strkjv@Matthew:24:45 @ Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household G2322, to give them meat in due season?

strkjv@Luke:9:11 @ And the people, when they knew it, followed him: and he received them, and spake unto them of the kingdom of God, and healed them that had need of healing G2322.

strkjv@Luke:12:42 @ And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his lord shall make ruler over his household G2322, to give them their portion of meat in due season?

strkjv@Revelation:22:2 @ In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing G2322 of the nations.

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