STRING desolations

kjv@Ezra:9:9 @ For we were bondmen; yet our God hath not forsaken us in our bondage, but hath extended mercy unto us in the sight of the kings of Persia, to give us a reviving, to set up the house of our God, and to repair the desolations thereof, and to give us a wall in Judah and in Jerusalem.

kjv@Psalms:46:8 @ Come, behold the works of the LORD, what desolations he hath made in the earth.

kjv@Psalms:74:3 @ Lift up thy feet unto the perpetual desolations; even all that the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.

kjv@Isaiah:61:4 @ And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations.

kjv@Jeremiah:25:9 @ Behold, I will send and take all the families of the north, saith the LORD, and Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, my servant, and will bring them against this land, and against the inhabitants thereof, and against all these nations round about, and will utterly destroy them, and make them an astonishment, and an hissing, and perpetual desolations.

kjv@Jeremiah:25:12 @ And it shall come to pass, when seventy years are accomplished, that I will punish the king of Babylon, and that nation, saith the LORD, for their iniquity, and the land of the Chaldeans, and will make it perpetual desolations.

kjv@Ezekiel:35:9 @ I will make thee perpetual desolations, and thy cities shall not return: and ye shall know that I am the LORD.

kjv@Daniel:9:2 @ In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.

kjv@Daniel:9:18 @ O my God, incline thine ear, and hear; open thine eyes, and behold our desolations, and the city which is called by thy name: for we do not present our supplications before thee for our righteousnesses, but for thy great mercies.

kjv@Daniel:9:26 @ And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

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