kjv@Genesis:1:2 @...moved upon the face of the...

kjv@Genesis:1:6 @...firmament in the midst of the...

kjv@Genesis:1:10 @...and the gathering together of the...

kjv@Genesis:1:14 @...lights in the firmament of the...

kjv@Genesis:1:15 @...lights in the firmament of the...

kjv@Genesis:1:17 @...them in the firmament of the...

kjv@Genesis:1:20 the open firmament of... heaven.

kjv@Genesis:1:24 @...creeping thing, and beast of the...

kjv@Genesis:1:25 @...God made the beast of the...

kjv@Genesis:1:26 @...and over the fowl of the...

kjv@Genesis:1:27 @...image, in the image of God...

kjv@Genesis:1:28 @...and over the fowl of the...

kjv@Genesis:1:29 @...which is the fruit of a...

kjv@Genesis:1:30 @...and to every fowl of the...

kjv@Genesis:2:1 @...and all the host of... them.

kjv@Genesis:2:4 @...of the heavens and of the...

kjv@Genesis:2:5, and every herb of the...

kjv@Genesis:2:6 @...watered the whole face of the...

kjv@Genesis:2:7 @...his nostrils the breath of life;...

kjv@Genesis:2:9 @...the tree of knowledge of good...

kjv@Genesis:2:10 @...a river went out of Eden...

kjv@Genesis:2:11 @...compasseth the whole land of Havilah,...

kjv@Genesis:2:12 @... And the gold of that...

kjv@Genesis:2:13 @... And the name of the...

kjv@Genesis:2:14 @...goeth toward the east of Assyria....

kjv@Genesis:2:15 @...him into the garden of Eden...

kjv@Genesis:2:16 @...saying, Of every tree of the...

kjv@Genesis:2:17 @...thou shalt not eat of it:...

kjv@Genesis:2:19 @...field, and every fowl of the...

kjv@Genesis:2:20 @...and to every beast of the...

kjv@Genesis:2:21 @...and he took one of his...

kjv@Genesis:2:23 bones, and flesh of my...

kjv@Genesis:3:1 of every tree of the...

kjv@Genesis:3:2 @...fruit of the trees of the...

kjv@Genesis:3:3 @...Ye shall not eat of it,...

kjv@Genesis:3:6 wise, she took of the...

kjv@Genesis:3:7 @... And the eyes of them...

kjv@Genesis:3:8 @...God amongst the trees of the...

kjv@Genesis:3:11 @...naked? Hast thou eaten of the...

kjv@Genesis:3:12, she gave me of the...

kjv@Genesis:3:14 all the days of thy...

kjv@Genesis:3:17 all the days of thy...

kjv@Genesis:3:18 @...shalt eat the herb of the...

kjv@Genesis:3:19 @...the ground; for out of it...

kjv@Genesis:3:20 @...she was the mother of all...

kjv@Genesis:3:21 @...LORD God make coats of skins,...

kjv@Genesis:3:22 @...also of the tree of life,...

kjv@Genesis:3:23 @...forth from the garden of Eden,...

kjv@Genesis:3:24 keep the way of the...

kjv@Genesis:4:2 @...Cain was a tiller of the...

kjv@Genesis:4:3 @...of the ground an offering unto...

kjv@Genesis:4:4 @...of his flock and of the...

kjv@Genesis:4:10 @...thou done? the voice of thy...

kjv@Genesis:4:14 from the face of the...

kjv@Genesis:4:16 @...dwelt in the land of Nod,...

kjv@Genesis:4:17, after the name of his...

kjv@Genesis:4:19 @...Adah, and the name of the...

kjv@Genesis:4:20 @...dwell in tents, and of such...

kjv@Genesis:4:21 @...he was the father of all...

kjv@Genesis:4:22 @...iron: and the sister of Tubalcain...

kjv@Genesis:4:23 voice; ye wives of Lamech,...

kjv@Genesis:4:25 another seed instead of Abel,...

kjv@Genesis:4:26 upon the name of the...

kjv@Genesis:5:1, in the likeness of God...

kjv@Genesis:5:4 @... And the days of Adam...

kjv@Genesis:5:8 @...And all the days of Seth...

kjv@Genesis:5:11 @...And all the days of Enos...

kjv@Genesis:5:14 @...And all the days of Cainan...

kjv@Genesis:5:17 @...And all the days of Mahalaleel...

kjv@Genesis:5:20 @...And all the days of Jared...

kjv@Genesis:5:23 @...And all the days of Enoch...

kjv@Genesis:5:27 @...And all the days of Methuselah...

kjv@Genesis:5:29 @...of our hands, because of the...

kjv@Genesis:5:31 @...And all the days of Lamech...

kjv@Genesis:6:1 @...multiply on the face of the...

kjv@Genesis:6:2 @...they took them wives of all...

kjv@Genesis:6:4 @...mighty men which were of old,...

kjv@Genesis:6:5 @...imagination of the thoughts of his...

kjv@Genesis:6:7 @...thing, and the fowls of the...

kjv@Genesis:6:8 @...grace in the eyes of the...

kjv@Genesis:6:9 @...These are the generations of Noah:...

kjv@Genesis:6:13 @...unto Noah, The end of all...

kjv@Genesis:6:14 @...Make thee an ark of gopher...

kjv@Genesis:6:15 @...cubits, and the height of it...

kjv@Genesis:6:16 @...above; and the door of the...

kjv@Genesis:6:17 @...wherein is the breath of life,...

kjv@Genesis:6:19 @...of all flesh, two of every...

kjv@Genesis:6:20 @...after his kind, two of every...

kjv@Genesis:6:21 @...take thou unto thee of all...

kjv@Genesis:7:2 @...and his female: and of beasts...

kjv@Genesis:7:3 @...alive upon the face of all...

kjv@Genesis:7:4 @...from off the face of the...

kjv@Genesis:7:6 @...old when the flood of waters...

kjv@Genesis:7:7 @...because of the waters of the...

kjv@Genesis:7:8 @...and of fowls, and of every...

kjv@Genesis:7:10 @...days, that the waters of the...

kjv@Genesis:7:11 @...up, and the windows of heaven...

kjv@Genesis:7:13 @...and the three wives of his...

kjv@Genesis:7:14 @...his kind, every bird of every...

kjv@Genesis:7:15 @...ark, two and two of all...

kjv@Genesis:7:16 male and female of all...

kjv@Genesis:7:18 @...went upon the face of the...

kjv@Genesis:7:21 @...and of beast, and of every...

kjv@Genesis:7:22 @...the breath of life, of all...

kjv@Genesis:7:23 @...things, and the fowl of the...

kjv@Genesis:8:2 @...deep and the windows of heaven...

kjv@Genesis:8:3 @...and after the end of the...

kjv@Genesis:8:4 @...on the seventeenth day of the...

kjv@Genesis:8:5 @...month, were the tops of the...

kjv@Genesis:8:6 @...Noah opened the window of the...

kjv@Genesis:8:8 @...from off the face of the...

kjv@Genesis:8:9 @...were on the face of the...

kjv@Genesis:8:10 @...forth the dove out of the...

kjv@Genesis:8:13 @...and, behold, the face of the...

kjv@Genesis:8:14 and twentieth day of the...

kjv@Genesis:8:16 ... Go forth of the...

kjv@Genesis:8:17 @...and of cattle, and of every...

kjv@Genesis:8:19 @...kinds, went forth out of the...

kjv@Genesis:8:20 @...fowl, and offered burnt offerings on...

kjv@Genesis:8:21 @...sake; for the imagination of man's...

kjv@Genesis:9:2 @...upon all the fishes of the...

kjv@Genesis:9:5; at the hand of every...

kjv@Genesis:9:6 @...for in the image of God...

kjv@Genesis:9:10 @...ark, to every beast of the...

kjv@Genesis:9:11 @...more by the waters of a...

kjv@Genesis:9:12 @...This is the token of the...

kjv@Genesis:9:13 for a token of a...

kjv@Genesis:9:15 @...and every living creature of all...

kjv@Genesis:9:16 @...and every living creature of all...

kjv@Genesis:9:17 @...This is the token of the...

kjv@Genesis:9:18 @...Noah, that went forth of the...

kjv@Genesis:9:19 @...sons of Noah: and of them...

kjv@Genesis:9:21 @... And he drank of the...

kjv@Genesis:9:22 @...Canaan, saw the nakedness of his...

kjv@Genesis:9:23 @...and covered the nakedness of their...

kjv@Genesis:9:25 Canaan; a servant of servants...

kjv@Genesis:9:26 the LORD God of Shem;...

kjv@Genesis:9:27 @...dwell in the tents of Shem;...

kjv@Genesis:9:29 @...And all the days of Noah...

kjv@Genesis:10:1 @...generations of the sons of Noah,...

kjv@Genesis:10:2 ... The sons of Japheth;...

kjv@Genesis:10:3 @... And the sons of Gomer;...

kjv@Genesis:10:4 @... And the sons of Javan;...

kjv@Genesis:10:5 @...these were the isles of the...

kjv@Genesis:10:6 @... And the sons of Ham;...

kjv@Genesis:10:7 @...Sabtecha: and the sons of Raamah;...

kjv@Genesis:10:10 @... And the beginning of his...

kjv@Genesis:10:11 ... Out of that...

kjv@Genesis:10:14 @ And Pathrusim, and Casluhim, (out of whom came Philistim,) and Caphtorim.

kjv@Genesis:10:18 @...afterward were the families of the...

kjv@Genesis:10:19 @... And the border of the...

kjv@Genesis:10:20 @...These are the sons of Ham,...

kjv@Genesis:10:21 @...of Eber, the brother of Japheth...

kjv@Genesis:10:22 ... The children of Shem;...

kjv@Genesis:10:23 @... And the children of Aram;...

kjv@Genesis:10:25 @...two sons: the name of one...

kjv@Genesis:10:29 @...these were the sons of... Joktan.

kjv@Genesis:10:30 @...unto Sephar a mount of the...

kjv@Genesis:10:31 @...These are the sons of Shem,...

kjv@Genesis:10:32 @...families of the sons of Noah,...

kjv@Genesis:11:1 @...of one language, and of one...

kjv@Genesis:11:2 @...plain in the land of Shinar;...

kjv@Genesis:11:4 @...abroad upon the face of the...

kjv@Genesis:11:5 @...tower, which the children of men...

kjv@Genesis:11:8 and they left off to...

kjv@Genesis:11:9 @...abroad upon the face of all...

kjv@Genesis:11:10 @...These are the generations of Shem:...

kjv@Genesis:11:27 @...these are the generations of Terah:...

kjv@Genesis:11:28 @...his nativity, in Ur of the...

kjv@Genesis:11:29 @...of Haran, the father of Milcah,...

kjv@Genesis:11:31 @...go into the land of Canaan;...

kjv@Genesis:11:32 @... And the days of Terah...

kjv@Genesis:12:1 @...Abram, Get thee out of thy...

kjv@Genesis:12:2 @...And I will make of thee...

kjv@Genesis:12:3 @...thee shall all families of the...

kjv@Genesis:12:4 @...when he departed out of... Haran.

kjv@Genesis:12:5 @...and into the land of Canaan...

kjv@Genesis:12:6 @...Sichem, unto the plain of Moreh....

kjv@Genesis:12:8 @...called upon the name of the...

kjv@Genesis:12:13 @...soul shall live because of... thee.

kjv@Genesis:12:15 @... The princes also of Pharaoh...

kjv@Genesis:12:17 @...with great plagues because of Sarai...

kjv@Genesis:13:1 @...Abram went up out of Egypt,...

kjv@Genesis:13:4 @...called on the name of the...

kjv@Genesis:13:7 @...cattle and the herdmen of Lot's...

kjv@Genesis:13:10 @...LORD, like the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Genesis:13:11 @...him all the plain of Jordan;...

kjv@Genesis:13:12 @...dwelled in the cities of the...

kjv@Genesis:13:13 @... But the men of Sodom...

kjv@Genesis:13:16 @...can number the dust of the...

kjv@Genesis:13:17 @...and in the breadth of it;...

kjv@Genesis:13:18 @...dwelt in the plain of Mamre,...

kjv@Genesis:14:1 @...of Ellasar, Chedorlaomer king of Elam,...

kjv@Genesis:14:2 @...Zeboiim, and the king of Bela,...

kjv@Genesis:14:3 @...together in the vale of Siddim,...

kjv@Genesis:14:7 @...smote all the country of the...

kjv@Genesis:14:8 @...Zeboiim, and the king of Bela...(the same is Zoar;)...them in the vale of... Siddim;

kjv@Genesis:14:9 @...Shinar, and Arioch king of Ellasar;...

kjv@Genesis:14:10 @...slimepits; and the kings of Sodom...

kjv@Genesis:14:11 @...took all the goods of Sodom...

kjv@Genesis:14:13 @...of Eshcol, and brother of Aner:...

kjv@Genesis:14:15 @...on the left hand of... Damascus.

kjv@Genesis:14:17 @...him, at the valley of Shaveh,...

kjv@Genesis:14:18 @...he was the priest of the...

kjv@Genesis:14:19 @...most high God, possessor of heaven...

kjv@Genesis:14:20 @...he gave him tithes of... all.

kjv@Genesis:14:21 @... And the king of Sodom...

kjv@Genesis:14:22 @...high God, the possessor of heaven...

kjv@Genesis:14:24 @...eaten, and the portion of the...

kjv@Genesis:15:1 @...these things the word of the...

kjv@Genesis:15:2 @...childless, and the steward of my...

kjv@Genesis:15:4 @...shall come forth out of thine...

kjv@Genesis:15:7 @...thee out of Ur of the...

kjv@Genesis:15:9 @...old, and a ram of three...

kjv@Genesis:15:12 @...and, lo, an horror of great...

kjv@Genesis:15:13 @...said unto Abram, Know of a...

kjv@Genesis:15:16 @...again: for the iniquity of the...

kjv@Genesis:15:18, from the river of Egypt...

kjv@Genesis:16:2 @...hearkened to the voice of... Sarai.

kjv@Genesis:16:3 @...years in the land of Canaan,...

kjv@Genesis:16:7 @...her by a fountain of water...

kjv@Genesis:16:8 @...flee from the face of my...

kjv@Genesis:16:9 @... And the angel of the...

kjv@Genesis:16:10 @... And the angel of the...

kjv@Genesis:16:11 @... And the angel of the...

kjv@Genesis:16:12 @...dwell in the presence of all...

kjv@Genesis:16:13 @...she called the name of the...

kjv@Genesis:17:4 @...shalt be a father of many...

kjv@Genesis:17:5 @...Abraham; for a father of many...

kjv@Genesis:17:6 @...I will make nations of thee,...

kjv@Genesis:17:8 @...stranger, all the land of Canaan,...

kjv@Genesis:17:11 @...shall be a token of the...

kjv@Genesis:17:12 @...stranger, which is not of thy...

kjv@Genesis:17:14 @...soul shall be cut off from...

kjv@Genesis:17:16 @...mother of nations; kings of people...

kjv@Genesis:17:23 @...and circumcised the flesh of their...

kjv@Genesis:17:24 @...circumcised in the flesh of his...

kjv@Genesis:17:25 @...circumcised in the flesh of his...

kjv@Genesis:17:27 @...and bought with money of the...

kjv@Genesis:18:1 @...door in the heat of the...

kjv@Genesis:18:5 @...will fetch a morsel of bread,...

kjv@Genesis:18:6 @...ready quickly three measures of fine...

kjv@Genesis:18:10 @...according to the time of life;...

kjv@Genesis:18:11 @...Sarah after the manner of... women.

kjv@Genesis:18:13 @...laugh, saying, Shall I of a...

kjv@Genesis:18:14 @...according to the time of life,...

kjv@Genesis:18:18 @...and all the nations of the...

kjv@Genesis:18:19 @...shall keep the way of the...

kjv@Genesis:18:20 @...said, Because the cry of Sodom...

kjv@Genesis:18:21 @...according to the cry of it,...

kjv@Genesis:18:25 @...Shall not the Judge of all...

kjv@Genesis:18:28 @...the city for lack of five?...

kjv@Genesis:19:1 @...sat in the gate of Sodom:...

kjv@Genesis:19:4, even the men of Sodom,...

kjv@Genesis:19:8 @...they under the shadow of my...

kjv@Genesis:19:11 @...were at the door of the...

kjv@Genesis:19:12, bring them out of this...

kjv@Genesis:19:13 @...great before the face of the...

kjv@Genesis:19:14 @...Up, get you out of this...

kjv@Genesis:19:15 @...consumed in the iniquity of the...

kjv@Genesis:19:16 @...and upon the hand of his...

kjv@Genesis:19:22 @...thither. Therefore the name of the...

kjv@Genesis:19:24 @...from the LORD out of... heaven;

kjv@Genesis:19:25 @...and all the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Genesis:19:26 @...she became a pillar of... salt.

kjv@Genesis:19:28 @...up as the smoke of a...

kjv@Genesis:19:29 @...out of the midst of the...

kjv@Genesis:19:30 @...Lot went up out of Zoar,...

kjv@Genesis:19:31 after the manner of all...

kjv@Genesis:19:32 @...we may preserve seed of our...

kjv@Genesis:19:34 @...we may preserve seed of our...

kjv@Genesis:19:36 @...were both the daughters of Lot...

kjv@Genesis:19:37 @...same is the father of the...

kjv@Genesis:19:38 @...father of the children of Ammon...

kjv@Genesis:20:2 @...sister: and Abimelech king of Gerar...

kjv@Genesis:20:5 heart and innocency of my...

kjv@Genesis:20:6 @...this in the integrity of thy...

kjv@Genesis:20:11 @...thought, Surely the fear of God...

kjv@Genesis:20:12 @...but not the daughter of my...

kjv@Genesis:20:13 @...we shall come, say of me,...

kjv@Genesis:20:16 thee a covering of the...

kjv@Genesis:20:18 of Abimelech, because of Sarah...

kjv@Genesis:21:2 the set time of which...

kjv@Genesis:21:3 @...Abraham called the name of his...

kjv@Genesis:21:9 @...Sarah saw the son of Hagar...

kjv@Genesis:21:10 @...son: for the son of this...

kjv@Genesis:21:11 Abraham's sight because of his...

kjv@Genesis:21:12 @...the lad, and because of thy...

kjv@Genesis:21:13 @...also of the son of the...

kjv@Genesis:21:14 @...bread, and a bottle of water,...

kjv@Genesis:21:15 @...the child under one of the...

kjv@Genesis:21:16 @...not see the death of the...

kjv@Genesis:21:17 @...hath heard the voice of the...

kjv@Genesis:21:19 @...she saw a well of water;...

kjv@Genesis:21:21 @...him a wife out of the...

kjv@Genesis:21:22 @...Phichol the chief captain of his...

kjv@Genesis:21:25 @...because of a well of water,...

kjv@Genesis:21:26 @...neither yet heard I of it,...

kjv@Genesis:21:27 @...unto Abimelech; and both of them...

kjv@Genesis:21:28 @...set seven ewe lambs of the...

kjv@Genesis:21:30 @...lambs shalt thou take of my...

kjv@Genesis:21:31 @...there they sware both of... them.

kjv@Genesis:21:32 @...returned into the land of the...

kjv@Genesis:21:33 @...there on the name of the...

kjv@Genesis:22:2 @...burnt offering upon one of the...

kjv@Genesis:22:3 @...went unto the place of which...

kjv@Genesis:22:6 @...and they went both of them...

kjv@Genesis:22:8 they went both of them...

kjv@Genesis:22:11 @...called unto him out of heaven,...

kjv@Genesis:22:13 @...offering in the stead of his...

kjv@Genesis:22:14, In the mount of the...

kjv@Genesis:22:15 @...called unto Abraham out of heaven...

kjv@Genesis:22:17 @...shall possess the gate of his...

kjv@Genesis:22:18 @...shall all the nations of the...

kjv@Genesis:22:21 @...and Kemuel the father of... Aram,

kjv@Genesis:23:1 @...these were the years of the...

kjv@Genesis:23:2 @...Hebron in the land of Canaan:...

kjv@Genesis:23:3 @...spake unto the sons of Heth,...

kjv@Genesis:23:4 @...bury my dead out of my...

kjv@Genesis:23:5 @... And the children of Heth...

kjv@Genesis:23:6 @...bury thy dead; none of us...

kjv@Genesis:23:7 @...himself to the people of the...

kjv@Genesis:23:8 @...bury my dead out of my...

kjv@Genesis:23:9 for a possession of a...

kjv@Genesis:23:10 at the gate of his...

kjv@Genesis:23:11 @...presence of the sons of my...

kjv@Genesis:23:12 @...himself before the people of the...

kjv@Genesis:23:13 @...the field; take it of me,...

kjv@Genesis:23:15 @...worth four hundred shekels of silver;...

kjv@Genesis:23:16 @...Heth, four hundred shekels of silver,...

kjv@Genesis:23:17 @... And the field of Ephron,...

kjv@Genesis:23:18 at the gate of his...

kjv@Genesis:23:19 @...cave of the field of Machpelah...

kjv@Genesis:23:20 @...Abraham for a possession of a...

kjv@Genesis:24:2 @...unto his eldest servant of his...

kjv@Genesis:24:3 @...son of the daughters of the...

kjv@Genesis:24:7 @...and from the land of my...

kjv@Genesis:24:9 @...hand under the thigh of Abraham...

kjv@Genesis:24:10 @...for all the goods of his...

kjv@Genesis:24:11 @...water at the time of the...

kjv@Genesis:24:12 @...said, O LORD God of my...

kjv@Genesis:24:13 @...daughters of the men of the...

kjv@Genesis:24:15 @...of Milcah, the wife of Nahor,...

kjv@Genesis:24:17 @...drink a little water of thy...

kjv@Genesis:24:22 @...bracelets for her hands of ten...

kjv@Genesis:24:24 @...of Bethuel the son of Milcah,...

kjv@Genesis:24:27 to the house of my...

kjv@Genesis:24:28 @...ran, and told them of her...

kjv@Genesis:24:30 @...he heard the words of Rebekah...

kjv@Genesis:24:31 @...Come in, thou blessed of the...

kjv@Genesis:24:37 @...son of the daughters of the...

kjv@Genesis:24:40 @...of my kindred, and of my...

kjv@Genesis:24:42 @...said, O LORD God of my...

kjv@Genesis:24:43 @...thee, a little water of thy...

kjv@Genesis:24:47 @...she said, The daughter of Bethuel,...

kjv@Genesis:24:48 @...blessed the LORD God of my...

kjv@Genesis:24:53 @...of silver, and jewels of gold,...

kjv@Genesis:24:60 @...seed possess the gate of those...

kjv@Genesis:24:62 @...came from the way of the...

kjv@Genesis:25:3 @...Dedan. And the sons of Dedan...

kjv@Genesis:25:4 @... And the sons of Midian;...

kjv@Genesis:25:6 @...But unto the sons of the...

kjv@Genesis:25:7 @...days of the years of Abraham's...

kjv@Genesis:25:8 @...old man, and full of years;...

kjv@Genesis:25:9 @...of Ephron the son of Zohar...

kjv@Genesis:25:10 @...purchased of the sons of Heth:...

kjv@Genesis:25:11 @...pass after the death of Abraham,...

kjv@Genesis:25:12 @...these are the generations of Ishmael,...

kjv@Genesis:25:13 @...their generations: the firstborn of Ishmael,...

kjv@Genesis:25:16 @...These are the sons of Ishmael,...

kjv@Genesis:25:17 @...years of the life of Ishmael,...

kjv@Genesis:25:18 @...died in the presence of all...

kjv@Genesis:25:19 @...these are the generations of Isaac,...

kjv@Genesis:25:20 @...of Bethuel the Syrian of Padanaram,...

kjv@Genesis:25:21 @...the LORD was intreated of him,...

kjv@Genesis:25:22 @...she went to enquire of the...

kjv@Genesis:25:23 @...womb, and two manner of people...

kjv@Genesis:25:27 @...cunning hunter, a man of the...

kjv@Genesis:25:28 @...because he did eat of his...

kjv@Genesis:25:34 @...Esau bread and pottage of lentiles;...

kjv@Genesis:26:1 @...went unto Abimelech king of the...

kjv@Genesis:26:4 @...shall all the nations of the...

kjv@Genesis:26:7 @...said he, the men of the...

kjv@Genesis:26:8 @...time, that Abimelech king of the...

kjv@Genesis:26:9 @...Isaac, and said, Behold, of a...

kjv@Genesis:26:10 @...done unto us? one of the...

kjv@Genesis:26:14 @...herds, and great store of servants:...

kjv@Genesis:26:15 @...digged in the days of Abraham...

kjv@Genesis:26:17 @...tent in the valley of Gerar,...

kjv@Genesis:26:18 @...them after the death of Abraham:...

kjv@Genesis:26:19 @...found there a well of springing...

kjv@Genesis:26:20 @...he called the name of the...

kjv@Genesis:26:21 @...he called the name of it...

kjv@Genesis:26:22 @...he called the name of it...

kjv@Genesis:26:24 @...I am the God of Abraham...

kjv@Genesis:26:25 @...called upon the name of the...

kjv@Genesis:26:26 @...Phichol the chief captain of his...

kjv@Genesis:26:29 now the blessed of the...

kjv@Genesis:26:33 @...Shebah: therefore the name of the...

kjv@Genesis:26:34 @...and Bashemath the daughter of Elon...

kjv@Genesis:26:35 @...Which were a grief of mind...

kjv@Genesis:27:2 @...know not the day of my...

kjv@Genesis:27:9 @...thence two good kids of the...

kjv@Genesis:27:15 @...Rebekah took goodly raiment of her...

kjv@Genesis:27:16 @...and upon the smooth of his...

kjv@Genesis:27:17 @...prepared, into the hand of her...

kjv@Genesis:27:19 @...thee, sit and eat of my...

kjv@Genesis:27:22 @...hands are the hands of... Esau.

kjv@Genesis:27:25 @...and I will eat of my...

kjv@Genesis:27:27 as the smell of a...

kjv@Genesis:27:28 @...the earth, and plenty of corn...

kjv@Genesis:27:30 @...out from the presence of Isaac...

kjv@Genesis:27:31 @...father arise, and eat of his...

kjv@Genesis:27:33 @...and I have eaten of all...

kjv@Genesis:27:34 @...Esau heard the words of his...

kjv@Genesis:27:39 @...and of the dew of heaven...

kjv@Genesis:27:41 @...his heart, The days of mourning...

kjv@Genesis:27:42 @... And these words of Esau...

kjv@Genesis:27:45 @...I be deprived also of you...

kjv@Genesis:27:46 @...are of the daughters of the...

kjv@Genesis:28:1 @...not take a wife of the...

kjv@Genesis:28:2 @...thence of the daughters of Laban...

kjv@Genesis:28:3 @...mayest be a multitude of... people;

kjv@Genesis:28:4 @...give thee the blessing of Abraham,...

kjv@Genesis:28:5 @...the Syrian, the brother of Rebekah,...

kjv@Genesis:28:6 @...not take a wife of the...

kjv@Genesis:28:8 @...seeing that the daughters of Canaan...

kjv@Genesis:28:9 @...Abraham's son, the sister of Nebajoth,...

kjv@Genesis:28:11 @...took of the stones of that...

kjv@Genesis:28:12 @...and behold the angels of God...

kjv@Genesis:28:13 @...father, and the God of Isaac:...

kjv@Genesis:28:14 @...shall all the families of the...

kjv@Genesis:28:16 @...And Jacob awaked out of his...

kjv@Genesis:28:17 @...other but the house of God,...

kjv@Genesis:28:18 @...oil upon the top of... it.

kjv@Genesis:28:19 @...Bethel: but the name of that...

kjv@Genesis:28:22 God's house: and of all...

kjv@Genesis:29:1 of the people of the...

kjv@Genesis:29:2 it; for out of that...

kjv@Genesis:29:4 @ And Jacob said unto them, My brethren, whence be ye? And they said, Of Haran are we.

kjv@Genesis:29:5 Laban the son of Nahor?...

kjv@Genesis:29:10 @...and watered the flock of Laban...

kjv@Genesis:29:13 @...Laban heard the tidings of Jacob...

kjv@Genesis:29:14 @...with him the space of a...

kjv@Genesis:29:16 @...Leah, and the name of the...

kjv@Genesis:29:22 @...together all the men of the...

kjv@Genesis:30:2 @...from thee the fruit of the...

kjv@Genesis:30:14, I pray thee, of thy...

kjv@Genesis:30:16 @...And Jacob came out of the...

kjv@Genesis:30:32 @...among the goats: and of such...

kjv@Genesis:30:35 @...them into the hand of his...

kjv@Genesis:30:36 @...Jacob fed the rest of Laban's...

kjv@Genesis:30:37 @...of green poplar, and of the...

kjv@Genesis:30:40 @...brown in the flock of Laban;...

kjv@Genesis:30:41 @...rods before the eyes of the...

kjv@Genesis:31:1 @...was our father's; and of that...

kjv@Genesis:31:2 @...Jacob beheld the countenance of Laban,...

kjv@Genesis:31:3 @...Return unto the land of thy...

kjv@Genesis:31:5 @...before; but the God of my...

kjv@Genesis:31:9 @...taken away the cattle of your...

kjv@Genesis:31:11 @... And the angel of God...

kjv@Genesis:31:13 @...return unto the land of thy...

kjv@Genesis:31:15 @...Are we not counted of him...

kjv@Genesis:31:18 @...had gotten, the cattle of his...

kjv@Genesis:31:25 @...pitched in the mount of... Gilead.

kjv@Genesis:31:29 @...hurt: but the God of your...

kjv@Genesis:31:33 @...Then went he out of Leah's...

kjv@Genesis:31:35 @...thee; for the custom of women...

kjv@Genesis:31:37 @...what hast thou found of all...

kjv@Genesis:31:38 @...young, and the rams of thy...

kjv@Genesis:31:39 @...the loss of it; of my...

kjv@Genesis:31:42 @...affliction and the labour of my...

kjv@Genesis:31:48 @...Therefore was the name of it...

kjv@Genesis:31:53 @...sware by the fear of his...

kjv@Genesis:32:1 @...way, and the angels of God...

kjv@Genesis:32:2 @...he called the name of that...

kjv@Genesis:32:3 unto the land of Seir,...

kjv@Genesis:32:9 @...father Abraham, and God of my...

kjv@Genesis:32:10 @...all the mercies, and of all...

kjv@Genesis:32:11, from the hand of Esau:...

kjv@Genesis:32:12 @...seed as the sand of the...

kjv@Genesis:32:13 @...same night; and took of that...

kjv@Genesis:32:16 @...them into the hand of his...

kjv@Genesis:32:20 @...peradventure he will accept of... me.

kjv@Genesis:32:24 @...him until the breaking of the...

kjv@Genesis:32:25 @...Jacob's thigh was out of joint,...

kjv@Genesis:32:30 @...Jacob called the name of the...

kjv@Genesis:32:32 @...he touched the hollow of Jacob's...

kjv@Genesis:33:8 @...grace in the sight of my...

kjv@Genesis:33:10 @...had seen the face of God,...

kjv@Genesis:33:15 @...grace in the sight of my...

kjv@Genesis:33:17 @...cattle: therefore the name of the...

kjv@Genesis:33:18 in the land of Canaan,...

kjv@Genesis:33:19 @...hand of the children of Hamor,...

kjv@Genesis:34:1 see the daughters of the...

kjv@Genesis:34:2 @...Hamor the Hivite, prince of the...

kjv@Genesis:34:3 @...unto Dinah the daughter of Jacob,...

kjv@Genesis:34:6 @...And Hamor the father of Shechem...

kjv@Genesis:34:7 @...of Jacob came out of the...

kjv@Genesis:34:8 @...them, saying, The soul of my...

kjv@Genesis:34:13 @... And the sons of Jacob...

kjv@Genesis:34:15, that every male of you...

kjv@Genesis:34:19 @...than all the house of his...

kjv@Genesis:34:20 @...communed with the men of their...

kjv@Genesis:34:23 @...substance and every beast of theirs...

kjv@Genesis:34:24 @...out of the gate of his...

kjv@Genesis:34:25 @...two of the sons of Jacob,...

kjv@Genesis:34:26 @...and took Dinah out of Shechem's...

kjv@Genesis:34:27 ... The sons of Jacob...

kjv@Genesis:34:30 @...stink among the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Genesis:35:1 @...fleddest from the face of Esau...

kjv@Genesis:35:3 in the day of my...

kjv@Genesis:35:5 @...journeyed: and the terror of God...

kjv@Genesis:35:6 in the land of Canaan,...

kjv@Genesis:35:7 @...fled from the face of his...

kjv@Genesis:35:8 @...oak: and the name of it...

kjv@Genesis:35:9 @...when he came out of Padanaram,...

kjv@Genesis:35:11 @...kings shall come out of thy...

kjv@Genesis:35:14 @...he poured a drink offering thereon,...

kjv@Genesis:35:15 @...Jacob called the name of the...

kjv@Genesis:35:20 @...that is the pillar of Rachel's...

kjv@Genesis:35:21 @...tent beyond the tower of... Edar.

kjv@Genesis:35:22 Now the sons of Jacob...

kjv@Genesis:35:23 ... The sons of Leah;...

kjv@Genesis:35:24 ... The sons of Rachel;...

kjv@Genesis:35:25 @... And the sons of Bilhah,...

kjv@Genesis:35:26 @...these are the sons of Jacob,...

kjv@Genesis:35:27 @...Mamre, unto the city of Arbah,...

kjv@Genesis:35:28 @... And the days of Isaac...

kjv@Genesis:35:29 @...being old and full of days:...

kjv@Genesis:36:1 @...these are the generations of Esau,...

kjv@Genesis:36:2 @...of Anah the daughter of Zibeon...

kjv@Genesis:36:3 @...Bashemath Ishmael's daughter, sister of... Nebajoth.

kjv@Genesis:36:5 @...these are the sons of Esau,...

kjv@Genesis:36:6 from the face of his...

kjv@Genesis:36:7 @...not bear them because of their...

kjv@Genesis:36:9 @...of Esau the father of the...

kjv@Genesis:36:10 @...Esau, Reuel the son of Bashemath...

kjv@Genesis:36:11 @... And the sons of Eliphaz...

kjv@Genesis:36:12 @...these were the sons of Adah...

kjv@Genesis:36:13 @...these were the sons of Bashemath...

kjv@Genesis:36:14 @...of Anah the daughter of Zibeon,...

kjv@Genesis:36:15 @...Eliphaz the firstborn son of Esau;...

kjv@Genesis:36:16 @...Eliphaz in the land of Edom;...

kjv@Genesis:36:17 @...these are the sons of Bashemath...

kjv@Genesis:36:18 @...of Aholibamah the daughter of Anah,...

kjv@Genesis:36:19 @...These are the sons of Esau,...

kjv@Genesis:36:20 @...These are the sons of Seir...

kjv@Genesis:36:21 @...the Horites, the children of Seir...

kjv@Genesis:36:22 @... And the children of Lotan...

kjv@Genesis:36:23 @... And the children of Shobal...

kjv@Genesis:36:24 @...he fed the asses of Zibeon...

kjv@Genesis:36:25 @... And the children of Anah...

kjv@Genesis:36:26 @...these are the children of Dishon;...

kjv@Genesis:36:27 ... The children of Ezer...

kjv@Genesis:36:28 ... The children of Dishan...

kjv@Genesis:36:29 @...the dukes that came of the...

kjv@Genesis:36:30 @...the dukes that came of Hori,...

kjv@Genesis:36:31 @...reigned in the land of Edom,...

kjv@Genesis:36:32 @...Edom: and the name of his...

kjv@Genesis:36:33 @...the son of Zerah of Bozrah...

kjv@Genesis:36:34 @...Husham of the land of Temani...

kjv@Genesis:36:35 @...stead: and the name of his...

kjv@Genesis:36:36 @...Hadad died, and Samlah of Masrekah...

kjv@Genesis:36:37 @...Samlah died, and Saul of Rehoboth...

kjv@Genesis:36:38 @...and Baalhanan the son of Achbor...

kjv@Genesis:36:39 @...was Mehetabel, the daughter of Matred,...

kjv@Genesis:36:40 @...the dukes that came of Esau,...

kjv@Genesis:36:43 Esau the father of the...

kjv@Genesis:37:1 @...stranger, in the land of... Canaan.

kjv@Genesis:37:2 @...and with the sons of Zilpah,...

kjv@Genesis:37:3 @...made him a coat of many...

kjv@Genesis:37:14 @...out of the vale of Hebron,...

kjv@Genesis:37:20 @...see what will become of his...

kjv@Genesis:37:21 @...he delivered him out of their...

kjv@Genesis:37:22 @...might rid him out of their...

kjv@Genesis:37:23 @...his coat, his coat of many...

kjv@Genesis:37:25 @...and, behold, a company of Ishmeelites...

kjv@Genesis:37:28 @...Ishmeelites for twenty pieces of silver:...

kjv@Genesis:37:31 @...and killed a kid of the...

kjv@Genesis:37:32 @...they sent the coat of many...

kjv@Genesis:37:36 @...of Pharaoh's, and captain of the...

kjv@Genesis:38:2 @...saw there a daughter of a...

kjv@Genesis:38:7 @...wicked in the sight of the...

kjv@Genesis:38:12 @...of time the daughter of Shuah...

kjv@Genesis:38:19 @...put on the garments of her...

kjv@Genesis:38:20 @...kid by the hand of his...

kjv@Genesis:38:21 @...he asked the men of that...

kjv@Genesis:38:22 @...and also the men of the...

kjv@Genesis:38:27 @...pass in the time of her...

kjv@Genesis:39:1 @...him of the hands of the...

kjv@Genesis:39:2 @...was in the house of his...

kjv@Genesis:39:5 @...sake; and the blessing of the...

kjv@Genesis:39:11 @...none of the men of the...

kjv@Genesis:39:14 @...called unto the men of her...

kjv@Genesis:39:19 @...master heard the words of his...

kjv@Genesis:39:21 @...sight of the keeper of the...

kjv@Genesis:39:22 @... And the keeper of the...

kjv@Genesis:39:23 ... The keeper of the...

kjv@Genesis:40:1 @...and his baker had offended their...

kjv@Genesis:40:2 @...and against the chief of the...

kjv@Genesis:40:3 of the captain of the...

kjv@Genesis:40:4 @... And the captain of the...

kjv@Genesis:40:5 @...baker of the king of Egypt,...

kjv@Genesis:40:7 @...him in the ward of his...

kjv@Genesis:40:8 @...there is no interpreter of it....

kjv@Genesis:40:12 @...This is the interpretation of it:...

kjv@Genesis:40:14 @...and bring me out of this...

kjv@Genesis:40:15 @...out of the land of the...

kjv@Genesis:40:17 @...did eat them out of the...

kjv@Genesis:40:20 @...the chief butler and of the...

kjv@Genesis:41:1 @...pass at the end of two...

kjv@Genesis:41:2 @...there came up out of the...

kjv@Genesis:41:3 @...kine upon the brink of the...

kjv@Genesis:41:5 @...and, behold, seven ears of corn...

kjv@Genesis:41:8 @...for all the magicians of Egypt,...

kjv@Genesis:41:10 @...ward in the captain of the...

kjv@Genesis:41:11 @...according to the interpretation of his...

kjv@Genesis:41:12 @...servant to the captain of the...

kjv@Genesis:41:14 @...brought him hastily out of the...

kjv@Genesis:41:15 @...I have heard say of thee,...

kjv@Genesis:41:16 @...give Pharaoh an answer of... peace.

kjv@Genesis:41:17 @...stood upon the bank of the...

kjv@Genesis:41:18 @...there came up out of the...

kjv@Genesis:41:19 all the land of Egypt...

kjv@Genesis:41:25 @...unto Pharaoh, The dream of Pharaoh...

kjv@Genesis:41:27 @...shall be seven years of... famine.

kjv@Genesis:41:29 @...there come seven years of great...

kjv@Genesis:41:30 @...forgotten in the land of Egypt;...

kjv@Genesis:41:31 @...the land by reason of that...

kjv@Genesis:41:33 @...him over the land of... Egypt.

kjv@Genesis:41:34 @...part of the land of Egypt...

kjv@Genesis:41:35 @...corn under the hand of Pharaoh,...

kjv@Genesis:41:36 in the land of Egypt;...

kjv@Genesis:41:37 @...and in the eyes of all...

kjv@Genesis:41:38 whom the Spirit of God...

kjv@Genesis:41:41 @...over all the land of... Egypt.

kjv@Genesis:41:42 @...arrayed him in vestures of fine...

kjv@Genesis:41:43 @...over all the land of... Egypt.

kjv@Genesis:41:44 all the land of... Egypt.

kjv@Genesis:41:45 @...daughter of Potipherah priest of On....

kjv@Genesis:41:46 @...out from the presence of Pharaoh,...

kjv@Genesis:41:48 @...the cities: the food of the...

kjv@Genesis:41:49 @...corn as the sand of the...

kjv@Genesis:41:50 @...daughter of Potipherah priest of On...

kjv@Genesis:41:51 @...Joseph called the name of the...

kjv@Genesis:41:52 @...fruitful in the land of my...

kjv@Genesis:41:53 @...was in the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Genesis:41:54 all the land of Egypt...

kjv@Genesis:41:55 @...when all the land of Egypt...

kjv@Genesis:41:56 @...over all the face of the...

kjv@Genesis:42:5 @... And the sons of Israel...

kjv@Genesis:42:6 all the people of the...

kjv@Genesis:42:7 @...said, From the land of Canaan...

kjv@Genesis:42:9 see the nakedness of the...

kjv@Genesis:42:12 see the nakedness of the...

kjv@Genesis:42:13 in the land of Canaan;...

kjv@Genesis:42:15 @...proved: By the life of Pharaoh...

kjv@Genesis:42:16 @...else by the life of Pharaoh...

kjv@Genesis:42:19 @...corn for the famine of your...

kjv@Genesis:42:21 @...we saw the anguish of his...

kjv@Genesis:42:27 @... And as one of them...

kjv@Genesis:42:29 @...father unto the land of Canaan,...

kjv@Genesis:42:30 @...took us for spies of the...

kjv@Genesis:42:32 twelve brethren, sons of our...

kjv@Genesis:42:33 for the famine of your...

kjv@Genesis:42:35 @...father saw the bundles of money,...

kjv@Genesis:42:36 @...Me have ye bereaved of my...

kjv@Genesis:43:2 @...they had brought out of Egypt,...

kjv@Genesis:43:7 @...according to the tenor of these...

kjv@Genesis:43:9 surety for him; of my...

kjv@Genesis:43:11, do this; take of the...

kjv@Genesis:43:12 @...again in the mouth of your...

kjv@Genesis:43:14 @...If I be bereaved of my...

kjv@Genesis:43:16 @...said to the ruler of his...

kjv@Genesis:43:18 @...and they said, Because of the...

kjv@Genesis:43:19 @...him at the door of the...

kjv@Genesis:43:21 @...was in the mouth of his...

kjv@Genesis:43:23 @...God, and the God of your...

kjv@Genesis:43:27 @...well, the old man of whom...

kjv@Genesis:43:29 @...this your younger brother, of whom...

kjv@Genesis:43:34 much as any of theirs....

kjv@Genesis:44:1 @...he commanded the steward of his...

kjv@Genesis:44:2 the sack's mouth of the...

kjv@Genesis:44:4 @...and not yet far off, Joseph...

kjv@Genesis:44:8 @...should we steal out of thy...

kjv@Genesis:44:9 ... With whomsoever of thy...

kjv@Genesis:44:16 @...found out the iniquity of thy...

kjv@Genesis:44:20 @...he alone is left of his...

kjv@Genesis:44:24 @...told him the words of my...

kjv@Genesis:44:31 @...down the gray hairs of thy...

kjv@Genesis:44:33 @...thy servant abide instead of the...

kjv@Genesis:45:2 @...Egyptians and the house of Pharaoh...

kjv@Genesis:45:8 Pharaoh, and lord of all...

kjv@Genesis:45:9 @...hath made me lord of all...

kjv@Genesis:45:10 @...dwell in the land of Goshen,...

kjv@Genesis:45:11 @...there are five years of famine;...

kjv@Genesis:45:12 @...see, and the eyes of my...

kjv@Genesis:45:13 @...glory in Egypt, and of all...

kjv@Genesis:45:17 unto the land of... Canaan;

kjv@Genesis:45:18 @...shall eat the fat of the...

kjv@Genesis:45:19 @...out of the land of Egypt...

kjv@Genesis:45:20 @...of all the land of Egypt...

kjv@Genesis:45:21 @...according to the commandment of Pharaoh,...

kjv@Genesis:45:22 @...gave three hundred pieces of silver,...

kjv@Genesis:45:23 @...with the good things of Egypt,...

kjv@Genesis:45:25 @...came into the land of Canaan...

kjv@Genesis:45:26 @...over all the land of Egypt....

kjv@Genesis:45:27 @...carry him, the spirit of Jacob...

kjv@Genesis:46:1 @...sacrifices unto the God of his...

kjv@Genesis:46:2 @...Israel in the visions of the...

kjv@Genesis:46:3 @...I will there make of thee...

kjv@Genesis:46:5 @...Beersheba: and the sons of Israel...

kjv@Genesis:46:6 @...gotten in the land of Canaan,...

kjv@Genesis:46:8 @...names of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Genesis:46:9 @... And the sons of Reuben;...

kjv@Genesis:46:10 @...and Shaul the son of a...

kjv@Genesis:46:11 @... And the sons of Levi;...

kjv@Genesis:46:12 @...Canaan. And the sons of Pharez...

kjv@Genesis:46:13 @... And the sons of Issachar;...

kjv@Genesis:46:14 @... And the sons of Zebulun;...

kjv@Genesis:46:15 @...Dinah: all the souls of his...

kjv@Genesis:46:16 @... And the sons of Gad;...

kjv@Genesis:46:17 @...sister: and the sons of Beriah;...

kjv@Genesis:46:18 @...These are the sons of Zilpah,...

kjv@Genesis:46:19 ... The sons of Rachel...

kjv@Genesis:46:20 @...daughter of Potipherah priest of On...

kjv@Genesis:46:21 @... And the sons of Benjamin...

kjv@Genesis:46:22 @...These are the sons of Rachel,...

kjv@Genesis:46:23 @... And the sons of Dan;...

kjv@Genesis:46:24 @... And the sons of Naphtali;...

kjv@Genesis:46:25 @...These are the sons of Bilhah,...

kjv@Genesis:46:26 @...Egypt, which came out of his...

kjv@Genesis:46:27 @...souls of the house of Jacob,...

kjv@Genesis:46:28 @...came into the land of... Goshen.

kjv@Genesis:46:31 @...were in the land of Canaan,...

kjv@Genesis:46:34 @...dwell in the land of Goshen;...

kjv@Genesis:47:1 @...out of the land of Canaan;...

kjv@Genesis:47:2 @...And he took some of his...

kjv@Genesis:47:4 @...sore in the land of Canaan:...

kjv@Genesis:47:6 @...thou knowest any men of activity...

kjv@Genesis:47:9 @...fathers in the days of their...

kjv@Genesis:47:11, in the land of Rameses,...

kjv@Genesis:47:13 @...Canaan fainted by reason of the...

kjv@Genesis:47:14 @...and in the land of Canaan,...

kjv@Genesis:47:15 @...and in the land of Canaan,...

kjv@Genesis:47:17 @...and for the cattle of the...

kjv@Genesis:47:18 @...left in the sight of my...

kjv@Genesis:47:20 @...bought all the land of Egypt...

kjv@Genesis:47:21 @...end of the borders of Egypt...

kjv@Genesis:47:22 @...a portion assigned them of Pharaoh,...

kjv@Genesis:47:24, and for them of your...

kjv@Genesis:47:25 @...grace in the sight of my...

kjv@Genesis:47:26 @...part; except the land of the...

kjv@Genesis:47:27 @...Egypt, in the country of Goshen;...

kjv@Genesis:47:28 the whole age of Jacob...

kjv@Genesis:47:30 @...shalt carry me out of Egypt,...

kjv@Genesis:48:3 @...Luz in the land of Canaan,...

kjv@Genesis:48:4 @...of thee a multitude of people;...

kjv@Genesis:48:5 @...thee in the land of Egypt...

kjv@Genesis:48:6 @...called after the name of their...

kjv@Genesis:48:7 @...there in the way of Ephrath;...

kjv@Genesis:48:10 @... Now the eyes of Israel...

kjv@Genesis:48:16 @...multitude in the midst of the...

kjv@Genesis:48:17 @...hand upon the head of Ephraim,...

kjv@Genesis:48:19 @...shall become a multitude of... nations.

kjv@Genesis:48:21 @...again unto the land of your...

kjv@Genesis:48:22 @...out of the hand of the...

kjv@Genesis:49:2 @...and hear, ye sons of Jacob;...

kjv@Genesis:49:3 strength, the excellency of dignity,...

kjv@Genesis:49:5 @...Levi are brethren; instruments of cruelty...

kjv@Genesis:49:8 in the neck of thine...

kjv@Genesis:49:10 @...him shall the gathering of the...

kjv@Genesis:49:11 @...clothes in the blood of... grapes:

kjv@Genesis:49:13 for an haven of ships;...

kjv@Genesis:49:16 @...his people, as one of the...

kjv@Genesis:49:20 ... Out of Asher...

kjv@Genesis:49:24 @...of the mighty God of Jacob;...(...the shepherd, the stone of... Israel:)

kjv@Genesis:49:25 @...of the breasts, and of the...

kjv@Genesis:49:26 of the head of him...

kjv@Genesis:49:28 @...are the twelve tribes of Israel:...

kjv@Genesis:49:29 in the field of Ephron...

kjv@Genesis:49:30 @...Hittite for a possession of a...

kjv@Genesis:49:32 @...of the field and of the...

kjv@Genesis:49:33 @...had made an end of commanding...

kjv@Genesis:50:3 @...are fulfilled the days of those...

kjv@Genesis:50:4, in the ears of Pharaoh,...

kjv@Genesis:50:5 in the land of Canaan,...

kjv@Genesis:50:7 @...and all the elders of the...

kjv@Genesis:50:8 @...And all the house of Joseph,...

kjv@Genesis:50:10 @...came to the threshingfloor of Atad,...

kjv@Genesis:50:11 @...Egyptians: wherefore the name of it...

kjv@Genesis:50:13 @...possession of a buryingplace of Ephron...

kjv@Genesis:50:17 @...servants of the God of thy...

kjv@Genesis:50:19 @...I in the place of... God?

kjv@Genesis:50:23 @...of Machir the son of Manasseh...

kjv@Genesis:50:24 @...and bring you out of this...

kjv@Genesis:50:25 @...oath of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:1:1 @...names of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:1:5 @...out of the loins of Jacob...

kjv@Exodus:1:7 @... And the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:1:9 @...people of the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:1:10 @...get them up out of the...

kjv@Exodus:1:12 @...they were grieved because of the...

kjv@Exodus:1:13 @...Egyptians made the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:1:14 @...and in all manner of service...

kjv@Exodus:1:15 @...Shiphrah, and the name of the...

kjv@Exodus:1:16 do the office of a...

kjv@Exodus:1:17 @...not as the king of Egypt...

kjv@Exodus:1:18 @... And the king of Egypt...

kjv@Exodus:2:1 of the house of Levi,...

kjv@Exodus:2:3 @...for him an ark of bulrushes,...

kjv@Exodus:2:5 @... And the daughter of Pharaoh...

kjv@Exodus:2:6 @...said, This is one of the...

kjv@Exodus:2:7 thee a nurse of the...

kjv@Exodus:2:10 @...I drew him out of the...

kjv@Exodus:2:11 @...smiting an Hebrew, one of his...

kjv@Exodus:2:13, behold, two men of the...

kjv@Exodus:2:15 @...dwelt in the land of Midian:...

kjv@Exodus:2:16 @... Now the priest of Midian...

kjv@Exodus:2:19 @...out of the hand of the...

kjv@Exodus:2:23 @...unto God by reason of the...

kjv@Exodus:2:25 @...looked upon the children of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:3:1 @...came to the mountain of God,...

kjv@Exodus:3:2 @...out of the midst of a...

kjv@Exodus:3:4 @...out of the midst of the...

kjv@Exodus:3:6 @...Isaac, and the God of Jacob....

kjv@Exodus:3:7 @...their cry by reason of their...

kjv@Exodus:3:8 @...honey; unto the place of the...

kjv@Exodus:3:9 @...cry of the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:3:10 people the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:3:11 @...bring forth the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:3:12 @...forth the people out of Egypt,...

kjv@Exodus:3:13 @...unto them, The God of your...

kjv@Exodus:3:14 @...say unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:3:15 @...Isaac, and the God of Jacob,...

kjv@Exodus:3:16 @...Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob,...

kjv@Exodus:3:17 @...Egypt unto the land of the...

kjv@Exodus:3:18 @...him, The LORD God of the...

kjv@Exodus:3:19 @...sure that the king of Egypt...

kjv@Exodus:3:21 @...favour in the sight of the...

kjv@Exodus:3:22 @...of silver, and jewels of gold,...

kjv@Exodus:4:5 @...Isaac, and the God of Jacob,...

kjv@Exodus:4:7 @...and plucked it out of his...

kjv@Exodus:4:8 @...will believe the voice of the...

kjv@Exodus:4:9 @...which thou takest out of the...

kjv@Exodus:4:10 @...slow of speech, and of a...

kjv@Exodus:4:13 @...thee, by the hand of him...

kjv@Exodus:4:14 @... And the anger of the...

kjv@Exodus:4:16 to thee instead of a...

kjv@Exodus:4:20 @...Moses took the rod of God...

kjv@Exodus:4:25 @...cut off the foreskin of her...

kjv@Exodus:4:26 @...husband thou art, because of the...

kjv@Exodus:4:27 @...him in the mount of God,...

kjv@Exodus:4:28 @...Aaron all the words of the...

kjv@Exodus:4:29 @...together all the elders of the...

kjv@Exodus:4:30 @...signs in the sight of the...

kjv@Exodus:4:31 @...had visited the children of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:5:1 @...saith the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:5:3 @...they said, The God of the...

kjv@Exodus:5:4 @... And the king of Egypt...

kjv@Exodus:5:5 @...said, Behold, the people of the...

kjv@Exodus:5:6 @...same day the taskmasters of the...

kjv@Exodus:5:8 @... And the tale of the...

kjv@Exodus:5:10 @...went out, and their officers, and...

kjv@Exodus:5:11 yet not ought of your...

kjv@Exodus:5:12 @...throughout all the land of Egypt...

kjv@Exodus:5:14 @...officers of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:5:15 @...officers of the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:5:18 deliver the tale of... bricks.

kjv@Exodus:5:19 @...ought from your bricks of your...

kjv@Exodus:5:21 @...and in the eyes of his...

kjv@Exodus:6:1 @...he drive them out of his...

kjv@Exodus:6:3 @...Jacob, by the name of God...

kjv@Exodus:6:4 @...of Canaan, the land of their...

kjv@Exodus:6:5 @...groaning of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:6:6 @...will rid you out of their...

kjv@Exodus:6:7 @...from under the burdens of the...

kjv@Exodus:6:9 @...unto Moses for anguish of spirit,...

kjv@Exodus:6:11 @...of Israel go out of his...

kjv@Exodus:6:12 @...hear me, who am of uncircumcised...

kjv@Exodus:6:13 @...children of Israel out of the...

kjv@Exodus:6:14 @...of Reuben the firstborn of Israel;...

kjv@Exodus:6:15 @...and Shaul the son of a...

kjv@Exodus:6:16 @...years of the life of Levi...

kjv@Exodus:6:17 ... The sons of Gershon;...

kjv@Exodus:6:18 @...years of the life of Kohath...

kjv@Exodus:6:19 @...these are the families of Levi...

kjv@Exodus:6:20 @...years of the life of Amram...

kjv@Exodus:6:21 @... And the sons of Izhar;...

kjv@Exodus:6:22 @... And the sons of Uzziel;...

kjv@Exodus:6:23 @...daughter of Amminadab, sister of Naashon,...

kjv@Exodus:6:24 @...these are the families of the...

kjv@Exodus:6:25 @...heads of the fathers of the...

kjv@Exodus:6:26 @...Israel from the land of Egypt...

kjv@Exodus:6:27 @...bring out the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:6:28 @...Moses in the land of... Egypt,

kjv@Exodus:6:29 @...thou unto Pharaoh king of Egypt...

kjv@Exodus:6:30 @...LORD, Behold, I am of uncircumcised...

kjv@Exodus:7:2 @...children of Israel out of his...

kjv@Exodus:7:3 @...wonders in the land of... Egypt.

kjv@Exodus:7:4 @...out of the land of Egypt...

kjv@Exodus:7:5 @...bring out the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:7:11 @...sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt,...

kjv@Exodus:7:16 @...him, The LORD God of the...

kjv@Exodus:7:18 @...drink of the water of the...

kjv@Exodus:7:19 @...Egypt, both in vessels of wood,...

kjv@Exodus:7:20 @...and in the sight of his...

kjv@Exodus:7:21 @...drink of the water of the...

kjv@Exodus:7:22 @... And the magicians of Egypt...

kjv@Exodus:7:24 @...drink of the water of the...

kjv@Exodus:8:3 @...and into the house of thy...

kjv@Exodus:8:5 @...up upon the land of... Egypt.

kjv@Exodus:8:6 @...hand over the waters of Egypt;...

kjv@Exodus:8:7 @...frogs upon the land of... Egypt.

kjv@Exodus:8:12 @...unto the LORD because of the...

kjv@Exodus:8:13 @...the villages, and out of the...

kjv@Exodus:8:16 @...and smite the dust of the...

kjv@Exodus:8:17 @...beast; all the dust of the...

kjv@Exodus:8:19 @...This is the finger of God:...

kjv@Exodus:8:21 full of swarms of flies,...

kjv@Exodus:8:22 @...LORD in the midst of the...

kjv@Exodus:8:24 @...was corrupted by reason of the...

kjv@Exodus:8:26 @...we sacrifice the abomination of the...

kjv@Exodus:8:29 @...LORD that the swarms of flies...

kjv@Exodus:8:31 @...he removed the swarms of flies...

kjv@Exodus:9:1 @...saith the LORD God of the...

kjv@Exodus:9:3 @... Behold, the hand of the...

kjv@Exodus:9:4 @...there shall nothing die of all...

kjv@Exodus:9:6 @...cattle of the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:9:7 @...dead. And the heart of Pharaoh...

kjv@Exodus:9:8 handfuls of ashes of the...

kjv@Exodus:9:9 all the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Exodus:9:10 @...And they took ashes of the...

kjv@Exodus:9:11 @...stand before Moses because of the...

kjv@Exodus:9:12 @...LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh,...

kjv@Exodus:9:13 @...saith the LORD God of the...

kjv@Exodus:9:20 @...LORD among the servants of Pharaoh...

kjv@Exodus:9:21 @...regarded not the word of the...

kjv@Exodus:9:22 @...and upon every herb of the...

kjv@Exodus:9:23 @...hail upon the land of... Egypt.

kjv@Exodus:9:24 all the land of Egypt...

kjv@Exodus:9:25 @...and brake every tree of the...

kjv@Exodus:9:26 @...Goshen, where the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:9:29 @...I am gone out of the...

kjv@Exodus:9:33 @...And Moses went out of the...

kjv@Exodus:9:35 @...he let the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:10:1 @...heart, and the heart of his...

kjv@Exodus:10:2 @...of thy son, and of thy...

kjv@Exodus:10:3 @...saith the LORD God of the...

kjv@Exodus:10:5 @...groweth for you out of the...

kjv@Exodus:10:6 @...servants, and the houses of all...

kjv@Exodus:10:12 @...and eat every herb of the...

kjv@Exodus:10:13 @...rod over the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Exodus:10:14 all the coasts of Egypt:...

kjv@Exodus:10:15 @...or in the herbs of the...

kjv@Exodus:10:19 all the coasts of... Egypt.

kjv@Exodus:10:20 @...not let the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:10:21 @...darkness over the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Exodus:10:22 all the land of Egypt...

kjv@Exodus:10:23 @...but all the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:11:2 @...of her neighbour, jewels of silver,...

kjv@Exodus:11:3 @...and in the sight of the...

kjv@Exodus:11:4 @...out into the midst of... Egypt:

kjv@Exodus:11:5 @...even unto the firstborn of the...

kjv@Exodus:11:6 @...throughout all the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Exodus:11:7 @...any of the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:11:9 @...multiplied in the land of... Egypt.

kjv@Exodus:11:10 @...of Israel go out of his...

kjv@Exodus:12:1 @...Aaron in the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Exodus:12:2 the first month of the...

kjv@Exodus:12:3 @...according to the house of their...

kjv@Exodus:12:4 @...according to the number of the...

kjv@Exodus:12:5 @...without blemish, a male of the...

kjv@Exodus:12:6 @...assembly of the congregation of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:12:7 @...the upper door post of the...

kjv@Exodus:12:9 ... Eat not of it...

kjv@Exodus:12:10 @...and that which remaineth of it...

kjv@Exodus:12:12 @...against all the gods of Egypt...

kjv@Exodus:12:13 @...I smite the land of... Egypt.

kjv@Exodus:12:15 @...soul shall be cut off from...

kjv@Exodus:12:16 you; no manner of work...

kjv@Exodus:12:17 @...out of the land of Egypt:...

kjv@Exodus:12:18 and twentieth day of the...

kjv@Exodus:12:19 from the congregation of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:12:21 @...for all the elders of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:12:22 @...out at the door of his...

kjv@Exodus:12:27 @...houses of the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:12:28 @... And the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:12:29 @...throne unto the firstborn of the...

kjv@Exodus:12:31 and the children of Israel;...

kjv@Exodus:12:33 @...might send them out of the...

kjv@Exodus:12:35 @...of silver, and jewels of gold,...

kjv@Exodus:12:36 @...favour in the sight of the...

kjv@Exodus:12:37 @... And the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:12:39 @...they were thrust out of Egypt,...

kjv@Exodus:12:40 @...sojourning of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:12:41 @...that all the hosts of the...

kjv@Exodus:12:42 @...of all the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:12:43 @...This is the ordinance of the...

kjv@Exodus:12:46 @...the flesh abroad out of the...

kjv@Exodus:12:47 @... All the congregation of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:12:50 @...did all the children of Israel;...

kjv@Exodus:12:51 @...out of the land of Egypt...

kjv@Exodus:13:2 @...both of man and of beast:...

kjv@Exodus:13:3 @...bondage; for by strength of hand...

kjv@Exodus:13:5 @...thee into the land of the...

kjv@Exodus:13:8 @...This is done because of that...

kjv@Exodus:13:9 @...LORD brought thee out of... Egypt.

kjv@Exodus:13:11 @...thee into the land of the...

kjv@Exodus:13:12 @...every firstling that cometh of a...

kjv@Exodus:13:13 @...and all the firstborn of man...

kjv@Exodus:13:14 @...unto him, By strength of hand...

kjv@Exodus:13:15 @...but all the firstborn of my...

kjv@Exodus:13:16 @...eyes: for by strength of hand...

kjv@Exodus:13:17 @...way of the land of the...

kjv@Exodus:13:18 @...went up harnessed out of the...

kjv@Exodus:13:19 @...straitly sworn the children of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:13:20 @...Etham, in the edge of the...

kjv@Exodus:13:21 @...night in a pillar of fire,...

kjv@Exodus:13:22, nor the pillar of fire...

kjv@Exodus:14:2 @...Speak unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:14:3 @...say of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:14:5 @...heart of Pharaoh and of his...

kjv@Exodus:14:7 @...and all the chariots of Egypt,...

kjv@Exodus:14:8 @...Israel: and the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:14:9 @...the horses and chariots of Pharaoh,...

kjv@Exodus:14:10 @...afraid: and the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:14:11 @...carry us forth out of... Egypt?

kjv@Exodus:14:13 @...and see the salvation of the...

kjv@Exodus:14:15 @...speak unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:14:16 @...ground through the midst of the...

kjv@Exodus:14:17 @...will harden the hearts of the...

kjv@Exodus:14:19 @...them; and the pillar of the...

kjv@Exodus:14:20 @...Egyptians and the camp of Israel;...

kjv@Exodus:14:22 @...went into the midst of the...

kjv@Exodus:14:23 @...them to the midst of the...

kjv@Exodus:14:24 @...and troubled the host of the...

kjv@Exodus:14:25 @...flee from the face of Israel;...

kjv@Exodus:14:27 @...Egyptians in the midst of the...

kjv@Exodus:14:28 @...and all the host of Pharaoh...

kjv@Exodus:14:29 in the midst of the...

kjv@Exodus:14:30 @...out of the hand of the...

kjv@Exodus:15:1 @...Moses and the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:15:3 @...LORD is a man of war:...

kjv@Exodus:15:7 @...And in the greatness of thine...

kjv@Exodus:15:8 @...congealed in the heart of the...

kjv@Exodus:15:14 @...hold on the inhabitants of... Palestina.

kjv@Exodus:15:15 @...them; all the inhabitants of Canaan...

kjv@Exodus:15:16 @...them; by the greatness of thine...

kjv@Exodus:15:17 @...them in the mountain of thine...

kjv@Exodus:15:19 in the midst of the...

kjv@Exodus:15:20 @...the prophetess, the sister of Aaron,...

kjv@Exodus:15:22 @...out into the wilderness of Shur;...

kjv@Exodus:15:23 @...bitter: therefore the name of it...

kjv@Exodus:15:26 @...I will put none of these...

kjv@Exodus:15:27 @...where were twelve wells of water,...

kjv@Exodus:16:1 @...after their departing out of the...

kjv@Exodus:16:2 @...congregation of the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:16:3 @...LORD in the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Exodus:16:6 @...unto all the children of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:16:7 @...shall see the glory of the...

kjv@Exodus:16:9 @...congregation of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:16:10 @...and, behold, the glory of the...

kjv@Exodus:16:12 @...murmurings of the children of Israel:...

kjv@Exodus:16:14 @...behold, upon the face of the...

kjv@Exodus:16:15 @...And when the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:16:16 @...according to the number of your...

kjv@Exodus:16:17 @... And the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:16:19 @...Let no man leave of it...

kjv@Exodus:16:20 @...some of them left of it...

kjv@Exodus:16:22 @...and all the rulers of the...

kjv@Exodus:16:23 @...morrow is the rest of the...

kjv@Exodus:16:27 @...there went out some of the...

kjv@Exodus:16:29 man go out of his...

kjv@Exodus:16:31 @...white; and the taste of it...

kjv@Exodus:16:32 @...commandeth, Fill an omer of it...

kjv@Exodus:16:33 @...put an omer full of manna...

kjv@Exodus:16:35 @...came unto the borders of the...

kjv@Exodus:16:36 the tenth part of an...

kjv@Exodus:17:1 @...according to the commandment of the...

kjv@Exodus:17:3 @...brought us up out of Egypt,...

kjv@Exodus:17:5 @...thee of the elders of Israel;...

kjv@Exodus:17:6 in the sight of the...

kjv@Exodus:17:7 @...chiding of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:17:9 @...hill with the rod of God...

kjv@Exodus:17:10 @...up to the top of the...

kjv@Exodus:17:12 @...until the going down of the...

kjv@Exodus:17:13 @...people with the edge of the...

kjv@Exodus:17:14 @...put out the remembrance of Amalek...

kjv@Exodus:17:15 @...and called the name of it...

kjv@Exodus:18:1 @...father in law, heard of all...

kjv@Exodus:18:3 @...of which the name of the...

kjv@Exodus:18:4 @...Eliezer; for the God of my...

kjv@Exodus:18:5 @...encamped at the mount of... God:

kjv@Exodus:18:7 @...they asked each other of their...

kjv@Exodus:18:9 @...out of the hand of the...

kjv@Exodus:18:10 @...from under the hand of the...

kjv@Exodus:18:12 @...and all the elders of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:18:15 @...unto me to enquire of... God:

kjv@Exodus:18:16 @...them know the statutes of God,...

kjv@Exodus:18:21 @...rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties,...

kjv@Exodus:18:24 @...hearkened to the voice of his...

kjv@Exodus:18:25 @...rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties,...

kjv@Exodus:19:1 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Exodus:19:2 @...come to the desert of Sinai,...

kjv@Exodus:19:3 @...say to the house of Jacob,...

kjv@Exodus:19:6 @...unto me a kingdom of priests,...

kjv@Exodus:19:7 @...called for the elders of the...

kjv@Exodus:19:8 @...Moses returned the words of the...

kjv@Exodus:19:9 @...Moses told the words of the...

kjv@Exodus:19:11 @...down in the sight of all...

kjv@Exodus:19:12 @...or touch the border of it:...

kjv@Exodus:19:16 @...mount, and the voice of the...

kjv@Exodus:19:17 the nether part of the...

kjv@Exodus:19:18 @...ascended as the smoke of a...

kjv@Exodus:19:19 @...And when the voice of the...

kjv@Exodus:19:20 @...up to the top of the...

kjv@Exodus:19:21 gaze, and many of them...

kjv@Exodus:20:2 of Egypt, out of the...

kjv@Exodus:20:4 @...image, or any likeness of any...

kjv@Exodus:20:5 @...third and fourth generation of them...

kjv@Exodus:20:6 @...shewing mercy unto thousands of them...

kjv@Exodus:20:7 @...not take the name of the...

kjv@Exodus:20:10 is the sabbath of the...

kjv@Exodus:20:18 @...lightnings, and the noise of the...

kjv@Exodus:20:22 @...say unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:20:23 @...make with me gods of silver,...

kjv@Exodus:20:24 @...offerings, and thy peace offerings, thy...

kjv@Exodus:20:25 @...shalt not build it of hewn...

kjv@Exodus:21:9 @...her after the manner of... daughters.

kjv@Exodus:21:10 @...raiment, and her duty of marriage,...

kjv@Exodus:21:19 for the loss of his...

kjv@Exodus:21:26 @...servant, or the eye of his...

kjv@Exodus:21:28 @...eaten; but the owner of the...

kjv@Exodus:21:30 @...give for the ransom of his...

kjv@Exodus:21:32 @...their master thirty shekels of silver,...

kjv@Exodus:21:34 unto the owner of them;...

kjv@Exodus:21:35 @...and divide the money of it;...

kjv@Exodus:22:5 @...and of the best of his...

kjv@Exodus:22:6 that the stacks of corn,...

kjv@Exodus:22:7 be stolen out of the...

kjv@Exodus:22:8 @...found, then the master of the...

kjv@Exodus:22:9 his, the cause of both...

kjv@Exodus:22:11 @...goods; and the owner of it...

kjv@Exodus:22:14 @...a man borrow ought of his...

kjv@Exodus:22:17 @...according to the dowry of... virgins.

kjv@Exodus:22:21 @...strangers in the land of... Egypt.

kjv@Exodus:22:25 @...lend money to any of my...

kjv@Exodus:22:28 @...nor curse the ruler of thy...

kjv@Exodus:22:29 @...thy liquors: the firstborn of thy...

kjv@Exodus:22:31 @...flesh that is torn of beasts...

kjv@Exodus:23:5 @...thou see the ass of him...

kjv@Exodus:23:6 @...not wrest the judgment of thy...

kjv@Exodus:23:8 @...and perverteth the words of the...

kjv@Exodus:23:9 know the heart of a...

kjv@Exodus:23:11 @...they leave the beasts of the...

kjv@Exodus:23:12, and the son of thy...

kjv@Exodus:23:13 be heard out of thy...

kjv@Exodus:23:15 @...shalt keep the feast of unleavened...( the time appointed of the...)

kjv@Exodus:23:16 thy labours out of the...

kjv@Exodus:23:18 @...neither shall the fat of my...

kjv@Exodus:23:19 @...bring into the house of the...

kjv@Exodus:23:21 ... Beware of him,...

kjv@Exodus:23:25 @...away from the midst of... thee.

kjv@Exodus:23:26 @...thy land: the number of thy...

kjv@Exodus:23:29 @...desolate, and the beast of the...

kjv@Exodus:23:31 @...will deliver the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Exodus:24:1 @...seventy of the elders of Israel;...

kjv@Exodus:24:3 @...people all the words of the...

kjv@Exodus:24:4 @...wrote all the words of the...

kjv@Exodus:24:5 @...and sacrificed peace offerings of oxen...

kjv@Exodus:24:6 basons; and half of the...

kjv@Exodus:24:7 in the audience of the...

kjv@Exodus:24:8 @...said, Behold the blood of the...

kjv@Exodus:24:9 @...and Abihu, and seventy of the...

kjv@Exodus:24:10 were the body of heaven...

kjv@Exodus:24:11 @...nobles of the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:24:12 @...will give thee tables of stone,...

kjv@Exodus:24:13 @...up into the mount of... God.

kjv@Exodus:24:16 @...out of the midst of the...

kjv@Exodus:24:17 @...mount in the eyes of the...

kjv@Exodus:24:18 @...went into the midst of the...

kjv@Exodus:25:2 @...bring me an offering: of every...

kjv@Exodus:25:3 @...which ye shall take of them;...

kjv@Exodus:25:9 @...tabernacle, and the pattern of all...

kjv@Exodus:25:10 @...shall make an ark of shittim...

kjv@Exodus:25:11 @...upon it a crown of gold...

kjv@Exodus:25:12 the one side of it,...

kjv@Exodus:25:13 @...thou shalt make staves of shittim...

kjv@Exodus:25:14 @...rings by the sides of the...

kjv@Exodus:25:15 in the rings of the...

kjv@Exodus:25:17 @...make a mercy seat of pure...

kjv@Exodus:25:18 the two ends of the...

kjv@Exodus:25:19 @...the other end: even of the...

kjv@Exodus:25:20 shall the faces of the...

kjv@Exodus:25:22 @...ark of the testimony, of all...

kjv@Exodus:25:23 @...also make a table of shittim...

kjv@Exodus:25:24 @...make thereto a crown of gold...

kjv@Exodus:25:25 @...unto it a border of an...

kjv@Exodus:25:26 @...for it four rings of gold,...

kjv@Exodus:25:27 @...rings be for places of the...

kjv@Exodus:25:28 @...shalt make the staves of shittim...

kjv@Exodus:25:29 @...thereof, to cover withal: of pure...

kjv@Exodus:25:31 @...his flowers, shall be of the...

kjv@Exodus:25:32 @...of the candlestick out of the...

kjv@Exodus:25:33 @...branches that come out of the...

kjv@Exodus:25:35 @...branches that proceed out of the...

kjv@Exodus:25:36 one beaten work of pure...

kjv@Exodus:25:38 @...snuffdishes thereof, shall be of pure...

kjv@Exodus:25:39 @... Of a talent of pure...

kjv@Exodus:26:1 @...and scarlet: with cherubims of cunning...

kjv@Exodus:26:2 @...cubits: and every one of the...

kjv@Exodus:26:4 @...curtain, in the coupling of the...

kjv@Exodus:26:5 in the coupling of the...

kjv@Exodus:26:6 @...shalt make fifty taches of gold,...

kjv@Exodus:26:7 @...thou shalt make curtains of goats'...

kjv@Exodus:26:8 @...curtains shall be all of one...

kjv@Exodus:26:9 @...curtain in the forefront of the...

kjv@Exodus:26:10 @...loops in the edge of the...

kjv@Exodus:26:11 @...shalt make fifty taches of brass,...

kjv@Exodus:26:12 @...hang over the backside of the...

kjv@Exodus:26:13 @...hang over the sides of the...

kjv@Exodus:26:14 @...and a covering above of badgers'...

kjv@Exodus:26:15 @...boards for the tabernacle of shittim...

kjv@Exodus:26:16 @...shall be the breadth of one...

kjv@Exodus:26:17 @...for all the boards of the...

kjv@Exodus:26:19 @...shalt make forty sockets of silver...

kjv@Exodus:26:20 @...for the second side of the...

kjv@Exodus:26:21 @...And their forty sockets of silver;...

kjv@Exodus:26:22 @...And for the sides of the...

kjv@Exodus:26:23 @...make for the corners of the...

kjv@Exodus:26:24 @...together above the head of it...

kjv@Exodus:26:25 @...boards, and their sockets of silver,...

kjv@Exodus:26:26 @...of the one side of the...

kjv@Exodus:26:27 @...boards of the side of the...

kjv@Exodus:26:28 in the midst of the...

kjv@Exodus:26:29 @...and make their rings of gold...

kjv@Exodus:26:31 @...and fine twined linen of cunning...

kjv@Exodus:26:32 @...their hooks shall be of gold,...

kjv@Exodus:26:33 @...the vail the ark of the...

kjv@Exodus:26:34 upon the ark of the...

kjv@Exodus:26:35 @...table on the side of the...

kjv@Exodus:26:36 @...door of the tent, of blue,...

kjv@Exodus:26:37 @...shalt cast five sockets of brass...

kjv@Exodus:27:1 @...shalt make an altar of shittim...

kjv@Exodus:27:2 @...his horns shall be of the...

kjv@Exodus:27:3 @...thereof thou shalt make of... brass.

kjv@Exodus:27:4 @...a grate of network of brass;...

kjv@Exodus:27:5 @...even to the midst of the...

kjv@Exodus:27:6 @...for the altar, staves of shittim...

kjv@Exodus:27:7 @...upon the two sides of the...

kjv@Exodus:27:9 @...of fine twined linen of an...

kjv@Exodus:27:10 @...of brass; the hooks of the...

kjv@Exodus:27:11 @...of brass; the hooks of the...

kjv@Exodus:27:12 @...side shall be hangings of fifty...

kjv@Exodus:27:13 @... And the breadth of the...

kjv@Exodus:27:14 @...hangings of one side of the...

kjv@Exodus:27:16 @...hanging of twenty cubits, of blue,...

kjv@Exodus:27:17 @...their hooks shall be of silver,...

kjv@Exodus:27:18 @...the height five cubits of fine...

kjv@Exodus:27:19 @...and all the pins of the...

kjv@Exodus:27:20 @...shalt command the children of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:27:21 @...generations on the behalf of the...

kjv@Exodus:28:1 in the priest's office, even...

kjv@Exodus:28:3 @...filled with the spirit of wisdom,...

kjv@Exodus:28:6, and of purple, of scarlet,...

kjv@Exodus:28:8 @...thereof; even of gold, of blue,...

kjv@Exodus:28:9 @...on them the names of the...

kjv@Exodus:28:10 @...the other six names of the...

kjv@Exodus:28:11 @...names of the children of Israel:...

kjv@Exodus:28:12 unto the children of Israel:...

kjv@Exodus:28:13 @...thou shalt make ouches of... gold;

kjv@Exodus:28:14 at the ends; of wreathen...

kjv@Exodus:28:15 @...and of scarlet, and of fine...

kjv@Exodus:28:17 @...stones, even four rows of stones:...

kjv@Exodus:28:21 @...names, like the engravings of a...

kjv@Exodus:28:22 @...ends of wreathen work of pure...

kjv@Exodus:28:23 @...on the two ends of the...

kjv@Exodus:28:24 @...are on the ends of the...

kjv@Exodus:28:25 @...them on the shoulderpieces of the...

kjv@Exodus:28:26 in the side of the...

kjv@Exodus:28:27 @...above the curious girdle of the...

kjv@Exodus:28:28 @...above the curious girdle of the...

kjv@Exodus:28:29 @...Israel in the breastplate of judgment...

kjv@Exodus:28:30 @...judgment of the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:28:31 @...shalt make the robe of the...

kjv@Exodus:28:32 were the hole of an...

kjv@Exodus:28:33 @...hem thereof; and bells of gold...

kjv@Exodus:28:34 @...pomegranate, upon the hem of the...

kjv@Exodus:28:36, like the engravings of a...

kjv@Exodus:28:37 @...mitre; upon the forefront of the...

kjv@Exodus:28:38 @...things, which the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:28:39 @...shalt make the mitre of fine...

kjv@Exodus:28:43 unto the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Exodus:29:2 @...unleavened anointed with oil: of wheaten...

kjv@Exodus:29:4 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Exodus:29:5 @...with the curious girdle of the...

kjv@Exodus:29:10 @...hands upon the head of the...

kjv@Exodus:29:11 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Exodus:29:12 @...blood beside the bottom of the...

kjv@Exodus:29:14 @... But the flesh of the...

kjv@Exodus:29:15 @...hands upon the head of the...

kjv@Exodus:29:17 @...and wash the inwards of him,...

kjv@Exodus:29:19 @...hands upon the head of the...

kjv@Exodus:29:20 @...upon the great toe of their...

kjv@Exodus:29:21 @...and upon the garments of his...

kjv@Exodus:29:22 @...Also thou shalt take of the...

kjv@Exodus:29:23 @...out of the basket of the...

kjv@Exodus:29:24 @...them for a wave offering before...

kjv@Exodus:29:25 @...LORD: it is an offering made...

kjv@Exodus:29:26 for a wave offering before...

kjv@Exodus:29:27 for Aaron, and of that...

kjv@Exodus:29:28 @...offerings, even their heave offering unto...

kjv@Exodus:29:29 @...And the holy garments of Aaron...

kjv@Exodus:29:30 @...cometh into the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Exodus:29:31 @...shalt take the ram of the...

kjv@Exodus:29:32 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Exodus:29:34 @...of the consecrations, or of the...

kjv@Exodus:29:38 @...the altar; two lambs of the...

kjv@Exodus:29:40 @...part of an hin of wine...

kjv@Exodus:29:41 @...a sweet savour, an offering made...

kjv@Exodus:29:42 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Exodus:29:43 with the children of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:29:44 @...will sanctify the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Exodus:29:45 @...dwell among the children of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:29:46 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Exodus:30:1 burn incense upon: of shittim...

kjv@Exodus:30:2 @...horns thereof shall be of the...

kjv@Exodus:30:3 @...unto it a crown of gold...

kjv@Exodus:30:4 @...upon the two sides of it...

kjv@Exodus:30:5 @...shalt make the staves of shittim...

kjv@Exodus:30:6 by the ark of the...

kjv@Exodus:30:10 @...of the sin offering of atonements:...

kjv@Exodus:30:12 @...sum of the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:30:13 @...shekel after the shekel of the...(a shekel is twenty gerahs:)...shall be the offering of the...

kjv@Exodus:30:16 unto the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:30:18 between the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Exodus:30:20 minister, to burn offering made...

kjv@Exodus:30:23 @...and fifty shekels, and of sweet...

kjv@Exodus:30:24 @...of the sanctuary, and of oil...

kjv@Exodus:30:25 @...compound after the art of the...

kjv@Exodus:30:26 @...therewith, and the ark of the...

kjv@Exodus:30:27 @...vessels, and the altar of... incense,

kjv@Exodus:30:28 @...the altar of burnt offering with...

kjv@Exodus:30:31 @...speak unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:30:32, after the composition of it:...

kjv@Exodus:30:33 @...shall even be cut off from...

kjv@Exodus:30:34 @...spices with pure frankincense: of each...

kjv@Exodus:30:35 @...confection after the art of the...

kjv@Exodus:30:36 @...testimony in the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Exodus:31:2 @...the son of Hur, of the...

kjv@Exodus:31:3 @...him with the spirit of God,...

kjv@Exodus:31:5 @...them, and in carving of timber,...

kjv@Exodus:31:6 @...and in the hearts of all...

kjv@Exodus:31:7 @...and all the furniture of the...

kjv@Exodus:31:8, and the altar of... incense,

kjv@Exodus:31:9 @...the altar of burnt offering with...

kjv@Exodus:31:10 @...priest, and the garments of his...

kjv@Exodus:31:13 @...also unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:31:15 @...seventh is the sabbath of rest,...

kjv@Exodus:31:16 @... Wherefore the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:31:17 and the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:31:18 @...tables of testimony, tables of stone,...

kjv@Exodus:32:1 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Exodus:32:2 @...of your sons, and of your...

kjv@Exodus:32:4 @...brought thee up out of the...

kjv@Exodus:32:7 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Exodus:32:8 @...brought thee up out of the...

kjv@Exodus:32:10 @...and I will make of thee...

kjv@Exodus:32:11 @...out of the land of Egypt...

kjv@Exodus:32:12 @...fierce wrath, and repent of this...

kjv@Exodus:32:13 @...that I have spoken of will...

kjv@Exodus:32:14 @...And the LORD repented of the...

kjv@Exodus:32:15 @...and the two tables of the...

kjv@Exodus:32:16 @...writing was the writing of God,...

kjv@Exodus:32:17 @...There is a noise of war...

kjv@Exodus:32:18 @...overcome: but the noise of them...

kjv@Exodus:32:19 @...cast the tables out of his...

kjv@Exodus:32:20 @...and made the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:32:22 @...Let not the anger of my...

kjv@Exodus:32:23 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Exodus:32:26 @...And all the sons of Levi...

kjv@Exodus:32:27 @...saith the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:32:28 @...Moses: and there fell of the...

kjv@Exodus:32:31 @...have made them gods of... gold.

kjv@Exodus:32:32 @ Yet now, if thou wilt forgive their sin--...I pray thee, out of thy...

kjv@Exodus:32:33 @...will I blot out of my...

kjv@Exodus:32:34 @...people unto the place of which...

kjv@Exodus:33:1 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Exodus:33:3 @...up in the midst of thee;...

kjv@Exodus:33:5 @...thee: therefore now put off thy...

kjv@Exodus:33:6 @...of Israel stripped themselves of their...

kjv@Exodus:33:7 @...out unto the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Exodus:33:9 @...stood at the door of the...

kjv@Exodus:33:11, departed not out of the...

kjv@Exodus:33:16 @...are upon the face of the...

kjv@Exodus:33:19 @...will proclaim the name of the...

kjv@Exodus:33:22 @...thee in a clift of the...

kjv@Exodus:34:1 @...Hew thee two tables of stone...

kjv@Exodus:34:2 in the top of the...

kjv@Exodus:34:4 @...he hewed two tables of stone...

kjv@Exodus:34:5 @...and proclaimed the name of the...

kjv@Exodus:34:7 @...guilty; visiting the iniquity of the...

kjv@Exodus:34:10 @...shall see the work of the...

kjv@Exodus:34:12 @...covenant with the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Exodus:34:15 @...thee, and thou eat of his...

kjv@Exodus:34:16 @... And thou take of their...

kjv@Exodus:34:18 @...thee, in the time of the...

kjv@Exodus:34:20 @...neck. All the firstborn of thy...

kjv@Exodus:34:22 @...harvest, and the feast of ingathering...

kjv@Exodus:34:23 @...Lord GOD, the God of... Israel.

kjv@Exodus:34:25 @...sacrifice of the feast of the...

kjv@Exodus:34:26 @...bring unto the house of the...

kjv@Exodus:34:27 @...for after the tenor of these...

kjv@Exodus:34:28 @...the tables the words of the...

kjv@Exodus:34:29 @...not that the skin of his...

kjv@Exodus:34:30 @...Moses, behold, the skin of his...

kjv@Exodus:34:31 @...and all the rulers of the...

kjv@Exodus:34:32 @...afterward all the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:34:34 @...spake unto the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:34:35 @...Moses, that the skin of Moses'...

kjv@Exodus:35:1 @...congregation of the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:35:2 @...holy day, a sabbath of rest...

kjv@Exodus:35:4 @...congregation of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Exodus:35:5 @...bring it, an offering of the...

kjv@Exodus:35:12, and the vail of the...

kjv@Exodus:35:15 the entering in of the...

kjv@Exodus:35:16 @...The altar of burnt offering, with...

kjv@Exodus:35:17 @...hanging for the door of the...

kjv@Exodus:35:18 @...tabernacle, and the pins of the...

kjv@Exodus:35:19 @...priest, and the garments of his...

kjv@Exodus:35:20 @...congregation of the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:35:21 of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Exodus:35:22 @...offered offered an offering of gold...

kjv@Exodus:35:23, and red skins of rams,...

kjv@Exodus:35:24 @...wood for any work of the...

kjv@Exodus:35:25 @...and of scarlet, and of fine...

kjv@Exodus:35:29 @...bring for all manner of work,...

kjv@Exodus:35:30 @...the son of Hur, of the...

kjv@Exodus:35:31 @...him with the spirit of God,...

kjv@Exodus:35:33 make any manner of cunning...

kjv@Exodus:35:34 @...the son of Ahisamach, of the...

kjv@Exodus:35:35 any work, and of those...

kjv@Exodus:36:1 for the service of the...

kjv@Exodus:36:3 @...yet unto him free offerings every...

kjv@Exodus:36:4 @...wrought all the work of the...

kjv@Exodus:36:5 @...enough for the service of the...

kjv@Exodus:36:6 for the offering of the...

kjv@Exodus:36:8 @...and scarlet: with cherubims of cunning...

kjv@Exodus:36:9 @...the curtains were all of one...

kjv@Exodus:36:11 @...curtain, in the coupling of the...

kjv@Exodus:36:12 @...was in the coupling of the...

kjv@Exodus:36:13 @...he made fifty taches of gold,...

kjv@Exodus:36:14 @...And he made curtains of goats'...

kjv@Exodus:36:15 @...the eleven curtains were of one...

kjv@Exodus:36:17 @...he upon the edge of the...

kjv@Exodus:36:18 @...he made fifty taches of brass...

kjv@Exodus:36:19, and a covering of badgers'...

kjv@Exodus:36:20 @...boards for the tabernacle of shittim...

kjv@Exodus:36:21 @...cubits, and the breadth of a...

kjv@Exodus:36:22 @...for all the boards of the...

kjv@Exodus:36:24 @... And forty sockets of silver...

kjv@Exodus:36:25 @...for the other side of the...

kjv@Exodus:36:26 @...And their forty sockets of silver;...

kjv@Exodus:36:27 @...And for the sides of the...

kjv@Exodus:36:28 @...he for the corners of the...

kjv@Exodus:36:29 @...he did to both of them...

kjv@Exodus:36:30 @...sockets were sixteen sockets of silver,...

kjv@Exodus:36:31 @...of the one side of the...

kjv@Exodus:36:32 @...bars for the boards of the...

kjv@Exodus:36:34 @...and made their rings of gold...

kjv@Exodus:36:35 @...cherubims made he it of cunning...

kjv@Exodus:36:36 their hooks were of gold;...

kjv@Exodus:36:37 @...for the tabernacle door of blue,...

kjv@Exodus:36:38 @...And the five pillars of it...

kjv@Exodus:37:1 @...a half the breadth of it,...

kjv@Exodus:37:2 @...and made a crown of gold...

kjv@Exodus:37:3 @...upon the one side of it,...

kjv@Exodus:37:4 @...And he made staves of shittim...

kjv@Exodus:37:5 @...rings by the sides of the...

kjv@Exodus:37:6 @...made the mercy seat of pure...

kjv@Exodus:37:7 @...on the two ends of the...

kjv@Exodus:37:8 @...on that side: out of the...

kjv@Exodus:37:9 @...seatward were the faces of the...

kjv@Exodus:37:10 @...he made the table of shittim...

kjv@Exodus:37:11 @...made thereunto a crown of gold...

kjv@Exodus:37:12 @...and made a crown of gold...

kjv@Exodus:37:13 @...for it four rings of gold,...

kjv@Exodus:37:15 @...he made the staves of shittim...

kjv@Exodus:37:16 @...covers to cover withal, of pure...

kjv@Exodus:37:17 @...and his flowers, were of the...

kjv@Exodus:37:18 @...of the candlestick out of the...

kjv@Exodus:37:19 @...six branches going out of the...

kjv@Exodus:37:21 @...knop under two branches of the...

kjv@Exodus:37:22 @...was one beaten work of pure...

kjv@Exodus:37:23 @...snuffers, and his snuffdishes, of pure...

kjv@Exodus:37:24 @... Of a talent of pure...

kjv@Exodus:37:25 @...the horns thereof were of the...

kjv@Exodus:37:26 @...unto it a crown of gold...

kjv@Exodus:37:27 the two corners of it,...

kjv@Exodus:37:28 @...he made the staves of shittim...

kjv@Exodus:37:29 @...according to the work of the...

kjv@Exodus:38:1 @...altar of burnt offering of shittim...

kjv@Exodus:38:2 @...the horns thereof were of the...

kjv@Exodus:38:3 @...made all the vessels of the...

kjv@Exodus:38:4 @...altar a brasen grate of network...

kjv@Exodus:38:5 @...ends of the grate of brass,...

kjv@Exodus:38:6 @...he made the staves of shittim...

kjv@Exodus:38:7 @...rings on the sides of the...

kjv@Exodus:38:8 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Exodus:38:9 @...of the court were of fine...

kjv@Exodus:38:10 @...sockets twenty; the hooks of the...

kjv@Exodus:38:11 @...brass twenty; the hooks of the...

kjv@Exodus:38:12 @...sockets ten; the hooks of the...

kjv@Exodus:38:14 @...of the one side of the...

kjv@Exodus:38:15 @...that hand, were hangings of fifteen...

kjv@Exodus:38:16 @...court round about were of fine...

kjv@Exodus:38:17 @...and all the pillars of the...

kjv@Exodus:38:18 @...answerable to the hangings of the...

kjv@Exodus:38:19 @...silver, and the overlaying of their...

kjv@Exodus:38:20 @...of the tabernacle, and of the...

kjv@Exodus:38:21 @...Levites, by the hand of Ithamar,...

kjv@Exodus:38:22 @...Hur, of the tribe of Judah,...

kjv@Exodus:38:23 @...Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan,...

kjv@Exodus:38:24 @...shekels, after the shekel of the...

kjv@Exodus:38:25 @...shekels, after the shekel of the...

kjv@Exodus:38:26 @...shekel, after the shekel of the...

kjv@Exodus:38:27 @...vail; an hundred sockets of the...

kjv@Exodus:38:28 ... And of the...

kjv@Exodus:38:29 @...the brass of the offering was...

kjv@Exodus:38:30 @...and all the vessels of the...

kjv@Exodus:38:31 @...and all the pins of the...

kjv@Exodus:39:1 @...scarlet, they made cloths of service,...

kjv@Exodus:39:2 @...he made the ephod of gold,...

kjv@Exodus:39:5 the work thereof; of gold,...

kjv@Exodus:39:6 @...graven, with the names of the...

kjv@Exodus:39:7 to the children of Israel;...

kjv@Exodus:39:8 of the ephod; of gold,...

kjv@Exodus:39:10 it four rows of stones:...

kjv@Exodus:39:13 @...were inclosed in ouches of gold...

kjv@Exodus:39:14 @...names, like the engravings of a...

kjv@Exodus:39:15 @...ends, of wreathen work of pure...

kjv@Exodus:39:16 the two ends of the...

kjv@Exodus:39:17 @...rings on the ends of the...

kjv@Exodus:39:18 @...them on the shoulderpieces of the...

kjv@Exodus:39:19 @...was on the side of the...

kjv@Exodus:39:20 @...above the curious girdle of the...

kjv@Exodus:39:21 @...above the curious girdle of the...

kjv@Exodus:39:22 @...robe of the ephod of woven...

kjv@Exodus:39:23 @...robe, as the hole of an...

kjv@Exodus:39:24 @...of the robe pomegranates of blue,...

kjv@Exodus:39:25 @...pomegranates upon the hem of the...

kjv@Exodus:39:26 @...round about the hem of the...

kjv@Exodus:39:27 @...coats of fine linen of woven...

kjv@Exodus:39:28 @...linen, and linen breeches of fine...

kjv@Exodus:39:29 @...and purple, and scarlet, of needlework;...

kjv@Exodus:39:30 to the engravings of a...

kjv@Exodus:39:31 @...unto it a lace of blue,...

kjv@Exodus:39:32 @...finished: and the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:39:34 @...skins, and the vail of the...

kjv@Exodus:39:35 ... The ark of the...

kjv@Exodus:39:39 @...altar, and his grate of brass,...

kjv@Exodus:39:40 @...tabernacle, for the tent of the...

kjv@Exodus:39:41 ... The cloths of service...

kjv@Exodus:39:42 @...Moses, so the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:40:2 @...tabernacle of the tent of the...

kjv@Exodus:40:3 @...put therein the ark of the...

kjv@Exodus:40:5 @...and put the hanging of the...

kjv@Exodus:40:6 @...tabernacle of the tent of the...

kjv@Exodus:40:7 @...laver between the tent of the...

kjv@Exodus:40:10 @...altar of the burnt offering, and...

kjv@Exodus:40:12 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Exodus:40:17 @...on the first day of the...

kjv@Exodus:40:19 @...and put the covering of the...

kjv@Exodus:40:21 @...and covered the ark of the...

kjv@Exodus:40:22 @...congregation, upon the side of the...

kjv@Exodus:40:24 @...table, on the side of the...

kjv@Exodus:40:26 @...altar in the tent of the...

kjv@Exodus:40:28 @...hanging at the door of the...

kjv@Exodus:40:29 @...offering and the meat offering; as...

kjv@Exodus:40:30 @...laver between the tent of the...

kjv@Exodus:40:32 @...went into the tent of the...

kjv@Exodus:40:33 @...set up the hanging of the...

kjv@Exodus:40:34 @...congregation, and the glory of the...

kjv@Exodus:40:35 @...thereon, and the glory of the...

kjv@Exodus:40:36 @...the tabernacle, the children of Israel...

kjv@Exodus:40:38 @...of all the house of Israel,...

kjv@Leviticus:1:1 @...out of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:1:2 @...of the herd, and of the...

kjv@Leviticus:1:3 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:1:4 @...head of the burnt offering; and...

kjv@Leviticus:1:5 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:1:7 @... And the sons of Aaron...

kjv@Leviticus:1:9 @...offering made by fire, of a...

kjv@Leviticus:1:10 @...of the sheep, or of the...

kjv@Leviticus:1:11 on the side of the...

kjv@Leviticus:1:13 @...offering made by fire, of a...

kjv@Leviticus:1:14 @...offering of turtledoves, or of young...

kjv@Leviticus:1:15 @...out at the side of the...

kjv@Leviticus:1:16 @...part, by the place of the...

kjv@Leviticus:1:17 @...offering made by fire, of a...

kjv@Leviticus:2:1 @...his offering shall be of fine...

kjv@Leviticus:2:2 @...offering made by fire, of a...

kjv@Leviticus:2:3 @...holy of the offerings of the...

kjv@Leviticus:2:4 @...shall be unleavened cakes of fine...

kjv@Leviticus:2:5 @...pan, it shall be of fine...

kjv@Leviticus:2:7 shall be made of fine...

kjv@Leviticus:2:8 @...offering that is made of these...

kjv@Leviticus:2:9 @...offering made by fire, of a...

kjv@Leviticus:2:10 @...holy of the offerings of the...

kjv@Leviticus:2:11 @...honey, in any offering of the...

kjv@Leviticus:2:12 @...the firstfruits, ye shall offer them...

kjv@Leviticus:2:13 @...offering: with all thine offerings thou...

kjv@Leviticus:2:14 @...even corn beaten out of full...

kjv@Leviticus:2:16 @...thereof: it is an offering made...

kjv@Leviticus:3:1 @...or female, he shall offer it...

kjv@Leviticus:3:2 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:3:3 @...the peace offering an offering made...

kjv@Leviticus:3:5 @...offering made by fire, of a...

kjv@Leviticus:3:6 @...or female, he shall offer it...

kjv@Leviticus:3:8 before the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:3:9 shall he take off hard...

kjv@Leviticus:3:11 @...the food of the offering made...

kjv@Leviticus:3:13 @...congregation: and the sons of Aaron...

kjv@Leviticus:3:16 @...the food of the offering made...

kjv@Leviticus:4:2 @...any of the commandments of the...

kjv@Leviticus:4:3 @...according to the sin of the...

kjv@Leviticus:4:4 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:4:5 to the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:4:6 @...LORD, before the vail of the...

kjv@Leviticus:4:7 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:4:8 @...bullock for the sin offering; the...

kjv@Leviticus:4:10 @...them upon the altar of the...

kjv@Leviticus:4:11 @... And the skin of the...

kjv@Leviticus:4:13 @...any of the commandments of the...

kjv@Leviticus:4:14 @...him before the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:4:15 @...hands upon the head of the...

kjv@Leviticus:4:16 @...blood to the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:4:17 @...his finger in some of the...

kjv@Leviticus:4:18 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:4:22 @...any of the commandments of the...

kjv@Leviticus:4:23 @...his offering, a kid of the...

kjv@Leviticus:4:24 @...they kill the burnt offering before...

kjv@Leviticus:4:25 @...bottom of the altar of burnt...

kjv@Leviticus:4:26 @...the sacrifice of peace offerings: and...

kjv@Leviticus:4:27 @...any of the commandments of the...

kjv@Leviticus:4:28 @...his offering, a kid of the...

kjv@Leviticus:4:29 @...offering in the place of the...

kjv@Leviticus:4:30 @...thereof at the bottom of the...

kjv@Leviticus:4:31 @...the sacrifice of peace offerings; and...

kjv@Leviticus:4:33 for a sin offering in...

kjv@Leviticus:4:34 @...thereof at the bottom of the...

kjv@Leviticus:4:35 @...altar, according to the offerings made...

kjv@Leviticus:5:1 @...hath seen or known of it;...

kjv@Leviticus:5:2 @...cattle, or the carcase of unclean...

kjv@Leviticus:5:3 @...him; when he knoweth of it,...

kjv@Leviticus:5:4 @...him; when he knoweth of it,...

kjv@Leviticus:5:5 guilty in one of these...

kjv@Leviticus:5:6 @...goats, for a sin offering; and...

kjv@Leviticus:5:9 @...out at the bottom of the...

kjv@Leviticus:5:11 @...flour for a sin offering; he...

kjv@Leviticus:5:12 @...altar, according to the offerings made...

kjv@Leviticus:5:13 @...hath sinned in one of these,...

kjv@Leviticus:5:15 @...silver, after the shekel of the...

kjv@Leviticus:5:16 @...ram of the trespass offering, and...

kjv@Leviticus:5:17 @...done by the commandments of the...

kjv@Leviticus:5:18 @...estimation, for a trespass offering, unto...

kjv@Leviticus:6:3 @...sweareth falsely; in any of all...

kjv@Leviticus:6:5 @...appertaineth, in the day of his...

kjv@Leviticus:6:6 @...estimation, for a trespass offering, unto...

kjv@Leviticus:6:7 @...him for any thing of all...

kjv@Leviticus:6:9 @...morning, and the fire of the...

kjv@Leviticus:6:12 @...burn thereon the fat of the...

kjv@Leviticus:6:14 @...sons of Aaron shall offer it...

kjv@Leviticus:6:15 @...savour, even the memorial of it,...

kjv@Leviticus:6:16 @...court of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:6:17 is the sin offering, and...

kjv@Leviticus:6:18 @...generations concerning the offerings of the...

kjv@Leviticus:6:20 @...meat offering perpetual, half of it...

kjv@Leviticus:6:21 @...meat offering shalt thou offer for...

kjv@Leviticus:6:22 his stead shall offer it:...

kjv@Leviticus:6:25 @...killed shall the sin offering be...

kjv@Leviticus:6:26 @...court of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:6:27 @...when there is sprinkled of the...

kjv@Leviticus:6:30 @...brought into the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:7:1 of the trespass offering: it...

kjv@Leviticus:7:3 @...And he shall offer of it...

kjv@Leviticus:7:8 of the burnt offering which...

kjv@Leviticus:7:10 @...shall all the sons of Aaron...

kjv@Leviticus:7:11 @...offerings, which he shall offer unto...

kjv@Leviticus:7:12 @...cakes mingled with oil, of fine...

kjv@Leviticus:7:13 @...the sacrifice of thanksgiving of his...

kjv@Leviticus:7:14 @...that sprinkleth the blood of the...

kjv@Leviticus:7:15 @...shall not leave any of it...

kjv@Leviticus:7:16 @...morrow also the remainder of it...

kjv@Leviticus:7:17 @...remainder of the flesh of the...

kjv@Leviticus:7:18 @...the soul that eateth of it...

kjv@Leviticus:7:20 @...soul shall be cut off from...

kjv@Leviticus:7:21 @...soul shall be cut off from...

kjv@Leviticus:7:23 @...fat, of ox, or of sheep,...

kjv@Leviticus:7:24 @...itself, and the fat of that...

kjv@Leviticus:7:25 shall be cut off from...

kjv@Leviticus:7:26 @...of beast, in any of your...

kjv@Leviticus:7:27 @...soul shall be cut off from...

kjv@Leviticus:7:29 @...LORD of the sacrifice of his...

kjv@Leviticus:7:30 @...waved for a wave offering before...

kjv@Leviticus:7:32 @...offering of the sacrifices of your...

kjv@Leviticus:7:33 @...blood of the peace offerings, and...

kjv@Leviticus:7:34 @...sacrifices of their peace offerings, and...

kjv@Leviticus:7:35 @...out of the offerings of the...

kjv@Leviticus:7:36 @...them of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Leviticus:7:37 @...and of the sacrifice of the...

kjv@Leviticus:7:38 @...children of Israel to offer their...

kjv@Leviticus:8:2 @...rams, and a basket of unleavened...

kjv@Leviticus:8:3 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:8:4 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:8:7 @...with the curious girdle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:8:12 @... And he poured of the...

kjv@Leviticus:8:14 @...hands upon the head of the...

kjv@Leviticus:8:15 @...blood at the bottom of the...

kjv@Leviticus:8:18 @...hands upon the head of the...

kjv@Leviticus:8:22 @...hands upon the head of the...

kjv@Leviticus:8:23 @...upon the great toe of his...

kjv@Leviticus:8:24 @...upon the great toes of their...

kjv@Leviticus:8:26 @...cake, and a cake of oiled...

kjv@Leviticus:8:29 @...for of the ram of consecration...

kjv@Leviticus:8:30 @...the anointing oil, and of the...

kjv@Leviticus:8:31 in the basket of consecrations,...

kjv@Leviticus:8:32 @...of the flesh and of the...

kjv@Leviticus:8:33 @...days, until the days of your...

kjv@Leviticus:8:35 @...and keep the charge of the...

kjv@Leviticus:8:36 @...commanded by the hand of... Moses.

kjv@Leviticus:9:1 @...sons, and the elders of... Israel;

kjv@Leviticus:9:3 @...and a lamb, both of the...

kjv@Leviticus:9:5 @...commanded before the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:9:6 and the glory of the...

kjv@Leviticus:9:7 @...and offer the offering of the...

kjv@Leviticus:9:8 @...calf of the sin offering, which...

kjv@Leviticus:9:9 @...blood at the bottom of the...

kjv@Leviticus:9:10 @...liver of the sin offering, he...

kjv@Leviticus:9:17 @...beside the burnt sacrifice of the...

kjv@Leviticus:9:18 @...a sacrifice of peace offerings, which...

kjv@Leviticus:9:19 @...of the bullock and of the...

kjv@Leviticus:9:22 @...offering, and the burnt offering, and...

kjv@Leviticus:9:23 @...people: and the glory of the...

kjv@Leviticus:10:1 @...put incense thereon, and offered strange...

kjv@Leviticus:10:4 @...before the sanctuary out of the...

kjv@Leviticus:10:5 their coats out of the...

kjv@Leviticus:10:6 @...brethren, the whole house of Israel,...

kjv@Leviticus:10:7 @...for the anointing oil of the...

kjv@Leviticus:10:9 @...go into the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:10:11 @...may teach the children of Israel...

kjv@Leviticus:10:12 @...remaineth of the offerings of the...

kjv@Leviticus:10:13 @...due, of the sacrifices of the...

kjv@Leviticus:10:14 @...sacrifices of peace offerings of the...

kjv@Leviticus:10:15 for a wave offering before...

kjv@Leviticus:10:16 @...and Ithamar, the sons of Aaron...

kjv@Leviticus:10:17 bear the iniquity of the...

kjv@Leviticus:10:18 @... Behold, the blood of it...

kjv@Leviticus:10:19 @...accepted in the sight of the...

kjv@Leviticus:11:2 @...Speak unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Leviticus:11:4 @...chew the cud, or of them...

kjv@Leviticus:11:8 @ Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcase shall ye not touch; they are unclean to you.

kjv@Leviticus:11:9 @...These shall ye eat of all...

kjv@Leviticus:11:10 the waters, and of any...

kjv@Leviticus:11:11 shall not eat of their...

kjv@Leviticus:11:21 @...these may ye eat of every...

kjv@Leviticus:11:22 ... Even these of them...

kjv@Leviticus:11:24 @...whosoever toucheth the carcase of them...

kjv@Leviticus:11:25 @...ought of the carcase of them...

kjv@Leviticus:11:26 ... The carcases of every...

kjv@Leviticus:11:27 @...paws, among all manner of beasts...

kjv@Leviticus:11:28 @...that beareth the carcase of them...

kjv@Leviticus:11:32 be any vessel of wood,...

kjv@Leviticus:11:33 @...earthen vessel, whereinto any of them...

kjv@Leviticus:11:34 @ Of all meat which may be eaten, that on which such water cometh shall be unclean: and all drink that may be drunk in every such vessel shall be unclean.

kjv@Leviticus:11:35 @...thing whereupon any part of their...

kjv@Leviticus:11:36 @...wherein there is plenty of water,...

kjv@Leviticus:11:37 @...And if any part of their...

kjv@Leviticus:11:38 @...seed, and any part of their...

kjv@Leviticus:11:39 @...And if any beast, of which...

kjv@Leviticus:11:40 @...that beareth the carcase of it...

kjv@Leviticus:11:44 @...yourselves with any manner of creeping...

kjv@Leviticus:11:45 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Leviticus:11:46 the waters, and of every...

kjv@Leviticus:12:2 @...according to the days of the...

kjv@Leviticus:12:3 @...eighth day the flesh of his...

kjv@Leviticus:12:4 @...sanctuary, until the days of her...

kjv@Leviticus:12:5 @...continue in the blood of her...

kjv@Leviticus:12:6 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:12:7 @...cleansed from the issue of her...

kjv@Leviticus:13:2 @...priest, or unto one of his...

kjv@Leviticus:13:3 is a plague of leprosy:...

kjv@Leviticus:13:4 @...white in the skin of his...

kjv@Leviticus:13:7 @...he shall be seen of the...

kjv@Leviticus:13:9 @... When the plague of leprosy...

kjv@Leviticus:13:11 @...leprosy in the skin of his...

kjv@Leviticus:13:12 @...cover all the skin of him...

kjv@Leviticus:13:19 @...And in the place of the...

kjv@Leviticus:13:20 @...of leprosy broken out of the...

kjv@Leviticus:13:25 @...a leprosy broken out of the...

kjv@Leviticus:13:27 is the plague of... leprosy.

kjv@Leviticus:13:28 is an inflammation of the...

kjv@Leviticus:13:31 @...that hath the plague of the...

kjv@Leviticus:13:38 @...have in the skin of their...

kjv@Leviticus:13:39 @...spots in the skin of their...

kjv@Leviticus:13:41 from the part of his...

kjv@Leviticus:13:43 @...appeareth in the skin of the...

kjv@Leviticus:13:47 @...also that the plague of leprosy...

kjv@Leviticus:13:48 @...woof; of linen, or of woollen;...

kjv@Leviticus:13:49 is a plague of leprosy,...

kjv@Leviticus:13:51 that is made of skin;...

kjv@Leviticus:13:52 @...linen, or any thing of skin,...

kjv@Leviticus:13:53 @...or in any thing of... skin;

kjv@Leviticus:13:56 @...the warp, or out of the...

kjv@Leviticus:13:57 @...or in any thing of skin;...

kjv@Leviticus:13:58 @...woof, or whatsoever thing of skin...

kjv@Leviticus:13:59 @...woof, or any thing of skins,...

kjv@Leviticus:14:2 @...leper in the day of his...

kjv@Leviticus:14:3 @...behold, if the plague of leprosy...

kjv@Leviticus:14:5 @...shall command that one of the...

kjv@Leviticus:14:6 @...bird in the blood of the...

kjv@Leviticus:14:8 @...shall tarry abroad out of his...

kjv@Leviticus:14:10 @...flour for a meat offering, mingled...

kjv@Leviticus:14:11 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:14:12 @...them for a wave offering before...

kjv@Leviticus:14:14 @...upon the great toe of his...

kjv@Leviticus:14:15 into the palm of his...

kjv@Leviticus:14:16 @...hand, and shall sprinkle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:14:17 @...foot, upon the blood of the...

kjv@Leviticus:14:18 @...pour upon the head of him...

kjv@Leviticus:14:21 @...oil for a meat offering, and...

kjv@Leviticus:14:23 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:14:24 @...them for a wave offering before...

kjv@Leviticus:14:25 @...upon the great toe of his...

kjv@Leviticus:14:26 @...oil into the palm of his...

kjv@Leviticus:14:27 @...his right finger some of the...

kjv@Leviticus:14:28 of the blood of the...

kjv@Leviticus:14:29 @...put upon the head of him...

kjv@Leviticus:14:30 @...of the turtledoves, or of the...

kjv@Leviticus:14:32 @...whom is the plague of leprosy,...

kjv@Leviticus:14:34 of the land of your...

kjv@Leviticus:14:37 in the walls of the...

kjv@Leviticus:14:38 to the door of the...

kjv@Leviticus:14:39 @...spread in the walls of the...

kjv@Leviticus:14:42 @...them in the place of those...

kjv@Leviticus:14:45 @...carry them forth out of the...

kjv@Leviticus:14:50 @...shall kill the one of the...

kjv@Leviticus:14:51 @...them in the blood of the...

kjv@Leviticus:14:52 with the blood of the...

kjv@Leviticus:14:53 @...the living bird out of the...

kjv@Leviticus:14:54 @...all manner of plague of leprosy,...

kjv@Leviticus:14:55 @...of a garment, and of a...

kjv@Leviticus:14:57 @...this is the law of... leprosy.

kjv@Leviticus:15:2 @...of his flesh, because of his...

kjv@Leviticus:15:7 @...that toucheth the flesh of him...

kjv@Leviticus:15:10 @...he that beareth any of those...

kjv@Leviticus:15:12 @...broken: and every vessel of wood...

kjv@Leviticus:15:13 issue is cleansed of his...

kjv@Leviticus:15:14 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:15:16 @...if any man's seed of copulation...

kjv@Leviticus:15:17 @...whereon is the seed of copulation,...

kjv@Leviticus:15:18 @...shall lie with seed of copulation,...

kjv@Leviticus:15:25 as the days of her...

kjv@Leviticus:15:26 @...unclean, as the uncleanness of her...

kjv@Leviticus:15:28 @...if she be cleansed of her...

kjv@Leviticus:15:29 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:15:30 @...LORD for the issue of her...

kjv@Leviticus:15:31 separate the children of Israel...

kjv@Leviticus:15:32 @...hath an issue, and of him...

kjv@Leviticus:15:33 @...of the woman, and of him...

kjv@Leviticus:16:1 @...of Aaron, when they offered before...

kjv@Leviticus:16:5 @...goats for a sin offering, and...

kjv@Leviticus:16:6 @...bullock of the sin offering, which...

kjv@Leviticus:16:7 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:16:11 @...bullock of the sin offering which...

kjv@Leviticus:16:12 @...and his hands full of sweet...

kjv@Leviticus:16:13 @...LORD, that the cloud of the...

kjv@Leviticus:16:14 shall he sprinkle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:16:15 @...did with the blood of the...

kjv@Leviticus:16:16 @...them in the midst of their...

kjv@Leviticus:16:17 in the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:16:18 upon the horns of the...

kjv@Leviticus:16:19 from the uncleanness of the...

kjv@Leviticus:16:20, and the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:16:21 @...away by the hand of a...

kjv@Leviticus:16:23 @...congregation, and shall put off the...

kjv@Leviticus:16:24 @...and the burnt offering of the...

kjv@Leviticus:16:25 @...fat of the sin offering shall...

kjv@Leviticus:16:29 @...whether it be one of your...

kjv@Leviticus:16:31 @...shall be a sabbath of rest...

kjv@Leviticus:16:33 @...for all the people of the...

kjv@Leviticus:16:34 @...atonement for the children of Israel...

kjv@Leviticus:17:2 @...unto all the children of Israel,...

kjv@Leviticus:17:3 @...that killeth it out of the...

kjv@Leviticus:17:4 shall be cut off from...

kjv@Leviticus:17:5 @...offer them for peace offerings unto...

kjv@Leviticus:17:6 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:17:8 @...that offereth a burnt offering or...

kjv@Leviticus:17:9 shall be cut off from...

kjv@Leviticus:17:10 @...and will cut him off from...

kjv@Leviticus:17:11 @... For the life of the...

kjv@Leviticus:17:12 @...of Israel, No soul of you...

kjv@Leviticus:17:13 @...children of Israel, or of the...

kjv@Leviticus:17:14 @...flesh: for the life of all...

kjv@Leviticus:17:15 @...whether it be one of your...

kjv@Leviticus:18:2 @...Speak unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Leviticus:18:3 @...doings of the land of Canaan,...

kjv@Leviticus:18:6 @...any that is near of kin...

kjv@Leviticus:18:7 @...father, or the nakedness of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:18:8 ... The nakedness of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:18:9 @...thy father, or daughter of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:18:10 @...thy son's daughter, or of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:18:11 @...father's wife's daughter, begotten of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:18:12 @...not uncover the nakedness of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:18:13 @...not uncover the nakedness of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:18:14 @...not uncover the nakedness of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:18:15 @...not uncover the nakedness of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:18:16 @...not uncover the nakedness of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:18:17 @...not uncover the nakedness of a...

kjv@Leviticus:18:21 @...thou profane the name of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:18:24 yourselves in any of these...

kjv@Leviticus:18:26 @...these abominations; neither any of your...

kjv@Leviticus:18:27 @ (...abominations have the men of the...)

kjv@Leviticus:18:29 @...them shall be cut off from...

kjv@Leviticus:18:30 @...commit not any one of these...

kjv@Leviticus:19:2 @...congregation of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Leviticus:19:5 @...the LORD, ye shall offer it...

kjv@Leviticus:19:8 @...soul shall be cut off from...

kjv@Leviticus:19:9 @...thou gather the gleanings of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:19:10 @...thou gather every grape of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:19:12 @...thou profane the name of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:19:13 @...rob him: the wages of him...

kjv@Leviticus:19:15 @...nor honour the person of the...

kjv@Leviticus:19:16 @...stand against the blood of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:19:18 @...grudge against the children of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:19:19 @...shall a garment mingled of linen...

kjv@Leviticus:19:21 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:19:22 @...ram of the trespass offering before...

kjv@Leviticus:19:23 @...have planted all manner of trees...

kjv@Leviticus:19:25 @...year shall ye eat of the...

kjv@Leviticus:19:27 @...thou mar the corners of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:19:29 @...the land become full of... wickedness.

kjv@Leviticus:19:32 @...and honour the face of the...

kjv@Leviticus:19:34 @...strangers in the land of Egypt:...

kjv@Leviticus:19:36 @...which brought you out of the...

kjv@Leviticus:20:2 death: the people of the...

kjv@Leviticus:20:3 @...because he hath given of his...

kjv@Leviticus:20:4, when he giveth of his...

kjv@Leviticus:20:11 @...his father's nakedness: both of them...

kjv@Leviticus:20:12 @...daughter in law, both of them...

kjv@Leviticus:20:13 @...with a woman, both of them...

kjv@Leviticus:20:17 in the sight of their...

kjv@Leviticus:20:18 @...them shall be cut off from...

kjv@Leviticus:20:19 @...thy mother's sister, nor of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:20:23 @...walk in the manners of the...

kjv@Leviticus:20:25 @...or by any manner of living...

kjv@Leviticus:21:1 @...the priests the sons of Aaron,...

kjv@Leviticus:21:5 @...shave off the corner of their...

kjv@Leviticus:21:6 @...their God, they do offer: therefore...

kjv@Leviticus:21:8 @...he offereth the bread of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:21:9 @... And the daughter of any...

kjv@Leviticus:21:12 @...of the anointing oil of his...

kjv@Leviticus:21:14 @...shall take a virgin of his...

kjv@Leviticus:21:17 offer the bread of his...

kjv@Leviticus:21:21 offer the bread of his...

kjv@Leviticus:21:22 @...the most holy, and of the...

kjv@Leviticus:21:24 @...unto all the children of... Israel.

kjv@Leviticus:22:2 @...things of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Leviticus:22:3 @...soul shall be cut off from...

kjv@Leviticus:22:4 @...he shall not eat of the...

kjv@Leviticus:22:5 @...unclean, or a man of whom...

kjv@Leviticus:22:6 @...and shall not eat of the...

kjv@Leviticus:22:7 @...and shall afterward eat of the...

kjv@Leviticus:22:8 @... That which dieth of itself,...

kjv@Leviticus:22:10 @...servant, shall not eat of the...

kjv@Leviticus:22:11 they shall eat of his...

kjv@Leviticus:22:12 of an offering of the...

kjv@Leviticus:22:13 @...youth, she shall eat of her...

kjv@Leviticus:22:14 @...if a man eat of the...

kjv@Leviticus:22:15 @...of Israel, which they offer unto...

kjv@Leviticus:22:16 bear the iniquity of trespass,...

kjv@Leviticus:22:18 @...offerings, which they will offer unto...

kjv@Leviticus:22:19 @...of the sheep, or of the...

kjv@Leviticus:22:21 @...vow, or a freewill offering in...

kjv@Leviticus:22:22 offering by fire of them...

kjv@Leviticus:22:25 @...your God of any of these;...

kjv@Leviticus:22:29 @...thanksgiving unto the LORD, offer it...

kjv@Leviticus:22:30 shall leave none of it...

kjv@Leviticus:22:32 @...hallowed among the children of Israel:...

kjv@Leviticus:22:33 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Leviticus:23:2 @...them, Concerning the feasts of the...

kjv@Leviticus:23:3 is the sabbath of the...

kjv@Leviticus:23:4 @...These are the feasts of the...

kjv@Leviticus:23:5 @...In the fourteenth day of the...

kjv@Leviticus:23:6 @...month is the feast of unleavened...

kjv@Leviticus:23:10 @...sheaf of the firstfruits of your...

kjv@Leviticus:23:12 @...year for a burnt offering unto...

kjv@Leviticus:23:13, the fourth part of an...

kjv@Leviticus:23:15 @...sheaf of the wave offering; seven...

kjv@Leviticus:23:17 they shall be of fine...

kjv@Leviticus:23:18 @...offering made by fire, of sweet...

kjv@Leviticus:23:19 @...year for a sacrifice of peace...

kjv@Leviticus:23:20 @...firstfruits for a wave offering before...

kjv@Leviticus:23:22 @...thou gather any gleaning of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:23:24 @...a memorial of blowing of trumpets,...

kjv@Leviticus:23:27 @...souls, and offer an offering made...

kjv@Leviticus:23:28 is a day of atonement,...

kjv@Leviticus:23:31 @...shall do no manner of work:...

kjv@Leviticus:23:32 the ninth day of the...

kjv@Leviticus:23:34 @...shall be the feast of tabernacles...

kjv@Leviticus:23:37 @...a sacrifice, and drink offerings, every...

kjv@Leviticus:23:38 @...beside all your freewill offerings, which...

kjv@Leviticus:23:39 @...gathered in the fruit of the...

kjv@Leviticus:23:40 @...thick trees, and willows of the...

kjv@Leviticus:23:43 @...out of the land of Egypt:...

kjv@Leviticus:23:44 @...of Israel the feasts of the...

kjv@Leviticus:24:2 @... Command the children of Israel,...

kjv@Leviticus:24:3 @...testimony, in the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Leviticus:24:8 @...taken from the children of Israel...

kjv@Leviticus:24:9 @...him of the offerings of the...

kjv@Leviticus:24:10 @...woman and a man of Israel...

kjv@Leviticus:24:11 @...son blasphemed the name of the...(...the daughter of Dibri, of the...)

kjv@Leviticus:24:12 @...ward, that the mind of the...

kjv@Leviticus:24:15 @...speak unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Leviticus:24:16 @...he blasphemeth the name of the...

kjv@Leviticus:24:22 @...stranger, as for one of your...

kjv@Leviticus:24:23 @...stones. And the children of Israel...

kjv@Leviticus:25:2 @...Speak unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Leviticus:25:4 @...shall be a sabbath of rest...

kjv@Leviticus:25:5 is a year of rest...

kjv@Leviticus:25:6 @... And the sabbath of the...

kjv@Leviticus:25:8 @...of the seven sabbaths of years...

kjv@Leviticus:25:9 @...month, in the day of atonement...

kjv@Leviticus:25:11 @...the grapes in it of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:25:12 @...the increase thereof out of the...

kjv@Leviticus:25:13 @... In the year of this...

kjv@Leviticus:25:14 @...neighbour, or buyest ought of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:25:15 @...the number of years of the...

kjv@Leviticus:25:16 @...number of the years of the...

kjv@Leviticus:25:22 ye shall eat of the...

kjv@Leviticus:25:24 all the land of your...

kjv@Leviticus:25:25 @...possession, and if any of his...

kjv@Leviticus:25:27 @...him count the years of the...

kjv@Leviticus:25:28 until the year of jubile:...

kjv@Leviticus:25:30 @...redeemed within the space of a...

kjv@Leviticus:25:31 @...counted as the fields of the...

kjv@Leviticus:25:32 @...houses of the cities of their...

kjv@Leviticus:25:33 @...houses of the cities of the...

kjv@Leviticus:25:34 @...field of the suburbs of their...

kjv@Leviticus:25:36 @...Take thou no usury of him,...

kjv@Leviticus:25:38 @...give you the land of Canaan,...

kjv@Leviticus:25:40 @...thee unto the year of... jubile:

kjv@Leviticus:25:41 @...and unto the possession of his...

kjv@Leviticus:25:42 @...out of the land of Egypt:...

kjv@Leviticus:25:44 @...are round about you; of them...

kjv@Leviticus:25:45 @...shall ye buy, and of their...

kjv@Leviticus:25:46 @...your brethren the children of Israel,...

kjv@Leviticus:25:47 @...or to the stock of the...

kjv@Leviticus:25:48 redeemed again; one of his...

kjv@Leviticus:25:49 @...of kin unto him of his...

kjv@Leviticus:25:50 @...according to the time of an...

kjv@Leviticus:25:51 @...of his redemption out of the...

kjv@Leviticus:25:52 @...him again the price of his...

kjv@Leviticus:25:54 @...out in the year of jubile,...

kjv@Leviticus:25:55 @...out of the land of Egypt:...

kjv@Leviticus:26:1 @...set up any image of stone...

kjv@Leviticus:26:4 @...increase, and the trees of the...

kjv@Leviticus:26:6 @...rid evil beasts out of the...

kjv@Leviticus:26:8 @...hundred, and an hundred of you...

kjv@Leviticus:26:10 @...forth the old because of the...

kjv@Leviticus:26:13 @...have broken the bands of your...

kjv@Leviticus:26:16 @...eyes, and cause sorrow of heart:...

kjv@Leviticus:26:19 @...will break the pride of your...

kjv@Leviticus:26:20 @...neither shall the trees of the...

kjv@Leviticus:26:22 @...which shall rob you of your...

kjv@Leviticus:26:25 @...delivered into the hand of the...

kjv@Leviticus:26:26 @...have broken the staff of your...

kjv@Leviticus:26:29 @...sons, and the flesh of your...

kjv@Leviticus:26:30 @...carcases upon the carcases of your...

kjv@Leviticus:26:31 @...not smell the savour of your...

kjv@Leviticus:26:36 @...enemies; and the sound of a...

kjv@Leviticus:26:38 @...heathen, and the land of your...

kjv@Leviticus:26:39 @...also in the iniquities of their...

kjv@Leviticus:26:40 @...iniquity, and the iniquity of their...

kjv@Leviticus:26:41 @...accept of the punishment of their...

kjv@Leviticus:26:43 @...accept of the punishment of their...

kjv@Leviticus:26:44 in the land of their...

kjv@Leviticus:26:45 @...Egypt in the sight of the...

kjv@Leviticus:26:46 @...him and the children of Israel...

kjv@Leviticus:27:2 @...Speak unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Leviticus:27:3 @...silver, after the shekel of the...

kjv@Leviticus:27:5 @...thy estimation shall be of the...

kjv@Leviticus:27:6 @...the male five shekels of silver,...

kjv@Leviticus:27:9 @...that any man giveth of such...

kjv@Leviticus:27:11 @...which they do not offer a...

kjv@Leviticus:27:15 @...part of the money of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:27:16 @...seed thereof: an homer of barley...

kjv@Leviticus:27:17 @...field from the year of jubile,...

kjv@Leviticus:27:18 @...even unto the year of the...

kjv@Leviticus:27:19 @...part of the money of thy...

kjv@Leviticus:27:22 @...not of the fields of his...

kjv@Leviticus:27:23 @...even unto the year of the...

kjv@Leviticus:27:24 whom the possession of the...

kjv@Leviticus:27:25 @...according to the shekel of the...

kjv@Leviticus:27:26 @... Only the firstling of the...

kjv@Leviticus:27:27 @...add a fifth part of it...

kjv@Leviticus:27:28 @...and of the field of his...

kjv@Leviticus:27:29 @...which shall be devoted of men,...

kjv@Leviticus:27:30 @...or of the fruit of the...

kjv@Leviticus:27:31 all redeem ought of his...

kjv@Leviticus:27:32 @...of the flock, even of whatsoever...

kjv@Leviticus:27:34 @...Moses for the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:1:1 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Numbers:1:2 @...fathers, with the number of their...

kjv@Numbers:1:4 @...head of the house of his...

kjv@Numbers:1:5 of the tribe of Reuben;...

kjv@Numbers:1:6 @...Simeon; Shelumiel the son of... Zurishaddai.

kjv@Numbers:1:7 @...Judah; Nahshon the son of... Amminadab.

kjv@Numbers:1:8 @...Issachar; Nethaneel the son of... Zuar.

kjv@Numbers:1:9 @...Zebulun; Eliab the son of... Helon.

kjv@Numbers:1:10 @...the son of Ammihud: of Manasseh;...

kjv@Numbers:1:11 @...Benjamin; Abidan the son of... Gideoni.

kjv@Numbers:1:12 @...Dan; Ahiezer the son of... Ammishaddai.

kjv@Numbers:1:13 @...Asher; Pagiel the son of... Ocran.

kjv@Numbers:1:14 @...Gad; Eliasaph the son of... Deuel.

kjv@Numbers:1:15 @...Naphtali; Ahira the son of... Enan.

kjv@Numbers:1:16 @...of their fathers, heads of thousands...

kjv@Numbers:1:18 @...according to the number of the...

kjv@Numbers:1:19 @...them in the wilderness of... Sinai.

kjv@Numbers:1:20 @...according to the number of the...

kjv@Numbers:1:21 @...even of the tribe of Reuben,...

kjv@Numbers:1:22 @...according to the number of the...

kjv@Numbers:1:23 @...even of the tribe of Simeon,...

kjv@Numbers:1:24 @...according to the number of the...

kjv@Numbers:1:25 @...even of the tribe of Gad,...

kjv@Numbers:1:26 @...according to the number of the...

kjv@Numbers:1:27 @...even of the tribe of Judah,...

kjv@Numbers:1:28 @...according to the number of the...

kjv@Numbers:1:29 @...even of the tribe of Issachar,...

kjv@Numbers:1:30 @...according to the number of the...

kjv@Numbers:1:31 @...even of the tribe of Zebulun,...

kjv@Numbers:1:32 @...according to the number of the...

kjv@Numbers:1:33 @...even of the tribe of Ephraim,...

kjv@Numbers:1:34 @...according to the number of the...

kjv@Numbers:1:35 @...even of the tribe of Manasseh,...

kjv@Numbers:1:36 @...according to the number of the...

kjv@Numbers:1:37 @...even of the tribe of Benjamin,...

kjv@Numbers:1:38 @...according to the number of the...

kjv@Numbers:1:39 @...even of the tribe of Dan,...

kjv@Numbers:1:40 @...according to the number of the...

kjv@Numbers:1:41 @...even of the tribe of Asher,...

kjv@Numbers:1:42 @...according to the number of the...

kjv@Numbers:1:43 @...even of the tribe of Naphtali,...

kjv@Numbers:1:44 @...was for the house of his...

kjv@Numbers:1:45 @...Israel, by the house of their...

kjv@Numbers:1:47 @...Levites after the tribe of their...

kjv@Numbers:1:49 @...neither take the sum of them...

kjv@Numbers:1:50 @...Levites over the tabernacle of testimony,...

kjv@Numbers:1:52 @... And the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:1:53 @...shall keep the charge of the...

kjv@Numbers:1:54 @... And the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:2:2 about the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:2:3 @...Amminadab shall be captain of the...

kjv@Numbers:2:4 @...those that were numbered of them,...

kjv@Numbers:2:5 @...Zuar shall be captain of the...

kjv@Numbers:2:7 @...Helon shall be captain of the...

kjv@Numbers:2:9 @...numbered in the camp of Judah...

kjv@Numbers:2:10 @...captain of the children of Reuben...

kjv@Numbers:2:12 @...captain of the children of Simeon...

kjv@Numbers:2:13 @...those that were numbered of them,...

kjv@Numbers:2:14 @...captain of the sons of Gad...

kjv@Numbers:2:15 @...those that were numbered of them,...

kjv@Numbers:2:16 @...numbered in the camp of Reuben...

kjv@Numbers:2:17 @...Levites in the midst of the...

kjv@Numbers:2:18 @...captain of the sons of Ephraim...

kjv@Numbers:2:19 @...those that were numbered of them,...

kjv@Numbers:2:20 @...captain of the children of Manasseh...

kjv@Numbers:2:21 @...those that were numbered of them,...

kjv@Numbers:2:22 @...captain of the sons of Benjamin...

kjv@Numbers:2:23 @...those that were numbered of them,...

kjv@Numbers:2:24 @...numbered of the camp of Ephraim...

kjv@Numbers:2:25 @...captain of the children of Dan...

kjv@Numbers:2:26 @...those that were numbered of them,...

kjv@Numbers:2:27 @...captain of the children of Asher...

kjv@Numbers:2:28 @...those that were numbered of them,...

kjv@Numbers:2:29 @...captain of the children of Naphtali...

kjv@Numbers:2:30 @...those that were numbered of them,...

kjv@Numbers:2:31 @...numbered in the camp of Dan...

kjv@Numbers:2:32 @...those that were numbered of the...

kjv@Numbers:2:33 @...numbered among the children of Israel;...

kjv@Numbers:2:34 @...according to the house of their...

kjv@Numbers:3:1 @...also are the generations of Aaron...

kjv@Numbers:3:2 @...names of the sons of Aaron;...

kjv@Numbers:3:3 @...names of the sons of Aaron,...

kjv@Numbers:3:4 in the sight of Aaron...

kjv@Numbers:3:6 @... Bring the tribe of Levi...

kjv@Numbers:3:7 do the service of the...

kjv@Numbers:3:8 do the service of the...

kjv@Numbers:3:9 @...given unto him out of the...

kjv@Numbers:3:12 @...matrix among the children of Israel:...

kjv@Numbers:3:13 @...firstborn in the land of Egypt...

kjv@Numbers:3:14 @...Moses in the wilderness of Sinai,...

kjv@Numbers:3:15 @...Levi after the house of their...

kjv@Numbers:3:16 @...according to the word of the...

kjv@Numbers:3:17 @...these were the sons of Levi...

kjv@Numbers:3:18 @...names of the sons of Gershon...

kjv@Numbers:3:19 @... And the sons of Kohath...

kjv@Numbers:3:20 @...according to the house of their...

kjv@Numbers:3:21 @...these are the families of the...

kjv@Numbers:3:22 @...those that were numbered of them...

kjv@Numbers:3:23 ... The families of the...

kjv@Numbers:3:24 of the father of the...

kjv@Numbers:3:25 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:3:26 @...about, and the cords of it...

kjv@Numbers:3:27 @...these are the families of the...

kjv@Numbers:3:28 @...hundred, keeping the charge of the...

kjv@Numbers:3:29 @...pitch on the side of the...

kjv@Numbers:3:30 @...father of the families of the...

kjv@Numbers:3:31 @...altars, and the vessels of the...

kjv@Numbers:3:32 @...that keep the charge of the...

kjv@Numbers:3:33 @...Mahlites, and the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:3:34 @...according to the number of all...

kjv@Numbers:3:35 @...pitch on the side of the...

kjv@Numbers:3:36 @...shall be the boards of the...

kjv@Numbers:3:37 @... And the pillars of the...

kjv@Numbers:3:38 @...charge of the children of Israel;...

kjv@Numbers:3:39 @...numbered at the commandment of the...

kjv@Numbers:3:40 @...and take the number of their...

kjv@Numbers:3:41 @ And thou shalt take the Levites for me (I am the LORD)...firstlings among the cattle of the...

kjv@Numbers:3:42 @...firstborn among the children of... Israel.

kjv@Numbers:3:43 @...those that were numbered of them,...

kjv@Numbers:3:45 @...of the Levites instead of their...

kjv@Numbers:3:46 @...firstborn of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:3:47 @...poll, after the shekel of the...(the shekel is twenty gerahs:)

kjv@Numbers:3:48 @...wherewith the odd number of them...

kjv@Numbers:3:49 @...took the redemption money of them...

kjv@Numbers:3:50 @...shekels, after the shekel of the...

kjv@Numbers:3:51 @...according to the word of the...

kjv@Numbers:4:2 @...families, by the house of their...

kjv@Numbers:4:3 in the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:4:4 @...Kohath in the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:4:5 @...and cover the ark of testimony...

kjv@Numbers:4:6 a cloth wholly of blue,...

kjv@Numbers:4:7 @...shall spread a cloth of blue,...

kjv@Numbers:4:8 @...same with a covering of badgers'...

kjv@Numbers:4:9 @...and cover the candlestick of the...

kjv@Numbers:4:10 @...thereof within a covering of badgers'...

kjv@Numbers:4:11 with a covering of badgers'...

kjv@Numbers:4:12 @...them with a covering of badgers'...

kjv@Numbers:4:14 @...upon it a covering of badgers'...

kjv@Numbers:4:15 @...Kohath in the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:4:16 @...all the tabernacle, and of all...

kjv@Numbers:4:18 @...tribe of the families of the...

kjv@Numbers:4:22 @...Gershon, throughout the houses of their...

kjv@Numbers:4:23 in the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:4:24 @...service of the families of the...

kjv@Numbers:4:25 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:4:26 @...and all the instruments of their...

kjv@Numbers:4:27 @...service of the sons of the...

kjv@Numbers:4:28 @...of Ithamar the son of Aaron...

kjv@Numbers:4:29 @...families, by the house of their...

kjv@Numbers:4:30 of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:4:31 @...the congregation; the boards of the...

kjv@Numbers:4:32 @...instruments of the charge of their...

kjv@Numbers:4:33 @...of Ithamar the son of Aaron...

kjv@Numbers:4:34 @...and after the house of their...

kjv@Numbers:4:35 in the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:4:36 @...those that were numbered of them...

kjv@Numbers:4:37 @...according to the commandment of the...

kjv@Numbers:4:38 @...and by the house of their...

kjv@Numbers:4:39 in the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:4:40 @...families, by the house of their...

kjv@Numbers:4:41 @...according to the commandment of the...

kjv@Numbers:4:42 @...families, by the house of their...

kjv@Numbers:4:43 in the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:4:44 @...those that were numbered of them...

kjv@Numbers:4:45 @...according to the word of the...

kjv@Numbers:4:46 @...and after the house of their...

kjv@Numbers:4:47 @...burden in the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:4:48 @...those that were numbered of them,...

kjv@Numbers:4:49 @...thus were they numbered of him,...

kjv@Numbers:5:2 @...that they put out of the...

kjv@Numbers:5:4 @... And the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:5:6 @...Speak unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:5:8 @...priest; beside the ram of the...

kjv@Numbers:5:9 @...things of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:5:12 @...Speak unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:5:13 @...hid from the eyes of her...

kjv@Numbers:5:14 @...and he be jealous of his...

kjv@Numbers:5:15 @...of jealousy, an offering of memorial,...

kjv@Numbers:5:17 in the floor of the...

kjv@Numbers:5:18 @...which is the jealousy offering: and...

kjv@Numbers:5:19 @...uncleanness with another instead of thy...

kjv@Numbers:5:20 @...aside to another instead of thy...

kjv@Numbers:5:21 @...woman with an oath of cursing,...

kjv@Numbers:5:25 @...before the LORD, and offer it...

kjv@Numbers:5:26 handful of the offering, even...

kjv@Numbers:5:29 @...aside to another instead of her...

kjv@Numbers:5:30 @...Or when the spirit of jealousy...

kjv@Numbers:6:2 vow a vow of a...

kjv@Numbers:6:3 @...he drink any liquor of grapes,...

kjv@Numbers:6:4 @...nothing that is made of the...

kjv@Numbers:6:5 @...locks of the hair of his...

kjv@Numbers:6:7 @...die: because the consecration of his...

kjv@Numbers:6:8 @... All the days of his...

kjv@Numbers:6:9 @...head in the day of his...

kjv@Numbers:6:10 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:6:12 @...year for a trespass offering: but...

kjv@Numbers:6:13 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:6:14 @...blemish for a sin offering, and...

kjv@Numbers:6:15 @...oil, and their meat offering, and...

kjv@Numbers:6:17 @...offer also his meat offering, and...

kjv@Numbers:6:18 under the sacrifice of the...

kjv@Numbers:6:19 @...Nazarite, after the hair of his...

kjv@Numbers:6:21 after the law of his...

kjv@Numbers:6:23 @...shall bless the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:6:27 upon the children of Israel;...

kjv@Numbers:7:2 @...who were the princes of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:3 @...a wagon for two of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:5 @...service of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:7 @...gave unto the sons of Gershon,...

kjv@Numbers:7:8 @...of Ithamar the son of Aaron...

kjv@Numbers:7:9 @...none: because the service of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:10 @...the princes offered their offering before...

kjv@Numbers:7:11, for the dedicating of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:12 @...the son of Amminadab, of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:13 @...of them were full of fine...

kjv@Numbers:7:14 @...spoon of ten shekels of gold,...

kjv@Numbers:7:15 ram, one lamb of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:16 ... One kid of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:17 @...this was the offering of Nahshon...

kjv@Numbers:7:18 @...son of Zuar, prince of Issachar,...

kjv@Numbers:7:19 @...both of them full of fine...

kjv@Numbers:7:20 @...One spoon of gold of ten...

kjv@Numbers:7:21 ram, one lamb of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:22 ... One kid of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:23 @...this was the offering of Nethaneel...

kjv@Numbers:7:24 @...prince of the children of Zebulun,...

kjv@Numbers:7:25 @...both of them full of fine...

kjv@Numbers:7:26 @... One golden spoon of ten...

kjv@Numbers:7:27 ram, one lamb of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:28 ... One kid of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:29 @...this was the offering of Eliab...

kjv@Numbers:7:30 @...prince of the children of Reuben,...

kjv@Numbers:7:31 @...both of them full of fine...

kjv@Numbers:7:32 @... One golden spoon of ten...

kjv@Numbers:7:33 ram, one lamb of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:34 ... One kid of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:35 @...this was the offering of Elizur...

kjv@Numbers:7:36 @...prince of the children of Simeon,...

kjv@Numbers:7:37 @...both of them full of fine...

kjv@Numbers:7:38 @... One golden spoon of ten...

kjv@Numbers:7:39 ram, one lamb of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:40 ... One kid of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:41 @...this was the offering of Shelumiel...

kjv@Numbers:7:42 @...prince of the children of Gad,...

kjv@Numbers:7:43 @...both of them full of fine...

kjv@Numbers:7:44 @... One golden spoon of ten...

kjv@Numbers:7:45 ram, one lamb of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:46 ... One kid of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:47 @...this was the offering of Eliasaph...

kjv@Numbers:7:48 @...prince of the children of Ephraim,...

kjv@Numbers:7:49 @...both of them full of fine...

kjv@Numbers:7:50 @... One golden spoon of ten...

kjv@Numbers:7:51 ram, one lamb of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:52 ... One kid of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:53 @...this was the offering of Elishama...

kjv@Numbers:7:54 @...son of Pedahzur, prince of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:55 @...both of them full of fine...

kjv@Numbers:7:56 @... One golden spoon of ten...

kjv@Numbers:7:57 ram, one lamb of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:58 ... One kid of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:59 @...this was the offering of Gamaliel...

kjv@Numbers:7:60 @...prince of the children of Benjamin,...

kjv@Numbers:7:61 @...both of them full of fine...

kjv@Numbers:7:62 @... One golden spoon of ten...

kjv@Numbers:7:63 ram, one lamb of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:64 ... One kid of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:65 @...this was the offering of Abidan...

kjv@Numbers:7:66 @...prince of the children of Dan,...

kjv@Numbers:7:67 @...both of them full of fine...

kjv@Numbers:7:68 @... One golden spoon of ten...

kjv@Numbers:7:69 ram, one lamb of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:70 ... One kid of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:71 @...this was the offering of Ahiezer...

kjv@Numbers:7:72 @...prince of the children of Asher,...

kjv@Numbers:7:73 @...both of them full of fine...

kjv@Numbers:7:74 @... One golden spoon of ten...

kjv@Numbers:7:75 ram, one lamb of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:76 ... One kid of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:77 @...this was the offering of Pagiel...

kjv@Numbers:7:78 @...prince of the children of Naphtali,...

kjv@Numbers:7:79 @...both of them full of fine...

kjv@Numbers:7:80 @... One golden spoon of ten...

kjv@Numbers:7:81 ram, one lamb of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:82 ... One kid of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:83 @...this was the offering of Ahira...

kjv@Numbers:7:84 @...of Israel: twelve chargers of silver,...

kjv@Numbers:7:85 @...shekels, after the shekel of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:86 @...sanctuary: all the gold of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:87 @...offering: and the kids of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:88 @...This was the dedication of the...

kjv@Numbers:7:89 @...was upon the ark of testimony,...

kjv@Numbers:8:4 @...of the candlestick was of beaten...

kjv@Numbers:8:6 @...from among the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:8:7 @...cleanse them: Sprinkle water of purifying...

kjv@Numbers:8:9 @...assembly of the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:8:10 @...LORD: and the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:8:11 @...may execute the service of the...

kjv@Numbers:8:12 @...other for a burnt offering, unto...

kjv@Numbers:8:14 @...from among the children of Israel:...

kjv@Numbers:8:15 @...shalt cleanse them, and offer them...

kjv@Numbers:8:16 @...of all the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:8:17 @...firstborn in the land of Egypt...

kjv@Numbers:8:18 @...for all the firstborn of the...

kjv@Numbers:8:19 @...Israel, when the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:8:20 did the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:8:22 @...service in the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:8:24 @...service of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:8:25 @...And from the age of fifty...

kjv@Numbers:8:26 @...brethren in the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:9:1 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Numbers:9:2 @... Let the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:9:3 all the rites of it,...

kjv@Numbers:9:4 @...spake unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:9:5 @...even in the wilderness of Sinai:...

kjv@Numbers:9:6 the dead body of a...

kjv@Numbers:9:7 @...not offer an offering of the...

kjv@Numbers:9:10 a journey afar off, yet...

kjv@Numbers:9:11 @... The fourteenth day of the...

kjv@Numbers:9:12 all the ordinances of the...

kjv@Numbers:9:13 @...brought not the offering of the...

kjv@Numbers:9:14 @...according to the ordinance of the...

kjv@Numbers:9:15 were the appearance of fire,...

kjv@Numbers:9:16, and the appearance of fire...

kjv@Numbers:9:17 @...abode, there the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:9:18 @...and at the commandment of the...

kjv@Numbers:9:19 @...Israel kept the charge of the...

kjv@Numbers:9:20 @...according to the commandment of the...

kjv@Numbers:9:22 @...remaining thereon, the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:9:23 @...LORD, at the commandment of the...

kjv@Numbers:10:2 @...and for the journeying of the...

kjv@Numbers:10:3 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:10:4 @...heads of the thousands of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:10:8 @... And the sons of Aaron,...

kjv@Numbers:10:10 @...sacrifices of your peace offerings; that...

kjv@Numbers:10:11 @...from off the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:10:12 @...out of the wilderness of Sinai;...

kjv@Numbers:10:13 @...according to the commandment of the...

kjv@Numbers:10:14 of the children of Judah...

kjv@Numbers:10:15 @...tribe of the children of Issachar...

kjv@Numbers:10:16 @...tribe of the children of Zebulun...

kjv@Numbers:10:17 @...Gershon and the sons of Merari...

kjv@Numbers:10:18 @...standard of the camp of Reuben...

kjv@Numbers:10:19 @...tribe of the children of Simeon...

kjv@Numbers:10:20 @...tribe of the children of Gad...

kjv@Numbers:10:22 of the children of Ephraim...

kjv@Numbers:10:23 @...tribe of the children of Manasseh...

kjv@Numbers:10:24 @...tribe of the children of Benjamin...

kjv@Numbers:10:25 @...which was the rereward of all...

kjv@Numbers:10:26 @...tribe of the children of Asher...

kjv@Numbers:10:27 @...tribe of the children of Naphtali...

kjv@Numbers:10:28 @...journeyings of the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:10:29 @...journeying unto the place of which...

kjv@Numbers:10:31 to us instead of... eyes.

kjv@Numbers:10:33 @...ark of the covenant of the...

kjv@Numbers:10:34 @...when they went out of the...

kjv@Numbers:10:36 @...unto the many thousands of... Israel.

kjv@Numbers:11:1 the uttermost parts of the...

kjv@Numbers:11:3 @...Taberah: because the fire of the...

kjv@Numbers:11:4 @...lusting: and the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:11:7 @...thereof as the colour of... bdellium.

kjv@Numbers:11:8 @...was as the taste of fresh...

kjv@Numbers:11:10 @...tent: and the anger of the...

kjv@Numbers:11:11 @...thou layest the burden of all...

kjv@Numbers:11:15 @...I pray thee, out of hand,...

kjv@Numbers:11:16 @...them unto the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:11:17 @...shall bear the burden of the...

kjv@Numbers:11:18 @...wept in the ears of the...

kjv@Numbers:11:20 @...came we forth out of... Egypt?

kjv@Numbers:11:22 @...shall all the fish of the...

kjv@Numbers:11:24 of the elders of the...

kjv@Numbers:11:25 @...unto him, and took of the...

kjv@Numbers:11:26 @...them; and they were of them...

kjv@Numbers:11:28 @...servant of Moses, one of his...

kjv@Numbers:11:30 @...he and the elders of... Israel.

kjv@Numbers:11:31 @...high upon the face of the...

kjv@Numbers:11:33 @...was chewed, the wrath of the...

kjv@Numbers:11:34 @...he called the name of that...

kjv@Numbers:12:1 @...spake against Moses because of the...

kjv@Numbers:12:3 @ (...were upon the face of the...)

kjv@Numbers:12:4 @...three unto the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:12:5 @...stood in the door of the...

kjv@Numbers:12:8 @...speeches; and the similitude of the...

kjv@Numbers:12:9 @... And the anger of the...

kjv@Numbers:12:12 @...when he cometh out of his...

kjv@Numbers:12:16 @...pitched in the wilderness of... Paran.

kjv@Numbers:13:2 @...Israel: of every tribe of their...

kjv@Numbers:13:3 @...those men were heads of the...

kjv@Numbers:13:4 @...names: of the tribe of Reuben,...

kjv@Numbers:13:5 @... Of the tribe of Simeon,...

kjv@Numbers:13:6 @... Of the tribe of Judah,...

kjv@Numbers:13:7 @... Of the tribe of Issachar,...

kjv@Numbers:13:8 @... Of the tribe of Ephraim,...

kjv@Numbers:13:9 @... Of the tribe of Benjamin,...

kjv@Numbers:13:10 @... Of the tribe of Zebulun,...

kjv@Numbers:13:11 @...namely, of the tribe of Manasseh,...

kjv@Numbers:13:12 @... Of the tribe of Dan,...

kjv@Numbers:13:13 @... Of the tribe of Asher,...

kjv@Numbers:13:14 @... Of the tribe of Naphtali,...

kjv@Numbers:13:15 @... Of the tribe of Gad,...

kjv@Numbers:13:16 @...called Oshea the son of Nun...

kjv@Numbers:13:17 @...spy out the land of Canaan,...

kjv@Numbers:13:20 @...time was the time of the...

kjv@Numbers:13:21 from the wilderness of Zin...

kjv@Numbers:13:22 @...and Talmai, the children of Anak,...(Now Hebron was built seven years before Zoan in Egypt.)

kjv@Numbers:13:23 @...of the pomegranates, and of the...

kjv@Numbers:13:24 @...grapes which the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:13:25 @...they returned from searching of the...

kjv@Numbers:13:26 @...shewed them the fruit of the...

kjv@Numbers:13:27 @...this is the fruit of... it.

kjv@Numbers:13:28 @...we saw the children of Anak...

kjv@Numbers:13:29 @...dwell in the land of the...

kjv@Numbers:13:32 it are men of a...

kjv@Numbers:13:33 @...of Anak, which come of the...

kjv@Numbers:14:2 @...died in the land of Egypt!...

kjv@Numbers:14:5 @...assembly of the congregation of the...

kjv@Numbers:14:6 @...of Jephunneh, which were of them...

kjv@Numbers:14:7 of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:14:9 @...fear ye the people of the...

kjv@Numbers:14:10 @...appeared in the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:14:12 @...them, and will make of thee...

kjv@Numbers:14:14 @...and in a pillar of fire...

kjv@Numbers:14:15 @...have heard the fame of thee...

kjv@Numbers:14:17 @...thee, let the power of my...

kjv@Numbers:14:18 @...guilty, visiting the iniquity of the...

kjv@Numbers:14:19 @...according unto the greatness of thy...

kjv@Numbers:14:21 @...filled with the glory of the...

kjv@Numbers:14:23 @...fathers, neither shall any of them...

kjv@Numbers:14:25 @ (Now the Amalekites and the Canaanites dwelt in the valley.)...wilderness by the way of the...

kjv@Numbers:14:27 @...murmurings of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:14:29 @...all that were numbered of you,...

kjv@Numbers:14:30 Caleb the son of Jephunneh,...

kjv@Numbers:14:34 @... After the number of the...

kjv@Numbers:14:38 @...of Jephunneh, which were of the...

kjv@Numbers:14:39 @...unto all the children of Israel:...

kjv@Numbers:14:40 @...up into the top of the...

kjv@Numbers:14:41 transgress the commandment of the...

kjv@Numbers:14:44 @...Moses, departed not out of the...

kjv@Numbers:15:2 @...come into the land of your...

kjv@Numbers:15:3 @...of the herd, or of the...

kjv@Numbers:15:4 @...with the fourth part of an...

kjv@Numbers:15:5 @...prepare with the burnt offering or...

kjv@Numbers:15:6 @...with the third part of an...

kjv@Numbers:15:7 @...part of an hin of wine,...

kjv@Numbers:15:9 @...of three tenth deals of flour...

kjv@Numbers:15:10 @...offering made by fire, of a...

kjv@Numbers:15:13 @...offering made by fire, of a...

kjv@Numbers:15:14 @...offering made by fire, of a...

kjv@Numbers:15:15 both for you of the...

kjv@Numbers:15:18 @...Speak unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:15:19 @...offer up an heave offering unto...

kjv@Numbers:15:20 the heave offering of the...

kjv@Numbers:15:21 @...the LORD an heave offering in...

kjv@Numbers:15:23 by the hand of Moses,...

kjv@Numbers:15:24 @...manner, and one kid of the...

kjv@Numbers:15:25 @...LORD, and their sin offering before...

kjv@Numbers:15:26 @...congregation of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:15:27 @...bring a she goat of the...

kjv@Numbers:15:29 @...born among the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:15:31 @...shall utterly be cut off; his...

kjv@Numbers:15:32 @...And while the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:15:38 @...put upon the fringe of the...

kjv@Numbers:15:39 @...remember all the commandments of the...

kjv@Numbers:15:41 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Numbers:16:1 @...son of Peleth, sons of Reuben,...

kjv@Numbers:16:2 @...hundred and fifty princes of the...

kjv@Numbers:16:3 @...yourselves above the congregation of the...

kjv@Numbers:16:7 @...upon you, ye sons of... Levi.

kjv@Numbers:16:8 @...pray you, ye sons of... Levi:

kjv@Numbers:16:9 @...service of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:16:10 @...thy brethren the sons of Levi...

kjv@Numbers:16:12 @...and Abiram, the sons of Eliab:...

kjv@Numbers:16:13 @...brought us up out of a...

kjv@Numbers:16:14 @...put out the eyes of these...

kjv@Numbers:16:15 @...Respect not thou their offering: I...

kjv@Numbers:16:17 @...also, and Aaron, each of you...

kjv@Numbers:16:18 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:16:19 @...congregation: and the glory of the...

kjv@Numbers:16:22 @...God of the spirits of all...

kjv@Numbers:16:24 @...from about the tabernacle of Korah,...

kjv@Numbers:16:25 @...Abiram; and the elders of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:16:26, and touch nothing of theirs,...

kjv@Numbers:16:27 @...stood in the door of their...

kjv@Numbers:16:28 @...have not done them of mine...

kjv@Numbers:16:29 @...visited after the visitation of all...

kjv@Numbers:16:31 @...had made an end of speaking...

kjv@Numbers:16:34 @...fled at the cry of them:...

kjv@Numbers:16:37 @...up the censers out of the...

kjv@Numbers:16:38 @...the altar: for they offered them...

kjv@Numbers:16:39 @...plates for a covering of the...

kjv@Numbers:16:40 @...Aaron, come near to offer incense...

kjv@Numbers:16:41 @...have killed the people of the...

kjv@Numbers:16:42, and the glory of the...

kjv@Numbers:16:43 @...came before the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:16:47 @...ran into the midst of the...

kjv@Numbers:16:49 @...died about the matter of... Korah.

kjv@Numbers:16:50 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:17:2 @...according to the house of their...

kjv@Numbers:17:3 @...head of the house of their...

kjv@Numbers:17:4 @...up in the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:17:5 @...murmurings of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:17:6 @...rods: and the rod of Aaron...

kjv@Numbers:17:7 @...LORD in the tabernacle of... witness.

kjv@Numbers:17:8 @...Aaron for the house of Levi...

kjv@Numbers:17:9 @...unto all the children of Israel:...

kjv@Numbers:17:12 @... And the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:17:13 @...near unto the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:18:1 @...shall bear the iniquity of your...

kjv@Numbers:18:2 @...of Levi, the tribe of thy...

kjv@Numbers:18:3 @...come nigh the vessels of the...

kjv@Numbers:18:4 @...for all the service of the...

kjv@Numbers:18:5 @...sanctuary, and the charge of the...

kjv@Numbers:18:6 @...service of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:18:7 as a service of gift:...

kjv@Numbers:18:8 @...given them by reason of the...

kjv@Numbers:18:9 @...and every trespass offering of theirs,...

kjv@Numbers:18:11 @...offerings of the children of Israel:...

kjv@Numbers:18:12 @...them which they shall offer unto...

kjv@Numbers:18:13 @...thine house shall eat of... it.

kjv@Numbers:18:15 @...redeem, and the firstling of unclean...

kjv@Numbers:18:16 @...shekels, after the shekel of the...

kjv@Numbers:18:17 @...their fat for an offering made...

kjv@Numbers:18:18 @... And the flesh of them...

kjv@Numbers:18:19 is a covenant of salt...

kjv@Numbers:18:20 @...inheritance among the children of... Israel.

kjv@Numbers:18:21 @...service of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:18:22 @...come nigh the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:18:23 @...that among the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:18:24 @...them, Among the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:18:26 @...even a tenth part of the...

kjv@Numbers:18:27 @...and as the fulness of the...

kjv@Numbers:18:28 @...thereof the LORD'S heave offering to...

kjv@Numbers:18:29 @...offering of the LORD, of all...

kjv@Numbers:18:30 @...and as the increase of the...

kjv@Numbers:18:31 @...service in the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:18:32 @...things of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:19:2 @...Speak unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:19:4 @...directly before the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:19:6 @...midst of the burning of the...

kjv@Numbers:19:9 @...Israel for a water of separation:...

kjv@Numbers:19:10 unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:19:11 @...toucheth the dead body of any...

kjv@Numbers:19:13 @...Israel: because the water of separation...

kjv@Numbers:19:16 @...body, or a bone of a...

kjv@Numbers:19:17 @...of the burnt heifer of purification...

kjv@Numbers:19:20 @...the LORD: the water of separation...

kjv@Numbers:19:21 @...that toucheth the water of separation...

kjv@Numbers:20:1 @...congregation, into the desert of Zin...

kjv@Numbers:20:4 @...brought up the congregation of the...

kjv@Numbers:20:5 @...or of vines, or of pomegranates;...

kjv@Numbers:20:6 @...faces: and the glory of the...

kjv@Numbers:20:8 them water out of the...

kjv@Numbers:20:10 @...fetch you water out of this...

kjv@Numbers:20:12 @...eyes of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:20:13 @...Meribah; because the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:20:14 @...Kadesh unto the king of Edom,...

kjv@Numbers:20:16 in the uttermost of thy...

kjv@Numbers:20:17 @...drink of the water of the...

kjv@Numbers:20:19 @...and my cattle drink of thy...

kjv@Numbers:20:22 @... And the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:20:23 @...coast of the land of Edom,...

kjv@Numbers:20:24 @...given unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:20:26 @... And strip Aaron of his...

kjv@Numbers:20:27 @...Hor in the sight of all...

kjv@Numbers:20:28 @...there in the top of the...

kjv@Numbers:20:29 @...even all the house of... Israel.

kjv@Numbers:21:1 @...Israel, and took some of them...

kjv@Numbers:21:3 @...he called the name of the...

kjv@Numbers:21:4 @...was much discouraged because of the...

kjv@Numbers:21:5 @...brought us up out of Egypt...

kjv@Numbers:21:6 @...people; and much people of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:21:9 @...he beheld the serpent of brass,...

kjv@Numbers:21:10 @... And the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:21:12 @...pitched in the valley of... Zared.

kjv@Numbers:21:13 @...Arnon is the border of Moab,...

kjv@Numbers:21:14 of the wars of the...

kjv@Numbers:21:15 @...down to the dwelling of Ar,...

kjv@Numbers:21:18, by the direction of the...

kjv@Numbers:21:20 @...Moab, to the top of Pisgah,...

kjv@Numbers:21:21 @...messengers unto Sihon king of the...

kjv@Numbers:21:22 @...drink of the waters of the...

kjv@Numbers:21:24 @...border of the children of Ammon...

kjv@Numbers:21:25 all the cities of the...

kjv@Numbers:21:26 @...all his land out of his...

kjv@Numbers:21:27 @...Heshbon, let the city of Sihon...

kjv@Numbers:21:28 @...Moab, and the lords of the...

kjv@Numbers:21:29 @...captivity unto Sihon king of the...

kjv@Numbers:21:31 @...dwelt in the land of the...

kjv@Numbers:21:33 @...and Og the king of Bashan...

kjv@Numbers:21:34 @...didst unto Sihon king of the...

kjv@Numbers:22:1 @...pitched in the plains of Moab...

kjv@Numbers:22:2 @...And Balak the son of Zippor...

kjv@Numbers:22:3 @...Moab was distressed because of the...

kjv@Numbers:22:4 @...of Zippor was king of the...

kjv@Numbers:22:5 @...they cover the face of the...

kjv@Numbers:22:6 @...may drive them out of the...

kjv@Numbers:22:7 @...departed with the rewards of divination...

kjv@Numbers:22:8 and the princes of Moab...

kjv@Numbers:22:10 @...son of Zippor, king of Moab,...

kjv@Numbers:22:11 @...which covereth the face of the...

kjv@Numbers:22:13 @...said unto the princes of Balak,...

kjv@Numbers:22:14 @... And the princes of Moab...

kjv@Numbers:22:16 @...saith Balak the son of Zippor,...

kjv@Numbers:22:18 @...go beyond the word of the...

kjv@Numbers:22:21 @...went with the princes of... Moab.

kjv@Numbers:22:22 @...went: and the angel of the...

kjv@Numbers:22:23 @...ass turned aside out of the...

kjv@Numbers:22:24 @...stood in a path of the...

kjv@Numbers:22:25 @...ass saw the angel of the...

kjv@Numbers:22:26 @... And the angel of the...

kjv@Numbers:22:27 @...ass saw the angel of the...

kjv@Numbers:22:28 @...LORD opened the mouth of the...

kjv@Numbers:22:31 @...he saw the angel of the...

kjv@Numbers:22:32 @... And the angel of the...

kjv@Numbers:22:34 @...said unto the angel of the...

kjv@Numbers:22:35 @... And the angel of the...

kjv@Numbers:22:36 in the border of Arnon,...

kjv@Numbers:22:41 @...see the utmost part of the...

kjv@Numbers:23:6 @...and all the princes of... Moab.

kjv@Numbers:23:7 @...out of the mountains of the...

kjv@Numbers:23:9 @...For from the top of the...

kjv@Numbers:23:10 die the death of the...

kjv@Numbers:23:13 @...but the utmost part of them,...

kjv@Numbers:23:14 @...built seven altars, and offered a...

kjv@Numbers:23:17 @...offering, and the princes of Moab...

kjv@Numbers:23:18 @...unto me, thou son of... Zippor:

kjv@Numbers:23:19 @...lie; neither the son of man,...

kjv@Numbers:23:21 @...him, and the shout of a...

kjv@Numbers:23:22 were the strength of an...

kjv@Numbers:23:23 @...said of Jacob and of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:23:24 @...and drink the blood of the...

kjv@Numbers:23:28 @...Balaam unto the top of Peor,...

kjv@Numbers:24:2 @...tribes; and the spirit of God...

kjv@Numbers:24:3 @...said, Balaam the son of Beor...

kjv@Numbers:24:4 @...which saw the vision of the...

kjv@Numbers:24:6 @...side, as the trees of lign...

kjv@Numbers:24:7 @...pour the water out of his...

kjv@Numbers:24:8 were the strength of an...

kjv@Numbers:24:13 @...either good or bad of mine...

kjv@Numbers:24:15 @...said, Balaam the son of Beor...

kjv@Numbers:24:16 @...which saw the vision of the...

kjv@Numbers:24:17 @...shall smite the corners of Moab,...

kjv@Numbers:24:19 @...destroy him that remaineth of the...

kjv@Numbers:24:20 @...Amalek was the first of the...

kjv@Numbers:24:24 @...come from the coast of Chittim,...

kjv@Numbers:25:1 @...whoredom with the daughters of... Moab.

kjv@Numbers:25:2 @...people unto the sacrifices of their...

kjv@Numbers:25:3 @...Baalpeor: and the anger of the...

kjv@Numbers:25:4 @...that the fierce anger of the...

kjv@Numbers:25:5 @...said unto the judges of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:25:6 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:25:7 @...of Eleazar, the son of Aaron...

kjv@Numbers:25:8 @...them through, the man of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:25:11 @...consumed not the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:25:12 @...unto him my covenant of... peace:

kjv@Numbers:25:13 @...him, even the covenant of an...

kjv@Numbers:25:14 @...of Salu, a prince of a...

kjv@Numbers:25:15 @...over a people, and of a...

kjv@Numbers:25:18 @...slain in the day of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:1 @...unto Eleazar the son of Aaron...

kjv@Numbers:26:2 @...congregation of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:26:3 @...them in the plains of Moab...

kjv@Numbers:26:4 @...which went forth out of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:5 @...of Pallu, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:6 @...of Carmi, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:7 @...they that were numbered of them...

kjv@Numbers:26:8 @... And the sons of Pallu;...

kjv@Numbers:26:9 @...Aaron in the company of Korah,...

kjv@Numbers:26:11 @... Notwithstanding the children of Korah...

kjv@Numbers:26:12 @...of Jachin, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:13 @...of Shaul, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:14 @...These are the families of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:15 @...of Shuni, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:16 @...of Eri, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:17 @...of Areli, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:18 @...those that were numbered of them,...

kjv@Numbers:26:19 ... The sons of Judah...

kjv@Numbers:26:20 @...of Zerah, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:21 @...of Hamul, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:22 @...those that were numbered of them,...

kjv@Numbers:26:23 @...of Pua, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:24 @...of Shimron, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:25 @...those that were numbered of them,...

kjv@Numbers:26:26 @...of Jahleel, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:27 @...those that were numbered of them,...

kjv@Numbers:26:28 ... The sons of Joseph...

kjv@Numbers:26:29 @...Gilead come the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:30 @...of Helek, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:31 @...of Shechem, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:32 @...of Hepher, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:33 @...names of the daughters of Zelophehad...

kjv@Numbers:26:34 @...those that were numbered of them,...

kjv@Numbers:26:35 @...of Tahan, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:36 @...of Eran, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:37 @...These are the sons of Joseph...

kjv@Numbers:26:38 @...of Ahiram, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:39 @...of Hupham, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:40 @...of Naaman, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:41 @...they that were numbered of them...

kjv@Numbers:26:42 @...These are the families of Dan...

kjv@Numbers:26:43 @...those that were numbered of them,...

kjv@Numbers:26:44 @...of Beriah, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:45 @...of Malchiel, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:46 of the daughter of Asher...

kjv@Numbers:26:47 @...those that were numbered of them;...

kjv@Numbers:26:48 @...of Guni, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:49 @...of Shillem, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:50 @...they that were numbered of them...

kjv@Numbers:26:51 @...numbered of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:26:53 @...according to the number of... names.

kjv@Numbers:26:54 @...those that were numbered of... him.

kjv@Numbers:26:55 @...names of the tribes of their...

kjv@Numbers:26:57 @...of Merari, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:58 @...the Mushites, the family of the...

kjv@Numbers:26:59 @...was Jochebed, the daughter of Levi,...

kjv@Numbers:26:62 @...numbered among the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:26:63 @...Israel in the plains of Moab...

kjv@Numbers:26:64 @...they numbered the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:26:65 Caleb the son of Jephunneh,...

kjv@Numbers:27:1 @...these are the names of his...

kjv@Numbers:27:2 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:27:3 @...LORD in the company of Korah;...

kjv@Numbers:27:4 @...possession among the brethren of our...

kjv@Numbers:27:7 @...shalt cause the inheritance of their...

kjv@Numbers:27:8 @...speak unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:27:11 @...of Israel a statute of judgment,...

kjv@Numbers:27:12 @...given unto the children of... Israel.

kjv@Numbers:27:14 @...that is the water of Meribah...

kjv@Numbers:27:16 @...God of the spirits of all...

kjv@Numbers:27:17; that the congregation of the...

kjv@Numbers:27:18 @...thee Joshua the son of Nun,...

kjv@Numbers:27:20 @...congregation of the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:27:21 @...and all the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:27:23 @...commanded by the hand of... Moses.

kjv@Numbers:28:2 @...shall ye observe to offer unto...

kjv@Numbers:28:3 @...the LORD; two lambs of the...

kjv@Numbers:28:5 @...part of an hin of beaten...

kjv@Numbers:28:7 the fourth part of an...

kjv@Numbers:28:8 @...sacrifice made by fire, of a...

kjv@Numbers:28:9 @...flour for a meat offering, mingled...

kjv@Numbers:28:10 @...beside the continual burnt offering, and...

kjv@Numbers:28:11 ram, seven lambs of the...

kjv@Numbers:28:12 @...flour for a meat offering, mingled...

kjv@Numbers:28:13 @...for a burnt offering of a...

kjv@Numbers:28:14 @...month throughout the months of the...

kjv@Numbers:28:15 @...beside the continual burnt offering, and...

kjv@Numbers:28:16 @...month is the passover of the...

kjv@Numbers:28:17 the fifteenth day of this...

kjv@Numbers:28:18 @...shall do no manner of servile...

kjv@Numbers:28:19 @...ram, and seven lambs of the...

kjv@Numbers:28:20 @...tenth deals shall ye offer for...

kjv@Numbers:28:24 @...beside the continual burnt offering, and...

kjv@Numbers:28:26 @...bring a new meat offering unto...

kjv@Numbers:28:27 ram, seven lambs of the...

kjv@Numbers:28:28 @...And their meat offering of flour...

kjv@Numbers:28:30 @... And one kid of the...

kjv@Numbers:29:1 is a day of blowing...

kjv@Numbers:29:2 @...ram, and seven lambs of the...

kjv@Numbers:29:3 @...meat offering shall be of flour...

kjv@Numbers:29:5 @...goats for a sin offering, to...

kjv@Numbers:29:6 @...offering, and their drink offerings, according...

kjv@Numbers:29:7 @...on the tenth day of this...

kjv@Numbers:29:8 @...ram, and seven lambs of the...

kjv@Numbers:29:9 @...meat offering shall be of flour...

kjv@Numbers:29:11 @...and the meat offering of it,...

kjv@Numbers:29:12 @...on the fifteenth day of the...

kjv@Numbers:29:13 @...rams, and fourteen lambs of the...

kjv@Numbers:29:14 to each ram of the...

kjv@Numbers:29:15 to each lamb of the...

kjv@Numbers:29:16 @...burnt offering, his meat offering, and...

kjv@Numbers:29:17 @...two rams, fourteen lambs of the...

kjv@Numbers:29:19 @...offering, and the meat offering thereof,...

kjv@Numbers:29:20 @...two rams, fourteen lambs of the...

kjv@Numbers:29:23 @...rams, and fourteen lambs of the...

kjv@Numbers:29:25 @...burnt offering, his meat offering, and...

kjv@Numbers:29:26 @...rams, and fourteen lambs of the...

kjv@Numbers:29:29 @...rams, and fourteen lambs of the...

kjv@Numbers:29:32 @...rams, and fourteen lambs of the...

kjv@Numbers:29:36 ram, seven lambs of the...

kjv@Numbers:29:40 @...Moses told the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:30:1 @...tribes concerning the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:30:2 @...all that proceedeth out of his...

kjv@Numbers:30:5 @...of her vows, or of her...

kjv@Numbers:30:6 @...or uttered ought out of her...

kjv@Numbers:30:8 @...she bound her soul, of none...

kjv@Numbers:30:9 @...of a widow, and of her...

kjv@Numbers:30:12 @...or concerning the bond of her...

kjv@Numbers:31:2 @...the children of Israel of the...

kjv@Numbers:31:3 @...people, saying, Arm some of yourselves...

kjv@Numbers:31:4 @...throughout all the tribes of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:31:5 @...of Israel, a thousand of every...

kjv@Numbers:31:6 @...and Phinehas the son of Eleazar...

kjv@Numbers:31:8 @...Balaam also the son of Beor...

kjv@Numbers:31:9 @...and took the spoil of all...

kjv@Numbers:31:11 @...all the prey, both of men...

kjv@Numbers:31:12 at the plains of Moab,...

kjv@Numbers:31:13 @...and all the princes of the...

kjv@Numbers:31:14 @...wroth with the officers of the...

kjv@Numbers:31:16 @...plague among the congregation of the...

kjv@Numbers:31:20 @...skins, and all work of goats'...

kjv@Numbers:31:21 @...This is the ordinance of the...

kjv@Numbers:31:23 @...purified with the water of separation:...

kjv@Numbers:31:26 @...and the chief fathers of the...

kjv@Numbers:31:28 @...of the asses, and of the...

kjv@Numbers:31:29 @...for an heave offering of the...

kjv@Numbers:31:30 @...charge of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:31:32 @...prey which the men of war...

kjv@Numbers:31:35 @...thousand persons in all, of women...

kjv@Numbers:31:36 @...which was the portion of them...

kjv@Numbers:31:37 @...And the LORD'S tribute of the...

kjv@Numbers:31:38 @...thirty and six thousand; of which...

kjv@Numbers:31:39 @...thousand and five hundred; of which...

kjv@Numbers:31:40 @...persons were sixteen thousand; of which...

kjv@Numbers:31:42 @...And of the children of Israel's...

kjv@Numbers:31:47 @...charge of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Numbers:31:48 @...of thousands, and captains of hundreds,...

kjv@Numbers:31:49 @...sum of the men of war...

kjv@Numbers:31:50 @...hath gotten, of jewels of gold,...

kjv@Numbers:31:51 @...priest took the gold of them,...

kjv@Numbers:31:52 @...and of the captains of hundreds,...

kjv@Numbers:31:53 @ (For the men of war had taken spoil, every man for himself.)

kjv@Numbers:31:54 for the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:32:1 @...Jazer, and the land of Gilead,...

kjv@Numbers:32:2 @...and unto the princes of the...

kjv@Numbers:32:4 @...smote before the congregation of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:32:6 @...and to the children of Reuben,...

kjv@Numbers:32:7 @...heart of the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:32:9 @...heart of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:32:11 @...that came up out of Egypt,...

kjv@Numbers:32:12 @...and Joshua the son of Nun:...

kjv@Numbers:32:13 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@Numbers:32:14 @...yet the fierce anger of the...

kjv@Numbers:32:17 @...because of the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Numbers:32:18 @...houses, until the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:32:21 @...And will go all of you...

kjv@Numbers:32:24 @...which hath proceeded out of your...

kjv@Numbers:32:25 @...Gad and the children of Reuben...

kjv@Numbers:32:26 @...there in the cities of... Gilead:

kjv@Numbers:32:28 @...fathers of the tribes of the...

kjv@Numbers:32:29 @...give them the land of Gilead...

kjv@Numbers:32:30 in the land of... Canaan.

kjv@Numbers:32:31 @...Gad and the children of Reuben...

kjv@Numbers:32:32 @...Canaan, that the possession of our...

kjv@Numbers:32:33 @...coasts, even the cities of the...

kjv@Numbers:32:34 @... And the children of Gad...

kjv@Numbers:32:37 @... And the children of Reuben...

kjv@Numbers:32:39 @...of Machir the son of Manasseh...

kjv@Numbers:32:40 @...unto Machir the son of Manasseh;...

kjv@Numbers:32:41 @...And Jair the son of Manasseh...

kjv@Numbers:33:1 @...armies under the hand of Moses...

kjv@Numbers:33:2 @...journeys by the commandment of the...

kjv@Numbers:33:3 @...hand in the sight of all...

kjv@Numbers:33:5 @... And the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:33:6 in the edge of the...

kjv@Numbers:33:8 @...journey in the wilderness of Etham,...

kjv@Numbers:33:9 @...Elim were twelve fountains of water,...

kjv@Numbers:33:11 @...encamped in the wilderness of... Sin.

kjv@Numbers:33:12 @...out of the wilderness of Sin,...

kjv@Numbers:33:15 @...pitched in the wilderness of... Sinai.

kjv@Numbers:33:16 @...removed from the desert of Sinai,...

kjv@Numbers:33:36 @...pitched in the wilderness of Zin,...

kjv@Numbers:33:37 @...Hor, in the edge of the...

kjv@Numbers:33:38 the first day of the...

kjv@Numbers:33:40 @...heard of the coming of the...

kjv@Numbers:33:44 @...Ijeabarim, in the border of... Moab.

kjv@Numbers:33:47 @...pitched in the mountains of Abarim,...

kjv@Numbers:33:48 @...pitched in the plains of Moab...

kjv@Numbers:33:49 @...Abelshittim in the plains of... Moab.

kjv@Numbers:33:50 @...Moses in the plains of Moab...

kjv@Numbers:33:51 @...Speak unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:33:52 @...out all the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Numbers:33:53 @...shall dispossess the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Numbers:33:54 @...according to the tribes of your...

kjv@Numbers:33:55 @...which ye let remain of them...

kjv@Numbers:34:2 @...come into the land of Canaan;...(...inheritance, even the land of Canaan...)

kjv@Numbers:34:3 the outmost coast of the...

kjv@Numbers:34:4 @...south to the ascent of Akrabbim,...

kjv@Numbers:34:5 @...and the goings out of it...

kjv@Numbers:34:8 @...and the goings forth of the...

kjv@Numbers:34:9 @...and the goings out of it...

kjv@Numbers:34:11 @...side of the sea of Chinnereth...

kjv@Numbers:34:12 @...and the goings out of it...

kjv@Numbers:34:13 @...Moses commanded the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:34:14 @...and half the tribe of Manasseh...

kjv@Numbers:34:17 @...These are the names of the...

kjv@Numbers:34:18 @...shall take one prince of every...

kjv@Numbers:34:19 @...these: Of the tribe of Judah,...

kjv@Numbers:34:20 @...tribe of the children of Simeon,...

kjv@Numbers:34:21 @... Of the tribe of Benjamin,...

kjv@Numbers:34:22 @...tribe of the children of Dan,...

kjv@Numbers:34:23 @...tribe of the children of Manasseh,...

kjv@Numbers:34:24 @...tribe of the children of Ephraim,...

kjv@Numbers:34:25 @...tribe of the children of Zebulun,...

kjv@Numbers:34:26 @...tribe of the children of Issachar,...

kjv@Numbers:34:27 @...tribe of the children of Asher,...

kjv@Numbers:34:28 @...tribe of the children of Naphtali,...

kjv@Numbers:34:29 @...inheritance unto the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:35:1 @...Moses in the plains of Moab...

kjv@Numbers:35:2 @...Levites of the inheritance of their...

kjv@Numbers:35:3; and the suburbs of them...

kjv@Numbers:35:4 @...reach from the wall of the...

kjv@Numbers:35:5 them the suburbs of the...

kjv@Numbers:35:8 @...every one shall give of his...

kjv@Numbers:35:10 @...Speak unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:35:11 @...cities to be cities of refuge...

kjv@Numbers:35:13 ... And of these...

kjv@Numbers:35:14 @...give in the land of Canaan,...

kjv@Numbers:35:15 @...both for the children of Israel,...

kjv@Numbers:35:16 @...him with an instrument of iron,...

kjv@Numbers:35:18 @...with an hand weapon of wood,...

kjv@Numbers:35:19 ... The revenger of blood...

kjv@Numbers:35:20 him by laying of wait,...

kjv@Numbers:35:21 @...a murderer: the revenger of blood...

kjv@Numbers:35:22 @...any thing without laying of... wait,

kjv@Numbers:35:24 @...slayer and the revenger of blood...

kjv@Numbers:35:25 unto the death of the...

kjv@Numbers:35:26 @...border of the city of his...

kjv@Numbers:35:27 @...refuge, and the revenger of blood...

kjv@Numbers:35:28 @...return into the land of his...

kjv@Numbers:35:29 for a statute of judgment...

kjv@Numbers:35:30 @...death by the mouth of witnesses:...

kjv@Numbers:35:31 @...murderer, which is guilty of death:...

kjv@Numbers:35:32, until the death of the...

kjv@Numbers:35:33 @...but by the blood of him...

kjv@Numbers:35:34 @...dwell among the children of... Israel.

kjv@Numbers:36:1 @...princes, the chief fathers of the...

kjv@Numbers:36:2 give the inheritance of Zelophehad...

kjv@Numbers:36:3 @...taken from the lot of our...

kjv@Numbers:36:4 @...inheritance of the tribe of our...

kjv@Numbers:36:5 @...tribe of the sons of Joseph...

kjv@Numbers:36:6 of the tribe of their...

kjv@Numbers:36:7 @...inheritance of the tribe of his...

kjv@Numbers:36:8 @...every man the inheritance of his...

kjv@Numbers:36:9 @...tribes of the children of Israel...

kjv@Numbers:36:10 did the daughters of... Zelophehad:

kjv@Numbers:36:11 @...and Noah, the daughters of Zelophehad,...

kjv@Numbers:36:12 @...tribe of the family of their...

kjv@Numbers:36:13 @...Israel in the plains of Moab...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:2 @ (...Horeb by the way of mount...)

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:3 @...spake unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:4 @...and Og the king of Bashan,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:5 @...Jordan, in the land of Moab,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:7 @...side, to the land of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:10 as the stars of heaven...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:11 @ (The LORD God of your fathers make you a thousand times so many more as ye are, and bless you, as he hath promised you!)

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:15 @...captains over tens, and officers among...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:17 @...afraid of the face of man;...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:19 @...way of the mountain of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:20 @...come unto the mountain of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:21 the LORD God of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:22 @...unto me every one of you,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:23 of you, one of a...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:24 @...came unto the valley of Eshcol,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:25 @...took of the fruit of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:26 @...rebelled against the commandment of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:27 into the hand of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:28 @...have seen the sons of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:29 @...not, neither be afraid of... them.

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:34 @...LORD heard the voice of your...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:35 of these men of this...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:36 @...Save Caleb the son of Jephunneh;...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:38 @...But Joshua the son of Nun,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:40 @...wilderness by the way of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:41 @...every man his weapons of war,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:1:43 @...rebelled against the commandment of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:1 @...wilderness by the way of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:4 @...they shall be afraid of you:...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:5 @...will not give you of their...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:6 @...shall also buy water of them...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:7 all the works of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:8 @...passed by the way of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:9 @...Ar unto the children of Lot...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:12 @...did unto the land of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:14 @...generation of the men of war...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:15 @...For indeed the hand of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:16 @...when all the men of war...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:18 @...through Ar, the coast of Moab,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:19 unto the children of Lot...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:20 @ (...was accounted a land of giants:...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:22 @...did to the children of Esau,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:23 @...which came forth out of Caphtor,...)

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:24 @...Sihon the Amorite, king of Heshbon,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:25 @...who shall hear report of thee,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:26 @...of Heshbon with words of peace,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:29 @ (As the children of Esau which dwell in Seir, and the Moabites which dwell in Ar, did unto me;) until I shall pass over Jordan into the land which the LORD our God giveth us.

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:30 @... But Sihon king of Heshbon...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:34 @...and the little ones, of every...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:35 @...ourselves, and the spoil of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:36 @...brink of the river of Arnon,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:2:37 @...nor unto any place of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:3:1 @...and Og the king of Bashan...

kjv@Deuteronomy:3:2 @...didst unto Sihon king of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:3:3 @...Og also, the king of Bashan,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:3:4 @...of Argob, the kingdom of Og...

kjv@Deuteronomy:3:6, women, and children, of every...

kjv@Deuteronomy:3:7 @...cattle, and the spoil of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:3:8 @...Jordan, from the river of Arnon...

kjv@Deuteronomy:3:10 @...cities of the kingdom of Og...

kjv@Deuteronomy:3:11, after the cubit of a...

kjv@Deuteronomy:3:13 @...Manasseh; all the region of Argob,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:3:14 @...Argob unto the coasts of Geshuri...

kjv@Deuteronomy:3:16 @...which is the border of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:3:17 @...even unto the sea of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:3:18 @...your brethren the children of Israel,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:3:26 more unto me of this...

kjv@Deuteronomy:3:27 @...up into the top of Pisgah,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:1 @...which the LORD God of your...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:2 @...may keep the commandments of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:3 @...the LORD did because of Baalpeor:...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:4 @...are alive every one of you...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:6 @...understanding in the sight of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:9 @...heart all the days of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:11 unto the midst of heaven,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:12 heard the voice of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:13 @...them upon two tables of... stone.

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:15 @...out of the midst of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:16 @...any figure, the likeness of male...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:17 @...the earth, the likeness of any...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:18 @...the ground, the likeness of any...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:19 @...even all the host of heaven,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:20 @...unto him a people of inheritance,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:23 @...image, or the likeness of any...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:25 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:28 @...serve gods, the work of men's...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:31 @ (For the LORD thy God is a merciful God;)...nor forget the covenant of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:32 @...from the one side of heaven...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:33 @...out of the midst of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:34 @...nation from the midst of another...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:36 @...out of the midst of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:37 @...his mighty power out of... Egypt;

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:42 @...that fleeing unto one of these...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:43 @...and Golan in Bashan, of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:44 @...set before the children of... Israel:

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:45 @...spake unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:46 @...Moses and the children of Israel...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:47 @...of Bashan, two kings of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:48 by the bank of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:4:49 @...even unto the sea of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:5:3, who are all of us...

kjv@Deuteronomy:5:4 @...out of the midst of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:5:5 @ (...were afraid by reason of the...) saying,

kjv@Deuteronomy:5:6 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:5:8 @...image, or any likeness of any...

kjv@Deuteronomy:5:9 @...third and fourth generation of them...

kjv@Deuteronomy:5:10 @...shewing mercy unto thousands of them...

kjv@Deuteronomy:5:11 @...not take the name of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:5:14 @...thine ass, nor any of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:5:15 @...servant in the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:5:22 @...them in two tables of stone,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:5:23 @...out of the midst of the...(for the mountain did burn with fire,)...even all the heads of your...

kjv@Deuteronomy:5:24 @...out of the midst of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:5:25 @...we hear the voice of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:5:26 @...out of the midst of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:5:28 @...voice of the words of this...

kjv@Deuteronomy:6:2 @...son, all the days of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:6:3 the LORD God of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:6:7 @...children, and shalt talk of them...

kjv@Deuteronomy:6:9 @...them upon the posts of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:6:11 @... And houses full of all...

kjv@Deuteronomy:6:12 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:6:14 @...gods, of the gods of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:6:15 @ (For the LORD thy God is a jealous God among you)...from off the face of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:6:17 @...diligently keep the commandments of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:6:18 @...good in the sight of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:6:21 @...LORD brought us out of Egypt...

kjv@Deuteronomy:7:4 will the anger of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:7:6 @...are upon the face of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:7:7 were the fewest of all...

kjv@Deuteronomy:7:8 @...bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh...

kjv@Deuteronomy:7:13 @...kine, and the flocks of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:7:15 @...of the evil diseases of Egypt,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:7:18 @...shalt not be afraid of them:...

kjv@Deuteronomy:7:19 @...unto all the people of whom...

kjv@Deuteronomy:7:22 @...once, lest the beasts of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:7:25 @... The graven images of their...

kjv@Deuteronomy:8:3 @...out of the mouth of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:8:6 @...shalt keep the commandments of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:8:7 @...depths that spring out of valleys...

kjv@Deuteronomy:8:8 @...and pomegranates; a land of oil...

kjv@Deuteronomy:8:9 @...are iron, and out of whose...

kjv@Deuteronomy:8:14 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:8:15 @...thee forth water out of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:8:17 @...power and the might of mine...

kjv@Deuteronomy:8:20 @...obedient unto the voice of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:2 @...whom thou knowest, and of whom...

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:4 @...but for the wickedness of these...

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:5 @...but for the wickedness of these...

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:7 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:9 @...stone, even the tables of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:10 in the day of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:11 @...stone, even the tables of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:12 @...quickly turned aside out of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:14 @...and I will make of thee...

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:15 @...and the two tables of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:16 @...turned aside quickly out of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:17 @...and cast them out of my...

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:18 @...wickedly in the sight of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:19 @...For I was afraid of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:21 @...brook that descended out of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:23 @...rebelled against the commandment of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:26 @...hast brought forth out of Egypt...

kjv@Deuteronomy:9:27 @...not unto the stubbornness of this...

kjv@Deuteronomy:10:1 @...Hew thee two tables of stone...

kjv@Deuteronomy:10:3 @...and hewed two tables of stone...

kjv@Deuteronomy:10:4 in the day of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:10:6 @...ministered in the priest's office in...

kjv@Deuteronomy:10:7 Jotbath, a land of rivers...

kjv@Deuteronomy:10:8 @...ark of the covenant of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:10:12 @...LORD thy God require of thee,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:10:13 @...To keep the commandments of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:10:14 @...heaven and the heaven of heavens...

kjv@Deuteronomy:10:16 @...Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your...

kjv@Deuteronomy:10:17 @...of gods, and Lord of lords,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:10:18 @...doth execute the judgment of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:10:19 @...strangers in the land of... Egypt.

kjv@Deuteronomy:10:22 @...thee as the stars of heaven...

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:2 @...not seen the chastisement of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:3 @...unto Pharaoh the king of Egypt,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:4 @...he made the water of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:6 @...possession, in the midst of all...

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:7 @...all the great acts of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:10 @...not as the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:11 @...valleys, and drinketh water of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:12 @...even unto the end of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:14 @...give you the rain of your...

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:19 @...them your children, speaking of them...

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:20 @...upon the door posts of thine...

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:21 @...them, as the days of heaven...

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:24 whereon the soles of your...

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:25 and the dread of you...

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:27 obey the commandments of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:28 @...but turn aside out of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:11:30 @...down, in the land of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:12:1 @...which the LORD God of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:12:3 @...names of them out of that...

kjv@Deuteronomy:12:5 @...God shall choose out of all...

kjv@Deuteronomy:12:6 @...of your herds and of your...

kjv@Deuteronomy:12:11 @...and the heave offering of your...

kjv@Deuteronomy:12:14 @...shalt offer thy burnt offerings, and...

kjv@Deuteronomy:12:15 @...the roebuck, and as of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:12:17 @...offerings, or heave offering of thine...

kjv@Deuteronomy:12:21 @...of thy herd and of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:12:22 @...the clean shall eat of them...

kjv@Deuteronomy:12:25 @...right in the sight of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:12:27 @...out upon the altar of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:12:28 @...right in the sight of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:13:1 @...prophet, or a dreamer of dreams,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:13:3 @...prophet, or that dreamer of dreams:...

kjv@Deuteronomy:13:5 thrust thee out of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:13:6 @...daughter, or the wife of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:13:7 @...unto the other end of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:13:9 @...and afterwards the hand of all...

kjv@Deuteronomy:13:10 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:13:12 @...hear say in one of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:13:13 @...have withdrawn the inhabitants of their...

kjv@Deuteronomy:13:15 @...thereof, with the edge of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:13:16 into the midst of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:13:17 @...turn from the fierceness of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:13:18 @...right in the eyes of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:14:1 @...Ye are the children of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:14:7 @...chew the cud, or of them...

kjv@Deuteronomy:14:8 shall not eat of their...

kjv@Deuteronomy:14:9 @...These ye shall eat of all...

kjv@Deuteronomy:14:11 @ Of all clean birds ye shall eat.

kjv@Deuteronomy:14:12 @...But these are they of which...

kjv@Deuteronomy:14:20 ... But of all...

kjv@Deuteronomy:14:21 @...any thing that dieth of itself:...

kjv@Deuteronomy:14:22 @...tithe all the increase of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:14:23 @...of thy herds and of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:14:28 @...forth all the tithe of thine...

kjv@Deuteronomy:14:29 @ And the Levite, (because he hath no part nor inheritance with thee,) all the work of thine...

kjv@Deuteronomy:15:1 @... At the end of every...

kjv@Deuteronomy:15:2 @...of his neighbour, or of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:15:3 @ Of a foreigner thou mayest exact it again: but that which is thine with thy brother thine hand shall release;

kjv@Deuteronomy:15:5 @...hearken unto the voice of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:15:7 @...thy brethren within any of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:15:9 @...seventh year, the year of release,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:15:11 @...shall never cease out of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:15:14 @...out of thy winepress: of that...

kjv@Deuteronomy:15:15 @...bondman in the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:15:19 @...nor shear the firstling of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:16:1 @...brought thee forth out of Egypt...

kjv@Deuteronomy:16:2 @...the LORD thy God, of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:16:3 @...Egypt all the days of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:16:4 @...shall there any thing of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:16:5 @...the passover within any of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:16:6 the going down of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:16:10 @...of a freewill offering of thine...

kjv@Deuteronomy:16:13 @...shalt observe the feast of tabernacles...

kjv@Deuteronomy:16:15 all the works of thine...

kjv@Deuteronomy:16:16 @...and in the feast of tabernacles:...

kjv@Deuteronomy:16:17 @...according to the blessing of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:16:19 @...and pervert the words of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:16:21 @...near unto the altar of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:17:2 @...wickedness in the sight of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:17:3 @...any of the host of heaven,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:17:4 @...and thou hast heard of it,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:17:6 @...but at the mouth of one...

kjv@Deuteronomy:17:7 @...and afterward the hands of all...

kjv@Deuteronomy:17:8 @...and stroke, being matters of controversy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:17:9 @...shew thee the sentence of... judgment:

kjv@Deuteronomy:17:10 @...the sentence, which they of that...

kjv@Deuteronomy:17:11 @...According to the sentence of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:17:18 a book out of that...

kjv@Deuteronomy:17:19 @...keep all the words of this...

kjv@Deuteronomy:17:20 @...children, in the midst of... Israel.

kjv@Deuteronomy:18:1 @...shall eat the offerings of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:18:4 @...first of the fleece of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:18:5 @...minister in the name of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:18:6 @...with all the desire of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:18:7 @...minister in the name of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:18:8 @...cometh of the sale of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:18:9 after the abominations of those...

kjv@Deuteronomy:18:10 @...divination, or an observer of times,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:18:12 @...the LORD: and because of these...

kjv@Deuteronomy:18:14 @...possess, hearkened unto observers of times,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:18:15 @...the midst of thee, of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:18:16 @...hear again the voice of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:18:19 @...I will require it of... him.

kjv@Deuteronomy:18:20 @...speak in the name of other...

kjv@Deuteronomy:18:22 @...speaketh in the name of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:19:2 @...thee in the midst of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:19:3 @...and divide the coasts of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:19:4 @...this is the case of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:19:5 @...shall flee unto one of those...

kjv@Deuteronomy:19:6 @...he was not worthy of death,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:19:11 @...and fleeth into one of these...

kjv@Deuteronomy:19:12 @...hand of the avenger of blood,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:19:13 @...put away the guilt of innocent...

kjv@Deuteronomy:19:14 @...neighbour's landmark, which they of old...

kjv@Deuteronomy:19:15 @...or at the mouth of three...

kjv@Deuteronomy:20:1 @...brought thee up out of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:20:3 ye terrified because of... them;

kjv@Deuteronomy:20:6 @...hath not yet eaten of it?...

kjv@Deuteronomy:20:9 @...they shall make captains of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:20:11 make thee answer of peace,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:20:13 @...thereof with the edge of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:20:14 @...shalt eat the spoil of thine...

kjv@Deuteronomy:20:15 @...not of the cities of these...

kjv@Deuteronomy:20:16 @...But of the cities of these...

kjv@Deuteronomy:20:19 @...for thou mayest eat of them,...(for the tree of the field is man's life) to employ them in the siege:

kjv@Deuteronomy:21:3, even the elders of that...

kjv@Deuteronomy:21:4 @...sown, and shall strike off the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:21:5 @...bless in the name of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:21:6 @...And all the elders of that...

kjv@Deuteronomy:21:8 @...blood unto thy people of Israel's...

kjv@Deuteronomy:21:9 @...right in the sight of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:21:13 @...of her captivity from off her,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:21:14 @...shalt not make merchandise of her,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:21:16 @...firstborn before the son of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:21:17 @...his strength; the right of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:21:18 @...father, or the voice of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:21:19 @...and unto the gate of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:21:20 @...say unto the elders of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:21:21 @...And all the men of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:21:22 @...committed a sin worthy of death,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:21:23 @ His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; ( hanged is accursed of... God;) that thy land be not defiled, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance.

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:3 @...with all lost thing of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:9 @...sown, and the fruit of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:11 @...of divers sorts, as of woollen...

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:12 @...upon the four quarters of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:14 @... And give occasions of speech...

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:15 @...virginity unto the elders of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:17 @...cloth before the elders of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:18 @... And the elders of that...

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:19 upon a virgin of Israel:...

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:20 @...true, and the tokens of virginity...

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:21, and the men of her...

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:22 @...then they shall both of them...

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:24 @...out unto the gate of that...

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:26 @...damsel no sin worthy of death:...

kjv@Deuteronomy:22:29 @...damsel's father fifty shekels of silver,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:23:1 @...enter into the congregation of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:23:2 @...enter into the congregation of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:23:3 @...enter into the congregation of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:23:4 @...of Beor of Pethor of Mesopotamia,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:23:8 @...enter into the congregation of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:23:10 @...he go abroad out of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:23:14 @...walketh in the midst of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:23:16 @...shall choose in one of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:23:17 @...Israel, nor a sodomite of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:23:18, into the house of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:23:19 @...usury of victuals, usury of any...

kjv@Deuteronomy:23:21 @...will surely require it of thee;...

kjv@Deuteronomy:23:23 @...perform; even a freewill offering, according...

kjv@Deuteronomy:23:25 @...into the standing corn of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:24:1 @...and send her out of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:24:2 @...she is departed out of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:24:3 @...and sendeth her out of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:24:7 @...Israel, and maketh merchandise of him,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:24:8 @...heed in the plague of leprosy,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:24:9 @...were come forth out of... Egypt.

kjv@Deuteronomy:24:14 @...of thy brethren, or of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:24:17 @...of the stranger, nor of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:24:19 all the work of thine...

kjv@Deuteronomy:24:21 @...thou gatherest the grapes of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:24:22 @...bondman in the land of Egypt:...

kjv@Deuteronomy:25:5 @...and perform the duty of an...

kjv@Deuteronomy:25:6 @...succeed in the name of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:25:7 @...not perform the duty of my...

kjv@Deuteronomy:25:8 @... Then the elders of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:25:9 @...loose his shoe from off his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:25:10 Israel, The house of him...

kjv@Deuteronomy:25:11 @...out of the hand of him...

kjv@Deuteronomy:25:17 @...were come forth out of... Egypt;

kjv@Deuteronomy:25:18 @...and smote the hindmost of thee,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:25:19 @...blot out the remembrance of Amalek...

kjv@Deuteronomy:26:2 @...which thou shalt bring of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:26:4 @...down before the altar of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:26:7 @...unto the LORD God of our...

kjv@Deuteronomy:26:8 @...brought us forth out of Egypt...

kjv@Deuteronomy:26:10 @...have brought the firstfruits of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:26:12 @...which is the year of tithing,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:26:13 @...the hallowed things out of mine...

kjv@Deuteronomy:26:14 @...hearkened to the voice of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:27:1 @...Moses with the elders of Israel...

kjv@Deuteronomy:27:3 the LORD God of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:27:5 @...thy God, an altar of stones:...

kjv@Deuteronomy:27:6 @...thou shalt offer burnt offerings thereon...

kjv@Deuteronomy:27:8 @...stones all the words of this...

kjv@Deuteronomy:27:9 become the people of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:27:10 @...therefore obey the voice of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:27:14 @...unto all the men of Israel...

kjv@Deuteronomy:27:15 of the hands of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:27:18 @...blind to wander out of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:27:19 @...that perverteth the judgment of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:27:21 @...lieth with any manner of beast....

kjv@Deuteronomy:27:22 @...father, or the daughter of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:27:26 @...not all the words of this...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:1 @...high above all nations of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:2 @...hearken unto the voice of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:4 @...kine, and the flocks of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:9 @...shalt keep the commandments of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:10 @...called by the name of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:11 @...and in the fruit of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:12 @...bless all the work of thine...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:13 @...hearken unto the commandments of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:14 @...go aside from any of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:15 @...hearken unto the voice of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:18 @...kine, and the flocks of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:20 @...because of the wickedness of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:24 @...shall make the rain of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:25 @...into all the kingdoms of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:26 @...and unto the beasts of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:27 @...thee with the botch of Egypt,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:28 @...and blindness, and astonishment of... heart:

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:33 ... The fruit of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:34 @...mad for the sight of thine...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:35 @...foot unto the top of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:39 @...but shalt neither drink of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:42 @...thy trees and fruit of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:45 @...not unto the voice of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:47 @...heart, for the abundance of all...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:48 @...shall put a yoke of iron...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:49 @...far, from the end of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:50 @...not regard the person of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:51 @...thy kine, or flocks of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:53 @...of thy sons and of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:54 @...and toward the remnant of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:55 @...them of the flesh of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:56 @...evil toward the husband of her...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:57 them for want of all...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:58 all the words of this...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:59 @...and sore sicknesses, and of long...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:60 @...which thou wast afraid of; and...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:61 @...written in the book of this...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:62 @...not obey the voice of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:64 @...from the one end of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:65 @...trembling heart, and failing of eyes,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:66 @...shalt have none assurance of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:28:67 @...and for the sight of thine...

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:1 @...Israel in the land of Moab,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:2 @...eyes in the land of Egypt...

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:7 @...and Og the king of Bashan,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:8 the half tribe of... Manasseh.

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:9 @...Keep therefore the words of this...

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:10 @...your elders, and your officers, with...

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:11 @...wood unto the drawer of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:16 @ (...dwelt in the land of Egypt;...

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:18 @...and serve the gods of these...

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:19 @...walk in the imagination of mine...

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:20 @...but then the anger of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:21 @...written in this book of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:22 @...they see the plagues of that...

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:23 @...therein, like the overthrow of Sodom,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:24 @...what meaneth the heat of this...

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:25 @...brought them forth out of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:27 @... And the anger of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:28 @...LORD rooted them out of their...

kjv@Deuteronomy:29:29 all the words of this...

kjv@Deuteronomy:30:4 @...unto the outmost parts of heaven,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:30:6 @...heart, and the heart of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:30:8 @...and obey the voice of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:30:9 @...and in the fruit of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:30:10 @...written in this book of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:30:20, and the length of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:4 @...and unto the land of them,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:6 @...not, nor be afraid of them:...

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:7 @...Israel, Be strong and of a...

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:9 @...ark of the covenant of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:10 @...solemnity of the year of release,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:12 all the words of this...

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:14 @...themselves in the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:15 @...stood over the door of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:16 @...gods of the strangers of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:19 @...teach it the children of Israel:...

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:21 @...out of the mouths of their...

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:22 @...taught it the children of... Israel.

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:23 @...shalt bring the children of Israel...

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:24 @...of writing the words of this...

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:25 @...ark of the covenant of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:26 @...ark of the covenant of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:28 @...your tribes, and your officers, that...

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:29 @...anger through the work of your...

kjv@Deuteronomy:31:30 @...of Israel the words of this...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:1 @...O earth, the words of my...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:3 @...will publish the name of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:4 @...are judgment: a God of truth...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:5 not the spot of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:7 @...old, consider the years of many...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:8 @...according to the number of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:9 @...Jacob is the lot of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:10 @...him as the apple of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:13 @...rock, and oil out of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:14 @...drink the pure blood of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:15 @...lightly esteemed the Rock of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:18 @ Of the Rock that begat thee thou art unmindful, and hast forgotten God that formed thee.

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:19 @...of his sons, and of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:22 @...on fire the foundations of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:24 @...the poison of serpents of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:25 @...also with the man of gray...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:26 @...would make the remembrance of them...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:27 @...I feared the wrath of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:28 @...are a nation void of counsel,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:32 @...their grapes are grapes of gall,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:33 is the poison of dragons,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:35 @...time: for the day of their...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:38 of their drink offerings? let...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:39 @...that can deliver out of my...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:42 @...captives, from the beginning of revenges...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:43 @...will avenge the blood of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:44 in the ears of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:45 @...Moses made an end of speaking...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:46, all the words of this...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:49 @...give unto the children of Israel...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:51 among the children of Israel...-...not in the midst of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:32:52 @...I give the children of... Israel.

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:1 @...God blessed the children of Israel...

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:2 @...came with ten thousands of saints:...

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:3 @...every one shall receive of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:4, even the inheritance of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:5 @...people and the tribes of Israel...

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:7 @...Hear, LORD, the voice of Judah,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:8 ... And of Levi...

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:11 @...rise against him, and of them...

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:12 @...he said, The beloved of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:13 @...for the precious things of heaven,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:15 @...for the precious things of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:16 of the head of him...

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:17 @...are the ten thousands of Ephraim,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:18 ... And of Zebulun...

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:19 @...of the seas, and of treasures...

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:20 @...arm with the crown of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:21 @...he executed the justice of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:22 ... And of Dan...

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:23 @...full with the blessing of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:24 ... And of Asher...

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:26 unto the God of Jeshurun,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:28 upon a land of corn...

kjv@Deuteronomy:33:29 @...who is the sword of thy...

kjv@Deuteronomy:34:1 @...him all the land of Gilead,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:34:2 @...and all the land of Judah,...

kjv@Deuteronomy:34:3 @...of Jericho, the city of palm...

kjv@Deuteronomy:34:5 @...according to the word of the...

kjv@Deuteronomy:34:6 @...but no man knoweth of his...

kjv@Deuteronomy:34:8 @...days: so the days of weeping...

kjv@Deuteronomy:34:9 @...him: and the children of Israel...

kjv@Deuteronomy:34:11 in the land of Egypt...

kjv@Deuteronomy:34:12 @...shewed in the sight of all...

kjv@Joshua:1:1 @...unto Joshua the son of Nun,...

kjv@Joshua:1:2 @...even to the children of... Israel.

kjv@Joshua:1:3 that the sole of your...

kjv@Joshua:1:4 @...toward the going down of the...

kjv@Joshua:1:5 @...thee all the days of thy...

kjv@Joshua:1:6 @... Be strong and of a...

kjv@Joshua:1:8 @...shall not depart out of thy...

kjv@Joshua:1:9 @...thee? Be strong and of a...

kjv@Joshua:1:10 @...Joshua commanded the officers of the...

kjv@Joshua:1:12 half the tribe of Manasseh,...

kjv@Joshua:1:13 @...which Moses the servant of the...

kjv@Joshua:1:14 @...all the mighty men of valour,...

kjv@Joshua:1:15 @...return unto the land of your...

kjv@Joshua:1:18 @...only be strong and of a...

kjv@Joshua:2:1 @...of Nun sent out of Shittim...

kjv@Joshua:2:2 @...night of the children of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:2:3 @... And the king of Jericho...

kjv@Joshua:2:5 @...the time of shutting of the...

kjv@Joshua:2:6 @...them with the stalks of flax,...

kjv@Joshua:2:9 @...that all the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Joshua:2:10 @...unto the two kings of the...

kjv@Joshua:2:11 any man, because of you:...

kjv@Joshua:2:17 @...We will be blameless of this...

kjv@Joshua:2:18 @...shalt bind this line of scarlet...

kjv@Joshua:2:19 @...out of the doors of thy...

kjv@Joshua:2:20 @...we will be quit of thine...

kjv@Joshua:2:23 Joshua the son of Nun,...

kjv@Joshua:2:24 @...even all the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Joshua:3:1 @...and all the children of Israel,...

kjv@Joshua:3:3 @...ark of the covenant of the...

kjv@Joshua:3:6 @...took up the ark of the...

kjv@Joshua:3:7 @...thee in the sight of all...

kjv@Joshua:3:8 @...brink of the water of Jordan,...

kjv@Joshua:3:9 @...and hear the words of the...

kjv@Joshua:3:11 @...covenant of the Lord of all...

kjv@Joshua:3:12 @...tribes of Israel, out of every...

kjv@Joshua:3:13 @...Jordan shall be cut off from...

kjv@Joshua:3:14 @...priests bearing the ark of the...

kjv@Joshua:3:15 @...dipped in the brim of the...(...banks all the time of... harvest,)

kjv@Joshua:3:16 @...failed, and were cut off: and...

kjv@Joshua:3:17 @...ground in the midst of Jordan,...

kjv@Joshua:4:2 @...of the people, out of every...

kjv@Joshua:4:3 @...midst of Jordan, out of the...

kjv@Joshua:4:4 @...children of Israel, out of every...

kjv@Joshua:4:5 @...number of the tribes of the...

kjv@Joshua:4:7 unto the children of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:4:8 @...tribes of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Joshua:4:9 @...which bare the ark of the...

kjv@Joshua:4:10 @...stood in the midst of Jordan,...

kjv@Joshua:4:11 @...priests, in the presence of the...

kjv@Joshua:4:12 @...armed before the children of Israel,...

kjv@Joshua:4:13 @...battle, to the plains of... Jericho.

kjv@Joshua:4:14 @...Moses, all the days of his...

kjv@Joshua:4:16 @...that bear the ark of the...

kjv@Joshua:4:17 @...Come ye up out of... Jordan.

kjv@Joshua:4:18, that the waters of Jordan...

kjv@Joshua:4:19 @...on the tenth day of the...

kjv@Joshua:4:20 @...which they took out of Jordan,...

kjv@Joshua:4:21 @...spake unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@Joshua:4:23 @...dried up the waters of Jordan...

kjv@Joshua:4:24 @...might know the hand of the...

kjv@Joshua:5:1 @...them any more, because of the...

kjv@Joshua:5:2 @...circumcise again the children of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:5:3 @...Israel at the hill of the...

kjv@Joshua:5:4 @...even all the men of war,...

kjv@Joshua:5:5 @...they came forth out of Egypt,...

kjv@Joshua:5:6 @...obeyed not the voice of the...

kjv@Joshua:5:9 Wherefore the name of the...

kjv@Joshua:5:10 @...on the fourteenth day of the...

kjv@Joshua:5:11 @...of the old corn of the...

kjv@Joshua:5:12 @...fruit of the land of Canaan...

kjv@Joshua:5:14 @...captain of the host of the...

kjv@Joshua:5:15 @...Loose thy shoe from off thy...

kjv@Joshua:6:1 @...because of the children of Israel:...

kjv@Joshua:6:2 @...and the mighty men of... valour.

kjv@Joshua:6:3, all ye men of war,...

kjv@Joshua:6:4 @...the ark seven trumpets of rams'...

kjv@Joshua:6:5 @...shout; and the wall of the...

kjv@Joshua:6:6 @...horns before the ark of the...

kjv@Joshua:6:7 @...on before the ark of the...

kjv@Joshua:6:8 @...ark of the covenant of the...

kjv@Joshua:6:10 @...any word proceed out of your...

kjv@Joshua:6:11 @... So the ark of the...

kjv@Joshua:6:12 @...took up the ark of the...

kjv@Joshua:6:13 @...came after the ark of the...

kjv@Joshua:6:15 @...early about the dawning of the...

kjv@Joshua:6:18 @...and make the camp of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:6:19 @...come into the treasury of the...

kjv@Joshua:6:20 @...people heard the sound of the...

kjv@Joshua:6:21 @...ass, with the edge of the...

kjv@Joshua:6:23 @...them without the camp of... Israel.

kjv@Joshua:6:24 @...treasury of the house of the...

kjv@Joshua:6:26 @...set up the gates of... it.

kjv@Joshua:7:1 @...thing: and the anger of the...

kjv@Joshua:7:2 @...on the east side of Bethel,...

kjv@Joshua:7:4 @...there went up thither of the...

kjv@Joshua:7:5 @...down: wherefore the hearts of the...

kjv@Joshua:7:6 @...he and the elders of Israel,...

kjv@Joshua:7:7 into the hand of the...

kjv@Joshua:7:9 round, and cut off our...

kjv@Joshua:7:11 @...they have even taken of the...

kjv@Joshua:7:12 @... Therefore the children of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:7:13 @...thing in the midst of thee,...

kjv@Joshua:7:15 @...hath transgressed the covenant of the...

kjv@Joshua:7:16 @...tribes; and the tribe of Judah...

kjv@Joshua:7:17 @...he brought the family of the...

kjv@Joshua:7:18 @...Zerah, of the tribe of Judah,...

kjv@Joshua:7:19 the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@Joshua:7:20 @...against the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@Joshua:7:21 in the midst of my...

kjv@Joshua:7:23 @...unto all the children of Israel,...

kjv@Joshua:7:24 @...garment, and the wedge of gold,...

kjv@Joshua:7:26 @...was called, The valley of Achor,...

kjv@Joshua:8:1 @...thy hand the king of Ai,...

kjv@Joshua:8:3 @...thirty thousand mighty men of valour,...

kjv@Joshua:8:8 @...according to the commandment of the...

kjv@Joshua:8:9 @...on the west side of Ai:...

kjv@Joshua:8:10 @...he and the elders of Israel,...

kjv@Joshua:8:11 @...on the north side of Ai:...

kjv@Joshua:8:12 @...on the west side of the...

kjv@Joshua:8:13 @...night into the midst of the...

kjv@Joshua:8:14 @...early, and the men of the...

kjv@Joshua:8:15 @...fled by the way of the...

kjv@Joshua:8:19 @...ambush arose quickly out of their...

kjv@Joshua:8:20 @...and, behold, the smoke of the...

kjv@Joshua:8:21 @...and that the smoke of the...

kjv@Joshua:8:22 @...that they let none of them...

kjv@Joshua:8:23 @... And the king of Ai...

kjv@Joshua:8:24 with the edge of the...

kjv@Joshua:8:25 @...fell that day, both of men...

kjv@Joshua:8:26 @...destroyed all the inhabitants of... Ai.

kjv@Joshua:8:27 @...according unto the word of the...

kjv@Joshua:8:29 @...thereon a great heap of stones,...

kjv@Joshua:8:30 @...unto the LORD God of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:8:31 @...they offered thereon burnt offerings unto...

kjv@Joshua:8:32 @...wrote in the presence of the...

kjv@Joshua:8:33 Moses the servant of the...

kjv@Joshua:8:34 @...written in the book of the...

kjv@Joshua:8:35 @...before all the congregation of Israel,...

kjv@Joshua:9:1 all the coasts of the...

kjv@Joshua:9:3 @...And when the inhabitants of Gibeon...

kjv@Joshua:9:5 @...and all the bread of their...

kjv@Joshua:9:6 @...and to the men of Israel,...

kjv@Joshua:9:7 @... And the men of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:9:9 @...have heard the fame of him,...

kjv@Joshua:9:10 @...and to Og king of Bashan,...

kjv@Joshua:9:11 @...and all the inhabitants of our...

kjv@Joshua:9:12 @...for our provision out of our...

kjv@Joshua:9:13 @...become old by reason of the...

kjv@Joshua:9:14 @...counsel at the mouth of the...

kjv@Joshua:9:15 and the princes of the...

kjv@Joshua:9:16 @...pass at the end of three...

kjv@Joshua:9:17 @... And the children of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:9:18 the LORD God of Israel....

kjv@Joshua:9:19 the LORD God of Israel:...

kjv@Joshua:9:20 upon us, because of the...

kjv@Joshua:9:21 @...of wood and drawers of water...

kjv@Joshua:9:23 @...water for the house of my...

kjv@Joshua:9:24 @...of our lives because of you,...

kjv@Joshua:9:26 @...hand of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Joshua:9:27 @...and for the altar of the...

kjv@Joshua:10:1 @...and how the inhabitants of Gibeon...

kjv@Joshua:10:2 @...great city, as one of the...

kjv@Joshua:10:3 @...and unto Debir king of Eglon,...

kjv@Joshua:10:4 @...and with the children of... Israel.

kjv@Joshua:10:5 @...of Lachish, the king of Eglon,...

kjv@Joshua:10:6 @...for all the kings of the...

kjv@Joshua:10:7 @...and all the people of war...

kjv@Joshua:10:8 @...shall not a man of them...

kjv@Joshua:10:11 @...they whom the children of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:10:12 @...said in the sight of Israel,...

kjv@Joshua:10:13 @...still in the midst of heaven,...

kjv@Joshua:10:14 @...hearkened unto the voice of a...

kjv@Joshua:10:18 @...stones upon the mouth of the...

kjv@Joshua:10:19 @...and smite the hindmost of them;...

kjv@Joshua:10:20 @...the rest which remained of them...

kjv@Joshua:10:21 @...his tongue against any of the...

kjv@Joshua:10:22 @...kings unto me out of the...

kjv@Joshua:10:23 @...of Jarmuth, the king of Lachish,...

kjv@Joshua:10:24 @...feet upon the necks of these...

kjv@Joshua:10:25 @...dismayed, be strong and of good...

kjv@Joshua:10:27 @...they took them down off the...

kjv@Joshua:10:28 @...did to the king of Makkedah...

kjv@Joshua:10:30 with the edge of the...

kjv@Joshua:10:32 with the edge of the...

kjv@Joshua:10:33 @... Then Horam king of Gezer...

kjv@Joshua:10:35 with the edge of the...

kjv@Joshua:10:37 with the edge of the...

kjv@Joshua:10:39 @...them with the edge of the...

kjv@Joshua:10:40 the LORD God of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:10:41 @...and all the country of Goshen,...

kjv@Joshua:10:42 @...because the LORD God of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:11:1 @...and to the king of Shimron,...

kjv@Joshua:11:2 @...and in the borders of Dor...

kjv@Joshua:11:3 @...Hermon in the land of... Mizpeh.

kjv@Joshua:11:5 @...together at the waters of Merom,...

kjv@Joshua:11:6 @...Be not afraid because of them:...

kjv@Joshua:11:7 @...them by the waters of Merom...

kjv@Joshua:11:8 @...and unto the valley of Mizpeh...

kjv@Joshua:11:10 @...beforetime was the head of all...

kjv@Joshua:11:11 @...therein with the edge of the...

kjv@Joshua:11:12 Moses the servant of the...

kjv@Joshua:11:13 @...strength, Israel burned none of them,...

kjv@Joshua:11:14 @...smote with the edge of the...

kjv@Joshua:11:15 @...he left nothing undone of all...

kjv@Joshua:11:16 @...Israel, and the valley of the...

kjv@Joshua:11:17 @...Baalgad in the valley of Lebanon...

kjv@Joshua:11:19 @...the Hivites the inhabitants of Gibeon:...

kjv@Joshua:11:20 @... For it was of the...

kjv@Joshua:11:21 @...from all the mountains of Israel:...

kjv@Joshua:11:22 of the children of Israel:...

kjv@Joshua:12:1 @...Jordan toward the rising of the...

kjv@Joshua:12:2 @...which is the border of the...

kjv@Joshua:12:3 @...and unto the sea of the...

kjv@Joshua:12:4 @...was of the remnant of the...

kjv@Joshua:12:5 @...half Gilead, the border of Sihon...

kjv@Joshua:12:6 @...and Moses the servant of the...

kjv@Joshua:12:7 @...gave unto the tribes of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:12:9 @...Jericho, one; the king of Ai,...

kjv@Joshua:12:10 @...Jerusalem, one; the king of Hebron,...

kjv@Joshua:12:11 @...Jarmuth, one; the king of Lachish,...

kjv@Joshua:12:12 @...Eglon, one; the king of Gezer,...

kjv@Joshua:12:13 @...Debir, one; the king of Geder,...

kjv@Joshua:12:14 @...Hormah, one; the king of Arad,...

kjv@Joshua:12:15 @...Libnah, one; the king of Adullam,...

kjv@Joshua:12:16 @...Makkedah, one; the king of Bethel,...

kjv@Joshua:12:17 @...Tappuah, one; the king of Hepher,...

kjv@Joshua:12:18 @...Aphek, one; the king of Lasharon,...

kjv@Joshua:12:19 @...Madon, one; the king of Hazor,...

kjv@Joshua:12:20 @...Shimronmeron, one; the king of Achshaph,...

kjv@Joshua:12:21 @...Taanach, one; the king of Megiddo,...

kjv@Joshua:12:22 @...the king of Jokneam of Carmel,...

kjv@Joshua:12:23 @...king of the nations of Gilgal,...

kjv@Joshua:12:24 ... The king of Tirzah,...

kjv@Joshua:13:2 @...remaineth: all the borders of the...

kjv@Joshua:13:3 @...the Canaanite: five lords of the...

kjv@Joshua:13:4 @...Aphek, to the borders of the...

kjv@Joshua:13:5 @... And the land of the...

kjv@Joshua:13:6 @...from before the children of Israel:...

kjv@Joshua:13:7 @...and the half tribe of... Manasseh,

kjv@Joshua:13:8 Moses the servant of the...

kjv@Joshua:13:9 @...and all the plain of Medeba...

kjv@Joshua:13:10 @...Heshbon, unto the border of the...

kjv@Joshua:13:11 @...Gilead, and the border of the...

kjv@Joshua:13:12 @...remained of the remnant of the...

kjv@Joshua:13:13 @... Nevertheless the children of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:13:14 @...of the LORD God of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:13:15 @...tribe of the children of Reuben...

kjv@Joshua:13:16 in the midst of the...

kjv@Joshua:13:19 @...Zarethshahar in the mount of the...

kjv@Joshua:13:21 @...Reba, which were dukes of Sihon,...

kjv@Joshua:13:22 @...soothsayer, did the children of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:13:23 @...inheritance of the children of Reuben...

kjv@Joshua:13:24 @...even unto the children of Gad...

kjv@Joshua:13:25 of the children of Ammon,...

kjv@Joshua:13:26 @...Mahanaim unto the border of... Debir;

kjv@Joshua:13:27 @...edge of the sea of Chinnereth...

kjv@Joshua:13:28 @...inheritance of the children of Gad...

kjv@Joshua:13:29 @...tribe of the children of Manasseh...

kjv@Joshua:13:30 @...and all the towns of Jair,...

kjv@Joshua:13:31 @...half of the children of Machir...

kjv@Joshua:13:32 @...inheritance in the plains of Moab,...

kjv@Joshua:13:33 @...inheritance: the LORD God of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:14:1 @...tribes of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Joshua:14:2 @...commanded by the hand of Moses,...

kjv@Joshua:14:3 @...had given the inheritance of two...

kjv@Joshua:14:4 @... For the children of Joseph...

kjv@Joshua:14:5 @...Moses, so the children of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:14:6 @...unto Moses the man of God...

kjv@Joshua:14:7 @...when Moses the servant of the...

kjv@Joshua:14:8 made the heart of the...

kjv@Joshua:14:10 @...Moses, while the children of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:14:13 @...unto Caleb the son of Jephunneh...

kjv@Joshua:14:14 @...of Caleb the son of Jephunneh...

kjv@Joshua:14:15 @... And the name of Hebron...

kjv@Joshua:15:1 @...was the uttermost part of the...

kjv@Joshua:15:2 @...was from the shore of the...

kjv@Joshua:15:4 @...and the goings out of that...

kjv@Joshua:15:5 @...was from the bay of the...

kjv@Joshua:15:6 @...up to the stone of Bohan...

kjv@Joshua:15:7 @...passed toward the waters of Enshemesh,...

kjv@Joshua:15:8 @...end of the valley of the...

kjv@Joshua:15:9 @...out to the cities of mount...

kjv@Joshua:15:10 @...along unto the side of mount...

kjv@Joshua:15:11 @...and the goings out of the...

kjv@Joshua:15:12 @...coast of the children of Judah...

kjv@Joshua:15:13 @...of Arba the father of Anak,...

kjv@Joshua:15:14 @...thence the three sons of Anak,...

kjv@Joshua:15:15 @...Debir: and the name of Debir...

kjv@Joshua:15:17 @...of Kenaz, the brother of Caleb,...

kjv@Joshua:15:18 @...field: and she lighted off her...

kjv@Joshua:15:19 @...give me also springs of water....

kjv@Joshua:15:20 @...tribe of the children of Judah...

kjv@Joshua:15:21 @...Judah toward the coast of Edom...

kjv@Joshua:15:47 @...villages, unto the river of Egypt,...

kjv@Joshua:15:62 @...Nibshan, and the city of Salt,...

kjv@Joshua:15:63 @...dwell with the children of Judah...

kjv@Joshua:16:1 @...Jericho, unto the water of Jericho...

kjv@Joshua:16:2 @...along unto the borders of Archi...

kjv@Joshua:16:3 @...Japhleti, unto the coast of Bethhoron...

kjv@Joshua:16:4 @... So the children of Joseph,...

kjv@Joshua:16:5 @...thus: even the border of their...

kjv@Joshua:16:8 @...tribe of the children of Ephraim...

kjv@Joshua:16:9 @...inheritance of the children of Manasseh,...

kjv@Joshua:17:1 @...he was a man of war,...

kjv@Joshua:17:2 @...of Manasseh the son of Joseph...

kjv@Joshua:17:3 @...these are the names of his...

kjv@Joshua:17:4 @...inheritance among the brethren of their...

kjv@Joshua:17:5 @...Manasseh, beside the land of Gilead...

kjv@Joshua:17:6 @...sons: and the rest of Manasseh's...

kjv@Joshua:17:7 @... And the coast of Manasseh...

kjv@Joshua:17:8 @...Tappuah on the border of Manasseh...

kjv@Joshua:17:9 @...river, and the outgoings of it...

kjv@Joshua:17:11 @...towns, and the inhabitants of Megiddo...

kjv@Joshua:17:12 out the inhabitants of those...

kjv@Joshua:17:13 @...pass, when the children of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:17:14 @... And the children of Joseph...

kjv@Joshua:17:15 @...of the Perizzites and of the...

kjv@Joshua:17:16 @...and they who are of the...

kjv@Joshua:17:17 @...spake unto the house of Joseph,...

kjv@Joshua:17:18 @...down: and the outgoings of it...

kjv@Joshua:18:1 @...set up the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Joshua:18:2 @...remained among the children of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:18:3 @...which the LORD God of your...

kjv@Joshua:18:4 @...according to the inheritance of them;...

kjv@Joshua:18:5 @...south, and the house of Joseph...

kjv@Joshua:18:7 @...which Moses the servant of the...

kjv@Joshua:18:10 unto the children of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:18:11 @...forth between the children of Judah...

kjv@Joshua:18:12 @...up to the side of Jericho...

kjv@Joshua:18:13 @...on the south side of the...

kjv@Joshua:18:14 of the children of Judah:...

kjv@Joshua:18:15 @...out to the well of waters...

kjv@Joshua:18:16 @...Hinnom, to the side of Jebusi...

kjv@Joshua:18:17 @...descended to the stone of Bohan...

kjv@Joshua:18:19 the south end of Jordan:...

kjv@Joshua:18:20 @...inheritance of the children of Benjamin,...

kjv@Joshua:18:21 @...tribe of the children of Benjamin...

kjv@Joshua:18:28 @...inheritance of the children of Benjamin...

kjv@Joshua:19:1 @...was within the inheritance of the...

kjv@Joshua:19:8 @...tribe of the children of Simeon...

kjv@Joshua:19:9 @...them: therefore the children of Simeon...

kjv@Joshua:19:10 @...families: and the border of their...

kjv@Joshua:19:12 @...sunrising unto the border of Chislothtabor,...

kjv@Joshua:19:14 @...are in the valley of... Jiphthahel:

kjv@Joshua:19:16 @...inheritance of the children of Zebulun...

kjv@Joshua:19:17 @...Issachar, for the children of Issachar...

kjv@Joshua:19:22 @...Bethshemesh; and the outgoings of their...

kjv@Joshua:19:23 @...tribe of the children of Issachar...

kjv@Joshua:19:24 @...tribe of the children of Asher...

kjv@Joshua:19:27 @...toward the north side of Bethemek,...

kjv@Joshua:19:31 @...tribe of the children of Asher...

kjv@Joshua:19:32 @...even for the children of Naphtali...

kjv@Joshua:19:39 @...tribe of the children of Naphtali...

kjv@Joshua:19:40 @...tribe of the children of Dan...

kjv@Joshua:19:41 @... And the coast of their...

kjv@Joshua:19:47 @...Dan, after the name of Dan...

kjv@Joshua:19:48 @...tribe of the children of Dan...

kjv@Joshua:19:49 Joshua the son of Nun...

kjv@Joshua:19:50 @...According to the word of the...

kjv@Joshua:19:51 @...they made an end of dividing...

kjv@Joshua:20:2 @...out for you cities of refuge,...

kjv@Joshua:20:3 @...refuge from the avenger of... blood.

kjv@Joshua:20:4 @...ears of the elders of that...

kjv@Joshua:20:5 @...And if the avenger of blood...

kjv@Joshua:20:6 @...and until the death of the...

kjv@Joshua:20:7 @...Hebron, in the mountain of... Judah.

kjv@Joshua:20:8 @...Golan in Bashan out of the...

kjv@Joshua:20:9 @...hand of the avenger of blood,...

kjv@Joshua:21:1 @...fathers of the tribes of the...

kjv@Joshua:21:2 @...commanded by the hand of Moses...

kjv@Joshua:21:3 @...inheritance, at the commandment of the...

kjv@Joshua:21:4 @...out of the tribe of Benjamin,...

kjv@Joshua:21:5 @...of the half tribe of Manasseh,...

kjv@Joshua:21:6 @...of the half tribe of Manasseh...

kjv@Joshua:21:7 @...out of the tribe of Zebulun,...

kjv@Joshua:21:8 @... And the children of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:21:9 @...tribe of the children of Simeon,...

kjv@Joshua:21:10 @...were of the children of Levi,...

kjv@Joshua:21:11 the hill country of Judah,...

kjv@Joshua:21:12 Caleb the son of Jephunneh...

kjv@Joshua:21:13 be a city of refuge...

kjv@Joshua:21:16 @...suburbs; nine cities out of those...

kjv@Joshua:21:17 @...out of the tribe of Benjamin,...

kjv@Joshua:21:19 @...cities of the children of Aaron,...

kjv@Joshua:21:20 @...of their lot out of the...

kjv@Joshua:21:21 be a city of refuge...

kjv@Joshua:21:23 @...out of the tribe of Dan,...

kjv@Joshua:21:25 @...of the half tribe of Manasseh,...

kjv@Joshua:21:26 @...families of the children of Kohath...

kjv@Joshua:21:27 be a city of refuge...

kjv@Joshua:21:28 @...out of the tribe of Issachar,...

kjv@Joshua:21:30 @...out of the tribe of Asher,...

kjv@Joshua:21:32 be a city of refuge...

kjv@Joshua:21:33 @... All the cities of the...

kjv@Joshua:21:34 @...out of the tribe of Zebulun,...

kjv@Joshua:21:36 @...out of the tribe of Reuben,...

kjv@Joshua:21:38 be a city of refuge...

kjv@Joshua:21:40 @...remaining of the families of the...

kjv@Joshua:21:41 @...possession of the children of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:21:44 @...stood not a man of all...

kjv@Joshua:21:45 @...spoken unto the house of Israel;...

kjv@Joshua:22:1 @...and the half tribe of... Manasseh,

kjv@Joshua:22:2 @...that Moses the servant of the...

kjv@Joshua:22:3 @...charge of the commandment of the...

kjv@Joshua:22:4 @...which Moses the servant of the...

kjv@Joshua:22:5 @...which Moses the servant of the...

kjv@Joshua:22:7 @...half of the tribe of Manasseh...

kjv@Joshua:22:8 @...raiment: divide the spoil of your...

kjv@Joshua:22:9 @...according to the word of the...

kjv@Joshua:22:10 @...and the half tribe of Manasseh...

kjv@Joshua:22:11 @...Jordan, at the passage of the...

kjv@Joshua:22:12 @...congregation of the children of Israel...

kjv@Joshua:22:13 @...Gilead, Phinehas the son of Eleazar...

kjv@Joshua:22:14 @...head of the house of their...

kjv@Joshua:22:15 @...Manasseh, unto the land of Gilead,...

kjv@Joshua:22:16 @...committed against the God of Israel,...

kjv@Joshua:22:17 @...plague in the congregation of the...

kjv@Joshua:22:18 @...with the whole congregation of... Israel.

kjv@Joshua:22:19 @...altar beside the altar of the...

kjv@Joshua:22:20 @...on all the congregation of Israel?...

kjv@Joshua:22:21 @...said unto the heads of the...

kjv@Joshua:22:22 @...gods, the LORD God of gods,...(save us not this day,)

kjv@Joshua:22:24 @...done it for fear of this...

kjv@Joshua:22:25 @...of Reuben and children of Gad;...

kjv@Joshua:22:27 @...and with our peace offerings; that...

kjv@Joshua:22:28 @...made, not for burnt offerings, nor...

kjv@Joshua:22:29 @...sacrifices, beside the altar of the...

kjv@Joshua:22:30 @...Gad and the children of Manasseh...

kjv@Joshua:22:31 @...out of the hand of the...

kjv@Joshua:22:32 @...Canaan, to the children of Israel,...

kjv@Joshua:22:33 wherein the children of Reuben...

kjv@Joshua:22:34 @...Reuben and the children of Gad...

kjv@Joshua:23:3 @...all these nations because of you;...

kjv@Joshua:23:5 them from out of your...

kjv@Joshua:23:6 of the law of Moses,...

kjv@Joshua:23:7 @...mention of the name of their...

kjv@Joshua:23:10 ... One man of you...

kjv@Joshua:23:12 @...cleave unto the remnant of these...

kjv@Joshua:23:13 @...until ye perish from off this...

kjv@Joshua:23:14 thing hath failed of all...

kjv@Joshua:23:16 @...shall perish quickly from off the...

kjv@Joshua:24:1 @...judges, and for their officers; and...

kjv@Joshua:24:2 @...Abraham, and the father of Nachor:...

kjv@Joshua:24:3 @...throughout all the land of Canaan,...

kjv@Joshua:24:6 @...brought your fathers out of Egypt:...

kjv@Joshua:24:8 into the land of the...

kjv@Joshua:24:9 @...called Balaam the son of Beor...

kjv@Joshua:24:10 @...I delivered you out of his...

kjv@Joshua:24:11 @...Jericho: and the men of Jericho...

kjv@Joshua:24:12 @...even the two kings of the...

kjv@Joshua:24:13 dwell in them; of the...

kjv@Joshua:24:14 @...on the other side of the...

kjv@Joshua:24:15 @...flood, or the gods of the...

kjv@Joshua:24:17 @...Egypt, from the house of bondage,...

kjv@Joshua:24:23 @...unto the LORD God of... Israel.

kjv@Joshua:24:26 @...was by the sanctuary of the...

kjv@Joshua:24:27 @...heard all the words of the...

kjv@Joshua:24:29 @...of Nun, the servant of the...

kjv@Joshua:24:30 @...on the north side of the...

kjv@Joshua:24:31 @...known all the works of the...

kjv@Joshua:24:32 became the inheritance of the...

kjv@Joshua:24:33 @...And Eleazar the son of Aaron...

kjv@Judges:1:1 @...pass, that the children of Israel...

kjv@Judges:1:4 @...hand: and they slew of them...

kjv@Judges:1:8 with the edge of the...

kjv@Judges:1:9 @...And afterward the children of Judah...

kjv@Judges:1:10 @ And Judah went against the Canaanites that dwelt in Hebron: (now the name of Hebron before was Kirjatharba:) and they slew Sheshai, and Ahiman, and Talmai.

kjv@Judges:1:11 @...Debir: and the name of Debir...

kjv@Judges:1:13 @...And Othniel the son of Kenaz,...

kjv@Judges:1:14 @...and she lighted from off her...

kjv@Judges:1:15 @...give me also springs of water....

kjv@Judges:1:16 @...lieth in the south of Arad;...

kjv@Judges:1:17 And the name of the...

kjv@Judges:1:19 out the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Judges:1:20 @...thence the three sons of... Anak.

kjv@Judges:1:21 @...dwell with the children of Benjamin...

kjv@Judges:1:22 @... And the house of Joseph,...

kjv@Judges:1:23 @... And the house of Joseph...(Now the name of the city before was Luz.)

kjv@Judges:1:24 come forth out of the...

kjv@Judges:1:25 with the edge of the...

kjv@Judges:1:26 @...went into the land of the...

kjv@Judges:1:27 @...towns, nor the inhabitants of Megiddo...

kjv@Judges:1:30 @...Kitron, nor the inhabitants of Nahalol;...

kjv@Judges:1:31 @...nor of Helbah, nor of Aphik,...

kjv@Judges:1:32 @...the Canaanites, the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Judges:1:33 @...inhabitants of Bethshemesh and of Bethanath...

kjv@Judges:1:34 @...Amorites forced the children of Dan...

kjv@Judges:1:35 @...hand of the house of Joseph...

kjv@Judges:1:36 @... And the coast of the...

kjv@Judges:2:1 go up out of Egypt,...

kjv@Judges:2:2 @...league with the inhabitants of this...

kjv@Judges:2:4 @...unto all the children of Israel,...

kjv@Judges:2:5 @...they called the name of that...

kjv@Judges:2:6 @...people go, the children of Israel...

kjv@Judges:2:7 @...all the great works of the...

kjv@Judges:2:8 @...of Nun, the servant of the...

kjv@Judges:2:9 @...on the north side of the...

kjv@Judges:2:11 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@Judges:2:12 @...gods, of the gods of the...

kjv@Judges:2:14 @...them into the hands of their...

kjv@Judges:2:15 @...went out, the hand of the...

kjv@Judges:2:16 @...out of the hand of those...

kjv@Judges:2:17, obeying the commandments of the...

kjv@Judges:2:18 @...their groanings by reason of them...

kjv@Judges:2:20 @... And the anger of the...

kjv@Judges:2:21 @...any from before them of the...

kjv@Judges:2:22 @...will keep the way of the...

kjv@Judges:2:23 @...them into the hand of... Joshua.

kjv@Judges:3:1 @...them, even as many of Israel...

kjv@Judges:3:2 @...generations of the children of Israel...

kjv@Judges:3:3 @... Namely, five lords of the...

kjv@Judges:3:4 @...hearken unto the commandments of the...

kjv@Judges:3:5 @... And the children of Israel...

kjv@Judges:3:7 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@Judges:3:8 @...Mesopotamia: and the children of Israel...

kjv@Judges:3:9 @...even Othniel the son of Kenaz,...

kjv@Judges:3:10 @...LORD delivered Chushanrishathaim king of Mesopotamia...

kjv@Judges:3:11 @...And Othniel the son of Kenaz...

kjv@Judges:3:12 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@Judges:3:13 @...and possessed the city of palm...

kjv@Judges:3:14 @...served Eglon the king of Moab...

kjv@Judges:3:15 him the children of Israel...

kjv@Judges:3:16 @...which had two edges, of a...

kjv@Judges:3:17 @...present unto Eglon king of Moab:...

kjv@Judges:3:20 @...And he arose out of his...

kjv@Judges:3:22 @...draw the dagger out of his...

kjv@Judges:3:23 @...and shut the doors of the...

kjv@Judges:3:24 @...that, behold, the doors of the...

kjv@Judges:3:25 @...opened not the doors of the...

kjv@Judges:3:27 @...Ephraim, and the children of Israel...

kjv@Judges:3:28 @...and took the fords of Jordan...

kjv@Judges:3:29 @...lusty, and all men of valour;...

kjv@Judges:3:30 under the hand of Israel....

kjv@Judges:3:31 @...of Anath, which slew of the...

kjv@Judges:4:1 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@Judges:4:2 @...which dwelt in Harosheth of the...

kjv@Judges:4:3 @...had nine hundred chariots of iron;...

kjv@Judges:4:4 @...a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth,...

kjv@Judges:4:5 @...Ephraim: and the children of Israel...

kjv@Judges:4:6 @...children of Naphtali and of the...

kjv@Judges:4:7 @...Kishon Sisera, the captain of Jabin's...

kjv@Judges:4:9 @...Sisera into the hand of a...

kjv@Judges:4:11 @...tent unto the plain of Zaanaim,...

kjv@Judges:4:12 @...that Barak the son of Abinoam...

kjv@Judges:4:13 @...with him, from Harosheth of the...

kjv@Judges:4:15 @...that Sisera lighted down off his...

kjv@Judges:4:16 @...fell upon the edge of the...

kjv@Judges:4:17 @...Hazor and the house of Heber...

kjv@Judges:4:19 @...she opened a bottle of milk,...

kjv@Judges:4:20 @...doth come and enquire of thee,...

kjv@Judges:4:21 @...wife took a nail of the...

kjv@Judges:4:23 Jabin the king of Canaan...

kjv@Judges:4:24 @...against Jabin the king of Canaan,...

kjv@Judges:5:1 @...and Barak the son of Abinoam...

kjv@Judges:5:2 @...LORD for the avenging of Israel,...

kjv@Judges:5:3 the LORD God of... Israel.

kjv@Judges:5:4 @...out of the field of Edom,...

kjv@Judges:5:5 @...before the LORD God of... Israel.

kjv@Judges:5:6 @...Anath, in the days of Jael,...

kjv@Judges:5:7 ... The inhabitants of the...

kjv@Judges:5:9 @...governors of Israel, that offered themselves...

kjv@Judges:5:11 @...then shall the people of the...

kjv@Judges:5:12 @...captivity captive, thou son of... Abinoam.

kjv@Judges:5:14 @...that handle the pen of the...

kjv@Judges:5:15 @...valley. For the divisions of Reuben...

kjv@Judges:5:16 @...flocks? For the divisions of Reuben...

kjv@Judges:5:18 the high places of the...

kjv@Judges:5:19 @...Taanach by the waters of Megiddo;...

kjv@Judges:5:21 ... The river of Kishon...

kjv@Judges:5:22 @...the pransings, the pransings of their...

kjv@Judges:5:23 @...LORD, to the help of the...

kjv@Judges:5:24 @...shall Jael the wife of Heber...

kjv@Judges:5:28 @...why tarry the wheels of his...

kjv@Judges:5:30 for the necks of them...

kjv@Judges:6:1 @...them into the hand of Midian...

kjv@Judges:6:2 @...the Midianites the children of Israel...

kjv@Judges:6:3 @...Amalekites, and the children of the...

kjv@Judges:6:4 @...and destroyed the increase of the...

kjv@Judges:6:6 @...Midianites; and the children of Israel...

kjv@Judges:6:7 @...unto the LORD because of the...

kjv@Judges:6:8 @...brought you forth out of the...

kjv@Judges:6:9 @...out of the hand of all...

kjv@Judges:6:10 @...fear not the gods of the...

kjv@Judges:6:11 @...there came an angel of the...

kjv@Judges:6:12 @... And the angel of the...

kjv@Judges:6:13 into the hands of the...

kjv@Judges:6:14 @...Israel from the hand of the...

kjv@Judges:6:19 @...cakes of an ephah of flour:...

kjv@Judges:6:20 @... And the angel of God...

kjv@Judges:6:21 @...the LORD departed out of his...

kjv@Judges:6:22 @...have seen an angel of the...

kjv@Judges:6:24 yet in Ophrah of the...

kjv@Judges:6:25 @...throw down the altar of Baal...

kjv@Judges:6:26 @...sacrifice with the wood of the...

kjv@Judges:6:27 @...household, and the men of the...

kjv@Judges:6:28 @...the second bullock was offered upon...

kjv@Judges:6:29 @...said, Gideon the son of Joash...

kjv@Judges:6:30 @...cast down the altar of Baal,...

kjv@Judges:6:33 @...Amalekites and the children of the...

kjv@Judges:6:34 @... But the Spirit of the...

kjv@Judges:6:37 @...will put a fleece of wool...

kjv@Judges:6:38 @...wringed the dew out of the...

kjv@Judges:7:1 @...them, by the hill of Moreh,...

kjv@Judges:7:3 @...Gilead. And there returned of the...

kjv@Judges:7:4 @...go with thee; and of whomsoever...

kjv@Judges:7:5 @...Every one that lappeth of the...

kjv@Judges:7:6 @...but all the rest of the...

kjv@Judges:7:8 and the host of Midian...

kjv@Judges:7:11 @...servant unto the outside of the...

kjv@Judges:7:12 @...and all the children of the...

kjv@Judges:7:13 @...tumbled into the host of Midian,...

kjv@Judges:7:14 @...of Joash, a man of Israel:...

kjv@Judges:7:15 @...returned into the host of Israel,...

kjv@Judges:7:17 @...come to the outside of the...

kjv@Judges:7:18 @...and say, The sword of the...

kjv@Judges:7:19 in the beginning of the...

kjv@Judges:7:20 @...they cried, The sword of the...

kjv@Judges:7:22 @...and to the border of Abelmeholah,...

kjv@Judges:7:23 @...of Asher, and out of all...

kjv@Judges:7:24 @...Then all the men of Ephraim...

kjv@Judges:7:25 @...and brought the heads of Oreb...

kjv@Judges:8:1 @... And the men of Ephraim...

kjv@Judges:8:2 @...gleaning of the grapes of Ephraim...

kjv@Judges:8:3 do in comparison of you?...

kjv@Judges:8:5 @...I pray you, loaves of bread...

kjv@Judges:8:6 @...said, Are the hands of Zebah...

kjv@Judges:8:7 @...flesh with the thorns of the...

kjv@Judges:8:8 @...him as the men of Succoth...

kjv@Judges:8:9 @...also unto the men of Penuel,...

kjv@Judges:8:10 @...hosts of the children of the...

kjv@Judges:8:11 @...tents on the east of Nobah...

kjv@Judges:8:12 @...took the two kings of Midian,...

kjv@Judges:8:13 @...And Gideon the son of Joash...

kjv@Judges:8:14 @...unto him the princes of Succoth,...

kjv@Judges:8:15 @...saying, Are the hands of Zebah...

kjv@Judges:8:16 @...the city, and thorns of the...

kjv@Judges:8:17 @...and slew the men of the...

kjv@Judges:8:18 resembled the children of a...

kjv@Judges:8:19 @...brethren, even the sons of my...

kjv@Judges:8:22 @... Then the men of Israel...

kjv@Judges:8:24 @...every man the earrings of his...(For they had golden earrings, because they were Ishmaelites.)

kjv@Judges:8:25 @...every man the earrings of his...

kjv@Judges:8:26 @...was on the kings of Midian,...

kjv@Judges:8:28 @...subdued before the children of Israel,...

kjv@Judges:8:29 @...And Jerubbaal the son of Joash...

kjv@Judges:8:30 @...threescore and ten sons of his...

kjv@Judges:8:32 @...his father, in Ophrah of the...

kjv@Judges:8:33 @...dead, that the children of Israel...

kjv@Judges:8:34 @...out of the hands of all...

kjv@Judges:8:35 @...kindness to the house of Jerubbaal,...

kjv@Judges:9:1 of the house of his...

kjv@Judges:9:2 @...that all the sons of Jerubbaal,...

kjv@Judges:9:3 @...of all the men of Shechem...

kjv@Judges:9:4 @...out of the house of Baalberith,...

kjv@Judges:9:5 @...Jotham the youngest son of Jerubbaal...

kjv@Judges:9:6 @...king, by the plain of the...

kjv@Judges:9:7 @...unto me, ye men of Shechem,...

kjv@Judges:9:15 @...let fire come out of the...

kjv@Judges:9:16 @...according to the deserving of his...

kjv@Judges:9:17 @ (...and delivered you out of the...

kjv@Judges:9:18 @...king over the men of Shechem,...)

kjv@Judges:9:20 @...and from the house of Millo,...

kjv@Judges:9:21 @...dwelt there, for fear of Abimelech...

kjv@Judges:9:23 @...Shechem; and the men of Shechem...

kjv@Judges:9:24 @...him in the killing of his...

kjv@Judges:9:25 @...him in the top of the...

kjv@Judges:9:26 @...Shechem: and the men of Shechem...

kjv@Judges:9:27 @...went into the house of their...

kjv@Judges:9:28 @...of Hamor the father of Shechem:...

kjv@Judges:9:30 @...of Gaal the son of Ebed,...

kjv@Judges:9:31 @...Behold, Gaal the son of Ebed...

kjv@Judges:9:35 @...entering of the gate of the...

kjv@Judges:9:36 @...Thou seest the shadow of the...

kjv@Judges:9:37 @...down by the middle of the...

kjv@Judges:9:39 @...out before the men of Shechem,...

kjv@Judges:9:40 @...even unto the entering of the...

kjv@Judges:9:43 @...were come forth out of the...

kjv@Judges:9:44 @...entering of the gate of the...

kjv@Judges:9:46 @...hold of the house of the...

kjv@Judges:9:47 of the tower of Shechem...

kjv@Judges:9:49 of the tower of Shechem...

kjv@Judges:9:51 @...up to the top of the...

kjv@Judges:9:52 @...hard unto the door of the...

kjv@Judges:9:53 @...woman cast a piece of a...

kjv@Judges:9:54 @...that men say not of me,...

kjv@Judges:9:55 @...And when the men of Israel...

kjv@Judges:9:56 @...God rendered the wickedness of Abimelech,...

kjv@Judges:9:57 @...them came the curse of Jotham...

kjv@Judges:10:1 @...of Dodo, a man of Issachar;...

kjv@Judges:10:4 @...are in the land of... Gilead.

kjv@Judges:10:6 @...Ammon, and the gods of the...

kjv@Judges:10:7 @...and into the hands of the...

kjv@Judges:10:8 @...Jordan in the land of the...

kjv@Judges:10:9 @...and against the house of Ephraim;...

kjv@Judges:10:10 @... And the children of Israel...

kjv@Judges:10:11 @...Amorites, from the children of Ammon,...

kjv@Judges:10:12 @...I delivered you out of their...

kjv@Judges:10:14 in the time of your...

kjv@Judges:10:15 @... And the children of Israel...

kjv@Judges:10:16 @...grieved for the misery of... Israel.

kjv@Judges:10:17 @...Gilead. And the children of Israel...

kjv@Judges:10:18 @...fight against the children of Ammon?...

kjv@Judges:11:1 @...he was the son of an...

kjv@Judges:11:2 @...thou art the son of a...

kjv@Judges:11:3 @...dwelt in the land of Tob:...

kjv@Judges:11:4 @...time, that the children of Ammon...

kjv@Judges:11:5 fetch Jephthah out of the...

kjv@Judges:11:6 @...fight with the children of... Ammon.

kjv@Judges:11:7 @...and expel me out of my...

kjv@Judges:11:8 @...fight against the children of Ammon,...

kjv@Judges:11:9 @...fight against the children of Ammon,...

kjv@Judges:11:10 @... And the elders of Gilead...

kjv@Judges:11:11 @...went with the elders of Gilead,...

kjv@Judges:11:12 @...king of the children of Ammon,...

kjv@Judges:11:13 @...they came up out of Egypt,...

kjv@Judges:11:14 @...again unto the king of the...

kjv@Judges:11:15 @...Moab, nor the land of the...

kjv@Judges:11:17 @...sent unto the king of Moab:...

kjv@Judges:11:18 @...not within the border of Moab:...

kjv@Judges:11:19 @...the Amorites, the king of Heshbon;...

kjv@Judges:11:21 @...the Amorites, the inhabitants of that...

kjv@Judges:11:22 @...possessed all the coasts of the...

kjv@Judges:11:23 the LORD God of Israel...

kjv@Judges:11:25 @...son of Zippor, king of Moab?...

kjv@Judges:11:26 @...along by the coasts of Arnon,...

kjv@Judges:11:27 between the children of Israel...

kjv@Judges:11:28 @...not unto the words of Jephthah...

kjv@Judges:11:29 @...Gilead, and from Mizpeh of Gilead...

kjv@Judges:11:30 deliver the children of Ammon...

kjv@Judges:11:31 @...LORD'S, and I will offer it...

kjv@Judges:11:32 @...over unto the children of Ammon...

kjv@Judges:11:33 @...slaughter. Thus the children of Ammon...

kjv@Judges:11:35 @...and thou art one of them...

kjv@Judges:11:36 @...of thine enemies, even of the...

kjv@Judges:11:39 @...pass at the end of two...

kjv@Judges:11:40 lament the daughter of Jephthah...

kjv@Judges:12:1 @...fight against the children of Ammon,...

kjv@Judges:12:2 @...delivered me not out of their...

kjv@Judges:12:3 @...over against the children of Ammon,...

kjv@Judges:12:4 @...Ye Gileadites are fugitives of Ephraim...

kjv@Judges:12:5 @...over; that the men of Gilead...

kjv@Judges:12:6 @...fell at that time of the...

kjv@Judges:12:7 @...was buried in one of the...

kjv@Judges:12:8 @...And after him Ibzan of Bethlehem...

kjv@Judges:12:12 @...Aijalon in the country of... Zebulun.

kjv@Judges:12:13 @...him Abdon the son of Hillel,...

kjv@Judges:12:15 @...Ephraim, in the mount of the...

kjv@Judges:13:1 @...them into the hand of the...

kjv@Judges:13:2 @...Zorah, of the family of the...

kjv@Judges:13:3 @... And the angel of the...

kjv@Judges:13:5 @...out of the hand of the...

kjv@Judges:13:6 @...countenance of an angel of God,...

kjv@Judges:13:7 @...womb to the day of his...

kjv@Judges:13:8 @...Lord, let the man of God...

kjv@Judges:13:9 @...Manoah; and the angel of God...

kjv@Judges:13:13 @... And the angel of the...

kjv@Judges:13:14 @...any thing that cometh of the...

kjv@Judges:13:15 @...said unto the angel of the...

kjv@Judges:13:16 @...he was an angel of the...

kjv@Judges:13:17 @...said unto the angel of the...

kjv@Judges:13:18 @... And the angel of the...

kjv@Judges:13:20 @...ascended in the flame of the...

kjv@Judges:13:21 @...he was an angel of the...

kjv@Judges:13:25 @...times in the camp of Dan...

kjv@Judges:14:1 @...Timnath of the daughters of the...

kjv@Judges:14:2 @...Timnath of the daughters of the...

kjv@Judges:14:3 take a wife of the...

kjv@Judges:14:4 @...not that it was of the...

kjv@Judges:14:5 @...came to the vineyards of Timnath:...

kjv@Judges:14:6 @... And the Spirit of the...

kjv@Judges:14:8 @...honey in the carcase of the...

kjv@Judges:14:9 @...out of the carcase of the...

kjv@Judges:14:12 @...within the seven days of the...

kjv@Judges:14:13 @...sheets and thirty change of garments....

kjv@Judges:14:14 @...forth meat, and out of the...

kjv@Judges:14:16 @...riddle unto the children of my...

kjv@Judges:14:17 @...riddle to the children of her...

kjv@Judges:14:18 @... And the men of the...

kjv@Judges:14:19 @...spoil, and gave change of garments...

kjv@Judges:15:1 @...after, in the time of wheat...

kjv@Judges:15:2 @...I pray thee, instead of... her.

kjv@Judges:15:5 @...into the standing corn of the...

kjv@Judges:15:6 @...the son in law of the...

kjv@Judges:15:7 @...will I be avenged of you,...

kjv@Judges:15:8 @...dwelt in the top of the...

kjv@Judges:15:10 @... And the men of Judah...

kjv@Judges:15:11 @...went to the top of the...

kjv@Judges:15:12 @...thee into the hand of the...

kjv@Judges:15:14 @...his bands loosed from off his...

kjv@Judges:15:15 @...found a new jawbone of an...

kjv@Judges:15:16 @...heaps, with the jaw of an...

kjv@Judges:15:17 @...away the jawbone out of his...

kjv@Judges:15:18 @...fall into the hand of the...

kjv@Judges:15:20 @...Israel in the days of the...

kjv@Judges:16:2 @...night in the gate of the...

kjv@Judges:16:3 @...up to the top of an...

kjv@Judges:16:4 @...woman in the valley of Sorek,...

kjv@Judges:16:5 @...give thee every one of us...

kjv@Judges:16:8 @... Then the lords of the...

kjv@Judges:16:9 @...withs, as a thread of tow...

kjv@Judges:16:13 @...weavest the seven locks of my...

kjv@Judges:16:14 @...away with the pin of the...

kjv@Judges:16:18 @...heart. Then the lords of the...

kjv@Judges:16:19 the seven locks of his...

kjv@Judges:16:20 @...And he awoke out of his...

kjv@Judges:16:21 @...bound him with fetters of brass;...

kjv@Judges:16:22 @... Howbeit the hair of his...

kjv@Judges:16:23 @...them together for to offer a...

kjv@Judges:16:24 @...enemy, and the destroyer of our...

kjv@Judges:16:25 @...called for Samson out of the...

kjv@Judges:16:27 @...and all the lords of the...

kjv@Judges:16:28 at once avenged of the...

kjv@Judges:16:29 @...his right hand, and of the...

kjv@Judges:16:31 @...Eshtaol in the buryingplace of Manoah...

kjv@Judges:17:1 @...there was a man of mount...

kjv@Judges:17:2 @...said, Blessed be thou of the...

kjv@Judges:17:3 @...the eleven hundred shekels of silver...

kjv@Judges:17:4 @...took two hundred shekels of silver,...

kjv@Judges:17:5 @...teraphim, and consecrated one of his...

kjv@Judges:17:7 @...Bethlehemjudah of the family of Judah,...

kjv@Judges:17:8 @...Ephraim to the house of Micah,...

kjv@Judges:17:9 @...I am a Levite of Bethlehemjudah,...

kjv@Judges:17:10 @...year, and a suit of apparel,...

kjv@Judges:17:11 @...unto him as one of his...

kjv@Judges:17:12 @...was in the house of... Micah.

kjv@Judges:18:1 @...those days the tribe of the...

kjv@Judges:18:2 @...Ephraim, to the house of Micah,...

kjv@Judges:18:3 @...they knew the voice of the...

kjv@Judges:18:5 @...counsel, we pray thee, of God,...

kjv@Judges:18:7 @...careless, after the manner of the...

kjv@Judges:18:10 @...there is no want of any...

kjv@Judges:18:11 @...of Zorah and out of Eshtaol,...

kjv@Judges:18:13 @...came unto the house of... Micah.

kjv@Judges:18:14 @...spy out the country of Laish,...

kjv@Judges:18:15 @...even unto the house of Micah,...

kjv@Judges:18:16 @...stood by the entering of the...

kjv@Judges:18:17 @...stood in the entering of the...

kjv@Judges:18:19 @...priest unto the house of one...

kjv@Judges:18:20 @...went in the midst of the...

kjv@Judges:18:22 @...way from the house of Micah,...

kjv@Judges:18:23 @...cried unto the children of Dan....

kjv@Judges:18:25, with the lives of thy...

kjv@Judges:18:26 @... And the children of Dan...

kjv@Judges:18:27 @...them with the edge of the...

kjv@Judges:18:29 @...Israel: howbeit the name of the...

kjv@Judges:18:30 of the captivity of the...

kjv@Judges:18:31 @...time that the house of God...

kjv@Judges:19:1 @...sojourning on the side of mount...

kjv@Judges:19:3 @...and when the father of the...

kjv@Judges:19:5 @...heart with a morsel of bread,...

kjv@Judges:19:6 and drink both of them...

kjv@Judges:19:8 @...they did eat both of... them.

kjv@Judges:19:11 into this city of the...

kjv@Judges:19:12 @...not of the children of Israel;...

kjv@Judges:19:13 @...draw near to one of these...

kjv@Judges:19:15 @...down in a street of the...

kjv@Judges:19:16 @...Gibeah: but the men of the...

kjv@Judges:19:17 in the street of the...

kjv@Judges:19:18 @...going to the house of the...

kjv@Judges:19:19 @...there is no want of any...

kjv@Judges:19:22 @...spake to the master of the...

kjv@Judges:19:23 @...the man, the master of the...

kjv@Judges:19:26 @...down at the door of the...

kjv@Judges:19:27 @...down at the door of the...

kjv@Judges:19:29 @...into all the coasts of... Israel.

kjv@Judges:19:30 @...unto this day: consider of it,...

kjv@Judges:20:1 @...Beersheba, with the land of Gilead,...

kjv@Judges:20:2 @...assembly of the people of God,...

kjv@Judges:20:3 @ (...heard that the children of Israel...)...Then said the children of Israel,...

kjv@Judges:20:4 @...the Levite, the husband of the...

kjv@Judges:20:5 @... And the men of Gibeah...

kjv@Judges:20:6 of the inheritance of Israel:...

kjv@Judges:20:7 are all children of Israel;...

kjv@Judges:20:8 @...neither will we any of us...

kjv@Judges:20:10 @...they come to Gibeah of Benjamin,...

kjv@Judges:20:11 @...So all the men of Israel...

kjv@Judges:20:12 @...through all the tribe of Benjamin,...

kjv@Judges:20:13 @...hearken to the voice of their...

kjv@Judges:20:14 @...gathered themselves together out of the...

kjv@Judges:20:15 @...sword, beside the inhabitants of Gibeah,...

kjv@Judges:20:17 @... And the men of Israel,...

kjv@Judges:20:18 @...battle against the children of Benjamin?...

kjv@Judges:20:19 @... And the children of Israel...

kjv@Judges:20:20 @...Benjamin; and the men of Israel...

kjv@Judges:20:21 @...down to the ground of the...

kjv@Judges:20:22 @...the people the men of Israel...

kjv@Judges:20:23 @ (...battle against the children of Benjamin...)

kjv@Judges:20:24 @...near against the children of Benjamin...

kjv@Judges:20:25 @...ground of the children of Israel...

kjv@Judges:20:26 @...burnt offerings and peace offerings before...

kjv@Judges:20:27 @...children of Israel enquired of the...(...ark of the covenant of God...

kjv@Judges:20:28 @...of Eleazar, the son of Aaron,...)...battle against the children of Benjamin...

kjv@Judges:20:30 @...up against the children of Benjamin...

kjv@Judges:20:31 @...up to the house of God,...

kjv@Judges:20:32 @...first. But the children of Israel...

kjv@Judges:20:33 @...their places, even out of the...

kjv@Judges:20:34 @...thousand chosen men out of all...

kjv@Judges:20:35 @...children of Israel destroyed of the...

kjv@Judges:20:36 @...smitten: for the men of Israel...

kjv@Judges:20:37 with the edge of the...

kjv@Judges:20:38 @...smoke rise up out of the...

kjv@Judges:20:39 @...kill of the men of Israel...

kjv@Judges:20:40 @...and, behold, the flame of the...

kjv@Judges:20:41 @...turned again, the men of Benjamin...

kjv@Judges:20:42 @...them which came out of the...

kjv@Judges:20:44 @... And there fell of Benjamin...

kjv@Judges:20:45 @...Rimmon: and they gleaned of them...

kjv@Judges:20:46 @...which fell that day of Benjamin...

kjv@Judges:20:48 well the men of every...

kjv@Judges:21:1 @...There shall not any of us...

kjv@Judges:21:2 @...came to the house of God,...

kjv@Judges:21:3 @...said, O LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@Judges:21:5 @...among all the tribes of Israel...

kjv@Judges:21:6 one tribe cut off from...

kjv@Judges:21:7 @...will not give them of our...

kjv@Judges:21:8 @...there of the tribes of Israel...

kjv@Judges:21:9 @...none of the inhabitants of Jabeshgilead...

kjv@Judges:21:10 @...Jabeshgilead with the edge of the...

kjv@Judges:21:12 @...found among the inhabitants of Jabeshgilead...

kjv@Judges:21:13 @...speak to the children of Benjamin...

kjv@Judges:21:14 @...alive of the women of Jabeshgilead:...

kjv@Judges:21:15 @...breach in the tribes of... Israel.

kjv@Judges:21:16 @... Then the elders of the...

kjv@Judges:21:17 @...them that be escaped of Benjamin,...

kjv@Judges:21:18 @...daughters: for the children of Israel...

kjv@Judges:21:19 @...on the east side of the...

kjv@Judges:21:20 @...they commanded the children of Benjamin,...

kjv@Judges:21:21 @...wife of the daughters of Shiloh,...

kjv@Judges:21:23 @...according to their number, of them...

kjv@Judges:21:24 @... And the children of Israel...

kjv@Ruth:1:1 @...sojourn in the country of Moab,...

kjv@Ruth:1:2 @...came into the country of Moab,...

kjv@Ruth:1:4 @...Orpah, and the name of the...

kjv@Ruth:1:5 @...the woman was left of her...

kjv@Ruth:1:6 @...heard in the country of Moab...

kjv@Ruth:1:7 @...she went forth out of the...

kjv@Ruth:1:9 in the house of her...

kjv@Ruth:1:13 @...sakes that the hand of the...

kjv@Ruth:1:22 @...Bethlehem in the beginning of barley...

kjv@Ruth:2:1 @...wealth, of the family of Elimelech;...

kjv@Ruth:2:2 @...field, and glean ears of corn...

kjv@Ruth:2:3 @...unto Boaz, who was of the...

kjv@Ruth:2:6 @...back with Naomi out of the...

kjv@Ruth:2:9 @...the vessels, and drink of that...

kjv@Ruth:2:10 @...thou shouldest take knowledge of me,...

kjv@Ruth:2:11 @...mother, and the land of thy...

kjv@Ruth:2:12 @...of the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@Ruth:2:13 @...not like unto one of thine...

kjv@Ruth:2:14 @...thou hither, and eat of the...

kjv@Ruth:2:16 @...some of the handfuls of purpose...

kjv@Ruth:2:17 @...was about an ephah of... barley.

kjv@Ruth:2:19 @...that did take knowledge of thee....

kjv@Ruth:2:20 @...kin unto us, one of our...

kjv@Ruth:2:23 @...of barley harvest and of wheat...

kjv@Ruth:3:2 is not Boaz of our...

kjv@Ruth:3:7 @...end of the heap of corn:...

kjv@Ruth:3:10 @...said, Blessed be thou of the...

kjv@Ruth:3:11 @...for all the city of my...

kjv@Ruth:3:13 @...I do the part of a...

kjv@Ruth:3:15 @...he measured six measures of barley,...

kjv@Ruth:3:17 @...said, These six measures of barley...

kjv@Ruth:4:1 @...and, behold, the kinsman of whom...

kjv@Ruth:4:2 of the elders of the...

kjv@Ruth:4:3 @...Moab, selleth a parcel of land,...

kjv@Ruth:4:4 @...and before the elders of my...

kjv@Ruth:4:5 @...raise up the name of the...

kjv@Ruth:4:9 @...was Chilion's and Mahlon's, of the...

kjv@Ruth:4:10 @...and from the gate of his...

kjv@Ruth:4:11 @...did build the house of Israel:...

kjv@Ruth:4:12 @...LORD shall give thee of this...

kjv@Ruth:4:15, and a nourisher of thine...

kjv@Ruth:4:17 @...he is the father of Jesse,...

kjv@Ruth:4:18 @...these are the generations of Pharez:...

kjv@1Samuel:1:1 @...of Tohu, the son of Zuph,...

kjv@1Samuel:1:2 @...Hannah, and the name of the...

kjv@1Samuel:1:3 @...and Phinehas, the priests of the...

kjv@1Samuel:1:7 @...up to the house of the...

kjv@1Samuel:1:9 of the temple of the...

kjv@1Samuel:1:10 @...she was in bitterness of soul,...

kjv@1Samuel:1:11 @...LORD all the days of his...

kjv@1Samuel:1:15 @...I am a woman of a...

kjv@1Samuel:1:16 @...out of the abundance of my...

kjv@1Samuel:1:17 @...peace: and the God of Israel...

kjv@1Samuel:1:20 @...I have asked him of the...

kjv@1Samuel:1:24 @...him unto the house of the...

kjv@1Samuel:1:27 @...petition which I asked of... him:

kjv@1Samuel:2:3 @...LORD is a God of knowledge,...

kjv@1Samuel:2:4 ... The bows of the...

kjv@1Samuel:2:8 @...glory: for the pillars of the...

kjv@1Samuel:2:9 @...will keep the feet of his...

kjv@1Samuel:2:10 @...and exalt the horn of his...

kjv@1Samuel:2:12 @...of Eli were sons of Belial;...

kjv@1Samuel:2:13 @...seething, with a fleshhook of three...

kjv@1Samuel:2:15 @...not have sodden flesh of thee,...

kjv@1Samuel:2:17 abhorred the offering of the...

kjv@1Samuel:2:20 @...LORD give thee seed of this...

kjv@1Samuel:2:22 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@1Samuel:2:23 @...things? for I hear of your...

kjv@1Samuel:2:25 @...not unto the voice of their...

kjv@1Samuel:2:27 @...appear unto the house of thy...

kjv@1Samuel:2:28 @...offerings made by fire of the...

kjv@1Samuel:2:29 @...of all the offerings of Israel...

kjv@1Samuel:2:30, and the house of thy...

kjv@1Samuel:2:31 @...arm, and the arm of thy...

kjv@1Samuel:2:33 @...die in the flower of their...

kjv@1Samuel:2:34 @...they shall die both of... them.

kjv@1Samuel:2:36 of the priests' offices, that...

kjv@1Samuel:3:1 @...Eli. And the word of the...

kjv@1Samuel:3:3 @...LORD, where the ark of God...

kjv@1Samuel:3:7 @...neither was the word of the...

kjv@1Samuel:3:11 @...which both the ears of every...

kjv@1Samuel:3:14 @...purged with sacrifice nor offering for...

kjv@1Samuel:3:15 @...doors of the house of the...

kjv@1Samuel:3:17 @...any thing from me of all...

kjv@1Samuel:3:19 @...and did let none of his...

kjv@1Samuel:3:20 be a prophet of the...

kjv@1Samuel:3:21 @...Shiloh by the word of the...

kjv@1Samuel:4:1 @... And the word of Samuel...

kjv@1Samuel:4:2 @...Philistines: and they slew of the...

kjv@1Samuel:4:3 @...out of the hand of our...

kjv@1Samuel:4:4 @...there with the ark of the...

kjv@1Samuel:4:5 @...ark of the covenant of the...

kjv@1Samuel:4:6 @...understood that the ark of the...

kjv@1Samuel:4:8 @...out of the hand of these...

kjv@1Samuel:4:10 @...slaughter; for there fell of Israel...

kjv@1Samuel:4:11 @...and the two sons of Eli,...

kjv@1Samuel:4:12 of Benjamin out of the...

kjv@1Samuel:4:13 @...trembled for the ark of God....

kjv@1Samuel:4:14 @...What meaneth the noise of this...

kjv@1Samuel:4:16 @...fled to day out of the...

kjv@1Samuel:4:17 @...dead, and the ark of God...

kjv@1Samuel:4:18 @...backward by the side of the...

kjv@1Samuel:4:19 @...tidings that the ark of God...

kjv@1Samuel:4:20 @...And about the time of her...

kjv@1Samuel:4:21 @...was taken, and because of her...

kjv@1Samuel:4:22 @...Israel: for the ark of God...

kjv@1Samuel:5:1 @...Philistines took the ark of God,...

kjv@1Samuel:5:2 into the house of Dagon,...

kjv@1Samuel:5:3 before the ark of the...

kjv@1Samuel:5:4 @...threshold; only the stump of Dagon...

kjv@1Samuel:5:5 @...tread on the threshold of Dagon...

kjv@1Samuel:5:6 @...was heavy upon them of Ashdod,...

kjv@1Samuel:5:7 @...ark of the God of Israel...

kjv@1Samuel:5:8 @...ark of the God of Israel...

kjv@1Samuel:5:9 @...he smote the men of the...

kjv@1Samuel:5:10 @...ark of the God of Israel...

kjv@1Samuel:5:11 @...the city; the hand of God...

kjv@1Samuel:5:12 @...emerods: and the cry of the...

kjv@1Samuel:6:1 @...was in the country of the...

kjv@1Samuel:6:2 to the ark of the...

kjv@1Samuel:6:3 @...return him a trespass offering: then...

kjv@1Samuel:6:4 @...number of the lords of the...

kjv@1Samuel:6:5 @...your gods, and from off your...

kjv@1Samuel:6:8 @...him for a trespass offering, in...

kjv@1Samuel:6:9 @...up by the way of his...

kjv@1Samuel:6:11 and the images of their...

kjv@1Samuel:6:12 @...left; and the lords of the...

kjv@1Samuel:6:13 ... And they of Bethshemesh...

kjv@1Samuel:6:14 @...the kine a burnt offering unto...

kjv@1Samuel:6:15 @...of Bethshemesh offered burnt offerings and...

kjv@1Samuel:6:16 @...when the five lords of the...

kjv@1Samuel:6:18 in the field of Joshua,...

kjv@1Samuel:6:19 @...LORD had smitten many of the...

kjv@1Samuel:6:20 @... And the men of Bethshemesh...

kjv@1Samuel:6:21 @...brought again the ark of the...

kjv@1Samuel:7:1 keep the ark of the...

kjv@1Samuel:7:2 @...and all the house of Israel...

kjv@1Samuel:7:3 @...out of the hand of the...

kjv@1Samuel:7:4 @... Then the children of Israel...

kjv@1Samuel:7:6 @...Samuel judged the children of Israel...

kjv@1Samuel:7:7, they were afraid of the...

kjv@1Samuel:7:8 @...out of the hand of the...

kjv@1Samuel:7:11 @...of Israel went out of Mizpeh,...

kjv@1Samuel:7:12 @...and called the name of it...

kjv@1Samuel:7:13 @...Israel: and the hand of the...

kjv@1Samuel:7:14 @...out of the hands of the...

kjv@1Samuel:7:15 @...Israel all the days of his...

kjv@1Samuel:8:2 @...Joel; and the name of his...

kjv@1Samuel:8:4 @...Then all the elders of Israel...

kjv@1Samuel:8:7 @...Hearken unto the voice of the...

kjv@1Samuel:8:8 @...brought them up out of Egypt...

kjv@1Samuel:8:9 @...shew them the manner of the...

kjv@1Samuel:8:10 @...the people that asked of him...

kjv@1Samuel:8:11 @...will be the manner of the...

kjv@1Samuel:8:12 @...of war, and instruments of his...

kjv@1Samuel:8:14 @...oliveyards, even the best of them,...

kjv@1Samuel:8:15 @...and give to his officers, and...

kjv@1Samuel:8:17 @...will take the tenth of your...

kjv@1Samuel:8:18 that day because of your...

kjv@1Samuel:8:19 obey the voice of Samuel;...

kjv@1Samuel:8:21 @...them in the ears of the...

kjv@1Samuel:8:22 @...said unto the men of Israel,...

kjv@1Samuel:9:1 @...of Bechorath, the son of Aphiah,...

kjv@1Samuel:9:2 @...was higher than any of the...

kjv@1Samuel:9:3 @...son, Take now one of the...

kjv@1Samuel:9:4 @...passed through the land of the...

kjv@1Samuel:9:5 @...come to the land of Zuph,...

kjv@1Samuel:9:6 @...this city a man of God,...

kjv@1Samuel:9:7 @...bring to the man of God:...

kjv@1Samuel:9:8 @...give to the man of God,...

kjv@1Samuel:9:9 @ ( went to enquire of God,...)

kjv@1Samuel:9:10 where the man of God...

kjv@1Samuel:9:12 @...there is a sacrifice of the...

kjv@1Samuel:9:16 @...out of the hand of the...

kjv@1Samuel:9:20 all the desire of Israel?...

kjv@1Samuel:9:21 @...families of the tribe of Benjamin?...

kjv@1Samuel:9:23 @...which I gave thee, of which...

kjv@1Samuel:9:25 @...Saul upon the top of the...

kjv@1Samuel:9:26 @...they went out both of them,...

kjv@1Samuel:9:27 @...down to the end of the...(and he passed on,)...shew thee the word of... God.

kjv@1Samuel:10:1 @...Samuel took a vial of oil,...

kjv@1Samuel:10:2 @...hath left the care of the...

kjv@1Samuel:10:3 @...another carrying three loaves of bread,...

kjv@1Samuel:10:4 @...which thou shalt receive of their...

kjv@1Samuel:10:5 @...shalt meet a company of prophets...

kjv@1Samuel:10:6 @... And the Spirit of the...

kjv@1Samuel:10:8 @...sacrifice sacrifices of peace offerings: seven...

kjv@1Samuel:10:10 @...him; and the Spirit of God...

kjv@1Samuel:10:11 @...come unto the son of Kish?...

kjv@1Samuel:10:12 ... And one of the...

kjv@1Samuel:10:13 @...had made an end of prophesying,...

kjv@1Samuel:10:16 @...But of the matter of the...

kjv@1Samuel:10:18 @...of all kingdoms, and of them...

kjv@1Samuel:10:19 @...himself saved you out of all...

kjv@1Samuel:10:20 @...come near, the tribe of Benjamin...

kjv@1Samuel:10:21 @...and Saul the son of Kish...

kjv@1Samuel:10:22 @... Therefore they enquired of the...

kjv@1Samuel:10:23 @...was higher than any of the...

kjv@1Samuel:10:25 @...the people the manner of the...

kjv@1Samuel:10:26 @...with him a band of men,...

kjv@1Samuel:10:27 @... But the children of Belial...

kjv@1Samuel:11:1 @...and all the men of Jabesh...

kjv@1Samuel:11:3 @...unto all the coasts of Israel:...

kjv@1Samuel:11:4 @...tidings in the ears of the...

kjv@1Samuel:11:5 @...told him the tidings of the...

kjv@1Samuel:11:6 @... And the Spirit of God...

kjv@1Samuel:11:7 @...oxen. And the fear of the...

kjv@1Samuel:11:8 @...thousand, and the men of Judah...

kjv@1Samuel:11:9 to the men of Jabesh;...

kjv@1Samuel:11:10 @... Therefore the men of Jabesh...

kjv@1Samuel:11:11 @...scattered, so that two of them...

kjv@1Samuel:11:15 @...and all the men of Israel...

kjv@1Samuel:12:3 @...have I oppressed? or of whose...

kjv@1Samuel:12:4 @...hast thou taken ought of any...

kjv@1Samuel:12:6 @...your fathers up out of the...

kjv@1Samuel:12:7 @...all the righteous acts of the...

kjv@1Samuel:12:8 @...forth your fathers out of Egypt,...

kjv@1Samuel:12:9 @...hand of the king of Moab,...

kjv@1Samuel:12:10 @...out of the hand of our...

kjv@1Samuel:12:11 @...out of the hand of your...

kjv@1Samuel:12:12 @...king of the children of Ammon...

kjv@1Samuel:12:14 @...rebel against the commandment of the...

kjv@1Samuel:12:15 @...then shall the hand of the...

kjv@1Samuel:12:17 @...done in the sight of the...

kjv@1Samuel:13:2 @...Benjamin: and the rest of the...

kjv@1Samuel:13:3 @...and the Philistines heard of it....

kjv@1Samuel:13:4 @...had smitten a garrison of the...

kjv@1Samuel:13:6 @... When the men of Israel...(for the people were distressed,) then the people did hide themselves in caves, and in thickets, and in rocks, and in high places, and in pits.

kjv@1Samuel:13:7 @...Jordan to the land of Gad...

kjv@1Samuel:13:10 @...of offering the burnt offering, behold,...

kjv@1Samuel:13:13 @...not kept the commandment of the...

kjv@1Samuel:13:15 @...from Gilgal unto Gibeah of Benjamin....

kjv@1Samuel:13:16 @...them, abode in Gibeah of Benjamin:...

kjv@1Samuel:13:17 @...out of the camp of the...

kjv@1Samuel:13:18 @...looketh to the valley of Zeboim...

kjv@1Samuel:13:19 @...throughout all the land of Israel:...

kjv@1Samuel:13:22 @...the hand of any of the...

kjv@1Samuel:13:23 @... And the garrison of the...

kjv@1Samuel:14:1 @...that Jonathan the son of Saul...

kjv@1Samuel:14:2 the uttermost part of Gibeah...

kjv@1Samuel:14:3 @...of Phinehas, the son of Eli,...

kjv@1Samuel:14:4 @...Bozez, and the name of the...

kjv@1Samuel:14:5 ... The forefront of the...

kjv@1Samuel:14:6 @...over unto the garrison of these...

kjv@1Samuel:14:11 @...Hebrews come forth out of the...

kjv@1Samuel:14:12 @... And the men of the...

kjv@1Samuel:14:14, which a yoke of oxen...

kjv@1Samuel:14:16 @...of Saul in Gibeah of Benjamin...

kjv@1Samuel:14:18 @...God. For the ark of God...

kjv@1Samuel:14:19 @...was in the host of the...

kjv@1Samuel:14:22 @...Likewise all the men of Israel...

kjv@1Samuel:14:24 @...mine enemies. So none of the...

kjv@1Samuel:14:25 @... And all they of the...

kjv@1Samuel:14:27 @...put forth the end of the...

kjv@1Samuel:14:28 @... Then answered one of the...

kjv@1Samuel:14:29 @...I tasted a little of this...

kjv@1Samuel:14:30 of the spoil of their...

kjv@1Samuel:14:36 @...not leave a man of them....

kjv@1Samuel:14:37 @...them into the hand of Israel?...

kjv@1Samuel:14:38 @...hither, all the chief of the...

kjv@1Samuel:14:41 @...unto the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@1Samuel:14:43 @...honey with the end of the...

kjv@1Samuel:14:45 @...shall not one hair of his...

kjv@1Samuel:14:47 @...and against the kings of Zobah,...

kjv@1Samuel:14:48 @...out of the hands of them...

kjv@1Samuel:14:49 @...Merab, and the name of the...

kjv@1Samuel:14:50 @...was Abner, the son of Ner,...

kjv@1Samuel:14:51 @...and Ner the father of Abner...

kjv@1Samuel:14:52 @...Philistines all the days of Saul:...

kjv@1Samuel:15:1 @...voice of the words of the...

kjv@1Samuel:15:2 @...Thus saith the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@1Samuel:15:4 @...and ten thousand men of... Judah.

kjv@1Samuel:15:5 @...came to a city of Amalek,...

kjv@1Samuel:15:6 @...they came up out of Egypt....

kjv@1Samuel:15:8 @...people with the edge of the...

kjv@1Samuel:15:9 @...of the oxen, and of the...

kjv@1Samuel:15:10 @...Then came the word of the...

kjv@1Samuel:15:13 @...have performed the commandment of the...

kjv@1Samuel:15:14 @...ears, and the lowing of the...

kjv@1Samuel:15:15 @...of the sheep and of the...

kjv@1Samuel:15:17 @...head of the tribes of Israel,...

kjv@1Samuel:15:19 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@1Samuel:15:20 @...brought Agag the king of Amalek,...

kjv@1Samuel:15:21 @...and oxen, the chief of the...

kjv@1Samuel:15:22 obeying the voice of the...

kjv@1Samuel:15:23 @...hast rejected the word of the...

kjv@1Samuel:15:24 @...have transgressed the commandment of the...

kjv@1Samuel:15:26 @...hast rejected the word of the...

kjv@1Samuel:15:27 @...hold upon the skirt of his...

kjv@1Samuel:15:28 to a neighbour of thine,...

kjv@1Samuel:15:29 @...And also the Strength of Israel...

kjv@1Samuel:15:30 @...thee, before the elders of my...

kjv@1Samuel:15:32 @...said, Surely the bitterness of death...

kjv@1Samuel:15:34 @...his house to Gibeah of... Saul.

kjv@1Samuel:15:35 @...Saul until the day of his...

kjv@1Samuel:16:4 @...Bethlehem. And the elders of the...

kjv@1Samuel:16:7 @...or on the height of his...

kjv@1Samuel:16:10 @...Again, Jesse made seven of his...

kjv@1Samuel:16:12 @...was ruddy, and withal of a...

kjv@1Samuel:16:13 @...brethren: and the Spirit of the...

kjv@1Samuel:16:14 @... But the Spirit of the...

kjv@1Samuel:16:18, and a man of war,...

kjv@1Samuel:16:20 @...bread, and a bottle of wine,...

kjv@1Samuel:17:2 @...pitched by the valley of Elah,...

kjv@1Samuel:17:4 @...the Philistines, named Goliath, of Gath,...

kjv@1Samuel:17:5 @...mail; and the weight of the...

kjv@1Samuel:17:6 @...legs, and a target of brass...

kjv@1Samuel:17:7 @...weighed six hundred shekels of iron:...

kjv@1Samuel:17:8 @...cried unto the armies of Israel,...

kjv@1Samuel:17:10 @...I defy the armies of Israel...

kjv@1Samuel:17:11 @...Israel heard those words of the...

kjv@1Samuel:17:12 @...son of that Ephrathite of Bethlehemjudah,...

kjv@1Samuel:17:13 @...battle: and the names of his...

kjv@1Samuel:17:17 @...thy brethren an ephah of this...

kjv@1Samuel:17:18 @...cheeses unto the captain of their...

kjv@1Samuel:17:19 @...were in the valley of Elah,...

kjv@1Samuel:17:22 @...hand of the keeper of the...

kjv@1Samuel:17:23 @...out of the armies of the...

kjv@1Samuel:17:24 @...And all the men of Israel,...

kjv@1Samuel:17:25 @... And the men of Israel...

kjv@1Samuel:17:26 @...should defy the armies of the...

kjv@1Samuel:17:28 @...pride, and the naughtiness of thine...

kjv@1Samuel:17:32's heart fail because of him;...

kjv@1Samuel:17:33 @...and he a man of war...

kjv@1Samuel:17:34 @...took a lamb out of the...

kjv@1Samuel:17:35 @...and delivered it out of his...

kjv@1Samuel:17:36 @...hath defied the armies of the...

kjv@1Samuel:17:37 @...out of the hand of this...

kjv@1Samuel:17:38 @...he put an helmet of brass...

kjv@1Samuel:17:40 @...five smooth stones out of the...

kjv@1Samuel:17:42 @...youth, and ruddy, and of a...

kjv@1Samuel:17:44 @...and to the beasts of the...

kjv@1Samuel:17:45 @...God of the armies of Israel,...

kjv@1Samuel:17:46 the wild beasts of the...

kjv@1Samuel:17:50 @...sword in the hand of... David.

kjv@1Samuel:17:51 @...slew him, and cut off his...

kjv@1Samuel:17:52 @...Ekron. And the wounded of the...

kjv@1Samuel:17:53 @... And the children of Israel...

kjv@1Samuel:17:54 @...David took the head of the...

kjv@1Samuel:17:55 @...unto Abner, the captain of the...

kjv@1Samuel:17:57 @...Saul with the head of the...

kjv@1Samuel:17:58 @...I am the son of thy...

kjv@1Samuel:18:1 @...knit with the soul of David,...

kjv@1Samuel:18:4 @...And Jonathan stripped himself of the...

kjv@1Samuel:18:5 @...also in the sight of Saul's...

kjv@1Samuel:18:6 @...out of all cities of Israel,...

kjv@1Samuel:18:10 @...prophesied in the midst of the...

kjv@1Samuel:18:11 @...And David avoided out of his...

kjv@1Samuel:18:12 @...And Saul was afraid of David,...

kjv@1Samuel:18:15 @...wisely, he was afraid of... him.

kjv@1Samuel:18:17 @...but let the hand of the...

kjv@1Samuel:18:21 in the one of the...

kjv@1Samuel:18:23 @...words in the ears of David....

kjv@1Samuel:18:24 @... And the servants of Saul...

kjv@1Samuel:18:25 @...fall by the hand of the...

kjv@1Samuel:18:27 @...his men, and slew of the...

kjv@1Samuel:18:29 @...yet the more afraid of David;...

kjv@1Samuel:18:30 @...than all the servants of Saul;...

kjv@1Samuel:19:3 @...commune with my father of thee;...

kjv@1Samuel:19:4 @...And Jonathan spake good of David...-ward very good:

kjv@1Samuel:19:6 @...hearkened unto the voice of Jonathan:...

kjv@1Samuel:19:10 @...he slipped away out of Saul's...

kjv@1Samuel:19:13 @...and put a pillow of goats'...

kjv@1Samuel:19:16 @...bed, with a pillow of goats'...

kjv@1Samuel:19:20 @...was upon the messengers of Saul,...

kjv@1Samuel:19:23 @...Ramah: and the Spirit of God...

kjv@1Samuel:20:6 @...David earnestly asked leave of me...

kjv@1Samuel:20:8 @...servant into a covenant of the...

kjv@1Samuel:20:11 @...they went out both of them...

kjv@1Samuel:20:12 @...David, O LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@1Samuel:20:14 @...shew me the kindness of the...

kjv@1Samuel:20:15 from the face of the...

kjv@1Samuel:20:16 at the hand of David's...

kjv@1Samuel:20:21 @...are on this side of thee,...

kjv@1Samuel:20:27 @...cometh not the son of Jesse...

kjv@1Samuel:20:28 @...David earnestly asked leave of me...

kjv@1Samuel:20:30 @...and unto the confusion of thy...

kjv@1Samuel:20:31 @...long as the son of Jesse...

kjv@1Samuel:20:33 @...that it was determined of his...

kjv@1Samuel:20:34 @...meat the second day of the...

kjv@1Samuel:20:37 @...come to the place of the...

kjv@1Samuel:20:41 @...gone, David arose out of a...

kjv@1Samuel:20:42 in the name of the...

kjv@1Samuel:21:1 @...afraid at the meeting of David,...

kjv@1Samuel:21:2 know any thing of the...

kjv@1Samuel:21:3 @...give me five loaves of bread...

kjv@1Samuel:21:5 @...out, and the vessels of the...

kjv@1Samuel:21:7 Edomite, the chiefest of the...

kjv@1Samuel:21:9 @...slewest in the valley of Elah,...

kjv@1Samuel:21:10 @...that day for fear of Saul,...

kjv@1Samuel:21:11 @...sing one to another of him...

kjv@1Samuel:21:12 @...and was sore afraid of Achish...

kjv@1Samuel:21:13 @...scrabbled on the doors of the...

kjv@1Samuel:21:15 @... Have I need of mad...

kjv@1Samuel:22:3 @...said unto the king of Moab,...

kjv@1Samuel:22:4 @...them before the king of Moab:...

kjv@1Samuel:22:5 @...thee into the land of Judah....

kjv@1Samuel:22:7 @...make you all captains of thousands,...

kjv@1Samuel:22:8 @...and there is none of you...

kjv@1Samuel:22:9 @...I saw the son of Jesse...

kjv@1Samuel:22:10 @...gave him the sword of Goliath...

kjv@1Samuel:22:11 @...and they came all of them...

kjv@1Samuel:22:12 @...Hear now, thou son of Ahitub....

kjv@1Samuel:22:13 @...sword, and hast enquired of God...

kjv@1Samuel:22:15 @...thy servant knew nothing of all...

kjv@1Samuel:22:17 @...fall upon the priests of the...

kjv@1Samuel:22:19 @...sheep, with the edge of the...

kjv@1Samuel:22:20 @...of Ahimelech the son of Ahitub,...

kjv@1Samuel:22:22 @...of all the persons of thy...

kjv@1Samuel:23:2 @... Therefore David enquired of the...

kjv@1Samuel:23:3 @...Keilah against the armies of the...

kjv@1Samuel:23:4 @... Then David enquired of the...

kjv@1Samuel:23:5 @...David saved the inhabitants of... Keilah.

kjv@1Samuel:23:6 @...when Abiathar the son of Ahimelech...

kjv@1Samuel:23:10 @...David, O LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@1Samuel:23:11 @...heard? O LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@1Samuel:23:12 into the hand of Saul?...

kjv@1Samuel:23:13 @...arose and departed out of Keilah,...

kjv@1Samuel:23:14 @...mountain in the wilderness of Ziph....

kjv@1Samuel:23:15 @...was in the wilderness of Ziph...

kjv@1Samuel:23:17 @...not: for the hand of Saul...

kjv@1Samuel:23:19 @...wood, in the hill of Hachilah,...

kjv@1Samuel:23:20 all the desire of thy...

kjv@1Samuel:23:21 @...said, Blessed be ye of the...

kjv@1Samuel:23:23 @...therefore, and take knowledge of all...

kjv@1Samuel:23:24 @...were in the wilderness of Maon,...

kjv@1Samuel:23:25 @...abode in the wilderness of Maon....

kjv@1Samuel:23:26 @...get away for fear of Saul;...

kjv@1Samuel:24:1 in the wilderness of... Engedi.

kjv@1Samuel:24:2 upon the rocks of the...

kjv@1Samuel:24:3 @...remained in the sides of the...

kjv@1Samuel:24:4 @...cut off the skirt of Saul's...

kjv@1Samuel:24:6 @...he is the anointed of the...

kjv@1Samuel:24:7 @...Saul rose up out of the...

kjv@1Samuel:24:8 @...afterward, and went out of the...

kjv@1Samuel:24:11 @...cut off the skirt of thy...

kjv@1Samuel:24:12 @...the LORD avenge me of thee:...

kjv@1Samuel:24:13 @...As saith the proverb of the...

kjv@1Samuel:24:14 @...whom is the king of Israel...

kjv@1Samuel:24:15 @...and deliver me out of thine...

kjv@1Samuel:24:16 @...had made an end of speaking...

kjv@1Samuel:24:20 @...and that the kingdom of Israel...

kjv@1Samuel:24:21 @...destroy my name out of my...

kjv@1Samuel:25:1 @...down to the wilderness of... Paran.

kjv@1Samuel:25:3 @...doings; and he was of the...

kjv@1Samuel:25:9 @...words in the name of David,...

kjv@1Samuel:25:10 @...who is the son of Jesse?...

kjv@1Samuel:25:14 @...David sent messengers out of the...

kjv@1Samuel:25:17 such a son of Belial,...

kjv@1Samuel:25:18 @...and two hundred cakes of figs,...

kjv@1Samuel:25:20 @...down by the covert of the...

kjv@1Samuel:25:21 @...that nothing was missed of all...

kjv@1Samuel:25:22 @...David, if I leave of all...

kjv@1Samuel:25:24 @...and hear the words of thine...

kjv@1Samuel:25:25 @...not the young men of my...

kjv@1Samuel:25:28 @...lord fighteth the battles of the...

kjv@1Samuel:25:29 @...out of the middle of a...

kjv@1Samuel:25:31 @...unto thee, nor offence of heart...

kjv@1Samuel:25:32 the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@1Samuel:25:34 the LORD God of Israel...

kjv@1Samuel:25:35 @... So David received of her...

kjv@1Samuel:25:36, like the feast of a...

kjv@1Samuel:25:37 was gone out of Nabal,...

kjv@1Samuel:25:39 @...hath returned the wickedness of Nabal...

kjv@1Samuel:25:40 @...And when the servants of David...

kjv@1Samuel:25:41 @...feet of the servants of my...

kjv@1Samuel:25:42 @...went after the messengers of David,...

kjv@1Samuel:25:43 @...they were also both of them...

kjv@1Samuel:25:44 Phalti the son of Laish,...

kjv@1Samuel:26:1 @...himself in the hill of Hachilah,...

kjv@1Samuel:26:2 @...three thousand chosen men of Israel...

kjv@1Samuel:26:3 @...pitched in the hill of Hachilah,...

kjv@1Samuel:26:5 @...of Ner, the captain of his...

kjv@1Samuel:26:6 Abishai the son of Zeruiah,...

kjv@1Samuel:26:11 @...bolster, and the cruse of water,...

kjv@1Samuel:26:12 @...spear and the cruse of water...

kjv@1Samuel:26:13 @...of an hill afar off; a...

kjv@1Samuel:26:14 Abner the son of Ner,...

kjv@1Samuel:26:15 @...for there came one of the...

kjv@1Samuel:26:16, and the cruse of water...

kjv@1Samuel:26:19 @...abiding in the inheritance of the...

kjv@1Samuel:26:20 @...LORD: for the king of Israel...

kjv@1Samuel:26:22 @...spear! and let one of the...

kjv@1Samuel:26:24 @...him deliver me out of all...

kjv@1Samuel:27:1 @...shall I escape out of his...

kjv@1Samuel:27:2 @...unto Achish, the son of Maoch,...

kjv@1Samuel:27:6 @...pertaineth unto the kings of Judah...

kjv@1Samuel:27:7 @...dwelt in the country of the...

kjv@1Samuel:27:8 @...of old the inhabitants of the...

kjv@1Samuel:27:10 @...and against the south of the...

kjv@1Samuel:27:11 @...dwelleth in the country of the...

kjv@1Samuel:28:2 @...I make thee keeper of mine...

kjv@1Samuel:28:3 @...and the wizards, out of the...

kjv@1Samuel:28:5 @...Saul saw the host of the...

kjv@1Samuel:28:6 @...And when Saul enquired of the...

kjv@1Samuel:28:7 her, and enquire of her....

kjv@1Samuel:28:9 @...and the wizards, out of the...

kjv@1Samuel:28:13 @...saw gods ascending out of the...

kjv@1Samuel:28:16 @...then dost thou ask of me,...

kjv@1Samuel:28:17 the kingdom out of thine...

kjv@1Samuel:28:18 @...obeyedst not the voice of the...

kjv@1Samuel:28:19 @...Israel into the hand of the...

kjv@1Samuel:28:20 @...because of the words of Samuel:...

kjv@1Samuel:28:22 set a morsel of bread...

kjv@1Samuel:29:2 @... And the lords of the...

kjv@1Samuel:29:3 @...of Saul the king of Israel,...

kjv@1Samuel:29:4 with the heads of these...

kjv@1Samuel:29:5 @...Is not this David, of whom...

kjv@1Samuel:29:6 @...thee since the day of thy...

kjv@1Samuel:29:7 @...displease not the lords of the...

kjv@1Samuel:29:8 @...fight against the enemies of my...

kjv@1Samuel:29:9 @...God: notwithstanding the princes of the...

kjv@1Samuel:29:11 @...return into the land of the...

kjv@1Samuel:30:5 @...and Abigail the wife of Nabal...

kjv@1Samuel:30:6 @...him, because the soul of all...

kjv@1Samuel:30:12 @...figs, and two clusters of raisins:...

kjv@1Samuel:30:13 a young man of Egypt,...

kjv@1Samuel:30:14 @...and upon the south of Caleb;...

kjv@1Samuel:30:15 into the hands of my...

kjv@1Samuel:30:16 @...the Philistines, and out of the...

kjv@1Samuel:30:17 @...escaped not a man of them,...

kjv@1Samuel:30:22 @...not give them ought of the...

kjv@1Samuel:30:26 @...spoil of the enemies of the...

kjv@1Samuel:30:29 @...were in the cities of the...

kjv@1Samuel:31:1 @...Israel: and the men of Israel...

kjv@1Samuel:31:3 @...he was sore wounded of the...

kjv@1Samuel:31:7 @...saw that the men of Israel...

kjv@1Samuel:31:9 in the house of their...

kjv@1Samuel:31:10 @...armour in the house of Ashtaroth:...

kjv@1Samuel:31:11 @...inhabitants of Jabeshgilead heard of that...

kjv@1Samuel:31:12 @...sons from the wall of Bethshan,...

kjv@2Samuel:1:1 @...returned from the slaughter of the...

kjv@2Samuel:1:2 @...a man came out of the...

kjv@2Samuel:1:3 @...Out of the camp of Israel...

kjv@2Samuel:1:4 @...the battle, and many of the...

kjv@2Samuel:1:12 @...and for the house of Israel;...

kjv@2Samuel:1:13 @...I am the son of a...

kjv@2Samuel:1:15 @...And David called one of the...

kjv@2Samuel:1:18 @ (...of Judah the use of the...)

kjv@2Samuel:1:19 ... The beauty of Israel...

kjv@2Samuel:1:20 @...rejoice, lest the daughters of the...

kjv@2Samuel:1:21 @...cast away, the shield of Saul,...

kjv@2Samuel:1:22 @...back, and the sword of Saul...

kjv@2Samuel:1:24 @...who put on ornaments of gold...

kjv@2Samuel:1:25 @...fallen in the midst of the...

kjv@2Samuel:1:26 @...wonderful, passing the love of... women.

kjv@2Samuel:1:27 @...fallen, and the weapons of war...

kjv@2Samuel:2:1 @...any of the cities of Judah?...

kjv@2Samuel:2:3 @...dwelt in the cities of... Hebron.

kjv@2Samuel:2:4 @...saying, That the men of Jabeshgilead...

kjv@2Samuel:2:5 @...them, Blessed be ye of the...

kjv@2Samuel:2:7 @...and also the house of Judah...

kjv@2Samuel:2:8 @...took Ishbosheth the son of Saul,...

kjv@2Samuel:2:10 @...years. But the house of Judah...

kjv@2Samuel:2:11 @...Hebron over the house of Judah...

kjv@2Samuel:2:12 @...of Ishbosheth the son of Saul,...

kjv@2Samuel:2:13 @...on the other side of the...

kjv@2Samuel:2:15 @...of Saul, and twelve of the...

kjv@2Samuel:2:17 @...beaten, and the men of Israel,...

kjv@2Samuel:2:18 @...Asahel was as light of foot...

kjv@2Samuel:2:21 @...thee hold on one of the...

kjv@2Samuel:2:23 @...with the hinder end of the...

kjv@2Samuel:2:24 @...Giah by the way of the...

kjv@2Samuel:2:25 @...stood on the top of an...

kjv@2Samuel:2:30 @...people together, there lacked of David's...

kjv@2Samuel:2:31 @...smitten of Benjamin, and of Abner's...

kjv@2Samuel:2:32 @...him in the sepulchre of his...

kjv@2Samuel:3:1 @...stronger, and the house of Saul...

kjv@2Samuel:3:2 @...his firstborn was Amnon, of Ahinoam...

kjv@2Samuel:3:3 @...of Maacah the daughter of Talmai...

kjv@2Samuel:3:4 @...fourth, Adonijah the son of Haggith;...

kjv@2Samuel:3:6 @...Saul and the house of David,...

kjv@2Samuel:3:7 @...was Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah:...

kjv@2Samuel:3:8 @...thee into the hand of David,...

kjv@2Samuel:3:10 @...set up the throne of David...

kjv@2Samuel:3:13 thing I require of thee,...

kjv@2Samuel:3:14 @...for an hundred foreskins of the...

kjv@2Samuel:3:15 @...from Phaltiel the son of... Laish.

kjv@2Samuel:3:17 @...communication with the elders of Israel,...

kjv@2Samuel:3:18 @...out of the hand of all...

kjv@2Samuel:3:19 @...speak in the ears of David...

kjv@2Samuel:3:22 @...And, behold, the servants of David...

kjv@2Samuel:3:23 @...saying, Abner the son of Ner...

kjv@2Samuel:3:25 @...knowest Abner the son of Ner,...

kjv@2Samuel:3:26 @...again from the well of Sirah:...

kjv@2Samuel:3:27 @...died, for the blood of Asahel...

kjv@2Samuel:3:28 @...ever from the blood of Abner...

kjv@2Samuel:3:29 from the house of Joab...

kjv@2Samuel:3:32 @...wept at the grave of Abner;...

kjv@2Samuel:3:36 @...the people took notice of it,...

kjv@2Samuel:3:37 @...that it was not of the...

kjv@2Samuel:3:39 @...shall reward the doer of evil...

kjv@2Samuel:4:2 @...Beerothite, of the children of Benjamin:...(for Beeroth also was reckoned to Benjamin:

kjv@2Samuel:4:4 @...Saul and Jonathan out of Jezreel,...

kjv@2Samuel:4:5 to the house of Ishbosheth,...

kjv@2Samuel:4:6 @...thither into the midst of the...

kjv@2Samuel:4:8 of Saul, and of his...

kjv@2Samuel:4:9 @...redeemed my soul out of all...

kjv@2Samuel:4:10 @...tidings, I took hold of him,...

kjv@2Samuel:4:11 require his blood of your...

kjv@2Samuel:4:12 in the sepulchre of Abner...

kjv@2Samuel:5:1 @...came all the tribes of Israel...

kjv@2Samuel:5:3 @...So all the elders of Israel...

kjv@2Samuel:5:6 @...the Jebusites, the inhabitants of the...

kjv@2Samuel:5:7 @...took the strong hold of Zion:...

kjv@2Samuel:5:8 @...blind, that are hated of David's...

kjv@2Samuel:5:9 @...called it the city of David....

kjv@2Samuel:5:10 @...and the LORD God of hosts...

kjv@2Samuel:5:11 @... And Hiram king of Tyre...

kjv@2Samuel:5:13 @...concubines and wives out of Jerusalem,...

kjv@2Samuel:5:14 @...these be the names of those...

kjv@2Samuel:5:17 @...David; and David heard of it,...

kjv@2Samuel:5:18 @...themselves in the valley of... Rephaim.

kjv@2Samuel:5:19 @... And David enquired of the...

kjv@2Samuel:5:20 @...he called the name of that...

kjv@2Samuel:5:22 @...themselves in the valley of... Rephaim.

kjv@2Samuel:5:23 @...And when David enquired of the...

kjv@2Samuel:5:24 smite the host of the...

kjv@2Samuel:6:1 @...all the chosen men of Israel,...

kjv@2Samuel:6:2 of the LORD of hosts...

kjv@2Samuel:6:3 @...and Ahio, the sons of Abinadab,...

kjv@2Samuel:6:4 @...Gibeah, accompanying the ark of God:...

kjv@2Samuel:6:5 @...manner of instruments made of fir...

kjv@2Samuel:6:6 @...God, and took hold of it;...

kjv@2Samuel:6:7 @... And the anger of the...

kjv@2Samuel:6:8 @...he called the name of the...

kjv@2Samuel:6:9 @...How shall the ark of the...

kjv@2Samuel:6:10 @...aside into the house of Obededom...

kjv@2Samuel:6:11 @...continued in the house of Obededom...

kjv@2Samuel:6:12 @...Obededom into the city of David...

kjv@2Samuel:6:13 @...that bare the ark of the...

kjv@2Samuel:6:15 @...and with the sound of the...

kjv@2Samuel:6:16 @...came into the city of David,...

kjv@2Samuel:6:17 @...burnt offerings and peace offerings before...

kjv@2Samuel:6:18 @...people in the name of the...

kjv@2Samuel:6:19 @...flesh, and a flagon of wine....

kjv@2Samuel:6:20 @...his servants, as one of the...

kjv@2Samuel:6:21 @...ruler over the people of the...

kjv@2Samuel:6:22 @...thou hast spoken of, of them...

kjv@2Samuel:6:23 @...child unto the day of her...

kjv@2Samuel:7:2 @...cedar, but the ark of God...

kjv@2Samuel:7:4 @...night, that the word of the...

kjv@2Samuel:7:6 @...children of Israel out of Egypt,...

kjv@2Samuel:7:7 @...any of the tribes of Israel,...

kjv@2Samuel:7:8 @...Thus saith the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@2Samuel:7:9 unto the name of the...

kjv@2Samuel:7:10 @...neither shall the children of wickedness...

kjv@2Samuel:7:12 @...which shall proceed out of thy...

kjv@2Samuel:7:13 @...will stablish the throne of his...

kjv@2Samuel:7:14 @...and with the stripes of the...

kjv@2Samuel:7:19 this the manner of man,...

kjv@2Samuel:7:26 @...and let the house of thy...

kjv@2Samuel:7:27 @...LORD of hosts, God of Israel,...

kjv@2Samuel:7:29 @...blessing let the house of thy...

kjv@2Samuel:8:1 @...out of the hand of the...

kjv@2Samuel:8:3 @...son of Rehob, king of Zobah,...

kjv@2Samuel:8:4 @...chariot horses, but reserved of them...

kjv@2Samuel:8:5 @...of Zobah, David slew of the...

kjv@2Samuel:8:6 @...put garrisons in Syria of Damascus:...

kjv@2Samuel:8:7 @...were on the servants of Hadadezer,...

kjv@2Samuel:8:8 @...and from Berothai, cities of Hadadezer,...

kjv@2Samuel:8:9 @... When Toi king of Hamath...

kjv@2Samuel:8:10 @...of silver, and vessels of gold,...

kjv@2Samuel:8:11 @...that he had dedicated of all...

kjv@2Samuel:8:12 @...spoil of Hadadezer, son of Rehob,...

kjv@2Samuel:8:13 @...Syrians in the valley of salt,...

kjv@2Samuel:8:14 @...garrisons, and all they of Edom...

kjv@2Samuel:8:16 @...and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud...

kjv@2Samuel:8:17 @...and Ahimelech the son of Abiathar,...

kjv@2Samuel:8:18 @...And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada...

kjv@2Samuel:9:1 @...left of the house of Saul,...

kjv@2Samuel:9:2 @...was of the house of Saul...

kjv@2Samuel:9:3 @...may shew the kindness of God...

kjv@2Samuel:9:4 @...of Machir, the son of Ammiel,...

kjv@2Samuel:9:5 @...of Machir, the son of Ammiel,...

kjv@2Samuel:9:6 @...of Jonathan, the son of Saul,...

kjv@2Samuel:9:7 @...thee all the land of Saul...

kjv@2Samuel:9:11 table, as one of the...

kjv@2Samuel:9:12 @...dwelt in the house of Ziba...

kjv@2Samuel:10:1 @...king of the children of Ammon...

kjv@2Samuel:10:2 @...came into the land of the...

kjv@2Samuel:10:3 @...princes of the children of Ammon...

kjv@2Samuel:10:4 @...their beards, and cut off their...

kjv@2Samuel:10:6 @...a thousand men, and of Ishtob...

kjv@2Samuel:10:7 @...and all the host of the...

kjv@2Samuel:10:8 @...Syrians of Zoba, and of Rehob,...

kjv@2Samuel:10:9 @...all the choice men of Israel,...

kjv@2Samuel:10:10 @...delivered into the hand of Abishai...

kjv@2Samuel:10:11 @...but if the children of Ammon...

kjv@2Samuel:10:12 @...and for the cities of our...

kjv@2Samuel:10:14 @...returned from the children of Ammon,...

kjv@2Samuel:10:16 @...captain of the host of Hadarezer...

kjv@2Samuel:10:18 @...smote Shobach the captain of their...

kjv@2Samuel:10:19 help the children of Ammon...

kjv@2Samuel:11:1 @...they destroyed the children of Ammon,...

kjv@2Samuel:11:2 @...walked upon the roof of the...

kjv@2Samuel:11:3 @...of Eliam, the wife of Uriah...

kjv@2Samuel:11:7 @...unto him, David demanded of him...

kjv@2Samuel:11:8 @...followed him a mess of meat...

kjv@2Samuel:11:9 @...with all the servants of his...

kjv@2Samuel:11:11 @...Joab, and the servants of my...

kjv@2Samuel:11:13 @...bed with the servants of his...

kjv@2Samuel:11:14 by the hand of... Uriah.

kjv@2Samuel:11:15 @...Uriah in the forefront of the...

kjv@2Samuel:11:17 @...people of the servants of David;...

kjv@2Samuel:11:19 @...of telling the matters of the...

kjv@2Samuel:11:21 @...woman cast a piece of a...

kjv@2Samuel:11:23 @...even unto the entering of the...

kjv@2Samuel:11:24 @...thy servants; and some of the...

kjv@2Samuel:11:26 @...And when the wife of Uriah...

kjv@2Samuel:12:3 @...own meat, and drank of his...

kjv@2Samuel:12:4 @...his own flock and of his...

kjv@2Samuel:12:7 @...I delivered thee out of the...

kjv@2Samuel:12:8 of Israel and of Judah;...

kjv@2Samuel:12:9 @...him with the sword of the...

kjv@2Samuel:12:10 @...hast taken the wife of Uriah...

kjv@2Samuel:12:11 @...wives in the sight of this...

kjv@2Samuel:12:14 @...occasion to the enemies of the...

kjv@2Samuel:12:17 @... And the elders of his...

kjv@2Samuel:12:18 @...died. And the servants of David...

kjv@2Samuel:12:20 @...came into the house of the...

kjv@2Samuel:12:25 @...his name Jedidiah, because of the...

kjv@2Samuel:12:26 @...Rabbah of the children of Ammon,...

kjv@2Samuel:12:27 @...have taken the city of... waters.

kjv@2Samuel:12:28 @...therefore gather the rest of the...

kjv@2Samuel:12:30 @...brought forth the spoil of the...

kjv@2Samuel:12:31 @...cities of the children of Ammon....

kjv@2Samuel:13:1 @...and Amnon the son of David...

kjv@2Samuel:13:3 @...was Jonadab, the son of Shimeah...

kjv@2Samuel:13:6 @...make me a couple of cakes...

kjv@2Samuel:13:10 @...that I may eat of thine...

kjv@2Samuel:13:11, he took hold of her,...

kjv@2Samuel:13:13 @...shalt be as one of the...

kjv@2Samuel:13:18 @...she had a garment of divers...

kjv@2Samuel:13:19 @...and rent her garment of divers...

kjv@2Samuel:13:21 @...when king David heard of all...

kjv@2Samuel:13:29 @... And the servants of Absalom...

kjv@2Samuel:13:30 @...there is not one of them...

kjv@2Samuel:13:32 @...for by the appointment of Absalom...

kjv@2Samuel:13:34 @...people by the way of the...

kjv@2Samuel:13:36 @...had made an end of speaking,...

kjv@2Samuel:13:37 @...son of Ammihud, king of Geshur....

kjv@2Samuel:13:39 @... And the soul of king...

kjv@2Samuel:14:1 @...Now Joab the son of Zeruiah...

kjv@2Samuel:14:4 @...And when the woman of Tekoah...

kjv@2Samuel:14:7 @...him, for the life of his...

kjv@2Samuel:14:9 @... And the woman of Tekoah...

kjv@2Samuel:14:11 @...shall not one hair of thy...

kjv@2Samuel:14:13 @...thing against the people of God?...

kjv@2Samuel:14:15 @...will perform the request of his...

kjv@2Samuel:14:16 son together out of the...

kjv@2Samuel:14:17 @...for as an angel of God,...

kjv@2Samuel:14:19 @...words in the mouth of thine...

kjv@2Samuel:14:20 @...wisdom of an angel of God,...

kjv@2Samuel:14:22 @...hath fulfilled the request of his...

kjv@2Samuel:14:25 @...even to the crown of his...

kjv@2Samuel:14:26 @ And when he polled his head, (for it was at every year's end that he polled it: because the hair was heavy on him, therefore he polled it:)...he weighed the hair of his...

kjv@2Samuel:14:27 @...she was a woman of a...

kjv@2Samuel:15:2 @...servant is of one of the...

kjv@2Samuel:15:3 no man deputed of the...

kjv@2Samuel:15:6 @...Absalom stole the hearts of the...

kjv@2Samuel:15:10 hear the sound of the...

kjv@2Samuel:15:11 @...two hundred men out of Jerusalem,...

kjv@2Samuel:15:13 @...hearts of the men of Israel...

kjv@2Samuel:15:14 with the edge of the...

kjv@2Samuel:15:23 @...over, toward the way of the...

kjv@2Samuel:15:24 @...had done passing out of the...

kjv@2Samuel:15:25 @...favour in the eyes of the...

kjv@2Samuel:15:27 @...and Jonathan the son of... Abiathar.

kjv@2Samuel:15:28 @...tarry in the plain of the...

kjv@2Samuel:15:29 @...Abiathar carried the ark of God...

kjv@2Samuel:15:30 @...up by the ascent of mount...

kjv@2Samuel:15:31 @...thee, turn the counsel of Ahithophel...

kjv@2Samuel:15:32 @...come to the top of the...

kjv@2Samuel:15:34 defeat the counsel of... Ahithophel.

kjv@2Samuel:15:35 @...thou shalt hear out of the...

kjv@2Samuel:16:1 @...raisins, and an hundred of summer...

kjv@2Samuel:16:3 @...restore me the kingdom of my...

kjv@2Samuel:16:5 @...was Shimei, the son of Gera:...

kjv@2Samuel:16:6 all the servants of king...

kjv@2Samuel:16:7, and thou man of... Belial:

kjv@2Samuel:16:8 @...kingdom into the hand of Absalom...

kjv@2Samuel:16:9 @...pray thee, and take off his...

kjv@2Samuel:16:10 @...with you, ye sons of Zeruiah?...

kjv@2Samuel:16:11 @...son, which came forth of my...

kjv@2Samuel:16:15 @...the people the men of Israel,...

kjv@2Samuel:16:18 @...and all the men of Israel,...

kjv@2Samuel:16:19 @...serve in the presence of his...

kjv@2Samuel:16:21 @...then shall the hands of all...

kjv@2Samuel:16:22 @...concubines in the sight of all...

kjv@2Samuel:16:23 @...was all the counsel of Ahithophel...

kjv@2Samuel:17:4 @...and all the elders of... Israel.

kjv@2Samuel:17:8 @...father is a man of war,...

kjv@2Samuel:17:9 pass, when some of them...

kjv@2Samuel:17:10 as the heart of a...

kjv@2Samuel:17:12 @...and of him and of all...

kjv@2Samuel:17:14 @...defeat the good counsel of Ahithophel,...

kjv@2Samuel:17:15 @...Absalom and the elders of Israel;...

kjv@2Samuel:17:16 @...night in the plains of the...

kjv@2Samuel:17:18 @...but they went both of them...

kjv@2Samuel:17:20 @...gone over the brook of water....

kjv@2Samuel:17:21 @...they came up out of the...

kjv@2Samuel:17:22 @...there lacked not one of them...

kjv@2Samuel:17:23 @...buried in the sepulchre of his...

kjv@2Samuel:17:24 @...and all the men of Israel...

kjv@2Samuel:17:25 Abigail the daughter of Nahash,...

kjv@2Samuel:17:26 @...pitched in the land of... Gilead.

kjv@2Samuel:17:27 @...the son of Ammiel of Lodebar,...

kjv@2Samuel:17:29 @...and sheep, and cheese of kine,...

kjv@2Samuel:18:1 @...of thousands and captains of hundreds...

kjv@2Samuel:18:2 @...part under the hand of Ittai...

kjv@2Samuel:18:3 @...thou succour us out of the...

kjv@2Samuel:18:6 @...was in the wood of... Ephraim;

kjv@2Samuel:18:7 @...great slaughter that day of twenty...

kjv@2Samuel:18:8 @...scattered over the face of all...

kjv@2Samuel:18:9 @...his head caught hold of the...

kjv@2Samuel:18:11 @...given thee ten shekels of silver,...

kjv@2Samuel:18:12 @...receive a thousand shekels of silver...

kjv@2Samuel:18:14 @...alive in the midst of the...

kjv@2Samuel:18:17 @...a very great heap of stones...

kjv@2Samuel:18:19 @...LORD hath avenged him of his...

kjv@2Samuel:18:22 @...said Ahimaaz the son of Zadok...

kjv@2Samuel:18:23 @...ran by the way of the...

kjv@2Samuel:18:27 @...of Ahimaaz the son of Zadok....

kjv@2Samuel:18:31 @...avenged thee this day of all...

kjv@2Samuel:18:32 @...Cushi answered, The enemies of my...

kjv@2Samuel:19:5 @...wives, and the lives of thy...

kjv@2Samuel:19:9 @...he is fled out of the...

kjv@2Samuel:19:10 not a word of bringing...

kjv@2Samuel:19:11 seeing the speech of all...

kjv@2Samuel:19:13 @...thou be not captain of the...

kjv@2Samuel:19:14 @...even as the heart of one...

kjv@2Samuel:19:16 @...down with the men of Judah...

kjv@2Samuel:19:17 @...servant of the house of Saul,...

kjv@2Samuel:19:18 @...And Shimei the son of Gera...

kjv@2Samuel:19:19 @...the king went out of Jerusalem,...

kjv@2Samuel:19:20 @...of all the house of Joseph...

kjv@2Samuel:19:21 @...But Abishai the son of Zeruiah...

kjv@2Samuel:19:22 @...with you, ye sons of Zeruiah,...

kjv@2Samuel:19:24 @...And Mephibosheth the son of Saul...

kjv@2Samuel:19:27 as an angel of God:...

kjv@2Samuel:19:28 ... For all of my...

kjv@2Samuel:19:29 @...speakest thou any more of thy...

kjv@2Samuel:19:32 @...had provided the king of sustenance...

kjv@2Samuel:19:35 @...any more the voice of singing...

kjv@2Samuel:19:37 @...of my father and of my...

kjv@2Samuel:19:38 @...whatsoever thou shalt require of me,...

kjv@2Samuel:19:40 @...and all the people of Judah...

kjv@2Samuel:19:41 @...our brethren the men of Judah...

kjv@2Samuel:19:42 @...we eaten at all of the...

kjv@2Samuel:19:43 @...fiercer than the words of the...

kjv@2Samuel:20:1 @...inheritance in the son of Jesse:...

kjv@2Samuel:20:2 @...Bichri: but the men of Judah...

kjv@2Samuel:20:3 @...up unto the day of their...

kjv@2Samuel:20:4 @...Assemble me the men of Judah...

kjv@2Samuel:20:5 assemble the men of Judah:...

kjv@2Samuel:20:6 @...shall Sheba the son of Bichri...

kjv@2Samuel:20:7 @...and they went out of Jerusalem,...

kjv@2Samuel:20:10 @...after Sheba the son of... Bichri.

kjv@2Samuel:20:11 ... And one of Joab's...

kjv@2Samuel:20:12 @...he removed Amasa out of the...

kjv@2Samuel:20:13 @...he was removed out of the...

kjv@2Samuel:20:14 @...through all the tribes of Israel...

kjv@2Samuel:20:15 @...besieged him in Abel of Bethmaachah,...

kjv@2Samuel:20:16 @...a wise woman out of the...

kjv@2Samuel:20:17 @...him, Hear the words of thine...

kjv@2Samuel:20:19 @...swallow up the inheritance of the...

kjv@2Samuel:20:21 @...Ephraim, Sheba the son of Bichri...

kjv@2Samuel:20:22 @...of Sheba the son of Bichri,...

kjv@2Samuel:20:23 @...and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada...

kjv@2Samuel:20:24 @...and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud...

kjv@2Samuel:21:1 @...year; and David enquired of the...

kjv@2Samuel:21:2 @ And the king called the Gibeonites, and said unto them; (...zeal to the children of Israel...)

kjv@2Samuel:21:3 @...may bless the inheritance of the...

kjv@2Samuel:21:4 of Saul, nor of his...

kjv@2Samuel:21:5 @...from remaining in any of the...

kjv@2Samuel:21:6 @...the LORD in Gibeah of Saul,...

kjv@2Samuel:21:7 @...son of Saul, because of the...

kjv@2Samuel:21:8 @...for Adriel the son of Barzillai...

kjv@2Samuel:21:9 @...days, in the beginning of barley...

kjv@2Samuel:21:10, nor the beasts of the...

kjv@2Samuel:21:11 @...of Aiah, the concubine of Saul,...

kjv@2Samuel:21:12 @...them from the street of Bethshan,...

kjv@2Samuel:21:13 @...they gathered the bones of them...

kjv@2Samuel:21:14 @...Zelah, in the sepulchre of Kish...

kjv@2Samuel:21:16 @...weighed three hundred shekels of brass...

kjv@2Samuel:21:17 @...him. Then the men of David...

kjv@2Samuel:21:18 @...was of the sons of the...

kjv@2Samuel:21:19 @...the Gittite, the staff of whose...

kjv@2Samuel:21:20 @...where was a man of great...

kjv@2Samuel:21:21 @...of Shimea the brother of David...

kjv@2Samuel:21:22 @...and by the hand of his...

kjv@2Samuel:22:1 @...his enemies, and out of the...

kjv@2Samuel:22:3 @...shield, and the horn of my...

kjv@2Samuel:22:5 @...compassed me, the floods of ungodly...

kjv@2Samuel:22:6 about; the snares of death...

kjv@2Samuel:22:7 @...hear my voice out of his...

kjv@2Samuel:22:8 @...and trembled; the foundations of heaven...

kjv@2Samuel:22:9 @...nostrils, and fire out of his...

kjv@2Samuel:22:11 @...seen upon the wings of the...

kjv@2Samuel:22:12 @...waters, and thick clouds of the...

kjv@2Samuel:22:13 @...before him were coals of fire...

kjv@2Samuel:22:16 @...blast of the breath of his...

kjv@2Samuel:22:17 @...he drew me out of many...

kjv@2Samuel:22:19 in the day of my...

kjv@2Samuel:22:21 @...according to the cleanness of my...

kjv@2Samuel:22:22 @...have kept the ways of the...

kjv@2Samuel:22:31 perfect; the word of the...

kjv@2Samuel:22:35 that a bow of steel...

kjv@2Samuel:22:36 @...given me the shield of thy...

kjv@2Samuel:22:41 @...given me the necks of mine...

kjv@2Samuel:22:43 @...them as the mire of the...

kjv@2Samuel:22:44 to be head of the...

kjv@2Samuel:22:46 @...shall be afraid out of their...

kjv@2Samuel:22:47 @...God of the rock of my...

kjv@2Samuel:22:51 @...He is the tower of salvation...

kjv@2Samuel:23:1 @...and the sweet psalmist of Israel,...

kjv@2Samuel:23:2 ... The Spirit of the...

kjv@2Samuel:23:3 @...Israel said, the Rock of Israel...

kjv@2Samuel:23:4 @...tender grass springing out of the...

kjv@2Samuel:23:6 @...Belial shall be all of them...

kjv@2Samuel:23:7 @...iron and the staff of a...

kjv@2Samuel:23:8 @...These be the names of the...

kjv@2Samuel:23:9 @...battle, and the men of Israel...

kjv@2Samuel:23:11 @...piece of ground full of lentiles:...

kjv@2Samuel:23:12 @...stood in the midst of the...

kjv@2Samuel:23:13 @...Adullam: and the troop of the...

kjv@2Samuel:23:14 @...hold, and the garrison of the...

kjv@2Samuel:23:15 @...water of the well of Bethlehem,...

kjv@2Samuel:23:16 @...out of the well of Bethlehem,...

kjv@2Samuel:23:17 @...that went in jeopardy of their...

kjv@2Samuel:23:18 @...of Joab, the son of Zeruiah,...

kjv@2Samuel:23:19 @...he not most honourable of three?...

kjv@2Samuel:23:20 @...lion in the midst of a...

kjv@2Samuel:23:21 @...plucked the spear out of the...

kjv@2Samuel:23:22 @...did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada,...

kjv@2Samuel:23:24 @...thirty; Elhanan the son of Dodo...

kjv@2Samuel:23:26 @...Paltite, Ira the son of Ikkesh...

kjv@2Samuel:23:29 @...Ribai out of Gibeah of the...

kjv@2Samuel:23:30 @...Benaiah the Pirathonite, Hiddai of the...

kjv@2Samuel:23:32 @...Shaalbonite, of the sons of Jashen,...

kjv@2Samuel:23:33 @...Hararite, Ahiam the son of Sharar...

kjv@2Samuel:23:34 @...Maachathite, Eliam the son of Ahithophel...

kjv@2Samuel:23:36 @...the son of Nathan of Zobah,...

kjv@2Samuel:23:37 Joab the son of... Zeruiah,

kjv@2Samuel:24:1 @...And again the anger of the...

kjv@2Samuel:24:2 @...may know the number of the...

kjv@2Samuel:24:3 @...and that the eyes of my...

kjv@2Samuel:24:4 @...out from the presence of the...

kjv@2Samuel:24:5 @...midst of the river of Gad,...

kjv@2Samuel:24:6 @...and to the land of Tahtimhodshi;...

kjv@2Samuel:24:7 @...out to the south of Judah,...

kjv@2Samuel:24:8 @...Jerusalem at the end of nine...

kjv@2Samuel:24:9 @...sword; and the men of Judah...

kjv@2Samuel:24:10 @...take away the iniquity of thy...

kjv@2Samuel:24:11 @...the morning, the word of the...

kjv@2Samuel:24:12 @...things; choose thee one of them,...

kjv@2Samuel:24:13 @...him, Shall seven years of famine...

kjv@2Samuel:24:14 into the hand of the...

kjv@2Samuel:24:15 @...appointed: and there died of the...

kjv@2Samuel:24:16 @...was by the threshingplace of Araunah...

kjv@2Samuel:24:18 @...LORD in the threshingfloor of Araunah...

kjv@2Samuel:24:19 @...according to the saying of Gad,...

kjv@2Samuel:24:21 @...To buy the threshingfloor of thee,...

kjv@2Samuel:24:22 @...instruments and other instruments of the...

kjv@2Samuel:24:24 @...the LORD my God of that...

kjv@1Kings:1:3 @...throughout all the coasts of Israel,...

kjv@1Kings:1:5 @...Then Adonijah the son of Haggith...

kjv@1Kings:1:7 @...with Joab the son of Zeruiah,...

kjv@1Kings:1:8 @...and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada,...

kjv@1Kings:1:9 @...and all the men of Judah...

kjv@1Kings:1:11 @...that Adonijah the son of Haggith...

kjv@1Kings:1:12, and the life of thy...

kjv@1Kings:1:19 @...and Joab the captain of the...

kjv@1Kings:1:20 @...sit on the throne of my...

kjv@1Kings:1:25 @...sons, and the captains of the...

kjv@1Kings:1:26 @...and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada,...

kjv@1Kings:1:27 @...sit on the throne of my...

kjv@1Kings:1:29 @...redeemed my soul out of all...

kjv@1Kings:1:30 the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@1Kings:1:32 @...and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada....

kjv@1Kings:1:33 @...with you the servants of your...

kjv@1Kings:1:36 @...Amen: the LORD God of my...

kjv@1Kings:1:37 @...greater than the throne of my...

kjv@1Kings:1:38 @...and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada,...

kjv@1Kings:1:39 @...horn of oil out of the...

kjv@1Kings:1:40 with the sound of... them.

kjv@1Kings:1:41 @...Wherefore is this noise of the...

kjv@1Kings:1:42 @...behold, Jonathan the son of Abiathar...

kjv@1Kings:1:44 @...and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada,...

kjv@1Kings:1:46 @...sitteth on the throne of the...

kjv@1Kings:1:47 @...God make the name of Solomon...

kjv@1Kings:1:48 the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@1Kings:1:50 @...hold on the horns of the...

kjv@1Kings:1:51 @...hold on the horns of the...

kjv@1Kings:1:52 @...shall not an hair of him...

kjv@1Kings:2:1 @... Now the days of David...

kjv@1Kings:2:2 @...I go the way of all...

kjv@1Kings:2:3 @...written in the law of Moses,...

kjv@1Kings:2:4 @ That the LORD may continue his word which he spake concerning me, saying, If thy children take heed to their way, to walk before me in truth with all their heart and with all their soul, there shall not fail thee (said he) on the throne of... Israel.

kjv@1Kings:2:5 @...and put the blood of war...

kjv@1Kings:2:7 @...when I fled because of Absalom...

kjv@1Kings:2:8 @...of Gera, a Benjamite of Bahurim,...

kjv@1Kings:2:10 @...buried in the city of... David.

kjv@1Kings:2:12 @...Solomon upon the throne of David...

kjv@1Kings:2:13 Bathsheba the mother of Solomon....

kjv@1Kings:2:16 @...I ask one petition of thee,...

kjv@1Kings:2:20 @...desire one small petition of thee;...

kjv@1Kings:2:22 @...for Joab the son of... Zeruiah.

kjv@1Kings:2:24 on the throne of David...

kjv@1Kings:2:25 @...of Benaiah the son of Jehoiada;...

kjv@1Kings:2:26 @...thou barest the ark of the...

kjv@1Kings:2:27 @...spake concerning the house of Eli...

kjv@1Kings:2:28 @...hold on the horns of the...

kjv@1Kings:2:29 @...sent Benaiah the son of Jehoiada,...

kjv@1Kings:2:30 @...came to the tabernacle of the...

kjv@1Kings:2:31 @...and from the house of my...

kjv@1Kings:2:32 @...son of Jether, captain of the...

kjv@1Kings:2:33 @...and upon the head of his...

kjv@1Kings:2:34 @...So Benaiah the son of Jehoiada...

kjv@1Kings:2:35 @...put Benaiah the son of Jehoiada...

kjv@1Kings:2:39 @...son of Maachah king of Gath....

kjv@1Kings:2:43 @...not kept the oath of the...

kjv@1Kings:2:45 @...blessed, and the throne of David...

kjv@1Kings:2:46 @...commanded Benaiah the son of Jehoiada;...

kjv@1Kings:3:1 @...LORD, and the wall of Jerusalem...

kjv@1Kings:3:2 @...built unto the name of the...

kjv@1Kings:3:3 @...walking in the statutes of David...

kjv@1Kings:3:6 @...righteousness, and in uprightness of heart...

kjv@1Kings:3:7 @...thy servant king instead of David...

kjv@1Kings:3:8 in the midst of thy...

kjv@1Kings:3:11 @...hast asked the life of thine...

kjv@1Kings:3:15 @...offerings, and offered peace offerings, and...

kjv@1Kings:3:17 @...and I was delivered of a...

kjv@1Kings:3:28 @...saw that the wisdom of God...

kjv@1Kings:4:2 @...had; Azariah the son of Zadok...

kjv@1Kings:4:3 @...scribes; Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud,...

kjv@1Kings:4:4 @...And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada...

kjv@1Kings:4:5 @...of Nathan was principal officer, and...

kjv@1Kings:4:6 @...and Adoniram the son of Abda...

kjv@1Kings:4:8 @...their names: The son of Hur,...

kjv@1Kings:4:9 ... The son of Dekar,...

kjv@1Kings:4:10 ... The son of Hesed,...

kjv@1Kings:4:11 @...had Taphath the daughter of Solomon...

kjv@1Kings:4:12 @... Baana the son of Ahilud;...

kjv@1Kings:4:13 @...also pertained the region of Argob,...

kjv@1Kings:4:14 @... Ahinadab the son of Iddo...

kjv@1Kings:4:15 @...took Basmath the daughter of Solomon...

kjv@1Kings:4:16 @... Baanah the son of Hushai...

kjv@1Kings:4:17 @... Jehoshaphat the son of Paruah,...

kjv@1Kings:4:18 @... Shimei the son of Elah,...

kjv@1Kings:4:19 @...he was the only officer which...

kjv@1Kings:4:21 @...Solomon all the days of his...

kjv@1Kings:4:22 was thirty measures of fine...

kjv@1Kings:4:23 @...and twenty oxen out of the...

kjv@1Kings:4:25 @...Beersheba, all the days of... Solomon.

kjv@1Kings:4:26 @...had forty thousand stalls of horses...

kjv@1Kings:4:29 @...exceeding much, and largeness of heart,...

kjv@1Kings:4:30 @...of all the children of the...

kjv@1Kings:4:31 @...and Darda, the sons of Mahol:...

kjv@1Kings:4:33 @...and of fowl, and of creeping...

kjv@1Kings:4:34, which had heard of his...

kjv@1Kings:5:1 @...king in the room of his...

kjv@1Kings:5:3 @...them under the soles of his...

kjv@1Kings:5:5 unto the name of the...

kjv@1Kings:5:6 cedar trees out of Lebanon;...

kjv@1Kings:5:7 @...Hiram heard the words of Solomon,...

kjv@1Kings:5:8 @...thy desire concerning timber of cedar,...

kjv@1Kings:5:11 @...household, and twenty measures of pure...

kjv@1Kings:5:13 @...raised a levy out of all...

kjv@1Kings:5:16 @...the chief of Solomon's officers which...

kjv@1Kings:5:17 lay the foundation of the...

kjv@1Kings:6:1 build the house of the...

kjv@1Kings:6:3 @...according to the breadth of the...

kjv@1Kings:6:4 he made windows of narrow...

kjv@1Kings:6:5 @...of the temple and of the...

kjv@1Kings:6:6 @...fastened in the walls of the...

kjv@1Kings:6:7 @...axe nor any tool of iron...

kjv@1Kings:6:8 @...middle chamber, and out of the...

kjv@1Kings:6:9 @...with beams and boards of... cedar.

kjv@1Kings:6:10 @...the house with timber of... cedar.

kjv@1Kings:6:11 @... And the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:6:13 @...dwell among the children of Israel,...

kjv@1Kings:6:15 @...and covered the floor of the...

kjv@1Kings:6:16 @...the walls with boards of cedar:...

kjv@1Kings:6:18 @... And the cedar of the...

kjv@1Kings:6:19 @...ark of the covenant of the...

kjv@1Kings:6:20 @...the altar which was of... cedar.

kjv@1Kings:6:21 @...partition by the chains of gold...

kjv@1Kings:6:23 @...he made two cherubims of olive...

kjv@1Kings:6:24 @...unto the uttermost part of the...

kjv@1Kings:6:25 @...both the cherubims were of one...

kjv@1Kings:6:26 @...and so was it of the...

kjv@1Kings:6:27 @...another in the midst of the...

kjv@1Kings:6:29 @...about with carved figures of cherubims...

kjv@1Kings:6:30 @... And the floor of the...

kjv@1Kings:6:31 @...were a fifth part of the...

kjv@1Kings:6:32 @...carved upon them carvings of cherubims...

kjv@1Kings:6:33 @...tree, a fourth part of the...

kjv@1Kings:6:34 @...and the two leaves of the...

kjv@1Kings:6:36 @...stone, and a row of cedar...

kjv@1Kings:6:37 of the house of the...

kjv@1Kings:6:38 all the fashion of it....

kjv@1Kings:7:2 @...cubits, upon four rows of cedar...

kjv@1Kings:7:6 @...he made a porch of pillars;...

kjv@1Kings:7:7 @...cedar from one side of the...

kjv@1Kings:7:8 @...the porch, which was of the...

kjv@1Kings:7:9 @...according to the measures of hewed...

kjv@1Kings:7:10 @...ten cubits, and stones of eight...

kjv@1Kings:7:11 @...stones, after the measures of hewed...

kjv@1Kings:7:12 @...and for the porch of the...

kjv@1Kings:7:13 @...and fetched Hiram out of... Tyre.

kjv@1Kings:7:14 @...father was a man of Tyre,...

kjv@1Kings:7:15 @...cubits did compass either of them...

kjv@1Kings:7:16 @...cubits, and the height of the...

kjv@1Kings:7:17 @...were upon the top of the...

kjv@1Kings:7:19 @...of the pillars were of lily...

kjv@1Kings:7:21 @...pillars in the porch of the...

kjv@1Kings:7:22 was the work of the...

kjv@1Kings:7:23 @...cubits: and a line of thirty...

kjv@1Kings:7:24 @...And under the brim of it...

kjv@1Kings:7:26 @...a cup, with flowers of lilies:...

kjv@1Kings:7:27 @...cubits was the length of one...

kjv@1Kings:7:28 @... And the work of the...

kjv@1Kings:7:29 @...were certain additions made of thin...

kjv@1Kings:7:30 @...molten, at the side of every...

kjv@1Kings:7:31 @...also upon the mouth of it...

kjv@1Kings:7:32 @...base: and the height of a...

kjv@1Kings:7:33 @...was like the work of a...

kjv@1Kings:7:34 @...and the undersetters were of the...

kjv@1Kings:7:35 @...the borders thereof were of the...

kjv@1Kings:7:36 @...according to the proportion of every...

kjv@1Kings:7:37 @...the ten bases: all of them...

kjv@1Kings:7:38 @...and upon every one of the...

kjv@1Kings:7:39 @...on the right side of the...

kjv@1Kings:7:40 @...Solomon for the house of the...

kjv@1Kings:7:41 @...were upon the top of the...

kjv@1Kings:7:42 @...cover the two bowls of the...

kjv@1Kings:7:45 @...of the LORD, were of bright...

kjv@1Kings:7:46 @... In the plain of Jordan...

kjv@1Kings:7:47 @...neither was the weight of the...

kjv@1Kings:7:48, and the table of gold,...

kjv@1Kings:7:49 @... And the candlesticks of pure...

kjv@1Kings:7:50 @...the house, to wit, of the...

kjv@1Kings:7:51 @...treasures of the house of the...

kjv@1Kings:8:1 @...out of the city of David,...

kjv@1Kings:8:2 @...And all the men of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:8:3 @...And all the elders of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:8:4 @...LORD, and the tabernacle of the...

kjv@1Kings:8:5 @...and all the congregation of Israel,...

kjv@1Kings:8:6 @...even under the wings of the...

kjv@1Kings:8:7 @...wings over the place of the...

kjv@1Kings:8:8 @...staves, that the ends of the...

kjv@1Kings:8:9 @...when they came out of the...

kjv@1Kings:8:10 filled the house of the...

kjv@1Kings:8:11 @...had filled the house of the...

kjv@1Kings:8:14 @...blessed all the congregation of Israel:...(and all the congregation of Israel stood;)

kjv@1Kings:8:15 the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@1Kings:8:16 @...of all the tribes of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:8:17 for the name of the...

kjv@1Kings:8:19 @...shall come forth out of thy...

kjv@1Kings:8:20 for the name of the...

kjv@1Kings:8:21 @...he brought them out of the...

kjv@1Kings:8:22 @...of all the congregation of Israel,...

kjv@1Kings:8:23 @...he said, LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@1Kings:8:25 @...sit on the throne of Israel;...

kjv@1Kings:8:26 @...And now, O God of Israel,...

kjv@1Kings:8:27 @...the heaven and heaven of heavens...

kjv@1Kings:8:28 @...respect unto the prayer of thy...

kjv@1Kings:8:29 @...even toward the place of which...

kjv@1Kings:8:30 @...of thy servant, and of thy...

kjv@1Kings:8:34 @...and forgive the sin of thy...

kjv@1Kings:8:36 @...of thy servants, and of thy...

kjv@1Kings:8:37 @...them in the land of their...

kjv@1Kings:8:38 @...every man the plague of his...

kjv@1Kings:8:39 @ Then hear thou in heaven thy dwelling place, and forgive, and do, and give to every man according to his ways, whose heart thou knowest; (...only, knowest the hearts of all...)

kjv@1Kings:8:41 @...Israel, but cometh out of a...

kjv@1Kings:8:42 @ (...thy strong hand, and of thy...) when he shall come and pray toward this house;

kjv@1Kings:8:43 @...for: that all people of the...

kjv@1Kings:8:46 @ If they sin against thee, (for there is no man that sinneth not,)...captives unto the land of the...

kjv@1Kings:8:47 @...thee in the land of them...

kjv@1Kings:8:48 @...soul, in the land of their...

kjv@1Kings:8:51 @...Egypt, from the midst of the...

kjv@1Kings:8:52 @...and unto the supplication of thy...

kjv@1Kings:8:53 @...broughtest our fathers out of Egypt,...

kjv@1Kings:8:54 @...from before the altar of the...

kjv@1Kings:8:55 @...blessed all the congregation of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:8:56 @...promised by the hand of Moses...

kjv@1Kings:8:59 @...servant, and the cause of his...

kjv@1Kings:8:60 @...That all the people of the...

kjv@1Kings:8:63 @...Israel dedicated the house of the...

kjv@1Kings:8:64 @...offerings, and the fat of the...

kjv@1Kings:8:65 @...Hamath unto the river of Egypt,...

kjv@1Kings:8:66 @...tents joyful and glad of heart...

kjv@1Kings:9:1 @...building of the house of the...

kjv@1Kings:9:4 @...father walked, in integrity of heart,...

kjv@1Kings:9:5 @...will establish the throne of thy...

kjv@1Kings:9:7 @...will I cast out of my...

kjv@1Kings:9:9 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@1Kings:9:10 @...two houses, the house of the...

kjv@1Kings:9:11 @ (Now Hiram the king of Tyre had furnished Solomon with cedar trees and fir trees, and with gold, according to all his desire,)...cities in the land of... Galilee.

kjv@1Kings:9:13 @...called them the land of Cabul...

kjv@1Kings:9:14 @...the king sixscore talents of... gold.

kjv@1Kings:9:15 @...Millo, and the wall of Jerusalem,...

kjv@1Kings:9:16 @... For Pharaoh king of Egypt...

kjv@1Kings:9:19 all the land of his...

kjv@1Kings:9:20 @...Jebusites, which were not of the...

kjv@1Kings:9:21 @...Solomon levy a tribute of bondservice...

kjv@1Kings:9:22 @...his captains, and rulers of his...

kjv@1Kings:9:23 @...the chief of the officers that...

kjv@1Kings:9:24 @...out of the city of David...

kjv@1Kings:9:26 @...Eloth, on the shore of the...

kjv@1Kings:9:27 @...shipmen that had knowledge of the...

kjv@1Kings:10:1 @...Solomon concerning the name of the...

kjv@1Kings:10:2 @...she communed with him of all...

kjv@1Kings:10:4 @...And when the queen of Sheba...

kjv@1Kings:10:5 @...up unto the house of the...

kjv@1Kings:10:6 @...of thy acts and of thy...

kjv@1Kings:10:9 @...thee on the throne of Israel:...

kjv@1Kings:10:10 @...these which the queen of Sheba...

kjv@1Kings:10:11 @...from Ophir great plenty of almug...

kjv@1Kings:10:12 @...pillars for the house of the...

kjv@1Kings:10:13 @...which Solomon gave her of his...

kjv@1Kings:10:14 @... Now the weight of gold...

kjv@1Kings:10:15 @...and of the governors of the...

kjv@1Kings:10:16 six hundred shekels of gold...

kjv@1Kings:10:17 @...them in the house of the...

kjv@1Kings:10:18 @...made a great throne of ivory,...

kjv@1Kings:10:19 @...side on the place of the...

kjv@1Kings:10:21 was nothing accounted of in...

kjv@1Kings:10:22 @...years came the navy of Tharshish,...

kjv@1Kings:10:23 @...exceeded all the kings of the...

kjv@1Kings:10:25 @...of silver, and vessels of gold,...

kjv@1Kings:10:28 @...had horses brought out of Egypt,...

kjv@1Kings:10:29 @...and for the kings of Syria,...

kjv@1Kings:11:1 @...daughter of Pharaoh, women of the...

kjv@1Kings:11:2 @...said unto the children of Israel,...

kjv@1Kings:11:4 was the heart of David...

kjv@1Kings:11:5 @...after Milcom the abomination of the...

kjv@1Kings:11:6 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@1Kings:11:7 @...for Molech, the abomination of the...

kjv@1Kings:11:9 @...from the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@1Kings:11:11 this is done of thee,...

kjv@1Kings:11:12 @...out of the hand of thy...

kjv@1Kings:11:14 @...the Edomite: he was of the...

kjv@1Kings:11:15 @...and Joab the captain of the...

kjv@1Kings:11:17 @...he and certain Edomites of his...

kjv@1Kings:11:18 @...Egypt, unto Pharaoh king of Egypt;...

kjv@1Kings:11:19 @...own wife, the sister of Tahpenes...

kjv@1Kings:11:20 @... And the sister of Tahpenes...

kjv@1Kings:11:21 @...that Joab the captain of the...

kjv@1Kings:11:23 @...adversary, Rezon the son of Eliadah,...

kjv@1Kings:11:24 @...when David slew them of Zobah:...

kjv@1Kings:11:25 @...Israel all the days of Solomon,...

kjv@1Kings:11:26 @...of Nebat, an Ephrathite of Zereda,...

kjv@1Kings:11:27 @...breaches of the city of David...

kjv@1Kings:11:28 @...over all the charge of the...

kjv@1Kings:11:29 @...when Jeroboam went out of Jerusalem,...

kjv@1Kings:11:31 @...out of the hand of Solomon,...

kjv@1Kings:11:32 @ (...I have chosen out of all...)

kjv@1Kings:11:33 @...god of the children of Ammon,...

kjv@1Kings:11:34 @...prince all the days of his...

kjv@1Kings:11:35 @...take the kingdom out of his...

kjv@1Kings:11:39 @...this afflict the seed of David,...

kjv@1Kings:11:40 @...Egypt, unto Shishak king of Egypt,...

kjv@1Kings:11:41 @...written in the book of the...

kjv@1Kings:11:43 @...buried in the city of David...

kjv@1Kings:12:2 @...yet in Egypt, heard of it,...(...fled from the presence of king...)

kjv@1Kings:12:3 @...and all the congregation of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:12:4 @...thou the grievous service of thy...

kjv@1Kings:12:8 @...he forsook the counsel of the...

kjv@1Kings:12:14 @...them after the counsel of the...

kjv@1Kings:12:15 @...unto Jeroboam the son of... Nebat.

kjv@1Kings:12:16 @...inheritance in the son of Jesse:...

kjv@1Kings:12:17 @...dwelt in the cities of Judah,...

kjv@1Kings:12:19 @...rebelled against the house of David...

kjv@1Kings:12:20 @...David, but the tribe of Judah...

kjv@1Kings:12:21 @...fight against the house of Israel,...

kjv@1Kings:12:22 @...unto Shemaiah the man of God,...

kjv@1Kings:12:23 @...and to the remnant of the...

kjv@1Kings:12:24 @...according to the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:12:26 @...return to the house of... David:

kjv@1Kings:12:27 @...even unto Rehoboam king of Judah,...

kjv@1Kings:12:28 @...brought thee up out of the...

kjv@1Kings:12:31 @...people, which were not of the...

kjv@1Kings:12:32 Bethel the priests of the...

kjv@1Kings:12:33 @...of Israel: and he offered upon...

kjv@1Kings:13:1 @...Judah by the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:13:2 @...he offer the priests of the...

kjv@1Kings:13:4 @...saying of the man of God,...

kjv@1Kings:13:5 @...given by the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:13:6 @...again. And the man of God...

kjv@1Kings:13:7 @...said unto the man of God,...

kjv@1Kings:13:8 @... And the man of God...

kjv@1Kings:13:9 by the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:13:11 that the man of God...

kjv@1Kings:13:12 @...what way the man of God...

kjv@1Kings:13:14 @...Art thou the man of God...

kjv@1Kings:13:17 by the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:13:18 by the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:13:20 @...table, that the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:13:21 @...hast disobeyed the mouth of the...

kjv@1Kings:13:22 @...come unto the sepulchre of thy...

kjv@1Kings:13:26 @...according to the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:13:29 @...carcase of the man of God,...

kjv@1Kings:13:31 @...sepulchre wherein the man of God...

kjv@1Kings:13:32 @...are in the cities of Samaria,...

kjv@1Kings:13:33 of the priests of the...

kjv@1Kings:13:34 @...from off the face of the...

kjv@1Kings:14:1 @...time Abijah the son of Jeroboam...

kjv@1Kings:14:2 be the wife of Jeroboam;...

kjv@1Kings:14:3 @...thee what shall become of the...

kjv@1Kings:14:4 @...were set by reason of his...

kjv@1Kings:14:5 ask a thing of thee...

kjv@1Kings:14:6 @...Come in, thou wife of Jeroboam;...

kjv@1Kings:14:7 @...saith the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@1Kings:14:8 @...away from the house of David,...

kjv@1Kings:14:10 @...remnant of the house of Jeroboam,...

kjv@1Kings:14:11 @...field shall the fowls of the...

kjv@1Kings:14:13 @...toward the LORD God of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:14:14 @...cut off the house of Jeroboam...

kjv@1Kings:14:15 @...root up Israel out of this...

kjv@1Kings:14:16 @...because of the sins of Jeroboam,...

kjv@1Kings:14:17 @...came to the threshold of the...

kjv@1Kings:14:18 @...spake by the hand of his...

kjv@1Kings:14:19 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@1Kings:14:21 @...of all the tribes of Israel,...

kjv@1Kings:14:22 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@1Kings:14:24 all the abominations of the...

kjv@1Kings:14:25 @...Rehoboam, that Shishak king of Egypt...

kjv@1Kings:14:26 @...away all the shields of gold...

kjv@1Kings:14:27 @...which kept the door of the...

kjv@1Kings:14:28 @...went into the house of the...

kjv@1Kings:14:29 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@1Kings:14:31 @...fathers in the city of David....

kjv@1Kings:15:1 @...king Jeroboam the son of Nebat...

kjv@1Kings:15:2 @...was Maachah, the daughter of... Abishalom.

kjv@1Kings:15:3 @...God, as the heart of David...

kjv@1Kings:15:5 @...only in the matter of Uriah...

kjv@1Kings:15:6 @...Jeroboam all the days of his...

kjv@1Kings:15:7 @...chronicles of the kings of Judah?...

kjv@1Kings:15:8 @...him in the city of David:...

kjv@1Kings:15:9 @...year of Jeroboam king of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:15:10 @...was Maachah, the daughter of... Abishalom.

kjv@1Kings:15:11 @...right in the eyes of the...

kjv@1Kings:15:12 @...away the sodomites out of the...

kjv@1Kings:15:15 @...dedicated, into the house of the...

kjv@1Kings:15:16 @...Asa and Baasha king of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:15:17 @... And Baasha king of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:15:18 @...son of Hezion, king of Syria,...

kjv@1Kings:15:19 @...league with Baasha king of Israel,...

kjv@1Kings:15:20 @...had against the cities of Israel,...

kjv@1Kings:15:21 @...he left off building of Ramah,...

kjv@1Kings:15:22 @...built with them Geba of Benjamin,...

kjv@1Kings:15:23 @...Nevertheless in the time of his...

kjv@1Kings:15:24 @...fathers in the city of David...

kjv@1Kings:15:25 @...year of Asa king of Judah,...

kjv@1Kings:15:26 @...walked in the way of his...

kjv@1Kings:15:27 @...Ahijah, of the house of Issachar,...

kjv@1Kings:15:28 @...year of Asa king of Judah...

kjv@1Kings:15:29 @...according unto the saying of the...

kjv@1Kings:15:30 @...provoked the LORD God of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:15:31 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@1Kings:15:32 @...Asa and Baasha king of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:15:33 @...began Baasha the son of Ahijah...

kjv@1Kings:15:34 @...walked in the way of Jeroboam,...

kjv@1Kings:16:1 Jehu the son of Hanani...

kjv@1Kings:16:2 @...walked in the way of Jeroboam,...

kjv@1Kings:16:3 like the house of Jeroboam...

kjv@1Kings:16:4 @...fields shall the fowls of the...

kjv@1Kings:16:5 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@1Kings:16:7 @...being like the house of Jeroboam;...

kjv@1Kings:16:8 @...began Elah the son of Baasha...

kjv@1Kings:16:9 of Arza steward of his...

kjv@1Kings:16:10 @...year of Asa king of Judah,...

kjv@1Kings:16:11 @...of his kinsfolks, nor of his...

kjv@1Kings:16:12 @...according to the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:16:13 @...provoking the LORD God of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:16:14 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@1Kings:16:15 @...year of Asa king of Judah...

kjv@1Kings:16:16 @...made Omri, the captain of the...

kjv@1Kings:16:18 @...went into the palace of the...

kjv@1Kings:16:19 @...walking in the way of Jeroboam,...

kjv@1Kings:16:20 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@1Kings:16:21 @...followed Tibni the son of Ginath,...

kjv@1Kings:16:22 @...followed Tibni the son of Ginath:...

kjv@1Kings:16:23 @...year of Asa king of Judah...

kjv@1Kings:16:24 of Shemer, owner of the...

kjv@1Kings:16:25 @...evil in the eyes of the...

kjv@1Kings:16:26 @...provoke the LORD God of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:16:27 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@1Kings:16:29 @...and Ahab the son of Omri...

kjv@1Kings:16:30 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@1Kings:16:31 @...daughter of Ethbaal king of the...

kjv@1Kings:16:32 @...Baal in the house of Baal,...

kjv@1Kings:16:33 @...than all the kings of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:16:34 @...according to the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:17:1 @...As the LORD God of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:17:2 @... And the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:17:4 @...that thou shalt drink of the...

kjv@1Kings:17:5 @...according unto the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:17:6 @...evening; and he drank of the...

kjv@1Kings:17:8 @... And the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:17:10 @...woman was there gathering of sticks:...

kjv@1Kings:17:11 @...pray thee, a morsel of bread...

kjv@1Kings:17:12 @...cake, but an handful of meal...

kjv@1Kings:17:14 @...neither shall the cruse of oil...

kjv@1Kings:17:15 @...according to the saying of Elijah:...

kjv@1Kings:17:16 @...according to the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:17:17 @...the woman, the mistress of the...

kjv@1Kings:17:18 @...thee, O thou man of God?...

kjv@1Kings:17:19 @...he took him out of her...

kjv@1Kings:17:22 @...Elijah; and the soul of the...

kjv@1Kings:17:23 @...brought him down out of the...

kjv@1Kings:17:24 @...and that the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:18:1 @...days, that the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:18:3 @...which was the governor of his...(Now Obadiah feared the LORD greatly:

kjv@1Kings:18:4 @...cut off the prophets of the...)

kjv@1Kings:18:5, unto all fountains of water,...

kjv@1Kings:18:9 @...servant into the hand of Ahab,...

kjv@1Kings:18:10 @...he took an oath of the...

kjv@1Kings:18:12 @...thee, that the Spirit of the...

kjv@1Kings:18:13 @...hid an hundred men of the...

kjv@1Kings:18:15 @...said, As the LORD of hosts...

kjv@1Kings:18:18 @...have forsaken the commandments of the...

kjv@1Kings:18:19 @...fifty, and the prophets of the...

kjv@1Kings:18:20 @...unto all the children of Israel,...

kjv@1Kings:18:22 @...only, remain a prophet of the...

kjv@1Kings:18:24 on the name of the...

kjv@1Kings:18:25 on the name of your...

kjv@1Kings:18:26 @...called on the name of Baal...

kjv@1Kings:18:29 @...time of the offering of the...

kjv@1Kings:18:30 @...he repaired the altar of the...

kjv@1Kings:18:31 @...unto whom the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:18:32 @...altar in the name of the...

kjv@1Kings:18:36 @...of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel,...

kjv@1Kings:18:38 @... Then the fire of the...

kjv@1Kings:18:40 @...Baal; let not one of them...

kjv@1Kings:18:41 @...there is a sound of abundance...

kjv@1Kings:18:42 @...up to the top of Carmel;...

kjv@1Kings:18:44 @...a little cloud out of the...

kjv@1Kings:18:46 @... And the hand of the...

kjv@1Kings:19:2 @...the life of one of them...

kjv@1Kings:19:6 @...coals, and a cruse of water...

kjv@1Kings:19:7 @... And the angel of the...

kjv@1Kings:19:8 @...went in the strength of that...

kjv@1Kings:19:9 @...and, behold, the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:19:10 @...hosts: for the children of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:19:13 the entering in of the...

kjv@1Kings:19:14 @...hosts: because the children of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:19:15 @...way to the wilderness of Damascus:...

kjv@1Kings:19:16 @...the son of Shaphat of Abelmeholah...

kjv@1Kings:19:17 @...escapeth from the sword of Jehu...

kjv@1Kings:19:19 @...plowing with twelve yoke of oxen...

kjv@1Kings:19:21 @...flesh with the instruments of the...

kjv@1Kings:20:1 @...And Benhadad the king of Syria...

kjv@1Kings:20:2 @...messengers to Ahab king of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:20:4 @... And the king of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:20:6, and the houses of thy...

kjv@1Kings:20:7 @...called all the elders of the...

kjv@1Kings:20:9 @...said unto the messengers of Benhadad,...

kjv@1Kings:20:10 @...also, if the dust of Samaria...

kjv@1Kings:20:11 @... And the king of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:20:13 @...prophet unto Ahab king of Israel,...

kjv@1Kings:20:14 of the princes of the...

kjv@1Kings:20:15 @...even all the children of Israel,...

kjv@1Kings:20:17 of the princes of the...

kjv@1Kings:20:19 @...the provinces came out of the...

kjv@1Kings:20:20 @...and Benhadad the king of Syria...

kjv@1Kings:20:21 @... And the king of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:20:22 @...the year the king of Syria...

kjv@1Kings:20:23 @...Their gods are gods of the...

kjv@1Kings:20:24 @...away, every man out of his...

kjv@1Kings:20:26 @...pass at the return of the...

kjv@1Kings:20:27 two little flocks of kids;...

kjv@1Kings:20:28 @...he is not God of the...

kjv@1Kings:20:29 @...children of Israel slew of the...

kjv@1Kings:20:30 @...twenty and seven thousand of the...

kjv@1Kings:20:31 @...out to the king of Israel:...

kjv@1Kings:20:32 @...came to the king of Israel,...

kjv@1Kings:20:35 @...neighbour in the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:20:36 @...not obeyed the voice of the...

kjv@1Kings:20:39 @...out into the midst of the...

kjv@1Kings:20:40 @...gone. And the king of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:20:41 @...him that he was of the...

kjv@1Kings:20:42 @...hast let go out of thy...

kjv@1Kings:20:43 @... And the king of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:21:1 @...hard by the palace of Ahab...

kjv@1Kings:21:2 @...give thee the worth of it...

kjv@1Kings:21:3 @...should give the inheritance of my...

kjv@1Kings:21:4 @...give thee the inheritance of my...

kjv@1Kings:21:7 @...give thee the vineyard of Naboth...

kjv@1Kings:21:10 @...set two men, sons of Belial,...

kjv@1Kings:21:11 @... And the men of his...

kjv@1Kings:21:13 @...carried him forth out of the...

kjv@1Kings:21:15 @...possession of the vineyard of Naboth...

kjv@1Kings:21:16 @...down to the vineyard of Naboth...

kjv@1Kings:21:17 @... And the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:21:18 in the vineyard of Naboth,...

kjv@1Kings:21:19 @...dogs licked the blood of Naboth...

kjv@1Kings:21:20 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@1Kings:21:22 @...of Baasha the son of Ahijah,...

kjv@1Kings:21:23 ... And of Jezebel...

kjv@1Kings:21:24 @...field shall the fowls of the...

kjv@1Kings:21:25 @...wickedness in the sight of the...

kjv@1Kings:21:26 @...out before the children of... Israel.

kjv@1Kings:21:28 @... And the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:22:2 @...that Jehoshaphat the king of Judah...

kjv@1Kings:22:3 @...out of the hand of the...

kjv@1Kings:22:4 @...said to the king of Israel,...

kjv@1Kings:22:5 @...thee, at the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:22:6 into the hand of the...

kjv@1Kings:22:7 @...not here a prophet of the...

kjv@1Kings:22:8 @...whom we may enquire of the...

kjv@1Kings:22:9 @...of Israel called an officer, and...

kjv@1Kings:22:10 @...entrance of the gate of Samaria;...

kjv@1Kings:22:11 @...Chenaanah made him horns of iron:...

kjv@1Kings:22:13 @...the word of one of them,...

kjv@1Kings:22:15 into the hand of the...

kjv@1Kings:22:16 @...true in the name of the...

kjv@1Kings:22:18 @... And the king of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:22:19 @...and all the host of heaven...

kjv@1Kings:22:22 @...spirit in the mouth of all...

kjv@1Kings:22:23 @...spirit in the mouth of all...

kjv@1Kings:22:24 @...way went the Spirit of the...

kjv@1Kings:22:26 @...unto Amon the governor of the...

kjv@1Kings:22:27 @...affliction and with water of affliction,...

kjv@1Kings:22:28 @...O people, every one of... you.

kjv@1Kings:22:29 @...and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah...

kjv@1Kings:22:30 @...robes. And the king of Israel...

kjv@1Kings:22:31 @... But the king of Syria...

kjv@1Kings:22:32 is the king of Israel....

kjv@1Kings:22:33 @...was not the king of Israel,...

kjv@1Kings:22:34 @...and carry me out of the...

kjv@1Kings:22:35 @...wound into the midst of the...

kjv@1Kings:22:36 @...about the going down of the...

kjv@1Kings:22:38 @...according unto the word of the...

kjv@1Kings:22:39 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@1Kings:22:41 the fourth year of Ahab...

kjv@1Kings:22:42 @...was Azubah the daughter of... Shilhi.

kjv@1Kings:22:43 @...away; for the people offered and...

kjv@1Kings:22:44 @...peace with the king of... Israel.

kjv@1Kings:22:45 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@1Kings:22:46 @...Asa, he took out of the...

kjv@1Kings:22:48 @... Jehoshaphat made ships of Tharshish...

kjv@1Kings:22:49 @...said Ahaziah the son of Ahab...

kjv@1Kings:22:50 @...fathers in the city of David...

kjv@1Kings:22:51 @...year of Jehoshaphat king of Judah,...

kjv@1Kings:22:52 @...of Jeroboam the son of Nebat,...

kjv@1Kings:22:53 @...anger the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@2Kings:1:1 @...Israel after the death of... Ahab.

kjv@2Kings:1:2 @...whether I shall recover of this...

kjv@2Kings:1:3 go to enquire of Baalzebub...

kjv@2Kings:1:6 @...of Baalzebub the god of Ekron?...

kjv@2Kings:1:7 @...unto them, What manner of man...

kjv@2Kings:1:8 @...girt with a girdle of leather...

kjv@2Kings:1:9 @...unto him, Thou man of God,...

kjv@2Kings:1:10 @...I be a man of God,...

kjv@2Kings:1:11 @...unto him, O man of God,...

kjv@2Kings:1:12 @...fifty. And the fire of God...

kjv@2Kings:1:13, and the life of these...

kjv@2Kings:1:14 @...up the two captains of the...

kjv@2Kings:1:15 @...him: be not afraid of him....

kjv@2Kings:1:16 @...shalt not come down off that...

kjv@2Kings:1:17 @...son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah;...

kjv@2Kings:1:18 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@2Kings:2:3 @... And the sons of the...

kjv@2Kings:2:5 @... And the sons of the...

kjv@2Kings:2:7 @...stood to view afar off: and...

kjv@2Kings:2:9 @...let a double portion of thy...

kjv@2Kings:2:11 @...of fire, and horses of fire,...

kjv@2Kings:2:12 @...and he took hold of his...

kjv@2Kings:2:13 @...up also the mantle of Elijah...

kjv@2Kings:2:14 the LORD God of Elijah?...

kjv@2Kings:2:15 @...they said, The spirit of Elijah...

kjv@2Kings:2:16 @...lest peradventure the Spirit of the...

kjv@2Kings:2:19 @...pray thee, the situation of this...

kjv@2Kings:2:21 @...forth unto the spring of the...

kjv@2Kings:2:22 @...according to the saying of Elisha...

kjv@2Kings:2:23 @...forth little children out of the...

kjv@2Kings:2:24 @...two she bears out of the...

kjv@2Kings:3:1 @...year of Jehoshaphat king of Judah,...

kjv@2Kings:3:2 @...put away the image of Baal...

kjv@2Kings:3:3 @...of Jeroboam the son of Nebat,...

kjv@2Kings:3:4 @...rendered unto the king of Israel...

kjv@2Kings:3:5 @...dead, that the king of Moab...

kjv@2Kings:3:6 @...king Jehoram went out of Samaria...

kjv@2Kings:3:7 @...Judah, saying, The king of Moab...

kjv@2Kings:3:8 @...way through the wilderness of... Edom.

kjv@2Kings:3:9 @...they fetched a compass of seven...

kjv@2Kings:3:10 @... And the king of Israel...

kjv@2Kings:3:11 Elisha the son of Shaphat,...

kjv@2Kings:3:12 @...Jehoshaphat and the king of Edom...

kjv@2Kings:3:13 @...mother. And the king of Israel...

kjv@2Kings:3:14 @...of Jehoshaphat the king of Judah,...

kjv@2Kings:3:15 @...played, that the hand of the...

kjv@2Kings:3:16 @...Make this valley full of... ditches.

kjv@2Kings:3:18 @...thing in the sight of the...

kjv@2Kings:3:19 @...mar every good piece of land...

kjv@2Kings:3:20 @...water by the way of Edom,...

kjv@2Kings:3:24 @...came to the camp of Israel,...

kjv@2Kings:3:25 @...stopped all the wells of water,...

kjv@2Kings:3:26 @...even unto the king of Edom:...

kjv@2Kings:4:1 @...wives of the sons of the...

kjv@2Kings:4:2, save a pot of... oil.

kjv@2Kings:4:3 @...borrow thee vessels abroad of all...

kjv@2Kings:4:7 @...thou and thy children of the...

kjv@2Kings:4:9 an holy man of God,...

kjv@2Kings:4:13 @...or to the captain of the...

kjv@2Kings:4:16 lord, thou man of God,...

kjv@2Kings:4:17 @...according to the time of... life.

kjv@2Kings:4:21 @...bed of the man of God,...

kjv@2Kings:4:22 to the man of God,...

kjv@2Kings:4:25 @...God saw her afar off, that...

kjv@2Kings:4:27 @...away. And the man of God...

kjv@2Kings:4:28 @...I desire a son of my...

kjv@2Kings:4:29 @...staff upon the face of the...

kjv@2Kings:4:30 @... And the mother of the...

kjv@2Kings:4:31 @...staff upon the face of the...

kjv@2Kings:4:34 @...child; and the flesh of the...

kjv@2Kings:4:38 @...pottage for the sons of the...

kjv@2Kings:4:39 @...them into the pot of pottage:...

kjv@2Kings:4:40 @...said, O thou man of God,...

kjv@2Kings:4:42 @...barley, and full ears of corn...

kjv@2Kings:4:44 @...according to the word of the...

kjv@2Kings:5:1 of the king of Syria,...

kjv@2Kings:5:2 @...out of the land of Israel...

kjv@2Kings:5:3 @...he would recover him of his...

kjv@2Kings:5:4 @...the maid that is of the...

kjv@2Kings:5:5 @...and six thousand pieces of gold,...

kjv@2Kings:5:6 @...thou mayest recover him of his...

kjv@2Kings:5:7 recover a man of his...

kjv@2Kings:5:8 @...heard that the king of Israel...

kjv@2Kings:5:9 @...stood at the door of the...

kjv@2Kings:5:11 on the name of the...

kjv@2Kings:5:12 @...than all the waters of Israel?...

kjv@2Kings:5:14 unto the flesh of a...

kjv@2Kings:5:15 @...thee, take a blessing of thy...

kjv@2Kings:5:17 @...henceforth offer neither burnt offering nor...

kjv@2Kings:5:18 @...myself in the house of Rimmon,...

kjv@2Kings:5:20 @...of Elisha the man of God,...

kjv@2Kings:5:22 @...pray thee, a talent of silver,...

kjv@2Kings:5:23 @...laid them upon two of his...

kjv@2Kings:5:27 @... The leprosy therefore of Naaman...

kjv@2Kings:6:1 @... And the sons of the...

kjv@2Kings:6:6 @... And the man of God...

kjv@2Kings:6:8 @... Then the king of Syria...

kjv@2Kings:6:9 @...sent unto the king of Israel,...

kjv@2Kings:6:10 @...him and warned him of, and...

kjv@2Kings:6:11 @...not shew me which of us...

kjv@2Kings:6:12 @...Israel, telleth the king of Israel...

kjv@2Kings:6:15 @...servant of the man of God...

kjv@2Kings:6:17 @...of horses and chariots of fire...

kjv@2Kings:6:18 @...according to the word of... Elisha.

kjv@2Kings:6:20 @...LORD, open the eyes of these...

kjv@2Kings:6:21 @... And the king of Israel...

kjv@2Kings:6:23 @...master. So the bands of Syria...

kjv@2Kings:6:24 @...this, that Benhadad king of Syria...

kjv@2Kings:6:25 @...part of a cab of dove's...

kjv@2Kings:6:26 @...And as the king of Israel...

kjv@2Kings:6:27 @...the barnfloor, or out of the...

kjv@2Kings:6:30 @...king heard the words of the...

kjv@2Kings:6:31 @...of Elisha the son of Shaphat...

kjv@2Kings:6:32 not the sound of his...

kjv@2Kings:6:33 @...Behold, this evil is of the...

kjv@2Kings:7:1 @...shekel, and two measures of barley...

kjv@2Kings:7:2 @...leaned answered the man of God,...

kjv@2Kings:7:3 the entering in of the...

kjv@2Kings:7:4 @...fall unto the host of the...

kjv@2Kings:7:5 @...part of the camp of Syria,...

kjv@2Kings:7:6 @...Hittites, and the kings of the...

kjv@2Kings:7:8 the uttermost part of the...

kjv@2Kings:7:9 is a day of good...

kjv@2Kings:7:10 there, neither voice of man,...

kjv@2Kings:7:12 @...When they come out of the...

kjv@2Kings:7:13 @...I pray thee, five of the...( all the multitude of the...) and let us send and see.

kjv@2Kings:7:14 @...sent after the host of the...

kjv@2Kings:7:15 @...the way was full of garments...

kjv@2Kings:7:16 @...according to the word of the...

kjv@2Kings:7:17 @...died, as the man of God...

kjv@2Kings:7:18 @...shekel, and a measure of fine...

kjv@2Kings:7:19 @...lord answered the man of God,...

kjv@2Kings:8:2 @...sojourned in the land of the...

kjv@2Kings:8:3 @...out of the land of the...

kjv@2Kings:8:4 @...servant of the man of God,...

kjv@2Kings:8:6 @...and all the fruits of the...

kjv@2Kings:8:7 @...him, saying, The man of God...

kjv@2Kings:8:8 @...saying, Shall I recover of this...

kjv@2Kings:8:9 @...saying, Shall I recover of this...

kjv@2Kings:8:11 @...ashamed: and the man of God...

kjv@2Kings:8:12 unto the children of Israel:...

kjv@2Kings:8:16 @...son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah...

kjv@2Kings:8:18 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@2Kings:8:20 @...from under the hand of Judah,...

kjv@2Kings:8:21 @...about, and the captains of the...

kjv@2Kings:8:22 @...from under the hand of Judah...

kjv@2Kings:8:23 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@2Kings:8:24 @...fathers in the city of David:...

kjv@2Kings:8:25 @...son of Jehoram king of Judah...

kjv@2Kings:8:26 @...was Athaliah, the daughter of Omri...

kjv@2Kings:8:27 @...the son in law of the...

kjv@2Kings:8:28 @...war against Hazael king of Syria...

kjv@2Kings:8:29 @...see Joram the son of Ahab...

kjv@2Kings:9:1 @...and take this box of oil...

kjv@2Kings:9:2 @...of Jehoshaphat the son of Nimshi,...

kjv@2Kings:9:3 @...Then take the box of oil,...

kjv@2Kings:9:5 @...Jehu said, Unto which of all...

kjv@2Kings:9:6 @...king over the people of the...

kjv@2Kings:9:7 @...of all the servants of the...

kjv@2Kings:9:8 @...and I will cut off from...

kjv@2Kings:9:9 @...and like the house of Baasha...

kjv@2Kings:9:10 @...Jezebel in the portion of Jezreel,...

kjv@2Kings:9:11 @...forth to the servants of his...

kjv@2Kings:9:13 @...him on the top of the...

kjv@2Kings:9:14 @...of Jehoshaphat the son of Nimshi...(...and all Israel, because of Hazael...

kjv@2Kings:9:15 healed in Jezreel of the...)...forth nor escape out of the...

kjv@2Kings:9:16 @...there. And Ahaziah king of Judah...

kjv@2Kings:9:17 @...he spied the company of Jehu...

kjv@2Kings:9:20 @...of Jehu the son of Nimshi;...

kjv@2Kings:9:21 @...him in the portion of Naboth...

kjv@2Kings:9:22 @...long as the whoredoms of thy...

kjv@2Kings:9:25 @...portion of the field of Naboth...

kjv@2Kings:9:26 @...according to the word of the...

kjv@2Kings:9:27 @...fled by the way of the...

kjv@2Kings:9:28 @...fathers in the city of... David.

kjv@2Kings:9:29 @...of Joram the son of Ahab...

kjv@2Kings:9:30 Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it;...

kjv@2Kings:9:33 @...her down: and some of her...

kjv@2Kings:9:35 @...feet, and the palms of her...

kjv@2Kings:9:36 @...saying, In the portion of Jezreel...

kjv@2Kings:9:37 @...field in the portion of Jezreel;...

kjv@2Kings:10:1 @...Samaria, unto the rulers of Jezreel,...

kjv@2Kings:10:3 @...the best and meetest of your...

kjv@2Kings:10:5 @...and the bringers up of the...

kjv@2Kings:10:6 @...with the great men of the...

kjv@2Kings:10:8 the entering in of the...

kjv@2Kings:10:10 @...spake concerning the house of Ahab:...

kjv@2Kings:10:11 @...remained of the house of Ahab...

kjv@2Kings:10:13 @...king and the children of the...

kjv@2Kings:10:14 @...them at the pit of the...

kjv@2Kings:10:15 @...on Jehonadab the son of Rechab...

kjv@2Kings:10:17 @...according to the saying of the...

kjv@2Kings:10:19 all the prophets of Baal,...

kjv@2Kings:10:21 @...Baal; and the house of Baal...

kjv@2Kings:10:22 @...for all the worshippers of Baal....

kjv@2Kings:10:23 @...LORD, but the worshippers of Baal...

kjv@2Kings:10:24 @...and said, If any of the...

kjv@2Kings:10:25 @...went to the city of the...

kjv@2Kings:10:26 @...out of the house of Baal,...

kjv@2Kings:10:27 @...brake down the house of Baal,...

kjv@2Kings:10:28 @...Jehu destroyed Baal out of... Israel.

kjv@2Kings:10:29 @...of Jeroboam the son of Nebat,...

kjv@2Kings:10:30 @...mine heart, thy children of the...

kjv@2Kings:10:31 @...not from the sins of Jeroboam,...

kjv@2Kings:10:32 all the coasts of... Israel;

kjv@2Kings:10:33 @...eastward, all the land of Gilead,...

kjv@2Kings:10:34 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@2Kings:11:1 @...when Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah...

kjv@2Kings:11:2 @...took Joash the son of Ahaziah,...

kjv@2Kings:11:3 @...hid in the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:11:4 @...them in the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:11:5 @...keepers of the watch of the...

kjv@2Kings:11:6 keep the watch of the...

kjv@2Kings:11:7 of the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:11:10 @...were in the temple of the...

kjv@2Kings:11:11 the left corner of the...

kjv@2Kings:11:13 @...people into the temple of the...

kjv@2Kings:11:14 @...and all the people of the...

kjv@2Kings:11:15 @...slain in the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:11:18 @...officers over the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:11:19 @...sat on the throne of the...

kjv@2Kings:11:20 @...And all the people of the...

kjv@2Kings:12:1 @...In the seventh year of Jehu...

kjv@2Kings:12:2 @...right in the sight of the...

kjv@2Kings:12:4 @...bring into the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:12:5 @...them repair the breaches of the...

kjv@2Kings:12:6 @...not repaired the breaches of the...

kjv@2Kings:12:7 for the breaches of the...

kjv@2Kings:12:8 repair the breaches of the...

kjv@2Kings:12:9 @...brought into the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:12:10 @...found in the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:12:11 @...wrought upon the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:12:12 @...breaches of the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:12:13 @...brought into the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:12:14 @...repaired therewith the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:12:16 @...brought into the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:12:17 @... Then Hazael king of Syria...

kjv@2Kings:12:18 to Hazael king of Syria:...

kjv@2Kings:12:19 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@2Kings:12:20 @...Joash in the house of Millo,...

kjv@2Kings:12:21 @...fathers in the city of David:...

kjv@2Kings:13:1 @...Judah Jehoahaz the son of Jehu...

kjv@2Kings:13:2 @...of Jeroboam the son of Nebat,...

kjv@2Kings:13:3 @...of Benhadad the son of Hazael,...

kjv@2Kings:13:4 @...Israel, because the king of Syria...

kjv@2Kings:13:5 @ (...Syrians: and the children of Israel...

kjv@2Kings:13:6 @...sins of the house of Jeroboam,...)

kjv@2Kings:13:7 @...footmen; for the king of Syria...

kjv@2Kings:13:8 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@2Kings:13:10 @...began Jehoash the son of Jehoahaz...

kjv@2Kings:13:11 @...of Jeroboam the son of Nebat,...

kjv@2Kings:13:12 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@2Kings:13:13 @...Samaria with the kings of... Israel.

kjv@2Kings:13:14 father, the chariot of Israel,...

kjv@2Kings:13:16 @...said to the king of Israel,...

kjv@2Kings:13:17 @...deliverance, and the arrow of deliverance...

kjv@2Kings:13:18 @...said unto the king of Israel,...

kjv@2Kings:13:19 @... And the man of God...

kjv@2Kings:13:20 the coming in of the...

kjv@2Kings:13:21 @...and touched the bones of Elisha,...

kjv@2Kings:13:22 @... But Hazael king of Syria...

kjv@2Kings:13:23 @...respect unto them, because of his...

kjv@2Kings:13:24 @... So Hazael king of Syria...

kjv@2Kings:13:25 @...out of the hand of Jehoahaz...

kjv@2Kings:14:1 @...reigned Amaziah the son of Joash...

kjv@2Kings:14:2 @...mother's name was Jehoaddan of... Jerusalem.

kjv@2Kings:14:3 @...right in the sight of the...

kjv@2Kings:14:6 of the law of Moses,...

kjv@2Kings:14:7 @...and called the name of it...

kjv@2Kings:14:8 @...son of Jehu, king of Israel,...

kjv@2Kings:14:9 @...sent to Amaziah king of Judah,...

kjv@2Kings:14:10 @...lifted thee up: glory of this,...

kjv@2Kings:14:11 @...he and Amaziah king of Judah...

kjv@2Kings:14:13 @...Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim...

kjv@2Kings:14:14 @...and in the treasures of the...

kjv@2Kings:14:15 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@2Kings:14:16 @...Samaria with the kings of Israel;...

kjv@2Kings:14:17 @...son of Jehoahaz king of Israel...

kjv@2Kings:14:18 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@2Kings:14:20 @...fathers in the city of... David.

kjv@2Kings:14:21 @...made him king instead of his...

kjv@2Kings:14:23 @...son of Joash king of Israel...

kjv@2Kings:14:24 @...of Jeroboam the son of Nebat,...

kjv@2Kings:14:25 @...servant Jonah, the son of Amittai,...

kjv@2Kings:14:26 @...LORD saw the affliction of Israel,...

kjv@2Kings:14:27 @...them by the hand of Jeroboam...

kjv@2Kings:14:28 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@2Kings:14:29 @...even with the kings of Israel;...

kjv@2Kings:15:1 @...son of Amaziah king of Judah...

kjv@2Kings:15:2 @...mother's name was Jecholiah of... Jerusalem.

kjv@2Kings:15:3 @...right in the sight of the...

kjv@2Kings:15:5, judging the people of the...

kjv@2Kings:15:6 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@2Kings:15:7 @...fathers in the city of David:...

kjv@2Kings:15:8 @...did Zachariah the son of Jeroboam...

kjv@2Kings:15:9 @...of Jeroboam the son of Nebat,...

kjv@2Kings:15:10 @...And Shallum the son of Jabesh...

kjv@2Kings:15:11 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@2Kings:15:12 @...sit on the throne of Israel...

kjv@2Kings:15:13 @...year of Uzziah king of Judah;...

kjv@2Kings:15:14 @...smote Shallum the son of Jabesh...

kjv@2Kings:15:15 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@2Kings:15:17 @...began Menahem the son of Gadi...

kjv@2Kings:15:18 @...of Jeroboam the son of Nebat,...

kjv@2Kings:15:19 @...Pul a thousand talents of silver,...

kjv@2Kings:15:20 @...Assyria. So the king of Assyria...

kjv@2Kings:15:21 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@2Kings:15:23 @...Judah Pekahiah the son of Menahem...

kjv@2Kings:15:24 @...of Jeroboam the son of Nebat,...

kjv@2Kings:15:25 @...with him fifty men of the...

kjv@2Kings:15:26 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@2Kings:15:27 @...Judah Pekah the son of Remaliah...

kjv@2Kings:15:28 @...of Jeroboam the son of Nebat,...

kjv@2Kings:15:29 @...Galilee, all the land of Naphtali,...

kjv@2Kings:15:30 the twentieth year of Jotham...

kjv@2Kings:15:31 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@2Kings:15:32 @...son of Uzziah king of Judah...

kjv@2Kings:15:33 @...was Jerusha, the daughter of... Zadok.

kjv@2Kings:15:34 @...right in the sight of the...

kjv@2Kings:15:35 @...gate of the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:15:36 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@2Kings:15:37 @...Judah Rezin the king of Syria,...

kjv@2Kings:15:38 @...fathers in the city of David...

kjv@2Kings:16:1 @...son of Jotham king of Judah...

kjv@2Kings:16:2 @...right in the sight of the...

kjv@2Kings:16:3 @...according to the abominations of the...

kjv@2Kings:16:5 @...son of Remaliah king of Israel...

kjv@2Kings:16:6 @...that time Rezin king of Syria...

kjv@2Kings:16:7 @...hand of the king of Israel,...

kjv@2Kings:16:8 @...and in the treasures of the...

kjv@2Kings:16:9 @...and carried the people of it...

kjv@2Kings:16:10 @...altar, and the pattern of it,...

kjv@2Kings:16:13 @...blood of his peace offerings, upon...

kjv@2Kings:16:14 @...on the north side of the...

kjv@2Kings:16:15 @...and all the blood of the...

kjv@2Kings:16:17 @...down the sea from off the...

kjv@2Kings:16:18 @...he from the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:16:19 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@2Kings:16:20 @...fathers in the city of David:...

kjv@2Kings:17:1 @...began Hoshea the son of Elah...

kjv@2Kings:17:2 @...not as the kings of Israel...

kjv@2Kings:17:3 @...came up Shalmaneser king of Assyria;...

kjv@2Kings:17:4 @...year: therefore the king of Assyria...

kjv@2Kings:17:5 @... Then the king of Assyria...

kjv@2Kings:17:6 @...and in the cities of the...

kjv@2Kings:17:7 @...hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt,...

kjv@2Kings:17:8 @...and of the kings of Israel,...

kjv@2Kings:17:9 @...cities, from the tower of the...

kjv@2Kings:17:14 to the neck of their...

kjv@2Kings:17:16 @...worshipped all the host of heaven,...

kjv@2Kings:17:17 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@2Kings:17:18 @...left but the tribe of Judah...

kjv@2Kings:17:19 @...walked in the statutes of Israel...

kjv@2Kings:17:20 @...had cast them out of his...

kjv@2Kings:17:21 @...made Jeroboam the son of Nebat...

kjv@2Kings:17:22 all the sins of Jeroboam...

kjv@2Kings:17:23 @...Israel carried away out of their...

kjv@2Kings:17:24 @...instead of the children of Israel:...

kjv@2Kings:17:25 @...was at the beginning of their...

kjv@2Kings:17:26 @...manner of the God of the...

kjv@2Kings:17:27 @...manner of the God of the...

kjv@2Kings:17:28 ... Then one of the...

kjv@2Kings:17:29 @...them in the houses of the...

kjv@2Kings:17:30 @...Nergal, and the men of Hamath...

kjv@2Kings:17:31 @...and Anammelech, the gods of... Sepharvaim.

kjv@2Kings:17:32 @...them in the houses of the...

kjv@2Kings:17:33 @...gods, after the manner of the...

kjv@2Kings:17:34 @...LORD commanded the children of Jacob,...

kjv@2Kings:17:36 @...out of the land of Egypt...

kjv@2Kings:17:39 @...out of the hand of all...

kjv@2Kings:18:1 @...son of Ahaz king of Judah...

kjv@2Kings:18:2 @...was Abi, the daughter of... Zachariah.

kjv@2Kings:18:3 @...right in the sight of the...

kjv@2Kings:18:4 @...those days the children of Israel...

kjv@2Kings:18:5 @...among all the kings of Judah,...

kjv@2Kings:18:7 @...rebelled against the king of Assyria,...

kjv@2Kings:18:8 @...thereof, from the tower of the...

kjv@2Kings:18:9 @...Israel, that Shalmaneser king of Assyria...

kjv@2Kings:18:10 @...year of Hoshea king of Israel,...

kjv@2Kings:18:11 @...and in the cities of the...

kjv@2Kings:18:12 @...that Moses the servant of the...

kjv@2Kings:18:13 @...all the fenced cities of Judah,...

kjv@2Kings:18:14 @...Judah three hundred talents of silver...

kjv@2Kings:18:15 @...and in the treasures of the...

kjv@2Kings:18:16 @...pillars which Hezekiah king of Judah...

kjv@2Kings:18:17 in the highway of the...

kjv@2Kings:18:18 @...and Joah the son of Asaph...

kjv@2Kings:18:19 @...great king, the king of Assyria,...

kjv@2Kings:18:21 is Pharaoh king of Egypt...

kjv@2Kings:18:23 lord the king of Assyria,...

kjv@2Kings:18:24 @...captain of the least of my...

kjv@2Kings:18:26 @...language in the ears of the...

kjv@2Kings:18:28 @...saying, Hear the word of the...

kjv@2Kings:18:29 deliver you out of his...

kjv@2Kings:18:30 @...delivered into the hand of the...

kjv@2Kings:18:31 @...every one the waters of his...

kjv@2Kings:18:32 @...of oil olive and of honey,...

kjv@2Kings:18:33 @...out of the hand of the...

kjv@2Kings:18:34 @...they delivered Samaria out of mine...

kjv@2Kings:18:35 @...should deliver Jerusalem out of mine...

kjv@2Kings:18:37 @...and Joah the son of Asaph...

kjv@2Kings:19:1 @...went into the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:19:2 @...scribe, and the elders of the...

kjv@2Kings:19:3 of trouble, and of rebuke,...

kjv@2Kings:19:4 @...Rabshakeh, whom the king of Assyria...

kjv@2Kings:19:5 @... So the servants of king...

kjv@2Kings:19:6 @...servants of the king of Assyria...

kjv@2Kings:19:8 @...and found the king of Assyria...

kjv@2Kings:19:9 @...say of Tirhakah king of Ethiopia,...

kjv@2Kings:19:10 @...delivered into the hand of the...

kjv@2Kings:19:11 @...heard what the kings of Assyria...

kjv@2Kings:19:12 @...Rezeph, and the children of Eden...

kjv@2Kings:19:13 @...the city of Sepharvaim, of Hena,...

kjv@2Kings:19:14 @...up into the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:19:15 @...of all the kingdoms of the...

kjv@2Kings:19:16 @...and hear the words of Sennacherib,...

kjv@2Kings:19:17 @...truth, LORD, the kings of Assyria...

kjv@2Kings:19:18 @...gods, but the work of men's...

kjv@2Kings:19:19 @...that all the kingdoms of the...

kjv@2Kings:19:20 against Sennacherib king of Assyria...

kjv@2Kings:19:21 scorn; the daughter of Jerusalem...

kjv@2Kings:19:22 @...against the Holy One of... Israel.

kjv@2Kings:19:23 @...and into the forest of his...

kjv@2Kings:19:24 @...up all the rivers of besieged...

kjv@2Kings:19:25 @...have done it, and of ancient...

kjv@2Kings:19:26 @...were as the grass of the...

kjv@2Kings:19:29 @...year that which springeth of the...

kjv@2Kings:19:30 @...escaped of the house of Judah...

kjv@2Kings:19:31 @...zeal of the LORD of hosts...

kjv@2Kings:19:32 @...LORD concerning the king of Assyria,...

kjv@2Kings:19:35 @...smote in the camp of the...

kjv@2Kings:19:36 @... So Sennacherib king of Assyria...

kjv@2Kings:19:37 @...escaped into the land of Armenia....

kjv@2Kings:20:1 @...prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz...

kjv@2Kings:20:4 @...court, that the word of the...

kjv@2Kings:20:5 @...up unto the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:20:6 @...hand of the king of Assyria;...

kjv@2Kings:20:7 @...said, Take a lump of figs....

kjv@2Kings:20:8 @...up into the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:20:9 @...sign shalt thou have of the...

kjv@2Kings:20:11 @...down in the dial of... Ahaz.

kjv@2Kings:20:12 @...son of Baladan, king of Babylon,...

kjv@2Kings:20:13 @...and all the house of his...

kjv@2Kings:20:16 @...Hezekiah, Hear the word of the...

kjv@2Kings:20:18 @...eunuchs in the palace of the...

kjv@2Kings:20:19 @...Good is the word of the...

kjv@2Kings:20:20 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@2Kings:21:2 @...LORD, after the abominations of the...

kjv@2Kings:21:3 @...worshipped all the host of heaven,...

kjv@2Kings:21:4 of the LORD, of which...

kjv@2Kings:21:5 @...courts of the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:21:6 @...wickedness in the sight of the...

kjv@2Kings:21:7 @...out of all tribes of Israel,...

kjv@2Kings:21:8 @...move any more out of the...

kjv@2Kings:21:9 @...destroyed before the children of... Israel.

kjv@2Kings:21:11 @... Because Manasseh king of Judah...

kjv@2Kings:21:12 @...Judah, that whosoever heareth of it,...

kjv@2Kings:21:13 @...plummet of the house of Ahab:...

kjv@2Kings:21:14 @...them into the hand of their...

kjv@2Kings:21:15 @...fathers came forth out of Egypt,...

kjv@2Kings:21:16 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@2Kings:21:17 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@2Kings:21:18, in the garden of Uzza:...

kjv@2Kings:21:19 @...was Meshullemeth, the daughter of Haruz...

kjv@2Kings:21:20 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@2Kings:21:22 @...not in the way of the...

kjv@2Kings:21:23 @... And the servants of Amon...

kjv@2Kings:21:24 @...Amon; and the people of the...

kjv@2Kings:21:25 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@2Kings:21:26 @...sepulchre in the garden of Uzza:...

kjv@2Kings:22:1 @...was Jedidah, the daughter of Adaiah...

kjv@2Kings:22:2 all the way of David...

kjv@2Kings:22:3 @...scribe, to the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:22:4 @...the door have gathered of the...

kjv@2Kings:22:5 repair the breaches of the...

kjv@2Kings:22:7 @...reckoning made with them of the...

kjv@2Kings:22:8 in the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:22:9 @...oversight of the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:22:11 @...words of the book of the...

kjv@2Kings:22:12 @...and Asahiah a servant of the...

kjv@2Kings:22:13 @...hearkened unto the words of this...

kjv@2Kings:22:14 @...son of Harhas, keeper of the...(now she dwelt in Jerusalem in the college;) and they communed with her.

kjv@2Kings:22:15 @...saith the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@2Kings:22:16 which the king of Judah...

kjv@2Kings:22:17 @...with all the works of their...

kjv@2Kings:22:18 @...saith the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@2Kings:23:1 @...him all the elders of Judah...

kjv@2Kings:23:2 @...found in the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:23:3 perform the words of this...

kjv@2Kings:23:4 @...and carried the ashes of them...

kjv@2Kings:23:5 @...places in the cities of Judah,...

kjv@2Kings:23:6 @...graves of the children of the...

kjv@2Kings:23:7 @...were by the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:23:8 @...hand at the gate of the...

kjv@2Kings:23:9 @...but they did eat of the...

kjv@2Kings:23:10 @...valley of the children of Hinnom,...

kjv@2Kings:23:11 @...and burned the chariots of the...

kjv@2Kings:23:12 @...and cast the dust of them...

kjv@2Kings:23:13 @...abomination of the children of Ammon,...

kjv@2Kings:23:14 @...places with the bones of... men.

kjv@2Kings:23:15 @...which Jeroboam the son of Nebat,...

kjv@2Kings:23:16 @...LORD which the man of God...

kjv@2Kings:23:17 @...sepulchre of the man of God,...

kjv@2Kings:23:18 @...alone, with the bones of the...

kjv@2Kings:23:19 @...Samaria, which the kings of Israel...

kjv@2Kings:23:20 @...slew all the priests of the...

kjv@2Kings:23:21 @...written in the book of this...

kjv@2Kings:23:22 @...kings of Israel, nor of the...

kjv@2Kings:23:23 the eighteenth year of king...

kjv@2Kings:23:24 @...found in the house of the...

kjv@2Kings:23:25 all the law of Moses;...

kjv@2Kings:23:26 @...kindled against Judah, because of all...

kjv@2Kings:23:27 @...chosen, and the house of which...

kjv@2Kings:23:28 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@2Kings:23:29 @...up against the king of Assyria...

kjv@2Kings:23:30 @...took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah,...

kjv@2Kings:23:31 @...was Hamutal, the daughter of Jeremiah...

kjv@2Kings:23:32 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@2Kings:23:33 @...of an hundred talents of silver,...

kjv@2Kings:23:34 @...king in the room of Josiah...

kjv@2Kings:23:35 @...people of the land, of every...

kjv@2Kings:23:36 @...was Zebudah, the daughter of Pedaiah...

kjv@2Kings:23:37 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@2Kings:24:1 @...his days Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon...

kjv@2Kings:24:2 @...according to the word of the...

kjv@2Kings:24:3 @...sight, for the sins of Manasseh,...

kjv@2Kings:24:5 of the chronicles of the...

kjv@2Kings:24:7 @...taken from the river of Egypt...

kjv@2Kings:24:8 @...was Nehushta, the daughter of Elnathan...

kjv@2Kings:24:9 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@2Kings:24:10 @...servants of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon...

kjv@2Kings:24:11 @... And Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon...

kjv@2Kings:24:12 the eighth year of his...

kjv@2Kings:24:13 @...made in the temple of the...

kjv@2Kings:24:14 @...sort of the people of the...

kjv@2Kings:24:15 @...officers, and the mighty of the...

kjv@2Kings:24:16 @...even them the king of Babylon...

kjv@2Kings:24:17 @... And the king of Babylon...

kjv@2Kings:24:18 @...was Hamutal, the daughter of Jeremiah...

kjv@2Kings:24:19 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@2Kings:24:20 @...For through the anger of the...

kjv@2Kings:25:1 @...month, that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon...

kjv@2Kings:25:2 @...unto the eleventh year of king...

kjv@2Kings:25:3 @...bread for the people of the...

kjv@2Kings:25:4 @...night by the way of the...(now the Chaldees were against the city round about:) and the king went the way toward the plain.

kjv@2Kings:25:5 @...him in the plains of Jericho:...

kjv@2Kings:25:6 @...up to the king of Babylon...

kjv@2Kings:25:7 @...bound him with fetters of brass,...

kjv@2Kings:25:8 @...servant of the king of Babylon,...

kjv@2Kings:25:9 @...and all the houses of Jerusalem,...

kjv@2Kings:25:10 @...brake down the walls of Jerusalem...

kjv@2Kings:25:11 @...did Nebuzaradan the captain of the...

kjv@2Kings:25:12 @...left of the poor of the...

kjv@2Kings:25:13 @...and carried the brass of them...

kjv@2Kings:25:14 @...and all the vessels of brass...

kjv@2Kings:25:15 silver, the captain of the...

kjv@2Kings:25:16 @...the LORD; the brass of all...

kjv@2Kings:25:17 @...chapiter round about, all of brass:...

kjv@2Kings:25:18 @...and the three keepers of the...

kjv@2Kings:25:19 of the people of the...

kjv@2Kings:25:20 @...them to the king of Babylon...

kjv@2Kings:25:21 @...was carried away out of their...

kjv@2Kings:25:22 @...of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan,...

kjv@2Kings:25:23 @...and Jaazaniah the son of a...

kjv@2Kings:25:24 @...and serve the king of Babylon;...

kjv@2Kings:25:25 @...the son of Elishama, of the...

kjv@2Kings:25:26 @...for they were afraid of the...

kjv@2Kings:25:27 @...head of Jehoiachin king of Judah...

kjv@2Kings:25:28 @...throne above the throne of the...

kjv@2Kings:25:29 @...him all the days of his...

kjv@2Kings:25:30, all the days of his...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:5 ... The sons of Japheth;...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:6 @... And the sons of Gomer;...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:7 @... And the sons of Javan;...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:8 ... The sons of Ham;...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:9 @...Sabtecha. And the sons of Raamah;...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:17 ... The sons of Shem;...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:19 @...two sons: the name of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:23 @...these were the sons of... Joktan.

kjv@1Chronicles:1:28 ... The sons of Abraham;...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:29 @...their generations: The firstborn of Ishmael,...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:31 @...These are the sons of... Ishmael.

kjv@1Chronicles:1:32 @...Shuah. And the sons of Jokshan;...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:33 @... And the sons of Midian;...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:34 @...begat Isaac. The sons of Isaac;...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:35 ... The sons of Esau;...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:36 ... The sons of Eliphaz;...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:37 ... The sons of Reuel;...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:38 @... And the sons of Seir;...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:39 @... And the sons of Lotan;...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:40 @...Onam. And the sons of Zibeon;...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:41 @...Dishon. And the sons of Dishon;...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:42 @...and Jakan. The sons of Dishan;...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:43 @...Beor: and the name of his...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:44 @...the son of Zerah of Bozrah...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:45 @...Husham of the land of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:46 @...stead: and the name of his...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:47 @...Hadad was dead, Samlah of Masrekah...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:48 @...Samlah was dead, Shaul of Rehoboth...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:49 @...dead, Baalhanan the son of Achbor...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:50 @...was Mehetabel, the daughter of Matred,...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:51 @...also. And the dukes of Edom...

kjv@1Chronicles:1:54 @...These are the dukes of... Edom.

kjv@1Chronicles:2:1 @...These are the sons of Israel;...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:3 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:4 @...Zerah. All the sons of Judah...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:5 ... The sons of Pharez;...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:6 @...Calcol, and Dara: five of them...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:7 @...Carmi; Achar, the troubler of Israel,...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:8 @... And the sons of Ethan;...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:9 @... The sons also of Hezron,...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:10 @...Amminadab begat Nahshon, prince of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:16 @...Abigail. And the sons of Zeruiah;...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:17 @...Amasa: and the father of Amasa...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:18 @...Azubah his wife, and of Jerioth:...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:21 @...of Machir the father of Gilead,...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:22 @...cities in the land of... Gilead.

kjv@1Chronicles:2:23 @...belonged to the sons of Machir...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:24 @...him Ashur the father of... Tekoa.

kjv@1Chronicles:2:25 @...of Jerahmeel the firstborn of Hezron...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:26 @...she was the mother of... Onam.

kjv@1Chronicles:2:27 @...of Ram the firstborn of Jerahmeel...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:28 @...Jada. And the sons of Shammai;...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:29 of the wife of Abishur...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:30 @... And the sons of Nadab;...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:31 @...Sheshan. And the children of Sheshan;...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:32 @...of Jada the brother of Shammai;...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:33 @... And the sons of Jonathan;...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:42 @...Ziph; and the sons of Mareshah...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:43 @... And the sons of Hebron;...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:44 @...begat Raham, the father of Jorkoam:...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:45 @... And the son of Shammai...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:47 @... And the sons of Jahdai;...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:49 @...Gibea: and the daughter of Caleb...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:50 @...of Hur, the firstborn of Ephratah;...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:51 @... Salma the father of Bethlehem,...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:52 @...sons; Haroeh, and half of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:53 @...Shumathites, and the Mishraites; of them...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:54 @...of Joab, and half of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:2:55 @...of Hemath, the father of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:3:1 @...Jezreelitess; the second Daniel, of Abigail...

kjv@1Chronicles:3:2 @...daughter of Talmai king of Geshur:...

kjv@1Chronicles:3:3 @... The fifth, Shephatiah of Abital:...

kjv@1Chronicles:3:5 @...Nathan, and Solomon, four, of Bathshua...

kjv@1Chronicles:3:9 @...David, beside the sons of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:3:15 @... And the sons of Josiah...

kjv@1Chronicles:3:16 @... And the sons of Jehoiakim:...

kjv@1Chronicles:3:17 @... And the sons of Jeconiah;...

kjv@1Chronicles:3:19 @...Shimei: and the sons of Zerubbabel;...

kjv@1Chronicles:3:21 @...of Arnan, the sons of Obadiah,...

kjv@1Chronicles:3:22 @...Shemaiah: and the sons of Shemaiah;...

kjv@1Chronicles:3:23 @... And the sons of Neariah;...

kjv@1Chronicles:3:24 @... And the sons of Elioenai...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:1 ... The sons of Judah;...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:2 @...These are the families of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:3 @...Idbash: and the name of their...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:4 @...of Hur, the firstborn of Ephratah,...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:5 @...And Ashur the father of Tekoa...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:6 @...These were the sons of... Naarah.

kjv@1Chronicles:4:7 @... And the sons of Helah...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:8 @...Zobebah, and the families of Aharhel...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:10 @...called on the God of Israel,...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:11 @...And Chelub the brother of Shuah...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:12 @...and Tehinnah the father of Irnahash....

kjv@1Chronicles:4:13 @...Seraiah: and the sons of Othniel;...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:14 @...father of the valley of Charashim;...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:15 @...Naam: and the sons of Elah,...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:16 @... And the sons of Jehaleleel;...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:17 @... And the sons of Ezra...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:18 @...of Bithiah the daughter of Pharaoh,...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:19 @...of Naham, the father of Keilah...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:20 @...Tilon. And the sons of Ishi...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:21 @...that wrought fine linen, of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:22 @...Jokim, and the men of Chozeba,...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:24 ... The sons of Simeon...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:26 @... And the sons of Mishma;...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:27 to the children of... Judah.

kjv@1Chronicles:4:31 @...cities unto the reign of... David.

kjv@1Chronicles:4:34 @...and Joshah the son of... Amaziah,

kjv@1Chronicles:4:35 @...of Josibiah, the son of Seraiah,...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:37 @...of Jedaiah, the son of Shimri,...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:38 @...families: and the house of their...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:39 @...unto the east side of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:40 @...and peaceable; for they of Ham...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:41 @...days of Hezekiah king of Judah,...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:42 @...even of the sons of Simeon,...

kjv@1Chronicles:4:43 @...they smote the rest of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:5:1 @...of Reuben the firstborn of Israel,...(...of Joseph the son of Israel:...

kjv@1Chronicles:5:2 @...above his brethren, and of him...)

kjv@1Chronicles:5:3 @...of Reuben the firstborn of Israel...

kjv@1Chronicles:5:4 ... The sons of Joel;...

kjv@1Chronicles:5:6 @...captive: he was prince of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:5:7 @...families, when the genealogy of their...

kjv@1Chronicles:5:8 @...of Shema, the son of Joel,...

kjv@1Chronicles:5:9 @...unto the entering in of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:5:10 @...And in the days of Saul...

kjv@1Chronicles:5:11 @...them, in the land of Bashan...

kjv@1Chronicles:5:13 @...brethren of the house of their...

kjv@1Chronicles:5:14 @...of Jeshishai, the son of Jahdo,...

kjv@1Chronicles:5:15 @...chief of the house of their...

kjv@1Chronicles:5:16 all the suburbs of Sharon,...

kjv@1Chronicles:5:17 @...and in the days of Jeroboam...

kjv@1Chronicles:5:18 @...the tribe of Manasseh, of valiant...

kjv@1Chronicles:5:20 @...and he was intreated of them;...

kjv@1Chronicles:5:21 @...asses two thousand, and of men...

kjv@1Chronicles:5:22 @...because the war was of God....

kjv@1Chronicles:5:23 @...of the half tribe of Manasseh...

kjv@1Chronicles:5:24 @...heads of the house of their...

kjv@1Chronicles:5:25 @...gods of the people of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:5:26 @...and the half tribe of Manasseh,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:1 ... The sons of Levi;...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:2 @... And the sons of Kohath;...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:3 @...Miriam. The sons also of Aaron;...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:15 @...Jerusalem by the hand of... Nebuchadnezzar.

kjv@1Chronicles:6:16 ... The sons of Levi;...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:17 @...names of the sons of Gershom;...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:18 @... And the sons of Kohath...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:19 @...these are the families of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:20 @ Of Gershom; Libni his son, Jahath his son, Zimmah his son,

kjv@1Chronicles:6:22 ... The sons of Kohath;...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:25 @... And the sons of Elkanah;...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:26 @...for Elkanah: the sons of Elkanah;...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:28 @... And the sons of Samuel;...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:29 ... The sons of Merari;...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:31 in the house of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:32 @...they waited on their office according...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:33 @...a singer, the son of Joel,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:34 @...of Jeroham, the son of Eliel,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:35 @...of Elkanah, the son of Mahath,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:36 @...of Joel, the son of Azariah,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:37 @...of Assir, the son of Ebiasaph,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:38 @...of Kohath, the son of Levi,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:39 @...even Asaph the son of Berachiah,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:40 @...of Michael, the son of Baaseiah,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:41 @...of Ethni, the son of Zerah,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:42 @...of Ethan, the son of Zimmah,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:43 @...of Jahath, the son of Gershom,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:44 @...of Kishi, the son of Abdi,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:45 @...of Hashabiah, the son of Amaziah,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:46 @...of Amzi, the son of Bani,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:47 @...of Mushi, the son of Merari,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:48 @...service of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:49 @...that Moses the servant of God...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:50 @...these are the sons of Aaron;...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:54 @...Aaron, of the families of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:55 @...Hebron in the land of Judah,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:56 @... But the fields of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:57 @...namely, Hebron, the city of refuge,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:60 @...out of the tribe of Benjamin;...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:61 @...of the half tribe of Manasseh,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:62 @...out of the tribe of Manasseh...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:63 @...out of the tribe of Zebulun,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:64 @... And the children of Israel...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:65 @...tribe of the children of Benjamin,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:66 @...of their coasts out of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:67 @...them, of the cities of refuge,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:70 of the remnant of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:71 @...of the half tribe of Manasseh,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:72 @...out of the tribe of Issachar;...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:74 @...out of the tribe of Asher;...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:76 @...out of the tribe of Naphtali;...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:77 @...out of the tribe of Zebulun,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:78 @...out of the tribe of Reuben,...

kjv@1Chronicles:6:80 @...out of the tribe of Gad;...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:1 @... Now the sons of Issachar...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:2 @...was in the days of David...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:3 @...Joel, Ishiah, five: all of them...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:4 @...their fathers, were bands of soldiers...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:5 @...Issachar were valiant men of might,...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:6 ... The sons of Benjamin;...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:7 @...their fathers, mighty men of valour;...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:8 @... And the sons of Becher;...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:9 @...their fathers, mighty men of valour,...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:10 @...Bilhan: and the sons of Bilhan;...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:11 @...their fathers, mighty men of valour,...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:12 @...and Huppim, the children of Ir,...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:13 ... The sons of Naphtali;...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:14 ... The sons of Manasseh;...(...bare Machir the father of... Gilead:

kjv@1Chronicles:7:15 wife the sister of Huppim...) and the name of the second was Zelophehad: and Zelophehad had daughters.

kjv@1Chronicles:7:16 @...Peresh; and the name of his...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:17 @...of Gilead, the son of Machir,...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:19 @... And the sons of Shemida...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:20 @... And the sons of Ephraim;...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:21 @...Elead, whom the men of Gath...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:29 @...these dwelt the children of Joseph...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:30 ... The sons of Asher;...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:31 @... And the sons of Beriah;...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:33 @... And the sons of Japhlet;...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:34 @... And the sons of Shamer;...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:35 @... And the sons of his...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:36 ... The sons of Zophah;...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:38 @... And the sons of Jether;...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:39 @... And the sons of Ulla;...

kjv@1Chronicles:7:40 @...number throughout the genealogy of them...

kjv@1Chronicles:8:3 @... And the sons of Bela...

kjv@1Chronicles:8:6 @...fathers of the inhabitants of Geba,...

kjv@1Chronicles:8:8 @...children in the country of Moab,...

kjv@1Chronicles:8:9 @... And he begat of Hodesh...

kjv@1Chronicles:8:10 @...were his sons, heads of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:8:11 ... And of Hushim...

kjv@1Chronicles:8:12 ... The sons of Elpaal;...

kjv@1Chronicles:8:13 @...fathers of the inhabitants of Aijalon,...

kjv@1Chronicles:8:16 @...and Joha, the sons of... Beriah;

kjv@1Chronicles:8:18 @...and Jobab, the sons of... Elpaal;

kjv@1Chronicles:8:21 @...and Shimrath, the sons of... Shimhi;

kjv@1Chronicles:8:25 @...and Penuel, the sons of... Shashak;

kjv@1Chronicles:8:27 @...and Zichri, the sons of... Jeroham.

kjv@1Chronicles:8:28 @... These were heads of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:8:29 @...Gibeon dwelt the father of Gibeon;...

kjv@1Chronicles:8:34 @... And the son of Jonathan...

kjv@1Chronicles:8:35 @... And the sons of Micah...

kjv@1Chronicles:8:38 @...these were the sons of... Azel.

kjv@1Chronicles:8:39 @... And the sons of Eshek...

kjv@1Chronicles:8:40 @...fifty. All these are of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:1 of the kings of Israel...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:3 @...and of the children of Ephraim,...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:4 @...Bani, of the children of Pharez...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:5 ... And of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:6 @...And of the sons of Zerah;...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:7 @...of Meshullam, the son of Hodaviah,...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:8 @...of Shephathiah, the son of Reuel,...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:9 @...fathers in the house of their...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:10 ... And of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:11 @...of Ahitub, the ruler of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:12 @...of Meshullam, the son of Meshillemith,...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:13 of the service of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:14 @...the son of Hashabiah, of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:15 @...of Micah, the son of Zichri,...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:16 @...dwelt in the villages of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:18 @...porters in the companies of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:19 @...the LORD, were keepers of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:20 @...And Phinehas the son of Eleazar...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:21 @...door of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:23 @...LORD, namely, the house of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:26 @...the chambers and treasuries of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:27 @...round about the house of God,...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:28 @...them had the charge of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:29 @...and all the instruments of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:30 @...priests made the ointment of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:31 @...Korahite, had the set office over...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:32 @...brethren, of the sons of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:33 @...chief of the fathers of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:34 @... These chief fathers of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:35 @...Gibeon dwelt the father of Gibeon,...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:40 @... And the son of Jonathan...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:41 @... And the sons of Micah...

kjv@1Chronicles:9:44 @...these were the sons of... Azel.

kjv@1Chronicles:10:1 @...Israel; and the men of Israel...

kjv@1Chronicles:10:2 @...and Malchishua, the sons of... Saul.

kjv@1Chronicles:10:3 @...and he was wounded of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:10:7 @...when all the men of Israel...

kjv@1Chronicles:10:9 @...sent into the land of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:10:10 @...armour in the house of their...

kjv@1Chronicles:10:12 @...Saul, and the bodies of his...

kjv@1Chronicles:10:13 @...also for asking counsel of one...

kjv@1Chronicles:10:14 @... And enquired not of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:3 @...according to the word of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:4 @...Jebusites were, the inhabitants of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:5 @...David took the castle of Zion,...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:6 @...So Joab the son of Zeruiah...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:7 @...called it the city of... David.

kjv@1Chronicles:11:8 @...Joab repaired the rest of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:9 @...greater: for the LORD of hosts...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:10 @...according to the word of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:11 Hachmonite, the chief of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:12 @...Ahohite, who was one of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:13 @...parcel of ground full of barley;...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:14 @...themselves in the midst of that...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:15 @...Adullam; and the host of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:17 @...water of the well of Bethlehem,...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:18 @...David would not drink of it,...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:19 @...for with the jeopardy of their...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:20 @...Joab, he was chief of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:21 @ Of the three, he was more honourable than the two; for he was their captain: howbeit he attained not to the first three.

kjv@1Chronicles:11:22 @...slew two lionlike men of Moab:...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:23 @...plucked the spear out of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:24 @...did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada,...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:26 @...Joab, Elhanan the son of Dodo...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:28 @... Ira the son of Ikkesh...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:30 @...Netophathite, Heled the son of Baanah...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:31 @...pertained to the children of Benjamin,...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:32 @...Hurai of the brooks of Gaash,...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:34 @...Gizonite, Jonathan the son of Shage...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:35 @... Ahiam the son of Sacar...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:37 @...Carmelite, Naarai the son of... Ezbai,

kjv@1Chronicles:11:38 @... Joel the brother of Nathan,...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:39 @...the Berothite, the armourbearer of Joab...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:41 @...Hittite, Zabad the son of... Ahlai,

kjv@1Chronicles:11:42 @...the Reubenite, a captain of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:43 @... Hanan the son of Maachah,...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:44 @...and Jehiel the sons of Hothan...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:45 @... Jediael the son of Shimri,...

kjv@1Chronicles:11:46 @...and Joshaviah, the sons of Elnaam,...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:1 @...the mighty men, helpers of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:2 @...of a bow, even of Saul's...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:3 @...and Pelet, the sons of Azmaveth;...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:7 @...and Zebadiah, the sons of Jeroham...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:8 @...were like the faces of lions,...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:14 @...of the host: one of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:15 flight all them of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:16 @...came of the children of Benjamin...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:17 @...mine hands, the God of our...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:18 @...and made them captains of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:19 @...Saul to the jeopardy of our...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:20 @...Elihu, and Zilthai, captains of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:21 @...were all mighty men of valour,...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:22, like the host of... God.

kjv@1Chronicles:12:23 @...according to the word of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:24 ... The children of Judah...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:25 @...of Simeon, mighty men of valour...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:26 @... Of the children of Levi...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:27 @...Jehoiada was the leader of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:28 @...mighty of valour, and of his...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:29 @...had kept the ward of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:30 @...famous throughout the house of their...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:31 @...of the half tribe of Manasseh...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:32 do; the heads of them...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:33 @...rank: they were not of double...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:34 ... And of Naphtali...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:35 ... And of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:36 ... And of Asher,...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:37 @...all manner of instruments of war...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:38 @...also of Israel were of one...

kjv@1Chronicles:12:40 @...of figs, and bunches of raisins,...

kjv@1Chronicles:13:1 @...consulted with the captains of thousands...

kjv@1Chronicles:13:2 all the land of Israel,...

kjv@1Chronicles:13:3 @...bring again the ark of our...

kjv@1Chronicles:13:4 @...right in the eyes of all...

kjv@1Chronicles:13:5 bring the ark of God...

kjv@1Chronicles:13:6 @...up thence the ark of God...

kjv@1Chronicles:13:7 @...out of the house of Abinadab:...

kjv@1Chronicles:13:9 @...came unto the threshingfloor of Chidon,...

kjv@1Chronicles:13:10 @... And the anger of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:13:12 @...I bring the ark of God...

kjv@1Chronicles:13:13 @...aside into the house of Obededom...

kjv@1Chronicles:13:14 @...LORD blessed the house of Obededom,...

kjv@1Chronicles:14:1 David, and timber of cedars,...

kjv@1Chronicles:14:2 @...up on high, because of his...

kjv@1Chronicles:14:4 @...these are the names of his...

kjv@1Chronicles:14:8 @...David. And David heard of it,...

kjv@1Chronicles:14:9 @...themselves in the valley of... Rephaim.

kjv@1Chronicles:14:10 @... And David enquired of God,...

kjv@1Chronicles:14:11 @...they called the name of that...

kjv@1Chronicles:14:14 @...Therefore David enquired again of God;...

kjv@1Chronicles:14:15 smite the host of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:14:16 @...they smote the host of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:14:17 @...LORD brought the fear of him...

kjv@1Chronicles:15:1 for the ark of God,...

kjv@1Chronicles:15:2 carry the ark of God,...

kjv@1Chronicles:15:3 @...bring up the ark of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:15:4 @...David assembled the children of Aaron,...

kjv@1Chronicles:15:5 @... Of the sons of Kohath;...

kjv@1Chronicles:15:6 @... Of the sons of Merari;...

kjv@1Chronicles:15:7 @... Of the sons of Gershom;...

kjv@1Chronicles:15:8 @... Of the sons of Elizaphan;...

kjv@1Chronicles:15:9 @... Of the sons of Hebron;...

kjv@1Chronicles:15:10 @... Of the sons of Uzziel;...

kjv@1Chronicles:15:12 @...of the LORD God of Israel...

kjv@1Chronicles:15:14 @...bring up the ark of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:15:15 @...according to the word of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:15:16 @...the singers with instruments of musick,...

kjv@1Chronicles:15:17 @...and of the sons of Merari...

kjv@1Chronicles:15:18 @...with them their brethren of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:15:19 sound with cymbals of... brass;

kjv@1Chronicles:15:22 @... And Chenaniah, chief of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:15:24 @...trumpets before the ark of God:...

kjv@1Chronicles:15:25 @...out of the house of Obededom...

kjv@1Chronicles:15:26 @...the LORD, that they offered seven...

kjv@1Chronicles:15:27 @...and Chenaniah the master of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:15:28 @...shouting, and with sound of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:15:29 @...that Michal the daughter of Saul...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:1 @...burnt sacrifices and peace offerings before...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:2 @...people in the name of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:3 @...and a good piece of flesh,...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:4 @...minister before the ark of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:6 @...continually before the ark of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:7 @...LORD into the hand of Asaph...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:9 @...unto him, talk ye of all...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:10 let the heart of them...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:12 @...wonders, and the judgments of his...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:13 @...his servant, ye children of Jacob,...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:15 @...Be ye mindful always of his...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:16 @...made with Abraham, and of his...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:18 @...of Canaan, the lot of your...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:26 @...For all the gods of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:28 @...the LORD, ye kindreds of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:29 @...his name: bring an offering, and...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:33 @...out at the presence of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:35 @...Save us, O God of our...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:36 the LORD God of Israel...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:37 @...ark of the covenant of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:38 @...Obededom also the son of Jeduthun...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:39 @...priests, before the tabernacle of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:40 @...written in the law of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:16:42 @...God. And the sons of Jeduthun...

kjv@1Chronicles:17:1 @...ark of the covenant of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:17:3 @...night, that the word of God...

kjv@1Chronicles:17:6 @...any of the judges of Israel,...

kjv@1Chronicles:17:7 @...Thus saith the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@1Chronicles:17:8 like the name of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:17:9 @...neither shall the children of wickedness...

kjv@1Chronicles:17:11 @...thee, which shall be of thy...

kjv@1Chronicles:17:17 of a man of high...

kjv@1Chronicles:17:18 @...thee for the honour of thy...

kjv@1Chronicles:17:21 @...make thee a name of greatness...

kjv@1Chronicles:17:24 @...and let the house of David...

kjv@1Chronicles:17:27 bless the house of thy...

kjv@1Chronicles:18:1 @...out of the hand of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:18:3 @...David smote Hadarezer king of Zobah...

kjv@1Chronicles:18:4 @...chariot horses, but reserved of them...

kjv@1Chronicles:18:5 @...of Zobah, David slew of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:18:7 @...were on the servants of Hadarezer,...

kjv@1Chronicles:18:8 @...and from Chun, cities of Hadarezer,...

kjv@1Chronicles:18:9 @...smitten all the host of Hadarezer...

kjv@1Chronicles:18:10 @...king David, to enquire of his...(for Hadarezer had war with Tou;)...all manner of vessels of gold...

kjv@1Chronicles:18:11 @...and from the children of Ammon,...

kjv@1Chronicles:18:12 @...Edomites in the valley of salt...

kjv@1Chronicles:18:15 @...and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud,...

kjv@1Chronicles:18:16 @...and Abimelech the son of Abiathar,...

kjv@1Chronicles:18:17 @...Pelethites; and the sons of David...

kjv@1Chronicles:19:1 @...king of the children of Ammon...

kjv@1Chronicles:19:2 of the children of Ammon...

kjv@1Chronicles:19:3 @...princes of the children of Ammon...

kjv@1Chronicles:19:6 @...of Mesopotamia, and out of Syriamaachah,...

kjv@1Chronicles:19:7 @...Medeba. And the children of Ammon...

kjv@1Chronicles:19:8 @...and all the host of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:19:9 @...array before the gate of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:19:10 @...of all the choice of Israel,...

kjv@1Chronicles:19:11 @...delivered unto the hand of Abishai...

kjv@1Chronicles:19:12 @...but if the children of Ammon...

kjv@1Chronicles:19:13 @...and for the cities of our...

kjv@1Chronicles:19:15 @...And when the children of Ammon...

kjv@1Chronicles:19:16 @...captain of the host of Hadarezer...

kjv@1Chronicles:19:18 @...killed Shophach the captain of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:19:19 @...Syrians help the children of Ammon...

kjv@1Chronicles:20:1 of the children of Ammon,...

kjv@1Chronicles:20:2 @...exceeding much spoil out of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:20:3 @...cities of the children of Ammon....

kjv@1Chronicles:20:4 @...was of the children of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:20:5 @...slew Lahmi the brother of Goliath...

kjv@1Chronicles:20:6 @...also was the son of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:20:7 @...Israel, Jonathan the son of Shimea...

kjv@1Chronicles:20:8 @...and by the hand of his...

kjv@1Chronicles:21:2 @...and bring the number of them...

kjv@1Chronicles:21:3 @...he be a cause of trespass...

kjv@1Chronicles:21:5 @...David. And all they of Israel...

kjv@1Chronicles:21:8 away the iniquity of thy...

kjv@1Chronicles:21:10 @...things: choose thee one of them,...

kjv@1Chronicles:21:12 @...throughout all the coasts of Israel....

kjv@1Chronicles:21:13 into the hand of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:21:14 @...Israel: and there fell of Israel...

kjv@1Chronicles:21:15 @...stood by the threshingfloor of Ornan...

kjv@1Chronicles:21:16 @...David and the elders of Israel,...

kjv@1Chronicles:21:18 @...LORD in the threshingfloor of Ornan...

kjv@1Chronicles:21:19 @...spake in the name of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:21:21 @...David, and went out of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:21:22 @...Grant me the place of this...

kjv@1Chronicles:21:25 six hundred shekels of gold...

kjv@1Chronicles:21:26 upon the altar of burnt...

kjv@1Chronicles:21:28 @...him in the threshingfloor of Ornan...

kjv@1Chronicles:21:29 @...altar of the burnt offering, were...

kjv@1Chronicles:21:30 @...sword of the angel of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:22:1 @...altar of the burnt offering for...

kjv@1Chronicles:22:2 @...were in the land of Israel;...

kjv@1Chronicles:22:3 @...nails for the doors of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:22:4 @...the Zidonians and they of Tyre...

kjv@1Chronicles:22:5 @...magnifical, of fame and of glory...

kjv@1Chronicles:22:6 @...for the LORD God of... Israel.

kjv@1Chronicles:22:7 unto the name of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:22:8 @... But the word of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:22:9 @...shall be a man of rest;...

kjv@1Chronicles:22:10 @...will establish the throne of his...

kjv@1Chronicles:22:11 @...and build the house of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:22:12 @...mayest keep the law of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:22:13 @...Israel: be strong, and of good...

kjv@1Chronicles:22:14 @...talents of silver; and of brass...

kjv@1Chronicles:22:15 @...timber, and all manner of cunning...

kjv@1Chronicles:22:16 @ Of the gold, the silver, and the brass, and the iron, there is no number. Arise therefore, and be doing, and the LORD be with thee.

kjv@1Chronicles:22:17 @...commanded all the princes of Israel...

kjv@1Chronicles:22:18 @...hath given the inhabitants of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:22:19 @...built to the name of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:1 @...was old and full of days,...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:2 @...together all the princes of Israel,...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:3 @...numbered from the age of thirty...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:4 @...and six thousand were officers and...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:6 among the sons of Levi,...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:7 @ Of the Gershonites were, Laadan, and Shimei.

kjv@1Chronicles:23:8 ... The sons of Laadan;...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:9 @...These were the chief of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:10 @... And the sons of Shimei...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:12 ... The sons of Kohath;...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:13 ... The sons of Amram;...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:14 @...his sons were named of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:15 ... The sons of Moses...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:16 @... Of the sons of Gershom,...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:17 @...sons; but the sons of Rehabiah...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:18 @... Of the sons of Izhar;...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:19 @... Of the sons of Hebron;...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:20 @... Of the sons of Uzziel;...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:21 @...and Mushi. The sons of Mahli;...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:22 @...their brethren the sons of Kish...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:23 ... The sons of Mushi;...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:24 @...LORD, from the age of twenty...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:25 @...said, The LORD God of Israel...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:26 @...tabernacle, nor any vessels of it...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:27 the last words of David...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:28 of the service of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:29 @...and for all manner of measure...

kjv@1Chronicles:23:32 @...service of the house of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:24:1 @...of Aaron. The sons of Aaron;...

kjv@1Chronicles:24:3 @...Ithamar, according to their offices in...

kjv@1Chronicles:24:4 @...according to the house of their...

kjv@1Chronicles:24:5 @...sons of Eleazar, and of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:24:6 @...chief of the fathers of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:24:19 the LORD God of Israel...

kjv@1Chronicles:24:20 @...Shubael: of the sons of Shubael;...

kjv@1Chronicles:24:21 @...Rehabiah: of the sons of Rehabiah,...

kjv@1Chronicles:24:22 @...Shelomoth: of the sons of Shelomoth;...

kjv@1Chronicles:24:23 @... And the sons of Hebron;...

kjv@1Chronicles:24:24 @...Michah: of the sons of Michah;...

kjv@1Chronicles:24:25 @...Isshiah: of the sons of Isshiah;...

kjv@1Chronicles:24:26 @...and Mushi: the sons of Jaaziah;...

kjv@1Chronicles:24:27 ... The sons of Merari...

kjv@1Chronicles:24:28 @ Of Mahli came Eleazar, who had no sons.

kjv@1Chronicles:24:29 @...Concerning Kish: the son of Kish...

kjv@1Chronicles:24:30 @...Levites after the house of their...

kjv@1Chronicles:24:31 @...chief of the fathers of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:25:1 @...cymbals: and the number of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:25:2 @...according to the order of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:25:3 @...six, under the hands of their...

kjv@1Chronicles:25:4 @...Of Heman: the sons of Heman;...

kjv@1Chronicles:25:5 @...seer in the words of God,...

kjv@1Chronicles:25:6 @...service of the house of God,...

kjv@1Chronicles:25:7 @...instructed in the songs of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:26:1 @...the son of Kore, of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:26:2 @... And the sons of Meshelemiah...

kjv@1Chronicles:26:4 @... Moreover the sons of Obededom...

kjv@1Chronicles:26:6 @...ruled throughout the house of their...

kjv@1Chronicles:26:7 ... The sons of Shemaiah;...

kjv@1Chronicles:26:8 @...these of the sons of Obededom:...

kjv@1Chronicles:26:10 @...Hosah, of the children of Merari,...(for though he was not the firstborn, yet his father made him the chief;)

kjv@1Chronicles:26:11 @...the sons and brethren of Hosah...

kjv@1Chronicles:26:12 @...minister in the house of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:26:13 @...according to the house of their...

kjv@1Chronicles:26:15 @...his sons the house of... Asuppim.

kjv@1Chronicles:26:16 @...Shallecheth, by the causeway of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:26:19 @...porters among the sons of Kore,...

kjv@1Chronicles:26:20 @...and over the treasures of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:26:21 @...Laadan, chief fathers, even of Laadan...

kjv@1Chronicles:26:22 @...treasures of the house of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:26:23 @ Of the Amramites, and the Izharites, the Hebronites, and the Uzzielites:

kjv@1Chronicles:26:24 @...of Moses, was ruler of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:26:26 @...hundreds, and the captains of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:26:27 maintain the house of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:26:28 @...hand of Shelomith, and of his...

kjv@1Chronicles:26:29 over Israel, for officers and...

kjv@1Chronicles:26:30 @...and in the service of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:26:31 @...among them mighty men of valour...

kjv@1Chronicles:26:32 God, and affairs of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:1 @...months of the year, of every...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:2 @...was Jashobeam the son of Zabdiel:...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:3 @...of all the captains of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:4 @...Dodai an Ahohite, and of his...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:5 @...was Benaiah the son of Jehoiada,...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:7 @...was Asahel the brother of Joab,...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:9 @...was Ira the son of Ikkesh...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:10 @...Pelonite, of the children of Ephraim:...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:11 @...was Sibbecai the Hushathite, of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:12 @...was Abiezer the Anetothite, of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:13 @...was Maharai the Netophathite, of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:14 @...Pirathonite, of the children of Ephraim:...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:15 @...was Heldai the Netophathite, of Othniel:...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:16 @...the son of Zichri: of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:17 @...the son of Kemuel: of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:18 @...the brethren of David: of Issachar,...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:19 @...the son of Obadiah: of Naphtali,...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:20 @...of the half tribe of Manasseh,...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:21 @...the son of Zechariah: of Benjamin,...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:22 @...These were the princes of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:23 to the stars of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:24 @...account of the chronicles of king...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:25 @...was Azmaveth the son of Adiel:...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:26 @...the field for tillage of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:27 @...Ramathite: over the increase of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:28 @...and over the cellars of oil...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:29 @...was Shaphat the son of... Adlai:

kjv@1Chronicles:27:31 @...these were the rulers of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:32 @...and Jehiel the son of Hachmoni...

kjv@1Chronicles:27:34 @...Abiathar: and the general of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:28:1 @...his sons, with the officers, and...

kjv@1Chronicles:28:2 @...and for the footstool of our...

kjv@1Chronicles:28:3 @...hast been a man of war,...

kjv@1Chronicles:28:4 @...and among the sons of my...

kjv@1Chronicles:28:5 ... And of all...(for the LORD hath given me many sons,)...throne of the kingdom of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:28:8 @...for all the commandments of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:28:9 @...he will cast thee off for...

kjv@1Chronicles:28:11 @...and of the place of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:28:12 @...and of the treasuries of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:28:13 @...service in the house of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:28:14 @...weight, for all instruments of every...

kjv@1Chronicles:28:15 @...according to the use of every...

kjv@1Chronicles:28:16 for the tables of shewbread,...

kjv@1Chronicles:28:17 @...weight for every bason of... silver:

kjv@1Chronicles:28:18 @...ark of the covenant of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:28:19 @...even all the works of this...

kjv@1Chronicles:28:20 @...service of the house of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:28:21, for any manner of service:...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:2 @...colours, and all manner of precious...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:3 @...given to the house of my...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:4 overlay the walls of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:5 @...made by the hands of artificers....

kjv@1Chronicles:29:6 @...hundreds, with the rulers of the...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:7 @...ten thousand talents, and of brass...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:8 @...LORD, by the hand of Jehiel...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:10 thou, LORD God of Israel...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:12 @...riches and honour come of thee,...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:14 @...come of thee, and of thine...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:16 @...thine holy name cometh of thine...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:17 @...are present here, to offer willingly...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:18 @...thoughts of the heart of thy...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:20 @...blessed the LORD God of their...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:22 @...made Solomon the son of David...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:23 @...LORD as king instead of David...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:24 @...all the sons likewise of king...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:25 @...exceedingly in the sight of all...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:26 @...Thus David the son of Jesse...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:28 @...good old age, full of days,...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:29 @...and in the book of Gad...

kjv@1Chronicles:29:30 @...over all the kingdoms of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:1:1 @...And Solomon the son of David...

kjv@2Chronicles:1:2 @...all Israel, the chief of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:1:3 @...which Moses the servant of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:1:4 @... But the ark of God...

kjv@2Chronicles:1:5 @...put before the tabernacle of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:1:6 @...offered a thousand burnt offerings upon...

kjv@2Chronicles:1:9 @...people like the dust of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:1:11 @...honour, nor the life of thine...

kjv@2Chronicles:1:12 @...honour, such as none of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:1:13 @...from before the tabernacle of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:1:16 @...had horses brought out of Egypt,...

kjv@2Chronicles:1:17 @...and for the kings of Syria,...

kjv@2Chronicles:2:1 for the name of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:2:3 Huram the king of Tyre,...

kjv@2Chronicles:2:4 @...on the solemn feasts of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:2:6 @...the heaven and heaven of heavens...

kjv@2Chronicles:2:8 @...and algum trees, out of Lebanon:...

kjv@2Chronicles:2:10 @...and twenty thousand baths of wine,...

kjv@2Chronicles:2:11 @...Then Huram the king of Tyre...

kjv@2Chronicles:2:12 the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:2:13, endued with understanding, of Huram...

kjv@2Chronicles:2:14 @...with the cunning men of my...

kjv@2Chronicles:2:16 @...will cut wood out of Lebanon,...

kjv@2Chronicles:2:17 @...were in the land of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:2:18 @...them to be bearers of burdens,...

kjv@2Chronicles:3:1 @...prepared in the threshingfloor of Ornan...

kjv@2Chronicles:3:2 the fourth year of his...

kjv@2Chronicles:3:3 @...building of the house of God....

kjv@2Chronicles:3:4 @...according to the breadth of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:3:6 @...the gold was gold of... Parvaim.

kjv@2Chronicles:3:8 @...according to the breadth of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:3:9 @...nails was fifty shekels of gold....

kjv@2Chronicles:3:10 @...he made two cherubims of image...

kjv@2Chronicles:3:11 @...reaching to the wing of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:3:12 @...joining to the wing of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:3:13 ... The wings of these...

kjv@2Chronicles:3:14 @...he made the vail of blue,...

kjv@2Chronicles:3:15 @...the top of each of them...

kjv@2Chronicles:3:16 @...them on the heads of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:3:17 @...Jachin, and the name of that...

kjv@2Chronicles:4:1 @...he made an altar of brass,...

kjv@2Chronicles:4:2 @...thereof; and a line of thirty...

kjv@2Chronicles:4:3 @...round about. Two rows of oxen...

kjv@2Chronicles:4:5 @...a cup, with flowers of lilies;...

kjv@2Chronicles:4:7 @...he made ten candlesticks of gold...

kjv@2Chronicles:4:8 @...made an hundred basons of... gold.

kjv@2Chronicles:4:9 @...and overlaid the doors of them...

kjv@2Chronicles:4:10 @...on the right side of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:4:11 @...Solomon for the house of... God;

kjv@2Chronicles:4:12 @...were on the top of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:4:13 @...cover the two pommels of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:4:16 of the LORD of bright...

kjv@2Chronicles:4:17 @... In the plain of Jordan...

kjv@2Chronicles:4:18 @...abundance: for the weight of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:4:19 @...were for the house of God,...

kjv@2Chronicles:4:20 @...manner before the oracle, of pure...

kjv@2Chronicles:4:21 @...the tongs, made he of gold,...

kjv@2Chronicles:4:22 @...doors of the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:5:1 @...he among the treasures of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:5:2 @...out of the city of David,...

kjv@2Chronicles:5:3 @...Wherefore all the men of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:5:4 @...And all the elders of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:5:5 @...ark, and the tabernacle of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:5:6 @...and all the congregation of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:5:7 @...even under the wings of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:5:8 @...wings over the place of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:5:9 @...ark, that the ends of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:5:10 @...covenant with the children of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:5:11 @...priests were come out of the...(for all the priests that were present were sanctified, and did not then wait by course:

kjv@2Chronicles:5:12 the east end of the...)

kjv@2Chronicles:5:13, even the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:5:14 for the glory of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:2 @...have built an house of habitation...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:3 @...and all the congregation of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:4 the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:5 @...among all the tribes of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:7 for the name of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:9 @...shall come forth out of thy...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:10 for the name of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:11 @...wherein is the covenant of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:12 @...of all the congregation of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:13 @...before all the congregation of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:14 @...said, O LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:16 @...sit upon the throne of Israel;...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:17 @...then, O LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:18 @...heaven and the heaven of heavens...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:19 @...therefore to the prayer of thy...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:21 @...of thy servant, and of thy...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:25 @...and forgive the sin of thy...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:27 @...of thy servants, and of thy...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:28 @...them in the cities of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:29 @...of any man, or of all...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:30 @ Then hear thou from heaven thy dwelling place, and forgive, and render unto every man according unto all his ways, whose heart thou knowest; (...only knowest the hearts of the...)

kjv@2Chronicles:6:32 @...stranger, which is not of thy...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:33 @...for; that all people of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:37 @...thee in the land of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:38 @...soul in the land of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:41 @...thou, and the ark of thy...

kjv@2Chronicles:6:42 @...anointed: remember the mercies of David...

kjv@2Chronicles:7:1 @...sacrifices; and the glory of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:7:2 @...LORD, because the glory of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:7:3 @...down, and the glory of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:7:5 @...Solomon offered a sacrifice of twenty...

kjv@2Chronicles:7:6 @...with instruments of musick of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:7:7 @...offerings, and the meat offerings, and...

kjv@2Chronicles:7:8 @...from the entering in of Hamath...

kjv@2Chronicles:7:9 @...they kept the dedication of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:7:10 @...three and twentieth day of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:7:11 @...make in the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:7:12 @...myself for an house of... sacrifice.

kjv@2Chronicles:7:18 @...I stablish the throne of thy...

kjv@2Chronicles:7:20 @...will I cast out of my...

kjv@2Chronicles:7:22 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@2Chronicles:8:1 @...had built the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:8:2 @...and caused the children of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:8:6 @...throughout all the land of his...

kjv@2Chronicles:8:7 @...people that were left of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:8:8, whom the children of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:8:9 @...his captains, and captains of his...

kjv@2Chronicles:8:10 @...chief of king Solomon's officers, even...

kjv@2Chronicles:8:11 @...holy, whereunto the ark of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:8:12 @...LORD on the altar of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:8:13 @...and in the feast of weeks,...

kjv@2Chronicles:8:14 @...had David the man of God...

kjv@2Chronicles:8:15 @...not from the commandment of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:8:16 @...finished. So the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:8:17 @...side in the land of... Edom.

kjv@2Chronicles:8:18 @...hundred and fifty talents of gold,...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:1 @...she communed with him of all...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:3 @...had seen the wisdom of Solomon,...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:4 @...up into the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:5 @...of thine acts, and of thy...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:6 @...half of the greatness of thy...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:9 @...spice as the queen of Sheba...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:10 @...Huram, and the servants of Solomon,...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:11 @...terraces to the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:12 @...gave to the queen of Sheba...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:13 @... Now the weight of gold...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:14 @...of Arabia and governors of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:15 six hundred shekels of beaten...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:16 @...them in the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:17 @...made a great throne of ivory,...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:18 @...stays on each side of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:20 @...not any thing accounted of in...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:21 @...once came the ships of Tarshish...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:22 @...passed all the kings of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:23 sought the presence of Solomon,...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:24 @...of silver, and vessels of gold,...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:26 @...even unto the land of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:28 @...of Egypt, and out of all...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:29 @...and in the visions of Iddo...

kjv@2Chronicles:9:31 @...buried in the city of David...

kjv@2Chronicles:10:2 @...fled from the presence of Solomon...

kjv@2Chronicles:10:4 @...somewhat the grievous servitude of thy...

kjv@2Chronicles:10:13 @...Rehoboam forsook the counsel of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:10:14 @...them after the advice of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:10:15 @...spake by the hand of Ahijah...

kjv@2Chronicles:10:16 @...inheritance in the son of Jesse:...

kjv@2Chronicles:10:17 @...dwelt in the cities of Judah,...

kjv@2Chronicles:10:18 @...tribute; and the children of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:10:19 @...rebelled against the house of David...

kjv@2Chronicles:11:1 @...gathered of the house of Judah...

kjv@2Chronicles:11:2 Shemaiah the man of God,...

kjv@2Chronicles:11:3 @...son of Solomon, king of Judah,...

kjv@2Chronicles:11:4 @...they obeyed the words of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:11:11 of victual, and of oil...

kjv@2Chronicles:11:13 @...resorted to him out of all...

kjv@2Chronicles:11:16 @...unto the LORD God of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:11:17 @...walked in the way of David...

kjv@2Chronicles:11:18 @...and Abihail the daughter of Eliab...

kjv@2Chronicles:11:20 @...took Maachah the daughter of Absalom;...

kjv@2Chronicles:11:21 @...loved Maachah the daughter of Absalom...(for he took eighteen wives, and threescore concubines; and begat twenty and eight sons, and threescore daughters.)

kjv@2Chronicles:11:22 @...made Abijah the son of Maachah...

kjv@2Chronicles:11:23 @...throughout all the countries of Judah...

kjv@2Chronicles:12:1 @...he forsook the law of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:12:2 @...king Rehoboam Shishak king of Egypt...

kjv@2Chronicles:12:3 @...came with him out of Egypt;...

kjv@2Chronicles:12:5 @...together to Jerusalem because of Shishak,...

kjv@2Chronicles:12:6 @... Whereupon the princes of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:12:7 @...humbled themselves, the word of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:12:8 @...service of the kingdoms of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:12:9 @...away also the shields of gold...

kjv@2Chronicles:12:10 @...that kept the entrance of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:12:11 @...entered into the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:12:12 @...humbled himself, the wrath of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:12:13 @...of all the tribes of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:12:15 @...Shemaiah the prophet, and of Iddo...

kjv@2Chronicles:12:16 @...buried in the city of David:...

kjv@2Chronicles:13:1 the eighteenth year of king...

kjv@2Chronicles:13:2 @...the daughter of Uriel of Gibeah....

kjv@2Chronicles:13:3 of valiant men of war,...

kjv@2Chronicles:13:5 @...that the LORD God of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:13:6 @...of Solomon the son of David,...

kjv@2Chronicles:13:7 @...against Rehoboam the son of Solomon,...

kjv@2Chronicles:13:8 @...hand of the sons of David;...

kjv@2Chronicles:13:9 @...may be a priest of them...

kjv@2Chronicles:13:10 @...LORD, are the sons of Aaron,...

kjv@2Chronicles:13:11 @...we keep the charge of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:13:12 @...against the LORD God of your...

kjv@2Chronicles:13:15 @...and as the men of Judah...

kjv@2Chronicles:13:16 @... And the children of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:13:17 @...there fell down slain of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:13:18 @...upon the LORD God of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:13:20 @...again in the days of Abijah:...

kjv@2Chronicles:13:22 @...written in the story of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:14:1 @...him in the city of David:...

kjv@2Chronicles:14:2 @...right in the eyes of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:14:3 @...took away the altars of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:14:4 the LORD God of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:14:5 @...of all the cities of Judah...

kjv@2Chronicles:14:8 @...hundred thousand; and out of Benjamin,...

kjv@2Chronicles:14:9 @...Ethiopian with an host of a...

kjv@2Chronicles:14:10 @...array in the valley of Zephathah...

kjv@2Chronicles:14:14 @...Gerar; for the fear of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:14:15 @...smote also the tents of cattle,...

kjv@2Chronicles:15:1 @... And the Spirit of God...

kjv@2Chronicles:15:2 @...he will be found of you;...

kjv@2Chronicles:15:4 @...unto the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:15:5 @...upon all the inhabitants of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:15:6 @...of nation, and city of city:...

kjv@2Chronicles:15:8 @...was before the porch of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:15:9 @...fell to him out of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:15:10 the fifteenth year of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:15:11 @...LORD the same time, of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:15:12 the LORD God of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:15:13 the LORD God of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:15:15 @...and he was found of them:...

kjv@2Chronicles:15:16 @...concerning Maachah the mother of Asa...

kjv@2Chronicles:15:17 @...Israel: nevertheless the heart of Asa...

kjv@2Chronicles:15:18 @...brought into the house of God...

kjv@2Chronicles:15:19 @...five and thirtieth year of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:16:1 @...of Asa Baasha king of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:16:2 @...sent to Benhadad king of Syria,...

kjv@2Chronicles:16:3 @...league with Baasha king of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:16:4 @...armies against the cities of Israel;...

kjv@2Chronicles:16:5 @...he left off building of Ramah,...

kjv@2Chronicles:16:6 @...carried away the stones of Ramah,...

kjv@2Chronicles:16:7 @...of Syria escaped out of thine...

kjv@2Chronicles:16:9 @...strong in the behalf of them...

kjv@2Chronicles:16:10 @...And Asa oppressed some of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:16:11 of the kings of Judah...

kjv@2Chronicles:16:12 @...thirty and ninth year of his...

kjv@2Chronicles:16:13 and fortieth year of his...

kjv@2Chronicles:16:14 @...odours and divers kinds of spices...

kjv@2Chronicles:17:2 @...and in the cities of Ephraim,...

kjv@2Chronicles:17:3 the first ways of his...

kjv@2Chronicles:17:4 the LORD God of his...

kjv@2Chronicles:17:6 @...up in the ways of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:17:7 the third year of his...

kjv@2Chronicles:17:9 @...throughout all the cities of Judah,...

kjv@2Chronicles:17:10 @...upon all the kingdoms of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:17:11 ... Also some of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:17:12 @...Judah castles, and cities of... store.

kjv@2Chronicles:17:13 @...of war, mighty men of valour,...

kjv@2Chronicles:17:14 @...with him mighty men of valour...

kjv@2Chronicles:17:16 @...of Zichri, who willingly offered himself...

kjv@2Chronicles:17:17 @...Eliada a mighty man of valour,...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:3 @...said unto Jehoshaphat king of Judah,...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:4 @...thee, at the word of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:5 @...of Israel gathered together of prophets...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:6 @...not here a prophet of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:7 Micaiah the son of Imla....

kjv@2Chronicles:18:8 @...for one of his officers, and...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:9 of the gate of Samaria;...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:10 @...had made him horns of iron,...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:11 into the hand of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:12 @...thee, be like one of theirs,...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:15 in the name of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:17 @... And the king of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:18 @...and all the host of heaven...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:19 @...shall entice Ahab king of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:21 @...spirit in the mouth of all...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:22 @...spirit in the mouth of these...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:23 @...way went the Spirit of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:25 Amon the governor of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:26 @...affliction and with water of affliction,...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:28 @...and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:29 @...robes. So the king of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:30 @...had commanded the captains of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:31 @...It is the king of Israel....

kjv@2Chronicles:18:32 @...was not the king of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:33 @...mayest carry me out of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:18:34 @...and about the time of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:19:1 @...And Jehoshaphat the king of Judah...

kjv@2Chronicles:19:2 @...And Jehu the son of Hanani...

kjv@2Chronicles:19:3 @...away the groves out of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:19:4 @...unto the LORD God of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:19:5 @...all the fenced cities of Judah,...

kjv@2Chronicles:19:7 @...our God, nor respect of persons,...

kjv@2Chronicles:19:8 @...Israel, for the judgment of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:19:9 in the fear of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:19:10 @...shall come to you of your...

kjv@2Chronicles:19:11 @...the Levites shall be officers before...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:1 @...Moab, and the children of Ammon,...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:4 @...of all the cities of Judah...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:5 @...Jerusalem, in the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:6 @...over all the kingdoms of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:7 to the seed of Abraham...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:10 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:11 cast us out of thy...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:14 @...LORD in the midst of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:15 @...nor dismayed by reason of this...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:16 @...them at the end of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:17 @...and see the salvation of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:18 @...Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:19 @...praise the LORD God of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:20 @...Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem;...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:21 @...should praise the beauty of holiness,...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:22 @...ambushments against the children of Ammon,...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:23 @...end of the inhabitants of Seir,...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:25 @...three days in gathering of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:26 @...was called, The valley of Berachah,...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:27 @...Jehoshaphat in the forefront of them,...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:28 @...trumpets unto the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:29 @...on all the kingdoms of those...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:30 @... So the realm of Jehoshaphat...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:31 @...was Azubah the daughter of... Shilhi.

kjv@2Chronicles:20:32 @...right in the sight of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:33 @...hearts unto the God of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:34 @...mentioned in the book of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:35 @...himself with Ahaziah king of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:20:37 @...the son of Dodavah of Mareshah...

kjv@2Chronicles:21:1 @...fathers in the city of David....

kjv@2Chronicles:21:2 @...these were the sons of Jehoshaphat...

kjv@2Chronicles:21:3 @...and of gold, and of precious...

kjv@2Chronicles:21:4 @...sword, and divers also of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:21:6 @...evil in the eyes of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:21:7 of David, because of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:21:8 @...from under the dominion of Judah,...

kjv@2Chronicles:21:9, and the captains of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:21:10 @...forsaken the LORD God of his...

kjv@2Chronicles:21:11 @...and caused the inhabitants of Jerusalem...

kjv@2Chronicles:21:12 @...nor in the ways of Asa...

kjv@2Chronicles:21:13 @...hast slain thy brethren of thy...

kjv@2Chronicles:21:15 @...fall out by reason of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:21:16 @...of the Philistines, and of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:21:17 Jehoahaz, the youngest of his...

kjv@2Chronicles:21:19 @...him, like the burning of his...

kjv@2Chronicles:21:20 @...not in the sepulchres of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:22:1 @...son of Jehoram king of Judah...

kjv@2Chronicles:22:2 @...was Athaliah the daughter of... Omri.

kjv@2Chronicles:22:3 @...ways of the house of Ahab:...

kjv@2Chronicles:22:4 @...counsellors after the death of his...

kjv@2Chronicles:22:5 @...war against Hazael king of Syria...

kjv@2Chronicles:22:6 @...see Jehoram the son of Ahab...

kjv@2Chronicles:22:7 @...had anointed to cut off the...

kjv@2Chronicles:22:8 @...sons of the brethren of Ahaziah,...

kjv@2Chronicles:22:9 @ And he sought Ahaziah: and they caught him, (for he was hid in Samaria,)...heart. So the house of Ahaziah...

kjv@2Chronicles:22:10 @...all the seed royal of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:22:11 @...king Jehoram, the wife of Jehoiada...(...she was the sister of... Ahaziah,) hid him from Athaliah, so that she slew him not.

kjv@2Chronicles:22:12 @...hid in the house of God...

kjv@2Chronicles:23:1 @...and Elishaphat the son of Zichri,...

kjv@2Chronicles:23:2 @...chief of the fathers of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:23:3 @...the LORD hath said of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:23:4 @...Levites, shall be porters of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:23:5 @...courts of the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:23:6 @...shall keep the watch of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:23:9 @...delivered to the captains of hundreds...

kjv@2Chronicles:23:10 the left side of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:23:12 @...people into the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:23:13 @...the singers with instruments of musick,...

kjv@2Chronicles:23:14 @...not in the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:23:15 @...come to the entering of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:23:17 @...slew Mattan the priest of Baal...

kjv@2Chronicles:23:18 @...written in the law of Moses,...

kjv@2Chronicles:23:19 @...gates of the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:23:20 @...king upon the throne of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:23:21 @...And all the people of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:24:1 also was Zibiah of... Beersheba.

kjv@2Chronicles:24:2 @...LORD all the days of Jehoiada...

kjv@2Chronicles:24:4 repair the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:24:5 repair the house of your...

kjv@2Chronicles:24:6 @...and of the congregation of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:24:7 @...things of the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:24:8 @...gate of the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:24:9 @...that Moses the servant of God...

kjv@2Chronicles:24:11 @...and the high priest's officer came...

kjv@2Chronicles:24:12 mend the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:24:13 @...they set the house of God...

kjv@2Chronicles:24:14 @...offerings in the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:24:15 @...old, and was full of days...

kjv@2Chronicles:24:16 @...him in the city of David...

kjv@2Chronicles:24:17 @...Jehoiada came the princes of Judah,...

kjv@2Chronicles:24:18 @...of the LORD God of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:24:20 @...transgress ye the commandments of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:24:21 @...court of the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:24:23 @...sent all the spoil of them...

kjv@2Chronicles:24:24 @...forsaken the LORD God of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:24:25 @ And when they were departed from him, (for they left him in great diseases,)...not in the sepulchres of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:24:26 @...and Jehozabad the son of Shimrith...

kjv@2Chronicles:24:27 @...story of the book of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:1 @...mother's name was Jehoaddan of... Jerusalem.

kjv@2Chronicles:25:2 @...right in the sight of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:4 in the book of Moses,...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:5 @...according to the houses of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:6 of valour out of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:7 @...let not the army of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:9 @...Israel? And the man of God...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:10 @...come to him out of Ephraim,...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:11 @...smote of the children of Seir...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:12 @...down from the top of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:13 @...and smote three thousand of them,...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:14 @...gods of the children of Seir,...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:15 @...their own people out of thine...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:16 @...him, Art thou made of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:17 @...son of Jehu, king of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:18 @...sent to Amaziah king of Judah,...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:20 @...them into the hand of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:21 @...he and Amaziah king of Judah,...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:23 @...Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:24 @...Obededom, and the treasures of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:25 @...son of Jehoahaz king of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:26 of the kings of Judah...

kjv@2Chronicles:25:28 @...fathers in the city of... Judah.

kjv@2Chronicles:26:1 @...king in the room of his...

kjv@2Chronicles:26:3 also was Jecoliah of... Jerusalem.

kjv@2Chronicles:26:4 @...right in the sight of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:26:5 @...understanding in the visions of God:...

kjv@2Chronicles:26:6 @...Jabneh, and the wall of Ashdod,...

kjv@2Chronicles:26:8 the entering in of Egypt;...

kjv@2Chronicles:26:9 @...and at the turning of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:26:11 @...hand of Hananiah, one of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:26:12 @...of the mighty men of valour...

kjv@2Chronicles:26:16 @...went into the temple of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:26:17 @...with him fourscore priests of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:26:18 @...burn incense: go out of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:26:19 @...priests in the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:26:21, judging the people of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:26:22 @...the prophet, the son of Amoz,...

kjv@2Chronicles:26:23 @...fathers in the field of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:27:1 @...was Jerushah, the daughter of... Zadok.

kjv@2Chronicles:27:2 @...not into the temple of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:27:3 @...and on the wall of Ophel...

kjv@2Chronicles:27:4 @...cities in the mountains of Judah,...

kjv@2Chronicles:27:5 @...much did the children of Ammon...

kjv@2Chronicles:27:7 of the kings of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:27:9 @...him in the city of David:...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:1 @...right in the sight of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:2 @...ways of the kings of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:3, after the abominations of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:5 @...hand of the king of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:6 @...forsaken the LORD God of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:7 @...and Azrikam the governor of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:8 @...Israel carried away captive of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:9 @...because the LORD God of your...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:10 @...keep under the children of Judah...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:11 @...for the fierce wrath of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:12 @...and Amasa the son of Hadlai,...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:15 Jericho, the city of palm...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:16 @...send unto the kings of Assyria...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:18 @...and of the south of Judah,...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:19 @...because of Ahaz king of Israel;...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:20 @... And Tilgathpilneser king of Assyria...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:21 unto the king of Assyria:...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:22 @...And in the time of his...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:23 @...ruin of him, and of all...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:24 @...doors of the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:25 @...anger the LORD God of his...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:26 of the kings of Judah...

kjv@2Chronicles:28:27 @...sepulchres of the kings of Israel:...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:1 @...was Abijah, the daughter of... Zechariah.

kjv@2Chronicles:29:2 @...right in the sight of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:3 @...doors of the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:5 @...forth the filthiness out of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:6 @...faces from the habitation of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:7 @...incense nor offered burnt offerings in...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:8 @... Wherefore the wrath of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:10 @...with the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:12 @...Gershonites; Joah the son of Zimmah,...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:13 @...and of the sons of Asaph;...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:14 @...and of the sons of Jeduthun;...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:15 cleanse the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:16 @...court of the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:17 the sixteenth day of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:18 @...the altar of burnt offering, with...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:19 @...are before the altar of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:20 @...up to the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:21 @...them on the altar of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:25 was the commandment of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:26 @...stood with the instruments of David,...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:27 @...offering began, the song of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:29 @...made an end of offering, the...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:30 @...words of David, and of Asaph...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:31 many as were of a...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:32 @...were for a burnt offering to...

kjv@2Chronicles:29:35 @...service of the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:30:1 @...come to the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:30:5 @...had not done it of a...

kjv@2Chronicles:30:6 @...out of the hand of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:30:7 @...against the LORD God of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:30:8 @...God, that the fierceness of his...

kjv@2Chronicles:30:10 through the country of Ephraim...

kjv@2Chronicles:30:11 @...Asher and Manasseh and of Zebulun...

kjv@2Chronicles:30:12 @...princes, by the word of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:30:13 keep the feast of unleavened...

kjv@2Chronicles:30:15 @...offerings into the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:30:16 @...received of the hand of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:30:17 @...charge of the killing of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:30:18 @...the people, even many of Ephraim,...

kjv@2Chronicles:30:19 @...according to the purification of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:30:21 @...Jerusalem kept the feast of unleavened...

kjv@2Chronicles:30:22 the LORD God of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:30:24 @...and a great number of priests...

kjv@2Chronicles:30:25 @...out of the land of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:30:26 @...son of David king of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:31:1 @...Then all the children of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:31:2 @...gates of the tents of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:31:3 @...written in the law of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:31:4 @...encouraged in the law of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:31:5 @...field; and the tithe of all...

kjv@2Chronicles:31:6 @...sheep, and the tithe of holy...

kjv@2Chronicles:31:7 lay the foundation of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:31:10 @...offerings into the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:31:11 @...chambers in the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:31:13 @...and Azariah the ruler of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:31:14 distribute the oblations of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:31:15 @...priests, in their set office, to...

kjv@2Chronicles:31:16 @...entereth into the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:31:17 @...priests by the house of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:31:18 @...for in their set office they...

kjv@2Chronicles:31:19 @...fields of the suburbs of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:31:21 @...service of the house of God,...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:1 @...establishment thereof, Sennacherib king of Assyria...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:3 stop the waters of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:4 @...Why should the kings of Assyria...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:5 @...Millo in the city of David,...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:6 @...street of the gate of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:7 @...dismayed for the king of Assyria,...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:8 @...themselves upon the words of Hezekiah...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:9 @...this did Sennacherib king of Assyria...(but he himself laid siege against Lachish, and all his power with him,) unto Hezekiah king of Judah, and unto all Judah that were at Jerusalem, saying,

kjv@2Chronicles:32:10 @...Thus saith Sennacherib king of Assyria,...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:11 @...out of the hand of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:13 @...deliver their lands out of mine...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:14 deliver you out of mine...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:15 @...God deliver you out of mine...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:17 @...deliver his people out of mine...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:18 @...speech unto the people of Jerusalem...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:19 @...which were the work of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:20 @...prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz,...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:21 @...they that came forth of his...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:22 @...and from the hand of all...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:23 @...magnified in the sight of all...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:26 that the wrath of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:27 @...and for all manner of pleasant...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:28 @...stalls for all manner of beasts,...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:29 @...him cities, and possessions of flocks...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:30 @...side of the city of David....

kjv@2Chronicles:32:31 @...unto him to enquire of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:32 of the kings of Judah...

kjv@2Chronicles:32:33 @...Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem...

kjv@2Chronicles:33:2 unto the abominations of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:33:3 @...worshipped all the host of heaven,...

kjv@2Chronicles:33:4 @...altars in the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:33:5 @...courts of the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:33:6 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:33:7 @...before all the tribes of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:33:8 @...of Israel from out of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:33:9 @...Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem...

kjv@2Chronicles:33:11 of the king of Assyria,...

kjv@2Chronicles:33:12 @...greatly before the God of his...

kjv@2Chronicles:33:13 @...and he was intreated of him,...

kjv@2Chronicles:33:14 @...height, and put captains of war...

kjv@2Chronicles:33:15 @...and cast them out of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:33:16 @...peace offerings and thank offerings, and...

kjv@2Chronicles:33:18 @...written in the book of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:33:19 @...written among the sayings of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:33:22 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:33:25 @...Amon; and the people of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:2 @...walked in the ways of David...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:3 after the God of David...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:4 upon the graves of them...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:5 @...he burnt the bones of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:6 @...he in the cities of Manasseh,...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:7 @...throughout all the land of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:8 repair the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:9 @...remnant of Israel, and of all...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:10 @...wrought in the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:11 @...houses which the kings of Judah...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:12 @...all that could skill of instruments...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:13 @...there were scribes, and officers, and...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:14 of the law of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:15 in the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:17 @...and to the hand of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:19 @...had heard the words of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:20 @...and Asaiah a servant of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:21 @...not kept the word of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:22 @...son of Hasrah, keeper of the...(now she dwelt in Jerusalem in the college:) and they spake to her to that effect.

kjv@2Chronicles:34:23 @...saith the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:24 before the king of... Judah:

kjv@2Chronicles:34:25 @...with all the works of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:26 @...saith the LORD God of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:28 @...and upon the inhabitants of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:29 @...together all the elders of Judah...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:30 @...found in the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:31 perform the words of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:32 @...of God, the God of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:34:33 @...the LORD, the God of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:35:1 @...on the fourteenth day of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:35:2 @...service of the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:35:3 @...son of David king of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:35:4 @...according to the writing of Solomon...

kjv@2Chronicles:35:5 @...division of the families of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:35:6 @...according to the word of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:35:7 @...thousand bullocks: these were of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:35:8 @...priests for the passover offerings two...

kjv@2Chronicles:35:9 @...the Levites for passover offerings five...

kjv@2Chronicles:35:12 @...written in the book of Moses....

kjv@2Chronicles:35:14 offering of burnt offerings and...

kjv@2Chronicles:35:15 @...according to the commandment of David,...

kjv@2Chronicles:35:16 @...according to the commandment of king...

kjv@2Chronicles:35:17 @...time, and the feast of unleavened...

kjv@2Chronicles:35:18 @...did all the kings of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:35:19 @...year of the reign of Josiah...

kjv@2Chronicles:35:20 @...the temple, Necho king of Egypt...

kjv@2Chronicles:35:21 @...with thee, thou king of Judah?...

kjv@2Chronicles:35:22 @...Necho from the mouth of God,...

kjv@2Chronicles:35:24 of the sepulchres of his...

kjv@2Chronicles:35:25 @...the singing women spake of Josiah...

kjv@2Chronicles:35:26 @...written in the law of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:35:27 of the kings of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:36:1 @...took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah,...

kjv@2Chronicles:36:3 an hundred talents of silver...

kjv@2Chronicles:36:4 @... And the king of Egypt...

kjv@2Chronicles:36:5 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:36:6 @...came up Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon,...

kjv@2Chronicles:36:7 @...vessels of the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:36:8 of the kings of Israel...

kjv@2Chronicles:36:9 @...evil in the sight of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:36:10 @...vessels of the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:36:12 @...speaking from the mouth of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:36:13 @...unto the LORD God of... Israel.

kjv@2Chronicles:36:14 @...and polluted the house of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:36:15 @...And the LORD God of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:36:16 @...prophets, until the wrath of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:36:17 @...sword in the house of their...

kjv@2Chronicles:36:18 @...of the king, and of his...

kjv@2Chronicles:36:19 @...brake down the wall of Jerusalem,...

kjv@2Chronicles:36:20 @...sons until the reign of the...

kjv@2Chronicles:36:21 @...LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah,...

kjv@2Chronicles:36:22 @...spirit of Cyrus king of Persia,...

kjv@2Chronicles:36:23 there among you of all...

kjv@Ezra:1:1 @...spirit of Cyrus king of Persia,...

kjv@Ezra:1:2 all the kingdoms of the...

kjv@Ezra:1:3 @...of the LORD God of Israel,...(he is the God,) which is in Jerusalem.

kjv@Ezra:1:4 @...offering for the house of God...

kjv@Ezra:1:5 build the house of the...

kjv@Ezra:1:6 @...their hands with vessels of silver,...

kjv@Ezra:1:7 @...them in the house of his...

kjv@Ezra:1:8 @...forth by the hand of Mithredath...

kjv@Ezra:1:9, a thousand chargers of silver,...

kjv@Ezra:1:10 @...of gold, silver basons of a...

kjv@Ezra:1:11 @...bring up with them of the...

kjv@Ezra:2:1 @...whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon...

kjv@Ezra:2:2 @...number of the men of the...

kjv@Ezra:2:3 ... The children of Parosh,...

kjv@Ezra:2:4 ... The children of Shephatiah,...

kjv@Ezra:2:5 ... The children of Arah,...

kjv@Ezra:2:6 @...Pahathmoab, of the children of Jeshua...

kjv@Ezra:2:7 ... The children of Elam,...

kjv@Ezra:2:8 ... The children of Zattu,...

kjv@Ezra:2:9 ... The children of Zaccai,...

kjv@Ezra:2:10 ... The children of Bani,...

kjv@Ezra:2:11 ... The children of Bebai,...

kjv@Ezra:2:12 ... The children of Azgad,...

kjv@Ezra:2:13 ... The children of Adonikam,...

kjv@Ezra:2:14 ... The children of Bigvai,...

kjv@Ezra:2:15 ... The children of Adin,...

kjv@Ezra:2:16 @...The children of Ater of Hezekiah,...

kjv@Ezra:2:17 ... The children of Bezai,...

kjv@Ezra:2:18 ... The children of Jorah,...

kjv@Ezra:2:19 ... The children of Hashum,...

kjv@Ezra:2:20 ... The children of Gibbar,...

kjv@Ezra:2:21 ... The children of Bethlehem,...

kjv@Ezra:2:22 ... The men of Netophah,...

kjv@Ezra:2:23 ... The men of Anathoth,...

kjv@Ezra:2:24 ... The children of Azmaveth,...

kjv@Ezra:2:25 ... The children of Kirjatharim,...

kjv@Ezra:2:26 ... The children of Ramah...

kjv@Ezra:2:27 ... The men of Michmas,...

kjv@Ezra:2:28 ... The men of Bethel...

kjv@Ezra:2:29 ... The children of Nebo,...

kjv@Ezra:2:30 ... The children of Magbish,...

kjv@Ezra:2:31 ... The children of the...

kjv@Ezra:2:32 ... The children of Harim,...

kjv@Ezra:2:33 ... The children of Lod,...

kjv@Ezra:2:34 ... The children of Jericho,...

kjv@Ezra:2:35 ... The children of Senaah,...

kjv@Ezra:2:36 @...Jedaiah, of the house of Jeshua,...

kjv@Ezra:2:37 ... The children of Immer,...

kjv@Ezra:2:38 ... The children of Pashur,...

kjv@Ezra:2:39 ... The children of Harim,...

kjv@Ezra:2:40 @...Kadmiel, of the children of Hodaviah,...

kjv@Ezra:2:41 @...The singers: the children of Asaph,...

kjv@Ezra:2:42 @...of Hatita, the children of Shobai,...

kjv@Ezra:2:43 @...of Ziha, the children of Hasupha,...

kjv@Ezra:2:44 @...of Keros, the children of Siaha,...

kjv@Ezra:2:45 @...of Lebanah, the children of Hagabah,...

kjv@Ezra:2:46 @...of Hagab, the children of Shalmai,...

kjv@Ezra:2:47 @...of Giddel, the children of Gahar,...

kjv@Ezra:2:48 @...of Rezin, the children of Nekoda,...

kjv@Ezra:2:49 @...of Uzza, the children of Paseah,...

kjv@Ezra:2:50 @...of Asnah, the children of Mehunim,...

kjv@Ezra:2:51 @...of Bakbuk, the children of Hakupha,...

kjv@Ezra:2:52 @...of Bazluth, the children of Mehida,...

kjv@Ezra:2:53 @...of Barkos, the children of Sisera,...

kjv@Ezra:2:54 ... The children of Neziah,...

kjv@Ezra:2:55 @...of Sotai, the children of Sophereth,...

kjv@Ezra:2:56 @...of Jaalah, the children of Darkon,...

kjv@Ezra:2:57 @...the children of Pochereth of Zebaim,...

kjv@Ezra:2:58 @...Nethinims, and the children of Solomon's...

kjv@Ezra:2:59 @...seed, whether they were of... Israel:

kjv@Ezra:2:60 @...of Tobiah, the children of Nekoda,...

kjv@Ezra:2:61 @...wife of the daughters of Barzillai...

kjv@Ezra:2:63 @...they should not eat of the...

kjv@Ezra:2:65 @...servants and their maids, of whom...

kjv@Ezra:2:68 @...freely for the house of God...

kjv@Ezra:2:69 @...and five thousand pound of silver,...

kjv@Ezra:2:70 @...the Levites, and some of the...

kjv@Ezra:3:1 @...come, and the children of Israel...

kjv@Ezra:3:2 @...written in the law of Moses...

kjv@Ezra:3:3 @...the LORD, even burnt offerings morning...

kjv@Ezra:3:4 @...custom, as the duty of every...

kjv@Ezra:3:5 @...willingly offered a freewill offering unto...

kjv@Ezra:3:6 of the temple of the...

kjv@Ezra:3:7 @...grant that they had of Cyrus...

kjv@Ezra:3:8 of the house of the...

kjv@Ezra:3:9 @...of God: the sons of Henadad,...

kjv@Ezra:3:10 @...LORD, after the ordinance of David...

kjv@Ezra:3:11 of the house of the...

kjv@Ezra:3:12, when the foundation of this...

kjv@Ezra:3:13 @...noise of the weeping of the...

kjv@Ezra:4:1 @...heard that the children of the...

kjv@Ezra:4:2 @...days of Esarhaddon king of Assur,...

kjv@Ezra:4:3 @...king Cyrus the king of Persia...

kjv@Ezra:4:4 @...hands of the people of Judah,...

kjv@Ezra:4:5 @...even until the reign of Darius...

kjv@Ezra:4:6 @...accusation against the inhabitants of Judah...

kjv@Ezra:4:7 @...Persia; and the writing of the...

kjv@Ezra:4:9 @...scribe, and the rest of their...

kjv@Ezra:4:10 @...set in the cities of Samaria,...

kjv@Ezra:4:11 @...This is the copy of the...

kjv@Ezra:4:13 @...shalt endamage the revenue of the...

kjv@Ezra:4:15 @...sedition within the same of old...

kjv@Ezra:4:17 @...and to the rest of their...

kjv@Ezra:4:19 @...found that this city of old...

kjv@Ezra:4:22 @...grow to the hurt of the...

kjv@Ezra:4:23 @...Now when the copy of king...

kjv@Ezra:4:24 @...year of the reign of Darius...

kjv@Ezra:5:1 of the God of Israel,...

kjv@Ezra:5:2 @...them were the prophets of God...

kjv@Ezra:5:4 @...What are the names of the...

kjv@Ezra:5:5 @...was upon the elders of the...

kjv@Ezra:5:6 ... The copy of the...

kjv@Ezra:5:8 @...Judea, to the house of the...

kjv@Ezra:5:10 @...might write the names of the...

kjv@Ezra:5:11 @...which a great king of Israel...

kjv@Ezra:5:12 @...of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon,...

kjv@Ezra:5:13 @...of Cyrus the king of Babylon...

kjv@Ezra:5:14 @...out of the temple of Babylon,...

kjv@Ezra:5:15 @...and let the house of God...

kjv@Ezra:5:16 of the house of God...

kjv@Ezra:5:17 build this house of God...

kjv@Ezra:6:1 @...made in the house of the...

kjv@Ezra:6:2 in the province of the...

kjv@Ezra:6:3 @...the place where they offered sacrifices,...

kjv@Ezra:6:4 @...expenses be given out of the...

kjv@Ezra:6:5 @...Nebuchadnezzar took forth out of the...

kjv@Ezra:6:7 @...Jews build this house of God...

kjv@Ezra:6:8 @...the king's goods, even of the...

kjv@Ezra:6:9 @...according to the appointment of the...

kjv@Ezra:6:10 @...of the king, and of his...

kjv@Ezra:6:12 destroy this house of God...

kjv@Ezra:6:14 @...according to the commandment of Cyrus,...

kjv@Ezra:6:15 @...year of the reign of Darius...

kjv@Ezra:6:16 @...dedication of this house of God...

kjv@Ezra:6:17 @...according to the number of the...

kjv@Ezra:6:18, for the service of God,...

kjv@Ezra:6:19 @...upon the fourteenth day of the...

kjv@Ezra:6:20 @...for all the children of the...

kjv@Ezra:6:21 the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@Ezra:6:22 of the house of God,...

kjv@Ezra:7:1 @...of Seraiah, the son of Azariah,...

kjv@Ezra:7:2 @...of Shallum, the son of Zadok,...

kjv@Ezra:7:3 @...of Amariah, the son of Azariah,...

kjv@Ezra:7:4 @...of Zerahiah, the son of Uzzi,...

kjv@Ezra:7:5 @...of Eleazar, the son of Aaron...

kjv@Ezra:7:6 @...according to the hand of the...

kjv@Ezra:7:7 the seventh year of Artaxerxes...

kjv@Ezra:7:8 the seventh year of the...

kjv@Ezra:7:9 the good hand of his...

kjv@Ezra:7:10 seek the law of the...

kjv@Ezra:7:11 @...of the LORD, and of his...

kjv@Ezra:7:12 of the God of heaven,...

kjv@Ezra:7:13 @...realm, which are minded of their...

kjv@Ezra:7:14 @...according to the law of thy...

kjv@Ezra:7:15 @...offered unto the God of Israel,...

kjv@Ezra:7:16 @...willingly for the house of their...

kjv@Ezra:7:17 @...altar of the house of your...

kjv@Ezra:7:18 after the will of your...

kjv@Ezra:7:19 @...service of the house of thy...

kjv@Ezra:7:20 @...bestow, bestow it out of the...

kjv@Ezra:7:21 @...of heaven, shall require of you,...

kjv@Ezra:7:22 an hundred baths of oil,...

kjv@Ezra:7:23 @...wrath against the realm of the...

kjv@Ezra:7:24 @...ministers of this house of God,...

kjv@Ezra:7:25 know the laws of thy...

kjv@Ezra:7:26 @...banishment, or to confiscation of goods,...

kjv@Ezra:7:27 beautify the house of the...

kjv@Ezra:7:28 @...I gathered together out of Israel...

kjv@Ezra:8:1 @...Babylon, in the reign of Artaxerxes...

kjv@Ezra:8:2 @...Daniel: of the sons of David;...

kjv@Ezra:8:3 @...were reckoned by genealogy of the...

kjv@Ezra:8:4 @...Pahathmoab; Elihoenai the son of Zerahiah,...

kjv@Ezra:8:5 @...of Shechaniah; the son of Jahaziel,...

kjv@Ezra:8:6 @...Adin; Ebed the son of Jonathan,...

kjv@Ezra:8:7 @...Elam; Jeshaiah the son of Athaliah,...

kjv@Ezra:8:8 @...Shephatiah; Zebadiah the son of Michael,...

kjv@Ezra:8:9 @...Joab; Obadiah the son of Jehiel,...

kjv@Ezra:8:10 @...of Shelomith; the son of Josiphiah,...

kjv@Ezra:8:11 @...Bebai; Zechariah the son of Bebai,...

kjv@Ezra:8:12 @...Azgad; Johanan the son of Hakkatan,...

kjv@Ezra:8:13 @...of the last sons of Adonikam,...

kjv@Ezra:8:14 @...Of the sons also of Bigvai;...

kjv@Ezra:8:15 @...and found there none of the...

kjv@Ezra:8:16 @...and for Elnathan, men of... understanding.

kjv@Ezra:8:17 @...ministers for the house of our...

kjv@Ezra:8:18 @...of Levi, the son of Israel;...

kjv@Ezra:8:19 @...Jeshaiah of the sons of Merari,...

kjv@Ezra:8:20 @...and twenty Nethinims: all of them...

kjv@Ezra:8:21 @...our God, to seek of him...

kjv@Ezra:8:22 @...king, saying, The hand of our...

kjv@Ezra:8:23 @...and he was intreated of... us.

kjv@Ezra:8:24 @...Sherebiah, Hashabiah, and ten of their...

kjv@Ezra:8:25 @...offering of the house of our...

kjv@Ezra:8:26 hundred talents, and of gold...

kjv@Ezra:8:27 @...drams; and two vessels of fine...

kjv@Ezra:8:28 @...unto the LORD God of your...

kjv@Ezra:8:29 @...chambers of the house of the...

kjv@Ezra:8:30 @...Jerusalem unto the house of our...

kjv@Ezra:8:31 @...of the enemy, and of such...

kjv@Ezra:8:33 @...and Noadiah the son of Binnui,...

kjv@Ezra:8:34 @...number and by weight of every...

kjv@Ezra:8:35 @...this was a burnt offering unto...

kjv@Ezra:8:36 @...people, and the house of... God.

kjv@Ezra:9:1 their abominations, even of the...

kjv@Ezra:9:2 @...lands: yea, the hand of the...

kjv@Ezra:9:3 @...of my head and of my...

kjv@Ezra:9:4 @...because of the transgression of those...

kjv@Ezra:9:7 @...spoil, and to confusion of face,...

kjv@Ezra:9:9 @...set up the house of our...

kjv@Ezra:9:11 @...filthiness of the people of the...

kjv@Ezra:9:12 @...and eat the good of the...

kjv@Ezra:9:14 @...affinity with the people of these...

kjv@Ezra:9:15 @... O LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@Ezra:10:1 @...a very great congregation of men...

kjv@Ezra:10:2 @...wives of the people of the...

kjv@Ezra:10:3 @...tremble at the commandment of our...

kjv@Ezra:10:4 with thee: be of good...

kjv@Ezra:10:6 @...because of the transgression of them...

kjv@Ezra:10:7 @...unto all the children of the...

kjv@Ezra:10:8 @...separated from the congregation of those...

kjv@Ezra:10:9 @...of God, trembling because of this...

kjv@Ezra:10:10 increase the trespass of... Israel.

kjv@Ezra:10:11 @...yourselves from the people of the...

kjv@Ezra:10:13 this a work of one...

kjv@Ezra:10:14 @...until the fierce wrath of our...

kjv@Ezra:10:15 @...and Jahaziah the son of Tikvah...

kjv@Ezra:10:16 the first day of the...

kjv@Ezra:10:17 the first day of the...

kjv@Ezra:10:18 @...of Jeshua the son of Jozadak,...

kjv@Ezra:10:19 @...they offered a ram of the...

kjv@Ezra:10:20 @...And of the sons of Immer;...

kjv@Ezra:10:21 @...And of the sons of Harim;...

kjv@Ezra:10:22 @...And of the sons of Pashur;...

kjv@Ezra:10:23 ... Also of the...(the same is Kelita,) Pethahiah, Judah, and Eliezer.

kjv@Ezra:10:24 @...singers also; Eliashib: and of the...

kjv@Ezra:10:25 @...Israel: of the sons of Parosh;...

kjv@Ezra:10:26 @...And of the sons of Elam;...

kjv@Ezra:10:27 @...And of the sons of Zattu;...

kjv@Ezra:10:28 @...Of the sons also of Bebai;...

kjv@Ezra:10:29 @...And of the sons of Bani;...

kjv@Ezra:10:30 @...And of the sons of Pahathmoab;...

kjv@Ezra:10:31 @...And of the sons of Harim;...

kjv@Ezra:10:33 @... Of the sons of Hashum;...

kjv@Ezra:10:34 @... Of the sons of Bani;...

kjv@Ezra:10:43 @... Of the sons of Nebo;...

kjv@Ezra:10:44 @...strange wives: and some of them...

kjv@Nehemiah:1:1 @...of Nehemiah the son of Hachaliah....

kjv@Nehemiah:1:2 @...escaped, which were left of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:1:3 @...and reproach: the wall of Jerusalem...

kjv@Nehemiah:1:4 @...prayed before the God of... heaven,

kjv@Nehemiah:1:5 @...thee, O LORD God of heaven,...

kjv@Nehemiah:1:6 @...sins of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Nehemiah:1:9 @...unto the uttermost part of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:1:11 @...mercy in the sight of this...

kjv@Nehemiah:2:1 the twentieth year of Artaxerxes...

kjv@Nehemiah:2:2 @...nothing else but sorrow of heart....

kjv@Nehemiah:2:3 @...the city, the place of my...

kjv@Nehemiah:2:4 @...prayed to the God of... heaven.

kjv@Nehemiah:2:5 @...Judah, unto the city of my...

kjv@Nehemiah:2:8 the good hand of my...

kjv@Nehemiah:2:9 @...king had sent captains of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:2:10 seek the welfare of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:2:13 @...and viewed the walls of Jerusalem,...

kjv@Nehemiah:2:14 @...on to the gate of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:2:15 @...entered by the gate of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:2:17 up the wall of Jerusalem,...

kjv@Nehemiah:2:18 @...them of the hand of my...

kjv@Nehemiah:2:20 @...unto them, The God of heaven,...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:1 @...even unto the tower of Meah...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:2 @...him builded the men of Jericho....

kjv@Nehemiah:3:3 @...gate did the sons of Hassenaah...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:4 @...of Berechiah, the son of Meshezabeel....

kjv@Nehemiah:3:5 @...necks to the work of their...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:6 @...and Meshullam the son of Besodeiah;...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:7 @...Mizpah, unto the throne of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:8 @...the son of one of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:9 @...of Hur, the ruler of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:10 @...repaired Jedaiah the son of Harumaph,...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:11 @...piece, and the tower of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:12 @...of the half part of Jerusalem,...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:13 @...Hanun, and the inhabitants of Zanoah;...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:14 @...the ruler of part of Bethhaccerem;...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:15 @...wall of the pool of Siloah...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:16 @...and unto the house of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:17 @...of the half part of Keilah,...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:18 @...of Henadad, the ruler of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:19 @...armoury at the turning of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:20 @...door of the house of Eliashib...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:21 @...even to the end of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:22 @...the priests, the men of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:23 @...of Maaseiah the son of Ananiah...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:24 @...Azariah unto the turning of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:25 @...was by the court of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:27 @...even unto the wall of... Ophel.

kjv@Nehemiah:3:29 @...of Shechaniah, the keeper of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:30 @...repaired Meshullam the son of Berechiah...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:31 the going up of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:3:32 @...between the going up of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:4:2 @...out of the heaps of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:4:4 @...prey in the land of... captivity:

kjv@Nehemiah:4:7 @...heard that the walls of Jerusalem...

kjv@Nehemiah:4:8 @... And conspired all of them...

kjv@Nehemiah:4:9 and night, because of... them.

kjv@Nehemiah:4:10 @...strength of the bearers of burdens...

kjv@Nehemiah:4:14 @...Be not ye afraid of them:...

kjv@Nehemiah:4:15 @...that we returned all of us...

kjv@Nehemiah:4:16 @...and the other half of them...

kjv@Nehemiah:4:17 @...every one with one of his...

kjv@Nehemiah:4:19 @...and to the rest of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:4:20 hear the sound of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:4:21 @...spears from the rising of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:4:23 @...every one put them off for...

kjv@Nehemiah:5:1 @...of the people and of their...

kjv@Nehemiah:5:3 @...might buy corn, because of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:5:5 servants, and some of our...

kjv@Nehemiah:5:7 @...exact usury, every one of his...

kjv@Nehemiah:5:9 @...because of the reproach of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:5:10, let us leave off this...

kjv@Nehemiah:5:11 @...of the money, and of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:5:12 @...and took an oath of them,...

kjv@Nehemiah:5:14 @...not eaten the bread of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:5:15 @...did not I, because of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:5:16 @...continued in the work of this...

kjv@Nehemiah:5:17 hundred and fifty of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:5:18 @...not I the bread of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:6:1 @...Arabian, and the rest of our...(though at that time I had not set up the doors upon the gates;)

kjv@Nehemiah:6:2 @...villages in the plain of Ono....

kjv@Nehemiah:6:7 @...appointed prophets to preach of thee...

kjv@Nehemiah:6:8 @...thou feignest them out of thine...

kjv@Nehemiah:6:10 shut the doors of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:6:14 @...Noadiah, and the rest of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:6:15 @...twenty and fifth day of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:6:16 @...this work was wrought of our...

kjv@Nehemiah:6:17 @...Tobiah, and the letters of Tobiah...

kjv@Nehemiah:6:18 @...had taken the daughter of Meshullam...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:2 @...and Hananiah the ruler of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:3 of the inhabitants of Jerusalem,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:5 @...register of the genealogy of them...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:6 @...whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:7 of the people of Israel...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:8 ... The children of Parosh,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:9 ... The children of Shephatiah,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:10 ... The children of Arah,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:11 @...Pahathmoab, of the children of Jeshua...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:12 ... The children of Elam,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:13 ... The children of Zattu,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:14 ... The children of Zaccai,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:15 ... The children of Binnui,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:16 ... The children of Bebai,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:17 ... The children of Azgad,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:18 ... The children of Adonikam,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:19 ... The children of Bigvai,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:20 ... The children of Adin,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:21 @...The children of Ater of Hezekiah,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:22 ... The children of Hashum,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:23 ... The children of Bezai,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:24 ... The children of Hariph,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:25 ... The children of Gibeon,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:26 ... The men of Bethlehem...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:27 ... The men of Anathoth,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:28 ... The men of Bethazmaveth,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:29 ... The men of Kirjathjearim,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:30 ... The men of Ramah...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:31 ... The men of Michmas,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:32 ... The men of Bethel...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:33 ... The men of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:34 ... The children of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:35 ... The children of Harim,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:36 ... The children of Jericho,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:37 ... The children of Lod,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:38 ... The children of Senaah,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:39 @...Jedaiah, of the house of Jeshua,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:40 ... The children of Immer,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:41 ... The children of Pashur,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:42 ... The children of Harim,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:43 @...and of the children of Hodevah,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:44 @...The singers: the children of Asaph,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:45 @...of Hatita, the children of Shobai,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:46 @...of Ziha, the children of Hashupha,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:47 @...of Keros, the children of Sia,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:48 @...of Lebana, the children of Hagaba,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:49 @...of Hanan, the children of Giddel,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:50 @...of Reaiah, the children of Rezin,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:51 @...of Gazzam, the children of Uzza,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:52 @...of Besai, the children of Meunim,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:53 @...of Bakbuk, the children of Hakupha,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:54 @...of Bazlith, the children of Mehida,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:55 @...of Barkos, the children of Sisera,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:56 ... The children of Neziah,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:57 @...of Sotai, the children of Sophereth,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:58 @...of Jaala, the children of Darkon,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:59 @...the children of Pochereth of Zebaim,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:60 @...Nethinims, and the children of Solomon's...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:61 @...seed, whether they were of... Israel.

kjv@Nehemiah:7:62 @...of Tobiah, the children of Nekoda,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:63 of the daughters of Barzillai...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:65 @...they should not eat of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:67 @...manservants and their maidservants, of whom...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:70 @...treasure a thousand drams of gold,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:71 twenty thousand drams of gold,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:72 @...and two thousand pound of silver,...

kjv@Nehemiah:7:73 @...month came, the children of Israel...

kjv@Nehemiah:8:1 of the law of Moses,...

kjv@Nehemiah:8:2 @...upon the first day of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:8:3 @...attentive unto the book of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:8:4 @...stood upon a pulpit of wood,...

kjv@Nehemiah:8:5 in the sight of all...(for he was above all the people;) and when he opened it, all the people stood up:

kjv@Nehemiah:8:8 in the law of God...

kjv@Nehemiah:8:9 @...they heard the words of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:8:10 @...sorry; for the joy of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:8:13 understand the words of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:8:14 @...booths in the feast of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:8:15 @...palm branches, and branches of thick...

kjv@Nehemiah:8:16 @...and in the street of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:8:17 @...had not the children of Israel...

kjv@Nehemiah:8:18 of the law of God....

kjv@Nehemiah:9:1 @...this month the children of Israel...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:2 @...sins, and the iniquities of their...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:3 @...God one fourth part of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:4 @...up upon the stairs, of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:6 @...all; and the host of heaven...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:7 @...forth out of Ur of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:8 give the land of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:9 @...didst see the affliction of our...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:10 @...on all the people of his...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:11 @...went through the midst of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:12 @...night by a pillar of fire,...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:14 @...laws, by the hand of Moses...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:15 @...water for them out of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:17 @...slow to anger, and of great...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:18 @...brought thee up out of Egypt,...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:19 @...way; neither the pillar of fire...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:22 @...Heshbon, and the land of Og...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:23 @...thou as the stars of heaven,...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:24 @...kings, and the people of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:25 @...and possessed houses full of all...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:27 @...out of the hand of their...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:28 @...them in the hand of their...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:30 @...hand of the people of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:32 @...time of the kings of Assyria...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:37 @...set over us because of our...

kjv@Nehemiah:9:38 ... And because of all...

kjv@Nehemiah:10:1 @...the Tirshatha, the son of Hachaliah,...

kjv@Nehemiah:10:9 @...Binnui of the sons of Henadad,...

kjv@Nehemiah:10:14 ... The chief of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:10:28 @...lands unto the law of God,...

kjv@Nehemiah:10:29 all the commandments of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:10:30 @...daughters unto the people of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:10:31 @...year, and the exaction of every...

kjv@Nehemiah:10:32 @...service of the house of our...

kjv@Nehemiah:10:33 of the house of our...

kjv@Nehemiah:10:34 @...burn upon the altar of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:10:35 @...year, unto the house of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:10:36 @...minister in the house of our...

kjv@Nehemiah:10:37 all the cities of our...

kjv@Nehemiah:10:38 @...tithes unto the house of our...

kjv@Nehemiah:10:39 @...not forsake the house of our...

kjv@Nehemiah:11:1 @...lots, to bring one of ten...

kjv@Nehemiah:11:3 @...Nethinims, and the children of Solomon's...

kjv@Nehemiah:11:4 @...the son of Mahalaleel, of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:11:5 @...of Joiarib, the son of Zechariah,...

kjv@Nehemiah:11:6 @... All the sons of Perez...

kjv@Nehemiah:11:7 @...of Maaseiah, the son of Ithiel,...

kjv@Nehemiah:11:9 @...and Judah the son of Senuah...

kjv@Nehemiah:11:10 @...priests: Jedaiah the son of Joiarib,...

kjv@Nehemiah:11:11 @...Ahitub, was the ruler of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:11:12 @...of Zechariah, the son of Pashur,...

kjv@Nehemiah:11:13 @...of Ahasai, the son of Meshillemoth,...

kjv@Nehemiah:11:14 @...the son of one of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:11:15 @...of Azrikam, the son of Hashabiah,...

kjv@Nehemiah:11:16 @...of the outward business of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:11:17 @...of Shammua, the son of Galal,...

kjv@Nehemiah:11:20 all the cities of Judah,...

kjv@Nehemiah:11:22 @...were over the business of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:11:24 @...of Zerah the son of Judah,...

kjv@Nehemiah:11:25 @...some of the children of Judah...

kjv@Nehemiah:11:30 @...Beersheba unto the valley of... Hinnom.

kjv@Nehemiah:11:31 @... The children also of Benjamin...

kjv@Nehemiah:11:35 @...and Ono, the valley of... craftsmen.

kjv@Nehemiah:11:36 ... And of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:1 @...with Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel,...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:7 @...of the priests and of their...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:12 @...fathers: of Seraiah, Meraiah; of Jeremiah,...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:13 @... Of Ezra, Meshullam; of Amariah,...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:14 @... Of Melicu, Jonathan; of Shebaniah,...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:15 @... Of Harim, Adna; of Meraioth,...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:16 @... Of Iddo, Zechariah; of Ginnethon,...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:17 @...Abijah, Zichri; of Miniamin, of Moadiah,...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:18 @... Of Bilgah, Shammua; of Shemaiah,...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:19 @...And of Joiarib, Mattenai; of Jedaiah,...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:20 @... Of Sallai, Kallai; of Amok,...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:21 @... Of Hilkiah, Hashabiah; of Jedaiah,...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:22 @...priests, to the reign of Darius...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:23 @...even until the days of Johanan...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:24 @...of David the man of God,...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:25 @...ward at the thresholds of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:26 @...Nehemiah the governor, and of Ezra...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:27 @...sought the Levites out of all...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:28 @...themselves together, both out of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:29 @...out of the fields of Geba...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:31 @...appointed two great companies of them...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:32 @...went Hoshaiah, and half of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:35 @...of Michaiah, the son of Zaccur,...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:36 @...of David the man of God,...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:37 @...wall, above the house of David,...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:38 @...from beyond the tower of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:39 @...Hananeel, and the tower of Meah,...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:40 @...I, and the half of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:43 that the joy of Jerusalem...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:44 @...the cities the portions of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:45 @...commandment of David, and of Solomon...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:46 @...the singers, and songs of praise...

kjv@Nehemiah:12:47 @...Nehemiah, gave the portions of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:1 @...come into the congregation of God...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:2 @...met not the children of Israel...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:4 @...chamber of the house of our...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:5 @...porters; and the offerings of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:6 @...days obtained I leave of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:7 @...chamber in the courts of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:8 @...stuff of Tobiah out of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:9 @...God, with the meat offering and...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:10 @...perceived that the portions of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:11 @...Why is the house of God...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:12 @...all Judah the tithe of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:13 @...counted faithful, and their office was...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:14 @...done for the house of my...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:15 @...figs, and all manner of burdens,...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:16 @...sabbath unto the children of Judah,...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:17 @...contended with the nobles of Judah,...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:19 @...the sabbath: and some of my...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:20 @...sellers of all kind of ware...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:22 @...according to the greatness of thy...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:23 @...married wives of Ashdod, of Ammon,...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:24 @...according to the language of each...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:25 @...of them, and plucked off their...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:26 @...him, who was beloved of his...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:28 @...of Joiada, the son of Eliashib...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:29 @...of the priesthood, and of the...

kjv@Nehemiah:13:30 @...and appointed the wards of the...

kjv@Esther:1:1 @...pass in the days of Ahasuerus,...(this is Ahasuerus which reigned, from India even unto Ethiopia, over an hundred and seven and twenty provinces:)

kjv@Esther:1:2 @...sat on the throne of his...

kjv@Esther:1:3 @...the nobles and princes of the...

kjv@Esther:1:4 @...kingdom and the honour of his...

kjv@Esther:1:5 @...court of the garden of the...

kjv@Esther:1:6 @...silver, upon a pavement of red,...

kjv@Esther:1:7 @...them drink in vessels of gold,...(the vessels being diverse one from another,)...according to the state of the...

kjv@Esther:1:8 all the officers of his...

kjv@Esther:1:10 @...served in the presence of Ahasuerus...

kjv@Esther:1:14 @...Memucan, the seven princes of Persia...)

kjv@Esther:1:15 @...not performed the commandment of the...

kjv@Esther:1:16 all the provinces of the...

kjv@Esther:1:17 @... For this deed of the...

kjv@Esther:1:18 @...heard of the deed of the...

kjv@Esther:1:19 @...written among the laws of the...

kjv@Esther:1:21 @...according to the word of... Memucan:

kjv@Esther:1:22 @...according to the language of every...

kjv@Esther:2:1 @...things, when the wrath of king...

kjv@Esther:2:3 @...the king's chamberlain, keeper of the...

kjv@Esther:2:4 @...king be queen instead of Vashti....

kjv@Esther:2:5 @...of Shimei, the son of Kish,...

kjv@Esther:2:6 @...whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon...

kjv@Esther:2:8 @...custody of Hegai, keeper of the...

kjv@Esther:2:9 of the house of the...

kjv@Esther:2:11 before the court of the...

kjv@Esther:2:12 @...according to the manner of the...(...things for the purifying of the...)

kjv@Esther:2:13 @...out of the house of the...

kjv@Esther:2:14 @...women, to the custody of Shaashgaz,...

kjv@Esther:2:15 @...favour in the sight of all...

kjv@Esther:2:16 the seventh year of his...

kjv@Esther:2:17 @...made her queen instead of... Vashti.

kjv@Esther:2:18 @...according to the state of the...

kjv@Esther:2:20 @...Esther did the commandment of Mordecai,...

kjv@Esther:2:21 @...chamberlains, Bigthan and Teresh, of those...

kjv@Esther:2:23 @...written in the book of the...

kjv@Esther:3:1 @...promote Haman the son of Hammedatha...

kjv@Esther:3:5 @...then was Haman full of... wrath.

kjv@Esther:3:6 @...throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus,...

kjv@Esther:3:7 the twelfth year of king...

kjv@Esther:3:8 all the provinces of thy...

kjv@Esther:3:9 @...that have the charge of the...

kjv@Esther:3:10 @...unto Haman the son of Hammedatha...

kjv@Esther:3:12 @...language; in the name of king...

kjv@Esther:3:13 take the spoil of them...

kjv@Esther:3:14 ... The copy of the...

kjv@Esther:4:1 @...out into the midst of the...

kjv@Esther:4:5 @...Esther for Hatach, one of the...

kjv@Esther:4:6 @...Mordecai unto the street of the...

kjv@Esther:4:7 @...and of the sum of the...

kjv@Esther:4:8 @...copy of the writing of the...

kjv@Esther:4:9 @...told Esther the words of... Mordecai.

kjv@Esther:4:11 @...there is one law of his...

kjv@Esther:5:1 @...over against the gate of the...

kjv@Esther:5:2 @...and touched the top of the...

kjv@Esther:5:3 @...thee to the half of the...

kjv@Esther:5:6 @...even to the half of the...

kjv@Esther:5:8 @...favour in the sight of the...

kjv@Esther:5:9 @...him, he was full of indignation...

kjv@Esther:5:11 @...the princes and servants of the...

kjv@Esther:5:14 @...a gallows be made of fifty...

kjv@Esther:6:1 @...the book of records of the...

kjv@Esther:6:2 @...king's chamberlains, the keepers of the...

kjv@Esther:6:4 @...into the outward court of the...

kjv@Esther:6:9 @...horseback through the street of the...

kjv@Esther:6:10 @...gate: let nothing fail of all...

kjv@Esther:6:11 @...horseback through the street of the...

kjv@Esther:6:13 of the seed of the...

kjv@Esther:7:2 @...even to the half of the...

kjv@Esther:7:7 @...arising from the banquet of wine...

kjv@Esther:7:8 @...the word went out of the...

kjv@Esther:7:9 @...standeth in the house of Haman....

kjv@Esther:8:1 @...Ahasuerus give the house of Haman...

kjv@Esther:8:2 @...And the king took off his...

kjv@Esther:8:3 @...put away the mischief of Haman...

kjv@Esther:8:5 Haman the son of Hammedatha...

kjv@Esther:8:6 see the destruction of my...

kjv@Esther:8:7 @...given Esther the house of Haman,...

kjv@Esther:8:9 @...the deputies and rulers of the...

kjv@Esther:8:11 take the spoil of them...

kjv@Esther:8:12 @...upon the thirteenth day of the...

kjv@Esther:8:13 ... The copy of the...

kjv@Esther:8:15 @...purple: and the city of Shushan...

kjv@Esther:8:17 @...Jews; for the fear of the...

kjv@Esther:9:1 that the enemies of the...(though it was turned to the contrary, that the Jews had rule over them that hated them;)

kjv@Esther:9:2 @...them; for the fear of them...

kjv@Esther:9:3 @...Jews; because the fear of Mordecai...

kjv@Esther:9:5 @...enemies with the stroke of the...

kjv@Esther:9:10 @...of Hammedatha, the enemy of the...

kjv@Esther:9:11 @...that day the number of those...

kjv@Esther:9:12 @...done in the rest of the...

kjv@Esther:9:15 @...the fourteenth day also of the...

kjv@Esther:9:16 @...their enemies, and slew of their...

kjv@Esther:9:17 @...made it a day of feasting...

kjv@Esther:9:18 @...made it a day of feasting...

kjv@Esther:9:19 @...a good day, and of sending...

kjv@Esther:9:20 all the provinces of the...

kjv@Esther:9:21 @...and the fifteenth day of the...

kjv@Esther:9:22 @...feasting and joy, and of sending...

kjv@Esther:9:24 @...the Agagite, the enemy of all...

kjv@Esther:9:26 @...of this letter, and of that...

kjv@Esther:9:28 @...Jews, nor the memorial of them...

kjv@Esther:9:29 @...the queen, the daughter of Abihail,...

kjv@Esther:9:30 @...of Ahasuerus, with words of peace...

kjv@Esther:9:31 @...their seed, the matters of the...

kjv@Esther:9:32 @...Esther confirmed these matters of Purim;...

kjv@Esther:10:1 @...and upon the isles of the...

kjv@Esther:10:2 @...chronicles of the kings of Media...

kjv@Esther:10:3 @...brethren, seeking the wealth of his...

kjv@Job:1:1 in the land of Uz,...

kjv@Job:1:3 @...of all the men of the...

kjv@Job:1:5 @...according to the number of them...

kjv@Job:1:6 when the sons of God...

kjv@Job:1:10 @...hast blessed the work of his...

kjv@Job:1:12 @...forth from the presence of the...

kjv@Job:1:15 @...servants with the edge of the...

kjv@Job:1:16 @...and said, The fire of God...

kjv@Job:1:17 @...servants with the edge of the...

kjv@Job:1:19 @...smote the four corners of the...

kjv@Job:1:21 @...blessed be the name of the...

kjv@Job:2:1 when the sons of God...

kjv@Job:2:7 @...boils from the sole of his...

kjv@Job:2:10 @...good at the hand of God,...

kjv@Job:2:11 @...Job's three friends heard of all...

kjv@Job:3:5; let the blackness of the...

kjv@Job:3:6 @...come into the number of the...

kjv@Job:3:9 see the dawning of the...

kjv@Job:3:10 @...not up the doors of my...

kjv@Job:3:11 @...when I came out of the...

kjv@Job:3:14 @...With kings and counsellors of the...

kjv@Job:3:18 @...hear not the voice of the...

kjv@Job:3:25 @...which I was afraid of is...

kjv@Job:4:6 @...hope, and the uprightness of thy...

kjv@Job:4:9 @...and by the breath of his...

kjv@Job:4:10 @...lion, and the teeth of the...

kjv@Job:4:11 @...lion perisheth for lack of prey,...

kjv@Job:4:13 @...thoughts from the visions of the...

kjv@Job:4:15 face; the hair of my...

kjv@Job:4:19 @...that dwell in houses of clay,...

kjv@Job:5:1 @...thee; and to which of the...

kjv@Job:5:5 @...taketh it even out of the...

kjv@Job:5:6 @...doth trouble spring out of the...

kjv@Job:5:12 @...He disappointeth the devices of the...

kjv@Job:5:13 @...craftiness: and the counsel of the...

kjv@Job:5:15 @...and from the hand of the...

kjv@Job:5:17 @...not thou the chastening of the...

kjv@Job:5:20 @...war from the power of the...

kjv@Job:5:21 @...shalt thou be afraid of destruction...

kjv@Job:5:22 @...afraid of the beasts of the...

kjv@Job:5:23 @...field: and the beasts of the...

kjv@Job:5:25 @...offspring as the grass of the...

kjv@Job:5:26 as a shock of corn...

kjv@Job:6:3 @...heavier than the sand of the...

kjv@Job:6:4 spirit: the terrors of God...

kjv@Job:6:6 @...taste in the white of an...

kjv@Job:6:10 @...not concealed the words of the...

kjv@Job:6:12 strength the strength of stones?...

kjv@Job:6:14 @...he forsaketh the fear of the...

kjv@Job:6:15 @...and as the stream of brooks...

kjv@Job:6:16 @...are blackish by reason of the...

kjv@Job:6:17 @...they are consumed out of their...

kjv@Job:6:18 ... The paths of their...

kjv@Job:6:19 @...Tema looked, the companies of Sheba...

kjv@Job:6:22 @...a reward for me of your...

kjv@Job:6:23 from the hand of the...

kjv@Job:6:26 @...words, and the speeches of one...

kjv@Job:7:1 @...also like the days of an...

kjv@Job:7:2 @...looketh for the reward of his...

kjv@Job:7:3 @...made to possess months of vanity,...

kjv@Job:7:4 @...fro unto the dawning of the...

kjv@Job:7:5 @...with worms and clods of dust;...

kjv@Job:7:8 ... The eye of him...

kjv@Job:7:11 @...complain in the bitterness of my...

kjv@Job:7:20 @...thee, O thou preserver of men?...

kjv@Job:8:2 @...long shall the words of thy...

kjv@Job:8:6 @...and make the habitation of thy...

kjv@Job:8:8 @...thyself to the search of their...

kjv@Job:8:9 @ (For we are but of yesterday, and know nothing, because our days upon earth are a shadow:)

kjv@Job:8:10 @...and utter words out of their...

kjv@Job:8:13 @...So are the paths of all...

kjv@Job:8:17 @...and seeth the place of... stones.

kjv@Job:8:19 @...his way, and out of the...

kjv@Job:8:22 @...and the dwelling place of the...

kjv@Job:9:2 @...know it is so of a...

kjv@Job:9:3 @...cannot answer him one of a...

kjv@Job:9:6 @...shaketh the earth out of her...

kjv@Job:9:8 @...treadeth upon the waves of the...

kjv@Job:9:9 @...Pleiades, and the chambers of the...

kjv@Job:9:19 strong: and if of judgment,...

kjv@Job:9:23 @...laugh at the trial of the...

kjv@Job:9:24 @...he covereth the faces of the...

kjv@Job:9:28 @... I am afraid of all...

kjv@Job:10:1 @...speak in the bitterness of my...

kjv@Job:10:3 @...shine upon the counsel of the...

kjv@Job:10:4 @... Hast thou eyes of flesh?...

kjv@Job:10:5 @...days as the days of man?...

kjv@Job:10:7 @...that can deliver out of thine...

kjv@Job:10:15 @...head. I am full of confusion;...

kjv@Job:10:18 @...brought me forth out of the...

kjv@Job:10:21 @...even to the land of darkness...

kjv@Job:10:22 @...and of the shadow of death,...

kjv@Job:11:2 @...should a man full of talk...

kjv@Job:11:6 @...therefore that God exacteth of thee...

kjv@Job:11:20 the giving up of the...

kjv@Job:12:4 as one mocked of his...

kjv@Job:12:5 @...despised in the thought of him...

kjv@Job:12:6 ... The tabernacles of robbers...

kjv@Job:12:7 @...thee; and the fowls of the...

kjv@Job:12:8 @...thee: and the fishes of the...

kjv@Job:12:9 @...these that the hand of the...

kjv@Job:12:10 @...thing, and the breath of all...

kjv@Job:12:12 @...wisdom; and in length of days...

kjv@Job:12:18 @...He looseth the bond of kings,...

kjv@Job:12:20 @...taketh away the understanding of the...

kjv@Job:12:21 @...and weakeneth the strength of the...

kjv@Job:12:22 @...discovereth deep things out of darkness,...

kjv@Job:12:24 @...chief of the people of the...

kjv@Job:13:4 are all physicians of no...

kjv@Job:13:6 @...hearken to the pleadings of my...

kjv@Job:13:12 @...your bodies to bodies of... clay.

kjv@Job:13:26 possess the iniquities of my...

kjv@Job:13:27 @...print upon the heels of my...

kjv@Job:14:1 @...of a woman is of few...

kjv@Job:14:4 @...a clean thing out of an...

kjv@Job:14:5 @...are determined, the number of his...

kjv@Job:14:7 @...For there is hope of a...

kjv@Job:14:9 @...Yet through the scent of water...

kjv@Job:14:12 @...nor be raised out of their...

kjv@Job:14:14 @...again? all the days of my...

kjv@Job:14:15 @...desire to the work of thine...

kjv@Job:14:18 @...rock is removed out of his...

kjv@Job:14:19 @...out of the dust of the...

kjv@Job:14:21 @...he perceiveth it not of... them.

kjv@Job:15:5 @...thou choosest the tongue of the...

kjv@Job:15:8 @...thou heard the secret of God?...

kjv@Job:15:11 @... Are the consolations of God...

kjv@Job:15:13 @...such words go out of thy...

kjv@Job:15:14 @...he which is born of a...

kjv@Job:15:20 @...days, and the number of years...

kjv@Job:15:22 @...he is waited for of the...

kjv@Job:15:23 @...knoweth that the day of darkness...

kjv@Job:15:26 @...upon the thick bosses of his...

kjv@Job:15:27 @...fatness, and maketh collops of fat...

kjv@Job:15:30 @...and by the breath of his...

kjv@Job:15:34 @... For the congregation of hypocrites...

kjv@Job:16:5 @...mouth, and the moving of my...

kjv@Job:16:11 @...over into the hands of the...

kjv@Job:16:16 @...eyelids is the shadow of... death;

kjv@Job:17:5 @...friends, even the eyes of his...

kjv@Job:17:6 also a byword of the...

kjv@Job:17:7 dim by reason of sorrow,...

kjv@Job:17:11, even the thoughts of my...

kjv@Job:17:12 @...light is short because of... darkness.

kjv@Job:17:16 @...down to the bars of the...

kjv@Job:18:2 make an end of words?...

kjv@Job:18:4 @...rock be removed out of his...

kjv@Job:18:5 @...out, and the spark of his...

kjv@Job:18:7 ... The steps of his...

kjv@Job:18:13 even the firstborn of death...

kjv@Job:18:14 @...shall be rooted out of his...

kjv@Job:18:15 @...because it is none of his:...

kjv@Job:18:18 @...darkness, and chased out of the...

kjv@Job:18:21 @...this is the place of him...

kjv@Job:19:7 @...Behold, I cry out of wrong,...

kjv@Job:19:9 @...He hath stripped me of my...

kjv@Job:19:11 @...unto him as one of his...

kjv@Job:19:17 @...for the children's sake of mine...

kjv@Job:19:20 @...escaped with the skin of my...

kjv@Job:19:21 @...friends; for the hand of God...

kjv@Job:19:28 @...him, seeing the root of the...

kjv@Job:19:29 @...wrath bringeth the punishments of the...

kjv@Job:20:3 @...reproach, and the spirit of my...

kjv@Job:20:4 @...Knowest thou not this of old,...

kjv@Job:20:5 @...short, and the joy of the...

kjv@Job:20:8 @...away as a vision of the...

kjv@Job:20:11 @...full of the sin of his...

kjv@Job:20:14 is the gall of asps...

kjv@Job:20:15 @...shall cast them out of his...

kjv@Job:20:16 @...shall suck the poison of asps:...

kjv@Job:20:17 @...the floods, the brooks of honey...

kjv@Job:20:20 @...he shall not save of that...

kjv@Job:20:21 @... There shall none of his...

kjv@Job:20:22 straits: every hand of the...

kjv@Job:20:23 @...shall cast the fury of his...

kjv@Job:20:24 @...weapon, and the bow of steel...

kjv@Job:20:25 @...glittering sword cometh out of his...

kjv@Job:20:28 @...away in the day of his...

kjv@Job:20:29 @...This is the portion of a...

kjv@Job:21:9 @...neither is the rod of God...

kjv@Job:21:12 @...rejoice at the sound of the...

kjv@Job:21:14 @...desire not the knowledge of thy...

kjv@Job:21:16 @...their hand: the counsel of the...

kjv@Job:21:17 @...put out! and how oft cometh...

kjv@Job:21:20 @...drink of the wrath of the...

kjv@Job:21:21 @...his months is cut off in...

kjv@Job:21:24 @...His breasts are full of milk,...

kjv@Job:21:25 @...dieth in the bitterness of his...

kjv@Job:21:28 @...are the dwelling places of the...

kjv@Job:21:30 @...reserved to the day of destruction?...

kjv@Job:21:33 ... The clods of the...

kjv@Job:22:4 @...reprove thee for fear of thee?...

kjv@Job:22:6 @...and stripped the naked of their...

kjv@Job:22:9 @...empty, and the arms of the...

kjv@Job:22:11 @...not see; and abundance of waters...

kjv@Job:22:12 @...and behold the height of the...

kjv@Job:22:14 @...walketh in the circuit of... heaven.

kjv@Job:22:16 @...were cut down out of time,...

kjv@Job:22:18 @...things: but the counsel of the...

kjv@Job:22:20 @...down, but the remnant of them...

kjv@Job:22:24 @...Ophir as the stones of the...

kjv@Job:22:25 @...thou shalt have plenty of... silver.

kjv@Job:22:30 @...delivered by the pureness of thine...

kjv@Job:23:12 @...have esteemed the words of his...

kjv@Job:23:15 @...consider, I am afraid of... him.

kjv@Job:24:3 away the ass of the...

kjv@Job:24:4 @...the way: the poor of the...

kjv@Job:24:6 @...they gather the vintage of the...

kjv@Job:24:8 @...the rock for want of a...

kjv@Job:24:9 @...and take a pledge of the...

kjv@Job:24:12, and the soul of the...

kjv@Job:24:13 ... They are of those...

kjv@Job:24:15 @... The eye also of the...

kjv@Job:24:17 @...are in the terrors of the...

kjv@Job:24:18 @...beholdeth not the way of the...

kjv@Job:24:22 man is sure of... life.

kjv@Job:24:24 as the tops of the...

kjv@Job:25:3 @...Is there any number of his...

kjv@Job:25:4 @...clean that is born of a...

kjv@Job:25:6 @...worm? and the son of man,...

kjv@Job:26:9 @...holdeth back the face of his...

kjv@Job:26:11 ... The pillars of heaven...

kjv@Job:26:14 @...him? but the thunder of his...

kjv@Job:27:3, and the spirit of God...

kjv@Job:27:8 @...what is the hope of the...

kjv@Job:27:11 by the hand of God:...

kjv@Job:27:13 @...which they shall receive of the...

kjv@Job:27:15 @... Those that remain of him...

kjv@Job:27:21 @...storm hurleth him out of his...

kjv@Job:27:22 @...would fain flee out of his...

kjv@Job:27:23 @...shall hiss him out of his...

kjv@Job:28:2 @...brass is molten out of the...

kjv@Job:28:3 @...all perfection: the stones of darkness,...

kjv@Job:28:4 @...even the waters forgotten of the...

kjv@Job:28:5 @...for the earth, out of it...

kjv@Job:28:6 are the place of sapphires:...

kjv@Job:28:12 @...where is the place of... understanding?

kjv@Job:28:13 @...found in the land of the...

kjv@Job:28:16 @...valued with the gold of Ophir,...

kjv@Job:28:17 @...not be for jewels of fine...

kjv@Job:28:18 @...pearls: for the price of wisdom...

kjv@Job:28:19 ... The topaz of Ethiopia...

kjv@Job:28:20 @...where is the place of... understanding?

kjv@Job:28:21 @...close from the fowls of the...

kjv@Job:28:24 @...looketh to the ends of the...

kjv@Job:28:26 @...way for the lightning of the...

kjv@Job:28:28 @...said, Behold, the fear of the...

kjv@Job:29:4 @...youth, when the secret of God...

kjv@Job:29:6 @...poured me out rivers of... oil;

kjv@Job:29:10 @...cleaved to the roof of their...

kjv@Job:29:13 ... The blessing of him...

kjv@Job:29:17 @...plucked the spoil out of his...

kjv@Job:29:24 @...not; and the light of my...

kjv@Job:30:1 @...set with the dogs of my...

kjv@Job:30:2 @...whereto might the strength of their...

kjv@Job:30:6 @...the valleys, in caves of the...

kjv@Job:30:8 @...of fools, yea, children of base...

kjv@Job:30:12 @...against me the ways of their...

kjv@Job:30:14 @...a wide breaking in of waters:...

kjv@Job:30:16 @...upon me; the days of affliction...

kjv@Job:30:18 @...about as the collar of my...

kjv@Job:30:27 @...rested not: the days of affliction...

kjv@Job:30:31 @...organ into the voice of them...

kjv@Job:31:2 @...above? and what inheritance of the...

kjv@Job:31:3 @...punishment to the workers of... iniquity?

kjv@Job:31:7 @...step hath turned out of the...

kjv@Job:31:13 @...of my manservant or of my...

kjv@Job:31:16 @...have caused the eyes of the...

kjv@Job:31:19 @...any perish for want of clothing,...

kjv@Job:31:20 @...warmed with the fleece of my...

kjv@Job:31:23, and by reason of his...

kjv@Job:31:29 @...rejoiced at the destruction of him...

kjv@Job:31:31 @...Oh that we had of his...

kjv@Job:31:34 @...and went not out of the...

kjv@Job:31:37 @...unto him the number of my...

kjv@Job:31:40 @...of barley. The words of Job...

kjv@Job:32:2 @...Buzite, of the kindred of Ram:...

kjv@Job:32:5 @...answer in the mouth of these...

kjv@Job:32:6 @...And Elihu the son of Barachel...

kjv@Job:32:7 @...should speak, and multitude of years...

kjv@Job:32:8 and the inspiration of the...

kjv@Job:32:12 @...behold, there was none of you...

kjv@Job:32:18 @...For I am full of matter,...

kjv@Job:33:3 of the uprightness of my...

kjv@Job:33:4, and the breath of the...

kjv@Job:33:6 @...also am formed out of the...

kjv@Job:33:8 @...have heard the voice of thy...

kjv@Job:33:13 @...not account of any of his...

kjv@Job:33:15 @...dream, in a vision of the...

kjv@Job:33:16 @...he openeth the ears of men,...

kjv@Job:33:19 @...bed, and the multitude of his...

kjv@Job:33:25 @...return to the days of his...

kjv@Job:33:30 @...enlightened with the light of the...

kjv@Job:34:8 with the workers of iniquity,...

kjv@Job:34:10 @...unto me, ye men of understanding:...

kjv@Job:34:11 @... For the work of a...

kjv@Job:34:16 @...hearken to the voice of my...

kjv@Job:34:19 @...all are the work of his...

kjv@Job:34:21 @...are upon the ways of man,...

kjv@Job:34:22 @...death, where the workers of iniquity...

kjv@Job:34:26 the open sight of... others;

kjv@Job:34:27 @...would not consider any of his...

kjv@Job:34:28 @...he heareth the cry of the...

kjv@Job:34:34 ... Let men of understanding...

kjv@Job:34:36 @...unto the end because of his...

kjv@Job:35:7 @...or what receiveth he of thine...

kjv@Job:35:8 @...may profit the son of... man.

kjv@Job:35:9 @...reason of the arm of the...

kjv@Job:35:11 @...more than the beasts of the...

kjv@Job:35:12 @...because of the pride of evil...

kjv@Job:36:6 @...preserveth not the life of the...

kjv@Job:36:8 holden in cords of... affliction;

kjv@Job:36:16 @...have removed thee out of the...

kjv@Job:36:17 @...hast fulfilled the judgment of the...

kjv@Job:36:19 @...nor all the forces of... strength.

kjv@Job:36:26 @...neither can the number of his...

kjv@Job:36:27 @...maketh small the drops of water:...

kjv@Job:36:29 @...clouds, or the noise of his...

kjv@Job:36:30 @...and covereth the bottom of the...

kjv@Job:37:1 @...and is moved out of his...

kjv@Job:37:2 @...sound that goeth out of his...

kjv@Job:37:3 @...lightning unto the ends of the...

kjv@Job:37:4 @...thundereth with the voice of his...

kjv@Job:37:6 the great rain of his...

kjv@Job:37:7 @...sealeth up the hand of every...

kjv@Job:37:9 @...whirlwind: and cold out of the...

kjv@Job:37:10 @...given: and the breadth of the...

kjv@Job:37:12 @...them upon the face of the...

kjv@Job:37:14 @...consider the wondrous works of... God.

kjv@Job:37:15 @...and caused the light of his...

kjv@Job:37:16 @...clouds, the wondrous works of him...

kjv@Job:37:19 @...our speech by reason of... darkness.

kjv@Job:37:22 @...Fair weather cometh out of the...

kjv@Job:37:23 @...judgment, and in plenty of justice:...

kjv@Job:37:24 @...any that are wise of... heart.

kjv@Job:38:1 @...LORD answered Job out of the...

kjv@Job:38:3 @...for I will demand of thee,...

kjv@Job:38:4 @...I laid the foundations of the...

kjv@Job:38:7 @...and all the sons of God...

kjv@Job:38:8 had issued out of the...

kjv@Job:38:13 @...hold of the ends of the...

kjv@Job:38:16 @...walked in the search of the...

kjv@Job:38:17 @...thou seen the doors of the...

kjv@Job:38:18 @...thou perceived the breadth of the...

kjv@Job:38:21 @...or because the number of thy...

kjv@Job:38:22 @...thou seen the treasures of the...

kjv@Job:38:23 @...trouble, against the day of battle...

kjv@Job:38:25 @...watercourse for the overflowing of waters,...

kjv@Job:38:27 cause the bud of the...

kjv@Job:38:28 @...hath begotten the drops of... dew?

kjv@Job:38:29 @...and the hoary frost of heaven,...

kjv@Job:38:30 @...stone, and the face of the...

kjv@Job:38:31 @...bind the sweet influences of Pleiades,...

kjv@Job:38:33 @...Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven?...

kjv@Job:38:34 @...the clouds, that abundance of waters...

kjv@Job:38:37 @...can stay the bottles of... heaven,

kjv@Job:38:39 @...or fill the appetite of the...

kjv@Job:38:41 @...they wander for lack of... meat.

kjv@Job:39:1 @...when the wild goats of the...

kjv@Job:39:5 @...hath loosed the bands of the...

kjv@Job:39:7 @...regardeth he the crying of the...

kjv@Job:39:8 ... The range of the...

kjv@Job:39:17 @...God hath deprived her of wisdom,...

kjv@Job:39:20 @...a grasshopper? the glory of his...

kjv@Job:39:24 is the sound of the...

kjv@Job:39:25 @...afar off, the thunder of the...

kjv@Job:39:28 @...rock, upon the crag of the...

kjv@Job:40:6 @...LORD unto Job out of the...

kjv@Job:40:7 I will demand of thee,...

kjv@Job:40:11 @...Cast abroad the rage of thy...

kjv@Job:40:16 in the navel of his...

kjv@Job:40:17 @...a cedar: the sinews of his...

kjv@Job:40:18 @...are as strong pieces of brass;...

kjv@Job:40:19 @...chief of the ways of God:...

kjv@Job:40:20 @...where all the beasts of the...

kjv@Job:40:21 @...trees, in the covert of the...

kjv@Job:40:22 @...their shadow; the willows of the...

kjv@Job:41:6 @...companions make a banquet of him?...

kjv@Job:41:9 @... Behold, the hope of him...

kjv@Job:41:13 @...can discover the face of his...

kjv@Job:41:14 @...can open the doors of his...

kjv@Job:41:18 @...are like the eyelids of the...

kjv@Job:41:19 @...burning lamps, and sparks of fire...

kjv@Job:41:20 @...goeth smoke, as out of a...

kjv@Job:41:21 @...a flame goeth out of his...

kjv@Job:41:23 ... The flakes of his...

kjv@Job:41:24 @...hard as a piece of the...

kjv@Job:41:25 @...are afraid: by reason of breakings...

kjv@Job:41:26 ... The sword of him...

kjv@Job:41:29 @...laugheth at the shaking of a...

kjv@Job:41:31 @...sea like a pot of... ointment.

kjv@Job:41:34 @...over all the children of... pride.

kjv@Job:42:4 @...speak: I will demand of thee,...

kjv@Job:42:5 @...thee by the hearing of the...

kjv@Job:42:7 have not spoken of me...

kjv@Job:42:8 have not spoken of me...

kjv@Job:42:10 @...LORD turned the captivity of Job,...

kjv@Job:42:11 @...gave him a piece of money,...

kjv@Job:42:12 @...and a thousand yoke of oxen,...

kjv@Job:42:14 @...Kezia; and the name of the...

kjv@Job:42:15 @...fair as the daughters of Job:...

kjv@Job:42:17 @...being old and full of... days.

kjv@Psalms:1:1 @...sitteth in the seat of the...

kjv@Psalms:1:2 in the law of the...

kjv@Psalms:1:3 @...planted by the rivers of water,...

kjv@Psalms:1:5 @...sinners in the congregation of the...

kjv@Psalms:1:6 @...righteous: but the way of the...

kjv@Psalms:2:2 ... The kings of the...

kjv@Psalms:2:6 @...upon my holy hill of... Zion.

kjv@Psalms:2:8 @...and the uttermost parts of the...

kjv@Psalms:2:9 @...them with a rod of iron;...

kjv@Psalms:2:10 instructed, ye judges of the...

kjv@Psalms:3:2 @...there be which say of my...

kjv@Psalms:3:3 @...and the lifter up of mine...

kjv@Psalms:3:4 @...he heard me out of his...

kjv@Psalms:3:6 @...afraid of ten thousands of people,...

kjv@Psalms:3:7 @...hast broken the teeth of the...

kjv@Psalms:4:1 @...I call, O God of my...

kjv@Psalms:4:2 @... O ye sons of men,...

kjv@Psalms:4:5 @... Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,...

kjv@Psalms:4:6 @...thou up the light of thy...

kjv@Psalms:5:2 @...Hearken unto the voice of my...

kjv@Psalms:5:5 @...thou hatest all workers of... iniquity.

kjv@Psalms:5:7 in the multitude of thy...

kjv@Psalms:5:8 thy righteousness because of mine...

kjv@Psalms:5:10 @...out in the multitude of their...

kjv@Psalms:6:5 @...there is no remembrance of thee:...

kjv@Psalms:6:7 waxeth old because of all...

kjv@Psalms:6:8 @...hath heard the voice of my...

kjv@Psalms:7:6 @...because of the rage of mine...

kjv@Psalms:7:7 @...So shall the congregation of the...

kjv@Psalms:7:9 @...Oh let the wickedness of the...

kjv@Psalms:7:10 @... My defence is of God,...

kjv@Psalms:7:13 @...for him the instruments of death;...

kjv@Psalms:7:17 @...praise to the name of the...

kjv@Psalms:8:2 @...thou ordained strength because of thine...

kjv@Psalms:8:3 @...thy heavens, the work of thy...

kjv@Psalms:8:4 @...him? and the son of man,...

kjv@Psalms:8:6 @...dominion over the works of thy...

kjv@Psalms:8:7 @...yea, and the beasts of the...

kjv@Psalms:8:8 @...passeth through the paths of the...

kjv@Psalms:9:9 @...a refuge in times of... trouble.

kjv@Psalms:9:12 @...forgetteth not the cry of the...

kjv@Psalms:9:13 @...trouble which I suffer of them...

kjv@Psalms:9:14 @...gates of the daughter of Zion:...

kjv@Psalms:9:16 @...snared in the work of his...

kjv@Psalms:9:18 forgotten: the expectation of the...

kjv@Psalms:10:1 @...Why standest thou afar off, O...

kjv@Psalms:10:3 @...For the wicked boasteth of his...

kjv@Psalms:10:4 @...wicked, through the pride of his...

kjv@Psalms:10:5 @...are far above out of his...

kjv@Psalms:10:7 @...His mouth is full of cursing...

kjv@Psalms:10:8 the lurking places of the...

kjv@Psalms:10:14 @...thou art the helper of the...

kjv@Psalms:10:15 @...Break thou the arm of the...

kjv@Psalms:10:16 @...heathen are perished out of his...

kjv@Psalms:10:17 @...hast heard the desire of the...

kjv@Psalms:10:18 @...oppressed, that the man of the...

kjv@Psalms:11:4 @...eyelids try, the children of... men.

kjv@Psalms:11:6 @...shall be the portion of their...

kjv@Psalms:12:1 @...from among the children of... men.

kjv@Psalms:12:5 @...poor, for the sighing of the...

kjv@Psalms:12:6 @...tried in a furnace of earth,...

kjv@Psalms:13:3 @...I sleep the sleep of... death;

kjv@Psalms:14:2 @...heaven upon the children of men,...

kjv@Psalms:14:4 @...Have all the workers of iniquity...

kjv@Psalms:14:5 in the generation of the...

kjv@Psalms:14:6 @...have shamed the counsel of the...

kjv@Psalms:14:7 @...bringeth back the captivity of his...

kjv@Psalms:16:4 @...blood will I not offer, nor...

kjv@Psalms:16:5 @...of mine inheritance and of my...

kjv@Psalms:16:11 @...thy presence is fulness of joy;...

kjv@Psalms:17:1 @...that goeth not out of feigned...

kjv@Psalms:17:4 from the paths of the...

kjv@Psalms:17:8 under the shadow of thy...

kjv@Psalms:17:12 @...lion that is greedy of his...

kjv@Psalms:17:14 @...and leave the rest of their...

kjv@Psalms:18:2 @...buckler, and the horn of my...

kjv@Psalms:18:4, and the floods of ungodly...

kjv@Psalms:18:5 about: the snares of death...

kjv@Psalms:18:6 @...heard my voice out of his...

kjv@Psalms:18:7 @...trembled; the foundations also of the...

kjv@Psalms:18:8 @...nostrils, and fire out of his...

kjv@Psalms:18:10 upon the wings of the...

kjv@Psalms:18:11 @...waters and thick clouds of the...

kjv@Psalms:18:12 @...hail stones and coals of... fire.

kjv@Psalms:18:13 @...hail stones and coals of... fire.

kjv@Psalms:18:15 @...blast of the breath of thy...

kjv@Psalms:18:16 @...he drew me out of many...

kjv@Psalms:18:18 in the day of my...

kjv@Psalms:18:20 @...according to the cleanness of my...

kjv@Psalms:18:21 @...have kept the ways of the...

kjv@Psalms:18:24 @...according to the cleanness of my...

kjv@Psalms:18:30 perfect: the word of the...

kjv@Psalms:18:34 that a bow of steel...

kjv@Psalms:18:35 @...given me the shield of thy...

kjv@Psalms:18:40 @...given me the necks of mine...

kjv@Psalms:18:43 @...made me the head of the...

kjv@Psalms:18:44 @...soon as they hear of me,...

kjv@Psalms:18:45 @...and be afraid out of their...

kjv@Psalms:18:46 @...and let the God of my...

kjv@Psalms:19:1 @...heavens declare the glory of God;...

kjv@Psalms:19:4 @...words to the end of the...

kjv@Psalms:19:5 @...a bridegroom coming out of his...

kjv@Psalms:19:6 @...circuit unto the ends of it:...

kjv@Psalms:19:7 @...the soul: the testimony of the...

kjv@Psalms:19:8 @...the heart: the commandment of the...

kjv@Psalms:19:9 @...for ever: the judgments of the...

kjv@Psalms:19:11 @...warned: and in keeping of them...

kjv@Psalms:19:14 @...mouth, and the meditation of my...

kjv@Psalms:20:1 of the God of Jacob...

kjv@Psalms:20:2 @...and strengthen thee out of... Zion;

kjv@Psalms:20:5 @...and in the name of our...

kjv@Psalms:20:6 @...with the saving strength of his...

kjv@Psalms:20:7 @...will remember the name of the...

kjv@Psalms:21:2 @...not withholden the request of his...

kjv@Psalms:21:3 @...thou settest a crown of pure...

kjv@Psalms:21:4 him, even length of days...

kjv@Psalms:21:7 @...and through the mercy of the...

kjv@Psalms:21:9 @...oven in the time of thine...

kjv@Psalms:21:10 @...from among the children of... men.

kjv@Psalms:21:12 @...strings against the face of... them.

kjv@Psalms:22:1 @...and from the words of my...

kjv@Psalms:22:3 @...that inhabitest the praises of... Israel.

kjv@Psalms:22:6 @...of men, and despised of the...

kjv@Psalms:22:9 @...that took me out of the...

kjv@Psalms:22:12 @...compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan...

kjv@Psalms:22:14 @...melted in the midst of my...

kjv@Psalms:22:15 into the dust of... death.

kjv@Psalms:22:16 @...compassed me: the assembly of the...

kjv@Psalms:22:20 @...darling from the power of the...

kjv@Psalms:22:21 from the horns of the...

kjv@Psalms:22:22 @...brethren: in the midst of the...

kjv@Psalms:22:23 @...all ye the seed of Jacob,...

kjv@Psalms:22:24 @...nor abhorred the affliction of the...

kjv@Psalms:22:25 @...My praise shall be of thee...

kjv@Psalms:22:27 @...and all the kindreds of the...

kjv@Psalms:23:3 in the paths of righteousness...

kjv@Psalms:23:4 @...valley of the shadow of death,...

kjv@Psalms:23:5 in the presence of mine...

kjv@Psalms:23:6 @...dwell in the house of the...

kjv@Psalms:24:3 @...ascend into the hill of the...

kjv@Psalms:24:5 @...righteousness from the God of his...

kjv@Psalms:24:6 @...This is the generation of them...

kjv@Psalms:24:7 @...doors; and the King of glory...

kjv@Psalms:24:8 @...Who is this King of glory?...

kjv@Psalms:24:9 @...doors; and the King of glory...

kjv@Psalms:24:10 @...he is the King of glory....

kjv@Psalms:25:5 @...thou art the God of my...

kjv@Psalms:25:6 @...they have been ever of... old.

kjv@Psalms:25:7 @...Remember not the sins of my...

kjv@Psalms:25:10 @... All the paths of the...

kjv@Psalms:25:14 ... The secret of the...

kjv@Psalms:25:15 @...pluck my feet out of the...

kjv@Psalms:25:17 @...bring thou me out of my...

kjv@Psalms:25:22 @...Israel, O God, out of all...

kjv@Psalms:26:5 @...have hated the congregation of evil...

kjv@Psalms:26:7 @...of thanksgiving, and tell of all...

kjv@Psalms:26:8 @...have loved the habitation of thy...

kjv@Psalms:26:10 @...right hand is full of... bribes.

kjv@Psalms:27:1 @...strength of my life; of whom...

kjv@Psalms:27:4 behold the beauty of the...

kjv@Psalms:27:5 @...pavilion: in the secret of his...

kjv@Psalms:27:6 his tabernacle sacrifices of joy;...

kjv@Psalms:27:9 @...forsake me, O God of my...

kjv@Psalms:27:11 @...a plain path, because of mine...

kjv@Psalms:27:12 @...over unto the will of mine...

kjv@Psalms:27:13 @...LORD in the land of the...

kjv@Psalms:27:14 @...on the LORD: be of good...

kjv@Psalms:28:2 @... Hear the voice of my...

kjv@Psalms:28:3 @...and with the workers of iniquity,...

kjv@Psalms:28:4 @...them after the work of their...

kjv@Psalms:28:5 @...LORD, nor the operation of his...

kjv@Psalms:28:6 @...hath heard the voice of my...

kjv@Psalms:28:8 the saving strength of his...

kjv@Psalms:29:2 @...LORD in the beauty of... holiness.

kjv@Psalms:29:3 @...the waters: the God of glory...

kjv@Psalms:29:4 powerful; the voice of the...

kjv@Psalms:29:5 ... The voice of the...

kjv@Psalms:29:7 ... The voice of the...

kjv@Psalms:29:8 ... The voice of the...

kjv@Psalms:29:9 @...doth every one speak of his...

kjv@Psalms:30:4 @...thanks at the remembrance of his...

kjv@Psalms:31:2 @...rock, for an house of defence...

kjv@Psalms:31:4 @... Pull me out of the...

kjv@Psalms:31:5, O LORD God of... truth.

kjv@Psalms:31:8 @...up into the hand of the...

kjv@Psalms:31:10 strength faileth because of mine...

kjv@Psalms:31:12 @...a dead man out of mind:...

kjv@Psalms:31:13 @...have heard the slander of many:...

kjv@Psalms:31:15 from the hand of mine...

kjv@Psalms:31:19 @...thee before the sons of... men!

kjv@Psalms:31:20 @...presence from the pride of man:...

kjv@Psalms:31:22 @...thou heardest the voice of my...

kjv@Psalms:31:24 ... Be of good...

kjv@Psalms:32:4 @...turned into the drought of summer....

kjv@Psalms:32:5 @...thou forgavest the iniquity of my...

kjv@Psalms:32:6 @...surely in the floods of great...

kjv@Psalms:32:7 about with songs of deliverance....

kjv@Psalms:33:2 @...psaltery and an instrument of ten...

kjv@Psalms:33:4 @... For the word of the...

kjv@Psalms:33:5 @...full of the goodness of the...

kjv@Psalms:33:6 @...them by the breath of his...

kjv@Psalms:33:7 @...He gathereth the waters of the...

kjv@Psalms:33:8 @...let all the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Psalms:33:10 @...devices of the people of none...

kjv@Psalms:33:11 @...for ever, the thoughts of his...

kjv@Psalms:33:13 @...beholdeth all the sons of... men.

kjv@Psalms:33:14 @...upon all the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Psalms:33:16 @...saved by the multitude of an...

kjv@Psalms:33:18 @... Behold, the eye of the...

kjv@Psalms:34:6 @...and saved him out of all...

kjv@Psalms:34:7 ... The angel of the...

kjv@Psalms:34:11 @...teach you the fear of the...

kjv@Psalms:34:15 ... The eyes of the...

kjv@Psalms:34:16 @...cut off the remembrance of them...

kjv@Psalms:34:17 @...and delivereth them out of all...

kjv@Psalms:34:18 @...saveth such as be of a...

kjv@Psalms:34:19 @...LORD delivereth him out of them...

kjv@Psalms:34:20 @...his bones: not one of them...

kjv@Psalms:34:22 @...his servants: and none of them...

kjv@Psalms:35:2 ... Take hold of shield...

kjv@Psalms:35:5 @...and let the angel of the...

kjv@Psalms:35:6 @...and let the angel of the...

kjv@Psalms:35:12 @...good to the spoiling of my...

kjv@Psalms:35:27 @...pleasure in the prosperity of his...

kjv@Psalms:35:28 @...of thy righteousness and of thy...

kjv@Psalms:36:1 @...there is no fear of God...

kjv@Psalms:36:3 @...deceit: he hath left off to...

kjv@Psalms:36:7 under the shadow of thy...

kjv@Psalms:36:8 @...drink of the river of thy...

kjv@Psalms:36:9 @...thee is the fountain of life:...

kjv@Psalms:36:11 @...let not the hand of the...

kjv@Psalms:36:12 @...There are the workers of iniquity...

kjv@Psalms:37:1 @...Fret not thyself because of evildoers,...

kjv@Psalms:37:4 @...give thee the desires of thine...

kjv@Psalms:37:7 his way, because of the...

kjv@Psalms:37:11 @...themselves in the abundance of... peace.

kjv@Psalms:37:14 @...slay such as be of upright...

kjv@Psalms:37:16 @...better than the riches of many...

kjv@Psalms:37:17 @... For the arms of the...

kjv@Psalms:37:18 @...LORD knoweth the days of the...

kjv@Psalms:37:19 @...and in the days of famine...

kjv@Psalms:37:20 as the fat of lambs:...

kjv@Psalms:37:22 @...they that be cursed of him...

kjv@Psalms:37:23 ... The steps of a...

kjv@Psalms:37:28 @...ever: but the seed of the...

kjv@Psalms:37:30 ... The mouth of the...

kjv@Psalms:37:31 his heart; none of his...

kjv@Psalms:37:37 @...upright: for the end of that...

kjv@Psalms:37:38 @...destroyed together: the end of the...

kjv@Psalms:37:39 @...of the righteous is of the...

kjv@Psalms:38:3 my bones because of my...

kjv@Psalms:38:5 @...and are corrupt because of my...

kjv@Psalms:38:8 @...reason of the disquietness of my...

kjv@Psalms:38:10 for the light of mine...

kjv@Psalms:39:4 @...end, and the measure of my...

kjv@Psalms:39:8 not the reproach of the...

kjv@Psalms:39:10 @...consumed by the blow of thine...

kjv@Psalms:40:2 horrible pit, out of the...

kjv@Psalms:40:5 @ Many, O LORD my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to us-...would declare and speak of them,...

kjv@Psalms:40:7 @...come: in the volume of the...

kjv@Psalms:40:12 @...more than the hairs of mine...

kjv@Psalms:40:15 @...desolate for a reward of their...

kjv@Psalms:41:1 @...deliver him in time of... trouble.

kjv@Psalms:41:2 @...him unto the will of his...

kjv@Psalms:41:3 @...him upon the bed of languishing:...

kjv@Psalms:41:5 @...Mine enemies speak evil of me,...

kjv@Psalms:41:9 @...trusted, which did eat of my...

kjv@Psalms:41:13 the LORD God of Israel...

kjv@Psalms:42:4 @...God, with the voice of joy...

kjv@Psalms:42:5 @...him for the help of his...

kjv@Psalms:42:6 of Jordan, and of the...

kjv@Psalms:42:7 @...deep at the noise of thy...

kjv@Psalms:42:8 @...prayer unto the God of my...

kjv@Psalms:42:9 @...because of the oppression of the...

kjv@Psalms:42:11 @...who is the health of my...

kjv@Psalms:43:2 @...because of the oppression of the...

kjv@Psalms:43:4 @...go unto the altar of God,...

kjv@Psalms:43:5 @...who is the health of my...

kjv@Psalms:44:1 @...days, in the times of... old.

kjv@Psalms:44:3 @...arm, and the light of thy...

kjv@Psalms:44:14 @...the heathen, a shaking of the...

kjv@Psalms:44:15, and the shame of my...

kjv@Psalms:44:16 @...and blasphemeth; by reason of the...

kjv@Psalms:44:19 in the place of dragons,...

kjv@Psalms:44:20 @...have forgotten the name of our...

kjv@Psalms:44:21 @...he knoweth the secrets of the...

kjv@Psalms:45:1 @...tongue is the pen of a...

kjv@Psalms:45:2 @...fairer than the children of men:...

kjv@Psalms:45:4 @...majesty ride prosperously because of truth...

kjv@Psalms:45:5 in the heart of the...

kjv@Psalms:45:6 @...and ever: the sceptre of thy...

kjv@Psalms:45:7 @...thee with the oil of gladness...

kjv@Psalms:45:8 @...aloes, and cassia, out of the...

kjv@Psalms:45:9 @...the queen in gold of... Ophir.

kjv@Psalms:45:12 @... And the daughter of Tyre...

kjv@Psalms:45:13 @...within: her clothing is of wrought...

kjv@Psalms:45:14 @...the king in raiment of needlework:...

kjv@Psalms:45:16 ... Instead of thy...

kjv@Psalms:46:2 @...carried into the midst of the...

kjv@Psalms:46:4 of the tabernacles of the...

kjv@Psalms:46:5 in the midst of her;...

kjv@Psalms:46:7 @...with us; the God of Jacob...

kjv@Psalms:46:8 @...Come, behold the works of the...

kjv@Psalms:46:9 @...cease unto the end of the...

kjv@Psalms:46:11 @...with us; the God of Jacob...

kjv@Psalms:47:1 @...God with the voice of... triumph.

kjv@Psalms:47:4 @...for us, the excellency of Jacob...

kjv@Psalms:47:5 @...LORD with the sound of a...

kjv@Psalms:47:7 @...God is the King of all...

kjv@Psalms:47:8 @...sitteth upon the throne of his...

kjv@Psalms:47:9 @...Abraham: for the shields of the...

kjv@Psalms:48:1 @...God, in the mountain of his...

kjv@Psalms:48:2 @...the north, the city of the...

kjv@Psalms:48:6 @...there, and pain, as of a...

kjv@Psalms:48:7 @...Thou breakest the ships of Tarshish...

kjv@Psalms:48:8 @...hosts, in the city of our...

kjv@Psalms:48:9 @...God, in the midst of thy...

kjv@Psalms:48:10 @...praise unto the ends of the...

kjv@Psalms:48:11 @...Judah be glad, because of thy...

kjv@Psalms:49:1 @...ear, all ye inhabitants of the...

kjv@Psalms:49:3 @...wisdom; and the meditation of my...

kjv@Psalms:49:5 @...evil, when the iniquity of my...

kjv@Psalms:49:6 @...themselves in the multitude of their...

kjv@Psalms:49:7 ... None of them...

kjv@Psalms:49:8 @ (For the redemption of their soul is precious, and it ceaseth for ever:)

kjv@Psalms:49:15 @...soul from the power of the...

kjv@Psalms:49:16, when the glory of his...

kjv@Psalms:49:19 @...go to the generation of his...

kjv@Psalms:50:1 from the rising of the...

kjv@Psalms:50:2 @...of Zion, the perfection of beauty,...

kjv@Psalms:50:9 @...nor he goats out of thy...

kjv@Psalms:50:10 @... For every beast of the...

kjv@Psalms:50:11 @...and the wild beasts of the...

kjv@Psalms:50:13 @...I eat the flesh of bulls,...

kjv@Psalms:50:15 in the day of trouble:...

kjv@Psalms:50:23 ... Whoso offereth praise...

kjv@Psalms:51:1 @...according unto the multitude of thy...

kjv@Psalms:51:12 @...unto me the joy of thy...

kjv@Psalms:51:14 @...tongue shall sing aloud of thy...

kjv@Psalms:51:17 ... The sacrifices of God...

kjv@Psalms:51:18 thou the walls of... Jerusalem.

kjv@Psalms:51:19 @...offering: then shall they offer bullocks...

kjv@Psalms:52:1 @...mighty man? the goodness of God...

kjv@Psalms:52:5 @...out of the land of the...

kjv@Psalms:52:7 @...trusted in the abundance of his...

kjv@Psalms:52:8 in the mercy of God...

kjv@Psalms:53:2 @...heaven upon the children of men,...

kjv@Psalms:53:3 ... Every one of them...

kjv@Psalms:53:4 @... Have the workers of iniquity...

kjv@Psalms:53:5 @...hath scattered the bones of him...

kjv@Psalms:53:6 @...bringeth back the captivity of his...

kjv@Psalms:54:2 @...ear to the words of my...

kjv@Psalms:54:7 @...hath delivered me out of all...

kjv@Psalms:55:3 @...because of the oppression of the...

kjv@Psalms:55:4 and the terrors of death...

kjv@Psalms:55:10 @...are in the midst of... it.

kjv@Psalms:55:14 @...walked unto the house of God...

kjv@Psalms:55:19 @...even he that abideth of old....

kjv@Psalms:55:21 ... The words of his...

kjv@Psalms:55:23 @...down into the pit of destruction:...

kjv@Psalms:56:13 @...God in the light of the...

kjv@Psalms:57:1 @...yea, in the shadow of thy...

kjv@Psalms:57:3 from the reproach of him...

kjv@Psalms:57:4, even the sons of men,...

kjv@Psalms:58:1 @...uprightly, O ye sons of... men?

kjv@Psalms:58:2 weigh the violence of your...

kjv@Psalms:58:4 like the poison of a...

kjv@Psalms:58:5 @...hearken to the voice of charmers,...

kjv@Psalms:58:6 @...out the great teeth of the...

kjv@Psalms:58:8 the untimely birth of a...

kjv@Psalms:58:10 @...feet in the blood of the...

kjv@Psalms:59:2 from the workers of iniquity,...

kjv@Psalms:59:5 @...of hosts, the God of Israel,...

kjv@Psalms:59:9 ... Because of his...

kjv@Psalms:59:10 ... The God of my...

kjv@Psalms:59:12 @...mouth and the words of their...

kjv@Psalms:59:13 @...Jacob unto the ends of the...

kjv@Psalms:59:16 @...refuge in the day of my...

kjv@Psalms:59:17 @...defence, and the God of my...

kjv@Psalms:60:3 drink the wine of... astonishment.

kjv@Psalms:60:4 @...may be displayed because of the...

kjv@Psalms:60:6 @...mete out the valley of... Succoth.

kjv@Psalms:60:7 @...also is the strength of mine...

kjv@Psalms:60:8 @...Philistia, triumph thou because of... me.

kjv@Psalms:60:11 @...vain is the help of... man.

kjv@Psalms:61:2 @... From the end of the...

kjv@Psalms:61:4 in the covert of thy...

kjv@Psalms:61:5 @...given me the heritage of those...

kjv@Psalms:62:3 @...shall be slain all of you:...

kjv@Psalms:62:7 glory: the rock of my...

kjv@Psalms:62:9 @...are vanity, and men of high...

kjv@Psalms:63:7 @...therefore in the shadow of thy...

kjv@Psalms:63:9 @...into the lower parts of the...

kjv@Psalms:63:11 @...glory: but the mouth of them...

kjv@Psalms:64:1 life from fear of the...

kjv@Psalms:64:2 @...wicked; from the insurrection of the...

kjv@Psalms:64:5 @...evil matter: they commune of laying...

kjv@Psalms:64:6 @...thought of every one of them,...

kjv@Psalms:64:9 @...they shall wisely consider of his...

kjv@Psalms:65:4 @...of thy house, even of thy...

kjv@Psalms:65:5 @...them that are afar off upon...

kjv@Psalms:65:7 @...waves, and the tumult of the...

kjv@Psalms:65:8 @...thou makest the outgoings of the...

kjv@Psalms:65:9 @...God, which is full of water:...

kjv@Psalms:65:12 @...drop upon the pastures of the...

kjv@Psalms:66:2 @...Sing forth the honour of his...

kjv@Psalms:66:3! through the greatness of thy...

kjv@Psalms:66:5 @...and see the works of God:...

kjv@Psalms:66:8 @...and make the voice of his...

kjv@Psalms:66:15 @...of rams; I will offer bullocks...

kjv@Psalms:66:19 @...attended to the voice of my...

kjv@Psalms:67:7 @...and all the ends of the...

kjv@Psalms:68:2 @...perish at the presence of... God.

kjv@Psalms:68:5 @...fatherless, and a judge of the...

kjv@Psalms:68:8 @...moved at the presence of God,...

kjv@Psalms:68:10 @...O God, hast prepared of thy...

kjv@Psalms:68:11 @...great was the company of those...

kjv@Psalms:68:12 ... Kings of armies...

kjv@Psalms:68:13 as the wings of a...

kjv@Psalms:68:15 as the hill of Bashan;...

kjv@Psalms:68:17 @...twenty thousand, even thousands of angels:...

kjv@Psalms:68:19 @...benefits, even the God of our...

kjv@Psalms:68:20 @...God is the God of salvation;...

kjv@Psalms:68:21 @...and the hairy scalp of such...

kjv@Psalms:68:22 @...again from the depths of the...

kjv@Psalms:68:23 @...enemies, and the tongue of thy...

kjv@Psalms:68:24 @...God; even the goings of my...

kjv@Psalms:68:26 @...Lord, from the fountain of... Israel.

kjv@Psalms:68:27 @...their council, the princes of Zebulun,...

kjv@Psalms:68:29 ... Because of thy...

kjv@Psalms:68:30 @...submit himself with pieces of silver:...

kjv@Psalms:68:31 @...Princes shall come out of Egypt;...

kjv@Psalms:68:32 @...unto God, ye kingdoms of the...

kjv@Psalms:68:33 @...of heavens, which were of old;...

kjv@Psalms:68:35 @...holy places: the God of Israel...

kjv@Psalms:69:3 @... I am weary of my...

kjv@Psalms:69:4 @...more than the hairs of mine...

kjv@Psalms:69:6 @...thee, O Lord GOD of hosts,...

kjv@Psalms:69:9 @...up; and the reproaches of them...

kjv@Psalms:69:12 @...I was the song of the...

kjv@Psalms:69:13, in the truth of thy...

kjv@Psalms:69:14 @...hate me, and out of the...

kjv@Psalms:69:16 @...according to the multitude of thy...

kjv@Psalms:69:18 deliver me because of mine...

kjv@Psalms:69:20 @...and I am full of heaviness:...

kjv@Psalms:69:24 @...wrathful anger take hold of... them.

kjv@Psalms:69:26 to the grief of those...

kjv@Psalms:69:28 @...out of the book of the...

kjv@Psalms:69:30 @...will praise the name of God...

kjv@Psalms:69:35 @...will build the cities of Judah:...

kjv@Psalms:69:36 @... The seed also of his...

kjv@Psalms:70:3 @...back for a reward of their...

kjv@Psalms:71:4 @...out of the hand of the...

kjv@Psalms:71:6 @...that took me out of my...

kjv@Psalms:71:9 in the time of old...

kjv@Psalms:71:16 @...of thy righteousness, even of thine...

kjv@Psalms:71:20 @...again from the depths of the...

kjv@Psalms:71:22 @...O thou Holy One of... Israel.

kjv@Psalms:71:24 @...tongue also shall talk of thy...

kjv@Psalms:72:4 @...shall save the children of the...

kjv@Psalms:72:7 @...righteous flourish; and abundance of peace...

kjv@Psalms:72:8 @...river unto the ends of the...

kjv@Psalms:72:10 @...bring presents: the kings of Sheba...

kjv@Psalms:72:13 @...shall save the souls of the...

kjv@Psalms:72:15 @...given of the gold of Sheba:...

kjv@Psalms:72:16 @...shall flourish like grass of the...

kjv@Psalms:72:18 @...LORD God, the God of Israel,...

kjv@Psalms:72:20 @...of David the son of Jesse...

kjv@Psalms:73:1 such as are of a...

kjv@Psalms:73:3 @...I saw the prosperity of the...

kjv@Psalms:73:10 @...return hither: and waters of a...

kjv@Psalms:73:15 @...offend against the generation of thy...

kjv@Psalms:73:17 @...went into the sanctuary of God;...

kjv@Psalms:73:26 @...God is the strength of my...

kjv@Psalms:74:1 @...smoke against the sheep of thy...

kjv@Psalms:74:2 @...of old; the rod of thine...

kjv@Psalms:74:4 @...roar in the midst of thy...

kjv@Psalms:74:7 @...down the dwelling place of thy...

kjv@Psalms:74:8 @...up all the synagogues of God...

kjv@Psalms:74:11 @...hand? pluck it out of thy...

kjv@Psalms:74:12 @...salvation in the midst of the...

kjv@Psalms:74:13 @...thou brakest the heads of the...

kjv@Psalms:74:14 @...Thou brakest the heads of leviathan...

kjv@Psalms:74:17 @...set all the borders of the...

kjv@Psalms:74:19 @...forget not the congregation of thy...

kjv@Psalms:74:20 @...the earth are full of the...

kjv@Psalms:74:23 @...thine enemies: the tumult of those...

kjv@Psalms:75:3 @...bear up the pillars of it....

kjv@Psalms:75:8 @...thereof, all the wicked of the...

kjv@Psalms:75:9 @...praises to the God of... Jacob.

kjv@Psalms:75:10; but the horns of the...

kjv@Psalms:76:3 @...brake he the arrows of the...

kjv@Psalms:76:4 @...excellent than the mountains of... prey.

kjv@Psalms:76:5 @...none of the men of might...

kjv@Psalms:76:6 @...thy rebuke, O God of Jacob,...

kjv@Psalms:76:9 all the meek of the...

kjv@Psalms:76:10 @...praise thee: the remainder of wrath...

kjv@Psalms:76:12 @...terrible to the kings of the...

kjv@Psalms:77:2 @... In the day of my...

kjv@Psalms:77:5 @...of old, the years of ancient...

kjv@Psalms:77:10 @...of the right hand of the...

kjv@Psalms:77:11 @...will remember the works of the...

kjv@Psalms:77:12 @...thy work, and talk of thy...

kjv@Psalms:77:15 @...thy people, the sons of Jacob...

kjv@Psalms:77:18 ... The voice of thy...

kjv@Psalms:77:20 @...flock by the hand of Moses...

kjv@Psalms:78:1 @...ears to the words of my...

kjv@Psalms:78:2 @...will utter dark sayings of... old:

kjv@Psalms:78:4 come the praises of the...

kjv@Psalms:78:7 @...not forget the works of God,...

kjv@Psalms:78:9 ... The children of Ephraim,...

kjv@Psalms:78:10 @...kept not the covenant of God,...

kjv@Psalms:78:12 @...fathers, in the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Psalms:78:14 @...night with a light of... fire.

kjv@Psalms:78:15 @...them drink as out of the...

kjv@Psalms:78:16 @...brought streams also out of the...

kjv@Psalms:78:23 @...and opened the doors of... heaven,

kjv@Psalms:78:24 @...and had given them of the...

kjv@Psalms:78:27 as the sand of the...

kjv@Psalms:78:28 @...fall in the midst of their...

kjv@Psalms:78:31 @...and slew the fattest of them,...

kjv@Psalms:78:38 @...But he, being full of compassion,...

kjv@Psalms:78:41 the Holy One of... Israel.

kjv@Psalms:78:43 @...wonders in the field of... Zoan:

kjv@Psalms:78:45 @...He sent divers sorts of flies...

kjv@Psalms:78:49 @...upon them the fierceness of his...

kjv@Psalms:78:51 Egypt; the chief of their...

kjv@Psalms:78:54 @...them to the border of his...

kjv@Psalms:78:55 @...and made the tribes of Israel...

kjv@Psalms:78:60 @...he forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh,...

kjv@Psalms:78:65 @...awaked as one out of sleep,...

kjv@Psalms:78:67 @...he refused the tabernacle of Joseph,...

kjv@Psalms:78:68 @...But chose the tribe of Judah,...

kjv@Psalms:78:72 @...them by the skilfulness of his...

kjv@Psalms:79:2 @...saints unto the beasts of the...

kjv@Psalms:79:9 @...salvation, for the glory of thy...

kjv@Psalms:79:10 @...revenging of the blood of thy...

kjv@Psalms:79:11 @...according to the greatness of thy...

kjv@Psalms:79:13 @...thy people and sheep of thy...

kjv@Psalms:80:1 @...Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel,...

kjv@Psalms:80:4 @...angry against the prayer of thy...

kjv@Psalms:80:5 @...them with the bread of tears;...

kjv@Psalms:80:7 again, O God of hosts,...

kjv@Psalms:80:8 @...brought a vine out of Egypt:...

kjv@Psalms:80:10 @...covered with the shadow of it,...

kjv@Psalms:80:13 @...and the wild beast of the...

kjv@Psalms:80:14 @...beseech thee, O God of hosts:...

kjv@Psalms:80:16 @...perish at the rebuke of thy...

kjv@Psalms:80:17 @...hand, upon the son of man...

kjv@Psalms:80:19 @...again, O LORD God of hosts,...

kjv@Psalms:81:1 @...noise unto the God of... Jacob.

kjv@Psalms:81:4 @...Israel, and a law of the...

kjv@Psalms:81:5 @...out through the land of Egypt:...

kjv@Psalms:81:7 @...thee at the waters of Meribah....

kjv@Psalms:81:10 @...out of the land of Egypt:...

kjv@Psalms:81:11 @...and Israel would none of... me.

kjv@Psalms:81:15 ... The haters of the...

kjv@Psalms:81:16 @...and with honey out of the...

kjv@Psalms:82:1 @...standeth in the congregation of the...

kjv@Psalms:82:2 @...and accept the persons of the...

kjv@Psalms:82:4 @...out of the hand of the...

kjv@Psalms:82:5 @...darkness: all the foundations of the...

kjv@Psalms:82:6 @...of you are children of the...

kjv@Psalms:82:7 @...and fall like one of the...

kjv@Psalms:83:4 @...nation; that the name of Israel...

kjv@Psalms:83:6 @...Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab,...

kjv@Psalms:83:7 @...Philistines with the inhabitants of... Tyre;

kjv@Psalms:83:8 @...have holpen the children of Lot....

kjv@Psalms:83:9 @...Jabin, at the brook of... Kison:

kjv@Psalms:83:12 ourselves the houses of God...

kjv@Psalms:84:1 @...thy tabernacles, O LORD of... hosts!

kjv@Psalms:84:2 @...fainteth for the courts of the...

kjv@Psalms:84:3 @...thine altars, O LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Psalms:84:5 @...heart are the ways of... them.

kjv@Psalms:84:6 @...passing through the valley of Baca...

kjv@Psalms:84:7 strength, every one of them...

kjv@Psalms:84:8 @...give ear, O God of Jacob....

kjv@Psalms:84:9 @...look upon the face of thine...

kjv@Psalms:84:10 @...doorkeeper in the house of my...

kjv@Psalms:84:12 ... O LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Psalms:85:1 @...brought back the captivity of... Jacob.

kjv@Psalms:85:2 @...hast forgiven the iniquity of thy...

kjv@Psalms:85:3 @...thyself from the fierceness of thine...

kjv@Psalms:85:4 @...Turn us, O God of our...

kjv@Psalms:85:11 @...Truth shall spring out of the...

kjv@Psalms:85:13 in the way of his...

kjv@Psalms:86:4 @... Rejoice the soul of thy...

kjv@Psalms:86:6 @...attend to the voice of my...

kjv@Psalms:86:7 @... In the day of my...

kjv@Psalms:86:14, and the assemblies of violent...

kjv@Psalms:86:15 a God full of compassion,...

kjv@Psalms:86:16 @...and save the son of thine...

kjv@Psalms:87:2 @...LORD loveth the gates of Zion...

kjv@Psalms:87:3 @...of thee, O city of God....

kjv@Psalms:87:4 @...I will make mention of Rahab...

kjv@Psalms:87:5 ... And of Zion...

kjv@Psalms:88:1 @... O LORD God of my...

kjv@Psalms:88:3 soul is full of troubles:...

kjv@Psalms:88:9 @...eye mourneth by reason of affliction:...

kjv@Psalms:88:12 @...righteousness in the land of... forgetfulness?

kjv@Psalms:89:1 @...sing of the mercies of the...

kjv@Psalms:89:5 @...also in the congregation of the...

kjv@Psalms:89:6 @...who among the sons of the...

kjv@Psalms:89:7 had in reverence of all...

kjv@Psalms:89:8 @... O LORD God of hosts,...

kjv@Psalms:89:9 @...Thou rulest the raging of the...

kjv@Psalms:89:14 @...judgment are the habitation of thy...

kjv@Psalms:89:15 @...LORD, in the light of thy...

kjv@Psalms:89:17 @...thou art the glory of their...

kjv@Psalms:89:18 @...and the Holy One of Israel...

kjv@Psalms:89:19 @...exalted one chosen out of the...

kjv@Psalms:89:22 @...him; nor the son of wickedness...

kjv@Psalms:89:26 @...God, and the rock of my...

kjv@Psalms:89:27 @...higher than the kings of the...

kjv@Psalms:89:29 @...throne as the days of... heaven.

kjv@Psalms:89:34 @...that is gone out of my...

kjv@Psalms:89:39 @...made void the covenant of thy...

kjv@Psalms:89:42 @...up the right hand of his...

kjv@Psalms:89:43 @...also turned the edge of his...

kjv@Psalms:89:45 ... The days of his...

kjv@Psalms:89:48 @...soul from the hand of the...

kjv@Psalms:89:50 bosom the reproach of all...

kjv@Psalms:89:51 @...have reproached the footsteps of thine...

kjv@Psalms:90:3 @...sayest, Return, ye children of... men.

kjv@Psalms:90:8 @...sins in the light of thy...

kjv@Psalms:90:10 is soon cut off, and...

kjv@Psalms:90:11 @...Who knoweth the power of thine...

kjv@Psalms:90:17; yea, the work of our...

kjv@Psalms:91:1 @...abide under the shadow of the...

kjv@Psalms:91:2 @... I will say of the...

kjv@Psalms:91:3 @...thee from the snare of the...

kjv@Psalms:91:8 @...and see the reward of the...

kjv@Psalms:92:3 @... Upon an instrument of ten...

kjv@Psalms:92:4 @...triumph in the works of thy...

kjv@Psalms:92:7 @...when all the workers of iniquity...

kjv@Psalms:92:9 @...perish; all the workers of iniquity...

kjv@Psalms:92:10 @...exalt like the horn of an...

kjv@Psalms:92:11 @...shall hear my desire of the...

kjv@Psalms:92:13 @...flourish in the courts of our...

kjv@Psalms:93:2 @...Thy throne is established of old:...

kjv@Psalms:93:4 @...than the mighty waves of the...

kjv@Psalms:94:2 @...up thyself, thou judge of the...

kjv@Psalms:94:4 @...and all the workers of iniquity...

kjv@Psalms:94:7 @...neither shall the God of Jacob...

kjv@Psalms:94:11 @...LORD knoweth the thoughts of man,...

kjv@Psalms:94:12 @...and teachest him out of thy...

kjv@Psalms:94:13 from the days of adversity,...

kjv@Psalms:94:16 against the workers of... iniquity?

kjv@Psalms:94:19 @... In the multitude of my...

kjv@Psalms:94:20 @... Shall the throne of iniquity...

kjv@Psalms:94:21 @...together against the soul of the...

kjv@Psalms:94:22 @...God is the rock of my...

kjv@Psalms:95:1 @...noise to the rock of our...

kjv@Psalms:95:4 @...the earth: the strength of the...

kjv@Psalms:95:7 @...pasture, and the sheep of his...

kjv@Psalms:95:8 in the day of temptation...

kjv@Psalms:96:5 @...For all the gods of the...

kjv@Psalms:96:7 @...LORD, O ye kindreds of the...

kjv@Psalms:96:9 @...LORD in the beauty of holiness:...

kjv@Psalms:96:12 @...shall all the trees of the...

kjv@Psalms:97:1 @...rejoice; let the multitude of isles...

kjv@Psalms:97:2 @...judgment are the habitation of his...

kjv@Psalms:97:5 @...presence of the Lord of the...

kjv@Psalms:97:7 @...images, that boast themselves of idols:...

kjv@Psalms:97:8 @...of Judah rejoiced because of thy...

kjv@Psalms:97:10 @...out of the hand of the...

kjv@Psalms:97:12 @...thanks at the remembrance of his...

kjv@Psalms:98:2 @...shewed in the sight of the...

kjv@Psalms:98:3 @...have seen the salvation of our...

kjv@Psalms:98:5 @...harp, and the voice of a...

kjv@Psalms:98:6 @...With trumpets and sound of cornet...

kjv@Psalms:99:8 @...though thou tookest vengeance of their...

kjv@Psalms:100:3 @...people, and the sheep of his...

kjv@Psalms:101:1 @... I will sing of mercy...

kjv@Psalms:101:3 @...I hate the work of them...

kjv@Psalms:101:6 upon the faithful of the...

kjv@Psalms:101:8 @...doers from the city of the...

kjv@Psalms:102:5 @...reason of the voice of my...

kjv@Psalms:102:6 like an owl of the...

kjv@Psalms:102:10 ... Because of thine...

kjv@Psalms:102:15 @...and all the kings of the...

kjv@Psalms:102:17 @...will regard the prayer of the...

kjv@Psalms:102:19 @...down from the height of his...

kjv@Psalms:102:20 @...To hear the groaning of the...

kjv@Psalms:102:21 @...To declare the name of the...

kjv@Psalms:102:24 @...away in the midst of my...

kjv@Psalms:102:25 @...heavens are the work of thy...

kjv@Psalms:102:26 @...shalt endure: yea, all of them...

kjv@Psalms:102:28 ... The children of thy...

kjv@Psalms:103:7 @...acts unto the children of... Israel.

kjv@Psalms:103:15 @...grass: as a flower of the...

kjv@Psalms:103:17 @... But the mercy of the...

kjv@Psalms:103:20 @...hearkening unto the voice of his...

kjv@Psalms:103:21 @...his hosts; ye ministers of his,...

kjv@Psalms:103:22 in all places of his...

kjv@Psalms:104:3 @...walketh upon the wings of the...

kjv@Psalms:104:5 @...Who laid the foundations of the...

kjv@Psalms:104:7 @...fled; at the voice of thy...

kjv@Psalms:104:11 @...drink to every beast of the...

kjv@Psalms:104:12 @...them shall the fowls of the...

kjv@Psalms:104:13 @...satisfied with the fruit of thy...

kjv@Psalms:104:14 @...bring forth food out of the...

kjv@Psalms:104:15 @...maketh glad the heart of man,...

kjv@Psalms:104:16 @...of sap; the cedars of Lebanon,...

kjv@Psalms:104:20 @...wherein all the beasts of the...

kjv@Psalms:104:24 @...the earth is full of thy...

kjv@Psalms:104:30 @...thou renewest the face of the...

kjv@Psalms:104:31 ... The glory of the...

kjv@Psalms:104:34 ... My meditation of him...

kjv@Psalms:104:35 @...sinners be consumed out of the...

kjv@Psalms:105:2 @...unto him: talk ye of all...

kjv@Psalms:105:3 let the heart of them...

kjv@Psalms:105:5 @...wonders, and the judgments of his...

kjv@Psalms:105:6 @...his servant, ye children of Jacob...

kjv@Psalms:105:11 @...of Canaan, the lot of your...

kjv@Psalms:105:16 @...brake the whole staff of... bread.

kjv@Psalms:105:19 @...word came: the word of the...

kjv@Psalms:105:20 @...him; even the ruler of the...

kjv@Psalms:105:21 @...his house, and ruler of all...

kjv@Psalms:105:23 @...sojourned in the land of... Ham.

kjv@Psalms:105:27 @...wonders in the land of... Ham.

kjv@Psalms:105:30 @...abundance, in the chambers of their...

kjv@Psalms:105:31 @...there came divers sorts of flies,...

kjv@Psalms:105:33 @...and brake the trees of their...

kjv@Psalms:105:35 @...and devoured the fruit of their...

kjv@Psalms:105:36 @...their land, the chief of all...

kjv@Psalms:105:38 @...departed: for the fear of them...

kjv@Psalms:105:40 @...them with the bread of... heaven.

kjv@Psalms:105:44 @...they inherited the labour of the...

kjv@Psalms:106:2 @...utter the mighty acts of the...

kjv@Psalms:106:5 @...rejoice in the gladness of thy...

kjv@Psalms:106:7 @...remembered not the multitude of thy...

kjv@Psalms:106:10 @...them from the hand of the...

kjv@Psalms:106:11 @...there was not one of them...

kjv@Psalms:106:16 @...and Aaron the saint of the...

kjv@Psalms:106:17 @...and covered the company of... Abiram.

kjv@Psalms:106:20 @...glory into the similitude of an...

kjv@Psalms:106:22 in the land of Ham,...

kjv@Psalms:106:25 @...not unto the voice of the...

kjv@Psalms:106:28 @...and ate the sacrifices of the...

kjv@Psalms:106:32 @...also at the waters of strife,...

kjv@Psalms:106:38 @...sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan:...

kjv@Psalms:106:40 @...Therefore was the wrath of the...

kjv@Psalms:106:41 @...them into the hand of the...

kjv@Psalms:106:45 @...according to the multitude of his...

kjv@Psalms:106:46 @...also to be pitied of all...

kjv@Psalms:106:48 the LORD God of Israel...

kjv@Psalms:107:2 @...redeemed from the hand of the...

kjv@Psalms:107:3 @...And gathered them out of the...

kjv@Psalms:107:6 @...he delivered them out of their...

kjv@Psalms:107:7 @...go to a city of... habitation.

kjv@Psalms:107:8 to the children of... men!

kjv@Psalms:107:10 @...and in the shadow of death,...

kjv@Psalms:107:11 @...and contemned the counsel of the...

kjv@Psalms:107:13 @...he saved them out of their...

kjv@Psalms:107:14 @...darkness and the shadow of death,...

kjv@Psalms:107:15 to the children of... men!

kjv@Psalms:107:16 @...and cut the bars of iron...

kjv@Psalms:107:17 @...their transgression, and because of their...

kjv@Psalms:107:18 @...soul abhorreth all manner of meat;...

kjv@Psalms:107:19 @...he saveth them out of their...

kjv@Psalms:107:21 to the children of... men!

kjv@Psalms:107:22 @...them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving,...

kjv@Psalms:107:24 @...These see the works of the...

kjv@Psalms:107:26 @...soul is melted because of... trouble.

kjv@Psalms:107:28 @...he bringeth them out of their...

kjv@Psalms:107:31 to the children of... men!

kjv@Psalms:107:32 @...him in the assembly of the...

kjv@Psalms:107:34 @...barrenness, for the wickedness of them...

kjv@Psalms:107:37 @...which may yield fruits of... increase.

kjv@Psalms:107:43 @...shall understand the lovingkindness of the...

kjv@Psalms:108:7 @...mete out the valley of... Succoth.

kjv@Psalms:108:8 @...also is the strength of mine...

kjv@Psalms:108:12 @...vain is the help of... man.

kjv@Psalms:109:1 @...thy peace, O God of my...

kjv@Psalms:109:2 @...wicked and the mouth of the...

kjv@Psalms:109:3 @...about also with words of hatred;...

kjv@Psalms:109:10 @...their bread also out of their...

kjv@Psalms:109:14 @...let not the sin of his...

kjv@Psalms:109:15 @...cut off the memory of them...

kjv@Psalms:109:20 @...from the LORD, and of them...

kjv@Psalms:109:24 @...and my flesh faileth of... fatness.

kjv@Psalms:109:31 the right hand of the...

kjv@Psalms:110:2 @...thou in the midst of thine...

kjv@Psalms:110:3 @...thou hast the dew of thy...

kjv@Psalms:110:4 @...ever after the order of... Melchizedek.

kjv@Psalms:110:5 @...kings in the day of his...

kjv@Psalms:110:7 @... He shall drink of the...

kjv@Psalms:111:1 @...heart, in the assembly of the...

kjv@Psalms:111:2 @...are great, sought out of all...

kjv@Psalms:111:4 gracious and full of... compassion.

kjv@Psalms:111:5 @...will ever be mindful of his...

kjv@Psalms:111:6 @...give them the heritage of the...

kjv@Psalms:111:7 ... The works of his...

kjv@Psalms:111:10 @...LORD is the beginning of wisdom:...

kjv@Psalms:112:2 @...upon earth: the generation of the...

kjv@Psalms:112:4 gracious, and full of compassion,...

kjv@Psalms:112:7 @...shall not be afraid of evil...

kjv@Psalms:112:10 @...melt away: the desire of the...

kjv@Psalms:113:1 @...LORD, praise the name of the...

kjv@Psalms:113:2 @...Blessed be the name of the...

kjv@Psalms:113:3 @...unto the going down of the...

kjv@Psalms:113:7 @...lifteth the needy out of the...

kjv@Psalms:113:8 @...even with the princes of his...

kjv@Psalms:113:9 a joyful mother of children....

kjv@Psalms:114:1 @...Jacob from a people of strange...

kjv@Psalms:114:7 @...Lord, at the presence of the...

kjv@Psalms:114:8 @...flint into a fountain of... waters.

kjv@Psalms:115:4 @...and gold, the work of men's...

kjv@Psalms:115:10 ... O house of Aaron,...

kjv@Psalms:115:12 @...will bless the house of Israel;...

kjv@Psalms:115:15 @... Ye are blessed of the...

kjv@Psalms:115:16 @...given to the children of... men.

kjv@Psalms:116:3, and the pains of hell...

kjv@Psalms:116:4 @...I upon the name of the...

kjv@Psalms:116:9 @...LORD in the land of the...

kjv@Psalms:116:13 upon the name of the...

kjv@Psalms:116:14 in the presence of all...

kjv@Psalms:116:15 @...LORD is the death of his...

kjv@Psalms:116:16 @...servant, and the son of thine...

kjv@Psalms:116:17 upon the name of the...

kjv@Psalms:116:18 in the presence of all...

kjv@Psalms:116:19, in the midst of thee,...

kjv@Psalms:117:2 and the truth of the...

kjv@Psalms:118:3 @... Let the house of Aaron...

kjv@Psalms:118:10 @...but in the name of the...

kjv@Psalms:118:11 @...but in the name of the...

kjv@Psalms:118:12 @...for in the name of the...

kjv@Psalms:118:15 @...righteous: the right hand of the...

kjv@Psalms:118:16 @...exalted: the right hand of the...

kjv@Psalms:118:17 @...and declare the works of the...

kjv@Psalms:118:19 me the gates of righteousness:...

kjv@Psalms:118:20 ... This gate of the...

kjv@Psalms:118:22 @...become the head stone of the...

kjv@Psalms:118:26 @...out of the house of the...

kjv@Psalms:118:27 @...even unto the horns of the...

kjv@Psalms:119:1 @...walk in the law of the...

kjv@Psalms:119:7 @...praise thee with uprightness of heart,...

kjv@Psalms:119:13 @...declared all the judgments of thy...

kjv@Psalms:119:14 @...rejoiced in the way of thy...

kjv@Psalms:119:18 @...behold wondrous things out of thy...

kjv@Psalms:119:27 shall I talk of thy...

kjv@Psalms:119:29 @...from me the way of lying:...

kjv@Psalms:119:30 @...have chosen the way of truth:...

kjv@Psalms:119:32 @...will run the way of thy...

kjv@Psalms:119:33 @...O LORD, the way of thy...

kjv@Psalms:119:35 @...go in the path of thy...

kjv@Psalms:119:43 @...of truth utterly out of my...

kjv@Psalms:119:46 @... I will speak of thy...

kjv@Psalms:119:52 @...I remembered thy judgments of old,...

kjv@Psalms:119:53 @...hold upon me because of the...

kjv@Psalms:119:54 @...songs in the house of my...

kjv@Psalms:119:61 ... The bands of the...

kjv@Psalms:119:62 @...thanks unto thee because of thy...

kjv@Psalms:119:63 @...that fear thee, and of them...

kjv@Psalms:119:64 @...O LORD, is full of thy...

kjv@Psalms:119:72 @...unto me than thousands of gold...

kjv@Psalms:119:84 @...many are the days of thy...

kjv@Psalms:119:88 @...I keep the testimony of thy...

kjv@Psalms:119:96 @...have seen an end of all...

kjv@Psalms:119:108 @...thee, the freewill offerings of my...

kjv@Psalms:119:111 @...they are the rejoicing of my...

kjv@Psalms:119:115 @...will keep the commandments of my...

kjv@Psalms:119:116 not be ashamed of my...

kjv@Psalms:119:119 @...away all the wicked of the...

kjv@Psalms:119:120 @...and I am afraid of thy...

kjv@Psalms:119:123 @...and for the word of thy...

kjv@Psalms:119:130 ... The entrance of thy...

kjv@Psalms:119:134 from the oppression of man:...

kjv@Psalms:119:136 ... Rivers of waters...

kjv@Psalms:119:144 ... The righteousness of thy...

kjv@Psalms:119:147 @...I prevented the dawning of the...

kjv@Psalms:119:152 @...testimonies, I have known of old...

kjv@Psalms:119:160 @...beginning: and every one of thy...

kjv@Psalms:119:161 @...heart standeth in awe of thy...

kjv@Psalms:119:164 @...I praise thee because of thy...

kjv@Psalms:119:172 @...My tongue shall speak of thy...

kjv@Psalms:120:4 ... Sharp arrows of the...

kjv@Psalms:120:5 @...dwell in the tents of... Kedar!

kjv@Psalms:122:1 @...go into the house of the...

kjv@Psalms:122:4 @...thanks unto the name of the...

kjv@Psalms:122:5 @...of judgment, the thrones of the...

kjv@Psalms:122:6 @...Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:...

kjv@Psalms:122:9 @...Because of the house of the...

kjv@Psalms:123:2 @...maiden unto the hand of her...

kjv@Psalms:123:4 @...and with the contempt of the...

kjv@Psalms:124:7 @...out of the snare of the...

kjv@Psalms:124:8 in the name of the...

kjv@Psalms:125:3 upon the lot of the...

kjv@Psalms:125:5 @...forth with the workers of iniquity:...

kjv@Psalms:126:1 @...turned again the captivity of Zion,...

kjv@Psalms:127:2 eat the bread of sorrows:...

kjv@Psalms:127:3 @...LORD: and the fruit of the...

kjv@Psalms:127:4; so are children of the...

kjv@Psalms:127:5 @...hath his quiver full of them:...

kjv@Psalms:128:2 @...shalt eat the labour of thine...

kjv@Psalms:128:3 @...vine by the sides of thine...

kjv@Psalms:128:5 @...Jerusalem all the days of thy...

kjv@Psalms:129:4 @...cut asunder the cords of the...

kjv@Psalms:129:8 in the name of the...

kjv@Psalms:130:1 ... Out of the...

kjv@Psalms:130:2 @...attentive to the voice of my...

kjv@Psalms:131:2 @...child that is weaned of his...

kjv@Psalms:132:2 @...unto the mighty God of... Jacob;

kjv@Psalms:132:3 @...come into the tabernacle of my...

kjv@Psalms:132:5 @...for the mighty God of... Jacob.

kjv@Psalms:132:6 in the fields of the...

kjv@Psalms:132:8 @...thou, and the ark of thy...

kjv@Psalms:132:10 @...not away the face of thine...

kjv@Psalms:132:11; Of the fruit of thy...

kjv@Psalms:132:17 @...I make the horn of David...

kjv@Psalms:133:2 @...down to the skirts of his...

kjv@Psalms:133:3 @...descended upon the mountains of Zion:...

kjv@Psalms:134:1 @...stand in the house of the...

kjv@Psalms:134:3 bless thee out of... Zion.

kjv@Psalms:135:1 @...him, O ye servants of the...

kjv@Psalms:135:2 @...courts of the house of our...

kjv@Psalms:135:7 @...bringeth the wind out of his...

kjv@Psalms:135:8 @...firstborn of Egypt, both of man...

kjv@Psalms:135:9 @...wonders into the midst of thee,...

kjv@Psalms:135:11 @...Amorites, and Og king of Bashan,...

kjv@Psalms:135:15 @...and gold, the work of men's...

kjv@Psalms:135:19 @...the LORD, O house of Israel:...

kjv@Psalms:135:20 @...the LORD, O house of Levi:...

kjv@Psalms:135:21 the LORD out of Zion,...

kjv@Psalms:136:2 @...thanks unto the God of gods:...

kjv@Psalms:136:3 @...thanks to the Lord of lords:...

kjv@Psalms:136:14 @...pass through the midst of it:...

kjv@Psalms:136:19 ... Sihon king of the...

kjv@Psalms:136:20 @...And Og the king of Bashan:...

kjv@Psalms:136:26 @...thanks unto the God of heaven:...

kjv@Psalms:137:1 @... By the rivers of Babylon,...

kjv@Psalms:137:3 @...saying, Sing us one of the...

kjv@Psalms:137:6 @...cleave to the roof of my...

kjv@Psalms:137:7 @...Edom in the day of Jerusalem;...

kjv@Psalms:137:8 ... O daughter of Babylon,...

kjv@Psalms:138:4 @...they hear the words of thy...

kjv@Psalms:138:5 @...great is the glory of the...

kjv@Psalms:138:7 @...hand against the wrath of mine...

kjv@Psalms:138:8 @...forsake not the works of thine...

kjv@Psalms:139:9 the uttermost parts of the...

kjv@Psalms:139:15 the lowest parts of the...

kjv@Psalms:139:16 @...yet there was none of... them.

kjv@Psalms:139:17 @...great is the sum of... them!

kjv@Psalms:140:4 @...LORD, from the hands of the...

kjv@Psalms:140:6 @...God: hear the voice of my...

kjv@Psalms:140:7 @...the Lord, the strength of my...

kjv@Psalms:140:8 @...O LORD, the desires of the...

kjv@Psalms:140:9 @...about, let the mischief of their...

kjv@Psalms:140:12 @...afflicted, and the right of the...

kjv@Psalms:141:2 @...and the lifting up of my...

kjv@Psalms:141:3 @...mouth; keep the door of my...

kjv@Psalms:141:4 @...let me not eat of their...

kjv@Psalms:141:9, and the gins of the...

kjv@Psalms:142:5 @...portion in the land of the...

kjv@Psalms:142:7 @...Bring my soul out of prison,...

kjv@Psalms:143:5 @...muse on the work of thy...

kjv@Psalms:143:10 into the land of... uprightness.

kjv@Psalms:143:11 @...bring my soul out of... trouble.

kjv@Psalms:143:12 @...of thy mercy cut off mine...

kjv@Psalms:144:3 @...him! or the son of man,...

kjv@Psalms:144:7 @...waters, from the hand of strange...

kjv@Psalms:144:8 a right hand of... falsehood.

kjv@Psalms:144:9 @...psaltery and an instrument of ten...

kjv@Psalms:144:11 from the hand of strange...

kjv@Psalms:144:12 @...polished after the similitude of a...

kjv@Psalms:144:13 @...full, affording all manner of store:...

kjv@Psalms:145:5 @...of thy majesty, and of thy...

kjv@Psalms:145:6 @...speak of the might of thy...

kjv@Psalms:145:7 @...goodness, and shall sing of thy...

kjv@Psalms:145:8 @...slow to anger, and of great...

kjv@Psalms:145:11 @...thy kingdom, and talk of thy...

kjv@Psalms:145:12 @...and the glorious majesty of his...

kjv@Psalms:145:15 ... The eyes of all...

kjv@Psalms:145:16 @...and satisfiest the desire of every...

kjv@Psalms:145:19 @...will fulfil the desire of them...

kjv@Psalms:145:21 @...shall speak the praise of the...

kjv@Psalms:146:3 @...nor in the son of man,...

kjv@Psalms:146:5 @...that hath the God of Jacob...

kjv@Psalms:146:8 @...LORD openeth the eyes of the...

kjv@Psalms:146:9 @...widow: but the way of the...

kjv@Psalms:147:2 @...gathereth together the outcasts of... Israel.

kjv@Psalms:147:4 @...He telleth the number of the...

kjv@Psalms:147:5 our Lord, and of great...

kjv@Psalms:147:10 @...pleasure in the legs of a...

kjv@Psalms:147:13 @...hath strengthened the bars of thy...

kjv@Psalms:147:14 @...thee with the finest of the...

kjv@Psalms:148:3 @...him, all ye stars of... light.

kjv@Psalms:148:4 @...Praise him, ye heavens of heavens,...

kjv@Psalms:148:5 @...them praise the name of the...

kjv@Psalms:148:11 @...princes, and all judges of the...

kjv@Psalms:148:13 @...them praise the name of the...

kjv@Psalms:148:14 @...even of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Psalms:149:1 @...praise in the congregation of... saints.

kjv@Psalms:149:2 @...him: let the children of Zion...

kjv@Psalms:149:6 @...Let the high praises of God...

kjv@Psalms:149:8 @...their nobles with fetters of... iron;

kjv@Psalms:150:1 @...him in the firmament of his...

kjv@Psalms:150:3 @...him with the sound of the...

kjv@Proverbs:1:1 @...of Solomon the son of David,...

kjv@Proverbs:1:2 perceive the words of... understanding;

kjv@Proverbs:1:3 @...To receive the instruction of wisdom,...

kjv@Proverbs:1:5 @...learning; and a man of understanding...

kjv@Proverbs:1:6 @...the interpretation; the words of the...

kjv@Proverbs:1:7 @...LORD is the beginning of knowledge:...

kjv@Proverbs:1:8 @...forsake not the law of thy...

kjv@Proverbs:1:9 @...shall be an ornament of grace...

kjv@Proverbs:1:17 @...spread in the sight of any...

kjv@Proverbs:1:19 @...taketh away the life of the...

kjv@Proverbs:1:21 @...concourse, in the openings of the...

kjv@Proverbs:1:25 @...counsel, and would none of my...

kjv@Proverbs:1:29 @...not choose the fear of the...

kjv@Proverbs:1:30 @... They would none of my...

kjv@Proverbs:1:31 of the fruit of their...

kjv@Proverbs:1:32 @...them, and the prosperity of fools...

kjv@Proverbs:1:33 quiet from fear of... evil.

kjv@Proverbs:2:5 @...thou understand the fear of the...

kjv@Proverbs:2:6 @...LORD giveth wisdom: out of his...

kjv@Proverbs:2:8 @...and preserveth the way of his...

kjv@Proverbs:2:12 @...thee from the way of the...

kjv@Proverbs:2:13 @...Who leave the paths of uprightness,...

kjv@Proverbs:2:14 @...delight in the frowardness of the...

kjv@Proverbs:2:17 @...and forgetteth the covenant of her...

kjv@Proverbs:2:19 @...neither take they hold of the...

kjv@Proverbs:2:20 @...and keep the paths of the...

kjv@Proverbs:2:22 @...wicked shall be cut off from...

kjv@Proverbs:3:2 ... For length of days,...

kjv@Proverbs:3:3 @...them upon the table of thine...

kjv@Proverbs:3:4 @...understanding in the sight of God...

kjv@Proverbs:3:9 @...and with the firstfruits of all...

kjv@Proverbs:3:11 @...LORD; neither be weary of his...

kjv@Proverbs:3:14 @...better than the merchandise of silver,...

kjv@Proverbs:3:16 ... Length of days...

kjv@Proverbs:3:17 @...Her ways are ways of pleasantness,...

kjv@Proverbs:3:18 @...She is a tree of life...

kjv@Proverbs:3:25 @...neither of the desolation of the...

kjv@Proverbs:3:27 in the power of thine...

kjv@Proverbs:3:31 @...oppressor, and choose none of his...

kjv@Proverbs:3:33 @...he blesseth the habitation of the...

kjv@Proverbs:3:35 @...shall be the promotion of... fools.

kjv@Proverbs:4:1 children, the instruction of a...

kjv@Proverbs:4:3 @...beloved in the sight of my...

kjv@Proverbs:4:5 @...decline from the words of my...

kjv@Proverbs:4:9 @...of grace: a crown of glory...

kjv@Proverbs:4:10 @...sayings; and the years of thy...

kjv@Proverbs:4:11 @...thee in the way of wisdom;...

kjv@Proverbs:4:13 @... Take fast hold of instruction;...

kjv@Proverbs:4:14 @...not in the way of evil...

kjv@Proverbs:4:17 @...they eat the bread of wickedness,...

kjv@Proverbs:4:18 @... But the path of the...

kjv@Proverbs:4:19 ... The way of the...

kjv@Proverbs:4:21 @...them in the midst of thine...

kjv@Proverbs:4:23 @...all diligence; for out of it...

kjv@Proverbs:4:26 @... Ponder the path of thy...

kjv@Proverbs:5:3 @... For the lips of a...

kjv@Proverbs:5:6 @...shouldest ponder the path of life,...

kjv@Proverbs:5:7 @...not from the words of my...

kjv@Proverbs:5:8 @...not nigh the door of her...

kjv@Proverbs:5:10 in the house of a...

kjv@Proverbs:5:13 @...not obeyed the voice of my...

kjv@Proverbs:5:14 @...evil in the midst of the...

kjv@Proverbs:5:15 @...and running waters out of thine...

kjv@Proverbs:5:16 @...dispersed abroad, and rivers of waters...

kjv@Proverbs:5:18 @...rejoice with the wife of thy...

kjv@Proverbs:5:20 @...and embrace the bosom of a...

kjv@Proverbs:5:21 @...are before the eyes of the...

kjv@Proverbs:5:22 @...holden with the cords of his...

kjv@Proverbs:5:23 @...and in the greatness of his...

kjv@Proverbs:6:2 @...taken with the words of thy...

kjv@Proverbs:6:3 @...come into the hand of thy...

kjv@Proverbs:6:5 @...bird from the hand of the...

kjv@Proverbs:6:9 @...wilt thou arise out of thy...

kjv@Proverbs:6:10 @...slumber, a little folding of the...

kjv@Proverbs:6:20 @...forsake not the law of thy...

kjv@Proverbs:6:23 light; and reproofs of instruction...

kjv@Proverbs:6:24 @...flattery of the tongue of a...

kjv@Proverbs:6:26 @...brought to a piece of bread:...

kjv@Proverbs:6:31 @...give all the substance of his...

kjv@Proverbs:6:34 @...jealousy is the rage of a...

kjv@Proverbs:7:2 as the apple of thine...

kjv@Proverbs:7:3 @...them upon the table of thine...

kjv@Proverbs:7:6 @...For at the window of my...

kjv@Proverbs:7:7 @...a young man void of... understanding,

kjv@Proverbs:7:10 @...woman with the attire of an...

kjv@Proverbs:7:16 bed with coverings of tapestry,...

kjv@Proverbs:7:18 take our fill of love...

kjv@Proverbs:7:20 @...hath taken a bag of money...

kjv@Proverbs:7:21 @...yield, with the flattering of her...

kjv@Proverbs:7:22 @...fool to the correction of the...

kjv@Proverbs:7:24 @...attend to the words of my...

kjv@Proverbs:7:27 @...down to the chambers of... death.

kjv@Proverbs:8:2 @...way in the places of the...

kjv@Proverbs:8:3 @...gates, at the entry of the...

kjv@Proverbs:8:4 to the sons of... man.

kjv@Proverbs:8:5 fools, be ye of an...

kjv@Proverbs:8:6 @...things; and the opening of my...

kjv@Proverbs:8:8 @... All the words of my...

kjv@Proverbs:8:12 @...and find out knowledge of witty...

kjv@Proverbs:8:13 ... The fear of the...

kjv@Proverbs:8:16 @...even all the judges of the...

kjv@Proverbs:8:20 @...righteousness, in the midst of the...

kjv@Proverbs:8:22 in the beginning of his...

kjv@Proverbs:8:26 @...part of the dust of the...

kjv@Proverbs:8:27 @...compass upon the face of the...

kjv@Proverbs:8:28 @...he strengthened the fountains of the...

kjv@Proverbs:8:29 @...he appointed the foundations of the...

kjv@Proverbs:8:31 the habitable part of his...

kjv@Proverbs:8:34 @...waiting at the posts of my...

kjv@Proverbs:8:35 @...and shall obtain favour of the...

kjv@Proverbs:9:3 @...upon the highest places of the...

kjv@Proverbs:9:5 bread, and drink of the...

kjv@Proverbs:9:6 @...go in the way of... understanding.

kjv@Proverbs:9:10 @...wisdom: and the knowledge of the...

kjv@Proverbs:9:11 @...multiplied, and the years of thy...

kjv@Proverbs:9:14 the high places of the...

kjv@Proverbs:9:18 @...are in the depths of... hell.

kjv@Proverbs:10:1 @...son is the heaviness of his...

kjv@Proverbs:10:2 ... Treasures of wickedness...

kjv@Proverbs:10:3 @...casteth away the substance of the...

kjv@Proverbs:10:4 @...hand: but the hand of the...

kjv@Proverbs:10:6 @...violence covereth the mouth of the...

kjv@Proverbs:10:7 @...blessed: but the name of the...

kjv@Proverbs:10:11 @...violence covereth the mouth of the...

kjv@Proverbs:10:13 for the back of him...

kjv@Proverbs:10:14 @...knowledge: but the mouth of the...

kjv@Proverbs:10:15 @...strong city: the destruction of the...

kjv@Proverbs:10:16 life: the fruit of the...

kjv@Proverbs:10:17 in the way of life...

kjv@Proverbs:10:19 @... In the multitude of words...

kjv@Proverbs:10:20 @...choice silver: the heart of the...

kjv@Proverbs:10:21 ... The lips of the...

kjv@Proverbs:10:22 ... The blessing of the...

kjv@Proverbs:10:23 @...mischief: but a man of understanding...

kjv@Proverbs:10:24 @...him: but the desire of the...

kjv@Proverbs:10:27 @...days: but the years of the...

kjv@Proverbs:10:28 @...gladness: but the expectation of the...

kjv@Proverbs:10:29 ... The way of the...

kjv@Proverbs:10:31 ... The mouth of the...

kjv@Proverbs:10:32 @...acceptable: but the mouth of the...

kjv@Proverbs:11:3 @...them: but the perverseness of transgressors...

kjv@Proverbs:11:4 @...not in the day of wrath:...

kjv@Proverbs:11:5 ... The righteousness of the...

kjv@Proverbs:11:6 ... The righteousness of the...

kjv@Proverbs:11:7 @...perish: and the hope of unjust...

kjv@Proverbs:11:8 @...righteous is delivered out of trouble,...

kjv@Proverbs:11:11 @...overthrown by the mouth of the...

kjv@Proverbs:11:12 @...neighbour: but a man of understanding...

kjv@Proverbs:11:13 @...but he that is of a...

kjv@Proverbs:11:14 @...but in the multitude of counsellors...

kjv@Proverbs:11:20 @... They that are of a...

kjv@Proverbs:11:21 @...unpunished: but the seed of the...

kjv@Proverbs:11:22 @... As a jewel of gold...

kjv@Proverbs:11:23 @...good: but the expectation of the...

kjv@Proverbs:11:26 upon the head of him...

kjv@Proverbs:11:29 @...servant to the wise of... heart.

kjv@Proverbs:11:30 @...righteous is a tree of life;...

kjv@Proverbs:12:2 @...LORD: but a man of wicked...

kjv@Proverbs:12:3 @...wickedness: but the root of the...

kjv@Proverbs:12:5 @...right: but the counsels of the...

kjv@Proverbs:12:6 @...blood: but the mouth of the...

kjv@Proverbs:12:7 @...not: but the house of the...

kjv@Proverbs:12:8 @...but he that is of a...

kjv@Proverbs:12:10 @...but the tender mercies of the...

kjv@Proverbs:12:11 @...vain persons is void of... understanding.

kjv@Proverbs:12:12 but the root of the...

kjv@Proverbs:12:13 @...snared by the transgression of his...

kjv@Proverbs:12:14 @...mouth: and the recompence of a...

kjv@Proverbs:12:15 ... The way of a...

kjv@Proverbs:12:18 @...sword: but the tongue of the...

kjv@Proverbs:12:19 ... The lip of truth...

kjv@Proverbs:12:20 @...but to the counsellors of peace...

kjv@Proverbs:12:23 @...knowledge: but the heart of fools...

kjv@Proverbs:12:24 ... The hand of the...

kjv@Proverbs:12:25 @...Heaviness in the heart of man...

kjv@Proverbs:12:26 @...neighbour: but the way of the...

kjv@Proverbs:12:27 @...hunting: but the substance of a...

kjv@Proverbs:12:28 @... In the way of righteousness...

kjv@Proverbs:13:2 @...mouth: but the soul of the...

kjv@Proverbs:13:4 @...nothing: but the soul of the...

kjv@Proverbs:13:8 ... The ransom of a...

kjv@Proverbs:13:9 @...rejoiceth: but the lamp of the...

kjv@Proverbs:13:12 is a tree of... life.

kjv@Proverbs:13:14 @...wise is a fountain of life,...

kjv@Proverbs:13:15 @...favour: but the way of transgressors...

kjv@Proverbs:13:20 @...wise: but a companion of fools...

kjv@Proverbs:13:22 @...children: and the wealth of the...

kjv@Proverbs:13:23 in the tillage of the...

kjv@Proverbs:13:25 @...soul: but the belly of the...

kjv@Proverbs:14:3 @...pride: but the lips of the...

kjv@Proverbs:14:4 by the strength of the...

kjv@Proverbs:14:7 @...Go from the presence of a...

kjv@Proverbs:14:8 @...way: but the folly of fools...

kjv@Proverbs:14:11 @...overthrown: but the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Proverbs:14:12 @...thereof are the ways of... death.

kjv@Proverbs:14:13 @...sorrowful; and the end of that...

kjv@Proverbs:14:17 @...foolishly: and a man of wicked...

kjv@Proverbs:14:19 @...wicked at the gates of the...

kjv@Proverbs:14:20 @...poor is hated even of his...

kjv@Proverbs:14:23 @...profit: but the talk of the...

kjv@Proverbs:14:24 @...riches: but the foolishness of fools...

kjv@Proverbs:14:26 @... In the fear of the...

kjv@Proverbs:14:27 @...LORD is a fountain of life,...

kjv@Proverbs:14:28 @...people is the destruction of the...

kjv@Proverbs:14:29 @...he that is hasty of spirit...

kjv@Proverbs:14:30 @...but envy the rottenness of the...

kjv@Proverbs:14:33 in the midst of fools...

kjv@Proverbs:15:2 @...aright: but the mouth of fools...

kjv@Proverbs:15:3 ... The eyes of the...

kjv@Proverbs:15:4 @...tongue is a tree of life:...

kjv@Proverbs:15:6 @...but in the revenues of the...

kjv@Proverbs:15:7 @...knowledge: but the heart of the...

kjv@Proverbs:15:8 @...LORD: but the prayer of the...

kjv@Proverbs:15:9 ... The way of the...

kjv@Proverbs:15:11 @...more then the hearts of the...

kjv@Proverbs:15:13 @...countenance: but by sorrow of the...

kjv@Proverbs:15:14 @...knowledge: but the mouth of fools...

kjv@Proverbs:15:15 @...but he that is of a...

kjv@Proverbs:15:16 @...little with the fear of the...

kjv@Proverbs:15:17 @...Better is a dinner of herbs...

kjv@Proverbs:15:19 @...thorns: but the way of the...

kjv@Proverbs:15:21 @...wisdom: but a man of understanding...

kjv@Proverbs:15:22 @...but in the multitude of counsellors...

kjv@Proverbs:15:23 by the answer of his...

kjv@Proverbs:15:24 ... The way of life...

kjv@Proverbs:15:25 @...will establish the border of the...

kjv@Proverbs:15:26 @...LORD: but the words of the...

kjv@Proverbs:15:27 @...He that is greedy of gain...

kjv@Proverbs:15:28 @...answer: but the mouth of the...

kjv@Proverbs:15:29 @...he heareth the prayer of the...

kjv@Proverbs:15:30 ... The light of the...

kjv@Proverbs:15:31 @...that heareth the reproof of life...

kjv@Proverbs:15:33 @...LORD is the instruction of wisdom;...

kjv@Proverbs:16:1, and the answer of the...

kjv@Proverbs:16:2 @... All the ways of a...

kjv@Proverbs:16:4 @...wicked for the day of... evil.

kjv@Proverbs:16:6 @...and by the fear of the...

kjv@Proverbs:16:10 in the lips of the...

kjv@Proverbs:16:11 @...LORD'S: all the weights of the...

kjv@Proverbs:16:13 @...lips are the delight of kings;...

kjv@Proverbs:16:14 @...king is as messengers of death:...

kjv@Proverbs:16:15 as a cloud of the...

kjv@Proverbs:16:17 ... The highway of the...

kjv@Proverbs:16:19 is to be of an...

kjv@Proverbs:16:21 @...prudent: and the sweetness of the...

kjv@Proverbs:16:22 but the instruction of fools...

kjv@Proverbs:16:23 ... The heart of the...

kjv@Proverbs:16:25 @...thereof are the ways of... death.

kjv@Proverbs:16:26 @...his mouth craveth it of... him.

kjv@Proverbs:16:31 @...head is a crown of glory,...

kjv@Proverbs:16:33 @...whole disposing thereof is of the...

kjv@Proverbs:17:1 @...than an house full of sacrifices...

kjv@Proverbs:17:2 @...and shall have part of the...

kjv@Proverbs:17:6; and the glory of children...

kjv@Proverbs:17:8 @...stone in the eyes of him...

kjv@Proverbs:17:12 @...Let a bear robbed of her...

kjv@Proverbs:17:14 @...out water: therefore leave off contention,...

kjv@Proverbs:17:16 @...price in the hand of a...

kjv@Proverbs:17:18 @...surety in the presence of his...

kjv@Proverbs:17:21 @...sorrow: and the father of a...

kjv@Proverbs:17:23 @...taketh a gift out of the...

kjv@Proverbs:17:24 @...are in the ends of the...

kjv@Proverbs:17:27 of understanding is of an...

kjv@Proverbs:17:28 esteemed a man of... understanding.

kjv@Proverbs:18:4 @...waters, and the wellspring of wisdom...

kjv@Proverbs:18:5 accept the person of the...

kjv@Proverbs:18:7 @...lips are the snare of his...

kjv@Proverbs:18:8 @...into the innermost parts of the...

kjv@Proverbs:18:10 ... The name of the...

kjv@Proverbs:18:12 @...Before destruction the heart of man...

kjv@Proverbs:18:14 ... The spirit of a...

kjv@Proverbs:18:15 @...knowledge; and the ear of the...

kjv@Proverbs:18:19 @...are like the bars of a...

kjv@Proverbs:18:20 @...and with the increase of his...

kjv@Proverbs:18:21 @...are in the power of the...

kjv@Proverbs:18:22 @...thing, and obtaineth favour of the...

kjv@Proverbs:19:3 ... The foolishness of man...

kjv@Proverbs:19:6 @...will intreat the favour of the...

kjv@Proverbs:19:7 @... All the brethren of the...

kjv@Proverbs:19:11 ... The discretion of a...

kjv@Proverbs:19:12 as the roaring of a...

kjv@Proverbs:19:13 @...father: and the contentions of a...

kjv@Proverbs:19:14 @...riches are the inheritance of fathers:...

kjv@Proverbs:19:19 ... A man of great...

kjv@Proverbs:19:21 @...heart; nevertheless the counsel of the...

kjv@Proverbs:19:22 ... The desire of a...

kjv@Proverbs:19:23 ... The fear of the...

kjv@Proverbs:19:27 @...err from the words of... knowledge.

kjv@Proverbs:19:28 @...judgment: and the mouth of the...

kjv@Proverbs:19:29 @...stripes for the back of... fools.

kjv@Proverbs:20:2 as the roaring of a...

kjv@Proverbs:20:4 @...not plow by reason of the...

kjv@Proverbs:20:5 @...water; but a man of understanding...

kjv@Proverbs:20:8 @...sitteth in the throne of judgment...

kjv@Proverbs:20:10 @...and divers measures, both of them...

kjv@Proverbs:20:12 @...hath made even both of... them.

kjv@Proverbs:20:15 @...rubies: but the lips of knowledge...

kjv@Proverbs:20:16 @...and take a pledge of him...

kjv@Proverbs:20:17 ... Bread of deceit...

kjv@Proverbs:20:24 @... Man's goings are of the...

kjv@Proverbs:20:27 @...all the inward parts of the...

kjv@Proverbs:20:29 @...strength: and the beauty of old...

kjv@Proverbs:20:30 @...stripes the inward parts of the...

kjv@Proverbs:21:1 @...LORD, as the rivers of water:...

kjv@Proverbs:21:2 ... Every way of a...

kjv@Proverbs:21:4 @...heart, and the plowing of the...

kjv@Proverbs:21:5 @...only to plenteousness; but of every...

kjv@Proverbs:21:6 @...tossed to and fro of them...

kjv@Proverbs:21:7 ... The robbery of the...

kjv@Proverbs:21:8 ... The way of man...

kjv@Proverbs:21:9 @...dwell in a corner of the...

kjv@Proverbs:21:10 ... The soul of the...

kjv@Proverbs:21:12 @...wisely considereth the house of the...

kjv@Proverbs:21:13 @...ears at the cry of the...

kjv@Proverbs:21:15 to the workers of... iniquity.

kjv@Proverbs:21:16 @...remain in the congregation of the...

kjv@Proverbs:21:20 @...oil in the dwelling of the...

kjv@Proverbs:21:22 @...casteth down the strength of the...

kjv@Proverbs:21:25 ... The desire of the...

kjv@Proverbs:21:27 ... The sacrifice of the...

kjv@Proverbs:21:31 @...battle: but safety is of the...

kjv@Proverbs:22:2 @...LORD is the maker of them...

kjv@Proverbs:22:4 @...humility and the fear of the...

kjv@Proverbs:22:5 @...are in the way of the...

kjv@Proverbs:22:8 @...vanity: and the rod of his...

kjv@Proverbs:22:9 @...blessed; for he giveth of his...

kjv@Proverbs:22:11 @...heart, for the grace of his...

kjv@Proverbs:22:12 @...he overthroweth the words of the...

kjv@Proverbs:22:14 @...he that is abhorred of the...

kjv@Proverbs:22:15 @...child; but the rod of correction...

kjv@Proverbs:22:17 @...and hear the words of the...

kjv@Proverbs:22:21 @...mightest answer the words of truth...

kjv@Proverbs:22:23 @...and spoil the soul of those...

kjv@Proverbs:22:26 @...that strike hands, or of them...

kjv@Proverbs:23:3 @... Be not desirous of his...

kjv@Proverbs:23:6 @...thou not the bread of him...

kjv@Proverbs:23:9 @...will despise the wisdom of thy...

kjv@Proverbs:23:10 @...not into the fields of the...

kjv@Proverbs:23:12 @...ears to the words of... knowledge.

kjv@Proverbs:23:17 @...thou in the fear of the...

kjv@Proverbs:23:20 @...winebibbers; among riotous eaters of... flesh:

kjv@Proverbs:23:24 ... The father of the...

kjv@Proverbs:23:29 @...cause? who hath redness of... eyes?

kjv@Proverbs:23:34 @...lieth upon the top of a...

kjv@Proverbs:24:2 @...and their lips talk of... mischief.

kjv@Proverbs:24:5 @...strong; yea, a man of knowledge...

kjv@Proverbs:24:6 @...war: and in multitude of counsellors...

kjv@Proverbs:24:9 ... The thought of foolishness...

kjv@Proverbs:24:10 @...faint in the day of adversity,...

kjv@Proverbs:24:14 @...So shall the knowledge of wisdom...

kjv@Proverbs:24:15, against the dwelling of the...

kjv@Proverbs:24:19 @...Fret not thyself because of evil...

kjv@Proverbs:24:20 @...evil man; the candle of the...

kjv@Proverbs:24:22 @...who knoweth the ruin of them...

kjv@Proverbs:24:23 @...good to have respect of persons...

kjv@Proverbs:24:30 @...and by the vineyard of the...

kjv@Proverbs:24:33 @...slumber, a little folding of the...

kjv@Proverbs:25:1 of Hezekiah king of Judah...

kjv@Proverbs:25:2 @...thing: but the honour of kings...

kjv@Proverbs:25:3 @...depth, and the heart of kings...

kjv@Proverbs:25:6 @...not in the place of great...

kjv@Proverbs:25:7 @...lower in the presence of the...

kjv@Proverbs:25:11 @...spoken is like apples of gold...

kjv@Proverbs:25:12, and an ornament of fine...

kjv@Proverbs:25:13 @...he refresheth the soul of his...

kjv@Proverbs:25:14 @... Whoso boasteth himself of a...

kjv@Proverbs:25:17 @...lest he be weary of thee,...

kjv@Proverbs:25:19 @...unfaithful man in time of trouble...

kjv@Proverbs:25:22 @...thou shalt heap coals of fire...

kjv@Proverbs:25:24 @...dwell in the corner of the...

kjv@Proverbs:26:6 @...of a fool cutteth off the...

kjv@Proverbs:26:7 ... The legs of the...

kjv@Proverbs:26:9 @...up into the hand of a...

kjv@Proverbs:26:12 @...there is more hope of a...

kjv@Proverbs:26:22 @...into the innermost parts of the...

kjv@Proverbs:27:1 @... Boast not thyself of to...

kjv@Proverbs:27:6 @...friend; but the kisses of an...

kjv@Proverbs:27:9 doth the sweetness of a...

kjv@Proverbs:27:10 in the day of thy...

kjv@Proverbs:27:13 @...and take a pledge of him...

kjv@Proverbs:27:16 @...wind, and the ointment of his...

kjv@Proverbs:27:17 sharpeneth the countenance of his...

kjv@Proverbs:27:19 @...face, so the heart of man...

kjv@Proverbs:27:20 @...full; so the eyes of man...

kjv@Proverbs:27:23 know the state of thy...

kjv@Proverbs:27:25 @...sheweth itself, and herbs of the...

kjv@Proverbs:27:26 @...goats are the price of the...

kjv@Proverbs:27:27, for the food of thy...

kjv@Proverbs:28:2 @...but by a man of understanding...

kjv@Proverbs:28:7 @...that is a companion of riotous...

kjv@Proverbs:28:17 @...violence to the blood of any...

kjv@Proverbs:28:19 shall have plenty of bread:...

kjv@Proverbs:28:21 @...for for a piece of bread...

kjv@Proverbs:28:24 @...same is the companion of a...

kjv@Proverbs:28:25 @... He that is of a...

kjv@Proverbs:29:6 @... In the transgression of an...

kjv@Proverbs:29:7 @...righteous considereth the cause of the...

kjv@Proverbs:29:20 @...there is more hope of a...

kjv@Proverbs:29:25 ... The fear of man...

kjv@Proverbs:30:1 @...of Agur the son of Jakeh,...

kjv@Proverbs:30:2 @...have not the understanding of a...

kjv@Proverbs:30:3 @...nor have the knowledge of the...

kjv@Proverbs:30:4 @...established all the ends of the...

kjv@Proverbs:30:5 ... Every word of God...

kjv@Proverbs:30:7 @...things have I required of thee;...

kjv@Proverbs:30:9 @...and take the name of my...

kjv@Proverbs:30:17 @...his mother, the ravens of the...

kjv@Proverbs:30:19 @...sea; and the way of a...

kjv@Proverbs:30:20 @...Such is the way of an...

kjv@Proverbs:30:27 @...go they forth all of them...

kjv@Proverbs:30:33 @...blood: so the forcing of wrath...

kjv@Proverbs:31:1 ... The words of king...

kjv@Proverbs:31:2 @...and what, the son of my...

kjv@Proverbs:31:5 @...the judgment of any of the...

kjv@Proverbs:31:6 @...unto those that be of heavy...

kjv@Proverbs:31:8 @...dumb in the cause of all...

kjv@Proverbs:31:9 @...and plead the cause of the...

kjv@Proverbs:31:11 ... The heart of her...

kjv@Proverbs:31:12 @...evil all the days of her...

kjv@Proverbs:31:16 with the fruit of her...

kjv@Proverbs:31:21 @...She is not afraid of the...

kjv@Proverbs:31:22 @...She maketh herself coverings of tapestry;...

kjv@Proverbs:31:23 @...sitteth among the elders of the...

kjv@Proverbs:31:26 @...tongue is the law of... kindness.

kjv@Proverbs:31:27 @...well to the ways of her...

kjv@Proverbs:31:31 @...her of the fruit of her...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:1:1 @...the Preacher, the son of David,...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:1:2 @...saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities;...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:1:3 @...profit hath a man of all...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:1:8 @...All things are full of labour;...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:1:10 hath been already of old...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:1:11 @...there be any remembrance of things...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:1:13 @...given to the sons of man...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:1:14 vanity and vexation of... spirit.

kjv@Ecclesiastes:1:16 @...heart had great experience of wisdom...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:1:17 @...this also is vexation of... spirit.

kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:2 @...It is mad: and of mirth,...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:3 @...heaven all the days of their...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:5 @...planted trees in them of all...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:6 @...I made me pools of water,...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:7 @...I had great possessions of great...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:8 @...musical instruments, and that of all...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:10 @...this was my portion of all...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:11 @...was vanity and vexation of spirit,...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:16 @...the wise more than of the...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:17 vanity and vexation of... spirit.

kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:20 heart to despair of all...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:22 @...and of the vexation of his...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:24 @...was from the hand of... God.

kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:26 vanity and vexation of... spirit.

kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:8 hate; a time of war,...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:10 @...given to the sons of men...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:13 @...and enjoy the good of all...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:16 @...there; and the place of righteousness,...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:18 of the sons of men,...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:19 @...which befalleth the sons of men...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:20 place; all are of the...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:3:21 @...upward, and the spirit of the...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:4:1 @...and on the side of their...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:4:4 @...a man is envied of his...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:4:6 @...with travail and vexation of... spirit.

kjv@Ecclesiastes:4:8 @...and bereave my soul of good?...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:4:14 ... For out of prison...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:4:16 @...all the people, even of all...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:5:1 give the sacrifice of fools:...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:5:3 @...cometh through the multitude of business;...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:5:6 @...and destroy the work of thine...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:5:7 @...For in the multitude of dreams...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:5:8 @...poor, and violent perverting of judgment...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:5:9 @... Moreover the profit of the...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:5:11 @...thereof, saving the beholding of them...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:5:12 @...much: but the abundance of the...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:5:15 @...and shall take nothing of his...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:5:18 @...sun all the days of his...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:5:19 @...this is the gift of... God.

kjv@Ecclesiastes:5:20 @...him in the joy of his...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:6:2 @...nothing for his soul of all...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:6:3 that the days of his...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:6:7 @... All the labour of man...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:6:9 @...eyes than the wandering of the...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:6:12, all the days of his...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:7:1 @...death than the day of one's...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:7:2 @...that is the end of all...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:7:3 @...for by the sadness of the...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:7:4 @...mourning; but the heart of fools...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:7:5 hear the rebuke of the...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:7:6 is the laughter of the...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:7:8 @...Better is the end of a...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:7:9 @...resteth in the bosom of... fools.

kjv@Ecclesiastes:7:12 @...defence: but the excellency of knowledge...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:7:13 @... Consider the work of God:...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:7:14 @...but in the day of adversity...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:7:15 @...seen in the days of my...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:7:18 @...God shall come forth of them...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:7:25 @...wickedness of folly, even of foolishness...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:8:1 @...shine, and the boldness of his...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:8:2 @...and that in regard of the...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:8:3 @...hasty to go out of his...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:8:4 @... Where the word of a...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:8:6 @...judgment, therefore the misery of man...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:8:8 @...power in the day of death:...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:8:10 @...gone from the place of the...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:8:11 @...heart of the sons of men...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:8:14 @...according to the work of the...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:8:15 @...his labour the days of his...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:8:17 @...beheld all the work of God,...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:9:1 @...are in the hand of God:...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:9:3 @...of men is full of evil,...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:9:5 @...reward; for the memory of them...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:9:9 @...sun, all the days of thy...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:9:11 @...yet favour to men of skill;...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:9:12 are the sons of men...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:9:17 @...more than the cry of him...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:9:18 better than weapons of war:...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:10:1 @...flies cause the ointment of the...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:10:4 @... If the spirit of the...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:10:12 @...gracious; but the lips of a...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:10:13 @...foolishness: and the end of his...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:10:14 @...fool also is full of words:...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:10:15 @...foolish wearieth every one of them,...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:10:17 @...king is the son of nobles,...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:10:18 @...decayeth; and through idleness of the...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:10:20 @...bedchamber: for a bird of the...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:11:3 @...the clouds be full of rain,...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:11:5 @...knowest not the works of God...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:11:8 @...him remember the days of darkness;...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:11:9 @...and in the sight of thine...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:12:1 @...Creator in the days of thy...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:12:3 @...those that look out of the...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:12:4 @...and all the daughters of musick...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:12:5 @...they shall be afraid of that...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:12:8 ... Vanity of vanities,...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:12:10 @...was upright, even words of... truth.

kjv@Ecclesiastes:12:11 @...fastened by the masters of assemblies,...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:12:12 is a weariness of the...

kjv@Ecclesiastes:12:13 hear the conclusion of the...

kjv@Songs:1:1 ... The song of songs,...

kjv@Songs:1:2 with the kisses of his...

kjv@Songs:1:3 @...Because of the savour of thy...

kjv@Songs:1:5 @...Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar,...

kjv@Songs:1:6 @...made me the keeper of the...

kjv@Songs:1:7 @...aside by the flocks of thy...

kjv@Songs:1:8 @...forth by the footsteps of the...

kjv@Songs:1:9, to a company of horses...

kjv@Songs:1:10 @...are comely with rows of jewels,...

kjv@Songs:1:11 @...will make thee borders of gold...

kjv@Songs:1:13 ... A bundle of myrrh...

kjv@Songs:1:14 as a cluster of camphire...

kjv@Songs:1:17 ... The beams of our...

kjv@Songs:2:1 @...Sharon, and the lily of the...

kjv@Songs:2:3 @...tree among the trees of the...

kjv@Songs:2:5 @...for I am sick of... love.

kjv@Songs:2:7 @...and by the hinds of the...

kjv@Songs:2:8 ... The voice of my...

kjv@Songs:2:12 @...come, and the voice of the...

kjv@Songs:2:14 the secret places of the...

kjv@Songs:2:17 @...hart upon the mountains of... Bether.

kjv@Songs:3:4 @...and into the chamber of her...

kjv@Songs:3:5 @...and by the hinds of the...

kjv@Songs:3:6 @...frankincense, with all powders of the...

kjv@Songs:3:7 are about it, of the...

kjv@Songs:3:8 @...upon his thigh because of fear...

kjv@Songs:3:9 @...made himself a chariot of the...

kjv@Songs:3:10 @...the covering of it of purple,...

kjv@Songs:3:11 of the gladness of his...

kjv@Songs:4:1 as a flock of goats,...

kjv@Songs:4:2 @...are like a flock of sheep...

kjv@Songs:4:3 @...are like a piece of a...

kjv@Songs:4:4 @...thousand bucklers, all shields of mighty...

kjv@Songs:4:6 to the mountain of myrrh,...

kjv@Songs:4:8 @...dens, from the mountains of the...

kjv@Songs:4:9 @...eyes, with one chain of thy...

kjv@Songs:4:10! and the smell of thine...

kjv@Songs:4:11 @...tongue; and the smell of thy...

kjv@Songs:4:13 @...plants are an orchard of pomegranates,...

kjv@Songs:4:14 @...cinnamon, with all trees of frankincense;...

kjv@Songs:4:15 @...of gardens, a well of living...

kjv@Songs:5:2 @...locks with the drops of the...

kjv@Songs:5:4 @...hand by the hole of the...

kjv@Songs:5:5 @...myrrh, upon the handles of the...

kjv@Songs:5:7 @...wounded me; the keepers of the...

kjv@Songs:5:8 @...charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem,...

kjv@Songs:5:12 @...doves by the rivers of waters,...

kjv@Songs:5:13 @...are as a bed of spices,...

kjv@Songs:5:15 @...marble, set upon sockets of fine...

kjv@Songs:5:16 friend, O daughters of... Jerusalem.

kjv@Songs:6:2, to the beds of spices,...

kjv@Songs:6:5 as a flock of goats...

kjv@Songs:6:6 @...are as a flock of sheep...

kjv@Songs:6:7 @... As a piece of a...

kjv@Songs:6:9 the choice one of her...

kjv@Songs:6:11 see the fruits of the...

kjv@Songs:6:12 like the chariots of... Amminadib.

kjv@Songs:6:13 were the company of two...

kjv@Songs:7:1 of the hands of a...

kjv@Songs:7:2 like an heap of wheat...

kjv@Songs:7:4 as the tower of Lebanon...

kjv@Songs:7:5 @...Carmel, and the hair of thine...

kjv@Songs:7:7 @...thy breasts to clusters of... grapes.

kjv@Songs:7:8 @...vine, and the smell of thy...

kjv@Songs:7:9 @...sweetly, causing the lips of those...

kjv@Songs:7:13 @...gates are all manner of pleasant...

kjv@Songs:8:1 @...that sucked the breasts of my...

kjv@Songs:8:2 of the juice of my...

kjv@Songs:8:4 @...charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem,...

kjv@Songs:8:6 @...coals thereof are coals of fire,...

kjv@Songs:8:7 @...give all the substance of his...

kjv@Songs:8:9 @...upon her a palace of silver:...

kjv@Songs:8:11 @...bring a thousand pieces of... silver.

kjv@Songs:8:14 @...hart upon the mountains of... spices.

kjv@Isaiah:1:1 @...Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah,...

kjv@Isaiah:1:4 @...provoked the Holy One of Israel...

kjv@Isaiah:1:6 @... From the sole of the...

kjv@Isaiah:1:8 @...lodge in a garden of cucumbers,...

kjv@Isaiah:1:9 @... Except the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Isaiah:1:10 @...ear unto the law of our...

kjv@Isaiah:1:11 @...or of lambs, or of he...

kjv@Isaiah:1:13 @...and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies,...

kjv@Isaiah:1:15 @...your hands are full of... blood.

kjv@Isaiah:1:16 @...put away the evil of your...

kjv@Isaiah:1:19 @...shall eat the good of the...

kjv@Isaiah:1:20 @...sword: for the mouth of the...

kjv@Isaiah:1:21 @...harlot! it was full of judgment;...

kjv@Isaiah:1:23 @...neither doth the cause of the...

kjv@Isaiah:1:24 @...adversaries, and avenge me of mine...

kjv@Isaiah:1:26 called, The city of righteousness,...

kjv@Isaiah:1:28 @...of the transgressors and of the...

kjv@Isaiah:1:29 @...they shall be ashamed of the...

kjv@Isaiah:1:31 @...tow, and the maker of it...

kjv@Isaiah:2:1 @...that Isaiah the son of Amoz...

kjv@Isaiah:2:2 @...established in the top of the...

kjv@Isaiah:2:3, and the word of the...

kjv@Isaiah:2:5 @...walk in the light of the...

kjv@Isaiah:2:6 @...thy people the house of Jacob,...

kjv@Isaiah:2:7 there any end of their...

kjv@Isaiah:2:8 @...they worship the work of their...

kjv@Isaiah:2:10 @...and for the glory of his...

kjv@Isaiah:2:11 @...humbled, and the haughtiness of men...

kjv@Isaiah:2:12 of the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Isaiah:2:13 @...upon all the cedars of Lebanon,...

kjv@Isaiah:2:16 @...upon all the ships of Tarshish,...

kjv@Isaiah:2:17 @...down, and the haughtiness of men...

kjv@Isaiah:2:19 @...and for the glory of his...

kjv@Isaiah:2:20 @...silver, and his idols of gold,...

kjv@Isaiah:2:21 @...and for the glory of his...

kjv@Isaiah:3:1 @...staff, the whole stay of bread,...

kjv@Isaiah:3:2, and the man of war,...

kjv@Isaiah:3:3 ... The captain of fifty,...

kjv@Isaiah:3:6 of the house of his...

kjv@Isaiah:3:7 not a ruler of the...

kjv@Isaiah:3:8 provoke the eyes of his...

kjv@Isaiah:3:9 ... The shew of their...

kjv@Isaiah:3:10 @...shall eat the fruit of their...

kjv@Isaiah:3:11 @...him: for the reward of his...

kjv@Isaiah:3:12 @...and destroy the way of thy...

kjv@Isaiah:3:14 @...the vineyard; the spoil of the...

kjv@Isaiah:3:15 @...and grind the faces of the...

kjv@Isaiah:3:16 @...saith, Because the daughters of Zion...

kjv@Isaiah:3:17 @...head of the daughters of Zion,...

kjv@Isaiah:3:18 @...take away the bravery of their...

kjv@Isaiah:3:20 @...bonnets, and the ornaments of the...

kjv@Isaiah:3:22 @... The changeable suits of apparel,...

kjv@Isaiah:3:24 @...a stomacher a girding of sackcloth;...

kjv@Isaiah:4:1 @...women shall take hold of one...

kjv@Isaiah:4:2 @...glorious, and the fruit of the...

kjv@Isaiah:4:4 @...thereof by the spirit of judgment,...

kjv@Isaiah:4:5, and the shining of a...

kjv@Isaiah:4:6 @...and for a place of refuge,...

kjv@Isaiah:5:1 wellbeloved a song of my...

kjv@Isaiah:5:2 @...tower in the midst of it,...

kjv@Isaiah:5:3 @...of Jerusalem, and men of Judah,...

kjv@Isaiah:5:7 @...Israel, and the men of Judah...

kjv@Isaiah:5:8 @...alone in the midst of the...

kjv@Isaiah:5:9 @...ears said the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Isaiah:5:10 @...bath, and the seed of an...

kjv@Isaiah:5:12 @...neither consider the operation of his...

kjv@Isaiah:5:15 @...humbled, and the eyes of the...

kjv@Isaiah:5:16 @... But the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Isaiah:5:17 @...and the waste places of the...

kjv@Isaiah:5:18 @...draw iniquity with cords of vanity,...

kjv@Isaiah:5:19 @...of the Holy One of Israel...

kjv@Isaiah:5:22 @...drink wine, and men of strength...

kjv@Isaiah:5:23 @...take away the righteousness of the...

kjv@Isaiah:5:24 @...and despised the word of the...

kjv@Isaiah:5:25 @...torn in the midst of the...

kjv@Isaiah:5:26 @...them from the end of the...

kjv@Isaiah:5:27 @...loosed, nor the latchet of their...

kjv@Isaiah:5:29 @...roar, and lay hold of the...

kjv@Isaiah:5:30 @...them like the roaring of the...

kjv@Isaiah:6:3 @...whole earth is full of his...

kjv@Isaiah:6:4 @...moved at the voice of him...

kjv@Isaiah:6:5 @...midst of a people of unclean...

kjv@Isaiah:6:6 @...with the tongs from off the...

kjv@Isaiah:6:8 @...I heard the voice of the...

kjv@Isaiah:6:10 @... Make the heart of this...

kjv@Isaiah:6:12 @...forsaking in the midst of the...

kjv@Isaiah:7:1 @...son of Remaliah, king of Israel,...

kjv@Isaiah:7:2 @...people, as the trees of the...

kjv@Isaiah:7:3 @...pool in the highway of the...

kjv@Isaiah:7:4 @...Rezin with Syria, and of the...

kjv@Isaiah:7:5 @...Ephraim, and the son of Remaliah,...

kjv@Isaiah:7:6 @...king in the midst of it,...

kjv@Isaiah:7:8 @...Damascus, and the head of Damascus...

kjv@Isaiah:7:9 @...Samaria, and the head of Samaria...

kjv@Isaiah:7:11 @...Ask thee a sign of the...

kjv@Isaiah:7:13 now, O house of David;...

kjv@Isaiah:7:16 @...abhorrest shall be forsaken of both...

kjv@Isaiah:7:17 @...Judah; even the king of... Assyria.

kjv@Isaiah:7:18 @...part of the rivers of Egypt,...

kjv@Isaiah:7:19 @...and in the holes of the...

kjv@Isaiah:7:20 @...head, and the hair of the...

kjv@Isaiah:7:22 @...pass, for the abundance of milk...

kjv@Isaiah:7:25 @...and for the treading of lesser...

kjv@Isaiah:8:2 @...and Zechariah the son of... Jeberechiah.

kjv@Isaiah:8:4 @...Damascus and the spoil of Samaria...

kjv@Isaiah:8:6 @...people refuseth the waters of Shiloah...

kjv@Isaiah:8:7 @...many, even the king of Assyria,...

kjv@Isaiah:8:8 @...shall fill the breadth of thy...

kjv@Isaiah:8:9 @...give ear, all ye of far...

kjv@Isaiah:8:11 @...walk in the way of this...

kjv@Isaiah:8:13 @... Sanctify the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Isaiah:8:14 both the houses of Israel,...

kjv@Isaiah:8:17 @...face from the house of Jacob,...

kjv@Isaiah:8:18 @...Israel from the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Isaiah:8:22 @...trouble and darkness, dimness of anguish;...

kjv@Isaiah:9:1 @...beyond Jordan, in Galilee of the...

kjv@Isaiah:9:2 of the shadow of death,...

kjv@Isaiah:9:4 @...his shoulder, the rod of his...

kjv@Isaiah:9:5 @... For every battle of the...

kjv@Isaiah:9:6 @...everlasting Father, The Prince of... Peace.

kjv@Isaiah:9:7 @...zeal of the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Isaiah:9:9 @...Ephraim and the inhabitant of Samaria,...

kjv@Isaiah:9:11 @...set up the adversaries of Rezin...

kjv@Isaiah:9:13 @...they seek the LORD of... hosts.

kjv@Isaiah:9:16 @...they that are led of them...

kjv@Isaiah:9:18 in the thickets of the...

kjv@Isaiah:9:19 as the fuel of the...

kjv@Isaiah:9:20 @...every man the flesh of his...

kjv@Isaiah:10:2 @...right from the poor of my...

kjv@Isaiah:10:3 in the day of visitation,...

kjv@Isaiah:10:5 @...O Assyrian, the rod of mine...

kjv@Isaiah:10:6 @...down like the mire of the...

kjv@Isaiah:10:10 @...images did excel them of Jerusalem...

kjv@Isaiah:10:12 @...Assyria, and the glory of his...

kjv@Isaiah:10:13 @...have removed the bounds of the...

kjv@Isaiah:10:14 @...a nest the riches of the...

kjv@Isaiah:10:16 @...burning like the burning of a...

kjv@Isaiah:10:17 @... And the light of Israel...

kjv@Isaiah:10:18 @...of his forest, and of his...

kjv@Isaiah:10:19 of the trees of his...

kjv@Isaiah:10:20 @...LORD, the Holy One of Israel,...

kjv@Isaiah:10:21 @...return, even the remnant of Jacob,...

kjv@Isaiah:10:22 @...sea, yet a remnant of them...

kjv@Isaiah:10:23 @...determined, in the midst of all...

kjv@Isaiah:10:24 @...Zion, be not afraid of the...

kjv@Isaiah:10:26 @...Midian at the rock of Oreb:...

kjv@Isaiah:10:27 @...shall be destroyed because of the...

kjv@Isaiah:10:29 @...Ramah is afraid; Gibeah of Saul...

kjv@Isaiah:10:30 @...thy voice, O daughter of Gallim:...

kjv@Isaiah:10:31 removed; the inhabitants of Gebim...

kjv@Isaiah:10:32 @...mount of the daughter of Zion,...

kjv@Isaiah:10:33 @...and the high ones of stature...

kjv@Isaiah:10:34 @...cut down the thickets of the...

kjv@Isaiah:11:1 @...Branch shall grow out of his...

kjv@Isaiah:11:2 @...and of the fear of the...

kjv@Isaiah:11:3 @...reprove after the hearing of his...

kjv@Isaiah:11:4 @...and with the breath of his...

kjv@Isaiah:11:5 @...and faithfulness the girdle of his...

kjv@Isaiah:11:8 on the hole of the...

kjv@Isaiah:11:9 @...full of the knowledge of the...

kjv@Isaiah:11:10 @...stand for an ensign of the...

kjv@Isaiah:11:11 @...and from the islands of the...

kjv@Isaiah:11:12 @...from the four corners of the...

kjv@Isaiah:11:13 @...Judah shall be cut off: Ephraim...

kjv@Isaiah:11:14 @...Moab; and the children of Ammon...

kjv@Isaiah:11:15 @...utterly destroy the tongue of the...

kjv@Isaiah:11:16 @...he came up out of the...

kjv@Isaiah:12:3 draw water out of the...

kjv@Isaiah:12:6 the Holy One of Israel...

kjv@Isaiah:13:1 @...which Isaiah the son of Amoz...

kjv@Isaiah:13:2 @...go into the gates of the...

kjv@Isaiah:13:4 @...hosts mustereth the host of the...

kjv@Isaiah:13:5 @...LORD, and the weapons of his...

kjv@Isaiah:13:6; for the day of the...

kjv@Isaiah:13:8 @...sorrows shall take hold of them;...

kjv@Isaiah:13:9 @... Behold, the day of the...

kjv@Isaiah:13:10 @... For the stars of heaven...

kjv@Isaiah:13:11 @...lay low the haughtiness of the...

kjv@Isaiah:13:12 @...than the golden wedge of... Ophir.

kjv@Isaiah:13:13 @...and in the day of his...

kjv@Isaiah:13:18 @...pity on the fruit of the...

kjv@Isaiah:13:19 @...of kingdoms, the beauty of the...

kjv@Isaiah:13:21 @...houses shall be full of doleful...

kjv@Isaiah:13:22 @...And the wild beasts of the...

kjv@Isaiah:14:1 @...cleave to the house of... Jacob.

kjv@Isaiah:14:2 @...them in the land of the...

kjv@Isaiah:14:4 @...proverb against the king of Babylon,...

kjv@Isaiah:14:5 @...wicked, and the sceptre of the...

kjv@Isaiah:14:8 @...thee, and the cedars of Lebanon,...

kjv@Isaiah:14:9 @...thrones all the kings of the...

kjv@Isaiah:14:11 @...grave, and the noise of thy...

kjv@Isaiah:14:12 @...heaven, O Lucifer, son of the...

kjv@Isaiah:14:13 @...congregation, in the sides of the...

kjv@Isaiah:14:14 @...ascend above the heights of the...

kjv@Isaiah:14:15 @...hell, to the sides of the...

kjv@Isaiah:14:17 @...opened not the house of his...

kjv@Isaiah:14:18 @...the nations, even all of them,...

kjv@Isaiah:14:19 @...down to the stones of the...

kjv@Isaiah:14:20 @...thy people: the seed of evildoers...

kjv@Isaiah:14:21 @...nor fill the face of the...

kjv@Isaiah:14:22 @...of hosts, and cut off from...

kjv@Isaiah:14:23 with the besom of destruction,...

kjv@Isaiah:14:24 ... The LORD of hosts...

kjv@Isaiah:14:27 @... For the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Isaiah:14:29 broken: for out of the...

kjv@Isaiah:14:30 @... And the firstborn of the...

kjv@Isaiah:14:32 @...Zion, and the poor of his...

kjv@Isaiah:15:1 the night Kir of Moab...

kjv@Isaiah:15:3 @...sackcloth: on the tops of their...

kjv@Isaiah:15:4 @...therefore the armed soldiers of Moab...

kjv@Isaiah:15:5 @...for in the way of Horonaim...

kjv@Isaiah:15:6 @... For the waters of Nimrim...

kjv@Isaiah:15:7 @...away to the brook of the...

kjv@Isaiah:15:8 @...round about the borders of Moab;...

kjv@Isaiah:15:9 @...and upon the remnant of the...

kjv@Isaiah:16:1 @...wilderness, unto the mount of the...

kjv@Isaiah:16:2 @...nest, so the daughters of Moab...

kjv@Isaiah:16:3 @...night in the midst of the...

kjv@Isaiah:16:4 @...oppressors are consumed out of the...

kjv@Isaiah:16:5 @...truth in the tabernacle of David,...

kjv@Isaiah:16:6 very proud: even of his...

kjv@Isaiah:16:7 @...howl: for the foundations of Kirhareseth...

kjv@Isaiah:16:8 @...of Sibmah: the lords of the...

kjv@Isaiah:16:9 @...of Jazer the vine of Sibmah:...

kjv@Isaiah:16:10 @...away, and joy out of the...

kjv@Isaiah:16:14 @...hireling, and the glory of Moab...

kjv@Isaiah:17:1 ... The burden of Damascus....

kjv@Isaiah:17:2 ... The cities of Aroer...

kjv@Isaiah:17:3 @...glory of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Isaiah:17:4 @...thin, and the fatness of his...

kjv@Isaiah:17:5 @...ears in the valley of... Rephaim.

kjv@Isaiah:17:6 @...berries in the top of the...

kjv@Isaiah:17:7 the Holy One of... Israel.

kjv@Isaiah:17:8 @...the altars, the work of his...

kjv@Isaiah:17:9 @...because of the children of Israel:...

kjv@Isaiah:17:10 @...mindful of the rock of thy...

kjv@Isaiah:17:11 of grief and of desperate...

kjv@Isaiah:17:12 @...rushing like the rushing of mighty...

kjv@Isaiah:17:13 @...chased as the chaff of the...

kjv@Isaiah:17:14, and the lot of them...

kjv@Isaiah:18:1 beyond the rivers of... Ethiopia:

kjv@Isaiah:18:2 @...sea, even in vessels of bulrushes...

kjv@Isaiah:18:3 @... All ye inhabitants of the...

kjv@Isaiah:18:4 @...and like a cloud of dew...

kjv@Isaiah:18:6 @...and all the beasts of the...

kjv@Isaiah:18:7 of the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Isaiah:19:1 @...presence, and the heart of Egypt...

kjv@Isaiah:19:3 @... And the spirit of Egypt...

kjv@Isaiah:19:4 @...over into the hand of a...

kjv@Isaiah:19:6 @...away; and the brooks of defence...

kjv@Isaiah:19:7 @...brooks, by the mouth of the...

kjv@Isaiah:19:11 @...the wise, the son of ancient...

kjv@Isaiah:19:12 @...know what the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Isaiah:19:13 @...that are the stay of the...

kjv@Isaiah:19:16 @...hand of the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Isaiah:19:17 @...counsel of the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Isaiah:19:18 @...swear to the LORD of hosts;...

kjv@Isaiah:19:19 @...midst of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Isaiah:19:20 @...unto the LORD because of the...

kjv@Isaiah:19:22 @...he shall be intreated of them,...

kjv@Isaiah:19:23 a highway out of Egypt...

kjv@Isaiah:19:24 @...blessing in the midst of the...

kjv@Isaiah:19:25 @...and Assyria the work of my...

kjv@Isaiah:20:1 @ In the year that Tartan came unto Ashdod, (when Sargon the king of Assyria sent him,) and fought against Ashdod, and took it;

kjv@Isaiah:20:2 @...thy loins, and put off thy...

kjv@Isaiah:20:4 @...So shall the king of Assyria...

kjv@Isaiah:20:5 @...Ethiopia their expectation, and of Egypt...

kjv@Isaiah:20:6 @...delivered from the king of Assyria:...

kjv@Isaiah:21:1 @...burden of the desert of the...

kjv@Isaiah:21:3 @...down at the hearing of it;...

kjv@Isaiah:21:4 @...affrighted me: the night of my...

kjv@Isaiah:21:7 @...asses, and a chariot of camels;...

kjv@Isaiah:21:9 @...all the graven images of her...

kjv@Isaiah:21:10 @...of hosts, the God of Israel,...

kjv@Isaiah:21:11 @...the night? Watchman, what of the...

kjv@Isaiah:21:13 @...O ye travelling companies of... Dedanim.

kjv@Isaiah:21:14 @...inhabitants of the land of Tema...

kjv@Isaiah:21:15 @...and from the grievousness of... war.

kjv@Isaiah:21:16 @...and all the glory of Kedar...

kjv@Isaiah:21:17 @...for the LORD God of Israel...

kjv@Isaiah:22:1 @...burden of the valley of vision....

kjv@Isaiah:22:2 @...Thou that art full of stirs,...

kjv@Isaiah:22:4 @...spoiling of the daughter of my...

kjv@Isaiah:22:5 @...down the walls, and of crying...

kjv@Isaiah:22:6 @...the quiver with chariots of men...

kjv@Isaiah:22:7 @...valleys shall be full of chariots,...

kjv@Isaiah:22:8 @...armour of the house of the...

kjv@Isaiah:22:9 @...gathered together the waters of the...

kjv@Isaiah:22:10 @...have numbered the houses of Jerusalem,...

kjv@Isaiah:22:11 @...walls for the water of the...

kjv@Isaiah:22:12 @...did the Lord GOD of hosts...

kjv@Isaiah:22:14 @...ears by the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Isaiah:22:15 @...saith the Lord GOD of hosts,...

kjv@Isaiah:22:18 @...shall be the shame of thy...

kjv@Isaiah:22:20 @...servant Eliakim the son of... Hilkiah:

kjv@Isaiah:22:21 @...father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem,...

kjv@Isaiah:22:22 @...key of the house of David...

kjv@Isaiah:22:24 @...quantity, from the vessels of cups,...

kjv@Isaiah:22:25 shall be cut off: for...

kjv@Isaiah:23:1 from the land of Chittim...

kjv@Isaiah:23:2 @...thou whom the merchants of Zidon,...

kjv@Isaiah:23:3 @...of Sihor, the harvest of the...

kjv@Isaiah:23:4 @...spoken, even the strength of the...

kjv@Isaiah:23:5 @...pained at the report of... Tyre.

kjv@Isaiah:23:6 @...Tarshish; howl, ye inhabitants of the...

kjv@Isaiah:23:7 @...shall carry her afar off to...

kjv@Isaiah:23:8 @...traffickers are the honourable of the...

kjv@Isaiah:23:9 @...contempt all the honourable of the...

kjv@Isaiah:23:10 @...a river, O daughter of Tarshish:...

kjv@Isaiah:23:12 @...thou oppressed virgin, daughter of Zidon:...

kjv@Isaiah:23:13 @... Behold the land of the...

kjv@Isaiah:23:14 @... Howl, ye ships of Tarshish:...

kjv@Isaiah:23:15 @...king: after the end of seventy...

kjv@Isaiah:23:17 upon the face of the...

kjv@Isaiah:24:2 with the giver of usury...

kjv@Isaiah:24:4 @...away, the haughty people of the...

kjv@Isaiah:24:6 @...desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Isaiah:24:8 @...rejoice endeth, the joy of the...

kjv@Isaiah:24:10 ... The city of confusion...

kjv@Isaiah:24:11 darkened, the mirth of the...

kjv@Isaiah:24:13 as the shaking of an...

kjv@Isaiah:24:14 @...sing for the majesty of the...

kjv@Isaiah:24:15 @...Israel in the isles of the...

kjv@Isaiah:24:16 @...From the uttermost part of the...

kjv@Isaiah:24:17 @...upon thee, O inhabitant of the...

kjv@Isaiah:24:18, and the foundations of the...

kjv@Isaiah:24:21 @...high, and the kings of the...

kjv@Isaiah:24:23 @...ashamed, when the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Isaiah:25:1 @...wonderful things; thy counsels of old...

kjv@Isaiah:25:2 @...a ruin: a palace of strangers...

kjv@Isaiah:25:3 @...glorify thee, the city of the...

kjv@Isaiah:25:4 @...heat, when the blast of the...

kjv@Isaiah:25:5 @...a cloud: the branch of the...

kjv@Isaiah:25:6 @...things full of marrow, of wines...

kjv@Isaiah:25:7 @...this mountain the face of the...

kjv@Isaiah:25:8 @...he take away from off all...

kjv@Isaiah:25:10 @...mountain shall the hand of the...

kjv@Isaiah:25:11 @...together with the spoils of their...

kjv@Isaiah:25:12 @...of the high fort of thy...

kjv@Isaiah:26:1 @...sung in the land of Judah;...

kjv@Isaiah:26:6 @...poor, and the steps of the...

kjv@Isaiah:26:7 @...dost weigh the path of the...

kjv@Isaiah:26:8 @...for thee; the desire of our...

kjv@Isaiah:26:9 @...the earth, the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Isaiah:26:10 @...not behold the majesty of the...

kjv@Isaiah:26:11 @...people; yea, the fire of thine...

kjv@Isaiah:26:13 @...will we make mention of thy...

kjv@Isaiah:26:15 @...unto all the ends of the...

kjv@Isaiah:26:17 @...draweth near the time of her...

kjv@Isaiah:26:18 @...neither have the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Isaiah:26:19 as the dew of herbs,...

kjv@Isaiah:26:21 punish the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Isaiah:27:2 @...unto her, A vineyard of red...

kjv@Isaiah:27:5 @...let him take hold of my...

kjv@Isaiah:27:6 @...and fill the face of the...

kjv@Isaiah:27:7 @...according to the slaughter of them...

kjv@Isaiah:27:8 @...wind in the day of the...

kjv@Isaiah:27:9 @...maketh all the stones of the...

kjv@Isaiah:27:11 is a people of no...

kjv@Isaiah:27:12 @...river unto the stream of Egypt,...

kjv@Isaiah:27:13 @...outcasts in the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Isaiah:28:1 @...of the fat valleys of them...

kjv@Isaiah:28:2 @...storm, as a flood of mighty...

kjv@Isaiah:28:3 @...of pride, the drunkards of Ephraim,...

kjv@Isaiah:28:4 on the head of the...

kjv@Isaiah:28:5, unto the residue of his...

kjv@Isaiah:28:6 @...And for a spirit of judgment...

kjv@Isaiah:28:7, they are out of the...

kjv@Isaiah:28:8 @...all tables are full of vomit...

kjv@Isaiah:28:13 @... But the word of the...

kjv@Isaiah:28:14 @...Wherefore hear the word of the...

kjv@Isaiah:28:17 @...sweep away the refuge of lies,...

kjv@Isaiah:28:21 in the valley of Gibeon,...

kjv@Isaiah:28:22 @...from the Lord GOD of hosts...

kjv@Isaiah:28:24 @...and break the clods of his...

kjv@Isaiah:28:28 with the wheel of his...

kjv@Isaiah:28:29 @...forth from the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Isaiah:29:4 @...speech shall whisper out of the...

kjv@Isaiah:29:5 @...dust, and the multitude of the...

kjv@Isaiah:29:6 @...tempest, and the flame of devouring...

kjv@Isaiah:29:7 as a dream of a...

kjv@Isaiah:29:8 shall the multitude of all...

kjv@Isaiah:29:10 @...upon you the spirit of deep...

kjv@Isaiah:29:11 as the words of a...

kjv@Isaiah:29:13 @...taught by the precept of... men:

kjv@Isaiah:29:14 @...perish, and the understanding of their...

kjv@Isaiah:29:16 @...the thing framed say of him...

kjv@Isaiah:29:18 @...blind shall see out of obscurity,...

kjv@Isaiah:29:19 the Holy One of... Israel.

kjv@Isaiah:29:21 @...make a man an offender for...

kjv@Isaiah:29:22 @...Abraham, concerning the house of Jacob,...

kjv@Isaiah:29:23 @...sanctify the Holy One of Jacob,...

kjv@Isaiah:30:1 @...a covering, but not of my...

kjv@Isaiah:30:2 @...themselves in the strength of Pharaoh,...

kjv@Isaiah:30:3 in the shadow of Egypt...

kjv@Isaiah:30:5 @...They were all ashamed of a...

kjv@Isaiah:30:6 @...treasures upon the bunches of camels,...

kjv@Isaiah:30:9 @...not hear the law of the...

kjv@Isaiah:30:11 @...cause the Holy One of Israel...

kjv@Isaiah:30:12 @...saith the Holy One of Israel,...

kjv@Isaiah:30:14 @...take water withal out of the...

kjv@Isaiah:30:15 @...GOD, the Holy One of Israel;...

kjv@Isaiah:30:17 @...beacon upon the top of a...

kjv@Isaiah:30:18 @...LORD is a God of judgment:...

kjv@Isaiah:30:19 @...thee at the voice of thy...

kjv@Isaiah:30:20 @...adversity, and the water of affliction,...

kjv@Isaiah:30:22 @...of thy molten images of gold:...

kjv@Isaiah:30:23 @...bread of the increase of the...

kjv@Isaiah:30:25 @...waters in the day of the...

kjv@Isaiah:30:26 @...and healeth the stroke of their...

kjv@Isaiah:30:27 @...his lips are full of indignation,...

kjv@Isaiah:30:28 @...bridle in the jaws of the...

kjv@Isaiah:30:29 @...come into the mountain of the...

kjv@Isaiah:30:30 @...and with the flame of a...

kjv@Isaiah:30:31 @...For through the voice of the...

kjv@Isaiah:30:32 @...harps: and in battles of shaking...

kjv@Isaiah:30:33 @...LORD, like a stream of brimstone,...

kjv@Isaiah:31:1 @...unto the Holy One of Israel,...

kjv@Isaiah:31:2 @...and against the help of them...

kjv@Isaiah:31:4 shall the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Isaiah:31:5 will the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Isaiah:31:6 @...from whom the children of Israel...

kjv@Isaiah:31:7 @...silver, and his idols of gold,...

kjv@Isaiah:31:8 @...and the sword, not of a...

kjv@Isaiah:31:9 @...princes shall be afraid of the...

kjv@Isaiah:32:2, as the shadow of a...

kjv@Isaiah:32:3 @...dim, and the ears of them...

kjv@Isaiah:32:4 @...knowledge, and the tongue of the...

kjv@Isaiah:32:6 @...will cause the drink of the...

kjv@Isaiah:32:7 @... The instruments also of the...

kjv@Isaiah:32:13 @...upon all the houses of joy...

kjv@Isaiah:32:14 @...for ever, a joy of wild...

kjv@Isaiah:32:17 @...peace; and the effect of righteousness...

kjv@Isaiah:32:20 @...forth thither the feet of the...

kjv@Isaiah:33:2 @...also in the time of... trouble.

kjv@Isaiah:33:3 the lifting up of thyself...

kjv@Isaiah:33:4 @...running to and fro of locusts...

kjv@Isaiah:33:6 @...of salvation: the fear of the...

kjv@Isaiah:33:7 @...cry without: the ambassadors of peace...

kjv@Isaiah:33:12 as the burnings of lime:...

kjv@Isaiah:33:15 @...his ears from hearing of blood,...

kjv@Isaiah:33:16 @...shall be the munitions of rocks:...

kjv@Isaiah:33:19 @...than thou canst perceive; of a...

kjv@Isaiah:33:20 @...removed, neither shall any of the...

kjv@Isaiah:33:21 @...unto us a place of broad...

kjv@Isaiah:33:23 @...then is the prey of a...

kjv@Isaiah:34:1 @...things that come forth of... it.

kjv@Isaiah:34:2 @... For the indignation of the...

kjv@Isaiah:34:3 @...shall come up out of their...

kjv@Isaiah:34:4 the leaf falleth off from...

kjv@Isaiah:34:5 @...and upon the people of my...

kjv@Isaiah:34:6 @...fat of the kidneys of rams:...

kjv@Isaiah:34:8 @...vengeance, and the year of recompences...

kjv@Isaiah:34:11 @...upon it the line of confusion,...

kjv@Isaiah:34:13 @...shall be an habitation of dragons,...

kjv@Isaiah:34:14 @...with the wild beasts of the...

kjv@Isaiah:34:16 @...and read: no one of these...

kjv@Isaiah:35:2 @...LORD, and the excellency of our...

kjv@Isaiah:35:4 them that are of a...

kjv@Isaiah:35:5 @...opened, and the ears of the...

kjv@Isaiah:35:6 @...hart, and the tongue of the...

kjv@Isaiah:35:7 @...water: in the habitation of dragons,...

kjv@Isaiah:35:8 called The way of holiness;...

kjv@Isaiah:35:10 @... And the ransomed of the...

kjv@Isaiah:36:1 @...all the defenced cities of Judah,...

kjv@Isaiah:36:2 @...pool in the highway of the...

kjv@Isaiah:36:4 @...great king, the king of Assyria,...

kjv@Isaiah:36:6 is Pharaoh king of Egypt...

kjv@Isaiah:36:8 master the king of Assyria,...

kjv@Isaiah:36:9 @...captain of the least of my...

kjv@Isaiah:36:11 @...language, in the ears of the...

kjv@Isaiah:36:13 @...Hear ye the words of the...

kjv@Isaiah:36:15 @...delivered into the hand of the...

kjv@Isaiah:36:16 @...every one the waters of his...

kjv@Isaiah:36:17 @...and wine, a land of bread...

kjv@Isaiah:36:18 @...out of the hand of the...

kjv@Isaiah:36:19 @...they delivered Samaria out of my...

kjv@Isaiah:36:20 @...should deliver Jerusalem out of my...

kjv@Isaiah:36:22 @...and Joah, the son of Asaph,...

kjv@Isaiah:37:1 @...went into the house of the...

kjv@Isaiah:37:2 @...scribe, and the elders of the...

kjv@Isaiah:37:3 @...and of rebuke, and of blasphemy:...

kjv@Isaiah:37:4 @...Rabshakeh, whom the king of Assyria...

kjv@Isaiah:37:5 @... So the servants of king...

kjv@Isaiah:37:6 @...servants of the king of Assyria...

kjv@Isaiah:37:8 @...and found the king of Assyria...

kjv@Isaiah:37:9 @...say concerning Tirhakah king of Ethiopia,...

kjv@Isaiah:37:10 @...given into the hand of the...

kjv@Isaiah:37:11 @...heard what the kings of Assyria...

kjv@Isaiah:37:12 @...Rezeph, and the children of Eden...

kjv@Isaiah:37:13 @...king of the city of Sepharvaim,...

kjv@Isaiah:37:14 @...up unto the house of the...

kjv@Isaiah:37:16 @...of all the kingdoms of the...

kjv@Isaiah:37:17 @...hear all the words of Sennacherib,...

kjv@Isaiah:37:18 @...truth, LORD, the kings of Assyria...

kjv@Isaiah:37:19 @...gods, but the work of men's...

kjv@Isaiah:37:20 @...that all the kingdoms of the...

kjv@Isaiah:37:21 @...saith the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@Isaiah:37:22 scorn; the daughter of Jerusalem...

kjv@Isaiah:37:23 @...against the Holy One of... Israel.

kjv@Isaiah:37:24 @...border, and the forest of his...

kjv@Isaiah:37:25 @...up all the rivers of the...

kjv@Isaiah:37:26 @...have done it; and of ancient...

kjv@Isaiah:37:27 @...were as the grass of the...

kjv@Isaiah:37:30 @...year that which springeth of the...

kjv@Isaiah:37:31 @...escaped of the house of Judah...

kjv@Isaiah:37:32 @...zeal of the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Isaiah:37:33 @...LORD concerning the king of Assyria,...

kjv@Isaiah:37:36 @...smote in the camp of the...

kjv@Isaiah:37:37 @... So Sennacherib king of Assyria...

kjv@Isaiah:37:38 @...escaped into the land of Armenia:...

kjv@Isaiah:38:1 @...the prophet the son of Amoz...

kjv@Isaiah:38:4 @...Then came the word of the...

kjv@Isaiah:38:5 @...the LORD, the God of David...

kjv@Isaiah:38:6 @...hand of the king of Assyria:...

kjv@Isaiah:38:8 the sun dial of Ahaz,...

kjv@Isaiah:38:9 @...sick, and was recovered of his...

kjv@Isaiah:38:10 @...deprived of the residue of my...

kjv@Isaiah:38:11 @...more with the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Isaiah:38:12 @...he will cut me off with...

kjv@Isaiah:38:13 @...thou make an end of... me.

kjv@Isaiah:38:15 @...years in the bitterness of my...

kjv@Isaiah:38:16 @...things is the life of my...

kjv@Isaiah:38:17 from the pit of corruption:...

kjv@Isaiah:38:20 in the house of the...

kjv@Isaiah:38:21 @...them take a lump of figs,...

kjv@Isaiah:38:22 @...up to the house of the...

kjv@Isaiah:39:1 @...son of Baladan, king of Babylon,...

kjv@Isaiah:39:2 @...and all the house of his...

kjv@Isaiah:39:5 @...Hezekiah, Hear the word of the...

kjv@Isaiah:39:7 @...eunuchs in the palace of the...

kjv@Isaiah:39:8 @...Good is the word of the...

kjv@Isaiah:40:2 @...for she hath received of the...

kjv@Isaiah:40:3 @...Prepare ye the way of the...

kjv@Isaiah:40:5 @...together: for the mouth of the...

kjv@Isaiah:40:6 as the flower of the...

kjv@Isaiah:40:7 @...fadeth: because the spirit of the...

kjv@Isaiah:40:8 @...fadeth: but the word of our...

kjv@Isaiah:40:9 @...say unto the cities of Judah,...

kjv@Isaiah:40:12 @...and comprehended the dust of the...

kjv@Isaiah:40:13 @...hath directed the Spirit of the...

kjv@Isaiah:40:14 @...him in the path of judgment,...

kjv@Isaiah:40:15 the small dust of the...

kjv@Isaiah:40:21 @...understood from the foundations of the...

kjv@Isaiah:40:22 @...sitteth upon the circle of the...

kjv@Isaiah:40:23 @...he maketh the judges of the...

kjv@Isaiah:40:26 @...names by the greatness of his...

kjv@Isaiah:40:28 @...there is no searching of his...

kjv@Isaiah:41:5 @...and feared; the ends of the...

kjv@Isaiah:41:6 his brother, Be of good...

kjv@Isaiah:41:8 @...have chosen, the seed of Abraham...

kjv@Isaiah:41:9 @...taken from the ends of the...

kjv@Isaiah:41:10 @...with the right hand of my...

kjv@Isaiah:41:12 @...and as a thing of... nought.

kjv@Isaiah:41:14 @...Jacob, and ye men of Israel;...

kjv@Isaiah:41:16 the Holy One of... Israel.

kjv@Isaiah:41:17 @...them, I the God of Israel...

kjv@Isaiah:41:18 @...the wilderness a pool of water,...

kjv@Isaiah:41:20 @...and the Holy One of Israel...

kjv@Isaiah:41:21 @...reasons, saith the King of... Jacob.

kjv@Isaiah:41:22 @...know the latter end of them;...

kjv@Isaiah:41:24 @...nothing, and your work of nought:...

kjv@Isaiah:41:25 @...come: from the rising of the...

kjv@Isaiah:41:28 @...that, when I asked of them,...

kjv@Isaiah:42:5 @...that which cometh out of it;...

kjv@Isaiah:42:6 @...people, for a light of the...

kjv@Isaiah:42:7 @...sit in darkness out of the...

kjv@Isaiah:42:9 @...forth I tell you of... them.

kjv@Isaiah:42:10 @...praise from the end of the...

kjv@Isaiah:42:11 @...shout from the top of the...

kjv@Isaiah:42:13 @...jealousy like a man of war:...

kjv@Isaiah:42:22 @...spoiled; they are all of them...

kjv@Isaiah:42:25 @...anger, and the strength of battle:...

kjv@Isaiah:43:3 @...God, the Holy One of Israel,...

kjv@Isaiah:43:6 @...daughters from the ends of the...

kjv@Isaiah:43:13 @...that can deliver out of my...

kjv@Isaiah:43:14 @...redeemer, the Holy One of Israel;...

kjv@Isaiah:43:15 @...Holy One, the creator of Israel,...

kjv@Isaiah:43:18 @...neither consider the things of... old.

kjv@Isaiah:43:20 ... The beast of the...

kjv@Isaiah:43:22 @...thou hast been weary of me,...

kjv@Isaiah:43:23 serve with an offering, nor...

kjv@Isaiah:43:24 with the fat of thy...

kjv@Isaiah:43:28 @...have profaned the princes of the...

kjv@Isaiah:44:5 @...himself by the name of Jacob;...

kjv@Isaiah:44:6 @...his redeemer the LORD of hosts;...

kjv@Isaiah:44:9 @...graven image are all of them...

kjv@Isaiah:44:11 @...the workmen, they are of men:...

kjv@Isaiah:44:12 with the strength of his...

kjv@Isaiah:44:13 @...according to the beauty of a...

kjv@Isaiah:44:14 @...himself among the trees of the...

kjv@Isaiah:44:19 @...down to the stock of a...

kjv@Isaiah:44:21 @...shalt not be forgotten of... me.

kjv@Isaiah:44:23 @...shout, ye lower parts of the...

kjv@Isaiah:44:25 @...That frustrateth the tokens of the...

kjv@Isaiah:44:26 @...and to the cities of Judah,...

kjv@Isaiah:44:28 ... That saith of Cyrus,...

kjv@Isaiah:45:1 @...will loose the loins of kings,...

kjv@Isaiah:45:2 pieces the gates of brass,...

kjv@Isaiah:45:3 @...darkness, and hidden riches of secret...

kjv@Isaiah:45:6 @...know from the rising of the...

kjv@Isaiah:45:9 @...strive with the potsherds of the...

kjv@Isaiah:45:11 @...and concerning the work of my...

kjv@Isaiah:45:13 @...reward, saith the LORD of... hosts.

kjv@Isaiah:45:14 @...of the Sabeans, men of stature,...

kjv@Isaiah:45:15 @...hidest thyself, O God of Israel,...

kjv@Isaiah:45:16 @...and also confounded, all of them:...

kjv@Isaiah:45:19 @...not unto the seed of Jacob,...

kjv@Isaiah:45:20 @...set up the wood of their...

kjv@Isaiah:45:22 @...saved, all the ends of the...

kjv@Isaiah:45:23 @...word is gone out of my...

kjv@Isaiah:45:25 @...shall all the seed of Israel...

kjv@Isaiah:46:3 @...remnant of the house of Israel,...

kjv@Isaiah:46:6 @...They lavish gold out of the...

kjv@Isaiah:46:7 @...nor save him out of his...

kjv@Isaiah:46:9 @...Remember the former things of old:...

kjv@Isaiah:47:1 throne, O daughter of the...

kjv@Isaiah:47:4 @...our redeemer, the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Isaiah:47:5 @...into darkness, O daughter of the...

kjv@Isaiah:47:7 @...remember the latter end of... it.

kjv@Isaiah:47:8 @...I know the loss of... children:

kjv@Isaiah:47:9 @...for the great abundance of thine...

kjv@Isaiah:47:12 @...and with the multitude of thy...

kjv@Isaiah:47:13 @...wearied in the multitude of thy...

kjv@Isaiah:47:14 @...themselves from the power of the...

kjv@Isaiah:48:1 @...mention of the God of Israel,...

kjv@Isaiah:48:2 @...of Israel; The LORD of hosts...

kjv@Isaiah:48:3 @...they went forth out of my...

kjv@Isaiah:48:10 @...thee in the furnace of... affliction.

kjv@Isaiah:48:13 @...hath laid the foundation of the...

kjv@Isaiah:48:17 @...Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel;...

kjv@Isaiah:48:18 @...righteousness as the waves of the...

kjv@Isaiah:48:19 @...not have been cut off nor...

kjv@Isaiah:48:20 @...even to the end of the...

kjv@Isaiah:48:21 @...waters to flow out of the...

kjv@Isaiah:49:1 @...hath he made mention of my...

kjv@Isaiah:49:2 @...sword; in the shadow of his...

kjv@Isaiah:49:5 @...glorious in the eyes of the...

kjv@Isaiah:49:6 @...salvation unto the end of the...

kjv@Isaiah:49:7 @...and the Holy One of Israel,...

kjv@Isaiah:49:8 @...thee for a covenant of the...

kjv@Isaiah:49:10 @...even by the springs of water...

kjv@Isaiah:49:12 @...these from the land of... Sinim.

kjv@Isaiah:49:15 @...compassion on the son of her...

kjv@Isaiah:49:16 @...thee upon the palms of my...

kjv@Isaiah:49:17 @...waste shall go forth of... thee.

kjv@Isaiah:49:19 @...too narrow by reason of the...

kjv@Isaiah:49:23 @...lick up the dust of thy...

kjv@Isaiah:49:25 @...away, and the prey of the...

kjv@Isaiah:49:26 @...Redeemer, the mighty One of... Jacob.

kjv@Isaiah:50:1 @...put away? or which of my...

kjv@Isaiah:50:4 @...given me the tongue of the...

kjv@Isaiah:50:10 in the name of the...

kjv@Isaiah:50:11 @...This shall ye have of mine...

kjv@Isaiah:51:1 @...and to the hole of the...

kjv@Isaiah:51:3 @...desert like the garden of the...

kjv@Isaiah:51:4 for a light of the...

kjv@Isaiah:51:7 @...neither be ye afraid of their...

kjv@Isaiah:51:9 @...days, in the generations of old....

kjv@Isaiah:51:10 @...hath made the depths of the...

kjv@Isaiah:51:11 @... Therefore the redeemed of the...

kjv@Isaiah:51:12 @...and of the son of man...

kjv@Isaiah:51:13 @...where is the fury of the...

kjv@Isaiah:51:15 @...waves roared: The LORD of hosts...

kjv@Isaiah:51:16 @...and lay the foundations of the...

kjv@Isaiah:51:17 @...dregs of the cup of trembling,...

kjv@Isaiah:51:18 @...her by the hand of all...

kjv@Isaiah:51:20 @...the LORD, the rebuke of thy...

kjv@Isaiah:51:22 @...dregs of the cup of my...

kjv@Isaiah:51:23 into the hand of them...

kjv@Isaiah:52:2 @...thyself from the bands of thy...

kjv@Isaiah:52:7 @...that bringeth good tidings of good,...

kjv@Isaiah:52:9 @...together, ye waste places of Jerusalem:...

kjv@Isaiah:52:10 @...shall see the salvation of our...

kjv@Isaiah:52:11 @...that bear the vessels of the...

kjv@Isaiah:52:12; and the God of Israel...

kjv@Isaiah:52:14 @...more than the sons of... men:

kjv@Isaiah:53:1 @...whom is the arm of the...

kjv@Isaiah:53:2 a root out of a...

kjv@Isaiah:53:3 @...of men; a man of sorrows,...

kjv@Isaiah:53:4 @...esteem him stricken, smitten of God,...

kjv@Isaiah:53:5 @...our iniquities: the chastisement of our...

kjv@Isaiah:53:6 @...on him the iniquity of us...

kjv@Isaiah:53:8 for the transgression of my...

kjv@Isaiah:53:10 @...days, and the pleasure of the...

kjv@Isaiah:53:11 @...see of the travail of his...

kjv@Isaiah:53:12 @...he bare the sin of many,...

kjv@Isaiah:54:1 @...desolate than the children of the...

kjv@Isaiah:54:2 @...stretch forth the curtains of thine...

kjv@Isaiah:54:4 @...not remember the reproach of thy...

kjv@Isaiah:54:5 @...of Israel; The God of the...

kjv@Isaiah:54:6 @...spirit, and a wife of youth,...

kjv@Isaiah:54:9 @...sworn that the waters of Noah...

kjv@Isaiah:54:10 @...neither shall the covenant of my...

kjv@Isaiah:54:12 @...and all thy borders of pleasant...

kjv@Isaiah:54:13 @...shall be the peace of thy...

kjv@Isaiah:54:17 @...and their righteousness is of me,...

kjv@Isaiah:55:3 @...even the sure mercies of... David.

kjv@Isaiah:55:5 @...for the Holy One of Israel;...

kjv@Isaiah:55:11 @...that goeth forth out of my...

kjv@Isaiah:55:12 @...and all the trees of the...

kjv@Isaiah:55:13 @...fir tree, and instead of the...

kjv@Isaiah:56:2 @...this, and the son of man...

kjv@Isaiah:56:3 @...Neither let the son of the...

kjv@Isaiah:56:4, and take hold of my...

kjv@Isaiah:56:5 @...than of sons and of daughters:...

kjv@Isaiah:56:6, and taketh hold of my...

kjv@Isaiah:56:7 called an house of prayer...

kjv@Isaiah:56:8 @...which gathereth the outcasts of Israel...

kjv@Isaiah:56:9 @... All ye beasts of the...

kjv@Isaiah:57:3 @...the sorceress, the seed of the...

kjv@Isaiah:57:4 @...are ye not children of transgression,...

kjv@Isaiah:57:5 @...valleys under the clifts of the...

kjv@Isaiah:57:6 @...hast offered a meat offering. Should...

kjv@Isaiah:57:10 @...hast found the life of thine...

kjv@Isaiah:57:11 @...held my peace even of old,...

kjv@Isaiah:57:14 @...out of the way of my...

kjv@Isaiah:57:15 revive the heart of the...

kjv@Isaiah:57:17 @...frowardly in the way of his...

kjv@Isaiah:57:19 @...him that is far off, and...

kjv@Isaiah:58:1 @...transgression, and the house of Jacob...

kjv@Isaiah:58:2 @...of me the ordinances of justice;...

kjv@Isaiah:58:3 @...Behold, in the day of your...

kjv@Isaiah:58:4 @...smite with the fist of wickedness:...

kjv@Isaiah:58:6 loose the bands of wickedness,...

kjv@Isaiah:58:8 @...before thee; the glory of the...

kjv@Isaiah:58:9 @...yoke, the putting forth of the...

kjv@Isaiah:58:11 @...and like a spring of water,...

kjv@Isaiah:58:12 @...the breach, The restorer of paths...

kjv@Isaiah:58:13 @...a delight, the holy of the...

kjv@Isaiah:58:14 @...father: for the mouth of the...

kjv@Isaiah:59:5 @...web: he that eateth of their...

kjv@Isaiah:59:6 @...iniquity, and the act of violence...

kjv@Isaiah:59:7 @...their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity;...

kjv@Isaiah:59:8 ... The way of peace...

kjv@Isaiah:59:13 @...from the heart words of... falsehood.

kjv@Isaiah:59:17 @...put on the garments of vengeance...

kjv@Isaiah:59:19 @...a flood, the Spirit of the...

kjv@Isaiah:59:21 @...out of the mouth of thy...

kjv@Isaiah:60:1 @...come, and the glory of the...

kjv@Isaiah:60:3 @...kings to the brightness of thy...

kjv@Isaiah:60:5 @...unto thee, the forces of the...

kjv@Isaiah:60:6 @...shew forth the praises of the...

kjv@Isaiah:60:7 @...will glorify the house of my...

kjv@Isaiah:60:9 the Holy One of Israel,...

kjv@Isaiah:60:10 @... And the sons of strangers...

kjv@Isaiah:60:11 @...unto thee the forces of the...

kjv@Isaiah:60:13 @...will make the place of my...

kjv@Isaiah:60:14 @...the LORD, The Zion of the...

kjv@Isaiah:60:15 @...eternal excellency, a joy of many...

kjv@Isaiah:60:16 @...shalt suck the breast of kings:...

kjv@Isaiah:60:20 @...light, and the days of thy...

kjv@Isaiah:60:21 planting, the work of my...

kjv@Isaiah:61:1 @...captives, and the opening of the...

kjv@Isaiah:61:2 @...the day of vengeance of our...

kjv@Isaiah:61:3 @...of righteousness, the planting of the...

kjv@Isaiah:61:4 @...waste cities, the desolations of many...

kjv@Isaiah:61:5 @...flocks, and the sons of the...

kjv@Isaiah:61:6 @...shall eat the riches of the...

kjv@Isaiah:61:10 with the robe of righteousness,...

kjv@Isaiah:62:2, which the mouth of the...

kjv@Isaiah:62:3 @...diadem in the hand of thy...

kjv@Isaiah:62:6 that make mention of the...

kjv@Isaiah:62:8 @...enemies; and the sons of the...

kjv@Isaiah:62:9 in the courts of my...

kjv@Isaiah:62:10 @...prepare ye the way of the...

kjv@Isaiah:62:11 to the daughter of Zion,...

kjv@Isaiah:62:12 @...holy people, The redeemed of the...

kjv@Isaiah:63:1 @...travelling in the greatness of his...

kjv@Isaiah:63:3 @...the winepress alone; and of the...

kjv@Isaiah:63:4 @...heart, and the year of my...

kjv@Isaiah:63:7 @...according to the multitude of his...

kjv@Isaiah:63:9 @...afflicted, and the angel of his...

kjv@Isaiah:63:11 @...sea with the shepherd of his...

kjv@Isaiah:63:12 the right hand of Moses...

kjv@Isaiah:63:14 @...the valley, the Spirit of the...

kjv@Isaiah:63:15 @...of thy bowels and of thy...

kjv@Isaiah:63:16 @...though Abraham be ignorant of us,...

kjv@Isaiah:63:17 @...servants' sake, the tribes of thine...

kjv@Isaiah:63:18 ... The people of thy...

kjv@Isaiah:64:4 @...For since the beginning of the...

kjv@Isaiah:64:7 @...hast consumed us, because of our...

kjv@Isaiah:64:8 @...all are the work of thy...

kjv@Isaiah:65:1; I am found of them...

kjv@Isaiah:65:3 @...burneth incense upon altars of... brick;

kjv@Isaiah:65:4 @...swine's flesh, and broth of abominable...

kjv@Isaiah:65:7 @...iniquities, and the iniquities of your...

kjv@Isaiah:65:9 @...of Judah an inheritor of my...

kjv@Isaiah:65:10 @...flocks, and the valley of Achor...

kjv@Isaiah:65:14 @...shall cry for sorrow of heart,...

kjv@Isaiah:65:16 @...swear by the God of truth;...

kjv@Isaiah:65:19 @...people: and the voice of weeping...

kjv@Isaiah:65:20 @...more thence an infant of days,...

kjv@Isaiah:65:21 @...and eat the fruit of... them.

kjv@Isaiah:65:22 @...long enjoy the work of their...

kjv@Isaiah:65:23 @...the LORD, and their offspring with...

kjv@Isaiah:66:1 @...where is the place of my...

kjv@Isaiah:66:2 @...that is poor and of a...

kjv@Isaiah:66:5 @... Hear the word of the...

kjv@Isaiah:66:6 @...the temple, a voice of the...

kjv@Isaiah:66:7 @...came, she was delivered of a...

kjv@Isaiah:66:11 @...delighted with the abundance of her...

kjv@Isaiah:66:12 @...river, and the glory of the...

kjv@Isaiah:66:14 @...herb: and the hand of the...

kjv@Isaiah:66:15 @...his rebuke with flames of... fire.

kjv@Isaiah:66:16 @...flesh: and the slain of the...

kjv@Isaiah:66:19 the isles afar off, that...

kjv@Isaiah:66:20 @...vessel into the house of the...

kjv@Isaiah:66:21 @...I will also take of them...

kjv@Isaiah:66:24 @...look upon the carcases of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:1:1 @...the son of Hilkiah, of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:1:2 the thirteenth year of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:1:3 @...unto the carrying away of Jerusalem...

kjv@Jeremiah:1:4 @... Then the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:1:5 @...thou camest forth out of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:1:8 @... Be not afraid of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:1:11 @...I see a rod of an...

kjv@Jeremiah:1:13 @... And the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:1:14 @...upon all the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:1:15 @...entering of the gates of Jerusalem,...

kjv@Jeremiah:1:16 @...and worshipped the works of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:1:18 @...and against the people of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:2:1 @... Moreover the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:2:2 @...thy youth, the love of thine...

kjv@Jeremiah:2:3 @...that devour him shall offend; evil...

kjv@Jeremiah:2:4 @...and all the families of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:2:6 @...and of the shadow of death,...

kjv@Jeremiah:2:10 @...pass over the isles of Chittim,...

kjv@Jeremiah:2:13 @...forsaken me the fountain of living...

kjv@Jeremiah:2:16 @...have broken the crown of thy...

kjv@Jeremiah:2:18 drink the waters of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:2:19 @...saith the Lord GOD of... hosts.

kjv@Jeremiah:2:20 ... For of old...

kjv@Jeremiah:2:21 @...into the degenerate plant of a...

kjv@Jeremiah:2:26 is the house of Israel...

kjv@Jeremiah:2:27 @...but in the time of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:2:28 @...according to the number of thy...

kjv@Jeremiah:2:31 @...unto Israel? a land of darkness?...

kjv@Jeremiah:2:34 @...blood of the souls of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:2:36 @...also shalt be ashamed of Egypt,...

kjv@Jeremiah:3:4 @...thou art the guide of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:3:6 in the days of Josiah...

kjv@Jeremiah:3:8 @...given her a bill of divorce;...

kjv@Jeremiah:3:9 @...pass through the lightness of her...

kjv@Jeremiah:3:14 @...a city, and two of a...

kjv@Jeremiah:3:16 @...ark of the covenant of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:3:17 @...more after the imagination of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:3:18 @...out of the land of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:3:19 @...heritage of the hosts of nations?...

kjv@Jeremiah:3:20 @...with me, O house of Israel,...

kjv@Jeremiah:3:21 @...supplications of the children of Israel:...

kjv@Jeremiah:3:23 @...and from the multitude of mountains:...

kjv@Jeremiah:3:24 @...hath devoured the labour of our...

kjv@Jeremiah:3:25 @...not obeyed the voice of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:4:1 @...away thine abominations out of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:4:3 @...LORD to the men of Judah...

kjv@Jeremiah:4:4 @...because of the evil of your...

kjv@Jeremiah:4:7 @...thicket, and the destroyer of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:4:8 @...for the fierce anger of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:4:9 @...perish, and the heart of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:4:11 @...wilderness toward the daughter of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:4:16 @...voice against the cities of... Judah.

kjv@Jeremiah:4:17 ... As keepers of a...

kjv@Jeremiah:4:19 soul, the sound of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:4:21 @...and hear the sound of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:4:25 @...and all the birds of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:4:26 @...down at the presence of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:4:29 @...flee for the noise of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:4:30 @...deckest thee with ornaments of gold,...

kjv@Jeremiah:4:31 @...voice of the daughter of Zion,...

kjv@Jeremiah:5:1 @...fro through the streets of Jerusalem,...

kjv@Jeremiah:5:4 @...LORD, nor the judgment of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:5:5 @...LORD, and the judgment of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:5:6 @...them, and a wolf of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:5:11 @...Israel and the house of Judah...

kjv@Jeremiah:5:14 @...saith the LORD God of hosts,...

kjv@Jeremiah:5:15 @...from far, O house of Israel,...

kjv@Jeremiah:5:20 @...this in the house of Jacob,...

kjv@Jeremiah:5:22 @...sand for the bound of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:5:24 the appointed weeks of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:5:27 @...are their houses full of deceit:...

kjv@Jeremiah:5:28 @...prosper; and the right of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:6:1 @...for evil appeareth out of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:6:2 @...have likened the daughter of Zion...

kjv@Jeremiah:6:4 @...away, for the shadows of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:6:6 @...thus hath the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Jeremiah:6:9 @...throughly glean the remnant of Israel...

kjv@Jeremiah:6:10 @...hearken: behold, the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:6:11 @...and upon the assembly of young...

kjv@Jeremiah:6:12 @...hand upon the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:6:13 @...even unto the greatest of them...

kjv@Jeremiah:6:14 @...hurt of the daughter of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:6:17 @...Hearken to the sound of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:6:19 @...people, even the fruit of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:6:22 @...raised from the sides of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:6:23 @...against thee, O daughter of... Zion.

kjv@Jeremiah:6:24, and pain, as of a...

kjv@Jeremiah:6:25 @...way; for the sword of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:6:26 ... O daughter of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:6:29 @...the lead is consumed of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:7:2 @...the LORD, all ye of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:7:3 @...of hosts, the God of Israel,...

kjv@Jeremiah:7:4 @...the LORD, The temple of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:7:11, become a den of robbers...

kjv@Jeremiah:7:12 for the wickedness of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:7:15 @...will cast you out of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:7:17 in the cities of Judah...

kjv@Jeremiah:7:18 pour out drink offerings unto...

kjv@Jeremiah:7:19 @...themselves to the confusion of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:7:20 @...and upon the fruit of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:7:21 @...Israel; Put your burnt offerings unto...

kjv@Jeremiah:7:22 @...of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings or...

kjv@Jeremiah:7:24 @...and in the imagination of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:7:25 @...out of the land of Egypt...

kjv@Jeremiah:7:28 @...perished, and is cut off from...

kjv@Jeremiah:7:29 @...and forsaken the generation of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:7:30 @... For the children of Judah...

kjv@Jeremiah:7:31 @...valley of the son of Hinnom,...

kjv@Jeremiah:7:32 @...Hinnom, but the valley of slaughter:...

kjv@Jeremiah:7:33 @...and for the beasts of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:7:34 @...bridegroom, and the voice of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:8:1 @...inhabitants of Jerusalem, out of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:8:2 @...dung upon the face of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:8:3 @...of them that remain of this...

kjv@Jeremiah:8:5 @...then is this people of Jerusalem...

kjv@Jeremiah:8:6 man repented him of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:8:7 @...know not the judgment of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:8:8 @...he it; the pen of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:8:9 @...have rejected the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:8:11 @...hurt of the daughter of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:8:12 @...fall: in the time of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:8:14 @...and given us water of gall...

kjv@Jeremiah:8:15 @...and for a time of health,...

kjv@Jeremiah:8:16 @...sound of the neighing of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:8:19 @...of my people because of them...

kjv@Jeremiah:8:21 @...hurt of the daughter of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:8:22 of the daughter of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:9:1 @...slain of the daughter of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:9:2 @...all adulterers, an assembly of treacherous...

kjv@Jeremiah:9:4 heed every one of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:9:6 in the midst of deceit;...

kjv@Jeremiah:9:7 for the daughter of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:9:10 @...cattle; both the fowl of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:9:11 @...will make the cities of Judah...

kjv@Jeremiah:9:12 whom the mouth of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:9:14 @...walked after the imagination of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:9:15 @...and give them water of gall...

kjv@Jeremiah:9:17 @...Thus saith the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Jeremiah:9:19 @...wailing is heard out of Zion,...

kjv@Jeremiah:9:20 @...ear receive the word of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:9:22 @...LORD, Even the carcases of men...

kjv@Jeremiah:9:26 @...and all the house of Israel...

kjv@Jeremiah:10:1 @...unto you, O house of... Israel:

kjv@Jeremiah:10:2 @...dismayed at the signs of heaven;...

kjv@Jeremiah:10:3 of the hands of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:10:5 @...go. Be not afraid of them;...

kjv@Jeremiah:10:7 @...all the wise men of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:10:8 @...stock is a doctrine of... vanities.

kjv@Jeremiah:10:9 @...are all the work of cunning...

kjv@Jeremiah:10:13 @...forth the wind out of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:10:15 @...errors: in the time of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:10:16 @...his inheritance: The LORD of hosts...

kjv@Jeremiah:10:17 @...the land, O inhabitant of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:10:18 out the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:10:20 @...children are gone forth of me,...

kjv@Jeremiah:10:22 make the cities of Judah...

kjv@Jeremiah:10:23 @...know that the way of man...

kjv@Jeremiah:11:2 @...speak unto the men of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:11:3 @...obeyeth not the words of this...

kjv@Jeremiah:11:4 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Jeremiah:11:6 @...Hear ye the words of this...

kjv@Jeremiah:11:7 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Jeremiah:11:8 @...them all the words of this...

kjv@Jeremiah:11:9 @...found among the men of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:11:10 @...Israel and the house of Judah...

kjv@Jeremiah:11:12 @...all in the time of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:11:13 @...number of the streets of Jerusalem...

kjv@Jeremiah:11:16, and the branches of it...

kjv@Jeremiah:11:17 to anger in offering incense...

kjv@Jeremiah:11:18 @...hath given me knowledge of it,...

kjv@Jeremiah:11:19 from the land of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:11:20 @... But, O LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Jeremiah:11:21 @...not in the name of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:11:22 @...thus saith the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Jeremiah:11:23 @...Anathoth, even the year of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:12:1 @...Wherefore doth the way of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:12:3 @...them for the day of... slaughter.

kjv@Jeremiah:12:4 @...wither, for the wickedness of them...

kjv@Jeremiah:12:5 @...if in the land of peace,...

kjv@Jeremiah:12:6 @...brethren, and the house of thy...

kjv@Jeremiah:12:7 @...soul into the hand of her...

kjv@Jeremiah:12:9 @...assemble all the beasts of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:12:12 the other end of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:12:13 @...of the fierce anger of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:12:14 @...pluck out the house of Judah...

kjv@Jeremiah:12:16 @...built in the midst of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:13:2 @...according to the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:13:3 @... And the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:13:4 @...there in a hole of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:13:8 @... Then the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:13:9 @...I mar the pride of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:13:10 @...walk in the imagination of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:13:11 @...and the whole house of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:13:12 @...saith the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@Jeremiah:13:13 @...and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem,...

kjv@Jeremiah:13:16 into the shadow of death,...

kjv@Jeremiah:13:18 @...down, even the crown of your...

kjv@Jeremiah:13:19 @...carried away captive all of it,...

kjv@Jeremiah:13:22 For the greatness of thine...

kjv@Jeremiah:13:24 @...away by the wind of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:13:25 @...thy lot, the portion of thy...

kjv@Jeremiah:13:27 @...thy neighings, the lewdness of thy...

kjv@Jeremiah:14:1 ... The word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:14:2 @...ground; and the cry of Jerusalem...

kjv@Jeremiah:14:8 @...saviour thereof in time of trouble,...

kjv@Jeremiah:14:9 in the midst of us,...

kjv@Jeremiah:14:14 @...nought, and the deceit of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:14:16 @...streets of Jerusalem because of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:14:17 @...for the virgin daughter of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:14:19 @...and for the time of healing,...

kjv@Jeremiah:14:20 @...wickedness, and the iniquity of our...

kjv@Jeremiah:14:21 @...not disgrace the throne of thy...

kjv@Jeremiah:14:22 @...any among the vanities of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:15:1 @...people: cast them out of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:15:3 @...heaven, and the beasts of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:15:4 @...son of Hezekiah king of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:15:7 @...I will bereave them of children,...

kjv@Jeremiah:15:8 @...them against the mother of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:15:9 @...confounded: and the residue of them...

kjv@Jeremiah:15:10 @...usury; yet every one of them...

kjv@Jeremiah:15:11 @...well in the time of evil...

kjv@Jeremiah:15:15, and revenge me of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:15:16 @...the joy and rejoicing of mine...

kjv@Jeremiah:15:17 @...I sat alone because of thy...

kjv@Jeremiah:15:21 @...out of the hand of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:16:1 ... The word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:16:4 @...and for the beasts of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:16:5 @...not into the house of mourning,...

kjv@Jeremiah:16:7 @...give them the cup of consolation...

kjv@Jeremiah:16:8 @...go into the house of feasting,...

kjv@Jeremiah:16:9 @...bridegroom, and the voice of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:16:12 after the imagination of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:16:13 @...I cast you out of this...

kjv@Jeremiah:16:14 @...children of Israel out of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:16:15 @...Israel from the land of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:16:16 @...out of the holes of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:16:18 @...inheritance with the carcases of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:16:19 @...thee from the ends of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:17:1 @...and upon the horns of your...

kjv@Jeremiah:17:8 @...careful in the year of drought,...

kjv@Jeremiah:17:10 @...according to the fruit of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:17:11 @...them in the midst of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:17:12 @...beginning is the place of our...

kjv@Jeremiah:17:13 @...the LORD, the fountain of living...

kjv@Jeremiah:17:15 @...Where is the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:17:16 @...that which came out of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:17:17 @...hope in the day of... evil.

kjv@Jeremiah:17:18 @...upon them the day of evil,...

kjv@Jeremiah:17:19 @...people, whereby the kings of Judah...

kjv@Jeremiah:17:20 @...and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem,...

kjv@Jeremiah:17:21 by the gates of... Jerusalem;

kjv@Jeremiah:17:22 @...forth a burden out of your...

kjv@Jeremiah:17:24 @...burden through the gates of this...

kjv@Jeremiah:17:25 @...Judah, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem:...

kjv@Jeremiah:17:26 @...praise, unto the house of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:17:27 @...shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem,...

kjv@Jeremiah:18:4 @...marred in the hand of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:18:5 @... Then the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:18:6 ... O house of Israel,...

kjv@Jeremiah:18:8 @...evil, I will repent of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:18:10 @...then I will repent of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:18:11 @...and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem,...

kjv@Jeremiah:18:12 do the imagination of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:18:13 @...such things: the virgin of Israel...

kjv@Jeremiah:18:14 @...cometh from the rock of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:18:17 @...face, in the day of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:18:18 @...give heed to any of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:18:19 @...hearken to the voice of them...

kjv@Jeremiah:18:21 @...their wives be bereaved of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:18:23 @...them in the time of thine...

kjv@Jeremiah:19:1 @...and of the ancients of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:19:2 by the entry of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:19:3 @...of hosts, the God of Israel;...

kjv@Jeremiah:19:4 @...known, nor the kings of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:19:5 @...with fire for burnt offerings unto...

kjv@Jeremiah:19:6 @...valley of the son of Hinnom,...

kjv@Jeremiah:19:7 @...and for the beasts of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:19:8 @...astonished and hiss because of all...

kjv@Jeremiah:19:9 @...every one the flesh of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:19:10 @...bottle in the sight of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:19:11 @...Thus saith the LORD of hosts;...

kjv@Jeremiah:19:13 @...have poured out drink offerings unto...

kjv@Jeremiah:19:14 @...stood in the court of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:19:15 @...of hosts, the God of Israel;...

kjv@Jeremiah:20:1 @...governor in the house of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:20:2 @...was by the house of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:20:3 @...brought forth Jeremiah out of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:20:4 @...hand of the king of Babylon,...

kjv@Jeremiah:20:5 @...give into the hand of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:20:8 @...spoil; because the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:20:9 @...will not make mention of him,...

kjv@Jeremiah:20:10 @...I heard the defaming of many,...

kjv@Jeremiah:20:12 @... But, O LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Jeremiah:20:13 @...hath delivered the soul of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:20:18 @...came I forth out of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:21:1 @...and Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah...

kjv@Jeremiah:21:2; for Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:21:4 @...them into the midst of this...

kjv@Jeremiah:21:6 @...beast: they shall die of a...

kjv@Jeremiah:21:7 @...them with the edge of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:21:8 @...before you the way of life,...

kjv@Jeremiah:21:10 @...hand of the king of Babylon,...

kjv@Jeremiah:21:11 @...Hear ye the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:21:12 @...because of the evil of your...

kjv@Jeremiah:21:13 @...the valley, and rock of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:21:14 @...according to the fruit of your...

kjv@Jeremiah:22:1 of the king of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:22:2 @...sittest upon the throne of David,...

kjv@Jeremiah:22:3 @...out of the hand of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:22:4 @...sitting upon the throne of David,...

kjv@Jeremiah:22:6, and the head of Lebanon:...

kjv@Jeremiah:22:9 @...have forsaken the covenant of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:22:11 @...which went forth out of this...

kjv@Jeremiah:22:16 @...He judged the cause of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:22:18 @...son of Josiah king of Judah;...

kjv@Jeremiah:22:19 @...buried with the burial of an...

kjv@Jeremiah:22:23 @...thee, the pain as of a...

kjv@Jeremiah:22:24 @...son of Jehoiakim king of Judah...

kjv@Jeremiah:22:25 @...and into the hand of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:22:29, hear the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:22:30 @...sitting upon the throne of David,...

kjv@Jeremiah:23:1 @...and scatter the sheep of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:23:2 @...upon you the evil of your...

kjv@Jeremiah:23:3 @...of my flock out of all...

kjv@Jeremiah:23:7 @...children of Israel out of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:23:8 of Israel out of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:23:9 @...because of the words of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:23:10 @...mourneth; the pleasant places of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:23:12 @...them, even the year of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:23:13 @...folly in the prophets of Samaria;...

kjv@Jeremiah:23:14 @...wickedness: they are all of them...

kjv@Jeremiah:23:15 @...for from the prophets of Jerusalem...

kjv@Jeremiah:23:16 @...out of the mouth of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:23:17 @...walketh after the imagination of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:23:18 @...stood in the counsel of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:23:19 @...grievously upon the head of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:23:20 @...have performed the thoughts of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:23:22 @...and from the evil of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:23:26 @...prophets of the deceit of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:23:33 @...What is the burden of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:23:34 @...shall say, The burden of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:23:36 @...God, of the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Jeremiah:23:38 @...not say, The burden of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:23:39 @...and cast you out of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:24:1 @...Judah, and the princes of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:24:4 @... Again the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:24:5 into the land of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:24:8 @...princes, and the residue of Jerusalem,...

kjv@Jeremiah:24:9 @...into all the kingdoms of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:1 @...was the first year of Nebuchadrezzar...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:2 all the inhabitants of Jerusalem,...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:3 @...twentieth year, the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:5 @...and from the evil of your...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:6 @...anger with the works of your...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:7 @...anger with the works of your...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:8 @...thus saith the LORD of hosts;...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:9 @...and Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon,...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:10 @...millstones, and the light of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:11 @...shall serve the king of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:12 @...iniquity, and the land of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:14 @...according to the works of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:15 @...Take the wine cup of this...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:16 @...and be mad, because of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:18 @...Jerusalem, and the cities of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:19 ... Pharaoh king of Egypt,...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:20 @...kings of the land of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:21 @...Moab, and the children of... Ammon,

kjv@Jeremiah:25:22 @...Zidon, and the kings of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:24 @...and all the kings of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:25 @...and all the kings of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:26 and the king of Sheshach...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:27 @...rise no more, because of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:28 @...Thus saith the LORD of hosts;...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:29 @...upon all the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:30 @...against all the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:31 @...even to the ends of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:32 @...up from the coasts of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:33 @...unto the other end of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:34 @...of your slaughter and of your...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:35 @...flee, nor the principal of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:36 @...howling of the principal of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:37 @...of the fierce anger of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:25:38 @...the oppressor, and because of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:26:1 @...son of Josiah king of Judah...

kjv@Jeremiah:26:2 @...unto all the cities of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:26:3 @...because of the evil of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:26:5 @...hearken to the words of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:26:6 all the nations of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:26:7 @...words in the house of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:26:8 @...had made an end of speaking...

kjv@Jeremiah:26:9 @...Jeremiah in the house of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:26:10 @...of the new gate of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:26:13 @...LORD will repent him of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:26:15 @...the inhabitants thereof: for of a...

kjv@Jeremiah:26:16 in the name of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:26:17 all the assembly of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:26:18 the high places of a...

kjv@Jeremiah:26:19 @...the LORD repented him of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:26:20 @...the son of Shemaiah of Kirjathjearim,...

kjv@Jeremiah:26:22 @...namely, Elnathan the son of Achbor,...

kjv@Jeremiah:26:23 @...body into the graves of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:26:24 @...him into the hand of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:27:1 @...son of Josiah king of Judah...

kjv@Jeremiah:27:3 @...Zidon, by the hand of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:27:4 @...of hosts, the God of Israel;...

kjv@Jeremiah:27:6 @...servant; and the beasts of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:27:7 @...until the very time of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:27:8 @...yoke of the king of Babylon,...

kjv@Jeremiah:27:9 @...not serve the king of... Babylon:

kjv@Jeremiah:27:11 @...yoke of the king of Babylon,...

kjv@Jeremiah:27:12 @...yoke of the king of Babylon,...

kjv@Jeremiah:27:13 @...not serve the king of... Babylon?

kjv@Jeremiah:27:14 @...not serve the king of Babylon:...

kjv@Jeremiah:27:16 @...saying, Behold, the vessels of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:27:17 @...them; serve the king of Babylon,...

kjv@Jeremiah:27:18 of the king of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:27:19 @...and concerning the residue of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:27:20 @...and all the nobles of Judah...

kjv@Jeremiah:27:21 of the king of Judah...

kjv@Jeremiah:28:1 @...of the priests and of all...

kjv@Jeremiah:28:2 @...have broken the yoke of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:28:3, that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:28:4 @...will break the yoke of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:28:5 @...stood in the house of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:28:6 @...bring again the vessels of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:28:7 @...and in the ears of all...

kjv@Jeremiah:28:8 @...kingdoms, of war, and of evil,...

kjv@Jeremiah:28:9 @...peace, when the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:28:11 @...nations within the space of two...

kjv@Jeremiah:28:12 @...from off the neck of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:28:13 @...hast broken the yokes of wood;...

kjv@Jeremiah:28:14 @...given him the beasts of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:28:16 @...from off the face of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:29:1 @...Jerusalem unto the residue of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:29:2 @ (...the eunuchs, the princes of Judah...)

kjv@Jeremiah:29:3 @...and Gemariah the son of Hilkiah,...(...Babylon to Nebuchadnezzar king of... Babylon) saying,

kjv@Jeremiah:29:4 @...of hosts, the God of Israel,...

kjv@Jeremiah:29:5 @...and eat the fruit of... them;

kjv@Jeremiah:29:7 @...And seek the peace of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:29:8 in the midst of you,...

kjv@Jeremiah:29:11 @...of peace, and not of evil,...

kjv@Jeremiah:29:14 @...I will be found of you,...

kjv@Jeremiah:29:16 this city, and of your...

kjv@Jeremiah:29:17 @...Thus saith the LORD of hosts;...

kjv@Jeremiah:29:18 all the kingdoms of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:29:20 @...the LORD, all ye of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:29:21 @...hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon;...

kjv@Jeremiah:29:22 @...Ahab, whom the king of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:29:25 Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah...

kjv@Jeremiah:29:26 @...officers in the house of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:29:27 @...thou not reproved Jeremiah of Anathoth,...

kjv@Jeremiah:29:28 @...and eat the fruit of... them.

kjv@Jeremiah:29:29 @...letter in the ears of Jeremiah...

kjv@Jeremiah:29:30 @...Then came the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:29:31 @...Send to all them of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:30:2 @...speaketh the LORD God of Israel,...

kjv@Jeremiah:30:3 @...bring again the captivity of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:30:5 @...a voice of trembling, of fear,...

kjv@Jeremiah:30:7 even the time of Jacob's...

kjv@Jeremiah:30:8 @...break his yoke from off thy...

kjv@Jeremiah:30:10 @...seed from the land of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:30:11 @...make a full end of thee:...

kjv@Jeremiah:30:14, for the multitude of thine...

kjv@Jeremiah:30:15 @...incurable for the multitude of thine...

kjv@Jeremiah:30:16 @...thine adversaries, every one of them,...

kjv@Jeremiah:30:17 @...I will heal thee of thy...

kjv@Jeremiah:30:18 @...bring again the captivity of Jacob's...

kjv@Jeremiah:30:19 @...thanksgiving and the voice of them...

kjv@Jeremiah:30:21 @...proceed from the midst of them;...

kjv@Jeremiah:30:23 @...pain upon the head of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:30:24 @...have performed the intents of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:1 @...of all the families of Israel,...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:2 @...people which were left of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:3 @...The LORD hath appeared of old...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:4 @...forth in the dances of them...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:5 @...vines upon the mountains of Samaria:...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:7 @...shout among the chief of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:8 @...them from the coasts of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:9 @...walk by the rivers of waters...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:10 the isles afar off, and...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:11 @...him from the hand of him...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:12 @...of the flock and of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:14 @...will satiate the soul of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:16 @...again from the land of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:19 @...did bear the reproach of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:21 @...turn again, O virgin of Israel,...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:23 @...bless thee, O habitation of justice,...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:27 @...Judah with the seed of man,...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:31 @...covenant with the house of Israel,...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:32 @...out of the land of Egypt;...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:33 @...make with the house of Israel;...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:34 @...them unto the greatest of them,...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:35 @...thereof roar; The LORD of hosts...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:36 @...LORD, then the seed of Israel...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:37 all the seed of Israel...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:38 @...Hananeel unto the gate of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:31:40 @...Kidron, unto the corner of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:1 @...year of Zedekiah king of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:2 @...was in the king of Judah's...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:3 @...hand of the king of Babylon,...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:4 @...hand of the king of Babylon,...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:6 @...Jeremiah said, The word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:7 @...Anathoth: for the right of redemption...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:8 @...this was the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:9 @...I bought the field of Hanameel...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:11 @...I took the evidence of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:12 @...sat in the court of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:14 @...these evidences, this evidence of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:15 @...of hosts, the God of Israel;...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:16 @...unto Baruch the son of Neriah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:18 @...Mighty God, the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:19 @...according to the fruit of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:20 @...wonders in the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:21 @...out of the land of Egypt...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:23 @...they have done nothing of all...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:24 @...of the famine, and of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:25 @...given into the hand of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:26 @...Then came the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:27 @...the LORD, the God of all...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:28 @...hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon,...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:30 @...anger with the work of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:31 @...of mine anger and of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:32 @...prophets, and the men of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:35 @...valley of the son of Hinnom,...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:36 @...hand of the king of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:37 @...will gather them out of all...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:39 @...good of them, and of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:43 @...given into the hand of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:32:44 @...and in the cities of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:33:1 @...up in the court of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:33:4 @...houses of the kings of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:33:5 @...with the dead bodies of men,...

kjv@Jeremiah:33:6 @...unto them the abundance of peace...

kjv@Jeremiah:33:7 @...Judah and the captivity of Israel...

kjv@Jeremiah:33:9 @...before all the nations of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:33:10 @...and in the streets of Jerusalem,...

kjv@Jeremiah:33:11 return the captivity of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:33:12 @...shall be an habitation of shepherds...

kjv@Jeremiah:33:13 @...again under the hands of him...

kjv@Jeremiah:33:14 @...promised unto the house of Israel...

kjv@Jeremiah:33:15 @...I cause the Branch of righteousness...

kjv@Jeremiah:33:17 @...sit upon the throne of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:33:19 @... And the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:33:20, and my covenant of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:33:22 @...I multiply the seed of David...

kjv@Jeremiah:33:23 @... Moreover the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:33:25 @...not appointed the ordinances of heaven...

kjv@Jeremiah:33:26 @...rulers over the seed of Abraham,...

kjv@Jeremiah:34:1 @...kingdoms of the earth of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:34:2 @...hand of the king of Babylon,...

kjv@Jeremiah:34:3 @...eyes of the king of Babylon,...

kjv@Jeremiah:34:4 @...Thus saith the LORD of thee,...

kjv@Jeremiah:34:5 @...and with the burnings of thy...

kjv@Jeremiah:34:6 @...words unto Zedekiah king of Judah...

kjv@Jeremiah:34:7 @...these defenced cities remained of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:34:9 @...of them, to wit, of a...

kjv@Jeremiah:34:10 @...none should serve themselves of them...

kjv@Jeremiah:34:12 @... Therefore the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:34:13 @...out of the house of bondmen,...

kjv@Jeremiah:34:14 @... At the end of seven...

kjv@Jeremiah:34:17 @...into all the kingdoms of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:34:18 @...not performed the words of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:34:19 @...passed between the parts of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:34:20 @...and to the beasts of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:34:21 @...hand of the king of Babylon's...

kjv@Jeremiah:34:22 @...will make the cities of Judah...

kjv@Jeremiah:35:1 @...son of Josiah king of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:35:2 @...the LORD, into one of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:35:3 @...and the whole house of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:35:4 @...of Shallum, the keeper of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:35:5 @...the Rechabites pots full of wine,...

kjv@Jeremiah:35:6 @...for Jonadab the son of Rechab...

kjv@Jeremiah:35:8 @...of Jonadab the son of Rechab...

kjv@Jeremiah:35:11 @...fear of the army of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:35:12 @...Then came the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:35:13 @...Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem,...

kjv@Jeremiah:35:14 @...of Jonadab the son of Rechab,...

kjv@Jeremiah:35:16 @...have performed the commandment of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:35:17 @...upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem...

kjv@Jeremiah:35:18 @...have obeyed the commandment of Jonadab...

kjv@Jeremiah:35:19 @...Israel; Jonadab the son of Rechab...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:1 @...son of Josiah king of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:2 @...thee, from the days of Josiah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:3 that the house of Judah...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:4 @...him, upon a roll of a...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:5 @...go into the house of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:6 @...Judah that come out of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:8 @...the book the words of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:9 @...came from the cities of Judah...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:10, in the ears of all...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:11 all the words of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:12 @...and Zedekiah the son of Hananiah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:13 in the ears of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:14 @...So Baruch the son of Neriah...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:16 @...surely tell the king of all...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:20 @...words in the ears of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:21 @...and in the ears of all...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:24 @...the king, nor any of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:26 @...and Shelemiah the son of Abdeel,...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:27 @...wrote at the mouth of Jeremiah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:28 @...which Jehoiakim the king of Judah...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:29 @...therein, saying, The king of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:30 @...sit upon the throne of David:...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:31 @...and upon the men of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:36:32 which Jehoiakim king of Judah...

kjv@Jeremiah:37:1 @...Jehoiakim, whom Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:37:2 @...hearken unto the words of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:37:3 @...and Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah...

kjv@Jeremiah:37:5 @...besieged Jerusalem heard tidings of them,...

kjv@Jeremiah:37:6 @...Then came the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:37:7 @...unto me to enquire of me;...

kjv@Jeremiah:37:10 @...smitten the whole army of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:37:11 @...from Jerusalem for fear of Pharaoh's...

kjv@Jeremiah:37:12 @...thence in the midst of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:37:13 @...of Shelemiah, the son of Hananiah;...

kjv@Jeremiah:37:15 @...prison in the house of Jonathan...

kjv@Jeremiah:37:17 @...delivered into the hand of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:37:19, saying, The king of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:37:20 @...return to the house of Jonathan...

kjv@Jeremiah:37:21 @...remained in the court of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:1 @...and Pashur the son of Malchiah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:3 @...hand of the king of Babylon's...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:4 @...seeketh not the welfare of this...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:6 @...was in the court of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:7 @...Ebedmelech the Ethiopian, one of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:8 @...Ebedmelech went forth out of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:10 @...Jeremiah the prophet out of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:11 @...went into the house of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:13 @...remained in the court of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:14 in the house of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:16 @...thee into the hand of these...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:17 @...forth unto the king of Babylon's...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:18 @...shalt not escape out of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:19 @...Jeremiah, I am afraid of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:20 @...beseech thee, the voice of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:22 @...forth to the king of Babylon's...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:23 @...hand of the king of Babylon:...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:24 @...Let no man know of these...

kjv@Jeremiah:38:28 @...abode in the court of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:39:1 @...month, came Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:39:2 @...month, the ninth day of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:39:3 @...residue of the princes of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:39:4 @...went out the way of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:39:5 @...Riblah in the land of Hamath,...

kjv@Jeremiah:39:6 @...eyes: also the king of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:39:8, and the houses of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:39:9 @...him, with the rest of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:39:10 @...nothing, in the land of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:39:11 Nebuzaradan the captain of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:39:13 @...and all the king of Babylon's...

kjv@Jeremiah:39:14 @...of Ahikam the son of Shaphan,...

kjv@Jeremiah:39:15 @...up in the court of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:39:16 @...of hosts, the God of Israel;...

kjv@Jeremiah:39:17 @...hand of the men of whom...

kjv@Jeremiah:40:1 @...were carried away captive of Jerusalem...

kjv@Jeremiah:40:2 @... And the captain of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:40:5 @...go. So the captain of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:40:6 @...unto Gedaliah the son of Ahikam...

kjv@Jeremiah:40:7 @...poor of the land, of them...

kjv@Jeremiah:40:8 @...and Jezaniah the son of a...

kjv@Jeremiah:40:9 @...and serve the king of Babylon,...

kjv@Jeremiah:40:11 @...them Gedaliah the son of Ahikam...

kjv@Jeremiah:40:12 @...came to the land of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:40:13 @...and all the captains of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:40:14 @...But Gedaliah the son of Ahikam...

kjv@Jeremiah:40:15 @...slay Ishmael the son of Nethaniah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:40:16 @...unto Johanan the son of Kareah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:41:1 @...unto Gedaliah the son of Ahikam...

kjv@Jeremiah:41:2 @...him, whom the king of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:41:3 @...there, and the men of... war.

kjv@Jeremiah:41:5 @...them to the house of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:41:6 @...And Ishmael the son of Nethaniah...

kjv@Jeremiah:41:7 @...them into the midst of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:41:8 @...and of oil, and of honey....

kjv@Jeremiah:41:9 @...and Ishmael the son of Nethaniah...

kjv@Jeremiah:41:10 @...and Ishmael the son of Nethaniah...

kjv@Jeremiah:41:11 @...that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah...

kjv@Jeremiah:41:12 @...with Ishmael the son of Nethaniah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:41:13 @...and all the captains of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:41:14 @...unto Johanan the son of... Kareah.

kjv@Jeremiah:41:15 @...But Ishmael the son of Nethaniah...

kjv@Jeremiah:41:16 @...Ahikam, even mighty men of war,...

kjv@Jeremiah:41:17 @...dwelt in the habitation of Chimham,...

kjv@Jeremiah:41:18 @...Ahikam, whom the king of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:42:1 @...and Jezaniah the son of Hoshaiah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:42:2 @ And said unto Jeremiah the prophet, Let, we beseech thee, our supplication be accepted before thee, and pray for us unto the LORD thy God, even for all this remnant; (...left but a few of many,...)

kjv@Jeremiah:42:6 @...we obey the voice of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:42:7 @...days, that the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:42:8 @...and all the captains of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:42:9 @...the LORD, the God of Israel,...

kjv@Jeremiah:42:10 @...for I repent me of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:42:11 @...afraid; be not afraid of him,...

kjv@Jeremiah:42:13 @...neither obey the voice of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:42:14 @...trumpet, nor have hunger of bread;...

kjv@Jeremiah:42:15 @...of hosts, the God of Israel;...

kjv@Jeremiah:42:16 @...there in the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Jeremiah:42:17 @...the pestilence: and none of them...

kjv@Jeremiah:42:18 @...forth upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem;...

kjv@Jeremiah:42:19, O ye remnant of Judah;...

kjv@Jeremiah:42:21 @...not obeyed the voice of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:43:1 @...people all the words of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:43:2 @...and Johanan the son of Kareah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:43:3 into the hand of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:43:4 @...obeyed not the voice of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:43:5 @...took all the remnant of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:43:6 @...of Ahikam the son of Shaphan,...

kjv@Jeremiah:43:7 @...obeyed not the voice of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:43:8 @...Then came the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:43:9 @...Tahpanhes, in the sight of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:43:10 @...take Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon,...

kjv@Jeremiah:43:11 @...shall smite the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Jeremiah:43:12 @...himself with the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Jeremiah:43:13 @...houses of the gods of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:1 @...and in the country of Pathros,...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:2 @...upon all the cities of Judah;...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:3 ... Because of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:6 @...and in the streets of Jerusalem;...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:7 @...child and suckling, out of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:8 @...among all the nations of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:9 @...committed in the land of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:11 @...evil, and to cut off all...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:12 @...fall in the land of Egypt;...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:13 @...dwell in the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:14 @...return into the land of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:15 @...dwelt in the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:16 in the name of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:17 @...then had we plenty of victuals,...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:18 pour out drink offerings unto...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:19 @...and pour out drink offerings unto...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:21 @...princes, and the people of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:22 @...your doings, and because of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:23 @...not obeyed the voice of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:24 @...women, Hear the word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:25 pour out drink offerings unto...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:26 all the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:27 @...are in the land of Egypt...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:28 @...gone into the land of Egypt...

kjv@Jeremiah:44:30 @...hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon,...

kjv@Jeremiah:45:1 @...son of Josiah king of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:45:2 @...the LORD, the God of Israel,...

kjv@Jeremiah:46:1 ... The word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:46:2 @...of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah...

kjv@Jeremiah:46:10 @...for the Lord GOD of hosts...

kjv@Jeremiah:46:11 @...O virgin, the daughter of Egypt:...

kjv@Jeremiah:46:12 @...The nations have heard of thy...

kjv@Jeremiah:46:13 @...prophet, how Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:46:16 @...and to the land of our...

kjv@Jeremiah:46:17 @...cry there, Pharaoh king of Egypt...

kjv@Jeremiah:46:18 is the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Jeremiah:46:20 @...cometh; it cometh out of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:46:21 @...them, and the time of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:46:22 @...with axes, as hewers of... wood.

kjv@Jeremiah:46:24 @...hand of the people of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:46:25 @...will punish the multitude of No,...

kjv@Jeremiah:46:26 in the days of old,...

kjv@Jeremiah:46:27 @...seed from the land of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:46:28 @...make a full end of thee,...

kjv@Jeremiah:47:1 ... The word of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:47:2 @...and all the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:47:3 @...and at the rumbling of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:47:4 @...the Philistines, the remnant of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:47:5 with the remnant of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:47:6 @... O thou sword of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:1 @...of hosts, the God of Israel;...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:2 @...let us cut it off from...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:3 ... A voice of crying...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:5 the going down of Horonaim...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:10 @...that doeth the work of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:13 @...of Israel was ashamed of Bethel...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:15 @...and gone up out of her...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:16 ... The calamity of Moab...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:18 @...thirst; for the spoiler of Moab...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:19 ... O inhabitant of Aroer,...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:24 @...cities of the land of Moab,...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:25 @...of Moab is cut off, and...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:27 @...for since thou spakest of him,...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:28 @...nest in the sides of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:29 @...have heard the pride of Moab,...(he is exceeding proud)...pride, and the haughtiness of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:31 @...mourn for the men of... Kirheres.

kjv@Jeremiah:48:32 @...even to the sea of Jazer:...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:33 @...and from the land of Moab;...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:34 @...for the waters also of Nimrim...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:36 @...pipes for the men of Kirheres:...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:38 @...upon all the housetops of Moab,...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:41 as the heart of a...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:43 @...upon thee, O inhabitant of Moab,...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:44 @...upon Moab, the year of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:45 of the head of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:46 @...O Moab! the people of Chemosh...

kjv@Jeremiah:48:47 @...bring again the captivity of Moab...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:2 heard in Rabbah of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:3 @...spoiled: cry, ye daughters of Rabbah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:5 @...saith the Lord GOD of hosts,...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:6 @...captivity of the children of Ammon,...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:7 @...thus saith the LORD of hosts;...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:8 @...will bring the calamity of Esau...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:12 @...was not to drink of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:16 @...that holdest the height of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:18 @...neither shall a son of man...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:19 @...Jordan against the habitation of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:20 @...Teman: Surely the least of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:21 @...moved at the noise of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:22 as the heart of a...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:25 @...not left, the city of my...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:26 @...war shall be cut off in...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:27 in the wall of Damascus,...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:28 @...and spoil the men of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:30 @...LORD; for Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:32 @...booty, and the multitude of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:33 @...there, nor any son of man...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:34 @...reign of Zedekiah king of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:35 @...of Elam, the chief of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:36 @...nation whither the outcasts of Elam...

kjv@Jeremiah:49:39 @...bring again the captivity of Elam,...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:1 @...and against the land of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:3 ... For out of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:4 @...they and the children of Judah...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:7 @...the LORD, the hope of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:8 @...out of the land of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:9 @...arrows shall be as of a...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:11 @...rejoiced, O ye destroyers of mine...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:12 @...ashamed: behold, the hindermost of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:13 @...Because of the wrath of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:15 is the vengeance of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:16 @...of harvest: for fear of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:17 @...last this Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:18 @...will punish the king of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:20 @...none; and the sins of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:21 @...and against the inhabitants of Pekod:...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:22 the land, and of great...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:23 @...How is the hammer of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:25 @...hosts in the land of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:26 @...her utterly: let nothing of her...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:27 come, the time of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:28 @...our God, the vengeance of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:29 @...against the Holy One of... Israel.

kjv@Jeremiah:50:30 @...war shall be cut off in...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:31 @...saith the Lord GOD of hosts:...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:33 @...Israel and the children of Judah...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:34 strong; the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:35 @...and upon the inhabitants of Babylon,...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:37 @...are in the midst of her;...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:38 is the land of graven...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:39 @...with the wild beasts of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:40 @...neither shall any son of man...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:41 @...up from the coasts of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:42 @...against thee, O daughter of... Babylon.

kjv@Jeremiah:50:43 @...him, and pangs as of a...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:44 @...Jordan unto the habitation of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:45 @...Chaldeans: Surely the least of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:50:46 @...noise of the taking of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:1 @...dwell in the midst of them...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:2 @...for in the day of trouble...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:4 @...fall in the land of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:5 @...God, of the LORD of hosts;...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:6 @...this is the time of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:7 @...the nations have drunken of her...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:10 Zion the work of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:11 @...the LORD, the vengeance of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:12 @...standard upon the walls of Babylon,...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:13 @...come, and the measure of thy...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:14 ... The LORD of hosts...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:16 @...forth the wind out of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:18 @...errors: in the time of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:19 @...his inheritance: the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:20 @...battle axe and weapons of war:...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:23 @...husbandman and his yoke of oxen;...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:24 all the inhabitants of Chaldea...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:26 @...they shall not take of thee...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:27 @...against her the kingdoms of Ararat,...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:28 @...and all the land of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:29 make the land of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:30 @... The mighty men of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:31 shew the king of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:32, and the men of war...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:33 @...while, and the time of her...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:34 @... Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:35 @...blood upon the inhabitants of Chaldea,...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:41 is the praise of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:42 @...covered with the multitude of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:43 @...neither doth any son of man...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:44 @...him: yea, the wall of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:45 @...from the fierce anger of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:47 @...upon the graven images of Babylon:...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:49 @...shall fall the slain of all...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:51 @...come into the sanctuaries of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:53 @...should fortify the height of her...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:54 @...destruction from the land of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:55 @...great waters, a noise of their...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:56 @...for the LORD God of recompences...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:57 is the LORD of... hosts.

kjv@Jeremiah:51:58 @...hosts; The broad walls of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:59 the fourth year of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:63 @...hast made an end of reading...

kjv@Jeremiah:51:64 @...far are the words of... Jeremiah.

kjv@Jeremiah:52:1 @...was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:2 @...evil in the eyes of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:3 @...For through the anger of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:4 @...month, that Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:5 @...unto the eleventh year of king...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:6 @...bread for the people of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:7 @...night by the way of the...(now the Chaldeans were by the city round about:)...went by the way of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:8 @...Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho;...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:9 @...Riblah in the land of Hamath;...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:10 @...also all the princes of Judah...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:11 @...prison till the day of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:12 @...which served the king of Babylon,...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:13 @...and all the houses of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:14 @...down all the walls of Jerusalem...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:15 @...Babylon, and the rest of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:16 @...certain of the poor of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:17 @...carried all the brass of them...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:18 @...and all the vessels of brass...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:19 @...silver, took the captain of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:20 @...the LORD: the brass of all...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:21 @...cubits; and a fillet of twelve...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:22 @...chapiters round about, all of brass....

kjv@Jeremiah:52:24 @...and the three keepers of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:25 @...found in the midst of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:26 @...them to the king of Babylon...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:27 @...carried away captive out of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:29 @...In the eighteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:30 @...guard carried away captive of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:31 @...head of Jehoiachin king of Judah,...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:32 @...throne above the throne of the...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:33 @...him all the days of his...

kjv@Jeremiah:52:34 @...death, all the days of his...

kjv@Lamentations:1:1 @...solitary, that was full of people!...

kjv@Lamentations:1:3 @...of affliction, and because of great...

kjv@Lamentations:1:4 ... The ways of Zion...

kjv@Lamentations:1:5 @...her for the multitude of her...

kjv@Lamentations:1:6 @...And from the daughter of Zion...

kjv@Lamentations:1:7 @...fell into the hand of the...

kjv@Lamentations:1:12 in the day of his...

kjv@Lamentations:1:14 ... The yoke of my...

kjv@Lamentations:1:15 @...the virgin, the daughter of Judah,...

kjv@Lamentations:1:21 @...mine enemies have heard of my...

kjv@Lamentations:2:1 @...footstool in the day of his...

kjv@Lamentations:2:2 @...holds of the daughter of Judah;...

kjv@Lamentations:2:3 @...anger all the horn of Israel:...

kjv@Lamentations:2:4 @...tabernacle of the daughter of Zion:...

kjv@Lamentations:2:5 @...increased in the daughter of Judah...

kjv@Lamentations:2:6 @...despised in the indignation of his...

kjv@Lamentations:2:7 in the day of a...

kjv@Lamentations:2:8 @...wall of the daughter of Zion:...

kjv@Lamentations:2:10 @...with sackcloth: the virgins of Jerusalem...

kjv@Lamentations:2:11 @...swoon in the streets of the...

kjv@Lamentations:2:12 @...wounded in the streets of the...

kjv@Lamentations:2:13 @...thee, O virgin daughter of Zion?...

kjv@Lamentations:2:14 @...false burdens and causes of... banishment.

kjv@Lamentations:2:15 @...of beauty, The joy of the...

kjv@Lamentations:2:17 @...set up the horn of thine...

kjv@Lamentations:2:18 @...let not the apple of thine...

kjv@Lamentations:2:19 @...hunger in the top of every...

kjv@Lamentations:2:20 @...slain in the sanctuary of the...

kjv@Lamentations:2:21 @...them in the day of thine...

kjv@Lamentations:2:22 @...that in the day of the...

kjv@Lamentations:3:1 @...affliction by the rod of his...

kjv@Lamentations:3:6 @...they that be dead of... old.

kjv@Lamentations:3:13 @...hath caused the arrows of his...

kjv@Lamentations:3:22 ... It is of the...

kjv@Lamentations:3:26 @...wait for the salvation of the...

kjv@Lamentations:3:32 @...according to the multitude of his...

kjv@Lamentations:3:33 @...nor grieve the children of... men.

kjv@Lamentations:3:34 @...feet all the prisoners of the...

kjv@Lamentations:3:35 before the face of the...

kjv@Lamentations:3:38 @...Out of the mouth of the...

kjv@Lamentations:3:39 for the punishment of his...

kjv@Lamentations:3:45 @...refuse in the midst of the...

kjv@Lamentations:3:48 @...destruction of the daughter of my...

kjv@Lamentations:3:51 @...of all the daughters of my...

kjv@Lamentations:3:55, O LORD, out of the...

kjv@Lamentations:3:58 @...hast pleaded the causes of my...

kjv@Lamentations:3:62 ... The lips of those...

kjv@Lamentations:3:64 @...according to the work of their...

kjv@Lamentations:3:65 @... Give them sorrow of heart,...

kjv@Lamentations:3:66 @...from under the heavens of the...

kjv@Lamentations:4:1 @...out in the top of every...

kjv@Lamentations:4:2 of the hands of the...

kjv@Lamentations:4:3 @...young ones: the daughter of my...

kjv@Lamentations:4:4 @...cleaveth to the roof of his...

kjv@Lamentations:4:6 @...punishment of the sin of Sodom,...

kjv@Lamentations:4:7 @...rubies, their polishing was of... sapphire:

kjv@Lamentations:4:9 @...want of the fruits of the...

kjv@Lamentations:4:10 @...destruction of the daughter of my...

kjv@Lamentations:4:12 @...and all the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Lamentations:4:13 @...have shed the blood of the...

kjv@Lamentations:4:16 @...respected not the persons of the...

kjv@Lamentations:4:19 @...swifter than the eagles of the...

kjv@Lamentations:4:20 @...taken in their pits, of whom...

kjv@Lamentations:4:21 @...dwellest in the land of Uz;...

kjv@Lamentations:4:22 @...thine iniquity, O daughter of Edom;...

kjv@Lamentations:5:8 @...doth deliver us out of their...

kjv@Lamentations:5:9 @...because of the sword of the...

kjv@Lamentations:5:10 an oven because of the...

kjv@Lamentations:5:11 @...maids in the cities of... Judah.

kjv@Lamentations:5:12 @...their hand: the faces of elders...

kjv@Lamentations:5:15 ... The joy of our...

kjv@Lamentations:5:18 @...Because of the mountain of Zion,...

kjv@Lamentations:5:21 @...renew our days as of... old.

kjv@Ezekiel:1:1 @...captives by the river of Chebar,...

kjv@Ezekiel:1:2 @...was the fifth year of king...

kjv@Ezekiel:1:3 @...Chebar; and the hand of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:1:4 @...out of the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:1:5 @...they had the likeness of a...

kjv@Ezekiel:1:7 @...sparkled like the colour of burnished...

kjv@Ezekiel:1:8 @...they had the hands of a...

kjv@Ezekiel:1:10 @...also had the face of an...

kjv@Ezekiel:1:11 @...stretched upward; two wings of every...

kjv@Ezekiel:1:13 @...was bright, and out of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:1:14 @...returned as the appearance of a...

kjv@Ezekiel:1:16 @...wheel in the middle of a...

kjv@Ezekiel:1:18 @...their rings were full of eyes...

kjv@Ezekiel:1:20 @...them: for the spirit of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:1:21 @...them: for the spirit of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:1:22 @...was as the colour of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:1:24 @...speech, as the noise of an...

kjv@Ezekiel:1:26 @...likeness as the appearance of a...

kjv@Ezekiel:1:27 were the appearance of fire,...

kjv@Ezekiel:1:28 @...I heard a voice of one...

kjv@Ezekiel:2:1 @...said unto me, Son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:2:3 @...thee to the children of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:2:6 @...scorpions: be not afraid of their...

kjv@Ezekiel:2:8 @... But thou, son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:2:9 @...and, lo, a roll of a...

kjv@Ezekiel:3:1 @...said unto me, Son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:3:3 @...said unto me, Son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:3:4 @...thee unto the house of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:3:5 @...a strange speech and of an...

kjv@Ezekiel:3:6 @...a strange speech and of an...

kjv@Ezekiel:3:7 @...for all the house of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:3:10 @...said unto me, Son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:3:11 @...captivity, unto the children of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:3:12 @...Blessed be the glory of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:3:13 @...them, and a noise of a...

kjv@Ezekiel:3:14 @...spirit; but the hand of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:3:15 @...dwelt by the river of Chebar,...

kjv@Ezekiel:3:16 @...days, that the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:3:17 @...watchman unto the house of Israel:...

kjv@Ezekiel:3:22 @... And the hand of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:3:23 @...saw by the river of Chebar:...

kjv@Ezekiel:3:25 @...But thou, O son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:3:26 @...cleave to the roof of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:4:1 @... Thou also, son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:4:3 for a wall of iron...

kjv@Ezekiel:4:4 @...according to the number of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:4:5 @...thou bear the iniquity of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:4:6 @...iniquity of the house of Judah...

kjv@Ezekiel:4:7 @...face toward the siege of Jerusalem,...

kjv@Ezekiel:4:8 @...hast ended the days of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:4:9 @...according to the number of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:4:11 @...measure, the sixth part of an...

kjv@Ezekiel:4:12 @...dung that cometh out of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:4:13 @...thus shall the children of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:4:14 @...of that which dieth of itself,...

kjv@Ezekiel:4:16 @...will break the staff of bread...

kjv@Ezekiel:5:1 @... And thou, son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:5:2, when the days of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:5:4 @...them into the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:5:5 in the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:5:7 @...according to the judgments of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:5:8 @...thee in the sight of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:5:9 @...more the like, because of all...

kjv@Ezekiel:5:10 @...and the whole remnant of thee...

kjv@Ezekiel:5:12 @...consumed in the midst of thee:...

kjv@Ezekiel:5:14 @...thee, in the sight of all...

kjv@Ezekiel:5:16 @...them the evil arrows of famine,...

kjv@Ezekiel:6:1 @... And the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:6:2 @...face toward the mountains of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:6:3 @...Israel, hear the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:6:5 @...carcases of the children of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:6:7 @...fall in the midst of you,...

kjv@Ezekiel:6:9 @...And they that escape of you...

kjv@Ezekiel:6:11 @...abominations of the house of Israel!...

kjv@Ezekiel:6:12 @...far off shall die of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:6:13 where they did offer sweet...

kjv@Ezekiel:7:1 @... Moreover the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:7:2 @...upon the four corners of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:7:4 in the midst of thee:...

kjv@Ezekiel:7:7 @...not the sounding again of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:7:9 @...are in the midst of thee;...

kjv@Ezekiel:7:11 @...multitude, nor of any of theirs:...

kjv@Ezekiel:7:13 @...himself in the iniquity of his...

kjv@Ezekiel:7:16 @...of the valleys, all of them...

kjv@Ezekiel:7:19 is the stumblingblock of their...

kjv@Ezekiel:7:20 @...of their abominations and of their...

kjv@Ezekiel:7:21 @...and to the wicked of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:7:23 @...the land is full of bloody...

kjv@Ezekiel:7:24 @...also make the pomp of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:7:26 @...they seek a vision of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:7:27 @...hands of the people of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:8:1, that the hand of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:8:2 @...upward, as the appearance of brightness,...

kjv@Ezekiel:8:3 of the image of jealousy,...

kjv@Ezekiel:8:4 @...glory of the God of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:8:5 @...the altar this image of jealousy...

kjv@Ezekiel:8:6 @...I should go far off from...

kjv@Ezekiel:8:7 to the door of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:8:8 @...he unto me, Son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:8:10 @...idols of the house of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:8:11 @...and a thick cloud of incense...

kjv@Ezekiel:8:12 in the chambers of his...

kjv@Ezekiel:8:14 @...door of the gate of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:8:15 @...seen this, O son of man?...

kjv@Ezekiel:8:16 @...backs toward the temple of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:8:17 @...thing to the house of Judah...

kjv@Ezekiel:9:2 @...came from the way of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:9:3 @...was, to the threshold of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:9:4 @...mark upon the foreheads of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:9:8 thy pouring out of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:9:9 @...and the city full of perverseness:...

kjv@Ezekiel:10:1 @...appearance of the likeness of a...

kjv@Ezekiel:10:2 @...thine hand with coals of fire...

kjv@Ezekiel:10:3 @...on the right side of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:10:4 @...full of the brightness of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:10:5 @...court, as the voice of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:10:7 into the hands of him...

kjv@Ezekiel:10:8 @...the cherubims the form of a...

kjv@Ezekiel:10:9 @...was as the colour of a...

kjv@Ezekiel:10:10 @...been in the midst of a...

kjv@Ezekiel:10:12 @...the wheels, were full of eyes...

kjv@Ezekiel:10:14 @...the fourth the face of an...

kjv@Ezekiel:10:15 @...saw by the river of... Chebar.

kjv@Ezekiel:10:17 @...also: for the spirit of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:10:18 @...from off the threshold of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:10:19 @...glory of the God of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:10:20 @...Israel by the river of Chebar;...

kjv@Ezekiel:10:21 @...likeness of the hands of a...

kjv@Ezekiel:10:22 @...saw by the river of Chebar,...

kjv@Ezekiel:11:1 @...son of Benaiah, princes of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:11:2 @...he unto me, Son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:11:4 @...them, prophesy, O son of... man.

kjv@Ezekiel:11:5 said, O house of Israel:...

kjv@Ezekiel:11:7 @...bring you forth out of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:11:9 into the hands of strangers,...

kjv@Ezekiel:11:10 in the border of Israel;...

kjv@Ezekiel:11:11 in the border of... Israel:

kjv@Ezekiel:11:12 @...done after the manners of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:11:13 @...make a full end of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:11:14 @... Again the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:11:15 @...unto whom the inhabitants of Jerusalem...

kjv@Ezekiel:11:17 @...and assemble you out of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:11:19 @...the stony heart out of their...

kjv@Ezekiel:11:21 @...walketh after the heart of their...

kjv@Ezekiel:11:22 @...glory of the God of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:11:23 @...on the east side of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:11:24 @...into Chaldea, to them of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:11:25 @...I spake unto them of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:12:1 ... The word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:12:2 @...dwellest in the midst of a...

kjv@Ezekiel:12:3 @... Therefore, thou son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:12:6 @...sign unto the house of... Israel.

kjv@Ezekiel:12:8 @...morning came the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:12:9 @...hath not the house of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:12:10 @...and all the house of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:12:13 @...Babylon to the land of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:12:16 @...leave a few men of them...

kjv@Ezekiel:12:17 @... Moreover the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:12:18 ... Son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:12:19 @...because of the violence of all...

kjv@Ezekiel:12:21 @... And the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:12:22 @...have in the land of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:12:23 @...hand, and the effect of every...

kjv@Ezekiel:12:24 @...divination within the house of... Israel.

kjv@Ezekiel:12:26 @... Again the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:12:27 @...come, and he prophesieth of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:12:28 @...GOD; There shall none of my...

kjv@Ezekiel:13:1 @... And the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:13:2 @...Hear ye the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:13:5 @...battle in the day of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:13:9 @...enter into the land of Israel;...

kjv@Ezekiel:13:16 @...and which see visions of peace...

kjv@Ezekiel:13:17 @...people, which prophesy out of their...

kjv@Ezekiel:13:18 hunt the souls of my...

kjv@Ezekiel:13:19 @...barley and for pieces of bread,...

kjv@Ezekiel:13:21 @...deliver my people out of your...

kjv@Ezekiel:13:22 @...and strengthened the hands of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:13:23 @...deliver my people out of your...

kjv@Ezekiel:14:1 @...certain of the elders of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:14:2 @... And the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:14:3 @...should I be enquired of at...

kjv@Ezekiel:14:4 @...according to the multitude of his...

kjv@Ezekiel:14:5 @...may take the house of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:14:6 @...say unto the house of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:14:7 @...a prophet to enquire of him...

kjv@Ezekiel:14:8 from the midst of my...

kjv@Ezekiel:14:9 @...him from the midst of my...

kjv@Ezekiel:14:10 @...even as the punishment of him...

kjv@Ezekiel:14:11 @... That the house of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:14:12 ... The word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:14:13, and will cut off man...

kjv@Ezekiel:14:15 @...may pass through because of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:15:1 @... And the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:15:2 among the trees of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:15:3 take a pin of it...

kjv@Ezekiel:15:4, and the midst of it...

kjv@Ezekiel:15:6 @...tree among the trees of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:1 @... Again the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:2 ... Son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:3 of the land of Canaan;...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:5 @...field, to the lothing of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:7 @...multiply as the bud of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:8 @...time was the time of love;...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:13 @...and thy raiment was of fine...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:15 @...playedst the harlot because of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:16 ... And of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:17 @...madest to thyself images of men,...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:20 devoured. Is this of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:22 @...not remembered the days of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:25 at every head of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:26 @...Egyptians thy neighbours, great of flesh;...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:27 @...Philistines, which are ashamed of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:29 @...fornication in the land of Canaan...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:30 @...these things, the work of an...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:31 in the head of every...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:32 @...which taketh strangers instead of her...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:35 @...harlot, hear the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:36 @...and by the blood of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:39 @...shall strip thee also of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:41 @...thee in the sight of many...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:43 @...not remembered the days of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:45 @...thou art the sister of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:49 @...she strengthen the hand of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:51 @...hath Samaria committed half of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:53 @...bring again the captivity of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:56 @...mouth in the day of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:57 @...about her, the daughters of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:60 @...thee in the days of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:16:63 @...mouth any more because of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:17:1 @... And the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:17:2 ... Son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:17:3 @...took the highest branch of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:17:4 into a land of traffick;...

kjv@Ezekiel:17:5 @...also of the seed of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:17:6 @...became a spreading vine of low...

kjv@Ezekiel:17:7 by the furrows of her...

kjv@Ezekiel:17:9 all the leaves of her...

kjv@Ezekiel:17:11 @... Moreover the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:17:12 @...them, Behold, the king of Babylon...

kjv@Ezekiel:17:13 @...also taken the mighty of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:17:14 @...but that by keeping of his...

kjv@Ezekiel:17:16 @...him in the midst of Babylon...

kjv@Ezekiel:17:22 from the top of his...

kjv@Ezekiel:17:23 @...wing; in the shadow of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:17:24 @...And all the trees of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:18:1 ... The word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:18:2 @...proverb concerning the land of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:18:4 also the soul of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:18:6 @...idols of the house of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:18:10 to any one of these...

kjv@Ezekiel:18:11 @...that doeth not any of those...

kjv@Ezekiel:18:15 @...idols of the house of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:18:17 @...die for the iniquity of his...

kjv@Ezekiel:18:19 @...son bear the iniquity of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:18:20 @...him, and the wickedness of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:18:25 @...Hear now, O house of Israel;...

kjv@Ezekiel:18:29 @...not equal. O house of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:18:30 @...judge you, O house of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:18:31 die, O house of... Israel?

kjv@Ezekiel:18:32 @...pleasure in the death of him...

kjv@Ezekiel:19:1 @...lamentation for the princes of... Israel,

kjv@Ezekiel:19:3 @...she brought up one of her...

kjv@Ezekiel:19:4 @...The nations also heard of him;...

kjv@Ezekiel:19:5 @...then she took another of her...

kjv@Ezekiel:19:7 @...thereof, by the noise of his...

kjv@Ezekiel:19:9 @...him to the king of Babylon:...

kjv@Ezekiel:19:10 @...of branches by reason of many...

kjv@Ezekiel:19:11 @...height with the multitude of her...

kjv@Ezekiel:19:14 @...out of a rod of her...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:1 @...Israel came to enquire of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:2 @...Then came the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:3 @...will not be enquired of by...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:4 know the abominations of their...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:5 @...them in the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:6 @...which is the glory of all...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:7 @...yourselves with the idols of Egypt:...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:8 @...them in the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:9 @...bringing them forth out of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:10 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:13 @... But the house of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:15 @...which is the glory of all...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:17 @...I make an end of them...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:18 @...not in the statutes of your...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:22 @...polluted in the sight of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:27 @...speak unto the house of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:28 @...the provocation of their offering: there...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:30 @...polluted after the manner of your...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:31 @...will not be enquired of by...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:32 @...heathen, as the families of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:34 @...will gather you out of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:35 into the wilderness of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:36 @...wilderness of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:37 into the bond of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:38 @...enter into the land of Israel:...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:39 @...for you, O house of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:40 @...offerings, and the firstfruits of your...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:41 @...and gather you out of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:42 into the land of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:44 @...doings, O ye house of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:45 @... Moreover the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:46 @...prophesy against the forest of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:47 @...south, Hear the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:20:49 @...Lord GOD! they say of me,...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:1 @... And the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:2 ... Son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:3 @...sheath, and will cut off from...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:4 @...sword go forth out of his...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:5 @...forth my sword out of his...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:6, with the breaking of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:8 @... Again the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:9 ... Son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:10 contemneth the rod of my...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:11 into the hand of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:12 @...Israel: terrors by reason of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:14 is the sword of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:15 @...have set the point of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:18 ... The word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:19 at the head of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:20 @...may come to Rabbath of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:21 @...way, at the head of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:25 @...thou, profane wicked prince of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:28 @...furbished, to consume because of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:29 @...them that are slain, of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:30 @...created, in the land of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:31 @...thee into the hand of brutish...

kjv@Ezekiel:21:32 in the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:22:1 @... Moreover the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:22:2 @... Now, thou son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:22:3 @...blood in the midst of it,...

kjv@Ezekiel:22:6 @... Behold, the princes of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:22:7 @...mother: in the midst of thee...

kjv@Ezekiel:22:9 @...mountains: in the midst of thee...

kjv@Ezekiel:22:12 @...thou hast greedily gained of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:22:13 @...been in the midst of... thee.

kjv@Ezekiel:22:15 @...consume thy filthiness out of... thee.

kjv@Ezekiel:22:16 @...thyself in the sight of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:22:17 @... And the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:22:18 @...lead, in the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:22:19 into the midst of... Jerusalem.

kjv@Ezekiel:22:20 @...tin, into the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:22:21 in the fire of my...

kjv@Ezekiel:22:22 @...melted in the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:22:23 @... And the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:22:24 ... Son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:22:25 @...There is a conspiracy of her...

kjv@Ezekiel:22:29 ... The people of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:22:31 @...them with the fire of my...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:1 ... The word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:2 @...two women, the daughters of one...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:3 @...they bruised the teats of their...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:4 @... And the names of them...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:6 @...captains and rulers, all of them...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:7 @...were the chosen men of Assyria,...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:8 @...they bruised the breasts of her...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:9 @...lovers, into the hand of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:12 @...riding upon horses, all of them...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:14 @...the wall, the images of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:15 @...of Chaldea, the land of their...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:17 @...her into the bed of love,...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:19 remembrance the days of her...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:20 as the flesh of asses,...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:21 @...Egyptians for the paps of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:23 @...lords and renowned, all of them...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:24 @...and with an assembly of people,...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:26 @...also strip thee out of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:27 @...brought from the land of Egypt:...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:28 @...hatest, into the hand of them...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:29 @...bare: and the nakedness of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:31 @...walked in the way of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:32 @...GOD; Thou shalt drink of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:33 @...desolation, with the cup of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:36 @...moreover unto me; Son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:39 @...done in the midst of mine...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:42 @...and with the men of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:45 @...and after the manner of women...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:48 @...lewdness to cease out of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:23:49 @...shall bear the sins of your...

kjv@Ezekiel:24:1 @...the month, the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:24:2 @...same day: the king of Babylon...

kjv@Ezekiel:24:5 @...them seethe the bones of it...

kjv@Ezekiel:24:6 not gone out of it!...

kjv@Ezekiel:24:7 upon the top of a...

kjv@Ezekiel:24:8 @...blood upon the top of a...

kjv@Ezekiel:24:11, that the scum of it...

kjv@Ezekiel:24:12 @...went not forth out of her:...

kjv@Ezekiel:24:15 @... Also the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:24:16 @...from thee the desire of thine...

kjv@Ezekiel:24:17 @...dead, bind the tire of thine...

kjv@Ezekiel:24:20 @...answered them, The word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:24:21 @...your strength, the desire of your...

kjv@Ezekiel:24:22 @...nor eat the bread of... men.

kjv@Ezekiel:24:25 @...their glory, the desire of their...

kjv@Ezekiel:25:1 ... The word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:25:2 ... Son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:25:3 @...and against the house of Judah,...

kjv@Ezekiel:25:4 @...thee to the men of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:25:6 @...despite against the land of... Israel;

kjv@Ezekiel:25:7 @...thee to perish out of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:25:8 @...say, Behold, the house of Judah...

kjv@Ezekiel:25:9 @...his frontiers, the glory of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:25:10 @... Unto the men of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:25:12 @...vengeance, and hath greatly offended, and...

kjv@Ezekiel:25:13 @...from Teman; and they of Dedan...

kjv@Ezekiel:25:14 @...Edom by the hand of my...

kjv@Ezekiel:25:16 @...and destroy the remnant of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:26:1 @...month, that the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:26:2 @...that was the gates of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:26:4 @...her like the top of a...

kjv@Ezekiel:26:5 @...nets in the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:26:7 @...of Babylon, a king of kings,...

kjv@Ezekiel:26:9 @...he shall set engines of war...

kjv@Ezekiel:26:10 @...of the wheels, and of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:26:11 @... With the hoofs of his...

kjv@Ezekiel:26:12 @...dust in the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:26:13 @...cease; and the sound of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:26:14 @...thee like the top of a...

kjv@Ezekiel:26:15 @...shake at the sound of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:26:16 @...their robes, and put off their...

kjv@Ezekiel:26:17 @...destroyed, that wast inhabited of seafaring...

kjv@Ezekiel:26:18 @...tremble in the day of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:26:20 @...glory in the land of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:1 ... The word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:2 @... Now, thou son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:3 @...hast said, I am of perfect...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:4 @...are in the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:5 @...boards of fir trees of Senir:...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:6 @...of ivory, brought out of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:7 @...purple from the isles of Elishah...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:8 ... The inhabitants of Zidon...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:9 @...calkers: all the ships of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:10 @...thine army, thy men of war:...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:11 ... The men of Arvad...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:12 @...multitude of all kind of riches;...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:13 @...of men and vessels of brass...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:14 @...They of the house of Togarmah...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:15 @...for a present horns of ivory...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:16 @...multitude of the wares of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:17 thy market wheat of Minnith,...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:18 @...riches; in the wine of Helbon,...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:21 @...and all the princes of Kedar,...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:22 @...thy fairs with chief of all...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:23 @...and Eden, the merchants of Sheba,...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:24 @...with cords, and made of cedar,...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:25 @...glorious in the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:26 @...thee in the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:27 @...seas in the day of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:28 @...sound of the cry of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:29 @...and all the pilots of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:31 @...for thee with bitterness of heart...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:32 @...destroyed in the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:33 @...of thy riches and of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:34 in the midst of thee...

kjv@Ezekiel:27:35 @... All the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:28:1 ... The word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:28:2 @...God, in the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:28:5 lifted up because of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:28:6 @...heart as the heart of... God;

kjv@Ezekiel:28:7 @...swords against the beauty of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:28:8 @...slain in the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:28:9 @...God, in the hand of him...

kjv@Ezekiel:28:10 @...uncircumcised by the hand of strangers:...

kjv@Ezekiel:28:11 @... Moreover the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:28:12 @...up the sum, full of wisdom,...

kjv@Ezekiel:28:13 @...of thy tabrets and of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:28:14 @...down in the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:28:16 @...cherub, from the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:28:17 @...thy wisdom by reason of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:28:18 in the sight of all...

kjv@Ezekiel:28:20 @... Again the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:28:21 ... Son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:28:22 @...glorified in the midst of thee:...

kjv@Ezekiel:28:23 @...judged in the midst of her...

kjv@Ezekiel:28:24 @...nor any grieving thorn of all...

kjv@Ezekiel:28:25 @...them in the sight of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:29:1 @...the month, the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:29:2 @...face against Pharaoh king of Egypt,...

kjv@Ezekiel:29:3 @...lieth in the midst of his...

kjv@Ezekiel:29:4 @...and all the fish of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:29:5 @...and to the fowls of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:29:6 @...have been a staff of reed...

kjv@Ezekiel:29:7 @...When they took hold of thee...

kjv@Ezekiel:29:8 @...upon thee, and cut off man...

kjv@Ezekiel:29:9 @... And the land of Egypt...

kjv@Ezekiel:29:10 @...desolate, from the tower of Syene...

kjv@Ezekiel:29:11 @...through it, nor foot of beast...

kjv@Ezekiel:29:12 @...desolate in the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:29:13 @...GOD; At the end of forty...

kjv@Ezekiel:29:14 @...Pathros, into the land of their...

kjv@Ezekiel:29:15 @...shall be the basest of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:29:16 @...confidence of the house of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:29:17 @...the month, the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:29:18 @...of man, Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon...

kjv@Ezekiel:29:19 @...Egypt unto Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon;...

kjv@Ezekiel:29:20 @...given him the land of Egypt...

kjv@Ezekiel:29:21 @...mouth in the midst of them;...

kjv@Ezekiel:30:1 ... The word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:30:2 ... Son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:30:3 @...shall be the time of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:30:5 @...Chub, and the men of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:30:6 @...down: from the tower of Syene...

kjv@Ezekiel:30:7 in the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:30:9 in the day of Egypt:...

kjv@Ezekiel:30:10 @...cease by the hand of Nebuchadrezzar...

kjv@Ezekiel:30:11 @...with him, the terrible of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:30:12 @...therein, by the hand of strangers:...

kjv@Ezekiel:30:13 @...prince of the land of Egypt:...

kjv@Ezekiel:30:15 @...and I will cut off the...

kjv@Ezekiel:30:17 of Aven and of Pibeseth...

kjv@Ezekiel:30:18 @...Egypt: and the pomp of her...

kjv@Ezekiel:30:20 @...month, that the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:30:21 @...arm of Pharaoh king of Egypt;...

kjv@Ezekiel:30:22 @...sword to fall out of his...

kjv@Ezekiel:30:24 @...him with the groanings of a...

kjv@Ezekiel:30:25 @...hand of the king of Babylon,...

kjv@Ezekiel:31:1 @...month, that the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:31:2 @...speak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt,...

kjv@Ezekiel:31:3 @...a shadowing shroud, and of an...

kjv@Ezekiel:31:4 @...unto all the trees of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:31:5 @...because of the multitude of waters,...

kjv@Ezekiel:31:6 @...did all the beasts of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:31:7 @...greatness, in the length of his...

kjv@Ezekiel:31:8 @...tree in the garden of God...

kjv@Ezekiel:31:9 @...were in the garden of God,...

kjv@Ezekiel:31:11 @...of the mighty one of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:31:12 @...and all the people of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:31:13 @...and all the beasts of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:31:14 @...midst of the children of men,...

kjv@Ezekiel:31:15 @...and all the trees of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:31:16 the nether parts of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:31:17 @...shadow in the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:31:18 @...lie in the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:1 @...month, that the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:2 a young lion of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:3 @...thee with a company of many...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:4 @...will fill the beasts of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:6 @...rivers shall be full of... thee.

kjv@Ezekiel:32:8 @...All the bright lights of heaven...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:9 @...also vex the hearts of many...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:10, in the day of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:11 @...sword of the king of Babylon...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:12 @...shall spoil the pomp of Egypt,...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:13 @...more, nor the hoofs of beasts...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:15 shall be destitute of that...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:16 @...lament her: the daughters of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:17 @...month, that the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:18 @...unto the nether parts of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:20 @...fall in the midst of them...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:21 @...out of the midst of hell...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:22 @...are about him: all of them...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:23 @...terror in the land of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:24 @...terror in the land of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:25 @...put in the midst of them...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:26 @...terror in the land of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:27 @...mighty in the land of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:28 @...broken in the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:30 @...terror they are ashamed of their...

kjv@Ezekiel:32:32 @...laid in the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:1 @... Again the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:2 take a man of their...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:4 @...whosoever heareth the sound of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:5 @...He heard the sound of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:7 @...watchman unto the house of Israel;...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:9 @...thou warn the wicked of his...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:10 @...speak unto the house of Israel;...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:11 @...pleasure in the death of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:12 for the wickedness of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:15 @...walk in the statutes of life,...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:16 ... None of his...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:17 @...people say, The way of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:20 @...equal. O ye house of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:21 @...that had escaped out of Jerusalem...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:22 @... Now the hand of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:23 @... Then the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:24 @...wastes of the land of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:27 @...the caves shall die of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:28 @...cease; and the mountains of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:29 most desolate because of all...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:30 @...and in the doors of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:33:32 @...a very lovely song of one...

kjv@Ezekiel:34:1 @... And the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:34:2 to the shepherds of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:34:5 all the beasts of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:34:6 @...upon all the face of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:34:7 @...shepherds, hear the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:34:8 @...meat to every beast of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:34:9 @...shepherds, hear the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:34:12 @...will deliver them out of all...

kjv@Ezekiel:34:13 @...all the inhabited places of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:34:14 @...upon the high mountains of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:34:18 @...and to have drunk of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:34:25 @...beasts to cease out of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:34:26 @...there shall be showers of... blessing.

kjv@Ezekiel:34:27 @...out of the hand of those...

kjv@Ezekiel:34:28 @...neither shall the beast of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:34:29 @...neither bear the shame of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:34:30 @...they, even the house of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:34:31 flock, the flock of my...

kjv@Ezekiel:35:1 @... Moreover the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:35:2 ... Son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:35:5 @...sword in the time of their...

kjv@Ezekiel:35:11 @...thou hast used out of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:35:12 @...spoken against the mountains of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:35:15 @...all Idumea, even all of it:...

kjv@Ezekiel:36:1 @...Israel, hear the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:36:3 @...and are an infamy of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:36:4 @...derision to the residue of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:36:5 @...possession with the joy of all...

kjv@Ezekiel:36:6 @...have borne the shame of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:36:8 @...fruit to my people of Israel;...

kjv@Ezekiel:36:10 @...of Israel, even all of it:...

kjv@Ezekiel:36:12 @...more henceforth bereave them of... men.

kjv@Ezekiel:36:15 @...thou bear the reproach of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:36:16 @... Moreover the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:36:17 as the uncleanness of a...

kjv@Ezekiel:36:20 @...are gone forth out of his...

kjv@Ezekiel:36:21, which the house of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:36:22 @...your sakes, O house of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:36:23 @...profaned in the midst of them;...

kjv@Ezekiel:36:24 @...and gather you out of all...

kjv@Ezekiel:36:26 @...the stony heart out of your...

kjv@Ezekiel:36:30 @...receive no more reproach of famine...

kjv@Ezekiel:36:32 @...own ways, O house of... Israel.

kjv@Ezekiel:36:34 @...desolate in the sight of all...

kjv@Ezekiel:36:35 @...become like the garden of Eden;...

kjv@Ezekiel:36:37 @...of by the house of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:36:38 filled with flocks of men:...

kjv@Ezekiel:37:1 @...down in the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:37:3 @...said unto me, Son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:37:4 @...bones, hear the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:37:9 @...the wind, prophesy, son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:37:11 @...lost: we are cut off for...

kjv@Ezekiel:37:12 come up out of your...

kjv@Ezekiel:37:13 @...brought you up out of your...

kjv@Ezekiel:37:15 ... The word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:37:16 @...for all the house of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:37:18 @...And when the children of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:37:19 @...even with the stick of Judah,...

kjv@Ezekiel:37:21 @...will take the children of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:37:22 upon the mountains of Israel;...

kjv@Ezekiel:37:23 @...will save them out of all...

kjv@Ezekiel:37:26 @...sanctuary in the midst of them...

kjv@Ezekiel:37:28 in the midst of them...

kjv@Ezekiel:38:1 @... And the word of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:38:2 @...Magog, the chief prince of Meshech...

kjv@Ezekiel:38:3 @...Gog, the chief prince of Meshech...

kjv@Ezekiel:38:4 @...bucklers and shields, all of them...

kjv@Ezekiel:38:5 @...Libya with them; all of them...

kjv@Ezekiel:38:6 @...the house of Togarmah of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:38:8 brought forth out of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:38:11 @...that dwell safely, all of them...

kjv@Ezekiel:38:12 @...dwell in the midst of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:38:13 @...Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish,...

kjv@Ezekiel:38:14 when my people of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:38:15 @...people with thee, all of them...

kjv@Ezekiel:38:16 @...up against my people of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:38:17 servants the prophets of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:38:18 @...come against the land of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:38:19 @...and in the fire of my...

kjv@Ezekiel:38:20 @...are upon the face of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:38:23 @...known in the eyes of many...

kjv@Ezekiel:39:1 @...Gog, the chief prince of Meshech...

kjv@Ezekiel:39:2 @...but the sixth part of thee,...

kjv@Ezekiel:39:3 @...arrows to fall out of thy...

kjv@Ezekiel:39:4 @...and to the beasts of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:39:7 @...known in the midst of my...

kjv@Ezekiel:39:9 @...dwell in the cities of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:39:10 @...cut down any out of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:39:11 @...shall stop the noses of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:39:12 @...of Israel be burying of them,...

kjv@Ezekiel:39:13 @...Yea, all the people of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:39:14 after the end of seven...

kjv@Ezekiel:39:15 in the valley of... Hamongog.

kjv@Ezekiel:39:16 @...And also the name of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:39:17 @...sacrifice upon the mountains of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:39:18 @...goats, of bullocks, all of them...

kjv@Ezekiel:39:19 @...till ye be drunken, of my...

kjv@Ezekiel:39:20 @...and with all men of war,...

kjv@Ezekiel:39:22 @... So the house of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:39:23 @...them into the hand of their...

kjv@Ezekiel:39:25 @...upon the whole house of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:39:27 @...them in the sight of many...

kjv@Ezekiel:39:28 @...and have left none of them...

kjv@Ezekiel:39:29 @...spirit upon the house of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:1 @...selfsame day the hand of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:2 @...was as the frame of a...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:3 @...brass, with a line of flax...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:4 @...said unto me, Son of man,...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:5 @...he measured the breadth of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:6 @...and the other threshold of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:7 @...gate by the porch of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:8 @...measured also the porch of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:9 @...cubits; and the porch of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:10 @...side; they three were of one...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:11 @...cubits; and the length of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:13 @...chamber to the roof of another:...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:14 @...even unto the post of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:15 @...face of the porch of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:18 @...over against the length of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:19 @...gate unto the forefront of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:20 @... And the gate of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:21 @...were after the measure of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:22 @...were after the measure of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:23 @... And the gate of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:38 @...were by the posts of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:39 @...offering and the sin offering and...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:40 @...was at the porch of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:41 @...side, by the side of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:42 @...they slew the burnt offering and...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:43 @...tables was the flesh of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:44 at the side of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:45 @...keepers of the charge of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:46 @...Zadok among the sons of Levi,...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:48 @...side: and the breadth of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:40:49 ... The length of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:41:1 @...which was the breadth of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:41:2 @...cubits; and the sides of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:41:3 @...cubits; and the breadth of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:41:5 @...cubits; and the breadth of every...

kjv@Ezekiel:41:6 @...hold in the wall of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:41:7 therefore the breadth of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:41:8 @...were a full reed of six...

kjv@Ezekiel:41:9 @...left was the place of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:41:10 @...chambers was the wideness of twenty...

kjv@Ezekiel:41:11 @...south: and the breadth of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:41:12 @...broad; and the wall of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:41:14 @...of the house, and of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:41:15 @...temple, and the porches of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:41:19 @...side, and the face of a...

kjv@Ezekiel:41:20 @...and on the wall of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:41:21 as the appearance of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:41:22 @...the walls thereof, were of wood:...

kjv@Ezekiel:41:25 @...planks upon the face of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:41:26 @...upon the side chambers of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:42:2 @... Before the length of an...

kjv@Ezekiel:42:4 @...breadth inward, a way of one...

kjv@Ezekiel:42:5 @...and than the middlemost of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:42:6 @...pillars as the pillars of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:42:7 @...court on the forepart of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:42:8 @... For the length of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:42:10 @...thickness of the wall of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:42:11 @...was like the appearance of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:42:12 @...door in the head of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:42:14 @...they not go out of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:42:15 @...had made an end of measuring...

kjv@Ezekiel:43:2 @...was like a noise of many...

kjv@Ezekiel:43:3 @...according to the appearance of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:43:4 by the way of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:43:5 @...and, behold, the glory of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:43:6 @...speaking unto me out of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:43:7 @...nor by the carcases of their...

kjv@Ezekiel:43:8 @... In their setting of their...

kjv@Ezekiel:43:9 @...dwell in the midst of them...

kjv@Ezekiel:43:10 @...they may be ashamed of their...

kjv@Ezekiel:43:11 @...shew them the form of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:43:12 @...this is the law of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:43:13 the higher place of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:43:18, to offer burnt offerings thereon,...

kjv@Ezekiel:43:19 of the seed of Zadok,...

kjv@Ezekiel:43:20 @...on the four corners of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:43:21 the appointed place of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:43:22 @...blemish for a sin offering; and...

kjv@Ezekiel:43:23 @...and a ram out of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:43:25 @...and a ram out of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:44:1 @...way of the gate of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:44:2 @...the LORD, the God of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:44:3 @...out by the way of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:44:4 @...LORD filled the house of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:44:5 @...with every going forth of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:44:6 @...let it suffice you of all...

kjv@Ezekiel:44:7 @...broken my covenant because of all...

kjv@Ezekiel:44:8 have set keepers of my...

kjv@Ezekiel:44:9 @...enter into my sanctuary, of any...

kjv@Ezekiel:44:11 @...shall slay the burnt offering and...

kjv@Ezekiel:44:12 @...and caused the house of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:44:13 @...come near to any of my...

kjv@Ezekiel:44:14 @...keepers of the charge of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:44:15 @...stand before me to offer unto...

kjv@Ezekiel:44:17 @...minister in the gates of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:44:22 @...seed of the house of Israel,...

kjv@Ezekiel:44:30 @...the priest the first of your...

kjv@Ezekiel:44:31 @...thing that is dead of itself,...

kjv@Ezekiel:45:1 @...shall be the length of five...

kjv@Ezekiel:45:2 @ Of this there shall be for the sanctuary five hundred in length, with five hundred in breadth, square round about; and fifty cubits round about for the suburbs thereof.

kjv@Ezekiel:45:3 @...thousand, and the breadth of ten...

kjv@Ezekiel:45:4 @...the priests the ministers of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:45:5 @...the Levites, the ministers of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:45:6 @...over against the oblation of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:45:7 over against one of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:45:8 @...give to the house of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:45:9 @...suffice you, O princes of Israel:...

kjv@Ezekiel:45:11 @...ephah the tenth part of an...

kjv@Ezekiel:45:13 @...part of an ephah of an...

kjv@Ezekiel:45:14 @...which is an homer of ten...

kjv@Ezekiel:45:15 @...offering, and for peace offerings, to...

kjv@Ezekiel:45:16 @... All the people of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:45:17 @...offering, and the peace offerings, to...

kjv@Ezekiel:45:18 the first day of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:45:19 @...posts of the gate of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:45:20 the seventh day of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:45:21 @...the passover, a feast of seven...

kjv@Ezekiel:45:22 @...for all the people of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:45:23 @...days; and a kid of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:45:24 @...ram, and an hin of oil...

kjv@Ezekiel:45:25 @...according to the meat offering, and...

kjv@Ezekiel:46:1 @...and in the day of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:46:2 @...worship at the threshold of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:46:3 @...worship at the door of this...

kjv@Ezekiel:46:5 @...give, and an hin of oil...

kjv@Ezekiel:46:6 @...And in the day of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:46:7 @...unto, and an hin of oil...

kjv@Ezekiel:46:8 @...way of the porch of that...

kjv@Ezekiel:46:9 @...return by the way of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:46:10 @...prince in the midst of them,...

kjv@Ezekiel:46:11 @...give, and an hin of oil...

kjv@Ezekiel:46:13 @...LORD of a lamb of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:46:14 @...fine flour; a meat offering continually...

kjv@Ezekiel:46:16 @...a gift unto any of his...

kjv@Ezekiel:46:17 @...his to the year of liberty;...

kjv@Ezekiel:46:18 @...his sons inheritance out of his...

kjv@Ezekiel:46:19 @...into the holy chambers of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:46:21 @...behold, in every corner of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:46:22 @...these four corners were of one...

kjv@Ezekiel:46:23 @...there was a row of building...

kjv@Ezekiel:46:24 @...shall boil the sacrifice of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:47:1 the south side of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:47:2 @...out of the way of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:47:6 @...return to the brink of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:47:7 @...behold, at the bank of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:47:9 @...a very great multitude of fish,...

kjv@Ezekiel:47:10 @...kinds, as the fish of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:47:12 @...waters they issued out of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:47:13 the twelve tribes of Israel:...

kjv@Ezekiel:47:15 @...great sea, the way of Hethlon,...

kjv@Ezekiel:47:16 @...Damascus and the border of Hamath;...

kjv@Ezekiel:47:17 @...northward, and the border of Hamath....

kjv@Ezekiel:47:18 @...and from the land of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:47:19 @...even to the waters of strife...

kjv@Ezekiel:47:21 @...according to the tribes of... Israel.

kjv@Ezekiel:47:22 among the children of Israel;...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:1 @...northward, to the coast of Hamath;...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:2 @...And by the border of Dan,...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:3 @...And by the border of Asher,...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:4 @...And by the border of Naphtali,...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:5 @...And by the border of Manasseh,...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:6 @...And by the border of Ephraim,...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:7 @...And by the border of Reuben,...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:8 length as one of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:9 @...thousand in length, and of ten...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:10 @...length: and the sanctuary of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:11 @...astray when the children of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:12 @...holy by the border of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:13 @...over against the border of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:14 @...nor alienate the firstfruits of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:17 @... And the suburbs of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:18 @...over against the oblation of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:19 @...shall serve it out of all...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:20 @...foursquare, with the possession of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:21 @...oblation; and the sanctuary of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:22 @...Judah and the border of Benjamin,...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:23 @...As for the rest of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:24 @...And by the border of Benjamin,...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:25 @...And by the border of Simeon,...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:26 @...And by the border of Issachar,...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:27 @...And by the border of Zebulun,...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:28 @...Tamar unto the waters of strife...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:29 @...lot unto the tribes of Israel...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:30 @...are the goings out of the...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:31 @...of Reuben, one gate of Judah,...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:32 @...of Joseph, one gate of Benjamin,...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:33 @...of Simeon, one gate of Issachar,...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:34 @...of Gad, one gate of Asher,...

kjv@Ezekiel:48:35 @...measures: and the name of the...

kjv@Daniel:1:1 @...Judah came Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon...

kjv@Daniel:1:2 @...into the treasure house of his...

kjv@Daniel:1:3 @...the king's seed, and of the...

kjv@Daniel:1:4 @...learning and the tongue of the...

kjv@Daniel:1:5 @...the king's meat, and of the...

kjv@Daniel:1:6 @...were of the children of Judah,...

kjv@Daniel:1:7 @...Shadrach; and to Mishael, of Meshach;...

kjv@Daniel:1:8 @...requested of the prince of the...

kjv@Daniel:1:9 with the prince of the...

kjv@Daniel:1:10 @...the children which are of your...

kjv@Daniel:1:11 @...Melzar, whom the prince of the...

kjv@Daniel:1:13 of the portion of the...

kjv@Daniel:1:15 @...did eat the portion of the...

kjv@Daniel:1:16 @...took away the portion of their...

kjv@Daniel:1:18, then the prince of the...

kjv@Daniel:1:20 @...that the king enquired of them,...

kjv@Daniel:1:21 @...unto the first year of king...

kjv@Daniel:2:1 @...year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar...

kjv@Daniel:2:6 @...thereof, ye shall receive of me...

kjv@Daniel:2:7 @...will shew the interpretation of... it.

kjv@Daniel:2:8 @...and said, I know of certainty...

kjv@Daniel:2:12 @...all the wise men of... Babylon.

kjv@Daniel:2:14 Arioch the captain of the...

kjv@Daniel:2:16 @...went in, and desired of the...

kjv@Daniel:2:18 @...perish with the rest of the...

kjv@Daniel:2:19 @...Daniel blessed the God of... heaven.

kjv@Daniel:2:20 @...Blessed be the name of God...

kjv@Daniel:2:23 what we desired of thee:...

kjv@Daniel:2:24 @...not the wise men of Babylon:...

kjv@Daniel:2:25 of the captives of Judah,...

kjv@Daniel:2:27 @...answered in the presence of the...

kjv@Daniel:2:28 @...dream, and the visions of thy...

kjv@Daniel:2:30 @...mightest know the thoughts of thy...

kjv@Daniel:2:32 @...breast and his arms of silver,...

kjv@Daniel:2:33 @...iron, his feet part of iron...

kjv@Daniel:2:34 @...his feet that were of iron...

kjv@Daniel:2:35 @...became like the chaff of the...

kjv@Daniel:2:37 @...kings: for the God of heaven...

kjv@Daniel:2:38 @...field and the fowls of the...

kjv@Daniel:2:39 @...and another third kingdom of brass,...

kjv@Daniel:2:41 of the strength of the...

kjv@Daniel:2:42 @...of iron, and part of clay,...

kjv@Daniel:2:43 @...themselves with the seed of men:...

kjv@Daniel:2:44 @...kings shall the God of heaven...

kjv@Daniel:2:45 @...stone was cut out of the...

kjv@Daniel:2:47 @...kings, and a revealer of secrets,...

kjv@Daniel:2:48 @...of Babylon, and chief of the...

kjv@Daniel:2:49 @...sat in the gate of the...

kjv@Daniel:3:1 @...up in the plain of Dura,...

kjv@Daniel:3:2 @...come to the dedication of the...

kjv@Daniel:3:3 @...together unto the dedication of the...

kjv@Daniel:3:5 @...dulcimer, and all kinds of musick,...

kjv@Daniel:3:6 @...cast into the midst of a...

kjv@Daniel:3:7 @...psaltery, and all kinds of musick,...

kjv@Daniel:3:10 @...dulcimer, and all kinds of musick,...

kjv@Daniel:3:11 @...cast into the midst of a...

kjv@Daniel:3:12 @...affairs of the province of Babylon,...

kjv@Daniel:3:15 @...shall deliver you out of my...

kjv@Daniel:3:17 @...will deliver us out of thine...

kjv@Daniel:3:19 @...fury, and the form of his...

kjv@Daniel:3:21 @...cast into the midst of the...

kjv@Daniel:3:22 @...exceeding hot, the flame of the...

kjv@Daniel:3:23 @...bound into the midst of the...

kjv@Daniel:3:24 @...bound into the midst of the...

kjv@Daniel:3:25 @...hurt; and the form of the...

kjv@Daniel:3:26 @...forth of the midst of the...

kjv@Daniel:3:27 @...changed, nor the smell of fire...

kjv@Daniel:3:28 @...Blessed be the God of Shadrach,...

kjv@Daniel:3:29 @...amiss against the God of Shadrach,...

kjv@Daniel:3:30 @...Abednego, in the province of... Babylon.

kjv@Daniel:4:5 @...bed and the visions of my...

kjv@Daniel:4:6 @...unto me the interpretation of the...

kjv@Daniel:4:8 @...whom is the spirit of the...

kjv@Daniel:4:9 @...tell me the visions of my...

kjv@Daniel:4:10 @...tree in the midst of the...

kjv@Daniel:4:11 @...thereof to the end of all...

kjv@Daniel:4:12, and the fowls of the...

kjv@Daniel:4:13 @...saw in the visions of my...

kjv@Daniel:4:15 @...beasts in the grass of the...

kjv@Daniel:4:17 @...ruleth in the kingdom of men,...

kjv@Daniel:4:18; for the spirit of the...

kjv@Daniel:4:21 @...whose branches the fowls of the...

kjv@Daniel:4:22 @...dominion to the end of the...

kjv@Daniel:4:23 with the beasts of the...

kjv@Daniel:4:24 @...this is the decree of the...

kjv@Daniel:4:25 @...ruleth in the kingdom of men,...

kjv@Daniel:4:26 leave the stump of the...

kjv@Daniel:4:27 @...may be a lengthening of thy...

kjv@Daniel:4:29 @...walked in the palace of the...

kjv@Daniel:4:30 @...and for the honour of my...

kjv@Daniel:4:32 @...ruleth in the kingdom of men,...

kjv@Daniel:4:33 @...wet with the dew of heaven,...

kjv@Daniel:4:34 @...And at the end of the...

kjv@Daniel:4:35 @...and among the inhabitants of the...

kjv@Daniel:4:36 @...and for the glory of my...

kjv@Daniel:4:37 @...and honour the King of heaven,...

kjv@Daniel:5:1 @...feast to a thousand of his...

kjv@Daniel:5:2 @...Nebuchadnezzar had taken out of the...

kjv@Daniel:5:3 @...temple of the house of God...

kjv@Daniel:5:4 @...of brass, of iron, of wood,...

kjv@Daniel:5:5 @...king saw the part of the...

kjv@Daniel:5:6 that the joints of his...

kjv@Daniel:5:7 @...and have a chain of gold...

kjv@Daniel:5:10 @...reason of the words of the...

kjv@Daniel:5:11 @...thy father, made master of the...

kjv@Daniel:5:12 @...hard sentences, and dissolving of doubts,...

kjv@Daniel:5:13 @...children of the captivity of Judah,...

kjv@Daniel:5:14 @...thee, that the spirit of the...

kjv@Daniel:5:15 @...not shew the interpretation of the...

kjv@Daniel:5:16 @...and have a chain of gold...

kjv@Daniel:5:21 @...ruled in the kingdom of men,...

kjv@Daniel:5:23 @...of silver, and gold, of brass,...

kjv@Daniel:5:24 @...Then was the part of the...

kjv@Daniel:5:26 @...This is the interpretation of the...

kjv@Daniel:5:29 @...and put a chain of gold...

kjv@Daniel:5:30 @...was Belshazzar the king of the...

kjv@Daniel:6:2 @...over these three presidents; of whom...

kjv@Daniel:6:5 @...him concerning the law of his...

kjv@Daniel:6:7 @...for thirty days, save of thee,...

kjv@Daniel:6:8 @...according to the law of the...

kjv@Daniel:6:12 @...according to the law of the...

kjv@Daniel:6:13 @...children of the captivity of Judah,...

kjv@Daniel:6:14 @...till the going down of the...

kjv@Daniel:6:15 @...king, that the law of the...

kjv@Daniel:6:16 @...him into the den of lions....

kjv@Daniel:6:17 @...and with the signet of his...

kjv@Daniel:6:18 @...fasting: neither were instruments of musick...

kjv@Daniel:6:19 @...haste unto the den of... lions.

kjv@Daniel:6:20 @...Daniel, O Daniel, servant of the...

kjv@Daniel:6:23 @...den, and no manner of hurt...

kjv@Daniel:6:24 @...came at the bottom of the...

kjv@Daniel:6:26 @...fear before the God of Daniel:...

kjv@Daniel:6:27 @...Daniel from the power of the...

kjv@Daniel:6:28 @...and in the reign of Cyrus...

kjv@Daniel:7:1 @...and told the sum of the...

kjv@Daniel:7:2 @...behold, the four winds of the...

kjv@Daniel:7:5 between the teeth of it:...

kjv@Daniel:7:6 @...of it four wings of a...

kjv@Daniel:7:7 @...residue with the feet of it:...

kjv@Daniel:7:8 @...eyes like the eyes of man,...

kjv@Daniel:7:9 @...snow, and the hair of his...

kjv@Daniel:7:11 @...because of the voice of the...

kjv@Daniel:7:12 @...As concerning the rest of the...

kjv@Daniel:7:13 @...came to the Ancient of days,...

kjv@Daniel:7:15 @...body, and the visions of my...

kjv@Daniel:7:16 know the interpretation of the...

kjv@Daniel:7:17 @...which shall arise out of the...

kjv@Daniel:7:18 @... But the saints of the...

kjv@Daniel:7:19 @...iron, and his nails of brass;...

kjv@Daniel:7:20 @...whom three fell; even of that...

kjv@Daniel:7:22 @...given to the saints of the...

kjv@Daniel:7:24 @...the ten horns out of this...

kjv@Daniel:7:25 @...wear out the saints of the...

kjv@Daniel:7:27 @...people of the saints of the...

kjv@Daniel:7:28 @...Hitherto is the end of the...

kjv@Daniel:8:1 @...year of the reign of king...

kjv@Daniel:8:2 in the province of Elam;...

kjv@Daniel:8:4 @...that could deliver out of his...

kjv@Daniel:8:5 @...west on the face of the...

kjv@Daniel:8:6 @...him in the fury of his...

kjv@Daniel:8:7 @...deliver the ram out of his...

kjv@Daniel:8:8 @...toward the four winds of... heaven.

kjv@Daniel:8:9 @...And out of one of them...

kjv@Daniel:8:10 @...of the host and of the...

kjv@Daniel:8:11 @...away, and the place of his...

kjv@Daniel:8:12 @...daily sacrifice by reason of transgression,...

kjv@Daniel:8:13 @...sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation,...

kjv@Daniel:8:15 as the appearance of a...

kjv@Daniel:8:16 @...voice between the banks of Ulai,...

kjv@Daniel:8:17 @...for at the time of the...

kjv@Daniel:8:19 the last end of the...

kjv@Daniel:8:20 @...horns are the kings of Media...

kjv@Daniel:8:21 @...goat is the king of Grecia:...

kjv@Daniel:8:22 @...shall stand up out of the...

kjv@Daniel:8:23 @...the full, a king of fierce...

kjv@Daniel:8:25 @...up against the Prince of princes;...

kjv@Daniel:8:26 @... And the vision of the...

kjv@Daniel:9:1 @...king over the realm of the...

kjv@Daniel:9:2 @...years, whereof the word of the...

kjv@Daniel:9:6 all the people of the...

kjv@Daniel:9:7 @...hast driven them, because of their...

kjv@Daniel:9:8 us belongeth confusion of face,...

kjv@Daniel:9:10 @...we obeyed the voice of the...

kjv@Daniel:9:11 @...of Moses the servant of God,...

kjv@Daniel:9:13 @...written in the law of Moses,...

kjv@Daniel:9:15 @...out of the land of Egypt...

kjv@Daniel:9:16 @...and for the iniquities of our...

kjv@Daniel:9:17 @...God, hear the prayer of thy...

kjv@Daniel:9:20 @...for the holy mountain of my...

kjv@Daniel:9:21 about the time of the...

kjv@Daniel:9:23 @... At the beginning of thy...

kjv@Daniel:9:24 make an end of sins,...

kjv@Daniel:9:25 @...from the going forth of the...

kjv@Daniel:9:26 @...and unto the end of the...

kjv@Daniel:9:27 @...and for the overspreading of abominations...

kjv@Daniel:10:1 @...thing, and had understanding of the...

kjv@Daniel:10:4 @...was by the side of the...

kjv@Daniel:10:5 @...girded with fine gold of... Uphaz:

kjv@Daniel:10:6 @...words like the voice of a...

kjv@Daniel:10:9 @...I heard the voice of his...

kjv@Daniel:10:10 @...and upon the palms of my...

kjv@Daniel:10:13 @...but, lo, Michael, one of the...

kjv@Daniel:10:16 @...similitude of the sons of men...

kjv@Daniel:10:17 can the servant of this...

kjv@Daniel:10:18 like the appearance of a...

kjv@Daniel:10:20 @...forth, lo, the prince of Grecia...

kjv@Daniel:10:21 @...noted in the scripture of truth:...

kjv@Daniel:11:1 the first year of Darius...

kjv@Daniel:11:2 @...all against the realm of... Grecia.

kjv@Daniel:11:4 @...toward the four winds of heaven;...

kjv@Daniel:11:5 strong, and one of his...

kjv@Daniel:11:6 @...not retain the power of the...

kjv@Daniel:11:7 @...fortress of the king of the...

kjv@Daniel:11:8 @...years than the king of the...

kjv@Daniel:11:9 @... So the king of the...

kjv@Daniel:11:10 @...shall assemble a multitude of great...

kjv@Daniel:11:11 @...even with the king of the...

kjv@Daniel:11:13 @... For the king of the...

kjv@Daniel:11:14 @...south: also the robbers of thy...

kjv@Daniel:11:15 @...cities: and the arms of the...

kjv@Daniel:11:17 @...give him the daughter of women,...

kjv@Daniel:11:19 @...face toward the fort of his...

kjv@Daniel:11:20 @...taxes in the glory of the...

kjv@Daniel:11:21 @...not give the honour of the...

kjv@Daniel:11:22 @...yea, also the prince of the...

kjv@Daniel:11:24 @...upon the fattest places of the...

kjv@Daniel:11:25; and the king of the...

kjv@Daniel:11:26 @...feed of the portion of his...

kjv@Daniel:11:30 @... For the ships of Chittim...

kjv@Daniel:11:31 @...shall pollute the sanctuary of strength,...

kjv@Daniel:11:35 @...even to the time of the...

kjv@Daniel:11:36 @...things against the God of gods,...

kjv@Daniel:11:37 @...fathers, nor the desire of women,...

kjv@Daniel:11:38 @...he honour the God of forces:...

kjv@Daniel:11:40 @...him: and the king of the...

kjv@Daniel:11:41 @...Moab, and the chief of the...

kjv@Daniel:11:42 @...countries: and the land of Egypt...

kjv@Daniel:11:43 @...all the precious things of Egypt:...

kjv@Daniel:11:44 @...the east and out of the...

kjv@Daniel:11:45 @...shall plant the tabernacles of his...

kjv@Daniel:12:1 @...shall be a time of trouble,...

kjv@Daniel:12:2 @...sleep in the dust of the...

kjv@Daniel:12:3 @...shine as the brightness of the...

kjv@Daniel:12:4 @...even to the time of the...

kjv@Daniel:12:5 @...side of the bank of the...

kjv@Daniel:12:6 to the end of these...

kjv@Daniel:12:7 scatter the power of the...

kjv@Daniel:12:8 @...shall be the end of these...

kjv@Daniel:12:9 @...sealed till the time of the...

kjv@Daniel:12:10 wickedly: and none of the...

kjv@Daniel:12:13 @...lot at the end of the...

kjv@Hosea:1:1 @...of Jeroboam the son of Joash,...

kjv@Hosea:1:2 @...of whoredoms and children of whoredoms:...

kjv@Hosea:1:3 @...took Gomer the daughter of Diblaim;...

kjv@Hosea:1:4 cease the kingdom of the...

kjv@Hosea:1:5 @...will break the bow of Israel...

kjv@Hosea:1:6 @...mercy upon the house of Israel;...

kjv@Hosea:1:7 @...mercy upon the house of Judah,...

kjv@Hosea:1:10 @...Ye are the sons of the...

kjv@Hosea:1:11 @...shall come up out of the...

kjv@Hosea:2:2 @...away her whoredoms out of her...

kjv@Hosea:2:4 @...they be the children of... whoredoms.

kjv@Hosea:2:10 @...shall deliver her out of mine...

kjv@Hosea:2:12 @...forest, and the beasts of the...

kjv@Hosea:2:13 @...upon her the days of Baalim,...

kjv@Hosea:2:15 @...she came up out of the...

kjv@Hosea:2:17 @...names of Baalim out of her...

kjv@Hosea:2:18 @...and the battle out of the...

kjv@Hosea:3:1 @...LORD toward the children of Israel,...

kjv@Hosea:3:2 @...and for an homer of barley,...

kjv@Hosea:3:4 @... For the children of Israel...

kjv@Hosea:3:5 @...Afterward shall the children of Israel...

kjv@Hosea:4:1 @...nor mercy, nor knowledge of God...

kjv@Hosea:4:3 @...heaven; yea, the fishes of the...

kjv@Hosea:4:6 @...hast forgotten the law of thy...

kjv@Hosea:4:8 up the sin of my...

kjv@Hosea:4:12 @...them: for the spirit of whoredoms...

kjv@Hosea:4:13 @...sacrifice upon the tops of the...

kjv@Hosea:4:19 @...shall be ashamed because of their...

kjv@Hosea:5:1 ear, O house of the...

kjv@Hosea:5:2 @...have been a rebuker of them...

kjv@Hosea:5:4 in the midst of them,...

kjv@Hosea:5:5 @... And the pride of Israel...

kjv@Hosea:5:9 @...rebuke: among the tribes of Israel...

kjv@Hosea:5:10 ... The princes of Judah...

kjv@Hosea:5:12 @...and to the house of Judah...

kjv@Hosea:5:13, nor cure you of your...

kjv@Hosea:5:14 @...lion to the house of Judah:...

kjv@Hosea:6:5 @...them by the words of my...

kjv@Hosea:6:6 @...sacrifice; and the knowledge of God...

kjv@Hosea:6:8 @...Gilead is a city of them...

kjv@Hosea:6:9, so the company of priests...

kjv@Hosea:6:10 @...there is the whoredom of Ephraim,...

kjv@Hosea:6:11 @...I returned the captivity of my...

kjv@Hosea:7:1, and the troop of robbers...

kjv@Hosea:7:5 @...him sick with bottles of wine;...

kjv@Hosea:7:10 @... And the pride of Israel...

kjv@Hosea:7:12 @...down as the fowls of the...

kjv@Hosea:7:16 @...sword for the rage of their...

kjv@Hosea:8:1 @...eagle against the house of the...

kjv@Hosea:8:4 @...I knew it not: of their...

kjv@Hosea:8:6 @...God: but the calf of Samaria...

kjv@Hosea:8:10 @...little for the burden of the...

kjv@Hosea:8:12 @...him the great things of my...

kjv@Hosea:8:13 @...the sacrifices of mine offerings, and...

kjv@Hosea:9:4 @...come into the house of the...

kjv@Hosea:9:5 of the feast of the...

kjv@Hosea:9:6 @...they are gone because of destruction:...

kjv@Hosea:9:7 @...mad, for the multitude of thine...

kjv@Hosea:9:8 @...hatred in the house of his...

kjv@Hosea:9:9 in the days of Gibeah:...

kjv@Hosea:9:15 @...will drive them out of mine...

kjv@Hosea:9:16 @...even the beloved fruit of their...

kjv@Hosea:10:1 @...according to the goodness of his...

kjv@Hosea:10:4 @...hemlock in the furrows of the...

kjv@Hosea:10:5 @...because of the calves of Bethaven:...

kjv@Hosea:10:6 @...Israel shall be ashamed of his...

kjv@Hosea:10:8 @...of Aven, the sin of Israel,...

kjv@Hosea:10:9 @...Gibeah against the children of iniquity...

kjv@Hosea:10:13 @...way, in the multitude of thy...

kjv@Hosea:10:14 @...Betharbel in the day of battle:...

kjv@Hosea:10:15 @...morning shall the king of Israel...

kjv@Hosea:11:1 @...called my son out of... Egypt.

kjv@Hosea:11:4 they that take off the...

kjv@Hosea:11:5 @...return into the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Hosea:11:6 @...and devour them, because of their...

kjv@Hosea:11:9 @...One in the midst of thee:...

kjv@Hosea:11:11 @...out of the land of Assyria:...

kjv@Hosea:11:12 @...lies, and the house of Israel...

kjv@Hosea:12:5 @...Even the LORD God of hosts;...

kjv@Hosea:12:7 @...a merchant, the balances of deceit...

kjv@Hosea:12:9 in the days of the...

kjv@Hosea:12:10 @...similitudes, by the ministry of the...

kjv@Hosea:12:11 @...heaps in the furrows of the...

kjv@Hosea:12:12 @...fled into the country of Syria,...

kjv@Hosea:12:13 @...LORD brought Israel out of Egypt,...

kjv@Hosea:13:2 @...the craftsmen: they say of them,...

kjv@Hosea:13:3 the smoke out of the...

kjv@Hosea:13:4 @...God from the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Hosea:13:5 @...wilderness, in the land of great...

kjv@Hosea:13:8 @...will rend the caul of their...

kjv@Hosea:13:10 @...cities? and thy judges of whom...

kjv@Hosea:13:12 ... The iniquity of Ephraim...

kjv@Hosea:13:13 @...long in the place of the...

kjv@Hosea:13:14 @...them from the power of the...

kjv@Hosea:13:15 @...shall spoil the treasure of all...

kjv@Hosea:14:2 @...we render the calves of our...

kjv@Hosea:14:3 @...more to the work of our...

kjv@Hosea:14:7 as the wine of... Lebanon.

kjv@Hosea:14:9 @...them? for the ways of the...

kjv@Joel:1:1 ... The word of the...

kjv@Joel:1:2 @...even in the days of your...

kjv@Joel:1:3 @...Tell ye your children of it,...

kjv@Joel:1:5 @...for it is cut off from...

kjv@Joel:1:6 @...hath the cheek teeth of a...

kjv@Joel:1:8 @...sackcloth for the husband of her...

kjv@Joel:1:9 from the house of the...

kjv@Joel:1:11 @...barley; because the harvest of the...

kjv@Joel:1:12 @...even all the trees of the...

kjv@Joel:1:13 @...withholden from the house of your...

kjv@Joel:1:14 into the house of the...

kjv@Joel:1:15! for the day of the...

kjv@Joel:1:16 @...gladness from the house of our...

kjv@Joel:1:18 @...pasture; yea, the flocks of sheep...

kjv@Joel:1:19 @...burned all the trees of the...

kjv@Joel:1:20 @...hath devoured the pastures of the...

kjv@Joel:2:1 @...tremble: for the day of the...

kjv@Joel:2:2 @...even to the years of many...

kjv@Joel:2:3 as the garden of Eden...

kjv@Joel:2:4 as the appearance of horses;...

kjv@Joel:2:5 @...noise of a flame of fire...

kjv@Joel:2:7 @...the wall like men of war;...

kjv@Joel:2:11 @...word: for the day of the...

kjv@Joel:2:13 @...kindness, and repenteth him of the...

kjv@Joel:2:16 @...and the bride out of her...

kjv@Joel:2:17 @...the priests, the ministers of the...

kjv@Joel:2:22 @...field: for the pastures of the...

kjv@Joel:2:23 @...glad then, ye children of Zion,...

kjv@Joel:2:24 @...floors shall be full of wheat,...

kjv@Joel:2:26 @...and praise the name of the...

kjv@Joel:2:27 in the midst of Israel,...

kjv@Joel:2:30 @...and fire, and pillars of... smoke.

kjv@Joel:2:31 @...and the terrible day of the...

kjv@Joel:2:32 on the name of the...

kjv@Joel:3:1 @...bring again the captivity of Judah...

kjv@Joel:3:2 @...down into the valley of Jehoshaphat,...

kjv@Joel:3:4 @...and all the coasts of Palestine?...

kjv@Joel:3:6 @...Judah and the children of Jerusalem...

kjv@Joel:3:7 @...will raise them out of the...

kjv@Joel:3:8 a people far off: for...

kjv@Joel:3:9 @...let all the men of war...

kjv@Joel:3:12 @...up to the valley of Jehoshaphat:...

kjv@Joel:3:14 @...decision: for the day of the...

kjv@Joel:3:16 @...people, and the strength of the...

kjv@Joel:3:18 @...forth of the house of the...

kjv@Joel:3:19 @...violence against the children of Judah,...

kjv@Amos:1:1 @...son of Joash king of Israel,...

kjv@Amos:1:2 @...mourn, and the top of Carmel...

kjv@Amos:1:3 @...LORD; For three transgressions of Damascus,...

kjv@Amos:1:4 into the house of Hazael,...

kjv@Amos:1:5 @...Eden: and the people of Syria...

kjv@Amos:1:6 @...LORD; For three transgressions of Gaza,...

kjv@Amos:1:7 on the wall of Gaza,...

kjv@Amos:1:8 @...Ekron: and the remnant of the...

kjv@Amos:1:9 @...LORD; For three transgressions of Tyrus,...

kjv@Amos:1:10 on the wall of Tyrus,...

kjv@Amos:1:11 @...sword, and did cast off all...

kjv@Amos:1:12 @...shall devour the palaces of... Bozrah.

kjv@Amos:1:13 @...the women with child of Gilead,...

kjv@Amos:1:14 @...tempest in the day of the...

kjv@Amos:2:1 @...bones of the king of Edom...

kjv@Amos:2:2 @...and with the sound of the...

kjv@Amos:2:4 @...have despised the law of the...

kjv@Amos:2:5 @...shall devour the palaces of... Jerusalem.

kjv@Amos:2:6 @...LORD; For three transgressions of Israel,...

kjv@Amos:2:7 @...turn aside the way of the...

kjv@Amos:2:8 @...condemned in the house of their...

kjv@Amos:2:9 @...was like the height of the...

kjv@Amos:2:10 possess the land of the...

kjv@Amos:2:11 @...thus, O ye children of Israel?...

kjv@Amos:2:13 @...pressed that is full of... sheaves.

kjv@Amos:2:15 @...he that is swift of foot...

kjv@Amos:3:1 @...up from the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Amos:3:2 @...of all the families of the...

kjv@Amos:3:4 @...young lion cry out of his...

kjv@Amos:3:9 @...yourselves upon the mountains of Samaria,...

kjv@Amos:3:12 @...Samaria in the corner of a...

kjv@Amos:3:13 @...testify in the house of Jacob,...

kjv@Amos:3:14 @...altar shall be cut off, and...

kjv@Amos:3:15; and the houses of ivory...

kjv@Amos:4:1 @...are in the mountain of Samaria,...

kjv@Amos:4:5, O ye children of Israel,...

kjv@Amos:4:6 @...your cities, and want of bread...

kjv@Amos:4:10 @...have made the stink of your...

kjv@Amos:4:11 @...a firebrand plucked out of the...

kjv@Amos:4:13 @...The LORD, The God of hosts,...

kjv@Amos:5:1 @...a lamentation, O house of... Israel.

kjv@Amos:5:2 ... The virgin of Israel...

kjv@Amos:5:3 @...ten, to the house of... Israel.

kjv@Amos:5:4 @...LORD unto the house of Israel,...

kjv@Amos:5:6 in the house of Joseph,...

kjv@Amos:5:8 @...out upon the face of the...

kjv@Amos:5:11 have built houses of hewn...

kjv@Amos:5:14 @...the LORD, the God of hosts,...

kjv@Amos:5:15 @...that the LORD God of hosts...

kjv@Amos:5:16 @...such as are skilful of lamentation...

kjv@Amos:5:18 @...for you? the day of the...

kjv@Amos:5:20 @...Shall not the day of the...

kjv@Amos:5:22 @...regard the peace offerings of your...

kjv@Amos:5:23 @...not hear the melody of thy...

kjv@Amos:5:25 @...unto me sacrifices and offerings in...

kjv@Amos:5:26 @...your images, the star of your...

kjv@Amos:5:27 is The God of... hosts.

kjv@Amos:6:1 whom the house of Israel...

kjv@Amos:6:2 @...go down to Gath of the...

kjv@Amos:6:3 @...and cause the seat of violence...

kjv@Amos:6:4 @...out of the midst of the...

kjv@Amos:6:5 @...invent to themselves instruments of musick,...

kjv@Amos:6:6 @...grieved for the affliction of... Joseph.

kjv@Amos:6:7 @...captive, and the banquet of them...

kjv@Amos:6:8 @...I abhor the excellency of Jacob,...

kjv@Amos:6:10 @...mention of the name of the...

kjv@Amos:6:12 @...gall, and the fruit of righteousness...

kjv@Amos:6:13 @...rejoice in a thing of nought,...

kjv@Amos:6:14 @...Hemath unto the river of the...

kjv@Amos:7:1 @...of the shooting up of the...

kjv@Amos:7:2 @...of eating the grass of the...

kjv@Amos:7:8 @...plumbline in the midst of my...

kjv@Amos:7:9 @...rise against the house of Jeroboam...

kjv@Amos:7:10 @...midst of the house of Israel:...

kjv@Amos:7:11 @...led away captive out of their...

kjv@Amos:7:12 @...away into the land of Judah,...

kjv@Amos:7:14 @...herdman, and a gatherer of sycomore...

kjv@Amos:7:16 @...hear thou the word of the...

kjv@Amos:7:17 @...go into captivity forth of his...

kjv@Amos:8:1 @...and behold a basket of summer...

kjv@Amos:8:2 @...come upon my people of Israel;...

kjv@Amos:8:3 @... And the songs of the...

kjv@Amos:8:4 make the poor of the...

kjv@Amos:8:6 @...and sell the refuse of the...

kjv@Amos:8:7 @...will never forget any of their...

kjv@Amos:8:8 by the flood of... Egypt.

kjv@Amos:8:10 as the mourning of an...

kjv@Amos:8:11 @...of hearing the words of the...

kjv@Amos:8:12 seek the word of the...

kjv@Amos:8:14 @...liveth; and, The manner of Beersheba...

kjv@Amos:9:1 @...and he that escapeth of them...

kjv@Amos:9:3 @...sight in the bottom of the...

kjv@Amos:9:5 @...And the Lord GOD of hosts...

kjv@Amos:9:6 @...out upon the face of the...

kjv@Amos:9:7 @...out of the land of Egypt?...

kjv@Amos:9:8 @...utterly destroy the house of Jacob,...

kjv@Amos:9:9 @...will sift the house of Israel...

kjv@Amos:9:10 @... All the sinners of my...

kjv@Amos:9:11 @...raise up the tabernacle of David...

kjv@Amos:9:12 @...remnant of Edom, and of all...

kjv@Amos:9:13 @...reaper, and the treader of grapes...

kjv@Amos:9:14 @...captivity of my people of Israel,...

kjv@Amos:9:15 pulled up out of their...

kjv@Obadiah:1:1 ... The vision of Obadiah....

kjv@Obadiah:1:3 @...dwellest in the clefts of the...

kjv@Obadiah:1:6 @...How are the things of Esau...

kjv@Obadiah:1:7 @... All the men of thy...

kjv@Obadiah:1:8 @...Edom, and understanding out of the...

kjv@Obadiah:1:9 @...Esau may be cut off by...

kjv@Obadiah:1:11 @...thou wast as one of... them.

kjv@Obadiah:1:12 @...Judah in the day of their...

kjv@Obadiah:1:13 @...substance in the day of their...

kjv@Obadiah:1:14 @...have delivered up those of his...

kjv@Obadiah:1:15 @... For the day of the...

kjv@Obadiah:1:17 @...holiness; and the house of Jacob...

kjv@Obadiah:1:18 @...remaining of the house of Esau;...

kjv@Obadiah:1:19 @...Ephraim, and the fields of Samaria:...

kjv@Obadiah:1:20 @...shall possess the cities of the...

kjv@Obadiah:1:21 judge the mount of Esau;...

kjv@Jonah:1:1 @...unto Jonah the son of Amittai,...

kjv@Jonah:1:3 @...Tarshish from the presence of the...

kjv@Jonah:1:5 @...down into the sides of the...

kjv@Jonah:1:8 thy country? and of what...

kjv@Jonah:1:9 @...the LORD, the God of heaven,...

kjv@Jonah:1:10 @...fled from the presence of the...

kjv@Jonah:1:17 @...was in the belly of the...

kjv@Jonah:2:1 @...LORD his God out of the...

kjv@Jonah:2:2 @...out of the belly of hell...

kjv@Jonah:2:3 @...deep, in the midst of the...

kjv@Jonah:2:4 @...I am cast out of thy...

kjv@Jonah:2:6 @...down to the bottoms of the...

kjv@Jonah:2:9 @...have vowed. Salvation is of the...

kjv@Jonah:3:1 @... And the word of the...

kjv@Jonah:3:3 exceeding great city of three...

kjv@Jonah:3:5 @...sackcloth, from the greatest of them...

kjv@Jonah:3:6 @...came unto the king of Nineveh,...

kjv@Jonah:3:7 @...Nineveh by the decree of the...

kjv@Jonah:3:10 @...way; and God repented of the...

kjv@Jonah:4:2 @...kindness, and repentest thee of the...

kjv@Jonah:4:5 @...see what would become of the...

kjv@Jonah:4:6 @...Jonah was exceeding glad of the...

kjv@Jonah:4:8 @...beat upon the head of Jonah,...

kjv@Micah:1:1 @...Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah,...

kjv@Micah:1:3 @...upon the high places of the...

kjv@Micah:1:5 @...are the high places of Judah?...

kjv@Micah:1:6 @...field, and as plantings of a...

kjv@Micah:1:7 @...return to the hire of an...

kjv@Micah:1:9 @...come unto the gate of my...

kjv@Micah:1:10 @...all: in the house of Aphrah...

kjv@Micah:1:11 @...Bethezel; he shall receive of you...

kjv@Micah:1:12 @... For the inhabitant of Maroth...

kjv@Micah:1:13 @...Zion: for the transgressions of Israel...

kjv@Micah:1:14 Moreshethgath: the houses of Achzib...

kjv@Micah:1:15 @...unto thee, O inhabitant of Mareshah:...

kjv@Micah:2:1 in the power of their...

kjv@Micah:2:4 @...hath changed the portion of my...

kjv@Micah:2:5 @...lot in the congregation of the...

kjv@Micah:2:7 @...Jacob, is the spirit of the...

kjv@Micah:2:8 enemy: ye pull off the...

kjv@Micah:2:9 ... The women of my...

kjv@Micah:2:11 @...even be the prophet of this...

kjv@Micah:2:12 @...great noise by reason of the...

kjv@Micah:2:13 @...LORD on the head of... them.

kjv@Micah:3:1 @...princes of the house of Israel;...

kjv@Micah:3:3 @...flay their skin from off them;...

kjv@Micah:3:7 @...there is no answer of... God.

kjv@Micah:3:8 @...and of judgment, and of might,...

kjv@Micah:3:9 @...princes of the house of Israel,...

kjv@Micah:3:12 the high places of the...

kjv@Micah:4:1 @...established in the top of the...

kjv@Micah:4:2 @...Zion, and the word of the...

kjv@Micah:4:4 @...mouth of the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Micah:4:5 @...walk in the name of the...

kjv@Micah:4:8 @...hold of the daughter of Zion,...

kjv@Micah:4:10 @...thee from the hand of thine...

kjv@Micah:4:12 @...know not the thoughts of the...

kjv@Micah:4:13 @...substance unto the Lord of the...

kjv@Micah:5:1 @...shall smite the judge of Israel...

kjv@Micah:5:2 @...forth have been from of old,...

kjv@Micah:5:3 @...forth: then the remnant of his...

kjv@Micah:5:4 @...great unto the ends of the...

kjv@Micah:5:6 @...sword, and the land of Nimrod...

kjv@Micah:5:7 in the midst of many...

kjv@Micah:5:8 @...lion among the flocks of sheep:...

kjv@Micah:5:10 @...out of the midst of thee,...

kjv@Micah:5:11 @...cut off the cities of thy...

kjv@Micah:5:12 @...cut off witchcrafts out of thine...

kjv@Micah:5:13 @...more worship the work of thine...

kjv@Micah:5:14 @...out of the midst of thee:...

kjv@Micah:6:2 @...and ye strong foundations of the...

kjv@Micah:6:4 @...out of the house of servants;...

kjv@Micah:6:5 @...may know the righteousness of the...

kjv@Micah:6:6 @...burnt offerings, with calves of a...

kjv@Micah:6:7 @...body for the sin of my...

kjv@Micah:6:8 @...doth the LORD require of thee,...

kjv@Micah:6:9, and the man of wisdom...

kjv@Micah:6:10 @...wickedness in the house of the...

kjv@Micah:6:11 @...and with the bag of deceitful...

kjv@Micah:6:12 thereof are full of violence,...

kjv@Micah:6:13 @...making thee desolate because of thy...

kjv@Micah:6:14 in the midst of thee;...

kjv@Micah:6:16 @...shall bear the reproach of my...

kjv@Micah:7:1 @...fruits, as the grapegleanings of the...

kjv@Micah:7:2 is perished out of the...

kjv@Micah:7:4 @...thorn hedge: the day of thy...

kjv@Micah:7:5 keep the doors of thy...

kjv@Micah:7:6 @...enemies are the men of his...

kjv@Micah:7:7 @...wait for the God of my...

kjv@Micah:7:9 @...will bear the indignation of the...

kjv@Micah:7:10 @...down as the mire of the...

kjv@Micah:7:13 @...therein, for the fruit of their...

kjv@Micah:7:14 @...wood, in the midst of Carmel:...

kjv@Micah:7:15 @...out of the land of Egypt...

kjv@Micah:7:17 @...they shall be afraid of the...

kjv@Micah:7:18 @...transgression of the remnant of his...

kjv@Micah:7:19 @...sins into the depths of the...

kjv@Micah:7:20 @...fathers from the days of... old.

kjv@Nahum:1:1 of the vision of Nahum...

kjv@Nahum:1:3 @...clouds are the dust of his...

kjv@Nahum:1:4 @...Carmel, and the flower of Lebanon...

kjv@Nahum:1:6 @...abide in the fierceness of his...

kjv@Nahum:1:7 @...hold in the day of trouble;...

kjv@Nahum:1:8 @...make an utter end of the...

kjv@Nahum:1:11 one come out of thee,...

kjv@Nahum:1:14 @...gods will I cut off the...

kjv@Nahum:1:15 @...the mountains the feet of him...

kjv@Nahum:2:2 @...Jacob, as the excellency of Israel:...

kjv@Nahum:2:3 @...torches in the day of his...

kjv@Nahum:2:6 ... The gates of the...

kjv@Nahum:2:7 with the voice of doves,...

kjv@Nahum:2:8 @...old like a pool of water:...

kjv@Nahum:2:9 and glory out of all...

kjv@Nahum:2:10 @...loins, and the faces of them...

kjv@Nahum:2:11 @...lions, and the feedingplace of the...

kjv@Nahum:2:13, and the voice of thy...

kjv@Nahum:3:1 is all full of lies...

kjv@Nahum:3:2 @...the pransing horses, and of the...

kjv@Nahum:3:3 @...there is none end of their...

kjv@Nahum:3:4 @...wellfavoured harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts,...

kjv@Nahum:3:5 @...thee, saith the LORD of hosts;...

kjv@Nahum:3:10 @...pieces at the top of all...

kjv@Nahum:3:11 @...shalt seek strength because of the...

kjv@Nahum:3:12 @...fall into the mouth of the...

kjv@Nahum:3:13 @...are women: the gates of thy...

kjv@Nahum:3:16 @...merchants above the stars of heaven:...

kjv@Nahum:3:18 @...shepherds slumber, O king of Assyria:...

kjv@Nahum:3:19 @...that hear the bruit of thee...

kjv@Habakkuk:1:2 @...cry out unto thee of violence,...

kjv@Habakkuk:1:6 @...march through the breadth of the...

kjv@Habakkuk:1:7 @...their dignity shall proceed of... themselves.

kjv@Habakkuk:1:13 ... Thou art of purer...

kjv@Habakkuk:1:14 as the fishes of the...

kjv@Habakkuk:1:15 @...They take up all of them...

kjv@Habakkuk:2:8 @...of the city, and of all...

kjv@Habakkuk:2:9 @...delivered from the power of... evil!

kjv@Habakkuk:2:11 @...and the beam out of the...

kjv@Habakkuk:2:13 @...not of the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Habakkuk:2:14 @...knowledge of the glory of the...

kjv@Habakkuk:2:16 uncovered: the cup of the...

kjv@Habakkuk:2:17 @...of the city, and of all...

kjv@Habakkuk:2:18 @...lies, that the maker of his...

kjv@Habakkuk:2:19 @...all in the midst of... it.

kjv@Habakkuk:3:1 ... A prayer of Habakkuk...

kjv@Habakkuk:3:2 @...years, in the midst of the...

kjv@Habakkuk:3:3 @...the earth was full of his...

kjv@Habakkuk:3:4 @...there was the hiding of his...

kjv@Habakkuk:3:7 @...curtains of the land of Midian...

kjv@Habakkuk:3:8 @...horses and thy chariots of... salvation?

kjv@Habakkuk:3:9 @...according to the oaths of the...

kjv@Habakkuk:3:10 @...they trembled: the overflowing of the...

kjv@Habakkuk:3:11 @...and at the shining of thy...

kjv@Habakkuk:3:13 @...out of the house of the...

kjv@Habakkuk:3:14 @...his staves the head of his...

kjv@Habakkuk:3:15 @...horses, through the heap of great...

kjv@Habakkuk:3:16 in the day of trouble:...

kjv@Habakkuk:3:17 @...flock shall be cut off from...

kjv@Habakkuk:3:18 in the God of my...

kjv@Zephaniah:1:1 @...of Josiah the son of Amon,...

kjv@Zephaniah:1:3 @...cut off man from off the...

kjv@Zephaniah:1:4, and the name of the...

kjv@Zephaniah:1:5 @...that worship the host of heaven...

kjv@Zephaniah:1:7 @...GOD: for the day of the...

kjv@Zephaniah:1:8 @...pass in the day of the...

kjv@Zephaniah:1:10 @...shall be the noise of a...

kjv@Zephaniah:1:11 @... Howl, ye inhabitants of Maktesh,...

kjv@Zephaniah:1:14 @...voice of the day of the...

kjv@Zephaniah:1:15 @...and gloominess, a day of clouds...

kjv@Zephaniah:1:16 ... A day of the...

kjv@Zephaniah:1:18 @...even a speedy riddance of all...

kjv@Zephaniah:2:2, before the day of the...

kjv@Zephaniah:2:3 @...hid in the day of the...

kjv@Zephaniah:2:5 @...O Canaan, the land of the...

kjv@Zephaniah:2:7 @...thereupon: in the houses of Ashkelon...

kjv@Zephaniah:2:8 @...revilings of the children of Ammon,...

kjv@Zephaniah:2:9 @...them, and the remnant of my...

kjv@Zephaniah:2:10 @...themselves against the people of the...

kjv@Zephaniah:2:11 @...even all the isles of the...

kjv@Zephaniah:2:14 the upper lintels of it;...

kjv@Zephaniah:3:8 @...devoured with the fire of my...

kjv@Zephaniah:3:9 upon the name of the...

kjv@Zephaniah:3:10 @...suppliants, even the daughter of my...

kjv@Zephaniah:3:11 @...more be haughty because of my...

kjv@Zephaniah:3:12 in the name of the...

kjv@Zephaniah:3:13 ... The remnant of Israel...

kjv@Zephaniah:3:14 @... Sing, O daughter of Zion;...

kjv@Zephaniah:3:15 in the midst of thee:...

kjv@Zephaniah:3:17 @...God in the midst of thee...

kjv@Zephaniah:3:18 whom the reproach of it...

kjv@Zephaniah:3:20 @...praise among all people of the...

kjv@Haggai:1:1 Joshua the son of Josedech,...

kjv@Haggai:1:2 @...Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Haggai:1:3 @...Then came the word of the...

kjv@Haggai:1:5 @...thus saith the LORD of hosts;...

kjv@Haggai:1:7 @...Thus saith the LORD of hosts;...

kjv@Haggai:1:9 @...LORD of hosts. Because of mine...

kjv@Haggai:1:11 @...upon all the labour of the...

kjv@Haggai:1:12 @...God, and the words of Haggai...

kjv@Haggai:1:14 of the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Haggai:1:15 the second year of Darius...

kjv@Haggai:2:1 @...month, came the word of the...

kjv@Haggai:2:2 @...and to the residue of the...

kjv@Haggai:2:3 @...your eyes in comparison of it...

kjv@Haggai:2:4 @...strong, all ye people of the...

kjv@Haggai:2:5 @...when ye came out of Egypt,...

kjv@Haggai:2:6 @...thus saith the LORD of hosts;...

kjv@Haggai:2:7 @...nations, and the desire of all...

kjv@Haggai:2:8 @...mine, saith the LORD of... hosts.

kjv@Haggai:2:9 @...former, saith the LORD of hosts:...

kjv@Haggai:2:10 @...Darius, came the word of the...

kjv@Haggai:2:11 @...Thus saith the LORD of hosts;...

kjv@Haggai:2:12 @...flesh in the skirt of his...

kjv@Haggai:2:13 @...dead body touch any of these,...

kjv@Haggai:2:14 @...and that which they offer there...

kjv@Haggai:2:15 @...stone in the temple of the...

kjv@Haggai:2:16 @...out fifty vessels out of the...

kjv@Haggai:2:17 all the labours of your...

kjv@Haggai:2:18 that the foundation of the...

kjv@Haggai:2:20 @...four and twentieth day of the...

kjv@Haggai:2:21 @...Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah,...

kjv@Haggai:2:22 by the sword of his...

kjv@Haggai:2:23 servant, the son of Shealtiel,...

kjv@Zechariah:1:1 @...of Berechiah, the son of Iddo...

kjv@Zechariah:1:3, saith the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Zechariah:1:4 @...Thus saith the LORD of hosts;...

kjv@Zechariah:1:6 @...Like as the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Zechariah:1:7 @...of Berechiah, the son of Iddo...

kjv@Zechariah:1:11 @...they answered the angel of the...

kjv@Zechariah:1:12 @...and on the cities of Judah,...

kjv@Zechariah:1:14 @...Thus saith the LORD of hosts;...

kjv@Zechariah:1:16, saith the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Zechariah:1:17 @...Thus saith the LORD of hosts;...

kjv@Zechariah:1:21 @...horn over the land of Judah...

kjv@Zechariah:2:4 @...walls for the multitude of men...

kjv@Zechariah:2:5 @...unto her a wall of fire...

kjv@Zechariah:2:6 the four winds of the...

kjv@Zechariah:2:7 @...dwellest with the daughter of... Babylon.

kjv@Zechariah:2:8 toucheth the apple of his...

kjv@Zechariah:2:9 @...know that the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Zechariah:2:10 @...dwell in the midst of thee,...

kjv@Zechariah:2:11 @...know that the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Zechariah:2:13 raised up out of his...

kjv@Zechariah:3:1 @...standing before the angel of the...

kjv@Zechariah:3:2 @...a brand plucked out of the...

kjv@Zechariah:3:4 @...clothe thee with change of... raiment.

kjv@Zechariah:3:5 @...garments. And the angel of the...

kjv@Zechariah:3:6 @... And the angel of the...

kjv@Zechariah:3:7 @...Thus saith the LORD of hosts;...

kjv@Zechariah:3:9 @...will remove the iniquity of that...

kjv@Zechariah:3:10, saith the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Zechariah:4:1 @...that is wakened out of his...

kjv@Zechariah:4:2 @...bowl upon the top of it,...

kjv@Zechariah:4:3 @...upon the right side of the...

kjv@Zechariah:4:6 @...This is the word of the...

kjv@Zechariah:4:8 @... Moreover the word of the...

kjv@Zechariah:4:9 @...know that the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Zechariah:4:10 @...they are the eyes of the...

kjv@Zechariah:4:11 @...upon the right side of the...

kjv@Zechariah:4:12 @...the golden oil out of... themselves?

kjv@Zechariah:4:14 @...stand by the Lord of the...

kjv@Zechariah:5:3 @...sweareth shall be cut off as...

kjv@Zechariah:5:4 @...remain in the midst of his...

kjv@Zechariah:5:7 @...sitteth in the midst of the...

kjv@Zechariah:5:8 @...he cast the weight of lead...

kjv@Zechariah:5:9 @...wings like the wings of a...

kjv@Zechariah:5:11 in the land of Shinar:...

kjv@Zechariah:6:1 @...the mountains were mountains of... brass.

kjv@Zechariah:6:5 @...standing before the Lord of all...

kjv@Zechariah:6:9 @... And the word of the...

kjv@Zechariah:6:10 @...go into the house of Josiah...

kjv@Zechariah:6:11 @...of Joshua the son of Josedech,...

kjv@Zechariah:6:12 @...shall build the temple of the...

kjv@Zechariah:6:13 @...throne: and the counsel of peace...

kjv@Zechariah:6:14 in the temple of the...

kjv@Zechariah:6:15 @...diligently obey the voice of the...

kjv@Zechariah:7:1 the fourth day of the...

kjv@Zechariah:7:2 @...sent unto the house of God...

kjv@Zechariah:7:3 of the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Zechariah:7:4 @...word of the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Zechariah:7:5 @...unto all the people of the...

kjv@Zechariah:7:8 @... And the word of the...

kjv@Zechariah:7:9 @...Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Zechariah:7:10 @...poor; and let none of you...

kjv@Zechariah:7:12 @...words which the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Zechariah:7:13 @...hear, saith the LORD of... hosts:

kjv@Zechariah:8:1 @...word of the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Zechariah:8:2 @...Thus saith the LORD of hosts;...

kjv@Zechariah:8:3 @...mountain of the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Zechariah:8:4 @...dwell in the streets of Jerusalem,...

kjv@Zechariah:8:5 shall be full of boys...

kjv@Zechariah:8:6 @...eyes of the remnant of this...

kjv@Zechariah:8:7 @...Thus saith the LORD of hosts;...

kjv@Zechariah:8:8 @...dwell in the midst of Jerusalem:...

kjv@Zechariah:8:9 of the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Zechariah:8:10 @...or came in because of the...

kjv@Zechariah:8:11 unto the residue of this...

kjv@Zechariah:8:12 @...will cause the remnant of this...

kjv@Zechariah:8:13 @...of Judah, and house of Israel;...

kjv@Zechariah:8:14 @...wrath, saith the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Zechariah:8:15 @...and to the house of Judah:...

kjv@Zechariah:8:16 @...neighbour; execute the judgment of truth...

kjv@Zechariah:8:17 @... And let none of you...

kjv@Zechariah:8:18 @...word of the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Zechariah:8:19 to the house of Judah...

kjv@Zechariah:8:20 @...people, and the inhabitants of many...

kjv@Zechariah:8:21 seek the LORD of hosts:...

kjv@Zechariah:8:22 seek the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Zechariah:8:23 @...hold of the skirt of him...

kjv@Zechariah:9:1 @...of all the tribes of Israel,...

kjv@Zechariah:9:3 as the mire of the...

kjv@Zechariah:9:6 @...cut off the pride of the...

kjv@Zechariah:9:7 @...away his blood out of his...

kjv@Zechariah:9:8 @...passeth by, and because of him...

kjv@Zechariah:9:9 @...a colt the foal of an...

kjv@Zechariah:9:10 @...even to the ends of the...

kjv@Zechariah:9:11 @...forth thy prisoners out of the...

kjv@Zechariah:9:12 @...strong hold, ye prisoners of hope:...

kjv@Zechariah:9:13 @...thee as the sword of a...

kjv@Zechariah:9:14 @...shall go with whirlwinds of the...

kjv@Zechariah:9:15 @...and as the corners of the...

kjv@Zechariah:9:16 as the stones of a...

kjv@Zechariah:10:1 @...and give them showers of rain,...

kjv@Zechariah:10:3 @...his flock the house of Judah,...

kjv@Zechariah:10:4 @...the battle bow, out of him...

kjv@Zechariah:10:5 @...enemies in the mire of the...

kjv@Zechariah:10:6 @...had not cast them off: for...

kjv@Zechariah:10:7 ... And they of Ephraim...

kjv@Zechariah:10:10 @...them into the land of Gilead...

kjv@Zechariah:10:11 @...down, and the sceptre of Egypt...

kjv@Zechariah:11:2 @...Bashan; for the forest of the...

kjv@Zechariah:11:3 @...lions; for the pride of Jordan...

kjv@Zechariah:11:4 @...God; Feed the flock of the...

kjv@Zechariah:11:6 @...the land, and out of their...

kjv@Zechariah:11:7 @...even you, O poor of the...

kjv@Zechariah:11:9 @...let it be cut off; and...

kjv@Zechariah:11:11 was the word of the...

kjv@Zechariah:11:12 price thirty pieces of... silver.

kjv@Zechariah:11:13 @...potter in the house of the...

kjv@Zechariah:11:15 @...thee yet the instruments of a...

kjv@Zechariah:11:16 @...shall eat the flesh of the...

kjv@Zechariah:12:1 @...and formeth the spirit of man...

kjv@Zechariah:12:2 @...make Jerusalem a cup of trembling...

kjv@Zechariah:12:3 @...though all the people of the...

kjv@Zechariah:12:4 @...will smite every horse of the...

kjv@Zechariah:12:5 @...strength in the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Zechariah:12:6 @...and like a torch of fire...

kjv@Zechariah:12:7 @...glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem...

kjv@Zechariah:12:8 @...God, as the angel of the...

kjv@Zechariah:12:10 @...spirit of grace and of supplications:...

kjv@Zechariah:12:11 @...Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon...

kjv@Zechariah:12:12 of the house of Nathan...

kjv@Zechariah:12:13 @...wives apart; the family of Shimei...

kjv@Zechariah:13:1 @...and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem...

kjv@Zechariah:13:2 @...spirit to pass out of the...

kjv@Zechariah:13:3 @...lies in the name of the...

kjv@Zechariah:13:4 ashamed every one of his...

kjv@Zechariah:13:6 @...wounded in the house of my...

kjv@Zechariah:13:7 @...fellow, saith the LORD of hosts:...

kjv@Zechariah:14:1 @... Behold, the day of the...

kjv@Zechariah:14:2 @...shall not be cut off from...

kjv@Zechariah:14:3 @...fought in the day of... battle.

kjv@Zechariah:14:4 @...the north, and half of it...

kjv@Zechariah:14:5 @...days of Uzziah king of Judah:...

kjv@Zechariah:14:8 @...former sea, and half of them...

kjv@Zechariah:14:10 @...and from the tower of Hananeel...

kjv@Zechariah:14:13 @...up against the hand of his...

kjv@Zechariah:14:14 @...Jerusalem; and the wealth of all...

kjv@Zechariah:14:15 @...of the ass, and of all...

kjv@Zechariah:14:16 @...the King, the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Zechariah:14:17 @...the King, the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Zechariah:14:18 @...And if the family of Egypt...

kjv@Zechariah:14:19 @...Egypt, and the punishment of all...

kjv@Zechariah:14:20 upon the bells of the...

kjv@Zechariah:14:21 @...Canaanite in the house of the...

kjv@Malachi:1:1 @...burden of the word of the...

kjv@Malachi:1:3 @...waste for the dragons of the...

kjv@Malachi:1:4 them, The border of wickedness,...

kjv@Malachi:1:5 @...magnified from the border of... Israel.

kjv@Malachi:1:6 @...fear? saith the LORD of hosts...

kjv@Malachi:1:7 say, The table of the...

kjv@Malachi:1:8 it not evil? offer it...

kjv@Malachi:1:9 @...persons? saith the LORD of... hosts.

kjv@Malachi:1:10 @...will I accept an offering at...

kjv@Malachi:1:11, and a pure offering: for...

kjv@Malachi:1:12 say, The table of the...

kjv@Malachi:1:13 @...should I accept this of your...

kjv@Malachi:1:14 @...King, saith the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Malachi:2:2, saith the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Malachi:2:3 @...faces, even the dung of your...

kjv@Malachi:2:4 @...Levi, saith the LORD of... hosts.

kjv@Malachi:2:5 @...covenant was with him of life...

kjv@Malachi:2:6 ... The law of truth...

kjv@Malachi:2:7 @...he is the messenger of the...

kjv@Malachi:2:8 @...have corrupted the covenant of Levi,...

kjv@Malachi:2:10 profaning the covenant of our...

kjv@Malachi:2:11 @...hath married the daughter of a...

kjv@Malachi:2:12 @...him that offereth an offering unto...

kjv@Malachi:2:13 @...he regardeth not the offering any...

kjv@Malachi:2:14 @...companion, and the wife of thy...

kjv@Malachi:2:15 @...treacherously against the wife of his...

kjv@Malachi:2:16 @...garment, saith the LORD of hosts:...

kjv@Malachi:2:17 @...good in the sight of the...

kjv@Malachi:3:1 @...temple, even the messenger of the...

kjv@Malachi:3:2 @...may abide the day of his...

kjv@Malachi:3:3 @...unto the LORD an offering in...

kjv@Malachi:3:4 in the days of old,...

kjv@Malachi:3:5, saith the LORD of... hosts.

kjv@Malachi:3:6 @...not; therefore ye sons of Jacob...

kjv@Malachi:3:7, saith the LORD of hosts....

kjv@Malachi:3:10 you the windows of heaven,...

kjv@Malachi:3:11 @...not destroy the fruits of your...

kjv@Malachi:3:12, saith the LORD of... hosts.

kjv@Malachi:3:14 @...mournfully before the LORD of... hosts?

kjv@Malachi:3:16, and a book of remembrance...

kjv@Malachi:3:17 @...mine, saith the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Malachi:4:1 @...up, saith the LORD of hosts,...

kjv@Malachi:4:2 @...grow up as calves of the...

kjv@Malachi:4:3 @...ashes under the soles of your...

kjv@Malachi:4:4 @...Remember ye the law of Moses...

kjv@Malachi:4:5 @...great and dreadful day of the...

kjv@Malachi:4:6 @...children, and the heart of the...

kjv@Matthew:1:1 @...Jesus Christ, the son of David,...

kjv@Matthew:1:3 @...begat Phares and Zara of Thamar;...

kjv@Matthew:1:5 @...and Booz begat Obed of Ruth;...

kjv@Matthew:1:6 @...the king begat Solomon of her...

kjv@Matthew:1:16 @...the husband of Mary, of whom...

kjv@Matthew:1:18 @...was found with child of the...

kjv@Matthew:1:20 @...conceived in her is of the...

kjv@Matthew:1:22 @...fulfilled which was spoken of the...

kjv@Matthew:1:24 @...did as the angel of the...

kjv@Matthew:2:1 @...Judaea in the days of Herod...

kjv@Matthew:2:2 @...that is born King of the...

kjv@Matthew:2:4 @...people together, he demanded of them...

kjv@Matthew:2:5 @...unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea:...

kjv@Matthew:2:6 @...of Juda: for out of thee...

kjv@Matthew:2:7 @...the wise men, enquired of them...

kjv@Matthew:2:12 @... And being warned of God...

kjv@Matthew:2:13 @...departed, behold, the angel of the...

kjv@Matthew:2:15 @...the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt...

kjv@Matthew:2:16 @...he had diligently enquired of the...

kjv@Matthew:2:19 @...dead, behold, an angel of the...

kjv@Matthew:2:20 @...go into the land of Israel:...

kjv@Matthew:2:21 @...came into the land of... Israel.

kjv@Matthew:2:22 @...thither: notwithstanding, being warned of God...

kjv@Matthew:3:1 @...preaching in the wilderness of... Judaea,

kjv@Matthew:3:2 for the kingdom of heaven...

kjv@Matthew:3:3 @...Prepare ye the way of the...

kjv@Matthew:3:4 @...John had his raiment of camel's...

kjv@Matthew:3:6 @... And were baptized of him...

kjv@Matthew:3:7 @...unto them, O generation of vipers,...

kjv@Matthew:3:9 @...that God is able of these...

kjv@Matthew:3:10 @...laid unto the root of the...

kjv@Matthew:3:13 @...John, to be baptized of... him.

kjv@Matthew:3:14 @...need to be baptized of thee,...

kjv@Matthew:3:16 @...he saw the Spirit of God...

kjv@Matthew:4:1 @...wilderness to be tempted of the...

kjv@Matthew:4:3 @...thou be the Son of God,...

kjv@Matthew:4:4 @...word that proceedeth out of the...

kjv@Matthew:4:5 @...him on a pinnacle of the...

kjv@Matthew:4:6 @...thou be the Son of God,...

kjv@Matthew:4:8 @...him all the kingdoms of the...

kjv@Matthew:4:13 @...coast, in the borders of Zabulon...

kjv@Matthew:4:15 @...sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the...

kjv@Matthew:4:16 @...the region and shadow of death...

kjv@Matthew:4:17 @...Repent: for the kingdom of heaven...

kjv@Matthew:4:18 @...walking by the sea of Galilee,...

kjv@Matthew:4:19 @...will make you fishers of... men.

kjv@Matthew:4:21 @...brethren, James the son of Zebedee,...

kjv@Matthew:4:23 @...sickness and all manner of disease...

kjv@Matthew:4:25 @...followed him great multitudes of people...

kjv@Matthew:5:3 @...theirs is the kingdom of... heaven.

kjv@Matthew:5:9 called the children of... God.

kjv@Matthew:5:10 @...theirs is the kingdom of... heaven.

kjv@Matthew:5:11 @...shall say all manner of evil...

kjv@Matthew:5:13 @...Ye are the salt of the...

kjv@Matthew:5:14 @...Ye are the light of the...

kjv@Matthew:5:19 @...least in the kingdom of heaven:...

kjv@Matthew:5:20 @...shall exceed the righteousness of the...

kjv@Matthew:5:21 @...shall be in danger of the...

kjv@Matthew:5:22 @...shall be in danger of hell...

kjv@Matthew:5:27 @...was said by them of old...

kjv@Matthew:5:29 @...for thee that one of thy...

kjv@Matthew:5:30 @...for thee that one of thy...

kjv@Matthew:5:31 @...give her a writing of... divorcement:

kjv@Matthew:5:32 @...saving for the cause of fornication,...

kjv@Matthew:5:33 @...been said by them of old...

kjv@Matthew:5:35 is the city of the...

kjv@Matthew:5:37 @...more than these cometh of... evil.

kjv@Matthew:5:42 @...him that would borrow of thee...

kjv@Matthew:5:45 @...may be the children of your...

kjv@Matthew:6:1 have no reward of your...

kjv@Matthew:6:2 @...they may have glory of men....

kjv@Matthew:6:5 @...they may be seen of men....

kjv@Matthew:6:16 @...not, as the hypocrites, of a...

kjv@Matthew:6:22 ... The light of the...

kjv@Matthew:6:23 @...body shall be full of darkness....

kjv@Matthew:6:26 @... Behold the fowls of the...

kjv@Matthew:6:27 ... Which of you...

kjv@Matthew:6:28 @...raiment? Consider the lilies of the...

kjv@Matthew:6:29 @...not arrayed like one of... these.

kjv@Matthew:6:30 @...clothe you, O ye of little...

kjv@Matthew:6:32 @ (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:)...that ye have need of all...

kjv@Matthew:6:33 first the kingdom of God,...

kjv@Matthew:6:34 @...thought for the things of itself....

kjv@Matthew:7:4 @...out the mote out of thine...

kjv@Matthew:7:5 @...out the mote out of thy...

kjv@Matthew:7:9 @...what man is there of you,...

kjv@Matthew:7:15 ... Beware of false...

kjv@Matthew:7:16 @...Do men gather grapes of thorns,...

kjv@Matthew:7:21 @...that doeth the will of my...

kjv@Matthew:7:24 @...whosoever heareth these sayings of mine,...

kjv@Matthew:7:26 @...that heareth these sayings of mine,...

kjv@Matthew:7:27 @...great was the fall of... it.

kjv@Matthew:8:6 @...lieth at home sick of the...

kjv@Matthew:8:11 @...Jacob, in the kingdom of... heaven.

kjv@Matthew:8:12 @... But the children of the...

kjv@Matthew:8:14 @...mother laid, and sick of a...

kjv@Matthew:8:20 @...nests; but the Son of man...

kjv@Matthew:8:21 ... And another of his...

kjv@Matthew:8:26 fearful, O ye of little...

kjv@Matthew:8:27 @...marvelled, saying, What manner of man...

kjv@Matthew:8:28 @...with devils, coming out of the...

kjv@Matthew:8:29 @...thee, Jesus, thou Son of God?...

kjv@Matthew:8:30 @...from them an herd of many...

kjv@Matthew:8:31 @...away into the herd of... swine.

kjv@Matthew:8:32 @...behold, the whole herd of swine...

kjv@Matthew:8:33 @...befallen to the possessed of the...

kjv@Matthew:8:34 @...he would depart out of their...

kjv@Matthew:9:2 @...the palsy; Son, be of good...

kjv@Matthew:9:3 @... And, behold, certain of the...

kjv@Matthew:9:6 @...know that the Son of man...(...he to the sick of the...) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.

kjv@Matthew:9:9 @...sitting at the receipt of custom:...

kjv@Matthew:9:14 @...and the Pharisees fast oft, but...

kjv@Matthew:9:15 @...them, Can the children of the...

kjv@Matthew:9:16 putteth a piece of new...

kjv@Matthew:9:20 @...and touched the hem of his...

kjv@Matthew:9:22 @...he said, Daughter, be of good...

kjv@Matthew:9:27 @...and saying, Thou Son of David,...

kjv@Matthew:9:34 @...devils through the prince of the...

kjv@Matthew:9:35 @...and preaching the gospel of the...

kjv@Matthew:9:38 therefore the Lord of the...

kjv@Matthew:10:1 heal all manner of sickness...

kjv@Matthew:10:2; James the son of Zebedee,...

kjv@Matthew:10:3 @...publican; James the son of Alphaeus,...

kjv@Matthew:10:5 @...and into any city of the...

kjv@Matthew:10:6 the lost sheep of the...

kjv@Matthew:10:7 @...preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven...

kjv@Matthew:10:10 @...the workman is worthy of his...

kjv@Matthew:10:14 @...shake off the dust of your...

kjv@Matthew:10:15 @...Gomorrha in the day of judgment,...

kjv@Matthew:10:16 @...sheep in the midst of wolves:...

kjv@Matthew:10:17 ... But beware of men:...

kjv@Matthew:10:20 @...speak, but the Spirit of your...

kjv@Matthew:10:22 shall be hated of all...

kjv@Matthew:10:23 @...Israel, till the Son of man...

kjv@Matthew:10:25 @...shall they call them of his...

kjv@Matthew:10:29 @...a farthing and one of them...

kjv@Matthew:10:30 @...But the very hairs of your...

kjv@Matthew:10:31 @...not therefore, ye are of more...

kjv@Matthew:10:36 @...foes shall be they of his...

kjv@Matthew:10:37 is not worthy of me:...

kjv@Matthew:10:38, is not worthy of... me.

kjv@Matthew:10:41 in the name of a...

kjv@Matthew:10:42 @...only in the name of a...

kjv@Matthew:11:1 @...had made an end of commanding...

kjv@Matthew:11:2 @...Christ, he sent two of his...

kjv@Matthew:11:10 @...For this is he, of whom...

kjv@Matthew:11:11 @...least in the kingdom of heaven...

kjv@Matthew:11:12 @...until now the kingdom of heaven...

kjv@Matthew:11:19 @...But wisdom is justified of her...

kjv@Matthew:11:20 @...the cities wherein most of his...

kjv@Matthew:11:22 @...Sidon at the day of judgment,...

kjv@Matthew:11:24 @...Sodom in the day of judgment,...

kjv@Matthew:11:25 @...thee, O Father, Lord of heaven...

kjv@Matthew:11:27 @...are delivered unto me of my...

kjv@Matthew:11:29 @...upon you, and learn of me;...

kjv@Matthew:12:1 pluck the ears of corn,...

kjv@Matthew:12:4 @...entered into the house of God,...

kjv@Matthew:12:8 is Lord even of the...

kjv@Matthew:12:23 @...not this the son of... David?

kjv@Matthew:12:24 Beelzebub the prince of the...

kjv@Matthew:12:28 @...God, then the kingdom of God...

kjv@Matthew:12:31 @...unto you, All manner of sin...

kjv@Matthew:12:32 @...word against the Son of man,...

kjv@Matthew:12:34 @...out of the abundance of the...

kjv@Matthew:12:35 evil man out of the...

kjv@Matthew:12:36 @...thereof in the day of... judgment.

kjv@Matthew:12:38 @...of the scribes and of the...

kjv@Matthew:12:39, but the sign of the...

kjv@Matthew:12:40 @...nights in the heart of the...

kjv@Matthew:12:41 @...repented at the preaching of Jonas;...

kjv@Matthew:12:42 hear the wisdom of Solomon;...

kjv@Matthew:12:43 @...spirit is gone out of a...

kjv@Matthew:12:45 @...and the last state of that...

kjv@Matthew:12:50 @...shall do the will of my...

kjv@Matthew:13:1 went Jesus out of the...

kjv@Matthew:13:5 @...they had no deepness of... earth:

kjv@Matthew:13:11 @...mysteries of the kingdom of heaven,...

kjv@Matthew:13:14 fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias,...

kjv@Matthew:13:15 @...their ears are dull of hearing,...

kjv@Matthew:13:18 therefore the parable of the...

kjv@Matthew:13:19 heareth the word of the...

kjv@Matthew:13:21 @...or persecution ariseth because of the...

kjv@Matthew:13:22, and the deceitfulness of riches,...

kjv@Matthew:13:24 @...them, saying, The kingdom of heaven...

kjv@Matthew:13:27 @... So the servants of the...

kjv@Matthew:13:30 @...and in the time of harvest...

kjv@Matthew:13:31 to a grain of mustard...

kjv@Matthew:13:32 that the birds of the...

kjv@Matthew:13:33 @...hid in three measures of meal,...

kjv@Matthew:13:35 @...secret from the foundation of the...

kjv@Matthew:13:36 @...parable of the tares of the...

kjv@Matthew:13:37 @...seed is the Son of... man;

kjv@Matthew:13:38 @...tares are the children of the...

kjv@Matthew:13:39 @...harvest is the end of the...

kjv@Matthew:13:40 in the end of this...

kjv@Matthew:13:41 @...kingdom all things that offend, and...

kjv@Matthew:13:42 @...them into a furnace of fire:...

kjv@Matthew:13:43 @...sun in the kingdom of their...

kjv@Matthew:13:44 @... Again, the kingdom of heaven...

kjv@Matthew:13:45 @... Again, the kingdom of heaven...

kjv@Matthew:13:46 @...had found one pearl of great...

kjv@Matthew:13:47 @...the sea, and gathered of every...

kjv@Matthew:13:49 at the end of the...

kjv@Matthew:13:50 @...them into the furnace of fire:...

kjv@Matthew:13:52 @...which bringeth forth out of his...

kjv@Matthew:13:58 @...mighty works there because of their...

kjv@Matthew:14:1 @...Herod the tetrarch heard of the...

kjv@Matthew:14:6 @...was kept, the daughter of Herodias...

kjv@Matthew:14:8 @...she, being before instructed of her...

kjv@Matthew:14:13 @...him on foot out of the...

kjv@Matthew:14:20 @...and they took up of the...

kjv@Matthew:14:24 in the midst of the...

kjv@Matthew:14:25 the fourth watch of the...

kjv@Matthew:14:27 @...unto them, saying, Be of good...

kjv@Matthew:14:29 @...was come down out of the...

kjv@Matthew:14:31 @...unto him, O thou of little...

kjv@Matthew:14:33 @...thou art the Son of... God.

kjv@Matthew:14:34 @...came into the land of... Gennesaret.

kjv@Matthew:14:35 @...that place had knowledge of him,...

kjv@Matthew:14:36 @...only touch the hem of his...

kjv@Matthew:15:1 @...and Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem,...

kjv@Matthew:15:2 @...disciples transgress the tradition of the...

kjv@Matthew:15:3 @...also transgress the commandment of God...

kjv@Matthew:15:6 @...the commandment of God of none...

kjv@Matthew:15:7 @...well did Esaias prophesy of you,...

kjv@Matthew:15:9 @...for doctrines the commandments of... men.

kjv@Matthew:15:11 @...that which cometh out of the...

kjv@Matthew:15:14 @...they be blind leaders of the...

kjv@Matthew:15:18 @...things which proceed out of the...

kjv@Matthew:15:19 ... For out of the...

kjv@Matthew:15:21 @...departed into the coasts of Tyre...

kjv@Matthew:15:22 @...O Lord, thou Son of David;...

kjv@Matthew:15:24 @...unto the lost sheep of the...

kjv@Matthew:15:27 @...yet the dogs eat of the...

kjv@Matthew:15:29 @...nigh unto the sea of Galilee;...

kjv@Matthew:15:31 @...they glorified the God of... Israel.

kjv@Matthew:15:37 @...and they took up of the...

kjv@Matthew:15:39 @...came into the coasts of... Magdala.

kjv@Matthew:16:3 @...not discern the signs of the...

kjv@Matthew:16:4, but the sign of the...

kjv@Matthew:16:6 @...of the Pharisees and of the...

kjv@Matthew:16:8 @...unto them, O ye of little...

kjv@Matthew:16:9 @...remember the five loaves of the...

kjv@Matthew:16:10 @...Neither the seven loaves of the...

kjv@Matthew:16:11 @...of the Pharisees and of the...

kjv@Matthew:16:12 @...of the Pharisees and of the...

kjv@Matthew:16:13 @...that I the Son of man...

kjv@Matthew:16:14 @...others, Jeremias, or one of the...

kjv@Matthew:16:16 @...the Christ, the Son of the...

kjv@Matthew:16:18; and the gates of hell...

kjv@Matthew:16:19 @...keys of the kingdom of heaven:...

kjv@Matthew:16:21 @...and suffer many things of the...

kjv@Matthew:16:23 @...the things that be of God,...

kjv@Matthew:16:27 @...come in the glory of his...

kjv@Matthew:16:28 @...they see the Son of man...

kjv@Matthew:17:5 @...behold a voice out of the...

kjv@Matthew:17:9, until the Son of man...

kjv@Matthew:17:12 @...shall also the Son of man...

kjv@Matthew:17:13 @...he spake unto them of John...

kjv@Matthew:17:18 @...and he departed out of him:...

kjv@Matthew:17:20 as a grain of mustard...

kjv@Matthew:17:22 @...unto them, The Son of man...

kjv@Matthew:17:25 @...take custom or tribute? of their...

kjv@Matthew:17:26 @ Peter saith unto him, Of strangers. Jesus saith unto him, Then are the children free.

kjv@Matthew:17:27 @...shalt find a piece of money:...

kjv@Matthew:18:1 @...greatest in the kingdom of... heaven?

kjv@Matthew:18:2 @...him in the midst of... them,

kjv@Matthew:18:3 @...enter into the kingdom of... heaven.

kjv@Matthew:18:4 @...greatest in the kingdom of... heaven.

kjv@Matthew:18:6 @...drowned in the depth of the...

kjv@Matthew:18:7 @...must needs be that offences come;...

kjv@Matthew:18:10 @...always behold the face of my...

kjv@Matthew:18:11 @... For the Son of man...

kjv@Matthew:18:12 @...hundred sheep, and one of them...

kjv@Matthew:18:13 @...of that sheep, than of the...

kjv@Matthew:18:14 heaven, that one of these...

kjv@Matthew:18:16 @...that in the mouth of two...

kjv@Matthew:18:19 done for them of my...

kjv@Matthew:18:20 @...I in the midst of... them.

kjv@Matthew:18:23 @...which would take account of his...

kjv@Matthew:18:27 @... Then the lord of that...

kjv@Matthew:18:28 @...out, and found one of his...

kjv@Matthew:19:1 @...came into the coasts of Judaea...

kjv@Matthew:19:7 give a writing of divorcement,...

kjv@Matthew:19:8 @...because of the hardness of your...

kjv@Matthew:19:10 @...him, If the case of the...

kjv@Matthew:19:12 @...eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's...

kjv@Matthew:19:14 @...come unto me: for of such...

kjv@Matthew:19:23 @...enter into the kingdom of... heaven.

kjv@Matthew:19:24 @...go through the eye of a...

kjv@Matthew:19:28 @...sit in the throne of his...

kjv@Matthew:20:1 @... For the kingdom of heaven...

kjv@Matthew:20:8 @...was come, the lord of the...

kjv@Matthew:20:11 @...murmured against the goodman of the...

kjv@Matthew:20:12 @...the burden and heat of the...

kjv@Matthew:20:13 @...But he answered one of them,...

kjv@Matthew:20:18 @...Jerusalem; and the Son of man...

kjv@Matthew:20:20 him the mother of Zebedee's...

kjv@Matthew:20:22 @...that I shall drink of, and...

kjv@Matthew:20:23 @...whom it is prepared of my...

kjv@Matthew:20:25 @...know that the princes of the...

kjv@Matthew:20:28 @...Even as the Son of man...

kjv@Matthew:20:30 @...O Lord, thou Son of... David.

kjv@Matthew:20:31 @...O Lord, thou Son of... David.

kjv@Matthew:21:1 @...Bethphage, unto the mount of Olives,...

kjv@Matthew:21:3 @...The Lord hath need of them;...

kjv@Matthew:21:5 @...a colt the foal of an...

kjv@Matthew:21:9 @...cometh in the name of the...

kjv@Matthew:21:11 Jesus the prophet of Nazareth...

kjv@Matthew:21:12 @...moneychangers, and the seats of them...

kjv@Matthew:21:13 called the house of prayer;...

kjv@Matthew:21:15 @...Hosanna to the Son of David;...

kjv@Matthew:21:16 @...Out of the mouth of babes...

kjv@Matthew:21:17 @...them, and went out of the...

kjv@Matthew:21:23 @...priests and the elders of the...

kjv@Matthew:21:25 from heaven, or of men?...

kjv@Matthew:21:26 @ But if we shall say, Of men; we fear the people; for all hold John as a prophet.

kjv@Matthew:21:31 @...go into the kingdom of God...

kjv@Matthew:21:32 in the way of righteousness,...

kjv@Matthew:21:34 @...And when the time of the...

kjv@Matthew:21:37 ... But last of all...

kjv@Matthew:21:39 @...and cast him out of the...

kjv@Matthew:21:40 @...When the lord therefore of the...

kjv@Matthew:21:42 become the head of the...

kjv@Matthew:21:43 @...unto you, The kingdom of God...

kjv@Matthew:21:45 @...perceived that he spake of... them.

kjv@Matthew:22:2 ... The kingdom of heaven...

kjv@Matthew:22:5 @...But they made light of it,...

kjv@Matthew:22:13 weeping and gnashing of... teeth.

kjv@Matthew:22:16 @...and teachest the way of God...

kjv@Matthew:22:27 ... And last of all...

kjv@Matthew:22:28 @...wife shall she be of the...

kjv@Matthew:22:29 @...scriptures, nor the power of... God.

kjv@Matthew:22:30 @...are as the angels of God...

kjv@Matthew:22:31 touching the resurrection of the...

kjv@Matthew:22:32 @...of the dead, but of the...

kjv@Matthew:22:35 ... Then one of them,...

kjv@Matthew:22:42 @...Saying, What think ye of Christ?...

kjv@Matthew:23:4 @...move them with one of their...

kjv@Matthew:23:5 @...and enlarge the borders of their...

kjv@Matthew:23:7 @...and to be called of men,...

kjv@Matthew:23:13 @...shut up the kingdom of heaven...

kjv@Matthew:23:15 @...twofold more the child of hell...

kjv@Matthew:23:16 @...swear by the gold of the...

kjv@Matthew:23:22 @...sweareth by the throne of God,...

kjv@Matthew:23:23 @...omitted the weightier matters of the...

kjv@Matthew:23:25 @...within they are full of extortion...

kjv@Matthew:23:26 @...platter, that the outside of them...

kjv@Matthew:23:27 @...dead men's bones, and of all...

kjv@Matthew:23:28 @...within ye are full of hypocrisy...

kjv@Matthew:23:29 @...and garnish the sepulchres of the...

kjv@Matthew:23:30 @...them in the blood of the...

kjv@Matthew:23:31 are the children of them...

kjv@Matthew:23:32 @...up then the measure of your...

kjv@Matthew:23:33 @...Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers,...

kjv@Matthew:23:34 @...and crucify; and some of them...

kjv@Matthew:23:35 @...blood of Zacharias son of Barachias,...

kjv@Matthew:23:39 @...cometh in the name of the...

kjv@Matthew:24:1 @...shew him the buildings of the...

kjv@Matthew:24:3 @...and of the end of the...

kjv@Matthew:24:6 @...of wars and rumours of wars:...

kjv@Matthew:24:8 @...these are the beginning of... sorrows.

kjv@Matthew:24:9 shall be hated of all...

kjv@Matthew:24:12 @...shall abound, the love of many...

kjv@Matthew:24:14 @... And this gospel of the...

kjv@Matthew:24:15 @...abomination of desolation, spoken of by...(whoso readeth, let him understand:)

kjv@Matthew:24:17 @...take any thing out of his...

kjv@Matthew:24:21 @...not since the beginning of the...

kjv@Matthew:24:27 @...coming of the Son of man...

kjv@Matthew:24:29 @...heaven, and the powers of the...

kjv@Matthew:24:30 @...coming in the clouds of heaven...

kjv@Matthew:24:31 @...winds, from one end of heaven...

kjv@Matthew:24:32 @...Now learn a parable of the...

kjv@Matthew:24:36, not the angels of heaven,...

kjv@Matthew:24:37 @...coming of the Son of man...

kjv@Matthew:24:39 @...coming of the Son of man...

kjv@Matthew:24:43 @...that if the goodman of the...

kjv@Matthew:24:44 @...think not the Son of man...

kjv@Matthew:24:50 ... The lord of that...

kjv@Matthew:24:51 weeping and gnashing of... teeth.

kjv@Matthew:25:1 @...Then shall the kingdom of heaven...

kjv@Matthew:25:2 ... And five of them...

kjv@Matthew:25:8 @...the wise, Give us of your...

kjv@Matthew:25:13 @...hour wherein the Son of man...

kjv@Matthew:25:14 @... For the kingdom of heaven...

kjv@Matthew:25:19 @...long time the lord of those...

kjv@Matthew:25:21 @...thou into the joy of thy...

kjv@Matthew:25:23 @...thou into the joy of thy...

kjv@Matthew:25:30 weeping and gnashing of... teeth.

kjv@Matthew:25:31 @...sit upon the throne of his...

kjv@Matthew:25:34 from the foundation of the...

kjv@Matthew:25:40 of the least of these...

kjv@Matthew:25:45 of the least of these,...

kjv@Matthew:26:2 @...passover, and the Son of man...

kjv@Matthew:26:3 @...people, unto the palace of the...

kjv@Matthew:26:6 @...Bethany, in the house of Simon...

kjv@Matthew:26:7 @...having an alabaster box of very...

kjv@Matthew:26:13 @...told for a memorial of... her.

kjv@Matthew:26:14 ... Then one of the...

kjv@Matthew:26:15 @...him for thirty pieces of... silver.

kjv@Matthew:26:17 of the feast of unleavened...

kjv@Matthew:26:21 @...unto you, that one of you...

kjv@Matthew:26:22 @...and began every one of them...

kjv@Matthew:26:24 whom the Son of man...

kjv@Matthew:26:27 @...saying, Drink ye all of... it;

kjv@Matthew:26:28 @...this is my blood of the...

kjv@Matthew:26:29 @...henceforth of this fruit of the...

kjv@Matthew:26:30 @...out into the mount of... Olives.

kjv@Matthew:26:31 @...shepherd, and the sheep of the...

kjv@Matthew:26:33 @...shall be offended because of thee,...

kjv@Matthew:26:37 @...and the two sons of Zebedee,...

kjv@Matthew:26:45 @...hand, and the Son of man...

kjv@Matthew:26:47 @...chief priests and elders of the...

kjv@Matthew:26:51 @...high priest's, and smote off his...

kjv@Matthew:26:53 @...more than twelve legions of... angels?

kjv@Matthew:26:56 @...done, that the scriptures of the...

kjv@Matthew:26:61 destroy the temple of God,...

kjv@Matthew:26:63 @...the Christ, the Son of... God.

kjv@Matthew:26:64 @...on the right hand of power,...

kjv@Matthew:26:65 @...further need have we of witnesses?...

kjv@Matthew:26:66 @...said, He is guilty of... death.

kjv@Matthew:26:67 @...him with the palms of their...

kjv@Matthew:26:69 @...also wast with Jesus of... Galilee.

kjv@Matthew:26:71 @...was also with Jesus of... Nazareth.

kjv@Matthew:26:73 @...thou also art one of them;...

kjv@Matthew:26:75 @...Peter remembered the word of Jesus,...

kjv@Matthew:27:1 @...chief priests and elders of the...

kjv@Matthew:27:3 @...again the thirty pieces of silver...

kjv@Matthew:27:5 @...cast down the pieces of silver...

kjv@Matthew:27:6 is the price of... blood.

kjv@Matthew:27:8 @...was called, The field of blood,...

kjv@Matthew:27:9 @...they of the children of Israel...

kjv@Matthew:27:11 @...Art thou the King of the...

kjv@Matthew:27:12 @...when he was accused of the...

kjv@Matthew:27:19 a dream because of... him.

kjv@Matthew:27:21 @...said unto them, Whether of the...

kjv@Matthew:27:24 @...innocent of the blood of this...

kjv@Matthew:27:27 @... Then the soldiers of the...

kjv@Matthew:27:29 @...him, saying, Hail, King of the...

kjv@Matthew:27:32 @...they found a man of Cyrene,...

kjv@Matthew:27:33 say, a place of a...

kjv@Matthew:27:37 @ And set up over his head his accusation written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS.

kjv@Matthew:27:40 @...thou be the Son of God,...

kjv@Matthew:27:42 @...he be the King of Israel,...

kjv@Matthew:27:43 @...I am the Son of... God.

kjv@Matthew:27:47 ... Some of them...

kjv@Matthew:27:48 @... And straightway one of them...

kjv@Matthew:27:51 @...And, behold, the veil of the...

kjv@Matthew:27:52 @...opened; and many bodies of the...

kjv@Matthew:27:53 @... And came out of the...

kjv@Matthew:27:54 @...this was the Son of... God.

kjv@Matthew:27:56 @...Joses, and the mother of Zebedee's...

kjv@Matthew:27:57 @...came a rich man of Arimathaea,...

kjv@Matthew:27:58 @...and begged the body of Jesus....

kjv@Matthew:27:60 @...stone to the door of the...

kjv@Matthew:27:62 @...that followed the day of the...

kjv@Matthew:28:1 @...toward the first day of the...

kjv@Matthew:28:2 @...earthquake: for the angel of the...

kjv@Matthew:28:4 @... And for fear of him...

kjv@Matthew:28:11 @...were going, behold, some of the...

kjv@Matthew:28:19 @...of the Son, and of the...

kjv@Matthew:28:20 @...even unto the end of the...

kjv@Mark:1:1 @...beginning of the gospel of Jesus...

kjv@Mark:1:3 @...Prepare ye the way of the...

kjv@Mark:1:4 @...and preach the baptism of repentance...

kjv@Mark:1:5 @...him in the river of Jordan,...

kjv@Mark:1:6 @...and with a girdle of a...

kjv@Mark:1:7 @...after me, the latchet of whose...

kjv@Mark:1:9 @...Galilee, and was baptized of John...

kjv@Mark:1:10 @...straightway coming up out of the...

kjv@Mark:1:13 @...wilderness forty days, tempted of Satan;...

kjv@Mark:1:14 @...Galilee, preaching the gospel of the...

kjv@Mark:1:15 @...fulfilled, and the kingdom of God...

kjv@Mark:1:16 @...walked by the sea of Galilee,...

kjv@Mark:1:17 to become fishers of... men.

kjv@Mark:1:19 @...saw James the son of Zebedee,...

kjv@Mark:1:24 @...with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth?...

kjv@Mark:1:25 @...peace, and come out of... him.

kjv@Mark:1:26 @...voice, he came out of... him.

kjv@Mark:1:29 @...entered into the house of Simon...

kjv@Mark:1:30 @...wife's mother lay sick of a...

kjv@Mark:1:34 @...many that were sick of divers...

kjv@Mark:2:3 @...him, bringing one sick of the...

kjv@Mark:2:4 @...bed wherein the sick of the...

kjv@Mark:2:5 @...said unto the sick of the...

kjv@Mark:2:6 @...But there were certain of the...

kjv@Mark:2:9 @...say to the sick of the...

kjv@Mark:2:10 @...know that the Son of man...(...saith to the sick of the...)

kjv@Mark:2:14 @...sitting at the receipt of custom,...

kjv@Mark:2:17 @...whole have no need of the...

kjv@Mark:2:18 @...disciples of John and of the...

kjv@Mark:2:19 @...them, Can the children of the...

kjv@Mark:2:21 @...also seweth a piece of new...

kjv@Mark:2:23 pluck the ears of... corn.

kjv@Mark:2:26 @...God in the days of Abiathar...

kjv@Mark:2:28 is Lord also of the...

kjv@Mark:3:5 @...grieved for the hardness of their...

kjv@Mark:3:9 @...wait on him because of the...

kjv@Mark:3:11 @...Thou art the Son of... God.

kjv@Mark:3:17 @...and John the brother of James;...

kjv@Mark:3:18 @...and James the son of Alphaeus,...

kjv@Mark:3:21 @...when his friends heard of it,...

kjv@Mark:3:22 @...and by the prince of the...

kjv@Mark:3:28 @...forgiven unto the sons of men,...

kjv@Mark:3:29 @...but is in danger of eternal...

kjv@Mark:3:35 @...shall do the will of God,...

kjv@Mark:4:4 @...side, and the fowls of the...

kjv@Mark:4:5 had no depth of... earth:

kjv@Mark:4:10 @...with the twelve asked of him...

kjv@Mark:4:11 @...mystery of the kingdom of God:...

kjv@Mark:4:19 @...riches, and the lusts of other...

kjv@Mark:4:26 @...So is the kingdom of God,...

kjv@Mark:4:28 bringeth forth fruit of herself;...

kjv@Mark:4:30 @...we liken the kingdom of God?...

kjv@Mark:4:31 like a grain of mustard...

kjv@Mark:4:32 that the fowls of the...

kjv@Mark:4:37 @...arose a great storm of wind,...

kjv@Mark:4:38 the hinder part of the...

kjv@Mark:4:41 another, What manner of man...

kjv@Mark:5:1 @...sea, into the country of the...

kjv@Mark:5:2 @...there met him out of the...

kjv@Mark:5:7 @...thee, Jesus, thou Son of the...

kjv@Mark:5:8 @...unto him, Come out of the...

kjv@Mark:5:10 @...send them away out of the...

kjv@Mark:5:11 @...mountains a great herd of swine...

kjv@Mark:5:17 @...him to depart out of their...

kjv@Mark:5:22 of the rulers of the...

kjv@Mark:5:23 @...lieth at the point of death:...

kjv@Mark:5:25 @...which had an issue of blood...

kjv@Mark:5:26 @...had suffered many things of many...

kjv@Mark:5:27 @...When she had heard of Jesus,...

kjv@Mark:5:29 @...that she was healed of that...

kjv@Mark:5:30 @...virtue had gone out of him,...

kjv@Mark:5:34 @...peace, and be whole of thy...

kjv@Mark:5:35 @...came from the ruler of the...

kjv@Mark:5:36 @...saith unto the ruler of the...

kjv@Mark:5:37 @...and John the brother of... James.

kjv@Mark:5:38 of the ruler of the...

kjv@Mark:5:40 @...father and the mother of the...

kjv@Mark:5:42 @...was of the age of twelve...

kjv@Mark:6:3 And they were offended at...

kjv@Mark:6:6 @...And he marvelled because of their...

kjv@Mark:6:11 @...Gomorrha in the day of judgment,...

kjv@Mark:6:14 @...And king Herod heard of him;...(for his name was spread abroad:) and he said, That John the Baptist was risen from the dead, and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him.

kjv@Mark:6:15 @...prophet, or as one of the...

kjv@Mark:6:21 @...captains, and chief estates of... Galilee;

kjv@Mark:6:22 @...unto the damsel, Ask of me...

kjv@Mark:6:23 @...thee, unto the half of my...

kjv@Mark:6:24 @...she said, The head of John...

kjv@Mark:6:25 @...a charger the head of John...

kjv@Mark:6:29 @...when his disciples heard of it,...

kjv@Mark:6:33 @...ran afoot thither out of all...

kjv@Mark:6:37 two hundred pennyworth of bread,...

kjv@Mark:6:43 @...of the fragments, and of the...

kjv@Mark:6:44 @...they that did eat of the...

kjv@Mark:6:47 @...was in the midst of the...

kjv@Mark:6:48 @...about the fourth watch of the...

kjv@Mark:6:50 @...saith unto them, Be of good...

kjv@Mark:6:52 @...considered not the miracle of the...

kjv@Mark:6:53 @...came into the land of Gennesaret,...

kjv@Mark:6:54 @...they were come out of the...

kjv@Mark:6:56 @...were but the border of his...

kjv@Mark:7:1 @...the Pharisees, and certain of the...

kjv@Mark:7:2 @...when they saw some of his...

kjv@Mark:7:3 @...not, holding the tradition of the...

kjv@Mark:7:4 @...hold, as the washing of cups,...

kjv@Mark:7:5 @...according to the tradition of the...

kjv@Mark:7:6 @...Well hath Esaias prophesied of you...

kjv@Mark:7:7 @...for doctrines the commandments of... men.

kjv@Mark:7:8, as the washing of pots...

kjv@Mark:7:9 reject the commandment of God,...

kjv@Mark:7:13 @...the word of God of none...

kjv@Mark:7:14 @...unto me every one of you,...

kjv@Mark:7:15 @...things which come out of him,...

kjv@Mark:7:20 @...That which cometh out of the...

kjv@Mark:7:21 @...out of the heart of men,...

kjv@Mark:7:24 @...went into the borders of Tyre...

kjv@Mark:7:25 unclean spirit, heard of him,...

kjv@Mark:7:26 @...forth the devil out of her...

kjv@Mark:7:28 @...under the table eat of the...

kjv@Mark:7:29 @...devil is gone out of thy...

kjv@Mark:7:31 @...Galilee, through the midst of the...

kjv@Mark:7:35 @...opened, and the string of his...

kjv@Mark:8:3 @...the way: for divers of them...

kjv@Mark:8:8 @...and they took up of the...

kjv@Mark:8:10 @...came into the parts of... Dalmanutha.

kjv@Mark:8:11 @...question with him, seeking of him...

kjv@Mark:8:15 @...of the Pharisees, and of the...

kjv@Mark:8:19 many baskets full of fragments...

kjv@Mark:8:20 many baskets full of fragments...

kjv@Mark:8:23 @...and led him out of the...

kjv@Mark:8:27 @...disciples, into the towns of Caesarea...

kjv@Mark:8:28 @...Elias; and others, One of the...

kjv@Mark:8:30 @...should tell no man of... him.

kjv@Mark:8:31 @...of the elders, and of the...

kjv@Mark:8:33 @...the things that be of God,...

kjv@Mark:8:38 @...cometh in the glory of his...

kjv@Mark:9:1 @...have seen the kingdom of God...

kjv@Mark:9:7 @...a voice came out of the...

kjv@Mark:9:9 @...seen, till the Son of man...

kjv@Mark:9:12 @...written of the Son of man,...

kjv@Mark:9:13 it is written of... him.

kjv@Mark:9:17 ... And one of the...

kjv@Mark:9:21 @ And he asked his father, How long is it ago since this came unto him? And he said, Of a child.

kjv@Mark:9:24 @...And straightway the father of the...

kjv@Mark:9:25 @...charge thee, come out of him,...

kjv@Mark:9:26 @...sore, and came out of him:...

kjv@Mark:9:31 @...delivered into the hands of men,...

kjv@Mark:9:35 @...same shall be last of all,...

kjv@Mark:9:36 @...him in the midst of them:...

kjv@Mark:9:37 @...Whosoever shall receive one of such...

kjv@Mark:9:39 @...can lightly speak evil of... me.

kjv@Mark:9:41 @...give you a cup of water...

kjv@Mark:9:42 @...whosoever shall offend one of these...

kjv@Mark:9:47 @...enter into the kingdom of God...

kjv@Mark:10:1 the farther side of Jordan:...

kjv@Mark:10:4 write a bill of divorcement,...

kjv@Mark:10:5 @...them, For the hardness of your...

kjv@Mark:10:6 @...But from the beginning of the...

kjv@Mark:10:10 @...disciples asked him again of the...

kjv@Mark:10:14 @...forbid them not: for of such...

kjv@Mark:10:15 @...not receive the kingdom of God...

kjv@Mark:10:23 @...enter into the kingdom of... God!

kjv@Mark:10:24 @...enter into the kingdom of... God!

kjv@Mark:10:25 @...go through the eye of a...

kjv@Mark:10:26 @...they were astonished out of measure,...

kjv@Mark:10:33 @...Jerusalem; and the Son of man...

kjv@Mark:10:35 @...and John, the sons of Zebedee,...

kjv@Mark:10:38 @...cup that I drink of? and...

kjv@Mark:10:39 @...cup that I drink of; and...

kjv@Mark:10:44 ... And whosoever of you...

kjv@Mark:10:45 @...For even the Son of man...

kjv@Mark:10:46 @...blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus,...

kjv@Mark:10:47 @...say, Jesus, thou Son of David,...

kjv@Mark:10:48 @...great deal, Thou Son of David,...

kjv@Mark:10:49 @...saying unto him, Be of good...

kjv@Mark:11:1 @...he sendeth forth two of his...

kjv@Mark:11:3 @...the Lord hath need of him;...

kjv@Mark:11:5 ... And certain of them...

kjv@Mark:11:9 @...cometh in the name of the...

kjv@Mark:11:10 @...cometh in the name of the...

kjv@Mark:11:13 @...leaves; for the time of figs...

kjv@Mark:11:14 @...No man eat fruit of thee...

kjv@Mark:11:15 @...moneychangers, and the seats of them...

kjv@Mark:11:17 @...all nations the house of prayer?...

kjv@Mark:11:19 @...come, he went out of the...

kjv@Mark:11:29 @...I will also ask of you...

kjv@Mark:11:30 from heaven, or of men?...

kjv@Mark:11:32 @ But if we shall say, Of men; they feared the people: for all men counted John, that he was a prophet indeed.

kjv@Mark:12:2 @...husbandmen of the fruit of the...

kjv@Mark:12:8 @...and cast him out of the...

kjv@Mark:12:9 @...shall therefore the lord of the...

kjv@Mark:12:10 become the head of the...

kjv@Mark:12:13 @...of the Pharisees and of the...

kjv@Mark:12:14 @...but teachest the way of God...

kjv@Mark:12:22 @...left no seed: last of all...

kjv@Mark:12:23 @...wife shall she be of them?...

kjv@Mark:12:24 @...scriptures, neither the power of... God?

kjv@Mark:12:26 @...Abraham, and the God of Isaac,...

kjv@Mark:12:27 @...dead, but the God of the...

kjv@Mark:12:28 ... And one of the...

kjv@Mark:12:29 @...answered him, The first of all...

kjv@Mark:12:34 @...far from the kingdom of God....

kjv@Mark:12:35 @...Christ is the Son of... David?

kjv@Mark:12:38 his doctrine, Beware of the...

kjv@Mark:12:44 @...their abundance; but she of her...

kjv@Mark:13:1 @...Master, see what manner of stones...

kjv@Mark:13:3 @...sat upon the mount of Olives...

kjv@Mark:13:7 @...of wars and rumours of wars,...

kjv@Mark:13:8 @...these are the beginnings of... sorrows.

kjv@Mark:13:13 shall be hated of all...

kjv@Mark:13:14 @...abomination of desolation, spoken of by...(let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:

kjv@Mark:13:15 @...take any thing out of his...

kjv@Mark:13:19 @...not from the beginning of the...

kjv@Mark:13:25 @... And the stars of heaven...

kjv@Mark:13:26 @...they see the Son of man...

kjv@Mark:13:27 @...from the uttermost part of the...

kjv@Mark:13:28 @...Now learn a parable of the...

kjv@Mark:13:32 ... But of that...

kjv@Mark:13:34 @... For the Son of man...

kjv@Mark:13:35 @...not when the master of the...

kjv@Mark:14:1 @...of the passover, and of unleavened...

kjv@Mark:14:2 @...there be an uproar of the...

kjv@Mark:14:3 @...alabaster box of ointment of spikenard...

kjv@Mark:14:4 @...Why was this waste of the...

kjv@Mark:14:9 @...done shall be spoken of for...

kjv@Mark:14:10 @...And Judas Iscariot, one of the...

kjv@Mark:14:12 @...And the first day of unleavened...

kjv@Mark:14:13 bearing a pitcher of water:...

kjv@Mark:14:14 to the goodman of the...

kjv@Mark:14:18 @...say unto you, One of you...

kjv@Mark:14:20 @...them, It is one of the...

kjv@Mark:14:21 whom the Son of man...

kjv@Mark:14:23 @...and they all drank of... it.

kjv@Mark:14:24 @...This is my blood of the...

kjv@Mark:14:25 @...more of the fruit of the...

kjv@Mark:14:26 @...out into the mount of... Olives.

kjv@Mark:14:27 @...shall be offended because of me...

kjv@Mark:14:41 @...come; behold, the Son of man...

kjv@Mark:14:43 @...spake, cometh Judas, one of the...

kjv@Mark:14:47 @...high priest, and cut off his...

kjv@Mark:14:54 @...even into the palace of the...

kjv@Mark:14:61 @...the Christ, the Son of the...

kjv@Mark:14:62 @...on the right hand of power,...

kjv@Mark:14:64 @...him to be guilty of... death.

kjv@Mark:14:65 @...him with the palms of their...

kjv@Mark:14:66 of the maids of the...

kjv@Mark:14:67 @...also wast with Jesus of... Nazareth.

kjv@Mark:14:69, This is one of... them.

kjv@Mark:14:70 @...Surely thou art one of them:...

kjv@Mark:14:71 @...know not this man of whom...

kjv@Mark:15:2 @...Art thou the King of the...

kjv@Mark:15:3 @...chief priests accused him of many...

kjv@Mark:15:9 @...unto you the King of the...

kjv@Mark:15:12 call the King of the...

kjv@Mark:15:17 @...and platted a crown of thorns,...

kjv@Mark:15:18 @...salute him, Hail, King of the...

kjv@Mark:15:21 @...the country, the father of Alexander...

kjv@Mark:15:22 @...being interpreted, The place of a...

kjv@Mark:15:26 @... And the superscription of his...

kjv@Mark:15:32 @...Let Christ the King of Israel...

kjv@Mark:15:35 ... And some of them...

kjv@Mark:15:36 @...filled a spunge full of vinegar,...

kjv@Mark:15:38 @... And the veil of the...

kjv@Mark:15:39 was the Son of... God.

kjv@Mark:15:40 @...James the less and of Joses,...

kjv@Mark:15:43 @...waited for the kingdom of God,...

kjv@Mark:15:45 @...when he knew it of the...

kjv@Mark:15:46 @...stone unto the door of the...

kjv@Mark:15:47 @...and Mary the mother of Joses...

kjv@Mark:16:1 @...and Mary the mother of James,...

kjv@Mark:16:2 @...sepulchre at the rising of the...

kjv@Mark:16:3 @...stone from the door of the...

kjv@Mark:16:6 @...affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth,...

kjv@Mark:16:9 Mary Magdalene, out of whom...

kjv@Mark:16:11 @...and had been seen of her,...

kjv@Mark:16:12 @...another form unto two of them,...

kjv@Mark:16:14 @...their unbelief and hardness of heart,...

kjv@Mark:16:19 @...on the right hand of... God.

kjv@Luke:1:1 order a declaration of those...

kjv@Luke:1:2 @...were eyewitnesses, and ministers of the...

kjv@Luke:1:3 @...having had perfect understanding of all...

kjv@Luke:1:4 @...mightest know the certainty of those...

kjv@Luke:1:5 @...was of the daughters of Aaron,...

kjv@Luke:1:6 @...the commandments and ordinances of the...

kjv@Luke:1:8 @...God in the order of his...

kjv@Luke:1:9 @...went into the temple of the...

kjv@Luke:1:10 @...And the whole multitude of the...

kjv@Luke:1:11 @...on the right side of the...

kjv@Luke:1:15 @...great in the sight of the...

kjv@Luke:1:16 @...many of the children of Israel...

kjv@Luke:1:17 @...disobedient to the wisdom of the...

kjv@Luke:1:19 @...stand in the presence of God;...

kjv@Luke:1:23 @...soon as the days of his...

kjv@Luke:1:26 @...God unto a city of Galilee,...

kjv@Luke:1:27 @...Joseph, of the house of David;...

kjv@Luke:1:29 @...her mind what manner of salutation...

kjv@Luke:1:32 @...unto him the throne of his...

kjv@Luke:1:33 @...Jacob for ever; and of his...

kjv@Luke:1:35 @...which shall be born of thee...

kjv@Luke:1:38 @...said, Behold the handmaid of the...

kjv@Luke:1:39 @...haste, into a city of... Juda;

kjv@Luke:1:40 @...entered into the house of Zacharias,...

kjv@Luke:1:41 @...Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary,...

kjv@Luke:1:42 @...blessed is the fruit of thy...

kjv@Luke:1:43, that the mother of my...

kjv@Luke:1:44 @...soon as the voice of thy...

kjv@Luke:1:45 @...shall be a performance of those...

kjv@Luke:1:48 @...regarded the low estate of his...

kjv@Luke:1:51 @...proud in the imagination of their...

kjv@Luke:1:52 @...seats, and exalted them of low...

kjv@Luke:1:54 @...servant Israel, in remembrance of his...

kjv@Luke:1:59 @...Zacharias, after the name of his...

kjv@Luke:1:61 @...her, There is none of thy...

kjv@Luke:1:65 @...all the hill country of... Judaea.

kjv@Luke:1:66! And the hand of the...

kjv@Luke:1:68 the Lord God of Israel;...

kjv@Luke:1:69 in the house of his...

kjv@Luke:1:70 @...spake by the mouth of his...

kjv@Luke:1:71 @...and from the hand of all...

kjv@Luke:1:74 @...out of the hand of our...

kjv@Luke:1:75 @...him, all the days of our...

kjv@Luke:1:76 @...go before the face of the...

kjv@Luke:1:77 @...people by the remission of their...

kjv@Luke:1:78 @...Through the tender mercy of our...

kjv@Luke:1:79 @...and in the shadow of death,...

kjv@Luke:1:80 @...deserts till the day of his...

kjv@Luke:2:2 @ (...when Cyrenius was governor of... Syria.)

kjv@Luke:2:4 @...Judaea, unto the city of David,...(...the house and lineage of... David:)

kjv@Luke:2:9 @...them, and the glory of the...

kjv@Luke:2:10 @...bring you good tidings of great...

kjv@Luke:2:11 in the city of David...

kjv@Luke:2:13 @...the angel a multitude of the...

kjv@Luke:2:21 @...which was so named of the...

kjv@Luke:2:22 @...according to the law of Moses...

kjv@Luke:2:23 @ (...written in the law of the...)

kjv@Luke:2:24 @...the Lord, A pair of turtledoves,...

kjv@Luke:2:25 @...waiting for the consolation of Israel:...

kjv@Luke:2:27 @...him after the custom of the...

kjv@Luke:2:31 @...prepared before the face of all...

kjv@Luke:2:32 @...Gentiles, and the glory of thy...

kjv@Luke:2:33 @...things which were spoken of... him.

kjv@Luke:2:34 @...fall and rising again of many...

kjv@Luke:2:35 @ (Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.

kjv@Luke:2:36 @...of Aser: she was of a...

kjv@Luke:2:37 @...she was a widow of about...

kjv@Luke:2:38 @...the Lord, and spake of him...

kjv@Luke:2:39 @...according to the law of the...

kjv@Luke:2:40 @...wisdom: and the grace of God...

kjv@Luke:2:41 @...year at the feast of the...

kjv@Luke:2:42 @...Jerusalem after the custom of the...

kjv@Luke:2:43 @...his mother knew not of... it.

kjv@Luke:2:46 @...sitting in the midst of the...

kjv@Luke:3:1 @...and of the region of Trachonitis,...

kjv@Luke:3:2 @...unto John the son of Zacharias...

kjv@Luke:3:3 @...Jordan, preaching the baptism of repentance...

kjv@Luke:3:4 @...Prepare ye the way of the...

kjv@Luke:3:6 @...shall see the salvation of... God.

kjv@Luke:3:7 @...of him, O generation of vipers,...

kjv@Luke:3:8 @...That God is able of these...

kjv@Luke:3:9 @...laid unto the root of the...

kjv@Luke:3:14 @...the soldiers likewise demanded of him,...

kjv@Luke:3:15 @...mused in their hearts of John,...

kjv@Luke:3:16 @...I cometh, the latchet of whose...

kjv@Luke:3:23 about thirty years of age,...(as was supposed)...which was the son of... Heli,

kjv@Luke:3:24 @...which was the son of Janna,...

kjv@Luke:3:25 @...which was the son of Esli,...

kjv@Luke:3:26 @...which was the son of Joseph,...

kjv@Luke:3:27 @...which was the son of Salathiel,...

kjv@Luke:3:28 @...which was the son of Elmodam,...

kjv@Luke:3:29 @...which was the son of Matthat,...

kjv@Luke:3:30 @...which was the son of Jonan,...

kjv@Luke:3:31 @...which was the son of Nathan,...

kjv@Luke:3:32 @...which was the son of Salmon,...

kjv@Luke:3:33 @...which was the son of Phares,...

kjv@Luke:3:34 @...which was the son of Thara,...

kjv@Luke:3:35 @...which was the son of Heber,...

kjv@Luke:3:36 @...which was the son of Noe,...

kjv@Luke:3:37 @...which was the son of Maleleel,...

kjv@Luke:3:38 @...which was the son of Adam,...

kjv@Luke:4:1 @...And Jesus being full of the...

kjv@Luke:4:2 @...Being forty days tempted of the...

kjv@Luke:4:3 @...thou be the Son of God,...

kjv@Luke:4:4 @...but by every word of... God.

kjv@Luke:4:5 @...him all the kingdoms of the...

kjv@Luke:4:6 @...thee, and the glory of them:...

kjv@Luke:4:9 @...thou be the Son of God,...

kjv@Luke:4:14 @...went out a fame of him...

kjv@Luke:4:15 @...their synagogues, being glorified of... all.

kjv@Luke:4:17 @...unto him the book of the...

kjv@Luke:4:18 @...the captives, and recovering of sight...

kjv@Luke:4:19 @...preach the acceptable year of the...

kjv@Luke:4:20 @...down. And the eyes of all...

kjv@Luke:4:22 @...words which proceeded out of his...

kjv@Luke:4:25 @...Israel in the days of Elias,...

kjv@Luke:4:26 @...unto Sarepta, a city of Sidon,...

kjv@Luke:4:27 @...the prophet; and none of them...

kjv@Luke:4:29 @...him unto the brow of the...

kjv@Luke:4:30 @...passing through the midst of them...

kjv@Luke:4:31 Capernaum, a city of Galilee,...

kjv@Luke:4:33 @...which had a spirit of an...

kjv@Luke:4:34 @...with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth?...

kjv@Luke:4:35 @...midst, he came out of him,...

kjv@Luke:4:37 @...out into every place of the...

kjv@Luke:4:38 @...And he arose out of the...

kjv@Luke:4:40 @...hands on every one of them,...

kjv@Luke:4:41 Christ the Son of God....

kjv@Luke:4:43 @...must preach the kingdom of God...

kjv@Luke:4:44 @...preached in the synagogues of... Galilee.

kjv@Luke:5:1 hear the word of God,...

kjv@Luke:5:2 @...fishermen were gone out of them,...

kjv@Luke:5:3 @...taught the people out of the...

kjv@Luke:5:6 @...inclosed a great multitude of fishes:...

kjv@Luke:5:9 @...him, at the draught of the...

kjv@Luke:5:10 @...and John, the sons of Zebedee,...

kjv@Luke:5:12 @...behold a man full of leprosy:...

kjv@Luke:5:15 healed by him of their...

kjv@Luke:5:17 @...Jerusalem: and the power of the...

kjv@Luke:5:19 @...bring him in because of the...

kjv@Luke:5:24 @...know that the Son of man...(...said unto the sick of the...) I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy couch, and go into thine house.

kjv@Luke:5:27 @...sitting at the receipt of custom:...

kjv@Luke:5:29 of publicans and of others...

kjv@Luke:5:33 @...and likewise the disciples of the...

kjv@Luke:5:34 make the children of the...

kjv@Luke:5:36 @...that was taken out of the...

kjv@Luke:6:1 @...disciples plucked the ears of corn,...

kjv@Luke:6:2 ... And certain of the...

kjv@Luke:6:4 @...went into the house of God,...

kjv@Luke:6:5 is Lord also of the...

kjv@Luke:6:13 @...him his disciples: and of them...

kjv@Luke:6:15 @...Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus,...

kjv@Luke:6:16 @...And Judas the brother of James,...

kjv@Luke:6:17 @...and to be healed of their...

kjv@Luke:6:19 @...there went virtue out of him,...

kjv@Luke:6:20 @...yours is the kingdom of... God.

kjv@Luke:6:22 @...evil, for the Son of man's...

kjv@Luke:6:26 shall speak well of you!...

kjv@Luke:6:30 @...asketh of thee; and of him...

kjv@Luke:6:34 lend to them of whom...

kjv@Luke:6:35 @...shall be the children of the...

kjv@Luke:6:42 @...first the beam out of thine...

kjv@Luke:6:44 @...not gather figs, nor of a...

kjv@Luke:6:45 @...for of the abundance of the...

kjv@Luke:6:49 @...fell; and the ruin of that...

kjv@Luke:7:1 @...sayings in the audience of the...

kjv@Luke:7:3 @...unto him the elders of the...

kjv@Luke:7:11 @...called Nain; and many of his...

kjv@Luke:7:12 @...widow: and much people of the...

kjv@Luke:7:17 @... And this rumour of him...

kjv@Luke:7:18 @...of John shewed him of all...

kjv@Luke:7:19 @...calling unto him two of his...

kjv@Luke:7:21 @...infirmities and plagues, and of evil...

kjv@Luke:7:24 @...And when the messengers of John...

kjv@Luke:7:27 @... This is he, of whom...

kjv@Luke:7:28 @...least in the kingdom of God...

kjv@Luke:7:29 @...baptized with the baptism of... John.

kjv@Luke:7:30 @...lawyers rejected the counsel of God...

kjv@Luke:7:31 @...I liken the men of this...

kjv@Luke:7:34 @...a winebibber, a friend of publicans...

kjv@Luke:7:35 @...But wisdom is justified of all...

kjv@Luke:7:36 ... And one of the...

kjv@Luke:7:37 @...brought an alabaster box of... ointment,

kjv@Luke:7:38 @...them with the hairs of her...

kjv@Luke:7:39 @...who and what manner of woman...

kjv@Luke:7:42 @...Tell me therefore, which of them...

kjv@Luke:7:44 @...them with the hairs of her...

kjv@Luke:8:1 @...tidings of the kingdom of God:...

kjv@Luke:8:2 @...Mary called Magdalene, out of whom...

kjv@Luke:8:3 @...which ministered unto him of their...

kjv@Luke:8:4 @...come to him out of every...

kjv@Luke:8:5 @...down, and the fowls of the...

kjv@Luke:8:10 @...mysteries of the kingdom of God:...

kjv@Luke:8:11 @...seed is the word of... God.

kjv@Luke:8:12 @...away the word out of their...

kjv@Luke:8:13 @...believe, and in time of temptation...

kjv@Luke:8:14 @...and riches and pleasures of this...

kjv@Luke:8:21 @...which hear the word of God,...

kjv@Luke:8:22 @...unto the other side of the...

kjv@Luke:8:23 @...came down a storm of wind...

kjv@Luke:8:24 @...wind and the raging of the...

kjv@Luke:8:25 another, What manner of man...

kjv@Luke:8:26 @...arrived at the country of the...

kjv@Luke:8:27 @...there met him out of the...

kjv@Luke:8:28 @...thee, Jesus, thou Son of God...

kjv@Luke:8:29 @ (...bands, and was driven of the...)

kjv@Luke:8:32 @...was there an herd of many...

kjv@Luke:8:33 @...went the devils out of the...

kjv@Luke:8:35 @...sitting at the feet of Jesus,...

kjv@Luke:8:36 @...he that was possessed of the...

kjv@Luke:8:37 @...multitude of the country of the...

kjv@Luke:8:38 @...Now the man out of whom...

kjv@Luke:8:41 @...he was a ruler of the...

kjv@Luke:8:42 @...daughter, about twelve years of age,...

kjv@Luke:8:43 @...woman having an issue of blood...

kjv@Luke:8:44 @...and immediately her issue of blood...

kjv@Luke:8:46 @...virtue is gone out of... me.

kjv@Luke:8:48 @...unto her, Daughter, be of good...

kjv@Luke:8:49 from the ruler of the...

kjv@Luke:8:51 @...father and the mother of the...

kjv@Luke:9:2 preach the kingdom of God,...

kjv@Luke:9:5 @...of that city, shake off the...

kjv@Luke:9:7 @...that it was said of some,...

kjv@Luke:9:8 @...of others, that one of the...

kjv@Luke:9:9 @...but who is this, of whom...

kjv@Luke:9:11 @...them of the kingdom of God,...

kjv@Luke:9:17 @...there was taken up of fragments...

kjv@Luke:9:19 @...others say, that one of the...

kjv@Luke:9:20 @...answering said, The Christ of... God.

kjv@Luke:9:22 @...things, and be rejected of the...

kjv@Luke:9:26 his Father's, and of the...

kjv@Luke:9:27 @...which shall not taste of death,...

kjv@Luke:9:29 @...he prayed, the fashion of his...

kjv@Luke:9:31 glory, and spake of his...

kjv@Luke:9:35 @...came a voice out of the...

kjv@Luke:9:36 those days any of those...

kjv@Luke:9:38 @...And, behold, a man of the...

kjv@Luke:9:43 the mighty power of God....

kjv@Luke:9:44 @...ears: for the Son of man...

kjv@Luke:9:45 @...feared to ask him of that...

kjv@Luke:9:46 @...reasoning among them, which of them...

kjv@Luke:9:47 @...Jesus, perceiving the thought of their...

kjv@Luke:9:52 @...entered into a village of the...

kjv@Luke:9:55 @...know not what manner of spirit...

kjv@Luke:9:56 @... For the Son of man...

kjv@Luke:9:58 @...nests; but the Son of man...

kjv@Luke:9:60 @...and preach the kingdom of... God.

kjv@Luke:9:62 for the kingdom of... God.

kjv@Luke:10:2 therefore the Lord of the...

kjv@Luke:10:6 @...And if the son of peace...

kjv@Luke:10:7 @...the labourer is worthy of his...

kjv@Luke:10:9 @...unto them, The kingdom of God...

kjv@Luke:10:10 @...out into the streets of the...

kjv@Luke:10:11 @...this, that the kingdom of God...

kjv@Luke:10:19 @...over all the power of the...

kjv@Luke:10:21 @...thee, O Father, Lord of heaven...

kjv@Luke:10:22 @...are delivered to me of my...

kjv@Luke:10:30 @...thieves, which stripped him of his...

kjv@Luke:10:34 @...inn, and took care of... him.

kjv@Luke:10:35 @...unto him, Take care of him;...

kjv@Luke:10:36 ... Which now of these...

kjv@Luke:11:1 @...when he ceased, one of his...

kjv@Luke:11:5 @...said unto them, Which of you...

kjv@Luke:11:6 @... For a friend of mine...

kjv@Luke:11:8 @...his friend, yet because of his...

kjv@Luke:11:11 @...ask bread of any of you...

kjv@Luke:11:15 @...through Beelzebub the chief of the...

kjv@Luke:11:16 @...others, tempting him, sought of him...

kjv@Luke:11:20 doubt the kingdom of God...

kjv@Luke:11:24 @...spirit is gone out of a...

kjv@Luke:11:26 @...and the last state of that...

kjv@Luke:11:27 @...things, a certain woman of the...

kjv@Luke:11:28 @...that hear the word of God,...

kjv@Luke:11:29, but the sign of Jonas...

kjv@Luke:11:30 @...shall also the Son of man...

kjv@Luke:11:31 hear the wisdom of Solomon;...

kjv@Luke:11:32 @...repented at the preaching of Jonas;...

kjv@Luke:11:34 @...body also is full of light;...

kjv@Luke:11:36 @...when the bright shining of a...

kjv@Luke:11:39 @...inward part is full of ravening...

kjv@Luke:11:41 @...But rather give alms of such...

kjv@Luke:11:42 @...judgment and the love of God:...

kjv@Luke:11:44 @...them are not aware of... them.

kjv@Luke:11:45 @... Then answered one of the...

kjv@Luke:11:46 @...the burdens with one of your...

kjv@Luke:11:47 build the sepulchres of the...

kjv@Luke:11:48 allow the deeds of your...

kjv@Luke:11:49 @...and apostles, and some of them...

kjv@Luke:11:50, may be required of this...

kjv@Luke:11:51 @...It shall be required of this...

kjv@Luke:11:52 @...taken away the key of knowledge:...

kjv@Luke:11:53 @...provoke him to speak of many...

kjv@Luke:11:54 catch something out of his...

kjv@Luke:12:1 of the leaven of the...

kjv@Luke:12:4 @...friends, Be not afraid of them...

kjv@Luke:12:6 @...farthings, and not one of them...

kjv@Luke:12:7 @...not therefore: ye are of more...

kjv@Luke:12:8 @...him shall the Son of man...

kjv@Luke:12:9 @...denied before the angels of... God.

kjv@Luke:12:10 @...word against the Son of man,...

kjv@Luke:12:13 ... And one of the...

kjv@Luke:12:15 @...not in the abundance of the...

kjv@Luke:12:16 @...them, saying, The ground of a...

kjv@Luke:12:20 @...soul shall be required of thee:...

kjv@Luke:12:25 ... And which of you...

kjv@Luke:12:27 @...not arrayed like one of... these.

kjv@Luke:12:28 @...clothe you, O ye of little...

kjv@Luke:12:29 @...drink, neither be ye of doubtful...

kjv@Luke:12:30 @...that ye have need of these...

kjv@Luke:12:31 ye the kingdom of God;...

kjv@Luke:12:39 @...that if the goodman of the...

kjv@Luke:12:40 @...also: for the Son of man...

kjv@Luke:12:42 @...give them their portion of meat...

kjv@Luke:12:44 @ Of a truth I say unto you, that he will make him ruler over all that he hath.

kjv@Luke:12:46 ... The lord of that...

kjv@Luke:12:48 have committed much, of him...

kjv@Luke:12:54 @...a cloud rise out of the...

kjv@Luke:12:56 @...of the sky and of the...

kjv@Luke:12:57 @...Yea, and why even of yourselves...

kjv@Luke:13:1 @...some that told him of the...

kjv@Luke:13:7 @...he unto the dresser of his...

kjv@Luke:13:10 @...was teaching in one of the...

kjv@Luke:13:11 @...which had a spirit of infirmity...

kjv@Luke:13:14 @... And the ruler of the...

kjv@Luke:13:15 @...doth not each one of you...

kjv@Luke:13:16 @...woman, being a daughter of Abraham,...

kjv@Luke:13:18 @...what is the kingdom of God...

kjv@Luke:13:19 @...tree; and the fowls of the...

kjv@Luke:13:20 @...I liken the kingdom of... God?

kjv@Luke:13:21 @...hid in three measures of meal,...

kjv@Luke:13:25 @...When once the master of the...

kjv@Luke:13:27, all ye workers of... iniquity.

kjv@Luke:13:28 @...prophets, in the kingdom of God,...

kjv@Luke:13:29 @...down in the kingdom of... God.

kjv@Luke:13:31 there came certain of the...

kjv@Luke:13:33 @...a prophet perish out of... Jerusalem.

kjv@Luke:13:35 @...cometh in the name of the...

kjv@Luke:14:1 @...the house of one of the...

kjv@Luke:14:5 @...answered them, saying, Which of you...

kjv@Luke:14:8 @...When thou art bidden of any...

kjv@Luke:14:10 @...worship in the presence of them...

kjv@Luke:14:14 @...recompensed at the resurrection of the...

kjv@Luke:14:15 @... And when one of them...

kjv@Luke:14:18 @...have bought a piece of ground,...

kjv@Luke:14:19 @...have bought five yoke of oxen,...

kjv@Luke:14:21 @...the streets and lanes of the...

kjv@Luke:14:24 @...were bidden shall taste of my...

kjv@Luke:14:28 ... For which of you,...

kjv@Luke:14:32 @...yet a great way off, he...

kjv@Luke:14:33 @...likewise, whosoever he be of you...

kjv@Luke:15:4 @...if he lose one of them,...

kjv@Luke:15:8 @...woman having ten pieces of silver,...

kjv@Luke:15:10 @...presence of the angels of God...

kjv@Luke:15:12 @...give me the portion of goods...

kjv@Luke:15:15 @...himself to a citizen of that...

kjv@Luke:15:17 @...How many hired servants of my...

kjv@Luke:15:19 @...make me as one of thy...

kjv@Luke:15:26 @...And he called one of the...

kjv@Luke:16:2 @...thee? give an account of thy...

kjv@Luke:16:4 @...I am put out of the...

kjv@Luke:16:5 @...he called every one of his...

kjv@Luke:16:6 @...said, An hundred measures of oil....

kjv@Luke:16:7 @...said, An hundred measures of wheat....

kjv@Luke:16:8 @...wisely: for the children of this...

kjv@Luke:16:9 @...friends of the mammon of unrighteousness;...

kjv@Luke:16:15 @...abomination in the sight of... God.

kjv@Luke:16:16 @...that time the kingdom of God...

kjv@Luke:16:17 @...pass, than one tittle of the...

kjv@Luke:16:20 his gate, full of... sores,

kjv@Luke:16:24 @...may dip the tip of his...

kjv@Luke:16:28 @...come into this place of... torment.

kjv@Luke:17:2 @...he should offend one of these...

kjv@Luke:17:6 as a grain of mustard...

kjv@Luke:17:7 ... But which of you,...

kjv@Luke:17:11 @...passed through the midst of Samaria...

kjv@Luke:17:15 ... And one of them,...

kjv@Luke:17:20 @...and said, The kingdom of God...

kjv@Luke:17:21 @...for, behold, the kingdom of God...

kjv@Luke:17:22 @...days of the Son of man,...

kjv@Luke:17:24 @...shall also the Son of man...

kjv@Luke:17:25 @...things, and be rejected of this...

kjv@Luke:17:26 @...also in the days of the...

kjv@Luke:17:28 @...was in the days of Lot;...

kjv@Luke:17:29 @...that Lot went out of Sodom...

kjv@Luke:17:30 when the Son of man...

kjv@Luke:18:3 @...him, saying, Avenge me of mine...

kjv@Luke:18:8 @...Nevertheless when the Son of man...

kjv@Luke:18:12 @...week, I give tithes of all...

kjv@Luke:18:16 @...forbid them not: for of such...

kjv@Luke:18:17 @...not receive the kingdom of God...

kjv@Luke:18:24 @...enter into the kingdom of... God!

kjv@Luke:18:25 @...enter into the kingdom of... God.

kjv@Luke:18:29 @...children, for the kingdom of God's...

kjv@Luke:18:31 @...prophets concerning the Son of man...

kjv@Luke:18:34 @...And they understood none of these...

kjv@Luke:18:37 @...told him, that Jesus of Nazareth...

kjv@Luke:18:38 @...saying, Jesus, thou Son of David,...

kjv@Luke:18:39 @...the more, Thou Son of David,...

kjv@Luke:19:3 @...because he was little of... stature.

kjv@Luke:19:8 @...Behold, Lord, the half of my...

kjv@Luke:19:9 @...also is a son of... Abraham.

kjv@Luke:19:10 @... For the Son of man...

kjv@Luke:19:11 @...thought that the kingdom of God...

kjv@Luke:19:22 @...saith unto him, Out of thine...

kjv@Luke:19:29 @...Olives, he sent two of his...

kjv@Luke:19:31 @...the Lord hath need of... him.

kjv@Luke:19:34 @...The Lord hath need of... him.

kjv@Luke:19:37 @...Olives, the whole multitude of the...

kjv@Luke:19:38 @...cometh in the name of the...

kjv@Luke:19:39 ... And some of the...

kjv@Luke:19:44 @...knewest not the time of thy...

kjv@Luke:19:46 is the house of prayer:...

kjv@Luke:19:47 @...scribes and the chief of the...

kjv@Luke:20:1 @...pass, that on one of those...

kjv@Luke:20:4 ... The baptism of John,...

kjv@Luke:20:6 @ But and if we say, Of men; all the people will stone us: for they be persuaded that John was a prophet.

kjv@Luke:20:10 @...him of the fruit of the...

kjv@Luke:20:13 @...Then said the lord of the...

kjv@Luke:20:15 @...therefore shall the lord of the...

kjv@Luke:20:17 become the head of the...

kjv@Luke:20:20 @...the power and authority of the...

kjv@Luke:20:21 @...but teachest the way of God...

kjv@Luke:20:26 @...could not take hold of his...

kjv@Luke:20:27 @...came to him certain of the...

kjv@Luke:20:32 ... Last of all...

kjv@Luke:20:33 @...the resurrection whose wife of them...

kjv@Luke:20:34 @...unto them, The children of this...

kjv@Luke:20:36 @...God, being the children of the...

kjv@Luke:20:37 @...Abraham, and the God of Isaac,...

kjv@Luke:20:38 @...of the dead, but of the...

kjv@Luke:20:39 ... Then certain of the...

kjv@Luke:20:42 @...saith in the book of Psalms,...

kjv@Luke:20:45 @...Then in the audience of all...

kjv@Luke:20:46 ... Beware of the...

kjv@Luke:21:3 @ And he said, Of a truth I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all:

kjv@Luke:21:4 @...of God: but she of her...

kjv@Luke:21:5 @...And as some spake of the...

kjv@Luke:21:9 @...when ye shall hear of wars...

kjv@Luke:21:16 @...and friends; and some of you...

kjv@Luke:21:17 shall be hated of all...

kjv@Luke:21:18 @...shall not an hair of your...

kjv@Luke:21:21 @...are in the midst of it...

kjv@Luke:21:22 @...these be the days of vengeance,...

kjv@Luke:21:24 @...Gentiles, until the times of the...

kjv@Luke:21:25 @...upon the earth distress of nations,...

kjv@Luke:21:26 for the powers of heaven...

kjv@Luke:21:27 @...they see the Son of man...

kjv@Luke:21:30 see and know of your...

kjv@Luke:21:31 that the kingdom of God...

kjv@Luke:21:34 @...and drunkenness, and cares of this...

kjv@Luke:21:35 @...dwell on the face of the...

kjv@Luke:21:36 @...stand before the Son of... man.

kjv@Luke:21:37 called the mount of... Olives.

kjv@Luke:22:1 @... Now the feast of unleavened...

kjv@Luke:22:3 @...being of the number of the...

kjv@Luke:22:6 @...them in the absence of the...

kjv@Luke:22:7 @...Then came the day of unleavened...

kjv@Luke:22:10, bearing a pitcher of water;...

kjv@Luke:22:11 @...say unto the goodman of the...

kjv@Luke:22:16 @...fulfilled in the kingdom of... God.

kjv@Luke:22:18 @...vine, until the kingdom of God...

kjv@Luke:22:19 @...this do in remembrance of... me.

kjv@Luke:22:21 @...But, behold, the hand of him...

kjv@Luke:22:22 @...And truly the Son of man...

kjv@Luke:22:23 @...enquire among themselves, which of them...

kjv@Luke:22:24 @...strife among them, which of them...

kjv@Luke:22:25 @...unto them, The kings of the...

kjv@Luke:22:30 @...judging the twelve tribes of... Israel.

kjv@Luke:22:39 @...wont, to the mount of Olives;...

kjv@Luke:22:44 were great drops of blood...

kjv@Luke:22:47 @...was called Judas, one of the...

kjv@Luke:22:48 @...betrayest thou the Son of man...

kjv@Luke:22:50 @...high priest, and cut off his...

kjv@Luke:22:52 @...chief priests, and captains of the...

kjv@Luke:22:53 @...hour, and the power of... darkness.

kjv@Luke:22:55 in the midst of the...

kjv@Luke:22:58 @...said, Thou art also of them....

kjv@Luke:22:59 @...And about the space of one...

kjv@Luke:22:61 @...Peter remembered the word of the...

kjv@Luke:22:66 @...was day, the elders of the...

kjv@Luke:22:69 @...on the right hand of the...

kjv@Luke:22:70 @...thou then the Son of God?...

kjv@Luke:22:71 @...we ourselves have heard of his...

kjv@Luke:23:1 @...And the whole multitude of them...

kjv@Luke:23:3 @...Art thou the King of the...

kjv@Luke:23:6 @... When Pilate heard of Galilee,...

kjv@Luke:23:8 @...had heard many things of him;...

kjv@Luke:23:11 @...Herod with his men of war...

kjv@Luke:23:15 @...and, lo, nothing worthy of death...

kjv@Luke:23:17 @ (For of necessity he must release one unto them at the feast.)

kjv@Luke:23:22 @...have found no cause of death...

kjv@Luke:23:23 @...voices of them and of the...

kjv@Luke:23:26 @...a Cyrenian, coming out of the...

kjv@Luke:23:27 of people, and of women,...

kjv@Luke:23:28 @...unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem,...

kjv@Luke:23:35 Christ, the chosen of... God.

kjv@Luke:23:37 @...thou be the king of the...

kjv@Luke:23:38 @...over him in letters of Greek,...

kjv@Luke:23:39 ... And one of the...

kjv@Luke:23:41 @...receive the due reward of our...

kjv@Luke:23:45 @...darkened, and the veil of the...

kjv@Luke:23:51 @ (...the counsel and deed of... them;)...of Arimathaea, a city of the...

kjv@Luke:23:52 @...and begged the body of... Jesus.

kjv@Luke:24:1 @...upon the first day of the...

kjv@Luke:24:3 @...found not the body of the...

kjv@Luke:24:7 @...delivered into the hands of sinful...

kjv@Luke:24:10 @...and Mary the mother of James,...

kjv@Luke:24:13 @... And, behold, two of them...

kjv@Luke:24:14 @...And they talked together of all...

kjv@Luke:24:17 @...unto them, What manner of communications...

kjv@Luke:24:18 @... And the one of them,...

kjv@Luke:24:19 @...unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth,...

kjv@Luke:24:22 @...and certain women also of our...

kjv@Luke:24:23 @...also seen a vision of angels,...

kjv@Luke:24:24 ... And certain of them...

kjv@Luke:24:25 @...O fools, and slow of heart...

kjv@Luke:24:31 @...and he vanished out of their...

kjv@Luke:24:35 he was known of them...

kjv@Luke:24:36 @...stood in the midst of them,...

kjv@Luke:24:42 @...a broiled fish, and of an...

kjv@Luke:24:44 @...written in the law of Moses,...

kjv@Luke:24:47 @...that repentance and remission of sins...

kjv@Luke:24:48 @...And ye are witnesses of these...

kjv@Luke:24:49 in the city of Jerusalem,...

kjv@John:1:4 was the light of... men.

kjv@John:1:7 @...witness, to bear witness of the...

kjv@John:1:8 @...sent to bear witness of that...

kjv@John:1:12 become the sons of God,...

kjv@John:1:13 @...nor of the will of man,...

kjv@John:1:14 @ And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (...of the only begotten of the...) full of grace and truth.

kjv@John:1:15 @...saying, This was he of whom...

kjv@John:1:16 ... And of his...

kjv@John:1:18 in the bosom of the...

kjv@John:1:19 @...this is the record of John,...

kjv@John:1:22 What sayest thou of... thyself?

kjv@John:1:23 @...Make straight the way of the...

kjv@John:1:24 @...which were sent were of the...

kjv@John:1:29 @...taketh away the sin of the...

kjv@John:1:30 @... This is he of whom...

kjv@John:1:34 @...this is the Son of... God.

kjv@John:1:35 @...John stood, and two of his...

kjv@John:1:36 @...saith, Behold the Lamb of... God!

kjv@John:1:40 ... One of the...

kjv@John:1:42 Simon the son of Jona:...

kjv@John:1:44 @...of Bethsaida, the city of Andrew...

kjv@John:1:45 @...prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth,...

kjv@John:1:46 @...good thing come out of Nazareth?...

kjv@John:1:47 him, and saith of him,...

kjv@John:1:49 @...thou art the Son of God;...

kjv@John:1:51, and the angels of God...

kjv@John:2:1 @...Galilee; and the mother of Jesus...

kjv@John:2:3 @...wanted wine, the mother of Jesus...

kjv@John:2:6 @...manner of the purifying of the...

kjv@John:2:8 @...bear unto the governor of the...

kjv@John:2:9 @... When the ruler of the...(but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom,

kjv@John:2:11 @...did Jesus in Cana of Galilee,...

kjv@John:2:14 @...doves, and the changers of money...

kjv@John:2:15 @...drove them all out of the...

kjv@John:2:16 @...Father's house an house of... merchandise.

kjv@John:2:17 @...was written, The zeal of thine...

kjv@John:2:21 @...spake of the temple of his...

kjv@John:2:25 @...that any should testify of man:...

kjv@John:3:1 @...named Nicodemus, a ruler of the...

kjv@John:3:3 @...cannot see the kingdom of... God.

kjv@John:3:5 @...born of water and of the...

kjv@John:3:6 @...that which is born of the...

kjv@John:3:8 that is born of the...

kjv@John:3:10 @...Art thou a master of Israel,...

kjv@John:3:12 @...if I tell you of heavenly...

kjv@John:3:13 @...heaven, even the Son of man...

kjv@John:3:14 must the Son of man...

kjv@John:3:18 @...believed in the name of the...

kjv@John:3:22 @...disciples into the land of Judaea;...

kjv@John:3:25 @...a question between some of John's...

kjv@John:3:29 @...him, rejoiceth greatly because of the...

kjv@John:3:31 earthly, and speaketh of the...

kjv@John:3:34 @...sent speaketh the words of God:...

kjv@John:3:36; but the wrath of God...

kjv@John:4:5 @...near to the parcel of ground...

kjv@John:4:7 @...There cometh a woman of Samaria...

kjv@John:4:9 @...which am a woman of Samaria?...

kjv@John:4:10 @...thou wouldest have asked of him,...

kjv@John:4:13 @...unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this...

kjv@John:4:14 him a well of water...

kjv@John:4:22 @...worship: for salvation is of the...

kjv@John:4:30 @...Then they went out of the...

kjv@John:4:34 do the will of him...

kjv@John:4:39 @...him for the saying of the...

kjv@John:4:41 @...many more believed because of his...

kjv@John:4:42 @...the Christ, the Saviour of the...

kjv@John:4:46 @...came again into Cana of Galilee,...

kjv@John:4:47 @...Jesus was come out of Judaea...

kjv@John:4:52 @... Then enquired he of them...

kjv@John:4:54 @...he was come out of Judaea...

kjv@John:5:1 @...there was a feast of the...

kjv@John:5:3 @...waiting for the moving of the...

kjv@John:5:4 was made whole of whatsoever...

kjv@John:5:19 @...Son can do nothing of himself,...

kjv@John:5:25 @...voice of the Son of God:...

kjv@John:5:27 @...he is the Son of... man.

kjv@John:5:29 @...good, unto the resurrection of life;...

kjv@John:5:30 @...will, but the will of the...

kjv@John:5:31 @...If I bear witness of myself,...

kjv@John:5:32 @...witness which he witnesseth of me...

kjv@John:5:36 @...I do, bear witness of me,...

kjv@John:5:37, hath borne witness of me....

kjv@John:5:39 @...are they which testify of... me.

kjv@John:5:42 @...have not the love of God...

kjv@John:5:44 @...which receive honour one of another,...

kjv@John:5:46 for he wrote of... me.

kjv@John:6:1 @...went over the sea of Galilee,...

kjv@John:6:4 @...the passover, a feast of the...

kjv@John:6:7 @...them, that every one of them...

kjv@John:6:8 ... One of his...

kjv@John:6:11 @...set down; and likewise of the...

kjv@John:6:13 @...baskets with the fragments of the...

kjv@John:6:14 @...did, said, This is of a...

kjv@John:6:18 @...sea arose by reason of a...

kjv@John:6:22 @...on the other side of the...

kjv@John:6:25 @...on the other side of the...

kjv@John:6:26 @...because ye did eat of the...

kjv@John:6:27, which the Son of man...

kjv@John:6:28 @...might work the works of... God?

kjv@John:6:29 @...This is the work of God,...

kjv@John:6:33 @... For the bread of God...

kjv@John:6:35 @...I am the bread of life:...

kjv@John:6:38 @...will, but the will of him...

kjv@John:6:39 @...hath sent me, that of all...

kjv@John:6:40 @...this is the will of him...

kjv@John:6:42 @...this Jesus, the son of Joseph,...

kjv@John:6:45 @...heard, and hath learned of the...

kjv@John:6:46 he which is of God,...

kjv@John:6:48 @...I am that bread of... life.

kjv@John:6:51 @...give for the life of the...

kjv@John:6:53 @...flesh of the Son of man,...

kjv@John:6:58 @...dead: he that eateth of this...

kjv@John:6:60 ... Many therefore of his...

kjv@John:6:62 @...shall see the Son of man...

kjv@John:6:64 @...But there are some of you...

kjv@John:6:65 @...were given unto him of my...

kjv@John:6:66 @...From that time many of his...

kjv@John:6:68 @...thou hast the words of eternal...

kjv@John:6:69 @...that Christ, the Son of the...

kjv@John:6:70 twelve, and one of you...

kjv@John:6:71 @...betray him, being one of the...

kjv@John:7:2 @...Now the Jews' feast of tabernacles...

kjv@John:7:7 @...hateth, because I testify of it,...

kjv@John:7:13 @...of him for fear of the...

kjv@John:7:14 @...Now about the midst of the...

kjv@John:7:17 @...doctrine, whether it be of God,...

kjv@John:7:18 @... He that speaketh of himself...

kjv@John:7:19, and yet none of you...

kjv@John:7:22 @ Moses therefore gave unto you circumcision; ( of Moses, but of the...) and ye on the sabbath day circumcise a man.

kjv@John:7:23 @...circumcision, that the law of Moses...

kjv@John:7:25 @...said some of them of Jerusalem,...

kjv@John:7:28 @...I am not come of myself,...

kjv@John:7:31 ... And many of the...

kjv@John:7:36 ... What manner of saying...

kjv@John:7:37, that great day of the...

kjv@John:7:38 @...belly shall flow rivers of living...

kjv@John:7:39 @ (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.)

kjv@John:7:40 ... Many of the...

kjv@John:7:41 @...Shall Christ come out of... Galilee?

kjv@John:7:42 @...out of the town of Bethlehem,...

kjv@John:7:43 @...among the people because of... him.

kjv@John:7:44 ... And some of them...

kjv@John:7:48 @...of the rulers or of the...

kjv@John:7:50 @ Nicodemus saith unto them, ( night, being one of... them,)

kjv@John:7:52 @...and look: for out of Galilee...

kjv@John:8:1 @...went unto the mount of... Olives.

kjv@John:8:12 @...I am the light of the...

kjv@John:8:13 @...him, Thou bearest record of thyself;...

kjv@John:8:14 @...Though I bear record of myself,...

kjv@John:8:17, that the testimony of two...

kjv@John:8:18 that bear witness of myself,...

kjv@John:8:23; I am not of this...

kjv@John:8:26 @...say and to judge of you:...

kjv@John:8:27 @...he spake to them of the...

kjv@John:8:28 @...that I do nothing of myself;...

kjv@John:8:34 @...sin is the servant of... sin.

kjv@John:8:39 @...would do the works of... Abraham.

kjv@John:8:40 @...which I have heard of God:...

kjv@John:8:41 @...We be not born of fornication;...

kjv@John:8:42 @...God; neither came I of myself,...

kjv@John:8:44 @...a lie, he speaketh of his...

kjv@John:8:46 @...of you convinceth me of sin?...

kjv@John:8:47 @... He that is of God...

kjv@John:8:52 @...he shall never taste of... death.

kjv@John:8:54 @...Father that honoureth me; of whom...

kjv@John:8:59 @...going through the midst of them,...

kjv@John:9:3 @...but that the works of God...

kjv@John:9:4 @...must work the works of him...

kjv@John:9:5 @...I am the light of the...

kjv@John:9:6 @...he anointed the eyes of the...

kjv@John:9:7 @...wash in the pool of Siloam,...(which is by interpretation, Sent.) He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing.

kjv@John:9:11 @...Go to the pool of Siloam,...

kjv@John:9:16 @...This man is not of God,...

kjv@John:9:17 @...again, What sayest thou of him,...

kjv@John:9:18 @...they called the parents of him...

kjv@John:9:21 @...know not: he is of age;...

kjv@John:9:22 @...should be put out of the...

kjv@John:9:23 @...his parents, He is of age;...

kjv@John:9:31 be a worshipper of God,...

kjv@John:9:32 opened the eyes of one...

kjv@John:9:33 @...this man were not of God,...

kjv@John:9:35 @...believe on the Son of... God?

kjv@John:9:40 ... And some of the...

kjv@John:10:2 @...door is the shepherd of the...

kjv@John:10:5 @...know not the voice of... strangers.

kjv@John:10:7 @...I am the door of the...

kjv@John:10:14 @...sheep, and am known of... mine.

kjv@John:10:16 @...have, which are not of this...

kjv@John:10:18 @...commandment have I received of my...

kjv@John:10:20 ... And many of them...

kjv@John:10:21 @...devil open the eyes of the...

kjv@John:10:22 Jerusalem the feast of the...

kjv@John:10:25, they bear witness of... me.

kjv@John:10:26 @...because ye are not of my...

kjv@John:10:28 pluck them out of my...

kjv@John:10:29 pluck them out of my...

kjv@John:10:32 Father; for which of those...

kjv@John:10:35 @...unto whom the word of God...

kjv@John:10:36 ... Say ye of him,...

kjv@John:10:37 not the works of my...

kjv@John:10:39 @...but he escaped out of their...

kjv@John:10:41 @...things that John spake of this...

kjv@John:11:1 @...of Bethany, the town of Mary...

kjv@John:11:4 @...God, that the Son of God...

kjv@John:11:8 @...him, Master, the Jews of late...

kjv@John:11:9 @...he seeth the light of this...

kjv@John:11:11 @...may awake him out of... sleep.

kjv@John:11:13 @...had spoken of taking of rest...

kjv@John:11:19 ... And many of the...

kjv@John:11:22 @...whatsoever thou wilt ask of God,...

kjv@John:11:27 @...the Christ, the Son of God,...

kjv@John:11:37 @...which opened the eyes of the...

kjv@John:11:39 @...stone. Martha, the sister of him...

kjv@John:11:40 @...shouldest see the glory of... God?

kjv@John:11:42 always: but because of the...

kjv@John:11:45 ... Then many of the...

kjv@John:11:46 ... But some of them...

kjv@John:11:49 ... And one of them,...

kjv@John:11:51 @...this spake he not of himself:...

kjv@John:11:52 one the children of God...

kjv@John:11:55 @...and many went out of the...

kjv@John:12:2 @...but Lazarus was one of them...

kjv@John:12:3 @...filled with the odour of the...

kjv@John:12:4 @... Then saith one of his...

kjv@John:12:7 @...alone: against the day of my...

kjv@John:12:9 ... Much people of the...

kjv@John:12:11 @...reason of him many of the...

kjv@John:12:13 @...cometh in the name of the...

kjv@John:12:15 @... Fear not, daughter of Sion:...

kjv@John:12:16 @...these things were written of him,...

kjv@John:12:17 @...he called Lazarus out of his...

kjv@John:12:21 @...which was of Bethsaida of Galilee,...

kjv@John:12:23 @...come, that the Son of man...

kjv@John:12:24, Except a corn of wheat...

kjv@John:12:30 @...voice came not because of me,...

kjv@John:12:31 shall the prince of this...

kjv@John:12:34 @...sayest thou, The Son of man...

kjv@John:12:36 @...may be the children of light....

kjv@John:12:38 @...whom hath the arm of the...

kjv@John:12:41 @...his glory, and spake of... him.

kjv@John:12:42 @...should be put out of the...

kjv@John:12:43 @...they loved the praise of men...

kjv@John:12:49 @...I have not spoken of myself;...

kjv@John:13:1 @...he should depart out of this...

kjv@John:13:2 @...put into the heart of Judas...

kjv@John:13:18 @... I speak not of you...

kjv@John:13:21 @...unto you, that one of you...

kjv@John:13:22 on another, doubting of whom...

kjv@John:13:23 @...on Jesus' bosom one of his...

kjv@John:13:24 @...who it should be of whom...

kjv@John:13:26 @...Judas Iscariot, the son of... Simon.

kjv@John:13:29 @...that we have need of against...

kjv@John:13:31 @...Now is the Son of man...

kjv@John:14:10 I speak not of myself:...

kjv@John:14:17 @... Even the Spirit of truth;...

kjv@John:14:21 shall be loved of my...

kjv@John:14:30 for the prince of this...

kjv@John:15:4 @...branch cannot bear fruit of itself,...

kjv@John:15:15 @...that I have heard of my...

kjv@John:15:16 @...whatsoever ye shall ask of the...

kjv@John:15:19 @...have chosen you out of the...

kjv@John:15:26 @...Father, even the Spirit of truth,...

kjv@John:16:2 @...shall put you out of the...

kjv@John:16:4 @...that I told you of them....

kjv@John:16:5 @...sent me; and none of you...

kjv@John:16:8 of sin, and of righteousness,...

kjv@John:16:9 @ Of sin, because they believe not on me;

kjv@John:16:10 @ Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;

kjv@John:16:11 @...judgment, because the prince of this...

kjv@John:16:13 @...he shall not speak of himself;...

kjv@John:16:14 @...for he shall receive of mine,...

kjv@John:16:15 @...that he shall take of mine,...

kjv@John:16:17 @... Then said some of his...

kjv@John:16:19 enquire among yourselves of that...

kjv@John:16:21 she is delivered of the...

kjv@John:16:25 @...shall shew you plainly of the...

kjv@John:16:33 @...have tribulation: but be of good...

kjv@John:17:6 @...thou gavest me out of the...

kjv@John:17:7 @...hast given me are of... thee.

kjv@John:17:12 @...lost, but the son of perdition;...

kjv@John:17:14 I am not of the...

kjv@John:17:15 @...shouldest take them out of the...

kjv@John:17:16 I am not of the...

kjv@John:17:24 before the foundation of the...

kjv@John:18:3 of men and officers from...

kjv@John:18:5 @...They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth....

kjv@John:18:7 @...And they said, Jesus of... Nazareth.

kjv@John:18:9 @ That the saying might be fulfilled, which he spake, Of them which thou gavest me have I lost none.

kjv@John:18:12 @...the captain and officers of the...

kjv@John:18:15 @...Jesus into the palace of the...

kjv@John:18:17 @...not thou also one of this...

kjv@John:18:18 @...had made a fire of coals;...

kjv@John:18:19 @...of his disciples, and of his...

kjv@John:18:22 @...Jesus with the palm of his...

kjv@John:18:23 @...spoken evil, bear witness of the...

kjv@John:18:25 @...not thou also one of his...

kjv@John:18:26 @...whose ear Peter cut off, saith,...

kjv@John:18:28 @...Caiaphas unto the hall of judgment:...

kjv@John:18:32 @... That the saying of Jesus...

kjv@John:18:33 @...Art thou the King of the...

kjv@John:18:34 @...Sayest thou this thing of thyself,...

kjv@John:18:36 @...if my kingdom were of this...

kjv@John:18:37 @...Every one that is of the...

kjv@John:18:39 @...unto you the King of the...

kjv@John:19:2 @...soldiers platted a crown of thorns,...

kjv@John:19:3 @...And said, Hail, King of the...

kjv@John:19:5 @...forth, wearing the crown of thorns,...

kjv@John:19:7 @...made himself the Son of... God.

kjv@John:19:14 was the preparation of the...

kjv@John:19:17 called the place of a...

kjv@John:19:19 @ And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was, JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS.

kjv@John:19:20 @...title then read many of the...

kjv@John:19:21 @...said, I am King of the...

kjv@John:19:25 @...sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas,...

kjv@John:19:29 @...set a vessel full of vinegar:...

kjv@John:19:32 @...of the first, and of the...

kjv@John:19:34 ... But one of the...

kjv@John:19:36 fulfilled, A bone of him...

kjv@John:19:38 @...take away the body of Jesus:...

kjv@John:19:39 @...and brought a mixture of myrrh...

kjv@John:19:40 @...spices, as the manner of the...

kjv@John:19:42 @...they Jesus therefore because of the...

kjv@John:20:1 @... The first day of the...

kjv@John:20:2 @...away the Lord out of the...

kjv@John:20:12 @...feet, where the body of Jesus...

kjv@John:20:19 @...were assembled for fear of the...

kjv@John:20:24 @... But Thomas, one of the...

kjv@John:20:25 @...finger into the print of the...

kjv@John:20:30 @...Jesus in the presence of his...

kjv@John:20:31 @...the Christ, the Son of God;...

kjv@John:21:1 @...disciples at the sea of Tiberias;...

kjv@John:21:2 @...Zebedee, and two other of his...

kjv@John:21:6 @...on the right side of the...

kjv@John:21:9 @...they saw a fire of coals...

kjv@John:21:10 @...saith unto them, Bring of the...

kjv@John:21:11 to land full of great...

kjv@John:21:12 @...and dine. And none of the...

kjv@John:21:15 @...Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas,...

kjv@John:21:16 @...second time, Simon, son of Jonas,...

kjv@John:21:17 @...third time, Simon, son of Jonas,...

kjv@John:21:24 @...the disciple which testifieth of these...

kjv@Acts:1:1 @...I made, O Theophilus, of all...

kjv@Acts:1:3 @...forty days, and speaking of the...

kjv@Acts:1:4 @...wait for the promise of the...

kjv@Acts:1:6 @...come together, they asked of him,...

kjv@Acts:1:8 @...unto the uttermost part of the...

kjv@Acts:1:9 received him out of their...

kjv@Acts:1:11 @...also said, Ye men of Galilee,...

kjv@Acts:1:13 @...Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus,...

kjv@Acts:1:14 @...and Mary the mother of Jesus,...

kjv@Acts:1:15 @...up in the midst of the...(the number of names together were about an hundred and twenty,)

kjv@Acts:1:16 @...Ghost by the mouth of David...

kjv@Acts:1:17 @...and had obtained part of this...

kjv@Acts:1:18 @...field with the reward of iniquity;...

kjv@Acts:1:19 say, The field of... blood.

kjv@Acts:1:20 @...written in the book of Psalms,...

kjv@Acts:1:21 ... Wherefore of these...

kjv@Acts:1:22 @...a witness with us of his...

kjv@Acts:1:24 @...all men, shew whether of these...

kjv@Acts:1:25 @...he may take part of this...

kjv@Acts:2:1 @...And when the day of Pentecost...

kjv@Acts:2:2 @...sound from heaven as of a...

kjv@Acts:2:3 @...cloven tongues like as of fire,...

kjv@Acts:2:5 @...Jews, devout men, out of every...

kjv@Acts:2:10 @...about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome,...

kjv@Acts:2:11 @...tongues the wonderful works of... God.

kjv@Acts:2:13 @...These men are full of new...

kjv@Acts:2:14 @...unto them, Ye men of Judaea,...

kjv@Acts:2:15 @...but the third hour of the...

kjv@Acts:2:17 @...I will pour out of my...

kjv@Acts:2:18 @...out in those days of my...

kjv@Acts:2:19 @...and fire, and vapour of... smoke:

kjv@Acts:2:20 @...great and notable day of the...

kjv@Acts:2:21 on the name of the...

kjv@Acts:2:22 @...him in the midst of you,...

kjv@Acts:2:23 @...determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God,...

kjv@Acts:2:24 @...having loosed the pains of death:...

kjv@Acts:2:28 @...shalt make me full of joy...

kjv@Acts:2:29 @...freely speak unto you of the...

kjv@Acts:2:30 @...that of the fruit of his...

kjv@Acts:2:31 @...spake of the resurrection of Christ,...

kjv@Acts:2:33 @...the Father the promise of the...

kjv@Acts:2:36 @...let all the house of Israel...

kjv@Acts:2:37 @...and to the rest of the...

kjv@Acts:2:38 @...shall receive the gift of the...

kjv@Acts:2:42 @...fellowship, and in breaking of bread,...

kjv@Acts:2:46 @...with gladness and singleness of... heart,

kjv@Acts:3:1 @...temple at the hour of prayer,...

kjv@Acts:3:2 @...Beautiful, to ask alms of them...

kjv@Acts:3:5 @...expecting to receive something of... them.

kjv@Acts:3:6 of Jesus Christ of Nazareth...

kjv@Acts:3:10 the Beautiful gate of the...

kjv@Acts:3:12 @...the people, Ye men of Israel,...

kjv@Acts:3:13 @...him in the presence of Pilate,...

kjv@Acts:3:15 @...And killed the Prince of life,...

kjv@Acts:3:16 @...soundness in the presence of you...

kjv@Acts:3:18 @...shewed by the mouth of all...

kjv@Acts:3:19 @...come from the presence of the...

kjv@Acts:3:21 @...spoken by the mouth of all...

kjv@Acts:3:22 @...raise up unto you of your...

kjv@Acts:3:24 @...spoken, have likewise foretold of these...

kjv@Acts:3:25 @...shall all the kindreds of the...

kjv@Acts:3:26 @...turning away every one of you...

kjv@Acts:4:1 @...priests, and the captain of the...

kjv@Acts:4:4 @...believed; and the number of the...

kjv@Acts:4:6 @...were of the kindred of the...

kjv@Acts:4:8 @...unto them, Ye rulers of the...

kjv@Acts:4:9 @...this day be examined of the...

kjv@Acts:4:10 of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,...

kjv@Acts:4:11 become the head of the...

kjv@Acts:4:13 @...and they took knowledge of them,...

kjv@Acts:4:15 go aside out of the...

kjv@Acts:4:18 @...teach in the name of... Jesus.

kjv@Acts:4:19 @...right in the sight of God...

kjv@Acts:4:21 @...might punish them, because of the...

kjv@Acts:4:22 @...on whom this miracle of healing...

kjv@Acts:4:25 @...Who by the mouth of thy...

kjv@Acts:4:26 ... The kings of the...

kjv@Acts:4:27 @...Gentiles, and the people of Israel,...

kjv@Acts:4:30 @...done by the name of thy...

kjv@Acts:4:31 @...they spake the word of God...

kjv@Acts:4:32 @...of them that ought of the...

kjv@Acts:4:33 @...witness of the resurrection of the...

kjv@Acts:4:34 @...and brought the prices of the...

kjv@Acts:4:36 @ And Joses, who by the apostles was surnamed Barnabas, (...being interpreted, The son of... consolation,)...and of the country of... Cyprus,

kjv@Acts:5:2 @...And kept back part of the...

kjv@Acts:5:3 @...part of the price of the...

kjv@Acts:5:7 @...was about the space of three...

kjv@Acts:5:9 @...Lord? behold, the feet of them...

kjv@Acts:5:12 @...And by the hands of the...(and they were all with one accord in Solomon's porch.

kjv@Acts:5:13 ... And of the...

kjv@Acts:5:14 @...the Lord, multitudes both of men...)

kjv@Acts:5:15 @...the least the shadow of Peter...

kjv@Acts:5:16 @...also a multitude out of the...

kjv@Acts:5:17 @ Then the high priest rose up, and all they that were with him, (which is the sect of the Sadducees,) and were filled with indignation,

kjv@Acts:5:19 @... But the angel of the...

kjv@Acts:5:20 @...people all the words of this...

kjv@Acts:5:21 @...senate of the children of Israel,...

kjv@Acts:5:24 @...these things, they doubted of them...

kjv@Acts:5:30 ... The God of our...

kjv@Acts:5:31 Israel, and forgiveness of... sins.

kjv@Acts:5:32 @...we are his witnesses of these...

kjv@Acts:5:34 @...named Gamaliel, a doctor of the...

kjv@Acts:5:35 @...unto them, Ye men of Israel,...

kjv@Acts:5:36 whom a number of men,...

kjv@Acts:5:37 @...Galilee in the days of the...

kjv@Acts:5:38 @...or this work be of men,...

kjv@Acts:5:39 @...But if it be of God,...

kjv@Acts:5:40 @...speak in the name of Jesus,...

kjv@Acts:5:41 @...departed from the presence of the...

kjv@Acts:6:1 @...there arose a murmuring of the...

kjv@Acts:6:2 @...should leave the word of God,...

kjv@Acts:6:3 @...of honest report, full of the...

kjv@Acts:6:4 @...and to the ministry of the...

kjv@Acts:6:5 @...full of faith and of the...

kjv@Acts:6:7 @...and a great company of the...

kjv@Acts:6:8 @... And Stephen, full of faith...

kjv@Acts:6:9 @...them of Cilicia and of Asia,...

kjv@Acts:6:14 @...say, that this Jesus of Nazareth...

kjv@Acts:6:15 @...had been the face of an...

kjv@Acts:7:2 @...fathers, hearken; The God of glory...

kjv@Acts:7:3 @...him, Get thee out of thy...

kjv@Acts:7:4 @...out of the land of the...

kjv@Acts:7:8 @...gave him the covenant of circumcision:...

kjv@Acts:7:10 @...sight of Pharaoh king of Egypt;...

kjv@Acts:7:11 @...over all the land of Egypt...

kjv@Acts:7:16 of the sons of Emmor...

kjv@Acts:7:17 @...But when the time of the...

kjv@Acts:7:22 all the wisdom of the...

kjv@Acts:7:23 @...his brethren the children of... Israel.

kjv@Acts:7:24 @... And seeing one of them...

kjv@Acts:7:29 @...stranger in the land of Madian,...

kjv@Acts:7:30 @...Lord in a flame of fire...

kjv@Acts:7:31 @...behold it, the voice of the...

kjv@Acts:7:32 @...Isaac, and the God of Jacob....

kjv@Acts:7:34 @...have seen the affliction of my...

kjv@Acts:7:35 @...deliverer by the hand of the...

kjv@Acts:7:36 @...signs in the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Acts:7:37 @...raise up unto you of your...

kjv@Acts:7:40 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Acts:7:41 @...rejoiced in the works of their...

kjv@Acts:7:42 @...sacrifices by the space of forty...

kjv@Acts:7:43 @...Moloch, and the star of your...

kjv@Acts:7:44 @...fathers had the tabernacle of witness...

kjv@Acts:7:45 @...out before the face of our...

kjv@Acts:7:46 @...tabernacle for the God of... Jacob.

kjv@Acts:7:49 @...what is the place of my...

kjv@Acts:7:52 @...of the Just One; of whom...

kjv@Acts:7:53 by the disposition of angels,...

kjv@Acts:7:55 @...and saw the glory of God,...

kjv@Acts:7:56 @...opened, and the Son of man...

kjv@Acts:7:58 @...And cast him out of the...

kjv@Acts:8:1 @...abroad throughout the regions of Judaea...

kjv@Acts:8:3 @...Saul, he made havock of the...

kjv@Acts:8:5 @...down to the city of Samaria,...

kjv@Acts:8:7 @...loud voice, came out of many...

kjv@Acts:8:9 @...and bewitched the people of Samaria,...

kjv@Acts:8:10 the great power of... God.

kjv@Acts:8:11 @...had regard, because that of long...

kjv@Acts:8:12 @...God, and the name of Jesus...

kjv@Acts:8:14 @...had received the word of God,...

kjv@Acts:8:16 @ (...baptized in the name of the...)

kjv@Acts:8:18 @...Ghost was given, he offered them...

kjv@Acts:8:20 @...thought that the gift of God...

kjv@Acts:8:21 @...right in the sight of... God.

kjv@Acts:8:22 @...if perhaps the thought of thine...

kjv@Acts:8:23 in the gall of bitterness,...

kjv@Acts:8:24 @...for me, that none of these...

kjv@Acts:8:25 @...gospel in many villages of the...

kjv@Acts:8:26 @... And the angel of the...

kjv@Acts:8:27 @...who had the charge of all...

kjv@Acts:8:32 ... The place of the...

kjv@Acts:8:34 @...this? of himself, or of some...

kjv@Acts:8:37 @...Christ is the Son of... God.

kjv@Acts:8:39 @...the water, the Spirit of the...

kjv@Acts:9:1 @...slaughter against the disciples of the...

kjv@Acts:9:2 @...if he found any of this...

kjv@Acts:9:11 @...for one called Saul, of Tarsus:...

kjv@Acts:9:13 @...have heard by many of this...

kjv@Acts:9:15 @...kings, and the children of... Israel:

kjv@Acts:9:20 @...he is the Son of... God.

kjv@Acts:9:24 @...laying await was known of Saul....

kjv@Acts:9:26 @...they were all afraid of him,...

kjv@Acts:9:27 @...Damascus in the name of... Jesus.

kjv@Acts:9:29 @...boldly in the name of the...

kjv@Acts:9:31 @...and in the comfort of the...

kjv@Acts:9:33 @...years, and was sick of the...

kjv@Acts:9:36 @...this woman was full of good...

kjv@Acts:10:1 @...called Cornelius, a centurion of the...

kjv@Acts:10:3 @...the day an angel of God...

kjv@Acts:10:7 @...and a devout soldier of them...

kjv@Acts:10:12 @...creeping things, and fowls of the...

kjv@Acts:10:22 @...among all the nation of the...

kjv@Acts:10:28 @...or come unto one of another...

kjv@Acts:10:31 @...remembrance in the sight of... God.

kjv@Acts:10:32 @...lodged in the house of one...

kjv@Acts:10:33 @...that are commanded thee of... God.

kjv@Acts:10:34 @...God is no respecter of... persons:

kjv@Acts:10:36 @...sent unto the children of Israel,...(he is Lord of all:)

kjv@Acts:10:38 @...all that were oppressed of the...

kjv@Acts:10:39 @...both in the land of the...

kjv@Acts:10:41 @...unto witnesses chosen before of God,...

kjv@Acts:10:42 be the Judge of quick...

kjv@Acts:10:43 @...him shall receive remission of... sins.

kjv@Acts:10:45 @...poured out the gift of the...

kjv@Acts:10:48 @...baptized in the name of the...

kjv@Acts:11:1 @...also received the word of... God.

kjv@Acts:11:2 @...Jerusalem, they that were of the...

kjv@Acts:11:5 @...was in the city of Joppa...

kjv@Acts:11:6 @...creeping things, and fowls of the...

kjv@Acts:11:16 @...remembered I the word of the...

kjv@Acts:11:20 @...of them were men of Cyprus...

kjv@Acts:11:21 @... And the hand of the...

kjv@Acts:11:22 @...came unto the ears of the...

kjv@Acts:11:23 @...all, that with purpose of heart...

kjv@Acts:11:24 @...the Holy Ghost and of faith:...

kjv@Acts:11:28 @...pass in the days of Claudius...

kjv@Acts:11:30 @...elders by the hands of Barnabas...

kjv@Acts:12:1 @...hands to vex certain of the...

kjv@Acts:12:2 @...killed James the brother of John...

kjv@Acts:12:3 @ And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also. (Then were the days of unleavened bread.)

kjv@Acts:12:4 @...him to four quaternions of soldiers...

kjv@Acts:12:5 @...was made without ceasing of the...

kjv@Acts:12:7 @...And his chains fell off from...

kjv@Acts:12:10 @...which opened to them of his...

kjv@Acts:12:11 @...expectation of the people of the...

kjv@Acts:12:12 @...of Mary the mother of John,...

kjv@Acts:12:13 @...knocked at the door of the...

kjv@Acts:12:17 @...had brought him out of the...

kjv@Acts:12:18 @...soldiers, what was become of... Peter.

kjv@Acts:12:20 @...highly displeased with them of Tyre...

kjv@Acts:12:22 @...a god, and not of a...

kjv@Acts:12:23 @...and he was eaten of worms,...

kjv@Acts:12:24 @... But the word of God...

kjv@Acts:13:1 @...called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene,...

kjv@Acts:13:5 @...God in the synagogues of the...

kjv@Acts:13:7 @...was with the deputy of the...

kjv@Acts:13:10 @...pervert the right ways of the...

kjv@Acts:13:11, behold, the hand of the...

kjv@Acts:13:12 @...astonished at the doctrine of the...

kjv@Acts:13:15 have any word of exhortation...

kjv@Acts:13:16 @...his hand said, Men of Israel,...

kjv@Acts:13:17 @...strangers in the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Acts:13:18 @...And about the time of forty...

kjv@Acts:13:19 @...nations in the land of Chanaan,...

kjv@Acts:13:20 @...judges about the space of four...

kjv@Acts:13:21 @...Benjamin, by the space of forty...

kjv@Acts:13:22 @...found David the son of Jesse,...

kjv@Acts:13:23 @ Of this man's seed hath God according to his promise raised unto Israel a Saviour, Jesus:

kjv@Acts:13:24 @...his coming the baptism of repentance...

kjv@Acts:13:25 @...after me, whose shoes of his...

kjv@Acts:13:26 is the word of this...

kjv@Acts:13:27 @...nor yet the voices of the...

kjv@Acts:13:28 @...they found no cause of death...

kjv@Acts:13:29 @...all that was written of him,...

kjv@Acts:13:31 @...was seen many days of them...

kjv@Acts:13:34 the sure mercies of... David.

kjv@Acts:13:36 @...generation by the will of God,...

kjv@Acts:13:38 @...unto you the forgiveness of... sins:

kjv@Acts:13:39 @...justified by the law of... Moses.

kjv@Acts:13:40, which is spoken of in...

kjv@Acts:13:42 @...Jews were gone out of the...

kjv@Acts:13:43 @...was broken up, many of the...

kjv@Acts:13:44 hear the word of... God.

kjv@Acts:13:46 @...and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting...

kjv@Acts:13:47 @...salvation unto the ends of the...

kjv@Acts:13:48 @...and glorified the word of the...

kjv@Acts:13:49 @... And the word of the...

kjv@Acts:13:50 @...and expelled them out of their...

kjv@Acts:13:51 @...shook off the dust of their...

kjv@Acts:14:1 @...the Jews and also of the...

kjv@Acts:14:3 @...testimony unto the word of his...

kjv@Acts:14:4 @... But the multitude of the...

kjv@Acts:14:5 @...the Gentiles, and also of the...

kjv@Acts:14:6 @...Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia,...

kjv@Acts:14:11 @...saying in the speech of Lycaonia,...

kjv@Acts:14:13 @... Then the priest of Jupiter,...

kjv@Acts:14:15 @...We also are men of like...

kjv@Acts:14:19 @...Paul, drew him out of the...

kjv@Acts:14:22 @... Confirming the souls of the...

kjv@Acts:14:26 @...recommended to the grace of God...

kjv@Acts:14:27 @...had opened the door of faith...

kjv@Acts:15:1 @...circumcised after the manner of Moses,...

kjv@Acts:15:2 @...Barnabas, and certain other of them,...

kjv@Acts:15:3 @...Samaria, declaring the conversion of the...

kjv@Acts:15:4 @...of the church, and of the...

kjv@Acts:15:5 @...certain of the sect of the...

kjv@Acts:15:6 @...together for to consider of this...

kjv@Acts:15:7 @...should hear the word of the...

kjv@Acts:15:10 @...yoke upon the neck of the...

kjv@Acts:15:11 @...that through the grace of the...

kjv@Acts:15:14 @...Gentiles, to take out of them...

kjv@Acts:15:15 @...this agree the words of the...

kjv@Acts:15:16 again the tabernacle of David,...

kjv@Acts:15:17 @... That the residue of men...

kjv@Acts:15:18 from the beginning of the...

kjv@Acts:15:20 @...they abstain from pollutions of idols,...

kjv@Acts:15:21 ... For Moses of old...

kjv@Acts:15:22 send chosen men of their...

kjv@Acts:15:23 @...the brethren which are of the...

kjv@Acts:15:26 @...lives for the name of our...

kjv@Acts:15:35 @...and preaching the word of the...

kjv@Acts:15:36 @...have preached the word of the...

kjv@Acts:15:40 @...brethren unto the grace of... God.

kjv@Acts:16:1 @...named Timotheus, the son of a...

kjv@Acts:16:2 @...Which was well reported of by...

kjv@Acts:16:3 @...and circumcised him because of the...

kjv@Acts:16:4 @...keep, that were ordained of the...

kjv@Acts:16:6 @...Galatia, and were forbidden of the...

kjv@Acts:16:9 @...There stood a man of Macedonia,...

kjv@Acts:16:12 of that part of Macedonia,...

kjv@Acts:16:13 @...sabbath we went out of the...

kjv@Acts:16:14 @...purple, of the city of Thyatira,...

kjv@Acts:16:16 @...possessed with a spirit of divination...

kjv@Acts:16:17 are the servants of the...

kjv@Acts:16:18 @...Christ to come out of her....

kjv@Acts:16:19 @...saw that the hope of their...

kjv@Acts:16:26 that the foundations of the...

kjv@Acts:16:27 @...the prison awaking out of his...

kjv@Acts:16:32 @...unto him the word of the...

kjv@Acts:16:33 @...them the same hour of the...

kjv@Acts:16:36 @... And the keeper of the...

kjv@Acts:16:39 @...them to depart out of the...

kjv@Acts:16:40 @...entered into the house of Lydia:...

kjv@Acts:17:1 @...where was a synagogue of the...

kjv@Acts:17:2 @...reasoned with them out of the...

kjv@Acts:17:4 @...a great multitude, and of the...

kjv@Acts:17:5 @...and assaulted the house of Jason,...

kjv@Acts:17:6 @...brethren unto the rulers of the...

kjv@Acts:17:7 @...contrary to the decrees of Caesar,...

kjv@Acts:17:8 @...people and the rulers of the...

kjv@Acts:17:9 of Jason, and of the...

kjv@Acts:17:10 @...went into the synagogue of the...

kjv@Acts:17:11 @...word with all readiness of mind,...

kjv@Acts:17:12 @...which were Greeks, and of men,...

kjv@Acts:17:13 @...of God was preached of Paul...

kjv@Acts:17:18 a setter forth of strange...

kjv@Acts:17:22 @...and said, Ye men of Athens,...

kjv@Acts:17:24 @...that he is Lord of heaven...

kjv@Acts:17:26 @...appointed, and the bounds of their...

kjv@Acts:17:27 @...far from every one of... us:

kjv@Acts:17:28 @...being; as certain also of your...

kjv@Acts:17:29 @...we are the offspring of God,...

kjv@Acts:17:30 @... And the times of this...

kjv@Acts:17:32 @...will hear thee again of this...

kjv@Acts:18:3 @...And because he was of the...

kjv@Acts:18:8 @...his house; and many of the...

kjv@Acts:18:11 @...months, teaching the word of God...

kjv@Acts:18:12 @...Gallio was the deputy of Achaia,...

kjv@Acts:18:14 were a matter of wrong...

kjv@Acts:18:15 @...will be no judge of such...

kjv@Acts:18:17 @...Gallio cared for none of those...

kjv@Acts:18:18 @...then took his leave of the...

kjv@Acts:18:23 @...over all the country of Galatia...

kjv@Acts:18:25 @...taught diligently the things of the...

kjv@Acts:18:26 @...unto him the way of God...

kjv@Acts:19:4 @...baptized with the baptism of repentance,...

kjv@Acts:19:5 @...baptized in the name of the...

kjv@Acts:19:8 @...boldly for the space of three...

kjv@Acts:19:9 @...daily in the school of one...

kjv@Acts:19:10 @...Asia heard the word of the...

kjv@Acts:19:11 @...miracles by the hands of... Paul:

kjv@Acts:19:12 @...evil spirits went out of... them.

kjv@Acts:19:13 @...evil spirits the name of the...

kjv@Acts:19:14 @...a Jew, and chief of the...

kjv@Acts:19:16 @...that they fled out of that...

kjv@Acts:19:17 @...all, and the name of the...

kjv@Acts:19:19 @...they counted the price of them,...

kjv@Acts:19:20 @...mightily grew the word of God...

kjv@Acts:19:22 @...sent into Macedonia two of them...

kjv@Acts:19:25 @...together with the workmen of like...

kjv@Acts:19:27 @...also that the temple of the...

kjv@Acts:19:28 @...saying, Great is Diana of the...

kjv@Acts:19:29 @...Gaius and Aristarchus, men of Macedonia,...

kjv@Acts:19:31 @...certain of the chief of Asia,...

kjv@Acts:19:33 @...they drew Alexander out of the...

kjv@Acts:19:34 @...out, Great is Diana of the...

kjv@Acts:19:35 @...great goddess Diana, and of the...

kjv@Acts:19:37 @...churches, nor yet blasphemers of your...

kjv@Acts:19:40 @...may give an account of this...

kjv@Acts:20:4 @...Derbe, and Timotheus; and of Asia,...

kjv@Acts:20:6 @...Philippi after the days of unleavened...

kjv@Acts:20:7 @...upon the first day of the...

kjv@Acts:20:11 @...while, even till break of day,...

kjv@Acts:20:16 Jerusalem the day of... Pentecost.

kjv@Acts:20:17 @...and called the elders of the...

kjv@Acts:20:19 @...the lying in wait of the...

kjv@Acts:20:24 testify the gospel of the...

kjv@Acts:20:25 @...gone preaching the kingdom of God,...

kjv@Acts:20:26 @...pure from the blood of all...

kjv@Acts:20:27 all the counsel of... God.

kjv@Acts:20:28 feed the church of God,...

kjv@Acts:20:30 ... Also of your...

kjv@Acts:20:31 @...that by the space of three...

kjv@Acts:20:32 @...and to the word of his...

kjv@Acts:20:35 remember the words of the...

kjv@Acts:20:38 ... Sorrowing most of all...

kjv@Acts:21:5 @...till we were out of the...

kjv@Acts:21:6 @...taken our leave one of another,...

kjv@Acts:21:8 @...evangelist, which was one of the...

kjv@Acts:21:11 @...him into the hands of the...

kjv@Acts:21:12 @...both we, and they of that...

kjv@Acts:21:13 @...Jerusalem for the name of the...

kjv@Acts:21:14 @...ceased, saying, The will of the...

kjv@Acts:21:16 @...with them one Mnason of Cyprus,...

kjv@Acts:21:20 @...they are all zealous of the...

kjv@Acts:21:21 @...And they are informed of thee,...

kjv@Acts:21:26 offering should be offered for...

kjv@Acts:21:27 @...the Jews which were of Asia,...

kjv@Acts:21:28 @... Crying out, Men of Israel,...

kjv@Acts:21:30 @...and drew him out of the...

kjv@Acts:21:31 @...unto the chief captain of the...

kjv@Acts:21:32 @...soldiers, they left beating of... Paul.

kjv@Acts:21:35 @...soldiers for the violence of the...

kjv@Acts:21:36 @... For the multitude of the...

kjv@Acts:21:39 Cilicia, a citizen of no...

kjv@Acts:22:3 @...manner of the law of the...

kjv@Acts:22:5 @...and all the estate of the...

kjv@Acts:22:8, I am Jesus of Nazareth,...

kjv@Acts:22:9 @...heard not the voice of him...

kjv@Acts:22:10 @...shall be told thee of all...

kjv@Acts:22:11 @...led by the hand of them...

kjv@Acts:22:12 @...having a good report of all...

kjv@Acts:22:14 @...shouldest hear the voice of his...

kjv@Acts:22:15 @...witness unto all men of what...

kjv@Acts:22:16 @...calling on the name of the...

kjv@Acts:22:18 @...get thee quickly out of Jerusalem:...

kjv@Acts:22:20 @...and kept the raiment of them...

kjv@Acts:22:30 @...wherefore he was accused of the...

kjv@Acts:23:5 @...evil of the ruler of thy...

kjv@Acts:23:6 @...the hope and resurrection of the...

kjv@Acts:23:9 @...the scribes that were of the...

kjv@Acts:23:10 @...been pulled in pieces of them,...

kjv@Acts:23:11 thou hast testified of me...

kjv@Acts:23:12 was day, certain of the...

kjv@Acts:23:16 @...Paul's sister's son heard of their...

kjv@Acts:23:17 @...Then Paul called one of the...

kjv@Acts:23:20 @...they would enquire somewhat of him...

kjv@Acts:23:21 wait for him of them...

kjv@Acts:23:23 the third hour of the...

kjv@Acts:23:27 @...should have been killed of them:...

kjv@Acts:23:29 his charge worthy of death...

kjv@Acts:23:34 @...the letter, he asked of what...

kjv@Acts:24:4 @...thou wouldest hear us of thy...

kjv@Acts:24:5 @...ringleader of the sect of the...

kjv@Acts:24:7 @...took him away out of our...

kjv@Acts:24:8 @...thyself mayest take knowledge of all...

kjv@Acts:24:10 @...that thou hast been of many...

kjv@Acts:24:14 @...worship I the God of my...

kjv@Acts:24:15 @...of the dead, both of the...

kjv@Acts:24:16 @...a conscience void of offence toward...

kjv@Acts:24:21 @...them, Touching the resurrection of the...

kjv@Acts:24:22 @...will know the uttermost of your...

kjv@Acts:24:23 @...he should forbid none of his...

kjv@Acts:24:25 @...And as he reasoned of righteousness,...

kjv@Acts:24:26 @...sent for him the oftener, and...

kjv@Acts:25:2 @...priest and the chief of the...

kjv@Acts:25:8 @...against Caesar, have I offended any...

kjv@Acts:25:9 @...and there be judged of these...

kjv@Acts:25:11 @...if there be none of these...

kjv@Acts:25:15 @...priests and the elders of the...

kjv@Acts:25:16 not the manner of the...

kjv@Acts:25:18 @...they brought none accusation of such...

kjv@Acts:25:19 @...their own superstition, and of one...

kjv@Acts:25:20 @...and there be judged of these...

kjv@Acts:25:21 @...reserved unto the hearing of Augustus,...

kjv@Acts:25:23 @...captains, and principal men of the...

kjv@Acts:25:24 @...whom all the multitude of the...

kjv@Acts:25:25 @...had committed nothing worthy of death,...

kjv@Acts:25:26 @ Of whom I have no certain thing to write unto my lord. Wherefore I have brought him forth before you, and specially before thee, O king Agrippa, that, after examination had, I might have somewhat to write.

kjv@Acts:26:2 @...whereof I am accused of the...

kjv@Acts:26:4 ... My manner of life...

kjv@Acts:26:5 @...the most straitest sect of our...

kjv@Acts:26:6 @...of the promise made of God...

kjv@Acts:26:7 @...Agrippa, I am accused of the...

kjv@Acts:26:9 @...contrary to the name of Jesus...

kjv@Acts:26:10 Jerusalem: and many of the...

kjv@Acts:26:13 @...heaven, above the brightness of the...

kjv@Acts:26:16 @...thou hast seen, and of those...

kjv@Acts:26:18 @...they may receive forgiveness of sins,...

kjv@Acts:26:20 @...throughout all the coasts of Judaea,...

kjv@Acts:26:22 @...Having therefore obtained help of God,...

kjv@Acts:26:25 @...speak forth the words of truth...

kjv@Acts:26:26 persuaded that none of these...

kjv@Acts:26:31 doeth nothing worthy of death...

kjv@Acts:27:1 @...named Julius, a centurion of Augustus'...

kjv@Acts:27:2 Aristarchus, a Macedonian of Thessalonica,...

kjv@Acts:27:5 @...sailed over the sea of Cilicia...

kjv@Acts:27:6 @...centurion found a ship of Alexandria...

kjv@Acts:27:8 @...whereunto was the city of... Lasea.

kjv@Acts:27:10 @...and ship, but also of our...

kjv@Acts:27:11 @...master and the owner of the...

kjv@Acts:27:12 @...which is an haven of Crete,...

kjv@Acts:27:19 @...own hands the tackling of the...

kjv@Acts:27:21 @...forth in the midst of them,...

kjv@Acts:27:22 among you, but of the...

kjv@Acts:27:23 @...this night the angel of God,...

kjv@Acts:27:25 @... Wherefore, sirs, be of good...

kjv@Acts:27:29 @...cast four anchors out of the...

kjv@Acts:27:30 @...have cast anchors out of the...

kjv@Acts:27:32 @...cut off the ropes of the...

kjv@Acts:27:34 @...fall from the head of any...

kjv@Acts:27:35 God in presence of them...

kjv@Acts:27:36 @...Then were they all of good...

kjv@Acts:27:41 @...broken with the violence of the...

kjv@Acts:27:42 @...the prisoners, lest any of them...

kjv@Acts:27:44 @...some on broken pieces of the...

kjv@Acts:28:2 @...present rain, and because of the...

kjv@Acts:28:3 @...came a viper out of the...

kjv@Acts:28:7 @...of the chief man of the...

kjv@Acts:28:8 @...of a fever and of a...

kjv@Acts:28:11 @...departed in a ship of Alexandria,...

kjv@Acts:28:15 @...when the brethren heard of us,...

kjv@Acts:28:16 @...prisoners to the captain of the...

kjv@Acts:28:17 @...Jerusalem into the hands of the...

kjv@Acts:28:18 @...there was no cause of death...

kjv@Acts:28:20 @...that for the hope of Israel...

kjv@Acts:28:21 @...concerning thee, neither any of the...

kjv@Acts:28:22 @...we desire to hear of thee...

kjv@Acts:28:23 @...of Moses, and out of the...

kjv@Acts:28:27 @...their ears are dull of hearing,...

kjv@Acts:28:28, that the salvation of God...

kjv@Acts:28:31 @... Preaching the kingdom of God,...

kjv@Romans:1:1 @... Paul, a servant of Jesus...

kjv@Romans:1:3 @...made of the seed of David...

kjv@Romans:1:4 @...according to the spirit of holiness,...

kjv@Romans:1:6 also the called of Jesus...

kjv@Romans:1:7 in Rome, beloved of God,...

kjv@Romans:1:8 @...your faith is spoken of throughout...

kjv@Romans:1:9 @...ceasing I make mention of you...

kjv@Romans:1:10 @...journey by the will of God...

kjv@Romans:1:12 @...the mutual faith both of you...

kjv@Romans:1:16 is the power of God...

kjv@Romans:1:17 @...therein is the righteousness of God...

kjv@Romans:1:18 @...all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men,...

kjv@Romans:1:19 @...which may be known of God...

kjv@Romans:1:20 @...him from the creation of the...

kjv@Romans:1:23 @...And changed the glory of the...

kjv@Romans:1:24 @...uncleanness through the lusts of their...

kjv@Romans:1:25 @...Who changed the truth of God...

kjv@Romans:1:27 themselves that recompence of their...

kjv@Romans:1:29 @...wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy,...

kjv@Romans:1:30 @...despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil...

kjv@Romans:1:32 @...such things are worthy of death,...

kjv@Romans:2:2 @...sure that the judgment of God...

kjv@Romans:2:3 @...shalt escape the judgment of... God?

kjv@Romans:2:4 @...knowing that the goodness of God...

kjv@Romans:2:5 @...of wrath and revelation of the...

kjv@Romans:2:9 @...Jew first, and also of the...

kjv@Romans:2:11 @...there is no respect of persons...

kjv@Romans:2:13 @ (...God, but the doers of the...

kjv@Romans:2:15 @...Which shew the work of the...)

kjv@Romans:2:16 @...shall judge the secrets of men...

kjv@Romans:2:17 @...and makest thy boast of... God,

kjv@Romans:2:18 @...excellent, being instructed out of the...

kjv@Romans:2:19 @...the blind, a light of them...

kjv@Romans:2:20 @...form of knowledge and of the...

kjv@Romans:2:23 @...that makest thy boast of the...

kjv@Romans:2:24 @... For the name of God...

kjv@Romans:2:25 @...thou be a breaker of the...

kjv@Romans:2:26 @...uncircumcision keep the righteousness of the...

kjv@Romans:2:29 @...whose praise is not of men,...

kjv@Romans:3:1 @...what profit is there of... circumcision?

kjv@Romans:3:2 @...were committed the oracles of... God.

kjv@Romans:3:3 @...unbelief make the faith of God...

kjv@Romans:3:5 @...unrighteousness commend the righteousness of God,...(I speak as a man)

kjv@Romans:3:7 @...For if the truth of God...

kjv@Romans:3:12 @...are all gone out of the...

kjv@Romans:3:13 @...used deceit; the poison of asps...

kjv@Romans:3:14 @...Whose mouth is full of cursing...

kjv@Romans:3:17 @... And the way of peace...

kjv@Romans:3:18 @...There is no fear of God...

kjv@Romans:3:20 @...Therefore by the deeds of the...

kjv@Romans:3:21 @...But now the righteousness of God...

kjv@Romans:3:22 @...which is by faith of Jesus...

kjv@Romans:3:23 @...sinned, and come short of the...

kjv@Romans:3:25 @...righteousness for the remission of sins...

kjv@Romans:3:26 @...just, and the justifier of him...

kjv@Romans:3:27 @...excluded. By what law? of works?...

kjv@Romans:3:28 without the deeds of the...

kjv@Romans:3:29 @...of the Gentiles? Yes, of the...

kjv@Romans:4:4 @...the reward not reckoned of grace,...

kjv@Romans:4:6 @...also describeth the blessedness of the...

kjv@Romans:4:11 @...might be the father of all...

kjv@Romans:4:12 @...steps of that faith of our...

kjv@Romans:4:13 @...should be the heir of the...

kjv@Romans:4:14 @...and the promise made of none...

kjv@Romans:4:16 @...who is the father of us...

kjv@Romans:4:17 @ (...made thee a father of many...) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.

kjv@Romans:4:18 @...might become the father of many...

kjv@Romans:4:19 @...neither yet the deadness of Sara's...

kjv@Romans:4:20 @...not at the promise of God...

kjv@Romans:5:2 @...and rejoice in hope of the...

kjv@Romans:5:5 @...ashamed; because the love of God...

kjv@Romans:5:10 @...God by the death of his...

kjv@Romans:5:14 @...who is the figure of him...

kjv@Romans:5:15 @...much more the grace of God,...

kjv@Romans:5:16 is of many offences unto...

kjv@Romans:5:17 @...and of the gift of righteousness...)

kjv@Romans:5:18 by the righteousness of one...

kjv@Romans:5:19 by the obedience of one...

kjv@Romans:6:3 @...not, that so many of us...

kjv@Romans:6:4 @...dead by the glory of the...

kjv@Romans:6:5 @...also in the likeness of his...

kjv@Romans:6:6 @...him, that the body of sin...

kjv@Romans:6:13 @...your members as instruments of righteousness...

kjv@Romans:6:16 @...sin unto death, or of obedience...

kjv@Romans:6:17 @...the heart that form of doctrine...

kjv@Romans:6:18 became the servants of... righteousness.

kjv@Romans:6:19 @...because of the infirmity of your...

kjv@Romans:6:20 were the servants of sin,...

kjv@Romans:6:21 @...ashamed? for the end of those...

kjv@Romans:6:23 @...death; but the gift of God...

kjv@Romans:7:2 @...loosed from the law of her...

kjv@Romans:7:4 by the body of Christ;...

kjv@Romans:7:5 @...the flesh, the motions of sins,...

kjv@Romans:7:6 @...not in the oldness of the...

kjv@Romans:7:8 me all manner of concupiscence....

kjv@Romans:7:22 @...delight in the law of God...

kjv@Romans:7:23 @...captivity to the law of sin...

kjv@Romans:7:24 from the body of this...

kjv@Romans:7:25 @...myself serve the law of God;...

kjv@Romans:8:2 from the law of sin...

kjv@Romans:8:3 @...Son in the likeness of sinful...

kjv@Romans:8:4 @... That the righteousness of the...

kjv@Romans:8:5 @...the Spirit the things of the...

kjv@Romans:8:7 @...subject to the law of God,...

kjv@Romans:8:9 @...have not the Spirit of Christ,...

kjv@Romans:8:10 @...body is dead because of sin;...

kjv@Romans:8:11 @...But if the Spirit of him...

kjv@Romans:8:13 mortify the deeds of the...

kjv@Romans:8:14 @...led by the Spirit of God,...

kjv@Romans:8:15 @...have received the Spirit of adoption,...

kjv@Romans:8:16 @...we are the children of... God:

kjv@Romans:8:17 @...children, then heirs; heirs of God,...-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

kjv@Romans:8:18 @...reckon that the sufferings of this...

kjv@Romans:8:19 @...waiteth for the manifestation of the...

kjv@Romans:8:20 @...willingly, but by reason of him...

kjv@Romans:8:21 @...into the glorious liberty of the...

kjv@Romans:8:23 wit, the redemption of our...

kjv@Romans:8:27 @...what is the mind of the...

kjv@Romans:8:29 @...conformed to the image of his...

kjv@Romans:8:33 @...thing to the charge of God's...

kjv@Romans:8:34 the right hand of God,...

kjv@Romans:8:35 from the love of Christ?...

kjv@Romans:8:39 from the love of God,...

kjv@Romans:9:4, and the service of God,...

kjv@Romans:9:5 @...are the fathers, and of whom...

kjv@Romans:9:6 though the word of God...

kjv@Romans:9:7 @...they are the seed of Abraham,...

kjv@Romans:9:8 @...God: but the children of the...

kjv@Romans:9:9 @...this is the word of promise,...

kjv@Romans:9:11 @ (...not of works, but of him...)

kjv@Romans:9:16 @...him that runneth, but of God...

kjv@Romans:9:21 @...power over the clay, of the...

kjv@Romans:9:22 @...much longsuffering the vessels of wrath...

kjv@Romans:9:23 @...glory on the vessels of mercy,...

kjv@Romans:9:24 @...Jews only, but also of the...

kjv@Romans:9:26 called the children of the...

kjv@Romans:9:27 as the sand of the...

kjv@Romans:9:29 @...before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth...

kjv@Romans:9:30 @...the righteousness which is of... faith.

kjv@Romans:9:31 @...followed after the law of righteousness,...

kjv@Romans:9:32 @...were by the works of the...

kjv@Romans:9:33 @...stumblingstone and rock of offence: and...

kjv@Romans:10:2 @...they have a zeal of God,...

kjv@Romans:10:3 @...For they being ignorant of God's...

kjv@Romans:10:4 @...Christ is the end of the...

kjv@Romans:10:5 @...the righteousness which is of the...

kjv@Romans:10:6 @...the righteousness which is of faith...(that is, to bring Christ down from above:)

kjv@Romans:10:8 @...that is, the word of faith,...

kjv@Romans:10:13 upon the name of the...

kjv@Romans:10:14 @...they believe in him of whom...

kjv@Romans:10:15 @...and bring glad tidings of good...

kjv@Romans:10:17 @...hearing by the word of... God.

kjv@Romans:10:18 @...words unto the ends of the...

kjv@Romans:10:20 @...saith, I was found of them...

kjv@Romans:11:1 @...the seed of Abraham, of the...

kjv@Romans:11:2 @...what the scripture saith of Elias?...

kjv@Romans:11:4 @...what saith the answer of God...

kjv@Romans:11:5 @...according to the election of... grace.

kjv@Romans:11:6 @...But if it be of works,...

kjv@Romans:11:8 @ (...given them the spirit of slumber,...) unto this day.

kjv@Romans:11:12 @...of them the riches of the...

kjv@Romans:11:13 @...I am the apostle of the...

kjv@Romans:11:14 @...and might save some of... them.

kjv@Romans:11:15 @...what shall the receiving of them...

kjv@Romans:11:17 @...the root and fatness of the...

kjv@Romans:11:20 @...unbelief they were broken off, and...

kjv@Romans:11:22 @...the goodness and severity of God:...

kjv@Romans:11:24 @...thou wert cut out of the...

kjv@Romans:11:25 @...Israel, until the fulness of the...

kjv@Romans:11:26 @...There shall come out of Sion...

kjv@Romans:11:29 @...the gifts and calling of God...

kjv@Romans:11:33 @...the wisdom and knowledge of God!...

kjv@Romans:11:34 @...hath known the mind of the...

kjv@Romans:11:36 ... For of him,...

kjv@Romans:12:1 @...brethren, by the mercies of God,...

kjv@Romans:12:2 @...transformed by the renewing of your...

kjv@Romans:12:3, not to think of himself...

kjv@Romans:12:5 @...every one members one of... another.

kjv@Romans:12:6 @...according to the proportion of... faith;

kjv@Romans:12:13 @...Distributing to the necessity of saints;...

kjv@Romans:12:16 @...but condescend to men of low...

kjv@Romans:12:17 @...honest in the sight of all...

kjv@Romans:12:20 @...thou shalt heap coals of fire...

kjv@Romans:12:21 @... Be not overcome of evil,...

kjv@Romans:13:1 no power but of God:...

kjv@Romans:13:2 @...power, resisteth the ordinance of God:...

kjv@Romans:13:3 @...thou shalt have praise of the...

kjv@Romans:13:4 @...he is the minister of God,...

kjv@Romans:13:10 is the fulfilling of the...

kjv@Romans:13:11 @...time to awake out of sleep:...

kjv@Romans:13:12 @...cast off the works of darkness,...

kjv@Romans:14:7 ... For none of us...

kjv@Romans:14:9 @...might be Lord both of the...

kjv@Romans:14:10 @...before the judgment seat of... Christ.

kjv@Romans:14:12 shall give account of himself...

kjv@Romans:14:14 @...there is nothing unclean of itself:...

kjv@Romans:14:17 @... For the kingdom of God...

kjv@Romans:14:18 God, and approved of... men.

kjv@Romans:14:20 @...destroy not the work of God....

kjv@Romans:14:23 @...for whatsoever is not of faith...

kjv@Romans:15:1 bear the infirmities of the...

kjv@Romans:15:2 @... Let every one of us...

kjv@Romans:15:3 written, The reproaches of them...

kjv@Romans:15:4 @...through patience and comfort of the...

kjv@Romans:15:5 @... Now the God of patience...

kjv@Romans:15:6 @...God, even the Father of our...

kjv@Romans:15:7 to the glory of... God.

kjv@Romans:15:8 @...circumcision for the truth of God,...

kjv@Romans:15:12 @...shall be a root of Jesse,...

kjv@Romans:15:13 @...hope, through the power of the...

kjv@Romans:15:14 also are full of goodness,...

kjv@Romans:15:15 in mind, because of the...

kjv@Romans:15:16 @...that the offering up of the...

kjv@Romans:15:18 speak of any of those...

kjv@Romans:15:19 @...power of the Spirit of God;...

kjv@Romans:15:26 hath pleased them of Macedonia...

kjv@Romans:15:27 @...have been made partakers of their...

kjv@Romans:15:29 @...fulness of the blessing of the...

kjv@Romans:15:30 @...and for the love of the...

kjv@Romans:15:31 @...Jerusalem may be accepted of the...

kjv@Romans:15:32 by the will of God,...

kjv@Romans:15:33 @... Now the God of peace...

kjv@Romans:16:1 @...which is a servant of the...

kjv@Romans:16:2 @...succourer of many, and of myself...

kjv@Romans:16:4 @...also all the churches of the...

kjv@Romans:16:5 @...who is the firstfruits of Achaia...

kjv@Romans:16:7 fellowprisoners, who are of note...

kjv@Romans:16:10 @...Salute them which are of Aristobulus'...

kjv@Romans:16:11 of the household of Narcissus,...

kjv@Romans:16:16 @...holy kiss. The churches of Christ...

kjv@Romans:16:18 @...speeches deceive the hearts of the...

kjv@Romans:16:20 @...feet shortly. The grace of our...

kjv@Romans:16:23 Erastus the chamberlain of the...

kjv@Romans:16:24 ... The grace of our...

kjv@Romans:16:25 @...according to the revelation of the...

kjv@Romans:16:26 @...according to the commandment of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:1:1 @...Christ through the will of God,...

kjv@1Corinthians:1:2 upon the name of Jesus...

kjv@1Corinthians:1:4 @...behalf, for the grace of God...

kjv@1Corinthians:1:6 @...Even as the testimony of Christ...

kjv@1Corinthians:1:7 @...waiting for the coming of our...

kjv@1Corinthians:1:8 @...blameless in the day of our...

kjv@1Corinthians:1:9 @...called unto the fellowship of his...

kjv@1Corinthians:1:10 @...brethren, by the name of our...

kjv@1Corinthians:1:11 @...are of the house of Chloe,...

kjv@1Corinthians:1:12 @...of Apollos; and I of Cephas;...

kjv@1Corinthians:1:13 @...baptized in the name of... Paul?

kjv@1Corinthians:1:14 @...that I baptized none of you,...

kjv@1Corinthians:1:16 @...baptized also the household of Stephanas:...

kjv@1Corinthians:1:17 @...Christ should be made of none...

kjv@1Corinthians:1:18 @... For the preaching of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:1:19 nothing the understanding of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:1:20 @...made foolish the wisdom of this...

kjv@1Corinthians:1:21 @...God by the foolishness of preaching...

kjv@1Corinthians:1:24 @...Greeks, Christ the power of God,...

kjv@1Corinthians:1:25; and the weakness of God...

kjv@1Corinthians:1:27 @...chosen the weak things of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:1:28 @... And base things of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:1:30 Christ Jesus, who of God...

kjv@1Corinthians:2:1 @...excellency of speech or of wisdom,...

kjv@1Corinthians:2:4 @...wisdom, but in demonstration of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:2:5 @...stand in the wisdom of men,...

kjv@1Corinthians:2:6 @...nor of the princes of this...

kjv@1Corinthians:2:7 @...we speak the wisdom of God...

kjv@1Corinthians:2:8 @...none of the princes of this...

kjv@1Corinthians:2:9 @...entered into the heart of man,...

kjv@1Corinthians:2:10 @...yea, the deep things of... God.

kjv@1Corinthians:2:11 @...even so the things of God...

kjv@1Corinthians:2:12 @...the spirit which is of God;...

kjv@1Corinthians:2:14 @...things of the Spirit of God:...

kjv@1Corinthians:2:15 @...he himself is judged of no...

kjv@1Corinthians:2:16 @...hath known the mind of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:3:4 @...and another, I am of Apollos;...

kjv@1Corinthians:3:10 @...According to the grace of God...

kjv@1Corinthians:3:13 @...try every man's work of what...

kjv@1Corinthians:3:16 @...and that the Spirit of God...

kjv@1Corinthians:3:17 @...destroy; for the temple of God...

kjv@1Corinthians:3:19 @... For the wisdom of this...

kjv@1Corinthians:3:20 @...Lord knoweth the thoughts of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:4:1 @...of Christ, and stewards of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:4:3 @...judged of you, or of man's...

kjv@1Corinthians:4:5 @...make manifest the counsels of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:4:6 @...written, that no one of you...

kjv@1Corinthians:4:13 @...and are the offscouring of all...

kjv@1Corinthians:4:16, be ye followers of... me.

kjv@1Corinthians:4:17 @...bring you into remembrance of my...

kjv@1Corinthians:4:19 @...know, not the speech of them...

kjv@1Corinthians:4:20 @... For the kingdom of God...

kjv@1Corinthians:4:21 @...and in the spirit of... meekness?

kjv@1Corinthians:5:4 @...spirit, with the power of our...

kjv@1Corinthians:5:5 @...saved in the day of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:5:8 @...with the unleavened bread of sincerity...

kjv@1Corinthians:5:10 needs go out of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:6:1 ... Dare any of you,...

kjv@1Corinthians:6:4 @...then ye have judgments of things...

kjv@1Corinthians:6:9 @...nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves...

kjv@1Corinthians:6:10 @...shall inherit the kingdom of... God.

kjv@1Corinthians:6:11 @...and by the Spirit of our...

kjv@1Corinthians:6:12 @...brought under the power of... any.

kjv@1Corinthians:6:15 @...make them the members of an...

kjv@1Corinthians:6:19, which ye have of God,...

kjv@1Corinthians:7:4 @...husband hath not power of his...

kjv@1Corinthians:7:6 permission, and not of... commandment.

kjv@1Corinthians:7:7 @...hath his proper gift of God,...

kjv@1Corinthians:7:19 @...nothing, but the keeping of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:7:23 @...not ye the servants of... men.

kjv@1Corinthians:7:25 @...that hath obtained mercy of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:7:31 for the fashion of this...

kjv@1Corinthians:7:33 @...the things that are of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:7:34 @...careth for the things of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:7:36 @...she pass the flower of her...

kjv@1Corinthians:7:40 @...I have the Spirit of... God.

kjv@1Corinthians:8:3 @...the same is known of... him.

kjv@1Corinthians:8:4 @...those things that are offered in...

kjv@1Corinthians:8:6 God, the Father, of whom...

kjv@1Corinthians:8:7 as a thing offered unto...

kjv@1Corinthians:8:9 @...any means this liberty of yours...

kjv@1Corinthians:8:10 @...those things which are offered to...

kjv@1Corinthians:9:2 for the seal of mine...

kjv@1Corinthians:9:5 @...and as the brethren of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:9:7 @...not of the milk of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:9:9 @...not muzzle the mouth of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:9:10 @...hope should be partaker of his...

kjv@1Corinthians:9:12 @...If others be partakers of this...

kjv@1Corinthians:9:13 of the things of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:9:14 @...the gospel should live of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:9:15 @...I have used none of these...

kjv@1Corinthians:9:17 will, a dispensation of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:9:18 @...may make the gospel of Christ...

kjv@1Corinthians:10:4 @...drink: for they drank of that...

kjv@1Corinthians:10:5 @... But with many of them...

kjv@1Corinthians:10:7 @...idolaters, as were some of them;...

kjv@1Corinthians:10:8 @...commit fornication, as some of them...

kjv@1Corinthians:10:9 @...tempt Christ, as some of them...

kjv@1Corinthians:10:10 @...murmured, and were destroyed of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:10:11 @...upon whom the ends of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:10:16 not the communion of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:10:17 @...we are all partakers of that...

kjv@1Corinthians:10:18 @...of the sacrifices partakers of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:10:21 @...the Lord's table, and of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:10:27 ... If any of them...

kjv@1Corinthians:10:29 my liberty judged of another...

kjv@1Corinthians:10:30 I evil spoken of for...

kjv@1Corinthians:10:31 @...all to the glory of... God.

kjv@1Corinthians:10:32 ... Give none offence, neither...

kjv@1Corinthians:10:33 @...profit, but the profit of many,...

kjv@1Corinthians:11:1 @... Be ye followers of me,...

kjv@1Corinthians:11:3; and the head of Christ...

kjv@1Corinthians:11:7 @...woman is the glory of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:11:8 @...woman; but the woman of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:11:10 @...on her head because of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:11:12 the woman is of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:11:16 @...custom, neither the churches of... God.

kjv@1Corinthians:11:18 ... For first of all,...

kjv@1Corinthians:11:22 @...despise ye the church of God,...

kjv@1Corinthians:11:23 @...For I have received of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:11:24 @...this do in remembrance of... me.

kjv@1Corinthians:11:25 @...this do ye, as oft as...

kjv@1Corinthians:11:27 @...the body and blood of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:11:28 @...that bread, and drink of that...

kjv@1Corinthians:11:32 @...judged, we are chastened of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:12:3 @...speaking by the Spirit of God...

kjv@1Corinthians:12:4 @...Now there are diversities of gifts,...

kjv@1Corinthians:12:5 @...And there are differences of administrations,...

kjv@1Corinthians:12:6 @...And there are diversities of operations,...

kjv@1Corinthians:12:7 @... But the manifestation of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:12:8 another the word of knowledge...

kjv@1Corinthians:12:9 another the gifts of healing...

kjv@1Corinthians:12:10 another divers kinds of tongues;...

kjv@1Corinthians:12:12 @...and all the members of that...

kjv@1Corinthians:12:15 it therefore not of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:12:16 it therefore not of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:12:18 @...the members every one of them...

kjv@1Corinthians:12:21 @...I have no need of thee:...

kjv@1Corinthians:12:22 @...much more those members of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:12:23 @... And those members of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:12:27 are the body of Christ,...

kjv@1Corinthians:12:28 @...that miracles, then gifts of healings,...

kjv@1Corinthians:12:29 @...teachers? are all workers of... miracles?

kjv@1Corinthians:12:30 @...Have all the gifts of healing?...

kjv@1Corinthians:13:1 @...tongues of men and of angels,...

kjv@1Corinthians:13:2 @...I have the gift of prophecy,...

kjv@1Corinthians:13:13 @...three; but the greatest of these...

kjv@1Corinthians:14:10 @...the world, and none of them...

kjv@1Corinthians:14:11 @...know not the meaning of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:14:12 @...excel to the edifying of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:14:16 @...Amen at thy giving of thanks,...

kjv@1Corinthians:14:21 written, With men of other...

kjv@1Corinthians:14:24 @...unlearned, he is convinced of all,...

kjv@1Corinthians:14:25 @...God is in you of a...

kjv@1Corinthians:14:26 @...come together, every one of you...

kjv@1Corinthians:14:32 @... And the spirits of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:14:33 in all churches of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:14:36 @...What? came the word of God...

kjv@1Corinthians:14:37 are the commandments of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:3 @...delivered unto you first of all...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:5 @...seen of Cephas, then of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:6 @...hundred brethren at once; of whom...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:7 @...seen of James; then of all...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:8 @...of one born out of due...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:9 @...I am the least of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:10 @...I, but the grace of God...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:12 @...there is no resurrection of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:13 @...there be no resurrection of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:15 @...because we have testified of God...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:19 Christ, we are of all...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:20 @...and become the firstfruits of them...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:21 @...came also the resurrection of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:32 @...If after the manner of men...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:34 @...have not the knowledge of God:...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:37 @...chance of wheat, or of some...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:39 @...flesh of beasts, another of fishes,...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:40, and the glory of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:41 @...moon, and another glory of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:42 @...also is the resurrection of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:47 @...The first man is of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:49 @...also bear the image of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:50 @...cannot inherit the kingdom of God;...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:52 @...moment, in the twinkling of an...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:56 @...sin; and the strength of sin...

kjv@1Corinthians:15:58 @...abounding in the work of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:16:1 @...order to the churches of Galatia,...

kjv@1Corinthians:16:2 @...week let every one of you...

kjv@1Corinthians:16:10 @...he worketh the work of the...

kjv@1Corinthians:16:15 @ I beseech you, brethren, (...themselves to the ministry of the...)

kjv@1Corinthians:16:17 @...glad of the coming of Stephanas...

kjv@1Corinthians:16:19 ... The churches of Asia...

kjv@1Corinthians:16:21 ... The salutation of me...

kjv@1Corinthians:16:23 ... The grace of our...

kjv@2Corinthians:1:1, unto the church of God...

kjv@2Corinthians:1:3 @...mercies, and the God of all...

kjv@2Corinthians:1:4 @...we ourselves are comforted of... God.

kjv@2Corinthians:1:5 @...For as the sufferings of Christ...

kjv@2Corinthians:1:6 @...effectual in the enduring of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:1:7 @...shall ye be also of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:1:8 @...we were pressed out of measure,...

kjv@2Corinthians:1:9 @...we had the sentence of death...

kjv@2Corinthians:1:11 by the means of many...

kjv@2Corinthians:1:12 @...but by the grace of God,...-ward.

kjv@2Corinthians:1:14 @...ours in the day of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:1:16 @...Macedonia unto you, and of you...

kjv@2Corinthians:1:19 @... For the Son of God,...

kjv@2Corinthians:1:20 @...Amen, unto the glory of God...

kjv@2Corinthians:1:22 @...and given the earnest of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:1:24, but are helpers of your...

kjv@2Corinthians:2:3 is the joy of you...

kjv@2Corinthians:2:4 @...much affliction and anguish of heart...

kjv@2Corinthians:2:6 @...punishment, which was inflicted of... many.

kjv@2Corinthians:2:9 @...might know the proof of you,...

kjv@2Corinthians:2:10 in the person of... Christ;

kjv@2Corinthians:2:11 @...we are not ignorant of his...

kjv@2Corinthians:2:12 @...was opened unto me of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:2:13 @...but taking my leave of them,...

kjv@2Corinthians:2:14 @...maketh manifest the savour of his...

kjv@2Corinthians:2:15 @...God a sweet savour of Christ,...

kjv@2Corinthians:2:16 @...the other the savour of life...

kjv@2Corinthians:2:17 @...God, in the sight of God...

kjv@2Corinthians:3:1 you, or letters of commendation...

kjv@2Corinthians:3:2 @...hearts, known and read of all...

kjv@2Corinthians:3:3 @...but in fleshy tables of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:3:5 @...think any thing as of ourselves;...

kjv@2Corinthians:3:6 @...of the letter, but of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:3:7 @...Moses for the glory of his...

kjv@2Corinthians:3:8 @...shall not the ministration of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:3:9 @...more doth the ministration of righteousness...

kjv@2Corinthians:3:10 @...this respect, by reason of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:3:12 @...we use great plainness of... speech:

kjv@2Corinthians:3:13 @...look to the end of that...

kjv@2Corinthians:3:14 @...away in the reading of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:3:17 @...and where the Spirit of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:3:18 by the Spirit of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:4:2 @...deceitfully; but by manifestation of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:4:4 @...who is the image of God,...

kjv@2Corinthians:4:6 @...God in the face of Jesus...

kjv@2Corinthians:4:7 @...the power may be of God,...

kjv@2Corinthians:4:10 @...that the life also of Jesus...

kjv@2Corinthians:4:11 @...that the life also of Jesus...

kjv@2Corinthians:4:13 @...having the same spirit of faith,...

kjv@2Corinthians:4:15 @...might through the thanksgiving of many...

kjv@2Corinthians:4:17 @...exceeding and eternal weight of... glory;

kjv@2Corinthians:5:1 @...we have a building of God,...

kjv@2Corinthians:5:4 @...might be swallowed up of... life.

kjv@2Corinthians:5:5 @...unto us the earnest of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:5:9 @...we may be accepted of... him.

kjv@2Corinthians:5:10 @...before the judgment seat of Christ;...

kjv@2Corinthians:5:11 @...Knowing therefore the terror of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:5:14 @... For the love of Christ...

kjv@2Corinthians:5:18 @...And all things are of God,...

kjv@2Corinthians:5:19 @...unto us the word of... reconciliation.

kjv@2Corinthians:5:21 made the righteousness of God...

kjv@2Corinthians:6:1 @...receive not the grace of God...

kjv@2Corinthians:6:2 @ (...and in the day of salvation...)

kjv@2Corinthians:6:4 @...ourselves as the ministers of God,...

kjv@2Corinthians:6:7 @...God, by the armour of righteousness...

kjv@2Corinthians:6:16 are the temple of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:7:1 @...ourselves from all filthiness of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:7:4 @...great is my glorying of you:...

kjv@2Corinthians:7:6 by the coming of... Titus;

kjv@2Corinthians:7:10 @...of: but the sorrow of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:7:11, yea, what clearing of yourselves,...

kjv@2Corinthians:7:12 in the sight of God...

kjv@2Corinthians:7:13 @...we for the joy of Titus,...

kjv@2Corinthians:7:14 @...any thing to him of you,...

kjv@2Corinthians:7:15 @...he remembereth the obedience of you...

kjv@2Corinthians:8:1 @...wit of the grace of God...

kjv@2Corinthians:8:2 @...abounded unto the riches of their...

kjv@2Corinthians:8:3 @...power they were willing of... themselves;

kjv@2Corinthians:8:4 @...upon us the fellowship of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:8:5 by the will of... God.

kjv@2Corinthians:8:8 prove the sincerity of your...

kjv@2Corinthians:8:9 know the grace of our...

kjv@2Corinthians:8:11 @...a performance also out of that...

kjv@2Corinthians:8:16 into the heart of Titus...

kjv@2Corinthians:8:17 @...but being more forward, of his...

kjv@2Corinthians:8:19 @...same Lord, and declaration of your...

kjv@2Corinthians:8:21 @...only in the sight of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:8:23 @...they are the messengers of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:8:24 @...of your love, and of our...

kjv@2Corinthians:9:2 @...of you to them of Macedonia,...

kjv@2Corinthians:9:3 @...brethren, lest our boasting of you...

kjv@2Corinthians:9:4 @...Lest haply if they of Macedonia...(that we say not, ye) should be ashamed in this same confident boasting.

kjv@2Corinthians:9:5 @...ready, as a matter of bounty,...

kjv@2Corinthians:9:7 @...give; not grudgingly, or of necessity:...

kjv@2Corinthians:9:10 @...and increase the fruits of your...)

kjv@2Corinthians:9:12 @...only supplieth the want of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:9:13 @...subjection unto the gospel of Christ,...

kjv@2Corinthians:9:14 @...for the exceeding grace of God...

kjv@2Corinthians:10:1 @...the meekness and gentleness of Christ,...

kjv@2Corinthians:10:2 @...against some, which think of us...

kjv@2Corinthians:10:4 @ ( the pulling down of strong...)

kjv@2Corinthians:10:5 @...itself against the knowledge of God,...

kjv@2Corinthians:10:7 Christ's, let him of himself...

kjv@2Corinthians:10:8 @...should boast somewhat more of our...

kjv@2Corinthians:10:12 @...dare not make ourselves of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:10:13 @...according to the measure of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:10:14 preaching the gospel of... Christ:

kjv@2Corinthians:10:15 @...our measure, that is, of other...

kjv@2Corinthians:10:16 another man's line of things...

kjv@2Corinthians:11:7 you the gospel of God...

kjv@2Corinthians:11:8 @...other churches, taking wages of them,...

kjv@2Corinthians:11:10 shall stop me of this...

kjv@2Corinthians:11:13 @...themselves into the apostles of... Christ.

kjv@2Corinthians:11:14 @...transformed into an angel of... light.

kjv@2Corinthians:11:15 @...transformed as the ministers of righteousness;...

kjv@2Corinthians:11:17 @...foolishly, in this confidence of... boasting.

kjv@2Corinthians:11:20 @...if a man take of you,...

kjv@2Corinthians:11:22 @...Are they the seed of Abraham?...

kjv@2Corinthians:11:23 @... Are they ministers of Christ?...(I speak as a fool)...more frequent, in deaths oft....

kjv@2Corinthians:11:24 @ Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one.

kjv@2Corinthians:11:26 @...of waters, in perils of robbers,...

kjv@2Corinthians:11:28 daily, the care of all...

kjv@2Corinthians:11:30 @...glory, I will glory of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:11:31 @...The God and Father of our...

kjv@2Corinthians:11:32 @...king kept the city of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:12:1 visions and revelations of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:12:2 @ I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (...tell; or whether out of the...) such an one caught up to the third heaven.

kjv@2Corinthians:12:3 @ And I knew such a man, (...the body, or out of the...)

kjv@2Corinthians:12:5 @...will I glory: yet of myself...

kjv@2Corinthians:12:6 @...any man should think of me...

kjv@2Corinthians:12:7 @...the flesh, the messenger of Satan...

kjv@2Corinthians:12:9 @...infirmities, that the power of Christ...

kjv@2Corinthians:12:11 have been commended of you:...

kjv@2Corinthians:12:12 @... Truly the signs of an...

kjv@2Corinthians:12:17 @...of you by any of them...

kjv@2Corinthians:12:18 @...Titus make a gain of you?...

kjv@2Corinthians:12:21 @...and have not repented of the...

kjv@2Corinthians:13:1 In the mouth of two...

kjv@2Corinthians:13:3 seek a proof of Christ...-ward is not weak, but is mighty in you.

kjv@2Corinthians:13:4 @...him by the power of God...

kjv@2Corinthians:13:11 @...peace; and the God of love...

kjv@2Corinthians:13:14 @...God, and the communion of the...

kjv@Galatians:1:1 @ Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;)

kjv@Galatians:1:2, unto the churches of... Galatia:

kjv@Galatians:1:4 @...according to the will of God...

kjv@Galatians:1:6 into the grace of Christ...

kjv@Galatians:1:7 @...would pervert the gospel of... Christ.

kjv@Galatians:1:10 @...not be the servant of... Christ.

kjv@Galatians:1:11 @...gospel which was preached of me...

kjv@Galatians:1:12 @...but by the revelation of Jesus...

kjv@Galatians:1:13 @...I persecuted the church of God,...

kjv@Galatians:1:14 @...zealous of the traditions of my...

kjv@Galatians:1:19 ... But other of the...

kjv@Galatians:1:21 @...came into the regions of Syria...

kjv@Galatians:1:22 @...face unto the churches of Judaea...

kjv@Galatians:2:2 them which were of reputation,...

kjv@Galatians:2:4 @... And that because of false...

kjv@Galatians:2:5 @...hour; that the truth of the...

kjv@Galatians:2:6 ... But of these...(whatsoever they were, it maketh no matter to me: God accepteth no man's person:) for they who seemed to be somewhat in conference added nothing to me:

kjv@Galatians:2:7, as the gospel of the...

kjv@Galatians:2:8 @ (...Peter to the apostleship of the...)

kjv@Galatians:2:9 @...Barnabas the right hands of fellowship;...

kjv@Galatians:2:12 @...fearing them which were of the...

kjv@Galatians:2:14 @...livest after the manner of Gentiles,...

kjv@Galatians:2:15 @...nature, and not sinners of the...

kjv@Galatians:2:16 @...for by the works of the...

kjv@Galatians:2:17 @...therefore Christ the minister of sin?...

kjv@Galatians:2:20 of the Son of God,...

kjv@Galatians:2:21 @...not frustrate the grace of God:...

kjv@Galatians:3:2 @...Spirit by the works of the...

kjv@Galatians:3:5 by the works of the...

kjv@Galatians:3:7 @...that they which are of faith,...

kjv@Galatians:3:9 @...then they which be of faith...

kjv@Galatians:3:10 @...written in the book of the...

kjv@Galatians:3:11 in the sight of God,...

kjv@Galatians:3:12 @...the law is not of faith:...

kjv@Galatians:3:13 from the curse of the...

kjv@Galatians:3:14 @...might receive the promise of the...

kjv@Galatians:3:15 @...speak after the manner of men;...

kjv@Galatians:3:16 @...of many; but as of one,...

kjv@Galatians:3:17 @...should make the promise of none...

kjv@Galatians:3:18 is no more of promise:...

kjv@Galatians:3:19 @...angels in the hand of a...

kjv@Galatians:3:20 not a mediator of one,...

kjv@Galatians:3:21 @...then against the promises of God?...

kjv@Galatians:3:22 @...the promise by faith of Jesus...

kjv@Galatians:3:26 @...are all the children of God...

kjv@Galatians:3:27 @... For as many of you...

kjv@Galatians:4:1 @...though he be lord of... all;

kjv@Galatians:4:2 @...until the time appointed of the...

kjv@Galatians:4:3 @...bondage under the elements of the...

kjv@Galatians:4:4 @...forth his Son, made of a...

kjv@Galatians:4:5 @...might receive the adoption of... sons.

kjv@Galatians:4:6 @...sent forth the Spirit of his...

kjv@Galatians:4:7 @...son, then an heir of God...

kjv@Galatians:4:9 @...or rather are known of God,...

kjv@Galatians:4:11 @... I am afraid of you,...

kjv@Galatians:4:13 @...know how through infirmity of the...

kjv@Galatians:4:14 as an angel of God,...

kjv@Galatians:4:19 @... My little children, of whom...

kjv@Galatians:4:20 @...I stand in doubt of... you.

kjv@Galatians:4:23 @...the flesh; but he of the...

kjv@Galatians:4:26 @...which is the mother of us...

kjv@Galatians:4:28 @...was, are the children of... promise.

kjv@Galatians:4:30 @...heir with the son of the...

kjv@Galatians:4:31 @...of the bondwoman, but of the...

kjv@Galatians:5:1 @...again with the yoke of... bondage.

kjv@Galatians:5:4 @...effect unto you, whosoever of you...

kjv@Galatians:5:5 @...wait for the hope of righteousness...

kjv@Galatians:5:8 @...This persuasion cometh not of him...

kjv@Galatians:5:11 @...then is the offence of the...

kjv@Galatians:5:15 not consumed one of... another.

kjv@Galatians:5:16 @...not fulfil the lust of the...

kjv@Galatians:5:18 @...if ye be led of the...

kjv@Galatians:5:19 @... Now the works of the...

kjv@Galatians:5:21 @...revellings, and such like: of the...

kjv@Galatians:5:22 @... But the fruit of the...

kjv@Galatians:5:26 not be desirous of vain...

kjv@Galatians:6:1 in the spirit of meekness;...

kjv@Galatians:6:2 fulfil the law of... Christ.

kjv@Galatians:6:8 the Spirit shall of the...

kjv@Galatians:6:10 @...unto them who are of the...

kjv@Galatians:6:12 @...persecution for the cross of... Christ.

kjv@Galatians:6:14 in the cross of our...

kjv@Galatians:6:16 @...and upon the Israel of... God.

kjv@Galatians:6:17 body the marks of the...

kjv@Galatians:6:18 @... Brethren, the grace of our...

kjv@Ephesians:1:1 @...Christ by the will of God,...

kjv@Ephesians:1:3 @...the God and Father of our...

kjv@Ephesians:1:4 @...him before the foundation of the...

kjv@Ephesians:1:5 the good pleasure of his...

kjv@Ephesians:1:6 @...praise of the glory of his...

kjv@Ephesians:1:7 @...according to the riches of his...

kjv@Ephesians:1:9 @...unto us the mystery of his...

kjv@Ephesians:1:10 @...dispensation of the fulness of times...

kjv@Ephesians:1:11 @...things after the counsel of his...

kjv@Ephesians:1:12 to the praise of his...

kjv@Ephesians:1:13 @...of truth, the gospel of your...

kjv@Ephesians:1:14 @...possession, unto the praise of his...

kjv@Ephesians:1:15 @...also, after I heard of your...

kjv@Ephesians:1:16 @...for you, making mention of you...

kjv@Ephesians:1:17 @...unto you the spirit of wisdom...

kjv@Ephesians:1:18 @...riches of the glory of his...

kjv@Ephesians:1:19 the exceeding greatness of his...-...according to the working of his...

kjv@Ephesians:1:23 @...his body, the fulness of him...

kjv@Ephesians:2:2 @...prince of the power of the...

kjv@Ephesians:2:3 nature the children of wrath,...

kjv@Ephesians:2:7 @...shew the exceeding riches of his...

kjv@Ephesians:2:8; and that not of yourselves:...

kjv@Ephesians:2:9 ... Not of works,...

kjv@Ephesians:2:12 @...strangers from the covenants of promise,...

kjv@Ephesians:2:13 @...who sometimes were far off are...

kjv@Ephesians:2:14 @...down the middle wall of partition...

kjv@Ephesians:2:15 make in himself of twain...

kjv@Ephesians:2:19 @...with the saints, and of the...

kjv@Ephesians:2:20 @...built upon the foundation of the...

kjv@Ephesians:2:22 @...together for an habitation of God...

kjv@Ephesians:3:1 @...I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus...

kjv@Ephesians:3:2 @...dispensation of the grace of God...-ward:

kjv@Ephesians:3:4 @...knowledge in the mystery of... Christ)

kjv@Ephesians:3:5 @...known unto the sons of men,...

kjv@Ephesians:3:6 @...same body, and partakers of his...

kjv@Ephesians:3:7 the effectual working of his...

kjv@Ephesians:3:8 @...less than the least of all...

kjv@Ephesians:3:9 @...which from the beginning of the...

kjv@Ephesians:3:10 the manifold wisdom of... God,

kjv@Ephesians:3:12 @...confidence by the faith of... him.

kjv@Ephesians:3:14 @...knees unto the Father of our...

kjv@Ephesians:3:15 @ Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,

kjv@Ephesians:3:16 @...according to the riches of his...

kjv@Ephesians:3:19 know the love of Christ,...

kjv@Ephesians:4:1 @...that ye walk worthy of the...

kjv@Ephesians:4:3 keep the unity of the...

kjv@Ephesians:4:4 @...called in one hope of your...

kjv@Ephesians:4:6 @...One God and Father of all,...

kjv@Ephesians:4:7 @...according to the measure of the...

kjv@Ephesians:4:9 @ (...into the lower parts of the...

kjv@Ephesians:4:12 @...ministry, for the edifying of the...

kjv@Ephesians:4:13 @...measure of the stature of the...

kjv@Ephesians:4:14 @...doctrine, by the sleight of men,...

kjv@Ephesians:4:16 @...body unto the edifying of itself...

kjv@Ephesians:4:17 @...walk, in the vanity of their...

kjv@Ephesians:4:18 @...because of the blindness of their...

kjv@Ephesians:4:23 @...renewed in the spirit of your...

kjv@Ephesians:4:25 @...we are members one of... another.

kjv@Ephesians:4:29 @...good to the use of edifying,...

kjv@Ephesians:4:30 @...not the holy Spirit of God,...

kjv@Ephesians:5:1 @...Be ye therefore followers of God,...

kjv@Ephesians:5:4 @...convenient: but rather giving of... thanks.

kjv@Ephesians:5:5 @...inheritance in the kingdom of Christ...

kjv@Ephesians:5:6 @...things cometh the wrath of God...

kjv@Ephesians:5:8 @...Lord: walk as children of... light:

kjv@Ephesians:5:9 @ (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)

kjv@Ephesians:5:11 @...with the unfruitful works of darkness,...

kjv@Ephesians:5:12 @...things which are done of them...

kjv@Ephesians:5:17 @...understanding what the will of the...

kjv@Ephesians:5:20 @...Father in the name of our...

kjv@Ephesians:5:21 @...another in the fear of... God.

kjv@Ephesians:5:23 @...he is the saviour of the...

kjv@Ephesians:5:26 with the washing of water...

kjv@Ephesians:5:30 @...of his flesh, and of his...

kjv@Ephesians:5:33 @...Nevertheless let every one of you...

kjv@Ephesians:6:4 @...the nurture and admonition of the...

kjv@Ephesians:6:5 @...and trembling, in singleness of your...

kjv@Ephesians:6:6 @...Christ, doing the will of God...

kjv@Ephesians:6:8 @...same shall he receive of the...

kjv@Ephesians:6:9 @...neither is there respect of persons...

kjv@Ephesians:6:10 @...and in the power of his...

kjv@Ephesians:6:11 @...stand against the wiles of the...

kjv@Ephesians:6:12 @...rulers of the darkness of this...

kjv@Ephesians:6:13 the whole armour of God,...

kjv@Ephesians:6:14 @...having on the breastplate of... righteousness;

kjv@Ephesians:6:15 @...shod with the preparation of the...

kjv@Ephesians:6:16 @...all the fiery darts of the...

kjv@Ephesians:6:17 @...salvation, and the sword of the...

kjv@Ephesians:6:19 @...make known the mystery of the...

kjv@Philippians:1:1 @...and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus...

kjv@Philippians:1:3 @...God upon every remembrance of... you,

kjv@Philippians:1:4 @...Always in every prayer of mine...

kjv@Philippians:1:6 until the day of Jesus...

kjv@Philippians:1:7 all are partakers of my...

kjv@Philippians:1:8 @...all in the bowels of Jesus...

kjv@Philippians:1:10 sincere and without offence till...

kjv@Philippians:1:11 @...filled with the fruits of righteousness,...

kjv@Philippians:1:12 @...rather unto the furtherance of the...

kjv@Philippians:1:14 ... And many of the...

kjv@Philippians:1:15 @...strife; and some also of good...

kjv@Philippians:1:16 @...The one preach Christ of contention,...

kjv@Philippians:1:17 @...set for the defence of the...

kjv@Philippians:1:19 of the Spirit of Jesus...

kjv@Philippians:1:22 @...this is the fruit of my...

kjv@Philippians:1:25 @...your furtherance and joy of... faith;

kjv@Philippians:1:27 @...together for the faith of the...

kjv@Philippians:1:28 @...perdition, but to you of salvation,...

kjv@Philippians:1:29 @...given in the behalf of Christ,...

kjv@Philippians:2:1, if any fellowship of the...

kjv@Philippians:2:2 @...being of one accord, of one...

kjv@Philippians:2:3 @...vainglory; but in lowliness of mind...

kjv@Philippians:2:4 @...also on the things of... others.

kjv@Philippians:2:6 @...being in the form of God,...

kjv@Philippians:2:7 @...upon him the form of a...

kjv@Philippians:2:8 @...death, even the death of the...

kjv@Philippians:2:10 @...every knee should bow, of things...

kjv@Philippians:2:11 @...Lord, to the glory of God...

kjv@Philippians:2:13 @...will and to do of his...

kjv@Philippians:2:15 @...rebuke, in the midst of a...

kjv@Philippians:2:16 @...rejoice in the day of Christ,...

kjv@Philippians:2:17 @...the sacrifice and service of your...

kjv@Philippians:2:19 @...I also may be of good...

kjv@Philippians:2:22 know the proof of him,...

kjv@Philippians:2:26 @...all, and was full of heaviness,...

kjv@Philippians:2:30 supply your lack of service...

kjv@Philippians:3:2 @...of evil workers, beware of the...

kjv@Philippians:3:5 @...of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the...

kjv@Philippians:3:8 @...have suffered the loss of all...

kjv@Philippians:3:9 @...the righteousness which is of God...

kjv@Philippians:3:10 @...resurrection, and the fellowship of his...

kjv@Philippians:3:11 @...attain unto the resurrection of the...

kjv@Philippians:3:12 @...also I am apprehended of Christ...

kjv@Philippians:3:14 @...of the high calling of God...

kjv@Philippians:3:17 @...Brethren, be followers together of me,...

kjv@Philippians:3:18 @ (...they are the enemies of the...

kjv@Philippians:4:2 @...Syntyche, that they be of the...

kjv@Philippians:4:3 @...are in the book of... life.

kjv@Philippians:4:7 @... And the peace of God,...

kjv@Philippians:4:8 @...lovely, whatsoever things are of good...

kjv@Philippians:4:9 and the God of peace...

kjv@Philippians:4:10 @...the last your care of me...

kjv@Philippians:4:11 @...I speak in respect of want:...

kjv@Philippians:4:15 @...that in the beginning of the...

kjv@Philippians:4:18 @...from you, an odour of a...

kjv@Philippians:4:22 @...chiefly they that are of Caesar's...

kjv@Philippians:4:23 ... The grace of our...

kjv@Colossians:1:1 @...Christ by the will of God,...

kjv@Colossians:1:3 @...God and the Father of our...

kjv@Colossians:1:4 Christ Jesus, and of the...

kjv@Colossians:1:5 @...word of the truth of the...

kjv@Colossians:1:6 @...and knew the grace of God...

kjv@Colossians:1:7 @...As ye also learned of Epaphras...

kjv@Colossians:1:9 @...filled with the knowledge of his...

kjv@Colossians:1:10 might walk worthy of the...

kjv@Colossians:1:12 @...partakers of the inheritance of the...

kjv@Colossians:1:13 into the kingdom of his...

kjv@Colossians:1:14 @...blood, even the forgiveness of... sins:

kjv@Colossians:1:15 @...invisible God, the firstborn of every...

kjv@Colossians:1:18 @...he is the head of the...

kjv@Colossians:1:20 @...peace through the blood of his...

kjv@Colossians:1:22 @... In the body of his...

kjv@Colossians:1:23 @...away from the hope of the...

kjv@Colossians:1:24 @...behind of the afflictions of Christ...

kjv@Colossians:1:25 @...according to the dispensation of God...

kjv@Colossians:1:27 @...riches of the glory of this...

kjv@Colossians:2:2 @...mystery of God, and of the...

kjv@Colossians:2:3 @...hid all the treasures of wisdom...

kjv@Colossians:2:5 @...order, and the stedfastness of your...

kjv@Colossians:2:8, after the rudiments of the...

kjv@Colossians:2:9 @...dwelleth all the fulness of the...

kjv@Colossians:2:10 @...which is the head of all...

kjv@Colossians:2:11 @...body of the sins of the...

kjv@Colossians:2:12 of the operation of God,...

kjv@Colossians:2:13 @...sins and the uncircumcision of your...

kjv@Colossians:2:14 @...and took it out of the...

kjv@Colossians:2:15 @...he made a shew of them...

kjv@Colossians:2:16 @...the new moon, or of the...

kjv@Colossians:2:17 @...Which are a shadow of things...

kjv@Colossians:2:18 @...voluntary humility and worshipping of angels,...

kjv@Colossians:2:19 @...increaseth with the increase of... God.

kjv@Colossians:2:20 @...Christ from the rudiments of the...

kjv@Colossians:2:22 @ Which all are to perish with the using;)...the commandments and doctrines of... men?

kjv@Colossians:2:23 @...honour to the satisfying of the...

kjv@Colossians:3:1 @...on the right hand of... God.

kjv@Colossians:3:6 @...things' sake the wrath of God...

kjv@Colossians:3:8 @...blasphemy, filthy communication out of your...

kjv@Colossians:3:10 @...knowledge after the image of him...

kjv@Colossians:3:12 @...of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind,...

kjv@Colossians:3:14 @...which is the bond of... perfectness.

kjv@Colossians:3:15 @...And let the peace of God...

kjv@Colossians:3:16 @... Let the word of Christ...

kjv@Colossians:3:17 @...all in the name of the...

kjv@Colossians:3:22 @...menpleasers; but in singleness of heart,...

kjv@Colossians:3:24 @...shall receive the reward of the...

kjv@Colossians:3:25 @...there is no respect of... persons.

kjv@Colossians:4:3 speak the mystery of Christ,...

kjv@Colossians:4:9, who is one of you....

kjv@Colossians:4:11 @...fellowworkers unto the kingdom of God,...

kjv@Colossians:4:12 @...of you, a servant of Christ,...

kjv@Colossians:4:16 @...also in the church of the...

kjv@Colossians:4:18 @...salutation by the hand of me...

kjv@1Thessalonians:1:1 @...Timotheus, unto the church of the...

kjv@1Thessalonians:1:2 all, making mention of you...

kjv@1Thessalonians:1:3 @...Christ, in the sight of God...

kjv@1Thessalonians:1:4 @...brethren beloved, your election of... God.

kjv@1Thessalonians:1:5 know what manner of men...

kjv@1Thessalonians:1:6 @...much affliction, with joy of the...

kjv@1Thessalonians:1:8 @...sounded out the word of the...-ward is spread abroad; so that we need not to speak any thing.

kjv@1Thessalonians:1:9 @...of us what manner of entering...

kjv@1Thessalonians:2:2 @...unto you the gospel of God...

kjv@1Thessalonians:2:3 @...not of deceit, nor of uncleanness,...

kjv@1Thessalonians:2:4 we were allowed of God...

kjv@1Thessalonians:2:5 @...know, nor a cloke of covetousness;...

kjv@1Thessalonians:2:6 @...of you, nor yet of others,...

kjv@1Thessalonians:2:8, not the gospel of God...

kjv@1Thessalonians:2:9 chargeable unto any of you,...

kjv@1Thessalonians:2:11 @...and charged every one of you,...

kjv@1Thessalonians:2:12 would walk worthy of God,...

kjv@1Thessalonians:2:13 truth, the word of God,...

kjv@1Thessalonians:2:14 @...even as they have of the...

kjv@1Thessalonians:2:19 in the presence of our...

kjv@1Thessalonians:3:2 @...fellowlabourer in the gospel of Christ,...

kjv@1Thessalonians:3:6 have good remembrance of us...

kjv@1Thessalonians:3:13 @...Father, at the coming of our...

kjv@1Thessalonians:4:1 ye have received of us...

kjv@1Thessalonians:4:3 @...this is the will of God,...

kjv@1Thessalonians:4:4 @... That every one of you...

kjv@1Thessalonians:4:5 @...Not in the lust of concupiscence,...

kjv@1Thessalonians:4:6 @...Lord is the avenger of all...

kjv@1Thessalonians:4:9 yourselves are taught of God...

kjv@1Thessalonians:4:12 may have lack of... nothing.

kjv@1Thessalonians:4:15 @...remain unto the coming of the...

kjv@1Thessalonians:4:16 @...and with the trump of God:...

kjv@1Thessalonians:5:1 ... But of the...

kjv@1Thessalonians:5:2 @...perfectly that the day of the...

kjv@1Thessalonians:5:5 we are not of the...

kjv@1Thessalonians:5:8 @...putting on the breastplate of faith...

kjv@1Thessalonians:5:18 @...this is the will of God...

kjv@1Thessalonians:5:22 @...Abstain from all appearance of... evil.

kjv@1Thessalonians:5:23 @...blameless unto the coming of our...

kjv@1Thessalonians:5:28 ... The grace of our...

kjv@2Thessalonians:1:1 @...Timotheus, unto the church of the...

kjv@2Thessalonians:1:3 of every one of you...

kjv@2Thessalonians:1:4 in the churches of God...

kjv@2Thessalonians:1:5 @...worthy of the kingdom of God,...

kjv@2Thessalonians:1:8 @...obey not the gospel of our...

kjv@2Thessalonians:1:9 @...and from the glory of his...

kjv@2Thessalonians:1:11 @...goodness, and the work of faith...

kjv@2Thessalonians:1:12 @...according to the grace of our...

kjv@2Thessalonians:2:1 @...brethren, by the coming of our...

kjv@2Thessalonians:2:2 that the day of Christ...

kjv@2Thessalonians:2:3 @...first, and that man of sin...

kjv@2Thessalonians:2:4 @...sitteth in the temple of God,...

kjv@2Thessalonians:2:7 @...he be taken out of the...

kjv@2Thessalonians:2:8 @...destroy with the brightness of his...

kjv@2Thessalonians:2:9 after the working of Satan...

kjv@2Thessalonians:2:10 @...received not the love of the...

kjv@2Thessalonians:2:13 @...the Spirit and belief of the...

kjv@2Thessalonians:2:14 @...obtaining of the glory of our...

kjv@2Thessalonians:3:1, that the word of the...

kjv@2Thessalonians:3:5 @...hearts into the love of God,...

kjv@2Thessalonians:3:6 @...brethren, in the name of our...

kjv@2Thessalonians:3:8 chargeable to any of... you:

kjv@2Thessalonians:3:16 @... Now the Lord of peace...

kjv@2Thessalonians:3:17 ... The salutation of Paul...

kjv@2Thessalonians:3:18 ... The grace of our...

kjv@1Timothy:1:1 @...Christ by the commandment of God...

kjv@1Timothy:1:5 @...a good conscience, and of faith...

kjv@1Timothy:1:7 @...Desiring to be teachers of the...

kjv@1Timothy:1:9 @...of fathers and murderers of mothers,...

kjv@1Timothy:1:11 the glorious gospel of the...

kjv@1Timothy:1:14 @... And the grace of our...

kjv@1Timothy:1:15 to save sinners; of whom...

kjv@1Timothy:1:20 @ Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme.

kjv@1Timothy:2:1 @...prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks,...

kjv@1Timothy:2:3 @...acceptable in the sight of God...

kjv@1Timothy:2:4 @...come unto the knowledge of the...

kjv@1Timothy:2:7 @ Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.

kjv@1Timothy:3:1 desire the office of a...

kjv@1Timothy:3:2 wife, vigilant, sober, of good...

kjv@1Timothy:3:3 striker, not greedy of filthy...

kjv@1Timothy:3:5 @ (...shall he take care of the...)

kjv@1Timothy:3:6 @...fall into the condemnation of the...

kjv@1Timothy:3:7 @...reproach and the snare of the...

kjv@1Timothy:3:8 @...much wine, not greedy of filthy...

kjv@1Timothy:3:9 @... Holding the mystery of the...

kjv@1Timothy:3:10 @...them use the office of a...

kjv@1Timothy:3:12 @...deacons be the husbands of one...

kjv@1Timothy:3:13 @...have used the office of a...

kjv@1Timothy:3:15 @...the pillar and ground of the...

kjv@1Timothy:3:16 the Spirit, seen of angels,...

kjv@1Timothy:4:1 @...seducing spirits, and doctrines of... devils;

kjv@1Timothy:4:3 received with thanksgiving of them...

kjv@1Timothy:4:4 @... For every creature of God...

kjv@1Timothy:4:5 @...sanctified by the word of God...

kjv@1Timothy:4:6 @...words of faith and of good...

kjv@1Timothy:4:8 @...that now is, and of that...

kjv@1Timothy:4:9 @...faithful saying and worthy of all...

kjv@1Timothy:4:10 @...of all men, specially of those...

kjv@1Timothy:4:12 thou an example of the...

kjv@1Timothy:4:14 @...on of the hands of the...

kjv@1Timothy:5:8 @...and specially for those of his...

kjv@1Timothy:5:9 @...having been the wife of one...

kjv@1Timothy:5:10 ... Well reported of for...

kjv@1Timothy:5:17 @...well be counted worthy of double...

kjv@1Timothy:5:18 @...The labourer is worthy of his...

kjv@1Timothy:5:22, neither be partaker of other...

kjv@1Timothy:5:25 @...also the good works of some...

kjv@1Timothy:6:1 @...honour, that the name of God...

kjv@1Timothy:6:2 @...faithful and beloved, partakers of the...

kjv@1Timothy:6:3 @...words, even the words of our...

kjv@1Timothy:6:4 @...about questions and strifes of words,...

kjv@1Timothy:6:5 @...corrupt minds, and destitute of the...

kjv@1Timothy:6:10 is the root of all...

kjv@1Timothy:6:11 @...But thou, O man of God,...

kjv@1Timothy:6:12 @...Fight the good fight of faith,...

kjv@1Timothy:6:13 @...charge in the sight of God,...

kjv@1Timothy:6:14 @...unrebukeable, until the appearing of our...

kjv@1Timothy:6:15 @...only Potentate, the King of kings,...

kjv@1Timothy:6:20 @...vain babblings, and oppositions of science...

kjv@2Timothy:1:1 @...according to the promise of life...

kjv@2Timothy:1:3 @...ceasing I have remembrance of thee...

kjv@2Timothy:1:4 @...see thee, being mindful of thy...

kjv@2Timothy:1:6 the putting on of my...

kjv@2Timothy:1:7 @...and of love, and of a...

kjv@2Timothy:1:8 @...partaker of the afflictions of the...

kjv@2Timothy:1:10 @...manifest by the appearing of our...

kjv@2Timothy:1:11 @...apostle, and a teacher of the...

kjv@2Timothy:1:13 @...which thou hast heard of me,...

kjv@2Timothy:1:15 @...turned away from me; of whom...

kjv@2Timothy:1:16 @...and was not ashamed of my...

kjv@2Timothy:1:18 @...he may find mercy of the...

kjv@2Timothy:2:2 @...that thou hast heard of me...

kjv@2Timothy:2:3 a good soldier of Jesus...

kjv@2Timothy:2:4 @...himself with the affairs of this...

kjv@2Timothy:2:6 @...must be first partaker of the...

kjv@2Timothy:2:8 @...Christ of the seed of David...

kjv@2Timothy:2:9 @...bonds; but the word of God...

kjv@2Timothy:2:14 @...but to the subverting of the...

kjv@2Timothy:2:15 @...rightly dividing the word of... truth.

kjv@2Timothy:2:17 doth a canker: of whom...

kjv@2Timothy:2:18 @...and overthrow the faith of... some.

kjv@2Timothy:2:19 @...that nameth the name of Christ...

kjv@2Timothy:2:20 @...also of wood and of earth;...

kjv@2Timothy:2:22 @...on the Lord out of a...

kjv@2Timothy:2:24 @... And the servant of the...

kjv@2Timothy:2:25 @...repentance to the acknowledging of the...

kjv@2Timothy:2:26 @...out of the snare of the...

kjv@2Timothy:3:2 shall be lovers of their...

kjv@2Timothy:3:3 @...accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those...

kjv@2Timothy:3:4 @...Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures...

kjv@2Timothy:3:5 @... Having a form of godliness,...

kjv@2Timothy:3:6 ... For of this...

kjv@2Timothy:3:7 @...come to the knowledge of the...

kjv@2Timothy:3:8 @...resist the truth: men of corrupt...

kjv@2Timothy:3:10 @...known my doctrine, manner of life,...

kjv@2Timothy:3:11 @...I endured: but out of them...

kjv@2Timothy:3:14 @...been assured of, knowing of whom...

kjv@2Timothy:3:16 given by inspiration of God,...

kjv@2Timothy:3:17 @... That the man of God...

kjv@2Timothy:4:2 @...instant in season, out of season;...

kjv@2Timothy:4:5 @...evangelist, make full proof of thy...

kjv@2Timothy:4:6 @...offered, and the time of my...

kjv@2Timothy:4:8 @...for me a crown of righteousness,...

kjv@2Timothy:4:15 @ Of whom be thou ware also; for he hath greatly withstood our words.

kjv@2Timothy:4:17 @...out of the mouth of the...

kjv@2Timothy:4:19 @...Aquila, and the household of... Onesiphorus.

kjv@Titus:1:1 @...elect, and the acknowledging of the...

kjv@Titus:1:2 ... In hope of eternal...

kjv@Titus:1:3 @...according to the commandment of God...

kjv@Titus:1:6 @...faithful children not accused of riot...

kjv@Titus:1:7 @...blameless, as the steward of God;...

kjv@Titus:1:8 @...of hospitality, a lover of good...

kjv@Titus:1:10 @...and deceivers, specially they of the...

kjv@Titus:1:12 @...themselves, even a prophet of their...

kjv@Titus:1:14 @...Jewish fables, and commandments of men,...

kjv@Titus:2:3 much wine, teachers of good...

kjv@Titus:2:5 @...husbands, that the word of God...

kjv@Titus:2:7 @...shewing thyself a pattern of good...

kjv@Titus:2:8 @...that he that is of the...

kjv@Titus:2:10 @...may adorn the doctrine of God...

kjv@Titus:2:11 @... For the grace of God...

kjv@Titus:2:13 @...and the glorious appearing of the...

kjv@Titus:2:14 @...a peculiar people, zealous of good...

kjv@Titus:3:2 @... To speak evil of no...

kjv@Titus:3:4 @...the kindness and love of God...

kjv@Titus:3:5 @...of regeneration, and renewing of the...

kjv@Titus:3:7 @...according to the hope of eternal...

kjv@Titus:3:11 @...and sinneth, being condemned of... himself.

kjv@Philemon:1:1 @... Paul, a prisoner of Jesus...

kjv@Philemon:1:4 God, making mention of thee...

kjv@Philemon:1:5 ... Hearing of thy...

kjv@Philemon:1:6 @...effectual by the acknowledging of every...

kjv@Philemon:1:7, because the bowels of the...

kjv@Philemon:1:9 also a prisoner of Jesus...

kjv@Philemon:1:13 in the bonds of the...

kjv@Philemon:1:14 as it were of necessity,...

kjv@Philemon:1:20 @...let me have joy of thee...

kjv@Philemon:1:25 ... The grace of our...

kjv@Hebrews:1:2 @...he hath appointed heir of all...

kjv@Hebrews:1:3 @...on the right hand of the...

kjv@Hebrews:1:5 @... For unto which of the...

kjv@Hebrews:1:6 @...let all the angels of God...

kjv@Hebrews:1:7 ... And of the...

kjv@Hebrews:1:8 @...righteousness is the sceptre of thy...

kjv@Hebrews:1:9 @...thee with the oil of gladness...

kjv@Hebrews:1:10 @...heavens are the works of thine...

kjv@Hebrews:1:13 @... But to which of the...

kjv@Hebrews:1:14 @...who shall be heirs of... salvation?

kjv@Hebrews:2:2 @...received a just recompence of... reward;

kjv@Hebrews:2:4 @...divers miracles, and gifts of the...

kjv@Hebrews:2:6 @...him? or the son of man,...

kjv@Hebrews:2:7 @...him over the works of thy...

kjv@Hebrews:2:9 @...he by the grace of God...

kjv@Hebrews:2:10 make the captain of their...

kjv@Hebrews:2:11 @...are sanctified are all of one:...

kjv@Hebrews:2:12 @...brethren, in the midst of the...

kjv@Hebrews:2:14 @...that had the power of death,...

kjv@Hebrews:2:15 @...them who through fear of death...

kjv@Hebrews:2:16 @...on him the nature of angels;...

kjv@Hebrews:2:17 @...reconciliation for the sins of the...

kjv@Hebrews:3:1 @...Apostle and High Priest of our...

kjv@Hebrews:3:3 was counted worthy of more...

kjv@Hebrews:3:5 @...servant, for a testimony of those...

kjv@Hebrews:3:6 @...confidence and the rejoicing of the...

kjv@Hebrews:3:8 @...provocation, in the day of temptation...

kjv@Hebrews:3:12 an evil heart of unbelief,...

kjv@Hebrews:3:13 @...To day; lest any of you...

kjv@Hebrews:3:14 @...we hold the beginning of our...

kjv@Hebrews:3:16 @...all that came out of Egypt...

kjv@Hebrews:3:19 @...not enter in because of... unbelief.

kjv@Hebrews:4:1 @...into his rest, any of you...

kjv@Hebrews:4:3 @...finished from the foundation of the...

kjv@Hebrews:4:4 a certain place of the...

kjv@Hebrews:4:6 @...entered not in because of... unbelief:

kjv@Hebrews:4:8 @...not afterward have spoken of another...

kjv@Hebrews:4:9 to the people of... God.

kjv@Hebrews:4:11 @...after the same example of... unbelief.

kjv@Hebrews:4:12 @...the thoughts and intents of the...

kjv@Hebrews:4:13 @...opened unto the eyes of him...

kjv@Hebrews:4:14 @...heavens, Jesus the Son of God,...

kjv@Hebrews:4:15 @...touched with the feeling of our...

kjv@Hebrews:4:16 @...boldly unto the throne of grace,...

kjv@Hebrews:5:2 @...them that are out of the...

kjv@Hebrews:5:4 @...he that is called of God,...

kjv@Hebrews:5:6 @...ever after the order of... Melchisedec.

kjv@Hebrews:5:7 @...flesh, when he had offered up...

kjv@Hebrews:5:9 @...he became the author of eternal...

kjv@Hebrews:5:10 ... Called of God...

kjv@Hebrews:5:11 @...seeing ye are dull of... hearing.

kjv@Hebrews:5:12 @...of milk, and not of strong...

kjv@Hebrews:5:13 @...unskilful in the word of righteousness:...

kjv@Hebrews:5:14 @...those who by reason of use...

kjv@Hebrews:6:1 @...from dead works, and of faith...

kjv@Hebrews:6:2 @...of the dead, and of eternal...

kjv@Hebrews:6:4 @...and were made partakers of the...

kjv@Hebrews:6:5 @...God, and the powers of the...

kjv@Hebrews:6:6 themselves the Son of God...

kjv@Hebrews:6:9 @...are persuaded better things of you,...

kjv@Hebrews:6:10 @...your work and labour of love,...

kjv@Hebrews:6:11 the full assurance of hope...

kjv@Hebrews:6:12 @...not slothful, but followers of them...

kjv@Hebrews:6:16 them an end of all...

kjv@Hebrews:6:17 @...of promise the immutability of his...

kjv@Hebrews:6:19 @...have as an anchor of the...

kjv@Hebrews:6:20 @...ever after the order of... Melchisedec.

kjv@Hebrews:7:1 @...returning from the slaughter of the...

kjv@Hebrews:7:2 @...after that also King of Salem,...

kjv@Hebrews:7:3 unto the Son of God;...

kjv@Hebrews:7:4 @...Abraham gave the tenth of the...

kjv@Hebrews:7:5 @...though they come out of the...

kjv@Hebrews:7:6 @...from them received tithes of Abraham,...

kjv@Hebrews:7:7 @...the less is blessed of the...

kjv@Hebrews:7:8 @...there he receiveth them, of whom...

kjv@Hebrews:7:10 @...yet in the loins of his...

kjv@Hebrews:7:11 @ If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,)...rise after the order of Melchisedec,...

kjv@Hebrews:7:12 @...necessity a change also of the...

kjv@Hebrews:7:13 @...pertaineth to another tribe, of which...

kjv@Hebrews:7:14 @...sprang out of Juda; of which...

kjv@Hebrews:7:15 @...that after the similitude of Melchisedec...

kjv@Hebrews:7:16 @...but after the power of an...

kjv@Hebrews:7:17 @...ever after the order of... Melchisedec.

kjv@Hebrews:7:18 verily a disannulling of the...

kjv@Hebrews:7:19 @...but the bringing in of a...

kjv@Hebrews:7:21 @ (...ever after the order of... Melchisedec:)

kjv@Hebrews:7:22 @...Jesus made a surety of a...

kjv@Hebrews:7:23 continue by reason of... death:

kjv@Hebrews:7:28 @...infirmity; but the word of the...

kjv@Hebrews:8:1 @...hand of the throne of the...

kjv@Hebrews:8:2 @...of the sanctuary, and of the...

kjv@Hebrews:8:3 @...sacrifices: wherefore it is of necessity...

kjv@Hebrews:8:5 Moses was admonished of God...

kjv@Hebrews:8:6 @...he is the mediator of a...

kjv@Hebrews:8:8 @...covenant with the house of Israel...

kjv@Hebrews:8:9 @...out of the land of Egypt;...

kjv@Hebrews:8:10 @...make with the house of Israel...

kjv@Hebrews:9:1 @...covenant had also ordinances of divine...

kjv@Hebrews:9:3 called the Holiest of... all;

kjv@Hebrews:9:4 @...budded, and the tables of the...

kjv@Hebrews:9:5 @...glory shadowing the mercyseat; of which...

kjv@Hebrews:9:6 @...tabernacle, accomplishing the service of... God.

kjv@Hebrews:9:7 @...and for the errors of the...

kjv@Hebrews:9:8 @...way into the holiest of all...

kjv@Hebrews:9:10 @...them until the time of... reformation.

kjv@Hebrews:9:11 to say, not of this...

kjv@Hebrews:9:12 @...Neither by the blood of goats...

kjv@Hebrews:9:13 @...sanctifieth to the purifying of the...

kjv@Hebrews:9:14 @...through the eternal Spirit offered himself...

kjv@Hebrews:9:15 @...might receive the promise of eternal...

kjv@Hebrews:9:16 @...necessity be the death of the...

kjv@Hebrews:9:17 @...dead: otherwise it is of no...

kjv@Hebrews:9:19 @...blood of calves and of goats,...

kjv@Hebrews:9:20 @...This is the blood of the...

kjv@Hebrews:9:21 @...and all the vessels of the...

kjv@Hebrews:9:22 @...blood; and without shedding of blood...

kjv@Hebrews:9:23 @...necessary that the patterns of things...

kjv@Hebrews:9:24 @...appear in the presence of God...

kjv@Hebrews:9:25 @...he should offer himself often, as...

kjv@Hebrews:9:26 @...once in the end of the...

kjv@Hebrews:9:28 bear the sins of many;...

kjv@Hebrews:10:1 @...those sacrifices which they offered year...

kjv@Hebrews:10:2 @...have ceased to be offered? because...

kjv@Hebrews:10:3 @...a remembrance again made of sins...

kjv@Hebrews:10:4 @...blood of bulls and of goats...

kjv@Hebrews:10:7 @ Then said I, Lo, I come ( it is written of... me,) to do thy will, O God.

kjv@Hebrews:10:10 @...offering of the body of Jesus...

kjv@Hebrews:10:12, after he had offered one...

kjv@Hebrews:10:18 @...there is no more offering for...

kjv@Hebrews:10:19 @...holiest by the blood of... Jesus,

kjv@Hebrews:10:21 @...priest over the house of... God;

kjv@Hebrews:10:22 @...heart in full assurance of faith,...

kjv@Hebrews:10:23 @...hold fast the profession of our...(for he is faithful that promised;)

kjv@Hebrews:10:25 @...together, as the manner of some...

kjv@Hebrews:10:26 @...have received the knowledge of the...

kjv@Hebrews:10:27 @...certain fearful looking for of judgment...

kjv@Hebrews:10:29 @...hath counted the blood of the...

kjv@Hebrews:10:31 @...fall into the hands of the...

kjv@Hebrews:10:32 @...endured a great fight of... afflictions;

kjv@Hebrews:10:33 @...whilst ye became companions of them...

kjv@Hebrews:10:34 @...took joyfully the spoiling of your...

kjv@Hebrews:10:35 @...which hath great recompence of... reward.

kjv@Hebrews:10:36 @...have done the will of God,...

kjv@Hebrews:10:39 @...believe to the saving of the...

kjv@Hebrews:11:1 @...hoped for, the evidence of things...

kjv@Hebrews:11:3 @...seen were not made of things...

kjv@Hebrews:11:4 @...was righteous, God testifying of his...

kjv@Hebrews:11:6 @...he is a rewarder of them...

kjv@Hebrews:11:7, and became heir of the...

kjv@Hebrews:11:9 @...the heirs with him of the...

kjv@Hebrews:11:11 @...seed, and was delivered of a...

kjv@Hebrews:11:12 @...many as the stars of the...

kjv@Hebrews:11:13, and were persuaded of them,...

kjv@Hebrews:11:15 @...they had been mindful of that...

kjv@Hebrews:11:18 @ Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called:

kjv@Hebrews:11:21 @...leaning upon the top of his...

kjv@Hebrews:11:22 @...departing of the children of Israel;...

kjv@Hebrews:11:23 @...they were not afraid of the...

kjv@Hebrews:11:24 called the son of Pharaoh's...

kjv@Hebrews:11:25 enjoy the pleasures of sin...

kjv@Hebrews:11:26 @...respect unto the recompence of the...

kjv@Hebrews:11:27 @...not fearing the wrath of the...

kjv@Hebrews:11:28 @...passover, and the sprinkling of blood,...

kjv@Hebrews:11:30 @...By faith the walls of Jericho...

kjv@Hebrews:11:32 @...also, and Samuel, and of the...

kjv@Hebrews:11:33 @...promises, stopped the mouths of... lions,

kjv@Hebrews:11:34 flight the armies of the...

kjv@Hebrews:11:36 @...and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds...

kjv@Hebrews:11:38 @ (Of whom the world was not worthy:) dens and caves of the...

kjv@Hebrews:12:1 great a cloud of witnesses,...

kjv@Hebrews:12:2 the right hand of the...

kjv@Hebrews:12:3 @...that endured such contradiction of sinners...

kjv@Hebrews:12:5 @...not thou the chastening of the...

kjv@Hebrews:12:9 @...subjection unto the Father of spirits,...

kjv@Hebrews:12:10 @...we might be partakers of his...

kjv@Hebrews:12:11 @...yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness...

kjv@Hebrews:12:13 @...lame be turned out of the...

kjv@Hebrews:12:15 @...God; lest any root of bitterness...

kjv@Hebrews:12:16 @...who for one morsel of meat...

kjv@Hebrews:12:17 @...he found no place of repentance,...

kjv@Hebrews:12:19 @...trumpet, and the voice of words;...

kjv@Hebrews:12:22 @...and unto the city of the...

kjv@Hebrews:12:23 @...and to the spirits of just...

kjv@Hebrews:12:24 @...and to the blood of sprinkling,...

kjv@Hebrews:12:27 @...that are shaken, as of things...

kjv@Hebrews:13:7 @...follow, considering the end of their...

kjv@Hebrews:13:11 @... For the bodies of those...

kjv@Hebrews:13:15 @...that is, the fruit of our...

kjv@Hebrews:13:20 @...sheep, through the blood of the...

kjv@Hebrews:13:22 @...brethren, suffer the word of exhortation:...

kjv@Hebrews:13:24 @...all the saints. They of Italy...

kjv@James:1:1 @...servant of God and of the...

kjv@James:1:3 @...this, that the trying of your...

kjv@James:1:5 @...wisdom, let him ask of God,...

kjv@James:1:6 like a wave of the...

kjv@James:1:7 @...shall receive any thing of the...

kjv@James:1:9 @... Let the brother of low...

kjv@James:1:10 @...because as the flower of the...

kjv@James:1:11 @...grace of the fashion of it...

kjv@James:1:12 @...shall receive the crown of life,...

kjv@James:1:13 @...tempted, I am tempted of God:...

kjv@James:1:14 @...he is drawn away of his...

kjv@James:1:17 @...down from the Father of lights,...

kjv@James:1:18 @...a kind of firstfruits of his...

kjv@James:1:20 @... For the wrath of man...

kjv@James:1:21 @...all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness,...

kjv@James:1:22 @...But be ye doers of the...

kjv@James:1:23 @...any be a hearer of the...

kjv@James:1:24 @...straightway forgetteth what manner of man...

kjv@James:1:25 @...hearer, but a doer of the...

kjv@James:2:1 @...Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory,...

kjv@James:2:4 @...and are become judges of evil...

kjv@James:2:5 faith, and heirs of the...

kjv@James:2:9 @...sin, and are convinced of the...

kjv@James:2:10 @...whole law, and yet offend in...

kjv@James:2:11 become a transgressor of the...

kjv@James:2:12 @...judged by the law of... liberty.

kjv@James:2:15 naked, and destitute of daily...

kjv@James:2:16 ... And one of you...

kjv@James:2:23 @...was called the Friend of... God.

kjv@James:3:4 @...great, and are driven of fierce...

kjv@James:3:6 @...on fire the course of nature;...

kjv@James:3:7 @...and of serpents, and of things...

kjv@James:3:8 unruly evil, full of deadly...

kjv@James:3:9 @...made after the similitude of... God.

kjv@James:3:10 ... Out of the...

kjv@James:3:13 @...let him shew out of a...

kjv@James:3:17 be intreated, full of mercy...

kjv@James:3:18 sown in peace of them...

kjv@James:4:1 @...they not hence, even of your...

kjv@James:4:4 @...will be a friend of the...

kjv@James:4:10 @...yourselves in the sight of the...

kjv@James:4:11 not a doer of the...

kjv@James:5:3 @...cankered; and the rust of them...

kjv@James:5:4 @...entered into the ears of the...

kjv@James:5:5 in a day of... slaughter.

kjv@James:5:7 @...for the precious fruit of the...

kjv@James:5:8 @...hearts: for the coming of the...

kjv@James:5:10 @...Lord, for an example of suffering...

kjv@James:5:11 very pitiful, and of tender...

kjv@James:5:14 @...oil in the name of the...

kjv@James:5:15 @... And the prayer of faith...

kjv@James:5:16 @...The effectual fervent prayer of a...

kjv@James:5:17 by the space of three...

kjv@James:5:19 @... Brethren, if any of you...

kjv@James:5:20 @...sinner from the error of his...

kjv@1Peter:1:1 @... Peter, an apostle of Jesus...

kjv@1Peter:1:2 @...sprinkling of the blood of Jesus...

kjv@1Peter:1:3 @...hope by the resurrection of Jesus...

kjv@1Peter:1:5 @...kept by the power of God...

kjv@1Peter:1:7 @...glory at the appearing of Jesus...

kjv@1Peter:1:8 unspeakable and full of... glory:

kjv@1Peter:1:9, even the salvation of your...

kjv@1Peter:1:10 @...searched diligently, who prophesied of the...

kjv@1Peter:1:11 @...testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ,...

kjv@1Peter:1:13 at the revelation of Jesus...

kjv@1Peter:1:15 @...holy in all manner of... conversation;

kjv@1Peter:1:17, pass the time of your...

kjv@1Peter:1:19 @...blood of Christ, as of a...

kjv@1Peter:1:20 @...foreordained before the foundation of the...

kjv@1Peter:1:22 @...Spirit unto unfeigned love of the...

kjv@1Peter:1:23 @...incorruptible, by the word of God,...

kjv@1Peter:1:24 as the flower of grass....

kjv@1Peter:1:25 @... But the word of the...

kjv@1Peter:2:2 @...desire the sincere milk of the...

kjv@1Peter:2:4 @...of men, but chosen of God,...

kjv@1Peter:2:7 made the head of the...

kjv@1Peter:2:8 @...and a rock of offence, even...

kjv@1Peter:2:9 @...hath called you out of darkness...

kjv@1Peter:2:10 @...are now the people of God:...

kjv@1Peter:2:12 @...God in the day of... visitation.

kjv@1Peter:2:13 @...yourselves to every ordinance of man...

kjv@1Peter:2:14 @...and for the praise of them...

kjv@1Peter:2:15 silence the ignorance of foolish...

kjv@1Peter:2:16 @...liberty for a cloke of maliciousness,...

kjv@1Peter:2:25 @...the Shepherd and Bishop of your...

kjv@1Peter:3:1 @...won by the conversation of the...

kjv@1Peter:3:3 @...wearing of gold, or of putting...

kjv@1Peter:3:4 @...the sight of God of great...

kjv@1Peter:3:7 @...together of the grace of life;...

kjv@1Peter:3:8 @...mind, having compassion one of another,...

kjv@1Peter:3:12 @...prayers: but the face of the...

kjv@1Peter:3:13 @...if ye be followers of that...

kjv@1Peter:3:14 @...and be not afraid of their...

kjv@1Peter:3:15 @...asketh you a reason of the...

kjv@1Peter:3:16 @...evil of you, as of evildoers,...

kjv@1Peter:3:17 @...better, if the will of God...

kjv@1Peter:3:20 @...waited in the days of Noah,...

kjv@1Peter:3:21 @ The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (...flesh, but the answer of a...) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ:

kjv@1Peter:3:22 @...on the right hand of God;...

kjv@1Peter:4:2 @...flesh to the lusts of men,...

kjv@1Peter:4:3 lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine,...

kjv@1Peter:4:4 the same excess of riot,...

kjv@1Peter:4:7 @... But the end of all...

kjv@1Peter:4:8 @...shall cover the multitude of... sins.

kjv@1Peter:4:10 @...another, as good stewards of the...

kjv@1Peter:4:11 @...him do it as of the...

kjv@1Peter:4:13 ye are partakers of Christ's...

kjv@1Peter:4:14 @...he is evil spoken of, but...

kjv@1Peter:4:15 @... But let none of you...

kjv@1Peter:4:17 @...shall the end be of them...

kjv@1Peter:4:19 @...God commit the keeping of their...

kjv@1Peter:5:1 @...and also a partaker of the...

kjv@1Peter:5:2 @...for filthy lucre, but of a...

kjv@1Peter:5:4 @...shall receive a crown of glory...

kjv@1Peter:5:5 @...the elder. Yea, all of you...

kjv@1Peter:5:6 @...under the mighty hand of God,...

kjv@1Peter:5:10 @... But the God of all...

kjv@1Peter:5:12 the true grace of God...

kjv@1Peter:5:14 @...another with a kiss of charity....

kjv@2Peter:1:1 through the righteousness of God...

kjv@2Peter:1:2 @...knowledge of God, and of Jesus...

kjv@2Peter:1:3 @...godliness, through the knowledge of him...

kjv@2Peter:1:4 might be partakers of the...

kjv@2Peter:1:8 @...unfruitful in the knowledge of our...

kjv@2Peter:1:11 @...into the everlasting kingdom of our...

kjv@2Peter:1:12 always in remembrance of these...

kjv@2Peter:1:16 @...Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his...

kjv@2Peter:1:19 @...a more sure word of prophecy;...

kjv@2Peter:1:20 @...of the scripture is of any...

kjv@2Peter:1:21 but holy men of God...

kjv@2Peter:2:2 @...of whom the way of truth...

kjv@2Peter:2:3 whose judgment now of a...

kjv@2Peter:2:4 @...delivered them into chains of darkness,...

kjv@2Peter:2:5 @...flood upon the world of the...

kjv@2Peter:2:6 @...And turning the cities of Sodom...

kjv@2Peter:2:7 @...with the filthy conversation of the...

kjv@2Peter:2:9 @...unjust unto the day of judgment...

kjv@2Peter:2:10 @...flesh in the lust of uncleanness,...

kjv@2Peter:2:12 @...and destroyed, speak evil of the...

kjv@2Peter:2:13 @...shall receive the reward of unrighteousness,...

kjv@2Peter:2:14 @... Having eyes full of adultery,...

kjv@2Peter:2:15 @...of Balaam the son of Bosor,...

kjv@2Peter:2:16 @...voice forbad the madness of the...

kjv@2Peter:2:17 whom the mist of darkness...

kjv@2Peter:2:18 @...allure through the lusts of the...

kjv@2Peter:2:19 @...a man is overcome, of the...

kjv@2Peter:2:20 through the knowledge of the...

kjv@2Peter:2:21 @...have known the way of righteousness,...

kjv@2Peter:3:1 @...pure minds by way of... remembrance:

kjv@2Peter:3:2 @...of us the apostles of the...

kjv@2Peter:3:4 @...were from the beginning of the...

kjv@2Peter:3:5 @...the earth standing out of the...

kjv@2Peter:3:7 @...of judgment and perdition of ungodly...

kjv@2Peter:3:8 @...beloved, be not ignorant of this...

kjv@2Peter:3:10 @... But the day of the...

kjv@2Peter:3:11 dissolved, what manner of persons...

kjv@2Peter:3:12 @...coming of the day of God,...

kjv@2Peter:3:14 may be found of him...

kjv@2Peter:3:15 @...account that the longsuffering of our...

kjv@2Peter:3:16 @...epistles, speaking in them of these...

kjv@2Peter:3:17 @...away with the error of the...

kjv@2Peter:3:18 @...and in the knowledge of our...

kjv@1John:1:1 @...our hands have handled, of the...

kjv@1John:1:5 @...which we have heard of him,...

kjv@1John:1:7 @...another, and the blood of Jesus...

kjv@1John:2:2 @...also for the sins of the...

kjv@1John:2:5 @...verily is the love of God...

kjv@1John:2:10 @...there is none occasion of stumbling...

kjv@1John:2:14 @...strong, and the word of God...

kjv@1John:2:15 @...the world, the love of the...

kjv@1John:2:16 @...the Father, but is of the...

kjv@1John:2:17 @...that doeth the will of God...

kjv@1John:2:19 @...if they had been of us,...

kjv@1John:2:21 @...that no lie is of the...

kjv@1John:2:27 @...same anointing teacheth you of all...

kjv@1John:2:29 @...doeth righteousness is born of... him.

kjv@1John:3:1 called the sons of God:...

kjv@1John:3:2 @...are we the sons of God,...

kjv@1John:3:4 @...sin is the transgression of the...

kjv@1John:3:8 @...might destroy the works of the...

kjv@1John:3:9 @... Whosoever is born of God...

kjv@1John:3:10 @...not righteousness is not of God,...

kjv@1John:3:12 Cain, who was of that...

kjv@1John:3:16 @...perceive we the love of God,...

kjv@1John:3:17 dwelleth the love of God...

kjv@1John:3:19 @...know that we are of the...

kjv@1John:3:22 @...we ask, we receive of him,...

kjv@1John:3:23 @...believe on the name of his...

kjv@1John:4:1 @...spirits whether they are of God:...

kjv@1John:4:2 @...know ye the Spirit of God:...

kjv@1John:4:3 @...this is that spirit of antichrist,...

kjv@1John:4:4 ... Ye are of God,...

kjv@1John:4:5 therefore speak they of the...

kjv@1John:4:6 @...know we the spirit of truth,...

kjv@1John:4:7 @...that loveth is born of God,...

kjv@1John:4:9 @...was manifested the love of God...

kjv@1John:4:13 @...he hath given us of his...

kjv@1John:4:14 be the Saviour of the...

kjv@1John:4:15 @...Jesus is the Son of God,...

kjv@1John:4:17 @...boldness in the day of judgment:...

kjv@1John:5:1 @...the Christ is born of God:...

kjv@1John:5:2 @...we love the children of God,...

kjv@1John:5:3 @...this is the love of God,...

kjv@1John:5:4 @...For whatsoever is born of God...

kjv@1John:5:5 @...Jesus is the Son of... God?

kjv@1John:5:9 @...which he hath testified of his...

kjv@1John:5:10 @...record that God gave of his...

kjv@1John:5:12 @...hath not the Son of God...

kjv@1John:5:13 @...believe on the name of the...

kjv@1John:5:15 @...petitions that we desired of... him.

kjv@1John:5:18 @...he that is begotten of God...

kjv@1John:5:19 @...know that we are of God,...

kjv@1John:5:20 @...know that the Son of God...

kjv@2John:1:3 @...Jesus Christ, the Son of the...

kjv@2John:1:4 @...greatly that I found of thy...

kjv@2John:1:9 @...abideth in the doctrine of Christ,...

kjv@2John:1:11 @...God speed is partaker of his...

kjv@2John:1:13 ... The children of thy...

kjv@3John:1:3 @...brethren came and testified of the...

kjv@3John:1:6 @...Which have borne witness of thy...

kjv@3John:1:7 @...went forth, taking nothing of the...

kjv@3John:1:10 @...and casteth them out of the...

kjv@3John:1:11 @...that doeth good is of God:...

kjv@3John:1:12 @...of all men, and of the...

kjv@Jude:1:1 @...Jesus Christ, and brother of James,...

kjv@Jude:1:3 write unto you of the...

kjv@Jude:1:4, turning the grace of our...

kjv@Jude:1:5 @...out of the land of Egypt,...

kjv@Jude:1:6 @...darkness unto the judgment of the...

kjv@Jude:1:7 @...example, suffering the vengeance of eternal...

kjv@Jude:1:8 @...dominion, and speak evil of... dignities.

kjv@Jude:1:9 @...disputed about the body of Moses,...

kjv@Jude:1:10 @...But these speak evil of those...

kjv@Jude:1:11 @...greedily after the error of Balaam...

kjv@Jude:1:12 @...without water, carried about of winds;...

kjv@Jude:1:13 reserved the blackness of darkness...

kjv@Jude:1:14 @...cometh with ten thousands of his...

kjv@Jude:1:15 @...have ungodly committed, and of all...

kjv@Jude:1:16 @...persons in admiration because of... advantage.

kjv@Jude:1:17 @...before of the apostles of our...

kjv@Jude:1:21 @...looking for the mercy of our...

kjv@Jude:1:22 ... And of some...

kjv@Jude:1:23 @...fear, pulling them out of the...

kjv@Jude:1:24 @...faultless before the presence of his...

kjv@Revelation:1:1 ... The Revelation of Jesus...

kjv@Revelation:1:2 @...of Jesus Christ, and of all...

kjv@Revelation:1:3 @...that hear the words of this...

kjv@Revelation:1:5 @...prince of the kings of the...

kjv@Revelation:1:7 shall wail because of him....

kjv@Revelation:1:9 @...and for the testimony of Jesus...

kjv@Revelation:1:10 @...a great voice, as of a...

kjv@Revelation:1:13 unto the Son of man,...

kjv@Revelation:1:14 @...were as a flame of... fire;

kjv@Revelation:1:15 @...voice as the sound of many...

kjv@Revelation:1:16 stars: and out of his...

kjv@Revelation:1:18 @...and have the keys of hell...

kjv@Revelation:1:20 @...stars are the angels of the...

kjv@Revelation:2:1 @...walketh in the midst of the...

kjv@Revelation:2:5 @...remove thy candlestick out of his...

kjv@Revelation:2:6 @...thou hatest the deeds of the...

kjv@Revelation:2:7 in the midst of the...

kjv@Revelation:2:8 @...And unto the angel of the...

kjv@Revelation:2:9 @ I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich)...I know the blasphemy of them...

kjv@Revelation:2:10 @...devil shall cast some of you...

kjv@Revelation:2:11 @...shall not be hurt of the...

kjv@Revelation:2:12 @...And to the angel of the...

kjv@Revelation:2:14 @...stumblingblock before the children of Israel,...

kjv@Revelation:2:15 @...that hold the doctrine of the...

kjv@Revelation:2:16 @...them with the sword of my...

kjv@Revelation:2:17 @...I give to eat of the...

kjv@Revelation:2:18 unto a flame of fire,...

kjv@Revelation:2:21 @...her space to repent of her...

kjv@Revelation:2:22 @...tribulation, except they repent of their...

kjv@Revelation:2:23 @...give unto every one of you...

kjv@Revelation:2:24 @...not known the depths of Satan,...

kjv@Revelation:2:27 @...even as I received of my...

kjv@Revelation:3:1 @...hath the seven Spirits of God,...

kjv@Revelation:3:5 @...out of the book of life,...

kjv@Revelation:3:7 @...that hath the key of David,...

kjv@Revelation:3:9 @...them of the synagogue of Satan,...

kjv@Revelation:3:10 @...thee from the hour of temptation,...

kjv@Revelation:3:12 @...which cometh down out of heaven...

kjv@Revelation:3:14 @...true witness, the beginning of the...

kjv@Revelation:3:16 @...will spue thee out of my...

kjv@Revelation:3:17 @...goods, and have need of nothing;...

kjv@Revelation:3:18 @...and that the shame of thy...

kjv@Revelation:4:1 @...was as it were of a...

kjv@Revelation:4:4 @...on their heads crowns of... gold.

kjv@Revelation:4:5 @...there were seven lamps of fire...

kjv@Revelation:4:6 @...were four beasts full of eyes...

kjv@Revelation:4:8 @...and they were full of eyes...

kjv@Revelation:5:1 the right hand of him...

kjv@Revelation:5:5 @...of Juda, the Root of David,...

kjv@Revelation:5:6 @...are the seven Spirits of God...

kjv@Revelation:5:7 @...of the right hand of him...

kjv@Revelation:5:8 @...and golden vials full of odours,...

kjv@Revelation:5:9 thy blood out of every...

kjv@Revelation:5:11 @...elders: and the number of them...

kjv@Revelation:6:1 @...noise of thunder, one of the...

kjv@Revelation:6:5 @...him had a pair of balances...

kjv@Revelation:6:6 @...penny, and three measures of barley...

kjv@Revelation:6:7 @...I heard the voice of the...

kjv@Revelation:6:8 @...and with the beasts of the...

kjv@Revelation:6:9 @...slain for the word of God,...

kjv@Revelation:6:11 @...given unto every one of them;...

kjv@Revelation:6:12 @...became black as sackcloth of hair,...

kjv@Revelation:6:13 @...when she is shaken of a...

kjv@Revelation:6:14 @...island were moved out of their...

kjv@Revelation:6:15 @...and in the rocks of the...

kjv@Revelation:6:16 @...and from the wrath of the...

kjv@Revelation:6:17 @...For the great day of his...

kjv@Revelation:7:1 @...holding the four winds of the...

kjv@Revelation:7:2 @...east, having the seal of the...

kjv@Revelation:7:3 @...have sealed the servants of our...

kjv@Revelation:7:4 @...of all the tribes of the...

kjv@Revelation:7:5 @...thousand. Of the tribe of Gad...

kjv@Revelation:7:6 @...thousand. Of the tribe of Manasses...

kjv@Revelation:7:7 @...thousand. Of the tribe of Issachar...

kjv@Revelation:7:8 @...thousand. Of the tribe of Benjamin...

kjv@Revelation:7:9 man could number, of all...

kjv@Revelation:7:13 ... And one of the...

kjv@Revelation:7:14 @...white in the blood of the...

kjv@Revelation:7:15 @...they before the throne of God,...

kjv@Revelation:7:17 @...them unto living fountains of waters:...

kjv@Revelation:8:1 @...heaven about the space of half...

kjv@Revelation:8:3 with the prayers of all...

kjv@Revelation:8:4 @...up before God out of the...

kjv@Revelation:8:5 @...filled it with fire of the...

kjv@Revelation:8:7 @...and the third part of trees...

kjv@Revelation:8:8 @...and the third part of the...

kjv@Revelation:8:9 @...and the third part of the...

kjv@Revelation:8:10 @...upon the third part of the...

kjv@Revelation:8:11 @...and many men died of the...

kjv@Revelation:8:12 @...for a third part of it,...

kjv@Revelation:8:13 @...voices of the trumpet of the...

kjv@Revelation:9:1 @...was given the key of the...

kjv@Revelation:9:2 @...reason of the smoke of the...

kjv@Revelation:9:3 @...power, as the scorpions of the...

kjv@Revelation:9:4 @...have not the seal of God...

kjv@Revelation:9:5 @...was as the torment of a...

kjv@Revelation:9:7 @... And the shapes of the...

kjv@Revelation:9:8 as the hair of women,...

kjv@Revelation:9:9 @...the sound of chariots of many...

kjv@Revelation:9:11 @...which is the angel of the...

kjv@Revelation:9:13 @...from the four horns of the...

kjv@Revelation:9:15 @...slay the third part of... men.

kjv@Revelation:9:16 @...number of the army of the...

kjv@Revelation:9:17 @...of lions; and out of their...

kjv@Revelation:9:18 @...brimstone, which issued out of their...

kjv@Revelation:9:20 @...brass, and stone, and of wood:...

kjv@Revelation:9:21 @...of their fornication, nor of their...

kjv@Revelation:10:1 @...his feet as pillars of... fire:

kjv@Revelation:10:7 sound, the mystery of God...

kjv@Revelation:10:8 in the hand of the...

kjv@Revelation:10:10 @...the little book out of the...

kjv@Revelation:11:1 @...and measure the temple of God,...

kjv@Revelation:11:4 @...standing before the God of the...

kjv@Revelation:11:5 @...them, fire proceedeth out of their...

kjv@Revelation:11:6 @...with all plagues, as often as...

kjv@Revelation:11:7 @...beast that ascendeth out of the...

kjv@Revelation:11:8 @...lie in the street of the...

kjv@Revelation:11:9 ... And they of the...

kjv@Revelation:11:11 half the Spirit of life...

kjv@Revelation:11:13 @...the earthquake were slain of men...

kjv@Revelation:11:15 @...of our Lord, and of his...

kjv@Revelation:11:18 @...come, and the time of the...

kjv@Revelation:11:19 @...his temple the ark of his...

kjv@Revelation:12:1 @...her head a crown of twelve...

kjv@Revelation:12:4 @...part of the stars of heaven,...

kjv@Revelation:12:5 @...nations with a rod of iron:...

kjv@Revelation:12:6 @...hath a place prepared of God,...

kjv@Revelation:12:10 @...Christ: for the accuser of our...

kjv@Revelation:12:11 @...and by the word of their...

kjv@Revelation:12:12 @...of the earth and of the...

kjv@Revelation:12:14 @...time, from the face of the...

kjv@Revelation:12:15 be carried away of the...

kjv@Revelation:12:16 @...the dragon cast out of his...

kjv@Revelation:12:17 @...and have the testimony of Jesus...

kjv@Revelation:13:1 @...beast rise up out of the...

kjv@Revelation:13:2 @...mouth as the mouth of a...

kjv@Revelation:13:3 @...And I saw one of his...

kjv@Revelation:13:8 @...slain from the foundation of the...

kjv@Revelation:13:10 @...patience and the faith of the...

kjv@Revelation:13:11 @...beast coming up out of the...

kjv@Revelation:13:12 @...exerciseth all the power of the...

kjv@Revelation:13:13 in the sight of... men,

kjv@Revelation:13:14 in the sight of the...

kjv@Revelation:13:15 @...not worship the image of the...

kjv@Revelation:13:17 @...beast, or the number of his...

kjv@Revelation:13:18 is the number of a...

kjv@Revelation:14:2 @...I heard the voice of harpers...

kjv@Revelation:14:5 @...fault before the throne of... God.

kjv@Revelation:14:6 in the midst of heaven,...

kjv@Revelation:14:7 @...him; for the hour of his...

kjv@Revelation:14:8 of the wrath of her...

kjv@Revelation:14:10 @...and in the presence of the...

kjv@Revelation:14:11 @...whosoever receiveth the mark of his...

kjv@Revelation:14:12 @...that keep the commandments of God,...

kjv@Revelation:14:14 unto the Son of man,...

kjv@Revelation:14:15 @...reap; for the harvest of the...

kjv@Revelation:14:17 @...another angel came out of the...

kjv@Revelation:14:18 @...clusters of the vine of the...

kjv@Revelation:14:19 @...into the great winepress of the...

kjv@Revelation:14:20 @...bridles, by the space of a...

kjv@Revelation:15:1 @...filled up the wrath of... God.

kjv@Revelation:15:2 @...stand on the sea of glass,...

kjv@Revelation:15:3 @...God, and the song of the...

kjv@Revelation:15:5 @...temple of the tabernacle of the...

kjv@Revelation:15:6 angels came out of the...

kjv@Revelation:15:7 @...full of the wrath of God,...

kjv@Revelation:15:8 @...till the seven plagues of the...

kjv@Revelation:16:1 @...vials of the wrath of God...

kjv@Revelation:16:2 @...which had the mark of the...

kjv@Revelation:16:3 @...became as the blood of a...

kjv@Revelation:16:4 @...the rivers and fountains of waters;...

kjv@Revelation:16:5 @...I heard the angel of the...

kjv@Revelation:16:6 @...have shed the blood of saints...

kjv@Revelation:16:7 @...I heard another out of the...

kjv@Revelation:16:9 @...and blasphemed the name of God,...

kjv@Revelation:16:10 @...his kingdom was full of darkness;...

kjv@Revelation:16:11 @...sores, and repented not of their...

kjv@Revelation:16:12 @...way of the kings of the...

kjv@Revelation:16:13 @...out of the mouth of the...

kjv@Revelation:16:14 @...of that great day of God...

kjv@Revelation:16:17 @...out of the temple of heaven,...

kjv@Revelation:16:19 of the fierceness of his...

kjv@Revelation:16:21 @...because of the plague of the...

kjv@Revelation:17:1 @...unto thee the judgment of the...

kjv@Revelation:17:2 @...drunk with the wine of her...

kjv@Revelation:17:3 @...beast, full of names of blasphemy,...

kjv@Revelation:17:4 @...of abominations and filthiness of her...

kjv@Revelation:17:5 @ And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.

kjv@Revelation:17:6 @...blood of the martyrs of Jesus:...

kjv@Revelation:17:7 @...of the woman, and of the...

kjv@Revelation:17:8 from the foundation of the...

kjv@Revelation:17:11 @...the eighth, and is of the...

kjv@Revelation:17:14 @...of lords, and King of kings:...

kjv@Revelation:17:17 @...beast, until the words of God...

kjv@Revelation:17:18 @...reigneth over the kings of the...

kjv@Revelation:18:2 @...spirit, and a cage of every...

kjv@Revelation:18:3 through the abundance of her...

kjv@Revelation:18:4 @...that ye receive not of her...

kjv@Revelation:18:9 @...shall see the smoke of her...

kjv@Revelation:18:10 for the fear of her...

kjv@Revelation:18:11 @... And the merchants of the...

kjv@Revelation:18:12 @...most precious wood, and of brass,...

kjv@Revelation:18:13 @...and slaves, and souls of... men.

kjv@Revelation:18:15 for the fear of her...

kjv@Revelation:18:18 @...they saw the smoke of her...

kjv@Revelation:18:19 @...the sea by reason of her...

kjv@Revelation:18:22 @...thee; and the sound of a...

kjv@Revelation:18:23 @...were the great men of the...

kjv@Revelation:18:24 @...and of saints, and of all...

kjv@Revelation:19:1 @...heard a great voice of much...

kjv@Revelation:19:2 @...hath avenged the blood of his...

kjv@Revelation:19:5 @...a voice came out of the...

kjv@Revelation:19:6 @...and as the voice of mighty...

kjv@Revelation:19:7 @...him: for the marriage of the...

kjv@Revelation:19:8 @...linen is the righteousness of... saints.

kjv@Revelation:19:9 @...unto the marriage supper of the...

kjv@Revelation:19:10 @...God: for the testimony of Jesus...

kjv@Revelation:19:12 @...were as a flame of fire,...

kjv@Revelation:19:13 called The Word of... God.

kjv@Revelation:19:15 @...the fierceness and wrath of Almighty...

kjv@Revelation:19:16 @ And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

kjv@Revelation:19:17 @...together unto the supper of the...

kjv@Revelation:19:18 @...them, and the flesh of all...

kjv@Revelation:19:19 @...beast, and the kings of the...

kjv@Revelation:19:20 @...alive into a lake of fire...

kjv@Revelation:19:21 @...which sword proceeded out of his...

kjv@Revelation:20:1 @...heaven, having the key of the...

kjv@Revelation:20:4 @...and for the word of God,...

kjv@Revelation:20:5 @... But the rest of the...

kjv@Revelation:20:6 @...priests of God and of Christ,...

kjv@Revelation:20:7 @...shall be loosed out of his...

kjv@Revelation:20:8 as the sand of the...

kjv@Revelation:20:9 @...down from God out of heaven,...

kjv@Revelation:20:10 @...cast into the lake of fire...

kjv@Revelation:20:12 @...dead were judged out of those...

kjv@Revelation:20:14 @...cast into the lake of fire....

kjv@Revelation:20:15 @...written in the book of life...

kjv@Revelation:21:2 @...down from God out of heaven,...

kjv@Revelation:21:3 @...saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God...

kjv@Revelation:21:6 @...fountain of the water of life...

kjv@Revelation:21:9 @...the seven vials full of the...

kjv@Revelation:21:10 @...holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven...

kjv@Revelation:21:11 @... Having the glory of God:...

kjv@Revelation:21:12 @...of the twelve tribes of the...

kjv@Revelation:21:14 @...of the twelve apostles of the...

kjv@Revelation:21:16 @...breadth and the height of it...

kjv@Revelation:21:17 @...a man, that is, of the...

kjv@Revelation:21:18 @...wall of it was of jasper:...

kjv@Revelation:21:19 @...garnished with all manner of precious...

kjv@Revelation:21:21 @...pearl: and the street of the...

kjv@Revelation:21:22 @...Lamb are the temple of... it.

kjv@Revelation:21:23 for the glory of God...

kjv@Revelation:21:24 and the kings of the...

kjv@Revelation:21:25 @... And the gates of it...

kjv@Revelation:21:26 @...the glory and honour of the...

kjv@Revelation:21:27 the Lamb's book of... life.

kjv@Revelation:22:1 @...throne of God and of the...

kjv@Revelation:22:2 @...were for the healing of the...

kjv@Revelation:22:3 @...throne of God and of the...

kjv@Revelation:22:5 candle, neither light of the...

kjv@Revelation:22:6 @...and the Lord God of the...

kjv@Revelation:22:7 @...sayings of the prophecy of this...

kjv@Revelation:22:8 @...worship before the feet of the...

kjv@Revelation:22:9 @...which keep the sayings of this...

kjv@Revelation:22:10 @...sayings of the prophecy of this...

kjv@Revelation:22:14 @...right to the tree of life,...

kjv@Revelation:22:16 @...root and the offspring of David,...

kjv@Revelation:22:17 @...him take the water of life...

kjv@Revelation:22:18 @...words of the prophecy of this...

kjv@Revelation:22:19 @...of life, and out of the...

kjv@Revelation:22:21 ... The grace of our...

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