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rsv@1Chronicles:7:20 @ The sons of E'phraim: Shuthe'lah, and Bered his son, Tahath his son, Ele-a'dah his son, Tahath his son,

rsv@1Chronicles:7:21 @ Zabad his son, Shuthe'lah his son, and Ezer and E'le-ad, whom the men of Gath who were born in the land slew, because they came down to raid their cattle.

rsv@1Chronicles:7:22 @ And E'phraim their father mourned many days, and his brothers came to comfort him.

rsv@1Chronicles:7:23 @ And E'phraim went in to his wife, and she conceived and bore a son; and he called his name Beri'ah, because evil had befallen his house.

rsv@1Chronicles:7:24 @ His daughter was She'erah, who built both Lower and Upper Beth-hor'on, and Uz'zen-she'erah.

rsv@1Chronicles:7:25 @ Rephah was his son, Resheph his son, Telah his son, Tahan his son,

rsv@1Chronicles:7:26 @ Ladan his son, Ammi'hud his son, Eli'shama his son,

rsv@1Chronicles:7:27 @ Nun his son, Joshua his son.

rsv@1Chronicles:7:28 @ Their possessions and settlements were Bethel and its towns, and eastward Na'aran, and westward Gezer and its towns, Shechem and its towns, and Ayyah and its towns;

rsv@1Chronicles:7:29 @ also along the borders of the Manas'sites, Beth-she'an and its towns, Ta'anach and its towns, Megid'do and its towns, Dor and its towns. In these dwelt the sons of Joseph the son of Israel.

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