; and they shall give unto the priest the shoulder, and the two cheeks, and the maw.

kjv@Deuteronomy:18:12 @ For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.

kjv@Deuteronomy:18:18 @ I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.

kjv@Deuteronomy:20:19 @ When thou shalt besiege a city a long time, in making war against it to take it, thou shalt not destroy the trees thereof by forcing an axe against them: for thou mayest eat of them, and thou shalt not cut them down (for the tree of the field is man's life) to employ them in the siege:

kjv@Deuteronomy:20:20 @ Only the trees which thou knowest that they be not trees for meat, thou shalt destroy and cut them down; and thou shalt build bulwarks against the city that maketh war with thee, until it be subdued.

kjv@Deuteronomy:21:5 @ And the priests the sons of Levi shall come near; for them the LORD thy God hath chosen to minister unto him, and to bless in the name of the LORD; and by their word shall every controversy and every stroke be tried:

kjv@Deuteronomy:21:10 @ When thou goest forth to war against thine enemies, and the LORD thy God hath delivered them into thine hands, and thou hast taken them captive,

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:1 @ Thou shalt not see thy brother's ox or his sheep go astray, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt in any case bring them again unto thy brother.

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:4 @ Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall down by the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:19 @ And they shall amerce him in an hundred shekels of silver, and give them unto the father of the damsel, because he hath brought up an evil name upon a virgin of Israel: and she shall be his wife; he may not put her away all his days.

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:22 @ If a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband, then they shall both of them die, both the man that lay with the woman, and the woman: so shalt thou put away evil from Israel.

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:24 @ Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city; and the man, because he hath humbled his neighbour's wife: so thou shalt put away evil from among you.

kjv@Deuteronomy:23:8 @ The children that are begotten of them shall enter into the congregation of the LORD in their third generation.

kjv@Deuteronomy:25:5 @ If brethren dwell together, and one of them die, and have no child, the wife of the dead shall not marry without unto a stranger: her husband's brother shall go in unto her, and take her to him to wife, and perform the duty of an husband's brother unto her.

kjv@Deuteronomy:26:13 @ Then thou shalt say before the LORD thy God, I have brought away the hallowed things out of mine house, and also have given them unto the Levite, and unto the stranger, to the fatherless, and to the widow, according to all thy commandments which thou hast commanded me: I have not transgressed thy commandments, neither have I forgotten them:

kjv@Deuteronomy:26:16 @ This day the LORD thy God hath commanded thee to do these statutes and judgments: thou shalt therefore keep and do them with all thine heart, and with all thy soul.

kjv@Deuteronomy:27:2 @ And it shall be on the day when ye shall pass over Jordan unto the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, that thou shalt set thee up great stones, and plaister them with plaister:

kjv@Deuteronomy:27:3 @ And thou shalt write upon them all the words of this law, when thou art passed over, that thou mayest go in unto the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, a land that floweth with milk and honey; as the LORD God of thy fathers hath promised thee.

kjv@Deuteronomy:27:4 @ Therefore it shall be when ye be gone over Jordan, that ye shall set up these stones, which I command you this day, in mount Ebal, and thou shalt plaister them with plaister.

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:26 @ And thy carcase shall be meat unto all fowls of the air, and unto the beasts of the earth, and no man shall fray them away.

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:32 @ Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto another people, and thine eyes shall look, and fail with longing for them all the day long: and there shall be no might in thine hand.

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:55 @ So that he will not give to any of them of the flesh of his children whom he shall eat: because he hath nothing left him in the siege, and in the straitness, wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee in all thy gates.

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:57 @ And toward her young one that cometh out from between her feet, and toward her children which she shall bear: for she shall eat them for want of all things secretly in the siege and straitness, wherewith thine enemy shall distress thee in thy gates.

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:61 @ Also every sickness, and every plague, which is not written in the book of this law, them will the LORD bring upon thee, until thou be destroyed.

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:1 @ These are the words of the covenant, which the LORD commanded Moses to make with the children of Israel in the land of Moab, beside the covenant which he made with them in Horeb.

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:25 @ Then men shall say, Because they have forsaken the covenant of the LORD God of their fathers, which he made with them when he brought them forth out of the land of Egypt:

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:28 @ And the LORD rooted them out of their land in anger, and in wrath, and in great indignation, and cast them into another land, as it is this day.

kjv@Deuteronomy:30:1 @ And it shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before thee, and thou shalt call them to mind among all the nations, whither the LORD thy God hath driven thee,

kjv@Deuteronomy:30:7 @ And the LORD thy God will put all these curses upon thine enemies, and on them that hate thee, which persecuted thee.

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:4 @ And the LORD shall do unto them as he did to Sihon and to Og, kings of the Amorites, and unto the land of them, whom he destroyed.

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:5 @ And the LORD shall give them up before your face, that ye may do unto them according unto all the commandments which I have commanded you.

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:7 @ And Moses called unto Joshua, and said unto him in the sight of all Israel, Be strong and of a good courage: for thou must go with this people unto the land which the LORD hath sworn unto their fathers to give them; and thou shalt cause them to inherit it.

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:17 @ Then my anger shall be kindled against them in that day, and I will forsake them, and I will hide my face from them, and they shall be devoured, and many evils and troubles shall befall them; so that they will say in that day, Are not these evils come upon us, because our God is not among us?

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:20 @ For when I shall have brought them into the land which I sware unto their fathers, that floweth with milk and honey; and they shall have eaten and filled themselves, and waxen fat; then will they turn unto other gods, and serve them, and provoke me, and break my covenant.

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:21 @ And it shall come to pass, when many evils and troubles are befallen them, that this song shall testify against them as a witness; for it shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their seed: for I know their imagination which they go about, even now, before I have brought them into the land which I sware.

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:11 @ As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings:

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:21 @ They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God; they have provoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation.

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:26 @ I said, I would scatter them into corners, I would make the remembrance of them to cease from among men:

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:30 @ How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, except their Rock had sold them, and the LORD had shut them up?

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:35 @ To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:38 @ Which did eat the fat of their sacrifices, and drank the wine of their drink offerings? let them rise up and help you, and be your protection.

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:41 @ If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me.

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:11 @ Bless, LORD, his substance, and accept the work of his hands: smite through the loins of them that rise against him, and of them that hate him, that they rise not again.

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:17 @ His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns: with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh.

kjv@Joshua:2:5 @ And it came to pass about the time of shutting of the gate, when it was dark, that the men went out: whither the men went I wot not: pursue after them quickly; for ye shall overtake them.

kjv@Joshua:2:6 @ But she had brought them up to the roof of the house, and hid them with the stalks of flax, which she had laid in order upon the roof.

kjv@Joshua:2:7 @ And the men pursued after them the way to Jordan unto the fords: and as soon as they which pursued after them were gone out, they shut the gate.

kjv@Joshua:2:8 @ And before they were laid down, she came up unto them upon the roof;

kjv@Joshua:2:15 @ Then she let them down by a cord through the window: for her house was upon the town wall, and she dwelt upon the wall.

kjv@Joshua:2:21 @ And she said, According unto your words, so be it. And she sent them away, and they departed: and she bound the scarlet line in the window.

kjv@Joshua:2:22 @ And they went, and came unto the mountain, and abode there three days, until the pursuers were returned: and the pursuers sought them throughout all the way, but found them not.

kjv@Joshua:4:3 @ And command ye them, saying, Take you hence out of the midst of Jordan, out of the place where the priests' feet stood firm, twelve stones, and ye shall carry them over with you, and leave them in the lodging place, where ye shall lodge this night.

kjv@Joshua:4:8 @ And the children of Israel did so as Joshua commanded, and took up twelve stones out of the midst of Jordan, as the LORD spake unto Joshua, according to the number of the tribes of the children of Israel, and carried them over with them unto the place where they lodged, and laid them down there.

kjv@Joshua:5:1 @ And it came to pass, when all the kings of the Amorites, which were on the side of Jordan westward, and all the kings of the Canaanites, which were by the sea, heard that the LORD had dried up the waters of Jordan from before the children of Israel, until we were passed over, that their heart melted, neither was there spirit in them any more, because of the children of Israel.

kjv@Joshua:5:5 @ Now all the people that came out were circumcised: but all the people that were born in the wilderness by the way as they came forth out of Egypt, them they had not circumcised.

kjv@Joshua:5:6 @ For the children of Israel walked forty years in the wilderness, till all the people that were men of war, which came out of Egypt, were consumed, because they obeyed not the voice of the LORD: unto whom the LORD sware that he would not shew them the land, which the LORD sware unto their fathers that he would give us, a land that floweth with milk and honey.

kjv@Joshua:5:7 @ And their children, whom he raised up in their stead, them Joshua circumcised: for they were uncircumcised, because they had not circumcised them by the way.

kjv@Joshua:6:23 @ And the young men that were spies went in, and brought out Rahab, and her father, and her mother, and her brethren, and all that she had; and they brought out all her kindred, and left them without the camp of Israel.

kjv@Joshua:6:26 @ And Joshua adjured them at that time, saying, Cursed be the man before the LORD, that riseth up and buildeth this city Jericho: he shall lay the foundation thereof in his firstborn, and in his youngest son shall he set up the gates of it.

kjv@Joshua:7:5 @ And the men of Ai smote of them about thirty and six men: for they chased them from before the gate even unto Shebarim, and smote them in the going down: wherefore the hearts of the people melted, and became as water.

kjv@Joshua:7:23 @ And they took them out of the midst of the tent, and brought them unto Joshua, and unto all the children of Israel, and laid them out before the LORD.

kjv@Joshua:7:24 @ And Joshua, and all Israel with him, took Achan the son of Zerah, and the silver, and the garment, and the wedge of gold, and his sons, and his daughters, and his oxen, and his asses, and his sheep, and his tent, and all that he had: and they brought them unto the valley of Achor.

kjv@Joshua:7:25 @ And Joshua said, Why hast thou troubled us? the LORD shall trouble thee this day. And all Israel stoned him with stones, and burned them with fire, after they had stoned them with stones.

kjv@Joshua:8:3 @ So Joshua arose, and all the people of war, to go up against Ai: and Joshua chose out thirty thousand mighty men of valour, and sent them away by night.

kjv@Joshua:8:6 @ (For they will come out after us) till we have drawn them from the city; for they will say, They flee before us, as at the first: therefore we will flee before them.

kjv@Joshua:8:9 @ Joshua therefore sent them forth: and they went to lie in ambush, and abode between Bethel and Ai, on the west side of Ai: but Joshua lodged that night among the people.

kjv@Joshua:8:11 @ And all the people, even the people of war that were with him, went up, and drew nigh, and came before the city, and pitched on the north side of Ai: now there was a valley between them and Ai.

kjv@Joshua:8:12 @ And he took about five thousand men, and set them to lie in ambush between Bethel and Ai, on the west side of the city.

kjv@Joshua:8:22 @ And the other issued out of the city against them; so they were in the midst of Israel, some on this side, and some on that side: and they smote them, so that they let none of them remain or escape.

kjv@Joshua:8:33 @ And all Israel, and their elders, and officers, and their judges, stood on this side the ark and on that side before the priests the Levites, which bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD, as well the stranger, as he that was born among them; half of them over against mount Gerizim, and half of them over against mount Ebal; as Moses the servant of the LORD had commanded before, that they should bless the people of Israel.

kjv@Joshua:9:15 @ And Joshua made peace with them, and made a league with them, to let them live: and the princes of the congregation sware unto them.

kjv@Joshua:9:18 @ And the children of Israel smote them not, because the princes of the congregation had sworn unto them by the LORD God of Israel. And all the congregation murmured against the princes.

kjv@Joshua:9:19 @ But all the princes said unto all the congregation, We have sworn unto them by the LORD God of Israel: now therefore we may not touch them.

kjv@Joshua:9:20 @ This we will do to them; we will even let them live, lest wrath be upon us, because of the oath which we sware unto them.

kjv@Joshua:9:21 @ And the princes said unto them, Let them live; but let them be hewers of wood and drawers of water unto all the congregation; as the princes had promised them.

kjv@Joshua:9:26 @ And so did he unto them, and delivered them out of the hand of the children of Israel, that they slew them not.

kjv@Joshua:9:27 @ And Joshua made them that day hewers of wood and drawers of water for the congregation, and for the altar of the LORD, even unto this day, in the place which he should choose.

kjv@Joshua:10:8 @ And the LORD said unto Joshua, Fear them not: for I have delivered them into thine hand; there shall not a man of them stand before thee.

kjv@Joshua:10:9 @ Joshua therefore came unto them suddenly, and went up from Gilgal all night.

kjv@Joshua:10:10 @ And the LORD discomfited them before Israel, and slew them with a great slaughter at Gibeon, and chased them along the way that goeth up to Bethhoron, and smote them to Azekah, and unto Makkedah.

kjv@Joshua:10:11 @ And it came to pass, as they fled from before Israel, and were in the going down to Bethhoron, that the LORD cast down great stones from heaven upon them unto Azekah, and they died: they were more which died with hailstones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the sword.

kjv@Joshua:10:19 @ And stay ye not, but pursue after your enemies, and smite the hindmost of them; suffer them not to enter into their cities: for the LORD your God hath delivered them into your hand.

kjv@Joshua:10:20 @ And it came to pass, when Joshua and the children of Israel had made an end of slaying them with a very great slaughter, till they were consumed, that the rest which remained of them entered into fenced cities.

kjv@Joshua:10:26 @ And afterward Joshua smote them, and slew them, and hanged them on five trees: and they were hanging upon the trees until the evening.

kjv@Joshua:10:27 @ And it came to pass at the time of the going down of the sun, that Joshua commanded, and they took them down off the trees, and cast them into the cave wherein they had been hid, and laid great stones in the cave's mouth, which remain until this very day.

kjv@Joshua:10:39 @ And he took it, and the king thereof, and all the cities thereof; and they smote them with the edge of the sword, and utterly destroyed all the souls that were therein; he left none remaining: as he had done to Hebron, so he did to Debir, and to the king thereof; as he had done also to Libnah, and to her king.

kjv@Joshua:10:41 @ And Joshua smote them from Kadeshbarnea even unto Gaza, and all the country of Goshen, even unto Gibeon.

kjv@Joshua:11:6 @ And the LORD said unto Joshua, Be not afraid because of them: for to morrow about this time will I deliver them up all slain before Israel: thou shalt hough their horses, and burn their chariots with fire.

kjv@Joshua:11:7 @ So Joshua came, and all the people of war with him, against them by the waters of Merom suddenly; and they fell upon them.

kjv@Joshua:11:8 @ And the LORD delivered them into the hand of Israel, who smote them, and chased them unto great Zidon, and unto Misrephothmaim, and unto the valley of Mizpeh eastward; and they smote them, until they left them none remaining.

kjv@Joshua:11:9 @ And Joshua did unto them as the LORD bade him: he houghed their horses, and burnt their chariots with fire.

kjv@Joshua:11:12 @ And all the cities of those kings, and all the kings of them, did Joshua take, and smote them with the edge of the sword, and he utterly destroyed them, as Moses the servant of the LORD commanded.

kjv@Joshua:11:20 @ For it was of the LORD to harden their hearts, that they should come against Israel in battle, that he might destroy them utterly, and that they might have no favour, but that he might destroy them, as the LORD commanded Moses.

kjv@Joshua:11:21 @ And at that time came Joshua, and cut off the Anakims from the mountains, from Hebron, from Debir, from Anab, and from all the mountains of Judah, and from all the mountains of Israel: Joshua destroyed them utterly with their cities.

kjv@Joshua:12:6 ... Them did...

kjv@Joshua:13:6 @ All the inhabitants of the hill country from Lebanon unto Misrephothmaim, and all the Sidonians, them will I drive out from before the children of Israel: only divide thou it by lot unto the Israelites for an inheritance, as I have commanded thee.

kjv@Joshua:13:12 @ All the kingdom of Og in Bashan, which reigned in Ashtaroth and in Edrei, who remained of the remnant of the giants: for these did Moses smite, and cast them out.

kjv@Joshua:13:22 @ Balaam also the son of Beor, the soothsayer, did the children of Israel slay with the sword among them that were slain by them.

kjv@Joshua:14:12 @ Now therefore give me this mountain, whereof the LORD spake in that day; for thou heardest in that day how the Anakims were there, and that the cities were great and fenced: if so be the LORD will be with me, then I shall be able to drive them out, as the LORD said.

kjv@Joshua:15:63 @ As for the Jebusites the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the children of Judah could not drive them out: but the Jebusites dwell with the children of Judah at Jerusalem unto this day.

kjv@Joshua:17:4 @ And they came near before Eleazar the priest, and before Joshua the son of Nun, and before the princes, saying, The LORD commanded Moses to give us an inheritance among our brethren. Therefore according to the commandment of the LORD he gave them an inheritance among the brethren of their father.

kjv@Joshua:17:13 @ Yet it came to pass, when the children of Israel were waxen strong, that they put the Canaanites to tribute; but did not utterly drive them out.

kjv@Joshua:18:8 @ And the men arose, and went away: and Joshua charged them that went to describe the land, saying, Go and walk through the land, and describe it, and come again to me, that I may here cast lots for you before the LORD in Shiloh.

kjv@Joshua:18:10 @ And Joshua cast lots for them in Shiloh before the LORD: and there Joshua divided the land unto the children of Israel according to their divisions.

kjv@Joshua:21:2 @ And they spake unto them at Shiloh in the land of Canaan, saying, The LORD commanded by the hand of Moses to give us cities to dwell in, with the suburbs thereof for our cattle.

kjv@Joshua:21:11 @ And they gave them the city of Arba the father of Anak, which city is Hebron, in the hill country of Judah, with the suburbs thereof round about it.

kjv@Joshua:21:21 @ For they gave them Shechem with her suburbs in mount Ephraim, to be a city of refuge for the slayer; and Gezer with her suburbs,

kjv@Joshua:21:44 @ And the LORD gave them rest round about, according to all that he sware unto their fathers: and there stood not a man of all their enemies before them; the LORD delivered all their enemies into their hand.

kjv@Joshua:22:6 @ So Joshua blessed them, and sent them away: and they went unto their tents.

kjv@Joshua:22:7 @ Now to the one half of the tribe of Manasseh Moses had given possession in Bashan: but unto the other half thereof gave Joshua among their brethren on this side Jordan westward. And when Joshua sent them away also unto their tents, then he blessed them,

kjv@Joshua:22:32 @ And Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest, and the princes, returned from the children of Reuben, and from the children of Gad, out of the land of Gilead, unto the land of Canaan, to the children of Israel, and brought them word again.

kjv@Joshua:22:33 @ And the thing pleased the children of Israel; and the children of Israel blessed God, and did not intend to go up against them in battle, to destroy the land wherein the children of Reuben and Gad dwelt.

kjv@Joshua:23:5 @ And the LORD your God, he shall expel them from before you, and drive them from out of your sight; and ye shall possess their land, as the LORD your God hath promised unto you.

kjv@Joshua:24:8 @ And I brought you into the land of the Amorites, which dwelt on the other side Jordan; and they fought with you: and I gave them into your hand, that ye might possess their land; and I destroyed them from before you.

kjv@Joshua:24:11 @ And ye went over Jordan, and came unto Jericho: and the men of Jericho fought against you, the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Girgashites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; and I delivered them into your hand.

kjv@Joshua:24:12 @ And I sent the hornet before you, which drave them out from before you, even the two kings of the Amorites; but not with thy sword, nor with thy bow.

kjv@Joshua:24:25 @ So Joshua made a covenant with the people that day, and set them a statute and an ordinance in Shechem.

kjv@Judges:1:4 @ And Judah went up; and the LORD delivered the Canaanites and the Perizzites into their hand: and they slew of them in Bezek ten thousand men.

kjv@Judges:1:25 @ And when he shewed them the entrance into the city, they smote the city with the edge of the sword; but they let go the man and all his family.

kjv@Judges:1:28 @ And it came to pass, when Israel was strong, that they put the Canaanites to tribute, and did not utterly drive them out.

kjv@Judges:1:32 @ But the Asherites dwelt among the Canaanites, the inhabitants of the land: for they did not drive them out.

kjv@Judges:1:34 @ And the Amorites forced the children of Dan into the mountain: for they would not suffer them to come down to the valley:

kjv@Judges:2:3 @ Wherefore I also said, I will not drive them out from before you; but they shall be as thorns in your sides, and their gods shall be a snare unto you.

kjv@Judges:2:12 @ And they forsook the LORD God of their fathers, which brought them out of the land of Egypt, and followed other gods, of the gods of the people that were round about them, and bowed themselves unto them, and provoked the LORD to anger.

kjv@Judges:2:14 @ And the anger of the LORD was hot against Israel, and he delivered them into the hands of spoilers that spoiled them, and he sold them into the hands of their enemies round about, so that they could not any longer stand before their enemies.

kjv@Judges:2:15 @ Whithersoever they went out, the hand of the LORD was against them for evil, as the LORD had said, and as the LORD had sworn unto them: and they were greatly distressed.

kjv@Judges:2:16 @ Nevertheless the LORD raised up judges, which delivered them out of the hand of those that spoiled them.

kjv@Judges:2:18 @ And when the LORD raised them up judges, then the LORD was with the judge, and delivered them out of the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge: for it repented the LORD because of their groanings by reason of them that oppressed them and vexed them.

kjv@Judges:2:21 @ I also will not henceforth drive out any from before them of the nations which Joshua left when he died:

kjv@Judges:2:22 @ That through them I may prove Israel, whether they will keep the way of the LORD to walk therein, as their fathers did keep it, or not.

kjv@Judges:2:23 @ Therefore the LORD left those nations, without driving them out hastily; neither delivered he them into the hand of Joshua.

kjv@Judges:3:2 @ Only that the generations of the children of Israel might know, to teach them war, at the least such as before knew nothing thereof;

kjv@Judges:3:8 @ Therefore the anger of the LORD was hot against Israel, and he sold them into the hand of Chushanrishathaim king of Mesopotamia: and the children of Israel served Chushanrishathaim eight years.

kjv@Judges:3:15 @ But when the children of Israel cried unto the LORD, the LORD raised them up a deliverer, Ehud the son of Gera, a Benjamite, a man lefthanded: and by him the children of Israel sent a present unto Eglon the king of Moab.

kjv@Judges:4:2 @ And the LORD sold them into the hand of Jabin king of Canaan, that reigned in Hazor; the captain of whose host was Sisera, which dwelt in Harosheth of the Gentiles.

kjv@Judges:5:14 @ Out of Ephraim was there a root of them against Amalek; after thee, Benjamin, among thy people; out of Machir came down governors, and out of Zebulun they that handle the pen of the writer.

kjv@Judges:5:21 @ The river of Kishon swept them away, that ancient river, the river Kishon. O my soul, thou hast trodden down strength.

kjv@Judges:5:30 @ Have they not sped? have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two; to Sisera a prey of divers colours, a prey of divers colours of needlework, of divers colours of needlework on both sides, meet for the necks of them that take the spoil?

kjv@Judges:5:31 @ So let all thine enemies perish, O LORD: but let them that love him be as the sun when he goeth forth in his might. And the land had rest forty years.

kjv@Judges:6:1 @ And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD: and the LORD delivered them into the hand of Midian seven years.

kjv@Judges:6:2 @ And the hand of Midian prevailed against Israel: and because of the Midianites the children of Israel made them the dens which are in the mountains, and caves, and strong holds.

kjv@Judges:6:9 @ And I delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians, and out of the hand of all that oppressed you, and drave them out from before you, and gave you their land;

kjv@Judges:6:20 @ And the angel of God said unto him, Take the flesh and the unleavened cakes, and lay them upon this rock, and pour out the broth. And he did so.

kjv@Judges:7:4 @ And the LORD said unto Gideon, The people are yet too many; bring them down unto the water, and I will try them for thee there: and it shall be, that of whom I say unto thee, This shall go with thee, the same shall go with thee; and of whomsoever I say unto thee, This shall not go with thee, the same shall not go.

kjv@Judges:7:6 @ And the number of them that lapped, putting their hand to their mouth, were three hundred men: but all the rest of the people bowed down upon their knees to drink water.

kjv@Judges:7:24 @ And Gideon sent messengers throughout all mount Ephraim, saying, Come down against the Midianites, and take before them the waters unto Bethbarah and Jordan. Then all the men of Ephraim gathered themselves together, and took the waters unto Bethbarah and Jordan.

kjv@Judges:8:8 @ And he went up thence to Penuel, and spake unto them likewise: and the men of Penuel answered him as the men of Succoth had answered him.

kjv@Judges:8:11 @ And Gideon went up by the way of them that dwelt in tents on the east of Nobah and Jogbehah, and smote the host: for the host was secure.

kjv@Judges:8:16 @ And he took the elders of the city, and thorns of the wilderness and briers, and with them he taught the men of Succoth.

kjv@Judges:8:19 @ And he said, They were my brethren, even the sons of my mother: as the LORD liveth, if ye had saved them alive, I would not slay you.

kjv@Judges:8:34 @ And the children of Israel remembered not the LORD their God, who had delivered them out of the hands of all their enemies on every side:

kjv@Judges:9:33 @ And it shall be, that in the morning, as soon as the sun is up, thou shalt rise early, and set upon the city: and, behold, when he and the people that is with him come out against thee, then mayest thou do to them as thou shalt find occasion.

kjv@Judges:9:43 @ And he took the people, and divided them into three companies, and laid wait in the field, and looked, and, behold, the people were come forth out of the city; and he rose up against them, and smote them.

kjv@Judges:9:49 @ And all the people likewise cut down every man his bough, and followed Abimelech, and put them to the hold, and set the hold on fire upon them; so that all the men of the tower of Shechem died also, about a thousand men and women.

kjv@Judges:9:51 @ But there was a strong tower within the city, and thither fled all the men and women, and all they of the city, and shut it to them, and gat them up to the top of the tower.

kjv@Judges:9:57 @ And all the evil of the men of Shechem did God render upon their heads: and upon them came the curse of Jotham the son of Jerubbaal.

kjv@Judges:10:7 @ And the anger of the LORD was hot against Israel, and he sold them into the hands of the Philistines, and into the hands of the children of Ammon.

kjv@Judges:10:14 @ Go and cry unto the gods which ye have chosen; let them deliver you in the time of your tribulation.

kjv@Judges:11:9 @ And Jephthah said unto the elders of Gilead, If ye bring me home again to fight against the children of Ammon, and the LORD deliver them before me, shall I be your head?

kjv@Judges:11:24 @ Wilt not thou possess that which Chemosh thy god giveth thee to possess? So whomsoever the LORD our God shall drive out from before us, them will we possess.

kjv@Judges:11:26 @ While Israel dwelt in Heshbon and her towns, and in Aroer and her towns, and in all the cities that be along by the coasts of Arnon, three hundred years? why therefore did ye not recover them within that time?

kjv@Judges:11:32 @ So Jephthah passed over unto the children of Ammon to fight against them; and the LORD delivered them into his hands.

kjv@Judges:11:33 @ And he smote them from Aroer, even till thou come to Minnith, even twenty cities, and unto the plain of the vineyards, with a very great slaughter. Thus the children of Ammon were subdued before the children of Israel.

kjv@Judges:11:35 @ And it came to pass, when he saw her, that he rent his clothes, and said, Alas, my daughter! thou hast brought me very low, and thou art one of them that trouble me: for I have opened my mouth unto the LORD, and I cannot go back.

kjv@Judges:12:3 @ And when I saw that ye delivered me not, I put my life in my hands, and passed over against the children of Ammon, and the LORD delivered them into my hand: wherefore then are ye come up unto me this day, to fight against me?

kjv@Judges:13:1 @ And the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the LORD; and the LORD delivered them into the hand of the Philistines forty years.

kjv@Judges:14:9 @ And he took thereof in his hands, and went on eating, and came to his father and mother, and he gave them, and they did eat: but he told not them that he had taken the honey out of the carcase of the lion.

kjv@Judges:14:19 @ And the Spirit of the LORD came upon him, and he went down to Ashkelon, and slew thirty men of them, and took their spoil, and gave change of garments unto them which expounded the riddle. And his anger was kindled, and he went up to his father's house.

kjv@Judges:15:3 @ And Samson said concerning them, Now shall I be more blameless than the Philistines, though I do them a displeasure.

kjv@Judges:15:5 @ And when he had set the brands on fire, he let them go into the standing corn of the Philistines, and burnt up both the shocks, and also the standing corn, with the vineyards and olives.

kjv@Judges:15:8 @ And he smote them hip and thigh with a great slaughter: and he went down and dwelt in the top of the rock Etam.

kjv@Judges:16:3 @ And Samson lay till midnight, and arose at midnight, and took the doors of the gate of the city, and the two posts, and went away with them, bar and all, and put them upon his shoulders, and carried them up to the top of an hill that is before Hebron.

kjv@Judges:16:12 @ Delilah therefore took new ropes, and bound him therewith, and said unto him, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. And there were liers in wait abiding in the chamber. And he brake them from off his arms like a thread.

kjv@Judges:16:23 @ Then the lords of the Philistines gathered them together for to offer a great sacrifice unto Dagon their god, and to rejoice: for they said, Our god hath delivered Samson our enemy into our hand.

kjv@Judges:16:25 @ And it came to pass, when their hearts were merry, that they said, Call for Samson, that he may make us sport. And they called for Samson out of the prison house; and he made them sport: and they set him between the pillars.

kjv@Judges:17:4 @ Yet he restored the money unto his mother; and his mother took two hundred shekels of silver, and gave them to the founder, who made thereof a graven image and a molten image: and they were in the house of Micah.

kjv@Judges:18:1 @ In those days there was no king in Israel: and in those days the tribe of the Danites sought them an inheritance to dwell in; for unto that day all their inheritance had not fallen unto them among the tribes of Israel.

kjv@Judges:18:7 @ Then the five men departed, and came to Laish, and saw the people that were therein, how they dwelt careless, after the manner of the Zidonians, quiet and secure; and there was no magistrate in the land, that might put them to shame in any thing; and they were far from the Zidonians, and had no business with any man.

kjv@Judges:18:27 @ And they took the things which Micah had made, and the priest which he had, and came unto Laish, unto a people that were at quiet and secure: and they smote them with the edge of the sword, and burnt the city with fire.

kjv@Judges:18:31 @ And they set them up Micah's graven image, which he made, all the time that the house of God was in Shiloh.

kjv@Judges:19:6 @ And they sat down, and did eat and drink both of them together: for the damsel's father had said unto the man, Be content, I pray thee, and tarry all night, and let thine heart be merry.

kjv@Judges:19:14 @ And they passed on and went their way; and the sun went down upon them when they were by Gibeah, which belongeth to Benjamin.

kjv@Judges:19:15 @ And they turned aside thither, to go in and to lodge in Gibeah: and when he went in, he sat him down in a street of the city: for there was no man that took them into his house to lodging.

kjv@Judges:19:24 @ Behold, here is my daughter a maiden, and his concubine; them I will bring out now, and humble ye them, and do with them what seemeth good unto you: but unto this man do not so vile a thing.

kjv@Judges:20:13 @ Now therefore deliver us the men, the children of Belial, which are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away evil from Israel. But the children of Benjamin would not hearken to the voice of their brethren the children of Israel:

kjv@Judges:20:20 @ And the men of Israel went out to battle against Benjamin; and the men of Israel put themselves in array to fight against them at Gibeah.

kjv@Judges:20:25 @ And Benjamin went forth against them out of Gibeah the second day, and destroyed down to the ground of the children of Israel again eighteen thousand men; all these drew the sword.

kjv@Judges:20:28 @ And Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, stood before it in those days,) saying, Shall I yet again go out to battle against the children of Benjamin my brother, or shall I cease? And the LORD said, Go up; for to morrow I will deliver them into thine hand.

kjv@Judges:20:32 @ And the children of Benjamin said, They are smitten down before us, as at the first. But the children of Israel said, Let us flee, and draw them from the city unto the highways.

kjv@Judges:20:42 @ Therefore they turned their backs before the men of Israel unto the way of the wilderness; but the battle overtook them; and them which came out of the cities they destroyed in the midst of them.

kjv@Judges:20:43 @ Thus they inclosed the Benjamites round about, and chased them, and trode them down with ease over against Gibeah toward the sunrising.

kjv@Judges:20:45 @ And they turned and fled toward the wilderness unto the rock of Rimmon: and they gleaned of them in the highways five thousand men; and pursued hard after them unto Gidom, and slew two thousand men of them.

kjv@Judges:20:48 @ And the men of Israel turned again upon the children of Benjamin, and smote them with the edge of the sword, as well the men of every city, as the beast, and all that came to hand: also they set on fire all the cities that they came to.

kjv@Judges:21:6 @ And the children of Israel repented them for Benjamin their brother, and said, There is one tribe cut off from Israel this day.

kjv@Judges:21:7 @ How shall we do for wives for them that remain, seeing we have sworn by the LORD that we will not give them of our daughters to wives?

kjv@Judges:21:12 @ And they found among the inhabitants of Jabeshgilead four hundred young virgins, that had known no man by lying with any male: and they brought them unto the camp to Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan.

kjv@Judges:21:14 @ And Benjamin came again at that time; and they gave them wives which they had saved alive of the women of Jabeshgilead: and yet so they sufficed them not.

kjv@Judges:21:15 @ And the people repented them for Benjamin, because that the LORD had made a breach in the tribes of Israel.

kjv@Judges:21:16 @ Then the elders of the congregation said, How shall we do for wives for them that remain, seeing the women are destroyed out of Benjamin?

kjv@Judges:21:17 @ And they said, There must be an inheritance for them that be escaped of Benjamin, that a tribe be not destroyed out of Israel.

kjv@Judges:21:18 @ Howbeit we may not give them wives of our daughters: for the children of Israel have sworn, saying, Cursed be he that giveth a wife to Benjamin.

kjv@Judges:21:22 @ And it shall be, when their fathers or their brethren come unto us to complain, that we will say unto them, Be favourable unto them for our sakes: because we reserved not to each man his wife in the war: for ye did not give unto them at this time, that ye should be guilty.

kjv@Judges:21:23 @ And the children of Benjamin did so, and took them wives, according to their number, of them that danced, whom they caught: and they went and returned unto their inheritance, and repaired the cities, and dwelt in them.

kjv@Ruth:1:4 @ And they took them wives of the women of Moab; the name of the one was Orpah, and the name of the other Ruth: and they dwelled there about ten years.

kjv@Ruth:1:6 @ Then she arose with her daughters in law, that she might return from the country of Moab: for she had heard in the country of Moab how that the LORD had visited his people in giving them bread.

kjv@Ruth:1:13 @ Would ye tarry for them till they were grown? would ye stay for them from having husbands? nay, my daughters; for it grieveth me much for your sakes that the hand of the LORD is gone out against me.

kjv@1Samuel:2:8 @ He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, and he hath set the world upon them.

kjv@1Samuel:2:16 @ And if any man said unto him, Let them not fail to burn the fat presently, and then take as much as thy soul desireth; then he would answer him, Nay; but thou shalt give it me now: and if not, I will take it by force.

kjv@1Samuel:2:30 @ Wherefore the LORD God of Israel saith, I said indeed that thy house, and the house of thy father, should walk before me for ever: but now the LORD saith, Be it far from me; for them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed.

kjv@1Samuel:3:13 @ For I have told him that I will judge his house for ever for the iniquity which he knoweth; because his sons made themselves vile, and he restrained them not.

kjv@1Samuel:5:6 @ But the hand of the LORD was heavy upon them of Ashdod, and he destroyed them, and smote them with emerods, even Ashdod and the coasts thereof.

kjv@1Samuel:6:10 @ And the men did so; and took two milch kine, and tied them to the cart, and shut up their calves at home:

kjv@1Samuel:6:12 @ And the kine took the straight way to the way of Bethshemesh, and went along the highway, lowing as they went, and turned not aside to the right hand or to the left; and the lords of the Philistines went after them unto the border of Bethshemesh.

kjv@1Samuel:6:15 @ And the Levites took down the ark of the LORD, and the coffer that was with it, wherein the jewels of gold were, and put them on the great stone: and the men of Bethshemesh offered burnt offerings and sacrificed sacrifices the same day unto the LORD.

kjv@1Samuel:8:8 @ According to all the works which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt even unto this day, wherewith they have forsaken me, and served other gods, so do they also unto thee.

kjv@1Samuel:8:9 @ Now therefore hearken unto their voice: howbeit yet protest solemnly unto them, and shew them the manner of the king that shall reign over them.

kjv@1Samuel:8:11 @ And he said, This will be the manner of the king that shall reign over you: He will take your sons, and appoint them for himself, for his chariots, and to be his horsemen; and some shall run before his chariots.

kjv@1Samuel:8:12 @ And he will appoint him captains over thousands, and captains over fifties; and will set them to ear his ground, and to reap his harvest, and to make his instruments of war, and instruments of his chariots.

kjv@1Samuel:8:14 @ And he will take your fields, and your vineyards, and your oliveyards, even the best of them, and give them to his servants.

kjv@1Samuel:8:16 @ And he will take your menservants, and your maidservants, and your goodliest young men, and your asses, and put them to his work.

kjv@1Samuel:8:21 @ And Samuel heard all the words of the people, and he rehearsed them in the ears of the LORD.

kjv@1Samuel:8:22 @ And the LORD said to Samuel, Hearken unto their voice, and make them a king. And Samuel said unto the men of Israel, Go ye every man unto his city.

kjv@1Samuel:9:4 @ And he passed through mount Ephraim, and passed through the land of Shalisha, but they found them not: then they passed through the land of Shalim, and there they were not: and he passed through the land of the Benjamites, but they found them not.

kjv@1Samuel:9:22 @ And Samuel took Saul and his servant, and brought them into the parlour, and made them sit in the chiefest place among them that were bidden, which were about thirty persons.

kjv@1Samuel:10:18 @ And said unto the children of Israel, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, I brought up Israel out of Egypt, and delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians, and out of the hand of all kingdoms, and of them that oppressed you:

kjv@1Samuel:11:7 @ And he took a yoke of oxen, and hewed them in pieces, and sent them throughout all the coasts of Israel by the hands of messengers, saying, Whosoever cometh not forth after Saul and after Samuel, so shall it be done unto his oxen. And the fear of the LORD fell on the people, and they came out with one consent.

kjv@1Samuel:11:8 @ And when he numbered them in Bezek, the children of Israel were three hundred thousand, and the men of Judah thirty thousand.

kjv@1Samuel:11:11 @ And it was so on the morrow, that Saul put the people in three companies; and they came into the midst of the host in the morning watch, and slew the Ammonites until the heat of the day: and it came to pass, that they which remained were scattered, so that two of them were not left together.

kjv@1Samuel:11:12 @ And the people said unto Samuel, Who is he that said, Shall Saul reign over us? bring the men, that we may put them to death.

kjv@1Samuel:12:8 @ When Jacob was come into Egypt, and your fathers cried unto the LORD, then the LORD sent Moses and Aaron, which brought forth your fathers out of Egypt, and made them dwell in this place.

kjv@1Samuel:12:9 @ And when they forgat the LORD their God, he sold them into the hand of Sisera, captain of the host of Hazor, and into the hand of the Philistines, and into the hand of the king of Moab, and they fought against them.

kjv@1Samuel:13:19 @ Now there was no smith found throughout all the land of Israel: for the Philistines said, Lest the Hebrews make them swords or spears:

kjv@1Samuel:14:10 @ But if they say thus, Come up unto us; then we will go up: for the LORD hath delivered them into our hand: and this shall be a sign unto us.

kjv@1Samuel:14:11 @ And both of them discovered themselves unto the garrison of the Philistines: and the Philistines said, Behold, the Hebrews come forth out of the holes where they had hid themselves.

kjv@1Samuel:14:12 @ And the men of the garrison answered Jonathan and his armourbearer, and said, Come up to us, and we will shew you a thing. And Jonathan said unto his armourbearer, Come up after me: for the LORD hath delivered them into the hand of Israel.

kjv@1Samuel:14:21 @ Moreover the Hebrews that were with the Philistines before that time, which went up with them into the camp from the country round about, even they also turned to be with the Israelites that were with Saul and Jonathan.

kjv@1Samuel:14:22 @ Likewise all the men of Israel which had hid themselves in mount Ephraim, when they heard that the Philistines fled, even they also followed hard after them in the battle.

kjv@1Samuel:14:32 @ And the people flew upon the spoil, and took sheep, and oxen, and calves, and slew them on the ground: and the people did eat them with the blood.

kjv@1Samuel:14:34 @ And Saul said, Disperse yourselves among the people, and say unto them, Bring me hither every man his ox, and every man his sheep, and slay them here, and eat; and sin not against the LORD in eating with the blood. And all the people brought every man his ox with him that night, and slew them there.

kjv@1Samuel:14:36 @ And Saul said, Let us go down after the Philistines by night, and spoil them until the morning light, and let us not leave a man of them. And they said, Do whatsoever seemeth good unto thee. Then said the priest, Let us draw near hither unto God.

kjv@1Samuel:14:37 @ And Saul asked counsel of God, Shall I go down after the Philistines? wilt thou deliver them into the hand of Israel? But he answered him not that day.

kjv@1Samuel:14:48 @ And he gathered an host, and smote the Amalekites, and delivered Israel out of the hands of them that spoiled them.

kjv@1Samuel:15:3 @ Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

kjv@1Samuel:15:4 @ And Saul gathered the people together, and numbered them in Telaim, two hundred thousand footmen, and ten thousand men of Judah.

kjv@1Samuel:15:15 @ And Saul said, They have brought them from the Amalekites: for the people spared the best of the sheep and of the oxen, to sacrifice unto the LORD thy God; and the rest we have utterly destroyed.

kjv@1Samuel:15:18 @ And the LORD sent thee on a journey, and said, Go and utterly destroy the sinners the Amalekites, and fight against them until they be consumed.

kjv@1Samuel:16:5 @ And he said, Peaceably: I am come to sacrifice unto the LORD: sanctify yourselves, and come with me to the sacrifice. And he sanctified Jesse and his sons, and called them to the sacrifice.

kjv@1Samuel:16:20 @ And Jesse took an ass laden with bread, and a bottle of wine, and a kid, and sent them by David his son unto Saul.

kjv@1Samuel:17:31 @ And when the words were heard which David spake, they rehearsed them before Saul: and he sent for him.

kjv@1Samuel:17:39 @ And David girded his sword upon his armour, and he assayed to go; for he had not proved it. And David said unto Saul, I cannot go with these; for I have not proved them. And David put them off him.

kjv@1Samuel:17:40 @ And he took his staff in his hand, and chose him five smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in a shepherd's bag which he had, even in a scrip; and his sling was in his hand: and he drew near to the Philistine.

kjv@1Samuel:18:27 @ Wherefore David arose and went, he and his men, and slew of the Philistines two hundred men; and David brought their foreskins, and they gave them in full tale to the king, that he might be the king's son in law. And Saul gave him Michal his daughter to wife.

kjv@1Samuel:19:8 @ And there was war again: and David went out, and fought with the Philistines, and slew them with a great slaughter; and they fled from him.

kjv@1Samuel:20:11 @ And Jonathan said unto David, Come, and let us go out into the field. And they went out both of them into the field.

kjv@1Samuel:20:40 @ And Jonathan gave his artillery unto his lad, and said unto him, Go, carry them to the city.

kjv@1Samuel:22:4 @ And he brought them before the king of Moab: and they dwelt with him all the while that David was in the hold.

kjv@1Samuel:22:11 @ Then the king sent to call Ahimelech the priest, the son of Ahitub, and all his father's house, the priests that were in Nob: and they came all of them to the king.

kjv@1Samuel:23:5 @ So David and his men went to Keilah, and fought with the Philistines, and brought away their cattle, and smote them with a great slaughter. So David saved the inhabitants of Keilah.

kjv@1Samuel:24:7 @ So David stayed his servants with these words, and suffered them not to rise against Saul. But Saul rose up out of the cave, and went on his way.

kjv@1Samuel:24:22 @ And David sware unto Saul. And Saul went home; but David and his men gat them up unto the hold.

kjv@1Samuel:25:7 @ And now I have heard that thou hast shearers: now thy shepherds which were with us, we hurt them not, neither was there ought missing unto them, all the while they were in Carmel.

kjv@1Samuel:25:16 @ They were a wall unto us both by night and day, all the while we were with them keeping the sheep.

kjv@1Samuel:25:18 @ Then Abigail made haste, and took two hundred loaves, and two bottles of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five measures of parched corn, and an hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on asses.

kjv@1Samuel:25:29 @ Yet a man is risen to pursue thee, and to seek thy soul: but the soul of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of life with the LORD thy God; and the souls of thine enemies, them shall he sling out, as out of the middle of a sling.

kjv@1Samuel:25:43 @ David also took Ahinoam of Jezreel; and they were also both of them his wives.

kjv@1Samuel:26:12 @ So David took the spear and the cruse of water from Saul's bolster; and they gat them away, and no man saw it, nor knew it, neither awaked: for they were all asleep; because a deep sleep from the LORD was fallen upon them.

kjv@1Samuel:27:5 @ And David said unto Achish, If I have now found grace in thine eyes, let them give me a place in some town in the country, that I may dwell there: for why should thy servant dwell in the royal city with thee?

kjv@1Samuel:30:2 @ And had taken the women captives, that were therein: they slew not any, either great or small, but carried them away, and went on their way.

kjv@1Samuel:30:17 @ And David smote them from the twilight even unto the evening of the next day: and there escaped not a man of them, save four hundred young men, which rode upon camels, and fled.

kjv@1Samuel:30:22 @ Then answered all the wicked men and men of Belial, of those that went with David, and said, Because they went not with us, we will not give them ought of the spoil that we have recovered, save to every man his wife and his children, that they may lead them away, and depart.

kjv@1Samuel:30:27 @ To them which were in Bethel, and to them which were in south Ramoth, and to them which were in Jattir,

kjv@1Samuel:30:28 @ And to them which were in Aroer, and to them which were in Siphmoth, and to them which were in Eshtemoa,

kjv@1Samuel:30:29 @ And to them which were in Rachal, and to them which were in the cities of the Jerahmeelites, and to them which were in the cities of the Kenites,

kjv@1Samuel:30:30 @ And to them which were in Hormah, and to them which were in Chorashan, and to them which were in Athach,

kjv@1Samuel:30:31 @ And to them which were in Hebron, and to all the places where David himself and his men were wont to haunt.

kjv@1Samuel:31:12 @ All the valiant men arose, and went all night, and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Bethshan, and came to Jabesh, and burnt them there.

kjv@1Samuel:31:13 @ And they took their bones, and buried them under a tree at Jabesh, and fasted seven days.

kjv@2Samuel:1:10 @ So I stood upon him, and slew him, because I was sure that he could not live after that he was fallen: and I took the crown that was upon his head, and the bracelet that was on his arm, and have brought them hither unto my lord.

kjv@2Samuel:1:18 @ (Also he bade them teach the children of Judah the use of the bow: behold, it is written in the book of Jasher.)

kjv@2Samuel:2:14 @ And Abner said to Joab, Let the young men now arise, and play before us. And Joab said, Let them arise.

kjv@2Samuel:4:7 @ For when they came into the house, he lay on his bed in his bedchamber, and they smote him, and slew him, and beheaded him, and took his head, and gat them away through the plain all night.

kjv@2Samuel:4:12 @ And David commanded his young men, and they slew them, and cut off their hands and their feet, and hanged them up over the pool in Hebron. But they took the head of Ishbosheth, and buried it in the sepulchre of Abner in Hebron.

kjv@2Samuel:5:3 @ So all the elders of Israel came to the king to Hebron; and king David made a league with them in Hebron before the LORD: and they anointed David king over Israel.

kjv@2Samuel:5:19 @ And David enquired of the LORD, saying, Shall I go up to the Philistines? wilt thou deliver them into mine hand? And the LORD said unto David, Go up: for I will doubtless deliver the Philistines into thine hand.

kjv@2Samuel:5:20 @ And David came to Baalperazim, and David smote them there, and said, The LORD hath broken forth upon mine enemies before me, as the breach of waters. Therefore he called the name of that place Baalperazim.

kjv@2Samuel:5:23 @ And when David enquired of the LORD, he said, Thou shalt not go up; but fetch a compass behind them, and come upon them over against the mulberry trees.

kjv@2Samuel:6:22 @ And I will yet be more vile than thus, and will be base in mine own sight: and of the maidservants which thou hast spoken of, of them shall I be had in honour.

kjv@2Samuel:7:10 @ Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime,

kjv@2Samuel:8:2 @ And he smote Moab, and measured them with a line, casting them down to the ground; even with two lines measured he to put to death, and with one full line to keep alive. And so the Moabites became David's servants, and brought gifts.

kjv@2Samuel:8:4 @ And David took from him a thousand chariots, and seven hundred horsemen, and twenty thousand footmen: and David houghed all the chariot horses, but reserved of them for an hundred chariots.

kjv@2Samuel:8:7 @ And David took the shields of gold that were on the servants of Hadadezer, and brought them to Jerusalem.

kjv@2Samuel:10:4 @ Wherefore Hanun took David's servants, and shaved off the one half of their beards, and cut off their garments in the middle, even to their buttocks, and sent them away.

kjv@2Samuel:10:9 @ When Joab saw that the front of the battle was against him before and behind, he chose of all the choice men of Israel, and put them in array against the Syrians:

kjv@2Samuel:10:10 @ And the rest of the people he delivered into the hand of Abishai his brother, that he might put them in array against the children of Ammon.

kjv@2Samuel:11:23 @ And the messenger said unto David, Surely the men prevailed against us, and came out unto us into the field, and we were upon them even unto the entering of the gate.

kjv@2Samuel:12:11 @ Thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will raise up evil against thee out of thine own house, and I will take thy wives before thine eyes, and give them unto thy neighbour, and he shall lie with thy wives in the sight of this sun.

kjv@2Samuel:12:31 @ And he brought forth the people that were therein, and put them under saws, and under harrows of iron, and under axes of iron, and made them pass through the brickkiln: and thus did he unto all the cities of the children of Ammon. So David and all the people returned unto Jerusalem.

kjv@2Samuel:13:9 @ And she took a pan, and poured them out before him; but he refused to eat. And Amnon said, Have out all men from me. And they went out every man from him.

kjv@2Samuel:13:10 @ And Amnon said unto Tamar, Bring the meat into the chamber, that I may eat of thine hand. And Tamar took the cakes which she had made, and brought them into the chamber to Amnon her brother.

kjv@2Samuel:13:11 @ And when she had brought them unto him to eat, he took hold of her, and said unto her, Come lie with me, my sister.

kjv@2Samuel:13:30 @ And it came to pass, while they were in the way, that tidings came to David, saying, Absalom hath slain all the king's sons, and there is not one of them left.

kjv@2Samuel:15:36 @ Behold, they have there with them their two sons, Ahimaaz Zadok's son, and Jonathan Abiathar's son; and by them ye shall send unto me every thing that ye can hear.

kjv@2Samuel:16:1 @ And when David was a little past the top of the hill, behold, Ziba the servant of Mephibosheth met him, with a couple of asses saddled, and upon them two hundred loaves of bread, and an hundred bunches of raisins, and an hundred of summer fruits, and a bottle of wine.

kjv@2Samuel:17:9 @ Behold, he is hid now in some pit, or in some other place: and it will come to pass, when some of them be overthrown at the first, that whosoever heareth it will say, There is a slaughter among the people that follow Absalom.

kjv@2Samuel:17:18 @ Nevertheless a lad saw them, and told Absalom: but they went both of them away quickly, and came to a man's house in Bahurim, which had a well in his court; whither they went down.

kjv@2Samuel:17:22 @ Then David arose, and all the people that were with him, and they passed over Jordan: by the morning light there lacked not one of them that was not gone over Jordan.

kjv@2Samuel:18:14 @ Then said Joab, I may not tarry thus with thee. And he took three darts in his hand, and thrust them through the heart of Absalom, while he was yet alive in the midst of the oak.

kjv@2Samuel:18:31 @ And, behold, Cushi came; and Cushi said, Tidings, my lord the king: for the LORD hath avenged thee this day of all them that rose up against thee.

kjv@2Samuel:19:3 @ And the people gat them by stealth that day into the city, as people being ashamed steal away when they flee in battle.

kjv@2Samuel:19:28 @ For all of my father's house were but dead men before my lord the king: yet didst thou set thy servant among them that did eat at thine own table. What right therefore have I yet to cry any more unto the king?

kjv@2Samuel:20:3 @ And David came to his house at Jerusalem; and the king took the ten women his concubines, whom he had left to keep the house, and put them in ward, and fed them, but went not in unto them. So they were shut up unto the day of their death, living in widowhood.

kjv@2Samuel:20:19 @ I am one of them that are peaceable and faithful in Israel: thou seekest to destroy a city and a mother in Israel: why wilt thou swallow up the inheritance of the LORD?

kjv@2Samuel:21:2 @ And the king called the Gibeonites, and said unto them; (now the Gibeonites were not of the children of Israel, but of the remnant of the Amorites; and the children of Israel had sworn unto them: and Saul sought to slay them in his zeal to the children of Israel and Judah.)

kjv@2Samuel:21:6 @ Let seven men of his sons be delivered unto us, and we will hang them up unto the LORD in Gibeah of Saul, whom the LORD did choose. And the king said, I will give them.

kjv@2Samuel:21:9 @ And he delivered them into the hands of the Gibeonites, and they hanged them in the hill before the LORD: and they fell all seven together, and were put to death in the days of harvest, in the first days, in the beginning of barley harvest.

kjv@2Samuel:21:10 @ And Rizpah the daughter of Aiah took sackcloth, and spread it for her upon the rock, from the beginning of harvest until water dropped upon them out of heaven, and suffered neither the birds of the air to rest on them by day, nor the beasts of the field by night.

kjv@2Samuel:21:12 @ And David went and took the bones of Saul and the bones of Jonathan his son from the men of Jabeshgilead, which had stolen them from the street of Bethshan, where the Philistines had hanged them, when the Philistines had slain Saul in Gilboa:

kjv@2Samuel:21:13 @ And he brought up from thence the bones of Saul and the bones of Jonathan his son; and they gathered the bones of them that were hanged.

kjv@2Samuel:22:18 @ He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them that hated me: for they were too strong for me.

kjv@2Samuel:22:28 @ And the afflicted people thou wilt save: but thine eyes are upon the haughty, that thou mayest bring them down.

kjv@2Samuel:22:31 @ As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all them that trust in him.

kjv@2Samuel:22:40 @ For thou hast girded me with strength to battle: them that rose up against me hast thou subdued under me.

kjv@2Samuel:22:41 @ Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies, that I might destroy them that hate me.

kjv@2Samuel:22:42 @ They looked, but there was none to save; even unto the LORD, but he answered them not.

kjv@2Samuel:22:43 @ Then did I beat them as small as the dust of the earth, I did stamp them as the mire of the street, and did spread them abroad.

kjv@2Samuel:22:49 @ And that bringeth me forth from mine enemies: thou also hast lifted me up on high above them that rose up against me: thou hast delivered me from the violent man.

kjv@2Samuel:23:6 @ But the sons of Belial shall be all of them as thorns thrust away, because they cannot be taken with hands:

kjv@2Samuel:23:7 @ But the man that shall touch them must be fenced with iron and the staff of a spear; and they shall be utterly burned with fire in the same place.

kjv@2Samuel:24:1 @ And again the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah.

kjv@1Kings:1:20 @ And thou, my lord, O king, the eyes of all Israel are upon thee, that thou shouldest tell them who shall sit on the throne of my lord the king after him.

kjv@1Kings:2:7 @ But shew kindness unto the sons of Barzillai the Gileadite, and let them be of those that eat at thy table: for so they came to me when I fled because of Absalom thy brother.

kjv@1Kings:2:32 @ And the LORD shall return his blood upon his own head, who fell upon two men more righteous and better than he, and slew them with the sword, my father David not knowing thereof, to wit, Abner the son of Ner, captain of the host of Israel, and Amasa the son of Jether, captain of the host of Judah.

kjv@1Kings:5:3 @ Thou knowest how that David my father could not build an house unto the name of the LORD his God for the wars which were about him on every side, until the LORD put them under the soles of his feet.

kjv@1Kings:5:9 @ My servants shall bring them down from Lebanon unto the sea: and I will convey them by sea in floats unto the place that thou shalt appoint me, and will cause them to be discharged there, and thou shalt receive them: and thou shalt accomplish my desire, in giving food for my household.

kjv@1Kings:5:14 @ And he sent them to Lebanon, ten thousand a month by courses: a month they were in Lebanon, and two months at home: and Adoniram was over the levy.

kjv@1Kings:6:15 @ And he built the walls of the house within with boards of cedar, both the floor of the house, and the walls of the cieling: and he covered them on the inside with wood, and covered the floor of the house with planks of fir.

kjv@1Kings:6:16 @ And he built twenty cubits on the sides of the house, both the floor and the walls with boards of cedar: he even built them for it within, even for the oracle, even for the most holy place.

kjv@1Kings:6:32 @ The two doors also were of olive tree; and he carved upon them carvings of cherubims and palm trees and open flowers, and overlaid them with gold, and spread gold upon the cherubims, and upon the palm trees.

kjv@1Kings:6:35 @ And he carved thereon cherubims and palm trees and open flowers: and covered them with gold fitted upon the carved work.

kjv@1Kings:7:15 @ For he cast two pillars of brass, of eighteen cubits high apiece: and a line of twelve cubits did compass either of them about.

kjv@1Kings:7:37 @ After this manner he made the ten bases: all of them had one casting, one measure, and one size.

kjv@1Kings:8:21 @ And I have set there a place for the ark, wherein is the covenant of the LORD, which he made with our fathers, when he brought them out of the land of Egypt.

kjv@1Kings:8:34 @ Then hear thou in heaven, and forgive the sin of thy people Israel, and bring them again unto the land which thou gavest unto their fathers.

kjv@1Kings:8:36 @ Then hear thou in heaven, and forgive the sin of thy servants, and of thy people Israel, that thou teach them the good way wherein they should walk, and give rain upon thy land, which thou hast given to thy people for an inheritance.

kjv@1Kings:8:37 @ If there be in the land famine, if there be pestilence, blasting, mildew, locust, or if there be caterpiller; if their enemy besiege them in the land of their cities; whatsoever plague, whatsoever sickness there be;

kjv@1Kings:8:46 @ If they sin against thee, (for there is no man that sinneth not,) and thou be angry with them, and deliver them to the enemy, so that they carry them away captives unto the land of the enemy, far or near;

kjv@1Kings:8:47 @ Yet if they shall bethink themselves in the land whither they were carried captives, and repent, and make supplication unto thee in the land of them that carried them captives, saying, We have sinned, and have done perversely, we have committed wickedness;

kjv@1Kings:8:48 @ And so return unto thee with all their heart, and with all their soul, in the land of their enemies, which led them away captive, and pray unto thee toward their land, which thou gavest unto their fathers, the city which thou hast chosen, and the house which I have built for thy name:

kjv@1Kings:8:50 @ And forgive thy people that have sinned against thee, and all their transgressions wherein they have transgressed against thee, and give them compassion before them who carried them captive, that they may have compassion on them:

kjv@1Kings:8:52 @ That thine eyes may be open unto the supplication of thy servant, and unto the supplication of thy people Israel, to hearken unto them in all that they call for unto thee.

kjv@1Kings:8:53 @ For thou didst separate them from among all the people of the earth, to be thine inheritance, as thou spakest by the hand of Moses thy servant, when thou broughtest our fathers out of Egypt, O Lord GOD.

kjv@1Kings:9:9 @ And they shall answer, Because they forsook the LORD their God, who brought forth their fathers out of the land of Egypt, and have taken hold upon other gods, and have worshipped them, and served them: therefore hath the LORD brought upon them all this evil.

kjv@1Kings:9:13 @ And he said, What cities are these which thou hast given me, my brother? And he called them the land of Cabul unto this day.

kjv@1Kings:9:21 @ Their children that were left after them in the land, whom the children of Israel also were not able utterly to destroy, upon those did Solomon levy a tribute of bondservice unto this day.

kjv@1Kings:10:17 @ And he made three hundred shields of beaten gold; three pound of gold went to one shield: and the king put them in the house of the forest of Lebanon.

kjv@1Kings:10:29 @ And a chariot came up and went out of Egypt for six hundred shekels of silver, and an horse for an hundred and fifty: and so for all the kings of the Hittites, and for the kings of Syria, did they bring them out by their means.

kjv@1Kings:11:18 @ And they arose out of Midian, and came to Paran: and they took men with them out of Paran, and they came to Egypt, unto Pharaoh king of Egypt; which gave him an house, and appointed him victuals, and gave him land.

kjv@1Kings:11:24 @ And he gathered men unto him, and became captain over a band, when David slew them of Zobah: and they went to Damascus, and dwelt therein, and reigned in Damascus.

kjv@1Kings:12:14 @ And spake to them after the counsel of the young men, saying, My father made your yoke heavy, and I will add to your yoke: my father also chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions.

kjv@1Kings:13:11 @ Now there dwelt an old prophet in Bethel; and his sons came and told him all the works that the man of God had done that day in Bethel: the words which he had spoken unto the king, them they told also to their father.

kjv@1Kings:14:15 @ For the LORD shall smite Israel, as a reed is shaken in the water, and he shall root up Israel out of this good land, which he gave to their fathers, and shall scatter them beyond the river, because they have made their groves, provoking the LORD to anger.

kjv@1Kings:14:23 @ For they also built them high places, and images, and groves, on every high hill, and under every green tree.

kjv@1Kings:14:27 @ And king Rehoboam made in their stead brasen shields, and committed them unto the hands of the chief of the guard, which kept the door of the king's house.

kjv@1Kings:14:28 @ And it was so, when the king went into the house of the LORD, that the guard bare them, and brought them back into the guard chamber.

kjv@1Kings:15:18 @ Then Asa took all the silver and the gold that were left in the treasures of the house of the LORD, and the treasures of the king's house, and delivered them into the hand of his servants: and king Asa sent them to Benhadad, the son of Tabrimon, the son of Hezion, king of Syria, that dwelt at Damascus, saying,

kjv@1Kings:15:22 @ Then king Asa made a proclamation throughout all Judah; none was exempted: and they took away the stones of Ramah, and the timber thereof, wherewith Baasha had builded; and king Asa built with them Geba of Benjamin, and Mizpah.

kjv@1Kings:18:4 @ For it was so, when Jezebel cut off the prophets of the LORD, that Obadiah took an hundred prophets, and hid them by fifty in a cave, and fed them with bread and water.)

kjv@1Kings:18:6 @ So they divided the land between them to pass throughout it: Ahab went one way by himself, and Obadiah went another way by himself.

kjv@1Kings:18:13 @ Was it not told my lord what I did when Jezebel slew the prophets of the LORD, how I hid an hundred men of the LORD'S prophets by fifty in a cave, and fed them with bread and water?

kjv@1Kings:18:23 @ Let them therefore give us two bullocks; and let them choose one bullock for themselves, and cut it in pieces, and lay it on wood, and put no fire under: and I will dress the other bullock, and lay it on wood, and put no fire under:

kjv@1Kings:18:40 @ And Elijah said unto them, Take the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape. And they took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there.

kjv@1Kings:19:2 @ Then Jezebel sent a messenger unto Elijah, saying, So let the gods do to me, and more also, if I make not thy life as the life of one of them by to morrow about this time.

kjv@1Kings:20:15 @ Then he numbered the young men of the princes of the provinces, and they were two hundred and thirty two: and after them he numbered all the people, even all the children of Israel, being seven thousand.

kjv@1Kings:20:18 @ And he said, Whether they be come out for peace, take them alive; or whether they be come out for war, take them alive.

kjv@1Kings:20:23 @ And the servants of the king of Syria said unto him, Their gods are gods of the hills; therefore they were stronger than we; but let us fight against them in the plain, and surely we shall be stronger than they.

kjv@1Kings:20:25 @ And number thee an army, like the army that thou hast lost, horse for horse, and chariot for chariot: and we will fight against them in the plain, and surely we shall be stronger than they. And he hearkened unto their voice, and did so.

kjv@1Kings:20:27 @ And the children of Israel were numbered, and were all present, and went against them: and the children of Israel pitched before them like two little flocks of kids; but the Syrians filled the country.

kjv@1Kings:21:8 @ So she wrote letters in Ahab's name, and sealed them with his seal, and sent the letters unto the elders and to the nobles that were in his city, dwelling with Naboth.

kjv@1Kings:22:17 @ And he said, I saw all Israel scattered upon the hills, as sheep that have not a shepherd: and the LORD said, These have no master: let them return every man to his house in peace.

kjv@2Kings:2:11 @ And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.

kjv@2Kings:2:12 @ And Elisha saw it, and he cried, My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. And he saw him no more: and he took hold of his own clothes, and rent them in two pieces.

kjv@2Kings:2:16 @ And they said unto him, Behold now, there be with thy servants fifty strong men; let them go, we pray thee, and seek thy master: lest peradventure the Spirit of the LORD hath taken him up, and cast him upon some mountain, or into some valley. And he said, Ye shall not send.

kjv@2Kings:2:24 @ And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.

kjv@2Kings:3:10 @ And the king of Israel said, Alas! that the LORD hath called these three kings together, to deliver them into the hand of Moab!

kjv@2Kings:3:13 @ And Elisha said unto the king of Israel, What have I to do with thee? get thee to the prophets of thy father, and to the prophets of thy mother. And the king of Israel said unto him, Nay: for the LORD hath called these three kings together, to deliver them into the hand of Moab.

kjv@2Kings:4:33 @ He went in therefore, and shut the door upon them twain, and prayed unto the LORD.

kjv@2Kings:4:39 @ And one went out into the field to gather herbs, and found a wild vine, and gathered thereof wild gourds his lap full, and came and shred them into the pot of pottage: for they knew them not.

kjv@2Kings:5:23 @ And Naaman said, Be content, take two talents. And he urged him, and bound two talents of silver in two bags, with two changes of garments, and laid them upon two of his servants; and they bare them before him.

kjv@2Kings:5:24 @ And when he came to the tower, he took them from their hand, and bestowed them in the house: and he let the men go, and they departed.

kjv@2Kings:6:18 @ And when they came down to him, Elisha prayed unto the LORD, and said, Smite this people, I pray thee, with blindness. And he smote them with blindness according to the word of Elisha.

kjv@2Kings:6:19 @ And Elisha said unto them, This is not the way, neither is this the city: follow me, and I will bring you to the man whom ye seek. But he led them to Samaria.

kjv@2Kings:6:23 @ And he prepared great provision for them: and when they had eaten and drunk, he sent them away, and they went to their master. So the bands of Syria came no more into the land of Israel.

kjv@2Kings:7:12 @ And the king arose in the night, and said unto his servants, I will now shew you what the Syrians have done to us. They know that we be hungry; therefore are they gone out of the camp to hide themselves in the field, saying, When they come out of the city, we shall catch them alive, and get into the city.

kjv@2Kings:7:15 @ And they went after them unto Jordan: and, lo, all the way was full of garments and vessels, which the Syrians had cast away in their haste. And the messengers returned, and told the king.

kjv@2Kings:10:1 @ And Ahab had seventy sons in Samaria. And Jehu wrote letters, and sent to Samaria, unto the rulers of Jezreel, to the elders, and to them that brought up Ahab's children, saying,

kjv@2Kings:10:6 @ Then he wrote a letter the second time to them, saying, If ye be mine, and if ye will hearken unto my voice, take ye the heads of the men your master's sons, and come to me to Jezreel by to morrow this time. Now the king's sons, being seventy persons, were with the great men of the city, which brought them up.

kjv@2Kings:10:7 @ And it came to pass, when the letter came to them, that they took the king's sons, and slew seventy persons, and put their heads in baskets, and sent him them to Jezreel.

kjv@2Kings:10:8 @ And there came a messenger, and told him, saying, They have brought the heads of the king's sons. And he said, Lay ye them in two heaps at the entering in of the gate until the morning.

kjv@2Kings:10:14 @ And he said, Take them alive. And they took them alive, and slew them at the pit of the shearing house, even two and forty men; neither left he any of them.

kjv@2Kings:10:22 @ And he said unto him that was over the vestry, Bring forth vestments for all the worshippers of Baal. And he brought them forth vestments.

kjv@2Kings:10:25 @ And it came to pass, as soon as he had made an end of offering the burnt offering, that Jehu said to the guard and to the captains, Go in, and slay them; let none come forth. And they smote them with the edge of the sword; and the guard and the captains cast them out, and went to the city of the house of Baal.

kjv@2Kings:10:32 @ In those days the LORD began to cut Israel short: and Hazael smote them in all the coasts of Israel;

kjv@2Kings:11:4 @ And the seventh year Jehoiada sent and fetched the rulers over hundreds, with the captains and the guard, and brought them to him into the house of the LORD, and made a covenant with them, and took an oath of them in the house of the LORD, and shewed them the king's son.

kjv@2Kings:11:9 @ And the captains over the hundreds did according to all things that Jehoiada the priest commanded: and they took every man his men that were to come in on the sabbath, with them that should go out on the sabbath, and came to Jehoiada the priest.

kjv@2Kings:12:5 @ Let the priests take it to them, every man of his acquaintance: and let them repair the breaches of the house, wheresoever any breach shall be found.

kjv@2Kings:12:11 @ And they gave the money, being told, into the hands of them that did the work, that had the oversight of the house of the LORD: and they laid it out to the carpenters and builders, that wrought upon the house of the LORD,

kjv@2Kings:13:3 @ And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and he delivered them into the hand of Hazael king of Syria, and into the hand of Benhadad the son of Hazael, all their days.

kjv@2Kings:13:7 @ Neither did he leave of the people to Jehoahaz but fifty horsemen, and ten chariots, and ten thousand footmen; for the king of Syria had destroyed them, and had made them like the dust by threshing.

kjv@2Kings:13:23 @ And the LORD was gracious unto them, and had compassion on them, and had respect unto them, because of his covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and would not destroy them, neither cast he them from his presence as yet.

kjv@2Kings:14:27 @ And the LORD said not that he would blot out the name of Israel from under heaven: but he saved them by the hand of Jeroboam the son of Joash.

kjv@2Kings:15:29 @ In the days of Pekah king of Israel came Tiglathpileser king of Assyria, and took Ijon, and Abelbethmaachah, and Janoah, and Kedesh, and Hazor, and Gilead, and Galilee, all the land of Naphtali, and carried them captive to Assyria.

kjv@2Kings:17:6 @ In the ninth year of Hoshea the king of Assyria took Samaria, and carried Israel away into Assyria, and placed them in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes.

kjv@2Kings:17:7 @ For so it was, that the children of Israel had sinned against the LORD their God, which had brought them up out of the land of Egypt, from under the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and had feared other gods,

kjv@2Kings:17:9 @ And the children of Israel did secretly those things that were not right against the LORD their God, and they built them high places in all their cities, from the tower of the watchmen to the fenced city.

kjv@2Kings:17:10 @ And they set them up images and groves in every high hill, and under every green tree:

kjv@2Kings:17:16 @ And they left all the commandments of the LORD their God, and made them molten images, even two calves, and made a grove, and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served Baal.

kjv@2Kings:17:18 @ Therefore the LORD was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his sight: there was none left but the tribe of Judah only.

kjv@2Kings:17:20 @ And the LORD rejected all the seed of Israel, and afflicted them, and delivered them into the hand of spoilers, until he had cast them out of his sight.

kjv@2Kings:17:21 @ For he rent Israel from the house of David; and they made Jeroboam the son of Nebat king: and Jeroboam drave Israel from following the LORD, and made them sin a great sin.

kjv@2Kings:17:24 @ And the king of Assyria brought men from Babylon, and from Cuthah, and from Ava, and from Hamath, and from Sepharvaim, and placed them in the cities of Samaria instead of the children of Israel: and they possessed Samaria, and dwelt in the cities thereof.

kjv@2Kings:17:27 @ Then the king of Assyria commanded, saying, Carry thither one of the priests whom ye brought from thence; and let them go and dwell there, and let him teach them the manner of the God of the land.

kjv@2Kings:17:28 @ Then one of the priests whom they had carried away from Samaria came and dwelt in Bethel, and taught them how they should fear the LORD.

kjv@2Kings:17:29 @ Howbeit every nation made gods of their own, and put them in the houses of the high places which the Samaritans had made, every nation in their cities wherein they dwelt.

kjv@2Kings:17:32 @ So they feared the LORD, and made unto themselves of the lowest of them priests of the high places, which sacrificed for them in the houses of the high places.

kjv@2Kings:18:11 @ And the king of Assyria did carry away Israel unto Assyria, and put them in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes:

kjv@2Kings:18:18 @ And when they had called to the king, there came out to them Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, which was over the household, and Shebna the scribe, and Joah the son of Asaph the recorder.

kjv@2Kings:19:11 @ Behold, thou hast heard what the kings of Assyria have done to all lands, by destroying them utterly: and shalt thou be delivered?

kjv@2Kings:19:12 @ Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed; as Gozan, and Haran, and Rezeph, and the children of Eden which were in Thelasar?

kjv@2Kings:20:13 @ And Hezekiah hearkened unto them, and shewed them all the house of his precious things, the silver, and the gold, and the spices, and the precious ointment, and all the house of his armour, and all that was found in his treasures: there was nothing in his house, nor in all his dominion, that Hezekiah shewed them not.

kjv@2Kings:21:9 @ But they hearkened not: and Manasseh seduced them to do more evil than did the nations whom the LORD destroyed before the children of Israel.

kjv@2Kings:21:14 @ And I will forsake the remnant of mine inheritance, and deliver them into the hand of their enemies; and they shall become a prey and a spoil to all their enemies;

kjv@2Kings:21:24 @ And the people of the land slew all them that had conspired against king Amon; and the people of the land made Josiah his son king in his stead.

kjv@2Kings:22:5 @ And let them deliver it into the hand of the doers of the work, that have the oversight of the house of the LORD: and let them give it to the doers of the work which is in the house of the LORD, to repair the breaches of the house,

kjv@2Kings:22:7 @ Howbeit there was no reckoning made with them of the money that was delivered into their hand, because they dealt faithfully.

kjv@2Kings:22:9 @ And Shaphan the scribe came to the king, and brought the king word again, and said, Thy servants have gathered the money that was found in the house, and have delivered it into the hand of them that do the work, that have the oversight of the house of the LORD.

kjv@2Kings:23:4 @ And the king commanded Hilkiah the high priest, and the priests of the second order, and the keepers of the door, to bring forth out of the temple of the LORD all the vessels that were made for Baal, and for the grove, and for all the host of heaven: and he burned them without Jerusalem in the fields of Kidron, and carried the ashes of them unto Bethel.

kjv@2Kings:23:5 @ And he put down the idolatrous priests, whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places round about Jerusalem; them also that burned incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the host of heaven.

kjv@2Kings:23:12 @ And the altars that were on the top of the upper chamber of Ahaz, which the kings of Judah had made, and the altars which Manasseh had made in the two courts of the house of the LORD, did the king beat down, and brake them down from thence, and cast the dust of them into the brook Kidron.

kjv@2Kings:23:16 @ And as Josiah turned himself, he spied the sepulchres that were there in the mount, and sent, and took the bones out of the sepulchres, and burned them upon the altar, and polluted it, according to the word of the LORD which the man of God proclaimed, who proclaimed these words.

kjv@2Kings:23:19 @ And all the houses also of the high places that were in the cities of Samaria, which the kings of Israel had made to provoke the LORD to anger, Josiah took away, and did to them according to all the acts that he had done in Bethel.

kjv@2Kings:24:2 @ And the LORD sent against him bands of the Chaldees, and bands of the Syrians, and bands of the Moabites, and bands of the children of Ammon, and sent them against Judah to destroy it, according to the word of the LORD, which he spake by his servants the prophets.

kjv@2Kings:24:3 @ Surely at the commandment of the LORD came this upon Judah, to remove them out of his sight, for the sins of Manasseh, according to all that he did;

kjv@2Kings:24:16 @ And all the men of might, even seven thousand, and craftsmen and smiths a thousand, all that were strong and apt for war, even them the king of Babylon brought captive to Babylon.

kjv@2Kings:24:20 @ For through the anger of the LORD it came to pass in Jerusalem and Judah, until he had cast them out from his presence, that Zedekiah rebelled against the king of Babylon.

kjv@2Kings:25:13 @ And the pillars of brass that were in the house of the LORD, and the bases, and the brasen sea that was in the house of the LORD, did the Chaldees break in pieces, and carried the brass of them to Babylon.

kjv@2Kings:25:19 @ And out of the city he took an officer that was set over the men of war, and five men of them that were in the king's presence, which were found in the city, and the principal scribe of the host, which mustered the people of the land, and threescore men of the people of the land that were found in the city:

kjv@2Kings:25:20 @ And Nebuzaradan captain of the guard took these, and brought them to the king of Babylon to Riblah:

kjv@2Kings:25:21 @ And the king of Babylon smote them, and slew them at Riblah in the land of Hamath. So Judah was carried away out of their land.

kjv@2Kings:25:22 @ And as for the people that remained in the land of Judah, whom Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon had left, even over them he made Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, ruler.

kjv@1Chronicles:2:6 @ And the sons of Zerah; Zimri, and Ethan, and Heman, and Calcol, and Dara: five of them in all.

kjv@1Chronicles:2:53 @ And the families of Kirjathjearim; the Ithrites, and the Puhites, and the Shumathites, and the Mishraites; of them came the Zareathites, and the Eshtaulites.

kjv@1Chronicles:4:21 @ The sons of Shelah the son of Judah were, Er the father of Lecah, and Laadah the father of Mareshah, and the families of the house of them that wrought fine linen, of the house of Ashbea,

kjv@1Chronicles:4:41 @ And these written by name came in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah, and smote their tents, and the habitations that were found there, and destroyed them utterly unto this day, and dwelt in their rooms: because there was pasture there for their flocks.

kjv@1Chronicles:5:26 @ And the God of Israel stirred up the spirit of Pul king of Assyria, and the spirit of Tilgathpilneser king of Assyria, and he carried them away, even the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh, and brought them unto Halah, and Habor, and Hara, and to the river Gozan, unto this day.

kjv@1Chronicles:6:55 @ And they gave them Hebron in the land of Judah, and the suburbs thereof round about it.

kjv@1Chronicles:6:78 @ And on the other side Jordan by Jericho, on the east side of Jordan, were given them out of the tribe of Reuben, Bezer in the wilderness with her suburbs, and Jahzah with her suburbs,

kjv@1Chronicles:7:3 @ And the sons of Uzzi; Izrahiah: and the sons of Izrahiah; Michael, and Obadiah, and Joel, Ishiah, five: all of them chief men.

kjv@1Chronicles:7:40 @ All these were the children of Asher, heads of their father's house, choice and mighty men of valour, chief of the princes. And the number throughout the genealogy of them that were apt to the war and to battle was twenty and six thousand men.

kjv@1Chronicles:8:6 @ And these are the sons of Ehud: these are the heads of the fathers of the inhabitants of Geba, and they removed them to Manahath:

kjv@1Chronicles:8:8 @ And Shaharaim begat children in the country of Moab, after he had sent them away; Hushim and Baara were his wives.

kjv@1Chronicles:9:20 @ And Phinehas the son of Eleazar was the ruler over them in time past, and the LORD was with him.

kjv@1Chronicles:9:28 @ And certain of them had the charge of the ministering vessels, that they should bring them in and out by tale.

kjv@1Chronicles:9:29 @ Some of them also were appointed to oversee the vessels, and all the instruments of the sanctuary, and the fine flour, and the wine, and the oil, and the frankincense, and the spices.

kjv@1Chronicles:10:12 @ They arose, all the valiant men, and took away the body of Saul, and the bodies of his sons, and brought them to Jabesh, and buried their bones under the oak in Jabesh, and fasted seven days.

kjv@1Chronicles:11:3 @ Therefore came all the elders of Israel to the king to Hebron; and David made a covenant with them in Hebron before the LORD; and they anointed David king over Israel, according to the word of the LORD by Samuel.

kjv@1Chronicles:11:14 @ And they set themselves in the midst of that parcel, and delivered it, and slew the Philistines; and the LORD saved them by a great deliverance.

kjv@1Chronicles:12:15 @ These are they that went over Jordan in the first month, when it had overflown all his banks; and they put to flight all them of the valleys, both toward the east, and toward the west.

kjv@1Chronicles:12:18 @ Then the spirit came upon Amasai, who was chief of the captains, and he said, Thine are we, David, and on thy side, thou son of Jesse: peace, peace be unto thee, and peace be to thine helpers; for thy God helpeth thee. Then David received them, and made them captains of the band.

kjv@1Chronicles:12:19 @ And there fell some of Manasseh to David, when he came with the Philistines against Saul to battle: but they helped them not: for the lords of the Philistines upon advisement sent him away, saying, He will fall to his master Saul to the jeopardy of our heads.

kjv@1Chronicles:12:29 @ And of the children of Benjamin, the kindred of Saul, three thousand: for hitherto the greatest part of them had kept the ward of the house of Saul.

kjv@1Chronicles:12:32 @ And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.

kjv@1Chronicles:12:34 @ And of Naphtali a thousand captains, and with them with shield and spear thirty and seven thousand.

kjv@1Chronicles:13:2 @ And David said unto all the congregation of Israel, If it seem good unto you, and that it be of the LORD our God, let us send abroad unto our brethren every where, that are left in all the land of Israel, and with them also to the priests and Levites which are in their cities and suburbs, that they may gather themselves unto us:

kjv@1Chronicles:14:10 @ And David enquired of God, saying, Shall I go up against the Philistines? and wilt thou deliver them into mine hand? And the LORD said unto him, Go up; for I will deliver them into thine hand.

kjv@1Chronicles:14:11 @ So they came up to Baalperazim; and David smote them there. Then David said, God hath broken in upon mine enemies by mine hand like the breaking forth of waters: therefore they called the name of that place Baalperazim.

kjv@1Chronicles:14:14 @ Therefore David enquired again of God; and God said unto him, Go not up after them; turn away from them, and come upon them over against the mulberry trees.

kjv@1Chronicles:15:2 @ Then David said, None ought to carry the ark of God but the Levites: for them hath the LORD chosen to carry the ark of God, and to minister unto him for ever.

kjv@1Chronicles:15:18 @ And with them their brethren of the second degree, Zechariah, Ben, and Jaaziel, and Shemiramoth, and Jehiel, and Unni, Eliab, and Benaiah, and Maaseiah, and Mattithiah, and Elipheleh, and Mikneiah, and Obededom, and Jeiel, the porters.

kjv@1Chronicles:16:10 @ Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD.

kjv@1Chronicles:16:21 @ He suffered no man to do them wrong: yea, he reproved kings for their sakes,

kjv@1Chronicles:16:41 @ And with them Heman and Jeduthun, and the rest that were chosen, who were expressed by name, to give thanks to the LORD, because his mercy endureth for ever;

kjv@1Chronicles:16:42 @ And with them Heman and Jeduthun with trumpets and cymbals for those that should make a sound, and with musical instruments of God. And the sons of Jeduthun were porters.

kjv@1Chronicles:17:9 @ Also I will ordain a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, and they shall dwell in their place, and shall be moved no more; neither shall the children of wickedness waste them any more, as at the beginning,

kjv@1Chronicles:18:4 @ And David took from him a thousand chariots, and seven thousand horsemen, and twenty thousand footmen: David also houghed all the chariot horses, but reserved of them an hundred chariots.

kjv@1Chronicles:18:7 @ And David took the shields of gold that were on the servants of Hadarezer, and brought them to Jerusalem.

kjv@1Chronicles:18:11 ... Them also...

kjv@1Chronicles:19:4 @ Wherefore Hanun took David's servants, and shaved them, and cut off their garments in the midst hard by their buttocks, and sent them away.

kjv@1Chronicles:19:6 @ And when the children of Ammon saw that they had made themselves odious to David, Hanun and the children of Ammon sent a thousand talents of silver to hire them chariots and horsemen out of Mesopotamia, and out of Syriamaachah, and out of Zobah.

kjv@1Chronicles:19:10 @ Now when Joab saw that the battle was set against him before and behind, he chose out of all the choice of Israel, and put them in array against the Syrians.

kjv@1Chronicles:20:3 @ And he brought out the people that were in it, and cut them with saws, and with harrows of iron, and with axes. Even so dealt David with all the cities of the children of Ammon. And David and all the people returned to Jerusalem.

kjv@1Chronicles:21:2 @ And David said to Joab and to the rulers of the people, Go, number Israel from Beersheba even to Dan; and bring the number of them to me, that I may know it.

kjv@1Chronicles:23:6 @ And David divided them into courses among the sons of Levi, namely, Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.

kjv@1Chronicles:24:6 @ And Shemaiah the son of Nethaneel the scribe, one of the Levites, wrote them before the king, and the princes, and Zadok the priest, and Ahimelech the son of Abiathar, and before the chief of the fathers of the priests and Levites: one principal household being taken for Eleazar, and one taken for Ithamar.

kjv@1Chronicles:24:19 @ These were the orderings of them in their service to come into the house of the LORD, according to their manner, under Aaron their father, as the LORD God of Israel had commanded him.

kjv@1Chronicles:26:30 @ And of the Hebronites, Hashabiah and his brethren, men of valour, a thousand and seven hundred, were officers among them of Israel on this side Jordan westward in all the business of the LORD, and in the service of the king.

kjv@1Chronicles:26:31 @ Among the Hebronites was Jerijah the chief, even among the Hebronites, according to the generations of his fathers. In the fortieth year of the reign of David they were sought for, and there were found among them mighty men of valour at Jazer of Gilead.

kjv@1Chronicles:27:23 @ But David took not the number of them from twenty years old and under: because the LORD had said he would increase Israel like to the stars of the heavens.

kjv@1Chronicles:27:26 @ And over them that did the work of the field for tillage of the ground was Ezri the son of Chelub:

kjv@1Chronicles:29:8 @ And they with whom precious stones were found gave them to the treasure of the house of the LORD, by the hand of Jehiel the Gershonite.

kjv@2Chronicles:2:18 @ And he set threescore and ten thousand of them to be bearers of burdens, and fourscore thousand to be hewers in the mountain, and three thousand and six hundred overseers to set the people a work.

kjv@2Chronicles:3:10 @ And in the most holy house he made two cherubims of image work, and overlaid them with gold.

kjv@2Chronicles:3:15 @ Also he made before the house two pillars of thirty and five cubits high, and the chapiter that was on the top of each of them was five cubits.

kjv@2Chronicles:3:16 @ And he made chains, as in the oracle, and put them on the heads of the pillars; and made an hundred pomegranates, and put them on the chains.

kjv@2Chronicles:4:7 @ And he made ten candlesticks of gold according to their form, and set them in the temple, five on the right hand, and five on the left.

kjv@2Chronicles:4:8 @ He made also ten tables, and placed them in the temple, five on the right side, and five on the left. And he made an hundred basons of gold.

kjv@2Chronicles:4:9 @ Furthermore he made the court of the priests, and the great court, and doors for the court, and overlaid the doors of them with brass.

kjv@2Chronicles:5:12 @ Also the Levites which were the singers, all of them of Asaph, of Heman, of Jeduthun, with their sons and their brethren, being arrayed in white linen, having cymbals and psalteries and harps, stood at the east end of the altar, and with them an hundred and twenty priests sounding with trumpets:)

kjv@2Chronicles:6:25 @ Then hear thou from the heavens, and forgive the sin of thy people Israel, and bring them again unto the land which thou gavest to them and to their fathers.

kjv@2Chronicles:6:27 @ Then hear thou from heaven, and forgive the sin of thy servants, and of thy people Israel, when thou hast taught them the good way, wherein they should walk; and send rain upon thy land, which thou hast given unto thy people for an inheritance.

kjv@2Chronicles:6:28 @ If there be dearth in the land, if there be pestilence, if there be blasting, or mildew, locusts, or caterpillers; if their enemies besiege them in the cities of their land; whatsoever sore or whatsoever sickness there be:

kjv@2Chronicles:6:36 @ If they sin against thee, (for there is no man which sinneth not,) and thou be angry with them, and deliver them over before their enemies, and they carry them away captives unto a land far off or near;

kjv@2Chronicles:6:38 @ If they return to thee with all their heart and with all their soul in the land of their captivity, whither they have carried them captives, and pray toward their land, which thou gavest unto their fathers, and toward the city which thou hast chosen, and toward the house which I have built for thy name:

kjv@2Chronicles:7:20 @ Then will I pluck them up by the roots out of my land which I have given them; and this house, which I have sanctified for my name, will I cast out of my sight, and will make it to be a proverb and a byword among all nations.

kjv@2Chronicles:7:22 @ And it shall be answered, Because they forsook the LORD God of their fathers, which brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, and laid hold on other gods, and worshipped them, and served them: therefore hath he brought all this evil upon them.

kjv@2Chronicles:8:8 @ But of their children, who were left after them in the land, whom the children of Israel consumed not, them did Solomon make to pay tribute until this day.

kjv@2Chronicles:8:18 @ And Huram sent him by the hands of his servants ships, and servants that had knowledge of the sea; and they went with the servants of Solomon to Ophir, and took thence four hundred and fifty talents of gold, and brought them to king Solomon.

kjv@2Chronicles:9:8 @ Blessed be the LORD thy God, which delighted in thee to set thee on his throne, to be king for the LORD thy God: because thy God loved Israel, to establish them for ever, therefore made he thee king over them, to do judgment and justice.

kjv@2Chronicles:9:16 @ And three hundred shields made he of beaten gold: three hundred shekels of gold went to one shield. And the king put them in the house of the forest of Lebanon.

kjv@2Chronicles:10:13 @ And the king answered them roughly; and king Rehoboam forsook the counsel of the old men,

kjv@2Chronicles:10:14 @ And answered them after the advice of the young men, saying, My father made your yoke heavy, but I will add thereto: my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions.

kjv@2Chronicles:11:12 @ And in every several city he put shields and spears, and made them exceeding strong, having Judah and Benjamin on his side.

kjv@2Chronicles:11:14 @ For the Levites left their suburbs and their possession, and came to Judah and Jerusalem: for Jeroboam and his sons had cast them off from executing the priest's office unto the LORD:

kjv@2Chronicles:11:16 @ And after them out of all the tribes of Israel such as set their hearts to seek the LORD God of Israel came to Jerusalem, to sacrifice unto the LORD God of their fathers.

kjv@2Chronicles:11:23 @ And he dealt wisely, and dispersed of all his children throughout all the countries of Judah and Benjamin, unto every fenced city: and he gave them victual in abundance. And he desired many wives.

kjv@2Chronicles:12:7 @ And when the LORD saw that they humbled themselves, the word of the LORD came to Shemaiah, saying, They have humbled themselves; therefore I will not destroy them, but I will grant them some deliverance; and my wrath shall not be poured out upon Jerusalem by the hand of Shishak.

kjv@2Chronicles:12:10 @ Instead of which king Rehoboam made shields of brass, and committed them to the hands of the chief of the guard, that kept the entrance of the king's house.

kjv@2Chronicles:12:11 @ And when the king entered into the house of the LORD, the guard came and fetched them, and brought them again into the guard chamber.

kjv@2Chronicles:13:9 @ Have ye not cast out the priests of the LORD, the sons of Aaron, and the Levites, and have made you priests after the manner of the nations of other lands? so that whosoever cometh to consecrate himself with a young bullock and seven rams, the same may be a priest of them that are no gods.

kjv@2Chronicles:13:16 @ And the children of Israel fled before Judah: and God delivered them into their hand.

kjv@2Chronicles:13:17 @ And Abijah and his people slew them with a great slaughter: so there fell down slain of Israel five hundred thousand chosen men.

kjv@2Chronicles:14:7 @ Therefore he said unto Judah, Let us build these cities, and make about them walls, and towers, gates, and bars, while the land is yet before us; because we have sought the LORD our God, we have sought him, and he hath given us rest on every side. So they built and prospered.

kjv@2Chronicles:14:9 @ And there came out against them Zerah the Ethiopian with an host of a thousand thousand, and three hundred chariots; and came unto Mareshah.

kjv@2Chronicles:14:11 @ And Asa cried unto the LORD his God, and said, LORD, it is nothing with thee to help, whether with many, or with them that have no power: help us, O LORD our God; for we rest on thee, and in thy name we go against this multitude. O LORD, thou art our God; let not man prevail against thee.

kjv@2Chronicles:14:13 @ And Asa and the people that were with him pursued them unto Gerar: and the Ethiopians were overthrown, that they could not recover themselves; for they were destroyed before the LORD, and before his host; and they carried away very much spoil.

kjv@2Chronicles:15:6 @ And nation was destroyed of nation, and city of city: for God did vex them with all adversity.

kjv@2Chronicles:15:9 @ And he gathered all Judah and Benjamin, and the strangers with them out of Ephraim and Manasseh, and out of Simeon: for they fell to him out of Israel in abundance, when they saw that the LORD his God was with him.

kjv@2Chronicles:15:15 @ And all Judah rejoiced at the oath: for they had sworn with all their heart, and sought him with their whole desire; and he was found of them: and the LORD gave them rest round about.

kjv@2Chronicles:16:8 @ Were not the Ethiopians and the Lubims a huge host, with very many chariots and horsemen? yet, because thou didst rely on the LORD, he delivered them into thine hand.

kjv@2Chronicles:16:9 @ For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.

kjv@2Chronicles:17:8 @ And with them he sent Levites, even Shemaiah, and Nethaniah, and Zebadiah, and Asahel, and Shemiramoth, and Jehonathan, and Adonijah, and Tobijah, and Tobadonijah, Levites; and with them Elishama and Jehoram, priests.

kjv@2Chronicles:17:14 @ And these are the numbers of them according to the house of their fathers: Of Judah, the captains of thousands; Adnah the chief, and with him mighty men of valour three hundred thousand.

kjv@2Chronicles:18:9 @ And the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat king of Judah sat either of them on his throne, clothed in their robes, and they sat in a void place at the entering in of the gate of Samaria; and all the prophets prophesied before them.

kjv@2Chronicles:18:16 @ Then he said, I did see all Israel scattered upon the mountains, as sheep that have no shepherd: and the LORD said, These have no master; let them return therefore every man to his house in peace.

kjv@2Chronicles:18:31 @ And it came to pass, when the captains of the chariots saw Jehoshaphat, that they said, It is the king of Israel. Therefore they compassed about him to fight: but Jehoshaphat cried out, and the LORD helped him; and God moved them to depart from him.

kjv@2Chronicles:19:2 @ And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD.

kjv@2Chronicles:19:4 @ And Jehoshaphat dwelt at Jerusalem: and he went out again through the people from Beersheba to mount Ephraim, and brought them back unto the LORD God of their fathers.

kjv@2Chronicles:19:10 @ And what cause soever shall come to you of your brethren that dwell in their cities, between blood and blood, between law and commandment, statutes and judgments, ye shall even warn them that they trespass not against the LORD, and so wrath come upon you, and upon your brethren: this do, and ye shall not trespass.

kjv@2Chronicles:20:1 @ It came to pass after this also, that the children of Moab, and the children of Ammon, and with them other beside the Ammonites, came against Jehoshaphat to battle.

kjv@2Chronicles:20:10 @ And now, behold, the children of Ammon and Moab and mount Seir, whom thou wouldest not let Israel invade, when they came out of the land of Egypt, but they turned from them, and destroyed them not;

kjv@2Chronicles:20:16 @ To morrow go ye down against them: behold, they come up by the cliff of Ziz; and ye shall find them at the end of the brook, before the wilderness of Jeruel.

kjv@2Chronicles:20:25 @ And when Jehoshaphat and his people came to take away the spoil of them, they found among them in abundance both riches with the dead bodies, and precious jewels, which they stripped off for themselves, more than they could carry away: and they were three days in gathering of the spoil, it was so much.

kjv@2Chronicles:20:27 @ Then they returned, every man of Judah and Jerusalem, and Jehoshaphat in the forefront of them, to go again to Jerusalem with joy; for the LORD had made them to rejoice over their enemies.

kjv@2Chronicles:21:3 @ And their father gave them great gifts of silver, and of gold, and of precious things, with fenced cities in Judah: but the kingdom gave he to Jehoram; because he was the firstborn.

kjv@2Chronicles:22:12 @ And he was with them hid in the house of God six years: and Athaliah reigned over the land.

kjv@2Chronicles:23:8 @ So the Levites and all Judah did according to all things that Jehoiada the priest had commanded, and took every man his men that were to come in on the sabbath, with them that were to go out on the sabbath: for Jehoiada the priest dismissed not the courses.

kjv@2Chronicles:24:19 @ Yet he sent prophets to them, to bring them again unto the LORD; and they testified against them: but they would not give ear.

kjv@2Chronicles:24:23 @ And it came to pass at the end of the year, that the host of Syria came up against him: and they came to Judah and Jerusalem, and destroyed all the princes of the people from among the people, and sent all the spoil of them unto the king of Damascus.

kjv@2Chronicles:25:5 @ Moreover Amaziah gathered Judah together, and made them captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds, according to the houses of their fathers, throughout all Judah and Benjamin: and he numbered them from twenty years old and above, and found them three hundred thousand choice men, able to go forth to war, that could handle spear and shield.

kjv@2Chronicles:25:12 @ And other ten thousand left alive did the children of Judah carry away captive, and brought them unto the top of the rock, and cast them down from the top of the rock, that they all were broken in pieces.

kjv@2Chronicles:25:14 @ Now it came to pass, after that Amaziah was come from the slaughter of the Edomites, that he brought the gods of the children of Seir, and set them up to be his gods, and bowed down himself before them, and burned incense unto them.

kjv@2Chronicles:25:20 @ But Amaziah would not hear; for it came of God, that he might deliver them into the hand of their enemies, because they sought after the gods of Edom.

kjv@2Chronicles:26:14 @ And Uzziah prepared for them throughout all the host shields, and spears, and helmets, and habergeons, and bows, and slings to cast stones.

kjv@2Chronicles:28:5 @ Wherefore the LORD his God delivered him into the hand of the king of Syria; and they smote him, and carried away a great multitude of them captives, and brought them to Damascus. And he was also delivered into the hand of the king of Israel, who smote him with a great slaughter.

kjv@2Chronicles:28:9 @ But a prophet of the LORD was there, whose name was Oded: and he went out before the host that came to Samaria, and said unto them, Behold, because the LORD God of your fathers was wroth with Judah, he hath delivered them into your hand, and ye have slain them in a rage that reacheth up unto heaven.

kjv@2Chronicles:28:12 @ Then certain of the heads of the children of Ephraim, Azariah the son of Johanan, Berechiah the son of Meshillemoth, and Jehizkiah the son of Shallum, and Amasa the son of Hadlai, stood up against them that came from the war,

kjv@2Chronicles:28:15 @ And the men which were expressed by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them upon asses, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brethren: then they returned to Samaria.

kjv@2Chronicles:29:4 @ And he brought in the priests and the Levites, and gathered them together into the east street,

kjv@2Chronicles:29:8 @ Wherefore the wrath of the LORD was upon Judah and Jerusalem, and he hath delivered them to trouble, to astonishment, and to hissing, as ye see with your eyes.

kjv@2Chronicles:29:21 @ And they brought seven bullocks, and seven rams, and seven lambs, and seven he goats, for a sin offering for the kingdom, and for the sanctuary, and for Judah. And he commanded the priests the sons of Aaron to offer them on the altar of the LORD.

kjv@2Chronicles:30:7 @ And be not ye like your fathers, and like your brethren, which trespassed against the LORD God of their fathers, who therefore gave them up to desolation, as ye see.

kjv@2Chronicles:30:9 @ For if ye turn again unto the LORD, your brethren and your children shall find compassion before them that lead them captive, so that they shall come again into this land: for the LORD your God is gracious and merciful, and will not turn away his face from you, if ye return unto him.

kjv@2Chronicles:30:10 @ So the posts passed from city to city through the country of Ephraim and Manasseh even unto Zebulun: but they laughed them to scorn, and mocked them.

kjv@2Chronicles:30:12 @ Also in Judah the hand of God was to give them one heart to do the commandment of the king and of the princes, by the word of the LORD.

kjv@2Chronicles:30:14 @ And they arose and took away the altars that were in Jerusalem, and all the altars for incense took they away, and cast them into the brook Kidron.

kjv@2Chronicles:30:17 @ For there were many in the congregation that were not sanctified: therefore the Levites had the charge of the killing of the passovers for every one that was not clean, to sanctify them unto the LORD.

kjv@2Chronicles:31:1 @ Now when all this was finished, all Israel that were present went out to the cities of Judah, and brake the images in pieces, and cut down the groves, and threw down the high places and the altars out of all Judah and Benjamin, in Ephraim also and Manasseh, until they had utterly destroyed them all. Then all the children of Israel returned, every man to his possession, into their own cities.

kjv@2Chronicles:31:6 @ And concerning the children of Israel and Judah, that dwelt in the cities of Judah, they also brought in the tithe of oxen and sheep, and the tithe of holy things which were consecrated unto the LORD their God, and laid them by heaps.

kjv@2Chronicles:31:7 @ In the third month they began to lay the foundation of the heaps, and finished them in the seventh month.

kjv@2Chronicles:32:1 @ After these things, and the establishment thereof, Sennacherib king of Assyria came, and entered into Judah, and encamped against the fenced cities, and thought to win them for himself.

kjv@2Chronicles:32:6 @ And he set captains of war over the people, and gathered them together to him in the street of the gate of the city, and spake comfortably to them, saying,

kjv@2Chronicles:32:22 @ Thus the LORD saved Hezekiah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem from the hand of Sennacherib the king of Assyria, and from the hand of all other, and guided them on every side.

kjv@2Chronicles:32:26 @ Notwithstanding Hezekiah humbled himself for the pride of his heart, both he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the wrath of the LORD came not upon them in the days of Hezekiah.

kjv@2Chronicles:33:11 @ Wherefore the LORD brought upon them the captains of the host of the king of Assyria, which took Manasseh among the thorns, and bound him with fetters, and carried him to Babylon.

kjv@2Chronicles:33:15 @ And he took away the strange gods, and the idol out of the house of the LORD, and all the altars that he had built in the mount of the house of the LORD, and in Jerusalem, and cast them out of the city.

kjv@2Chronicles:33:25 @ But the people of the land slew all them that had conspired against king Amon; and the people of the land made Josiah his son king in his stead.

kjv@2Chronicles:34:4 @ And they brake down the altars of Baalim in his presence; and the images, that were on high above them, he cut down; and the groves, and the carved images, and the molten images, he brake in pieces, and made dust of them, and strowed it upon the graves of them that had sacrificed unto them.

kjv@2Chronicles:34:12 @ And the men did the work faithfully: and the overseers of them were Jahath and Obadiah, the Levites, of the sons of Merari; and Zechariah and Meshullam, of the sons of the Kohathites, to set it forward; and other of the Levites, all that could skill of instruments of musick.

kjv@2Chronicles:34:21 @ Go, enquire of the LORD for me, and for them that are left in Israel and in Judah, concerning the words of the book that is found: for great is the wrath of the LORD that is poured out upon us, because our fathers have not kept the word of the LORD, to do after all that is written in this book.

kjv@2Chronicles:35:2 @ And he set the priests in their charges, and encouraged them to the service of the house of the LORD,

kjv@2Chronicles:35:13 @ And they roasted the passover with fire according to the ordinance: but the other holy offerings sod they in pots, and in caldrons, and in pans, and divided them speedily among all the people.

kjv@2Chronicles:35:25 @ And Jeremiah lamented for Josiah: and all the singing men and the singing women spake of Josiah in their lamentations to this day, and made them an ordinance in Israel: and, behold, they are written in the lamentations.

kjv@2Chronicles:36:7 @ Nebuchadnezzar also carried of the vessels of the house of the LORD to Babylon, and put them in his temple at Babylon.

kjv@2Chronicles:36:15 @ And the LORD God of their fathers sent to them by his messengers, rising up betimes, and sending; because he had compassion on his people, and on his dwelling place:

kjv@2Chronicles:36:17 @ Therefore he brought upon them the king of the Chaldees, who slew their young men with the sword in the house of their sanctuary, and had no compassion upon young man or maiden, old man, or him that stooped for age: he gave them all into his hand.

kjv@2Chronicles:36:20 @ And them that had escaped from the sword carried he away to Babylon; where they were servants to him and his sons until the reign of the kingdom of Persia:

kjv@Ezra:1:5 @ Then rose up the chief of the fathers of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests, and the Levites, with all them whose spirit God had raised, to go up to build the house of the LORD which is in Jerusalem.

kjv@Ezra:1:6 @ And all they that were about them strengthened their hands with vessels of silver, with gold, with goods, and with beasts, and with precious things, beside all that was willingly offered.

kjv@Ezra:1:7 @ Also Cyrus the king brought forth the vessels of the house of the LORD, which Nebuchadnezzar had brought forth out of Jerusalem, and had put them in the house of his gods;

kjv@Ezra:1:8 @ Even those did Cyrus king of Persia bring forth by the hand of Mithredath the treasurer, and numbered them unto Sheshbazzar, the prince of Judah.

kjv@Ezra:1:11 @ All the vessels of gold and of silver were five thousand and four hundred. All these did Sheshbazzar bring up with them of the captivity that were brought up from Babylon unto Jerusalem.

kjv@Ezra:2:65 @ Beside their servants and their maids, of whom there were seven thousand three hundred thirty and seven: and there were among them two hundred singing men and singing women.

kjv@Ezra:3:3 @ And they set the altar upon his bases; for fear was upon them because of the people of those countries: and they offered burnt offerings thereon unto the LORD, even burnt offerings morning and evening.

kjv@Ezra:3:7 @ They gave money also unto the masons, and to the carpenters; and meat, and drink, and oil, unto them of Zidon, and to them of Tyre, to bring cedar trees from Lebanon to the sea of Joppa, according to the grant that they had of Cyrus king of Persia.

kjv@Ezra:4:4 @ Then the people of the land weakened the hands of the people of Judah, and troubled them in building,

kjv@Ezra:4:23 @ Now when the copy of king Artaxerxes' letter was read before Rehum, and Shimshai the scribe, and their companions, they went up in haste to Jerusalem unto the Jews, and made them to cease by force and power.

kjv@Ezra:5:2 @ Then rose up Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and Jeshua the son of Jozadak, and began to build the house of God which is at Jerusalem: and with them were the prophets of God helping them.

kjv@Ezra:5:3 @ At the same time came to them Tatnai, governor on this side the river, and Shetharboznai, and their companions, and said thus unto them, Who hath commanded you to build this house, and to make up this wall?

kjv@Ezra:5:4 @ Then said we unto them after this manner, What are the names of the men that make this building?

kjv@Ezra:5:5 @ But the eye of their God was upon the elders of the Jews, that they could not cause them to cease, till the matter came to Darius: and then they returned answer by letter concerning this matter.

kjv@Ezra:5:9 @ Then asked we those elders, and said unto them thus, Who commanded you to build this house, and to make up these walls?

kjv@Ezra:5:12 @ But after that our fathers had provoked the God of heaven unto wrath, he gave them into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, the Chaldean, who destroyed this house, and carried the people away into Babylon.

kjv@Ezra:5:14 @ And the vessels also of gold and silver of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar took out of the temple that was in Jerusalem, and brought them into the temple of Babylon, those did Cyrus the king take out of the temple of Babylon, and they were delivered unto one, whose name was Sheshbazzar, whom he had made governor;

kjv@Ezra:5:15 @ And said unto him, Take these vessels, go, carry them into the temple that is in Jerusalem, and let the house of God be builded in his place.

kjv@Ezra:6:5 @ And also let the golden and silver vessels of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar took forth out of the temple which is at Jerusalem, and brought unto Babylon, be restored, and brought again unto the temple which is at Jerusalem, every one to his place, and place them in the house of God.

kjv@Ezra:6:9 @ And that which they have need of, both young bullocks, and rams, and lambs, for the burnt offerings of the God of heaven, wheat, salt, wine, and oil, according to the appointment of the priests which are at Jerusalem, let it be given them day by day without fail:

kjv@Ezra:6:20 @ For the priests and the Levites were purified together, all of them were pure, and killed the passover for all the children of the captivity, and for their brethren the priests, and for themselves.

kjv@Ezra:6:21 @ And the children of Israel, which were come again out of captivity, and all such as had separated themselves unto them from the filthiness of the heathen of the land, to seek the LORD God of Israel, did eat,

kjv@Ezra:6:22 @ And kept the feast of unleavened bread seven days with joy: for the LORD had made them joyful, and turned the heart of the king of Assyria unto them, to strengthen their hands in the work of the house of God, the God of Israel.

kjv@Ezra:7:17 @ That thou mayest buy speedily with this money bullocks, rams, lambs, with their meat offerings and their drink offerings, and offer them upon the altar of the house of your God which is in Jerusalem.

kjv@Ezra:7:25 @ And thou, Ezra, after the wisdom of thy God, that is in thine hand, set magistrates and judges, which may judge all the people that are beyond the river, all such as know the laws of thy God; and teach ye them that know them not.

kjv@Ezra:8:1 @ These are now the chief of their fathers, and this is the genealogy of them that went up with me from Babylon, in the reign of Artaxerxes the king.

kjv@Ezra:8:13 @ And of the last sons of Adonikam, whose names are these, Eliphelet, Jeiel, and Shemaiah, and with them threescore males.

kjv@Ezra:8:14 @ Of the sons also of Bigvai; Uthai, and Zabbud, and with them seventy males.

kjv@Ezra:8:15 @ And I gathered them together to the river that runneth to Ahava; and there abode we in tents three days: and I viewed the people, and the priests, and found there none of the sons of Levi.

kjv@Ezra:8:17 @ And I sent them with commandment unto Iddo the chief at the place Casiphia, and I told them what they should say unto Iddo, and to his brethren the Nethinims, at the place Casiphia, that they should bring unto us ministers for the house of our God.

kjv@Ezra:8:20 @ Also of the Nethinims, whom David and the princes had appointed for the service of the Levites, two hundred and twenty Nethinims: all of them were expressed by name.

kjv@Ezra:8:22 @ For I was ashamed to require of the king a band of soldiers and horsemen to help us against the enemy in the way: because we had spoken unto the king, saying, The hand of our God is upon all them for good that seek him; but his power and his wrath is against all them that forsake him.

kjv@Ezra:8:25 @ And weighed unto them the silver, and the gold, and the vessels, even the offering of the house of our God, which the king, and his counsellors, and his lords, and all Israel there present, had offered:

kjv@Ezra:8:29 @ Watch ye, and keep them, until ye weigh them before the chief of the priests and the Levites, and chief of the fathers of Israel, at Jerusalem, in the chambers of the house of the LORD.

kjv@Ezra:8:30 @ So took the priests and the Levites the weight of the silver, and the gold, and the vessels, to bring them to Jerusalem unto the house of our God.

kjv@Ezra:8:33 @ Now on the fourth day was the silver and the gold and the vessels weighed in the house of our God by the hand of Meremoth the son of Uriah the priest; and with him was Eleazar the son of Phinehas; and with them was Jozabad the son of Jeshua, and Noadiah the son of Binnui, Levites;

kjv@Ezra:10:6 @ Then Ezra rose up from before the house of God, and went into the chamber of Johanan the son of Eliashib: and when he came thither, he did eat no bread, nor drink water: for he mourned because of the transgression of them that had been carried away.

kjv@Ezra:10:14 @ Let now our rulers of all the congregation stand, and let all them which have taken strange wives in our cities come at appointed times, and with them the elders of every city, and the judges thereof, until the fierce wrath of our God for this matter be turned from us.

kjv@Ezra:10:16 @ And the children of the captivity did so. And Ezra the priest, with certain chief of the fathers, after the house of their fathers, and all of them by their names, were separated, and sat down in the first day of the tenth month to examine the matter.

kjv@Ezra:10:44 @ All these had taken strange wives: and some of them had wives by whom they had children.

kjv@Nehemiah:1:2 @ That Hanani, one of my brethren, came, he and certain men of Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews that had escaped, which were left of the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem.

kjv@Nehemiah:1:5 @ And said, I beseech thee, O LORD God of heaven, the great and terrible God, that keepeth covenant and mercy for them that love him and observe his commandments:

kjv@Nehemiah:1:9 @ But if ye turn unto me, and keep my commandments, and do them; though there were of you cast out unto the uttermost part of the heaven, yet will I gather them from thence, and will bring them unto the place that I have chosen to set my name there.

kjv@Nehemiah:2:9 @ Then I came to the governors beyond the river, and gave them the king's letters. Now the king had sent captains of the army and horsemen with me.

kjv@Nehemiah:2:10 @ When Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, heard of it, it grieved them exceedingly that there was come a man to seek the welfare of the children of Israel.

kjv@Nehemiah:2:18 @ Then I told them of the hand of my God which was good upon me; as also the king's words that he had spoken unto me. And they said, Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work.

kjv@Nehemiah:3:2 @ And next unto him builded the men of Jericho. And next to them builded Zaccur the son of Imri.

kjv@Nehemiah:3:4 @ And next unto them repaired Meremoth the son of Urijah, the son of Koz. And next unto them repaired Meshullam the son of Berechiah, the son of Meshezabeel. And next unto them repaired Zadok the son of Baana.

kjv@Nehemiah:3:5 @ And next unto them the Tekoites repaired; but their nobles put not their necks to the work of their Lord.

kjv@Nehemiah:3:7 @ And next unto them repaired Melatiah the Gibeonite, and Jadon the Meronothite, the men of Gibeon, and of Mizpah, unto the throne of the governor on this side the river.

kjv@Nehemiah:3:9 @ And next unto them repaired Rephaiah the son of Hur, the ruler of the half part of Jerusalem.

kjv@Nehemiah:3:10 @ And next unto them repaired Jedaiah the son of Harumaph, even over against his house. And next unto him repaired Hattush the son of Hashabniah.

kjv@Nehemiah:3:27 @ After them the Tekoites repaired another piece, over against the great tower that lieth out, even unto the wall of Ophel.

kjv@Nehemiah:3:29 @ After them repaired Zadok the son of Immer over against his house. After him repaired also Shemaiah the son of Shechaniah, the keeper of the east gate.

kjv@Nehemiah:4:4 @ Hear, O our God; for we are despised: and turn their reproach upon their own head, and give them for a prey in the land of captivity:

kjv@Nehemiah:4:8 @ And conspired all of them together to come and to fight against Jerusalem, and to hinder it.

kjv@Nehemiah:4:9 @ Nevertheless we made our prayer unto our God, and set a watch against them day and night, because of them.

kjv@Nehemiah:4:12 @ And it came to pass, that when the Jews which dwelt by them came, they said unto us ten times, From all places whence ye shall return unto us they will be upon you.

kjv@Nehemiah:4:16 @ And it came to pass from that time forth, that the half of my servants wrought in the work, and the other half of them held both the spears, the shields, and the bows, and the habergeons; and the rulers were behind all the house of Judah.

kjv@Nehemiah:4:21 @ So we laboured in the work: and half of them held the spears from the rising of the morning till the stars appeared.

kjv@Nehemiah:4:23 @ So neither I, nor my brethren, nor my servants, nor the men of the guard which followed me, none of us put off our clothes, saving that every one put them off for washing.

kjv@Nehemiah:5:10 @ I likewise, and my brethren, and my servants, might exact of them money and corn: I pray you, let us leave off this usury.

kjv@Nehemiah:5:15 @ But the former governors that had been before me were chargeable unto the people, and had taken of them bread and wine, beside forty shekels of silver; yea, even their servants bare rule over the people: but so did not I, because of the fear of God.

kjv@Nehemiah:6:4 @ Yet they sent unto me four times after this sort; and I answered them after the same manner.

kjv@Nehemiah:6:8 @ Then I sent unto him, saying, There are no such things done as thou sayest, but thou feignest them out of thine own heart.

kjv@Nehemiah:7:3 @ And I said unto them, Let not the gates of Jerusalem be opened until the sun be hot; and while they stand by, let them shut the doors, and bar them: and appoint watches of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, every one in his watch, and every one to be over against his house.

kjv@Nehemiah:7:5 @ And my God put into mine heart to gather together the nobles, and the rulers, and the people, that they might be reckoned by genealogy. And I found a register of the genealogy of them which came up at the first, and found written therein,

kjv@Nehemiah:8:8 @ So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.

kjv@Nehemiah:8:10 @ Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength.

kjv@Nehemiah:8:17 @ And all the congregation of them that were come again out of the captivity made booths, and sat under the booths: for since the days of Jeshua the son of Nun unto that day had not the children of Israel done so. And there was very great gladness.

kjv@Nehemiah:9:6 @ Thou, even thou, art LORD alone; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and thou preservest them all; and the host of heaven worshippeth thee.

kjv@Nehemiah:9:12 @ Moreover thou leddest them in the day by a cloudy pillar; and in the night by a pillar of fire, to give them light in the way wherein they should go.

kjv@Nehemiah:9:13 @ Thou camest down also upon mount Sinai, and spakest with them from heaven, and gavest them right judgments, and true laws, good statutes and commandments:

kjv@Nehemiah:9:14 @ And madest known unto them thy holy sabbath, and commandedst them precepts, statutes, and laws, by the hand of Moses thy servant:

kjv@Nehemiah:9:15 @ And gavest them bread from heaven for their hunger, and broughtest forth water for them out of the rock for their thirst, and promisedst them that they should go in to possess the land which thou hadst sworn to give them.

kjv@Nehemiah:9:17 @ And refused to obey, neither were mindful of thy wonders that thou didst among them; but hardened their necks, and in their rebellion appointed a captain to return to their bondage: but thou art a God ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and forsookest them not.

kjv@Nehemiah:9:18 @ Yea, when they had made them a molten calf, and said, This is thy God that brought thee up out of Egypt, and had wrought great provocations;

kjv@Nehemiah:9:19 @ Yet thou in thy manifold mercies forsookest them not in the wilderness: the pillar of the cloud departed not from them by day, to lead them in the way; neither the pillar of fire by night, to shew them light, and the way wherein they should go.

kjv@Nehemiah:9:20 @ Thou gavest also thy good spirit to instruct them, and withheldest not thy manna from their mouth, and gavest them water for their thirst.

kjv@Nehemiah:9:21 @ Yea, forty years didst thou sustain them in the wilderness, so that they lacked nothing; their clothes waxed not old, and their feet swelled not.

kjv@Nehemiah:9:22 @ Moreover thou gavest them kingdoms and nations, and didst divide them into corners: so they possessed the land of Sihon, and the land of the king of Heshbon, and the land of Og king of Bashan.

kjv@Nehemiah:9:23 @ Their children also multipliedst thou as the stars of heaven, and broughtest them into the land, concerning which thou hadst promised to their fathers, that they should go in to possess it.

kjv@Nehemiah:9:24 @ So the children went in and possessed the land, and thou subduedst before them the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites, and gavest them into their hands, with their kings, and the people of the land, that they might do with them as they would.

kjv@Nehemiah:9:26 @ Nevertheless they were disobedient, and rebelled against thee, and cast thy law behind their backs, and slew thy prophets which testified against them to turn them to thee, and they wrought great provocations.

kjv@Nehemiah:9:27 @ Therefore thou deliveredst them into the hand of their enemies, who vexed them: and in the time of their trouble, when they cried unto thee, thou heardest them from heaven; and according to thy manifold mercies thou gavest them saviours, who saved them out of the hand of their enemies.

kjv@Nehemiah:9:28 @ But after they had rest, they did evil again before thee: therefore leftest thou them in the hand of their enemies, so that they had the dominion over them: yet when they returned, and cried unto thee, thou heardest them from heaven; and many times didst thou deliver them according to thy mercies;

kjv@Nehemiah:9:29 @ And testifiedst against them, that thou mightest bring them again unto thy law: yet they dealt proudly, and hearkened not unto thy commandments, but sinned against thy judgments, (which if a man do, he shall live in them;) and withdrew the shoulder, and hardened their neck, and would not hear.

kjv@Nehemiah:9:30 @ Yet many years didst thou forbear them, and testifiedst against them by thy spirit in thy prophets: yet would they not give ear: therefore gavest thou them into the hand of the people of the lands.

kjv@Nehemiah:10:31 @ And if the people of the land bring ware or any victuals on the sabbath day to sell, that we would not buy it of them on the sabbath, or on the holy day: and that we would leave the seventh year, and the exaction of every debt.

kjv@Nehemiah:12:9 @ Also Bakbukiah and Unni, their brethren, were over against them in the watches.

kjv@Nehemiah:12:27 @ And at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites out of all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem, to keep the dedication with gladness, both with thanksgivings, and with singing, with cymbals, psalteries, and with harps.

kjv@Nehemiah:12:29 @ Also from the house of Gilgal, and out of the fields of Geba and Azmaveth: for the singers had builded them villages round about Jerusalem.

kjv@Nehemiah:12:31 @ Then I brought up the princes of Judah upon the wall, and appointed two great companies of them that gave thanks, whereof one went on the right hand upon the wall toward the dung gate:

kjv@Nehemiah:12:32 @ And after them went Hoshaiah, and half of the princes of Judah,

kjv@Nehemiah:12:38 @ And the other company of them that gave thanks went over against them, and I after them, and the half of the people upon the wall, from beyond the tower of the furnaces even unto the broad wall;

kjv@Nehemiah:12:40 @ So stood the two companies of them that gave thanks in the house of God, and I, and the half of the rulers with me:

kjv@Nehemiah:12:43 @ Also that day they offered great sacrifices, and rejoiced: for God had made them rejoice with great joy: the wives also and the children rejoiced: so that the joy of Jerusalem was heard even afar off.

kjv@Nehemiah:12:44 @ And at that time were some appointed over the chambers for the treasures, for the offerings, for the firstfruits, and for the tithes, to gather into them out of the fields of the cities the portions of the law for the priests and Levites: for Judah rejoiced for the priests and for the Levites that waited.

kjv@Nehemiah:12:47 @ And all Israel in the days of Zerubbabel, and in the days of Nehemiah, gave the portions of the singers and the porters, every day his portion: and they sanctified holy things unto the Levites; and the Levites sanctified them unto the children of Aaron.

kjv@Nehemiah:13:11 @ Then contended I with the rulers, and said, Why is the house of God forsaken? And I gathered them together, and set them in their place.

kjv@Nehemiah:13:13 @ And I made treasurers over the treasuries, Shelemiah the priest, and Zadok the scribe, and of the Levites, Pedaiah: and next to them was Hanan the son of Zaccur, the son of Mattaniah: for they were counted faithful, and their office was to distribute unto their brethren.

kjv@Nehemiah:13:15 @ In those days saw I in Judah some treading wine presses on the sabbath, and bringing in sheaves, and lading asses; as also wine, grapes, and figs, and all manner of burdens, which they brought into Jerusalem on the sabbath day: and I testified against them in the day wherein they sold victuals.

kjv@Nehemiah:13:25 @ And I contended with them, and cursed them, and smote certain of them, and plucked off their hair, and made them swear by God, saying, Ye shall not give your daughters unto their sons, nor take their daughters unto your sons, or for yourselves.

kjv@Nehemiah:13:30 @ Thus cleansed I them from all strangers, and appointed the wards of the priests and the Levites, every one in his business;

kjv@Esther:1:7 @ And they gave them drink in vessels of gold, (the vessels being diverse one from another,) and royal wine in abundance, according to the state of the king.

kjv@Esther:2:15 @ Now when the turn of Esther, the daughter of Abihail the uncle of Mordecai, who had taken her for his daughter, was come to go in unto the king, she required nothing but what Hegai the king's chamberlain, the keeper of the women, appointed. And Esther obtained favour in the sight of all them that looked upon her.

kjv@Esther:3:4 @ Now it came to pass, when they spake daily unto him, and he hearkened not unto them, that they told Haman, to see whether Mordecai's matters would stand: for he had told them that he was a Jew.

kjv@Esther:3:11 @ And the king said unto Haman, The silver is given to thee, the people also, to do with them as it seemeth good to thee.

kjv@Esther:3:13 @ And the letters were sent by posts into all the king's provinces, to destroy, to kill, and to cause to perish, all Jews, both young and old, little children and women, in one day, even upon the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month Adar, and to take the spoil of them for a prey.

kjv@Esther:4:15 @ Then Esther bade them return Mordecai this answer,

kjv@Esther:5:11 @ And Haman told them of the glory of his riches, and the multitude of his children, and all the things wherein the king had promoted him, and how he had advanced him above the princes and servants of the king.

kjv@Esther:8:11 @ Wherein the king granted the Jews which were in every city to gather themselves together, and to stand for their life, to destroy, to slay, and to cause to perish, all the power of the people and province that would assault them, both little ones and women, and to take the spoil of them for a prey,

kjv@Esther:9:1 @ Now in the twelfth month, that is, the month Adar, on the thirteenth day of the same, when the king's commandment and his decree drew near to be put in execution, in the day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to have power over them, (though it was turned to the contrary, that the Jews had rule over them that hated them;)

kjv@Esther:9:2 @ The Jews gathered themselves together in their cities throughout all the provinces of the king Ahasuerus, to lay hand on such as sought their hurt: and no man could withstand them; for the fear of them fell upon all people.

kjv@Esther:9:22 @ As the days wherein the Jews rested from their enemies, and the month which was turned unto them from sorrow to joy, and from mourning into a good day: that they should make them days of feasting and joy, and of sending portions one to another, and gifts to the poor.

kjv@Esther:9:28 @ And that these days should be remembered and kept throughout every generation, every family, every province, and every city; and that these days of Purim should not fail from among the Jews, nor the memorial of them perish from their seed.

kjv@Job:1:5 @ And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.

kjv@Job:1:15 @ And the Sabeans fell upon them, and took them away; yea, they have slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee.

kjv@Job:1:17 @ While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The Chaldeans made out three bands, and fell upon the camels, and have carried them away, yea, and slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee.

kjv@Job:2:1 @ Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD.

kjv@Job:3:8 @ Let them curse it that curse the day, who are ready to raise up their mourning.

kjv@Job:4:19 @ How much less in them that dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust, which are crushed before the moth?

kjv@Job:4:21 @ Doth not their excellency which is in them go away? they die, even without wisdom.

kjv@Job:8:4 @ If thy children have sinned against him, and he have cast them away for their transgression;

kjv@Job:9:5 @ Which removeth the mountains, and they know not: which overturneth them in his anger.

kjv@Job:12:15 @ Behold, he withholdeth the waters, and they dry up: also he sendeth them out, and they overturn the earth.

kjv@Job:12:23 @ He increaseth the nations, and destroyeth them: he enlargeth the nations, and straiteneth them again.

kjv@Job:12:24 @ He taketh away the heart of the chief of the people of the earth, and causeth them to wander in a wilderness where there is no way.

kjv@Job:12:25 @ They grope in the dark without light, and he maketh them to stagger like a drunken man.

kjv@Job:20:15 @ He hath swallowed down riches, and he shall vomit them up again: God shall cast them out of his belly.

kjv@Job:21:29 @ Have ye not asked them that go by the way? and do ye not know their tokens,

kjv@Job:22:19 @ The righteous see it, and are glad: and the innocent laugh them to scorn.

kjv@Job:22:20 @ Whereas our substance is not cut down, but the remnant of them the fire consumeth.

kjv@Job:24:5 @ Behold, as wild asses in the desert, go they forth to their work; rising betimes for a prey: the wilderness yieldeth food for them and for their children.

kjv@Job:24:17 @ For the morning is to them even as the shadow of death: if one know them, they are in the terrors of the shadow of death.

kjv@Job:30:5 @ They were driven forth from among men, (they cried after them as after a thief;)

kjv@Job:30:31 @ My harp also is turned to mourning, and my organ into the voice of them that weep.

kjv@Job:32:8 @ But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.

kjv@Job:34:25 @ Therefore he knoweth their works, and he overturneth them in the night, so that they are destroyed.

kjv@Job:34:26 @ He striketh them as wicked men in the open sight of others;

kjv@Job:36:7 @ He withdraweth not his eyes from the righteous: but with kings are they on the throne; yea, he doth establish them for ever, and they are exalted.

kjv@Job:36:9 @ Then he sheweth them their work, and their transgressions that they have exceeded.

kjv@Job:36:31 @ For by them judgeth he the people; he giveth meat in abundance.

kjv@Job:37:4 @ After it a voice roareth: he thundereth with the voice of his excellency; and he will not stay them when his voice is heard.

kjv@Job:37:12 @ And it is turned round about by his counsels: that they may do whatsoever he commandeth them upon the face of the world in the earth.

kjv@Job:39:14 @ Which leaveth her eggs in the earth, and warmeth them in dust,

kjv@Job:40:13 @ Hide them in the dust together; and bind their faces in secret.

kjv@Job:42:15 @ And in all the land were no women found so fair as the daughters of Job: and their father gave them inheritance among their brethren.

kjv@Psalms:2:4 @ He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

kjv@Psalms:2:5 @ Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.

kjv@Psalms:2:9 @ Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.

kjv@Psalms:5:6 @ Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing: the LORD will abhor the bloody and deceitful man.

kjv@Psalms:5:10 @ Destroy thou them, O God; let them fall by their own counsels; cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions; for they have rebelled against thee.

kjv@Psalms:5:11 @ But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee.

kjv@Psalms:6:10 @ Let all mine enemies be ashamed and sore vexed: let them return and be ashamed suddenly.

kjv@Psalms:7:1 @ O LORD my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me:

kjv@Psalms:9:10 @ And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.

kjv@Psalms:9:13 @ Have mercy upon me, O LORD; consider my trouble which I suffer of them that hate me, thou that liftest me up from the gates of death:

kjv@Psalms:9:20 @ Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.

kjv@Psalms:10:2 @ The wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor: let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined.

kjv@Psalms:12:7 @ Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.

kjv@Psalms:15:4 @ In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoureth them that fear the LORD. He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not.

kjv@Psalms:17:7 @ Shew thy marvellous lovingkindness, O thou that savest by thy right hand them which put their trust in thee from those that rise up against them.

kjv@Psalms:18:17 @ He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me: for they were too strong for me.

kjv@Psalms:18:38 @ I have wounded them that they were not able to rise: they are fallen under my feet.

kjv@Psalms:18:40 @ Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies; that I might destroy them that hate me.

kjv@Psalms:18:41 @ They cried, but there was none to save them: even unto the LORD, but he answered them not.

kjv@Psalms:18:42 @ Then did I beat them small as the dust before the wind: I did cast them out as the dirt in the streets.

kjv@Psalms:19:4 @ Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,

kjv@Psalms:19:11 @ Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.

kjv@Psalms:19:13 @ Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.

kjv@Psalms:21:9 @ Thou shalt make them as a fiery oven in the time of thine anger: the LORD shall swallow them up in his wrath, and the fire shall devour them.

kjv@Psalms:21:12 @ Therefore shalt thou make them turn their back, when thou shalt make ready thine arrows upon thy strings against the face of them.

kjv@Psalms:22:25 @ My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation: I will pay my vows before them that fear him.

kjv@Psalms:24:6 @ This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah.

kjv@Psalms:24:9 @ Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

kjv@Psalms:25:3 @ Yea, let none that wait on thee be ashamed: let them be ashamed which transgress without cause.

kjv@Psalms:25:14 @ The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.

kjv@Psalms:28:1 @ Unto thee will I cry, O LORD my rock; be not silent to me: lest, if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit.

kjv@Psalms:28:4 @ Give them according to their deeds, and according to the wickedness of their endeavours: give them after the work of their hands; render to them their desert.

kjv@Psalms:28:5 @ Because they regard not the works of the LORD, nor the operation of his hands, he shall destroy them, and not build them up.

kjv@Psalms:28:9 @ Save thy people, and bless thine inheritance: feed them also, and lift them up for ever.

kjv@Psalms:29:6 @ He maketh them also to skip like a calf; Lebanon and Sirion like a young unicorn.

kjv@Psalms:31:6 @ I have hated them that regard lying vanities: but I trust in the LORD.

kjv@Psalms:31:15 @ My times are in thy hand: deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me.

kjv@Psalms:31:17 @ Let me not be ashamed, O LORD; for I have called upon thee: let the wicked be ashamed, and let them be silent in the grave.

kjv@Psalms:31:19 @ Oh how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee; which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men!

kjv@Psalms:31:20 @ Thou shalt hide them in the secret of thy presence from the pride of man: thou shalt keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues.

kjv@Psalms:33:6 @ By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.

kjv@Psalms:33:18 @ Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy;

kjv@Psalms:33:19 @ To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine.

kjv@Psalms:34:7 @ The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.

kjv@Psalms:34:9 @ O fear the LORD, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him.

kjv@Psalms:34:16 @ The face of the LORD is against them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.

kjv@Psalms:34:17 @ The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.

kjv@Psalms:34:18 @ The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.

kjv@Psalms:34:19 @ Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.

kjv@Psalms:34:20 @ He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken.

kjv@Psalms:34:22 @ The LORD redeemeth the soul of his servants: and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate.

kjv@Psalms:35:1 @ Plead my cause, O LORD, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me.

kjv@Psalms:35:3 @ Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me: say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.

kjv@Psalms:35:4 @ Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt.

kjv@Psalms:35:5 @ Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the LORD chase them.

kjv@Psalms:35:19 @ Let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me: neither let them wink with the eye that hate me without a cause.

kjv@Psalms:35:20 @ For they speak not peace: but they devise deceitful matters against them that are quiet in the land.

kjv@Psalms:35:24 @ Judge me, O LORD my God, according to thy righteousness; and let them not rejoice over me.

kjv@Psalms:35:25 @ Let them not say in their hearts, Ah, so would we have it: let them not say, We have swallowed him up.

kjv@Psalms:35:26 @ Let them be ashamed and brought to confusion together that rejoice at mine hurt: let them be clothed with shame and dishonour that magnify themselves against me.

kjv@Psalms:35:27 @ Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the LORD be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.

kjv@Psalms:36:8 @ They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy house; and thou shalt make them drink of the river of thy pleasures.

kjv@Psalms:36:10 @ O continue thy lovingkindness unto them that know thee; and thy righteousness to the upright in heart.

kjv@Psalms:37:40 @ And the LORD shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in him.

kjv@Psalms:40:14 @ Let them be ashamed and confounded together that seek after my soul to destroy it; let them be driven backward and put to shame that wish me evil.

kjv@Psalms:40:15 @ Let them be desolate for a reward of their shame that say unto me, Aha, aha.

kjv@Psalms:42:4 @ When I remember these things, I pour out my soul in me: for I had gone with the multitude, I went with them to the house of God, with the voice of joy and praise, with a multitude that kept holyday.

kjv@Psalms:43:3 @ O send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me; let them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles.

kjv@Psalms:44:2 @ How thou didst drive out the heathen with thy hand, and plantedst them; how thou didst afflict the people, and cast them out.

kjv@Psalms:44:5 @ Through thee will we push down our enemies: through thy name will we tread them under that rise up against us.

kjv@Psalms:44:7 @ But thou hast saved us from our enemies, and hast put them to shame that hated us.

kjv@Psalms:44:13 @ Thou makest us a reproach to our neighbours, a scorn and a derision to them that are round about us.

kjv@Psalms:48:6 @ Fear took hold upon them there, and pain, as of a woman in travail.

kjv@Psalms:49:7 @ None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him:

kjv@Psalms:49:14 @ Like sheep they are laid in the grave; death shall feed on them; and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning; and their beauty shall consume in the grave from their dwelling.

kjv@Psalms:50:21 @ These things hast thou done, and I kept silence; thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself: but I will reprove thee, and set them in order before thine eyes.

kjv@Psalms:53:3 @ Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become filthy; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

kjv@Psalms:53:5 @ There were they in great fear, where no fear was: for God hath scattered the bones of him that encampeth against thee: thou hast put them to shame, because God hath despised them.

kjv@Psalms:54:4 @ Behold, God is mine helper: the Lord is with them that uphold my soul.

kjv@Psalms:54:5 @ He shall reward evil unto mine enemies: cut them off in thy truth.

kjv@Psalms:55:15 @ Let death seize upon them, and let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness is in their dwellings, and among them.

kjv@Psalms:55:23 @ But thou, O God, shalt bring them down into the pit of destruction: bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days; but I will trust in thee.

kjv@Psalms:57:4 @ My soul is among lions: and I lie even among them that are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword.

kjv@Psalms:58:7 @ Let them melt away as waters which run continually: when he bendeth his bow to shoot his arrows, let them be as cut in pieces.

kjv@Psalms:58:8 @ As a snail which melteth, let every one of them pass away: like the untimely birth of a woman, that they may not see the sun.

kjv@Psalms:58:9 @ Before your pots can feel the thorns, he shall take them away as with a whirlwind, both living, and in his wrath.

kjv@Psalms:59:1 @ Deliver me from mine enemies, O my God: defend me from them that rise up against me.

kjv@Psalms:59:11 @ Slay them not, lest my people forget: scatter them by thy power; and bring them down, O Lord our shield.

kjv@Psalms:59:12 @ For the sin of their mouth and the words of their lips let them even be taken in their pride: and for cursing and lying which they speak.

kjv@Psalms:59:13 @ Consume them in wrath, consume them, that they may not be: and let them know that God ruleth in Jacob unto the ends of the earth. Selah.

kjv@Psalms:59:14 @ And at evening let them return; and let them make a noise like a dog, and go round about the city.

kjv@Psalms:59:15 @ Let them wander up and down for meat, and grudge if they be not satisfied.

kjv@Psalms:60:4 @ Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth. Selah.

kjv@Psalms:63:11 @ But the king shall rejoice in God; every one that sweareth by him shall glory: but the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped.

kjv@Psalms:64:7 @ But God shall shoot at them with an arrow; suddenly shall they be wounded.

kjv@Psalms:64:8 @ So they shall make their own tongue to fall upon themselves: all that see them shall flee away.

kjv@Psalms:65:3 @ Iniquities prevail against me: as for our transgressions, thou shalt purge them away.

kjv@Psalms:65:5 @ By terrible things in righteousness wilt thou answer us, O God of our salvation; who art the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are afar off upon the sea:

kjv@Psalms:65:9 @ Thou visitest the earth, and waterest it: thou greatly enrichest it with the river of God, which is full of water: thou preparest them corn, when thou hast so provided for it.

kjv@Psalms:68:1 @ Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him.

kjv@Psalms:68:2 @ As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God.

kjv@Psalms:68:3 @ But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.

kjv@Psalms:68:25 @ The singers went before, the players on instruments followed after; among them were the damsels playing with timbrels.

kjv@Psalms:69:6 @ Let not them that wait on thee, O Lord GOD of hosts, be ashamed for my sake: let not those that seek thee be confounded for my sake, O God of Israel.

kjv@Psalms:69:9 @ For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me.

kjv@Psalms:69:14 @ Deliver me out of the mire, and let me not sink: let me be delivered from them that hate me, and out of the deep waters.

kjv@Psalms:69:27 @ Add iniquity unto their iniquity: and let them not come into thy righteousness.

kjv@Psalms:69:28 @ Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous.

kjv@Psalms:70:2 @ Let them be ashamed and confounded that seek after my soul: let them be turned backward, and put to confusion, that desire my hurt.

kjv@Psalms:70:3 @ Let them be turned back for a reward of their shame that say, Aha, aha.

kjv@Psalms:71:13 @ Let them be confounded and consumed that are adversaries to my soul; let them be covered with reproach and dishonour that seek my hurt.

kjv@Psalms:73:6 @ Therefore pride compasseth them about as a chain; violence covereth them as a garment.

kjv@Psalms:73:18 @ Surely thou didst set them in slippery places: thou castedst them down into destruction.

kjv@Psalms:73:27 @ For, lo, they that are far from thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee.

kjv@Psalms:74:8 @ They said in their hearts, Let us destroy them together: they have burned up all the synagogues of God in the land.

kjv@Psalms:75:8 @ For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup, and the wine is red; it is full of mixture; and he poureth out of the same: but the dregs thereof, all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them.

kjv@Psalms:78:4 @ We will not hide them from their children, shewing to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and his strength, and his wonderful works that he hath done.

kjv@Psalms:78:5 @ For he established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children:

kjv@Psalms:78:6 @ That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children:

kjv@Psalms:78:13 @ He divided the sea, and caused them to pass through; and he made the waters to stand as an heap.

kjv@Psalms:78:14 @ In the daytime also he led them with a cloud, and all the night with a light of fire.

kjv@Psalms:78:15 @ He clave the rocks in the wilderness, and gave them drink as out of the great depths.

kjv@Psalms:78:24 @ And had rained down manna upon them to eat, and had given them of the corn of heaven.

kjv@Psalms:78:25 @ Man did eat angels' food: he sent them meat to the full.

kjv@Psalms:78:27 @ He rained flesh also upon them as dust, and feathered fowls like as the sand of the sea:

kjv@Psalms:78:29 @ So they did eat, and were well filled: for he gave them their own desire;

kjv@Psalms:78:38 @ But he, being full of compassion, forgave their iniquity, and destroyed them not: yea, many a time turned he his anger away, and did not stir up all his wrath.

kjv@Psalms:78:42 @ They remembered not his hand, nor the day when he delivered them from the enemy.

kjv@Psalms:78:49 @ He cast upon them the fierceness of his anger, wrath, and indignation, and trouble, by sending evil angels among them.

kjv@Psalms:78:52 @ But made his own people to go forth like sheep, and guided them in the wilderness like a flock.

kjv@Psalms:78:53 @ And he led them on safely, so that they feared not: but the sea overwhelmed their enemies.

kjv@Psalms:78:54 @ And he brought them to the border of his sanctuary, even to this mountain, which his right hand had purchased.

kjv@Psalms:78:55 @ He cast out the heathen also before them, and divided them an inheritance by line, and made the tribes of Israel to dwell in their tents.

kjv@Psalms:78:66 @ And he smote his enemies in the hinder parts: he put them to a perpetual reproach.

kjv@Psalms:78:72 @ So he fed them according to the integrity of his heart; and guided them by the skilfulness of his hands.

kjv@Psalms:79:4 @ We are become a reproach to our neighbours, a scorn and derision to them that are round about us.

kjv@Psalms:80:5 @ Thou feedest them with the bread of tears; and givest them tears to drink in great measure.

kjv@Psalms:81:12 @ So I gave them up unto their own hearts' lust: and they walked in their own counsels.

kjv@Psalms:81:16 @ He should have fed them also with the finest of the wheat: and with honey out of the rock should I have satisfied thee.

kjv@Psalms:82:4 @ Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.

kjv@Psalms:83:4 @ They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.

kjv@Psalms:83:9 @ Do unto them as unto the Midianites; as to Sisera, as to Jabin, at the brook of Kison:

kjv@Psalms:83:13 @ O my God, make them like a wheel; as the stubble before the wind.

kjv@Psalms:83:15 @ So persecute them with thy tempest, and make them afraid with thy storm.

kjv@Psalms:83:17 @ Let them be confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be put to shame, and perish:

kjv@Psalms:84:7 @ They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God.

kjv@Psalms:84:11 @ For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.

kjv@Psalms:85:8 @ I will hear what God the LORD will speak: for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints: but let them not turn again to folly.

kjv@Psalms:85:9 @ Surely his salvation is nigh them that fear him; that glory may dwell in our land.

kjv@Psalms:86:5 @ For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.

kjv@Psalms:87:4 @ I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me: behold Philistia, and Tyre, with Ethiopia; this man was born there.

kjv@Psalms:88:4 @ I am counted with them that go down into the pit: I am as a man that hath no strength:

kjv@Psalms:89:7 @ God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him.

kjv@Psalms:89:23 @ And I will beat down his foes before his face, and plague them that hate him.

kjv@Psalms:90:5 @ Thou carriest them away as with a flood; they are as a sleep: in the morning they are like grass which groweth up.

kjv@Psalms:94:23 @ And he shall bring upon them their own iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own wickedness; yea, the LORD our God shall cut them off.

kjv@Psalms:97:10 @ Ye that love the LORD, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.

kjv@Psalms:99:3 @ Let them praise thy great and terrible name; for it is holy.

kjv@Psalms:99:6 @ Moses and Aaron among his priests, and Samuel among them that call upon his name; they called upon the LORD, and he answered them.

kjv@Psalms:99:7 @ He spake unto them in the cloudy pillar: they kept his testimonies, and the ordinance that he gave them.

kjv@Psalms:101:3 @ I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.

kjv@Psalms:102:26 @ They shall perish, but thou shalt endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed:

kjv@Psalms:103:11 @ For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.

kjv@Psalms:103:13 @ Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him.

kjv@Psalms:103:17 @ But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children;

kjv@Psalms:104:12 @ By them shall the fowls of the heaven have their habitation, which sing among the branches.

kjv@Psalms:104:22 @ The sun ariseth, they gather themselves together, and lay them down in their dens.

kjv@Psalms:104:24 @ O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches.

kjv@Psalms:104:27 @ These wait all upon thee; that thou mayest give them their meat in due season.

kjv@Psalms:104:28 @ That thou givest them they gather: thou openest thine hand, they are filled with good.

kjv@Psalms:105:3 @ Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD.

kjv@Psalms:105:14 @ He suffered no man to do them wrong: yea, he reproved kings for their sakes;

kjv@Psalms:105:24 @ And he increased his people greatly; and made them stronger than their enemies.

kjv@Psalms:105:32 @ He gave them hail for rain, and flaming fire in their land.

kjv@Psalms:105:37 @ He brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes.

kjv@Psalms:105:38 @ Egypt was glad when they departed: for the fear of them fell upon them.

kjv@Psalms:105:40 @ The people asked, and he brought quails, and satisfied them with the bread of heaven.

kjv@Psalms:105:44 @ And gave them the lands of the heathen: and they inherited the labour of the people;

kjv@Psalms:106:8 @ Nevertheless he saved them for his name's sake, that he might make his mighty power to be known.

kjv@Psalms:106:9 @ He rebuked the Red sea also, and it was dried up: so he led them through the depths, as through the wilderness.

kjv@Psalms:106:10 @ And he saved them from the hand of him that hated them, and redeemed them from the hand of the enemy.

kjv@Psalms:106:11 @ And the waters covered their enemies: there was not one of them left.

kjv@Psalms:106:15 @ And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul.

kjv@Psalms:106:26 @ Therefore he lifted up his hand against them, to overthrow them in the wilderness:

kjv@Psalms:106:27 @ To overthrow their seed also among the nations, and to scatter them in the lands.

kjv@Psalms:106:41 @ And he gave them into the hand of the heathen; and they that hated them ruled over them.

kjv@Psalms:106:45 @ And he remembered for them his covenant, and repented according to the multitude of his mercies.

kjv@Psalms:106:46 @ He made them also to be pitied of all those that carried them captives.

kjv@Psalms:107:3 @ And gathered them out of the lands, from the east, and from the west, from the north, and from the south.

kjv@Psalms:107:6 @ Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses.

kjv@Psalms:107:7 @ And he led them forth by the right way, that they might go to a city of habitation.

kjv@Psalms:107:13 @ Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them out of their distresses.

kjv@Psalms:107:14 @ He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and brake their bands in sunder.

kjv@Psalms:107:19 @ Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble, and he saveth them out of their distresses.

kjv@Psalms:107:20 @ He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.

kjv@Psalms:107:22 @ And let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare his works with rejoicing.

kjv@Psalms:107:28 @ Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distresses.

kjv@Psalms:107:30 @ Then are they glad because they be quiet; so he bringeth them unto their desired haven.

kjv@Psalms:107:32 @ Let them exalt him also in the congregation of the people, and praise him in the assembly of the elders.

kjv@Psalms:107:34 @ A fruitful land into barrenness, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein.

kjv@Psalms:107:38 @ He blesseth them also, so that they are multiplied greatly; and suffereth not their cattle to decrease.

kjv@Psalms:107:40 @ He poureth contempt upon princes, and causeth them to wander in the wilderness, where there is no way.

kjv@Psalms:109:10 @ Let his children be continually vagabonds, and beg: let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places.

kjv@Psalms:109:15 @ Let them be before the LORD continually, that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth.

kjv@Psalms:109:20 @ Let this be the reward of mine adversaries from the LORD, and of them that speak evil against my soul.

kjv@Psalms:109:28 @ Let them curse, but bless thou: when they arise, let them be ashamed; but let thy servant rejoice.

kjv@Psalms:109:29 @ Let mine adversaries be clothed with shame, and let them cover themselves with their own confusion, as with a mantle.

kjv@Psalms:111:2 @ The works of the LORD are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein.

kjv@Psalms:111:5 @ He hath given meat unto them that fear him: he will ever be mindful of his covenant.

kjv@Psalms:111:6 @ He hath shewed his people the power of his works, that he may give them the heritage of the heathen.

kjv@Psalms:115:8 @ They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them.

kjv@Psalms:115:13 @ He will bless them that fear the LORD, both small and great.

kjv@Psalms:118:4 @ Let them now that fear the LORD say, that his mercy endureth for ever.

kjv@Psalms:118:7 @ The LORD taketh my part with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me.

kjv@Psalms:119:63 @ I am a companion of all them that fear thee, and of them that keep thy precepts.

kjv@Psalms:119:84 @ How many are the days of thy servant? when wilt thou execute judgment on them that persecute me?

kjv@Psalms:119:93 @ I will never forget thy precepts: for with them thou hast quickened me.

kjv@Psalms:119:118 @ Thou hast trodden down all them that err from thy statutes: for their deceit is falsehood.

kjv@Psalms:119:152 @ Concerning thy testimonies, I have known of old that thou hast founded them for ever.

kjv@Psalms:119:167 @ My soul hath kept thy testimonies; and I love them exceedingly.

kjv@Psalms:125:4 @ Do good, O LORD, unto those that be good, and to them that are upright in their hearts.

kjv@Psalms:125:5 @ As for such as turn aside unto their crooked ways, the LORD shall lead them forth with the workers of iniquity: but peace shall be upon Israel.

kjv@Psalms:126:1 @ When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.

kjv@Psalms:129:5 @ Let them all be confounded and turned back that hate Zion.

kjv@Psalms:129:6 @ Let them be as the grass upon the housetops, which withereth afore it groweth up:

kjv@Psalms:135:18 @ They that make them are like unto them: so is every one that trusteth in them.

kjv@Psalms:139:22 @ I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.

kjv@Psalms:140:10 @ Let burning coals fall upon them: let them be cast into the fire; into deep pits, that they rise not up again.

kjv@Psalms:143:7 @ Hear me speedily, O LORD: my spirit faileth: hide not thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit.

kjv@Psalms:143:12 @ And of thy mercy cut off mine enemies, and destroy all them that afflict my soul: for I am thy servant.

kjv@Psalms:145:15 @ The eyes of all wait upon thee; and thou givest them their meat in due season.

kjv@Psalms:145:18 @ The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth.

kjv@Psalms:145:19 @ He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them.

kjv@Psalms:145:20 @ The LORD preserveth all them that love him: but all the wicked will he destroy.

kjv@Psalms:146:8 @ The LORD openeth the eyes of the blind: the LORD raiseth them that are bowed down: the LORD loveth the righteous:

kjv@Psalms:147:4 @ He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.

kjv@Psalms:147:11 @ The LORD taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy.

kjv@Psalms:148:5 @ Let them praise the name of the LORD: for he commanded, and they were created.

kjv@Psalms:148:6 @ He hath also stablished them for ever and ever: he hath made a decree which shall not pass.

kjv@Psalms:148:13 @ Let them praise the name of the LORD: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven.

kjv@Psalms:149:3 @ Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp.

kjv@Psalms:149:5 @ Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds.

kjv@Psalms:149:9 @ To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the LORD.

kjv@Proverbs:1:12 @ Let us swallow them up alive as the grave; and whole, as those that go down into the pit:

kjv@Proverbs:2:7 @ He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous: he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly.

kjv@Proverbs:3:3 @ Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart:

kjv@Proverbs:3:18 @ She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her.

kjv@Proverbs:3:21 @ My son, let not them depart from thine eyes: keep sound wisdom and discretion:

kjv@Proverbs:3:27 @ Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.

kjv@Proverbs:4:21 @ Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.

kjv@Proverbs:5:13 @ And have not obeyed the voice of my teachers, nor inclined mine ear to them that instructed me!

kjv@Proverbs:5:17 @ Let them be only thine own, and not strangers' with thee.

kjv@Proverbs:6:21 @ Bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck.

kjv@Proverbs:7:3 @ Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart.

kjv@Proverbs:8:9 @ They are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that find knowledge.

kjv@Proverbs:8:17 @ I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.

kjv@Proverbs:10:26 @ As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to them that send him.

kjv@Proverbs:12:20 @ Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil: but to the counsellors of peace is joy.

kjv@Proverbs:14:22 @ Do they not err that devise evil? but mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good.

kjv@Proverbs:19:7 @ All the brethren of the poor do hate him: how much more do his friends go far from him? he pursueth them with words, yet they are wanting to him.

kjv@Proverbs:20:10 @ Divers weights, and divers measures, both of them are alike abomination to the LORD.

kjv@Proverbs:21:6 @ The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death.

kjv@Proverbs:22:2 @ The rich and poor meet together: the LORD is the maker of them all.

kjv@Proverbs:22:18 @ For it is a pleasant thing if thou keep them within thee; they shall withal be fitted in thy lips.

kjv@Proverbs:22:21 @ That I might make thee know the certainty of the words of truth; that thou mightest answer the words of truth to them that send unto thee?

kjv@Proverbs:22:26 @ Be not thou one of them that strike hands, or of them that are sureties for debts.

kjv@Proverbs:24:11 @ If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain;

kjv@Proverbs:24:21 @ My son, fear thou the LORD and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change:

kjv@Proverbs:24:22 @ For their calamity shall rise suddenly; and who knoweth the ruin of them both?

kjv@Proverbs:24:25 @ But to them that rebuke him shall be delight, and a good blessing shall come upon them.

kjv@Proverbs:25:13 @ As the cold of snow in the time of harvest, so is a faithful messenger to them that send him: for he refresheth the soul of his masters.

kjv@Proverbs:27:3 @ A stone is heavy, and the sand weighty; but a fool's wrath is heavier than them both.

kjv@Proverbs:28:13 @ He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.

kjv@Proverbs:30:5 @ Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.

kjv@Proverbs:30:7 @ Two things have I required of thee; deny me them not before I die:

kjv@Proverbs:30:27 @ The locusts have no king, yet go they forth all of them by bands;

kjv@Proverbs:31:29 @ Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.

kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:5 @ I made me gardens and orchards, and I planted trees in them of all kind of fruits:

kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:14 @ The wise man's eyes are in his head; but the fool walketh in darkness: and I myself perceived also that one event happeneth to them all.

kjv@Ecclesiastes:5:11 @ When goods increase, they are increased that eat them: and what good is there to the owners thereof, saving the beholding of them with their eyes?

kjv@Ecclesiastes:7:11 @ Wisdom is good with an inheritance: and by it there is profit to them that see the sun.

kjv@Ecclesiastes:7:12 @ For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it.

kjv@Ecclesiastes:7:18 @ It is good that thou shouldest take hold of this; yea, also from this withdraw not thine hand: for he that feareth God shall come forth of them all.

kjv@Ecclesiastes:8:11 @ Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.

kjv@Ecclesiastes:8:12 @ Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him:

kjv@Ecclesiastes:9:5 @ For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.

kjv@Ecclesiastes:9:11 @ I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

kjv@Ecclesiastes:11:8 @ But if a man live many years, and rejoice in them all; yet let him remember the days of darkness; for they shall be many. All that cometh is vanity.

kjv@Isaiah:2:9 @ And the mean man boweth down, and the great man humbleth himself: therefore forgive them not.

kjv@Isaiah:4:2 @ In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel.

kjv@Isaiah:5:8 @ Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth!

kjv@Isaiah:5:11 @ Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them!

kjv@Isaiah:5:18 @ Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope:

kjv@Isaiah:5:20 @ Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

kjv@Isaiah:5:21 @ Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

kjv@Isaiah:5:22 @ Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink:

kjv@Isaiah:5:26 @ And he will lift up an ensign to the nations from far, and will hiss unto them from the end of the earth: and, behold, they shall come with speed swiftly:

kjv@Isaiah:5:30 @ And in that day they shall roar against them like the roaring of the sea: and if one look unto the land, behold darkness and sorrow, and the light is darkened in the heavens thereof.

kjv@Isaiah:7:19 @ And they shall come, and shall rest all of them in the desolate valleys, and in the holes of the rocks, and upon all thorns, and upon all bushes.

kjv@Isaiah:7:20 @ In the same day shall the Lord shave with a razor that is hired, namely, by them beyond the river, by the king of Assyria, the head, and the hair of the feet: and it shall also consume the beard.

kjv@Isaiah:8:7 @ Now therefore, behold, the Lord bringeth up upon them the waters of the river, strong and many, even the king of Assyria, and all his glory: and he shall come up over all his channels, and go over all his banks:

kjv@Isaiah:8:12 @ Say ye not, A confederacy, to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid.

kjv@Isaiah:8:15 @ And many among them shall stumble, and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken.

kjv@Isaiah:8:19 @ And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?

kjv@Isaiah:9:2 @ The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.

kjv@Isaiah:9:10 @ The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars.

kjv@Isaiah:9:16 @ For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.

kjv@Isaiah:10:1 @ Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed;

kjv@Isaiah:10:6 @ I will send him against an hypocritical nation, and against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets.

kjv@Isaiah:10:10 @ As my hand hath found the kingdoms of the idols, and whose graven images did excel them of Jerusalem and of Samaria;

kjv@Isaiah:10:15 @ Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith? or shall the saw magnify itself against him that shaketh it? as if the rod should shake itself against them that lift it up, or as if the staff should lift up itself, as if it were no wood.

kjv@Isaiah:10:22 @ For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant of them shall return: the consumption decreed shall overflow with righteousness.

kjv@Isaiah:11:14 @ But they shall fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines toward the west; they shall spoil them of the east together: they shall lay their hand upon Edom and Moab; and the children of Ammon shall obey them.

kjv@Isaiah:13:3 @ I have commanded my sanctified ones, I have also called my mighty ones for mine anger, even them that rejoice in my highness.

kjv@Isaiah:13:15 @ Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword.

kjv@Isaiah:14:1 @ For the LORD will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and set them in their own land: and the strangers shall be joined with them, and they shall cleave to the house of Jacob.

kjv@Isaiah:14:2 @ And the people shall take them, and bring them to their place: and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the LORD for servants and handmaids: and they shall take them captives, whose captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors.

kjv@Isaiah:14:20 @ Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land, and slain thy people: the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned.

kjv@Isaiah:16:4 @ Let mine outcasts dwell with thee, Moab; be thou a covert to them from the face of the spoiler: for the extortioner is at an end, the spoiler ceaseth, the oppressors are consumed out of the land.

kjv@Isaiah:17:2 @ The cities of Aroer are forsaken: they shall be for flocks, which shall lie down, and none shall make them afraid.

kjv@Isaiah:17:14 @ And behold at eveningtide trouble; and before the morning he is not. This is the portion of them that spoil us, and the lot of them that rob us.

kjv@Isaiah:19:3 @ And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof; and I will destroy the counsel thereof: and they shall seek to the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards.

kjv@Isaiah:19:12 @ Where are they? where are thy wise men? and let them tell thee now, and let them know what the LORD of hosts hath purposed upon Egypt.

kjv@Isaiah:19:20 @ And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry unto the LORD because of the oppressors, and he shall send them a saviour, and a great one, and he shall deliver them.

kjv@Isaiah:23:13 @ Behold the land of the Chaldeans; this people was not, till the Assyrian founded it for them that dwell in the wilderness: they set up the towers thereof, they raised up the palaces thereof; and he brought it to ruin.

kjv@Isaiah:23:18 @ And her merchandise and her hire shall be holiness to the LORD: it shall not be treasured nor laid up; for her merchandise shall be for them that dwell before the LORD, to eat sufficiently, and for durable clothing.

kjv@Isaiah:24:8 @ The mirth of tabrets ceaseth, the noise of them that rejoice endeth, the joy of the harp ceaseth.

kjv@Isaiah:24:9 @ They shall not drink wine with a song; strong drink shall be bitter to them that drink it.

kjv@Isaiah:26:5 @ For he bringeth down them that dwell on high; the lofty city, he layeth it low; he layeth it low, even to the ground; he bringeth it even to the dust.

kjv@Isaiah:27:4 @ Fury is not in me: who would set the briers and thorns against me in battle? I would go through them, I would burn them together.

kjv@Isaiah:27:6 @ He shall cause them that come of Jacob to take root: Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit.

kjv@Isaiah:27:7 @ Hath he smitten him, as he smote those that smote him? or is he slain according to the slaughter of them that are slain by him?

kjv@Isaiah:27:11 @ When the boughs thereof are withered, they shall be broken off: the women come, and set them on fire: for it is a people of no understanding: therefore he that made them will not have mercy on them, and he that formed them will shew them no favour.

kjv@Isaiah:28:1 @ Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim, whose glorious beauty is a fading flower, which are on the head of the fat valleys of them that are overcome with wine!

kjv@Isaiah:28:6 @ And for a spirit of judgment to him that sitteth in judgment, and for strength to them that turn the battle to the gate.

kjv@Isaiah:28:9 @ Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.

kjv@Isaiah:28:13 @ But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.

kjv@Isaiah:29:1 @ Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the city where David dwelt! add ye year to year; let them kill sacrifices.

kjv@Isaiah:29:15 @ Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the LORD, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? and who knoweth us?

kjv@Isaiah:30:8 @ Now go, write it before them in a table, and note it in a book, that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever:

kjv@Isaiah:30:22 @ Ye shall defile also the covering of thy graven images of silver, and the ornament of thy molten images of gold: thou shalt cast them away as a menstruous cloth; thou shalt say unto it, Get thee hence.

kjv@Isaiah:30:28 @ And his breath, as an overflowing stream, shall reach to the midst of the neck, to sift the nations with the sieve of vanity: and there shall be a bridle in the jaws of the people, causing them to err.

kjv@Isaiah:31:1 @ Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many; and in horsemen, because they are very strong; but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the LORD!

kjv@Isaiah:31:2 @ Yet he also is wise, and will bring evil, and will not call back his words: but will arise against the house of the evildoers, and against the help of them that work iniquity.

kjv@Isaiah:32:3 @ And the eyes of them that see shall not be dim, and the ears of them that hear shall hearken.

kjv@Isaiah:34:2 @ For the indignation of the LORD is upon all nations, and his fury upon all their armies: he hath utterly destroyed them, he hath delivered them to the slaughter.

kjv@Isaiah:34:17 @ And he hath cast the lot for them, and his hand hath divided it unto them by line: they shall possess it for ever, from generation to generation shall they dwell therein.

kjv@Isaiah:35:4 @ Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompence; he will come and save you.

kjv@Isaiah:37:11 @ Behold, thou hast heard what the kings of Assyria have done to all lands by destroying them utterly; and shalt thou be delivered?

kjv@Isaiah:37:12 @ Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed, as Gozan, and Haran, and Rezeph, and the children of Eden which were in Telassar?

kjv@Isaiah:38:21 @ For Isaiah had said, Let them take a lump of figs, and lay it for a plaister upon the boil, and he shall recover.

kjv@Isaiah:39:2 @ And Hezekiah was glad of them, and shewed them the house of his precious things, the silver, and the gold, and the spices, and the precious ointment, and all the house of his armour, and all that was found in his treasures: there was nothing in his house, nor in all his dominion, that Hezekiah shewed them not.

kjv@Isaiah:40:11 @ He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.

kjv@Isaiah:40:22 @ It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

kjv@Isaiah:40:24 @ Yea, they shall not be planted; yea, they shall not be sown: yea, their stock shall not take root in the earth: and he shall also blow upon them, and they shall wither, and the whirlwind shall take them away as stubble.

kjv@Isaiah:40:26 @ Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth.

kjv@Isaiah:40:29 @ He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.

kjv@Isaiah:41:1 @ Keep silence before me, O islands; and let the people renew their strength: let them come near; then let them speak: let us come near together to judgment.

kjv@Isaiah:41:2 @ Who raised up the righteous man from the east, called him to his foot, gave the nations before him, and made him rule over kings? he gave them as the dust to his sword, and as driven stubble to his bow.

kjv@Isaiah:41:12 @ Thou shalt seek them, and shalt not find them, even them that contended with thee: they that war against thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of nought.

kjv@Isaiah:41:15 @ Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth: thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them small, and shalt make the hills as chaff.

kjv@Isaiah:41:16 @ Thou shalt fan them, and the wind shall carry them away, and the whirlwind shall scatter them: and thou shalt rejoice in the LORD, and shalt glory in the Holy One of Israel.

kjv@Isaiah:41:22 @ Let them bring them forth, and shew us what shall happen: let them shew the former things, what they be, that we may consider them, and know the latter end of them; or declare us things for to come.

kjv@Isaiah:42:5 @ Thus saith God the LORD, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; he that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein:

kjv@Isaiah:42:7 @ To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.

kjv@Isaiah:42:11 @ Let the wilderness and the cities thereof lift up their voice, the villages that Kedar doth inhabit: let the inhabitants of the rock sing, let them shout from the top of the mountains.

kjv@Isaiah:42:12 @ Let them give glory unto the LORD, and declare his praise in the islands.

kjv@Isaiah:42:16 @ And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.

kjv@Isaiah:42:22 @ But this is a people robbed and spoiled; they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid in prison houses: they are for a prey, and none delivereth; for a spoil, and none saith, Restore.

kjv@Isaiah:43:9 @ Let all the nations be gathered together, and let the people be assembled: who among them can declare this, and shew us former things? let them bring forth their witnesses, that they may be justified: or let them hear, and say, It is truth.

kjv@Isaiah:44:7 @ And who, as I, shall call, and shall declare it, and set it in order for me, since I appointed the ancient people? and the things that are coming, and shall come, let them shew unto them.

kjv@Isaiah:44:9 @ They that make a graven image are all of them vanity; and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses; they see not, nor know; that they may be ashamed.

kjv@Isaiah:44:11 @ Behold, all his fellows shall be ashamed: and the workmen, they are of men: let them all be gathered together, let them stand up; yet they shall fear, and they shall be ashamed together.

kjv@Isaiah:45:8 @ Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the LORD have created it.

kjv@Isaiah:45:21 @ Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this from ancient time? who hath told it from that time? have not I the LORD? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me.

kjv@Isaiah:47:6 @ I was wroth with my people, I have polluted mine inheritance, and given them into thine hand: thou didst shew them no mercy; upon the ancient hast thou very heavily laid thy yoke.

kjv@Isaiah:48:3 @ I have declared the former things from the beginning; and they went forth out of my mouth, and I shewed them; I did them suddenly, and they came to pass.

kjv@Isaiah:48:7 @ They are created now, and not from the beginning; even before the day when thou heardest them not; lest thou shouldest say, Behold, I knew them.

kjv@Isaiah:48:14 @ All ye, assemble yourselves, and hear; which among them hath declared these things? The LORD hath loved him: he will do his pleasure on Babylon, and his arm shall be on the Chaldeans.

kjv@Isaiah:48:21 @ And they thirsted not when he led them through the deserts: he caused the waters to flow out of the rock for them: he clave the rock also, and the waters gushed out.

kjv@Isaiah:49:9 @ That thou mayest say to the prisoners, Go forth; to them that are in darkness, Shew yourselves. They shall feed in the ways, and their pastures shall be in all high places.

kjv@Isaiah:49:10 @ They shall not hunger nor thirst; neither shall the heat nor sun smite them: for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them, even by the springs of water shall he guide them.

kjv@Isaiah:49:18 @ Lift up thine eyes round about, and behold: all these gather themselves together, and come to thee. As I live, saith the LORD, thou shalt surely clothe thee with them all, as with an ornament, and bind them on thee, as a bride doeth.

kjv@Isaiah:49:26 @ And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob.

kjv@Isaiah:50:6 @ I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting.

kjv@Isaiah:50:9 @ Behold, the Lord GOD will help me; who is he that shall condemn me? lo, they all shall wax old as a garment; the moth shall eat them up.

kjv@Isaiah:51:8 @ For the moth shall eat them up like a garment, and the worm shall eat them like wool: but my righteousness shall be for ever, and my salvation from generation to generation.

kjv@Isaiah:51:17 @ Awake, awake, stand up, O Jerusalem, which hast drunk at the hand of the LORD the cup of his fury; thou hast drunken the dregs of the cup of trembling, and wrung them out.

kjv@Isaiah:51:23 @ But I will put it into the hand of them that afflict thee; which have said to thy soul, Bow down, that we may go over: and thou hast laid thy body as the ground, and as the street, to them that went over.

kjv@Isaiah:52:4 @ For thus saith the Lord GOD, My people went down aforetime into Egypt to sojourn there; and the Assyrian oppressed them without cause.

kjv@Isaiah:52:5 @ Now therefore, what have I here, saith the LORD, that my people is taken away for nought? they that rule over them make them to howl, saith the LORD; and my name continually every day is blasphemed.

kjv@Isaiah:52:15 @ So shall he sprinkle many nations; the kings shall shut their mouths at him: for that which had not been told them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider.

kjv@Isaiah:54:2 @ Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes;

kjv@Isaiah:56:5 @ Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off.

kjv@Isaiah:56:7 @ Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people.

kjv@Isaiah:57:6 @ Among the smooth stones of the stream is thy portion; they, they are thy lot: even to them hast thou poured a drink offering, thou hast offered a meat offering. Should I receive comfort in these?

kjv@Isaiah:57:13 @ When thou criest, let thy companies deliver thee; but the wind shall carry them all away; vanity shall take them: but he that putteth his trust in me shall possess the land, and shall inherit my holy mountain;

kjv@Isaiah:59:8 @ The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace.

kjv@Isaiah:59:20 @ And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the LORD.

kjv@Isaiah:60:14 @ The sons also of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee; and all they that despised thee shall bow themselves down at the soles of thy feet; and they shall call thee, The city of the LORD, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel.

kjv@Isaiah:61:1 @ The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;

kjv@Isaiah:61:3 @ To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.

kjv@Isaiah:61:9 @ And their seed shall be known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people: all that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which the LORD hath blessed.

kjv@Isaiah:63:3 @ I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people there was none with me: for I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my raiment.

kjv@Isaiah:63:6 @ And I will tread down the people in mine anger, and make them drunk in my fury, and I will bring down their strength to the earth.

kjv@Isaiah:63:7 @ I will mention the lovingkindnesses of the LORD, and the praises of the LORD, according to all that the LORD hath bestowed on us, and the great goodness toward the house of Israel, which he hath bestowed on them according to his mercies, and according to the multitude of his lovingkindnesses.

kjv@Isaiah:63:9 @ In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them, and carried them all the days of old.

kjv@Isaiah:63:11 @ Then he remembered the days of old, Moses, and his people, saying, Where is he that brought them up out of the sea with the shepherd of his flock? where is he that put his holy Spirit within him?

kjv@Isaiah:63:12 @ That led them by the right hand of Moses with his glorious arm, dividing the water before them, to make himself an everlasting name?

kjv@Isaiah:63:13 @ That led them through the deep, as an horse in the wilderness, that they should not stumble?

kjv@Isaiah:65:1 @ I am sought of them that asked not for me; I am found of them that sought me not: I said, Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name.

kjv@Isaiah:65:8 @ Thus saith the LORD, As the new wine is found in the cluster, and one saith, Destroy it not; for a blessing is in it: so will I do for my servants' sakes, that I may not destroy them all.

kjv@Isaiah:66:19 @ And I will set a sign among them, and I will send those that escape of them unto the nations, to Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, to Tubal, and Javan, to the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles.

kjv@Isaiah:66:21 @ And I will also take of them for priests and for Levites, saith the LORD.

kjv@Jeremiah:1:16 @ And I will utter my judgments against them touching all their wickedness, who have forsaken me, and have burned incense unto other gods, and worshipped the works of their own hands.

kjv@Jeremiah:1:17 @ Thou therefore gird up thy loins, and arise, and speak unto them all that I command thee: be not dismayed at their faces, lest I confound thee before them.

kjv@Jeremiah:2:13 @ For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.

kjv@Jeremiah:2:25 @ Withhold thy foot from being unshod, and thy throat from thirst: but thou saidst, There is no hope: no; for I have loved strangers, and after them will I go.

kjv@Jeremiah:2:28 @ But where are thy gods that thou hast made thee? let them arise, if they can save thee in the time of thy trouble: for according to the number of thy cities are thy gods, O Judah.

kjv@Jeremiah:5:7 @ How shall I pardon thee for this? thy children have forsaken me, and sworn by them that are no gods: when I had fed them to the full, they then committed adultery, and assembled themselves by troops in the harlots' houses.

kjv@Jeremiah:6:10 @ To whom shall I speak, and give warning, that they may hear? behold, their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot hearken: behold, the word of the LORD is unto them a reproach; they have no delight in it.

kjv@Jeremiah:6:13 @ For from the least of them even unto the greatest of them every one is given to covetousness; and from the prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely.

kjv@Jeremiah:6:15 @ Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time that I visit them they shall be cast down, saith the LORD.

kjv@Jeremiah:7:22 @ For I spake not unto your fathers, nor commanded them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices:

kjv@Jeremiah:7:31 @ And they have built the high places of Tophet, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my heart.

kjv@Jeremiah:7:33 @ And the carcases of this people shall be meat for the fowls of the heaven, and for the beasts of the earth; and none shall fray them away.

kjv@Jeremiah:8:2 @ And they shall spread them before the sun, and the moon, and all the host of heaven, whom they have loved, and whom they have served, and after whom they have walked, and whom they have sought, and whom they have worshipped: they shall not be gathered, nor be buried; they shall be for dung upon the face of the earth.

kjv@Jeremiah:8:3 @ And death shall be chosen rather than life by all the residue of them that remain of this evil family, which remain in all the places whither I have driven them, saith the LORD of hosts.

kjv@Jeremiah:8:10 @ Therefore will I give their wives unto others, and their fields to them that shall inherit them: for every one from the least even unto the greatest is given to covetousness, from the prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely.

kjv@Jeremiah:8:12 @ Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore shall they fall among them that fall: in the time of their visitation they shall be cast down, saith the LORD.

kjv@Jeremiah:8:13 @ I will surely consume them, saith the LORD: there shall be no grapes on the vine, nor figs on the fig tree, and the leaf shall fade; and the things that I have given them shall pass away from them.

kjv@Jeremiah:8:19 @ Behold the voice of the cry of the daughter of my people because of them that dwell in a far country: Is not the LORD in Zion? is not her king in her? Why have they provoked me to anger with their graven images, and with strange vanities?

kjv@Jeremiah:9:9 @ Shall I not visit them for these things? saith the LORD: shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?

kjv@Jeremiah:9:15 @ Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will feed them, even this people, with wormwood, and give them water of gall to drink.

kjv@Jeremiah:9:16 @ I will scatter them also among the heathen, whom neither they nor their fathers have known: and I will send a sword after them, till I have consumed them.

kjv@Jeremiah:9:18 @ And let them make haste, and take up a wailing for us, that our eyes may run down with tears, and our eyelids gush out with waters.

kjv@Jeremiah:9:25 @ Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will punish all them which are circumcised with the uncircumcised;

kjv@Jeremiah:10:5 @ They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.

kjv@Jeremiah:11:4 @ Which I commanded your fathers in the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, from the iron furnace, saying, Obey my voice, and do them, according to all which I command you: so shall ye be my people, and I will be your God:

kjv@Jeremiah:11:5 @ That I may perform the oath which I have sworn unto your fathers, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, as it is this day. Then answered I, and said, So be it, O LORD.

kjv@Jeremiah:11:7 @ For I earnestly protested unto your fathers in the day that I brought them up out of the land of Egypt, even unto this day, rising early and protesting, saying, Obey my voice.

kjv@Jeremiah:11:8 @ Yet they obeyed not, nor inclined their ear, but walked every one in the imagination of their evil heart: therefore I will bring upon them all the words of this covenant, which I commanded them to do; but they did them not.

kjv@Jeremiah:11:12 @ Then shall the cities of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem go, and cry unto the gods unto whom they offer incense: but they shall not save them at all in the time of their trouble.

kjv@Jeremiah:11:14 @ Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up a cry or prayer for them: for I will not hear them in the time that they cry unto me for their trouble.

kjv@Jeremiah:12:3 @ But thou, O LORD, knowest me: thou hast seen me, and tried mine heart toward thee: pull them out like sheep for the slaughter, and prepare them for the day of slaughter.

kjv@Jeremiah:12:4 @ How long shall the land mourn, and the herbs of every field wither, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein? the beasts are consumed, and the birds; because they said, He shall not see our last end.

kjv@Jeremiah:12:6 @ For even thy brethren, and the house of thy father, even they have dealt treacherously with thee; yea, they have called a multitude after thee: believe them not, though they speak fair words unto thee.

kjv@Jeremiah:12:14 @ Thus saith the LORD against all mine evil neighbours, that touch the inheritance which I have caused my people Israel to inherit; Behold, I will pluck them out of their land, and pluck out the house of Judah from among them.

kjv@Jeremiah:12:15 @ And it shall come to pass, after that I have plucked them out I will return, and have compassion on them, and will bring them again, every man to his heritage, and every man to his land.

kjv@Jeremiah:13:12 @ Therefore thou shalt speak unto them this word; Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Every bottle shall be filled with wine: and they shall say unto thee, Do we not certainly know that every bottle shall be filled with wine?

kjv@Jeremiah:13:14 @ And I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the LORD: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but destroy them.

kjv@Jeremiah:13:20 @ Lift up your eyes, and behold them that come from the north: where is the flock that was given thee, thy beautiful flock?

kjv@Jeremiah:13:21 @ What wilt thou say when he shall punish thee? for thou hast taught them to be captains, and as chief over thee: shall not sorrows take thee, as a woman in travail?

kjv@Jeremiah:13:24 @ Therefore will I scatter them as the stubble that passeth away by the wind of the wilderness.

kjv@Jeremiah:14:12 @ When they fast, I will not hear their cry; and when they offer burnt offering and an oblation, I will not accept them: but I will consume them by the sword, and by the famine, and by the pestilence.

kjv@Jeremiah:14:14 @ Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.

kjv@Jeremiah:14:15 @ Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning the prophets that prophesy in my name, and I sent them not, yet they say, Sword and famine shall not be in this land; By sword and famine shall those prophets be consumed.

kjv@Jeremiah:14:17 @ Therefore thou shalt say this word unto them; Let mine eyes run down with tears night and day, and let them not cease: for the virgin daughter of my people is broken with a great breach, with a very grievous blow.

kjv@Jeremiah:14:18 @ If I go forth into the field, then behold the slain with the sword! and if I enter into the city, then behold them that are sick with famine! yea, both the prophet and the priest go about into a land that they know not.

kjv@Jeremiah:15:1 @ Then said the LORD unto me, Though Moses and Samuel stood before me, yet my mind could not be toward this people: cast them out of my sight, and let them go forth.

kjv@Jeremiah:15:3 @ And I will appoint over them four kinds, saith the LORD: the sword to slay, and the dogs to tear, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the earth, to devour and destroy.

kjv@Jeremiah:15:4 @ And I will cause them to be removed into all kingdoms of the earth, because of Manasseh the son of Hezekiah king of Judah, for that which he did in Jerusalem.

kjv@Jeremiah:15:7 @ And I will fan them with a fan in the gates of the land; I will bereave them of children, I will destroy my people, since they return not from their ways.

kjv@Jeremiah:15:8 @ Their widows are increased to me above the sand of the seas: I have brought upon them against the mother of the young men a spoiler at noonday: I have caused him to fall upon it suddenly, and terrors upon the city.

kjv@Jeremiah:15:9 @ She that hath borne seven languisheth: she hath given up the ghost; her sun is gone down while it was yet day: she hath been ashamed and confounded: and the residue of them will I deliver to the sword before their enemies, saith the LORD.

kjv@Jeremiah:15:10 @ Woe is me, my mother, that thou hast borne me a man of strife and a man of contention to the whole earth! I have neither lent on usury, nor men have lent to me on usury; yet every one of them doth curse me.

kjv@Jeremiah:15:19 @ Therefore thus saith the LORD, If thou return, then will I bring thee again, and thou shalt stand before me: and if thou take forth the precious from the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth: let them return unto thee; but return not thou unto them.

kjv@Jeremiah:16:3 @ For thus saith the LORD concerning the sons and concerning the daughters that are born in this place, and concerning their mothers that bare them, and concerning their fathers that begat them in this land;

kjv@Jeremiah:16:7 @ Neither shall men tear themselves for them in mourning, to comfort them for the dead; neither shall men give them the cup of consolation to drink for their father or for their mother.

kjv@Jeremiah:16:8 @ Thou shalt not also go into the house of feasting, to sit with them to eat and to drink.

kjv@Jeremiah:16:15 @ But, The LORD liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he had driven them: and I will bring them again into their land that I gave unto their fathers.

kjv@Jeremiah:16:16 @ Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the LORD, and they shall fish them; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks.

kjv@Jeremiah:16:21 @ Therefore, behold, I will this once cause them to know, I will cause them to know mine hand and my might; and they shall know that my name is The LORD.

kjv@Jeremiah:17:11 @ As the partridge sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth them not; so he that getteth riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool.

kjv@Jeremiah:17:18 @ Let them be confounded that persecute me, but let not me be confounded: let them be dismayed, but let not me be dismayed: bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy them with double destruction.

kjv@Jeremiah:18:15 @ Because my people hath forgotten me, they have burned incense to vanity, and they have caused them to stumble in their ways from the ancient paths, to walk in paths, in a way not cast up;

kjv@Jeremiah:18:17 @ I will scatter them as with an east wind before the enemy; I will shew them the back, and not the face, in the day of their calamity.

kjv@Jeremiah:18:19 @ Give heed to me, O LORD, and hearken to the voice of them that contend with me.

kjv@Jeremiah:18:23 @ Yet, LORD, thou knowest all their counsel against me to slay me: forgive not their iniquity, neither blot out their sin from thy sight, but let them be overthrown before thee; deal thus with them in the time of thine anger.

kjv@Jeremiah:19:7 @ And I will make void the counsel of Judah and Jerusalem in this place; and I will cause them to fall by the sword before their enemies, and by the hands of them that seek their lives: and their carcases will I give to be meat for the fowls of the heaven, and for the beasts of the earth.

kjv@Jeremiah:19:9 @ And I will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters, and they shall eat every one the flesh of his friend in the siege and straitness, wherewith their enemies, and they that seek their lives, shall straiten them.

kjv@Jeremiah:19:11 @ And shalt say unto them, Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Even so will I break this people and this city, as one breaketh a potter's vessel, that cannot be made whole again: and they shall bury them in Tophet, till there be no place to bury.

kjv@Jeremiah:20:4 @ For thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will make thee a terror to thyself, and to all thy friends: and they shall fall by the sword of their enemies, and thine eyes shall behold it: and I will give all Judah into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall carry them captive into Babylon, and shall slay them with the sword.

kjv@Jeremiah:20:5 @ Moreover I will deliver all the strength of this city, and all the labours thereof, and all the precious things thereof, and all the treasures of the kings of Judah will I give into the hand of their enemies, which shall spoil them, and take them, and carry them to Babylon.

kjv@Jeremiah:21:4 @ Thus saith the LORD God of Israel; Behold, I will turn back the weapons of war that are in your hands, wherewith ye fight against the king of Babylon, and against the Chaldeans, which besiege you without the walls, and I will assemble them into the midst of this city.

kjv@Jeremiah:21:7 @ And afterward, saith the LORD, I will deliver Zedekiah king of Judah, and his servants, and the people, and such as are left in this city from the pestilence, from the sword, and from the famine, into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, and into the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of those that seek their life: and he shall smite them with the edge of the sword; he shall not spare them, neither have pity, nor have mercy.

kjv@Jeremiah:22:7 @ And I will prepare destroyers against thee, every one with his weapons: and they shall cut down thy choice cedars, and cast them into the fire.

kjv@Jeremiah:22:25 @ And I will give thee into the hand of them that seek thy life, and into the hand of them whose face thou fearest, even into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, and into the hand of the Chaldeans.

kjv@Jeremiah:23:2 @ Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people; Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the LORD.

kjv@Jeremiah:23:3 @ And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase.

kjv@Jeremiah:23:4 @ And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them: and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, saith the LORD.

kjv@Jeremiah:23:12 @ Wherefore their way shall be unto them as slippery ways in the darkness: they shall be driven on, and fall therein: for I will bring evil upon them, even the year of their visitation, saith the LORD.

kjv@Jeremiah:23:14 @ I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem an horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in lies: they strengthen also the hands of evildoers, that none doth return from his wickedness: they are all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah.

kjv@Jeremiah:23:15 @ Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts concerning the prophets; Behold, I will feed them with wormwood, and make them drink the water of gall: for from the prophets of Jerusalem is profaneness gone forth into all the land.

kjv@Jeremiah:23:17 @ They say still unto them that despise me, The LORD hath said, Ye shall have peace; and they say unto every one that walketh after the imagination of his own heart, No evil shall come upon you.

kjv@Jeremiah:23:22 @ But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings.

kjv@Jeremiah:23:32 @ Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the LORD, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the LORD.

kjv@Jeremiah:24:1 @ The LORD shewed me, and, behold, two baskets of figs were set before the temple of the LORD, after that Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon had carried away captive Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah, and the princes of Judah, with the carpenters and smiths, from Jerusalem, and had brought them to Babylon.

kjv@Jeremiah:24:5 @ Thus saith the LORD, the God of Israel; Like these good figs, so will I acknowledge them that are carried away captive of Judah, whom I have sent out of this place into the land of the Chaldeans for their good.

kjv@Jeremiah:24:6 @ For I will set mine eyes upon them for good, and I will bring them again to this land: and I will build them, and not pull them down; and I will plant them, and not pluck them up.

kjv@Jeremiah:24:7 @ And I will give them an heart to know me, that I am the LORD: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God: for they shall return unto me with their whole heart.

kjv@Jeremiah:24:8 @ And as the evil figs, which cannot be eaten, they are so evil; surely thus saith the LORD, So will I give Zedekiah the king of Judah, and his princes, and the residue of Jerusalem, that remain in this land, and them that dwell in the land of Egypt:

kjv@Jeremiah:24:9 @ And I will deliver them to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth for their hurt, to be a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in all places whither I shall drive them.

kjv@Jeremiah:24:10 @ And I will send the sword, the famine, and the pestilence, among them, till they be consumed from off the land that I gave unto them and to their fathers.

kjv@Jeremiah:25:9 @ Behold, I will send and take all the families of the north, saith the LORD, and Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, my servant, and will bring them against this land, and against the inhabitants thereof, and against all these nations round about, and will utterly destroy them, and make them an astonishment, and an hissing, and perpetual desolations.

kjv@Jeremiah:25:10 @ Moreover I will take from them the voice of mirth, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the sound of the millstones, and the light of the candle.

kjv@Jeremiah:25:14 @ For many nations and great kings shall serve themselves of them also: and I will recompense them according to their deeds, and according to the works of their own hands.

kjv@Jeremiah:25:18 @ To wit, Jerusalem, and the cities of Judah, and the kings thereof, and the princes thereof, to make them a desolation, an astonishment, an hissing, and a curse; as it is this day;

kjv@Jeremiah:25:30 @ Therefore prophesy thou against them all these words, and say unto them, The LORD shall roar from on high, and utter his voice from his holy habitation; he shall mightily roar upon his habitation; he shall give a shout, as they that tread the grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth.

kjv@Jeremiah:25:31 @ A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the LORD hath a controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh; he will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the LORD.

kjv@Jeremiah:26:3 @ If so be they will hearken, and turn every man from his evil way, that I may repent me of the evil, which I purpose to do unto them because of the evil of their doings.

kjv@Jeremiah:27:2 @ Thus saith the LORD to me; Make thee bonds and yokes, and put them upon thy neck,

kjv@Jeremiah:27:3 @ And send them to the king of Edom, and to the king of Moab, and to the king of the Ammonites, and to the king of Tyrus, and to the king of Zidon, by the hand of the messengers which come to Jerusalem unto Zedekiah king of Judah;

kjv@Jeremiah:27:4 @ And command them to say unto their masters, Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Thus shall ye say unto your masters;

kjv@Jeremiah:27:8 @ And it shall come to pass, that the nation and kingdom which will not serve the same Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, and that will not put their neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, that nation will I punish, saith the LORD, with the sword, and with the famine, and with the pestilence, until I have consumed them by his hand.

kjv@Jeremiah:27:18 @ But if they be prophets, and if the word of the LORD be with them, let them now make intercession to the LORD of hosts, that the vessels which are left in the house of the LORD, and in the house of the king of Judah, and at Jerusalem, go not to Babylon.

kjv@Jeremiah:27:22 @ They shall be carried to Babylon, and there shall they be until the day that I visit them, saith the LORD; then will I bring them up, and restore them to this place.

kjv@Jeremiah:28:3 @ Within two full years will I bring again into this place all the vessels of the LORD'S house, that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon took away from this place, and carried them to Babylon:

kjv@Jeremiah:28:13 @ Go and tell Hananiah, saying, Thus saith the LORD; Thou hast broken the yokes of wood; but thou shalt make for them yokes of iron.

kjv@Jeremiah:29:17 @ Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Behold, I will send upon them the sword, the famine, and the pestilence, and will make them like vile figs, that cannot be eaten, they are so evil.

kjv@Jeremiah:29:18 @ And I will persecute them with the sword, with the famine, and with the pestilence, and will deliver them to be removed to all the kingdoms of the earth, to be a curse, and an astonishment, and an hissing, and a reproach, among all the nations whither I have driven them:

kjv@Jeremiah:29:19 @ Because they have not hearkened to my words, saith the LORD, which I sent unto them by my servants the prophets, rising up early and sending them; but ye would not hear, saith the LORD.

kjv@Jeremiah:29:21 @ Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, of Ahab the son of Kolaiah, and of Zedekiah the son of Maaseiah, which prophesy a lie unto you in my name; Behold, I will deliver them into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon; and he shall slay them before your eyes;

kjv@Jeremiah:29:22 @ And of them shall be taken up a curse by all the captivity of Judah which are in Babylon, saying, The LORD make thee like Zedekiah and like Ahab, whom the king of Babylon roasted in the fire;

kjv@Jeremiah:29:31 @ Send to all them of the captivity, saying, Thus saith the LORD concerning Shemaiah the Nehelamite; Because that Shemaiah hath prophesied unto you, and I sent him not, and he caused you to trust in a lie:

kjv@Jeremiah:30:3 @ For, lo, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel and Judah, saith the LORD: and I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it.

kjv@Jeremiah:30:19 @ And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of them that make merry: and I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will also glorify them, and they shall not be small.

kjv@Jeremiah:31:4 @ Again I will build thee, and thou shalt be built, O virgin of Israel: thou shalt again be adorned with thy tabrets, and shalt go forth in the dances of them that make merry.

kjv@Jeremiah:31:5 @ Thou shalt yet plant vines upon the mountains of Samaria: the planters shall plant, and shall eat them as common things.

kjv@Jeremiah:31:8 @ Behold, I will bring them from the north country, and gather them from the coasts of the earth, and with them the blind and the lame, the woman with child and her that travaileth with child together: a great company shall return thither.

kjv@Jeremiah:31:9 @ They shall come with weeping, and with supplications will I lead them: I will cause them to walk by the rivers of waters in a straight way, wherein they shall not stumble: for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn.

kjv@Jeremiah:31:13 @ Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance, both young men and old together: for I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and make them rejoice from their sorrow.

kjv@Jeremiah:31:32 @ Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD:

kjv@Jeremiah:31:34 @ And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.

kjv@Jeremiah:32:14 @ Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Take these evidences, this evidence of the purchase, both which is sealed, and this evidence which is open; and put them in an earthen vessel, that they may continue many days.

kjv@Jeremiah:32:22 @ And hast given them this land, which thou didst swear to their fathers to give them, a land flowing with milk and honey;

kjv@Jeremiah:32:23 @ And they came in, and possessed it; but they obeyed not thy voice, neither walked in thy law; they have done nothing of all that thou commandedst them to do: therefore thou hast caused all this evil to come upon them:

kjv@Jeremiah:32:35 @ And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.

kjv@Jeremiah:32:37 @ Behold, I will gather them out of all countries, whither I have driven them in mine anger, and in my fury, and in great wrath; and I will bring them again unto this place, and I will cause them to dwell safely:

kjv@Jeremiah:32:39 @ And I will give them one heart, and one way, that they may fear me for ever, for the good of them, and of their children after them:

kjv@Jeremiah:32:40 @ And I will make an everlasting covenant with them, that I will not turn away from them, to do them good; but I will put my fear in their hearts, that they shall not depart from me.

kjv@Jeremiah:32:41 @ Yea, I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will plant them in this land assuredly with my whole heart and with my whole soul.

kjv@Jeremiah:32:42 @ For thus saith the LORD; Like as I have brought all this great evil upon this people, so will I bring upon them all the good that I have promised them.

kjv@Jeremiah:33:5 @ They come to fight with the Chaldeans, but it is to fill them with the dead bodies of men, whom I have slain in mine anger and in my fury, and for all whose wickedness I have hid my face from this city.

kjv@Jeremiah:33:6 @ Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth.

kjv@Jeremiah:33:8 @ And I will cleanse them from all their iniquity, whereby they have sinned against me; and I will pardon all their iniquities, whereby they have sinned, and whereby they have transgressed against me.

kjv@Jeremiah:33:11 @ The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that shall say, Praise the LORD of hosts: for the LORD is good; for his mercy endureth for ever: and of them that shall bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the LORD. For I will cause to return the captivity of the land, as at the first, saith the LORD.

kjv@Jeremiah:33:24 @ Considerest thou not what this people have spoken, saying, The two families which the LORD hath chosen, he hath even cast them off? thus they have despised my people, that they should be no more a nation before them.

kjv@Jeremiah:34:10 @ Now when all the princes, and all the people, which had entered into the covenant, heard that every one should let his manservant, and every one his maidservant, go free, that none should serve themselves of them any more, then they obeyed, and let them go.

kjv@Jeremiah:34:11 @ But afterward they turned, and caused the servants and the handmaids, whom they had let go free, to return, and brought them into subjection for servants and for handmaids.

kjv@Jeremiah:34:13 @ Thus saith the LORD, the God of Israel; I made a covenant with your fathers in the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondmen, saying,

kjv@Jeremiah:34:16 @ But ye turned and polluted my name, and caused every man his servant, and every man his handmaid, whom ye had set at liberty at their pleasure, to return, and brought them into subjection, to be unto you for servants and for handmaids.

kjv@Jeremiah:34:20 @ I will even give them into the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of them that seek their life: and their dead bodies shall be for meat unto the fowls of the heaven, and to the beasts of the earth.

kjv@Jeremiah:34:21 @ And Zedekiah king of Judah and his princes will I give into the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of them that seek their life, and into the hand of the king of Babylon's army, which are gone up from you.

kjv@Jeremiah:34:22 @ Behold, I will command, saith the LORD, and cause them to return to this city; and they shall fight against it, and take it, and burn it with fire: and I will make the cities of Judah a desolation without an inhabitant.

kjv@Jeremiah:35:2 @ Go unto the house of the Rechabites, and speak unto them, and bring them into the house of the LORD, into one of the chambers, and give them wine to drink.

kjv@Jeremiah:35:4 @ And I brought them into the house of the LORD, into the chamber of the sons of Hanan, the son of Igdaliah, a man of God, which was by the chamber of the princes, which was above the chamber of Maaseiah the son of Shallum, the keeper of the door:

kjv@Jeremiah:36:6 @ Therefore go thou, and read in the roll, which thou hast written from my mouth, the words of the LORD in the ears of the people in the LORD'S house upon the fasting day: and also thou shalt read them in the ears of all Judah that come out of their cities.

kjv@Jeremiah:36:13 @ Then Michaiah declared unto them all the words that he had heard, when Baruch read the book in the ears of the people.

kjv@Jeremiah:36:18 @ Then Baruch answered them, He pronounced all these words unto me with his mouth, and I wrote them with ink in the book.

kjv@Jeremiah:36:32 @ Then took Jeremiah another roll, and gave it to Baruch the scribe, the son of Neriah; who wrote therein from the mouth of Jeremiah all the words of the book which Jehoiakim king of Judah had burned in the fire: and there were added besides unto them many like words.

kjv@Jeremiah:38:11 @ So Ebedmelech took the men with him, and went into the house of the king under the treasury, and took thence old cast clouts and old rotten rags, and let them down by cords into the dungeon to Jeremiah.

kjv@Jeremiah:38:27 @ Then came all the princes unto Jeremiah, and asked him: and he told them according to all these words that the king had commanded. So they left off speaking with him; for the matter was not perceived.

kjv@Jeremiah:39:10 @ But Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard left of the poor of the people, which had nothing, in the land of Judah, and gave them vineyards and fields at the same time.

kjv@Jeremiah:40:7 @ Now when all the captains of the forces which were in the fields, even they and their men, heard that the king of Babylon had made Gedaliah the son of Ahikam governor in the land, and had committed unto him men, and women, and children, and of the poor of the land, of them that were not carried away captive to Babylon;

kjv@Jeremiah:40:9 @ And Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan sware unto them and to their men, saying, Fear not to serve the Chaldeans: dwell in the land, and serve the king of Babylon, and it shall be well with you.

kjv@Jeremiah:40:10 @ As for me, behold, I will dwell at Mizpah to serve the Chaldeans, which will come unto us: but ye, gather ye wine, and summer fruits, and oil, and put them in your vessels, and dwell in your cities that ye have taken.

kjv@Jeremiah:40:11 @ Likewise when all the Jews that were in Moab, and among the Ammonites, and in Edom, and that were in all the countries, heard that the king of Babylon had left a remnant of Judah, and that he had set over them Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan;

kjv@Jeremiah:40:14 @ And said unto him, Dost thou certainly know that Baalis the king of the Ammonites hath sent Ishmael the son of Nethaniah to slay thee? But Gedaliah the son of Ahikam believed them not.

kjv@Jeremiah:41:5 @ That there came certain from Shechem, from Shiloh, and from Samaria, even fourscore men, having their beards shaven, and their clothes rent, and having cut themselves, with offerings and incense in their hand, to bring them to the house of the LORD.

kjv@Jeremiah:41:7 @ And it was so, when they came into the midst of the city, that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah slew them, and cast them into the midst of the pit, he, and the men that were with him.

kjv@Jeremiah:41:8 @ But ten men were found among them that said unto Ishmael, Slay us not: for we have treasures in the field, of wheat, and of barley, and of oil, and of honey. So he forbare, and slew them not among their brethren.

kjv@Jeremiah:41:9 @ Now the pit wherein Ishmael had cast all the dead bodies of the men, whom he had slain because of Gedaliah, was it which Asa the king had made for fear of Baasha king of Israel: and Ishmael the son of Nethaniah filled it with them that were slain.

kjv@Jeremiah:41:10 @ Then Ishmael carried away captive all the residue of the people that were in Mizpah, even the king's daughters, and all the people that remained in Mizpah, whom Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard had committed to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam: and Ishmael the son of Nethaniah carried them away captive, and departed to go over to the Ammonites.

kjv@Jeremiah:42:17 @ So shall it be with all the men that set their faces to go into Egypt to sojourn there; they shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence: and none of them shall remain or escape from the evil that I will bring upon them.

kjv@Jeremiah:43:9 @ Take great stones in thine hand, and hide them in the clay in the brickkiln, which is at the entry of Pharaoh's house in Tahpanhes, in the sight of the men of Judah;

kjv@Jeremiah:43:12 @ And I will kindle a fire in the houses of the gods of Egypt; and he shall burn them, and carry them away captives: and he shall array himself with the land of Egypt, as a shepherd putteth on his garment; and he shall go forth from thence in peace.

kjv@Jeremiah:44:13 @ For I will punish them that dwell in the land of Egypt, as I have punished Jerusalem, by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence:

kjv@Jeremiah:44:27 @ Behold, I will watch over them for evil, and not for good: and all the men of Judah that are in the land of Egypt shall be consumed by the sword and by the famine, until there be an end of them.

kjv@Jeremiah:44:30 @ Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I will give Pharaohhophra king of Egypt into the hand of his enemies, and into the hand of them that seek his life; as I gave Zedekiah king of Judah into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, his enemy, and that sought his life.

kjv@Jeremiah:45:5 @ And seekest thou great things for thyself? seek them not: for, behold, I will bring evil upon all flesh, saith the LORD: but thy life will I give unto thee for a prey in all places whither thou goest.

kjv@Jeremiah:46:5 @ Wherefore have I seen them dismayed and turned away back? and their mighty ones are beaten down, and are fled apace, and look not back: for fear was round about, saith the LORD.

kjv@Jeremiah:46:25 @ The LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, saith; Behold, I will punish the multitude of No, and Pharaoh, and Egypt, with their gods, and their kings; even Pharaoh, and all them that trust in him:

kjv@Jeremiah:46:26 @ And I will deliver them into the hand of those that seek their lives, and into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, and into the hand of his servants: and afterward it shall be inhabited, as in the days of old, saith the LORD.

kjv@Jeremiah:47:2 @ Thus saith the LORD; Behold, waters rise up out of the north, and shall be an overflowing flood, and shall overflow the land, and all that is therein; the city, and them that dwell therein: then the men shall cry, and all the inhabitants of the land shall howl.

kjv@Jeremiah:48:39 @ They shall howl, saying, How is it broken down! how hath Moab turned the back with shame! so shall Moab be a derision and a dismaying to all them about him.

kjv@Jeremiah:49:2 @ Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will cause an alarm of war to be heard in Rabbah of the Ammonites; and it shall be a desolate heap, and her daughters shall be burned with fire: then shall Israel be heir unto them that were his heirs, saith the LORD.

kjv@Jeremiah:49:11 @ Leave thy fatherless children, I will preserve them alive; and let thy widows trust in me.

kjv@Jeremiah:49:20 @ Therefore hear the counsel of the LORD, that he hath taken against Edom; and his purposes, that he hath purposed against the inhabitants of Teman: Surely the least of the flock shall draw them out: surely he shall make their habitations desolate with them.

kjv@Jeremiah:49:32 @ And their camels shall be a booty, and the multitude of their cattle a spoil: and I will scatter into all winds them that are in the utmost corners; and I will bring their calamity from all sides thereof, saith the LORD.

kjv@Jeremiah:49:36 @ And upon Elam will I bring the four winds from the four quarters of heaven, and will scatter them toward all those winds; and there shall be no nation whither the outcasts of Elam shall not come.

kjv@Jeremiah:49:37 @ For I will cause Elam to be dismayed before their enemies, and before them that seek their life: and I will bring evil upon them, even my fierce anger, saith the LORD; and I will send the sword after them, till I have consumed them:

kjv@Jeremiah:50:6 @ My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgotten their restingplace.

kjv@Jeremiah:50:7 @ All that found them have devoured them: and their adversaries said, We offend not, because they have sinned against the LORD, the habitation of justice, even the LORD, the hope of their fathers.

kjv@Jeremiah:50:20 @ In those days, and in that time, saith the LORD, the iniquity of Israel shall be sought for, and there shall be none; and the sins of Judah, and they shall not be found: for I will pardon them whom I reserve.

kjv@Jeremiah:50:27 @ Slay all her bullocks; let them go down to the slaughter: woe unto them! for their day is come, the time of their visitation.

kjv@Jeremiah:50:28 @ The voice of them that flee and escape out of the land of Babylon, to declare in Zion the vengeance of the LORD our God, the vengeance of his temple.

kjv@Jeremiah:50:33 @ Thus saith the LORD of hosts; The children of Israel and the children of Judah were oppressed together: and all that took them captives held them fast; they refused to let them go.

kjv@Jeremiah:50:44 @ Behold, he shall come up like a lion from the swelling of Jordan unto the habitation of the strong: but I will make them suddenly run away from her: and who is a chosen man, that I may appoint over her? for who is like me? and who will appoint me the time? and who is that shepherd that will stand before me?

kjv@Jeremiah:50:45 @ Therefore hear ye the counsel of the LORD, that he hath taken against Babylon; and his purposes, that he hath purposed against the land of the Chaldeans: Surely the least of the flock shall draw them out: surely he shall make their habitation desolate with them.

kjv@Jeremiah:51:1 @ Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I will raise up against Babylon, and against them that dwell in the midst of them that rise up against me, a destroying wind;

kjv@Jeremiah:51:39 @ In their heat I will make their feasts, and I will make them drunken, that they may rejoice, and sleep a perpetual sleep, and not wake, saith the LORD.

kjv@Jeremiah:51:40 @ I will bring them down like lambs to the slaughter, like rams with he goats.

kjv@Jeremiah:52:3 @ For through the anger of the LORD it came to pass in Jerusalem and Judah, till he had cast them out from his presence, that Zedekiah rebelled against the king of Babylon.

kjv@Jeremiah:52:17 @ Also the pillars of brass that were in the house of the LORD, and the bases, and the brasen sea that was in the house of the LORD, the Chaldeans brake, and carried all the brass of them to Babylon.

kjv@Jeremiah:52:25 @ He took also out of the city an eunuch, which had the charge of the men of war; and seven men of them that were near the king's person, which were found in the city; and the principal scribe of the host, who mustered the people of the land; and threescore men of the people of the land, that were found in the midst of the city.

kjv@Jeremiah:52:26 @ So Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard took them, and brought them to the king of Babylon to Riblah.

kjv@Jeremiah:52:27 @ And the king of Babylon smote them, and put them to death in Riblah in the land of Hamath. Thus Judah was carried away captive out of his own land.

kjv@Lamentations:2:2 @ The Lord hath swallowed up all the habitations of Jacob, and hath not pitied: he hath thrown down in his wrath the strong holds of the daughter of Judah; he hath brought them down to the ground: he hath polluted the kingdom and the princes thereof.

kjv@Lamentations:2:21 @ The young and the old lie on the ground in the streets: my virgins and my young men are fallen by the sword; thou hast slain them in the day of thine anger; thou hast killed, and not pitied.

kjv@Lamentations:3:20 @ My soul hath them still in remembrance, and is humbled in me.

kjv@Lamentations:3:25 @ The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.

kjv@Lamentations:3:64 @ Render unto them a recompence, O LORD, according to the work of their hands.

kjv@Lamentations:3:65 @ Give them sorrow of heart, thy curse unto them.

kjv@Lamentations:3:66 @ Persecute and destroy them in anger from under the heavens of the LORD.

kjv@Ezekiel:1:18 @ As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes round about them four.

kjv@Ezekiel:3:9 @ As an adamant harder than flint have I made thy forehead: fear them not, neither be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house.

kjv@Ezekiel:3:11 @ And go, get thee to them of the captivity, unto the children of thy people, and speak unto them, and tell them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear.

kjv@Ezekiel:3:15 @ Then I came to them of the captivity at Telabib, that dwelt by the river of Chebar, and I sat where they sat, and remained there astonished among them seven days.

kjv@Ezekiel:3:17 @ Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.

kjv@Ezekiel:3:26 @ And I will make thy tongue cleave to the roof of thy mouth, that thou shalt be dumb, and shalt not be to them a reprover: for they are a rebellious house.

kjv@Ezekiel:4:9 @ Take thou also unto thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentiles, and millet, and fitches, and put them in one vessel, and make thee bread thereof, according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon thy side, three hundred and ninety days shalt thou eat thereof.

kjv@Ezekiel:5:3 @ Thou shalt also take thereof a few in number, and bind them in thy skirts.

kjv@Ezekiel:5:4 @ Then take of them again, and cast them into the midst of the fire, and burn them in the fire; for thereof shall a fire come forth into all the house of Israel.

kjv@Ezekiel:5:16 @ When I shall send upon them the evil arrows of famine, which shall be for their destruction, and which I will send to destroy you: and I will increase the famine upon you, and will break your staff of bread:

kjv@Ezekiel:7:11 @ Violence is risen up into a rod of wickedness: none of them shall remain, nor of their multitude, nor of any of theirs: neither shall there be wailing for them.

kjv@Ezekiel:7:16 @ But they that escape of them shall escape, and shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning, every one for his iniquity.

kjv@Ezekiel:7:19 @ They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.

kjv@Ezekiel:7:27 @ The king shall mourn, and the prince shall be clothed with desolation, and the hands of the people of the land shall be troubled: I will do unto them after their way, and according to their deserts will I judge them; and they shall know that I am the LORD.

kjv@Ezekiel:8:11 @ And there stood before them seventy men of the ancients of the house of Israel, and in the midst of them stood Jaazaniah the son of Shaphan, with every man his censer in his hand; and a thick cloud of incense went up.

kjv@Ezekiel:9:1 @ He cried also in mine ears with a loud voice, saying, Cause them that have charge over the city to draw near, even every man with his destroying weapon in his hand.

kjv@Ezekiel:9:2 @ And, behold, six men came from the way of the higher gate, which lieth toward the north, and every man a slaughter weapon in his hand; and one man among them was clothed with linen, with a writer's inkhorn by his side: and they went in, and stood beside the brasen altar.

kjv@Ezekiel:10:1 @ Then I looked, and, behold, in the firmament that was above the head of the cherubims there appeared over them as it were a sapphire stone, as the appearance of the likeness of a throne.

kjv@Ezekiel:10:2 @ And he spake unto the man clothed with linen, and said, Go in between the wheels, even under the cherub, and fill thine hand with coals of fire from between the cherubims, and scatter them over the city. And he went in in my sight.

kjv@Ezekiel:10:13 @ As for the wheels, it was cried unto them in my hearing, O wheel.

kjv@Ezekiel:10:19 @ And the cherubims lifted up their wings, and mounted up from the earth in my sight: when they went out, the wheels also were beside them, and every one stood at the door of the east gate of the LORD'S house; and the glory of the God of Israel was over them above.

kjv@Ezekiel:11:16 @ Therefore say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Although I have cast them far off among the heathen, and although I have scattered them among the countries, yet will I be to them as a little sanctuary in the countries where they shall come.

kjv@Ezekiel:11:19 @ And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh:

kjv@Ezekiel:11:21 @ But as for them whose heart walketh after the heart of their detestable things and their abominations, I will recompense their way upon their own heads, saith the Lord GOD.

kjv@Ezekiel:11:22 @ Then did the cherubims lift up their wings, and the wheels beside them; and the glory of the God of Israel was over them above.

kjv@Ezekiel:11:24 @ Afterwards the spirit took me up, and brought me in a vision by the Spirit of God into Chaldea, to them of the captivity. So the vision that I had seen went up from me.

kjv@Ezekiel:11:25 @ Then I spake unto them of the captivity all the things that the LORD had shewed me.

kjv@Ezekiel:12:12 @ And the prince that is among them shall bear upon his shoulder in the twilight, and shall go forth: they shall dig through the wall to carry out thereby: he shall cover his face, that he see not the ground with his eyes.

kjv@Ezekiel:12:15 @ And they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall scatter them among the nations, and disperse them in the countries.

kjv@Ezekiel:12:16 @ But I will leave a few men of them from the sword, from the famine, and from the pestilence; that they may declare all their abominations among the heathen whither they come; and they shall know that I am the LORD.

kjv@Ezekiel:12:19 @ And say unto the people of the land, Thus saith the Lord GOD of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and of the land of Israel; They shall eat their bread with carefulness, and drink their water with astonishment, that her land may be desolate from all that is therein, because of the violence of all them that dwell therein.

kjv@Ezekiel:12:23 @ Tell them therefore, Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will make this proverb to cease, and they shall no more use it as a proverb in Israel; but say unto them, The days are at hand, and the effect of every vision.

kjv@Ezekiel:13:2 @ Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel that prophesy, and say thou unto them that prophesy out of their own hearts, Hear ye the word of the LORD;

kjv@Ezekiel:13:11 @ Say unto them which daub it with untempered morter, that it shall fall: there shall be an overflowing shower; and ye, O great hailstones, shall fall; and a stormy wind shall rend it.

kjv@Ezekiel:13:15 @ Thus will I accomplish my wrath upon the wall, and upon them that have daubed it with untempered morter, and will say unto you, The wall is no more, neither they that daubed it;

kjv@Ezekiel:13:20 @ Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against your pillows, wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make them fly.

kjv@Ezekiel:16:19 @ My meat also which I gave thee, fine flour, and oil, and honey, wherewith I fed thee, thou hast even set it before them for a sweet savour: and thus it was, saith the Lord GOD.

kjv@Ezekiel:16:20 @ Moreover thou hast taken thy sons and thy daughters, whom thou hast borne unto me, and these hast thou sacrificed unto them to be devoured. Is this of thy whoredoms a small matter,

kjv@Ezekiel:16:21 @ That thou hast slain my children, and delivered them to cause them to pass through the fire for them?

kjv@Ezekiel:16:27 @ Behold, therefore I have stretched out my hand over thee, and have diminished thine ordinary food, and delivered thee unto the will of them that hate thee, the daughters of the Philistines, which are ashamed of thy lewd way.

kjv@Ezekiel:16:37 @ Behold, therefore I will gather all thy lovers, with whom thou hast taken pleasure, and all them that thou hast loved, with all them that thou hast hated; I will even gather them round about against thee, and will discover thy nakedness unto them, that they may see all thy nakedness.

kjv@Ezekiel:16:50 @ And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good.

kjv@Ezekiel:16:61 @ Then thou shalt remember thy ways, and be ashamed, when thou shalt receive thy sisters, thine elder and thy younger: and I will give them unto thee for daughters, but not by thy covenant.

kjv@Ezekiel:17:12 @ Say now to the rebellious house, Know ye not what these things mean? tell them, Behold, the king of Babylon is come to Jerusalem, and hath taken the king thereof, and the princes thereof, and led them with him to Babylon;

kjv@Ezekiel:18:24 @ But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die.

kjv@Ezekiel:19:11 @ And she had strong rods for the sceptres of them that bare rule, and her stature was exalted among the thick branches, and she appeared in her height with the multitude of her branches.

kjv@Ezekiel:20:4 @ Wilt thou judge them, son of man, wilt thou judge them? cause them to know the abominations of their fathers:

kjv@Ezekiel:20:5 @ And say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; In the day when I chose Israel, and lifted up mine hand unto the seed of the house of Jacob, and made myself known unto them in the land of Egypt, when I lifted up mine hand unto them, saying, I am the LORD your God;

kjv@Ezekiel:20:6 @ In the day that I lifted up mine hand unto them, to bring them forth of the land of Egypt into a land that I had espied for them, flowing with milk and honey, which is the glory of all lands:

kjv@Ezekiel:20:8 @ But they rebelled against me, and would not hearken unto me: they did not every man cast away the abominations of their eyes, neither did they forsake the idols of Egypt: then I said, I will pour out my fury upon them, to accomplish my anger against them in the midst of the land of Egypt.

kjv@Ezekiel:20:9 @ But I wrought for my name's sake, that it should not be polluted before the heathen, among whom they were, in whose sight I made myself known unto them, in bringing them forth out of the land of Egypt.

kjv@Ezekiel:20:10 @ Wherefore I caused them to go forth out of the land of Egypt, and brought them into the wilderness.

kjv@Ezekiel:20:11 @ And I gave them my statutes, and shewed them my judgments, which if a man do, he shall even live in them.

kjv@Ezekiel:20:12 @ Moreover also I gave them my sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the LORD that sanctify them.

kjv@Ezekiel:20:13 @ But the house of Israel rebelled against me in the wilderness: they walked not in my statutes, and they despised my judgments, which if a man do, he shall even live in them; and my sabbaths they greatly polluted: then I said, I would pour out my fury upon them in the wilderness, to consume them.

kjv@Ezekiel:20:14 @ But I wrought for my name's sake, that it should not be polluted before the heathen, in whose sight I brought them out.

kjv@Ezekiel:20:15 @ Yet also I lifted up my hand unto them in the wilderness, that I would not bring them into the land which I had given them, flowing with milk and honey, which is the glory of all lands;

kjv@Ezekiel:20:17 @ Nevertheless mine eye spared them from destroying them, neither did I make an end of them in the wilderness.

kjv@Ezekiel:20:21 @ Notwithstanding the children rebelled against me: they walked not in my statutes, neither kept my judgments to do them, which if a man do, he shall even live in them; they polluted my sabbaths: then I said, I would pour out my fury upon them, to accomplish my anger against them in the wilderness.

kjv@Ezekiel:20:22 @ Nevertheless I withdrew mine hand, and wrought for my name's sake, that it should not be polluted in the sight of the heathen, in whose sight I brought them forth.

kjv@Ezekiel:20:23 @ I lifted up mine hand unto them also in the wilderness, that I would scatter them among the heathen, and disperse them through the countries;

kjv@Ezekiel:20:25 @ Wherefore I gave them also statutes that were not good, and judgments whereby they should not live;

kjv@Ezekiel:20:26 @ And I polluted them in their own gifts, in that they caused to pass through the fire all that openeth the womb, that I might make them desolate, to the end that they might know that I am the LORD.

kjv@Ezekiel:20:28 @ For when I had brought them into the land, for the which I lifted up mine hand to give it to them, then they saw every high hill, and all the thick trees, and they offered there their sacrifices, and there they presented the provocation of their offering: there also they made their sweet savour, and poured out there their drink offerings.

kjv@Ezekiel:20:38 @ And I will purge out from among you the rebels, and them that transgress against me: I will bring them forth out of the country where they sojourn, and they shall not enter into the land of Israel: and ye shall know that I am the LORD.

kjv@Ezekiel:20:40 @ For in mine holy mountain, in the mountain of the height of Israel, saith the Lord GOD, there shall all the house of Israel, all of them in the land, serve me: there will I accept them, and there will I require your offerings, and the firstfruits of your oblations, with all your holy things.

kjv@Ezekiel:21:23 @ And it shall be unto them as a false divination in their sight, to them that have sworn oaths: but he will call to remembrance the iniquity, that they may be taken.

kjv@Ezekiel:21:29 @ Whiles they see vanity unto thee, whiles they divine a lie unto thee, to bring thee upon the necks of them that are slain, of the wicked, whose day is come, when their iniquity shall have an end.

kjv@Ezekiel:22:28 @ And her prophets have daubed them with untempered morter, seeing vanity, and divining lies unto them, saying, Thus saith the Lord GOD, when the LORD hath not spoken.

kjv@Ezekiel:22:31 @ Therefore have I poured out mine indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath: their own way have I recompensed upon their heads, saith the Lord GOD.

kjv@Ezekiel:23:4 @ And the names of them were Aholah the elder, and Aholibah her sister: and they were mine, and they bare sons and daughters. Thus were their names; Samaria is Aholah, and Jerusalem Aholibah.

kjv@Ezekiel:23:6 @ Which were clothed with blue, captains and rulers, all of them desirable young men, horsemen riding upon horses.

kjv@Ezekiel:23:7 @ Thus she committed her whoredoms with them, with all them that were the chosen men of Assyria, and with all on whom she doted: with all their idols she defiled herself.

kjv@Ezekiel:23:12 @ She doted upon the Assyrians her neighbours, captains and rulers clothed most gorgeously, horsemen riding upon horses, all of them desirable young men.

kjv@Ezekiel:23:15 @ Girded with girdles upon their loins, exceeding in dyed attire upon their heads, all of them princes to look to, after the manner of the Babylonians of Chaldea, the land of their nativity:

kjv@Ezekiel:23:16 @ And as soon as she saw them with her eyes, she doted upon them, and sent messengers unto them into Chaldea.

kjv@Ezekiel:23:22 @ Therefore, O Aholibah, thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will raise up thy lovers against thee, from whom thy mind is alienated, and I will bring them against thee on every side;

kjv@Ezekiel:23:23 @ The Babylonians, and all the Chaldeans, Pekod, and Shoa, and Koa, and all the Assyrians with them: all of them desirable young men, captains and rulers, great lords and renowned, all of them riding upon horses.

kjv@Ezekiel:23:28 @ For thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will deliver thee into the hand of them whom thou hatest, into the hand of them from whom thy mind is alienated:

kjv@Ezekiel:23:36 @ The LORD said moreover unto me; Son of man, wilt thou judge Aholah and Aholibah? yea, declare unto them their abominations;

kjv@Ezekiel:23:37 @ That they have committed adultery, and blood is in their hands, and with their idols have they committed adultery, and have also caused their sons, whom they bare unto me, to pass for them through the fire, to devour them.

kjv@Ezekiel:23:45 @ And the righteous men, they shall judge them after the manner of adulteresses, and after the manner of women that shed blood; because they are adulteresses, and blood is in their hands.

kjv@Ezekiel:23:46 @ For thus saith the Lord GOD; I will bring up a company upon them, and will give them to be removed and spoiled.

kjv@Ezekiel:23:47 @ And the company shall stone them with stones, and dispatch them with their swords; they shall slay their sons and their daughters, and burn up their houses with fire.

kjv@Ezekiel:24:5 @ Take the choice of the flock, and burn also the bones under it, and make it boil well, and let them seethe the bones of it therein.

kjv@Ezekiel:24:25 @ Also, thou son of man, shall it not be in the day when I take from them their strength, the joy of their glory, the desire of their eyes, and that whereupon they set their minds, their sons and their daughters,

kjv@Ezekiel:25:10 @ Unto the men of the east with the Ammonites, and will give them in possession, that the Ammonites may not be remembered among the nations.

kjv@Ezekiel:25:17 @ And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.

kjv@Ezekiel:26:20 @ When I shall bring thee down with them that descend into the pit, with the people of old time, and shall set thee in the low parts of the earth, in places desolate of old, with them that go down to the pit, that thou be not inhabited; and I shall set glory in the land of the living;

kjv@Ezekiel:27:31 @ And they shall make themselves utterly bald for thee, and gird them with sackcloth, and they shall weep for thee with bitterness of heart and bitter wailing.

kjv@Ezekiel:28:8 @ They shall bring thee down to the pit, and thou shalt die the deaths of them that are slain in the midst of the seas.

kjv@Ezekiel:28:18 @ Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee.

kjv@Ezekiel:28:25 @ Thus saith the Lord GOD; When I shall have gathered the house of Israel from the people among whom they are scattered, and shall be sanctified in them in the sight of the heathen, then shall they dwell in their land that I have given to my servant Jacob.

kjv@Ezekiel:28:26 @ And they shall dwell safely therein, and shall build houses, and plant vineyards; yea, they shall dwell with confidence, when I have executed judgments upon all those that despise them round about them; and they shall know that I am the LORD their God.

kjv@Ezekiel:29:12 @ And I will make the land of Egypt desolate in the midst of the countries that are desolate, and her cities among the cities that are laid waste shall be desolate forty years: and I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, and will disperse them through the countries.

kjv@Ezekiel:29:14 @ And I will bring again the captivity of Egypt, and will cause them to return into the land of Pathros, into the land of their habitation; and they shall be there a base kingdom.

kjv@Ezekiel:30:5 @ Ethiopia, and Libya, and Lydia, and all the mingled people, and Chub, and the men of the land that is in league, shall fall with them by the sword.

kjv@Ezekiel:30:23 @ And I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, and will disperse them through the countries.

kjv@Ezekiel:30:26 @ And I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, and disperse them among the countries; and they shall know that I am the LORD.

kjv@Ezekiel:31:14 @ To the end that none of all the trees by the waters exalt themselves for their height, neither shoot up their top among the thick boughs, neither their trees stand up in their height, all that drink water: for they are all delivered unto death, to the nether parts of the earth, in the midst of the children of men, with them that go down to the pit.

kjv@Ezekiel:31:16 @ I made the nations to shake at the sound of his fall, when I cast him down to hell with them that descend into the pit: and all the trees of Eden, the choice and best of Lebanon, all that drink water, shall be comforted in the nether parts of the earth.

kjv@Ezekiel:31:17 @ They also went down into hell with him unto them that be slain with the sword; and they that were his arm, that dwelt under his shadow in the midst of the heathen.

kjv@Ezekiel:31:18 @ To whom art thou thus like in glory and in greatness among the trees of Eden? yet shalt thou be brought down with the trees of Eden unto the nether parts of the earth: thou shalt lie in the midst of the uncircumcised with them that be slain by the sword. This is Pharaoh and all his multitude, saith the Lord GOD.

kjv@Ezekiel:32:13 @ I will destroy also all the beasts thereof from beside the great waters; neither shall the foot of man trouble them any more, nor the hoofs of beasts trouble them.

kjv@Ezekiel:32:15 @ When I shall make the land of Egypt desolate, and the country shall be destitute of that whereof it was full, when I shall smite all them that dwell therein, then shall they know that I am the LORD.

kjv@Ezekiel:32:18 @ Son of man, wail for the multitude of Egypt, and cast them down, even her, and the daughters of the famous nations, unto the nether parts of the earth, with them that go down into the pit.

kjv@Ezekiel:32:20 @ They shall fall in the midst of them that are slain by the sword: she is delivered to the sword: draw her and all her multitudes.

kjv@Ezekiel:32:21 @ The strong among the mighty shall speak to him out of the midst of hell with them that help him: they are gone down, they lie uncircumcised, slain by the sword.

kjv@Ezekiel:32:22 @ Asshur is there and all her company: his graves are about him: all of them slain, fallen by the sword:

kjv@Ezekiel:32:23 @ Whose graves are set in the sides of the pit, and her company is round about her grave: all of them slain, fallen by the sword, which caused terror in the land of the living.

kjv@Ezekiel:32:24 @ There is Elam and all her multitude round about her grave, all of them slain, fallen by the sword, which are gone down uncircumcised into the nether parts of the earth, which caused their terror in the land of the living; yet have they borne their shame with them that go down to the pit.

kjv@Ezekiel:32:25 @ They have set her a bed in the midst of the slain with all her multitude: her graves are round about him: all of them uncircumcised, slain by the sword: though their terror was caused in the land of the living, yet have they borne their shame with them that go down to the pit: he is put in the midst of them that be slain.

kjv@Ezekiel:32:26 @ There is Meshech, Tubal, and all her multitude: her graves are round about him: all of them uncircumcised, slain by the sword, though they caused their terror in the land of the living.

kjv@Ezekiel:32:28 @ Yea, thou shalt be broken in the midst of the uncircumcised, and shalt lie with them that are slain with the sword.

kjv@Ezekiel:32:29 @ There is Edom, her kings, and all her princes, which with their might are laid by them that were slain by the sword: they shall lie with the uncircumcised, and with them that go down to the pit.

kjv@Ezekiel:32:30 @ There be the princes of the north, all of them, and all the Zidonians, which are gone down with the slain; with their terror they are ashamed of their might; and they lie uncircumcised with them that be slain by the sword, and bear their shame with them that go down to the pit.

kjv@Ezekiel:32:32 @ For I have caused my terror in the land of the living: and he shall be laid in the midst of the uncircumcised with them that are slain with the sword, even Pharaoh and all his multitude, saith the Lord GOD.

kjv@Ezekiel:33:7 @ So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me.

kjv@Ezekiel:33:32 @ And, lo, thou art unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can play well on an instrument: for they hear thy words, but they do them not.

kjv@Ezekiel:34:3 @ Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool, ye kill them that are fed: but ye feed not the flock.

kjv@Ezekiel:34:10 @ Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against the shepherds; and I will require my flock at their hand, and cause them to cease from feeding the flock; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more; for I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them.

kjv@Ezekiel:34:11 @ For thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek them out.

kjv@Ezekiel:34:12 @ As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered; so will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day.

kjv@Ezekiel:34:13 @ And I will bring them out from the people, and gather them from the countries, and will bring them to their own land, and feed them upon the mountains of Israel by the rivers, and in all the inhabited places of the country.

kjv@Ezekiel:34:14 @ I will feed them in a good pasture, and upon the high mountains of Israel shall their fold be: there shall they lie in a good fold, and in a fat pasture shall they feed upon the mountains of Israel.

kjv@Ezekiel:34:15 @ I will feed my flock, and I will cause them to lie down, saith the Lord GOD.

kjv@Ezekiel:34:16 @ I will seek that which was lost, and bring again that which was driven away, and will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick: but I will destroy the fat and the strong; I will feed them with judgment.

kjv@Ezekiel:34:21 @ Because ye have thrust with side and with shoulder, and pushed all the diseased with your horns, till ye have scattered them abroad;

kjv@Ezekiel:34:25 @ And I will make with them a covenant of peace, and will cause the evil beasts to cease out of the land: and they shall dwell safely in the wilderness, and sleep in the woods.

kjv@Ezekiel:34:26 @ And I will make them and the places round about my hill a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing.

kjv@Ezekiel:34:27 @ And the tree of the field shall yield her fruit, and the earth shall yield her increase, and they shall be safe in their land, and shall know that I am the LORD, when I have broken the bands of their yoke, and delivered them out of the hand of those that served themselves of them.

kjv@Ezekiel:34:28 @ And they shall no more be a prey to the heathen, neither shall the beast of the land devour them; but they shall dwell safely, and none shall make them afraid.

kjv@Ezekiel:34:29 @ And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither bear the shame of the heathen any more.

kjv@Ezekiel:36:12 @ Yea, I will cause men to walk upon you, even my people Israel; and they shall possess thee, and thou shalt be their inheritance, and thou shalt no more henceforth bereave them of men.

kjv@Ezekiel:36:18 @ Wherefore I poured my fury upon them for the blood that they had shed upon the land, and for their idols wherewith they had polluted it:

kjv@Ezekiel:36:19 @ And I scattered them among the heathen, and they were dispersed through the countries: according to their way and according to their doings I judged them.

kjv@Ezekiel:36:37 @ Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will yet for this be enquired of by the house of Israel, to do it for them; I will increase them with men like a flock.

kjv@Ezekiel:37:2 @ And caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold, there were very many in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry.

kjv@Ezekiel:37:8 @ And when I beheld, lo, the sinews and the flesh came up upon them, and the skin covered them above: but there was no breath in them.

kjv@Ezekiel:37:17 @ And join them one to another into one stick; and they shall become one in thine hand.

kjv@Ezekiel:37:19 @ Say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his fellows, and will put them with him, even with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in mine hand.

kjv@Ezekiel:37:21 @ And say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land:

kjv@Ezekiel:37:22 @ And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all:

kjv@Ezekiel:37:23 @ Neither shall they defile themselves any more with their idols, nor with their detestable things, nor with any of their transgressions: but I will save them out of all their dwellingplaces, wherein they have sinned, and will cleanse them: so shall they be my people, and I will be their God.

kjv@Ezekiel:37:26 @ Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.

kjv@Ezekiel:37:28 @ And the heathen shall know that I the LORD do sanctify Israel, when my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore.

kjv@Ezekiel:38:4 @ And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords:

kjv@Ezekiel:38:5 @ Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet:

kjv@Ezekiel:38:11 @ And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates,

kjv@Ezekiel:38:15 @ And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company, and a mighty army:

kjv@Ezekiel:39:6 @ And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am the LORD.

kjv@Ezekiel:39:7 @ So will I make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel.

kjv@Ezekiel:39:9 @ And they that dwell in the cities of Israel shall go forth, and shall set on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and the bucklers, the bows and the arrows, and the handstaves, and the spears, and they shall burn them with fire seven years:

kjv@Ezekiel:39:13 @ Yea, all the people of the land shall bury them; and it shall be to them a renown the day that I shall be glorified, saith the Lord GOD.

kjv@Ezekiel:39:18 @ Ye shall eat the flesh of the mighty, and drink the blood of the princes of the earth, of rams, of lambs, and of goats, of bullocks, all of them fatlings of Bashan.

kjv@Ezekiel:39:23 @ And the heathen shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity: because they trespassed against me, therefore hid I my face from them, and gave them into the hand of their enemies: so fell they all by the sword.

kjv@Ezekiel:39:26 @ After that they have borne their shame, and all their trespasses whereby they have trespassed against me, when they dwelt safely in their land, and none made them afraid.

kjv@Ezekiel:39:27 @ When I have brought them again from the people, and gathered them out of their enemies' lands, and am sanctified in them in the sight of many nations;

kjv@Ezekiel:39:28 @ Then shall they know that I am the LORD their God, which caused them to be led into captivity among the heathen: but I have gathered them unto their own land, and have left none of them any more there.

kjv@Ezekiel:40:4 @ And the man said unto me, Son of man, behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears, and set thine heart upon all that I shall shew thee; for to the intent that I might shew them unto thee art thou brought hither: declare all that thou seest to the house of Israel.

kjv@Ezekiel:42:9 @ And from under these chambers was the entry on the east side, as one goeth into them from the utter court.

kjv@Ezekiel:42:11 @ And the way before them was like the appearance of the chambers which were toward the north, as long as they, and as broad as they: and all their goings out were both according to their fashions, and according to their doors.

kjv@Ezekiel:43:8 @ In their setting of their threshold by my thresholds, and their post by my posts, and the wall between me and them, they have even defiled my holy name by their abominations that they have committed: wherefore I have consumed them in mine anger.

kjv@Ezekiel:43:9 @ Now let them put away their whoredom, and the carcases of their kings, far from me, and I will dwell in the midst of them for ever.

kjv@Ezekiel:43:10 @ Thou son of man, shew the house to the house of Israel, that they may be ashamed of their iniquities: and let them measure the pattern.

kjv@Ezekiel:43:11 @ And if they be ashamed of all that they have done, shew them the form of the house, and the fashion thereof, and the goings out thereof, and the comings in thereof, and all the forms thereof, and all the ordinances thereof, and all the forms thereof, and all the laws thereof: and write it in their sight, that they may keep the whole form thereof, and all the ordinances thereof, and do them.

kjv@Ezekiel:43:24 @ And thou shalt offer them before the LORD, and the priests shall cast salt upon them, and they shall offer them up for a burnt offering unto the LORD.

kjv@Ezekiel:44:11 @ Yet they shall be ministers in my sanctuary, having charge at the gates of the house, and ministering to the house: they shall slay the burnt offering and the sacrifice for the people, and they shall stand before them to minister unto them.

kjv@Ezekiel:44:12 @ Because they ministered unto them before their idols, and caused the house of Israel to fall into iniquity; therefore have I lifted up mine hand against them, saith the Lord GOD, and they shall bear their iniquity.

kjv@Ezekiel:44:14 @ But I will make them keepers of the charge of the house, for all the service thereof, and for all that shall be done therein.

kjv@Ezekiel:44:19 @ And when they go forth into the utter court, even into the utter court to the people, they shall put off their garments wherein they ministered, and lay them in the holy chambers, and they shall put on other garments; and they shall not sanctify the people with their garments.

kjv@Ezekiel:44:23 @ And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.

kjv@Ezekiel:44:28 @ And it shall be unto them for an inheritance: I am their inheritance: and ye shall give them no possession in Israel: I am their possession.

kjv@Ezekiel:46:18 @ Moreover the prince shall not take of the people's inheritance by oppression, to thrust them out of their possession; but he shall give his sons inheritance out of his own possession: that my people be not scattered every man from his possession.

kjv@Ezekiel:46:20 @ Then said he unto me, This is the place where the priests shall boil the trespass offering and the sin offering, where they shall bake the meat offering; that they bear them not out into the utter court, to sanctify the people.

kjv@Ezekiel:46:23 @ And there was a row of building round about in them, round about them four, and it was made with boiling places under the rows round about.

kjv@Ezekiel:46:24 @ Then said he unto me, These are the places of them that boil, where the ministers of the house shall boil the sacrifice of the people.

kjv@Ezekiel:48:12 @ And this oblation of the land that is offered shall be unto them a thing most holy by the border of the Levites.

kjv@Ezekiel:48:18 @ And the residue in length over against the oblation of the holy portion shall be ten thousand eastward, and ten thousand westward: and it shall be over against the oblation of the holy portion; and the increase thereof shall be for food unto them that serve the city.

kjv@Daniel:1:4 @ Children in whom was no blemish, but well favoured, and skilful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the king's palace, and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans.

kjv@Daniel:1:5 @ And the king appointed them a daily provision of the king's meat, and of the wine which he drank: so nourishing them three years, that at the end thereof they might stand before the king.

kjv@Daniel:1:12 @ Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days; and let them give us pulse to eat, and water to drink.

kjv@Daniel:1:14 @ So he consented to them in this matter, and proved them ten days.

kjv@Daniel:1:16 @ Thus Melzar took away the portion of their meat, and the wine that they should drink; and gave them pulse.

kjv@Daniel:1:17 @ As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.

kjv@Daniel:1:18 @ Now at the end of the days that the king had said he should bring them in, then the prince of the eunuchs brought them in before Nebuchadnezzar.

kjv@Daniel:1:19 @ And the king communed with them; and among them all was found none like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah: therefore stood they before the king.

kjv@Daniel:1:20 @ And in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king enquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm.

kjv@Daniel:2:21 @ And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:

kjv@Daniel:2:34 @ Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.

kjv@Daniel:2:35 @ Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.

kjv@Daniel:2:38 @ And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou art this head of gold.

kjv@Daniel:3:20 @ And he commanded the most mighty men that were in his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and to cast them into the burning fiery furnace.

kjv@Daniel:4:19 @ Then Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, was astonied for one hour, and his thoughts troubled him. The king spake, and said, Belteshazzar, let not the dream, or the interpretation thereof, trouble thee. Belteshazzar answered and said, My lord, the dream be to them that hate thee, and the interpretation thereof to thine enemies.

kjv@Daniel:6:24 @ And the king commanded, and they brought those men which had accused Daniel, and they cast them into the den of lions, them, their children, and their wives; and the lions had the mastery of them, and brake all their bones in pieces or ever they came at the bottom of the den.

kjv@Daniel:7:8 @ I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.

kjv@Daniel:7:16 @ I came near unto one of them that stood by, and asked him the truth of all this. So he told me, and made me know the interpretation of the things.

kjv@Daniel:8:9 @ And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land.

kjv@Daniel:9:4 @ And I prayed unto the LORD my God, and made my confession, and said, O Lord, the great and dreadful God, keeping the covenant and mercy to them that love him, and to them that keep his commandments;

kjv@Daniel:11:24 @ He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.

kjv@Daniel:11:30 @ For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant.

kjv@Daniel:11:34 @ Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries.

kjv@Daniel:11:35 @ And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.

kjv@Daniel:11:39 @ Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.

kjv@Daniel:12:2 @ And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

kjv@Hosea:1:6 @ And she conceived again, and bare a daughter. And God said unto him, Call her name Loruhamah: for I will no more have mercy upon the house of Israel; but I will utterly take them away.

kjv@Hosea:1:7 @ But I will have mercy upon the house of Judah, and will save them by the LORD their God, and will not save them by bow, nor by sword, nor by battle, by horses, nor by horsemen.

kjv@Hosea:2:5 @ For their mother hath played the harlot: she that conceived them hath done shamefully: for she said, I will go after my lovers, that give me my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, mine oil and my drink.

kjv@Hosea:2:12 @ And I will destroy her vines and her fig trees, whereof she hath said, These are my rewards that my lovers have given me: and I will make them a forest, and the beasts of the field shall eat them.

kjv@Hosea:2:18 @ And in that day will I make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven, and with the creeping things of the ground: and I will break the bow and the sword and the battle out of the earth, and will make them to lie down safely.

kjv@Hosea:2:23 @ And I will sow her unto me in the earth; and I will have mercy upon her that had not obtained mercy; and I will say to them which were not my people, Thou art my people; and they shall say, Thou art my God.

kjv@Hosea:4:9 @ And there shall be, like people, like priest: and I will punish them for their ways, and reward them their doings.

kjv@Hosea:4:12 @ My people ask counsel at their stocks, and their staff declareth unto them: for the spirit of whoredoms hath caused them to err, and they have gone a whoring from under their God.

kjv@Hosea:4:16 @ For Israel slideth back as a backsliding heifer: now the LORD will feed them as a lamb in a large place.

kjv@Hosea:5:2 @ And the revolters are profound to make slaughter, though I have been a rebuker of them all.

kjv@Hosea:5:7 @ They have dealt treacherously against the LORD: for they have begotten strange children: now shall a month devour them with their portions.

kjv@Hosea:5:10 @ The princes of Judah were like them that remove the bound: therefore I will pour out my wrath upon them like water.

kjv@Hosea:6:5 @ Therefore have I hewed them by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of my mouth: and thy judgments are as the light that goeth forth.

kjv@Hosea:6:8 @ Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity, and is polluted with blood.

kjv@Hosea:7:2 @ And they consider not in their hearts that I remember all their wickedness: now their own doings have beset them about; they are before my face.

kjv@Hosea:7:7 @ They are all hot as an oven, and have devoured their judges; all their kings are fallen: there is none among them that calleth unto me.

kjv@Hosea:7:12 @ When they shall go, I will spread my net upon them; I will bring them down as the fowls of the heaven; I will chastise them, as their congregation hath heard.

kjv@Hosea:8:4 @ They have set up kings, but not by me: they have made princes, and I knew it not: of their silver and their gold have they made them idols, that they may be cut off.

kjv@Hosea:8:13 @ They sacrifice flesh for the sacrifices of mine offerings, and eat it; but the LORD accepteth them not; now will he remember their iniquity, and visit their sins: they shall return to Egypt.

kjv@Hosea:9:4 @ They shall not offer wine offerings to the LORD, neither shall they be pleasing unto him: their sacrifices shall be unto them as the bread of mourners; all that eat thereof shall be polluted: for their bread for their soul shall not come into the house of the LORD.

kjv@Hosea:9:6 @ For, lo, they are gone because of destruction: Egypt shall gather them up, Memphis shall bury them: the pleasant places for their silver, nettles shall possess them: thorns shall be in their tabernacles.

kjv@Hosea:9:12 @ Though they bring up their children, yet will I bereave them, that there shall not be a man left: yea, woe also to them when I depart from them!

kjv@Hosea:9:14 @ Give them, O LORD: what wilt thou give? give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts.

kjv@Hosea:9:15 @ All their wickedness is in Gilgal: for there I hated them: for the wickedness of their doings I will drive them out of mine house, I will love them no more: all their princes are revolters.

kjv@Hosea:9:17 @ My God will cast them away, because they did not hearken unto him: and they shall be wanderers among the nations.

kjv@Hosea:11:3 @ I taught Ephraim also to go, taking them by their arms; but they knew not that I healed them.

kjv@Hosea:11:4 @ I drew them with cords of a man, with bands of love: and I was to them as they that take off the yoke on their jaws, and I laid meat unto them.

kjv@Hosea:11:7 @ And my people are bent to backsliding from me: though they called them to the most High, none at all would exalt him.

kjv@Hosea:11:11 @ They shall tremble as a bird out of Egypt, and as a dove out of the land of Assyria: and I will place them in their houses, saith the LORD.

kjv@Hosea:13:2 @ And now they sin more and more, and have made them molten images of their silver, and idols according to their own understanding, all of it the work of the craftsmen: they say of them, Let the men that sacrifice kiss the calves.

kjv@Hosea:13:7 @ Therefore I will be unto them as a lion: as a leopard by the way will I observe them:

kjv@Hosea:13:8 @ I will meet them as a bear that is bereaved of her whelps, and will rend the caul of their heart, and there will I devour them like a lion: the wild beast shall tear them.

kjv@Hosea:13:14 @ I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death: O death, I will be thy plagues; O grave, I will be thy destruction: repentance shall be hid from mine eyes.

kjv@Hosea:14:4 @ I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely: for mine anger is turned away from him.

kjv@Joel:2:3 @ A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them.

kjv@Joel:2:4 @ The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run.

kjv@Joel:2:17 @ Let the priests, the ministers of the LORD, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare thy people, O LORD, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God?

kjv@Joel:3:2 @ I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.

kjv@Joel:3:6 @ The children also of Judah and the children of Jerusalem have ye sold unto the Grecians, that ye might remove them far from their border.

kjv@Joel:3:7 @ Behold, I will raise them out of the place whither ye have sold them, and will return your recompence upon your own head:

kjv@Joel:3:8 @ And I will sell your sons and your daughters into the hand of the children of Judah, and they shall sell them to the Sabeans, to a people far off: for the LORD hath spoken it.

kjv@Joel:3:9 @ Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up:

kjv@Amos:1:6 @ Thus saith the LORD; For three transgressions of Gaza, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof; because they carried away captive the whole captivity, to deliver them up to Edom:

kjv@Amos:2:4 @ Thus saith the LORD; For three transgressions of Judah, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof; because they have despised the law of the LORD, and have not kept his commandments, and their lies caused them to err, after the which their fathers have walked:

kjv@Amos:4:3 @ And ye shall go out at the breaches, every cow at that which is before her; and ye shall cast them into the palace, saith the LORD.

kjv@Amos:5:8 @ Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name:

kjv@Amos:6:1 @ Woe to them that are at ease in Zion, and trust in the mountain of Samaria, which are named chief of the nations, to whom the house of Israel came!

kjv@Amos:6:7 @ Therefore now shall they go captive with the first that go captive, and the banquet of them that stretched themselves shall be removed.

kjv@Amos:7:8 @ And the LORD said unto me, Amos, what seest thou? And I said, A plumbline. Then said the Lord, Behold, I will set a plumbline in the midst of my people Israel: I will not again pass by them any more:

kjv@Amos:8:2 @ And he said, Amos, what seest thou? And I said, A basket of summer fruit. Then said the LORD unto me, The end is come upon my people of Israel; I will not again pass by them any more.

kjv@Amos:8:3 @ And the songs of the temple shall be howlings in that day, saith the Lord GOD: there shall be many dead bodies in every place; they shall cast them forth with silence.

kjv@Amos:9:1 @ I saw the Lord standing upon the altar: and he said, Smite the lintel of the door, that the posts may shake: and cut them in the head, all of them; and I will slay the last of them with the sword: he that fleeth of them shall not flee away, and he that escapeth of them shall not be delivered.

kjv@Amos:9:2 @ Though they dig into hell, thence shall mine hand take them; though they climb up to heaven, thence will I bring them down:

kjv@Amos:9:3 @ And though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel, I will search and take them out thence; and though they be hid from my sight in the bottom of the sea, thence will I command the serpent, and he shall bite them:

kjv@Amos:9:4 @ And though they go into captivity before their enemies, thence will I command the sword, and it shall slay them: and I will set mine eyes upon them for evil, and not for good.

kjv@Amos:9:6 @ It is he that buildeth his stories in the heaven, and hath founded his troop in the earth; he that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name.

kjv@Amos:9:15 @ And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the LORD thy God.

kjv@Jonah:1:3 @ But Jonah rose up to flee unto Tarshish from the presence of the LORD, and went down to Joppa; and he found a ship going to Tarshish: so he paid the fare thereof, and went down into it, to go with them unto Tarshish from the presence of the LORD.

kjv@Jonah:3:5 @ So the people of Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them even to the least of them.

kjv@Jonah:3:7 @ And he caused it to be proclaimed and published through Nineveh by the decree of the king and his nobles, saying, Let neither man nor beast, herd nor flock, taste any thing: let them not feed, nor drink water:

kjv@Jonah:3:8 @ But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily unto God: yea, let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands.

kjv@Micah:2:1 @ Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds! when the morning is light, they practise it, because it is in the power of their hand.

kjv@Micah:2:2 @ And they covet fields, and take them by violence; and houses, and take them away: so they oppress a man and his house, even a man and his heritage.

kjv@Micah:2:6 @ Prophesy ye not, say they to them that prophesy: they shall not prophesy to them, that they shall not take shame.

kjv@Micah:2:8 @ Even of late my people is risen up as an enemy: ye pull off the robe with the garment from them that pass by securely as men averse from war.

kjv@Micah:2:12 @ I will surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee; I will surely gather the remnant of Israel; I will put them together as the sheep of Bozrah, as the flock in the midst of their fold: they shall make great noise by reason of the multitude of men.

kjv@Micah:3:3 @ Who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them; and they break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron.

kjv@Micah:3:4 @ Then shall they cry unto the LORD, but he will not hear them: he will even hide his face from them at that time, as they have behaved themselves ill in their doings.

kjv@Micah:4:4 @ But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the LORD of hosts hath spoken it.

kjv@Micah:4:7 @ And I will make her that halted a remnant, and her that was cast far off a strong nation: and the LORD shall reign over them in mount Zion from henceforth, even for ever.

kjv@Micah:4:12 @ But they know not the thoughts of the LORD, neither understand they his counsel: for he shall gather them as the sheaves into the floor.

kjv@Micah:5:3 @ Therefore will he give them up, until the time that she which travaileth hath brought forth: then the remnant of his brethren shall return unto the children of Israel.

kjv@Micah:6:11 @ Shall I count them pure with the wicked balances, and with the bag of deceitful weights?

kjv@Micah:7:4 @ The best of them is as a brier: the most upright is sharper than a thorn hedge: the day of thy watchmen and thy visitation cometh; now shall be their perplexity.

kjv@Micah:7:13 @ Notwithstanding the land shall be desolate because of them that dwell therein, for the fruit of their doings.

kjv@Micah:7:14 @ Feed thy people with thy rod, the flock of thine heritage, which dwell solitarily in the wood, in the midst of Carmel: let them feed in Bashan and Gilead, as in the days of old.

kjv@Nahum:1:7 @ The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.

kjv@Nahum:2:2 @ For the LORD hath turned away the excellency of Jacob, as the excellency of Israel: for the emptiers have emptied them out, and marred their vine branches.

kjv@Nahum:2:10 @ She is empty, and void, and waste: and the heart melteth, and the knees smite together, and much pain is in all loins, and the faces of them all gather blackness.

kjv@Nahum:2:11 @ Where is the dwelling of the lions, and the feedingplace of the young lions, where the lion, even the old lion, walked, and the lion's whelp, and none made them afraid?

kjv@Habakkuk:1:12 @ Art thou not from everlasting, O LORD my God, mine Holy One? we shall not die. O LORD, thou hast ordained them for judgment; and, O mighty God, thou hast established them for correction.

kjv@Habakkuk:1:13 @ Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity: wherefore lookest thou upon them that deal treacherously, and holdest thy tongue when the wicked devoureth the man that is more righteous than he?

kjv@Habakkuk:1:15 @ They take up all of them with the angle, they catch them in their net, and gather them in their drag: therefore they rejoice and are glad.

kjv@Habakkuk:1:16 @ Therefore they sacrifice unto their net, and burn incense unto their drag; because by them their portion is fat, and their meat plenteous.

kjv@Habakkuk:2:17 @ For the violence of Lebanon shall cover thee, and the spoil of beasts, which made them afraid, because of men's blood, and for the violence of the land, of the city, and of all that dwell therein.

kjv@Habakkuk:3:16 @ When I heard, my belly trembled; my lips quivered at the voice: rottenness entered into my bones, and I trembled in myself, that I might rest in the day of trouble: when he cometh up unto the people, he will invade them with his troops.

kjv@Zephaniah:1:5 @ And them that worship the host of heaven upon the housetops; and them that worship and that swear by the LORD, and that swear by Malcham;

kjv@Zephaniah:1:6 @ And them that are turned back from the LORD; and those that have not sought the LORD, nor enquired for him.

kjv@Zephaniah:1:18 @ Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD'S wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land.

kjv@Zephaniah:3:8 @ Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.

kjv@Zephaniah:3:11 @ In that day shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy doings, wherein thou hast transgressed against me: for then I will take away out of the midst of thee them that rejoice in thy pride, and thou shalt no more be haughty because of my holy mountain.

kjv@Zephaniah:3:13 @ The remnant of Israel shall not do iniquity, nor speak lies; neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth: for they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid.

kjv@Zephaniah:3:18 @ I will gather them that are sorrowful for the solemn assembly, who are of thee, to whom the reproach of it was a burden.

kjv@Zephaniah:3:19 @ Behold, at that time I will undo all that afflict thee: and I will save her that halteth, and gather her that was driven out; and I will get them praise and fame in every land where they have been put to shame.

kjv@Zechariah:3:5 @ And I said, Let them set a fair mitre upon his head. So they set a fair mitre upon his head, and clothed him with garments. And the angel of the LORD stood by.

kjv@Zechariah:6:10 @ Take of them of the captivity, even of Heldai, of Tobijah, and of Jedaiah, which are come from Babylon, and come thou the same day, and go into the house of Josiah the son of Zephaniah;

kjv@Zechariah:6:11 @ Then take silver and gold, and make crowns, and set them upon the head of Joshua the son of Josedech, the high priest;

kjv@Zechariah:6:13 @ Even he shall build the temple of the LORD; and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.

kjv@Zechariah:7:14 @ But I scattered them with a whirlwind among all the nations whom they knew not. Thus the land was desolate after them, that no man passed through nor returned: for they laid the pleasant land desolate.

kjv@Zechariah:9:8 @ And I will encamp about mine house because of the army, because of him that passeth by, and because of him that returneth: and no oppressor shall pass through them any more: for now have I seen with mine eyes.

kjv@Zechariah:9:16 @ And the LORD their God shall save them in that day as the flock of his people: for they shall be as the stones of a crown, lifted up as an ensign upon his land.

kjv@Zechariah:10:1 @ Ask ye of the LORD rain in the time of the latter rain; so the LORD shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one grass in the field.

kjv@Zechariah:10:3 @ Mine anger was kindled against the shepherds, and I punished the goats: for the LORD of hosts hath visited his flock the house of Judah, and hath made them as his goodly horse in the battle.

kjv@Zechariah:10:6 @ And I will strengthen the house of Judah, and I will save the house of Joseph, and I will bring them again to place them; for I have mercy upon them: and they shall be as though I had not cast them off: for I am the LORD their God, and will hear them.

kjv@Zechariah:10:9 @ And I will sow them among the people: and they shall remember me in far countries; and they shall live with their children, and turn again.

kjv@Zechariah:10:10 @ I will bring them again also out of the land of Egypt, and gather them out of Assyria; and I will bring them into the land of Gilead and Lebanon; and place shall not be found for them.

kjv@Zechariah:10:12 @ And I will strengthen them in the LORD; and they shall walk up and down in his name, saith the LORD.

kjv@Zechariah:11:5 @ Whose possessors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty: and they that sell them say, Blessed be the LORD; for I am rich: and their own shepherds pity them not.

kjv@Zechariah:11:13 @ And the LORD said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a goodly price that I was prised at of them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORD.

kjv@Zechariah:12:8 @ In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them.

kjv@Zechariah:13:9 @ And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God.

kjv@Zechariah:14:8 @ And it shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea: in summer and in winter shall it be.

kjv@Zechariah:14:17 @ And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain.

kjv@Malachi:2:2 @ If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith the LORD of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart.

kjv@Malachi:2:5 @ My covenant was with him of life and peace; and I gave them to him for the fear wherewith he feared me, and was afraid before my name.

kjv@Malachi:3:3 @ And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness.

kjv@Malachi:3:16 @ Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.

kjv@Malachi:4:1 @ For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.

kjv@Matthew:2:4 @ And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born.

kjv@Matthew:2:7 @ Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared.

kjv@Matthew:2:8 @ And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also.

kjv@Matthew:4:16 @ The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.

kjv@Matthew:5:21 @ Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment:

kjv@Matthew:5:27 @ Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:

kjv@Matthew:5:33 @ Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths:

kjv@Matthew:5:44 @ But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

kjv@Matthew:5:46 @ For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?

kjv@Matthew:7:6 @ Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

kjv@Matthew:7:11 @ If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?

kjv@Matthew:7:16 @ Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

kjv@Matthew:7:26 @ And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:

kjv@Matthew:7:29 @ For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.

kjv@Matthew:8:10 @ When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.

kjv@Matthew:8:30 @ And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding.

kjv@Matthew:8:33 @ And they that kept them fled, and went their ways into the city, and told every thing, and what was befallen to the possessed of the devils.

kjv@Matthew:10:1 @ And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.

kjv@Matthew:10:18 @ And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles.

kjv@Matthew:10:21 @ And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.

kjv@Matthew:10:25 @ It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household?

kjv@Matthew:10:26 @ Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.

kjv@Matthew:10:28 @ And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

kjv@Matthew:10:29 @ Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.

kjv@Matthew:11:11 @ Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

kjv@Matthew:11:25 @ At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.

kjv@Matthew:12:4 @ How he entered into the house of God, and did eat the shewbread, which was not lawful for him to eat, neither for them which were with him, but only for the priests?

kjv@Matthew:12:15 @ But when Jesus knew it, he withdrew himself from thence: and great multitudes followed him, and he healed them all;

kjv@Matthew:12:16 @ And charged them that they should not make him known:

kjv@Matthew:12:27 @ And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges.

kjv@Matthew:13:3 @ And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow;

kjv@Matthew:13:4 @ And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up:

kjv@Matthew:13:10 @ And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?

kjv@Matthew:13:11 @ He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

kjv@Matthew:13:13 @ Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.

kjv@Matthew:13:14 @ And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:

kjv@Matthew:13:28 @ He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?

kjv@Matthew:13:30 @ Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

kjv@Matthew:13:39 @ The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.

kjv@Matthew:13:41 @ The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;

kjv@Matthew:13:42 @ And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

kjv@Matthew:13:50 @ And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

kjv@Matthew:13:54 @ And when he was come into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this man this wisdom, and these mighty works?

kjv@Matthew:14:9 @ And the king was sorry: nevertheless for the oath's sake, and them which sat with him at meat, he commanded it to be given her.

kjv@Matthew:14:16 @ But Jesus said unto them, They need not depart; give ye them to eat.

kjv@Matthew:14:18 @ He said, Bring them hither to me.

kjv@Matthew:15:14 @ Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

kjv@Matthew:15:30 @ And great multitudes came unto him, having with them those that were lame, blind, dumb, maimed, and many others, and cast them down at Jesus' feet; and he healed them:

kjv@Matthew:15:32 @ Then Jesus called his disciples unto him, and said, I have compassion on the multitude, because they continue with me now three days, and have nothing to eat: and I will not send them away fasting, lest they faint in the way.

kjv@Matthew:16:1 @ The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven.

kjv@Matthew:16:12 @ Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.

kjv@Matthew:17:1 @ And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart,

kjv@Matthew:17:3 @ And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him.

kjv@Matthew:17:13 @ Then the disciples understood that he spake unto them of John the Baptist.

kjv@Matthew:17:27 @ Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me and thee.

kjv@Matthew:18:8 @ Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.

kjv@Matthew:18:12 @ How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray?

kjv@Matthew:18:19 @ Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

kjv@Matthew:19:2 @ And great multitudes followed him; and he healed them there.

kjv@Matthew:19:4 @ And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,

kjv@Matthew:19:14 @ But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

kjv@Matthew:20:2 @ And when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard.

kjv@Matthew:20:8 @ So when even was come, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the labourers, and give them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first.

kjv@Matthew:20:12 @ Saying, These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day.

kjv@Matthew:20:23 @ And he saith unto them, Ye shall drink indeed of my cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with: but to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father.

kjv@Matthew:20:25 @ But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them.

kjv@Matthew:21:2 @ Saying unto them, Go into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them unto me.

kjv@Matthew:21:7 @ And brought the ass, and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and they set him thereon.

kjv@Matthew:21:8 @ And a very great multitude spread their garments in the way; others cut down branches from the trees, and strawed them in the way.

kjv@Matthew:21:12 @ And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,

kjv@Matthew:21:31 @ Whether of them twain did the will of his father? They say unto him, The first. Jesus saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you.

kjv@Matthew:21:36 @ Again, he sent other servants more than the first: and they did unto them likewise.

kjv@Matthew:21:37 @ But last of all he sent unto them his son, saying, They will reverence my son.

kjv@Matthew:22:1 @ And Jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables, and said,

kjv@Matthew:22:3 @ And sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and they would not come.

kjv@Matthew:22:4 @ Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage.

kjv@Matthew:22:6 @ And the remnant took his servants, and entreated them spitefully, and slew them.

kjv@Matthew:23:4 @ For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.

kjv@Matthew:23:13 @ But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.

kjv@Matthew:23:26 @ Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.

kjv@Matthew:23:30 @ And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.

kjv@Matthew:23:31 @ Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.

kjv@Matthew:23:34 @ Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:

kjv@Matthew:23:37 @ O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

kjv@Matthew:24:16 @ Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:

kjv@Matthew:24:19 @ And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!

kjv@Matthew:24:39 @ And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

kjv@Matthew:24:45 @ Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?

kjv@Matthew:25:2 @ And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.

kjv@Matthew:25:9 @ But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.

kjv@Matthew:25:14 @ For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.

kjv@Matthew:25:16 @ Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents.

kjv@Matthew:25:20 @ And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.

kjv@Matthew:25:32 @ And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

kjv@Matthew:25:34 @ Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

kjv@Matthew:25:41 @ Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

kjv@Matthew:26:22 @ And they were exceeding sorrowful, and began every one of them to say unto him, Lord, is it I?

kjv@Matthew:26:36 @ Then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane, and saith unto the disciples, Sit ye here, while I go and pray yonder.

kjv@Matthew:26:40 @ And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour?

kjv@Matthew:26:43 @ And he came and found them asleep again: for their eyes were heavy.

kjv@Matthew:26:48 @ Now he that betrayed him gave them a sign, saying, Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same is he: hold him fast.

kjv@Matthew:26:51 @ And, behold, one of them which were with Jesus stretched out his hand, and drew his sword, and struck a servant of the high priest's, and smote off his ear.

kjv@Matthew:26:70 @ But he denied before them all, saying, I know not what thou sayest.

kjv@Matthew:26:71 @ And when he was gone out into the porch, another maid saw him, and said unto them that were there, This fellow was also with Jesus of Nazareth.

kjv@Matthew:27:6 @ And the chief priests took the silver pieces, and said, It is not lawful for to put them into the treasury, because it is the price of blood.

kjv@Matthew:27:7 @ And they took counsel, and bought with them the potter's field, to bury strangers in.

kjv@Matthew:27:10 @ And gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord appointed me.

kjv@Matthew:27:47 @ Some of them that stood there, when they heard that, said, This man calleth for Elias.

kjv@Matthew:27:48 @ And straightway one of them ran, and took a spunge, and filled it with vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink.

kjv@Matthew:28:19 @ Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

kjv@Matthew:28:20 @ Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

kjv@Mark:1:22 @ And they were astonished at his doctrine: for he taught them as one that had authority, and not as the scribes.

kjv@Mark:1:32 @ And at even, when the sun did set, they brought unto him all that were diseased, and them that were possessed with devils.

kjv@Mark:2:12 @ And immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went forth before them all; insomuch that they were all amazed, and glorified God, saying, We never saw it on this fashion.

kjv@Mark:2:26 @ How he went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar the high priest, and did eat the shewbread, which is not lawful to eat but for the priests, and gave also to them which were with him?

kjv@Mark:3:5 @ And when he had looked round about on them with anger, being grieved for the hardness of their hearts, he saith unto the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it out: and his hand was restored whole as the other.

kjv@Mark:3:12 @ And he straitly charged them that they should not make him known.

kjv@Mark:3:14 @ And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach,

kjv@Mark:3:17 @ And James the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James; and he surnamed them Boanerges, which is, The sons of thunder:

kjv@Mark:3:23 @ And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan?

kjv@Mark:3:34 @ And he looked round about on them which sat about him, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren!

kjv@Mark:4:2 @ And he taught them many things by parables, and said unto them in his doctrine,

kjv@Mark:4:11 @ And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:

kjv@Mark:5:10 @ And he besought him much that he would not send them away out of the country.

kjv@Mark:5:13 @ And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea, (they were about two thousand;) and were choked in the sea.

kjv@Mark:5:16 @ And they that saw it told them how it befell to him that was possessed with the devil, and also concerning the swine.

kjv@Mark:5:19 @ Howbeit Jesus suffered him not, but saith unto him, Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee.

kjv@Mark:5:38 @ And he cometh to the house of the ruler of the synagogue, and seeth the tumult, and them that wept and wailed greatly.

kjv@Mark:5:40 @ And they laughed him to scorn. But when he had put them all out, he taketh the father and the mother of the damsel, and them that were with him, and entereth in where the damsel was lying.

kjv@Mark:5:43 @ And he charged them straitly that no man should know it; and commanded that something should be given her to eat.

kjv@Mark:6:7 @ And he called unto him the twelve, and began to send them forth by two and two; and gave them power over unclean spirits;

kjv@Mark:6:8 @ And commanded them that they should take nothing for their journey, save a staff only; no scrip, no bread, no money in their purse:

kjv@Mark:6:22 @ And when the daughter of the said Herodias came in, and danced, and pleased Herod and them that sat with him, the king said unto the damsel, Ask of me whatsoever thou wilt, and I will give it thee.

kjv@Mark:6:33 @ And the people saw them departing, and many knew him, and ran afoot thither out of all cities, and outwent them, and came together unto him.

kjv@Mark:6:34 @ And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things.

kjv@Mark:6:36 @ Send them away, that they may go into the country round about, and into the villages, and buy themselves bread: for they have nothing to eat.

kjv@Mark:6:37 @ He answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they say unto him, Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat?

kjv@Mark:6:39 @ And he commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon the green grass.

kjv@Mark:6:41 @ And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all.

kjv@Mark:6:46 @ And when he had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray.

kjv@Mark:6:48 @ And he saw them toiling in rowing; for the wind was contrary unto them: and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them.

kjv@Mark:6:51 @ And he went up unto them into the ship; and the wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure, and wondered.

kjv@Mark:7:36 @ And he charged them that they should tell no man: but the more he charged them, so much the more a great deal they published it;

kjv@Mark:8:3 @ And if I send them away fasting to their own houses, they will faint by the way: for divers of them came from far.

kjv@Mark:8:6 @ And he commanded the people to sit down on the ground: and he took the seven loaves, and gave thanks, and brake, and gave to his disciples to set before them; and they did set them before the people.

kjv@Mark:8:7 @ And they had a few small fishes: and he blessed, and commanded to set them also before them.

kjv@Mark:8:9 @ And they that had eaten were about four thousand: and he sent them away.

kjv@Mark:8:14 @ Now the disciples had forgotten to take bread, neither had they in the ship with them more than one loaf.

kjv@Mark:8:30 @ And he charged them that they should tell no man of him.

kjv@Mark:9:1 @ And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power.

kjv@Mark:9:2 @ And after six days Jesus taketh with him Peter, and James, and John, and leadeth them up into an high mountain apart by themselves: and he was transfigured before them.

kjv@Mark:9:4 @ And there appeared unto them Elias with Moses: and they were talking with Jesus.

kjv@Mark:9:9 @ And as they came down from the mountain, he charged them that they should tell no man what things they had seen, till the Son of man were risen from the dead.

kjv@Mark:10:1 @ And he arose from thence, and cometh into the coasts of Judaea by the farther side of Jordan: and the people resort unto him again; and, as he was wont, he taught them again.

kjv@Mark:10:6 @ But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.

kjv@Mark:10:14 @ But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.

kjv@Mark:10:16 @ And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them.

kjv@Mark:10:24 @ And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!

kjv@Mark:10:27 @ And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.

kjv@Mark:10:32 @ And they were in the way going up to Jerusalem; and Jesus went before them: and they were amazed; and as they followed, they were afraid. And he took again the twelve, and began to tell them what things should happen unto him,

kjv@Mark:10:40 @ But to sit on my right hand and on my left hand is not mine to give; but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared.

kjv@Mark:10:42 @ But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them, Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great ones exercise authority upon them.

kjv@Mark:11:5 @ And certain of them that stood there said unto them, What do ye, loosing the colt?

kjv@Mark:11:6 @ And they said unto them even as Jesus had commanded: and they let them go.

kjv@Mark:11:8 @ And many spread their garments in the way: and others cut down branches off the trees, and strawed them in the way.

kjv@Mark:11:15 @ And they come to Jerusalem: and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves;

kjv@Mark:12:1 @ And he began to speak unto them by parables. A certain man planted a vineyard, and set an hedge about it, and digged a place for the winefat, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country.

kjv@Mark:12:4 @ And again he sent unto them another servant; and at him they cast stones, and wounded him in the head, and sent him away shamefully handled.

kjv@Mark:12:28 @ And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all?

kjv@Mark:12:38 @ And he said unto them in his doctrine, Beware of the scribes, which love to go in long clothing, and love salutations in the marketplaces,

kjv@Mark:13:5 @ And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you:

kjv@Mark:13:12 @ Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death.

kjv@Mark:13:14 @ But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:

kjv@Mark:13:17 @ But woe to them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!

kjv@Mark:14:7 @ For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may do them good: but me ye have not always.

kjv@Mark:14:37 @ And he cometh, and findeth them sleeping, and saith unto Peter, Simon, sleepest thou? couldest not thou watch one hour?

kjv@Mark:14:40 @ And when he returned, he found them asleep again, (for their eyes were heavy,) neither wist they what to answer him.

kjv@Mark:14:44 @ And he that betrayed him had given them a token, saying, Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same is he; take him, and lead him away safely.

kjv@Mark:14:47 @ And one of them that stood by drew a sword, and smote a servant of the high priest, and cut off his ear.

kjv@Mark:14:52 @ And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked.

kjv@Mark:14:69 @ And a maid saw him again, and began to say to them that stood by, This is one of them.

kjv@Mark:15:6 @ Now at that feast he released unto them one prisoner, whomsoever they desired.

kjv@Mark:15:7 @ And there was one named Barabbas, which lay bound with them that had made insurrection with him, who had committed murder in the insurrection.

kjv@Mark:15:35 @ And some of them that stood by, when they heard it, said, Behold, he calleth Elias.

kjv@Mark:16:10 @ And she went and told them that had been with him, as they mourned and wept.

kjv@Mark:16:14 @ Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen.

kjv@Mark:16:17 @ And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

kjv@Luke:1:2 @ Even as they delivered them unto us, which from the beginning were eyewitnesses, and ministers of the word;

kjv@Luke:1:50 @ And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation.

kjv@Luke:1:52 @ He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree.

kjv@Luke:1:66 @ And all they that heard them laid them up in their hearts, saying, What manner of child shall this be! And the hand of the Lord was with him.

kjv@Luke:1:79 @ To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.

kjv@Luke:2:7 @ And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.

kjv@Luke:2:15 @ And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.

kjv@Luke:2:17 @ And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.

kjv@Luke:2:18 @ And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.

kjv@Luke:2:19 @ But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.

kjv@Luke:2:38 @ And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.

kjv@Luke:2:46 @ And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions.

kjv@Luke:3:16 @ John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire:

kjv@Luke:4:18 @ The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,

kjv@Luke:4:20 @ And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him.

kjv@Luke:4:26 @ But unto none of them was Elias sent, save unto Sarepta, a city of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow.

kjv@Luke:4:27 @ And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Eliseus the prophet; and none of them was cleansed, saving Naaman the Syrian.

kjv@Luke:4:30 @ But he passing through the midst of them went his way,

kjv@Luke:4:31 @ And came down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee, and taught them on the sabbath days.

kjv@Luke:4:40 @ Now when the sun was setting, all they that had any sick with divers diseases brought them unto him; and he laid his hands on every one of them, and healed them.

kjv@Luke:4:41 @ And devils also came out of many, crying out, and saying, Thou art Christ the Son of God. And he rebuking them suffered them not to speak: for they knew that he was Christ.

kjv@Luke:6:1 @ And it came to pass on the second sabbath after the first, that he went through the corn fields; and his disciples plucked the ears of corn, and did eat, rubbing them in their hands.

kjv@Luke:6:3 @ And Jesus answering them said, Have ye not read so much as this, what David did, when himself was an hungred, and they which were with him;

kjv@Luke:6:4 @ How he went into the house of God, and did take and eat the shewbread, and gave also to them that were with him; which it is not lawful to eat but for the priests alone?

kjv@Luke:6:10 @ And looking round about upon them all, he said unto the man, Stretch forth thy hand. And he did so: and his hand was restored whole as the other.

kjv@Luke:6:13 @ And when it was day, he called unto him his disciples: and of them he chose twelve, whom also he named apostles;

kjv@Luke:6:19 @ And the whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all.

kjv@Luke:6:27 @ But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,

kjv@Luke:6:28 @ Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.

kjv@Luke:6:30 @ Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again.

kjv@Luke:6:31 @ And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

kjv@Luke:6:32 @ For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them.

kjv@Luke:6:33 @ And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same.

kjv@Luke:6:34 @ And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again.

kjv@Luke:7:19 @ And John calling unto him two of his disciples sent them to Jesus, saying, Art thou he that should come? or look we for another?

kjv@Luke:7:38 @ And stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment.

kjv@Luke:7:42 @ And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both. Tell me therefore, which of them will love him most?

kjv@Luke:7:44 @ And he turned to the woman, and said unto Simon, Seest thou this woman? I entered into thine house, thou gavest me no water for my feet: but she hath washed my feet with tears, and wiped them with the hairs of her head.

kjv@Luke:8:31 @ And they besought him that he would not command them to go out into the deep.

kjv@Luke:8:32 @ And there was there an herd of many swine feeding on the mountain: and they besought him that he would suffer them to enter into them. And he suffered them.

kjv@Luke:8:34 @ When they that fed them saw what was done, they fled, and went and told it in the city and in the country.

kjv@Luke:8:36 @ They also which saw it told them by what means he that was possessed of the devils was healed.

kjv@Luke:8:54 @ And he put them all out, and took her by the hand, and called, saying, Maid, arise.

kjv@Luke:8:56 @ And her parents were astonished: but he charged them that they should tell no man what was done.

kjv@Luke:9:1 @ Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases.

kjv@Luke:9:2 @ And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick.

kjv@Luke:9:11 @ And the people, when they knew it, followed him: and he received them, and spake unto them of the kingdom of God, and healed them that had need of healing.

kjv@Luke:9:13 @ But he said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they said, We have no more but five loaves and two fishes; except we should go and buy meat for all this people.

kjv@Luke:9:14 @ For they were about five thousand men. And he said to his disciples, Make them sit down by fifties in a company.

kjv@Luke:9:15 @ And they did so, and made them all sit down.

kjv@Luke:9:17 @ And they did eat, and were all filled: and there was taken up of fragments that remained to them twelve baskets.

kjv@Luke:9:21 @ And he straitly charged them, and commanded them to tell no man that thing;

kjv@Luke:9:23 @ And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.

kjv@Luke:9:46 @ Then there arose a reasoning among them, which of them should be greatest.

kjv@Luke:9:61 @ And another also said, Lord, I will follow thee; but let me first go bid them farewell, which are at home at my house.

kjv@Luke:10:1 @ After these things the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come.

kjv@Luke:10:21 @ In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.

kjv@Luke:10:35 @ And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.

kjv@Luke:11:13 @ If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?

kjv@Luke:11:15 @ But some of them said, He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils.

kjv@Luke:11:19 @ And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your sons cast them out? therefore shall they be your judges.

kjv@Luke:11:44 @ Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are as graves which appear not, and the men that walk over them are not aware of them.

kjv@Luke:11:49 @ Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they shall slay and persecute:

kjv@Luke:11:52 @ Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.

kjv@Luke:12:4 @ And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.

kjv@Luke:12:6 @ Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?

kjv@Luke:12:37 @ Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them.

kjv@Luke:12:38 @ And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants.

kjv@Luke:12:42 @ And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his lord shall make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of meat in due season?

kjv@Luke:13:14 @ And the ruler of the synagogue answered with indignation, because that Jesus had healed on the sabbath day, and said unto the people, There are six days in which men ought to work: in them therefore come and be healed, and not on the sabbath day.

kjv@Luke:13:34 @ O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!

kjv@Luke:14:10 @ But when thou art bidden, go and sit down in the lowest room; that when he that bade thee cometh, he may say unto thee, Friend, go up higher: then shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with thee.

kjv@Luke:14:15 @ And when one of them that sat at meat with him heard these things, he said unto him, Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God.

kjv@Luke:14:17 @ And sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden, Come; for all things are now ready.

kjv@Luke:14:23 @ And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.

kjv@Luke:15:12 @ And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living.

kjv@Luke:16:29 @ Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.

kjv@Luke:16:30 @ And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.

kjv@Luke:17:20 @ And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:

kjv@Luke:17:27 @ They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

kjv@Luke:17:29 @ But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.

kjv@Luke:18:1 @ And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;

kjv@Luke:18:8 @ I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

kjv@Luke:18:16 @ But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.

kjv@Luke:19:13 @ And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.

kjv@Luke:19:24 @ And he said unto them that stood by, Take from him the pound, and give it to him that hath ten pounds.

kjv@Luke:19:27 @ But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.

kjv@Luke:19:45 @ And he went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold therein, and them that bought;

kjv@Luke:20:33 @ Therefore in the resurrection whose wife of them is she? for seven had her to wife.

kjv@Luke:21:21 @ Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto.

kjv@Luke:21:23 @ But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people.

kjv@Luke:21:26 @ Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

kjv@Luke:21:29 @ And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees;

kjv@Luke:21:35 @ For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.

kjv@Luke:22:6 @ And he promised, and sought opportunity to betray him unto them in the absence of the multitude.

kjv@Luke:22:23 @ And they began to enquire among themselves, which of them it was that should do this thing.

kjv@Luke:22:24 @ And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest.

kjv@Luke:22:25 @ And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors.

kjv@Luke:22:41 @ And he was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast, and kneeled down, and prayed,

kjv@Luke:22:45 @ And when he rose up from prayer, and was come to his disciples, he found them sleeping for sorrow,

kjv@Luke:22:50 @ And one of them smote the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear.

kjv@Luke:23:1 @ And the whole multitude of them arose, and led him unto Pilate.

kjv@Luke:23:17 @ (For of necessity he must release one unto them at the feast.)

kjv@Luke:23:22 @ And he said unto them the third time, Why, what evil hath he done? I have found no cause of death in him: I will therefore chastise him, and let him go.

kjv@Luke:23:23 @ And they were instant with loud voices, requiring that he might be crucified. And the voices of them and of the chief priests prevailed.

kjv@Luke:23:25 @ And he released unto them him that for sedition and murder was cast into prison, whom they had desired; but he delivered Jesus to their will.

kjv@Luke:23:28 @ But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.

kjv@Luke:23:35 @ And the people stood beholding. And the rulers also with them derided him, saying, He saved others; let him save himself, if he be Christ, the chosen of God.

kjv@Luke:24:4 @ And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments:

kjv@Luke:24:11 @ And their words seemed to them as idle tales, and they believed them not.

kjv@Luke:24:13 @ And, behold, two of them went that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs.

kjv@Luke:24:24 @ And certain of them which were with us went to the sepulchre, and found it even so as the women had said: but him they saw not.

kjv@Luke:24:27 @ And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.

kjv@Luke:24:33 @ And they rose up the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together, and them that were with them,

kjv@Luke:24:35 @ And they told what things were done in the way, and how he was known of them in breaking of bread.

kjv@Luke:24:40 @ And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his hands and his feet.

kjv@Luke:24:50 @ And he led them out as far as to Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them.

kjv@John:1:12 @ But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

kjv@John:1:22 @ Then said they unto him, Who art thou? that we may give an answer to them that sent us. What sayest thou of thyself?

kjv@John:1:38 @ Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and saith unto them, What seek ye? They said unto him, Rabbi, (which is to say, being interpreted, Master,) where dwellest thou?

kjv@John:2:7 @ Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim.

kjv@John:2:15 @ And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables;

kjv@John:2:16 @ And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise.

kjv@John:4:52 @ Then enquired he of them the hour when he began to amend. And they said unto him, Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him.

kjv@John:5:39 @ Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

kjv@John:6:2 @ And a great multitude followed him, because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased.

kjv@John:6:7 @ Philip answered him, Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little.

kjv@John:6:11 @ And Jesus took the loaves; and when he had given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down; and likewise of the fishes as much as they would.

kjv@John:6:13 @ Therefore they gathered them together, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves, which remained over and above unto them that had eaten.

kjv@John:6:26 @ Jesus answered them and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled.

kjv@John:6:31 @ Our fathers did eat manna in the desert; as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat.

kjv@John:7:25 @ Then said some of them of Jerusalem, Is not this he, whom they seek to kill?

kjv@John:7:44 @ And some of them would have taken him; but no man laid hands on him.

kjv@John:7:47 @ Then answered them the Pharisees, Are ye also deceived?

kjv@John:8:6 @ This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.

kjv@John:8:27 @ They understood not that he spake to them of the Father.

kjv@John:8:47 @ He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

kjv@John:9:20 @ His parents answered them and said, We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind:

kjv@John:10:3 @ To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.

kjv@John:10:7 @ Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.

kjv@John:10:16 @ And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.

kjv@John:10:20 @ And many of them said, He hath a devil, and is mad; why hear ye him?

kjv@John:10:28 @ And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

kjv@John:10:29 @ My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.

kjv@John:10:35 @ If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

kjv@John:11:14 @ Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead.

kjv@John:11:19 @ And many of the Jews came to Martha and Mary, to comfort them concerning their brother.

kjv@John:11:37 @ And some of them said, Could not this man, which opened the eyes of the blind, have caused that even this man should not have died?

kjv@John:11:46 @ But some of them went their ways to the Pharisees, and told them what things Jesus had done.

kjv@John:12:2 @ There they made him a supper; and Martha served: but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him.

kjv@John:12:20 @ And there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast:

kjv@John:13:1 @ Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end.

kjv@John:13:5 @ After that he poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded.

kjv@John:13:29 @ For some of them thought, because Judas had the bag, that Jesus had said unto him, Buy those things that we have need of against the feast; or, that he should give something to the poor.

kjv@John:15:6 @ If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.

kjv@John:15:24 @ If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father.

kjv@John:16:12 @ I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.

kjv@John:17:6 @ I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word.

kjv@John:17:8 @ For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me.

kjv@John:17:9 @ I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine.

kjv@John:17:12 @ While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.

kjv@John:17:14 @ I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

kjv@John:17:15 @ I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.

kjv@John:17:17 @ Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

kjv@John:17:18 @ As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.

kjv@John:17:20 @ Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;

kjv@John:17:26 @ And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.

kjv@John:18:7 @ Then asked he them again, Whom seek ye? And they said, Jesus of Nazareth.

kjv@John:18:9 @ That the saying might be fulfilled, which he spake, Of them which thou gavest me have I lost none.

kjv@John:18:21 @ Why askest thou me? ask them which heard me, what I have said unto them: behold, they know what I said.

kjv@John:19:16 @ Then delivered he him therefore unto them to be crucified. And they took Jesus, and led him away.

kjv@John:20:20 @ And when he had so said, he shewed unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.

kjv@John:20:21 @ Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.

kjv@John:20:24 @ But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came.

kjv@Acts:1:3 @ To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God:

kjv@Acts:1:4 @ And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me.

kjv@Acts:1:10 @ And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel;

kjv@Acts:1:16 @ Men and brethren, this scripture must needs have been fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas, which was guide to them that took Jesus.

kjv@Acts:2:3 @ And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.

kjv@Acts:2:4 @ And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

kjv@Acts:2:6 @ Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language.

kjv@Acts:2:11 @ Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.

kjv@Acts:2:41 @ Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.

kjv@Acts:2:45 @ And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.

kjv@Acts:3:2 @ And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple;

kjv@Acts:3:8 @ And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.

kjv@Acts:3:11 @ And as the lame man which was healed held Peter and John, all the people ran together unto them in the porch that is called Solomon's, greatly wondering.

kjv@Acts:4:3 @ And they laid hands on them, and put them in hold unto the next day: for it was now eventide.

kjv@Acts:4:4 @ Howbeit many of them which heard the word believed; and the number of the men was about five thousand.

kjv@Acts:4:7 @ And when they had set them in the midst, they asked, By what power, or by what name, have ye done this?

kjv@Acts:4:15 @ But when they had commanded them to go aside out of the council, they conferred among themselves,

kjv@Acts:4:16 @ Saying, What shall we do to these men? for that indeed a notable miracle hath been done by them is manifest to all them that dwell in Jerusalem; and we cannot deny it.

kjv@Acts:4:18 @ And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus.

kjv@Acts:4:21 @ So when they had further threatened them, they let them go, finding nothing how they might punish them, because of the people: for all men glorified God for that which was done.

kjv@Acts:4:24 @ And when they heard that, they lifted up their voice to God with one accord, and said, Lord, thou art God, which hast made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is:

kjv@Acts:4:32 @ And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.

kjv@Acts:4:33 @ And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.

kjv@Acts:4:34 @ Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold,

kjv@Acts:4:35 @ And laid them down at the apostles' feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.

kjv@Acts:5:5 @ And Ananias hearing these words fell down, and gave up the ghost: and great fear came on all them that heard these things.

kjv@Acts:5:9 @ Then Peter said unto her, How is it that ye have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? behold, the feet of them which have buried thy husband are at the door, and shall carry thee out.

kjv@Acts:5:15 @ Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them.

kjv@Acts:5:16 @ There came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one.

kjv@Acts:5:18 @ And laid their hands on the apostles, and put them in the common prison.

kjv@Acts:5:19 @ But the angel of the Lord by night opened the prison doors, and brought them forth, and said,

kjv@Acts:5:21 @ And when they heard that, they entered into the temple early in the morning, and taught. But the high priest came, and they that were with him, and called the council together, and all the senate of the children of Israel, and sent to the prison to have them brought.

kjv@Acts:5:22 @ But when the officers came, and found them not in the prison, they returned, and told,

kjv@Acts:5:24 @ Now when the high priest and the captain of the temple and the chief priests heard these things, they doubted of them whereunto this would grow.

kjv@Acts:5:26 @ Then went the captain with the officers, and brought them without violence: for they feared the people, lest they should have been stoned.

kjv@Acts:5:27 @ And when they had brought them, they set them before the council: and the high priest asked them,

kjv@Acts:5:32 @ And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.

kjv@Acts:5:38 @ And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought:

kjv@Acts:5:40 @ And to him they agreed: and when they had called the apostles, and beaten them, they commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go.

kjv@Acts:6:9 @ Then there arose certain of the synagogue, which is called the synagogue of the Libertines, and Cyrenians, and Alexandrians, and of them of Cilicia and of Asia, disputing with Stephen.

kjv@Acts:7:6 @ And God spake on this wise, That his seed should sojourn in a strange land; and that they should bring them into bondage, and entreat them evil four hundred years.

kjv@Acts:7:24 @ And seeing one of them suffer wrong, he defended him, and avenged him that was oppressed, and smote the Egyptian:

kjv@Acts:7:26 @ And the next day he shewed himself unto them as they strove, and would have set them at one again, saying, Sirs, ye are brethren; why do ye wrong one to another?

kjv@Acts:7:36 @ He brought them out, after that he had shewed wonders and signs in the land of Egypt, and in the Red sea, and in the wilderness forty years.

kjv@Acts:7:42 @ Then God turned, and gave them up to worship the host of heaven; as it is written in the book of the prophets, O ye house of Israel, have ye offered to me slain beasts and sacrifices by the space of forty years in the wilderness?

kjv@Acts:7:52 @ Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers:

kjv@Acts:8:3 @ As for Saul, he made havock of the church, entering into every house, and haling men and women committed them to prison.

kjv@Acts:8:11 @ And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries.

kjv@Acts:8:14 @ Now when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John:

kjv@Acts:8:18 @ And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money,

kjv@Acts:9:2 @ And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem.

kjv@Acts:9:21 @ But all that heard him were amazed, and said; Is not this he that destroyed them which called on this name in Jerusalem, and came hither for that intent, that he might bring them bound unto the chief priests?

kjv@Acts:9:27 @ But Barnabas took him, and brought him to the apostles, and declared unto them how he had seen the Lord in the way, and that he had spoken to him, and how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus.

kjv@Acts:9:28 @ And he was with them coming in and going out at Jerusalem.

kjv@Acts:9:40 @ But Peter put them all forth, and kneeled down, and prayed; and turning him to the body said, Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes: and when she saw Peter, she sat up.

kjv@Acts:10:7 @ And when the angel which spake unto Cornelius was departed, he called two of his household servants, and a devout soldier of them that waited on him continually;

kjv@Acts:10:8 @ And when he had declared all these things unto them, he sent them to Joppa.

kjv@Acts:10:23 @ Then called he them in, and lodged them. And on the morrow Peter went away with them, and certain brethren from Joppa accompanied him.

kjv@Acts:10:44 @ While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word.

kjv@Acts:10:46 @ For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God. Then answered Peter,

kjv@Acts:10:48 @ And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then prayed they him to tarry certain days.

kjv@Acts:11:17 @ Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ; what was I, that I could withstand God?

kjv@Acts:11:20 @ And some of them were men of Cyprus and Cyrene, which, when they were come to Antioch, spake unto the Grecians, preaching the Lord Jesus.

kjv@Acts:11:23 @ Who, when he came, and had seen the grace of God, was glad, and exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord.

kjv@Acts:11:28 @ And there stood up one of them named Agabus, and signified by the Spirit that there should be great dearth throughout all the world: which came to pass in the days of Claudius Caesar.

kjv@Acts:12:10 @ When they were past the first and the second ward, they came unto the iron gate that leadeth unto the city; which opened to them of his own accord: and they went out, and passed on through one street; and forthwith the angel departed from him.

kjv@Acts:12:17 @ But he, beckoning unto them with the hand to hold their peace, declared unto them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison. And he said, Go shew these things unto James, and to the brethren. And he departed, and went into another place.

kjv@Acts:12:20 @ And Herod was highly displeased with them of Tyre and Sidon: but they came with one accord to him, and, having made Blastus the king's chamberlain their friend, desired peace; because their country was nourished by the king's country.

kjv@Acts:12:25 @ And Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem, when they had fulfilled their ministry, and took with them John, whose surname was Mark.

kjv@Acts:13:3 @ And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away.

kjv@Acts:13:13 @ Now when Paul and his company loosed from Paphos, they came to Perga in Pamphylia: and John departing from them returned to Jerusalem.

kjv@Acts:13:17 @ The God of this people of Israel chose our fathers, and exalted the people when they dwelt as strangers in the land of Egypt, and with an high arm brought he them out of it.

kjv@Acts:13:19 @ And when he had destroyed seven nations in the land of Chanaan, he divided their land to them by lot.

kjv@Acts:13:20 @ And after that he gave unto them judges about the space of four hundred and fifty years, until Samuel the prophet.

kjv@Acts:13:21 @ And afterward they desired a king: and God gave unto them Saul the son of Cis, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, by the space of forty years.

kjv@Acts:13:22 @ And when he had removed him, he raised up unto them David to be their king; to whom also he gave testimony, and said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will.

kjv@Acts:13:27 @ For they that dwell at Jerusalem, and their rulers, because they knew him not, nor yet the voices of the prophets which are read every sabbath day, they have fulfilled them in condemning him.

kjv@Acts:13:31 @ And he was seen many days of them which came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who are his witnesses unto the people.

kjv@Acts:13:42 @ And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next sabbath.

kjv@Acts:13:43 @ Now when the congregation was broken up, many of the Jews and religious proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas: who, speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God.

kjv@Acts:13:50 @ But the Jews stirred up the devout and honourable women, and the chief men of the city, and raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them out of their coasts.

kjv@Acts:14:5 @ And when there was an assault made both of the Gentiles, and also of the Jews with their rulers, to use them despitefully, and to stone them,

kjv@Acts:14:22 @ Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.

kjv@Acts:14:23 @ And when they had ordained them elders in every church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, on whom they believed.

kjv@Acts:15:5 @ But there rose up certain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying, That it was needful to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses.

kjv@Acts:15:8 @ And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us;

kjv@Acts:15:14 @ Simeon hath declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name.

kjv@Acts:15:21 @ For Moses of old time hath in every city them that preach him, being read in the synagogues every sabbath day.

kjv@Acts:15:23 @ And they wrote letters by them after this manner; The apostles and elders and brethren send greeting unto the brethren which are of the Gentiles in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia:

kjv@Acts:15:37 @ And Barnabas determined to take with them John, whose surname was Mark.

kjv@Acts:15:38 @ But Paul thought not good to take him with them, who departed from them from Pamphylia, and went not with them to the work.

kjv@Acts:16:4 @ And as they went through the cities, they delivered them the decrees for to keep, that were ordained of the apostles and elders which were at Jerusalem.

kjv@Acts:16:7 @ After they were come to Mysia, they assayed to go into Bithynia: but the Spirit suffered them not.

kjv@Acts:16:19 @ And when her masters saw that the hope of their gains was gone, they caught Paul and Silas, and drew them into the marketplace unto the rulers,

kjv@Acts:16:20 @ And brought them to the magistrates, saying, These men, being Jews, do exceedingly trouble our city,

kjv@Acts:16:23 @ And when they had laid many stripes upon them, they cast them into prison, charging the jailor to keep them safely:

kjv@Acts:16:24 @ Who, having received such a charge, thrust them into the inner prison, and made their feet fast in the stocks.

kjv@Acts:16:30 @ And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

kjv@Acts:16:33 @ And he took them the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes; and was baptized, he and all his, straightway.

kjv@Acts:16:34 @ And when he had brought them into his house, he set meat before them, and rejoiced, believing in God with all his house.

kjv@Acts:16:37 @ But Paul said unto them, They have beaten us openly uncondemned, being Romans, and have cast us into prison; and now do they thrust us out privily? nay verily; but let them come themselves and fetch us out.

kjv@Acts:16:39 @ And they came and besought them, and brought them out, and desired them to depart out of the city.

kjv@Acts:17:2 @ And Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them, and three sabbath days reasoned with them out of the scriptures,

kjv@Acts:17:4 @ And some of them believed, and consorted with Paul and Silas; and of the devout Greeks a great multitude, and of the chief women not a few.

kjv@Acts:17:5 @ But the Jews which believed not, moved with envy, took unto them certain lewd fellows of the baser sort, and gathered a company, and set all the city on an uproar, and assaulted the house of Jason, and sought to bring them out to the people.

kjv@Acts:17:6 @ And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;

kjv@Acts:17:9 @ And when they had taken security of Jason, and of the other, they let them go.

kjv@Acts:17:12 @ Therefore many of them believed; also of honourable women which were Greeks, and of men, not a few.

kjv@Acts:17:16 @ Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry.

kjv@Acts:17:17 @ Therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout persons, and in the market daily with them that met with him.

kjv@Acts:17:18 @ Then certain philosophers of the Epicureans, and of the Stoicks, encountered him. And some said, What will this babbler say? other some, He seemeth to be a setter forth of strange gods: because he preached unto them Jesus, and the resurrection.

kjv@Acts:18:16 @ And he drave them from the judgment seat.

kjv@Acts:18:19 @ And he came to Ephesus, and left them there: but he himself entered into the synagogue, and reasoned with the Jews.

kjv@Acts:18:21 @ But bade them farewell, saying, I must by all means keep this feast that cometh in Jerusalem: but I will return again unto you, if God will. And he sailed from Ephesus.

kjv@Acts:18:27 @ And when he was disposed to pass into Achaia, the brethren wrote, exhorting the disciples to receive him: who, when he was come, helped them much which had believed through grace:

kjv@Acts:19:13 @ Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth.

kjv@Acts:19:17 @ And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.

kjv@Acts:19:19 @ Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.

kjv@Acts:19:22 @ So he sent into Macedonia two of them that ministered unto him, Timotheus and Erastus; but he himself stayed in Asia for a season.

kjv@Acts:19:38 @ Wherefore if Demetrius, and the craftsmen which are with him, have a matter against any man, the law is open, and there are deputies: let them implead one another.

kjv@Acts:20:2 @ And when he had gone over those parts, and had given them much exhortation, he came into Greece,

kjv@Acts:20:6 @ And we sailed away from Philippi after the days of unleavened bread, and came unto them to Troas in five days; where we abode seven days.

kjv@Acts:20:32 @ And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.

kjv@Acts:20:34 @ Yea, ye yourselves know, that these hands have ministered unto my necessities, and to them that were with me.

kjv@Acts:20:36 @ And when he had thus spoken, he kneeled down, and prayed with them all.

kjv@Acts:21:7 @ And when we had finished our course from Tyre, we came to Ptolemais, and saluted the brethren, and abode with them one day.

kjv@Acts:21:16 @ There went with us also certain of the disciples of Caesarea, and brought with them one Mnason of Cyprus, an old disciple, with whom we should lodge.

kjv@Acts:21:24 ... Them take,...

kjv@Acts:21:26 @ Then Paul took the men, and the next day purifying himself with them entered into the temple, to signify the accomplishment of the days of purification, until that an offering should be offered for every one of them.

kjv@Acts:21:40 @ And when he had given him licence, Paul stood on the stairs, and beckoned with the hand unto the people. And when there was made a great silence, he spake unto them in the Hebrew tongue, saying,

kjv@Acts:22:5 @ As also the high priest doth bear me witness, and all the estate of the elders: from whom also I received letters unto the brethren, and went to Damascus, to bring them which were there bound unto Jerusalem, for to be punished.

kjv@Acts:22:11 @ And when I could not see for the glory of that light, being led by the hand of them that were with me, I came into Damascus.

kjv@Acts:22:19 @ And I said, Lord, they know that I imprisoned and beat in every synagogue them that believed on thee:

kjv@Acts:22:20 @ And when the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed, I also was standing by, and consenting unto his death, and kept the raiment of them that slew him.

kjv@Acts:23:2 @ And the high priest Ananias commanded them that stood by him to smite him on the mouth.

kjv@Acts:23:21 @ But do not thou yield unto them: for there lie in wait for him of them more than forty men, which have bound themselves with an oath, that they will neither eat nor drink till they have killed him: and now are they ready, looking for a promise from thee.

kjv@Acts:23:24 @ And provide them beasts, that they may set Paul on, and bring him safe unto Felix the governor.

kjv@Acts:25:5 @ Let them therefore, said he, which among you are able, go down with me, and accuse this man, if there be any wickedness in him.

kjv@Acts:25:6 @ And when he had tarried among them more than ten days, he went down unto Caesarea; and the next day sitting on the judgment seat commanded Paul to be brought.

kjv@Acts:26:11 @ And I punished them oft in every synagogue, and compelled them to blaspheme; and being exceedingly mad against them, I persecuted them even unto strange cities.

kjv@Acts:26:13 @ At midday, O king, I saw in the way a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining round about me and them which journeyed with me.

kjv@Acts:26:18 @ To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.

kjv@Acts:26:20 @ But shewed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance.

kjv@Acts:27:24 @ Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar: and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee.

kjv@Acts:27:33 @ And while the day was coming on, Paul besought them all to take meat, saying, This day is the fourteenth day that ye have tarried and continued fasting, having taken nothing.

kjv@Acts:27:35 @ And when he had thus spoken, he took bread, and gave thanks to God in presence of them all: and when he had broken it, he began to eat.

kjv@Acts:27:42 @ And the soldiers' counsel was to kill the prisoners, lest any of them should swim out, and escape.

kjv@Acts:27:43 @ But the centurion, willing to save Paul, kept them from their purpose; and commanded that they which could swim should cast themselves first into the sea, and get to land:

kjv@Acts:28:3 @ And when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks, and laid them on the fire, there came a viper out of the heat, and fastened on his hand.

kjv@Acts:28:14 @ Where we found brethren, and were desired to tarry with them seven days: and so we went toward Rome.

kjv@Acts:28:23 @ And when they had appointed him a day, there came many to him into his lodging; to whom he expounded and testified the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus, both out of the law of Moses, and out of the prophets, from morning till evening.

kjv@Romans:1:24 @ Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

kjv@Romans:1:26 @ For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

kjv@Romans:1:28 @ And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

kjv@Romans:1:32 @ Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

kjv@Romans:2:2 @ But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things.

kjv@Romans:2:3 @ And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?

kjv@Romans:2:7 @ To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life:

kjv@Romans:2:8 @ But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath,

kjv@Romans:2:19 @ And art confident that thou thyself art a guide of the blind, a light of them which are in darkness,

kjv@Romans:3:2 @ Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God.

kjv@Romans:3:19 @ Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.

kjv@Romans:3:22 @ Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:

kjv@Romans:4:11 @ And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had yet being uncircumcised: that he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be not circumcised; that righteousness might be imputed unto them also:

kjv@Romans:4:12 @ And the father of circumcision to them who are not of the circumcision only, but who also walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham, which he had being yet uncircumcised.

kjv@Romans:5:14 @ Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.

kjv@Romans:7:1 @ Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law,) how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth?

kjv@Romans:8:1 @ There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

kjv@Romans:8:28 @ And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

kjv@Romans:8:30 @ Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

kjv@Romans:9:25 @ As he saith also in Osee, I will call them my people, which were not my people; and her beloved, which was not beloved.

kjv@Romans:10:2 @ For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.

kjv@Romans:10:15 @ And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

kjv@Romans:10:19 @ But I say, Did not Israel know? First Moses saith, I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people, and by a foolish nation I will anger you.

kjv@Romans:10:20 @ But Esaias is very bold, and saith, I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me.

kjv@Romans:11:8 @ (According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day.

kjv@Romans:11:11 @ I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy.

kjv@Romans:11:12 @ Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness?

kjv@Romans:11:14 @ If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh, and might save some of them.

kjv@Romans:11:15 @ For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?

kjv@Romans:11:17 @ And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree;

kjv@Romans:11:22 @ Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.

kjv@Romans:11:23 @ And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be graffed in: for God is able to graff them in again.

kjv@Romans:11:32 @ For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.

kjv@Romans:12:14 @ Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.

kjv@Romans:12:15 @ Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.

kjv@Romans:15:3 @ For even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written, The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me.

kjv@Romans:15:26 @ For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem.

kjv@Romans:15:27 @ It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal things.

kjv@Romans:15:28 @ When therefore I have performed this, and have sealed to them this fruit, I will come by you into Spain.

kjv@Romans:15:31 @ That I may be delivered from them that do not believe in Judaea; and that my service which I have for Jerusalem may be accepted of the saints;

kjv@Romans:16:10 @ Salute Apelles approved in Christ. Salute them which are of Aristobulus' household.

kjv@Romans:16:11 @ Salute Herodion my kinsman. Greet them that be of the household of Narcissus, which are in the Lord.

kjv@Romans:16:17 @ Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.

kjv@1Corinthians:1:2 @ Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours:

kjv@1Corinthians:1:11 @ For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you.

kjv@1Corinthians:1:18 @ For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

kjv@1Corinthians:1:21 @ For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.

kjv@1Corinthians:1:24 @ But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.

kjv@1Corinthians:2:6 @ Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought:

kjv@1Corinthians:2:9 @ But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

kjv@1Corinthians:2:10 @ But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

kjv@1Corinthians:4:19 @ But I will come to you shortly, if the Lord will, and will know, not the speech of them which are puffed up, but the power.

kjv@1Corinthians:5:12 @ For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within?

kjv@1Corinthians:5:13 @ But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.

kjv@1Corinthians:6:4 @ If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church.

kjv@1Corinthians:6:15 @ Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.

kjv@1Corinthians:7:8 @ I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I.

kjv@1Corinthians:7:9 @ But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.

kjv@1Corinthians:7:36 @ But if any man think that he behaveth himself uncomely toward his virgin, if she pass the flower of her age, and need so require, let him do what he will, he sinneth not: let them marry.

kjv@1Corinthians:8:9 @ But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumblingblock to them that are weak.

kjv@1Corinthians:9:3 @ Mine answer to them that do examine me is this,

kjv@1Corinthians:9:20 @ And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law;

kjv@1Corinthians:9:21 @ To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law.

kjv@1Corinthians:10:5 @ But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness.

kjv@1Corinthians:10:8 @ Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them committed, and fell in one day three and twenty thousand.

kjv@1Corinthians:10:9 @ Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed of serpents.

kjv@1Corinthians:10:10 @ Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer.

kjv@1Corinthians:10:11 @ Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

kjv@1Corinthians:10:27 @ If any of them that believe not bid you to a feast, and ye be disposed to go; whatsoever is set before you, eat, asking no question for conscience sake.

kjv@1Corinthians:11:2 @ Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you.

kjv@1Corinthians:11:22 @ What? have ye not houses to eat and to drink in? or despise ye the church of God, and shame them that have not? What shall I say to you? shall I praise you in this? I praise you not.

kjv@1Corinthians:12:18 @ But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.

kjv@1Corinthians:14:10 @ There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification.

kjv@1Corinthians:14:22 @ Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not: but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not, but for them which believe.

kjv@1Corinthians:14:34 @ Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.

kjv@1Corinthians:14:35 @ And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

kjv@1Corinthians:15:20 @ But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.

kjv@1Corinthians:16:3 @ And when I come, whomsoever ye shall approve by your letters, them will I send to bring your liberality unto Jerusalem.

kjv@1Corinthians:16:18 @ For they have refreshed my spirit and yours: therefore acknowledge ye them that are such.

kjv@2Corinthians:1:4 @ Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.

kjv@2Corinthians:2:3 @ And I wrote this same unto you, lest, when I came, I should have sorrow from them of whom I ought to rejoice; having confidence in you all, that my joy is the joy of you all.

kjv@2Corinthians:2:15 @ For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish:

kjv@2Corinthians:4:3 @ But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:

kjv@2Corinthians:4:4 @ In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

kjv@2Corinthians:5:12 @ For we commend not ourselves again unto you, but give you occasion to glory on our behalf, that ye may have somewhat to answer them which glory in appearance, and not in heart.

kjv@2Corinthians:8:22 @ And we have sent with them our brother, whom we have oftentimes proved diligent in many things, but now much more diligent, upon the great confidence which I have in you.

kjv@2Corinthians:9:2 @ For I know the forwardness of your mind, for which I boast of you to them of Macedonia, that Achaia was ready a year ago; and your zeal hath provoked very many.

kjv@2Corinthians:11:12 @ But what I do, that I will do, that I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion; that wherein they glory, they may be found even as we.

kjv@2Corinthians:12:17 @ Did I make a gain of you by any of them whom I sent unto you?

kjv@2Corinthians:13:2 @ I told you before, and foretell you, as if I were present, the second time; and being absent now I write to them which heretofore have sinned, and to all other, that, if I come again, I will not spare:

kjv@Galatians:1:17 @ Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus.

kjv@Galatians:2:2 @ And I went up by revelation, and communicated unto them that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately to them which were of reputation, lest by any means I should run, or had run, in vain.

kjv@Galatians:2:12 @ For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them which were of the circumcision.

kjv@Galatians:2:14 @ But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel, I said unto Peter before them all, If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?

kjv@Galatians:3:12 @ And the law is not of faith: but, The man that doeth them shall live in them.

kjv@Galatians:3:22 @ But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.

kjv@Galatians:4:5 @ To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.

kjv@Galatians:4:8 @ Howbeit then, when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods.

kjv@Galatians:4:15 @ Where is then the blessedness ye spake of? for I bear you record, that, if it had been possible, ye would have plucked out your own eyes, and have given them to me.

kjv@Galatians:6:10 @ As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

kjv@Ephesians:2:17 @ And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh.

kjv@Ephesians:5:12 @ For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.

kjv@Ephesians:6:4 @ And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

kjv@Ephesians:6:5 @ Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ;

kjv@Ephesians:6:24 @ Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.

kjv@Philippians:1:28 @ And in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an evident token of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God.

kjv@Philippians:3:8 @ Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,

kjv@Philippians:3:17 @ Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample.

kjv@Colossians:2:1 @ For I would that ye knew what great conflict I have for you, and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh;

kjv@Colossians:2:15 @ And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.

kjv@Colossians:4:5 @ Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.

kjv@Colossians:4:13 @ For I bear him record, that he hath a great zeal for you, and them that are in Laodicea, and them in Hierapolis.

kjv@1Thessalonians:2:16 @ Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.

kjv@1Thessalonians:4:12 @ That ye may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that ye may have lack of nothing.

kjv@1Thessalonians:4:13 @ But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.

kjv@1Thessalonians:4:14 @ For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

kjv@1Thessalonians:4:15 @ For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.

kjv@1Thessalonians:4:17 @ Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

kjv@1Thessalonians:5:12 @ And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you;

kjv@1Thessalonians:5:13 @ And to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. And be at peace among yourselves.

kjv@1Thessalonians:5:14 @ Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.

kjv@2Thessalonians:1:6 @ Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;

kjv@2Thessalonians:1:8 @ In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

kjv@2Thessalonians:1:10 @ When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day.

kjv@2Thessalonians:2:10 @ And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

kjv@2Thessalonians:2:11 @ And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

kjv@2Thessalonians:3:12 @ Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.

kjv@1Timothy:1:10 @ For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;

kjv@1Timothy:1:16 @ Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting.

kjv@1Timothy:1:18 @ This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare;

kjv@1Timothy:3:7 @ Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.

kjv@1Timothy:3:10 @ And let these also first be proved; then let them use the office of a deacon, being found blameless.

kjv@1Timothy:4:3 @ Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

kjv@1Timothy:4:16 @ Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.

kjv@1Timothy:5:4 @ But if any widow have children or nephews, let them learn first to shew piety at home, and to requite their parents: for that is good and acceptable before God.

kjv@1Timothy:5:16 @ If any man or woman that believeth have widows, let them relieve them, and let not the church be charged; that it may relieve them that are widows indeed.

kjv@1Timothy:5:20 ... Them that...

kjv@1Timothy:6:2 @ And they that have believing masters, let them not despise them, because they are brethren; but rather do them service, because they are faithful and beloved, partakers of the benefit. These things teach and exhort.

kjv@1Timothy:6:17 @ Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;

kjv@2Timothy:2:14 @ Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers.

kjv@2Timothy:2:19 @ Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

kjv@2Timothy:2:22 @ Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

kjv@2Timothy:2:25 @ In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;

kjv@2Timothy:3:11 @ Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me.

kjv@2Timothy:4:8 @ Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

kjv@Titus:1:13 @ This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;

kjv@Titus:1:15 @ Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.

kjv@Titus:2:9 @ Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things; not answering again;

kjv@Titus:3:1 @ Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work,

kjv@Titus:3:15 @ All that are with me salute thee. Greet them that love us in the faith. Grace be with you all. Amen.

kjv@Hebrews:1:12 @ And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail.

kjv@Hebrews:1:14 @ Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

kjv@Hebrews:2:1 @ Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.

kjv@Hebrews:2:3 @ How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him;

kjv@Hebrews:2:4 @ God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will?

kjv@Hebrews:2:11 @ For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren,

kjv@Hebrews:2:15 @ And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.

kjv@Hebrews:2:18 @ For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted.

kjv@Hebrews:3:17 @ But with whom was he grieved forty years? was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcases fell in the wilderness?

kjv@Hebrews:3:18 @ And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest, but to them that believed not?

kjv@Hebrews:4:2 @ For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.

kjv@Hebrews:4:8 @ For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.

kjv@Hebrews:5:2 @ Who can have compassion on the ignorant, and on them that are out of the way; for that he himself also is compassed with infirmity.

kjv@Hebrews:5:9 @ And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;

kjv@Hebrews:5:14 @ But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

kjv@Hebrews:6:6 @ If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.

kjv@Hebrews:6:7 @ For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God:

kjv@Hebrews:6:12 @ That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

kjv@Hebrews:6:16 @ For men verily swear by the greater: and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife.

kjv@Hebrews:7:6 @ But he whose descent is not counted from them received tithes of Abraham, and blessed him that had the promises.

kjv@Hebrews:7:25 @ Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.

kjv@Hebrews:8:9 @ Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord.

kjv@Hebrews:8:10 @ For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:

kjv@Hebrews:9:10 @ Which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation.

kjv@Hebrews:9:28 @ So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

kjv@Hebrews:10:14 @ For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.

kjv@Hebrews:10:16 @ This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;

kjv@Hebrews:10:33 @ Partly, whilst ye were made a gazingstock both by reproaches and afflictions; and partly, whilst ye became companions of them that were so used.

kjv@Hebrews:10:39 @ But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.

kjv@Hebrews:11:6 @ But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

kjv@Hebrews:11:13 @ These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

kjv@Hebrews:11:16 @ But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.

kjv@Hebrews:11:31 @ By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace.

kjv@Hebrews:12:9 @ Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?

kjv@Hebrews:12:11 @ Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.

kjv@Hebrews:12:19 @ And the sound of a trumpet, and the voice of words; which voice they that heard intreated that the word should not be spoken to them any more:

kjv@Hebrews:13:3 @ Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.

kjv@Hebrews:13:7 @ Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.

kjv@Hebrews:13:9 @ Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.

kjv@Hebrews:13:17 @ Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

kjv@Hebrews:13:24 @ Salute all them that have the rule over you, and all the saints. They of Italy salute you.

kjv@James:1:12 @ Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

kjv@James:2:5 @ Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?

kjv@James:2:16 @ And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?

kjv@James:2:25 @ Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent them out another way?

kjv@James:3:18 @ And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.

kjv@James:5:3 @ Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.

kjv@James:5:4 @ Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth.

kjv@James:5:11 @ Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.

kjv@James:5:14 @ Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

kjv@1Peter:1:11 @ Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.

kjv@1Peter:1:12 @ Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into.

kjv@1Peter:2:7 @ Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner,

kjv@1Peter:2:8 @ And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.

kjv@1Peter:2:14 @ Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.

kjv@1Peter:3:7 @ Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.

kjv@1Peter:3:12 @ For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.

kjv@1Peter:4:4 @ Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you:

kjv@1Peter:4:6 @ For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.

kjv@1Peter:4:17 @ For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

kjv@1Peter:4:19 @ Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.

kjv@2Peter:1:1 @ Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ:

kjv@2Peter:2:4 @ For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;

kjv@2Peter:2:6 @ And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly;

kjv@2Peter:2:10 @ But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.

kjv@2Peter:2:11 @ Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord.

kjv@2Peter:2:18 @ For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error.

kjv@2Peter:2:19 @ While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.

kjv@2Peter:2:20 @ For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.

kjv@2Peter:2:21 @ For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.

kjv@2Peter:2:22 @ But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.

kjv@2Peter:3:16 @ As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.

kjv@1John:2:26 @ These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you.

kjv@1John:5:16 @ If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it.

kjv@3John:1:10 @ Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church.

kjv@Jude:1:1 @ Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called:

kjv@Jude:1:5 @ I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.

kjv@Jude:1:7 @ Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

kjv@Jude:1:15 @ To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

kjv@Jude:1:23 @ And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.

kjv@Revelation:2:2 @ I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:

kjv@Revelation:2:9 @ I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

kjv@Revelation:2:14 @ But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.

kjv@Revelation:2:15 @ So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.

kjv@Revelation:2:16 @ Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.

kjv@Revelation:2:22 @ Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.

kjv@Revelation:2:27 @ And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.

kjv@Revelation:3:9 @ Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

kjv@Revelation:3:10 @ Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

kjv@Revelation:4:8 @ And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.

kjv@Revelation:5:8 @ And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.

kjv@Revelation:5:11 @ And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;

kjv@Revelation:6:8 @ And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

kjv@Revelation:6:9 @ And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:

kjv@Revelation:6:10 @ And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?

kjv@Revelation:7:4 @ And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.

kjv@Revelation:7:14 @ And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

kjv@Revelation:7:17 @ For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.

kjv@Revelation:8:2 @ And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets.

kjv@Revelation:8:12 @ And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.

kjv@Revelation:9:3 @ And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.

kjv@Revelation:9:4 @ And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.

kjv@Revelation:9:5 @ And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.

kjv@Revelation:9:17 @ And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.

kjv@Revelation:9:19 @ For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt.

kjv@Revelation:10:4 @ And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.

kjv@Revelation:11:1 @ And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.

kjv@Revelation:11:6 @ These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.

kjv@Revelation:11:10 @ And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.

kjv@Revelation:11:11 @ And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.

kjv@Revelation:11:18 @ And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

kjv@Revelation:12:4 @ And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

kjv@Revelation:12:10 @ And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

kjv@Revelation:13:6 @ And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

kjv@Revelation:13:12 @ And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

kjv@Revelation:13:14 @ And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

kjv@Revelation:14:6 @ And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,

kjv@Revelation:15:1 @ And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God.

kjv@Revelation:15:2 @ And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.

kjv@Revelation:16:2 @ And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

kjv@Revelation:16:6 @ For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.

kjv@Revelation:16:14 @ For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

kjv@Revelation:16:16 @ And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

kjv@Revelation:18:14 @ And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all.

kjv@Revelation:19:15 @ And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

kjv@Revelation:19:18 @ That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.

kjv@Revelation:19:20 @ And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

kjv@Revelation:20:4 @ And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

kjv@Revelation:20:8 @ And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

kjv@Revelation:20:10 @ And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

kjv@Revelation:21:14 @ And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

kjv@Revelation:21:24 @ And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it.

kjv@Revelation:22:5 @ And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.

kjv@Revelation:22:9 @ Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.

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