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* Moreover , brethren , I would (5719 ) not that ye should be ignorant (5721 ), how that all our fathers were (5713 ) under the cloud , and all passed (5627 ) through the sea ; * And were all baptized (5668 ) unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea ; * And did all eat (5627 ) the same spiritual meat ; * And did all drink (5627 ) the same spiritual drink : for they drank (5707 ) of that spiritual Rock that followed them (5723 ): and that Rock was (5713 ) Christ . * But with many of them God was not well pleased (5656 ): for they were overthrown (5681 ) in the wilderness . * Now these things were (5675 ) our examples , to the intent we should (5750 ) not lust after evil things , as they also lusted (5656 ). * Neither be ye (5737 ) idolaters , as were some of them ; as it is written (5769 ), The people sat down (5656 ) to eat (5629 ) and drink (5629 ), and rose up (5656 ) to play (5721 ). * Neither let us commit fornication (5725 ), as some of them committed (5656 ), and fell (5627 ) in one day three and twenty thousand . * Neither let us tempt (5725 ) Christ , as some of them also tempted (5656 ), and were destroyed (5639 ) of serpents . * Neither murmur ye (5720 ), as some of them also murmured (5656 ), and were destroyed (5639 ) of the destroyer . * Now all these things happened (5707 ) unto them for ensamples : and they are written (5648 ) for our admonition , upon whom the ends of the world are come (5656 ). * Wherefore let him that thinketh (5723 ) he standeth (5760 ) take heed (5720 ) lest he fall (5632 ). * There hath no temptation taken (5758 ) you but such as is common to man : but God is faithful , who will not suffer (5692 ) you to be tempted (5683 ) above that ye are able (5736 ); but will with the temptation also make (5692 ) a way to escape , that ye may be able (5738 ) to bear (5629 ) it . * Wherefore , my dearly beloved , flee (5720 ) from idolatry . * I speak (5719 ) as to wise men ; judge (5657 ) ye what I say (5748 ). * The cup of blessing which we bless (5719 ), is it (5748 ) not the communion of the blood of Christ ? The bread which we break (5719 ), is it (5748 ) not the communion of the body of Christ ? * For we being many are (5748 ) one bread , and one body : for we are all partakers (5719 ) of that one bread . * Behold (5720 ) Israel after the flesh : are not they (5748 ) which eat (5723 ) of the sacrifices partakers of the altar ? * What say I (5748 ) then ? that the idol is (5748 ) any thing , or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is (5748 ) any thing ? * But I say , that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice (5719 ), they sacrifice (5719 ) to devils , and not to God : and I would (5719 ) not that ye should have (5738 ) fellowship with devils . * Ye cannot (5736 ) drink (5721 ) the cup of the Lord , and the cup of devils : ye cannot (5736 ) be partakers (5721 ) of the Lords table , and of the table of devils . * Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy (5719 )? are we (5748 ) stronger than he ? * All things are lawful (5748 ) for me , but all things are not expedient (5719 ): all things are lawful (5748 ) for me , but all things edify (5719 ) not . * Let no man seek (5720 ) his own , but every man anothers wealth . * Whatsoever is sold (5746 ) in the shambles , that eat (5720 ), asking no question (5723 ) for conscience sake : * For the earth is the Lords , and the fulness thereof . * If any of them that believe not bid (5719 ) you to a feast , and ye be disposed (5719 ) to go (5738 ); whatsoever is set before (5746 ) you , eat (5720 ), asking no question (5723 ) for conscience sake . * But if any man say (5632 ) unto you , This is (5748 ) offered in sacrifice unto idols , eat (5720 ) not for his sake that shewed it (5660 ), and for conscience sake : for the earth is the Lords , and the fulness thereof : * Conscience , I say (5719 ), not thine own , but of the other : for why is my liberty judged (5743 ) of another mans conscience ? * For if I by grace be a partaker (5719 ), why am I evil spoken of (5743 ) for that for which I give thanks (5719 )? * Whether therefore ye eat (5719 ), or drink (5719 ), or whatsoever ye do (5719 ), do (5720 ) all to the glory of God . * Give (5737 ) none offence , neither to the Jews , nor to the Gentiles , nor to the church of God : * Even as I please (5719 ) all men in all things , not seeking (5723 ) mine own profit (5723 ), but the profit of many , that they may be saved (5686 ). * Be (5737 ) ye followers of me , even as I also am of Christ . * Now I praise (5719 ) you , brethren , that ye remember (5769 ) me in all things , and keep (5719 ) the ordinances , as I delivered (5656 ) them to you . * But I would have (5719 ) you know (5760 ), that the head of every man is (5748 ) Christ ; and the head of the woman is the man ; and the head of Christ is God . * Every man praying (5740 ) or prophesying (5723 ), having (5723 ) his head covered , dishonoureth (5719 ) his head . * But every woman that prayeth (5740 ) or prophesieth (5723 ) with her head uncovered dishonoureth (5719 ) her head : for that is (5748 ) even all one as if she were shaven (5772 ). * For if the woman be not covered (5743 ), let her also be shorn (5669 ): but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn (5670 ) or shaven (5745 ), let her be covered (5744 ). * For a man indeed ought (5719 ) not to cover (5745 ) his head , forasmuch as he is (5723 ) the image and glory of God : but the woman is (5748 ) the glory of the man . * For the man is (5748 ) not of the woman ; but the woman of the man . * Neither was the man created (5681 ) for the woman ; but the woman for the man . * For this cause ought (5719 ) the woman to have (5721 ) power on her head because of the angels . * Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman , neither the woman without the man , in the Lord . * For as the woman is of the man , even so is the man also by the woman ; but all things of God . * Judge (5657 ) in yourselves : is it (5748 ) comely (5723 ) that a woman pray (5738 ) unto God uncovered ? * Doth not even nature itself teach (5719 ) you , that , if a man have long hair (5725 ), it is (5748 ) a shame unto him ? * But if a woman have long hair (5725 ), it is (5748 ) a glory to her : for her hair is given (5769 ) her for a covering . * But if any man seem (5719 ) to be (5750 ) contentious , we have (5719 ) no such custom , neither the churches of God . * Now in this that I declare (5723 ) unto you I praise (5719 ) you not , that ye come together (5736 ) not for the better , but for the worse . * For first of all , when ye come together (5740 ) in the church , I hear (5719 ) that there be (5721 ) divisions among you ; and I partly believe (5719 ) it . * For there must (5748 ) be (5750 ) also heresies among you , that they which are approved may be made (5638 ) manifest among you . * When ye come together (5740 ) therefore into one place , this is (5748 ) not to eat (5629 ) the Lords supper . * For in eating (5629 ) every one taketh before (5719 ) other his own supper : and one is hungry (5719 ), and another is drunken (5719 ). * What ? have ye (5719 ) not houses to eat (5721 ) and to drink (5721 ) in ? or despise ye (5719 ) the church of God , and shame (5719 ) them that have (5723 ) not ? What shall I say (5632 ) to you ? shall I praise (5661 ) you in this ? I praise (5719 ) you not . * For I have received (5627 ) of the Lord that which also I delivered (5656 ) unto you , That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed (5712 ) took (5627 ) bread : * And when he had given thanks (5660 ), he brake (5656 ) it , and said (5627 ), Take (5628 ), eat (5628 ): this is (5748 ) my body , which is broken (5746 ) for you : this do (5720 ) in remembrance of me . * After the same manner also he took the cup , when he had supped (5658 ), saying (5723 ), This cup is (5748 ) the new testament in my blood : this do ye (5720 ), as oft as ye drink (5725 ) it , in remembrance of me . * For as often as ye eat (5725 ) this bread , and drink (5725 ) this cup , ye do shew (5719 ) the Lords death till he come (5632 ). * Wherefore whosoever shall eat (5725 ) this bread , and drink (5725 ) this cup of the Lord , unworthily , shall be (5704 ) guilty of the body and blood of the Lord . * But let a man examine (5720 ) himself , and so let him eat (5720 ) of that bread , and drink (5720 ) of that cup . * For he that eateth (5723 ) and drinketh (5723 ) unworthily , eateth (5719 ) and drinketh (5719 ) damnation to himself , not discerning (5723 ) the Lords body . * For this cause many are weak and sickly among you , and many sleep (5743 ). * For if we would judge (5707 ) ourselves , we should not be judged (5712 ). * But when we are judged (5746 ), we are chastened (5743 ) of the Lord , that we should not be condemned (5686 ) with the world . * Wherefore , my brethren , when ye come together (5740 ) to eat (5629 ), tarry (5737 ) one for another . * And if any man hunger (5719 ), let him eat (5720 ) at home ; that ye come not together (5741 ) unto condemnation . And the rest will I set in order (5695 ) when I come (5632 ). * Now concerning spiritual gifts , brethren , I would not have (5719 ) you ignorant (5721 ). * Ye know (5758 ) that ye were (5713 ) Gentiles , carried away (5746 ) unto these dumb idols , even as ye were led (5712 ). * Wherefore I give you to understand (5719 ), that no man speaking (5723 ) by the Spirit of God calleth (5719 ) Jesus accursed : and that no man can (5736 ) say (5629 ) that Jesus is the Lord , but by the Holy Ghost . * Now there are (5748 ) diversities of gifts , but the same Spirit . * And there are (5748 ) differences of administrations , but the same Lord . * And there are (5748 ) diversities of operations , but it is (5748 ) the same God which worketh (5723 ) all in all . * But the manifestation of the Spirit is given (5743 ) to every man to profit withal (5723 ). * For to one is given (5743 ) by the Spirit the word of wisdom ; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit ; * To another faith by the same Spirit ; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit ; * To another the working of miracles ; to another prophecy ; to another discerning of spirits ; to another divers kinds of tongues ; to another the interpretation of tongues : * But all these worketh (5719 ) that one and the selfsame Spirit , dividing (5723 ) to every man severally as he will (5736 ). * For as the body is (5748 ) one , and hath (5719 ) many members , and all the members of that one body , being (5752 ) many , are (5748 ) one body : so also is Christ . * For by one Spirit are we all baptized (5681 ) into one body , whether we be Jews or Gentiles , whether we be bond or free ; and have been all made to drink (5681 ) into one Spirit . * For the body is (5748 ) not one member , but many . * If the foot shall say (5632 ), Because I am (5748 ) not the hand , I am (5748 ) not of the body ; is (5748 ) it therefore not of the body ? * And if the ear shall say (5632 ), Because I am (5748 ) not the eye , I am (5748 ) not of the body ; is (5748 ) it therefore not of the body ? * If the whole body were an eye , where were the hearing ? If the whole were hearing , where were the smelling ? * But now hath God set (5639 ) the members every one of them in the body , as it hath pleased him (5656 ). * And if they were (5713 ) all one member , where were the body ? * But now are they many members , yet but one body . * And the eye cannot (5736 ) say (5629 ) unto the hand , I have (5719 ) no need of thee : nor again the head to the feet , I have (5719 ) no need of you . * Nay , much more those members of the body , which seem (5723 ) to be (5721 ) more feeble , are (5748 ) necessary : * And those members of the body , which we think (5719 ) to be (5750 ) less honourable , upon these we bestow (5719 ) more abundant honour ; and our uncomely parts have (5719 ) more abundant comeliness . * For our comely parts have (5719 ) no need : but God hath tempered the body together (5656 ), having given (5631 ) more abundant honour to that part which lacked (5746 ): * That there should be (5753 ) no schism in the body ; but that the members should have the same care (5725 ) one for another . * And whether one member suffer (5719 ), all the members suffer with it (5719 ); or one member be honoured (5743 ), all the members rejoice with it (5719 ). * Now ye are (5748 ) the body of Christ , and members in particular . * And God hath set (5639 ) some in the church , first apostles , secondarily prophets , thirdly teachers , after that miracles , then gifts of healings , helps , governments , diversities of tongues . * Are all apostles ? are all prophets ? are all teachers ? are all workers of miracles ? * Have (5719 ) all the gifts of healing ? do all speak (5719 ) with tongues ? do all interpret (5719 )? * But covet earnestly (5720 ) the best gifts : and yet shew I (5719 ) unto you a more excellent way . * Though I speak (5725 ) with the tongues of men and of angels , and have (5725 ) not charity , I am become (5754 ) as sounding (5723 ) brass , or a tinkling (5723 ) cymbal . * And though I have (5725 ) the gift of prophecy , and understand (5762 ) all mysteries , and all knowledge ; and though I have (5725 ) all faith , so that I could remove (5721 ) mountains , and have (5725 ) not charity , I am (5748 ) nothing . * And though I bestow all my goods (5723 ) to feed (5661 ) the poor , and though I give (5632 ) my body to be burned (5703 ), and have (5725 ) not charity , it profiteth me (5743 ) nothing . * Charity suffereth long (5719 ), and is kind (5736 ); charity envieth (5719 ) not ; charity vaunteth not itself (5736 ), is not puffed up (5743 ), * Doth not behave itself unseemly (5719 ), seeketh (5719 ) not her own , is not easily provoked (5743 ), thinketh (5736 ) no evil ; * Rejoiceth (5719 ) not in iniquity , but rejoiceth (5719 ) in the truth ; * Beareth (5719 ) all things , believeth (5719 ) all things , hopeth (5719 ) all things , endureth (5719 ) all things . * Charity never faileth (5719 ): but whether there be prophecies , they shall fail (5701 ); whether there be tongues , they shall cease (5695 ); whether there be knowledge , it shall vanish away (5701 ). * For we know (5719 ) in part , and we prophesy (5719 ) in part . * But when that which is perfect is come (5632 ), then that which is in part shall be done away (5701 ). * When I was (5713 ) a child , I spake (5707 ) as a child , I understood (5707 ) as a child , I thought (5711 ) as a child : but when I became (5754 ) a man , I put away (5758 ) childish things . * For now we see (5719 ) through a glass , darkly ; but then face to face : now I know (5719 ) in part ; but then shall I know (5695 ) even as also I am known (5681 ). * And now abideth (5719 ) faith , hope , charity , these three ; but the greatest of these is charity . * Follow (5720 ) after charity , and desire (5720 ) spiritual gifts , but rather that ye may prophesy (5725 ).

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