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* For the body is (5748 ) not one member , but many . * If the foot shall say (5632 ), Because I am (5748 ) not the hand , I am (5748 ) not of the body ; is (5748 ) it therefore not of the body ? * And if the ear shall say (5632 ), Because I am (5748 ) not the eye , I am (5748 ) not of the body ; is (5748 ) it therefore not of the body ? * If the whole body were an eye , where were the hearing ? If the whole were hearing , where were the smelling ? * But now hath God set (5639 ) the members every one of them in the body , as it hath pleased him (5656 ). * And if they were (5713 ) all one member , where were the body ? * But now are they many members , yet but one body . * And the eye cannot (5736 ) say (5629 ) unto the hand , I have (5719 ) no need of thee : nor again the head to the feet , I have (5719 ) no need of you .

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