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* A person has only one body , and the body has many parts . It is the same with Christ . * The one Spirit baptized us all to make one body . It made no difference whether we were Jews or Greeks , whether we were slaves or free men . We were all given to drink of one Spirit . * I say again , the body is not all one part , but has many parts . * Perhaps the foot says , I am not the hand , so I do not belong to the body . But it is still a part of the body . * Perhaps the ear says , I am not the eye , so I do not belong to the body . But it is still a part of the body . * If all of the body were an eye , how could we hear ? If all the body were an ear , how could we smell ? * The way it is now , God has put each part in the body in the place he wanted it . * If they were all one part , how could it be a body ? * The way it is now , there are many parts , but it is one body . * The eye cannot say to the hand , I do not need you . And the head cannot say to the feet , I do not need you . * No , that is not so . Some parts of the body are not as strong as others . Yet we could not live without them . * And we look after some parts of our body more than others because they need it . The parts of our body that are not so fine in one way are made more fine in other ways . But the parts which are fine already do not need to be made fine . God made the body and has given more care to the parts that need it . * He did this so that the body would not be divided into groups , but all the parts would help each other . 26 )If one part has trouble , then all the other parts are troubled too . If one part is praised , then all the other parts are glad with it . * Now , all of you together are the body of Christ , and each one of you is a part of it . * God has given each person their right place in the church . First , there are the apostles . Second , there are prophets who speak words from God . Third , there are those who teach . Then there are those who do big works . Then there are those who have the gifts to heal people , those who help in the work of the church people , those who lead and guide others , and those who speak Gods words in different kinds of tongues or languages . * Are all the people apostles ? Can they all speak words from God ? Can they all teach ? Can they all do big works ? * Do they all have the gifts to heal the sick people ? Can they all speak in different tongues ? Can they all tell the meaning of these tongues ? * You should seek after the best gifts . But I will show you a way that is much better than any of them ! * missing fehlt /missing

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