strkjv@Job:18:20 @ They that come after him shall be astonied at his day, as they that went before were affrighted H8178.

strkjv@Isaiah:28:2 @ Behold, the Lord hath a mighty and strong one, which as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm H8178, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing, shall cast down to the earth with the hand.

strkjv@Ezekiel:27:35 @ All the inhabitants of the isles shall be astonished at thee, and their kings shall be sore H8178afraid, they shall be troubled in their countenance.

strkjv@Ezekiel:32:10 @ Yea, I will make many people amazed at thee, and their kings shall be horribly H8178afraid for thee, when I shall brandish my sword before them; and they shall tremble at every moment, every man for his own life, in the day of thy fall.

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