





ylt her

ylt@Genesis:2:22 @...a woman, and bringeth her in...

ylt@Genesis:3:6 @And the woman seeth that the tree [is] good for food, and that it [is] pleasant to the eyes, and the tree is desirable to make [one]...to her husband with her, and...

ylt@Genesis:3:15 @...between thy seed and her seed;...-- the head, and thou dost bruise him -- the heel.'

ylt@Genesis:4:11 @and now, cursed [art]...ground, which hath opened her mouth...

ylt@Genesis:8:9 @...for the sole of her foot,...[are]...taketh her, and bringeth her in...

ylt@Genesis:8:11 @and the dove cometh in unto him at even-...leaf torn off in her mouth;...

ylt@Genesis:12:15 @...see her, and praise her unto...[to] Pharaoh's house;

ylt@Genesis:12:19 @Why hast thou said, She [is]...sister, and I take her to...

ylt@Genesis:16:1 @...handmaid, an Egyptian, and her name...[is] Hagar;

ylt@Genesis:16:3 @...giveth her to Abram her husband,...

ylt@Genesis:16:4 @...she hath conceived, and her mistress...

ylt@Genesis:16:5 @And Sarai saith unto Abram, 'My violence [is] for thee; I --...am lightly esteemed in her eyes;...

ylt@Genesis:16:6 @And Abram saith unto Sarai, 'Lo, thine handmaid [is]...eyes;' and Sarai afflicted her, and...

ylt@Genesis:16:7 @...messenger of Jehovah findeth her by...[to] Shur,

ylt@Genesis:16:9 @...of Jehovah saith to her, 'Turn...

ylt@Genesis:17:15 @And God saith unto Abraham, 'Sarai thy wife --...thou dost not call her name...[is] her name;

ylt@Genesis:18:13 @and Sarah laugheth in her heart, saying, 'After I have waxed old I have had pleasure! -- my lord also [is] old!'

ylt@Genesis:19:33 @And they cause their father to drink wine on that night; and the first-...lying down, or in her rising...

ylt@Genesis:19:35 @...lying down, or in her rising...

ylt@Genesis:21:10 @...out this handmaid and her son;...-- with Isaac.'

ylt@Genesis:21:12 @and God saith unto Abraham, 'Let it not be wrong in thine eyes because of the youth, and because of thy handmaid: all that Sarah saith unto thee -- hearken to her voice, for in Isaac is a seed called to thee.

ylt@Genesis:21:14 @And Abraham riseth early in the morning, and taketh bread, and a bottle of water, and giveth unto Hagar (placing [it] on her shoulder)...the lad, and sendeth her out;...-Sheba;

ylt@Genesis:21:16 @...goeth and sitteth by herself... over-against, afar off, about a bow-shot, for she said, 'Let me not look on the death of the lad;' and she sitteth over-against, and lifteth up her voice, and weepeth.

ylt@Genesis:21:19 @And God openeth her eyes, and she seeth a well of water, and she goeth and filleth the bottle [with] water, and causeth the youth to drink;

ylt@Genesis:24:14 @and it hath been, the young person unto whom I say, Incline, I pray thee, thy pitcher, and I drink, and she hath said, Drink, and I water also thy camels) -- her Thou hast decided for Thy servant, for Isaac; and by it I know that Thou hast done kindness with my lord.'

ylt@Genesis:24:15 @And it cometh to pass, before he hath finished speaking, that lo, Rebekah (who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, wife of Nahor, brother of Abraham)...is coming out, and her pitcher...

ylt@Genesis:24:16 @and the young person [is]...the fountain, and filleth her pitcher,...

ylt@Genesis:24:18 @...down her pitcher upon her hand,...

ylt@Genesis:24:20 @...she hasteth, and emptieth her pitcher...-trough, and runneth again unto the well to draw, and draweth for all his camels.

ylt@Genesis:24:22 @And it cometh to pass when the camels have finished drinking, that the man taketh a golden ring (whose weight [is] a bekah)...and two bracelets for her hands...(whose weight [is] ten [bekahs] of gold),

ylt@Genesis:24:28 @...to the house of her mother...

ylt@Genesis:24:45 @...and I say unto her, Let...

ylt@Genesis:24:46 @...her pitcher from off her and...

ylt@Genesis:24:47 @'And I ask her, and say, Whose daughter [art]...put the ring on her nose,...

ylt@Genesis:24:53 @...he hath given to her brother...

ylt@Genesis:24:55 @and her brother saith -- her mother also -- 'Let the young person abide with us a week or ten days, afterwards doth she go.'

ylt@Genesis:24:57 @...person, and ask at her... mouth;'

ylt@Genesis:24:59 @...Rebekah their sister, and her nurse,...

ylt@Genesis:24:61 @And Rebekah and her young women arise, and ride on the camels, and go after the man; and the servant taketh Rebekah and goeth.

ylt@Genesis:24:64 @And Rebekah lifteth up her eyes, and seeth Isaac, and alighteth from off the camel;

ylt@Genesis:24:67 @...wife, and he loveth her, and...[the death of] his mother.

ylt@Genesis:25:1 @...taketh a wife, and her name...[is] Keturah;

ylt@Genesis:25:24 @And her days to bear are fulfilled, and lo, twins [are] in her womb;

ylt@Genesis:25:26 @and afterwards hath his brother come out, and his hand is taking hold on Esau's heel, and one calleth his name Jacob; and Isaac [is]...of sixty years in her bearing...

ylt@Genesis:27:6 @...hath spoken unto Jacob her son,...

ylt@Genesis:27:15 @...desirable garments of Esau her elder...[are]...doth put on Jacob her younger...

ylt@Genesis:27:17 @...the hand of Jacob her... son.

ylt@Genesis:27:42 @...and calleth for Jacob her younger...-- to slay thee;

ylt@Genesis:29:9 @...with the flock which her father...[is] shepherdess;

ylt@Genesis:29:12 @and Jacob declareth to Rachel that he [is] her father's brother, and that he [is]...runneth and declareth to her... father.

ylt@Genesis:29:19 @...thee than to give her to...

ylt@Genesis:29:23 @...his daughter, and bringeth her in...

ylt@Genesis:29:24 @and Laban giveth to her Zilpah, his maid-servant, to Leah his daughter, a maid-servant.

ylt@Genesis:29:31 @And Jehovah seeth that Leah [is]...one, and He openeth her womb,...[is] barren;

ylt@Genesis:30:1 @...Rachel is envious of her sister,...-- I die.'

ylt@Genesis:30:4 @...giveth to him Bilhah her... maid-...Jacob goeth in unto her;...

ylt@Genesis:30:9 @...and she taketh Zilpah her... maid-servant, and giveth her to Jacob for a wife;

ylt@Genesis:30:16 @And Jacob cometh in from the field at evening; and Leah goeth to meet him, and saith, 'Unto me dost thou come in, for hiring I have hired thee with my son's love-...and he lieth with her during...

ylt@Genesis:30:21 @...a daughter, and calleth her name...

ylt@Genesis:30:22 @...and God hearkeneth unto her, and...

ylt@Genesis:31:19 @...stealeth the teraphim which her father...

ylt@Genesis:31:35 @and she saith unto her father, 'Let it not be displeasing in the eyes of my lord that I am not able to rise at thy presence, for the way of women [is] on me;' and he searcheth, and hath not found the teraphim.

ylt@Genesis:33:2 @and he setteth the maid-...first, and Leah and her children...

ylt@Genesis:33:7 @...also draweth nigh, and her children,...

ylt@Genesis:34:11 @...her father, and unto her brethren,...

ylt@Genesis:35:16 @...is sharply pained in her... bearing;

ylt@Genesis:35:17 @...the midwife saith to her, 'Fear...[is] a son for thee.'

ylt@Genesis:35:18 @...the going out of her soul...(for she died), that she calleth his name Ben-Oni; and his father called him Benjamin;

ylt@Genesis:35:20 @...a standing pillar over her grave;...[is] the standing pillar of Rachel's grave unto this day.

ylt@Genesis:38:5 @...was in Chezib in her bearing...

ylt@Genesis:38:6 @And Judah taketh a wife for Er, his first-born, and her name [is] Tamar;

ylt@Genesis:38:11 @And Judah saith to Tamar his daughter-in-law, 'Abide a widow at thy father's house, till Shelah my son groweth up;' for he said, 'Lest he die -- even he --...goeth and dwelleth at her father's...

ylt@Genesis:38:14 @...a vail, and wrappeth herself up,...[is] by the way to Timnath, for she hath seen that Shelah hath grown up, and she hath not been given to him for a wife.

ylt@Genesis:38:15 @...seeth her, and reckoneth her for...

ylt@Genesis:38:16 @...he turneth aside unto her by...(for he hath not known that she [is] his daughter-in-law); and she saith, 'What dost thou give to me, that thou mayest come in unto me?'

ylt@Genesis:38:19 @...her vail from off her, and...

ylt@Genesis:38:21 @...asketh the men of her place,...[is] the separated one -- she in Enayim, by the way?' and they say, 'There hath not been in this [place] a separated one.'

ylt@Genesis:38:23 @...'Let her take to herself, lest...

ylt@Genesis:38:24 @And it cometh to pass about three months [after], that it is declared to Judah, saying, 'Tamar thy daughter-in-...and Judah saith, 'Bring her out...-- and she is burnt.'

ylt@Genesis:38:25 @...she hath sent unto her husband's...[are], I [am] pregnant;' and she saith, 'Discern, I pray thee, whose [are] these -- the seal, and the ribbons, and the staff.'

ylt@Genesis:38:26 @...I did not give her to...

ylt@Genesis:38:27 @...in the time of her bearing,...[are] in her womb;

ylt@Genesis:38:28 @...cometh to pass in her bearing,...[one] giveth out a hand, and the midwife taketh and bindeth on his hand a scarlet thread, saying, 'This hath come out first.'

ylt@Genesis:39:7 @...lord's wife lifteth up her eyes...

ylt@Genesis:39:10 @...cometh to pass at her speaking...[by]...her, to lie near her, to...

ylt@Genesis:39:12 @...leaveth his garment in her hand,...

ylt@Genesis:39:13 @...left his garment in her hand,...

ylt@Genesis:39:14 @...for the men of her house,...

ylt@Genesis:48:7 @'And I -- in my coming in from Padan-[Aram]...Ephrata, and I bury her there...[is] Bethlehem.'

ylt@Exodus:2:5 @...the weeds, and sendeth her handmaid,...

ylt@Exodus:2:10 @...and he is to her for...-- from the water I have drawn him.'

ylt@Exodus:3:22 @and [every]...who is sojourning in her house,...[them] on your sons and on your daughters, and have spoiled the Egyptians.'

ylt@Exodus:4:25 @...off the foreskin of her son,...[it] to touch his feet, and saith, 'Surely a bridegroom of blood [art] thou to me;'

ylt@Exodus:11:2 @speak, I pray thee, in the ears of the people, and they ask --...and each woman from her neighbour,...

ylt@Exodus:15:20 @...women go out after her, with...

ylt@Exodus:18:2 @and Jethro, father-in-...wife of Moses, besides her... parents,

ylt@Exodus:18:3 @and her two sons, of whom the name of the one [is] Gershom, for he said, 'a sojourner I have been in a strange land:'

ylt@Exodus:18:6 @and he saith unto Moses, 'I, thy father-in-...and thy wife, and her two...

ylt@Exodus:21:4 @if his lord give to him a wife, and she hath borne to him sons or daughters --...and her children are her lord's,...

ylt@Exodus:21:8 @...not power to sell her, in...

ylt@Exodus:21:10 @'If another [woman]...food, her covering, and her habitation,...

ylt@Exodus:21:22 @...a pregnant woman, and her children...

ylt@Exodus:22:16 @'And when a man doth entice a virgin who [is]...he doth certainly endow her to...

ylt@Exodus:22:17 @...utterly refuse to give her to...

ylt@Exodus:35:25 @And every wise-...woman hath spun with her hands,...

ylt@Leviticus:12:2 @...days of separation for her sickness...

ylt@Leviticus:12:4 @...in the blood of her cleansing;...

ylt@Leviticus:12:5 @...two weeks, as in her separation;...

ylt@Leviticus:12:6 @...of the days of her cleansing...-offering, and a young pigeon or a turtle-dove for a sin-offering, unto the opening of the tent of meeting, unto the priest;

ylt@Leviticus:12:7 @...from the fountain of her blood;...[is] the law of her who is bearing, in regard to a male or to a female.

ylt@Leviticus:12:8 @'And if her hand find not the sufficiency of a sheep, then she hath taken two turtle-doves, or two young pigeons, one for a burnt-offering, and one for a sin-...hath made atonement for her, and...

ylt@Leviticus:15:19 @'And when a woman hath an issue --...is her issue in her flesh...--...who is coming against her is...

ylt@Leviticus:15:20 @...which she lieth in her separation...

ylt@Leviticus:15:21 @...who is coming against her bed...

ylt@Leviticus:15:24 @...lie with her, and her separation...

ylt@Leviticus:15:25 @...when it floweth over her separation...--...as the days of her separation;...[is] unclean.

ylt@Leviticus:15:26 @...of her separation to her, and...

ylt@Leviticus:15:28 @...she hath numbered to herself seven...

ylt@Leviticus:15:30 @and the priest hath made the one a sin-offering, and the one a burnt-...hath made atonement for her before...

ylt@Leviticus:15:33 @...who is sick in her separation,...

ylt@Leviticus:18:7 @'The nakedness of thy father and the nakedness of thy mother thou dost not uncover, she [is]...thou dost not uncover her... nakedness.

ylt@Leviticus:18:11 @'The nakedness of a daughter of thy father's wife, begotten of thy father, she [is]...thou dost not uncover her... nakedness.

ylt@Leviticus:18:15 @'The nakedness of thy daughter-in-law thou dost not uncover; she [is]...thou dost not uncover her... nakedness.

ylt@Leviticus:18:17 @...not take to uncover her nakedness;...[are] her relations; it [is] wickedness.

ylt@Leviticus:18:18 @...uncover her nakedness beside her, in...

ylt@Leviticus:18:19 @...in the separation of her uncleanness...

ylt@Leviticus:19:29 @...thy daughter to cause her to...-whoring, that the land go not a-whoring, and the land hath been full of wickedness.

ylt@Leviticus:20:14 @...taketh the woman and her mother...-- it [is] wickedness; with fire they burn him and them, and there is no wickedness in your midst.

ylt@Leviticus:20:17 @...and he hath seen her nakedness,...

ylt@Leviticus:20:18 @...uncovered the fountain of her blood,...-- even both of them have been cut off from the midst of their people.

ylt@Leviticus:21:3 @...to a man; for her he...

ylt@Leviticus:21:7 @...woman cast out from her husband...[is] holy to his God;

ylt@Leviticus:21:9 @...priest when she polluteth herself by...-whoring -- her father she is polluting; with fire she is burnt.

ylt@Leviticus:21:13 @...taketh a wife in her... virginity;

ylt@Leviticus:22:13 @...unto the house of her father,...[in] her youth, of her father's bread she doth eat; but no stranger doth eat of it.

ylt@Leviticus:26:4 @...the land hath given her produce,...

ylt@Leviticus:26:20 @...land doth not give her produce,...

ylt@Numbers:5:13 @...man hath lain with her... [with]...is no witness against her, and...

ylt@Numbers:5:15 @...in her offering for her, a...[is] a present of jealousy, a present of memorial, causing remembrance of iniquity.

ylt@Numbers:5:16 @...near, and hath caused her to...

ylt@Numbers:5:18 @...and hath given into her hands...[is] a present of jealousy, and in the hand of the priest are the bitter waters which cause the curse.

ylt@Numbers:5:19 @...the priest hath caused her to...[to] uncleanness under thy husband, be free from these bitter waters which cause the curse;

ylt@Numbers:5:24 @...curse have entered into her for...

ylt@Numbers:5:27 @...belly hath swelled, and her thigh...

ylt@Numbers:5:29 @'This [is]...wife turneth aside under her husband,...

ylt@Numbers:5:30 @...priest hath done to her all...

ylt@Numbers:5:31 @...that woman doth bear her... iniquity.'

ylt@Numbers:12:12 @let her not, I pray thee, be as [one] dead, when in his coming out from the womb of his mother -- the half of his flesh is consumed.'

ylt@Numbers:12:14 @...had but spat in her face...-- is she not ashamed seven days? she is shut out seven days at the outside of the camp, and afterwards she is gathered.'

ylt@Numbers:16:30 @...the ground hath opened her mouth...-- then ye have known that these men have despised Jehovah.'

ylt@Numbers:16:32 @and the earth openeth her mouth, and swalloweth them, and their houses, and all the men who [are] for Korah, and all the goods,

ylt@Numbers:19:4 @'And Eleazar the priest hath taken of its blood with his finger, and hath sprinkled over-...tent of meeting of her blood...

ylt@Numbers:19:5 @and [one]...and her blood, besides her dung,...

ylt@Numbers:22:33 @...I had slain, and her kept...

ylt@Numbers:25:8 @and goeth in after the man of Israel unto the hollow place, and pierceth them both, the man of Israel and the woman -- unto her belly, and the plague is restrained from the sons of Israel;

ylt@Numbers:26:10 @and the earth openeth her mouth, and swalloweth them and Korah, in the death of the company, in the fire consuming the two hundred and fifty men, and they become a sign;

ylt@Numbers:30:3 @...in the house of her father...

ylt@Numbers:30:4 @...she hath bound on her soul...

ylt@Numbers:30:5 @...propitious to her, for her father...

ylt@Numbers:30:6 @...to a husband, and her vows...[are] on her, or a wrongful utterance [on]...she hath bound on her... soul,

ylt@Numbers:30:7 @...she hath bound on her soul...

ylt@Numbers:30:8 @...then he hath broken her vow...[is]...she hath bound on her soul,...

ylt@Numbers:30:9 @'As to the vow of a widow or cast-...she hath bound on her soul...

ylt@Numbers:30:10 @'And if [in]...bound a bond on her soul...

ylt@Numbers:30:11 @...hath kept silent at her... --...he hath not disallowed her... --...she hath bound on her soul...

ylt@Numbers:30:12 @...concerning the bond of her soul,...-- her husband hath broken them --...Jehovah is propitious to her....

ylt@Numbers:30:13 @'Every vow and every oath -- a bond to humble a soul --...doth establish it, or her husband...

ylt@Numbers:30:14 @...her vows, or all her bonds...[are]...hath kept silent at her in...

ylt@Numbers:30:15 @...then he hath borne her... iniquity.'

ylt@Numbers:30:16 @These [are]...and his daughter, in her youth,...[in] the house of her father.

ylt@Numbers:36:8 @...of the tribe of her father...

ylt@Deuteronomy:11:6 @...the earth hath opened her mouth...

ylt@Deuteronomy:11:17 @...ground doth not give her increase,...

ylt@Deuteronomy:21:12 @...and she hath shaved her head,...

ylt@Deuteronomy:21:13 @...her and hast married her, and...

ylt@Deuteronomy:21:14 @'And it hath been --...dost not tyrannize over her, because...

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:14 @...have not found in her tokens...

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:15 @'Then hath the father of the damsel -- and her mother -- taken and brought out the tokens of virginity of the damsel unto the elders of the city in the gate,

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:19 @...not able to send her away...

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:21 @...have the men of her city...-whoring [in] her father's house; and thou hast put away the evil thing out of thy midst.

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:23 @...a man hath found her in...

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:25 @...who hath lain with her died...

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:29 @...not able to send her away...

ylt@Deuteronomy:24:1 @...wife, and hath married her, and...(...he hath found in her nakedness...)...he hath written for her a...[it]...her hand, and sent her out...

ylt@Deuteronomy:24:3 @...her, and written for her a...[it]...dieth, who hath taken her to...

ylt@Deuteronomy:24:4 @...turn back to take her to...[is] before Jehovah, and thou dost not cause the land to sin which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee -- an inheritance.

ylt@Deuteronomy:25:5 @...perform the duty of her husband's...

ylt@Deuteronomy:25:11 @...and hath put forth her hand,...

ylt@Deuteronomy:25:12 @...thou hast cut off her hand,...

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:56 @...tried the sole of her foot...--...her bosom, and against her son,...

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:57 @...her feet, even against her sons...

ylt@Joshua:2:1 @And Joshua son of Nun sendeth from Shittim, two men, spies, silently, saying, 'Go, see the land --...woman, a harlot, and her name...[is] Rahab, and they lie down there.

ylt@Joshua:2:6 @...which is arranged for her on...

ylt@Joshua:2:15 @...through the window, for her house...[is] in the side of the wall, and in the wall she [is] dwelling;

ylt@Joshua:6:17 @and the city hath been devoted, it and all that [is] in it, to Jehovah; only Rahab the harlot doth live, she and all who [are] with her in the house, for she hid the messengers whom we sent;

ylt@Joshua:6:23 @...she hath; yea, all her families...

ylt@Joshua:6:25 @...and the house of her father,...

ylt@Joshua:8:2 @...to Jericho and to her king;...

ylt@Joshua:10:1 @And it cometh to pass, when Adoni-Zedek king of Jerusalem heareth that Joshua hath captured Ai, and doth devote it (...to Jericho and to her king...), and that the inhabitants of Gibeon have made peace with Israel, and are in their midst, --

ylt@Joshua:15:18 @...and Caleb saith to her, 'What...-- to thee?'

ylt@Joshua:15:19 @...and he giveth to her the...

ylt@Judges:1:14 @...and Caleb saith to her, 'What...-- to thee?'

ylt@Judges:1:15 @And she saith to him, 'Give to me a blessing; when the south land thou hast given me --...and Caleb giveth to her the...

ylt@Judges:4:5 @and she is dwelling under the palm-tree of Deborah, between Ramah and Beth-El, in the hill-...Israel go up unto her for...

ylt@Judges:4:21 @...taketh the hammer in her hand,...-- and he hath been fast asleep, and is weary -- and he dieth.

ylt@Judges:5:26 @...she sendeth forth, And her right...-- she smote his head, Yea, she smote, and it passed through his temple.

ylt@Judges:5:27 @Between her feet he bowed --...he lay down; Between her feet...-- destroyed.

ylt@Judges:5:29 @...her, Yea, she returneth her sayings...

ylt@Judges:11:34 @...with choruses, and save her alone,...

ylt@Judges:11:37 @And she saith unto her father, 'Let this thing be done to me; desist from me two months, and I go on, and have gone down on the hills, and I weep for my virginity -- I and my friends.'

ylt@Judges:11:38 @...and she weepeth for her virginity...

ylt@Judges:11:39 @...and he doth to her his...

ylt@Judges:13:6 @...cometh and speaketh to her husband,...[is] as the appearance of a messenger of God, very fearful, and I have not asked him whence he [is], and his name he hath not declared to me;

ylt@Judges:13:9 @And God hearkeneth to the voice of Manoah, and the messenger of God cometh again unto the woman, and she [is]...a field, and Manoah her husband...

ylt@Judges:13:10 @...runneth, and declareth to her husband,...-- the man who came on [that] day unto me.'

ylt@Judges:13:13 @...unto the woman let her take...

ylt@Judges:13:14 @of anything which cometh out from the wine-...that I have commanded her she...

ylt@Judges:14:2 @...Philistines; and now, take her for...

ylt@Judges:14:3 @And his father saith to him --...unto his father, 'Take her for...

ylt@Judges:14:17 @And she weepeth for it the seven days [in] which their banquet hath been, and it cometh to pass on the seventh day that he declareth [it]...to the sons of her... people.

ylt@Judges:15:1 @And it cometh to pass, after [some] days, in the days of wheat-...the inner chamber;' and her father...

ylt@Judges:15:2 @...thy companion; is not her sister...-- the young one --...better than she? Let her be,...

ylt@Judges:15:6 @And the Philistines say, 'Who hath done this?' And they say, 'Samson, son-in-...and burn her and her father...

ylt@Judges:16:4 @...valley of Sorek, and her name...[is] Delilah,

ylt@Judges:16:8 @...Philistines bring up to her seven...

ylt@Judges:16:9 @...ambush is abiding with her in...[are] upon thee, Samson;' and he breaketh the withs as a thread of tow is broken in its smelling fire, and his power hath not been known.

ylt@Judges:16:16 @...she distressed him with her words...

ylt@Judges:16:17 @...heart, and saith to her, 'A...[am] from the womb of my mother; if I have been shaven, then hath my power turned aside from me, and I have been weak, and have been as any of the human race.'

ylt@Judges:16:18 @...have come up unto her, and...

ylt@Judges:16:19 @...maketh him sleep on her knees,...

ylt@Judges:19:2 @...unto the house of her father,...-Lehem-Judah, and is there days -- four months.

ylt@Judges:19:3 @...her heart, to bring her back,...[is]...into the house of her father,...

ylt@Judges:19:25 @And the men have not been willing to hearken to him, and the man taketh hold on his concubine, and bringeth [her]...the morning, and send her away...

ylt@Judges:19:26 @...the man's house, where her lord...[is], till the light.

ylt@Judges:19:27 @...of the house, and her hands...[are] on the threshold,

ylt@Judges:19:28 @...answering, and he taketh her on...

ylt@Judges:19:29 @...her in pieces to her bones...--...twelve pieces, and sendeth her into...

ylt@Judges:20:6 @...in pieces, and send her into...

ylt@Ruth:1:3 @...is left, she and her two...

ylt@Ruth:1:5 @And they die also, both of them -- Mahlon and Chilion --...woman is left of her two...

ylt@Ruth:1:6 @...she riseth, she and her... daughters-in-law, and turneth back from the fields of Moab, for she hath heard in the fields of Moab that God hath looked after His people, -- to give to them bread.

ylt@Ruth:1:7 @...she hath been, and her two...-in-law with her, and they go in the way to turn back unto the land of Judah.

ylt@Ruth:1:8 @And Naomi saith to her two daughters-in-...to the house of her mother;...

ylt@Ruth:1:9 @...in the house of her husband;'...

ylt@Ruth:1:14 @...again, and Orpah kisseth her... mother-in-...Ruth hath cleaved to her....

ylt@Ruth:1:15 @And she saith, 'Lo, thy sister-in-...her people, and unto her god,...-in-law.'

ylt@Ruth:1:22 @...and Ruth the Moabitess her... daughter-in-law with her, who hath turned back from the fields of Moab, and they have come in to Beth-Lehem at the commencement of barley-harvest.

ylt@Ruth:2:1 @...hath an acquaintance of her husband's,...[is] Boaz.

ylt@Ruth:2:3 @...after the reapers, and her chance...-- the portion of the field is Boaz's who [is] of the family of Elimelech.

ylt@Ruth:2:10 @...her face, and boweth herself to...

ylt@Ruth:2:14 @And Boaz saith to her, 'At meal-...and he reacheth to her roasted...

ylt@Ruth:2:15 @...ye do not cause her to...

ylt@Ruth:2:16 @...do surely cast to her of...--...do not push against her.'...

ylt@Ruth:2:18 @and she taketh [it]...into the city, and her... mother-in-...out and giveth to her that...

ylt@Ruth:2:19 @And her mother-in-law saith to her, 'Where hast thou gleaned to-...And she declareth to her... mother-in-law with whom she hath wrought, and saith, 'The name of the man with whom I have wrought to-day [is] Boaz.'

ylt@Ruth:2:20 @And Naomi saith to her daughter-in-law, 'Blessed [is]...and Naomi saith to her, 'The...[is] of our redeemers.'

ylt@Ruth:2:22 @...Naomi saith unto Ruth her... daughter-in-law, 'Good, my daughter, that thou goest out with his young women, and they come not against thee in another field.'

ylt@Ruth:2:23 @And she cleaveth to the young women of Boaz to glean, till the completion of the barley-harvest, and of the wheat-...and she dwelleth with her... mother-in-law.

ylt@Ruth:3:1 @And Naomi her mother-in-law saith to her, 'My daughter, do not I seek for thee rest, that it may be well with thee?

ylt@Ruth:3:6 @And she goeth down [to] the threshing-...according to all that her... mother-in-law commanded her

ylt@Ruth:3:16 @...she cometh in unto her... mother-in-law, and she saith, 'Who [art]...and she declareth to her all...

ylt@Ruth:4:13 @...and Jehovah giveth to her conception,...

ylt@Ruth:4:16 @...and layeth him in her bosom,...

ylt@1Samuel:1:4 @...all her sons and her daughters,...

ylt@1Samuel:1:5 @and to Hannah he giveth a certain portion --...and Jehovah hath shut her... womb;

ylt@1Samuel:1:6 @...so as to make her tremble,...

ylt@1Samuel:1:7 @...Jehovah, so it provoketh her, and...

ylt@1Samuel:1:8 @...her husband saith to her, 'Hannah,...

ylt@1Samuel:1:12 @...that Eli is watching her... mouth,

ylt@1Samuel:1:13 @...heard, and Eli reckoneth her to...

ylt@1Samuel:1:18 @...way, and eateth, and her countenance...[sad] for it any more.

ylt@1Samuel:1:22 @...for she said to her husband,...-- then I have brought him in, and he hath appeared before the face of Jehovah, and dwelt there -- unto the age.'

ylt@1Samuel:1:23 @...woman abideth and suckleth her son...

ylt@1Samuel:1:24 @...to go up with her when...[is but] a youth.

ylt@1Samuel:2:19 @...her coming up with her husband...

ylt@1Samuel:4:19 @And his daughter-in-law, wife of Phinehas, [is]...ark of God, that her... father-in-...boweth, and beareth, for her pains...

ylt@1Samuel:4:20 @...not answered, nor set her heart...[to it];

ylt@1Samuel:4:21 @and she calleth the youth I-...God, and because of her... father-in-law and her husband.

ylt@1Samuel:18:17 @And Saul saith unto David, 'Lo, my elder daughter Merab -- her I give to thee for a wife; only, be to me for a son of valour, and fight the battles of Jehovah;' and Saul said, 'Let not my hand be on him, but let the hand of the Philistines be upon him.'

ylt@1Samuel:18:21 @...Saul saith, 'I give her to...-- thou dost become my son-in-law to-day.'

ylt@1Samuel:25:19 @...am coming;' and to her husband...[it];

ylt@1Samuel:25:23 @...her face, and boweth herself to...

ylt@1Samuel:25:35 @...to him, and to her he...

ylt@1Samuel:25:39 @and David heareth that Nabal [is] dead, and saith, 'Blessed [is]...with Abigail, to take her to...

ylt@1Samuel:25:42 @...who are going at her feet;...

ylt@1Samuel:28:10 @And Saul sweareth to her by Jehovah, saying, 'Jehovah liveth, punishment doth not meet thee for this thing.'

ylt@2Samuel:3:7 @...hath a concubine, and her name...[is] Rizpah daughter of Aiah, and [Ish-Bosheth] saith unto Abner, 'Wherefore hast thou gone in unto the concubine of my father?'

ylt@2Samuel:3:15 @And Ish-Bosheth sendeth, and taketh her from a man, from Phaltiel son of Laish,

ylt@2Samuel:3:16 @...on and weeping behind her, unto...

ylt@2Samuel:4:4 @And to Jonathan son of Saul [is] a son -- lame; he was a son of five years at the coming in of the rumour of [the death of]...cometh to pass in her hasting...[is] Mephibosheth.

ylt@2Samuel:6:16 @...and despiseth him in her... heart.

ylt@2Samuel:6:23 @...till the day of her... death.

ylt@2Samuel:11:4 @...sendeth messengers, and taketh her, and...--...is purifying herself from her uncleanness...--...she turneth back unto her... house;

ylt@2Samuel:11:26 @...Uriah heareth that Uriah her husband...[is]...dead, and lamenteth for her... lord;

ylt@2Samuel:11:27 @...David sendeth and gathereth her unto...

ylt@2Samuel:13:1 @...a fair sister, and her name...[is]...son of David loveth her....

ylt@2Samuel:13:5 @And Jonadab saith to him, 'Lie down on thy couch, and feign thyself sick, and thy father hath come in to see thee, and thou hast said unto him, 'Let, I pray thee, Tamar my sister come in and give me bread to eat; and she hath made the food before mine eyes so that I see [it]...and have eaten from her... hand.'

ylt@2Samuel:13:6 @...and I eat from her... hand.'

ylt@2Samuel:13:8 @...the house of Amnon her brother,...

ylt@2Samuel:13:10 @...bringeth in to Amnon her brother,...

ylt@2Samuel:13:14 @...than she, and humbleth her, and...

ylt@2Samuel:13:15 @And Amnon hateth her -- a very great hatred -- that greater [is]...and Amnon saith to her, 'Rise,...

ylt@2Samuel:13:18 @-- and upon her [is] a long coat, for such upper robes do daughters of the king who [are] virgins put on, --...and his servant taketh her out...

ylt@2Samuel:13:19 @...Tamar taketh ashes for her head,...[is]...putteth her hand on her head,...

ylt@2Samuel:13:20 @...her brother saith unto her, 'Hath...[is] thy brother; set not thy heart to this thing;' and Tamar dwelleth -- but desolate --...the house of Absalom her... brother.

ylt@2Samuel:14:3 @...putteth the words into her... mouth.

ylt@2Samuel:14:4 @...king, and falleth on her face...

ylt@2Samuel:14:27 @...and one daughter, and her name...[is] Tamar; she was a woman of a fair appearance.

ylt@2Samuel:20:22 @...all the people in her wisdom,...[it] unto Joab, and he bloweth with a trumpet, and they are scattered from the city, each to his tents, and Joab hath turned back to Jerusalem unto the king.

ylt@1Kings:1:3 @...the Shunammite, and bring her in...

ylt@1Kings:3:1 @...of Pharaoh, and bringeth her in...

ylt@1Kings:3:20 @and she riseth in the middle of the night, and taketh my son from beside me -- and thy handmaid is asleep --...in her bosom, and her dead...

ylt@1Kings:3:26 @And the woman whose son [is] the living one saith unto the king (...her bowels yearned over her... son)...my lord, give to her the...[one] saith, 'Let it be neither mine or thine -- cut [it].'

ylt@1Kings:3:27 @...saith, 'Give ye to her the...[is] its mother.'

ylt@1Kings:9:24 @...city of David unto her house...[Solomon] built for her; then he built Millo.

ylt@1Kings:10:2 @...that hath been with her... heart.

ylt@1Kings:10:3 @...declareth to her all her matters...--...hath not declared to her....

ylt@1Kings:10:5 @and the food of his table, and the sitting of his servants, and the standing of his ministers, and their clothing, and his butlers, and his burnt-...hath not been in her any...

ylt@1Kings:10:13 @...turneth and goeth to her land,...

ylt@1Kings:14:5 @...cometh to pass at her coming...

ylt@1Kings:14:6 @...hearing the sound of her feet...[as] she came in to the opening, that he saith, 'Come in, wife of Jeroboam, why is this -- thou art making thyself strange? and I am sent unto thee [with] a sharp thing:

ylt@1Kings:15:13 @and also Maachah his mother --...and Asa cutteth down her horrible...[it] by the brook Kidron;

ylt@1Kings:17:11 @And she goeth to bring [it]...and he calleth unto her and...

ylt@1Kings:17:15 @...she and he, and her household...-- days;

ylt@1Kings:17:19 @...taketh him out of her bosom,...

ylt@1Kings:17:20 @and crieth unto Jehovah, and saith, 'Jehovah my God, also on the widow with whom I am sojourning hast Thou done evil -- to put her son to death?'

ylt@2Kings:4:5 @...are bringing nigh unto her, and...

ylt@2Kings:4:6 @...and he saith unto her, 'There...

ylt@2Kings:4:9 @and she saith unto her husband, 'Lo, I pray thee, I have known that a holy man of God he is, passing over by us continually;

ylt@2Kings:4:14 @And he saith, 'And what --...hath no son, and her husband...[is] aged.'

ylt@2Kings:4:20 @...and he sitteth on her knees...

ylt@2Kings:4:22 @and calleth unto her husband, and saith, 'Send, I pray thee, to me, one of the young men, and one of the asses, and I run unto the man of God, and return.'

ylt@2Kings:4:24 @...ass, and saith unto her young...[so] to thee.'

ylt@2Kings:4:25 @...man of God's seeing her from...-against, that he saith unto Gehazi his young man, 'Lo, this Shunammite;

ylt@2Kings:4:27 @...'Let her alone, for her soul...[is] bitter to her, and Jehovah hath hidden [it] from me, and hath not declared [it] to me.'

ylt@2Kings:4:37 @...earth, and lifteth up her son,...

ylt@2Kings:5:3 @and she saith unto her mistress, 'O that my lord [were] before the prophet who [is] in Samaria; then he doth recover him from his leprosy.'

ylt@2Kings:6:29 @...and I say unto her on...

ylt@2Kings:8:2 @...and goeth, she and her household,...

ylt@2Kings:8:3 @...unto the king, for her house,...

ylt@2Kings:8:5 @...her house and for her field,...[is]...the woman, and this her son,...

ylt@2Kings:8:6 @...from the day of her leaving...

ylt@2Kings:9:22 @And it cometh to pass, at Jehoram's seeing Jehu, that he saith, 'Is there peace, Jehu?' and he saith, 'What [is]...Jezebel thy mother, and her witchcrafts,...

ylt@2Kings:9:30 @...paint and maketh right her head,...

ylt@2Kings:9:33 @...go;' and they let her go,...[some]...horses, and he treadeth her... down.

ylt@2Kings:9:35 @...have not found of her except...

ylt@2Kings:11:1 @And Athaliah [is]...she hath seen that her son...[is] dead, and she riseth, and destroyeth all the seed of the kingdom;

ylt@2Kings:11:14 @and looketh, and lo, the king is standing by the pillar, according to the ordinance, and the heads, and the trumpets, [are]...trumpets, and Athaliah rendeth her garments,...

ylt@2Kings:11:15 @...priest had said, 'Let her not...

ylt@2Kings:11:16 @And they make for her sides, and she entereth the way of the entering in of the horses to the house of the king, and is put to death there.

ylt@1Chronicles:2:18 @And Caleb son of Hezron hath begotten Azubah, Isshah, and Jerioth; and these [are] her sons: Jesher, and Shobab, and Ardon.

ylt@1Chronicles:2:26 @...hath another wife, and her name...[is] Atarah, she [is] mother of Onam.

ylt@1Chronicles:5:16 @...in Bashan, and in her small...

ylt@1Chronicles:15:29 @...and despiseth him in her... heart.

ylt@2Chronicles:9:1 @...that hath been with her... heart,

ylt@2Chronicles:9:2 @...declareth to her all her matters,...

ylt@2Chronicles:9:12 @...turneth and goeth to her land,...

ylt@2Chronicles:11:20 @And after her he hath taken Maachah daughter of Absalom, and she beareth to him Abijah, and Attai, and Ziza, and Shelomith.

ylt@2Chronicles:15:16 @And also Maachah, mother of Asa the king -- he hath removed her from [being]...and Asa cutteth down her horrible...[it] small, and burneth [it] by the brook Kidron:

ylt@2Chronicles:22:10 @...Ahaziah hath seen that her son...

ylt@2Chronicles:23:13 @and seeth, and lo, the king is standing by his pillar in the entrance, and the heads, and the trumpets [are]...praise, and Athaliah rendeth her garments,...

ylt@2Chronicles:23:14 @...the priest said, 'Put her not...[in] the house of Jehovah.'

ylt@2Chronicles:23:15 @...king, and they put her to...

ylt@2Chronicles:34:22 @...and they speak unto her... thus.

ylt@Esther:1:11 @...peoples and the heads her beauty,...[is] of good appearance,

ylt@Esther:1:19 @'If to the king [it be]...the king give to her companion...[is] better than she;

ylt@Esther:2:7 @and he is supporting Hadassah -- she [is] Esther -- daughter of his uncle, for she hath neither father nor mother, and the young woman [is]...mother hath Mordecai taken her to...

ylt@Esther:2:9 @...hasteneth her purifications and her portions...-- to give to her, and the seven young women who are provided --...he changeth her and her young...[place in] the house of the women.

ylt@Esther:2:10 @...laid a charge on her that...[it];

ylt@Esther:2:12 @...of there being to her... -- according to the law of the women -- twelve months, for so they fulfil the days of their purifications; six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with spices, and with the purifications of women,

ylt@Esther:2:17 @...her head, and causeth her to...

ylt@Esther:2:20 @...laid a charge upon her, and...

ylt@Esther:4:4 @...Esther come in and her eunuchs,...[it] to her, and the queen is exceedingly pained, and sendeth garments to clothe Mordecai, and to turn aside his sackcloth from off him, and he hath not received [them].

ylt@Esther:4:8 @and the copy of the writing of the law that had been given in Shushan to destroy them he hath given to him, to shew Esther, and to declare [it]...lay a charge on her to...

ylt@Esther:9:25 @and in her coming in before the king, he said with the letter, 'Let his evil device that he devised against the Jews turn back upon his own head,' and they have hanged him and his sons on the tree,

ylt@Job:5:16 @...And perverseness hath shut her... mouth.

ylt@Job:31:10 @...my wife, And over her let...

ylt@Job:38:32 @...season? And Aysh for her sons...

ylt@Job:39:14 @...leaveth on the earth her eggs,...

ylt@Job:39:16 @...it hath hardened without her, In...[is] her labour without fear.

ylt@Job:39:17 @...given a portion To her in...

ylt@Psalms:45:13 @All glory [is] the daughter of the king within, Of gold-embroidered work [is] her clothing.

ylt@Psalms:45:14 @In divers colours she is brought to the king, Virgins -- after her -- her companions, Are brought to thee.

ylt@Psalms:46:5 @God [is] in her midst --...moved, God doth help her at...

ylt@Psalms:48:3 @God in her high places is known for a tower.

ylt@Psalms:48:8 @...God, God doth establish her... -- to the age. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:48:12 @...Zion, and go round her, count...

ylt@Psalms:48:13 @...to her bulwark, Consider her high...

ylt@Psalms:67:6 @Earth hath given her increase, God doth bless us -- our God,

ylt@Psalms:68:13 @...covered with silver, And her pinions...

ylt@Psalms:68:31 @...of Egypt, Cush causeth her hands...

ylt@Psalms:69:15 @...let the pit shut her mouth...

ylt@Psalms:84:3 @(...swallow a nest for herself, Where...) Thine altars, O Jehovah of Hosts, My king and my God.

ylt@Psalms:102:14 @...with her stones, And her dust...

ylt@Psalms:104:17 @Where birds do make nests, The stork -- the firs [are] her house.

ylt@Psalms:107:42 @...all perversity hath shut her... mouth.

ylt@Psalms:123:2 @Lo, as eyes of men-servants [Are] unto the hand of their masters, As eyes of a maid-servant [Are]...unto the hand of her mistress,...[are] our eyes unto Jehovah our God, Till that He doth favour us.

ylt@Psalms:132:15 @Her provision I greatly bless, Her needy ones I satisfy [with] bread,

ylt@Psalms:132:16 @And her priests I clothe [with] salvation, And her pious ones do sing aloud.

ylt@Proverbs:1:20 @Wisdom in an out-...places she giveth forth her... voice,

ylt@Proverbs:1:21 @...gates, In the city her sayings...

ylt@Proverbs:2:4 @...hid treasures searchest for her,...

ylt@Proverbs:2:16 @...who hath made smooth her... sayings,

ylt@Proverbs:2:17 @...And the covenant of her God...

ylt@Proverbs:2:18 @...death, And unto Rephaim her... paths.

ylt@Proverbs:2:19 @None going in unto her turn back, Nor do they reach the paths of life.

ylt@Proverbs:3:14 @For better [is] her merchandise Than the merchandise of silver, And than gold -- her increase.

ylt@Proverbs:3:16 @Length of days [is]...her right hand, In her left...[are] wealth and honour.

ylt@Proverbs:3:17 @Her ways [are]...of pleasantness, And all her paths...[are] peace.

ylt@Proverbs:3:18 @A tree of life she [is]...those laying hold on her, And...[is] happy.

ylt@Proverbs:4:6 @...doth preserve thee, Love her, and...

ylt@Proverbs:5:3 @For the lips of a strange woman drop honey, And smoother than oil [is] her mouth,

ylt@Proverbs:5:4 @And her latter end [is] bitter as wormwood, Sharp as a sword [with] mouths.

ylt@Proverbs:5:5 @...to death, Sheol do her steps...

ylt@Proverbs:5:6 @The path of life --...thou ponder, Moved have her paths...-- thou knowest not.

ylt@Proverbs:5:8 @...unto the opening of her... house,

ylt@Proverbs:5:19 @...at all times, In her love...

ylt@Proverbs:6:6 @...O slothful one, See her ways...

ylt@Proverbs:6:8 @...doth prepare in summer her bread,...

ylt@Proverbs:6:25 @...thy heart, And let her not...

ylt@Proverbs:6:29 @So [is]...None who doth touch her is...

ylt@Proverbs:7:5 @...who hath made smooth her... sayings.

ylt@Proverbs:7:8 @...in the street, near her corner,...[to] her house he doth step,

ylt@Proverbs:7:11 @Noisy she [is]...stubborn, In her house her feet...

ylt@Proverbs:7:13 @...him, She hath hardened her face,...

ylt@Proverbs:7:21 @...With the flattery of her lips...

ylt@Proverbs:7:22 @He is going after her straightway, As an ox unto the slaughter he cometh, And as a fetter unto the chastisement of a fool,

ylt@Proverbs:7:25 @...thy heart turn unto her ways,...

ylt@Proverbs:7:26 @For many [are] the wounded she caused to fall, And mighty [are] all her slain ones.

ylt@Proverbs:7:27 @The ways of Sheol -- her house, Going down unto inner chambers of death!

ylt@Proverbs:8:1 @...And understanding give forth her... voice?

ylt@Proverbs:9:1 @...She hath hewn out her pillars...-- seven.

ylt@Proverbs:9:2 @...slaughter, She hath mingled her wine,...

ylt@Proverbs:9:3 @She hath sent forth her damsels, She crieth on the tops of the high places of the city:

ylt@Proverbs:9:14 @...at the opening of her house,...-- the high places of the city,

ylt@Proverbs:9:18 @And he hath not known that Rephaim [are]...deep places of Sheol her invited...

ylt@Proverbs:12:4 @A virtuous woman [is] a crown to her husband, And as rottenness in his bones [is] one causing shame.

ylt@Proverbs:14:1 @...And the foolish with her hands...

ylt@Proverbs:17:25 @A provocation to his father [is]...son, And bitterness to her that...

ylt@Proverbs:27:8 @...a bird wandering from her nest,...[is] a man wandering from his place.

ylt@Proverbs:27:16 @Whoso is hiding her hath hidden the wind, And the ointment of his right hand calleth out.

ylt@Proverbs:30:20 @So --...eaten and hath wiped her mouth,...

ylt@Proverbs:30:23 @For a hated one when she ruleth, And a maid-servant when she succeedeth her mistress.

ylt@Proverbs:31:10 @A woman of worth who doth find? Yea, far above rubies [is] her price.

ylt@Proverbs:31:11 @...husband hath trusted in her, And...

ylt@Proverbs:31:12 @...evil, All days of her... life.

ylt@Proverbs:31:13 @She hath sought wool and flax, And with delight she worketh [with] her hands.

ylt@Proverbs:31:14 @...afar she bringeth in her... bread.

ylt@Proverbs:31:15 @...And giveth food to her household,...

ylt@Proverbs:31:16 @...From the fruit of her hands...

ylt@Proverbs:31:17 @...hath girded with might her loins,...

ylt@Proverbs:31:18 @She hath perceived when her merchandise [is] good, Her lamp is not extinguished in the night.

ylt@Proverbs:31:19 @...on a spindle, And her hands...

ylt@Proverbs:31:20 @...to the poor, Yea, her hands...

ylt@Proverbs:31:21 @...from snow, For all her household...[with] scarlet.

ylt@Proverbs:31:22 @...she hath made for herself, Silk...[are] her clothing.

ylt@Proverbs:31:23 @...in the gates is her husband,...

ylt@Proverbs:31:25 @Strength and honour [are] her clothing, And she rejoiceth at a latter day.

ylt@Proverbs:31:26 @Her mouth she hath opened in wisdom, And the law of kindness [is] on her tongue.

ylt@Proverbs:31:27 @She [is]...watching the ways of her household,...

ylt@Proverbs:31:28 @...risen up, and pronounce her happy,...

ylt@Proverbs:31:31 @...her works do praise her in...

ylt@Ecclesiastes:7:12 @For wisdom [is] a defense, money [is] a defence, And the advantage of the knowledge of wisdom [is], She reviveth her possessors.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:7:26 @And I am finding more bitter than death, the woman whose heart [is] nets and snares, her hands [are]...before God escapeth from her, but...

ylt@Songs:2:13 @The fig-tree hath ripened her green figs, And the sweet-smelling vines have given forth fragrance, Rise, come, my friend, my fair one, yea, come away.

ylt@Songs:3:4 @But a little I passed on from them, Till I found him whom my soul hath loved! I seized him, and let him not go, Till I brought him in unto the house of my mother --...And the chamber of her that...

ylt@Songs:6:9 @One is my dove, my perfect one, One she [is] of her mother, The choice one she [is]...Daughters saw, and pronounce her happy,...

ylt@Songs:8:5 @Who [is]...wilderness, Hasting herself for her beloved?...-tree I have waked thee, There did thy mother pledge thee, There she gave a pledge [that] bare thee.

ylt@Songs:8:9 @...wall, we build by her a...-work of cedar.

ylt@Isaiah:1:27 @...judgment is redeemed, And her captivity...

ylt@Isaiah:3:26 @...lamented and mourned have her openings,...

ylt@Isaiah:4:4 @...of Jerusalem purgeth from her midst,...

ylt@Isaiah:4:5 @...Mount Zion, And over her convocations,...-guard,

ylt@Isaiah:5:14 @...herself, And hath opened her mouth...-- into her.

ylt@Isaiah:7:16 @...vexed with, because of her two...

ylt@Isaiah:10:11 @Do I not --...to Jerusalem and to her grievous...

ylt@Isaiah:13:22 @And Aiim have responded in his forsaken habitations, And dragons in palaces of delight, And near to come [is] her time, And her days are not drawn out!

ylt@Isaiah:15:5 @My heart [is]...toward Moab, Cry do her fugitives...[year], For -- the ascent of Luhith -- With weeping he goeth up in it, For, in the way of Horonaim, A cry of destruction they wake up.

ylt@Isaiah:16:8 @...of nations did beat her choice...

ylt@Isaiah:19:13 @...err, The chief of her... tribes.

ylt@Isaiah:19:14 @Jehovah hath mingled in her midst A spirit of perverseness, And they have caused Egypt to err in all its work, As a drunkard erreth in his vomit.

ylt@Isaiah:21:9 @...the graven images of her gods...

ylt@Isaiah:23:3 @And in many waters [is] the seed of Sihor, The harvest of the brook [is] her increase, And she is a mart of nations.

ylt@Isaiah:23:7 @Is this your exulting one? From the days of old [is]...antiquity, Carry her do her own...

ylt@Isaiah:23:8 @Who hath counselled this against Tyre, The crowning one, whose traders [are] princes, Her merchants the honoured of earth?'

ylt@Isaiah:23:11 @...merchant one, To destroy her strong...

ylt@Isaiah:23:13 @Lo, the land of the Chaldeans -- this people was not, Asshur founded it for the Ziim, They raised its watch-towers, They lifted up her palaces, -- He hath appointed her for a ruin!

ylt@Isaiah:23:17 @...she hath repented of her gift,...

ylt@Isaiah:23:18 @...sitting before Jehovah is her merchandise,...

ylt@Isaiah:24:2 @And it hath been -- as a people so a priest, As the servant so his master, As the maid-servant so her mistress, As the buyer so the seller, As the lender so the borrower, As the usurer so he who is lifting [it] on himself.

ylt@Isaiah:26:17 @When a pregnant woman cometh near to the birth, She is pained -- she crieth in her pangs, So we have been from Thy face, O Jehovah.

ylt@Isaiah:26:21 @...revealed hath the earth her blood,...

ylt@Isaiah:31:4 @...mount Zion, and on her... height.

ylt@Isaiah:34:9 @...dust to brimstone, And her land...

ylt@Isaiah:34:10 @...age go up doth her smoke,...

ylt@Isaiah:34:11 @And possess her do pelican and hedge-...hath stretched out over her A...

ylt@Isaiah:34:12 @[To]...none there, And all her princes...

ylt@Isaiah:34:13 @And gone up her palaces have thorns, Nettle and bramble [are] in her fortresses, And it hath been a habitation of dragons, A court for daughters of an ostrich.

ylt@Isaiah:34:15 @...And hath gathered under her shadow,...

ylt@Isaiah:40:2 @...That accepted hath been her punishment,...

ylt@Isaiah:44:26 @...shall be built, and her wastes...

ylt@Isaiah:47:8 @And now, hear this, O luxurious one, Who is sitting confidently --...Who is saying in her heart,...[am], and none else, I sit not a widow, nor know bereavement.'

ylt@Isaiah:49:15 @Forget doth a woman her suckling, The loved one -- the son of her womb? Yea, these forget -- but I -- I forget not thee.

ylt@Isaiah:51:3 @...gladness is found in her, Confession,...

ylt@Isaiah:51:18 @...none laying hold on her hand...

ylt@Isaiah:52:11 @...not, go out from her midst,...

ylt@Isaiah:61:10 @...a bride putteth on her... jewels.

ylt@Isaiah:61:11 @...the earth bringeth forth her shoots,...

ylt@Isaiah:62:1 @...out as brightness, And her salvation,...

ylt@Isaiah:65:18 @But joy ye, and rejoice for ever, that I [am]...Jerusalem a rejoicing, And her people...

ylt@Isaiah:65:19 @...And not heard in her any...

ylt@Isaiah:66:8 @...Zion also hath borne her... sons.

ylt@Isaiah:66:10 @...her, Rejoice ye with her for...

ylt@Isaiah:66:11 @...From the breast of her consolations,...

ylt@Isaiah:66:12 @...am stretching out to her peace...

ylt@Jeremiah:2:23 @...A swift dromedary winding her... ways,

ylt@Jeremiah:2:24 @...In the desire of her soul...--...do weary themselves, In her month...

ylt@Jeremiah:2:32 @...her ornaments? A bride her bands?...

ylt@Jeremiah:3:1 @...he turn back unto her again?...

ylt@Jeremiah:3:7 @And I say, after her doing all these, Unto Me thou dost turn back, and she hath not turned back, and see [it] doth her treacherous sister Judah.

ylt@Jeremiah:3:8 @And I see when (for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery)...her, that treacherous Judah her sister...-- she also.

ylt@Jeremiah:3:9 @...from the vileness of her fornication,...

ylt@Jeremiah:3:10 @...unto Me with all her heart,...

ylt@Jeremiah:3:17 @...Jehovah,' And gathered unto her hath...

ylt@Jeremiah:3:20 @But --...a woman hath deceived her friend,...

ylt@Jeremiah:4:17 @...They have been against her round...

ylt@Jeremiah:4:31 @For a voice as of a sick woman I have heard, Distress, as of one bringing forth a first-...herself, she spreadeth out her hands,...

ylt@Jeremiah:5:1 @...know, And seek in her broad...--...am I propitious to her....

ylt@Jeremiah:5:10 @...make not, Turn aside her branches,...[are] not Jehovah's,

ylt@Jeremiah:6:3 @...have stricken tents by her round...[in] his own station.

ylt@Jeremiah:6:4 @Sanctify ye against her the battle, Rise, and we go up at noon. Wo to us, for turned hath the day, For stretched out are the shades of evening,

ylt@Jeremiah:6:5 @...night, And we destroy her... palaces.'

ylt@Jeremiah:6:6 @...of Hosts: Cut down her wood,...[is] the city to be inspected, Wholly --...she is oppression in her... midst.

ylt@Jeremiah:6:7 @As the digging of a well, is [for] its waters, So she hath digged [for]...spoil is heard in her, Before...[are] sickness and smiting.

ylt@Jeremiah:8:7 @...the heavens hath known her seasons,...-- My people have not known the judgment of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:8:19 @...her king not in her? Wherefore...

ylt@Jeremiah:9:20 @...daughters wailing, and each her neighbour...

ylt@Jeremiah:11:15 @What -- to My beloved in My house, Her doing wickedness with many, And the holy flesh do pass over from thee? When thou dost evil, then thou exultest.

ylt@Jeremiah:12:7 @...Into the hand of her... enemies.

ylt@Jeremiah:12:8 @...forth against Me with her voice,...

ylt@Jeremiah:14:2 @Mourned hath Judah, and her gates have languished, They have mourned to the earth, And the cry of Jerusalem hath gone up.

ylt@Jeremiah:15:8 @Its widows have been more to Me than the sand of the seas, I brought in to them -- against the mother -- A young man -- a spoiler --...caused to fall upon her suddenly,...

ylt@Jeremiah:15:9 @...spirit, Gone in hath her sun...

ylt@Jeremiah:20:17 @Because he hath not put me to death from the womb, And my mother is to me -- my grave, And her womb a pregnancy age-during.

ylt@Jeremiah:31:15 @...to be comforted for her sons,...

ylt@Jeremiah:44:17 @...to pour out to her libations,...-- we are satisfied with bread, and we are well, and evil we have not seen.

ylt@Jeremiah:44:18 @...to pour out to her libations,...

ylt@Jeremiah:44:19 @...and pouring out to her libations...--...her cakes to idolize her, and...

ylt@Jeremiah:44:25 @...to pour out to her libations,...

ylt@Jeremiah:46:21 @...her hired ones in her midst...[are] as calves of the stall, For even they have turned, They have fled together, they have not stood, For the day of their calamity hath come on them, The time of their inspection.

ylt@Jeremiah:46:23 @They have cut down her forest, An affirmation of Jehovah -- for it is not searched, For they have been more than the grasshopper, And they have no numbering.

ylt@Jeremiah:46:25 @...her gods, and after her kings,...

ylt@Jeremiah:48:4 @...to be heard have her little...

ylt@Jeremiah:48:9 @...utterly goeth out, And her cities...

ylt@Jeremiah:48:15 @Spoiled is Moab, and her cities hath one gone up, And the choice of its young men Have gone down to slaughter, An affirmation of the King, Jehovah of Hosts [is] His name.

ylt@Jeremiah:48:38 @...of Moab, and in her... broad-places, All of it -- [is] lamentation, For I have broken Moab as a vessel in which there is no pleasure, An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:48:44 @...I bring in unto her... -- unto Moab -- The year of their inspection, An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:49:2 @Therefore, lo, days are coming, An affirmation of Jehovah, And I have sounded unto Rabbah of the sons of Ammon a shout of battle, And it hath been for a heap -- a desolation, And her daughters with fire are burnt, And Israel hath succeeded its heirs, Said hath Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:49:4 @What --...Who is trusting in her treasures:...

ylt@Jeremiah:49:13 @For, by Myself, I have sworn, An affirmation of Jehovah, That for a desolation, for a reproach, For a waste, and for a reviling --...is Bozrah, And all her cities...-during.

ylt@Jeremiah:49:17 @...desolation, Every passer by her is...

ylt@Jeremiah:49:18 @...there, Nor sojourn in her doth...

ylt@Jeremiah:49:19 @...who is chosen? concerning her I...[is] this shepherd who standeth before Me?

ylt@Jeremiah:49:26 @...her young men in her broad...

ylt@Jeremiah:50:2 @...to shame have been her grievous...

ylt@Jeremiah:50:3 @...the north, It maketh her land...

ylt@Jeremiah:50:10 @...for a spoil, All her spoilers...

ylt@Jeremiah:50:13 @Because of the wrath of Jehovah it is not inhabited, And it hath been a desolation --...hiss because of all her... plagues.

ylt@Jeremiah:50:15 @...Thrown down have been her walls,...[is]...Jehovah, Be avenged of her, as...-- do ye to her.

ylt@Jeremiah:50:26 @...and devote her, Let her have...

ylt@Jeremiah:50:27 @Slay all her kine, they go down to slaughter, Wo [is] on them, for come hath their day, The time of their inspection.

ylt@Jeremiah:50:29 @...the bow, Encamp against her round...[her]...to her according to her work,...-- do to her, For unto Jehovah she hath been proud, Unto the Holy One of Israel.

ylt@Jeremiah:50:30 @...broad places, And all her men...

ylt@Jeremiah:50:35 @A sword [is] for the Chaldeans, An affirmation of Jehovah, And it [is]...her heads, and on her wise...

ylt@Jeremiah:50:36 @A sword [is] on the princes, And they have become foolish; A sword [is] on her mighty ones, And they have been broken down;

ylt@Jeremiah:50:37 @A sword [is] on his horses and on his chariot, And on all the rabble who [are] in her midst, And they have become women; A sword [is] on her treasuries, And they have been spoiled;

ylt@Jeremiah:50:38 @A sword [is] on her waters, and they have been dried up, For it [is] a land of graven images, And in idols they do boast themselves.

ylt@Jeremiah:50:39 @...Iim, Yea, dwelt in her have...

ylt@Jeremiah:50:40 @...there, Nor sojourn in her doth...

ylt@Jeremiah:50:44 @...who is chosen? on her I...[is] like Me? And who doth convene Me? And who [is] this shepherd who standeth before Me?

ylt@Jeremiah:51:3 @...have ye pity on her young...

ylt@Jeremiah:51:4 @And fallen have the wounded in the land of the Chaldeans, And the pierced-through in her streets.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:8 @...it, Take balm for her pain,...

ylt@Jeremiah:51:30 @...woman, They have burnt her tabernacles,...

ylt@Jeremiah:51:33 @For thus said Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel, The daughter of Babylon [is] as a threshing-floor, The time of her threshing --...hath the time of her... harvest.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:58 @Thus said Jehovah of Hosts, the wall of Babylon -- The broad one --...utterly made bare, And her high...

ylt@Lamentations:1:2 @...in the night, And her tear...[is]...They have been to her for...

ylt@Lamentations:1:3 @...her pursuers have overtaken her between...

ylt@Lamentations:1:4 @...her gates are desolate, her priests...-- and she hath bitterness.

ylt@Lamentations:1:5 @...For the abundance of her transgressions,...

ylt@Lamentations:1:6 @...of Zion doth all her honour,...-- They have not found pasture, And they go powerless before a pursuer.

ylt@Lamentations:1:7 @Remembered hath Jerusalem [In]...hath no helper; Seen her have...

ylt@Lamentations:1:8 @...her nakedness, Yea, she herself hath...

ylt@Lamentations:1:9 @Her uncleanness [is]...is no comforter for her. See,...

ylt@Lamentations:1:10 @...an adversary On all her desirable...-- Nations have entered her sanctuary, Concerning which Thou didst command, 'They do not come into the assembly to thee.'

ylt@Lamentations:1:11 @All her people are sighing -- seeking bread, They have given their desirable things For food to refresh the body; See, O Jehovah, and behold attentively, For I have been lightly esteemed.

ylt@Lamentations:1:17 @...is no comforter for her, Jehovah...[are] his adversaries, Jerusalem hath become impure among them.

ylt@Lamentations:2:5 @...hath swallowed up all her palaces,...

ylt@Lamentations:2:7 @...enemy The walls of her palaces,...

ylt@Lamentations:2:9 @...bars, Her king and her princes...[are]...is no law, also her prophets...

ylt@Lamentations:4:7 @Purer were her Nazarites than snow, Whiter than milk, ruddier of body than rubies, Of sapphire their form.

ylt@Lamentations:4:11 @...Zion, And it devoureth her... foundations.

ylt@Lamentations:4:13 @...Who are shedding in her midst...

ylt@Ezekiel:5:5 @Thus said the Lord Jehovah: this [is]...nations I have set her, And...[are] the lands.

ylt@Ezekiel:13:16 @...who are seeing for her a...

ylt@Ezekiel:14:23 @...I have done in her... -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.'

ylt@Ezekiel:16:2 @...cause Jerusalem to know her abominations,...

ylt@Ezekiel:16:32 @The wife who committeth adultery -- Under her husband -- doth receive strangers.

ylt@Ezekiel:16:44 @Lo, every one using a simile, Doth use a simile concerning thee, saying: As the mother -- her daughter!

ylt@Ezekiel:16:45 @Thy mother's daughter thou [art]...Loathing her husband and her sons,...[art], Who loathed their husbands and their sons, Your mother [is] a Hittite, and your father an Amorite.

ylt@Ezekiel:16:46 @And thine elder sister [is] Samaria, she and her daughters, Who is dwelling at thy left hand, And thy younger sister, who is dwelling on thy right hand, [is] Sodom and her daughters.

ylt@Ezekiel:16:48 @I live -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah, Sodom thy sister hath not done -- she and her daughters -- As thou hast done -- thou and thy daughters.

ylt@Ezekiel:16:49 @...to her and to her daughters,...

ylt@Ezekiel:16:53 @And I have turned back [to]...captivity of Samaria and her daughters,...

ylt@Ezekiel:16:55 @...state, And Samaria and her daughters...

ylt@Ezekiel:16:57 @Before thy wickedness is revealed, As [at]...Aram, And of all her neighbours,...

ylt@Ezekiel:19:2 @and thou hast said: What [is] thy mother? --...lions she hath multiplied her... whelps.

ylt@Ezekiel:19:3 @...bringeth up one of her whelps,...

ylt@Ezekiel:19:5 @And she seeth, that stayed --...she taketh one of her whelps,...

ylt@Ezekiel:23:4 @And their names [are]...the elder, And Aholibah her sister,...-- Samaria [is] Aholah, And Jerusalem [is] Aholibah.

ylt@Ezekiel:23:5 @And go a-...And she doteth on her lovers,...

ylt@Ezekiel:23:7 @And she giveth her whoredoms on them, The choice of the sons of Asshur, All of them -- even all on whom she doted, By all their idols she hath been defiled.

ylt@Ezekiel:23:8 @...with the loves of her virginity,...

ylt@Ezekiel:23:9 @...into the hand of her lovers,...

ylt@Ezekiel:23:10 @...they have taken, And her by...

ylt@Ezekiel:23:11 @...corrupt than she, And her whoredoms...

ylt@Ezekiel:23:14 @...she doth add unto her whoredoms,...

ylt@Ezekiel:23:16 @...at the sight of her eyes,...

ylt@Ezekiel:23:17 @...defiled with them, And her soul...

ylt@Ezekiel:23:18 @...My soul from off her, As...

ylt@Ezekiel:23:19 @...remember the days of her youth,...-whoring in the land of Egypt.

ylt@Ezekiel:23:31 @...And I have given her cup...

ylt@Ezekiel:23:43 @And I say of the worn-...adulteries, Now they commit her whoredoms...-- she also!

ylt@Ezekiel:24:7 @For her blood in her midst hath been, On a clear place of a rock she hath set it, She hath not poured it on the earth, To cover it over with dust.

ylt@Ezekiel:24:8 @...vengeance, I have put her blood...-- not to be covered.

ylt@Ezekiel:24:12 @[With]...goeth not out of her, In...[is] her scum.

ylt@Ezekiel:26:4 @...from her, And made her for...

ylt@Ezekiel:26:6 @And her daughters who [are] in the field, by sword they are slain, And they have known that I [am] Jehovah,

ylt@Ezekiel:26:17 @...the sea, She and her inhabitants,...

ylt@Ezekiel:28:22 @and thou hast said: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I [am] against thee, O Zidon, And I have been honoured in thy midst, And they have known that I [am]...In My doing in her judgments,...

ylt@Ezekiel:28:23 @...I have sent into her pestilence,...-...By the sword upon her round...[am] Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:30:6 @Thus said Jehovah: And --...sword they fall in her, An...

ylt@Ezekiel:30:8 @And they have known that I [am]...broken have been all her... helpers.

ylt@Ezekiel:30:18 @...hath the excellency of her strength,...--...doth cover her, And her daughters...

ylt@Ezekiel:32:12 @By swords of the mighty I cause thy multitude to fall, The terrible of nations --...destroyed hath been all her... multitude.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:13 @...I have destroyed all her beasts,...

ylt@Ezekiel:32:16 @A lamentation it [is]...her multitude, they lament her, An...

ylt@Ezekiel:32:20 @In the midst of the pierced of the sword they fall, [To]...been given, They drew her out,...

ylt@Ezekiel:32:22 @There [is] Asshur, and all her assembly, Round about him [are] his graves, All of them [are] wounded, who are falling by sword,

ylt@Ezekiel:32:23 @...assembly is round about her grave,...

ylt@Ezekiel:32:24 @There [is] Elam, and all her multitude, Round about [is] her grave, All of them wounded, who are falling by sword, Who have gone down uncircumcised unto the earth -- the lower parts, Because they gave their terror in the land of the living, And they bear their shame with those going down to the pit.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:25 @...for her with all her multitude,...[are] her graves, All of them uncircumcised, pierced of the sword, For their terror was given in the land of the living, And they bear their shame with those going down to the pit, In the midst of the pierced he hath been put.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:26 @There [is]...Meshech, Tubal, and all her multitude,...[are] her graves, All of them uncircumcised, pierced of the sword, For they gave their terror in the land of the living,

ylt@Ezekiel:32:29 @There [is]...her kings, and all her princes,...

ylt@Ezekiel:34:27 @...the land doth give her increase,...[am] Jehovah, In My breaking the bands of their yoke, And I have delivered them from the hand of those laying service on them.

ylt@Ezekiel:36:38 @...flock of Jerusalem, In her appointed...[am] Jehovah!'

ylt@Daniel:11:6 @...he who is strengthening her in...[these] times.

ylt@Daniel:11:7 @'And [one]...from a branch of her roots,...[in] his station, and he cometh in unto the bulwark, yea, he cometh into a stronghold of the king of the south, and hath wrought against them, and hath done mightily;

ylt@Hosea:1:6 @...saith to him, 'Call her name...-Ruhamah, for I add no more to pity the house of Israel, for I do utterly take them away;

ylt@Hosea:2:2 @Plead ye with your mother -- plead, (For she [is] not My wife, and I [am] not her husband,)...from before her, And her adulteries...

ylt@Hosea:2:3 @...naked. And have set her up...[in]...land, And have put her to...

ylt@Hosea:2:4 @And her sons I do not pity, For sons of whoredoms [are] they,

ylt@Hosea:2:6 @...her a wall, And her paths...

ylt@Hosea:2:7 @And she hath pursued her lovers, And she doth not overtake them, And hath sought them, and doth not find, And she hath said: I go, and I turn back unto My first husband, For -- better to me then than now.

ylt@Hosea:2:9 @...and My flax, covering her... nakedness.

ylt@Hosea:2:10 @...And none doth deliver her out...

ylt@Hosea:2:11 @...her sabbath, Even all her appointed...

ylt@Hosea:2:12 @...desolate her vine and her... fig-tree, Of which she said, A gift they [are] to me, That my lovers have given to me, And I have made them for a forest, And consumed them hath a beast of the field.

ylt@Hosea:2:13 @...ornament, And goeth after her lovers,...-- an affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Hosea:2:14 @...her, And have caused her to...

ylt@Hosea:2:15 @...in the day of her coming...

ylt@Hosea:2:17 @...of the lords from her mouth,...

ylt@Hosea:2:23 @And I have sowed her to Me in the land, And I have pitied Lo-Ruhamah, And I have said to Lo-Ammi, My people thou [art], and it saith, My God!'

ylt@Hosea:3:2 @And I buy her to me for fifteen silverlings, and a homer and a letech of barley;

ylt@Hosea:4:18 @Sour [is] their drink, They have gone diligently a-whoring, Her protectors have loved shame thoroughly.

ylt@Hosea:4:19 @Distressed her hath wind with its wings, And they are ashamed of their sacrifices!

ylt@Hosea:13:16 @...she hath rebelled against her God,...

ylt@Joel:1:8 @...For the husband of her... youth.

ylt@Joel:2:16 @...a bride out of her... closet.

ylt@Amos:1:7 @...And it hath consumed her... palaces;

ylt@Amos:1:10 @...And it hath consumed her... palaces.

ylt@Amos:1:14 @...And it hath consumed her palaces,...

ylt@Amos:2:3 @...off a judge from her midst,...

ylt@Amos:3:9 @...see many troubles within her, And...

ylt@Amos:5:2 @...of Israel, Left on her land...-- she hath no raiser up.'

ylt@Obadiah:1:1 @...let us rise against her for...

ylt@Jonah:2:6 @...come down, The earth, her bars...[are] behind me to the age. And Thou bringest up from the pit my life, O Jehovah my God.

ylt@Micah:1:6 @...valley her stones, And her foundations...

ylt@Micah:1:7 @...with fire, And all her idols...

ylt@Micah:1:9 @For mortal [are] her wounds, For it hath come unto Judah, It hath come to a gate of My people -- to Jerusalem.

ylt@Micah:3:11 @...hire do teach, And her prophets...

ylt@Micah:4:11 @...who are saying: 'Let her be...

ylt@Micah:7:5 @...in a leader, From her who...

ylt@Micah:7:6 @...daughter hath stood against her mother,...-in-law against her mother-in-law, The enemies of each [are] the men of his house.

ylt@Micah:7:10 @...mine enemy, And cover her doth...[is]...eyes do look on her, Now...-place, As mire of the out-places.

ylt@Nahum:2:7 @And it is established --...been brought up, And her handmaids...

ylt@Nahum:3:4 @...is selling nations by her fornications,...

ylt@Nahum:3:8 @Art thou better than No-...she hath round about her, Whose...[is] the sea, waters her wall.

ylt@Nahum:3:9 @Cush her might, and Egypt, and there is no end. Put and Lubim have been for thy help.

ylt@Nahum:3:10 @...gone into captivity, Even her sucklings...-...a lot, And all her great...

ylt@Zephaniah:2:4 @For Gaza is forsaken, And Ashkelon [is]...noon they do cast her forth,...

ylt@Zephaniah:2:14 @And crouched in her midst have droves, Every beast of the nation, Both pelican and hedge-hog in her knobs lodge, A voice doth sing at the window, 'Destruction [is] at the threshold, For the cedar-work is exposed.'

ylt@Zephaniah:2:15 @This [is]...That is saying in her heart,...[am], and beside me there is none,' How hath she been for a desolation, A crouching-...Every one passing by her doth...

ylt@Zephaniah:3:2 @...hath not trusted, Unto her God...

ylt@Zephaniah:3:3 @Her heads in her midst [are] roaring lions, Her judges [are] evening wolves, They have not gnawn the bone in the morning.

ylt@Zephaniah:3:4 @Her prophets unstable -- men of treachery, Her priests have polluted the sanctuary, They have violated the law.

ylt@Zephaniah:3:5 @Jehovah [is] righteous in her midst, He doth not do perverseness, Morning by morning His judgment he giveth to the light, It hath not been lacking, And the perverse doth not know shame.

ylt@Zephaniah:3:7 @...I have appointed for her, But...

ylt@Zephaniah:3:18 @...have been, Bearing for her sake...

ylt@Zechariah:2:4 @...man and beast in her... midst.

ylt@Zechariah:2:5 @And I -- I am to her --...honour I am in her... midst.

ylt@Zechariah:5:8 @And he saith, 'This [is]...woman.' And he casteth her unto...

ylt@Zechariah:8:12 @...the earth doth give her increase,...

ylt@Zechariah:9:4 @...smitten in the sea her force,...

ylt@Zechariah:9:5 @See doth Ashkelon and fear, Also Gaza, and she is exceedingly pained, Also Ekron -- for her expectation dried up, And perished hath a king from Gaza, And Ashkelon doth not remain,

ylt@Zechariah:12:6 @In that day I make the leaders of Judah As a hearth of fire among trees, And as a torch of fire in a sheaf, And they have consumed -- on the right and on the left --...Jerusalem hath inhabited again her place...

ylt@Zechariah:14:10 @...and hath dwelt in her place,...-vats of the king.

ylt@Matthew:1:6 @...king begat Solomon, of her... [who had been] Uriah's,

ylt@Matthew:1:19 @...not willing to make her an...

ylt@Matthew:1:20 @...for that which in her was...[is] of the Holy Spirit,

ylt@Matthew:1:25 @...till she brought forth her son...-- the first-born, and he called his name Jesus.

ylt@Matthew:2:18 @'A voice in Ramah was heard -- lamentation and weeping and much mourning -- Rachel weeping [for] her children, and she would not be comforted because they are not.'

ylt@Matthew:5:28 @but I --...already commit adultery with her in...

ylt@Matthew:5:31 @...let him give to her a...

ylt@Matthew:5:32 @but I --...and whoever may marry her who...

ylt@Matthew:8:15 @...and the fever left her, and...

ylt@Matthew:9:25 @...he took hold of her hand,...

ylt@Matthew:10:35 @...and a daughter against her mother,...-in-law against her mother-in-law,

ylt@Matthew:11:19 @the Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, Lo, a man, a glutton, and a wine-drinker, a friend of tax-...wisdom was justified of her... children.'

ylt@Matthew:14:7 @...he professed to give her whatever...

ylt@Matthew:14:8 @...having been instigated by her mother...-- 'Give me (says she) here upon a plate the head of John the Baptist;

ylt@Matthew:14:11 @and his head was brought upon a plate, and was given to the damsel, and she brought [it] nigh to her mother.

ylt@Matthew:15:23 @...he did not answer her a...-- 'Let her away, because she crieth after us;'

ylt@Matthew:15:28 @...answering, Jesus said to her, 'O...[is]...as thou wilt;' and her daughter...

ylt@Matthew:19:7 @...divorce, and to put her... away?'

ylt@Matthew:19:9 @...he who did marry her that...

ylt@Matthew:20:20 @...sons of Zebedee, with her sons,...

ylt@Matthew:21:2 @saying to them, 'Go on to the village over-...and a colt with her... -- having loosed, bring ye to me;

ylt@Matthew:23:37 @...a hen doth gather her own...

ylt@Matthew:24:29 @...moon shall not give her light,...

ylt@Mark:1:31 @...and the fever left her immediately,...

ylt@Mark:5:23 @and he was calling upon him much, saying -- 'My little daughter is at the last extremity --...thou mayest lay on her... [thy] hands, so that she may be saved, and she shall live;'

ylt@Mark:5:29 @...was the fountain of her blood...

ylt@Mark:5:32 @...looking round to see her who...

ylt@Mark:5:43 @...there be given to her to...

ylt@Mark:6:23 @and he sware to her -- 'Whatever thou mayest ask me, I will give to thee -- unto the half of my kingdom.'

ylt@Mark:6:24 @...gone forth, said to her mother,...

ylt@Mark:6:26 @And the king -- made very sorrowful -- because of the oaths and of those reclining (at meat)...him, would not put her... away,

ylt@Mark:6:28 @...did give it to her... mother;

ylt@Mark:7:26 @and the woman was a Greek, a Syro-Phenician by nation --...cast forth out of her... daughter.

ylt@Mark:7:30 @...having come away to her house,...

ylt@Mark:10:12 @...woman may put away her husband,...

ylt@Mark:12:23 @in the rising again, then, whenever they may rise, of which of them shall she be wife --...for the seven had her as...

ylt@Mark:12:44 @...but she, out of her want,...-- all her living.'

ylt@Mark:13:24 @...moon shall not give her... light,

ylt@Mark:14:6 @...why are ye giving her trouble?...

ylt@Luke:1:5 @...daughters of Aaron, and her name...

ylt@Luke:1:18 @...wife is advanced in her... days?'

ylt@Luke:1:36 @...the sixth month to her who...

ylt@Luke:1:41 @...babe did leap in her womb;...

ylt@Luke:1:45 @and happy [is]...the things spoken to her from...

ylt@Luke:1:56 @...and turned back to her... house.

ylt@Luke:1:57 @...the time fulfilled for her bringing...

ylt@Luke:1:58 @...His kindness great with her, and...

ylt@Luke:1:61 @And they said unto her -- 'There is none among thy kindred who is called by this name,'

ylt@Luke:2:6 @...days were fulfilled for her bringing...

ylt@Luke:2:7 @and she brought forth her son -- the first-born, and wrapped him up, and laid him down in the manger, because there was not for them a place in the guest-chamber.

ylt@Luke:2:19 @...these things, pondering in her... heart;

ylt@Luke:2:36 @...husband seven years from her... virginity,

ylt@Luke:2:51 @...all these sayings in her... heart,

ylt@Luke:7:35 @...was justified from all her... children.'

ylt@Luke:7:38 @...with the hairs of her head...

ylt@Luke:7:44 @...with the hairs of her head...

ylt@Luke:7:47 @...I say to thee, her many...

ylt@Luke:8:43 @...spent on physicians all her living,...

ylt@Luke:8:44 @...presently the issue of her blood...

ylt@Luke:8:54 @...having taken hold of her hand,...

ylt@Luke:8:55 @...there be given to her to...

ylt@Luke:8:56 @and her parents were amazed, but he charged them to say to no one what was come to pass.

ylt@Luke:10:38 @...did receive him into her... house,

ylt@Luke:12:53 @a father shall be divided against a son, and a son against a father, a mother against a daughter, and a daughter against a mother, a mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.'

ylt@Luke:13:13 @and he laid on her [his] hands, and presently she was set upright, and was glorifying God.

ylt@Luke:13:34 @...children, as a hen her brood...

ylt@Luke:16:18 @...one who is marrying her sent...

ylt@Luke:18:5 @...trouble, I will do her justice,...

ylt@Luke:20:33 @in the rising again, then, of which of them doth she become wife? --...for the seven had her as...

ylt@Luke:21:4 @...this one out of her want,...

ylt@Luke:21:20 @...that come nigh did her... desolation;

ylt@Luke:21:21 @...mountains; and those in her midst,...

ylt@John:4:28 @The woman then left her water-jug, and went away to the city, and saith to the men,

ylt@John:8:3 @...adultery, and having set her in...

ylt@John:11:1 @...of Mary and Martha her sister...--

ylt@John:11:2 @...wipe his feet with her hair,...--

ylt@John:11:5 @...was loving Martha, and her sister,...

ylt@John:11:28 @...away, and called Mary her sister...

ylt@John:11:31 @...and went forth, followed her, saying...-- 'She doth go away to the tomb, that she may weep there.'

ylt@John:11:33 @...Jews who came with her weeping,...

ylt@John:12:3 @...and did wipe with her hair...

ylt@John:16:21 @...bear, hath sorrow, because her hour...

ylt@John:19:27 @...hour the disciple took her to...[home].

ylt@Acts:5:10 @...having come in, found her dead,...[her] by her husband;

ylt@Acts:8:27 @...who was over all her treasure,...

ylt@Acts:9:37 @...bathed her, they laid her in...

ylt@Acts:9:40 @...arise;' and she opened her eyes,...

ylt@Acts:9:41 @and having given her [his]...the widows, he presented her... alive,

ylt@Acts:16:15 @...she was baptized, and her household,...

ylt@Acts:16:16 @...brought much employment to her masters...

ylt@Acts:16:19 @And her masters having seen that the hope of their employment was gone, having caught Paul and Silas, drew [them] to the market-place, unto the rulers,

ylt@Acts:19:27 @...for nothing, and also her greatness...

ylt@Romans:9:11 @(for they being not yet born, neither having done anything good or evil, that the purpose of God, according to choice, might remain; not of works, but of Him who is calling,)...it was said to her... --

ylt@Romans:9:25 @as also in Hosea He saith, 'I will call what [is] not My people -- My people; and her not beloved -- Beloved,

ylt@Romans:16:2 @...saints, and may assist her in...-- for she also became a leader of many, and of myself.

ylt@1Corinthians:7:2 @...let each woman have her proper...

ylt@1Corinthians:7:4 @the wife over her own body hath not authority, but the husband; and, in like manner also, the husband over his own body hath not authority, but the wife.

ylt@1Corinthians:7:11 @...to the husband let her be...

ylt@1Corinthians:7:12 @And to the rest I speak -- not the Lord --...let him not send her... away;

ylt@1Corinthians:7:13 @...dwell with her, let her not...

ylt@1Corinthians:7:39 @...may live, and if her husband...-- only in the Lord;

ylt@1Corinthians:11:5 @...the same thing with her being...

ylt@1Corinthians:11:6 @for if a woman is not covered -- then let her be shorn, and if [it is] a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven -- let her be covered;

ylt@Galatians:4:25 @for this Hagar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and doth correspond to the Jerusalem that now [is]...is in servitude with her... children,

ylt@Galatians:4:27 @for it hath been written, 'Rejoice, O barren, who art not bearing; break forth and cry, thou who art not travailing, because many [are] the children of the desolate -- more than of her having the husband.'

ylt@Galatians:4:30 @but what saith the Writing? 'Cast forth the maid-servant and her son, for the son of the maid-servant may not be heir with the son of the free-woman;'

ylt@1Thessalonians:2:7 @...a nurse may cherish her own...

ylt@1Thessalonians:5:3 @for when they may say, Peace and surety, then sudden destruction doth stand by them, as the travail [doth] her who is with child, and they shall not escape;

ylt@1Timothy:5:9 @A widow -- let her not be enrolled under sixty years of age, having been a wife of one husband,

ylt@James:5:18 @...land did bring forth her... fruit.

ylt@2John:1:1 @...choice Kyria, and to her children,...

ylt@Revelation:2:21 @...she might reform from her whoredom,...

ylt@Revelation:2:22 @...those committing adultery with her into...-- if they may not repent of their works,

ylt@Revelation:2:23 @and her children I will kill in death, and know shall all the assemblies that I am he who is searching reins and hearts; and I will give to you -- to each -- according to your works.

ylt@Revelation:6:13 @and the stars of the heaven fell to the earth -- as a fig-tree doth cast her winter figs, by a great wind being shaken --

ylt@Revelation:12:1 @...her feet, and upon her head...

ylt@Revelation:12:4 @...she may bring forth, her child...

ylt@Revelation:12:5 @...and caught away was her child...

ylt@Revelation:12:6 @...there they may nourish her... -- days a thousand, two hundred, sixty.

ylt@Revelation:12:14 @...to the wilderness, to her place,...

ylt@Revelation:12:15 @...that he may cause her to...

ylt@Revelation:12:17 @...with the rest of her seed,...

ylt@Revelation:14:8 @...of the wrath of her whoredom...

ylt@Revelation:14:18 @...come to perfection have her... grapes;'

ylt@Revelation:16:19 @And it came -- the great city --...God, to give to her the...

ylt@Revelation:17:2 @...from the wine of her whoredom...

ylt@Revelation:17:4 @and the woman was arrayed with purple and scarlet-...a golden cup in her hand...

ylt@Revelation:17:5 @and upon her forehead was a name written: 'Secret, Babylon the Great, the Mother of the Whores, and the Abominations of the earth.'

ylt@Revelation:17:6 @And I saw the woman drunken from the blood of the saints, and from the blood of the witnesses of Jesus, and I did wonder -- having seen her -- with great wonder;

ylt@Revelation:17:16 @...flesh, and shall burn her in...

ylt@Revelation:18:3 @...from the power of her revel...

ylt@Revelation:18:4 @...may not partake with her sins,...

ylt@Revelation:18:5 @because her sins did follow --...and God did remember her... unrighteousness.

ylt@Revelation:18:6 @...her doubles according to her works;...

ylt@Revelation:18:7 @...to her, because in her heart...

ylt@Revelation:18:8 @...one day, shall come her plagues,...[is]...God who is judging her;...

ylt@Revelation:18:9 @...the earth, who with her did...

ylt@Revelation:18:10 @...of the fear of her torment,...

ylt@Revelation:18:15 @...of the fear of her torment,...

ylt@Revelation:18:18 @...seeing the smoke of her burning,...[city is] like to the great city?

ylt@Revelation:18:19 @...the sea, out of her costliness...-- for in one hour was she made waste.

ylt@Revelation:18:24 @and in her blood of prophets and of saints was found, and of all those who have been slain on the earth.'

ylt@Revelation:19:2 @because true and righteous [are]...corrupt the earth in her whoredom,...

ylt@Revelation:19:3 @...they said, 'Alleluia;' and her smoke...-- to the ages of the ages!

ylt@Revelation:19:8 @...there was given to her that...

ylt@Revelation:21:2 @and I, John, saw the holy city -- new Jerusalem --...a bride adorned for her... husband;

ylt@Revelation:21:11 @...glory of God, and her light...[is] like a stone most precious, as a jasper stone clear as crystal,

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