


strkjv@Genesis:3:21 @ Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.

strkjv@Genesis:7:5 @ And Noah did according unto all that the LORD commanded him.

strkjv@Genesis:7:20 @ Fifteen H2568cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.



strkjv@Genesis:18:13 @ And the LORD said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old?


strkjv@Genesis:21:1 @ And the LORD visited Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did unto Sarah as he had spoken.

strkjv@Genesis:22:1 @ And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am.

strkjv@Genesis:22:23 @ And Bethuel begat Rebekah: these eight Milcah did bear to Nahor, Abrahams brother.




strkjv@Genesis:26:20 @ And the herdmen of Gerar did strive with Isaacs herdmen, saying, The water is ours: and he called the name of the well Esek; because they strove with him.



strkjv@Genesis:29:25 @ And it came to pass, that in the morning, behold, it was Leah: and he said to Laban, What is this thou hast done unto me? did not I serve with thee for Rachel? wherefore then hast thou beguiled me?

strkjv@Genesis:29:28 @ And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week: and he gave him Rachel his daughter to wife also.

strkjv@Genesis:30:40 @ And Jacob did separate the lambs, and set the faces of the flocks toward the ringstraked, and all the brown in the flock of Laban; and he put his own flocks by themselves, and put them not unto Labans cattle.

strkjv@Genesis:30:41 @ And it came to pass, whensoever the stronger cattle did conceive, that Jacob laid the rods before the eyes of the cattle in the gutters, that they might conceive among the rods.







strkjv@Genesis:39:19 @ And it came to pass, when his master heard the words of his wife, which she spake unto him, saying, After this manner did thy servant to me; that his wrath was kindled.



strkjv@Genesis:40:17 @ And in the uppermost basket there was of all manner of bakemeats H644for Pharaoh; and the birds did eat them out of the basket upon my head.


strkjv@Genesis:41:4 @ And the ill favoured and leanfleshed kine did eat up the seven well favoured and fat kine. So Pharaoh awoke.


strkjv@Genesis:41:20 @ And the lean and the ill favoured kine did eat up the first seven fat kine:


strkjv@Genesis:42:25 @ Then Joseph commanded to fill their sacks with corn, and to restore every mans money into his sack, and to give them provision for the way: and thus did he unto them.

strkjv@Genesis:43:3 @ And Judah spake unto him, saying, The man did solemnly protest unto us, saying, Ye shall not see my face, except your brother be with you.

strkjv@Genesis:43:17 @ And the man did as Joseph bade; and the man brought the men into Josephs house.

strkjv@Genesis:43:30 @ And Joseph made haste; for his bowels did yearn upon his brother: and he sought where to weep; and he entered into his chamber, and wept there.



strkjv@Genesis:45:5 @ Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life.

strkjv@Genesis:45:21 @ And the children of Israel did so: and Joseph gave them wagons, according to the commandment of Pharaoh, and gave them provision for the way.


strkjv@Genesis:48:15 @ And he blessed Joseph, and said, God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk, the God which fed me all my life long unto this day,

strkjv@Genesis:50:12 @ And his sons did unto him according as he commanded them:


strkjv@Genesis:50:16 @ And they sent a messenger unto Joseph, saying, Thy father did command before he died, saying,







strkjv@Exodus:5:19 @ And the officers of the children of Israel did see that they were in evil case, after it was said, Ye shall not minish ought from your bricks of your daily task.




strkjv@Exodus:7:20 @ And Moses and Aaron did so, as the LORD commanded; and he lifted up the rod, and smote the waters that were in the river y@, in the sight of Pharaoh, and in the sight of his servants; and all the waters that were in the river were turned to blood.



strkjv@Exodus:8:7 @ And the magicians did so with their enchantments, and brought up frogs upon the land of Egypt.

strkjv@Exodus:8:13 @ And the LORD did according to the word of Moses; and the frogs died out of the houses, out of the villages, and out of the fields.


strkjv@Exodus:8:18 @ And the magicians did so with their enchantments to bring forth lice, but they could not: so there were lice upon man, and upon beast.

strkjv@Exodus:8:24 @ And the LORD did so; and there came a grievous swarm of flies into the house of Pharaoh, and into his servants houses, and into all the land of Egypt: the land was corrupted by reason of the swarm of flies.

strkjv@Exodus:8:31 @ And the LORD did according to the word of Moses; and he removed the swarms of flies from Pharaoh, from his servants, and from his people; there remained not one.

strkjv@Exodus:9:6 @ And the LORD did that thing on the morrow, and all the cattle of Egypt died: but of the cattle of the children of Israel died not one.



strkjv@Exodus:11:10 @ And Moses and Aaron did all these wonders before Pharaoh: and the LORD hardened Pharaohs heart, so that he would not let the children of Israel go out of his land.

strkjv@Exodus:12:35 @ And the children of Israel did according to the word of Moses; and they borrowed of the Egyptians jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment:

strkjv@Exodus:12:51 @ And it came to pass the selfsame day, that the LORD did bring the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their armies.

strkjv@Exodus:13:8 @ And thou shalt shew thy son in that day, saying, This is done because of that which the LORD did unto me when I came forth out of Egypt.



strkjv@Exodus:14:31 @ And Israel saw that great work which the LORD did upon the Egyptians: and the people feared the LORD, and believed the LORD, and his servant Moses.


strkjv@Exodus:16:17 @ And the children of Israel did so, and gathered, some more, some less.



strkjv@Exodus:17:2 @ Wherefore the people did chide with Moses, and said, Give us water that we may drink. And Moses said unto them, Why chide ye with me? wherefore do ye tempt the LORD?

strkjv@Exodus:17:6 @ Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb; and thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel.

strkjv@Exodus:17:10 @ So Joshua did as Moses had said to him, and fought with Amalek: and Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill.






strkjv@Exodus:32:12 @ Wherefore should the Egyptians speak, and say, For mischief did he bring them out, to slay them in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth? Turn from thy fierce wrath, and repent of this evil against thy people.


strkjv@Exodus:32:28 @ And the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses: and there fell of the people that day about three thousand men.

strkjv@Exodus:33:4 @ And when the people heard these evil tidings, they mourned: and no man did put on him his ornaments.



strkjv@Exodus:35:25 @ And all the women that were wise hearted did spin with their hands, and brought that which they had spun, both of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet , and of fine linen.





strkjv@Exodus:39:43 @ And Moses did look upon all the work m@, and, behold, they had done it as the LORD had commanded, even so had they done it: and Moses blessed them.


strkjv@Leviticus:8:4 @ And Moses did as the LORD commanded him; and the assembly was gathered together unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.

strkjv@Leviticus:8:9 @ And he put the mitre upon his head; also upon the mitre, even upon his forefront , did he put the golden plate, the holy crown; as the LORD commanded Moses.

strkjv@Leviticus:8:36 @ So Aaron and his sons did all things which the LORD commanded by the hand of Moses.





strkjv@Leviticus:24:23 @ And Moses spake to the children of Israel, that they should bring forth him that had cursed out of the camp, and stone him with stones. And the children of Israel did as the LORD commanded Moses.

strkjv@Leviticus:27:24 @ In the year of the jubile the field shall return unto him of whom it was bought, even to him to whom the possession of the land did belong.

strkjv@Numbers:2:34 @ And the children of Israel did according to all that the LORD commanded Moses: so they pitched by their standards, and so they set forward, every one after their families, according to the house of their fathers.

strkjv@Numbers:4:37 @ These were they that were numbered of the families of the Kohathites, all that might do service in the tabernacle of the congregation, which Moses and Aaron did number according to the commandment of the LORD by the hand of Moses.

strkjv@Numbers:4:41 @ These are they that were numbered of the families of the sons of Gershon, of all that might do service in the tabernacle of the congregation, whom Moses and Aaron did number according to the commandment of the LORD.

strkjv@Numbers:7:18 @ On the second day Nethaneel the son of Zuar, prince of Issachar, did offer:

strkjv@Numbers:7:24 @ On the third day Eliab the son of Helon, prince of the children of Zebulun, did offer:

strkjv@Numbers:7:30 @ On the fourth day Elizur the son of Shedeur Sh@, prince of the children of Reuben R@, did offer:

strkjv@Numbers:7:36 @ On the fifth day Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai, prince of the children of Simeon, did offer:

strkjv@Numbers:8:3 @ And Aaron did so; he lighted the lamps thereof over against the candlestick, as the LORD commanded Moses.






strkjv@Numbers:20:27 @ And Moses did as the LORD commanded: and they went up into mount Hor in the sight of all the congregation.


strkjv@Numbers:22:37 @ And Balak said unto Balaam, Did I not earnestly send unto thee to call thee? wherefore camest thou not unto me? am I not able indeed to promote thee to honour?

strkjv@Numbers:23:2 @ And Balak did as Balaam had spoken; and Balak and Balaam offered on every altar a bullock and a ram.

strkjv@Numbers:23:30 @ And Balak did as Balaam had said, and offered a bullock and a ram on every altar.

strkjv@Numbers:25:2 @ And they called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods: and the people did eat, and bowed down to their gods.

strkjv@Numbers:27:22 @ And Moses did as the LORD commanded him: and he took Joshua, and set him before Eleazar the priest, and before all the congregation:

strkjv@Numbers:31:31 @ And Moses and Eleazar the priest did as the LORD commanded Moses.



strkjv@Deuteronomy:2:12 @ The Horims also dwelt in Seir beforetime; but the children of Esau succeeded them, when they had destroyed them from before them, and dwelt in their stead; as Israel did unto the land of his possession, which the LORD gave unto them.


strkjv@Deuteronomy:2:29 @ (As the children of Esau which dwell in Seir, and the Moabites which dwell in Ar, did unto me;) until I shall pass over Jordan into the land which the LORD our God giveth us.


strkjv@Deuteronomy:4:3 @ Your eyes have seen what the LORD did because of Baalpeor al P@: for all the men that followed H1980 Baalpeor al P@, the LORD thy God hath destroyed them from among you.


strkjv@Deuteronomy:4:33 @ Did ever people hear the voice of God speaking out of the midst of the fire, as thou hast heard, and live?

strkjv@Deuteronomy:4:34 @ Or hath God assayed to go and take him a nation from the midst of another nation, by temptations, by signs, and by wonders, and by war, and by a mighty hand, and by a stretched out arm, and by great terrors, according to all that the LORD your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes?

strkjv@Deuteronomy:5:23 @ And it came to pass, when ye heard the voice out of the midst of the darkness, (for the mountain did burn with fire, ) that ye came near unto me, even all the heads of your tribes, and your elders;

strkjv@Deuteronomy:7:7 @ The LORD did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people:

strkjv@Deuteronomy:7:18 @ Thou shalt not be afraid of them: but shalt well remember what the LORD thy God did unto Pharaoh, and unto all Egypt;











strkjv@Deuteronomy:24:9 @ Remember what the LORD thy God did unto Miriam by the way, after that ye were come forth out of Egypt.

strkjv@Deuteronomy:25:17 @ Remember what Amalek did unto thee by the way, when ye were come forth out of Egypt;

strkjv@Deuteronomy:29:2 @ And Moses called unto all Israel, and said unto them, Ye have seen all that the LORD did before your eyes in the land of Egypt unto Pharaoh, and unto all his servants, and unto all his land;


strkjv@Deuteronomy:32:12 @ So the LORD alone did lead him, and there was no strange god with him.





strkjv@Joshua:4:8 @ And the children of Israel did so as Joshua commanded, and took up twelve sh@ stones out of the midst of Jordan, as the LORD spake unto Joshua, according to the number of the tribes of the children of Israel, and carried them over with them unto the place where they lodged, and laid them down there.


strkjv@Joshua:4:20 @ And those twelve sh@ stones, which they took out of Jordan, did Joshua pitch in Gilgal.

strkjv@Joshua:4:23 @ For the LORD your God dried up the waters of Jordan from before you, until ye were passed over, as the LORD your God did to the Red sea, which he dried up from before us, until we were gone over:

strkjv@Joshua:5:4 @ And this is the cause why Joshua did circumcise: All the people that came out of Egypt, that were males, even all the men of war, died in the wilderness by the way, after they came out of Egypt.




strkjv@Joshua:5:15 @ And the captain of the LORDS host said unto Joshua, Loose thy shoe from off thy foot; for the place whereon thou standest is holy. And Joshua did so.









strkjv@Joshua:10:42 @ And all these kings and their land did Joshua take at one time, because the LORD God of Israel fought for Israel.

strkjv@Joshua:11:9 @ And Joshua did unto them as the LORD bade him: he houghed their horses, and burnt their chariots with fire.

strkjv@Joshua:11:12 @ And all the cities of those kings, and all the kings of them, did Joshua take, and smote them with the edge of the sword, and he utterly destroyed them, as Moses the servant of the LORD commanded.




strkjv@Joshua:13:22 @ Balaam also the son of Beor B@, the soothsayer, did the children of Israel slay with the sword among them that were slain by them.

strkjv@Joshua:13:32 @ These are the countries which Moses did distribute for inheritance in the plains of Moab, on the other side Jordan, by Jericho, eastward.

strkjv@Joshua:14:5 @ As the LORD commanded Moses, so the children of Israel did, and they divided the land.


strkjv@Joshua:22:20 @ Did not Achan the son of Zerah commit a trespass in the accursed thing, and wrath fell on all the congregation of Israel? and that man perished not alone in his iniquity.




strkjv@Judges:1:21 @ And the children of Benjamin did not drive out the Jebusites that inhabited Jerusalem; but the Jebusites dwell with the children of Benjamin in Jerusalem unto this day.









strkjv@Judges:2:11 @ And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD, and served Baalim:


strkjv@Judges:2:22 @ That through them I may prove Israel, whether they will keep the way of the LORD to walk therein, as their fathers did keep it, or not.

strkjv@Judges:3:7 @ And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD, and forgat the LORD their God, and served Baalim and the groves.

strkjv@Judges:3:12 @ And the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the LORD: and the LORD strengthened Eglon the king of Moab against Israel, because they had done evil in the sight of the LORD.


strkjv@Judges:4:1 @ And the children of Israel again did evil in the sight of the LORD, when Ehud was dead.


strkjv@Judges:6:1 @ And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD: and the LORD delivered them into the hand of Midian seven years.

strkjv@Judges:6:13 @ And Gideon said unto him, Oh my Lord, if the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where be all his miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt? but now the LORD hath forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.



strkjv@Judges:6:40 @ And God did so that night: for it was dry upon the fleece only, and there was dew on all the ground.





strkjv@Judges:9:57 @ And all the evil of the men of Shechem did God render upon their heads: and upon them came the curse of Jotham the son of Jerubbaal Y@.

strkjv@Judges:10:6 @ And the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the LORD, and served Baalim, and Ashtaroth, and the gods of Syria, and the gods of Zidon, and the gods of Moab, and the gods of the children of Ammon, and the gods of the Philistines, and forsook the LORD, and served not him.

strkjv@Judges:10:11 @ And the LORD said unto the children of Israel, Did not I deliver you from the Egyptians, and from the Amorites, from the children of Ammon, and from the Philistines?

strkjv@Judges:10:12 @ The Zidonians also, and the Amalekites, and the Maonites, did oppress you; and ye cried to me, and I delivered you out of their hand.

strkjv@Judges:11:7 @ And Jephthah said unto the elders of Gilead, Did not ye hate me, and expel me out of my fathers house? and why are ye come unto me now when ye are in distress?




strkjv@Judges:13:1 @ And the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the LORD; and the LORD delivered them into the hand of the Philistines forty years.


strkjv@Judges:13:21 @ But the angel of the LORD did no more appear to Manoah and to his wife. Then Manoah knew that he was an angel of the LORD.




strkjv@Judges:17:6 @ In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes.





strkjv@Judges:21:23 @ And the children of Benjamin did so, and took them wives, according to their number, of them that danced, whom they caught: and they went and returned unto their inheritance, and repaired the cities, and dwelt in them.

strkjv@Judges:21:25 @ In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.




strkjv@Ruth:4:11 @ And all the people that were in the gate, and the elders, said, We are witnesses. The LORD make the woman that is come into thine house like Rachel and like Leah, which two did build the house of Israel: and do thou worthily in Ephratah, and be famous in Bethlehem Beyth:



strkjv@1Samuel:2:11 @ And Elkanah went to Ramah to his house. And the child did minister unto the LORD before Eli the priest.


strkjv@1Samuel:2:22 @ Now Eli was very old, and heard all that his sons did unto all Israel; and how they lay with the women that assembled at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.

strkjv@1Samuel:2:27 @ And there came a man of God unto Eli, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Did I plainly appear unto the house of thy father, when they were in Egypt in Pharaohs house?


strkjv@1Samuel:3:7 @ Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD, neither was the word of the LORD yet revealed unto him.



strkjv@1Samuel:6:6 @ Wherefore then do ye harden your hearts, as the Egyptians and Pharaoh hardened their hearts? when he had wrought wonderfully among them, did they not let the people go, and they departed?

strkjv@1Samuel:6:10 @ And the men did so; and took two milch kine, and tied them to the cart, and shut up their calves at home:

strkjv@1Samuel:7:4 @ Then the children of Israel did put away Baalim and Ashtaroth, and served the LORD only.


strkjv@1Samuel:9:24 @ And the cook took up the shoulder, and that which was upon it, and set it before Saul. And Samuel said, Behold that which is left! set it before thee, and eat: for unto this time hath it been kept for thee since I said, I have invited the people. So Saul did eat with Samuel that day.


strkjv@1Samuel:13:6 @ When the men of Israel saw that they were in a strait, (for the people were distressed,) then the people did hide themselves in caves m@, and in thickets, and in rocks, and in high places, and in pits.

strkjv@1Samuel:14:32 @ And the people flew upon the spoil, and took sheep, and oxen, and calves, and slew them on the ground: and the people did eat them with the blood.


strkjv@1Samuel:15:2 @ Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt.

strkjv@1Samuel:16:4 @ And Samuel did that which the LORD spake, and came to Bethlehem Beyth. And the elders of the town trembled at his coming, and said, Comest thou peaceably?



strkjv@1Samuel:21:11 @ And the servants of Achish said unto him, Is not this David the king of the land? did they not sing one to another of him in dances, saying, Saul hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands?

strkjv@1Samuel:22:15 @ Did I then begin to enquire of God for him? be it far from me: let not the king impute any thing unto his servant, nor to all the house of my father: for thy servant knew nothing of all this, less or more.



strkjv@1Samuel:25:4 @ And David heard in the wilderness that Nabal did shear his sheep.







strkjv@2Samuel:3:36 @ And all the people took notice of it, and it pleased them: as whatsoever the king did pleased H2896all the people.

strkjv@2Samuel:5:25 @ And David did so, as the LORD had commanded him; and smote the Philistines from Geba until thou come to Gazer.

strkjv@2Samuel:8:11 @ Which also king David did dedicate unto the LORD, with the silver and gold that he had dedicated of all nations which he subdued;



strkjv@2Samuel:11:7 @ And when Uriah was come unto him, David demanded of him how Joab did, and how the people did, and how the war prospered.


strkjv@2Samuel:11:21 @ Who smote Abimelech the son of Jerubbesheth? did not a woman cast a piece of a millstone upon him from the wall, that he died in Thebez? why went ye nigh the wall? then say thou, Thy servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also.






strkjv@2Samuel:13:29 @ And the servants of Absalom did unto Amnon as Absalom had commanded. Then all the kings sons arose, and every man gat him up upon his mule, and fled.


strkjv@2Samuel:15:6 @ And on this manner did Absalom to all Israel that came to the king for judgment: so Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel.


strkjv@2Samuel:19:19 @ And said unto the king, Let not my lord impute iniquity unto me, neither do thou remember that which thy servant did perversely the day that my lord the king went out of Jerusalem, that the king should take it to his heart.




strkjv@2Samuel:21:6 @ Let seven men of his sons be delivered unto us, and we will hang them up unto the LORD in Gibeah of Saul, whom the LORD did choose. And the king said, I will give them.




strkjv@2Samuel:22:37 @ Thou hast enlarged my steps under me; so that my feet did not slip.








strkjv@1Kings:2:35 @ And the king put Benaiah the son of Jehoiada in his room over the host: and Zadok the priest did the king put in the room of Abiathar.

strkjv@1Kings:2:42 @ And the king sent and called for Shimei, and said unto him, Did I not make thee to swear by the LORD, and protested unto thee, saying, Know for a certain, on the day thou goest out, and walkest abroad any whither, that thou shalt surely die? and thou saidst unto me, The word that I have heard is good.

strkjv@1Kings:3:4 @ And the king went to Gibeon to sacrifice there; for that was the great high place: a thousand burnt offerings did Solomon offer upon that altar.

strkjv@1Kings:3:14 @ And if thou wilt walk in my ways, to keep my statutes and my commandments, as thy father David did walk, then I will lengthen thy days.


strkjv@1Kings:5:18 @ And Solomons builders and Hirams builders did hew them, and the stonesquarers: so they prepared timber and stones to build the house.

strkjv@1Kings:7:15 @ For he cast two pillars of brass, of eighteen sh@ cubits high apiece H259: and a line of twelve sh@ cubits did compass either of them about.

strkjv@1Kings:7:23 @ And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: it was round all about, and his height was five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about.

strkjv@1Kings:7:46 @ In the plain of Jordan did the king cast them, in the clay ground between Succoth and Zarthan.

strkjv@1Kings:7:51 @ So was ended all the work that king Solomon made for the house of the LORD. And Solomon brought in the things which David his father had dedicated; even the silver, and the gold, and the vessels, did he put among the treasures of the house of the LORD.


strkjv@1Kings:8:64 @ The same day did the king hallow the middle of the court that was before the house of the LORD: for there he offered burnt offerings, and meat offerings, and the fat of the peace offerings: because the brasen altar that was before the LORD was too little to receive the burnt offerings, and meat offerings, and the fat of the peace offerings.


strkjv@1Kings:9:22 @ But of the children of Israel did Solomon make no bondmen: but they were men of war, and his servants, and his princes, and his captains, and rulers of his chariots, and his horsemen.


strkjv@1Kings:9:25 @ And three times in a year did Solomon offer burnt offerings and peace offerings upon the altar which he built unto the LORD, and he burnt incense upon the altar that was before the LORD. So he finished the house.

strkjv@1Kings:10:29 @ And a chariot came up and went out of Egypt for six hundred shekels of silver, and an horse for an hundred and fifty: and so for all the kings of the Hittites, and for the kings of Syria, did they bring them out by their means.



strkjv@1Kings:11:16 @ (For six months did Joab remain there with all Israel, until he had cut off every male in Edom: )

strkjv@1Kings:11:38 @ And it shall be, if thou wilt hearken unto all that I command thee, and wilt walk in my ways, and do that is right in my sight, to keep my statutes and my commandments, as David my servant did; that I will be with thee, and build thee a sure house, as I built for David, and will give Israel unto thee.


strkjv@1Kings:12:9 @ And he said unto them, What counsel give ye that we may answer this people, who have spoken to me, saying, Make the yoke which thy father did put upon us lighter?

strkjv@1Kings:12:11 @ And now whereas my father did lade you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father hath chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions.

strkjv@1Kings:12:32...So...-, sacrificing unto the calves that he had made: and he placed in Bethel Beyth- the priests of the high places which he had made.



strkjv@1Kings:14:4 @ And Jeroboams wife did so, and arose, and went to Shiloh, and came to the house of Ahijah. But Ahijah could not see; for his eyes were set by reason of his age.


strkjv@1Kings:14:21 @ And Rehoboam the son of Solomon reigned in Judah. Rehoboam was forty and one years old when he began to reign, and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem, the city which the LORD did choose out of all the tribes of Israel, to put his name there. And his mothers name was Naamah an Ammonitess.

strkjv@1Kings:14:22 @ And Judah did evil in the sight of the LORD, and they provoked him to jealousy with their sins which they had committed, above all that their fathers had done.




strkjv@1Kings:15:5 @ Because David did that which was right in the eyes of the LORD, and turned not aside from any thing that he commanded him all the days of his life, save only in the matter of Uriah the Hittite.




strkjv@1Kings:15:28 @ Even in the third year of Asa king of Judah did Baasha slay him, and reigned in his stead.







strkjv@1Kings:16:15 @ In the twenty H8141and seventh year of Asa king of Judah did Zimri reign seven days in Tirzah. And the people were encamped against Gibbethon, which belonged to the Philistines.




strkjv@1Kings:16:30 @ And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the LORD above all that were before him.

strkjv@1Kings:16:33 @ And Ahab made a grove; and Ahab did more to provoke the LORD God of Israel to anger than all the kings of Israel that were before him.

strkjv@1Kings:16:34 @ In his days did Hiel the Bethelite Beyth ha- build Jericho: he laid the foundation thereof in Abiram his firstborn, and set up the gates thereof in his youngest son Segub, according to the word of the LORD, which he spake by Joshua the son of Nun.










strkjv@1Kings:20:33...and...-. Then he said, Go ye, bring him. Then Benhadad Ben- came forth to him; and he caused him to come up into the chariot.

strkjv@1Kings:21:11 @ And the men of his city, even the elders and the nobles who were the inhabitants in his city, did as Jezebel had sent unto them, and as it was written in the letters which she had sent unto them.

strkjv@1Kings:21:13 @ And there came in two men, children of Belial b@, and sat before him: and the men of Belial witnessed against him, even against Naboth, in the presence of the people, saying, Naboth did blaspheme God and the king. Then they carried him forth out of the city, and stoned him with stones, that he died.


strkjv@1Kings:22:18 @ And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, Did I not tell thee that he would prophesy no good concerning me, but evil?




strkjv@2Kings:2:18 @ And when they came again to him, (for he tarried at Jericho, ) he said unto them, Did I not say unto you, Go not?

strkjv@2Kings:4:1 @ Now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto Elisha, saying, Thy servant my husband is dead; and thou knowest that thy servant did fear the LORD: and the creditor is come to take unto him my two sons to be bondmen.

strkjv@2Kings:4:28 @ Then she said, Did I desire a son of my lord? did I not say, Do not deceive me?


strkjv@2Kings:6:6 @ And the man of God said, Where fell it? And he shewed him the place. And he cut down a stick, and cast it in thither; and the iron did swim.






strkjv@2Kings:8:25 @ In the twelfth sh@ H8141year of Joram the son of Ahab king of Israel did Ahaziah the son of Jehoram king of Judah begin to reign.



strkjv@2Kings:10:19 @ Now therefore call unto me all the prophets of Baal, all his servants, and all his priests; let none be wanting: for I have a great sacrifice to do to Baal; whosoever shall be wanting, he shall not live. But Jehu did it in subtilty, to the intent that he might destroy the worshippers of Baal.


strkjv@2Kings:11:3 @ And he was with her hid in the house of the LORD six years. And Athaliah did reign over the land.

strkjv@2Kings:11:9 @ And the captains over the hundreds did according to all things that Jehoiada the priest commanded: and they took every man his men that were to come in on the sabbath, with them that should go out on the sabbath, and came to Jehoiada the priest.

strkjv@2Kings:11:10 @ And to the captains over hundreds did the priest give king Davids spears and shields, that were in the temple of the LORD.

strkjv@2Kings:12:2 @ And Jehoash did that which was right in the sight of the LORD all his days wherein Jehoiada the priest instructed him.








strkjv@2Kings:13:25 @ And Jehoash the son of Jehoahaz took again out of the hand of Benhadad Ben- the son of Hazael the cities, which he had taken out of the hand of Jehoahaz his father by war. Three times did Joash beat him, and recovered the cities of Israel.


strkjv@2Kings:14:4 @ Howbeit the high places were not taken away: as yet the people did sacrifice and burnt incense on the high places.






strkjv@2Kings:15:8 @ In the thirty sh@ and eighth year of Azariah king of Judah did Zachariah the son of Jeroboam reign over Israel in Samaria six months.














strkjv@2Kings:17:9 @ And the children of Israel did secretly those things that were not right against the LORD their God, and they built them high places in all their cities, from the tower of the watchmen to the fenced city.





strkjv@2Kings:18:4 @ He removed the high places, and brake the images, and cut down the groves, and brake in pieces the brasen serpent that Moses had made: for unto those days the children of Israel did burn incense to it: and he called it Nehushtan.

strkjv@2Kings:18:11 @ And the king of Assyria did carry away Israel unto Assyria, and put them in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes:

strkjv@2Kings:18:13 @ Now in the fourteenth H6240year of king Hezekiah did Sennacherib king of Assyria come up against all the fenced cities of Judah, and took them.

strkjv@2Kings:18:16 @ At that time did Hezekiah cut off the gold from the doors of the temple of the LORD, and from the pillars which Hezekiah king of Judah had overlaid, and gave it to the king of Assyria.



strkjv@2Kings:21:11 @ Because Manasseh king of Judah hath done these abominations, and hath done wickedly above all that the Amorites did, which were before him, and hath made Judah also to sin with his idols:






strkjv@2Kings:23:12 @ And the altars that were on the top of the upper chamber of Ahaz, which the kings of Judah had made, and the altars which Manasseh had made in the two courts of the house of the LORD, did the king beat down, and brake them down from thence, and cast the dust of them into the brook Kidron.

strkjv@2Kings:23:13 @ And the high places that were before Jerusalem, which were on the right hand of the mount of corruption, which Solomon the king of Israel had builded for Ashtoreth the abomination of the Zidonians, and for Chemosh the abomination of the Moabites, and for Milcom the abomination of the children of Ammon, did the king defile.


strkjv@2Kings:23:24 @ Moreover the workers with familiar spirits, and the wizards yidd@, and the images, and the idols, and all the abominations that were spied in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem, did Josiah put away, that he might perform the words of the law which were written in the book that Hilkiah the priest found in the house of the LORD.







strkjv@2Kings:24:11 @ And Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came against the city, and his servants did besiege it.


strkjv@2Kings:25:11 @ Now the rest of the people that were left in the city, and the fugitives that fell away to the king of Babylon, with the remnant of the multitude, did Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carry away.

strkjv@2Kings:25:13 @ And the pillars of brass that were in the house of the LORD, and the bases, and the brasen sea that was in the house of the LORD, did the Chaldees break in pieces, and carried the brass of them to Babylon.

strkjv@2Kings:25:27 @ And it came to pass in the seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the twelfth sh@ month, on the seven and twentieth day of the month, that Evilmerodach Eviylking of Babylon in the year that he began to reign did lift up the head of Jehoiachin king of Judah out of prison ;



strkjv@1Chronicles:9:22 @ All these which were chosen to be porters in the gates were two hundred and twelve sh@. These were reckoned by their genealogy in their villages, whom David and Samuel the seer did ordain in their set office.




strkjv@1Chronicles:15:24 @ And Shebaniah, and Jehoshaphat, and Nethaneel N@, and Amasai, and Zechariah, and Benaiah, and Eliezer, the priests, did blow with the trumpets before the ark of God: and Obededom Obedand Jehiah were doorkeepers for the ark.


strkjv@1Chronicles:26:27 @ Out of the spoils won in battles did they dedicate to maintain the house of the LORD.



strkjv@2Chronicles:1:7 @ In that night did God appear unto Solomon, and said unto him, Ask what I shall give thee.

strkjv@2Chronicles:2:7 @ Send me now therefore a man cunning to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in iron, and in purple arg@, and crimson, and blue, and that can skill to grave with the cunning men that are with me in Judah and in Jerusalem, whom David my father did provide.

strkjv@2Chronicles:4:2 @ Also he made a molten sea of ten cubits from brim to brim, round in compass, and five cubits the height thereof; and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about.


strkjv@2Chronicles:4:16 @ The pots also, and the shovels, and the fleshhooks, and all their instruments, did Huram his father make to king Solomon for the house of the LORD of bright brass.

strkjv@2Chronicles:4:17 @ In the plain of Jordan did the king cast them, in the clay ground between Succoth and Zeredathah.




strkjv@2Chronicles:8:9 @ But of the children of Israel did Solomon make no servants for his work m@; but they were men of war, and chief of his captains, and captains of his chariots and horsemen.

strkjv@2Chronicles:10:9 @ And he said unto them, What advice give ye that we may return answer to this people, which have spoken to me, saying, Ease somewhat the yoke that thy father did put upon us?



strkjv@2Chronicles:14:2 @ And Asa did that which was good and right in the eyes of the LORD his God:

strkjv@2Chronicles:15:4 @ But when they in their trouble did turn unto the LORD God of Israel, and sought him, he was found of them.

strkjv@2Chronicles:15:6 @ And nation was destroyed of nation, and city of city: for God did vex them with all adversity.


strkjv@2Chronicles:18:17 @ And the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, Did I not tell thee that he would not prophesy good unto me, but evil?

strkjv@2Chronicles:19:8 @ Moreover in Jerusalem did Jehoshaphat set of the Levites, and of the priests, and of the chief of the fathers of Israel, for the judgment of the LORD, and for controversies, when they returned to Jerusalem.




strkjv@2Chronicles:23:8 @ So the Levites and all Judah did according to all things that Jehoiada the priest had commanded, and took every man his men that were to come in on the sabbath, with them that were to go out on the sabbath: for Jehoiada the priest dismissed not the courses.

strkjv@2Chronicles:24:2 @ And Joash did that which was right in the sight of the LORD all the days of Jehoiada the priest.

strkjv@2Chronicles:24:7 @ For the sons of Athaliah, that wicked woman, had broken up the house of God; and also all the dedicated things of the house of the LORD did they bestow upon Baalim.




strkjv@2Chronicles:25:12 @ And other ten thousand left alive did the children of Judah carry away captive, and brought them unto the top of the rock, and cast them down from the top of the rock, that they all were broken in pieces.

strkjv@2Chronicles:25:27 @ Now after the time that Amaziah did turn away from following the LORD they made a conspiracy against him in Jerusalem; and he fled to Lachish: but they sent to Lachish after him, and slew him there.


strkjv@2Chronicles:26:22 @ Now the rest of the acts of Uzziah, first and last, did Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz, write.




strkjv@2Chronicles:28:16 @ At that time did king Ahaz send unto the kings of Assyria to help him.

strkjv@2Chronicles:28:22 @ And in the time of his distress did he trespass yet more against the LORD: this is that king Ahaz.


strkjv@2Chronicles:29:19 @ Moreover all the vessels, which king Ahaz in his reign did cast away in his transgression, have we prepared and sanctified, and, behold, they are before the altar of the LORD.

strkjv@2Chronicles:29:34 @ But the priests were too few m@, so that they could not flay all the burnt offerings: wherefore their brethren the Levites did help them, till the work was ended, and until the other priests had sanctified themselves: for the Levites were more upright in heart to sanctify themselves than the priests.



strkjv@2Chronicles:30:24 @ For Hezekiah king of Judah did give to the congregation a thousand bullocks and seven thousand sheep; and the princes gave to the congregation a thousand bullocks and ten thousand sheep: and a great number of priests sanctified themselves.





strkjv@2Chronicles:32:33 @ And Hezekiah slept with his fathers, and they buried him in the chiefest of the sepulchres of the sons of David: and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem did him honour at his death. And Manasseh his son reigned in his stead.


strkjv@2Chronicles:33:17 @ Nevertheless the people did sacrifice still in the high places, yet unto the LORD their God only.


strkjv@2Chronicles:34:12 @ And the men did the work faithfully: and the overseers of them were Jahath and Obadiah, the Levites, of the sons of Merari; and Zechariah and Meshullam, of the sons of the Kohathites, to set it forward; and other of the Levites, all that could skill of instruments of musick.

strkjv@2Chronicles:34:32 @ And he caused all that were present in Jerusalem and Benjamin to stand to it. And the inhabitants of Jerusalem did according to the covenant of God, the God of their fathers.

strkjv@2Chronicles:35:3 @ And said unto the Levites that taught all Israel, which were holy unto the LORD, Put the holy ark in the house which Solomon the son of David king of Israel did build; it shall not be a burden upon your shoulders: serve now the LORD your God, and his people Israel,








strkjv@Ezra:5:14 @ And the vessels also of gold and silver of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar took n@ out of the temple that was in Jerusalem Y@ruwshalem (Chald), and brought y@ them into the temple of Babylon, those did Cyrus the king take n@ out of the temple of Babylon, and they were delivered y@ unto one, whose name was Sheshbazzar, whom he had made governor;


strkjv@Ezra:6:21 @ And the children of Israel, which were come again out of captivity, and all such as had separated themselves unto them from the filthiness of the heathen of the land, to seek the LORD God of Israel, did eat,


strkjv@Ezra:10:16 @ And the children of the captivity did so. And Ezra the priest, with certain chief of the fathers, after the house of their fathers, and all of them by their names, were separated, and sat down in the first day of the tenth month to examine the matter.


strkjv@Nehemiah:3:3 @ But the fish gate did the sons of Hassenaah build, who also laid the beams thereof, and set up the doors thereof, the locks thereof, and the bars thereof.

strkjv@Nehemiah:5:13 @ Also I shook my lap, and said, So God shake out every man from his house, and from his labour, that performeth not this promise, even thus be he shaken out, and emptied. And all the congregation said, Amen, and praised the LORD. And the people did according to this promise.




strkjv@Nehemiah:13:7 @ And I came to Jerusalem, and understood of the evil that Eliashib did for Tobiah, in preparing him a chamber in the courts of the house of God.



strkjv@Nehemiah:13:26 @ Did not Solomon king of Israel sin by these things? yet among many nations was there no king like him, who was beloved of his God, and God made him king over all Israel: nevertheless even him did outlandish women cause to sin.


strkjv@Esther:1:21 @ And the saying pleased the king and the princes; and the king did according to the word of Memucan:


strkjv@Esther:2:11 @ And Mordecai walked every day before the court of the womens house, to know how Esther did, and what should become of her.

strkjv@Esther:2:20 @ Esther had not yet shewed her kindred nor her people; as Mordecai had charged her: for Esther did the commandment of Mordecai, like as when she was brought up with him.

strkjv@Esther:3:1 @ After these things did king Ahasuerus promote Haman the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, and advanced him, and set his seat above all the princes that were with him.




strkjv@Esther:5:12 @ Haman said moreover, Yea, Esther the queen did let no man come in with the king unto the banquet that she had prepared but myself; and to morrow am I invited unto her also with the king.

strkjv@Esther:8:1 @ On that day did the king Ahasuerus give the house of Haman the Jews enemy unto Esther the queen. And Mordecai came before the king; for Esther had told what he was unto her.






strkjv@Job:6:22 @ Did I say, Bring unto me? or, Give a reward for me your substance?


strkjv@Job:30:25 @ Did not I weep for him that was in trouble ? was not my soul grieved for the poor?



strkjv@Job:31:32 @ The stranger did not lodge in the street: but I opened my doors to the traveller.







strkjv@Psalms:18:36 @ Thou hast enlarged my steps under me, that my feet did not slip.




strkjv@Psalms:35:11 @ False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not.




strkjv@Psalms:45:9 @ Kings daughters were among thy honourable women: upon thy right hand did stand the queen in gold of Ophir.

strkjv@Psalms:51:5 @ Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.




strkjv@Psalms:68:12 @ Kings of armies did flee apace: and she that tarried at home divided the spoil.

strkjv@Psalms:78:12 @ Marvellous things did he in the sight of their fathers, in the land of Egypt, in the field of Zoan.

strkjv@Psalms:78:25 @ Man did eat angels food: he sent them meat to the full.


strkjv@Psalms:78:33 @ Therefore their days did he consume in vanity, and their years in trouble.




strkjv@Psalms:102:19 @ For he hath looked down from the height of his sanctuary; from heaven did the LORD behold the earth;



strkjv@Psalms:106:43 @ Many times did he deliver them; but they provoked him with their counsel, and were brought low for their iniquity.



strkjv@Psalms:139:16 @ Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.

strkjv@Psalms:142:1 @Maschil of David; A Prayer when he was in the cave m@.I cried unto the LORD with my voice; with my voice unto the LORD did I make my supplication.


strkjv@Isaiah:5:25 @ Therefore is the anger of the LORD kindled against his people, and he hath stretched forth his hand against them, and hath smitten them: and the hills did tremble, and their carcases were torn in the midst of the streets. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.


strkjv@Isaiah:9:1 @ Nevertheless the dimness shall not be such as was in her vexation, when at the first he lightly afflicted the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, and afterward did more grievously afflict her by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, in Galilee of the nations.

strkjv@Isaiah:10:10 @ As my hand hath found the kingdoms of the idols, and whose graven images did excel them of Jerusalem and of Samaria;

strkjv@Isaiah:13:1 @ The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amoz did see.



strkjv@Isaiah:22:12 @ And in that day did the Lord GOD of hosts call to weeping, and to mourning, and to baldness, and to girding with sackcloth:


strkjv@Isaiah:42:24 @ Who gave Jacob for a spoil m@, and Israel to the robbers? did not the LORD, he against whom we have sinned? for they would not walk in his ways, neither were they obedient unto his law.









strkjv@Jeremiah:14:6 @ And the wild asses did stand in the high places, they snuffed up the wind like dragons; their eyes did fail, because there was no grass.



strkjv@Jeremiah:22:15 @ Shalt thou reign, because thou closest thyself in cedar? did not thy father eat and drink, and do judgment and justice, and then it was well with him?

strkjv@Jeremiah:26:19 @ Did Hezekiah king of Judah and all Judah put him at all to death? did he not fear the LORD, and besought the LORD Y@, and the LORD repented him of the evil which he had pronounced against them? Thus might we procure great evil against our souls.


strkjv@Jeremiah:36:8 @ And Baruch the son of Neriah did according to all that Jeremiah the prophet commanded him, reading in the book the words of the LORD in the LORDS house.

strkjv@Jeremiah:37:2 @ But neither he, nor his servants, nor the people of the land, did hearken unto the words of the LORD, which he spake by the prophet Jeremiah.

strkjv@Jeremiah:38:12 @ And Ebedmelech Ebedthe Ethiopian said unto Jeremiah, Put now these old cast clouts and rotten rags under thine armholes H3027under the cords. And Jeremiah did so.


strkjv@Jeremiah:44:19 @ And when we burned incense to the queen of heaven, and poured out drink offerings unto her, did we make her cakes to worship her, and pour out drink offerings unto her, without our men?

strkjv@Jeremiah:44:21 @ The incense that ye burned in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem, ye, and your fathers, your kings, and your princes, and the people of the land, did not the LORD remember them, and came it not into his mind?

strkjv@Jeremiah:46:15 @ Why are thy valiant men swept away? they stood not, because the LORD did drive H them.




strkjv@Jeremiah:52:21 @ And concerning the pillars, the height of one pillar was eighteen sh@ cubits; and a fillet of twelve sh@ cubits did compass it; and the thickness thereof was four fingers: it was hollow.









strkjv@Ezekiel:17:7 @ There was also another great eagle with great wings and many feathers: and, behold, this vine did bend her roots toward him, and shot forth her branches toward him, that he might water it by the furrows of her plantation.





strkjv@Ezekiel:27:25 @ The ships of Tarshish did sing of thee in thy market: and thou wast replenished, and made very glorious in the midst of the seas.

strkjv@Ezekiel:31:6 @ All the fowls of heaven made their nests in his boughs c@, and under his branches did all the beasts of the field bring forth their young, and under his shadow dwelt all great nations.






strkjv@Daniel:3:24 @ Then Nebuchadnezzar the king was astonied t@, and rose up in haste b@, and spake, and said unto his counsellors, Did not we cast r@ three men bound k@ into the midst of the fire? They answered and said unto the king, True, O king.




strkjv@Daniel:7:9 @ I beheld till the thrones were cast down r@, and the Ancient of days did sit y@, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning d@ fire.






strkjv@Hosea:10:9 @ O Israel, thou hast sinned from the days of Gibeah: there they stood: the battle in Gibeah against the children of iniquity did not overtake them.



strkjv@Amos:5:19 @ As if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him.




strkjv@Jonah:4:8 @ And it came to pass, when the sun did arise, that God prepared a vehement east wind; and the sun beat upon the head of Jonah, that he fainted, and wished in himself to die, and said, It is better for me to die than to live.

strkjv@Nahum:2:12 @ The lion did tear in pieces enough for his whelps, and strangled for his lionesses, and filled his holes with prey, and his dens with ravin.

strkjv@Habakkuk:1:1 @ The burden which Habakkuk the prophet did see.

strkjv@Habakkuk:3:6 @ He stood, and measured the earth: he beheld, and drove asunder the nations; and the everlasting mountains were scattered, the perpetual hills did bow: his ways are everlasting.

strkjv@Habakkuk:3:7 @ I saw the tents of Cushan in affliction: and the curtains of the land of Midian did tremble.


strkjv@Haggai:1:12 @ Then Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel Sh@, and Joshua the son of Josedech, the high priest, with all the remnant of the people, obeyed the voice of the LORD their God, and the words of Haggai the prophet, as the LORD their God had sent him, and the people did fear before the LORD.



strkjv@Zechariah:1:6 @ But my words and my statutes, which I commanded my servants the prophets, did they not take hold of your fathers? and they returned and said, Like as the LORD of hosts thought to do unto us, according to our ways, and according to our doings, so hath he dealt with us.

strkjv@Zechariah:1:21 @ Then said I, What come these to do? And he spake, saying, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, so that no man did lift up his head: but these are come to fray them, to cast out the horns of the Gentiles, which lifted up their horn over the land of Judah to scatter it.

strkjv@Zechariah:7:5 @ Speak unto all the people of the land, and to the priests, saying, When ye fasted and mourned in the fifth and seventh month, even those seventy years, did ye at all fast unto me, even to me?

strkjv@Zechariah:9:3 @ And Tyrus did build herself a strong hold, and heaped up silver as the dust, and fine gold as the mire of the streets.



strkjv@Matthew:1:24 @ Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife:

strkjv@Matthew:2:22 @ But when he heard that Archelaus did reign in Judaea in the room of his father Herod, he was afraid to go thither: notwithstanding, being warned of God in a dream, he turned aside into the parts of Galilee:

strkjv@Matthew:12:3 @ But he said unto them, Have ye not read what David did, when he was an hungred, and they that were with him;

strkjv@Matthew:12:4 @ How he entered into the house of God, and did eat the shewbread , which was not lawful for him to eat, neither for them which were with him, but only for the priests?



strkjv@Matthew:15:7 @ Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying,



strkjv@Matthew:17:2 @ And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.

strkjv@Matthew:19:7 @ They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away?


strkjv@Matthew:21:6 @ And the disciples went, and did as Jesus commanded them,


strkjv@Matthew:21:25 @ The baptism of John, whence was it? from heaven, or of men? And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we shall say, From heaven; he will say unto us, Why did ye not then believe him?

strkjv@Matthew:21:31 @ Whether of them twain did the will of his father? They say unto him, The first. Jesus saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you.


strkjv@Matthew:21:42 @ Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lords doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?

strkjv@Matthew:25:44 @ Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?


strkjv@Matthew:26:19 @ And the disciples did as Jesus had appointed them; and they made ready the passover.

strkjv@Matthew:26:21 @ And as they did eat, he said, Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me.

strkjv@Matthew:26:67 @ Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted him; and others smote him with the palms of their hands,

strkjv@Matthew:27:9 @ Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him that was valued, whom they of the children of Israel did value;

strkjv@Matthew:27:35 @ And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting lots: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots.

strkjv@Matthew:27:51 @ And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;

strkjv@Matthew:28:4 @ And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men.



strkjv@Mark:1:4 @ John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.


strkjv@Mark:1:32 @ And at even, when the sun did set, they brought unto him all that were diseased, and them that were possessed with devils.

strkjv@Mark:2:25 @ And he said unto them, Have ye never read what David did, when he had need, and was an hungred, he, and they that were with him?

strkjv@Mark:2:26 @ How he went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar the high priest, and did eat the shewbread , which is not lawful to eat but for the priests, and gave also to them which were with him?


strkjv@Mark:4:8 @ And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up and increased; and brought forth, some thirty, and some sixty, and some an hundred.






strkjv@Mark:10:3 @ And he answered and said unto them, What did Moses command you?

strkjv@Mark:11:31 @ And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we shall say, From heaven; he will say, Why then did ye not believe him?


strkjv@Mark:14:18 @ And as they sat and did eat, Jesus said, Verily I say unto you, One of you which eateth with me shall betray me.

strkjv@Mark:14:22 @ And as they did eat, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and brake it, and gave to them, and said, Take, eat: this is my body.

strkjv@Mark:14:59 @ But neither so did their witness agree together .

strkjv@Mark:14:65 @ And some began to spit on him, and to cover his face, and to buffet him, and to say unto him, Prophesy: and the servants did strike him with the palms of their hands.

strkjv@Mark:15:19 @ And they smote him on the head with a reed, and did spit upon him, and bowing their knees worshipped him.


strkjv@Luke:6:1 @ And it came to pass on the second sabbath after the first, that he went through the corn fields; and his disciples plucked the ears of corn, and did eat, rubbing them in their hands.

strkjv@Luke:6:3 @ And Jesus answering them said, Have ye not read so much as this, what David did, when himself was an hungred, and they which were with him;

strkjv@Luke:6:4 @ How he went into the house of God, and did take and eat the shewbread , and gave also to them that were with him; which it is not lawful to eat but for the priests alone?


strkjv@Luke:6:23 @ Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.

strkjv@Luke:6:26 @ Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.

strkjv@Luke:6:49 @ But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great.

strkjv@Luke:7:38 @ And stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment.



strkjv@Luke:9:43 @ And they were all amazed at the mighty power of God. But while they wondered every one at all things which Jesus did, he said unto his disciples,


strkjv@Luke:9:54 @ And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did?

strkjv@Luke:11:40 @ Ye fools, did not he that made that which is without make that which is within also?

strkjv@Luke:12:47 @ And that servant, which knew his lords will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.

strkjv@Luke:12:48 @ But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.

strkjv@Luke:15:16 @ And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him.





strkjv@Luke:24:32 @ And they said one to another , Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?


strkjv@John:1:45 @ Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.

strkjv@John:2:11 @ This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him.


strkjv@John:2:24 @ But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men,




strkjv@John:4:54 @ This is again the second miracle that Jesus did, when he was come out of Judaea into Galilee.

strkjv@John:5:16 @ And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay him, because he had done these things on the sabbath day.


strkjv@John:6:14 @ Then those men, when they had seen the miracle that Jesus did, said, This is of a truth that prophet that should come into the world.


strkjv@John:6:31 @ Our fathers did eat manna in the desert; as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat.

strkjv@John:6:49 @ Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead.

strkjv@John:6:58 @ This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever.

strkjv@John:7:5 @ For neither did his brethren believe in him.

strkjv@John:7:19 @ Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law? Why go ye about to kill me?

strkjv@John:8:40 @ But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.

strkjv@John:9:2 @ And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?

strkjv@John:9:18 @ But the Jews did not believe concerning him, that he had been blind, and received his sight, until they called the parents of him that had received his sight.

strkjv@John:9:22 @ These words spake his parents, because they feared the Jews: for the Jews had agreed already, that if any man did confess that he was Christ, he should be put out of the synagogue.

strkjv@John:9:26 @ Then said they to him again, What did he to thee? how opened he thine eyes?

strkjv@John:10:8 @ All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them.

strkjv@John:10:41 @ And many resorted unto him, and said, John did no miracle: but all things that John spake of this man were true.

strkjv@John:11:45 @ Then many of the Jews which came to Mary, and had seen the things which Jesus did, believed on him.

strkjv@John:12:36 @ While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light. These things spake Jesus, and departed, and did hide himself from them.


strkjv@John:15:24 @ If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father.

strkjv@John:18:26 @ One of the servants of the high priest, being his kinsman whose ear Peter cut off, saith, Did not I see thee in the garden with him?

strkjv@John:18:34 @ Jesus answered him, Sayest thou this thing of thyself, or did others tell it thee of me?


strkjv@John:20:4 @ So they ran both together: and the other disciple did outrun Peter, and came first to the sepulchre.

strkjv@John:20:30 @ And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book:

strkjv@John:21:7 @ Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fishers coat unto him, (for he was naked,) and did cast himself into the sea.

strkjv@John:21:25 @ And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.

strkjv@Acts:2:22 @ Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know:

strkjv@Acts:2:26 @ Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope:

strkjv@Acts:2:31 @ He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption.

strkjv@Acts:2:40 @ And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation.

strkjv@Acts:2:46 @ And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,

strkjv@Acts:4:25 @ Who by the mouth of thy servant David hast said, Why did the heathen rage, and the people imagine vain things?

strkjv@Acts:5:28 @ Saying, Did not we straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name? and, behold, ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this mans blood upon us.

strkjv@Acts:6:8 @ And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people.


strkjv@Acts:7:35 @ This Moses whom they refused, saying, Who made thee a ruler and a judge? the same did God send to be a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the angel which appeared to him in the bush.


strkjv@Acts:9:9 @ And he was three days without sight, and neither did eat nor drink.



strkjv@Acts:10:41 @ Not to all the people, but unto witnesses chosen before of God, even to us, who did eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead.






strkjv@Acts:15:14 @ Simeon hath declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name.

strkjv@Acts:16:18 @ And this did she many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour.



strkjv@Acts:26:10 @ Which thing I also did in Jerusalem: and many of the saints did I shut up in prison, having received authority from the chief priests; and when they were put to death, I gave my voice against them.

strkjv@Acts:26:22 @ Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day, witnessing both to small and great, saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come:

strkjv@Romans:1:26 @ For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:


strkjv@Romans:3:3 @ For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?

strkjv@Romans:5:20 @ Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:

strkjv@Romans:7:5 @ For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death.



strkjv@Romans:10:19 @ But I say, Did not Israel know? First Moses saith, I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people, and by a foolish nation I will anger you.

strkjv@1Corinthians:10:3 @ And did all eat the same spiritual meat;

strkjv@1Corinthians:10:4 @ And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.


strkjv@2Corinthians:1:17 @ When I therefore was thus minded, did I use lightness? or the things that I purpose, do I purpose according to the flesh, that with me there should be yea yea, and nay nay?

strkjv@2Corinthians:2:9 @ For to this end also did I write, that I might know the proof of you, whether ye be obedient in all things.

strkjv@2Corinthians:5:20 @ Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christs stead, be ye reconciled to God.



strkjv@2Corinthians:12:16 @ But be it so, I did not burden you: nevertheless, being crafty, I caught you with guile.

strkjv@2Corinthians:12:17 @ Did I make a gain of you by any of them whom I sent unto you?

strkjv@2Corinthians:12:18 @ I desired Titus, and with him I sent a brother. Did Titus make a gain of you? walked we not in the same spirit? walked we not in the same steps?



strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:8 @ Neither did we eat any mans bread for nought; but wrought with labour and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you:


strkjv@2Timothy:4:14 @ Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works:

strkjv@Hebrews:3:16 @ For some, when they had heard, did provoke: howbeit not all that came out of Egypt by Moses.

strkjv@Hebrews:4:2 @ For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.

strkjv@Hebrews:4:4 @ For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.

strkjv@Hebrews:4:10 @ For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.



strkjv@1Peter:1:11 @ Searching what , or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow .


strkjv@1Peter:2:22 @ Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:

strkjv@Revelation:12:4 @ And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

strkjv@Revelation:13:14 @ And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

strkjv@Revelation:19:2 @ For true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.

strkjv@Revelation:21:23 @ And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

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