





geneva 1Corinthians:1:18-2 SEEK

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* For the (note :)The preaching of Christ crucified , or the type of speech which we use .(:note ) preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness ; but unto us which are saved it is the It is that in which he declares his marvellous power in saving his elect , which would not so evidently appear if it depended upon any help of man , for if it did man might attribute that to himself which is to be attributed only to the cross of Christ . power of God . * * Where [is ] the wise ? where [is ] the (note :)Where are you , O you learned fellow , and you that spend your days in turning your books ?(:note ) scribe ? where [is ] the You that spend all your time in seeking out the secret things of this world , and in expounding all hard questions : and thus he triumphs against all the men of this world , for there was not one of them that could so much as dream of this secret and hidden mystery . disputer of this world ? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world ? * * * But wee preach Christ crucified : vnto the Iewes , euen a stumbling blocke , and vnto the Grecians , foolishnesse : * But vnto them which are called , both of the Iewes and Grecians , we preach Christ , the power of God , and the wisedome of God . * For the foolishnesse of God is wiser then men , and the weakenesse of God is stronger then men . * * But God hath chosen the foolish thinges of the world to confound the wise , and God hath chosen the weake thinges of the worlde , to confound the mightie things , * And base things of the world , and things which are despised , hath God chosen , [yea ], and things which (note :)Which in man 's judgment are almost nothing .(:note ) are not , to bring to To show that they are vain and unprofitable , and worth nothing . {{See Rom_3:31 }} nought things that are : * That no (note :)«Flesh » is often , as we see , taken for the whole man : and he uses this word «flesh » very well , to contrast the weak and miserable condition of man with the majesty of God .(:note ) flesh should glory in his presence . * But (note :)Whom he cast down before , now he lifts up , indeed , higher than all men : yet in such a way that he shows them that all their worthiness is outside of themselves , that is , it stands in Christ , and that of God .(:note ) of him are ye in Christ Jesus , He teaches that especially and above all things , the Gospel ought not to be condemned , seeing that it contains the principal things that are to be desired , that is , true wisdom , the true way to obtain righteousness , the true way to live honestly and godly , and the true deliverance from all miseries and calamities . who of God is made unto us wisdom , and righteousness , and sanctification , and redemption : * That , according as it is written , (note :)Let him yield all to God and give him thanks : and so by this place is man 's free will beaten down , which the papists so dream about .(:note ) He that glorieth , let him glory in the Lord . * Moreover , (note :)He sets out that which he said , laying before them an example of the horrible judgment of God against those who had in effect the very same pledges of the same adoption and salvation that we have . And yet nonetheless when they gave themselves to idol 's feasts , they perished in the wilderness , being horribly and manifoldly punished . Now , moreover and besides that these things are fitly spoken against those who frequented idol 's feasts , the same also seems to be alleged to this end and purpose , because many men think that those things are not of such great weight that God will be angry with them if they use them . And so they frequent Christian assemblies and are baptized , and receive the communion , and confess Christ .(:note ) brethren , I would not that ye should be ignorant , how that all our Paul says this in respect of the covenant , and not in respect of the persons , except generally . fathers were under the cloud , and all passed through the sea ; * * And did all eat the (note :)The same that we do .(:note ) same spiritual Manna , which was a spiritual meat to the believers , who in faith lay hold upon Christ , who is the true meat . meat ; * And did all drink the same spiritual drink : for they drank of that spiritual Rock that (note :)Of the River and running Rock , who followed the people .(:note ) followed them : and that Rock was Did signify Christ as an ordinance , so that together with the sign , there was the thing signified , and the truth itself . For God does not offer a bare sign , but the thing signified by the sign together with it , which is to be received with faith . Christ . * But with many of them God was not pleased : for they were ouerthrowen in ye wildernes . * * Neither bee ye idolaters as were some of them , as it is written , The people sate downe to eate and drinke , and rose vp to play . * Neither let vs commit fornication , as some of them committed fornication , and fell in one day three and twentie thousand . * Neither let us tempt (note :)To tempt Christ is to provoke him to a combat as it were , which those men do who abuse the knowledge that he has given them , and make it to serve for a cloak for their lusts and wickedness .(:note ) Christ , as some of them also tempted , and were destroyed of serpents . * Neither murmure ye , as some of them also murmured , and were destroyed of the destroyer . * Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples : and they are written for our admonition , upon whom the (note :)This our age is called the end , for it is the culmination of all the ages .(:note ) ends of the world are come . * * There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to (note :)Which comes from weakness .(:note ) man : but God [is ] faithful , who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able ; but will with the temptation also He that would have you tempted for your profit 's sake , will make a way for you to escape out of the temptation . make a way to escape , that ye may be able to bear [it ]. * Wherefore my beloued , flee from idolatrie . * * The cup of (note :)Of thanksgiving : whereupon , that holy banquet was called «eucharist », which is Greek for thanksgiving .(:note ) blessing which we bless , is it not the A most effectual pledge and note of your joining together with Christ , and ingrafting to him . communion of the blood of Christ ? The bread which we break , is it not the communion of the body of Christ ? * For we that are many , are one bread and one body , because we all are partakers of one bread . * Behold Israel after the (note :)That is , those who yet observe their ceremonies .(:note ) flesh : are not they which eat of the sacrifices Are consenting and guilty , both of that worship and sacrifice . partakers of the altar ? * What say I then ? that the idole is any thing ? or that that which is sacrificed to idoles , is any thing ? * But I [say ], that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice , they sacrifice to devils , and not to God : and I would not that ye should have (note :)Have anything to do with the demons , or enter into that society which is begun in the demon 's name .(:note ) fellowship with devils . * Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord , and the (note :)The heathen and profane people were accustomed to finish up and make an end of their feasts which they kept to the honour of their gods , in offering meat offerings and drink offerings to them , with banquets and feastings .(:note ) cup of devils : ye cannot be partakers of the Lord 's table , and of the table of devils . * Doe we prouoke the Lord to anger ? are we stronger then he ? * * Let no man seeke his owne , but euery man anothers wealth . * * For the earth [is ] the Lord 's , and the (note :)All those things of which it is full .(:note ) fulness thereof . * If any of them which beleeue not , call you to a feast , and if ye wil go , whatsoeuer is set before you , eate , asking no question for conscience sake . * But if any man say vnto you , This is sacrificed vnto idoles , eate it not , because of him that shewed it , and for the conscience (for the earth is the Lords , and all that therein is ) * Conscience , I say , not thine own , but of the other : (note :)A reason : for we must take heed that our liberty is not spoken of as evil , and that the benefit of God which we ought to use with thanksgiving is not changed into impiety . And this is through our fault , if we choose rather to offend the conscience of the weak , than to yield a little of our liberty in a matter of no importance , and so give occasion to the weak to judge in such sort of us , and of Christian liberty . And the apostle takes these things upon his own person , that the Corinthians may have so much the less occasion to oppose anything against him .(:note ) for why is my liberty judged of another [man 's ] conscience ? * For if I by (note :)If I may through God 's grace eat this meat or that meat , why should I through my fault cause that benefit of God to turn to my blame ?(:note ) grace be a partaker , why am I evil spoken of for that for which I give thanks ? * * Giue none offence , neither to the Iewes , nor to the Grecians , nor to the Church of God : * Euen as I please all men in all things , not seeking mine owne profite , but the profite of many , that they might be saued . * Be yee followers of mee , euen as I am of Christ . * * * * * Therefore if the woman be not couered , let her also be shorne : and if it be shame for a woman to be shorne or shauen , let her be couered . * * * * * * For as the woman is of the man , so is the man also by the woman : but all things are of God . * * Doeth not nature it selfe teach you , that if a man haue long heare , it is a shame vnto him ? * But if a woman have long hair , it is a glory to her : for [her ] hair is given her for a (note :)To be a covering for her , and such a covering as should procure another .(:note ) covering . * * * * * When ye come together therefore into one place , [this ] is (note :)This is a usual metaphor by which the apostle flatly denies that which many did not do well .(:note ) not to eat the Lord 's supper . * For in eating every one taketh (note :)Eats his food and does not wait until others come .(:note ) before [other ] his own supper : and one is hungry , and another is drunken . * * * And when he had given thanks , he brake [it ], and said , Take , eat : this is my body , which is (note :)This word «broken » denotes to us the manner of Christ 's death , for although his legs were not broken , as the thieves legs were , yet his body was very severely tormented , and torn , and bruised .(:note ) broken for you : this do in remembrance of me . * After the same maner also he tooke the cup , when he had supped , saying , This cup is the Newe Testament in my blood : this doe as oft as ye drinke it , in remembrance of me . * For as often as ye shall eate this bread , and drinke this cup , ye shewe the Lords death till hee come . * * * For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily , eateth and drinketh damnation to himself , not (note :)He is said to discern the Lord 's body that has consideration of the worthiness of it , and therefore comes to eat of this food with great reverence .(:note ) discerning the Lord 's body . * * For if we would (note :)Try and examine ourselves , by faith and repentance , separating ourselves from the wicked .(:note ) judge ourselves , we should not be judged . * But when we are iudged , we are chastened of the Lord , because we should not be condemned with the world . * * * Now (note :)Now he enters into the third part of this treatise touching the right use of spiritual gifts , in which he gives the Corinthians plainly to understand that they abused them . For they that excelled bragged ambitiously of them , and so robbed God of the praise of his gifts : and having no consideration of their brethren , abused them to a vain display , and so robbed the church of the use of those gifts . On the other side the inferior sort envied the better , and went about to make a departure , so that all the body was as it were scatted and rent in pieces . So then , going about to remedy these abuses he wills them first to consider diligently that they have not these gifts of themselves , but from the free grace and liberality of God , to whose glory they ought to bestow them all .(:note ) concerning spiritual [gifts ], brethren , I would not have you Ignorant to what purpose these gifts are given to you . ignorant . * * * * And there are diuersities of administrations , but the same Lord , * And there are diversities of (note :)So Paul calls that inward power which comes from the Holy Spirit , and makes men fit for wonderful things .(:note ) operations , but it is the same God which worketh all in all . * But the manifestation of the Spirit is (note :)The Holy Spirit opens and shows himself freely in the giving of these gifts .(:note ) given to every man to To the use and benefit of the church . profit withal . * * And to another is giuen faith by the same Spirit : and to another the giftes of healing , by the same Spirit : * To another the (note :)By «working » he means those great workings of God 's mighty power , which pass and excel among his miracles , as the delivery of his people by the hand of Moses : that which he did by Elijah against the priests of Baal , in sending down fire from heaven to consume his sacrifice : and that which he did by Peter , in the matter of Ananias and Sapphira .(:note ) working of miracles ; to another Foretelling of things to come . prophecy ; to another By which false prophets are know from true , in which Peter surpassed Philip in exposing Simon Magus ; ( Act_8:20 ). discerning of spirits ; to another [divers ] kinds of tongues ; to another the interpretation of tongues : * But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit , dividing to every man severally (note :)He adds moreover somewhat else , that is , that although these gifts are unequal , yet they are most wisely divided , because the will of the Spirit of God is the rule of this distribution .(:note ) as he will . * * For by one Spirit are we all baptized into (note :)To become one body with Christ .(:note ) one body , whether [we be ] Jews or Gentiles , whether [we be ] bond or free ; and have been all made to By one quickening drink of the Lord 's blood , we are made partakers of his Spirit alone . drink into one Spirit . * * * And if the eare would say , Because I am not the eye , I am not of the body , is it therefore not of the body ? * * But nowe hath God disposed the members euery one of them in the bodie at his owne pleasure . * For if they were all one member , where were the body ? * But now are there many members , yet but one body . * * Nay , much more those members of the body , which seem to be (note :)Of the smallest and vilest offices , and therefore mentioned last among the rest .(:note ) more feeble , are necessary : * And those [members ] of the body , which we think to be less honourable , upon these we bestow more abundant (note :)We more carefully cover them .(:note ) honour ; and our uncomely [parts ] have more abundant comeliness . * For our comely partes neede it not : but God hath tempered the body together , and hath giuen the more honour to that part which lacked , * That there should be no schism in the body ; but [that ] the members should have the same (note :)Should bestow their operations and offices to the profit and preservation of the whole body .(:note ) care one for another . * * Now ye are the body of Christ , and members in (note :)For all churches , wherever they are dispersed through the whole world , are different members of one body .(:note ) particular . * And God hath set some in the church , first apostles , secondarily prophets , thirdly teachers , after that miracles , then gifts of healings , (note :)The offices of deacons .(:note ) helps , He sets forth the order of elders , who were the maintainers of the church 's discipline . governments , diversities of tongues . * Are all Apostles ? are all Prophetes ? are all teachers ? * Are all doers of miracles ? haue all the gifts of healing ? doe all speake with tongues ? doe all interprete ? * * Though (note :)He reasons first of charity , the excellency of which he first shows by this , that without it , all other gifts are as nothing before God . And this he proves partly by an induction , and partly also by an argument taken of the end , for what reason those gifts are given . For , to what purpose are those gifts but to God 's glory , and the profit of the Church as is before proved ? So that those gifts , without charity , have no right use .(:note ) I speak with the tongues of men and of A very earnest amplifying of the matter , as if he said , «If there were any tongues of angels , and I had them , and did not use them to the benefit of my neighbour , it would be nothing else except a vain and prattling type of babbling angels , and have not charity , I am become [as ] sounding brass , or a That gives a rude and uncertain sound . tinkling cymbal . * And though I have [the gift of ] prophecy , and understand all mysteries , and all knowledge ; and though I have all (note :)By «faith » he means the gift of doing miracles , and not that faith which justifies , which cannot be void of charity as the other may .(:note ) faith , so that I could remove mountains , and have not charity , I am nothing . * And though I feede the poore with all my goods , and though I giue my body , that I be burned , and haue not loue , it profiteth me nothing . * * Doth (note :)It is not insolent , or reproachful .(:note ) not behave itself unseemly , seeketh not her own , is not easily provoked , thinketh no evil ; * Rejoiceth not in iniquity , but (note :)Rejoices at righteousness in the righteous . For by «truth » the Hebrews mean «righteousness ».(:note ) rejoiceth in the truth ; * It suffreth all things : it beleeueth all things : it hopeth all things : it endureth all things . * * * But when that which is perfect , is come , then that which is in part , shalbe abolished . * * * * Follow (note :)He infers now of what he spoke before : therefore seeing charity is the chiefest of all , before all things set it before you as chief and principal . And so esteem those things as most excellent which profit the greater part of men (such as prophecy , that is to say , the gift of teaching and applying the doctrine : which was condemned in respect of other gifts , although it is the chiefest and most necessary for the Church ) and not those who for a show seem to be marvellous , as the gifts of tongues . This was when a man was suddenly endowed with the knowledge of many tongues , which made men greatly amazed and yet of itself was not greatly of any use , unless there was an interpreter .(:note ) after charity , and desire spiritual [gifts ], but rather that ye may What prophecy is he shows in the third verse . prophesy . * * But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men [to ] (note :)Which may further men in the study of godliness .(:note ) edification , and exhortation , and comfort . * He that speaketh in an [unknown ] tongue edifieth himself ; but he that prophesieth edifieth the (note :)The company .(:note ) church . * I would that ye all spake strange languages , but rather that ye prophecied : for greater is hee that prophecieth , then hee that speaketh diuers tongues , except hee expounde it , that the Church may receiue edification . * And nowe , brethren , if I come vnto you speaking diuers tongues , what shall I profite you , except I speake to you , either by reuelation , or by knowledge , or by prophecying , or by doctrine ? * * And also if the trumpet giue an vncertaine sound , who shall prepare himselfe to battell ? * So likewise ye , except ye utter by the tongue words (note :)That fitly utter the matter itself .(:note ) easy to be understood , how shall it be known what is spoken ? for ye shall speak into the air . * * Therefore if I know not the meaning of the voice , I shall be unto him that speaketh a barbarian , and he that (note :)As the papists in all their sermons , and they that ambitiously pour out some Hebrew or Greek words in the pulpit before the unlearned people , by this to get themselves a name of vain learning .(:note ) speaketh [shall be ] a barbarian unto me . * * Wherefore let him that speaketh in an [unknown ] tongue (note :)Pray for the gift of interpretation .(:note ) pray that he may interpret . * * What is it then ? I will pray with the spirit , and I will pray with the (note :)So that I may be understood by others , and may instruct others .(:note ) understanding also : I will sing with the spirit , and I will sing with the understanding also . * * For thou verely giuest thankes well , but the other is not edified . * * Yet in the church I had rather speak (note :)A very few words .(:note ) five words with my understanding , that [by my voice ] I might teach others also , than ten thousand words in an [unknown ] tongue . * * In the (note :)By the «law » he understands the entire scripture .(:note ) law it is written , With [men of ] other tongues and other lips will I speak unto this people ; and yet for all that will they not hear me , saith the Lord . * * * But if all prophecie , and there come in one that beleeueth not , or one vnlearned , hee is rebuked of all men , and is iudged of all , * And so are the secrets of his heart made manifest , and so he will fall downe on his face and worship God , and say plainely that God is in you in deede . * * * But if there be no interpreter , let him keepe silence in the Church , which speaketh languages , and let him speake to himselfe , and to God . * * And if any thing be reueiled to another that sitteth by , let the first holde his peace . * For ye may all prophecie one by one , that all may learne , and all may haue comfort . * And the (note :)The doctrine which the prophets bring , who are inspired with God 's Spirit .(:note ) spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets . * For God is not the author of confusion , but of peace , as we see in all ye Churches of the Saints . * * And if they will learne any thing , let them aske their husbands at home : for it is a shame for women to speake in the Church . * * If any man think himself to be a prophet , or (note :)Skilful in knowing and judging spiritual things .(:note ) spiritual , let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord . * * * Let all things be done honestly , and by order . * Moreover , (note :)The sixth treatise of this epistle , concerning the resurrection : and he uses a transition , or passing over from one matter to another , showing first that he brings no new thing , to the end that the Corinthians might understand that they had begun to swerve from the right course . And next that he does not go about to entreat of a trifling matter , but of another chief point of the Gospel , which if it is taken away , their faith will necessarily come to nothing . And so at the length he begins this treatise at Christ 's resurrection , which is the ground and foundation of ours , and confirms it first by the testimony of the scriptures and by the witness of the apostles , and of more than five hundred brethren , and last of all by his own .(:note ) brethren , I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you , which also ye have received , and wherein ye In the profession of which you still continue . stand ; * By which also ye are saved , if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you , (note :)Which is very absurd , and cannot be , for they that believe must reap the fruit of faith .(:note ) unless ye have believed in vain . * For first of all , I deliuered vnto you that which I receiued , how that Christ died for our sinnes , according to the Scriptures , * And that he was buried , and that he arose the third day , according to the Scriptures , * And that he was seen of Cephas , then of the (note :)Of those twelve picked and chosen apostles , who were commonly called twelve , though Judas was put out of the number .(:note ) twelve : * After that , he was seen of above five hundred brethren at (note :)Not at several different times , but together and at one instant .(:note ) once ; of whom the greater part remain unto this present , but some are fallen asleep . * After that , he was seene of Iames : then of all the Apostles . * * For I am the least of the Apostles , which am not meete to be called an Apostle , because I persecuted the Church of God . * But by the grace of God , I am that I am : and his grace which is in me , was not in vaine : but I laboured more aboundantly then they all : yet not I , but the grace of God which is with me . * Wherefore , whether it were I , or they , so we preach , and so haue ye beleeued . * * * * And we are found also false witnesses of God : for we haue testified of God , that he hath raised vp Christ : whome he hath not raised vp , if so be the dead be not raised . * * And if Christ be not raised , your faith [is ] vain ; (note :)First , seeing death is the punishment of sin , in vain should we believe that our sins were forgiven us , if they remain : but they do remain , if Christ did not rise from death .(:note ) ye are They are yet in their sins who are not sanctified , nor have obtained remission of their sins . yet in your sins . * * * * * For as in Adam all die , even so in Christ shall all be (note :)Will rise by the power of Christ .(:note ) made alive . * * * For he must reign , till he hath put all enemies (note :)Christ is considered here as he appeared in the form of a servant , in which respect he rules the Church as head , and that because this power was given to him from his Father .(:note ) under his feet . * The (note :)The conclusion of the argument , which is taken from the whole to the part : for if all his enemies will be put under his feet , then it will necessarily be that death also will be subdued under him .(:note ) last enemy [that ] shall be destroyed [is ] death . * For he hath put downe all things vnder his feete . (And when he saith that all things are subdued to him , it is manifest that he is excepted , which did put downe all things vnder him .) * And when all things shall be subdued unto him , (note :)Not because the Son was not subject to his Father before , but because his body , that is to say , the Church which is here in distress , and not yet wholly partaker of his glory , is not yet fully perfect : and also because the bodies of the saints which are in the graves , will not be glorified until the resurrection . But Christ as he is God , has us subject to him as his Father has , but as he is Priest , he is subject to his Father together with us . Augustine , book 1 , chap . 8 , of the trinity .(:note ) then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him , that By this high type of speech is set forth an incomprehensible glory which flows from God , and will fill all of us , as we are joined together with our head , but yet in such a way that our head will always preserve his preeminence . God may be all in all . * * * I protest by your (note :)As though he said , «I die daily , as all the miseries I suffer can well witness , which I may truly boast of , that I have suffered among you .»(:note ) rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord , I die daily . * * * Awake to liue righteously , and sinne not : for some haue not ye knowledge of God , I speake this to your shame . * * * And that which thou sowest , thou sowest not that body that shalbe , but bare corne as it falleth , of wheat , or of some other . * * All flesh is not the same flesh , but there is one flesh of men , and another flesh of beastes , and another of fishes , and another of birdes . * There are also heauenly bodies , and earthly bodies : but the glorie of the heauenly is one , and the glorie of the earthly is another . * There is another glorie of the sunne , and another glorie of the moone , and another glorie of the starres : for one starre differeth from another starre in glorie . * * It is sown in (note :)Void of honour , void of glory and beauty .(:note ) dishonour ; it is raised in glory : it is sown in weakness ; it is raised in Freed from the former weakness , in which it is subject to such alteration and change , that it cannot maintain itself without food and drink and such other like helps . power : * * * * The first man [is ] of the earth , (note :)Wallowing in dirt , and wholly given to an earthly nature .(:note ) earthy : the second man [is ] the Lord from As Adam was the first man , Christ is the second man ; and these two are spoken of , as if they were the only two men in the world ; because as the former was the head and representative of all his natural posterity , so the latter is the head and representative of all the spiritual offspring : and that he is «the Lord from heaven »; in distinction from the first man . (Ed .) heaven . * * And as we have borne the (note :)Not a vain and false image , but such a one as indeed had the truth with it .(:note ) image of the earthy , we shall also bear the image of the heavenly . * * * In (note :)He shows that the time will be very short .(:note ) a moment , in the twinkling of an eye , at the last trump : for the trumpet shall sound , and the dead shall be raised incorruptible , and we shall be changed . * For this corruptible must put on incorruption : and this mortall must put on immortalitie . * So when this corruptible hath put on incorruption , and this mortall hath put on immortalitie , then shalbe brought to passe the saying that is written , Death is swallowed vp into victorie . * O death where is thy sting ? O graue where is thy victorie ? * The sting of death is sinne : and ye strength of sinne is the Lawe . * But thankes be vnto God , which hath giuen vs victorie through our Lord Iesus Christ . * * Now concerning (note :)Collections in ancient times were made by the appointment of the apostle appointment to be the first day of the week , on which day the manner was then to assemble themselves .(:note ) the collection for the saints , as I have given order to the churches of Galatia , even so do ye . * Upon the (note :)Which in times past was called Sunday , but now is called the Lord 's day .(:note ) first [day ] of the week let every one of you lay by him in store , as [God ] hath That every man bestow according to the ability that God has blessed him with . prospered him , that there be no gatherings when I come . * And when I come , whomsoever ye shall approve by [your ] (note :)Which you will give to them to carry .(:note ) letters , them will I send to bring your liberality unto Jerusalem . * * Nowe I will come vnto you , after I haue gone through Macedonia (for I will passe through Macedonia .) * And it may be that I will abide , yea , or winter with you , that ye may bring me on my way , whither soeuer I goe . * For I will not see you nowe in my passage , but I trust to abide a while with you , if the Lord permit . * And I wil tary at Ephesus vntill Pentecost . * For a great door and (note :)Very fit and convenient to do great things by .(:note ) effectual is opened unto me , and [there are ] many adversaries . * Now if Timotheus come , see that he may be with you (note :)Without any just occasion of fear .(:note ) without fear : for he worketh the work of the Lord , as I also [do ]. * Let no man therefore despise him : but conduct him forth (note :)Safe and sound , and that with every type of courtesy .(:note ) in peace , that he may come unto me : for I look for him with the brethren . * As touching our brother Apollos , I greatly desired him , to come vnto you with the brethren : but his mind was not at all to come at this time : howbeit he will come when he shall haue conuenient time . * Watch ye : stand fast in the faith : quite you like men , and be strong . * Let all your things be done in loue . * I beseech you , brethren , (ye know the house of (note :)Stephanas is the name of a man and not of a woman .(:note ) Stephanas , that it is the firstfruits of Achaia , and [that ] they have Given themselves wholly to the ministry . addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints ,) * That ye (note :)That you honour and revere them , be obedient to them , and be content to be ruled by them , as you properly should , seeing that they have bestowed themselves and their goods , and this to help you with them .(:note ) submit yourselves unto such , and to every one that helpeth with [us ], and laboureth . * I am glad of the comming of Stephanas , and Fortunatus , and Achaicus : for they haue supplied the want of you . * For they have refreshed my (note :)My heart .(:note ) spirit and yours : therefore Take them for such men as they are indeed . acknowledge ye them that are such . * The Churches of Asia salute you : Aquila and Priscilla with ye Church that is in their house , salute you greatly in the Lord . * All the brethren greete you . Greete ye one another , with an holy kisse . * The salutation of me Paul with mine owne hand . * If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ , let him be Anathema (note :)By these words are meant the severest type of curse and excommunication that was among the Jews : and the words are as much as to say , «As our Lord comes ». So that his meaning may be this , «Let him be accursed even to the coming of the Lord », that is to say , to the day of his death , even for ever .(:note ) Maranatha . * The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with you . * My loue be with you all in Christ Iesus , Amen . The first Epistle to the Corinthians , written from Philippi , and sent by Stephanas , and Fortunatus , and Achaicus , and Timotheus .

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