





nkjv STRING:plan

nkjv@Genesis:2:5 @ before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown. For the LORD God had not caused it to rain on the earth, and there was no man to till the ground;

nkjv@Genesis:2:8 @ The LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed.

nkjv@Genesis:9:20 @ And Noah began to be a farmer, and he planted a vineyard.

nkjv@Genesis:21:33 @ Then Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and there called on the name of the LORD, the Everlasting God.

nkjv@Genesis:27:36 @ And Esau said, "Is he not rightly named Jacob? For he has sup planted me these two times. He took away my birthright, and now look, he has taken away my blessing!" And he said, "Have you not reserved a blessing for me?"

nkjv@Exodus:10:15 @ For they covered the face of the whole earth, so that the land was darkened; and they ate every herb of the land and all the fruit of the trees which the hail had left. So there remained nothing green on the trees or on the plants of the field throughout all the land of Egypt.

nkjv@Exodus:15:17 @ You will bring them in and plant them In the mountain of Your inheritance, In the place, O LORD, which You have made For Your own dwelling, The sanctuary, O LORD, which Your hands have established.

nkjv@Leviticus:11:37 @ And if a part of any such carcass falls on any planting seed which is to be sown, it remains clean.

nkjv@Leviticus:19:23 @ "When you come into the land, and have planted all kinds of trees for food, then you shall count their fruit as uncircumcised. Three years it shall be as uncircumcised to you. It shall not be eaten.

nkjv@Numbers:24:6 @ Like valleys that stretch out, Like gardens by the riverside, Like aloes planted by the LORD, Like cedars beside the waters.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:1:23 @ "The plan pleased me well; so I took twelve of your men, one man from each tribe.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:6:11 @ houses full of all good things, which you did not fill, hewn-out wells which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant--when you have eaten and are full--

nkjv@Deuteronomy:16:21 @ "You shall not plant for yourself any tree, as a wooden image, near the altar which you build for yourself to the LORD your God.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:20:6 @ Also what man is there who has planted a vineyard and has not eaten of it? Let him go and return to his house, lest he die in the battle and another man eat of it.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:28:30 @ "You shall betroth a wife, but another man shall lie with her; you shall build a house, but you shall not dwell in it; you shall plant a vineyard, but shall not gather its grapes.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:28:39 @ You shall plant vineyards and tend them, but you shall neither drink of the wine nor gather the grapes; for the worms shall eat them.

nkjv@Joshua:24:13 @ I have given you a land for which you did not labor, and cities which you did not build, and you dwell in them; you eat of the vineyards and olive groves which you did not plant.'

nkjv@2Samuel:7:10 @ Moreover I will appoint a place for My people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own and move no more; nor shall the sons of wickedness oppress them anymore, as previously,

nkjv@1Kings:6:15 @ And he built the inside walls of the temple with cedar boards; from the floor of the temple to the ceiling he paneled the inside with wood; and he covered the floor of the temple with planks of cypress.

nkjv@1Kings:6:38 @ And in the eleventh year, in the month of Bul, which is the eighth month, the house was finished in all its details and according to all its plans. So he was seven years in building it.

nkjv@2Kings:18:20 @ You speak of having plans and power for war; but they are mere words. And in whom do you trust, that you rebel against me?

nkjv@2Kings:19:29 @ "This shall be a sign to you: You shall eat this year such as grows of itself, And in the second year what springs from the same; Also in the third year sow and reap, Plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them.

nkjv@1Chronicles:17:9 @ Moreover I will appoint a place for My people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own and move no more; nor shall the sons of wickedness oppress them anymore, as previously,

nkjv@1Chronicles:28:11 @ Then David gave his son Solomon the plans for the vestibule, its houses, its treasuries, its upper chambers, its inner chambers, and the place of the mercy seat;

nkjv@1Chronicles:28:12 @ and the plans for all that he had by the Spirit, of the courts of the house of the LORD, of all the chambers all around, of the treasuries of the house of God, and of the treasuries for the dedicated things;

nkjv@1Chronicles:28:19 @ "All this," said David, "the LORD made me understand in writing, by His hand upon me, all the works of these plans."

nkjv@2Chronicles:2:14 @ (the son of a woman of the daughters of Dan, and his father was a man of Tyre), skilled to work in gold and silver, bronze and iron, stone and wood, purple and blue, fine linen and crimson, and to make any engraving and to accomplish any plan which may be given to him, with your skillful men and with the skillful men of my lord David your father.

nkjv@Nehemiah:6:6 @ In it was written: It is reported among the nations, and Geshem says, that you and the Jews plan to rebel; therefore, according to these rumors, you are rebuilding the wall, that you may be their king.

nkjv@Job:5:12 @ He frustrates the devices of the crafty, So that their hands cannot carry out their plans.

nkjv@Job:8:12 @ While it is yet green and not cut down, It withers before any other plant.

nkjv@Job:14:9 @ Yet at the scent of water it will bud And bring forth branches like a plant.

nkjv@Psalms:1:3 @ He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.

nkjv@Psalms:33:10 @ The LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He makes the plans of the peoples of no effect.

nkjv@Psalms:33:11 @ The counsel of the LORD stands forever, The plans of His heart to all generations.

nkjv@Psalms:38:12 @ Those also who seek my life lay snares for me; Those who seek my hurt speak of destruction, And plan deception all the day long.

nkjv@Psalms:44:2 @ You drove out the nations with Your hand, But them You planted; You afflicted the peoples, and cast them out.

nkjv@Psalms:80:8 @ You have brought a vine out of Egypt; You have cast out the nations, and planted it.

nkjv@Psalms:80:15 @ And the vineyard which Your right hand has planted, And the branch that You made strong for Yourself.

nkjv@Psalms:92:13 @ Those who are planted in the house of the LORD Shall flourish in the courts of our God.

nkjv@Psalms:94:9 @ He who planted the ear, shall He not hear? He who formed the eye, shall He not see?

nkjv@Psalms:104:16 @ The trees of the LORD are full of sap, The cedars of Lebanon which He planted,

nkjv@Psalms:107:37 @ And sow fields and plant vineyards, That they may yield a fruitful harvest.

nkjv@Psalms:128:3 @ Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine In the very heart of your house, Your children like olive plants All around your table.

nkjv@Psalms:140:2 @ Who plan evil things in their hearts; They continually gather together for war.

nkjv@Psalms:144:12 @ That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth; That our daughters may be as pillars, Sculptured in palace style;

nkjv@Psalms:146:4 @ His spirit departs, he returns to his earth; In that very day his plans perish.

nkjv@Proverbs:6:18 @ A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil,

nkjv@Proverbs:15:22 @ Without counsel, plans go awry, But in the multitude of counselors they are established.

nkjv@Proverbs:16:9 @ A man's heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.

nkjv@Proverbs:19:21 @ There are many plans in a man's heart, Nevertheless the LORD's counsel--that will stand.

nkjv@Proverbs:20:18 @ Plans are established by counsel; By wise counsel wage war.

nkjv@Proverbs:21:5 @ The plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty, But those of everyone who is hasty, surely to poverty.

nkjv@Proverbs:31:16 @ She considers a field and buys it; From her profits she plants a vineyard.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:2:4 @ I made my works great, I built myself houses, and planted myself vineyards.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:2:5 @ I made myself gardens and orchards, and I planted all kinds of fruit trees in them.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:3:2 @ A time to be born, And a time to die; A time to plant, And a time to pluck what is planted;

nkjv@Songs:4:13 @ Your plants are an orchard of pomegranates With pleasant fruits, Fragrant henna with spikenard,

nkjv@Isaiah:5:2 @ He dug it up and cleared out its stones, And planted it with the choicest vine. He built a tower in its midst, And also made a winepress in it; So He expected it to bring forth good grapes, But it brought forth wild grapes.

nkjv@Isaiah:5:7 @ For the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel, And the men of Judah are His pleasant plant. He looked for justice, but behold, oppression; For righteousness, but behold, a cry for help.

nkjv@Isaiah:16:8 @ For the fields of Heshbon languish, And the vine of Sibmah; The lords of the nations have broken down its choice plants, Which have reached to Jazer And wandered through the wilderness. Her branches are stretched out, They are gone over the sea.

nkjv@Isaiah:17:10 @ Because you have forgotten the God of your salvation, And have not been mindful of the Rock of your stronghold, Therefore you will plant pleasant plants And set out foreign seedlings;

nkjv@Isaiah:17:11 @ In the day you will make your plant to grow, And in the morning you will make your seed to flourish; But the harvest will be a heap of ruins In the day of grief and desperate sorrow.

nkjv@Isaiah:28:25 @ When he has leveled its surface, Does he not sow the black cummin And scatter the cummin, Plant the wheat in rows, The barley in the appointed place, And the spelt in its place?

nkjv@Isaiah:30:1 @ "Woe to the rebellious children," says the LORD, "Who take counsel, but not of Me, And who devise plans, but not of My Spirit, That they may add sin to sin;

nkjv@Isaiah:32:7 @ Also the schemes of the schemer are evil; He devises wicked plans To destroy the poor with lying words, Even when the needy speaks justice.

nkjv@Isaiah:36:5 @ I say you speak of having plans and power for war; but they are mere words. Now in whom do you trust, that you rebel against me?

nkjv@Isaiah:37:30 @ "This shall be a sign to you: You shall eat this year such as grows of itself, And the second year what springs from the same; Also in the third year sow and reap, Plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them.

nkjv@Isaiah:40:24 @ Scarcely shall they be planted, Scarcely shall they be sown, Scarcely shall their stock take root in the earth, When He will also blow on them, And they will wither, And the whirlwind will take them away like stubble.

nkjv@Isaiah:41:19 @ I will plant in the wilderness the cedar and the acacia tree, The myrtle and the oil tree; I will set in the desert the cypress tree and the pine And the box tree together,

nkjv@Isaiah:44:13 @ The craftsman stretches out his rule, He marks one out with chalk; He fashions it with a plane, He marks it out with the compass, And makes it like the figure of a man, According to the beauty of a man, that it may remain in the house.

nkjv@Isaiah:44:14 @ He cuts down cedars for himself, And takes the cypress and the oak; He secures it for himself among the trees of the forest. He plants a pine, and the rain nourishes it.

nkjv@Isaiah:51:16 @ And I have put My words in your mouth; I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, And say to Zion, "You are My people."'

nkjv@Isaiah:53:2 @ For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, And as a root out of dry ground. He has no form or comeliness; And when we see Him, There is no beauty that we should desire Him.

nkjv@Isaiah:60:21 @ Also your people shall all be righteous; They shall inherit the land forever, The branch of My planting, The work of My hands, That I may be glorified.

nkjv@Isaiah:61:3 @ To console those who mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified."

nkjv@Isaiah:65:21 @ They shall build houses and inhabit them; They shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit.

nkjv@Isaiah:65:22 @ They shall not build and another inhabit; They shall not plant and another eat; For as the days of a tree, so shall be the days of My people, And My elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands.

nkjv@Jeremiah:1:10 @ See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, To root out and to pull down, To destroy and to throw down, To build and to plant."

nkjv@Jeremiah:2:21 @ Yet I had planted you a noble vine, a seed of highest quality. How then have you turned before Me Into the degenerate plant of an alien vine?

nkjv@Jeremiah:9:4 @ "Everyone take heed to his neighbor, And do not trust any brother; For every brother will utterly sup plant, And every neighbor will walk with slanderers.

nkjv@Jeremiah:11:17 @ "For the LORD of hosts, who planted you, has pronounced doom against you for the evil of the house of Israel and of the house of Judah, which they have done against themselves to provoke Me to anger in offering incense to Baal."

nkjv@Jeremiah:12:2 @ You have planted them, yes, they have taken root; They grow, yes, they bear fruit. You are near in their mouth But far from their mind.

nkjv@Jeremiah:17:8 @ For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river, And will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the year of drought, Nor will cease from yielding fruit.

nkjv@Jeremiah:18:9 @ And the instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it,

nkjv@Jeremiah:18:11 @ "Now therefore, speak to the men of Judah and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, saying, "Thus says the LORD: "Behold, I am fashioning a disaster and devising a plan against you. Return now every one from his evil way, and make your ways and your doings good.""'

nkjv@Jeremiah:18:12 @ And they said, "That is hopeless! So we will walk according to our own plans, and we will every one obey the dictates of his evil heart."

nkjv@Jeremiah:18:18 @ Then they said, "Come and let us devise plans against Jeremiah; for the law shall not perish from the priest, nor counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophet. Come and let us attack him with the tongue, and let us not give heed to any of his words."

nkjv@Jeremiah:24:6 @ For I will set My eyes on them for good, and I will bring them back to this land; I will build them and not pull them down, and I will plant them and not pluck them up.

nkjv@Jeremiah:29:5 @ Build houses and dwell in them; plant gardens and eat their fruit.

nkjv@Jeremiah:29:28 @ For he has sent to us in Babylon, saying, "This captivity is long; build houses and dwell in them, and plant gardens and eat their fruit."'

nkjv@Jeremiah:30:18 @ "Thus says the LORD: "Behold, I will bring back the captivity of Jacob's tents, And have mercy on his dwelling places; The city shall be built upon its own mound, And the palace shall remain according to its own plan.

nkjv@Jeremiah:31:5 @ You shall yet plant vines on the mountains of Samaria; The planters shall plant and eat them as ordinary food.

nkjv@Jeremiah:31:28 @ And it shall come to pass, that as I have watched over them to pluck up, to break down, to throw down, to destroy, and to afflict, so I will watch over them to build and to plant, says the LORD.

nkjv@Jeremiah:32:41 @ Yes, I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will assuredly plant them in this land, with all My heart and with all My soul.'

nkjv@Jeremiah:35:7 @ You shall not build a house, sow seed, plant a vineyard, nor have any of these; but all your days you shall dwell in tents, that you may live many days in the land where you are sojourners.'

nkjv@Jeremiah:42:10 @ "If you will still remain in this land, then I will build you and not pull you down, and I will plant you and not pluck you up. For I relent concerning the disaster that I have brought upon you.

nkjv@Jeremiah:45:4 @ "Thus you shall say to him, "Thus says the LORD: "Behold, what I have built I will break down, and what I have planted I will pluck up, that is, this whole land.

nkjv@Jeremiah:48:32 @ O vine of Sibmah! I will weep for you with the weeping of Jazer. Your plants have gone over the sea, They reach to the sea of Jazer. The plunderer has fallen on your summer fruit and your vintage.

nkjv@Jeremiah:49:30 @ "Flee, get far away! Dwell in the depths, O inhabitants of Hazor!" says the LORD. "For Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon has taken counsel against you, And has conceived a plan against you.

nkjv@Jeremiah:51:11 @ Make the arrows bright! Gather the shields! The LORD has raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes. For His plan is against Babylon to destroy it, Because it is the vengeance of the LORD, The vengeance for His temple.

nkjv@Ezekiel:16:7 @ I made you thrive like a plant in the field; and you grew, matured, and became very beautiful. Your breasts were formed, your hair grew, but you were naked and bare.

nkjv@Ezekiel:17:5 @ Then he took some of the seed of the land And planted it in a fertile field; He placed it by abundant waters And set it like a willow tree.

nkjv@Ezekiel:17:7 @ "But there was another great eagle with large wings and many feathers; And behold, this vine bent its roots toward him, And stretched its branches toward him, From the garden terrace where it had been planted, That he might water it.

nkjv@Ezekiel:17:8 @ It was planted in good soil by many waters, To bring forth branches, bear fruit, And become a majestic vine."'

nkjv@Ezekiel:17:10 @ Behold, it is planted, Will it thrive? Will it not utterly wither when the east wind touches it? It will wither in the garden terrace where it grew.""'

nkjv@Ezekiel:17:22 @ Thus says the Lord GOD: "I will take also one of the highest branches of the high cedar and set it out. I will crop off from the topmost of its young twigs a tender one, and will plant it on a high and prominent mountain.

nkjv@Ezekiel:17:23 @ On the mountain height of Israel I will plant it; and it will bring forth boughs, and bear fruit, and be a majestic cedar. Under it will dwell birds of every sort; in the shadow of its branches they will dwell.

nkjv@Ezekiel:19:10 @ "Your mother was like a vine in your bloodline, Planted by the waters, Fruitful and full of branches Because of many waters.

nkjv@Ezekiel:19:13 @ And now she is planted in the wilderness, In a dry and thirsty land.

nkjv@Ezekiel:27:5 @ They made all your planks of fir trees from Senir; They took a cedar from Lebanon to make you a mast.

nkjv@Ezekiel:27:6 @ Of oaks from Bashan they made your oars; The company of Ashurites have inlaid your planks With ivory from the coasts of Cyprus.

nkjv@Ezekiel:28:26 @ And they will dwell safely there, build houses, and plant vineyards; yes, they will dwell securely, when I execute judgments on all those around them who despise them. Then they shall know that I am the LORD their God.""'

nkjv@Ezekiel:31:4 @ The waters made it grow; Underground waters gave it height, With their rivers running around the place where it was planted, And sent out rivulets to all the trees of the field.

nkjv@Ezekiel:36:36 @ Then the nations which are left all around you shall know that I, the LORD, have rebuilt the ruined places and planted what was desolate. I, the LORD, have spoken it, and I will do it."

nkjv@Ezekiel:38:10 @ "Thus says the Lord GOD: "On that day it shall come to pass that thoughts will arise in your mind, and you will make an evil plan:

nkjv@Ezekiel:42:11 @ There was a walk in front of them also, and their appearance was like the chambers which were toward the north; they were as long and as wide as the others, and all their exits and entrances were according to plan.

nkjv@Daniel:11:24 @ He shall enter peaceably, even into the richest places of the province; and he shall do what his fathers have not done, nor his forefathers: he shall disperse among them the plunder, spoil, and riches; and he shall devise his plans against the strongholds, but only for a time.

nkjv@Daniel:11:25 @ "He shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the South with a great army. And the king of the South shall be stirred up to battle with a very great and mighty army; but he shall not stand, for they shall devise plans against him.

nkjv@Daniel:11:45 @ And he shall plant the tents of his palace between the seas and the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and no one will help him.

nkjv@Hosea:9:13 @ Just as I saw Ephraim like Tyre, planted in a pleasant place, So Ephraim will bring out his children to the murderer."

nkjv@Amos:5:11 @ Therefore, because you tread down the poor And take grain taxes from him, Though you have built houses of hewn stone, Yet you shall not dwell in them; You have planted pleasant vineyards, But you shall not drink wine from them.

nkjv@Amos:9:14 @ I will bring back the captives of My people Israel; They shall build the waste cities and inhabit them; They shall plant vineyards and drink wine from them; They shall also make gardens and eat fruit from them.

nkjv@Amos:9:15 @ I will plant them in their land, And no longer shall they be pulled up From the land I have given them," Says the LORD your God.

nkjv@Jonah:4:6 @ And the LORD God prepared a plant and made it come up over Jonah, that it might be shade for his head to deliver him from his misery. So Jonah was very grateful for the plant.

nkjv@Jonah:4:7 @ But as morning dawned the next day God prepared a worm, and it so damaged the plant that it withered.

nkjv@Jonah:4:9 @ Then God said to Jonah, "Is it right for you to be angry about the plant?" And he said, "It is right for me to be angry, even to death!"

nkjv@Jonah:4:10 @ But the LORD said, "You have had pity on the plant for which you have not labored, nor made it grow, which came up in a night and perished in a night.

nkjv@Micah:1:6 @ "Therefore I will make Samaria a heap of ruins in the field, Places for planting a vineyard; I will pour down her stones into the valley, And I will uncover her foundations.

nkjv@Zephaniah:1:13 @ Therefore their goods shall become booty, And their houses a desolation; They shall build houses, but not inhabit them; They shall plant vineyards, but not drink their wine."

nkjv@Zechariah:7:10 @ Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, The alien or the poor. Let none of you plan evil in his heart Against his brother.'

nkjv@Matthew:7:3 @ And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?

nkjv@Matthew:7:4 @ Or how can you say to your brother, "Let me remove the speck from your eye'; and look, a plank is in your own eye?

nkjv@Matthew:7:5 @ Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

nkjv@Matthew:15:13 @ But He answered and said, "Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted.

nkjv@Matthew:21:33 @ "Hear another parable: There was a certain landowner who planted a vineyard and set a hedge around it, dug a winepress in it and built a tower. And he leased it to vinedressers and went into a far country.

nkjv@Mark:12:1 @ Then He began to speak to them in parables: "A man planted a vineyard and set a hedge around it, dug a place for the wine vat and built a tower. And he leased it to vinedressers and went into a far country.

nkjv@Luke:6:41 @ And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not perceive the plank in your own eye?

nkjv@Luke:6:42 @ Or how can you say to your brother, "Brother, let me remove the speck that is in your eye,' when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck that is in your brother's eye.

nkjv@Luke:13:6 @ He also spoke this parable: "A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none.

nkjv@Luke:17:6 @ So the Lord said, "If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, "Be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea,' and it would obey you.

nkjv@Luke:17:28 @ Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built;

nkjv@Luke:20:9 @ Then He began to tell the people this parable: "A certain man planted a vineyard, leased it to vinedressers, and went into a far country for a long time.

nkjv@Acts:5:38 @ And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing;

nkjv@Acts:27:39 @ When it was day, they did not recognize the land; but they observed a bay with a beach, onto which they planned to run the ship if possible.

nkjv@Acts:27:42 @ And the soldiers' plan was to kill the prisoners, lest any of them should swim away and escape.

nkjv@Romans:1:13 @ Now I do not want you to be unaware, brethren, that I often planned to come to you (but was hindered until now), that I might have some fruit among you also, just as among the other Gentiles.

nkjv@1Corinthians:3:6 @ I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.

nkjv@1Corinthians:3:7 @ So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.

nkjv@1Corinthians:3:8 @ Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.

nkjv@1Corinthians:9:7 @ Who ever goes to war at his own expense? Who plants a vineyard and does not eat of its fruit? Or who tends a flock and does not drink of the milk of the flock?

nkjv@2Corinthians:1:17 @ Therefore, when I was planning this, did I do it lightly? Or the things I plan, do I plan according to the flesh, that with me there should be Yes, Yes, and No, No?

nkjv@James:1:21 @ Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the im planted word, which is able to save your souls.

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