





dourh if

dourh@Genesis:4:7 @...thou not receive? but if ill,...

dourh@Genesis:8:8 @...after him, to see if the...

dourh@Genesis:13:9 @...will take the right: if thou...

dourh@Genesis:13:16 @...dust of the earth: if any...

dourh@Genesis:15:5 @...and number the stars, if thou...

dourh@Genesis:18:4 @...And he said: Lord, if I...

dourh@Genesis:18:25 @...of the fifty just, if they...

dourh@Genesis:18:27 @ And the Lord said to him: If I And in Sodom fifty just within the city, I will spare the whole place for their sake.

dourh@Genesis:18:29 @...will not destroy it, if I...

dourh@Genesis:18:30 @...said to him: But if forty...

dourh@Genesis:18:31 @...will not do it, if I...

dourh@Genesis:18:32 @...to my Lord. What if twenty...

dourh@Genesis:18:33 @...yet once more: What if tell...

dourh@Genesis:20:7 @...thou shalt live: but if thou...

dourh@Genesis:23:8 @ And said to them: If it please your soul that I should bury my dead, hear me, and intercede for me to Ephron the son of Seor.

dourh@Genesis:24:5 @ The servant answered: If the woman will not come with me into this land, must I bring thy son back again to the place, from whence thou camest out?

dourh@Genesis:24:8 ...But if the...

dourh@Genesis:24:39 @...answered my master: What if the...

dourh@Genesis:24:41 @...come to my kindred, if they...

dourh@Genesis:24:42 @...of my master Abraham, if thou...

dourh@Genesis:24:49 @...master, tell me: but if it...

dourh@Genesis:25:22 @ But the children struggled in her womb: and she said: If it were to be so with me, what need was there to conceive? And she went to consult the Lord.

dourh@Genesis:27:12 @ If my father shall feel me, and perceive it, I fear lest he will think I would have mocked him, and I shall bring upon me a curse instead of a blessing.

dourh@Genesis:27:46 @...the daughters of Heth: if Jacob...

dourh@Genesis:28:20 @ And he made a vow, saying: If God shall be with me, and shall keep me in the way by which I walk, and shall give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on,

dourh@Genesis:30:31 @...I require nothing: but if thou...

dourh@Genesis:31:8 @ If at any time he said: The speckled shall be thy wages: all the sheep brought forth speckled: but when he said on the contrary: Thou shalt take all the white ones for thy wages: all the flocks brought forth white ones.

dourh@Genesis:31:32 @...our brethren. Search, and if thou...

dourh@Genesis:31:50 @...afflict my daughters, and if thou...

dourh@Genesis:31:52 @...they for a testimony, if either...

dourh@Genesis:32:8 @ Saying: If Esau come to one company and destroy it, the other company that is left shall escape.

dourh@Genesis:32:17 @ And he commanded the first, saying: If thou meet my brother Esau, and he ask thee: Whose art thou? or whither goest thou? or whose are these before thee?

dourh@Genesis:32:28 @...Jacob, but Israel: for if thou...

dourh@Genesis:33:10 @...seen thy face, as if I...

dourh@Genesis:33:13 @...kine with young: which if I...

dourh@Genesis:34:15 @...be allied with you, if you...

dourh@Genesis:34:17 ...But if you...

dourh@Genesis:37:14 @...him: Go, and see if all...

dourh@Genesis:38:18 @...suffer what thou wilt, if thou...

dourh@Genesis:42:19 @ If you be peaceable men, let one of your brethren be bound in prison: and go ye your ways and carry the corn that you have bought, unto your houses.

dourh@Genesis:42:37 @...Kill my two sons if I...

dourh@Genesis:42:38 @...he is left alone: if any...

dourh@Genesis:43:4 @ If therefore thou wilt send him with us, we will set out together, and will buy necessaries for thee.

dourh@Genesis:43:5 ...But if thou...

dourh@Genesis:43:7 @...if our father lived: if we...

dourh@Genesis:43:10 @ If delay had not been made, we had been here again the second time.

dourh@Genesis:43:11 @ Then Israel said to them: If it must needs be so, do what you will: take of the best fruits of the land in your vessels, and carry down presents to the man, a little balm, and honey, and storax, myrrh, turpentine, and almonds.

dourh@Genesis:44:22 @...leave his father: for if he...

dourh@Genesis:44:26 @...him: We cannot go: if our...

dourh@Genesis:44:29 @ If you take this also, and any thing befall him in the way you will bring down my gray hairs with sorrow unto hell.

dourh@Genesis:44:30 ...Therefore if I...(whereas his life dependeth upon the life of him,)

dourh@Genesis:44:32 @ Let me be tht proper servant, who took him into my trust, and promised, saying: If I bring him not again, I will be guilty of sin against my father for ever.

dourh@Genesis:45:28 @...is enough for me, if Joseph...

dourh@Genesis:47:6 @...land of Gessen. And if thou...

dourh@Genesis:47:16 @...will give you food, if you...

dourh@Genesis:47:29 @ And when he saw that the day of his death drew nigh, he called his son Joseph, and said to him: If I have found favour in thy sight, put thy hand under my thigh; and thou shalt shew me this kindness and truth, not to bury me in Egypt:

dourh@Genesis:50:4 @ And the time of the mourning being expired, Joseph spoke to the family of Pharao: If I have found favour in your sight, speak in the ears of Pharao:

dourh@Exodus:1:10 @...lest they multiply: and if any...

dourh@Exodus:1:16 @...man child, kill it: if a...

dourh@Exodus:3:13 @ Moses said to God: Lo, I shall go to the children of Israel, and say to them: The God of your fathers hath sent me to you. If they should say to me: What is his name? what shall I say to them?

dourh@Exodus:4:8 @ If they will not believe thee, saith he, nor hear the voice of the former sign, they will believe the word of the latter sign.

dourh@Exodus:4:9 ...But if they...

dourh@Exodus:4:18 @...that I may see if they...

dourh@Exodus:5:5 @...increased: how much more if you...

dourh@Exodus:8:2 ...But if thou...

dourh@Exodus:8:21 ...But if thou...

dourh@Exodus:8:26 @...Lord our God: now if we...

dourh@Exodus:9:2 ...But if thou...

dourh@Exodus:10:4 ...But if thou...

dourh@Exodus:12:4 ...But if the...

dourh@Exodus:12:10 @ Neither shall there remain any thing of it until morning. If there be any thing left, you shall burn it with fire.

dourh@Exodus:12:48 @...in the land: but if any...

dourh@Exodus:13:13 @...for a sheep: and if thou...

dourh@Exodus:13:17 @...perhaps they would repent, if they...

dourh@Exodus:15:26 @ Saying: If thou wilt hear the voice of the Lord thy God, and do what is right before him, and obey his commandments, and keep all his precepts, none of the evils that I laid upon Egypt, will I bring upon thee: for I am the Lord thy healer.

dourh@Exodus:17:11 @...hands, Israel overcame: but if he...

dourh@Exodus:18:23 @ If thou dost this, thou shalt fulfil the commandment of God, and shalt be able to bear his precepts: and all this people shall return to their places with peace.

dourh@Exodus:19:5 @ If therefore you will hear my voice, and keep my covenant, you shall be my peculiar possession above all people: for all the earth is mine.

dourh@Exodus:20:25 @...of hewn stones: for if thou...

dourh@Exodus:21:2 @ If thou buy a Hebrew servant, six years shall he serve thee: in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing.

dourh@Exodus:21:3 @...let him go out: if having...

dourh@Exodus:21:4 ...But if his...

dourh@Exodus:21:5 ...And if the...

dourh@Exodus:21:7 @ If any man sell his daughter to be a servant, she shall not go out as bondwomen are wont to go out.

dourh@Exodus:21:8 @...to a foreign nation, if he...

dourh@Exodus:21:9 ...But if he...

dourh@Exodus:21:10 ...And if he...

dourh@Exodus:21:11 @ If he do not these three things, she shall go out free without money.

dourh@Exodus:21:14 @ If a man kill his neighbour on set purpose and by lying in wait for him: thou shalt take him away from my altar, that he may die.

dourh@Exodus:21:18 @ If men quarrel, and the one strike his neighbour with a stone or with his fist, and he die not, but keepeth his bed:

dourh@Exodus:21:19 @ If he rise again and walk abroad upon his staff, he that struck him shall be quit, yet so that he make restitution for his work, and for his expenses upon the physicians.

dourh@Exodus:21:21 ...But if the...

dourh@Exodus:21:22 @ If men quarrel, and one strike a woman with child, and she miscarry indeed, but live herself: he shall be answerable for so much damage as the woman's husband shall require, and as arbiters shall award.

dourh@Exodus:21:23 ...But if her...

dourh@Exodus:21:26 @ If any man strike the eye of his manservant or maidservant, and leave them but one eye, he shall let them go free for the eye which he put out.

dourh@Exodus:21:27 ...Also if he...

dourh@Exodus:21:28 @ If an ox gore a man or a woman, and they die, he shall be stoned: and his flesh shall not be eaten, but the owner of the ox shall be quit.

dourh@Exodus:21:29 ...But if the...

dourh@Exodus:21:30 ...And if they...

dourh@Exodus:21:31 @ If he have gored a son, or a daughter, he shall fall under the like sentence.

dourh@Exodus:21:32 @ If he assault a bondman or a bond woman, he shall give thirty sicles of silver to their master, and the ox shall be stoned.

dourh@Exodus:21:33 @ If a man open a pit, and dig one, and cover it not, and an ox or an ass fall into it,

dourh@Exodus:21:35 @ If one man's ox gore another man's ox, and he die: they shall sell the live ox, and shall divide the price, and the carcass of that which died they shall part between them:

dourh@Exodus:21:36 ...But if he...

dourh@Exodus:22:1 @ If any man steal an ox or a sheep, and kill or sell it: he shall restore five oxen for one ox, and four sheep for one sheep.

dourh@Exodus:22:2 @ If a thief be found breaking open a house or undermining it, and be wounded so as to die: he that slew him shall not be guilty of blood.

dourh@Exodus:22:3 ...But if he...

dourh@Exodus:22:4 @ If that which he stole be found with him, alive, either ox, or ass, or sheep: he shall restore double.

dourh@Exodus:22:5 @ If any man hurt a field or a vineyard, and put in his beast to feed upon that which is other men's: he shall restore the best of whatsoever he hath in his own field, or in his vineyard, according to the estimation of the damage.

dourh@Exodus:22:6 @ If a fire breaking out light upon thorns, and catch stacks of corn, or corn standing in the fields, he that kindled the fire shall make good the loss.

dourh@Exodus:22:7 @...him that received them: if the...

dourh@Exodus:22:8 @ If the thief be not known, the master of the house shall be brought to the gods, and shall swear that he did not lay his hand upon his neighbour's goods,

dourh@Exodus:22:9 @...to the gods: and if they...

dourh@Exodus:22:10 @ If a man deliver ass, ox, sheep, or any beast, to his neighbour's custody, and it die, or be hurt, or be taken by enemies, and no man saw it:

dourh@Exodus:22:12 ...But if it...

dourh@Exodus:22:13 @ If it were eaten by a beast, let him bring to him that which was slain, and he shall not make restitution.

dourh@Exodus:22:14 @ If a man borrow of his neighbour any of these things, and it be hurt or die, the owner not being present, he shall be obliged to make restitution.

dourh@Exodus:22:15 @...not make restitution, especially if it...

dourh@Exodus:22:16 @ If a man seduce a virgin not yet espoused, and lie with her: he shall endow her, and have her to wife.

dourh@Exodus:22:17 @ If the maid's father will not give her to him, he shall give money according to the dowry, which virgins are wont to receive.

dourh@Exodus:22:23 @ If you hurt them they will cry out to me, and I will hear their cry:

dourh@Exodus:22:25 @ If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor, that dwelleth with thee, thou shalt not be hard upon them as an extortioner, nor oppress them with usuries.

dourh@Exodus:22:26 @ If thou take of thy neighbour a garment in pledge, thou shalt give it him again before sunset.

dourh@Exodus:22:27 @...other to sleep in: if he...

dourh@Exodus:23:4 @ If thou meet thy enemy's ox or ass going astray, bring it back to him.

dourh@Exodus:23:5 @ If thou see the ass of him that hateth thee lie underneath his burden, thou shalt not pass by, but shalt lift him up with him.

dourh@Exodus:23:22 ...But if thou...

dourh@Exodus:23:33 @...thee sin against me, if thou...

dourh@Exodus:24:14 @...and Hur with you: if any...

dourh@Exodus:29:34 ...And if there...

dourh@Exodus:32:26 @ Then standing in the gate of the camp, he said: If any man be on the Lord's side let him join with me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him:

dourh@Exodus:32:30 @...up to the Lord, if by...

dourh@Exodus:32:32 ...Or if thou...

dourh@Exodus:33:13 @ If therefore I have found favour in thy sight, show me thy face, that I may know thee, and may find grace before thy eyes: look upon thy people this nation.

dourh@Exodus:33:15 @ And Moses said: If thou thyself dost not go before, bring us not out of this place.

dourh@Exodus:34:9 @ Said: If I have found grace in thy sight: O Lord, I beseech thee, that thou wilt go with us, (for it is a stiffnecked people,) and take away our iniquities and sin, and possess us.

dourh@Exodus:34:20 @...with a sheep: but if thou...

dourh@Exodus:34:35 @...covered his face again, if at...

dourh@Exodus:35:23 @ If any man had violet, and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, fine linen and goats' hair, rams' skins dyed red, and violet coloured skins,

dourh@Exodus:40:34 @ If at any time the cloud removed from the tabernacle, the children of Israel went forward by their troops:

dourh@Exodus:40:35 @ If it hung over, they remained in the same place.

dourh@Leviticus:1:3 @ If his offering be a holocaust, and of the herd, he shall offer a male without blemish, at the door of the testimony, to make the Lord favourable to him:

dourh@Leviticus:1:10 ...And if the...

dourh@Leviticus:1:14 ...But if the...

dourh@Leviticus:2:5 @ If thy oblation be from the fryingpan, of flour tempered with oil, and without leaven,

dourh@Leviticus:2:7 ...And if the...

dourh@Leviticus:2:14 ...But if thou...

dourh@Leviticus:3:1 ...And if his...

dourh@Leviticus:3:6 ...But if his...

dourh@Leviticus:3:7 @ If he offer a lamb before the Lord,

dourh@Leviticus:3:12 @ If his offering be a goat, and he offer it to the Lord,

dourh@Leviticus:4:3 @ If the priest that is anointed shall sin, making the people to offend, he shall offer to the Lord for his sin a calf without blemish.

dourh@Leviticus:4:13 ...And if all...

dourh@Leviticus:4:22 @ If a prince shall sin, and through ignorance do any one of the things that the law of the Lord forbiddeth,

dourh@Leviticus:4:27 ...And if any...

dourh@Leviticus:4:32 ...But if he...

dourh@Leviticus:5:1 @...is privy to it: if he...

dourh@Leviticus:5:3 ...And if he...

dourh@Leviticus:5:7 ...But if he...

dourh@Leviticus:5:11 ...And if his...

dourh@Leviticus:5:15 @ If any one shall sin through mistake, transgressing the ceremonies in those things that are sacrificed to the Lord, he shall offer for his offence a ram without blemish out of the flocks, that may be bought for two sicles, according to the weight of the sanctuary:

dourh@Leviticus:5:17 @ If any one sin through ignorance, and do one of those things which by the law of the Lord are forbidden, and being guilty of sin, understand his iniquity,

dourh@Leviticus:6:27 @ Whatsoever shall touch the flesh thereof, shall be sanctified. If a garment be sprinkled with the blood thereof, it shall be washed in a holy place.

dourh@Leviticus:6:28 @...shall be broken, but if the...

dourh@Leviticus:7:12 @ If the oblation be for thanksgiving, they shall offer leaves without leaven tempered with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with oil, and fine flour fried, and cakes tempered and mingled with oil:

dourh@Leviticus:7:16 @...the same day: and if any...

dourh@Leviticus:7:18 @ If any man eat of the flesh of the victim of peace offerings on the third day, the oblation shall be of no effect, neither shall it profit the offerer: yea rather whatsoever soul shall defile itself with such meat, shall be guilty of transgression.

dourh@Leviticus:7:20 @ If any one that is defiled shall eat of the flesh of the sacrifice of peace offerings, which is offered to the Lord, he shall be cut off from his people.

dourh@Leviticus:7:25 @ If any man eat the fat that should be offered for the burnt sacrifice of the Lord, he shall perish out of his people.

dourh@Leviticus:11:25 ...And if it...

dourh@Leviticus:11:34 @...meat which you eat, if water...

dourh@Leviticus:11:37 @ If it fall upon seed corn, it shall not defile it.

dourh@Leviticus:11:38 ...But if any...

dourh@Leviticus:11:39 @ If any beast die, of which it is lawful for you to eat, he that toucheth the carcass thereof, shall be unclean until the evening:

dourh@Leviticus:12:2 @ Speak to the children of Israel, and thou shalt say to them: If a woman having received seed shall bear a man child, she shall be unclean seven days, according to the days of the separation of her flowers.

dourh@Leviticus:12:5 ...But if she...-six days.

dourh@Leviticus:12:8 ...And if her...

dourh@Leviticus:13:3 ...And if he...

dourh@Leviticus:13:4 ...But if there...

dourh@Leviticus:13:5 @...look on him: and if the...

dourh@Leviticus:13:6 @...shall look on him: if the...

dourh@Leviticus:13:7 ...But if the...

dourh@Leviticus:13:9 @ If the stroke of the leprosy be in a man, he shall be brought to the priest,

dourh@Leviticus:13:12 ...But if the...

dourh@Leviticus:13:15 @...unclean: for live flesh, if it...

dourh@Leviticus:13:16 ...And if again...

dourh@Leviticus:13:21 ...But if the...

dourh@Leviticus:13:22 ...And if it...

dourh@Leviticus:13:23 ...But if it...

dourh@Leviticus:13:25 @...shall view it, and if he...

dourh@Leviticus:13:26 ...But if the...

dourh@Leviticus:13:27 @...he shall view him: if the...

dourh@Leviticus:13:28 ...But if the...

dourh@Leviticus:13:29 @ If the leprosy break out in the head or the beard of a man or woman, the Priest shall see them,

dourh@Leviticus:13:30 ...And if the...

dourh@Leviticus:13:31 ...But if he...

dourh@Leviticus:13:32 @ And on the seventh day he shall look upon it. If the spot be not grown, and the hair keep its colour, and the place of the blemish be even with the other flesh:

dourh@Leviticus:13:34 @ If on the seventh day the evil seem to have stayed in its place, and not lower than the other flesh, he shall cleanse him, and his clothes being washed he shall be clean.

dourh@Leviticus:13:35 ...But if after...

dourh@Leviticus:13:37 ...But if the...

dourh@Leviticus:13:38 @ If a whiteness appear in the skin of a man or a woman,

dourh@Leviticus:13:39 @ The priest shall view them. If he find that a darkish whiteness shineth in the skin, let him know that it is not the leprosy, but a white blemish, and that the man is clean.

dourh@Leviticus:13:41 ...And if the...

dourh@Leviticus:13:42 ...But if in...

dourh@Leviticus:13:49 @ If it be infected with a white or red spot, it shall be accounted the leprosy, and shall be shewn to the priest.

dourh@Leviticus:13:51 @...he find that it if grown,...

dourh@Leviticus:13:53 ...But if he...

dourh@Leviticus:13:56 ...But if the...

dourh@Leviticus:13:57 ...And if after...

dourh@Leviticus:13:58 @ If it cease, he shall wash with water the parts that are pure, the second time, and they shall be clean.

dourh@Leviticus:14:21 ...But if he...

dourh@Leviticus:14:34 @...you for a possession, if there...

dourh@Leviticus:14:37 ...And if he...

dourh@Leviticus:14:39 @ And returning on the seventh day, he shall look upon it. If he find that the leprosy is spread,

dourh@Leviticus:14:48 ...But if the...

dourh@Leviticus:15:5 @ If ally man touch his bed, he shall wash his clothes: and being washed with water, he shall be unclean until the evening.

dourh@Leviticus:15:6 @ If a man sit where that man hath sitten, he also shall wash his clothes: and being washed with water, shall be unclean until the evening.

dourh@Leviticus:15:8 @ If such a man cast his spittle upon him that is clean, he shall wash his clothes: and being washed with water, he shall be unclean until the evening.

dourh@Leviticus:15:12 @...a vessel of wood, if shall...

dourh@Leviticus:15:13 @ If he who suffereth this disease be healed, he shall number seven days after his cleansing, and having washed his clothes, and all his body in living water, he shall be clean.

dourh@Leviticus:15:24 @ If a man copulateth with her in the time of her flowers, he shall be unclean seven days: and every bed on which he shall sleep shall be defiled.

dourh@Leviticus:15:25 @...the same manner as if she...

dourh@Leviticus:15:28 @ If the blood stop and cease to run, she shall count seven days of her purification:

dourh@Leviticus:17:3 @...the house of Israel if he...

dourh@Leviticus:17:4 @...guilty of blood: as if he...

dourh@Leviticus:17:10 @ If any man whosoever of the house of Israel, and of the strangers that sojourn among them, eat blood, I will set my face against his soul, and will cut him off from among his people:

dourh@Leviticus:17:13 @...that sojourn among you, if by...

dourh@Leviticus:17:16 ...But if he...

dourh@Leviticus:18:5 @...and my judgments, which if a...

dourh@Leviticus:18:28 @...vomit you also out, if you...

dourh@Leviticus:19:5 @ If ye offer in sacrifice a peace offering to the Lord, that he may be favourable,

dourh@Leviticus:19:7 @ If after two days ally man eat thereof, he shall be profane and guilty of impiety:

dourh@Leviticus:19:20 @ If a man carnally lie with a woman that is a bondservant and marriageable, and yet not redeemed with a price, nor made free: they both shall be scourged, and they shall not be put to death, because she was not a free woman.

dourh@Leviticus:19:33 @ If a stranger dwell in your land, and abide among you, do not upbraid him:

dourh@Leviticus:20:2 @ Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel: If any man of the children of Israel, or of the strangers, that dwell in Israel, give of his seed to the idol Moloch, dying let him die: the people of the land shall stone him.

dourh@Leviticus:20:4 ...And if the...

dourh@Leviticus:20:10 @ If any man commit adultery with the wife of another, and defile his neighbour's wife, let then: be put to death, both the adulterer and the adulteress.

dourh@Leviticus:20:11 @ If a man lie with his stepmother, and discover the nakedness of his father, let them both be put to death: their blood be upon them.

dourh@Leviticus:20:12 @ If any man lie with his daughter in law, let both die, because they have done a heinous crime: their blood be upon them.

dourh@Leviticus:20:13 @ If any one lie with a man se with a woman, both have committed an abomination, let them be put to death: their blood be upon them.

dourh@Leviticus:20:14 @ If any man after marrying the daughter, marry her mother, he hath done a heinous crime: he shall be burnt alive with them: neither shall so great an abomination remain in the midst of you.

dourh@Leviticus:20:17 @ If any man take his sister, the daughter of his father, or the daughter of his mother, and see her nakedness, and she behold her brother's shame: they have committed a crime: they shall be slain, in the sight of their people, because they have discovered one another's nakedness, and they shall bear their iniquity.

dourh@Leviticus:20:18 @ If any man lie with a woman in her flowers, and uncover her nakedness, and she open the fountain of her blood, both shall be destroyed out of the midst of their people.

dourh@Leviticus:20:20 @ If any mall lie with the wife of his uncle by the father, or of his uncle by the mother, and uncover the shame of his near akin, both shall bear their sin: they shall die without children.

dourh@Leviticus:21:9 @ If the daughter of a priest be taken in whoredom, and dishonour the name of her father, she shall be burnt with fire.

dourh@Leviticus:21:18 @...if he be lame, if he...

dourh@Leviticus:21:19 @...If his foot, or if his...

dourh@Leviticus:21:20 @ If he be crookbacked, or blear eyed, or have a pearl in his eye, or a continual scab, or a dry scurf in his body, or a rupture:

dourh@Leviticus:22:12 @ If the daughter of a priest be married to any of the people, she shall not eat of those things that are sanctified, nor of the firstfruits.

dourh@Leviticus:22:13 ...But if she...

dourh@Leviticus:22:20 @ If it have a blemish you shall not offer it, neither shall it be acceptable.

dourh@Leviticus:22:22 @ If it be blind, or broken, or have a scar or blisters, or a scab, or a dry scurf: you shall not offer them to the Lord, nor burn any thing of them upon the Lord's altar.

dourh@Leviticus:22:29 @ If you immolate a victim for thanksgiving to the Lord, that he may be favourable,

dourh@Leviticus:25:20 @...eat the seventh year, if we...

dourh@Leviticus:25:25 @ If thy brother being impoverished sell his little possession, and his kinsman will, he may redeem what he had sold.

dourh@Leviticus:25:26 ...But if he...

dourh@Leviticus:25:28 ...But if his...

dourh@Leviticus:25:30 @ If he redeem it not, and the whole year be fully out, the buyer shall possess it, and his posterity for ever, and it can- not be redeemed, not even in the jubilee.

dourh@Leviticus:25:31 @...law as the fields: if it...

dourh@Leviticus:25:33 @ If they be not redeemed, in the jubilee they shall all return to the owners, because the houses of the cities of the Levites are for their possessions among the children of Israel.

dourh@Leviticus:25:35 @ If thy brother be impoverished, and weak of hand, and thou receive him as a stranger and sojourner, and he live with thee,

dourh@Leviticus:25:39 @ If thy brother constrained by poverty, sell himself to thee, thou shalt not oppress him with the service of bondservants:

dourh@Leviticus:25:47 @ If the hand of a stranger or a sojourner grow strong among you, and thy brother being impoverished sell himself to him, or to any of his race:

dourh@Leviticus:25:49 @...or by affinity. But if he...

dourh@Leviticus:25:51 @ If there be many years that remain until the jubilee, according to them shall he also repay the price.

dourh@Leviticus:25:52 @ If few, he shall make the reckoning with him according to the number of the years, and shall repay to the buyer of what remaineth of the years,

dourh@Leviticus:25:54 ...And if by...

dourh@Leviticus:26:3 @ If you walk in my precepts, and keep my commandments, and do them, I will give you rein in due seasons.

dourh@Leviticus:26:14 ...But if you...

dourh@Leviticus:26:15 @ If you despise my laws, and contemn my judgments so as not to do those things which are appointed by me, and to make void my covenant:

dourh@Leviticus:26:18 ...But if you...

dourh@Leviticus:26:21 @ If you walk contrary to me, and will not hearken to me, I will bring seven times more plagues upon you for your sins:

dourh@Leviticus:26:23 ...And if even...

dourh@Leviticus:26:27 ...But if you...

dourh@Leviticus:26:39 ...And if of...

dourh@Leviticus:27:3 @ If it be a man from twenty years old unto sixty years old, he shall give fifty sides of silver, after the weight of the sanctuary:

dourh@Leviticus:27:4 @ If a woman, thirty.

dourh@Leviticus:27:8 @ If he be poor, and not able to pay tile estimation, he shall stand before tile priest: and as much as he shall value him at, and see him able to pay, so much shall he give.

dourh@Leviticus:27:9 @...sacrificed to the Lord, if ally...

dourh@Leviticus:27:10 @...for a better. And if he...

dourh@Leviticus:27:11 @...sacrificed to the Lord, if my...

dourh@Leviticus:27:13 ...Which if he...

dourh@Leviticus:27:14 @ If a man shall vow his house, and sanctify it to the Lord, the priest shall consider it, whether it be good or bad, and it shall be sold according to the price, which he shall appoint.

dourh@Leviticus:27:15 ...But if he...

dourh@Leviticus:27:16 ...And if he...

dourh@Leviticus:27:17 @ If he vow his field immediately from the year of jubilee that is beginning, as much as it may be worth, at so much it shall be rated.

dourh@Leviticus:27:18 ...But if some...

dourh@Leviticus:27:19 ...And if he...

dourh@Leviticus:27:20 ...And if he...

dourh@Leviticus:27:22 @ If a field that was bought, and not of a man's ancestors' possession, be sanctified to the Lord,

dourh@Leviticus:27:27 ...And if it...

dourh@Leviticus:27:31 ...And if any...

dourh@Leviticus:27:33 @ It shall not be chosen neither good nor bad, neither shall it be changed for another. If any man change it: both that which was changed, and that for which it was changed, shall be sanctified to the Lord, and shall not be redeemed.

dourh@Numbers:5:8 ...But if there...

dourh@Numbers:5:14 @ If the spirit of jealousy stir up the husband against his wife, who either is defiled, or is charged with false suspicion,

dourh@Numbers:5:19 @...slept with thee, and if thou...

dourh@Numbers:5:20 ...But if thou...

dourh@Numbers:5:27 @...she hath drunk them, if she...

dourh@Numbers:5:28 ...But if she...

dourh@Numbers:5:29 @ This is the law of jealousy. If a woman hath gone aside from her husband, and be defiled,

dourh@Numbers:6:9 ...But if any...

dourh@Numbers:8:19 @...plague among the people, if they...

dourh@Numbers:9:13 ...But if any...

dourh@Numbers:9:14 @...also and the stranger if they...

dourh@Numbers:9:19 ...And if it...

dourh@Numbers:9:21 @...they marched forward: and if it...

dourh@Numbers:9:22 ...But if it...

dourh@Numbers:10:4 @ If thou sound but once, the princes and the heads of the multitude of Israel shall come to thee.

dourh@Numbers:10:5 ...But if the...

dourh@Numbers:10:9 @ If you go forth to war out of your land against the enemies that fight against you, you shall sound aloud with the trumpets, and there shall be a remembrance of you before the Lord your God, that you may be delivered out of the hands of your enemies.

dourh@Numbers:10:10 @ If at any time you shall have a banquet, end on your festival days, and on the first days of your months, you shall sound the trumpets over the holocausts, and the sacrifices of peace offerings, that they may be to you for a remembrance of your God. I am the Lord your God.

dourh@Numbers:10:32 ...And if thou...

dourh@Numbers:11:15 ...But if it...

dourh@Numbers:12:6 @...them: Hear my words: if there...

dourh@Numbers:12:14 @ And the Lord answered him: If her father had spitten upon her face, ought she not to have been ashamed for seven days at least? Let her be separated seven days without the camp, and after wards she shall be called again.

dourh@Numbers:14:8 @ If the Lord be favourable, he will bring us into it, and give us a land flowing with milk and honey.

dourh@Numbers:15:22 ...And if through...

dourh@Numbers:15:27 ...But if one...

dourh@Numbers:16:29 @...death of men, and if they...

dourh@Numbers:16:30 ...But if the...

dourh@Numbers:18:7 @ But thou and thy sons look ye to the priesthood: and all things that pertain to the service of the altar, and that are within the veil, shall be executed by the priests. If any stranger shall approach, he shall be slain.

dourh@Numbers:18:30 @...reckoned to you as if you...

dourh@Numbers:19:12 @ Shall be sprinkled with this water on the third day, and on the seventh, and so shall be cleansed. If he were not sprinkled on the third day, he cannot be cleansed on the seventh.

dourh@Numbers:19:16 @ If any man in the field touch the corpse of a man that was slain, or that died of himself, or his bone, or his grave, he shall be unclean seven days.

dourh@Numbers:19:20 @ If any man be not expiated after this rite, his soul shall perish out of the midst of the church: because he hath profaned the sanctuary of the Lord, and was not sprinkled with the water of purification.

dourh@Numbers:20:18 @...not pass by me: if thou...

dourh@Numbers:20:19 @...the beaten way: and if we...

dourh@Numbers:22:6 @...is mightier than I: if by...

dourh@Numbers:22:11 @...come and curse them, if by...

dourh@Numbers:22:18 @ Balaam answered: If Balac would give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot alter the word of the Lord my God, to speak either more or less.

dourh@Numbers:22:30 @...present day? tell me if I...

dourh@Numbers:22:34 @...against me: and now if it...

dourh@Numbers:23:3 @...I go, to see if perhaps...

dourh@Numbers:23:27 @...thee to another place; if peradventure...

dourh@Numbers:24:13 @ If Balac would give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond the word of the Lord my God, to utter any thing of my own head either good or evil: but whatsoever the Lord shall say, that I will speak?

dourh@Numbers:27:9 @ If he have no daughter, his brethren shall succeed him.

dourh@Numbers:27:10 ...And if he...

dourh@Numbers:27:11 ...But if he...

dourh@Numbers:27:21 @ If any thing be to be done, Eleazar the priest shall consult the Lord for him. He and all the children of Israel with him, and the rest of the multitude shall go out and go in at his word.

dourh@Numbers:30:3 @ If any man make a vow to the Lord, or bind himself by an oath: he shall not make his word void but shall fulfil all that he promised.

dourh@Numbers:30:4 @...a girl in age: if her...

dourh@Numbers:30:6 ...But if her...

dourh@Numbers:30:7 @ If she have a husband, and shall vow any thing, and the word once going out of her mouth shall bind her soul by an oath:

dourh@Numbers:30:9 ...But if as...

dourh@Numbers:30:11 @ If the wife in the house of her husband, hath bound herself by vow and by oath,

dourh@Numbers:30:12 @ If her husband hear, and hold his peace, and doth not disallow the promise, she shall accomplish whatsoever she had promised.

dourh@Numbers:30:13 ...But if forthwith...

dourh@Numbers:30:14 @ If she vow and bind herself by oath, to afflict her soul by fasting, or abstinence from other things, it shall depend on the will of her husband, whether she shall do it, or not do it.

dourh@Numbers:30:15 ...But if the...

dourh@Numbers:30:16 ...But if he...

dourh@Numbers:32:5 @...And we pray thee, if we...

dourh@Numbers:32:11 @ If these men, that came up out of Egypt, from twenty years old and upward, shall see the land, which I promised with an oath to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: because they would not follow me,

dourh@Numbers:32:15 ...For if you...

dourh@Numbers:32:20 @ And Moses said to them: If you do what you promise, go on well appointed for war before the Lord:

dourh@Numbers:32:23 ...But if you...

dourh@Numbers:32:29 @ If the children of Gad, and the children of Ruben pass with you over the Jordan, all armed for war before the Lord, and the land be made subject to you: give them Galaad in possession.

dourh@Numbers:32:30 ...But if they...

dourh@Numbers:33:55 ...But if you...

dourh@Numbers:35:16 @ If any man strike with iron, and he die that was struck: he shall be guilty of murder, and he himself shall die.

dourh@Numbers:35:17 @ If he throw a stone, and he that is struck die: he shall be punished in the same manner.

dourh@Numbers:35:18 @ If he that is struck with wood die: he shall be revenged by the blood of him that struck him.

dourh@Numbers:35:20 @ If through hatred any one push a man, or fling any thing- at him with ill design:

dourh@Numbers:35:22 ...But if by...

dourh@Numbers:35:26 @ If the murderer be found without the limits of the cities that are appointed for the banished,

dourh@Numbers:36:3 ...Now if men...

dourh@Deuteronomy:1:19 @...judgment of God. And if any...

dourh@Deuteronomy:4:25 @ If you shall beget sons and grandsons, and abide in the land, and being deceived, make to yourselves any similitude, committing evil before the Lord your God, to provoke him to wrath:

dourh@Deuteronomy:4:29 @...find him: yet so, if thou...

dourh@Deuteronomy:4:32 @...the other end thereof, if ever...

dourh@Deuteronomy:4:34 @ If God ever did so as to go, and take to himself a nation out of the midst of nations by temptations, signs, and wonders, by fight, and a strong hand, and stretched out arm, and horrible visions according to all the things that the Lord your God did for you in Egypt, before thy eyes.

dourh@Deuteronomy:5:25 @...Are consume us: for if we...

dourh@Deuteronomy:6:25 @...be merciful to us, if we...

dourh@Deuteronomy:7:12 @ If after thou hast heard these judgments, thou keep and do them, the Lord thy God will also keep his covenant to thee, and the mercy which he swore to thy fathers:

dourh@Deuteronomy:7:17 @ If thou say in thy heart: These nations are more than I, how shall I be able to destroy them?

dourh@Deuteronomy:8:19 ...But if thou...

dourh@Deuteronomy:8:20 @...shall you also perish, if you...

dourh@Deuteronomy:11:14 @ If then you obey my commandments, which I command you this day, that you love the Lord your God, and serve him with all your heart, and with all your soul:

dourh@Deuteronomy:11:23 ...For if you...

dourh@Deuteronomy:11:28 ...A blessing, if you...

dourh@Deuteronomy:11:29 ...A curse, if you...

dourh@Deuteronomy:12:15 ...But if thou...

dourh@Deuteronomy:12:21 ...And if the...

dourh@Deuteronomy:13:1 @ If there rise in the midst of thee a prophet or one that saith he hath dreamed a dream, and he foretell a sign and a wonder,

dourh@Deuteronomy:13:6 @ If thy brother the son of thy mother, or thy son, or daughter, or thy wife that is in thy bosom, or thy friend, whom thou lovest as thy own soul, would persuade thee secretly, saying: Let us go, and serve strange gods, which thou knowest not, nor thy fathers,

dourh@Deuteronomy:13:12 @ If in one of thy cities, which the Lord thy God shall give thee to dwell in, thou hear some say:

dourh@Deuteronomy:13:14 @...well into it, and if thou...

dourh@Deuteronomy:15:5 ...Yet so if thou...

dourh@Deuteronomy:15:7 @ If one of thy brethren that dwelleth within the gates of thy city in the land which the Lord thy God will give thee, come to poverty: thou shalt not harden thy heart, nor close thy hand,

dourh@Deuteronomy:15:16 ...But if he...

dourh@Deuteronomy:15:21 ...But if it...

dourh@Deuteronomy:17:8 @ If thou perceive that there be among you a hard and doubtful matter in judgment between blood and blood, cause and cause, leprosy and leprosy: and thou see that the words of the judges within thy gates do vary: arise, and go up to the place, which the Lord thy God shall choose.

dourh@Deuteronomy:18:6 @ If a Levite go out of any one of the cities throughout all Israel, in which he dwelleth, and have a longing mind to come to the place which the Lord shall choose,

dourh@Deuteronomy:18:21 ...And if in...

dourh@Deuteronomy:19:6 @...pursue, and apprehend him. if the...

dourh@Deuteronomy:19:9 @ (Yet so, if thou keep his commandments, and do the things which I command thee this day, that thou love the Lord thy God, and walk in his ways at all times) thou shalt add to thee other three cities, and shalt double the number of the three cities aforesaid:

dourh@Deuteronomy:19:11 ...But if any...

dourh@Deuteronomy:19:16 @ If a lying witness stand against a man, accusing him of transgression,

dourh@Deuteronomy:20:1 @ If thou go out to war against thy enemies, and see horsemen and chariots, and the numbers of the enemy's army greater than thine, thou shalt not fear them: because the Lord thy God is with thee, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt.

dourh@Deuteronomy:20:10 @ If at any time thou come to fight against a city, thou shalt first offer it peace.

dourh@Deuteronomy:20:11 @ If they receive it, and open the gates to thee, all the people that are therein, shall be saved, and shall serve thee paying tribute.

dourh@Deuteronomy:20:12 ...But if they...

dourh@Deuteronomy:20:20 ...But if there...

dourh@Deuteronomy:21:10 @ If thou go out to fight against thy enemies, and the Lord thy God deliver them into thy hand, and thou lead them away captives,

dourh@Deuteronomy:21:14 ...Rut if afterwards...

dourh@Deuteronomy:21:15 @ If a man have two wives, one beloved, and the other hated, and they have had children by him, and the son of the hated be the firstborn,

dourh@Deuteronomy:21:18 @ If a man have a stubborn and unruly son, who will not hear the commandments of his father or mother, and being corrected, slighteth obedience:

dourh@Deuteronomy:22:1 @...shalt not pass by if thou...

dourh@Deuteronomy:22:2 ...And if thy...

dourh@Deuteronomy:22:3 @...brother's, which is lost: if thou...

dourh@Deuteronomy:22:4 @ If thou see thy brother's ass or his ox to be fallen down in the way, thou shalt not slight it, but shalt lift it up with him.

dourh@Deuteronomy:22:6 @ If thou find as thou walkest by the way, a bird's nest in a tree, or on the ground, and the dam sitting upon the young or upon the eggs: thou shalt not take her with her young:

dourh@Deuteronomy:22:8 @...and thou be guilty, if any...

dourh@Deuteronomy:22:13 @ If a man marry a wife, and afterwards hate her,

dourh@Deuteronomy:22:20 ...But if what...

dourh@Deuteronomy:22:22 @ If a man lie with another man's wife, they shall both die, that is to say, the adulterer and the adulteress: and thou shalt take away the evil out of Israel.

dourh@Deuteronomy:22:23 @ If a man have espoused a damsel that is a virgin, and some one find her in the city, and lie with her,

dourh@Deuteronomy:22:25 ...But if a...

dourh@Deuteronomy:22:28 @ If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, who is not espoused, and taking her, lie with her, and the matter come to judgment:

dourh@Deuteronomy:23:10 @ If there be among you any man, that is defiled in a dream by night, he shall go forth out of the camp.

dourh@Deuteronomy:23:21 @...will require it. And if thou...

dourh@Deuteronomy:23:22 @ If thou wilt not promise, thou shalt be without sin.

dourh@Deuteronomy:23:25 @ If thou go into thy friend's corn, thou mayst break the ears, and rub them in thy hand: but not reap them with a sickle.

dourh@Deuteronomy:24:1 @ If a man take a wife, and have her, and she find not favour in his eyes, for some uncleanness: he shall write a bill of divorce, and shall give it in her hand, and send her out of his house.

dourh@Deuteronomy:24:7 @ If ally man be found soliciting his brother of the children of Israel, and selling him shall take a price, he shall be put to death, and thou shalt take away the evil from the midst of thee.

dourh@Deuteronomy:24:12 ...But if he...

dourh@Deuteronomy:24:20 @ If thou have gathered the fruit of thy olive trees, thou shalt not return to gather whatsoever remaineth on the trees: but shalt leave it for the stranger, for the fatherless, and the widow.

dourh@Deuteronomy:24:21 @ If thou make the vintage of thy vineyard, thou shalt not gather the clusters that remain, but they shall be for the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow.

dourh@Deuteronomy:25:1 @ If there be a controversy between men, and they call upon the judges: they shall give the prize of justice to him whom they perceive to be just: and him whom they find to be wicked, they shall condemn of wickedness.

dourh@Deuteronomy:25:2 ...And if they...

dourh@Deuteronomy:25:7 ...But if he...

dourh@Deuteronomy:25:8 @ And they shall cause him to be sent for forthwith, and shall ask him. If he answer: I will not take her to wife:

dourh@Deuteronomy:25:11 @ If two men have words together, and one begin to fight against the other, and the other's wife willing to deliver her husband out of the hand of the stronger, shall put forth her hand, and take him by the secrets,

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:1 ...Now if thou...

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:2 @...overtake thee: yet so if thou...

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:9 @...he swore to thee: if thou...

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:13 @...not beneath: yet so if thou...

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:15 ...But if thou...

dourh@Deuteronomy:28:58 @ If thou wilt not keep, and fulfil all the words of this law, that are written in this volume, and fear his glorious and terrible name: that is, The Lord thy God:

dourh@Deuteronomy:30:4 @ If thou be driven as far as the poles of heaven, the Lord thy God will fetch thee back from thence,

dourh@Deuteronomy:30:10 ...Yet so if thou...

dourh@Deuteronomy:30:17 ...But if thy...

dourh@Deuteronomy:32:41 @ If I shall whet my sword as the lightning, and my hand take hold on judgment: I will render vengeance to my enemies, and repay them that hate me.

dourh@Joshua:2:16 @...you unto death, only if thou...

dourh@Joshua:2:20 @ If when we come into the land, this scarlet cord be a sign, and thou tie it in the window, by which thou hast let us down: and gather together thy father and mother, and brethren and all thy kindred into thy house.

dourh@Joshua:2:21 @...light upon our head, if any...

dourh@Joshua:2:22 ...But if thou...

dourh@Joshua:8:15 @...gave back, making as if they...

dourh@Joshua:9:7 @...falls to our lot; if so,...

dourh@Joshua:9:20 @...stirred up against us, if we...

dourh@Joshua:14:12 @...cities great and strong: if so...

dourh@Joshua:17:15 @ And Josue said to them: If thou be a great people, go up into the woodland, and cut down room for thyself in the land of the Pherezite and the Raphaims: because the possession of mount Ephraim is too narrow for thee.

dourh@Joshua:22:19 ...But if you...

dourh@Joshua:22:22 @ The Lord the most mighty God, the Lord the most mighty God, he knoweth, and Israel also shall understand: If with the design of transgression we have set up this altar, let him not save us, but punish us immediately:

dourh@Joshua:22:23 ...And if we...

dourh@Joshua:22:28 ...And if they...

dourh@Joshua:23:12 ...But if you...

dourh@Joshua:24:15 ...But if it...

dourh@Joshua:24:20 @ If you leave the Lord, and serve strange gods, he will turn, and will afflict you, and will destroy you after all the good he hath done you.

dourh@Judges:4:8 @...me, I will go: if thou...

dourh@Judges:6:14 @...beseech thee, my lord, if the...

dourh@Judges:6:18 @ And he said: If I have found grace before thee, give me a sign that it is thou that speakest to me,

dourh@Judges:6:32 @...to morrow light appear: if he...

dourh@Judges:6:37 @ And Gedeon said to God: If thou wilt save Israel by my hand, as thou hast said,

dourh@Judges:6:38 @...wool on the floor: if there...

dourh@Judges:6:40 @...be kindled against me if I...

dourh@Judges:7:10 ...But if thou...

dourh@Judges:7:13 @...seemed to me as if a...

dourh@Judges:8:19 @...As the Lord liveth, if you...

dourh@Judges:9:15 @...under my shadow: but if you...

dourh@Judges:9:16 ...Now therefore if you...

dourh@Judges:9:19 @ If therefore you have dealt well, and without fault with Jerobaal, and his house, rejoice ye this day in Abimelech, and may he rejoice in you.

dourh@Judges:9:20 ...But if unjustly:...

dourh@Judges:9:36 @...of the mountains as if they...

dourh@Judges:11:9 @ Jephte also said to them: If you be come to me sincerely, that I should fight for you against the children of Ammon, and the Lord shall deliver them into my band, shall I be your prince?

dourh@Judges:11:30 @ He made a vow to the Lord, saying: If thou wilt deliver the children of Ammon into my hands,

dourh@Judges:11:36 @...answered him: My father, if thou...

dourh@Judges:12:5 @ And the Galaadites secured the fords of the Jordan, by which Ephraim was to return. And when any one of the number of Ephraim came thither in the flight, and said: I beseech you let me pass: the Galaadites said to him: Art thou not an Ephraimite? If he said: I am not:

dourh@Judges:13:16 @...of thy bread: but if thou...

dourh@Judges:13:17 @...is thy name, that, if thy...

dourh@Judges:13:23 @ And his wife answered him: If the Lord had a mind to kill us, he would not have received a holocaust and libations at our hands, neither would he have shewed us all these things, nor have told us the things that are to come.

dourh@Judges:14:12 @...you a riddle, which if you...

dourh@Judges:14:13 ...But if you...

dourh@Judges:14:15 @...the riddle meaneth. But if thou...

dourh@Judges:14:18 @ And they on the seventh day before the sun went down said to him: What is sweeter than honey? and what is stronger than a lion? And he said to them: If you had not ploughed with my heifer, you had not found out my riddle.

dourh@Judges:16:5 @...and afflict him: which if thou...

dourh@Judges:16:6 @...what it is wherewith if thou...

dourh@Judges:16:7 @ And Samson answered her: If I shall be bound with seven cords made of sinews not yet dry, but still moist, I shall be weak like other men.

dourh@Judges:16:11 @ And he answered her: If I shall be bound with new ropes, that were never in work, I shall be weak and like other men.

dourh@Judges:16:13 @ And Dalila said to him again: How long dost thou deceive me, and tell me lies? Shew me wherewith thou mayest be bound. And Samson answered her: If thou plattest the seven locks of my head with a lace, and tying them round about a nail fastenest it in the ground, I shall be weak.

dourh@Judges:16:17 @...from my mother's womb: if my...

dourh@Judges:20:41 @...before had made as if they...

dourh@Ruth:1:13 @ If you would wait till they were grown up, and come to man's estate, you would be old women before you marry. Do not so, my daughters, I beseech you: for I am grieved the more for your distress, and the hand of the Lord is gone out against me.

dourh@Ruth:1:17 @...and add more also, if aught...

dourh@Ruth:2:2 @ And Ruth the Moabitess said to her mother in law: If thou wilt, I will go into the field, and glean the ears of corn that escape the hands of the reapers, wheresoever I shall find grace with a householder that will be favourable to me. And she answered her: Go, my daughter.

dourh@Ruth:2:9 @...to molest thee: and if thou...

dourh@Ruth:2:15 @ And she arose from thence, to glean the ears of corn as before. And Booz commanded his servants, saying: If she would even reap with you, hinder her not:

dourh@Ruth:3:13 @...all is well: but if he...

dourh@Ruth:4:4 @...and possess it: but if it...

dourh@Ruth:4:7 @...Israel between kinsmen, that if at...

dourh@Ruth:4:15 @...better to thee, than if thou...

dourh@1Samuel:1:11 @...O Lord, of hosts, if thou...

dourh@1Samuel:2:25 @...in his behalf: but if a...

dourh@1Samuel:3:9 @...Go, and sleep: and if he...

dourh@1Samuel:3:17 @...add so and so, if thou...

dourh@1Samuel:6:3 @ If you send back the ark of the God of Israel, send it not away empty, but render unto him what you owe for sin, and then you shall be healed: and you shall know why his hand departeth not from you.

dourh@1Samuel:6:5 @...of Israel: to see if he...

dourh@1Samuel:6:9 @...this great evil: but if not,...

dourh@1Samuel:7:3 @ And Samuel spoke to all the house of Israel, saying: If you turn to the Lord with all your heart, put away the strange gods from among you, Baalim and Astaroth: and prepare your hearts unto the Lord, and serve him only, and he will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines.

dourh@1Samuel:11:3 @...coasts of Israel: and if there...

dourh@1Samuel:12:3 @...have oppressed any man, if I...

dourh@1Samuel:12:14 @ If you will fear the Lord, and serve him, and hearken to his voice, and not provoke the mouth of the Lord: then shall both you, and the king who reigneth over you, be followers of the Lord your God.

dourh@1Samuel:12:15 ...But if you...

dourh@1Samuel:12:25 ...But if you...

dourh@1Samuel:13:13 @...he commanded thee. And if thou...

dourh@1Samuel:14:9 @ If they shall speak thus to us: Stay till we come to you: let us stand still in our place, and not go up to them.

dourh@1Samuel:14:10 ...But if they...

dourh@1Samuel:14:30 ...How much more if the...

dourh@1Samuel:14:39 @...the saviour of Israel, if it...

dourh@1Samuel:14:41 @...give a proof: or if this...

dourh@1Samuel:17:9 @...servants to you: but if I...

dourh@1Samuel:17:18 @...go see thy brethren, if they...

dourh@1Samuel:17:22 @...the battle and asked if all...

dourh@1Samuel:17:39 @...armour, began to try if he...

dourh@1Samuel:20:6 @ If thy father look and inquire for me, thou shalt answer him: David asked me that he might run to Bethlehem his own city: because there are solemn sacrifices there for all his tribe.

dourh@1Samuel:20:7 @...shall have peace: but if he...

dourh@1Samuel:20:8 @...Lord with thee. But if there...

dourh@1Samuel:20:9 @...this from thee: for if I...

dourh@1Samuel:20:10 @...shall bring me word, if thy...

dourh@1Samuel:20:12 @...Lord God of Israel, if I...

dourh@1Samuel:20:13 @...add still more. But if my...

dourh@1Samuel:20:14 @...of the Lord: but if I...

dourh@1Samuel:20:20 @...and will shoot as if I...

dourh@1Samuel:20:22 @...the Lord liveth. But if I...

dourh@1Samuel:20:29 @...for me: and now if I...

dourh@1Samuel:21:3 ...Now therefore if thou...

dourh@1Samuel:21:4 @...but only holy bread, if the...

dourh@1Samuel:21:9 @...cloth behind the ephod: if thou...

dourh@1Samuel:23:3 @...Judea, how much more if we...

dourh@1Samuel:23:23 @...go with you. And if be...

dourh@1Samuel:25:22 @...the foes of David, if I...

dourh@1Samuel:25:29 ...For if a...

dourh@1Samuel:25:34 @...doing thee any evil: if thou...

dourh@1Samuel:26:19 @...accept of sacrifice: but if the...

dourh@1Samuel:27:5 @ And David said to Achis: If I have found favour in thy sight, let a place be given me in one of the cities of this country, that I may dwell there: for why should thy servant dwell in the royal city with thee?

dourh@2Samuel:2:27 @...As the Lord liveth, if thou...

dourh@2Samuel:3:35 @...me, and more also, if I...

dourh@2Samuel:6:20 @...and was naked, as if one...

dourh@2Samuel:7:14 @...me a son: and if he...

dourh@2Samuel:10:11 @...shalt help me: but if the...

dourh@2Samuel:11:20 @ If thou see him to be angry, and he shall say: Why did you approach so near to the wall to fight? knew you not that many darts are thrown from above off the wall?

dourh@2Samuel:12:8 @...Israel and Juda: and if these...

dourh@2Samuel:12:18 @...will he afflict himself if we...

dourh@2Samuel:13:6 @...down, and made as if he...

dourh@2Samuel:13:26 @ And Absalom said: If thou wilt not come, at least let my brother Amnon, I beseech thee, come with us. And the king said to him: It is not necessary that he should go with thee.

dourh@2Samuel:14:10 @ And the king said: If any one shall say ought against thee, bring him to me, and be shall not touch thee any more.

dourh@2Samuel:14:32 @...of the king: and if he...

dourh@2Samuel:15:8 @ For thy servant made avow, when he was in Gessur of Syria, saying: If the Lord shall bring me again into Jerusalem I will offer sacrifice to the Lord.

dourh@2Samuel:15:25 @...God into the city: if I...

dourh@2Samuel:15:26 ...But if he...

dourh@2Samuel:15:33 @ And David said to him: If thou come with me, thou wilt be a burden to me:

dourh@2Samuel:15:34 ...But if thou...

dourh@2Samuel:16:2 @...the wine to drink if any...

dourh@2Samuel:16:23 @...those days, was as if a...

dourh@2Samuel:17:3 @...all the people, as if they...

dourh@2Samuel:17:13 ...And if he...

dourh@2Samuel:18:3 @...much mind us: or if half...

dourh@2Samuel:18:11 @ And Joab said to the man that told him: If thou sawest him, why didst thou not stab him to the ground, and I would have given thee ten sicles of silver, and belt?

dourh@2Samuel:18:12 @ And he said to Joab: If thou wouldst have paid down in my hands a thousand pieces of silver, I would not lay my hands upon the king's son: for in our hearing he king charged thee, and Abisai, and Ethai, saying: Save me the boy Absalom.

dourh@2Samuel:18:13 ...Yea and if I...

dourh@2Samuel:18:23 @...He answered: But what if I...

dourh@2Samuel:18:25 @ And crying out he told the king: and the king said: If he be alone, there are good tidings in his mouth. And as he was coming apace, and drawing nearer,

dourh@2Samuel:19:6 @...now plainly perceive that if Absalom...

dourh@2Samuel:19:7 @...by the Lord, that if thou...

dourh@2Samuel:19:13 @...me and add more, if thou...

dourh@2Samuel:23:7 ...And if a...

dourh@1Kings:1:52 @...to the ground: but if evil...

dourh@1Kings:2:4 @ That the Lord may confirm his words, which he hath spoken of me, saying: If thy children shall take heed to their ways, and shall walk before me in truth, with all their heart, and with all their soul, there shall not be taken away from thee a man on the throne of Israel.

dourh@1Kings:2:23 @...me, and add more, if Adonias...

dourh@1Kings:3:14 ...And if thou...

dourh@1Kings:6:12 @...house, which thou buildest, if thou...

dourh@1Kings:8:27 @...dwell upon earth? for if heaven,...

dourh@1Kings:8:31 @ If any man trespass against his neighbour, and have an oath upon him, wherewith he is bound: and come because of the oath before thy altar to thy house,

dourh@1Kings:8:33 @ If thy people Israel shall fly before their enemies, (because they will sin against thee,) and doing penance, and confessing to thy name, shall come, and pray, and make supplications to thee in this house:

dourh@1Kings:8:35 @ If heaven shall be shut up, and there shall be no rain, because of their sins, and they praying in this place, shall do penance to thy name, and shall be converted from their sins, by occasion of their afflictions:

dourh@1Kings:8:37 @...or locust, or mildew, if their...

dourh@1Kings:8:44 @ If thy people go out to war against their enemies, by what way soever thou shalt send them, they shall pray to thee towards the way of the city, which thou hast chosen, and towards the house, which I have built to thy name:

dourh@1Kings:8:46 ...But if they...(for there is no man who sinneth not) and thou being angry deliver them up to their enemies, so that they be led away captives into the land of their enemies far or near;

dourh@1Kings:8:47 ...Then if they...

dourh@1Kings:9:4 ...And if thou...

dourh@1Kings:9:6 ...But if you...

dourh@1Kings:11:38 @ If then thou wilt hearken to all that I shall command thee, and wilt walk in my ways, and do what is right before me, keeping my commandments and my precepts, as David my servant did: I will be with thee, and will build thee up a faithful house, as I built a house for David, and I will deliver Israel to thee:

dourh@1Kings:12:7 @ They said to him: If thou wilt yield to this people to day, and condescend to them, and grant their petition, and wilt speak gentle words to them, they will be thy servants always.

dourh@1Kings:12:27 @ If this people go up to offer sacrifices in the house of the Lord at Jerusalem: and the heart of this people will turn to their lord Roboam the king of Juda, and they will kill me, and return to him.

dourh@1Kings:13:8 @ And the man of God answered the king: If thou wouldst give me half thy house I will not go with thee, nor eat bread, nor drink water in this place:

dourh@1Kings:14:5 @...in, and made as if she...

dourh@1Kings:18:5 @...all valleys, to see if we...

dourh@1Kings:18:21 @...God, follow him: but if Baal,...

dourh@1Kings:19:2 @...and add still more, if by...

dourh@1Kings:20:10 @...more may they add, if the...

dourh@1Kings:20:32 @ So they girded sackcloth on their loins, and put ropes on their heads, and came to the king of Israel, and said to him: Thy servant Benadad saith: I beseech thee let me have my life. And he said: If he be yet alive he is my brother.

dourh@1Kings:20:39 @...Keep this man: and if he...

dourh@1Kings:21:2 @...a better vineyard: or if thou...

dourh@1Kings:21:6 @...money for it: or if it...

dourh@1Kings:21:24 @...shall eat him: but if he...

dourh@1Kings:22:28 @ And Micheas said: If thou return in peace, the Lord hath not spoken by me. And he said: Hear, all ye people.

dourh@2Kings:1:10 @ And Elias answering, said to the captain of fifty: If I be a man of God, let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee, and thy fifty. And there came down fire from heaven, and consumed him, and the fifty that were with him.

dourh@2Kings:1:12 @ Elias answering, said: If I be a man of God, let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And fire came down from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.

dourh@2Kings:2:10 @...thou hast asked: but if thou...

dourh@2Kings:3:14 @...whose sight I stand, if I...

dourh@2Kings:4:16 @...and this same hour, if life...

dourh@2Kings:4:29 @...salute him not: and if any...

dourh@2Kings:5:13 @...said to him: Father, if the...

dourh@2Kings:5:18 @...leaneth upon my hand, if I...

dourh@2Kings:6:27 @ And he said: If the Lord doth not save thee, how can I save thee? out of the barnfloor, or out of the winepress? And the king said to her: What aileth thee? And she answered:

dourh@2Kings:6:31 @...may he add more, if the...

dourh@2Kings:7:2 @ Then one of the lords, upon whose hand the king leaned, answering the man of God, said: If the Lord should make hood-gates in heaven, can that possibly be which thou sayest? And he said: Thou shalt see it with thy eyes, but shalt not eat thereof.

dourh@2Kings:7:4 @...we shall live: but if they...

dourh@2Kings:7:9 @ Then they said one to another: We do not well: for this is a day of good tidings. If we hold our peace, and do not tell it till the morning, we shall be charged with a crime: come, let us go and tell it in the king's court.

dourh@2Kings:9:15 @ And was returned to be healed in Jezrahel of his wounds, for the Syrians had wounded him, when he fought with Hazael king of Syria. And Jehu said: If it please you, let no mall go forth or flee out of the city, lest he go, and tell in Jezrahel.

dourh@2Kings:9:26 @ If I do not requite thee in this field, saith the Lord, for the blood of Naboth, and for the blood of his children, which I saw yesterday, saith the Lord. So now take him, and cast him into the field, according to the word of the Lord.

dourh@2Kings:10:6 @ And he wrote letters the second time to them, saying: If you be mine, and will obey me, take the heads of the sons of your master, and come to me to Jezrahel by to morrow this time. Now the king's sons, being seventy men, were brought up with the chief men of the city.

dourh@2Kings:10:9 @...people: You are just: if I...

dourh@2Kings:10:15 @ And when he was departed thence, he found Jonadab the son of Rechab coming to meet him, and he blessed him. And he said to him: Is thy heart right as my heart is with thy heart? And Jonadab said: It is. If it be, said he, give me thy hand. He gave him his hand. And he lifted him up to him into the chariot,

dourh@2Kings:10:24 @ And they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings: but Jehu had prepared him fourscore men without, and said to them: If any of the men escape, whom I have brought into your hands, he that letteth him go shall answer life for life.

dourh@2Kings:11:8 @...in your hands: and if any...

dourh@2Kings:13:19 @ And the man of God was angry with him, and said: If thou hadst smitten five or six or seven times, thou hadst smitten Syria even to utter destruction: but now three times shalt thou smite it.

dourh@2Kings:18:21 @...broken reed, upon which if a...

dourh@2Kings:18:22 ...But if you...

dourh@2Kings:21:8 @...to their fathers: only if they...

dourh@1Chronicles:4:10 @ And Jabes called upon the God of Israel, saying: If blessing thou wilt bless me, and wilt enlarge my borders, and thy hand be with me, and thou save me from being oppressed by evil. And God granted him the things he prayed for.

dourh@1Chronicles:12:17 @...joined to you: but if you...

dourh@1Chronicles:13:2 @...it please you; and if the...

dourh@1Chronicles:19:12 @...shalt help me: but if the...

dourh@1Chronicles:22:13 @...be able to prosper, if thou...

dourh@1Chronicles:28:7 @...his kingdom for ever, if he...

dourh@1Chronicles:28:9 @ And thou my son Solomon, know the God of thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart, and a willing mind: "for the Lord searcheth all hearts, and under-...shalt find him: but if thou...

dourh@1Chronicles:29:5 @...of the artificers: now if any...

dourh@2Chronicles:2:6 @...him a worthy house? if heaven,...

dourh@2Chronicles:5:9 @...before the oracle: but if a...

dourh@2Chronicles:6:18 @ Is it credible then that God should dwell with men on the earth? If heaven and the heavens of heavens do not contain thee, how much less this house, which I have built?

dourh@2Chronicles:6:22 @ If any man sin against his neighbour, and come to swear against him, and bind himself with a curse before the altar in this house:

dourh@2Chronicles:6:24 @ If thy people Israel be overcome by their enemies, (for they will sin against thee,) and being converted shall do penance, and call upon thy name, and pray to thee in this place,

dourh@2Chronicles:6:26 @ If the heavens be shut up, and there fall no rain by reason of the sine of the people, and they shall pray to thee in this place, and confess to thy name, and be converted from their sins, when thou dost afflict them,

dourh@2Chronicles:6:28 @...locusts, or caterpillars: or if their...

dourh@2Chronicles:6:29 ...Then if any...

dourh@2Chronicles:6:32 @ If the stranger also, who is not of thy people Israel, come from a far country, for the sake of thy great name, and thy strong hand, and thy stretched out arm, and adore in this place:

dourh@2Chronicles:6:34 @ If thy people go out to war against their enemies, by the way that thou shalt send them, and adore thee towards the way of this city, which thou hast chosen, and the house which I have built to thy name:

dourh@2Chronicles:6:36 ...And if they...(for there is no man that sinneth not) and thou be angry with them, and deliver them up to their enemies, and they lead them away captive to a land either afar off, or near at hand,

dourh@2Chronicles:6:37 ...And if they.../ captive, and do penance, and pray to thee in the land of their captivity, saying: We have sinned, we have done wickedly, we have dealt unjustly:

dourh@2Chronicles:7:13 @...devour the land, or if I...

dourh@2Chronicles:7:17 @...And as for thee, if thou...

dourh@2Chronicles:7:19 ...But if you...

dourh@2Chronicles:10:7 @ And they said to him: If thou please this people, and soothe them with kind words, they will be thy servants for ever.

dourh@2Chronicles:15:2 @...you shall find: but if you...

dourh@2Chronicles:15:13 ...And if any...

dourh@2Chronicles:18:27 @ And Micheas said: If thou return in peace, the Lord hath not spoken by me. And he said: Hear, all ye people.

dourh@2Chronicles:20:9 @ If evils fall upon us, the sword of judgment, or pestilence, or famine, we will stand in thy presence before this house, in which thy name is called upon: and we will cry to thee in our afflictions, and thou wilt hear, and save us.

dourh@2Chronicles:23:7 @ And let the Levites be round about the king, every man with his arms; (and if any other come into the temple, let him be slain;) and let them be with the king, both coming in, and going out.

dourh@2Chronicles:25:8 ...And if thou...

dourh@2Chronicles:30:10 @...his face from you, if you...

dourh@2Chronicles:32:15 @...not believe him. For if no...

dourh@2Chronicles:33:8 @...their fathers: yet so if they...

dourh@Ezra:4:13 @...to the king, that if this...

dourh@Ezra:4:16 @...certify the king, that if this...

dourh@Ezra:5:17 ...Now therefore if it...

dourh@Ezra:6:9 ...And if it...

dourh@Ezra:7:18 ...And if it...

dourh@Ezra:10:2 @...the land: and now if there...

dourh@Nehemiah:1:8 @ Remember the word that thou commandedst to Moses thy servant, saying: If you shall transgress, I will scatter you abroad among the nations:

dourh@Nehemiah:1:9 ...But if you...

dourh@Nehemiah:2:5 @...to the king, and if thy...

dourh@Nehemiah:2:7 @ And I said to the king: If it seem good to the king, let him give me letters to the governors of the country beyond the river, that they convey me over, till I come into Judea:

dourh@Nehemiah:4:3 @...: Let them build: if a...

dourh@Nehemiah:6:12 @...spoken to me as if he...

dourh@Nehemiah:9:29 @...against thy judgments, which if a...

dourh@Nehemiah:10:31 ...And if the...

dourh@Nehemiah:13:21 @...you before the wall? if you...

dourh@Esther:1:19 @ If it please thee, let an edict go out from thy presence, and let it be written according to the law of the Persians and of the Medes, which must not be altered, that Vasthi come in no more to the king, but another, that is better than her, be made queen in her place.

dourh@Esther:3:9 @ If it please thee, decree that they may he destroyed, and I will pay ten thousand talents to thy treasurers.

dourh@Esther:4:14 ...For if thou...

dourh@Esther:5:3 @...what is thy request? if thou...

dourh@Esther:5:4 @ But she answered: If it please the king. I beseech thee to come to me this day, and Aman with thee to the banquet which I have prepared.

dourh@Esther:5:8 @...the king's sight, and if it...

dourh@Esther:6:13 @ And he told Zares his wife, and his friends, all that had befallen him. And the wise men whom he had in counsel, and his wife answered him: If Mardochai be of the seed of the Jews, before whom thou hast begun to fall, thou canst not resist him, but thou shalt fall in his sight.

dourh@Esther:7:3 @...sight, O king, and if it...

dourh@Esther:8:5 @...please the king, and if I...

dourh@Esther:9:13 @ And she answered: If it please the king, let it be granted to the Jews, to do to morrow in Susan as they have done to day, and that the ten sons of Aman may be hanged upon gibbets.

dourh@Job:1:11 @...he hath, and see if he...

dourh@Job:2:10 @...of the foolish women: if we...

dourh@Job:4:2 @ If we begin to speak to thee, perhaps thou wilt take it ill, but who can withhold the words he hath conceived?

dourh@Job:5:1 ...Call now if there...

dourh@Job:6:24 @...hold my peace: and if I...

dourh@Job:7:4 @ If I lie down to sleep, I shall say: When shall arise? and again I shall look for the evening, and shall be filled with sorrows even till darkness.

dourh@Job:7:13 @ If I say: My bed shall comfort me, and I shall be relieved speaking with myself on my couch:

dourh@Job:7:21 @...in the dust: and if thou...

dourh@Job:8:5 ...Yet if thou...

dourh@Job:8:6 @ If thou wilt walk clean and upright, he will presently awake onto thee, and will make the dwelling of thy justice peaceable:

dourh@Job:8:7 ...Insomuch, that if thy...

dourh@Job:8:18 @ If one swallow him up out of his place, he shall deny him, and shall say: I know thee not.

dourh@Job:9:3 @ If he will contend with him, he cannot answer him one for a thousand.

dourh@Job:9:11 @...shall not see him: if he...

dourh@Job:9:12 @ If he examine on a sudden, who shall answer him? or who can say: Why dost thou so?

dourh@Job:9:16 ...And if he...

dourh@Job:9:19 @...he is most strong: if equity...

dourh@Job:9:20 @...mouth shall condemn me: if I...

dourh@Job:9:23 @ If he scourge, let him kill at once, and not laugh at the pains of the innocent.

dourh@Job:9:24 @...the judges thereof: and if it...

dourh@Job:9:27 @ If I say: I will not speak so: I change my face, and am tormented with sorrow.

dourh@Job:9:29 ...But if so...

dourh@Job:9:30 @ If I be washed as it were with snow waters, and my hands shall shine ever so clean:

dourh@Job:10:14 @ If I have sinned and thou hast spared me for an hour: why dost thou not suffer me to be clean from my iniquity?

dourh@Job:10:15 @...woe unto me: and if just,...

dourh@Job:10:19 @...should have been as if I...

dourh@Job:11:10 @ If he shall overturn all things, or shall press them together, who shall contradict him?

dourh@Job:11:14 @ If thou wilt put away from thee the iniquity that is in thy hand, and lot not injustice remain in thy tabernacle:

dourh@Job:12:14 @...that can build up: if he...

dourh@Job:12:15 @...be dried up: and if he...

dourh@Job:13:18 @ If I shall be judged, I know that I shall be found just.

dourh@Job:14:7 @...A tree hath hope: if it...

dourh@Job:14:8 @ If its root be old in the earth, and its stock be dead in the dust:

dourh@Job:14:11 ...As if the...

dourh@Job:15:2 @...wise man answer as if he...

dourh@Job:15:12 @...with thy eyes, as if they...

dourh@Job:16:7 @...will not rest: and if I...

dourh@Job:17:13 @ If I wait hell is my house, and I have made my bed in darkness.

dourh@Job:17:14 @ If I have said to rottenness: Thou art my father; to worms, my mother and my sister.

dourh@Job:19:4 ...For if I...

dourh@Job:20:6 @ If his pride mount up even to heaven, and his head touch the clouds:

dourh@Job:21:3 @...will speak, and after, if you...

dourh@Job:21:15 @...doth it profit us if we...

dourh@Job:21:21 @...house after him: and if the...

dourh@Job:22:3 @...dost thou give him if thy...

dourh@Job:22:17 @...upon the Almighty as if he...

dourh@Job:22:23 @ If thou wilt return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up, and shalt put away iniquity far from thy tabernacle.

dourh@Job:23:8 @...east, he appeareth not; if to...

dourh@Job:23:9 @...take hold on him: if I...

dourh@Job:24:17 @...walk in darkness as if it...

dourh@Job:24:25 ...And if it...

dourh@Job:27:8 @...hope of the hypocrite if through...

dourh@Job:27:14 @ If his sons be multiplied, they shall be for the sword, and his grandsons shall not be filled with bread.

dourh@Job:27:16 @ If he shall heap together silver as earth, and prepare raiment as clay,

dourh@Job:29:24 @ If at any time I laughed on them, they believed not, and the light of my countenance fell not on earth.

dourh@Job:29:25 @ If I had a mind to go to them, I sat first, and when I sat as a king, with his army standing about him, yet I was a comforter of them that mourned.

dourh@Job:30:24 @...to their consumption: and if they...

dourh@Job:31:5 @ If I have walked in vanity, and my foot hath made haste to deceit:

dourh@Job:31:7 @...followed my eyes, and if a...

dourh@Job:31:9 @...upon a woman, and if I...

dourh@Job:31:13 @ If I have despised to abide judgment with my manservant, or my maidservant, when they had any controversy against me:

dourh@Job:31:16 @ If I have denied to the poor what they desired, and have made the eyes of the widow wait:

dourh@Job:31:17 @ If I have eaten my morsel alone, and the fatherless hath not eaten thereof:

dourh@Job:31:19 @ If I have despised him that was perishing for want of clothing, and the poor man that had no covering:

dourh@Job:31:20 @...not blessed me, and if he...

dourh@Job:31:21 @ If I have lifted up my hand against the fatherless, even when I saw myself superior in the gate:

dourh@Job:31:24 @ If I have thought gold my strength, and have said to fine gold: My confidence:

dourh@Job:31:25 @ If I have rejoiced over my great riches, and because my hand had gotten much.

dourh@Job:31:26 @ If I beheld the sun when it shined, and the moon going in brightness:

dourh@Job:31:29 @ If I have been glad at the downfall of him that hated me, and have rejoiced that evil had found him.

dourh@Job:31:31 @ If the men of my tabernacle have not said: Who will give us of his flesh that we may be filled?

dourh@Job:31:33 @ If as a man I have hid my sin, and have concealed my iniquity in my bosom.

dourh@Job:31:34 @ If I have been afraid at a very great multitude, and the contempt of kinsmen hath terrified me: and I have not rather held my peace, and not gone out of the door.

dourh@Job:31:38 @ If my land cry against me, and with it the furrows thereof mourn:

dourh@Job:31:39 @ If I have eaten the fruits thereof without money, and have afflicted the soul of the tillers thereof:

dourh@Job:33:5 @ If thou canst, answer me, and stand up against my face.

dourh@Job:33:23 @ If there shall be an angel speaking for him, one among thousands, to declare man's uprightness,

dourh@Job:33:32 ...But if thou...

dourh@Job:33:33 ...And if thou...

dourh@Job:34:14 @ If he turn his heart to him, he shall draw his spirit and breath unto himself.

dourh@Job:34:16 @ If then thou hast understanding, hear what is said, and hearken to the voice of my words.

dourh@Job:34:32 @...teach thou me: if I...

dourh@Job:34:33 @...not I.: but if thou...

dourh@Job:35:3 @...will it profit thee if I...

dourh@Job:35:6 @...thou hurt him? and if thy...

dourh@Job:35:7 ...And if thou...

dourh@Job:36:8 ...And if they...

dourh@Job:36:11 @ If they shall hear and observe, they shall accomplish their days in good, and their years in glory.

dourh@Job:36:12 ...But if they...

dourh@Job:36:29 @ If he will spread out clouds as his tent,

dourh@Job:37:18 @...are most strong, as if they...

dourh@Job:37:20 @...things I speak? even if a...

dourh@Job:38:4 @...earth? tell me if thou...

dourh@Job:38:5 @...laid the measures thereof, if thou...

dourh@Job:38:18 @...the earth? tell me, if thou...

dourh@Psalms:7:4 @...have done this thing, if there...

dourh@Psalms:7:5 @ If I have rendered to them that repaid me evils, let me deservedly fall empty before my enemies.

dourh@Psalms:14:2 @...of men, to see if there...

dourh@Psalms:19:14 @ and from those of others spare thy servant. If they shall have no dominion over me, then shall I be without spot: and I shall be cleansed from the greatest sin.

dourh@Psalms:27:3 @ If armies in camp should stand together against me, my heart shall not fear. If a battle should rise up against me, in this will I be confident.

dourh@Psalms:41:7 ...And if he...

dourh@Psalms:44:21 @...of our God, and if we...

dourh@Psalms:50:12 @ If I should be hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fulness thereof.

dourh@Psalms:50:18 @ If thou didst see a thief thou didst run with him: and with adulterers thou hast been a partaker.

dourh@Psalms:51:18 ...For if thou...

dourh@Psalms:53:3 @...of men: to see if there...

dourh@Psalms:55:15 @...borne with it. And if he...

dourh@Psalms:58:2 @ If in very deed you speak justice: judge right things, ye sons of men.

dourh@Psalms:58:12 @ And man shall say: If indeed there be fruit to the just: there is indeed a God that judgeth them on the earth.

dourh@Psalms:59:16 @...eat, and shall murmur if they...

dourh@Psalms:62:4 @...you all kill, as if you...

dourh@Psalms:62:11 @...and cover not robberies: if riches...

dourh@Psalms:63:7 @ If I have remembered thee upon my bed, I will meditate on thee in the morning:

dourh@Psalms:66:18 @ If I have looked at iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.

dourh@Psalms:68:14 @ If you sleep among the midst of lots, you shall be as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and the hinder parts of her back with the paleness of gold.

dourh@Psalms:73:15 @ If I said: I will speak thus; behold I should condemn the generation of thy children.

dourh@Psalms:81:9 @...to thee: O Israel, if thou...

dourh@Psalms:81:14 @...people had heard me: if Israel...

dourh@Psalms:89:31 ...And if his...

dourh@Psalms:89:32 @ If they profane my justices: and keep not my commandments:

dourh@Psalms:90:10 @...and ten years. But if in...

dourh@Psalms:94:18 @ If I said: My foot is moved: thy mercy, O Lord, assisted me.

dourh@Psalms:95:8 ...To day if you...

dourh@Psalms:104:29 ...But if thou...

dourh@Psalms:125:1 @ If it had not been that the Lord was with us, let Israel now say:

dourh@Psalms:125:2 @ If it had not been that the Lord was with us, When men rose up against us

dourh@Psalms:131:3 @ If thou, O Lord, wilt mark iniquities: Lord, who shall stand it.

dourh@Psalms:132:2 @ If I was not humbly minded, but exalted my soul: As a child that is weaned is towards his mother, so reward in my soul.

dourh@Psalms:133:3 @...tabernacle of my house: if I...

dourh@Psalms:133:4 @ If I shall give sleep to my eyes, or slumber to my eyelids,

dourh@Psalms:133:12 @ If thy children will keep thy covenant, and these my testimonies which I shall teach them: Their children also for evermore shall sit upon thy throne.

dourh@Psalms:138:5 @ If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand be forgotten.

dourh@Psalms:138:6 @...cleave to my jaws, if I...

dourh@Psalms:139:7 @ If I shall walk in the midst of tribulation, thou wilt quicken me: and thou hast stretched forth thy hand against the wrath of my enemies: and thy right hand hath saved me.

dourh@Psalms:140:8 @...heaven, thou art there: if I...

dourh@Psalms:140:9 @ If I take my wings early in the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea:

dourh@Psalms:140:19 @ If thou wilt kill the wicked, O God: ye men of blood, depart from me:

dourh@Psalms:140:24 ...And see if there...

dourh@Proverbs:1:10 ...My son, if sinners...

dourh@Proverbs:1:11 @ If they shall say: Come with us, let us lie in wait for blood, let us hide snares for the innocent without cause:

dourh@Proverbs:2:1 ...My son, if thou...

dourh@Proverbs:2:3 ...For if thou...

dourh@Proverbs:2:4 @ If thou shalt seek her as money, and shalt dig for her as for a treasure:

dourh@Proverbs:2:10 @ If wisdom shall enter into thy heart, and knowledge please thy soul:

dourh@Proverbs:3:24 @ If thou sleep, thou shalt not fear: thou shalt rest, and thy sleep shall be sweet.

dourh@Proverbs:3:27 @...good, who is able: if thou...

dourh@Proverbs:6:1 ...My son, if thou...

dourh@Proverbs:6:11 @...a man armed. But if thou...

dourh@Proverbs:6:31 ...And if he...

dourh@Proverbs:7:23 @...pierce his liver: as if a...

dourh@Proverbs:9:12 @...so to thyself: and if a...

dourh@Proverbs:11:31 @ If the just man receive in the earth, how much more the wicked and the sinner.

dourh@Proverbs:17:28 @...be counted wise: and if he...

dourh@Proverbs:18:8 @...double tongued are as if they...

dourh@Proverbs:19:25 @...shall be wiser: but if thou...

dourh@Proverbs:20:11 @...a child is known, if his...

dourh@Proverbs:21:11 @...will be wiser: and if he...

dourh@Proverbs:22:18 @...be beautiful for thee, if thou...

dourh@Proverbs:22:27 ...For if thou...

dourh@Proverbs:23:2 @...knife to thy throat, if it...

dourh@Proverbs:23:13 @...from a child: for if thou...

dourh@Proverbs:23:15 ...My son, if thy...

dourh@Proverbs:24:10 @ If thou lose hope being weary in the day of distress, thy strength shall be diminished.

dourh@Proverbs:24:12 @ If thou say: I have not strength enough: he that seeth into the heart, he understandeth, and nothing deceiveth the keeper of thy soul, end he shall render to a man according to his works.

dourh@Proverbs:25:21 @...give him to eat: if he...

dourh@Proverbs:26:9 ...As if a...

dourh@Proverbs:28:17 @...blood of a person, if he...

dourh@Proverbs:29:9 @ If a wise man contend with a fool, whether he be angry or laugh, he shall find no rest.

dourh@Proverbs:30:4 @...name of his son, if thou...

dourh@Proverbs:30:32 @...up on high: for if he...

dourh@Ecclesiastes:2:15 @ And I said in my heart: If the death of the fool and mine shall be one, what doth it avail me, that I have applied myself more to the study of wisdom? And speaking with my own mind, I perceived that this also was vanity.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:3:21 @...Adam ascend upward, and if the...

dourh@Ecclesiastes:4:10 @ If one fall he shall be supported by the other: woe to him that is alone, for when he falleth, he hath none to lift him up.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:4:11 ...And if two...

dourh@Ecclesiastes:4:12 ...And if a...

dourh@Ecclesiastes:5:3 @ If thou hast vowed any thing to God, defer not to pay it: for an unfaithful and foolish promise displeaseth him: but whatsoever thou hast vowed, pay it.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:5:7 @ If thou shalt see the oppressions of the poor, and violent judgments, and justice perverted in the province, wonder not at this matter: for he that is high hath another higher, and there are others still higher than these:

dourh@Ecclesiastes:6:3 @ If a man beget a hundred children, and live many years, and attain to a great age, and his soul make no use of the goods of his substance, and he be without burial: of this man I pronounce, that the untimely born is better than he.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:10:4 @ If the spirit of him that hath power, ascend upon thee, leave not thy place: because care will make the greatest sins to cease.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:10:10 @ If the iron be blunt, and be not as before, but be made blunt, with much labour it shall be sharpened: and after industry shall follow wisdom.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:10:11 @ If a serpent bite in silence, he is nothing better that backbiteth secretly.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:11:3 @ If the clouds be full, they will pour out rain upon the earth. If the tree fall to the south, or to the north, in what place soever it shall fall, there shall it be.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:11:6 @...this or that: and if both...

dourh@Ecclesiastes:11:8 @ If a man live many years, and have rejoiced in them all, he must remember the darksome time, and the many days: which when they shall come, the things past shall be accused of vanity.

dourh@Songs:1:7 @ If thou know not thyself, O fairest among women, go forth, and follow after the steps of the flocks, and feed thy kids beside the tents of the shepherds.

dourh@Songs:5:8 @...O daughters of Jerusalem, if you...

dourh@Songs:6:10 @...valleys, and to look if the...

dourh@Songs:7:12 @...to bring forth fruits, if the...

dourh@Songs:8:7 @...the floods drown it: if a...

dourh@Songs:8:9 @...it bulwarks of silver: if she...

dourh@Isaiah:1:18 @...white as snow: and if they...

dourh@Isaiah:1:19 @ if you be willing, and will hearken to me, you shall eat the good things of the land.

dourh@Isaiah:1:20 ...But if you...

dourh@Isaiah:4:4 @ If the Lord shall wash away the filth of the daughters of Sion, and shall wash away the blood of Jerusalem out of the midst thereof, by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning.

dourh@Isaiah:7:9 @ And the head of Ephraim is Samaria and the head of Samaria the son of Romelia. If you will not believe, you shall not continue.

dourh@Isaiah:8:20 @...to the testimony. And if they...

dourh@Isaiah:10:15 @...it is drawn? as if a...

dourh@Isaiah:10:22 ...For if thy...

dourh@Isaiah:21:12 @...cometh, also the night: if you...

dourh@Isaiah:22:16 @...thou here, or as if thou...

dourh@Isaiah:24:13 @...of the people, as if a...

dourh@Isaiah:29:16 @...yours is perverse: as if the...

dourh@Isaiah:30:15 @ For thus saith the Lord God the Holy One of Israel: If you return and be quiet, you shall be saved: in silence and in hope shall your strength be. And you would not:

dourh@Isaiah:34:2 @...indignation of the Lord if upon...

dourh@Isaiah:36:6 @...upon Egypt: upon which if a...

dourh@Isaiah:36:7 ...But if thou...

dourh@Isaiah:36:9 @...my master's servants? But if thou...

dourh@Isaiah:38:16 ...O Lord, if man's...

dourh@Isaiah:40:17 @...are before him as if they...

dourh@Isaiah:41:21 @...the Lord: bring hither, if you...

dourh@Isaiah:41:23 @...also good or evil, if you...

dourh@Isaiah:43:26 @...us plead together: tell if thou...

dourh@Isaiah:47:12 @...thee any thing, or if thou...

dourh@Isaiah:49:15 @...of her womb? and if she...

dourh@Isaiah:53:10 @...bruise him in infirmity: if he...-lived seed, and the will of the Lord shall be prosperous in his hand.

dourh@Isaiah:58:9 @ Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall hear: thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am. If thou wilt take away the chain out of the midst of thee, and cease to stretch out the finger, and to speak that which profiteth not.

dourh@Isaiah:58:13 @ If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy own will in my holy day, and call the sabbath delightful, and the holy of the Lord glorious, and glorify him, while thou dost not thy own ways, and thy own will is not found: to speak a word:

dourh@Isaiah:59:10 @...we have groped as if we...

dourh@Isaiah:65:8 @...saith the Lord: As if a...

dourh@Isaiah:66:3 @...that remembereth incense, as if he...

dourh@Isaiah:66:20 @...saith the Lord, as if the...

dourh@Jeremiah:2:10 @...consider diligently: and see if there...

dourh@Jeremiah:2:11 @ If a nation hath changed their gods, and indeed they are not gods,: but my people have changed their glory into an idol.

dourh@Jeremiah:3:1 @ It is commonly said: If a man put away his wife, and she go from him, and marry another man, shall he return to her any more? shall not that woman be polluted, and defiled? but thou hast prostituted thyself to many lovers: nevertheless return to me, saith the Lord, and I will receive thee.

dourh@Jeremiah:4:1 @...Lord, return to me: if thou...

dourh@Jeremiah:5:1 @...the broad places thereof, if you...

dourh@Jeremiah:5:19 ...And if you...

dourh@Jeremiah:7:5 @...ways, and your doings: if you...

dourh@Jeremiah:7:6 @ If you opress not the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, and shed not innocent blood in this place, and walk not after strange gods to your own hurt,

dourh@Jeremiah:12:1 @...O Lord, art just, if I...

dourh@Jeremiah:12:5 @...contend with horses? and if thou...

dourh@Jeremiah:12:16 @...shall come to pass, if they...

dourh@Jeremiah:12:17 ...But if they...

dourh@Jeremiah:13:17 ...But if you...

dourh@Jeremiah:13:22 ...And if thou...

dourh@Jeremiah:13:23 @ If the Ethiopian can change his skin, or the leopard his spots: you may also do well, when you have learned evil.

dourh@Jeremiah:14:7 @ If our iniquities have testified against us, O Lord, do thou it for thy name's sake, for our rebellions are many, we have sinned against thee.

dourh@Jeremiah:14:12 @...hear their prayers: and if they...

dourh@Jeremiah:14:18 @...with the sword: and if I...

dourh@Jeremiah:15:1 @ And the Lord said to me: If Moses and Samuel shall stand before me, my soul is not towards this people: cast them out from my sight, and let them go forth.

dourh@Jeremiah:15:2 ...And if they...

dourh@Jeremiah:15:19 @...before my face; and if thou...

dourh@Jeremiah:17:24 @...the sabbath day: and if you...

dourh@Jeremiah:17:27 ...But if you...

dourh@Jeremiah:18:8 @ If that nation against which I have spoken, shall repent of their evil, I also will repent of the evil that I have thought to do to them.

dourh@Jeremiah:18:10 @ If it shall do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice: I will repent of the good that I have spoken to do unto it.

dourh@Jeremiah:20:10 @...continued at my side: if by...

dourh@Jeremiah:21:2 @...maketh war against us: if so...

dourh@Jeremiah:22:4 ...For if you...

dourh@Jeremiah:22:5 ...But if you...

dourh@Jeremiah:22:24 @...live, saith the Lord, if Jechonias...

dourh@Jeremiah:23:22 @ If they stood in my counsel, and had made my words known to my people, I should have turned them from their evil way and from their wicked doings.

dourh@Jeremiah:23:33 @ If therefore this people, or the prophet, or the priest shall ask thee, saying: What is the burden of the Lord? thou shalt say to them: You are the burden: for I will cast you away, saith the Lord.

dourh@Jeremiah:23:38 ...But if you...

dourh@Jeremiah:25:28 ...And if they...

dourh@Jeremiah:26:3 @ If so be they will hearken and be converted every one from his evil way; that I may repent me of the evil that I think to do unto them for the wickedness of their doings.

dourh@Jeremiah:26:4 @ And thou shalt say to them: Thus saith the Lord: If you will not hearken to me to walk in my law, which I have given to you:

dourh@Jeremiah:26:15 @...ye, and understand, that if you...

dourh@Jeremiah:27:18 ...But if they...

dourh@Jeremiah:30:6 @...Ask ye, and see if a...

dourh@Jeremiah:31:38 @ If these ordinances shall fail before me, saith the Lord: then also the seed of Israel shall fail, so as not to be a nation before me for ever.

dourh@Jeremiah:31:39 @ Thus saith the Lord: If the heavens above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I also will cast away all the seed of Israel, for all that they have done, saith the Lord.

dourh@Jeremiah:32:5 @...saith the Lord. But if you...

dourh@Jeremiah:33:20 @ Thus saith the Lord: If my covenant with the day can be made void, and my covenant with the night, that there should not be day and night in their season:

dourh@Jeremiah:33:25 @ Thus saith the Lord: If I have not set my covenant between day and night, and laws to heaven and earth:

dourh@Jeremiah:36:3 @ If so be, when the house of Juda shall hear all the evils that I purpose to do unto them, that they may return every man from his wicked way: and I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin.

dourh@Jeremiah:36:7 @ If so be they may present their supplication before the Lord, and may return every one from his wicked way: for great is the wrath and indignation which the Lord hath pronounced against this people.

dourh@Jeremiah:36:18 @...all these words as if he...

dourh@Jeremiah:37:9 ...But if you...

dourh@Jeremiah:38:15 @...me to death? and if I...

dourh@Jeremiah:38:17 @ And Jeremias said to Sedecias: Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel: If thou wilt take a resolution and go out to the princes of the king of Babylon, thy soul shall live, and this city shall not be burnt with fire: and thou shalt be safe, and thy house.

dourh@Jeremiah:38:18 ...But if thou...

dourh@Jeremiah:38:21 ...But if thou...

dourh@Jeremiah:38:25 ...But if the...

dourh@Jeremiah:40:4 @...eyes upon thee: but if it...

dourh@Jeremiah:42:5 @...of truth and faithfulness, if we...

dourh@Jeremiah:42:10 @ If you will be quiet and remain in this land, I will build you up, and not pull you down: I will plane you, and not pluck you up: for now I am appeased for the evil that I have done to you.

dourh@Jeremiah:42:13 ...But if you...

dourh@Jeremiah:42:15 @ For this now hear the word of the Lord, ye remnant of Juda: Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: If you set your faces to go into Egypt, and enter in to dwell there:

dourh@Jeremiah:44:19 ...And if we...

dourh@Jeremiah:46:28 @...I spare thee as if thou...

dourh@Jeremiah:49:9 @...have left a bunch? if thieves...

dourh@Jeremiah:51:8 @...balm for her pain, if so...

dourh@Jeremiah:51:53 @ If Babylon should mount up to heaven, and establish her strength on high: from me there should come spoilers upon her, saith the Lord.

dourh@Lamentations:1:12 @...way, attend, and see if there...

dourh@Lamentations:3:29 @...mouth in the dust, if so...

dourh@Lamentations:3:32 ...Caph. For if he...

dourh@Ezekiel:2:5 @...least will hear, and if so...

dourh@Ezekiel:2:7 @...my words to them, if perhaps...

dourh@Ezekiel:3:6 @...canst not understand: and if thou...

dourh@Ezekiel:3:11 @ And go get thee in to them of the captivity, to the children of thy people, and thou shalt speak to them, and shalt say to them: Thus saith the Lord: If so be they will hear and will forbear.

dourh@Ezekiel:3:19 ...But if thou...

dourh@Ezekiel:3:20 ...Moreover if the...

dourh@Ezekiel:3:21 ...But if thou...

dourh@Ezekiel:8:13 @ And he said to me: If thou turn thee again, thou shalt see greater abominations which these commit.

dourh@Ezekiel:10:10 @...four were alike: as if a...

dourh@Ezekiel:12:3 @...place in their sight, if so...

dourh@Ezekiel:14:7 @...the proselytes in Israel, if he...

dourh@Ezekiel:14:14 ...And if these...

dourh@Ezekiel:14:15 ...And if I...

dourh@Ezekiel:14:16 @ If these three men shall be in it, as I live, saith the Lord, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters: but they only shall be delivered, and the land shall be made desolate.

dourh@Ezekiel:14:17 ...Or if I...

dourh@Ezekiel:14:19 ...Or if I...

dourh@Ezekiel:18:5 ...And if a...

dourh@Ezekiel:18:10 ...And if he...

dourh@Ezekiel:18:14 ...But if he...

dourh@Ezekiel:18:21 ...But if the...

dourh@Ezekiel:18:24 ...But if the...

dourh@Ezekiel:20:4 @...If thou judgest them, if thou...

dourh@Ezekiel:20:11 @...them my judgments, which if a...

dourh@Ezekiel:20:13 @...away my judgments, which if a...

dourh@Ezekiel:20:21 @...to do them: which if a...

dourh@Ezekiel:20:39 @...and serve them. But if in...

dourh@Ezekiel:24:4 ...Heap together into if the...

dourh@Ezekiel:26:21 @...shalt not be, and if thou...

dourh@Ezekiel:28:2 @...set thy heart as if it...

dourh@Ezekiel:33:2 @...sword upon a land, if the...

dourh@Ezekiel:33:4 @...not look to himself, if the...

dourh@Ezekiel:33:5 @...be upon him: but if he...

dourh@Ezekiel:33:6 ...And if the...

dourh@Ezekiel:33:8 @...thou shalt surely die: if thou...

dourh@Ezekiel:33:9 ...But if thou...

dourh@Ezekiel:33:13 ...Yea, if I...

dourh@Ezekiel:33:14 ...And if I...

dourh@Ezekiel:33:15 ...And if that...

dourh@Ezekiel:33:31 @...come to thee, as if a...

dourh@Ezekiel:46:16 @ Thus saith the Lord God: If the prince give a gift to any of his sons: the inheritance of it shall go to his children, they shall possess it by inheritance.

dourh@Ezekiel:46:17 ...But if he...

dourh@Daniel:1:10 @...meat and drink: who if he...

dourh@Daniel:2:6 ...But if you...

dourh@Daniel:2:9 @ If therefore you tell me not the dream, there is one sentence concerning you, that you have also framed a lying interpretation, and full of deceit, to speak before me till the time pass away. Tell me therefore the dream, that I may know that you also give a true interpretation thereof.

dourh@Daniel:3:6 ...But if any...

dourh@Daniel:3:11 ...And that if any...

dourh@Daniel:3:15 @...I have made: but if you...

dourh@Daniel:3:18 ...But if he...

dourh@Daniel:5:16 @...resolve difficult things: now if thou...

dourh@Daniel:13:21 ...But if thou...

dourh@Daniel:13:22 @...death to me: and if I...

dourh@Daniel:13:54 ...Now then, if thou...

dourh@Daniel:14:7 @ And the king being angry called for his priests, and said to them: If you tell me not, who it is that eateth up these expenses, you shall die.

dourh@Daniel:14:8 ...But if you...

dourh@Daniel:14:11 @...comest in the morning, if thou...

dourh@Hosea:4:15 @ If thou play the harlot, O Israel, at least let not Juda offend: and go ye not into Galgal, and come not up into Bethaven, and do not swear: The Lord liveth.

dourh@Hosea:8:7 @...yield no meal; end if it...

dourh@Hosea:9:16 @...yield no fruit. And if they...

dourh@Hosea:12:11 @ If Galaad be an idol, then in vain were they in Galgal offering sacrifices with bullocks: for their altars also are as heaps in the furrows of the field.

dourh@Joel:3:4 @...yourselves on me? and if you...

dourh@Amos:3:4 @...out of his den, if he...

dourh@Amos:3:5 @...snare upon the earth, if there...

dourh@Amos:3:12 @...saith the Lord: As if a...

dourh@Amos:5:19 ...As if a...

dourh@Amos:5:22 ...And if you...

dourh@Amos:6:2 @...best kingdoms of these: if their...

dourh@Amos:6:9 ...And if there...

dourh@Amos:9:4 ...And if they...

dourh@Obadiah:1:5 @...they had enough? if the...

dourh@Jonah:1:6 @...call upon thy God, if so...

dourh@Jonah:3:9 ...Who can tell if God...

dourh@Micah:3:5 @...and preach peace: and if a...

dourh@Nahum:3:12 @...with their green figs: if they...

dourh@Habakkuk:2:3 @...and shall not lie: if it...

dourh@Zephaniah:2:3 @...just, seek the meek: if by...

dourh@Haggai:2:13 @ If a man carry sanctified flesh in the skirt of his garment, and touch with his skirt, bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any meat: shall it be sanctified? And the priests answered, and said: No.

dourh@Haggai:2:14 @ And Aggeus said: If one that is unclean by occasion of a soul touch any of all these things, shall it be defiled? And the priests answered, and said: It shall be defiled.

dourh@Zechariah:3:7 @ Thus saith the Lord of hosts: If thou wilt walk in my ways, and Beep my charge, thou also shalt judge my house, and shalt keep my courts, and I will give thee some of them that are now present here to walk with thee.

dourh@Zechariah:6:15 @...shall come to pass, if hearing...

dourh@Zechariah:8:6 @ Thus saith the Lord of hosts: If it seem hard in the eyes of the remnant of this people in those days: shall it be hard in my eyes, saith the Lord of hosts?

dourh@Zechariah:11:12 @...hither my wages: and if not,...

dourh@Zechariah:14:18 ...And if the...

dourh@Malachi:1:4 ...But if Edom...

dourh@Malachi:1:6 @...is my honour? and if I...

dourh@Malachi:1:8 @...pleased with it, or if he...

dourh@Malachi:1:9 @ And now beseech ye the face of God, that he may have mercy on you, (for by your hand hath this been done,) if by any means he will receive your faces, saith the Lord of hosts.

dourh@Malachi:2:2 @...will not hear, and if you...

dourh@Malachi:3:10 @...this, saith the Lord: if I...-gates of heaven, and pour you out a blessing even to abundance.

dourh@Matthew:4:3 @ And the tempter coming said to him: If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.

dourh@Matthew:4:6 @ And said to him: If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down, for it is written: That he hath given his angels charge over thee, and in their hands shall they bear thee up, lest perhaps thou dash thy foot against a stone.

dourh@Matthew:4:9 @...will I give thee, if falling...

dourh@Matthew:5:13 @...of the earth. But if the...

dourh@Matthew:5:23 @ If therefore thou offer thy gift at the altar, and there thou remember that thy brother hath any thing against thee;

dourh@Matthew:5:29 ...And if thy...

dourh@Matthew:5:30 ...And if thy...

dourh@Matthew:5:39 @...to resist evil: but if one...

dourh@Matthew:5:40 ...And if a...

dourh@Matthew:5:46 ...For if you...

dourh@Matthew:5:47 ...And if you...

dourh@Matthew:6:14 ...For if you...

dourh@Matthew:6:15 ...But if you...

dourh@Matthew:6:22 @ The light of thy body is thy eye. If thy eye be single, thy whole body shall be lightsome.

dourh@Matthew:6:23 ...But if thy...

dourh@Matthew:6:30 ...And if the...

dourh@Matthew:7:9 @...among you, of whom if his...

dourh@Matthew:7:10 ...Or if he...

dourh@Matthew:7:11 @ If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children: how much more will your Father who is in heaven, give good things to them that ask him?

dourh@Matthew:8:2 @...adored him, saying: Lord, if thou...

dourh@Matthew:8:31 @ And the devils besought him, saying: If thou cast us out hence, send us into the herd of swine.

dourh@Matthew:9:21 @ For she said within herself: If I shall touch only his garment, I shall be healed.

dourh@Matthew:10:13 @...come upon it; but if it...

dourh@Matthew:10:25 @ It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the goodman of the house Beelzebub, how much more them of his household?

dourh@Matthew:11:14 ...And if you...

dourh@Matthew:11:21 @...to thee, Bethsaida: for if in...

dourh@Matthew:11:23 @...even unto hell. For if in...

dourh@Matthew:12:7 ...And if you...

dourh@Matthew:12:11 @...hath one sheep: and if the...

dourh@Matthew:12:26 ...And if Satan...

dourh@Matthew:12:27 ...And if I...

dourh@Matthew:12:28 ...But if I...

dourh@Matthew:14:28 @...making answer, said: Lord, if it...

dourh@Matthew:15:14 @...of the blind. And if the...

dourh@Matthew:16:24 @ Then Jesus said to his disciples: If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

dourh@Matthew:16:26 @...it profit a man, if he...

dourh@Matthew:17:4 @...us to be here: if thou...

dourh@Matthew:17:19 @...I say to you, if you...

dourh@Matthew:18:8 ...And if thy...

dourh@Matthew:18:9 ...And if thy...

dourh@Matthew:18:12 @ What think you? If a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them should go astray: doth he not leave the ninety-nine in the mountains, and go to seek that which is gone astray?

dourh@Matthew:18:13 ...And if it...-nine that went not astray.

dourh@Matthew:18:15 ...But if thy...

dourh@Matthew:18:16 ...And if he...

dourh@Matthew:18:17 @...tell the church. And if he...

dourh@Matthew:18:19 @...say to you, that if two...

dourh@Matthew:18:35 @...Father do to you, if you...

dourh@Matthew:19:10 @ His disciples say unto him: If the case of a man with his wife be so, it is not expedient to marry.

dourh@Matthew:19:17 @...is good, God. But if thou...

dourh@Matthew:19:21 @ Jesus saith to him: If thou wilt be perfect, go sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come follow me.

dourh@Matthew:21:3 ...And if any...

dourh@Matthew:21:21 @...you do, but also if you...

dourh@Matthew:21:24 @...you one word, which if you...

dourh@Matthew:21:26 @...not believe him? But if we...

dourh@Matthew:22:24 @ Saying: Master, Moses said: If a man die having no son, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up issue to his brother.

dourh@Matthew:22:45 @ If David then call him Lord, how is he his son?

dourh@Matthew:23:30 @ And say: If we had been in the days of our Fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.

dourh@Matthew:24:23 ...Then if any...

dourh@Matthew:24:26 @ If therefore they shall say to you: Behold he is in the desert, go ye not out: Behold he is in the closets, believe it not.

dourh@Matthew:24:43 @...know this ye, that if the...

dourh@Matthew:24:48 ...But if that...

dourh@Matthew:26:24 @...were better for him, if that...

dourh@Matthew:26:39 @...and saying: My Father, if it...

dourh@Matthew:26:42 @...prayed, saying: My Father, if this...

dourh@Matthew:26:63 @...that thou tell us if thou...

dourh@Matthew:27:40 @...save thy own self: if thou...

dourh@Matthew:27:42 @ He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the king of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him.

dourh@Matthew:27:43 @...him now deliver him if he...

dourh@Matthew:28:14 ...And if the...

dourh@Mark:1:40 @ And there came a leper to him, beseeching him, and kneeling down said to him: If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.

dourh@Mark:3:24 ...And if a...

dourh@Mark:3:25 ...And if a...

dourh@Mark:3:26 ...And if Satan...

dourh@Mark:4:23 @ If any man have ears to hear, let him hear.

dourh@Mark:4:26 @...kingdom of God, as if a...

dourh@Mark:5:28 @ For she said: If I shall touch but his garment, I shall be whole.

dourh@Mark:7:11 @ But you say: If a man shall say to his father or mother, Corban, (which is a gift,) whatsoever is from me, shall profit thee.

dourh@Mark:7:16 @ If any man have ears to hear, let him hear.

dourh@Mark:8:3 ...And if I...

dourh@Mark:8:23 @...him, he asked him if he...

dourh@Mark:8:26 @...into thy house, and if thou...

dourh@Mark:8:34 @ And calling the multitude together with his disciples, he said to them: If any man will follow me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

dourh@Mark:8:36 @...it profit a man, if he...

dourh@Mark:9:21 @...to destroy him. But if thou...

dourh@Mark:9:22 @ And Jesus saith to him: If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

dourh@Mark:9:34 @ And sitting down, he called the twelve, and saith to them: If any man desire to be first, he shall be the last of all, and the minister of all.

dourh@Mark:9:42 ...And if thy...

dourh@Mark:9:44 ...And if thy...

dourh@Mark:9:46 ...And if thy...

dourh@Mark:9:49 @...Salt is good. But if the...

dourh@Mark:10:12 ...And if the...

dourh@Mark:11:3 ...And if any...

dourh@Mark:11:13 @...having leaves, he came if perhaps...

dourh@Mark:11:25 @...stand to pray, forgive, if you...

dourh@Mark:11:26 ...But if you...

dourh@Mark:11:31 @ But they thought with themselves, saying: If we say, From heaven; he will say, Why then did you not believe him?

dourh@Mark:11:32 @ If we say, From men, we fear the people. For all men counted John that he was a prophet indeed.

dourh@Mark:12:19 @...wrote unto us, that if any...

dourh@Mark:13:21 ...And then if any...

dourh@Mark:14:21 @...were better for him, if that...

dourh@Mark:14:35 @...and he prayed, that if it...

dourh@Mark:15:36 @...Stay, let us see if Elias...

dourh@Mark:15:44 @...centurion, he asked him if he...

dourh@Mark:16:18 @...take up serpents; and if they...

dourh@Luke:4:3 @ And the devil said to him: If thou be the Son of God, say to this stone that it be made bread.

dourh@Luke:4:7 @ If thou therefore wilt adore before me, all shall be thine.

dourh@Luke:4:9 @ And he brought him to Jerusalem, and set him on a pinnacle of the temple, and he said to him: If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself from hence.

dourh@Luke:5:12 @...besought him, saying: Lord, if thou...

dourh@Luke:6:7 @...scribes and Pharisees watched if he...

dourh@Luke:6:9 @...them: I ask you, if it...

dourh@Luke:6:32 ...And if you...

dourh@Luke:6:33 ...And if you...

dourh@Luke:6:34 ...And if you...

dourh@Luke:6:40 @...one shall be perfect, if he...

dourh@Luke:7:39 @...himself, saying: This man, if he...

dourh@Luke:9:23 @ And he said to all: If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.

dourh@Luke:9:25 @...is a man advantaged, if he...

dourh@Luke:10:6 @...rest upon him; but if not,...

dourh@Luke:10:13 @...to thee, Bethsaida. For if in...

dourh@Luke:11:8 ...Yet if he...

dourh@Luke:11:11 @...And which of you, if he...

dourh@Luke:11:12 ...Or if he...

dourh@Luke:11:13 @ If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father from heaven give the good Spirit to them that ask him?

dourh@Luke:11:18 ...And if Satan...

dourh@Luke:11:19 ...Now if I...

dourh@Luke:11:20 ...But if I...

dourh@Luke:11:22 ...But if a...

dourh@Luke:11:34 @...will be lightsome: but if it...

dourh@Luke:11:36 @ If then thy whole body be lightsome, having no part of darkness; the whole shall be lightsome; and as a bright lamp, shall enlighten thee.

dourh@Luke:12:26 @ If then ye be not able to do so much as the least thing, why are you solicitous for the rest?

dourh@Luke:12:28 ...Now if God...

dourh@Luke:12:38 ...And if he...

dourh@Luke:12:39 @...this know ye, that if the...

dourh@Luke:12:45 ...But if that...

dourh@Luke:13:9 @...it bear fruit: but if not,...

dourh@Luke:14:26 @ If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

dourh@Luke:14:34 @...Salt is good. But if the...

dourh@Luke:15:4 @...an hundred sheep: and if he...-nine in the desert, and go after that which was lost, until he find it?

dourh@Luke:15:8 @...woman having ten groats; if she...

dourh@Luke:16:11 @ If then you have not been faithful in the unjust mammon; who will trust you with that which is the true?

dourh@Luke:16:12 ...And if you...

dourh@Luke:16:30 @...No, father Abraham: but if one...

dourh@Luke:16:31 @...neither will they believe, if one...

dourh@Luke:17:3 @...thee, reprove him: and if he...

dourh@Luke:17:4 ...And if he...

dourh@Luke:17:6 @ And the Lord said: If you had faith like to a grain of mustard seed, you might say to this mulberry tree, Be thou rooted up, and be thou transplanted into the sea: and it would obey you.

dourh@Luke:19:8 @...to the poor; and if I...

dourh@Luke:19:31 ...And if any...

dourh@Luke:19:40 @...say to you, that if these...

dourh@Luke:19:42 @ If thou also hadst known, and that in this thy day, the things that are to thy peace; but now they are hidden from thy eyes.

dourh@Luke:20:5 @ But they thought within themselves, saying: If we shall say, From heaven: he will say: Why then did you not believe him?

dourh@Luke:20:6 ...But if we...

dourh@Luke:20:28 @ Saying: Master, Moses wrote unto us, If any man's brother die, having a wife, and he leave no children, that his brother should take her to wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.

dourh@Luke:22:42 ...Saying: Father, if thou...

dourh@Luke:22:66 @ And as soon as it was day, the ancients of the people, and the chief priests and scribes, cane together; and they brought him into their council, saying: If thou be the Christ, tell us.

dourh@Luke:22:67 @ And he saith to them: If I shall tell you, you will not believe me.

dourh@Luke:22:68 ...And if I...

dourh@Luke:23:6 @...Pilate hearing Galilee, asked if the...

dourh@Luke:23:31 ...For if in...

dourh@Luke:23:35 @...let him save himself, if he...

dourh@Luke:23:37 @ And saying: If thou be the king of the Jews, save thyself.

dourh@Luke:23:39 @ And one of those robbers who were hanged, blasphemed him, saying: If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.

dourh@John:1:25 @...then dost thou baptize, if thou...

dourh@John:3:12 @...how will you believe, if I...

dourh@John:4:10 @ Jesus answered, and said to her: If thou didst know the gift of God, and who he is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou perhaps wouldst have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

dourh@John:5:31 @ If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true.

dourh@John:5:43 @...you receive me not: if another...

dourh@John:5:46 ...For if you...

dourh@John:5:47 ...But if you...

dourh@John:6:50 @...down from heaven; that if any...

dourh@John:6:52 @ If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever; and the bread that I will give, is my flesh, for the life of the world.

dourh@John:6:63 @ If then you shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before?

dourh@John:7:4 @ For there is no man that doth any thing in secret, and he himself seeketh to be known openly. If thou do these things, manifest thyself to the world.

dourh@John:7:17 @ If any man do the will of him; he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.

dourh@John:7:23 @ If a man receive circumcision on the sabbath day, that the law of Moses may not be broken; are you angry at me because I have healed the whole man on the sabbath day?

dourh@John:7:37 @ And on the last, and great day of the festivity, Jesus stood and cried, saying: If any man thirst, let him come to me, and drink.

dourh@John:8:16 ...And if I...

dourh@John:8:19 @...know, nor my Father: if you...

dourh@John:8:24 @...in your sins. For if you...

dourh@John:8:31 @ Then Jesus said to those Jews, who believed him: If you continue in my word, you shall be my disciples indeed.

dourh@John:8:36 @ If therefore the son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.

dourh@John:8:39 @ They answered, and said to him: Abraham is our father. Jesus saith to them: If you be the children of Abraham, do the works of Abraham.

dourh@John:8:42 @ Jesus therefore said to them: If God were your Father, you would indeed love me. For from God I proceeded, and came; for I came not of myself, but he sent me:

dourh@John:8:45 ...But if I...

dourh@John:8:46 @ Which of you shall convince me of sin? If I say the truth to you, why do you not believe me?

dourh@John:8:51 @ Amen, amen I say to you: If any man keep my word, he shall not see death for ever.

dourh@John:8:52 @ The Jews therefore said: Now we know that thou hast a devil. Abraham is dead, and the prophets; and thou sayest: If any man keep my word, he shall not taste death for ever.

dourh@John:8:54 @ Jesus answered: If I glorify myself, my glory is nothing. It is my Father that glorifieth me, of whom you say that he is your God.

dourh@John:8:55 @...I know him. And if I...

dourh@John:9:22 @...agreed among themselves, that if any...

dourh@John:9:25 @ He said therefore to them: If he be a sinner, I know not: one thing I know, that whereas I was blind, now I see.

dourh@John:9:31 @...not hear sinners: but if a...

dourh@John:9:41 @ Jesus said to them: If you were blind, you should not have sin: but now you say: We see. Your sin remaineth.

dourh@John:10:9 @...the door. By me, if any...

dourh@John:10:24 @ The Jews therefore came round about him, and said to him: How long dost thou hold our souls in suspense? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly.

dourh@John:10:35 @ If he called them gods, to whom to word of God was spoken, and the scripture cannot be broken;

dourh@John:10:37 @ If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.

dourh@John:10:38 ...But if I...

dourh@John:11:9 @ Jesus answered: Are there not twelve hours of the day? If a man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world:

dourh@John:11:10 ...But if he...

dourh@John:11:12 @...disciples therefore said: Lord, if he...

dourh@John:11:21 @...said to Jesus: Lord, if thou...

dourh@John:11:32 @...saith to him: Lord, if thou...

dourh@John:11:40 @...say to thee, that if thou...

dourh@John:11:48 @ If we let him alone so, all will believe in him; and the Romans will come, and take away our place and nation.

dourh@John:11:56 @...given a commandment, that if any...

dourh@John:12:25 @...Itself remaineth alone. But if it...

dourh@John:12:26 @ If any man minister to me, let him follow me; and where I am, there also shall my minister be. If any man minister to me, him will my Father honour.

dourh@John:12:32 ...And I, if I...

dourh@John:12:47 ...And if any...

dourh@John:13:8 @ Peter saith to him: Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him: If I wash thee not, thou shalt have no part with me.

dourh@John:13:14 @ If then I being your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; you also ought to wash one another's feet.

dourh@John:13:17 @...you shall be blessed if you...

dourh@John:13:32 @ If God be glorified in him, God also will glorify him in himself; and immediately will he glorify him.

dourh@John:13:35 @...you are my disciples, if you...

dourh@John:14:2 @ In my Father's house there are many mansions. If not, I would have told you: because I go to prepare a place for you.

dourh@John:14:3 ...And if I...

dourh@John:14:7 @ If you had known me, you would without doubt have known my Father also: and from henceforth you shall know him, and you have seen him.

dourh@John:14:14 @ If you shall ask me any thing in my name, that I will do.

dourh@John:14:15 @ If you love me, keep my commandments.

dourh@John:14:23 @ Jesus answered, and said to him: If any one love me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him, and will make our abode with him.

dourh@John:14:28 @ You have heard that I said to you: I go away, and I come unto you. If you loved me, you would indeed be glad, because I go to the Father: for the Father is greater than I.

dourh@John:15:1 @ If you keep my commandments, you shall abide in my love; as I also have kept my Father's commandments, and do abide in his love.

dourh@John:15:14 @...You are my friends, if you...

dourh@John:15:18 @ If the world hate you, know ye, that it hath hated me before you.

dourh@John:15:19 @ If you had been of the world, the world would love its own: but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

dourh@John:15:20 @...will also persecute you: if they...

dourh@John:15:22 @ If I had not come, and spoken to them, they would not have sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin.

dourh@John:15:24 @ If I had not done among them the works that no other man hath done, they would not have sin; but now they have both seen and hated both me and my Father.

dourh@John:16:7 @...come to you; but if I...

dourh@John:16:23 @...I say to you: if you...

dourh@John:18:8 @ Jesus answered, I have told you that I am he. If therefore you seek me, let these go their way.

dourh@John:18:23 @...of the evil; but if well,...

dourh@John:18:30 @ They answered, and said to him: If he were not a malefactor, we would not have delivered him up to thee.

dourh@John:18:36 @ Jesus answered: My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would certainly strive that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now my kingdom is not from hence.

dourh@John:19:12 @ And from henceforth Pilate sought to release him. But the Jews cried out, saying: If thou release this man, thou art not Caesar's friend. For whosoever maketh himself a king, speaketh against Caesar.

dourh@John:20:15 @...saith to him: Sir, if thou...

dourh@John:21:25 @...which Jesus did; which, if they...

dourh@Acts:3:12 @...you upon us, as if by...

dourh@Acts:4:9 @ If we this day are examined concerning the good deed done to the infirm man, by what means he hath been made whole:

dourh@Acts:4:19 @ But Peter and John answering, said to them: If it be just in the sight of God, to hear you rather than God, judge ye.

dourh@Acts:5:38 @...let them alone; for if this...

dourh@Acts:5:39 ...But if it...

dourh@Acts:6:15 @...saw his face as if it...

dourh@Acts:8:37 @ And Philip said: If thou believest with all thy heart, thou mayest. And he answering, said: I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

dourh@Acts:9:2 @...to the synagogues: that if he...

dourh@Acts:10:18 @...had called, they asked, if Simon,...

dourh@Acts:11:17 @ If then God gave them the same grace, as to us also who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ; who was I, that could withstand God?

dourh@Acts:13:15 @...saying: Ye men, brethren, if you...

dourh@Acts:13:41 @...you will not believe, if any...

dourh@Acts:16:15 @ And when she was baptized, and her household, she besought us, saying: If you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come into my house, and abide there. And she constrained us.

dourh@Acts:17:27 @...they should seek God, if happily...

dourh@Acts:18:14 @ And when Paul was beginning to open his mouth, Gallio said to the Jews: If it were some matter of injustice, or an heinous deed, O Jews, I should with reason bear with you.

dourh@Acts:18:15 ...But if they...

dourh@Acts:19:38 ...But if Demetrius...

dourh@Acts:19:39 ...And if you...

dourh@Acts:20:16 @...Asia. For he hasted, if it...

dourh@Acts:23:9 @...in this man. What if a...

dourh@Acts:23:15 @...forth to you, as if you...

dourh@Acts:23:20 @...into the council, as if they...

dourh@Acts:23:25 @ (...afterwards be slandered, as if he...) And he wrote a letter after this manner:

dourh@Acts:24:19 @...thee, and to accuse, if they...

dourh@Acts:24:20 @...these men themselves say, if they...

dourh@Acts:25:5 @...me, and accuse him, if there...

dourh@Acts:25:11 @...not to die. But if there...

dourh@Acts:26:32 @...been set at liberty, if he...

dourh@Acts:27:12 @...counsel to sail thence, if by...

dourh@Acts:27:39 @...into which they minded, if they...

dourh@Romans:1:10 @...my prayers making request, if by...

dourh@Romans:2:17 ...But if thou...

dourh@Romans:2:25 @...keep the law; but if thou...

dourh@Romans:2:27 @...by nature is uncircumcision, if it...

dourh@Romans:3:3 ...For what if some...

dourh@Romans:3:5 ...But if our...

dourh@Romans:3:7 ...For if the...

dourh@Romans:4:2 ...For if Abraham...

dourh@Romans:4:14 ...For if they...

dourh@Romans:4:24 @...it shall be reputed, if we...

dourh@Romans:5:15 @...also the gift. For if by...

dourh@Romans:5:17 ...For if by...

dourh@Romans:6:5 ...For if we...

dourh@Romans:6:8 ...Now if we...

dourh@Romans:7:2 @...to the law. But if her...

dourh@Romans:7:3 @...is not an adulteress, if she...

dourh@Romans:7:7 @...had not known concupiscence, if the...

dourh@Romans:7:16 @ If then I do that which I will not, I consent to the law, that it is good.

dourh@Romans:7:20 ...Now if I...

dourh@Romans:8:9 @...dwell in you. Now if any...

dourh@Romans:8:10 ...And if Christ...

dourh@Romans:8:11 ...And if the...

dourh@Romans:8:13 @...you shall die: but if by...

dourh@Romans:8:17 @...with Christ: yet so, if we...

dourh@Romans:8:25 ...But if we...

dourh@Romans:8:31 @ What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who is against us?

dourh@Romans:9:22 ...What if God,...

dourh@Romans:9:27 @ And Isaias crieth out concerning Israel: If the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved.

dourh@Romans:10:9 ...For if thou...

dourh@Romans:11:12 ...Now if the...

dourh@Romans:11:15 ...For if the...

dourh@Romans:11:16 @...the lump also: and if the...

dourh@Romans:11:17 ...And if some...

dourh@Romans:11:18 @...against the branches. But if thou...

dourh@Romans:11:21 ...For if God...

dourh@Romans:11:22 @...the goodness of God, if thou...

dourh@Romans:11:23 ...And they also, if they...

dourh@Romans:11:24 ...For if thou...

dourh@Romans:12:18 @ If it be possible, as much as is in you, have peace with all men.

dourh@Romans:12:20 @...give him to eat; if he...

dourh@Romans:13:4 @...thee, for good. But if thou...

dourh@Romans:13:9 @...shalt not covet: and if there...

dourh@Romans:14:23 @...But he that discerneth, if he...

dourh@Romans:15:24 @...way thither by you, if first,...

dourh@Romans:15:27 @...are their debtors. For if the...

dourh@1Corinthians:2:8 @...this world knew; for if they...

dourh@1Corinthians:3:12 ...Now if any...

dourh@1Corinthians:3:14 @ If any man's work abide, which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.

dourh@1Corinthians:3:15 @ If any man's work burn, he shall suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved, yet so as by fire.

dourh@1Corinthians:3:17 ...But if any...

dourh@1Corinthians:3:18 @...no man deceive himself: if any...

dourh@1Corinthians:4:7 @...dost thou glory, as if thou...

dourh@1Corinthians:4:15 ...For if you...

dourh@1Corinthians:4:18 ...As if I...

dourh@1Corinthians:4:19 @...come to you shortly, if the...

dourh@1Corinthians:5:11 @...not to keep company, if any...

dourh@1Corinthians:6:2 @...this world? And if the...

dourh@1Corinthians:6:4 @ If therefore you have judgments of things pertaining to this world, set them to judge, who are the most despised in the church.

dourh@1Corinthians:7:8 @...is good for them if they...

dourh@1Corinthians:7:9 ...But if they...

dourh@1Corinthians:7:11 ...And if she...

dourh@1Corinthians:7:12 @ For to the rest I speak, not the Lord. If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she consent to dwell with him, let him not put her away.

dourh@1Corinthians:7:13 ...And if any...

dourh@1Corinthians:7:15 ...But if the...

dourh@1Corinthians:7:21 @...not for it; but if thou...

dourh@1Corinthians:7:28 @...hast not sinned. And if a...

dourh@1Corinthians:7:29 @...have wives, be as if they...

dourh@1Corinthians:7:30 @...they that rejoice, as if they...

dourh@1Corinthians:7:31 @...use this world, as if they...

dourh@1Corinthians:7:36 @...will; he sinneth not, if she...

dourh@1Corinthians:7:39 @...her husband liveth; but if her...

dourh@1Corinthians:7:40 @...blessed shall she be, if she...

dourh@1Corinthians:8:2 ...And if any...

dourh@1Corinthians:8:3 ...But if any...

dourh@1Corinthians:8:8 @...have the more; nor, if we...

dourh@1Corinthians:8:10 ...For if a...

dourh@1Corinthians:8:13 ...Wherefore, if meat...

dourh@1Corinthians:9:2 ...And if unto...

dourh@1Corinthians:9:11 @...it a great matter if we...

dourh@1Corinthians:9:12 @ If others be partakers of this power over you, why not we rather? Nevertheless, we have not used this power: but we bear all things, lest we should give any hindrance to the gospel of Christ.

dourh@1Corinthians:9:16 @...woe is unto me if I...

dourh@1Corinthians:9:17 @...have a reward: but if against...

dourh@1Corinthians:9:21 @...under the law, as if I...(whereas myself was not under the law,)...without the law, as if I...(whereas I was not without the law of God, but was in the law of Christ,) that I might gain them that were without the law.

dourh@1Corinthians:10:27 @ If any of them that believe not, invite you, and you will be willing to go; eat of any thing that is set before you, asking no question for conscience' sake.

dourh@1Corinthians:10:28 ...But if any...

dourh@1Corinthians:10:30 @ If I partake with thanksgiving, why am I evil spoken of, for that for which I give thanks?

dourh@1Corinthians:11:5 @...is all one as if she...

dourh@1Corinthians:11:6 @...her be shorn. But if it...

dourh@1Corinthians:11:14 @...that a man indeed, if he...

dourh@1Corinthians:11:15 ...But if a...

dourh@1Corinthians:11:16 ...But if any...

dourh@1Corinthians:11:31 ...But if we...

dourh@1Corinthians:11:34 @ If any man be hungry, let him eat at home; that you come not together unto judgment. And the rest I will set in order, when I come.

dourh@1Corinthians:12:15 @ If the foot should say, because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?

dourh@1Corinthians:12:16 ...And if the...

dourh@1Corinthians:12:17 @ If the whole body were the eye, where would be the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where would be the smelling?

dourh@1Corinthians:12:19 ...And if they...

dourh@1Corinthians:12:26 @...suffer with it; or if one...

dourh@1Corinthians:13:1 @ If I speak with the tongues of men, and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

dourh@1Corinthians:13:2 @...and all knowledge, and if I...

dourh@1Corinthians:13:3 @...feed the poor, and if I...

dourh@1Corinthians:14:6 ...But now, brethren, if I...

dourh@1Corinthians:14:8 ...For if the...

dourh@1Corinthians:14:11 @ If then I know not the power of the voice, I shall be to him to whom I speak a barbarian; and he that speaketh, a barbarian to me.

dourh@1Corinthians:14:14 ...For if I...

dourh@1Corinthians:14:16 ...Else if thou...

dourh@1Corinthians:14:23 @ If therefore the whole church come together into one place, and all speak with tongues, and there come in unlearned persons or infidels, will they not say that you are mad?

dourh@1Corinthians:14:24 ...But if all...

dourh@1Corinthians:14:27 @ If any speak with a tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and in course, and let one interpret.

dourh@1Corinthians:14:28 ...But if there...

dourh@1Corinthians:14:30 ...But if any...

dourh@1Corinthians:14:35 ...But if they...

dourh@1Corinthians:14:37 @ If any seem to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him know the things that I write to you, that they are the commandments of the Lord.

dourh@1Corinthians:14:38 ...But if any...

dourh@1Corinthians:15:2 @...also you are saved, if you...

dourh@1Corinthians:15:12 ...Now if Christ...

dourh@1Corinthians:15:13 ...But if there...

dourh@1Corinthians:15:14 ...And if Christ...

dourh@1Corinthians:15:15 @...hath not raised up, if the...

dourh@1Corinthians:15:16 ...For if the...

dourh@1Corinthians:15:17 ...And if Christ...

dourh@1Corinthians:15:19 @ If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.

dourh@1Corinthians:15:29 @...baptized for the dead, if the...

dourh@1Corinthians:15:32 @ If (according to man)...doth it profit me, if the...

dourh@1Corinthians:15:44 @ It is sown a natural body, it shall rise a spiritual body. If there be a natural body, there is also a spiritual body, as it is written:

dourh@1Corinthians:16:4 ...And if it...

dourh@1Corinthians:16:7 @...with you some time, if the...

dourh@1Corinthians:16:10 ...Now if Timothy...

dourh@1Corinthians:16:22 @ If any man love not our Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema, maranatha.

dourh@2Corinthians:2:2 ...For if I...

dourh@2Corinthians:2:5 ...And if any...

dourh@2Corinthians:2:10 @...what I have pardoned, if I...

dourh@2Corinthians:3:7 ...Now if the...

dourh@2Corinthians:3:9 ...For if the...

dourh@2Corinthians:3:11 ...For if that...

dourh@2Corinthians:4:3 ...And if our...

dourh@2Corinthians:5:1 ...For we know, if our...

dourh@2Corinthians:5:14 @...us: judging this, that if one...

dourh@2Corinthians:5:16 @...to the flesh. And if we...

dourh@2Corinthians:5:17 @ If then any be in Christ a new creature, the old things are passed away, behold all things are made new.

dourh@2Corinthians:7:8 @...do not repent; and if I...(although but for a time) did make you sorrowful;

dourh@2Corinthians:7:14 ...And if I...

dourh@2Corinthians:8:12 ...For if the...

dourh@2Corinthians:10:2 @...who reckon us as if we...

dourh@2Corinthians:10:7 @ See the things that are according to outward appearance. If any man trust to himself, that he is Christ's, let him think this again with himself, that as he is Christ's, so are we also.

dourh@2Corinthians:10:8 ...For if also...

dourh@2Corinthians:10:14 @...beyond our measure, as if we...

dourh@2Corinthians:11:4 @...have not preached; or if you...

dourh@2Corinthians:11:15 @...is no great thing if his...

dourh@2Corinthians:11:20 @...man be lifted up, if a...

dourh@2Corinthians:11:21 @...in this part. Wherein if any...(I speak foolishly), I dare also.

dourh@2Corinthians:11:30 @ If I must needs glory, I will glory of the things that concern my infirmity.

dourh@2Corinthians:12:1 @ If I must glory (it is not expedient indeed): but I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord.

dourh@2Corinthians:13:2 @...all the rest, that if I...

dourh@2Corinthians:13:5 @...Try your own selves if you...

dourh@Galatians:1:9 @ As we said before, so now I say again: If any one preach to you a gospel, besides that which you have received, let him be anathema.

dourh@Galatians:1:10 @ For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? If I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

dourh@Galatians:2:14 @ But when I saw that they walked not uprightly unto the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas before them all: If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of the Gentiles, and not as the Jews do, how dost thou compel the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?

dourh@Galatians:2:17 ...But if while...

dourh@Galatians:2:18 ...For if I...

dourh@Galatians:2:21 @...grace of God. For if justice...

dourh@Galatians:3:4 @ Have you suffered so great things in vain? If it be yet in vain.

dourh@Galatians:3:15 @ Brethren (I speak after the manner of man,)...yet a man's testament, if it...

dourh@Galatians:3:18 ...For if the...

dourh@Galatians:3:21 @...God? God forbid. For if there...

dourh@Galatians:3:29 ...And if you...

dourh@Galatians:4:7 @...but a son. And if a...

dourh@Galatians:4:15 @...bear you witness, that, if it...

dourh@Galatians:5:2 @...Paul tell you, that if you...

dourh@Galatians:5:11 ...And I, brethren, if I...

dourh@Galatians:5:15 ...But if you...

dourh@Galatians:5:18 ...But if you...

dourh@Galatians:5:25 @ If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

dourh@Galatians:6:1 ...Brethren, and if a...

dourh@Galatians:6:3 ...For if any...

dourh@Ephesians:3:2 @ If yet you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me towards you:

dourh@Ephesians:4:21 @ If so be that you have heard him, and have been taught in him, as the truth is in Jesus:

dourh@Philippians:1:22 ...And if to...

dourh@Philippians:2:1 @...society of the spirit, if any...

dourh@Philippians:2:17 ...Yea, and if I...

dourh@Philippians:3:4 @ Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If any other thinketh he may have confidence in the flesh, I more,

dourh@Philippians:3:11 @ If by any means I may attain to the resurrection which is from the dead.

dourh@Philippians:3:12 @...but I follow after, if I...

dourh@Philippians:3:15 @...be thus minded; and if in...

dourh@Philippians:4:8 @...there be any virtue, if any...

dourh@Colossians:1:23 @ If so ye continue in the faith, grounded and settled, and immoveable from the hope of the gospel which you have heard, which is preached in all the creation that is under heaven, whereof I Paul am made a minister.

dourh@Colossians:2:20 @ If then you be dead with Christ from the elements of this world, why do you yet decree as though living in the world?

dourh@Colossians:3:1 ...Therefore, if you...

dourh@Colossians:3:13 @...and forgiving one another, if any...

dourh@Colossians:4:10 @...you have received commandments; if he...

dourh@1Thessalonians:2:6 @...midst of you, as if a...

dourh@1Thessalonians:3:8 @...Because now we live, if you...

dourh@1Thessalonians:4:13 ...For if we...

dourh@2Thessalonians:2:2 @...sent from us, as if the...

dourh@2Thessalonians:2:4 @...God, shewing himself as if he...

dourh@2Thessalonians:3:9 ...Not as if we...

dourh@2Thessalonians:3:10 @...declared to you: that, if any...

dourh@2Thessalonians:3:14 ...And if any...

dourh@1Timothy:1:8 @...the law is good, if a...

dourh@1Timothy:2:15 @...be saved through childbearing; if she...

dourh@1Timothy:3:1 ...A faithful saying: if a...

dourh@1Timothy:3:5 ...But if a...

dourh@1Timothy:3:15 ...But if I...

dourh@1Timothy:5:4 ...But if any...

dourh@1Timothy:5:8 ...But if any...

dourh@1Timothy:5:10 @...them that suffer tribulation, if she...

dourh@1Timothy:5:16 @ If any of the faithful have widows, let him minister to them, and let not the church be charged: that there may be sufficient for them that are widows indeed.

dourh@1Timothy:6:3 @ If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to that doctrine which is according to godliness,

dourh@2Timothy:2:11 @...A faithful saying: for if we...

dourh@2Timothy:2:12 @ If we suffer, we shall also reign with him. If we deny him, he will also deny us.

dourh@2Timothy:2:13 @ If we believe not, he continueth faithful, he can not deny himself.

dourh@2Timothy:2:21 @ If any man therefore shall cleanse himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified and profitable to the Lord, prepared unto every good work.

dourh@2Timothy:2:25 @...that resist the truth: if peradventure...

dourh@Titus:1:6 @ If any be without crime, the husband of one wife, having faithful children, not accused of riot, or unruly.

dourh@Philemon:1:17 @ If therefore thou count me a partner, receive him as myself.

dourh@Philemon:1:18 ...And if he...

dourh@Hebrews:2:2 ...For if the...

dourh@Hebrews:2:3 @...How shall we escape if we...

dourh@Hebrews:3:6 @...which house are we, if we...

dourh@Hebrews:3:7 @...Ghost saith: To day if you...

dourh@Hebrews:3:11 @ As I have sworn in my wrath: If they shall enter into my rest.

dourh@Hebrews:3:14 @...of Christ: yet so, if we...

dourh@Hebrews:3:15 @...is said, To day if you...

dourh@Hebrews:4:3 @ For we, who have believed, shall enter into rest; as he said: As I have sworn in my wrath; If they shall enter into my rest; and this indeed when the works from the foundation of the world were finished.

dourh@Hebrews:4:5 @ And in this place again: If they shall enter into my rest.

dourh@Hebrews:4:7 @...above said: To day if you...

dourh@Hebrews:4:8 ...For if Jesus...

dourh@Hebrews:6:3 @...this will we do, if God...

dourh@Hebrews:7:11 @ If then perfection was by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) what further need was there that another priest should rise according to the order of Melchisedech, and not be called according to the order of Aaron?

dourh@Hebrews:7:15 @...yet far more evident: if according...

dourh@Hebrews:8:4 @ If then he were on earth, he would not be a priest: seeing that there would be others to offer gifts according to the law,

dourh@Hebrews:8:7 ...For if that...

dourh@Hebrews:9:13 ...For if the...

dourh@Hebrews:10:26 ...For if we...

dourh@Hebrews:10:38 @...liveth by faith; but if he...

dourh@Hebrews:11:14 @ For they that say these things, do signify that they seek a country. 15 And truly if they had been mindful of that from whence they came out, they had doubtless time to return.

dourh@Hebrews:12:8 ...But if you...

dourh@Hebrews:12:20 @...which was said: And if so...

dourh@Hebrews:12:25 @...not that speaketh. For if they...

dourh@Hebrews:13:3 @...are in bands, as if you...

dourh@James:1:5 ...But if any...

dourh@James:1:23 ...For if a...

dourh@James:1:26 ...And if any...

dourh@James:2:2 ...For if there...

dourh@James:2:8 @ If then you fulfil the royal law, according to the scriptures, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself; you do well.

dourh@James:2:9 ...But if you...

dourh@James:2:11 @...shalt not kill. Now if thou...

dourh@James:2:14 @...it profit, my brethren, if a...

dourh@James:2:15 ...And if a...

dourh@James:2:17 ...So faith also, if it...

dourh@James:3:2 @ For in many things we all offend. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man. He is able also with a bridle to lead about the whole body.

dourh@James:3:3 ...For if we...

dourh@James:3:14 ...But if you...

dourh@James:4:11 @...judgeth the law. But if thou...

dourh@James:4:15 @...the Lord will, and if we...

dourh@James:5:15 @...raise him up: and if he...

dourh@James:5:19 ...My brethren, if any...

dourh@1Peter:1:6 @...you shall greatly rejoice, if now...

dourh@1Peter:1:17 ...And if you...

dourh@1Peter:2:3 @ If so be you have tasted that the Lord is sweet.

dourh@1Peter:2:19 @...For this is thankworthy, if for...

dourh@1Peter:2:20 @...it, you endure? But if doing...

dourh@1Peter:3:1 @...to their husbands: that if any...

dourh@1Peter:3:13 @...that can hurt you, if you...

dourh@1Peter:3:14 ...But if also...

dourh@1Peter:4:11 @ If any man speak, let him speak, as the words of God. If any man minister, let him do it, as of the power, which God administereth: that in all things God may be honoured through Jesus Christ: to whom is glory and empire for ever and ever. Amen.

dourh@1Peter:4:12 @...to try you, as if some...

dourh@1Peter:4:13 ...But if you...

dourh@1Peter:4:14 @ If you be reproached for the name of Christ, you shall be blessed: for that which is of the honour, glory, and power of God, and that which is his Spirit, resteth upon you.

dourh@1Peter:4:16 ...But if as...

dourh@1Peter:4:17 @...house of God. And if first...

dourh@1Peter:4:18 ...And if the...

dourh@2Peter:1:8 ...For if these...

dourh@2Peter:2:4 ...For if God...

dourh@1John:1:6 @ If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth.

dourh@1John:1:7 ...But if we...

dourh@1John:1:8 @ If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

dourh@1John:1:9 @ If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just, to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all iniquity.

dourh@1John:1:10 @ If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

dourh@1John:2:1 @...may not sin. But if any...

dourh@1John:2:3 @...we have known him, if we...

dourh@1John:2:15 @ Love not the world, nor the things which are in the world. If any man love the world, the charity of the Father is not in him.

dourh@1John:2:19 @...not of us. For if they...

dourh@1John:2:24 @ As for you, let that which you have heard from the beginning, abide in you. If that abide in you, which you have heard from the beginning, you also shall abide in the Son, and in the Father.

dourh@1John:2:29 @ If you know, that he is just, know ye, that every one also, who doth justice, is born of him.

dourh@1John:3:13 ...Wonder not, brethren, if the...

dourh@1John:3:20 ...For if our...

dourh@1John:3:21 ...Dearly beloved, if our...

dourh@1John:4:1 @...but try the spirits if they...

dourh@1John:4:11 ...My dearest, if God...

dourh@1John:4:12 @ No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abideth in us, and his charity is perfected in us.

dourh@1John:4:20 @ If any man say, I love God, and hateth his brother; he is a liar. For he that loveth not his brother, whom he seeth, how can he love God, whom he seeth not?

dourh@1John:5:9 @ If we receive the testimony of men, the testimony of God is greater. For this is the testimony of God, which is greater, because he hath testified of his Son.

dourh@2John:1:10 @ If any man come to you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into the house nor say to him, God speed you.

dourh@3John:1:10 @...against us. And as if these...

dourh@Revelation:2:16 @...like manner do penance: if not,...

dourh@Revelation:3:3 @ Have in mind therefore in what manner thou hast received and heard: and observe, and do penance. If then thou shalt not watch, I will come to thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know at what hour I will come to thee.

dourh@Revelation:3:20 @ Behold, I stand at the gate, and knock. If any man shall hear my voice, and open to me the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

dourh@Revelation:11:5 @...devour their enemies. And if any...

dourh@Revelation:13:9 @ If any man have an ear, let him hear.

dourh@Revelation:14:9 @ And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice: If any man shall adore the beast and his image, and receive his character in his forehead, or in his hand;

dourh@Revelation:22:18 @ For I testify to every one that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book: If any man shall add to these things, God shall add unto him the plagues written in this book.

dourh@Revelation:22:19 ...And if any...

dourh@Wis:1:64 ...But if you...

dourh@Wis:1:71 @ Saying: If you will not hear my voice, this great multitude shall be turned into a very small number among the nations, where I will scatter them:

dourh@Wis:2:13 ...For if thou...

dourh@Wis:5:8 ...And as if it...

dourh@Wis:5:26 @...again of themselves, nor if a...

dourh@Wis:5:34 @ In like manner they can neither give riches, nor requite evil. If a man make a vow to them, and perform it not, they cannot require it.

dourh@Tob:1:33 ...Son, if thou...

dourh@Tob:2:22 @ Saying: If we do not penance, we shall fall into the hands of the Lord, and not into the hands of men.

dourh@Tob:3:15 ...And if his...- gotten.

dourh@Tob:4:17 @ If he trust to her, he shall inherit her, and his generation shall be in assurance.

dourh@Tob:4:22 ...But if he...

dourh@Tob:5:14 @...answer thy neighbour: but if not,...

dourh@Tob:6:7 @ If thou wouldst get a friend, try him before thou takest him, and do not credit him easily.

dourh@Tob:6:12 @ If he humble himself before thee, and hide himself from thy face, thou shalt have unanimous friendship for good.

dourh@Tob:6:33 @...thou shalt learn: and if thou...

dourh@Tob:6:34 @...shalt receive instruction: and if thou...

dourh@Tob:6:36 ...And if thou...

dourh@Tob:7:24 @...eye to them: and if they...

dourh@Tob:7:28 @ If thou hast a wife according to thy soul, cast her not off: and to her that is hateful, trust not thyself. With thy whole heart,

dourh@Tob:8:15 @...mightier than thyself: and if thou...

dourh@Tob:8:16 @...be surety, think as if thou...

dourh@Tob:9:19 ...And if thou...

dourh@Tob:11:10 @...shalt not overtake: and if thou...

dourh@Tob:12:1 @ If thou do good, know to whom thou dost it, and there shall be much thanks for thy good deeds.

dourh@Tob:12:2 @...find great recompense: and if not...

dourh@Tob:12:14 @...abide with thee: but if thou...

dourh@Tob:12:16 @...with his eyes: but if he...

dourh@Tob:12:17 ...And if evils...

dourh@Tob:13:3 @...with the kettle? for if they...

dourh@Tob:13:5 @...use of thee: and if thou...

dourh@Tob:13:6 @ If thou have any thing, he will live with thee, and will make thee bare, and he will not be sorry for thee.

dourh@Tob:13:7 @ If he have need of thee he will deceive thee, and smiling upon thee will put thee in hope; he will speak thee fair, and will say: What wantest thou?

dourh@Tob:13:12 @ If thou be invited by one that is mightier, withdraw thyself: for so he will invite thee the more.

dourh@Tob:13:21 @ If the wolf shall at any time have fellowship with the lamb, so the sinner with the just.

dourh@Tob:13:29 @...Who is this? and if he...

dourh@Tob:14:7 ...And if he...

dourh@Tob:14:11 ...My son, if thou...

dourh@Tob:15:16 @ If thou wilt keep the commandments and perform acceptable fidelity for ever, they shall preserve thee.

dourh@Tob:16:1 @...be delighted in them, if the...

dourh@Tob:16:11 @...it is a wonder if he...

dourh@Tob:18:31 @ If thou give to thy soul her desires, she will make thee a joy to thy enemies.

dourh@Tob:19:13 @...did it not: or if he...

dourh@Tob:19:14 @...not said it: and if he...

dourh@Tob:19:24 @...countenance, and maketh as if he...

dourh@Tob:19:25 @...for want of power, if he...

dourh@Tob:21:2 @...of a serpent: for if thou...

dourh@Tob:22:27 @ If thou hast opened a sad mouth, fear not, for there may be a reconciliation: except upbraiding, and reproach, and pride, and disclosing of secrets, or a treacherous wound: for in all these cases a friend will flee away.

dourh@Tob:22:31 @...from his face: and if any...

dourh@Tob:23:13 @...be upon him: and if he...

dourh@Tob:23:14 ...And if he...

dourh@Tob:25:30 ...A woman, if she...

dourh@Tob:25:35 @ If she walk not at thy hand, she will confound thee in the sight of thy enemies.

dourh@Tob:26:4 ...Rich or poor, if his...

dourh@Tob:26:14 @...eyes, and wonder not if she...

dourh@Tob:27:9 @ If thou followest justice, thou shalt obtain her: and shalt put her on as a long robe of honour, and thou shalt dwell with her: and she shall protect thee for ever, and in the day of acknowledgment thou shalt find a strong foundation.

dourh@Tob:27:19 ...But if thou...

dourh@Tob:27:28 @ If one cast a stone on high, it will fall upon his own head: and the deceitful stroke will wound the deceitful.

dourh@Tob:28:2 ...Forgive thy neighbour if he...

dourh@Tob:28:14 @...as a fire: and if thou...

dourh@Tob:29:7 @...will count it as if he...

dourh@Tob:29:8 ...But if not,...

dourh@Tob:30:4 @...and he is as if he...

dourh@Tob:31:19 @...set before thee: lest if thou...

dourh@Tob:31:21 @,21And if thou sittest among many, reach not thy hand out first of all: and be not the first to ask for drink.

dourh@Tob:31:25 ...And if thou...

dourh@Tob:31:32 @...equal lire to men: if thou...

dourh@Tob:32:11 @ If thou be asked twice, let thy answer be short.

dourh@Tob:32:12 @...many things be as if thou...

dourh@Tob:33:30 @...fit for him. And if he...

dourh@Tob:33:31 @ If thou have a faithful servant, let him be to thee as thy own soul: treat him as a brother: because in the blood of thy soul thou hast gotten him.

dourh@Tob:33:32 @ If thou hurt him unjustly, he will run away:

dourh@Tob:33:33 ...And if he...

dourh@Tob:34:30 @...after touching the dead, if he...

dourh@Tob:36:25 @ If she have a tongue that can cure, and likewise mitigate and shew mercy: her husband is not like other men.

dourh@Tob:37:30 @...in thy life: and if it...

dourh@Tob:38:16 @...begin to lament as if thou...

dourh@Tob:39:8 ...For if it...

dourh@Tob:39:15 @...above a thousand: and if he...

dourh@Tob:40:7 @...of his heart, as if he...

dourh@Tob:41:12 @...born in malediction: and if you...

dourh@Tob:44:9 @...and are become as if they...

dourh@Tob:51:31 ...For if he...

dourh@Bar:4:11 @...will hear your prayers, if you...

dourh@Bar:4:13 @...enemies of Israel be, if you...

dourh@Bar:5:5 @ Then Achior captain of all the children of Ammon answering, said: If thou vouch safe, my lord, to hear, I will tell the truth in thy sight concerning this people, that dwelleth in the mountains, and there shall not a false word come out of my mouth.

dourh@Bar:5:24 @...therefore, my lord, search if there...

dourh@Bar:5:25 ...But if there...

dourh@Bar:6:5 @...face, depart from thee, if thou...

dourh@Bar:7:25 ...But if after...

dourh@Bar:8:10 @...city to the Assyrians, if within...

dourh@Bar:8:31 @...to do prove ye if it...

dourh@Bar:11:2 ...And if thy...

dourh@Bar:11:4 @...of thy handmaid, for if thou...

dourh@Bar:11:21 @...thy promise is good, if thy...

dourh@Bar:12:3 @ And Holofernes said to her: If these things which thou hast brought with thee fail thee, what shall we do for thee?

dourh@Bar:12:11 @...shameful among the Assyrians, if a...

dourh@2Macc:2:40 @ And every man said to his neighbour: If we shall all do as our brethren have done, and not fight against the heathens for our lives, and our justifications: they will now quickly root us out of the earth.

dourh@2Macc:5:40 @...the torrent of water, if he...

dourh@2Macc:5:41 ...But if he...

dourh@2Macc:8:24 ...But if there...

dourh@2Macc:8:27 @...In like manner also if war...

dourh@2Macc:8:30 ...And if after...

dourh@2Macc:8:32 @ If therefore they come again to us complaining of thee, we will do them justice, and will make war against thee by sea and land.

dourh@2Macc:9:8 @...go against our enemies, if we...

dourh@2Macc:9:10 @...away from them: but if our...

dourh@2Macc:10:71 ...Now therefore if thou...

dourh@2Macc:11:43 @...thou shalt do well if thou...

dourh@2Macc:13:39 @...which you owed: and if any...

dourh@2Macc:13:40 ...And if any...

dourh@2Macc:15:21 @ If therefore any pestilent men are fled out of their country to you, deliver them to Simon the high priest, that he may punish them according to their law.

dourh@2Macc:15:31 ...But if not,...

dourh@AddDaniel:2:15 ...Wherefore if you...

dourh@AddDaniel:2:16 @...you shall do well, if you...

dourh@AddDaniel:3:9 @...was come: and asked if these...

dourh@AddDaniel:3:38 @...receive him again scourged, if so...

dourh@AddDaniel:4:9 @...hundred and fifty more, if he...

dourh@AddDaniel:4:47 @...those poor men, who, if they...

dourh@AddDaniel:5:9 @...going to Lacedemon, as if for...

dourh@AddDaniel:6:21 @...he might make as if he...

dourh@AddDaniel:6:28 @...fortitude to young men, if with...

dourh@AddDaniel:8:7 @...hair, they asked him if he...

dourh@AddDaniel:8:24 @...a happy man, and, if he...

dourh@AddDaniel:9:15 ...And if not...

dourh@AddDaniel:10:20 @...children are well, and if all...

dourh@AddDaniel:10:24 @...To the end that if any...

dourh@AddDaniel:11:4 @...into such evils; but if they...

dourh@AddDaniel:12:19 @ If therefore you will keep yourselves loyal in affairs, hereafter also I will endeavour to be a means of your good.

dourh@AddDaniel:12:28 @ If you are well, you are as we desire, we ourselves also are well.

dourh@AddDaniel:13:7 @...manner, he departed as if he...

dourh@AddDaniel:13:44 @ (For if he had not hoped that the that were slain should rise again, it would have seemed superfluous and vain to pray for the dead,)

dourh@AddDaniel:16:3 @...That unhappy man asked, if there...

dourh@AddDaniel:16:39 @...what I desired: but if not...

dourh@AddDaniel:16:40 @...sometimes the other: so if the...

dourh@EpJeremiah:3:21 @...shall be delivered: and if it...

dourh@EpJeremiah:4:9 @...have much give abundantly: if thou...

dourh@EpJeremiah:4:15 @ If any man hath done any work for thee, immediately pay him his hire, and let not the wages of thy hired servant stay with thee at all.

dourh@EpJeremiah:4:23 @...have many good things if we...

dourh@EpJeremiah:6:8 @ And the angel, answering, said to him: If thou put a little piece of its heart upon coals, the smoke thereof driveth away all kind of devils, either from man or from woman, so that they come no more to them.

dourh@EpJeremiah:8:14 @...and let her see if he...

dourh@EpJeremiah:9:2 @ If I should give myself to be thy servant I should not make a worthy return for thy care.

dourh@EpJeremiah:9:4 @...numbereth the days: and if I...

dourh@EpJeremiah:10:7 @...return, that she might if possible...

dourh@EpJeremiah:11:3 @ If it please thee therefore, let us go before, and let the family follow softly after us, together with thy wife, and with the beasts.

dourh@EpJeremiah:11:9 @...before, and coming as if he...

dourh@EpJeremiah:13:20 @...Happy shall I be if there...

dourh@1Esd:2:2 @...we shall be as if we...

dourh@1Esd:2:17 @...Let us see then if his...

dourh@1Esd:2:18 ...For if he...

dourh@1Esd:3:17 ...And if they...

dourh@1Esd:3:18 ...And if they...

dourh@1Esd:4:4 ...And if they...

dourh@1Esd:4:7 @...But the just man, if he...

dourh@1Esd:6:22 @ If then your delight be in thrones, and sceptres, O ye kings of the people, love wisdom, that you may reign for ever.

dourh@1Esd:8:5 ...And if riches...

dourh@1Esd:8:6 ...And if sense...

dourh@1Esd:8:7 ...And if a...

dourh@1Esd:8:8 ...And if a...

dourh@1Esd:8:12 @...when I speak, and if I...

dourh@1Esd:9:6 @...children of men, yet if thy...

dourh@1Esd:11:26 @...not? or be preserved, if not...

dourh@1Esd:12:12 @...who shall accuse thee, if the...

dourh@1Esd:12:20 ...For if thou...

dourh@1Esd:13:3 ...With whose beauty, if they,...

dourh@1Esd:13:4 ...Or if they...

dourh@1Esd:13:9 ...For if they...

dourh@1Esd:13:11 ...Or if an...

dourh@1Esd:15:2 @...knowing thy greatness: and if we...

dourh@1Esd:17:15 ...Moreover if any...

dourh@1Esd:17:16 ...For if any...

dourh@PssSol:5:9 @...can resist thy will, if thou...

dourh@PssSol:7:6 @...them she leaned, as if for...

dourh@PssSol:8:9 @...Neither must you think, if we...

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