





rsv STRING:rob

rsv@Genesis:37:3 @ Now Israel loved Joseph more than any other of his children, because he was the son of his old age; and he made him a long robe with sleeves.

rsv@Genesis:37:23 @ So when Joseph came to his brothers, they stripped him of his robe, the long robe with sleeves that he wore;

rsv@Genesis:37:31 @ Then they took Joseph's robe, and killed a goat, and dipped the robe in the blood;

rsv@Genesis:37:32 @ and they sent the long robe with sleeves and brought it to their father, and said, "This we have found; see now whether it is your son's robe or not."

rsv@Genesis:37:33 @ And he recognized it, and said, "It is my son's robe; a wild beast has devoured him; Joseph is without doubt torn to pieces."

rsv@Exodus:28:4 @ These are the garments which they shall make: a breastpiece, an ephod, a robe, a coat of checker work, a turban, and a girdle; they shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother and his sons to serve me as priests.

rsv@Exodus:28:31 @ "And you shall make the robe of the ephod all of blue.

rsv@Exodus:28:34 @ a golden bell and a pomegranate, a golden bell and a pomegranate, round about on the skirts of the robe.

rsv@Exodus:29:5 @ And you shall take the garments, and put on Aaron the coat and the robe of the ephod, and the ephod, and the breastpiece, and gird him with the skilfully woven band of the ephod;

rsv@Exodus:39:22 @ He also made the robe of the ephod woven all of blue;

rsv@Exodus:39:23 @ and the opening of the robe in it was like the opening in a garment, with a binding around the opening, that it might not be torn.

rsv@Exodus:39:24 @ On the skirts of the robe they made pomegranates of blue and purple and scarlet stuff and fine twined linen.

rsv@Exodus:39:25 @ They also made bells of pure gold, and put the bells between the pomegranates upon the skirts of the robe round about, between the pomegranates;

rsv@Exodus:39:26 @ a bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a pomegranate round about upon the skirts of the robe for ministering; as the LORD had commanded Moses.

rsv@Leviticus:6:2 @ "If any one sins and commits a breach of faith against the LORD by deceiving his neighbor in a matter of deposit or security, or through robbery, or if he has oppressed his neighbor

rsv@Leviticus:6:4 @ when one has sinned and become guilty, he shall restore what he took by robbery, or what he got by oppression, or the deposit which was committed to him, or the lost thing which he found,

rsv@Leviticus:8:7 @ And he put on him the coat, and girded him with the girdle, and clothed him with the robe, and put the ephod upon him, and girded him with the skilfully woven band of the ephod, binding it to him therewith.

rsv@Leviticus:19:13 @ "You shall not oppress your neighbor or rob him. The wages of a hired servant shall not remain with you all night until the morning.

rsv@Leviticus:26:22 @ And I will let loose the wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children, and destroy your cattle, and make you few in number, so that your ways shall become desolate.

rsv@Deuteronomy:28:29 @ and you shall grope at noonday, as the blind grope in darkness, and you shall not prosper in your ways; and you shall be only oppressed and robbed continually, and there shall be no one to help you.

rsv@Judges:9:25 @ And the men of Shechem put men in ambush against him on the mountain tops, and they robbed all who passed by them along that way; and it was told Abim'elech.

rsv@1Samuel:2:19 @ And his mother used to make for him a little robe and take it to him each year, when she went up with her husband to offer the yearly sacrifice.

rsv@1Samuel:15:27 @ As Samuel turned to go away, Saul laid hold upon the skirt of his robe, and it tore.

rsv@1Samuel:18:4 @ And Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was upon him, and gave it to David, and his armor, and even his sword and his bow and his girdle.

rsv@1Samuel:23:1 @ Now they told David, "Behold, the Philistines are fighting against Kei'lah, and are robbing the threshing floors."

rsv@1Samuel:24:4 @ And the men of David said to him, "Here is the day of which the LORD said to you, `Behold, I will give your enemy into your hand, and you shall do to him as it shall seem good to you.'" Then David arose and stealthily cut off the skirt of Saul's robe.

rsv@1Samuel:24:11 @ See, my father, see the skirt of your robe in my hand; for by the fact that I cut off the skirt of your robe, and did not kill you, you may know and see that there is no wrong or treason in my hands. I have not sinned against you, though you hunt my life to take it.

rsv@1Samuel:28:14 @ He said to her, "What is his appearance?" And she said, "An old man is coming up; and he is wrapped in a robe." And Saul knew that it was Samuel, and he bowed with his face to the ground, and did obeisance.

rsv@2Samuel:13:18 @ Now she was wearing a long robe with sleeves; for thus were the virgin daughters of the king clad of old. So his servant put her out, and bolted the door after her.

rsv@2Samuel:13:19 @ And Tamar put ashes on her head, and rent the long robe which she wore; and she laid her hand on her head, and went away, crying aloud as she went.

rsv@2Samuel:17:8 @ Hushai said moreover, "You know that your father and his men are mighty men, and that they are enraged, like a bear robbed of her cubs in the field. Besides, your father is expert in war; he will not spend the night with the people.

rsv@1Kings:11:26 @ Je robo'am the son of Nebat, an E'phraimite of Zer'edah, a servant of Solomon, whose mother's name was Zeru'ah, a widow, also lifted up his hand against the king.

rsv@1Kings:11:28 @ The man Je robo'am was very able, and when Solomon saw that the young man was industrious he gave him charge over all the forced labor of the house of Joseph.

rsv@1Kings:11:29 @ And at that time, when Je robo'am went out of Jerusalem, the prophet Ahi'jah the Shi'lonite found him on the road. Now Ahi'jah had clad himself with a new garment; and the two of them were alone in the open country.

rsv@1Kings:11:31 @ And he said to Je robo'am, "Take for yourself ten pieces; for thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, `Behold, I am about to tear the kingdom from the hand of Solomon, and will give you ten tribes

rsv@1Kings:11:40 @ Solomon sought therefore to kill Je robo'am; but Je robo'am arose, and fled into Egypt, to Shishak king of Egypt, and was in Egypt until the death of Solomon.

rsv@1Kings:12:2 @ And when Je robo'am the son of Nebat heard of it (for he was still in Egypt, whither he had fled from King Solomon), then Je robo'am returned from Egypt.

rsv@1Kings:12:3 @ And they sent and called him; and Je robo'am and all the assembly of Israel came and said to Rehobo'am,

rsv@1Kings:12:12 @ So Je robo'am and all the people came to Rehobo'am the third day, as the king said, "Come to me again the third day."

rsv@1Kings:12:15 @ So the king did not hearken to the people; for it was a turn of affairs brought about by the LORD that he might fulfil his word, which the LORD spoke by Ahi'jah the Shi'lonite to Je robo'am the son of Nebat.

rsv@1Kings:12:20 @ And when all Israel heard that Je robo'am had returned, they sent and called him to the assembly and made him king over all Israel. There was none that followed the house of David, but the tribe of Judah only.

rsv@1Kings:12:25 @ Then Je robo'am built Shechem in the hill country of E'phraim, and dwelt there; and he went out from there and built Penu'el.

rsv@1Kings:12:26 @ And Je robo'am said in his heart, "Now the kingdom will turn back to the house of David;

rsv@1Kings:12:32 @ And Je robo'am appointed a feast on the fifteenth day of the eighth month like the feast that was in Judah, and he offered sacrifices upon the altar; so he did in Bethel, sacrificing to the calves that he had made. And he placed in Bethel the priests of the high places that he had made.

rsv@1Kings:13:1 @ And behold, a man of God came out of Judah by the word of the LORD to Bethel. Je robo'am was standing by the altar to burn incense.

rsv@1Kings:13:4 @ And when the king heard the saying of the man of God, which he cried against the altar at Bethel, Je robo'am stretched out his hand from the altar, saying, "Lay hold of him." And his hand, which he stretched out against him, dried up, so that he could not draw it back to himself.

rsv@1Kings:13:33 @ After this thing Je robo'am did not turn from his evil way, but made priests for the high places again from among all the people; any who would, he consecrated to be priests of the high places.

rsv@1Kings:13:34 @ And this thing became sin to the house of Je robo'am, so as to cut it off and to destroy it from the face of the earth.

rsv@1Kings:14:1 @ At that time Abi'jah the son of Je robo'am fell sick.

rsv@1Kings:14:2 @ And Je robo'am said to his wife, "Arise, and disguise yourself, that it be not known that you are the wife of Je robo'am, and go to Shiloh; behold, Ahi'jah the prophet is there, who said of me that I should be king over this people.

rsv@1Kings:14:4 @ Je robo'am's wife did so; she arose, and went to Shiloh, and came to the house of Ahi'jah. Now Ahi'jah could not see, for his eyes were dim because of his age.

rsv@1Kings:14:5 @ And the LORD said to Ahi'jah, "Behold, the wife of Je robo'am is coming to inquire of you concerning her son; for he is sick. Thus and thus shall you say to her." When she came, she pretended to be another woman.

rsv@1Kings:14:6 @ But when Ahi'jah heard the sound of her feet, as she came in at the door, he said, "Come in, wife of Je robo'am; why do you pretend to be another? For I am charged with heavy tidings for you.

rsv@1Kings:14:7 @ Go, tell Je robo'am, `Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel: "Because I exalted you from among the people, and made you leader over my people Israel,

rsv@1Kings:14:10 @ therefore behold, I will bring evil upon the house of Je robo'am, and will cut off from Je robo'am every male, both bond and free in Israel, and will utterly consume the house of Je robo'am, as a man burns up dung until it is all gone.

rsv@1Kings:14:11 @ Any one belonging to Je robo'am who dies in the city the dogs shall eat; and any one who dies in the open country the birds of the air shall eat; for the LORD has spoken it."'

rsv@1Kings:14:13 @ And all Israel shall mourn for him, and bury him; for he only of Je robo'am shall come to the grave, because in him there is found something pleasing to the LORD, the God of Israel, in the house of Je robo'am.

rsv@1Kings:14:14 @ Moreover the LORD will raise up for himself a king over Israel, who shall cut off the house of Je robo'am today. And henceforth

rsv@1Kings:14:16 @ And he will give Israel up because of the sins of Je robo'am, which he sinned and which he made Israel to sin."

rsv@1Kings:14:17 @ Then Je robo'am's wife arose, and departed, and came to Tirzah. And as she came to the threshold of the house, the child died.

rsv@1Kings:14:19 @ Now the rest of the acts of Je robo'am, how he warred and how he reigned, behold, they are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.

rsv@1Kings:14:20 @ And the time that Je robo'am reigned was twenty-two years; and he slept with his fathers, and Nadab his son reigned in his stead.

rsv@1Kings:14:30 @ And there was war between Rehobo'am and Je robo'am continually.

rsv@1Kings:15:1 @ Now in the eighteenth year of King Je robo'am the son of Nebat, Abi'jam began to reign over Judah.

rsv@1Kings:15:6 @ Now there was war between Rehobo'am and Je robo'am all the days of his life.

rsv@1Kings:15:7 @ The rest of the acts of Abi'jam, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah? And there was war between Abi'jam and Je robo'am.

rsv@1Kings:15:9 @ In the twentieth year of Je robo'am king of Israel Asa began to reign over Judah,

rsv@1Kings:15:25 @ Nadab the son of Je robo'am began to reign over Israel in the second year of Asa king of Judah; and he reigned over Israel two years.

rsv@1Kings:15:29 @ And as soon as he was king, he killed all the house of Je robo'am; he left to the house of Je robo'am not one that breathed, until he had destroyed it, according to the word of the LORD which he spoke by his servant Ahi'jah the Shi'lonite;

rsv@1Kings:15:30 @ it was for the sins of Je robo'am which he sinned and which he made Israel to sin, and because of the anger to which he provoked the LORD, the God of Israel.

rsv@1Kings:15:34 @ He did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, and walked in the way of Je robo'am and in his sin which he made Israel to sin.

rsv@1Kings:16:2 @ "Since I exalted you out of the dust and made you leader over my people Israel, and you have walked in the way of Je robo'am, and have made my people Israel to sin, provoking me to anger with their sins,

rsv@1Kings:16:3 @ behold, I will utterly sweep away Ba'asha and his house, and I will make your house like the house of Je robo'am the son of Nebat.

rsv@1Kings:16:7 @ Moreover the word of the LORD came by the prophet Jehu the son of Hana'ni against Ba'asha and his house, both because of all the evil that he did in the sight of the LORD, provoking him to anger with the work of his hands, in being like the house of Je robo'am, and also because he destroyed it.

rsv@1Kings:16:19 @ because of his sins which he committed, doing evil in the sight of the LORD, walking in the way of Je robo'am, and for his sin which he committed, making Israel to sin.

rsv@1Kings:16:26 @ For he walked in all the way of Je robo'am the son of Nebat, and in the sins which he made Israel to sin, provoking the LORD, the God of Israel, to anger by their idols.

rsv@1Kings:16:31 @ And as if it had been a light thing for him to walk in the sins of Je robo'am the son of Nebat, he took for wife Jez'ebel the daughter of Ethba'al king of the Sido'nians, and went and served Ba'al, and worshiped him.

rsv@1Kings:21:22 @ and I will make your house like the house of Je robo'am the son of Nebat, and like the house of Ba'asha the son of Ahi'jah, for the anger to which you have provoked me, and because you have made Israel to sin.

rsv@1Kings:22:10 @ Now the king of Israel and Jehosh'aphat the king of Judah were sitting on their thrones, arrayed in their robes, at the threshing floor at the entrance of the gate of Sama'ria; and all the prophets were prophesying before them.

rsv@1Kings:22:30 @ And the king of Israel said to Jehosh'aphat, "I will disguise myself and go into battle, but you wear your robes." And the king of Israel disguised himself and went into battle.

rsv@1Kings:22:52 @ He did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, and walked in the way of his father, and in the way of his mother, and in the way of Je robo'am the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin.

rsv@2Kings:3:3 @ Nevertheless he clung to the sin of Je robo'am the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin; he did not depart from it.

rsv@2Kings:9:9 @ And I will make the house of Ahab like the house of Je robo'am the son of Nebat, and like the house of Ba'asha the son of Ahi'jah.

rsv@2Kings:10:22 @ He said to him who was in charge of the ward robe, "Bring out the vestments for all the worshipers of Ba'al." So he brought out the vestments for them.

rsv@2Kings:10:29 @ But Jehu did not turn aside from the sins of Je robo'am the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin, the golden calves that were in Bethel, and in Daniel.

rsv@2Kings:10:31 @ But Jehu was not careful to walk in the law of the LORD the God of Israel with all his heart; he did not turn from the sins of Je robo'am, which he made Israel to sin.

rsv@2Kings:13:2 @ He did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, and followed the sins of Je robo'am the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin; he did not depart from them.

rsv@2Kings:13:6 @ Nevertheless they did not depart from the sins of the house of Je robo'am, which he made Israel to sin, but walked in them; and the Ashe'rah also remained in Sama'ria.)

rsv@2Kings:13:11 @ He also did what was evil in the sight of the LORD; he did not depart from all the sins of Je robo'am the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin, but he walked in them.

rsv@2Kings:13:13 @ So Jo'ash slept with his fathers, and Je robo'am sat upon his throne; and Jo'ash was buried in Sama'ria with the kings of Israel.

rsv@2Kings:14:16 @ And Jeho'ash slept with his fathers, and was buried in Sama'ria with the kings of Israel; and Je robo'am his son reigned in his stead.

rsv@2Kings:14:23 @ In the fifteenth year of Amazi'ah the son of Jo'ash, king of Judah, Je robo'am the son of Jo'ash, king of Israel, began to reign in Sama'ria, and he reigned forty-one years.

rsv@2Kings:14:24 @ And he did what was evil in the sight of the LORD; he did not depart from all the sins of Je robo'am the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin.

rsv@2Kings:14:27 @ But the LORD had not said that he would blot out the name of Israel from under heaven, so he saved them by the hand of Je robo'am the son of Jo'ash.

rsv@2Kings:14:28 @ Now the rest of the acts of Je robo'am, and all that he did, and his might, how he fought, and how he recovered for Israel Damascus and Hamath, which had belonged to Judah, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@2Kings:14:29 @ And Je robo'am slept with his fathers, the kings of Israel, and Zechari'ah his son reigned in his stead.

rsv@2Kings:15:1 @ In the twenty-seventh year of Je robo'am king of Israel Azari'ah the son of Amazi'ah, king of Judah, began to reign.

rsv@2Kings:15:8 @ In the thirty-eighth year of Azari'ah king of Judah Zechari'ah the son of Je robo'am reigned over Israel in Sama'ria six months.

rsv@2Kings:15:9 @ And he did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, as his fathers had done. He did not depart from the sins of Je robo'am the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin.

rsv@2Kings:15:18 @ And he did what was evil in the sight of the LORD; he did not depart all his days from all the sins of Je robo'am the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin.

rsv@2Kings:15:24 @ And he did what was evil in the sight of the LORD; he did not turn away from the sins of Je robo'am the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin.

rsv@2Kings:15:28 @ And he did what was evil in the sight of the LORD; he did not depart from the sins of Je robo'am the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin.

rsv@2Kings:17:21 @ When he had torn Israel from the house of David they made Je robo'am the son of Nebat king. And Je robo'am drove Israel from following the LORD and made them commit great sin.

rsv@2Kings:17:22 @ The people of Israel walked in all the sins which Je robo'am did; they did not depart from them,

rsv@2Kings:22:14 @ So Hilki'ah the priest, and Ahi'kam, and Achbor, and Shaphan, and Asai'ah went to Huldah the prophetess, the wife of Shallum the son of Tikvah, son of Harhas, keeper of the ward robe (now she dwelt in Jerusalem in the Second Quarter); and they talked with her.

rsv@2Kings:23:15 @ Moreover the altar at Bethel, the high place erected by Je robo'am the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin, that altar with the high place he pulled down and he broke in pieces its stones, crushing them to dust; also he burned the Ashe'rah.

rsv@1Chronicles:5:17 @ All of these were enrolled by genealogies in the days of Jotham king of Judah, and in the days of Je robo'am king of Israel.

rsv@1Chronicles:15:27 @ David was clothed with a robe of fine linen, as also were all the Levites who were carrying the ark, and the singers, and Chenani'ah the leader of the music of the singers; and David wore a linen ephod.

rsv@2Chronicles:9:29 @ Now the rest of the acts of Solomon, from first to last, are they not written in the history of Nathan the prophet, and in the prophecy of Ahi'jah the Shi'lonite, and in the visions of Iddo the seer concerning Je robo'am the son of Nebat?

rsv@2Chronicles:10:2 @ And when Je robo'am the son of Nebat heard of it (for he was in Egypt, whither he had fled from King Solomon), then Je robo'am returned from Egypt.

rsv@2Chronicles:10:3 @ And they sent and called him; and Je robo'am and all Israel came and said to Rehobo'am,

rsv@2Chronicles:10:12 @ So Je robo'am and all the people came to Rehobo'am the third day, as the king said, "Come to me again the third day."

rsv@2Chronicles:10:15 @ So the king did not hearken to the people; for it was a turn of affairs brought about by God that the LORD might fulfil his word, which he spoke by Ahi'jah the Shi'lonite to Je robo'am the son of Nebat.

rsv@2Chronicles:11:4 @ `Thus says the LORD, You shall not go up or fight against your brethren. Return every man to his home, for this thing is from me.'" So they hearkened to the word of the LORD, and returned and did not go against Je robo'am.

rsv@2Chronicles:11:14 @ For the Levites left their common lands and their holdings and came to Judah and Jerusalem, because Je robo'am and his sons cast them out from serving as priests of the LORD,

rsv@2Chronicles:12:15 @ Now the acts of Rehobo'am, from first to last, are they not written in the chronicles of Shemai'ah the prophet and of Iddo the seer? There were continual wars between Rehobo'am and Je robo'am.

rsv@2Chronicles:13:1 @ In the eighteenth year of King Je robo'am Abi'jah began to reign over Judah.

rsv@2Chronicles:13:2 @ He reigned for three years in Jerusalem. His mother's name was Micai'ah the daughter of U'riel of Gib'e-ah. Now there was war between Abi'jah and Je robo'am.

rsv@2Chronicles:13:3 @ Abi'jah went out to battle having an army of valiant men of war, four hundred thousand picked men; and Je robo'am drew up his line of battle against him with eight hundred thousand picked mighty warriors.

rsv@2Chronicles:13:4 @ Then Abi'jah stood up on Mount Zemara'im which is in the hill country of E'phraim, and said, "Hear me, O Je robo'am and all Israel!

rsv@2Chronicles:13:6 @ Yet Je robo'am the son of Nebat, a servant of Solomon the son of David, rose up and rebelled against his lord;

rsv@2Chronicles:13:8 @ "And now you think to withstand the kingdom of the LORD in the hand of the sons of David, because you are a great multitude and have with you the golden calves which Je robo'am made you for gods.

rsv@2Chronicles:13:13 @ Je robo'am had sent an ambush around to come on them from behind; thus his troops were in front of Judah, and the ambush was behind them.

rsv@2Chronicles:13:15 @ Then the men of Judah raised the battle shout. And when the men of Judah shouted, God defeated Je robo'am and all Israel before Abi'jah and Judah.

rsv@2Chronicles:13:19 @ And Abi'jah pursued Je robo'am, and took cities from him, Bethel with its villages and Jesha'nah with its villages and Ephron with its villages.

rsv@2Chronicles:13:20 @ Je robo'am did not recover his power in the days of Abi'jah; and the LORD smote him, and he died.

rsv@2Chronicles:18:9 @ Now the king of Israel and Jehosh'aphat the king of Judah were sitting on their thrones, arrayed in their robes; and they were sitting at the threshing floor at the entrance of the gate of Sama'ria; and all the prophets were prophesying before them.

rsv@2Chronicles:18:29 @ And the king of Israel said to Jehosh'aphat, "I will disguise myself and go into battle, but you wear your robes." And the king of Israel disguised himself; and they went into battle.

rsv@2Chronicles:34:22 @ So Hilki'ah and those whom the king had sent went to Huldah the prophetess, the wife of Shallum the son of Tokhath, son of Hasrah, keeper of the ward robe (now she dwelt in Jerusalem in the Second Quarter) and spoke to her to that effect.

rsv@Esther:5:1 @ On the third day Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the king's palace, opposite the king's hall. The king was sitting on his royal throne inside the palace opposite the entrance to the palace;

rsv@Esther:6:8 @ let royal robes be brought, which the king has worn, and the horse which the king has ridden, and on whose head a royal crown is set;

rsv@Esther:6:9 @ and let the robes and the horse be handed over to one of the king's most noble princes; let him array the man whom the king delights to honor, and let him conduct the man on horseback through the open square of the city, proclaiming before him: `Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king delights to honor.'"

rsv@Esther:6:10 @ Then the king said to Haman, "Make haste, take the robes and the horse, as you have said, and do so to Mor'decai the Jew who sits at the king's gate. Leave out nothing that you have mentioned."

rsv@Esther:6:11 @ So Haman took the robes and the horse, and he arrayed Mor'decai and made him ride through the open square of the city, proclaiming, "Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king delights to honor."

rsv@Esther:8:15 @ Then Mor'decai went out from the presence of the king in royal robes of blue and white, with a great golden crown and a mantle of fine linen and purple, while the city of Susa shouted and rejoiced.

rsv@Job:1:20 @ Then Job arose, and rent his robe, and shaved his head, and fell upon the ground, and worshiped.

rsv@Job:2:12 @ And when they saw him from afar, they did not recognize him; and they raised their voices and wept; and they rent their robes and sprinkled dust upon their heads toward heaven.

rsv@Job:12:6 @ The tents of robbers are at peace, and those who provoke God are secure, who bring their god in their hand.

rsv@Job:29:14 @ I put on righteousness, and it clothed me; my justice was like a robe and a turban.

rsv@Psalms:15:5 @ in whose eyes a rep robate is despised, but who honors those who fear the LORD; who swears to his own hurt and does not change; [ (Psalms strkjv@15:6) who does not put out his money at interest, and does not take a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things shall never be moved. ]

rsv@Psalms:38:11 @ My heart th robs, my strength fails me; and the light of my eyes--it also has gone from me.

rsv@Psalms:45:9 @ your robes are all fragrant with myrrh and aloes and cassia. From ivory palaces stringed instruments make you glad;

rsv@Psalms:45:14 @ with all kinds of wealth. The princess is decked in her chamber with gold-woven robes;

rsv@Psalms:45:15 @ in many-colored robes she is led to the king, with her virgin companions, her escort, in her train.

rsv@Psalms:62:11 @ Put no confidence in extortion, set no vain hopes on robbery; if riches increase, set not your heart on them.

rsv@Psalms:93:1 @ The LORD reigns; he is robed in majesty; the LORD is robed, he is girded with strength. Yea, the world is established; it shall never be moved;

rsv@Psalms:133:3 @ It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down upon the beard, upon the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes! [ (Psalms strkjv@133:4) It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion! For there the LORD has commanded the blessing, life for evermore. ]

rsv@Proverbs:4:16 @ For they cannot sleep unless they have done wrong; they are robbed of sleep unless they have made some one stumble.

rsv@Proverbs:17:12 @ Let a man meet a she-bear robbed of her cubs, rather than a fool in his folly.

rsv@Proverbs:22:22 @ Do not rob the poor, because he is poor, or crush the afflicted at the gate;

rsv@Proverbs:23:28 @ She lies in wait like a robber and increases the faithless among men.

rsv@Proverbs:24:34 @ and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want like an armed man.

rsv@Proverbs:28:24 @ He who robs his father or his mother and says, "That is no transgression," is the companion of a man who destroys.

rsv@Isaiah:3:22 @ the festal robes, the mantles, the cloaks, and the handbags;

rsv@Isaiah:3:24 @ Instead of perfume there will be rottenness; and instead of a girdle, a rope; and instead of well-set hair, baldness; and instead of a rich robe, a girding of sackcloth; instead of beauty, shame.

rsv@Isaiah:10:2 @ to turn aside the needy from justice and to rob the poor of my people of their right, that widows may be their spoil, and that they may make the fatherless their prey!

rsv@Isaiah:22:21 @ and I will clothe him with your robe, and will bind your girdle on him, and will commit your authority to his hand; and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and to the house of Judah.

rsv@Isaiah:42:22 @ But this is a people robbed and plundered, they are all of them trapped in holes and hidden in prisons; they have become a prey with none to rescue, a spoil with none to say, "Restore!"

rsv@Isaiah:42:24 @ Who gave up Jacob to the spoiler, and Israel to the robbers? Was it not the LORD, against whom we have sinned, in whose ways they would not walk, and whose law they would not obey?

rsv@Isaiah:47:2 @ Take the millstones and grind meal, put off your veil, strip off your robe, uncover your legs, pass through the rivers.

rsv@Isaiah:61:8 @ For I the LORD love justice, I hate robbery and wrong; I will faithfully give them their recompense, and I will make an everlasting covenant with them.

rsv@Isaiah:61:10 @ I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall exult in my God; for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation, he has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with a garland, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

rsv@Jeremiah:7:11 @ Has this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers in your eyes? Behold, I myself have seen it, says the LORD.

rsv@Jeremiah:21:12 @ O house of David! Thus says the LORD: "`Execute justice in the morning, and deliver from the hand of the oppressor him who has been robbed, lest my wrath go forth like fire, and burn with none to quench it, because of your evil doings.'"

rsv@Jeremiah:22:3 @ Thus says the LORD: Do justice and righteousness, and deliver from the hand of the oppressor him who has been robbed. And do no wrong or violence to the alien, the fatherless, and the widow, nor shed innocent blood in this place.

rsv@Jeremiah:38:11 @ So E'bed-mel'ech took the men with him and went to the house of the king, to a ward robe of the storehouse, and took from there old rags and worn-out clothes, which he let down to Jeremiah in the cistern by ropes.

rsv@Ezekiel:5:3 @ And you shall take from these a small number, and bind them in the skirts of your robe.

rsv@Ezekiel:5:17 @ I will send famine and wild beasts against you, and they will rob you of your children; pestilence and blood shall pass through you; and I will bring the sword upon you. I, the LORD, have spoken."

rsv@Ezekiel:7:22 @ I will turn my face from them, that they may profane my precious place; robbers shall enter and profane it,

rsv@Ezekiel:18:7 @ does not oppress any one, but restores to the debtor his pledge, commits no robbery, gives his bread to the hungry and covers the naked with a garment,

rsv@Ezekiel:18:10 @ "If he begets a son who is a robber, a shedder of blood,

rsv@Ezekiel:18:12 @ oppresses the poor and needy, commits robbery, does not restore the pledge, lifts up his eyes to the idols, commits abomination,

rsv@Ezekiel:18:16 @ does not wrong any one, exacts no pledge, commits no robbery, but gives his bread to the hungry and covers the naked with a garment,

rsv@Ezekiel:18:18 @ As for his father, because he practiced extortion, robbed his brother, and did what is not good among his people, behold, he shall die for his iniquity.

rsv@Ezekiel:22:29 @ The people of the land have practiced extortion and committed robbery; they have oppressed the poor and needy, and have extorted from the sojourner without redress.

rsv@Ezekiel:26:16 @ Then all the princes of the sea will step down from their thrones, and remove their robes, and strip off their embroidered garments; they will clothe themselves with trembling; they will sit upon the ground and tremble every moment, and be appalled at you.

rsv@Ezekiel:33:15 @ if the wicked restores the pledge, gives back what he has taken by robbery, and walks in the statutes of life, committing no iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die.

rsv@Daniel:5:12 @ because an excellent spirit, knowledge, and understanding to interpret dreams, explain riddles, and solve p roblems were found in this Daniel, whom the king named Belteshaz'zar. Now let Daniel be called, and he will show the interpretation."

rsv@Daniel:5:16 @ But I have heard that you can give interpretations and solve p roblems. Now if you can read the writing and make known to me its interpretation, you shall be clothed with purple, and have a chain of gold about your neck, and shall be the third ruler in the kingdom.

rsv@Hosea:1:1 @ The word of the LORD that came to Hose'a the son of Be-e'ri, in the days of Uzzi'ah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezeki'ah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Je robo'am the son of Jo'ash, king of Israel.

rsv@Hosea:6:9 @ As robbers lie in wait for a man, so the priests are banded together; they murder on the way to Shechem, yea, they commit villainy.

rsv@Hosea:13:8 @ I will fall upon them like a bear robbed of her cubs, I will tear open their breast, and there I will devour them like a lion, as a wild beast would rend them.

rsv@Amos:1:1 @ The words of Amos, who was among the shepherds of Teko'a, which he saw concerning Israel in the days of Uzzi'ah king of Judah and in the days of Je robo'am the son of Jo'ash, king of Israel, two years before the earthquake.

rsv@Amos:3:10 @ "They do not know how to do right," says the LORD, "those who store up violence and robbery in their strongholds."

rsv@Amos:7:9 @ the high places of Isaac shall be made desolate, and the sanctuaries of Israel shall be laid waste, and I will rise against the house of Je robo'am with the sword."

rsv@Amos:7:10 @ Then Amazi'ah the priest of Bethel sent to Je robo'am king of Israel, saying, "Amos has conspired against you in the midst of the house of Israel; the land is not able to bear all his words.

rsv@Amos:7:11 @ For thus Amos has said, `Je robo'am shall die by the sword, and Israel must go into exile away from his land.'"

rsv@Jonah:3:6 @ Then tidings reached the king of Nin'eveh, and he arose from his throne, removed his robe, and covered himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes.

rsv@Micah:2:8 @ But you rise against my people as an enemy; you strip the robe from the peaceful, from those who pass by trustingly with no thought of war.

rsv@Zechariah:8:23 @ Thus says the LORD of hosts: In those days ten men from the nations of every tongue shall take hold of the robe of a Jew, saying, `Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.'"

rsv@Malachi:3:8 @ Will man rob God? Yet you are robbing me. But you say, `How are we robbing thee?' In your tithes and offerings.

rsv@Malachi:3:9 @ You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing me; the whole nation of you.

rsv@Matthew:21:13 @ He said to them, "It is written, `My house shall be called a house of prayer'; but you make it a den of robbers."

rsv@Matthew:26:55 @ At that hour Jesus said to the crowds, "Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs to capture me? Day after day I sat in the temple teaching, and you did not seize me.

rsv@Matthew:26:65 @ Then the high priest tore his robes, and said, "He has uttered blasphemy. Why do we still need witnesses? You have now heard his blasphemy.

rsv@Matthew:27:28 @ And they stripped him and put a scarlet robe upon him,

rsv@Matthew:27:31 @ And when they had mocked him, they stripped him of the robe, and put his own clothes on him, and led him away to crucify him.

rsv@Matthew:27:38 @ Then two robbers were crucified with him, one on the right and one on the left.

rsv@Matthew:27:44 @ And the robbers who were crucified with him also reviled him in the same way.

rsv@Mark:11:17 @ And he taught, and said to them, "Is it not written, `My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations'? But you have made it a den of robbers."

rsv@Mark:12:38 @ And in his teaching he said, "Beware of the scribes, who like to go about in long robes, and to have salutations in the market places

rsv@Mark:14:48 @ And Jesus said to them, "Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs to capture me?

rsv@Mark:15:27 @ And with him they crucified two robbers, one on his right and one on his left.

rsv@Mark:16:5 @ And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a white robe; and they were amazed.

rsv@Luke:3:14 @ Soldiers also asked him, "And we, what shall we do?" And he said to them, " Rob no one by violence or by false accusation, and be content with your wages."

rsv@Luke:10:30 @ Jesus replied, "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him, and departed, leaving him half dead.

rsv@Luke:10:36 @ Which of these three, do you think, proved neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?"

rsv@Luke:15:22 @ But the father said to his servants, `Bring quickly the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet;

rsv@Luke:19:46 @ saying to them, "It is written, `My house shall be a house of prayer'; but you have made it a den of robbers."

rsv@Luke:20:46 @ "Beware of the scribes, who like to go about in long robes, and love salutations in the market places and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at feasts,

rsv@Luke:22:50 @ Then Jesus said to the chief priests and officers of the temple and elders, who had come out against him, "Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs?

rsv@John:10:1 @ "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way, that man is a thief and a robber;

rsv@John:10:8 @ All who came before me are thieves and robbers; but the sheep did not heed them.

rsv@John:18:40 @ They cried out again, "Not this man, but Barab'bas!" Now Barab'bas was a robber.

rsv@John:19:2 @ And the soldiers plaited a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and arrayed him in a purple robe;

rsv@John:19:5 @ So Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. Pilate said to them, "Behold the man!"

rsv@Acts:1:10 @ And while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes,

rsv@Acts:12:21 @ On an appointed day Herod put on his royal robes, took his seat upon the throne, and made an oration to them.

rsv@Romans:2:22 @ You who say that one must not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples?

rsv@Romans:16:14 @ Greet Asyn'critus, Phlegon, Hermes, Pat' robas, Hermas, and the brethren who are with them.

rsv@1Corinthians:5:10 @ not at all meaning the immoral of this world, or the greedy and robbers, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world.

rsv@1Corinthians:5:11 @ But rather I wrote to you not to associate with any one who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or robber--not even to eat with such a one.

rsv@1Corinthians:6:10 @ nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God.

rsv@2Corinthians:11:8 @ I robbed other churches by accepting support from them in order to serve you.

rsv@2Corinthians:11:26 @ on frequent journeys, in danger from rivers, danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brethren;

rsv@Revelation:1:13 @ and in the midst of the lampstands one like a son of man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden girdle round his breast;

rsv@Revelation:6:11 @ Then they were each given a white robe and told to rest a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brethren should be complete, who were to be killed as they themselves had been.

rsv@Revelation:7:9 @ After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no man could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands,

rsv@Revelation:7:13 @ Then one of the elders addressed me, saying, "Who are these, clothed in white robes, and whence have they come?"

rsv@Revelation:7:14 @ I said to him, "Sir, you know." And he said to me, "These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

rsv@Revelation:15:6 @ and out of the temple came the seven angels with the seven plagues, robed in pure bright linen, and their breasts girded with golden girdles.

rsv@Revelation:19:13 @ He is clad in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God.

rsv@Revelation:19:16 @ On his robe and on his thigh he has a name inscribed, King of kings and Lord of lords.

rsv@Revelation:22:14 @ Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates.

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