tcent@Matthew:5:19 ...Whoever then breaks one of...

tcent@Matthew:5:28 you that every one who...

tcent@Matthew:5:29 @...for you to lose one of...

tcent@Matthew:5:30 @...for you to lose one of...

tcent@Matthew:5:32 you that every one who...

tcent@Matthew:5:36 cannot make even one hair...

tcent@Matthew:5:41 @...forces you to go one mile,...

tcent@Matthew:6:24 devoted to the one and...

tcent@Matthew:6:27 worrying can add one cubit...

tcent@Matthew:6:29 @...was not arrayed like one of...

tcent@Matthew:7:21 @ »Not every one who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

tcent@Matthew:7:26 ...And every one who...

tcent@Matthew:7:29 @...he taught them as one who...

tcent@Matthew:8:28 @ When he had come to the other side, to the country of the Gadarenes, two demon-...fierce, so that no one could...

tcent@Matthew:9:16 ...No one puts...

tcent@Matthew:9:30 @ And their eyes were opened. And Jesus sternly warned them, »See that no one knows it.«

tcent@Matthew:10:14 ...And if any one will...

tcent@Matthew:10:23 @...they persecute you in one city,...

tcent@Matthew:10:29 @...a penny? And not one of...’s will.

tcent@Matthew:10:42 of these little ones even...«

tcent@Matthew:11:3 @ and said to him, »Are you the One who is to come, or shall we look for another?«

tcent@Matthew:11:11 @...there has not risen one greater...

tcent@Matthew:11:27 @ »...the Father, and no one knows...

tcent@Matthew:12:6 @...I tell you that one greater...

tcent@Matthew:12:11 @ He said to them, », if he has one sheep...

tcent@Matthew:12:29 ...Or how can one enter...’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house.

tcent@Matthew:12:41 @...of Jonah, and now one greater...

tcent@Matthew:13:19 @...understand it, the evil one comes...

tcent@Matthew:13:23 ...But the one who...«

tcent@Matthew:13:46 @...when he had found one pearl...

tcent@Matthew:16:14 @ And they said, »...and others Jeremiah or one of...«

tcent@Matthew:16:20 @...disciples to tell no one that...

tcent@Matthew:17:4 @ And Peter said to Jesus, »Lord, it is good for us to be here; if you wish, I will make here three tabernacles— for Moses, and one for...«

tcent@Matthew:17:8 @...eyes, they saw no one but...

tcent@Matthew:17:9 @ And as they were coming down the mountain, Jesus commanded them, »Tell no one the vision, until the Son of Man is raised from the dead.«

tcent@Matthew:18:5 ...Whoever receives one little...

tcent@Matthew:18:6 @ » of these little ones who...

tcent@Matthew:18:9 enter life with one eye...

tcent@Matthew:18:10 @ » of these little ones. For...

tcent@Matthew:18:12 @...a hundred sheep, and one search of the one that...

tcent@Matthew:18:14 of these little ones should...

tcent@Matthew:18:16 @...will not listen, take one or...‘every matter may be established by the word of two or three witnesses.’

tcent@Matthew:18:24 @...he began the settlement, one was...

tcent@Matthew:18:28 @...went out and found one of...‘Pay me what you owe.’

tcent@Matthew:19:5 @ and said, ‘...the two shall become one... flesh’?

tcent@Matthew:19:6 longer two, but one flesh....«

tcent@Matthew:19:7 @ They said to him, »...then did Moses command one to...«

tcent@Matthew:19:16 ...Now behold, one came...»Teacher, what good thing must I do to have eternal life?«

tcent@Matthew:19:17 @ And he said to him, »...good? There is only one who...«

tcent@Matthew:19:29 ...And every one who...’s sake, will receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.

tcent@Matthew:20:7 @ They said to him, ‘Because no one has hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right you will receive.’

tcent@Matthew:20:12 @ saying, ‘ have worked only one hour,...’

tcent@Matthew:20:13 ...But he answered one of...‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius?

tcent@Matthew:20:21 @ And he said to her, »What do you want?« She said to him, »...your right hand and one at...«

tcent@Matthew:21:3 ...If any one says...‘The Lord has need of them,’ and he will send them immediately.«

tcent@Matthew:21:24 @ Jesus answered them, »...also will ask you one question;...

tcent@Matthew:22:5 and went off, one to...

tcent@Matthew:22:25 @...among us. The first one married...

tcent@Matthew:22:35 ...And one of...

tcent@Matthew:22:46 @...that day did any one dare...

tcent@Matthew:23:8 @ But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’...for you have only one Master,...

tcent@Matthew:23:9 @ And do not call anyone on earth your ‘Father,’ for you have one Father, he who is in heaven.

tcent@Matthew:23:10 @ Nor are you to be called ‘Teacher,’ for you have one Teacher, the Christ.

tcent@Matthew:23:16 @ »Woe to you, blind guides, who say, ‘...nothing; but if any one swears...’

tcent@Matthew:24:2 @ But he answered them, »...not be left here one stone...«

tcent@Matthew:24:4 @ And Jesus answered them: »Take heed that no one deceives you.

tcent@Matthew:24:10 @...away, and will betray one another,...

tcent@Matthew:24:23 ...Then if any one says...‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not believe it.

tcent@Matthew:24:31 @...the four winds, from one end...

tcent@Matthew:24:36 @ » and hour no one knows,...

tcent@Matthew:24:40 in the field; one will...

tcent@Matthew:24:41 @...grinding at the mill; one will...

tcent@Matthew:25:15 @...two, and to another one, to...

tcent@Matthew:25:18 @...who had received the one talent...’s money.

tcent@Matthew:25:24 @...who had received the one talent...‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed.

tcent@Matthew:25:29 ...For to every one who...

tcent@Matthew:25:32 @...he will separate them one from...

tcent@Matthew:25:40 @ And the King will answer them, ‘ did it to one of...’

tcent@Matthew:25:45 @ Then he will answer them, ‘...not do it to one of...’

tcent@Matthew:26:14 ...Then one of...

tcent@Matthew:26:21 @ And as they were eating, he said, »...I say to you, one of...«

tcent@Matthew:26:22 say to him one after...»Is it I, Lord?«

tcent@Matthew:26:40 @ Then he came to the disciples and found them sleeping; and he said to Peter, »...not watch with me one... hour?

tcent@Matthew:26:47 @...still speaking, Judas came, one of...

tcent@Matthew:26:48 @ Now the betrayer had given them a sign, saying, »The one I kiss is the man; seize him.«

tcent@Matthew:26:51 ...And suddenly, one of...

tcent@Matthew:26:68 @ saying, »...Christ! Who is the one who...«

tcent@Matthew:26:73 @ After a little while those who stood by came up and said to Peter, »Surely you are also one of them, for your accent betrays you.«

tcent@Matthew:27:15 @...for the crowd any one prisoner...

tcent@Matthew:27:38 @...on the right and one on...

tcent@Matthew:27:48 ...Immediately one of...

tcent@Matthew:27:62 @...The next day, the one after...

tcent@Mark:1:7 @ And he preached, saying, »After me comes One who is mightier than I, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie.

tcent@Mark:1:22 @...he taught them as one who...

tcent@Mark:1:24 @ saying, »Let us alone! What have we to do with you, Jesus of Nazareth? Did you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!«

tcent@Mark:2:21 @ »No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; if he does, the new piece will pull away from the old, and the tear is made worse.

tcent@Mark:2:22 ...And no one puts...«

tcent@Mark:2:23 @ One Sabbath he was going through the grainfields; and as they made their way his disciples began to pluck heads of grain.

tcent@Mark:3:27 ...No one can...

tcent@Mark:4:41 @...awe, and said to one another,...»Who is this? Even the wind and the sea obey him!«

tcent@Mark:5:3 @...the tombs; and no one could...

tcent@Mark:5:4 pieces; and no one had...

tcent@Mark:5:22 ...Then came one of...

tcent@Mark:5:37 @...And he allowed no one to...

tcent@Mark:5:43 @...charged them that no one should...

tcent@Mark:6:15 @ But others said, »It is Elijah.« And others said, » a prophet, like one of...«

tcent@Mark:8:4 @ And his disciples answered him, »How can one feed these men with bread here in the desert?«

tcent@Mark:8:14 @...and they had only one loaf...

tcent@Mark:8:16 @...they discussed it with one another,...»It is because we have no bread.«

tcent@Mark:8:28 @ They replied, »...Elijah; and still others, one of...«

tcent@Mark:8:30 @...them to tell no one about...

tcent@Mark:9:5 @ And Peter said to Jesus, »Rabbi, it is good for us to be here. And let us make three tabernacles— for Moses, and one for...«

tcent@Mark:9:9 @...them to tell no one what...

tcent@Mark:9:17 ...And one of...»Teacher, I brought my son to you, who has a mute spirit.

tcent@Mark:9:34 @...they had discussed with one another...

tcent@Mark:9:37 @ »Whoever receives one of these little children in my name receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.«

tcent@Mark:9:38 @ John said to him, »...because he was not one of...«

tcent@Mark:9:39 @ But Jesus said, »...forbid him, for no one who...

tcent@Mark:9:42 @ » of these little ones who...

tcent@Mark:9:47 @...kingdom of God with one eye...

tcent@Mark:9:49 ...For every one will...

tcent@Mark:9:50 at peace with one... another.«

tcent@Mark:10:8 @...the two shall become one... flesh.’ longer two, but one... flesh.

tcent@Mark:10:18 @ And Jesus said to him, » me good? No one is...

tcent@Mark:10:21 @ Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, »You lack one thing; go and sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.«

tcent@Mark:10:29 @ Jesus said, », there is no one who...

tcent@Mark:10:37 @ And they said to him, »Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and the other at your left, in your glory.«

tcent@Mark:11:2 @ and said to them, »...tied, on which no one has...

tcent@Mark:11:14 @ And he said to it, »May no one ever eat fruit from you again.« And his disciples heard it.

tcent@Mark:11:29 @ Jesus said to them, »I will ask you one question; answer me, and I will tell you by what authority I do these things.

tcent@Mark:12:6 ...He still had one left...‘They will respect my son.’

tcent@Mark:12:7 @...those tenants said to one another,...‘This is the heir. Come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.’

tcent@Mark:12:28 @...heard them disputing with one another,...»Which commandment is the first of all?«

tcent@Mark:12:29 @ Jesus answered, »The first is: ‘...Lord our God is one... Lord.

tcent@Mark:12:34 @ And when Jesus saw that he answered wisely, he said to him, »You are not far from the kingdom of God.«...And after that no one dared...

tcent@Mark:13:1 @...out of the temple, one of...»Look, Teacher, what wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings!«

tcent@Mark:13:2 @ And Jesus said to him, »...not be left here one stone...«

tcent@Mark:13:5 @ And Jesus began to say to them: »Take heed that no one deceives you.

tcent@Mark:13:32 @ »...or that hour no one knows,...

tcent@Mark:14:10 ...Then Judas Iscariot, one of...

tcent@Mark:14:18 @ And as they were at table eating, Jesus said, » will betray me, one who...«

tcent@Mark:14:19 say to him one by...»Is it I?«

tcent@Mark:14:20 @ He said to them, » of the twelve, one who...

tcent@Mark:14:37 @ Then he came and found them sleeping, and he said to Peter, »...Could you not watch one... hour?

tcent@Mark:14:43 @...still speaking, Judas came, one of...

tcent@Mark:14:44 @ Now the betrayer had given them a signal, saying, »The one I shall kiss is the man; seize him and lead him away under guard.«

tcent@Mark:14:47 ...And one of...

tcent@Mark:14:66 @...below in the courtyard, one of...

tcent@Mark:14:69 @ And the servant girl saw him again, and began to say to those who stood by, »This is one of them.«

tcent@Mark:14:70 @ But again he denied it. And after a little while again those standing near said to Peter, »Surely you are one of them; for you are a Gallilean.«

tcent@Mark:15:6 release for them one prisoner...

tcent@Mark:15:27 @...on his right and one on...

tcent@Mark:15:36 ...And one ran...»Wait, let us see if Elijah will come to take him down.«

tcent@Luke:1:35 @ And the angel answered her, »The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God.

tcent@Luke:1:61 @ They said to her, »There is no one among your relatives who is called by that name.«

tcent@Luke:2:15 @...the shepherds said to one another,...»Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us.«

tcent@Luke:3:14 @ Likewise the soldiers asked him, »And what shall we do?« So he said to them, »Rob no one by violence or accuse falsely, and be content with your wages.«

tcent@Luke:3:16 @ John answered them all, » with water; but one mightier...

tcent@Luke:4:27 @...prophet Elisha; and not one of...«

tcent@Luke:4:34 @ »Ha! What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!«

tcent@Luke:4:36 @...amazed and said to one another,...»What is this word? For with authority and power he commands the unclean spirits, and they come out!«

tcent@Luke:4:40 @...his hands on every one of...

tcent@Luke:5:3 @...Then he got into one of...

tcent@Luke:5:12 @...While he was in one of...»Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.«

tcent@Luke:5:17 @ One day as he was teaching, there were Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting by, who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was present for him to heal.

tcent@Luke:5:36 @ He told them a parable also: » on an old one; if...

tcent@Luke:5:37 ...And no one puts...

tcent@Luke:5:39 ...And no one after...‘The old is better.’«

tcent@Luke:6:1 @ One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grain fields, and his disciples plucked and ate some heads of grain, rubbing them in their hands.

tcent@Luke:6:11 @...fury and discussed with one another...

tcent@Luke:6:29 @...strikes you on the one cheek,...

tcent@Luke:6:47 ...Every one who...

tcent@Luke:7:19 @ And John, calling to him two of his disciples, sent them to the Lord, saying, »Are you the One who is to come, or shall we look for another?«

tcent@Luke:7:20 @ When the men had come to him, they said, »John the Baptist has sent us to you, saying, ‘Are you the One who is to come, or shall we look for another?’«

tcent@Luke:7:28 @...than John; yet the one who...«

tcent@Luke:7:32 @...marketplace and calling to one another:...

tcent@Luke:7:36 @ One of the Pharisees asked him to eat with him, and he went to the Pharisee's house, and reclined at the table.

tcent@Luke:7:41 @ »A certain creditor had two debtors. One owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty.

tcent@Luke:7:43 @ Simon answered, »I suppose the one to whom he forgave more.« And he said to him, »You have judged rightly.«

tcent@Luke:8:22 @ One day he got into a boat with his disciples, and he said to them, »Let us go over to the other side of the lake.« So they set out.

tcent@Luke:8:25 @ He said to them, »Where is your faith?«...they marveled, saying to one another,...»Who then is this, that he commands even the winds and water, and they obey him?«

tcent@Luke:8:51 he permitted no one to...

tcent@Luke:8:56 @...them to tell no one what...

tcent@Luke:9:8 @...and by others that one of...

tcent@Luke:9:19 @ So they answered, »...and others say that one of...«

tcent@Luke:9:33 @ As the men were parting from him, Peter said to Jesus, » for Moses, and one for...«—not knowing what he said.

tcent@Luke:9:36 @...quiet, and told no one in...

tcent@Luke:9:48 @ and said to them, » all is the one who...«

tcent@Luke:9:62 @ Jesus said to him, »No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.«

tcent@Luke:10:4 @...sandals; and greet no one on...

tcent@Luke:10:22 @...the Son, and the one to...«

tcent@Luke:10:37 @ He said, »The one who showed mercy on him.« And Jesus said to him, »Go and do likewise.«

tcent@Luke:10:42 ...but only one thing...«

tcent@Luke:11:1 @...and when he ceased, one of...»Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.«

tcent@Luke:11:22 ...But when one stronger...

tcent@Luke:11:32 @...of Jonah, and behold, one greater...

tcent@Luke:11:33 @ »No one after lighting a lamp puts it in a secret place or under a basket, but on a stand, that those who come in may see the light.

tcent@Luke:11:45 @ One of the lawyers answered him, »Teacher, by saying these things you reproach us also.«

tcent@Luke:11:46 @ And he said, »...touch the burdens with one of...

tcent@Luke:12:1 @...together that they trampled one another,...»Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.

tcent@Luke:12:6 @...two pennies? And not one of...

tcent@Luke:12:27 @...was not arrayed like one of...

tcent@Luke:12:52 @...will be five in one house...

tcent@Luke:13:10 @...he was teaching in one of...

tcent@Luke:13:23 ...Then one said...»Lord, will those who are saved be few?« And he said to them,

tcent@Luke:14:1 @ One Sabbath, when he went to dine at the house of a ruler who belonged to the Pharisees, they watched him.

tcent@Luke:14:8 @ » of honor, lest one more...

tcent@Luke:14:12 @...also said to the one who...»When you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers, your relatives or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you back, and you be repaid.

tcent@Luke:14:15 ...When one of...»Blessed is he who shall eat bread in the kingdom of God!«

tcent@Luke:14:26 @ »If any one comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.

tcent@Luke:15:4 @ »...sheep, if he loses one of...-...and go after the one which...

tcent@Luke:15:7 in heaven over one sinner...-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.

tcent@Luke:15:8 @ »...coins, if she loses one coin,...

tcent@Luke:15:10 @...angels of God over one sinner...«

tcent@Luke:15:16 @...swine ate, and no one gave...

tcent@Luke:15:19 @...son; make me like one of...«’

tcent@Luke:15:26 ...So he called one of...

tcent@Luke:16:5 @...he called in each one of...‘How much do you owe my master?’

tcent@Luke:16:13 devoted to the one and...«

tcent@Luke:16:17 @...pass away, than for one dot...

tcent@Luke:16:31 @ He said to him, ‘ convinced if some one should...’«

tcent@Luke:17:2 of these little ones to...

tcent@Luke:17:7 @ »Will any one of you, who has a servant plowing or keeping sheep, say to him when he has come in from the field, ‘Come at once and sit down to eat’?

tcent@Luke:17:15 ...Then one of...

tcent@Luke:17:18 ...Was no one found...«

tcent@Luke:17:22 @ Then he said to the disciples, »...will desire to see one of...

tcent@Luke:17:24 @...up the sky from one part...

tcent@Luke:17:34 @...two in one bed; one will...

tcent@Luke:17:35 @...will be grinding together; one will...«

tcent@Luke:18:10 @ »...the temple to pray, one a...

tcent@Luke:18:19 @ So Jesus said to him, » me good? No one is...

tcent@Luke:18:29 @ So he said to them, », there is no one who...

tcent@Luke:19:8 @ And Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, »...I have defrauded any one of...«

tcent@Luke:19:26 @ ‘, that to every one who...

tcent@Luke:19:30 @ saying, »...tied, on which no one has...

tcent@Luke:19:31 ...If any one asks...‘Why are you untying it?’ you shall say to him, ‘The Lord has need of it.’«

tcent@Luke:19:44 @...they will not leave one stone...«

tcent@Luke:20:1 @ One day as he was teaching the people in the temple and preaching the gospel, the chief priests and the scribes, together with the elders, came up to him

tcent@Luke:21:6 @ »...not be left here one stone...«

tcent@Luke:22:26 @...he who leads as one who...

tcent@Luke:22:27 @...Is it not the one who...

tcent@Luke:22:29 my Father bestowed one on...

tcent@Luke:22:47 @...who was called Judas, one of...

tcent@Luke:22:50 ...And one of...

tcent@Luke:22:58 @...a little later some one else...»You also are of them.« But Peter said, »Man, I am not!«

tcent@Luke:22:64 @ They blindfolded him and asked him, »Prophesy! Who is the one who struck you?«

tcent@Luke:23:14 @ and said to them, » to me as one who...

tcent@Luke:23:25 @...insurrection and murder, the one they...

tcent@Luke:23:26 @...him away, they seized one Simon...

tcent@Luke:23:33 @...him, and the criminals, one on...

tcent@Luke:23:39 @ One of the criminals who were hanged there hurled insults at him, saying, »Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us!«

tcent@Luke:23:53 @...the rock, where no one had...

tcent@Luke:24:18 ...Then one of...»Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem and do not know the things that have happened there in these days?«

tcent@Luke:24:21 @...that he was the one who...

tcent@John:1:18 ...No one has...

tcent@John:1:26 @ John answered them, »I baptize with water, but there stands One among you whom you do not know.

tcent@John:1:40 @ One of the two who heard John speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother.

tcent@John:3:2 @ This man came to Jesus by night and said to him, »...from God; for no one can...«

tcent@John:3:3 @ Jesus answered him, »...say to you, unless one is...«

tcent@John:3:5 @ Jesus answered, »...say to you, unless one is...

tcent@John:3:13 ...No one has...– the Son of Man.

tcent@John:3:20 ...For every one who...

tcent@John:3:32 @...and heard; yet no one receives...

tcent@John:4:18 @...five husbands, and the one whom...«

tcent@John:4:27 @...a woman, but no one said,...»What do you wish?« or, »Why are you talking with her?«

tcent@John:4:33 @...the disciples said to one another,...»Has any one brought him food?«

tcent@John:5:5 @ One man who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years.

tcent@John:5:44 @...who receive glory from one another,...

tcent@John:6:7 @ Philip answered him, »...enough bread for each one of...«

tcent@John:6:8 @ One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, said to him,

tcent@John:6:22 @...there had been only one boat...

tcent@John:6:37 me, and the one who...

tcent@John:6:40 Father, that every one who...«

tcent@John:6:44 ...No one can...

tcent@John:6:46 @...the Father except the one who...

tcent@John:6:65 @ And he said, »...told you that no one can...«

tcent@John:6:69 @ And we believe, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.«

tcent@John:6:70 @ Jesus answered them, », the twelve, and one of...«

tcent@John:6:71 betray him, though one of...

tcent@John:7:4 ...For no one works...«

tcent@John:7:13 ...However, no one spoke...

tcent@John:7:18 @ He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but he who seeks the glory of the One who sent him is true, and in him there is no falsehood.

tcent@John:7:21 @ Jesus answered them, »I did one deed, and you all marvel.

tcent@John:7:27 @...the Christ comes, no one will...«

tcent@John:7:30 @...take him; but no one laid...

tcent@John:7:35 @...The Jews said to one another,...»Where does this man intend to go that we shall not find him? Does he intend to go to the Dispersion among the Greeks and teach the Greeks?

tcent@John:7:44 @...seize him, but no one laid...

tcent@John:7:50 @...before, and who was one of...

tcent@John:8:9 @...went away one by one, beginning...

tcent@John:8:10 @ Jesus straightened up and said to her, »...are they? Has no one condemned...«

tcent@John:8:18 @ I am One who bears witness of myself, and the Father who sent me bears witness of me.«

tcent@John:8:20 @...the temple; but no one arrested...

tcent@John:8:41 @ You do the deeds of your father.« They said to him, »...of fornication; we have one Father...– God.«

tcent@John:8:50 @ Yet I do not seek my own glory; there is One who seeks it and he will be the judge.

tcent@John:9:4 coming, when no one can...

tcent@John:9:25 @ He answered, »Whether he is a sinner or not, I do not know. One thing I know, that though I was blind, now I see.«

tcent@John:9:31 @...sinners, but if any one is...

tcent@John:10:16 @...So there shall be one flock...

tcent@John:10:18 ...No one takes...«

tcent@John:10:21 @ Others said, »...not the sayings of one who...«

tcent@John:10:28 @...shall never perish; no one shall...

tcent@John:10:29 @...than all; and no one is...

tcent@John:11:10 ...But if one walks...«

tcent@John:11:49 ...But one of...»You know nothing at all!

tcent@John:11:50 @...expedient for you that one man...«

tcent@John:11:52 @...would gather together into one the...

tcent@John:11:56 @...Jesus and saying to one another...»What do you think? That he will not come to the feast?«

tcent@John:12:2 @...served, while Lazarus was one of...

tcent@John:12:4 ...But one of...

tcent@John:12:19 @...Pharisees then said to one another,...»You see that you are accomplishing nothing. Look, The world has gone after him!«

tcent@John:13:10 @ Jesus said to him, »...clean, but not every one of...«

tcent@John:13:14 @...also ought to wash one another's...

tcent@John:13:21 @ When Jesus had said this, he was troubled in spirit, and testified, »...I say to you, one of...«

tcent@John:13:22 @...The disciples looked at one another,...

tcent@John:13:23 @ One of his disciples, whom Jesus loved, was leaning close to the breast of Jesus.

tcent@John:13:28 ...But no one at...

tcent@John:13:34, that you love one another;...

tcent@John:13:35 have love for one... another.«

tcent@John:14:6 @ Jesus said to him, »...and the life. No one comes...

tcent@John:15:12 @...commandment, that you love one another...

tcent@John:15:13 @...Greater love has no one than...

tcent@John:15:17, that you love one... another.

tcent@John:15:24 @...the works which no one else...

tcent@John:16:17 @...his disciples said to one another,...»What is this that he says to us, ‘A little while, and you will not see me, and again a little while, and you will see me’; and, ‘because I go to the Father’?«

tcent@John:16:22 @...will rejoice, and no one will...

tcent@John:17:22 @...that they may be one just...

tcent@John:18:14 was expedient that one man...

tcent@John:18:17 @ Then the girl who kept the door said to Peter, »You are not also one of this man’s disciples, are you?« He said, »I am not.«

tcent@John:18:22 @...he had said this, one of...»Is that the way you answer the high priest?«

tcent@John:18:25 @ Now Simon Peter stood warming himself. Therefore they said to him, »You are not also one of his disciples, are you?« He denied it and said, »I am not.«

tcent@John:18:26 @ One of the servants of the high priest, a relative of him whose ear Peter had cut off, said, »Did I not see you in the garden with him?«

tcent@John:18:39 @...that I should release one man...«

tcent@John:19:11 @ Jesus answered, »...from above. Therefore the one who...«

tcent@John:19:18 @...two others with him, one on...

tcent@John:19:23 @...without seam, woven in one piece...

tcent@John:19:24 @...So they said to one another,...»Let us not tear it, but cast lots for it, whose it shall be.« This happened that the Scripture might be fulfilled which says:

tcent@John:19:34 ...But one of...

tcent@John:19:36 @ For these things were done that the scripture should be fulfilled, »Not one of his bones shall be broken.«

tcent@John:19:41 @...tomb in which no one had...

tcent@John:20:2 @...the other disciple, the one whom...»They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid him.«

tcent@John:20:12 @...of Jesus had lain, one at...

tcent@John:20:24 ...Now Thomas, one of...

tcent@John:21:11 @...full of large fish, one hundred...-three; and although there were so many, the net was not torn.

tcent@John:21:20 @ Peter turned and saw following them the disciple whom Jesus loved, who had leaned on his breast at the supper and had said, »Lord, who is the one who is going to betray you?«

tcent@John:21:25 @...Jesus did. If every one of...

tcent@Acts:1:14 ...All these with one mind...

tcent@Acts:1:24 @ And they prayed and said, »...all men, show which one of...

tcent@Acts:2:1 @...were all together in one... place.

tcent@Acts:2:3 @...they rested on each one of...

tcent@Acts:2:6 @...were bewildered, because each one heard...

tcent@Acts:2:12 @...and perplexed, saying to one another,...»What does this mean?«

tcent@Acts:2:30 @...that he would set one of...

tcent@Acts:2:38 @ And Peter said to them, »...and be baptized every one of...

tcent@Acts:3:10 @...recognized him as the one who...

tcent@Acts:3:13 @...his servant Jesus, the one whom...

tcent@Acts:3:14 @ But you disowned the Holy and Righteous One and asked for a murderer to be granted to you,

tcent@Acts:3:26 by turning every one of...«

tcent@Acts:4:12 salvation in no one else,...«

tcent@Acts:4:15 @...Council, they conferred with one... another,

tcent@Acts:4:17 longer to any one in...«

tcent@Acts:4:32 @...and soul, and no one claimed...

tcent@Acts:5:23 @ »...them, we found no one... inside.«

tcent@Acts:7:24 @...And when he saw one of...

tcent@Acts:7:35 @ This Moses whom they rejected, saying, ‘Who made you a ruler and a judge?’ is the one God sent to be both a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the angel who appeared to him in the bush.

tcent@Acts:8:6 ...The crowds with one accord...

tcent@Acts:10:2 @...a devout man and one who...

tcent@Acts:10:21 @ Peter went down to the men and said, »Behold, I am the one you are looking for; what is the reason you have come?«

tcent@Acts:10:34 @ And opening his mouth, Peter said: »...that God is not one to...

tcent@Acts:10:42 @...that he is the one appointed...

tcent@Acts:11:19 @...the word to no one except...

tcent@Acts:11:28 @ One of them named Agabus stood up and foretold by the Spirit that there would be a great famine all over the world. And this took place in the reign of Claudius.

tcent@Acts:12:10 @...and passed on through one street;...

tcent@Acts:13:25 @ And as John was completing his course, he said, ‘...No, but after me one is...’

tcent@Acts:15:25, having come to one accord,...

tcent@Acts:15:38 @...should not take along one who...

tcent@Acts:15:39 @...that they separated from one another,...

tcent@Acts:17:26 @...And he made from one man...

tcent@Acts:17:27 @...not far from each one of...

tcent@Acts:18:9 @...Lord said to Paul one night...»Do not be afraid, but go on speaking and do not be silent;

tcent@Acts:19:4 @ Paul said, » believe in the one who...«

tcent@Acts:19:29 @...and they rushed with one accord...

tcent@Acts:19:32 @...Now some were shouting one thing,...

tcent@Acts:19:34 @...hours they all with one voice...»Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!«

tcent@Acts:19:38 @...them bring charges against one... another.

tcent@Acts:20:31 to admonish each one with...

tcent@Acts:21:5 @...we said farewell to one... another.

tcent@Acts:21:8 @...the evangelist, who was one of...

tcent@Acts:21:19 @...he related one by one the...

tcent@Acts:21:26 made for each one of...

tcent@Acts:21:34 the crowd shouted one thing,...

tcent@Acts:22:9 @...the voice of the one who...

tcent@Acts:22:14 @ Then he said, ‘The God of our fathers has appointed you to know his will and to see the Righteous One and to hear words from his mouth.

tcent@Acts:22:19 @ And I said, ‘...themselves know that in one synagogue...

tcent@Acts:23:6 @...when Paul perceived that one part...»Brethren, I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees; with respect to the hope and the resurrection of the dead I am on trial.«

tcent@Acts:23:17 ...Paul called one of...»Take this young man to the commander; for he has something to tell him.«

tcent@Acts:23:22 @ So the commander dismissed the young man, instructing him, »Tell no one that you have informed me of this.«

tcent@Acts:24:21 ...except this one thing...‘With respect to the resurrection of the dead I am on trial before you today.’«

tcent@Acts:25:11 is true, no one can...«

tcent@Acts:26:12 @ »On one of these journeys I was going to Damascus with the authority and commission of the chief priests.

tcent@Acts:26:31 @...they began talking to one another,...»This man is not doing anything worthy of death or imprisonment.«

tcent@Acts:28:4 @...hand, they said to one another,...»No doubt this man is a murderer. Though he has escaped from the sea, justice has not allowed him to live.«

tcent@Acts:28:25 @...after Paul had made one final...»The Holy Spirit spoke the truth to your fathers through Isaiah the prophet:

tcent@Romans:1:27 @...consumed with passion for one another,...

tcent@Romans:2:6 @ For he »will render to each one according to his works«:

tcent@Romans:2:22 @...You who say that one must...

tcent@Romans:2:27 ...The one who...

tcent@Romans:2:28 @...real Jew who is one outwardly,...

tcent@Romans:2:29 @...a Jew who is one inwardly;...

tcent@Romans:3:26 @...the justifier of the one who...

tcent@Romans:3:30 ...since there is one God,...

tcent@Romans:4:5 ...And to one who...

tcent@Romans:5:7 ...Why, one will...—...for a good man one will...

tcent@Romans:5:12 @...entered the world through one man,...

tcent@Romans:5:14 @...a type of the one who...

tcent@Romans:5:15 @...the grace of the one man,...

tcent@Romans:5:16 @...For the judgment following one trespass...

tcent@Romans:5:17 life through the one man...)

tcent@Romans:5:18 ...So then, as one man's...’s act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men.

tcent@Romans:5:19 @...the obedience of the one man...

tcent@Romans:6:16 @...are slaves of the one whom...

tcent@Romans:9:10 @...had conceived children by one man,...

tcent@Romans:9:21 @...of the same lump one vessel...

tcent@Romans:10:11 @ The scripture says, »No one who believes in him will be put to shame.«

tcent@Romans:12:3 @...I say to every one among...

tcent@Romans:12:4 ...For as in one body...

tcent@Romans:12:5 @...Christ, and individually members one of...

tcent@Romans:12:10 brotherly love; outdo one another...

tcent@Romans:12:16 @...Live in harmony with one another....

tcent@Romans:12:17 ...Repay no one evil...

tcent@Romans:13:5 ...Therefore one must...

tcent@Romans:13:8 @...anything, except to love one another;...

tcent@Romans:14:2 @ One believes he may eat anything, but the man whose faith is weak eats only vegetables.

tcent@Romans:14:5 alike. Let each one be...

tcent@Romans:14:13 @...not pass judgment on one another...’s way.

tcent@Romans:14:15 @...your eating destroy the one for...

tcent@Romans:15:5 in harmony with one another,...

tcent@Romans:15:6 @...with one mind and one mouth...

tcent@Romans:15:7 ...Therefore, welcome one another,...

tcent@Romans:15:14 @...and able to instruct one... another.

tcent@Romans:16:16 ...Greet one another...

tcent@1Corinthians:1:12 this, that each one of...»I am of Paul,« and »I of Apollos,« and »I of Cephas,« and »I of Christ.«

tcent@1Corinthians:1:15 that no one would...

tcent@1Corinthians:1:16 @ (...whether I baptized any one... else.)

tcent@1Corinthians:2:11 @...him? Even so no one knows...

tcent@1Corinthians:3:4 ...For when one says,...»I am of Paul,« and another, »I am of Apollos,« are you not mere men?

tcent@1Corinthians:3:11 lay than the one which...

tcent@1Corinthians:3:17 ...If any one destroys...’s temple is holy, and that temple you are.

tcent@1Corinthians:3:18 @...deceive himself. If any one among...

tcent@1Corinthians:3:21 @...So then let no one boast...

tcent@1Corinthians:4:1 ...This is how one should...

tcent@1Corinthians:4:6 @...arrogant in favor of one against...

tcent@1Corinthians:5:2 @...have mourned? Let the one who...

tcent@1Corinthians:5:3 @...passed judgment on the one who...

tcent@1Corinthians:5:11 associate with any one who...— with such a one....

tcent@1Corinthians:6:1 ...When any one of...

tcent@1Corinthians:6:7 have lawsuits with one another....

tcent@1Corinthians:6:16 a prostitute becomes one body...»The two shall become one flesh.«

tcent@1Corinthians:6:17 @...with the Lord is one spirit...

tcent@1Corinthians:7:5 ...Do not deprive one another,...-control.

tcent@1Corinthians:7:7 @...own gift from God, one in...

tcent@1Corinthians:7:17 ...Only, let each one lead...

tcent@1Corinthians:7:20 ...Each one should...

tcent@1Corinthians:7:24 ...Brethren, let each one remain...

tcent@1Corinthians:7:25 @...give my opinion as one who...

tcent@1Corinthians:7:32 @ But I want you to be free from concern. One who is unmarried is concerned about the affairs of the Lord, how he may please the Lord;

tcent@1Corinthians:8:6 @...whom we exist; and one Lord,...

tcent@1Corinthians:9:20 I became as one under...—though not being myself under the law—so that I might win those under the law.

tcent@1Corinthians:9:21, I became as one without...

tcent@1Corinthians:9:24 @...runners run, but only one receives...

tcent@1Corinthians:10:8 @ We must not indulge in immorality as some of them did, and twenty-three thousand fell in one day.

tcent@1Corinthians:10:12 ...Therefore let any one who...

tcent@1Corinthians:10:17 @...who are many are one body,...

tcent@1Corinthians:10:24 ...Let no one seek...

tcent@1Corinthians:10:27 ...If one of...

tcent@1Corinthians:11:21 @...his own meal, and one is...

tcent@1Corinthians:11:33 eat, wait for one... another.

tcent@1Corinthians:12:3 @...tell you that no one who...»Jesus be cursed,« and no one can say, »Jesus is Lord,« except by the Holy Spirit.

tcent@1Corinthians:12:7 ...But to each one is...

tcent@1Corinthians:12:8 ...To one is...

tcent@1Corinthians:12:9 @...of healing by the one... Spirit,

tcent@1Corinthians:12:11 @...things, distributing to each one individually...

tcent@1Corinthians:12:12 @...they are many, are one body,...

tcent@1Corinthians:12:13 ...For by one Spirit...—whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—...made to drink of one... Spirit.

tcent@1Corinthians:12:14 @...not made up of one member...

tcent@1Corinthians:12:18 the body, each one of...

tcent@1Corinthians:12:19 @...If they were all one member,...

tcent@1Corinthians:12:20 @...are many parts, but one... body.

tcent@1Corinthians:12:25 @...the same care for one... another.

tcent@1Corinthians:12:26 @...suffer with it; if one member...

tcent@1Corinthians:14:2 God; for no one understands...

tcent@1Corinthians:14:5 tongues, unless some one interprets,...

tcent@1Corinthians:14:7 @...notes, how will any one know...

tcent@1Corinthians:14:11 @...a foreigner to the one who...

tcent@1Corinthians:14:16 @...spirit, how can any one in...»Amen« to your thanksgiving, since he does not know what you are saying?

tcent@1Corinthians:14:26 come together, each one has...

tcent@1Corinthians:14:27 @...each in turn; and one must...

tcent@1Corinthians:14:30 sitting, the first one must...

tcent@1Corinthians:14:31 @...all prophesy one by one, so...

tcent@1Corinthians:15:6 @...five hundred brethren at one time,...

tcent@1Corinthians:15:8 @...of all, as to one untimely...

tcent@1Corinthians:15:28 subjected to the one who...

tcent@1Corinthians:15:39 @...flesh, but there is one kind...

tcent@1Corinthians:15:41 ...There is one glory...

tcent@1Corinthians:16:2 @...of every week, each one of...

tcent@1Corinthians:16:11 ...So let no one despise...

tcent@1Corinthians:16:20 @...send you greetings. Greet one another...

tcent@2Corinthians:2:2 glad but the one whom...

tcent@2Corinthians:2:5 ...But if any one has...—not to put it too severely—to all of you.

tcent@2Corinthians:2:6 @...Sufficient for such a one is...

tcent@2Corinthians:2:10 ...Any one whom...

tcent@2Corinthians:2:16 the one a...

tcent@2Corinthians:3:18 @...into his likeness from one degree...

tcent@2Corinthians:5:10 @...of Christ, that each one may...

tcent@2Corinthians:5:14 @...we are convinced that one has...

tcent@2Corinthians:5:16 @...therefore, we regard no one from...

tcent@2Corinthians:5:17 ...Therefore, if any one is...

tcent@2Corinthians:7:12 @...on account of the one who...

tcent@2Corinthians:8:20 @...We intend that no one should...

tcent@2Corinthians:9:7 ...Each one must...

tcent@2Corinthians:11:2 @...I betrothed you to one husband,...

tcent@2Corinthians:11:4 @...different gospel from the one you...

tcent@2Corinthians:11:16 @...I repeat, let no one think...

tcent@2Corinthians:12:6, so that no one may...

tcent@2Corinthians:13:11 appeal, be of one mind,...

tcent@2Corinthians:13:12 ...Greet one another...

tcent@Galatians:1:9 @...again now, if any one is...

tcent@Galatians:3:11 ...Now that no one is...»The righteous man shall live by faith.«

tcent@Galatians:3:15 @...has been ratified, no one sets...

tcent@Galatians:3:20 @...does not represent just one party;...

tcent@Galatians:3:28 @...for you are all one in...

tcent@Galatians:4:22 the slave and one by...

tcent@Galatians:4:24 @ This is allegorically speaking, for these women are two covenants. One is from Mount Sinai bearing children who are to be slaves; she is Hagar.

tcent@Galatians:5:10 @...than mine; and the one who...

tcent@Galatians:5:13 @...but through love serve one... another.

tcent@Galatians:5:14 is fulfilled in one word,...»You shall love your neighbor as yourself.«

tcent@Galatians:5:15 bite and devour one another,...

tcent@Galatians:5:26 @...not become conceited, provoking one another,...

tcent@Galatians:6:1 @...spirit of gentleness; each one looking...

tcent@Galatians:6:2 ...Bear one another's...

tcent@Galatians:6:4 ...But let each one test...

tcent@Galatians:6:5 ...For each one will...

tcent@Galatians:6:6 ...Let the one who...

tcent@Galatians:6:8 @...reap corruption; but the one who...

tcent@Galatians:6:17 on let no one cause...

tcent@Ephesians:1:21 @...but also in the one to...

tcent@Ephesians:2:9, so that no one may...

tcent@Ephesians:2:14 @...has made us both one and...

tcent@Ephesians:2:15 @...might create in himself one new...

tcent@Ephesians:2:16 @...both to God in one body...

tcent@Ephesians:2:18 @...have our access in one Spirit...

tcent@Ephesians:4:2 @...patience, showing tolerance for one another...

tcent@Ephesians:4:4 @...were called to the one hope...

tcent@Ephesians:4:5 Lord, one faith,...

tcent@Ephesians:4:6 @ one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

tcent@Ephesians:4:7 ...But to each one of...

tcent@Ephesians:4:25 @...laying aside falsehood, each one of...

tcent@Ephesians:4:32 @...kind and tenderhearted to one another,...

tcent@Ephesians:5:6 ...Let no one deceive...

tcent@Ephesians:5:19 ...speaking to one another...

tcent@Ephesians:5:21 ...Be subject to one another...

tcent@Ephesians:5:29 ...For no one ever...

tcent@Ephesians:5:31 @ »...the two shall become one... flesh.«

tcent@Ephesians:5:33 ...However, each one of...

tcent@Ephesians:6:8 @...whatever good thing each one does,...

tcent@Philippians:1:27 one spirit, with one mind...

tcent@Philippians:2:2 @...the same love, being one in...

tcent@Philippians:2:20 ...I have no one else...

tcent@Philippians:3:13 @...hold of it; but one thing...

tcent@Colossians:2:4 @...this so that no one may...-sounding arguments.

tcent@Colossians:2:8 it that no one takes...

tcent@Colossians:2:16 ...Therefore let no one judge...

tcent@Colossians:2:18 ...Let no one disqualify...-abasement and the worship of the angels, taking his stand on visions he has seen, puffed up without cause by his fleshly mind,

tcent@Colossians:3:9 @...Do not lie to one another,...

tcent@Colossians:3:13 another and, if one has...

tcent@Colossians:3:15 @...were called in the one body....

tcent@Colossians:3:16 @...richly, teach and admonish one another...

tcent@Colossians:4:9 @...beloved brother, who is one of...

tcent@Colossians:4:12 ...Epaphras, who is one of...

tcent@1Thessalonians:2:11 @...children, we exhorted each one of...

tcent@1Thessalonians:3:3 that no one would...

tcent@1Thessalonians:3:12 @...abound in love for one another...

tcent@1Thessalonians:4:4 ...that each one of...

tcent@1Thessalonians:4:9 @...need to have any one write...

tcent@1Thessalonians:4:18 ...Therefore comfort one another...

tcent@1Thessalonians:5:11 @...another and build up one another,...

tcent@1Thessalonians:5:13 @...Live in peace with one... another.

tcent@1Thessalonians:5:15 do good to one another...

tcent@2Thessalonians:1:3 of you for one another...

tcent@2Thessalonians:2:3 ...Let no one deceive...

tcent@2Thessalonians:2:8 @...And then the lawless one will...

tcent@2Thessalonians:2:9 @...coming of the lawless one by...

tcent@1Timothy:1:8 @...Law is good, if one uses...

tcent@1Timothy:2:5 one God, and one mediator...

tcent@1Timothy:3:1 @...trustworthy saying: if any one aspires...

tcent@1Timothy:3:2 @...reproach, the husband of one wife,...-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach,

tcent@1Timothy:3:12 the husband of one wife,...

tcent@1Timothy:3:15 will know how one ought...

tcent@1Timothy:4:12 ...Let no one look...

tcent@1Timothy:5:8 ...If any one does...

tcent@1Timothy:5:9 @...been the wife of one... husband,

tcent@1Timothy:5:10 @...her good deeds, as one who...

tcent@2Timothy:2:4 to please the one who...

tcent@2Timothy:2:15 @...yourself to God as one approved,...

tcent@2Timothy:4:16 first defense no one came...

tcent@Titus:1:6 @...blameless, the husband of one wife,...

tcent@Titus:1:12 @ One of themselves, a prophet of their own, said,

tcent@Titus:2:15 @...all authority. Let no one disregard...

tcent@Titus:3:3 men and hating one... another.

tcent@Hebrews:3:12 @...there be in any one of...

tcent@Hebrews:3:13 ...But exhort one another...»Today,« so that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.

tcent@Hebrews:4:1 fear lest any one of...

tcent@Hebrews:4:11, so that no one will...

tcent@Hebrews:4:15 @...with our weaknesses, but one who...

tcent@Hebrews:5:4 ...And no one takes...

tcent@Hebrews:5:7 @...and tears, to the one who...

tcent@Hebrews:5:13 ...for every one who...

tcent@Hebrews:6:11 @...And we desire each one of...

tcent@Hebrews:6:13 @...since he had no one greater...

tcent@Hebrews:6:16 ...Men swear by one greater...

tcent@Hebrews:7:8 that case by one of...

tcent@Hebrews:7:9 @ One might even say that Levi himself, who receives tithes, paid tithes through Abraham,

tcent@Hebrews:7:11 @ Now if perfection could have been through the Levitical priesthood (for on the basis of it the people received the Law)...of Melchizedek, and not one designated...

tcent@Hebrews:7:13 @...tribe, from which no one has...

tcent@Hebrews:7:18 ...On the one hand,...

tcent@Hebrews:7:21 @ Those who formerly became priests took their office without an oath, but he became a priest with an oath through the One who said to him,

tcent@Hebrews:8:1 @...such a high priest, one who...

tcent@Hebrews:9:16 @...the death of the one who...

tcent@Hebrews:9:17 @...takes effect while the one who...

tcent@Hebrews:10:12 @...offered for all time one sacrifice...

tcent@Hebrews:10:14 ...For by one offering...

tcent@Hebrews:10:24 to stir up one another...

tcent@Hebrews:10:25 @...of some, but encouraging one another;...

tcent@Hebrews:11:12 ...Therefore from one man,...

tcent@Hebrews:12:14 @...holiness without which no one will...

tcent@Hebrews:12:15 it that no one comes...

tcent@Hebrews:12:16 ...that no one be...

tcent@James:1:13 ...Let no one say...»I am being tempted by God«; for God cannot be tempted by evil, and he himself does not tempt anyone.

tcent@James:1:14 ...But each one is...

tcent@James:1:25 ...But one who...

tcent@James:2:3 @...special attention to the one who...»Have a seat here in a good place,« and you say to the poor man, »You stand there,« or, »Sit by my feet,«

tcent@James:2:10 @...and yet stumbles in one point...

tcent@James:2:13 without mercy to one who...

tcent@James:2:16 ...and one of...»Go in peace, be warmed and filled,« and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that?

tcent@James:4:11 @...Do not speak against one another,...

tcent@James:4:12 @...Lawgiver and Judge, the one who...—who are you to judge your neighbor?

tcent@James:4:17 ...Therefore, to one who...

tcent@James:5:9 @...not grumble, brethren, against one another,...

tcent@James:5:16 @...another, and pray for one another...

tcent@1Peter:1:17 @...judges according to each one's work,...

tcent@1Peter:1:22 @...of the brethren, love one another...

tcent@1Peter:3:8 in harmony with one another;...

tcent@1Peter:4:8 @...unfailing your love for one another,...

tcent@1Peter:4:9 ...Offer hospitality to one another...

tcent@1Peter:4:10 @...employ it in serving one another...

tcent@1Peter:4:11 do so as one who...

tcent@1Peter:4:16 ...yet if one suffers...

tcent@1Peter:5:5, with humility toward one another,...

tcent@1Peter:5:14 ...Greet one another...

tcent@2Peter:3:8 @...that with the Lord one day...

tcent@1John:1:7 @...we have fellowship with one another,...

tcent@1John:2:23 ...No one who...

tcent@1John:3:6 him sins. No one who...

tcent@1John:3:7 @...Little children, let no one deceive...

tcent@1John:3:9 ...No one who...’s seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.

tcent@1John:3:11 @...that we should love one... another,

tcent@1John:3:12 @...was of the evil one and...

tcent@1John:3:23 @...Jesus Christ, and love one another,...

tcent@1John:4:7 @...Beloved, let us love one another,...

tcent@1John:4:11 @...also ought to love one... another.

tcent@1John:4:12 @...but if we love one another,...

tcent@1John:5:18 @...him, and the evil one does...

tcent@2John:1:5 commandment, but the one we...

tcent@3John:1:11 of God; the one who...

tcent@Revelation:1:13 @...midst of the lampstands one like...

tcent@Revelation:2:17 @...the stone which no one knows...’

tcent@Revelation:3:8 door, and no one can...

tcent@Revelation:3:11 @...have, so that no one may...

tcent@Revelation:3:20 @...and knock. If any one hears...

tcent@Revelation:4:2 @...standing in heaven, with one sitting...

tcent@Revelation:5:3 ...And no one in...

tcent@Revelation:5:4 @...wept greatly because no one was...

tcent@Revelation:5:5 ...Then one of...»Weep not; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals.«

tcent@Revelation:5:8 @ And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-...before the Lamb, each one holding...

tcent@Revelation:6:1 @...seals. And I heard one of...»Come!«

tcent@Revelation:6:4 @...that men should slay one another;...

tcent@Revelation:7:4 @...those who were sealed, one hundred...-four thousand sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel:

tcent@Revelation:7:9 @...great multitude which no one could...

tcent@Revelation:7:13 ...Then one of...»Who are these, clothed in white robes, and where have they come from?«

tcent@Revelation:11:10 @...will send gifts to one another,...

tcent@Revelation:12:6 be nourished for one thousand...

tcent@Revelation:13:3 @ One of its heads seemed to have a fatal wound, but its fatal wound was healed, and the whole earth followed the beast with wonder.

tcent@Revelation:13:8 @...will worship it, every one whose...

tcent@Revelation:13:17 that no one can...

tcent@Revelation:14:3 @...before the elders. No one could...-four thousand who had been redeemed from the earth.

tcent@Revelation:14:9 @ And another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a loud voice, »If any one worships the beast and its image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand,

tcent@Revelation:14:14 @...on the cloud was one like...

tcent@Revelation:14:18 @...from the altar, the one who...»Put in your sharp sickle, and gather the clusters from the vine of the earth, because its grapes are ripe.«

tcent@Revelation:14:20 @...for a distance of one thousand...

tcent@Revelation:15:7 ...Then one of...

tcent@Revelation:15:8 @...his power, and no one could...

tcent@Revelation:17:1 ...Then one of...»Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters,

tcent@Revelation:17:10 @...kings; five have fallen, one is,...

tcent@Revelation:17:12 @...with the beast for one... hour.

tcent@Revelation:17:13 ...These have one purpose...

tcent@Revelation:17:17 @...purpose by being of one mind...

tcent@Revelation:18:11 @...over her, because no one buys...—

tcent@Revelation:19:12 @...on him which no one knows...

tcent@Revelation:20:6 @...and holy is the one who...

tcent@Revelation:21:6 @ Then he said to me, »...will give to the one who...

tcent@Revelation:21:9 ...Then came one of...»Come, I will show you the Bride, the wife of the Lamb.«

tcent@Revelation:21:15 ...The one who...

tcent@Revelation:21:27 @...enter it, nor any one who...

tcent@Revelation:22:8 @...I, John, am the one who...

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