





rsv STRING:oppress

rsv@Genesis:15:13 @ Then the LORD said to Abram, "Know of a surety that your descendants will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs, and will be slaves there, and they will be oppressed for four hundred years;

rsv@Exodus:1:12 @ But the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and the more they spread abroad. And the Egyptians were in dread of the people of Israel.

rsv@Exodus:3:9 @ And now, behold, the cry of the people of Israel has come to me, and I have seen the oppression with which the Egyptians oppress them.

rsv@Exodus:22:18 @ "You shall not wrong a stranger or oppress him, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.

rsv@Exodus:23:9 @ "You shall not oppress a stranger; you know the heart of a stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.

rsv@Leviticus:6:2 @ "If any one sins and commits a breach of faith against the LORD by deceiving his neighbor in a matter of deposit or security, or through robbery, or if he has oppressed his neighbor

rsv@Leviticus:6:4 @ when one has sinned and become guilty, he shall restore what he took by robbery, or what he got by oppression, or the deposit which was committed to him, or the lost thing which he found,

rsv@Leviticus:19:13 @ "You shall not oppress your neighbor or rob him. The wages of a hired servant shall not remain with you all night until the morning.

rsv@Numbers:10:9 @ And when you go to war in your land against the adversary who oppresses you, then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets, that you may be remembered before the LORD your God, and you shall be saved from your enemies.

rsv@Deuteronomy:23:16 @ he shall dwell with you, in your midst, in the place which he shall choose within one of your towns, where it pleases him best; you shall not oppress him.

rsv@Deuteronomy:24:14 @ "You shall not oppress a hired servant who is poor and needy, whether he is one of your brethren or one of the sojourners who are in your land within your towns;

rsv@Deuteronomy:26:7 @ Then we cried to the LORD the God of our fathers, and the LORD heard our voice, and saw our affliction, our toil, and our oppression;

rsv@Deuteronomy:28:29 @ and you shall grope at noonday, as the blind grope in darkness, and you shall not prosper in your ways; and you shall be only oppressed and robbed continually, and there shall be no one to help you.

rsv@Deuteronomy:28:33 @ A nation which you have not known shall eat up the fruit of your ground and of all your labors; and you shall be only oppressed and crushed continually;

rsv@Judges:2:18 @ Whenever the LORD raised up judges for them, the LORD was with the judge, and he saved them from the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge; for the LORD was moved to pity by their groaning because of those who afflicted and oppressed them.

rsv@Judges:4:3 @ Then the people of Israel cried to the LORD for help; for he had nine hundred chariots of iron, and oppressed the people of Israel cruelly for twenty years.

rsv@Judges:6:9 @ and I delivered you from the hand of the Egyptians, and from the hand of all who oppressed you, and drove them out before you, and gave you their land;

rsv@Judges:10:8 @ and they crushed and oppressed the children of Israel that year. For eighteen years they oppressed all the people of Israel that were beyond the Jordan in the land of the Amorites, which is in Gilead.

rsv@Judges:10:12 @ The Sido'nians also, and the Amal'ekites, and the Ma'onites, oppressed you; and you cried to me, and I delivered you out of their hand.

rsv@1Samuel:10:18 @ and he said to the people of Israel, "Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, `I brought up Israel out of Egypt, and I delivered you from the hand of the Egyptians and from the hand of all the kingdoms that were oppressing you.'

rsv@1Samuel:12:3 @ Here I am; testify against me before the LORD and before his anointed. Whose ox have I taken? Or whose ass have I taken? Or whom have I defrauded? Whom have I oppressed? Or from whose hand have I taken a bribe to blind my eyes with it? Testify against me and I will restore it to you."

rsv@1Samuel:12:4 @ They said, "You have not defrauded us or oppressed us or taken anything from any man's hand."

rsv@1Samuel:12:8 @ When Jacob went into Egypt and the Egyptians oppressed them, then your fathers cried to the LORD and the LORD sent Moses and Aaron, who brought forth your fathers out of Egypt, and made them dwell in this place.

rsv@2Kings:13:4 @ Then Jeho'ahaz besought the LORD, and the LORD hearkened to him; for he saw the oppression of Israel, how the king of Syria oppressed them.

rsv@2Kings:13:22 @ Now Haz'ael king of Syria oppressed Israel all the days of Jeho'ahaz.

rsv@1Chronicles:16:21 @ he allowed no one to oppress them; he rebuked kings on their account,

rsv@Job:10:3 @ Does it seem good to thee to oppress, to despise the work of thy hands and favor the designs of the wicked?

rsv@Job:27:13 @ "This is the portion of a wicked man with God, and the heritage which oppressors receive from the Almighty:

rsv@Job:35:9 @ "Because of the multitude of oppressions people cry out; they call for help because of the arm of the mighty.

rsv@Psalms:9:10 @ The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.

rsv@Psalms:10:7 @ His mouth is filled with cursing and deceit and oppression; under his tongue are mischief and iniquity.

rsv@Psalms:10:18 @ to do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, so that man who is of the earth may strike terror no more.

rsv@Psalms:42:10 @ I say to God, my rock: "Why hast thou forgotten me? Why go I mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?"

rsv@Psalms:43:2 @ For thou art the God in whom I take refuge; why hast thou cast me off? Why go I mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?

rsv@Psalms:44:25 @ Why dost thou hide thy face? Why dost thou forget our affliction and oppression?

rsv@Psalms:55:4 @ by the noise of the enemy, because of the oppression of the wicked. For they bring trouble upon me, and in anger they cherish enmity against me.

rsv@Psalms:55:12 @ ruin is in its midst; oppression and fraud do not depart from its market place.

rsv@Psalms:56:2 @ Be gracious to me, O God, for men trample upon me; all day long foemen oppress me;

rsv@Psalms:69:33 @ Let the oppressed see it and be glad; you who seek God, let your hearts revive.

rsv@Psalms:72:5 @ May he defend the cause of the poor of the people, give deliverance to the needy, and crush the oppressor!

rsv@Psalms:72:15 @ From oppression and violence he redeems their life; and precious is their blood in his sight.

rsv@Psalms:73:9 @ They scoff and speak with malice; loftily they threaten oppression.

rsv@Psalms:76:10 @ when God arose to establish judgment to save all the oppressed of the earth. [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:103:7 @ The LORD works vindication and justice for all who are oppressed.

rsv@Psalms:105:14 @ he allowed no one to oppress them; he rebuked kings on their account,

rsv@Psalms:106:42 @ Their enemies oppressed them, and they were brought into subjection under their power.

rsv@Psalms:107:39 @ When they are diminished and brought low through oppression, trouble, and sorrow,

rsv@Psalms:119:121 @ I have done what is just and right; do not leave me to my oppressors.

rsv@Psalms:119:122 @ Be surety for thy servant for good; let not the godless oppress me.

rsv@Psalms:119:134 @ Redeem me from man's oppression, that I may keep thy precepts.

rsv@Psalms:146:7 @ who executes justice for the oppressed; who gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets the prisoners free;

rsv@Proverbs:14:31 @ He who oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is kind to the needy honors him.

rsv@Proverbs:22:16 @ He who oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to want.

rsv@Proverbs:28:3 @ A poor man who oppresses the poor is a beating rain that leaves no food.

rsv@Proverbs:28:16 @ A ruler who lacks understanding is a cruel oppressor; but he who hates unjust gain will prolong his days.

rsv@Proverbs:29:13 @ The poor man and the oppressor meet together; the LORD gives light to the eyes of both.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:4:1 @ Again I saw all the oppressions that are practiced under the sun. And behold, the tears of the oppressed, and they had no one to comfort them! On the side of their oppressors there was power, and there was no one to comfort them.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:5:8 @ If you see in a province the poor oppressed and justice and right violently taken away, do not be amazed at the matter; for the high official is watched by a higher, and there are yet higher ones over them.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:7:7 @ Surely oppression makes the wise man foolish, and a bribe corrupts the mind.

rsv@Isaiah:1:17 @ learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; defend the fatherless, plead for the widow.

rsv@Isaiah:3:5 @ And the people will oppress one another, every man his fellow and every man his neighbor; the youth will be insolent to the elder, and the base fellow to the honorable.

rsv@Isaiah:3:12 @ My people-- children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, your leaders mislead you, and confuse the course of your paths.

rsv@Isaiah:9:4 @ For the yoke of his burden, and the staff for his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, thou hast broken as on the day of Mid'ian.

rsv@Isaiah:10:1 @ Woe to those who decree iniquitous decrees, and the writers who keep writing oppression,

rsv@Isaiah:14:2 @ And the peoples will take them and bring them to their place, and the house of Israel will possess them in the LORD's land as male and female slaves; they will take captive those who were their captors, and rule over those who oppressed them.

rsv@Isaiah:14:4 @ you will take up this taunt against the king of Babylon: "How the oppressor has ceased, the insolent fury ceased!

rsv@Isaiah:16:4 @ let the outcasts of Moab sojourn among you; be a refuge to them from the destroyer. When the oppressor is no more, and destruction has ceased, and he who tramples under foot has vanished from the land,

rsv@Isaiah:19:20 @ It will be a sign and a witness to the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt; when they cry to the LORD because of oppressors he will send them a savior, and will defend and deliver them.

rsv@Isaiah:23:12 @ And he said: "You will no more exult, O oppressed virgin daughter of Sidon; arise, pass over to Cyprus, even there you will have no rest."

rsv@Isaiah:30:12 @ Therefore thus says the Holy One of Israel, "Because you despise this word, and trust in oppression and perverseness, and rely on them;

rsv@Isaiah:33:15 @ He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly, who despises the gain of oppressions, who shakes his hands, lest they hold a bribe, who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed and shuts his eyes from looking upon evil,

rsv@Isaiah:38:14 @ Like a swallow or a crane I clamor, I moan like a dove. My eyes are weary with looking upward. O Lord, I am oppressed; be thou my security!

rsv@Isaiah:49:26 @ I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh, and they shall be drunk with their own blood as with wine. Then all flesh shall know that I am the LORD your Savior, and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob."

rsv@Isaiah:51:13 @ and have forgotten the LORD, your Maker, who stretched out the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth, and fear continually all the day because of the fury of the oppressor, when he sets himself to destroy? And where is the fury of the oppressor?

rsv@Isaiah:52:4 @ For thus says the Lord GOD: My people went down at the first into Egypt to sojourn there, and the Assyrian oppressed them for nothing.

rsv@Isaiah:53:7 @ He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is dumb, so he opened not his mouth.

rsv@Isaiah:53:8 @ By oppression and judgment he was taken away; and as for his generation, who considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living, stricken for the transgression of my people?

rsv@Isaiah:54:14 @ In righteousness you shall be established; you shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; and from terror, for it shall not come near you.

rsv@Isaiah:58:3 @ `Why have we fasted, and thou seest it not? Why have we humbled ourselves, and thou takest no knowledge of it?' Behold, in the day of your fast you seek your own pleasure, and oppress all your workers.

rsv@Isaiah:58:6 @ "Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke?

rsv@Isaiah:59:13 @ transgressing, and denying the LORD, and turning away from following our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering from the heart lying words.

rsv@Isaiah:60:14 @ The sons of those who oppressed you shall come bending low to you; and all who despised you shall bow down at your feet; they shall call you the City of the LORD, the Zion of the Holy One of Israel.

rsv@Jeremiah:6:6 @ For thus says the LORD of hosts: "Hew down her trees; cast up a siege mound against Jerusalem. This is the city which must be punished; there is nothing but oppression within her.

rsv@Jeremiah:7:6 @ if you do not oppress the alien, the fatherless or the widow, or shed innocent blood in this place, and if you do not go after other gods to your own hurt,

rsv@Jeremiah:9:6 @ Heaping oppression upon oppression, and deceit upon deceit, they refuse to know me, says the LORD.

rsv@Jeremiah:21:12 @ O house of David! Thus says the LORD: "`Execute justice in the morning, and deliver from the hand of the oppressor him who has been robbed, lest my wrath go forth like fire, and burn with none to quench it, because of your evil doings.'"

rsv@Jeremiah:22:3 @ Thus says the LORD: Do justice and righteousness, and deliver from the hand of the oppressor him who has been robbed. And do no wrong or violence to the alien, the fatherless, and the widow, nor shed innocent blood in this place.

rsv@Jeremiah:22:17 @ But you have eyes and heart only for your dishonest gain, for shedding innocent blood, and for practicing oppression and violence."

rsv@Jeremiah:25:38 @ Like a lion he has left his covert, for their land has become a waste because of the sword of the oppressor, and because of his fierce anger."

rsv@Jeremiah:30:20 @ Their children shall be as they were of old, and their congregation shall be established before me; and I will punish all who oppress them.

rsv@Jeremiah:46:16 @ Your multitude stumbled and fell, and they said one to another, `Arise, and let us go back to our own people and to the land of our birth, because of the sword of the oppressor.'

rsv@Jeremiah:50:16 @ Cut off from Babylon the sower, and the one who handles the sickle in time of harvest; because of the sword of the oppressor, every one shall turn to his own people, and every one shall flee to his own land.

rsv@Jeremiah:50:33 @ "Thus says the LORD of hosts: The people of Israel are oppressed, and the people of Judah with them; all who took them captive have held them fast, they refuse to let them go.

rsv@Ezekiel:18:7 @ does not oppress any one, but restores to the debtor his pledge, commits no robbery, gives his bread to the hungry and covers the naked with a garment,

rsv@Ezekiel:18:12 @ oppresses the poor and needy, commits robbery, does not restore the pledge, lifts up his eyes to the idols, commits abomination,

rsv@Ezekiel:22:29 @ The people of the land have practiced extortion and committed robbery; they have oppressed the poor and needy, and have extorted from the sojourner without redress.

rsv@Ezekiel:45:8 @ It is to be his property in Israel. And my princes shall no more oppress my people; but they shall let the house of Israel have the land according to their tribes.

rsv@Ezekiel:45:9 @ "Thus says the Lord GOD: Enough, O princes of Israel! Put away violence and oppression, and execute justice and righteousness; cease your evictions of my people, says the Lord GOD.

rsv@Daniel:4:27 @ Therefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable to you; break off your sins by practicing righteousness, and your iniquities by showing mercy to the oppressed, that there may perhaps be a lengthening of your tranquillity."

rsv@Hosea:5:11 @ E'phraim is oppressed, crushed in judgment, because he was determined to go after vanity.

rsv@Hosea:12:7 @ A trader, in whose hands are false balances, he loves to oppress.

rsv@Amos:3:9 @ Proclaim to the strongholds in Assyria, and to the strongholds in the land of Egypt, and say, "Assemble yourselves upon the mountains of Sama'ria, and see the great tumults within her, and the oppressions in her midst."

rsv@Amos:4:1 @ "Hear this word, you cows of Bashan, who are in the mountain of Sama'ria, who oppress the poor, who crush the needy, who say to their husbands, `Bring, that we may drink!'

rsv@Amos:6:14 @ "For behold, I will raise up against you a nation, O house of Israel," says the LORD, the God of hosts; "and they shall oppress you from the entrance of Hamath to the Brook of the Arabah."

rsv@Micah:2:2 @ They covet fields, and seize them; and houses, and take them away; they oppress a man and his house, a man and his inheritance.

rsv@Zephaniah:3:1 @ Woe to her that is rebellious and defiled, the oppressing city!

rsv@Zephaniah:3:19 @ Behold, at that time I will deal with all your oppressors. And I will save the lame and gather the outcast, and I will change their shame into praise and renown in all the earth.

rsv@Zechariah:7:10 @ do not oppress the widow, the fatherless, the sojourner, or the poor; and let none of you devise evil against his brother in your heart."

rsv@Zechariah:9:8 @ Then I will encamp at my house as a guard, so that none shall march to and fro; no oppressor shall again overrun them, for now I see with my own eyes.

rsv@Malachi:3:5 @ "Then I will draw near to you for judgment; I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, against the adulterers, against those who swear falsely, against those who oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow and the orphan, against those who thrust aside the sojourner, and do not fear me, says the LORD of hosts.

rsv@Luke:4:18 @ "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed,

rsv@Acts:7:24 @ And seeing one of them being wronged, he defended the oppressed man and avenged him by striking the Egyptian.

rsv@Acts:10:38 @ how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power; how he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.

rsv@James:2:6 @ But you have dishonored the poor man. Is it not the rich who oppress you, is it not they who drag you into court?

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