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* Moreover , brethren , I declare (5719 ) unto you the gospel which I preached (5668 ) unto you , which also ye have received (5627 ), and wherein ye stand (5758 ); * By which also ye are saved (5743 ), if ye keep (5719 ) in memory what I preached (5668 ) unto you , unless ye have believed (5656 ) in vain . * For I delivered (5656 ) unto you first of all that which I also received (5627 ), how that Christ died (5627 ) for our sins according to the scriptures ; * And that he was buried (5648 ), and that he rose again (5769 ) the third day according to the scriptures : * And that he was seen (5681 ) of Cephas , then of the twelve : * After that , he was seen (5681 ) of above five hundred brethren at once ; of whom the greater part remain (5719 ) unto this present , but some are fallen asleep (5681 ). * After that , he was seen (5681 ) of James ; then of all the apostles . * And last of all he was seen (5681 ) of me also , as of one born out of due time . * For I am (5748 ) the least of the apostles , that am (5748 ) not meet to be called (5745 ) an apostle , because I persecuted (5656 ) the church of God . * But by the grace of God I am (5748 ) what I am (5748 ): and his grace which was bestowed upon me was (5675 ) not in vain ; but I laboured (5656 ) more abundantly than they all : yet not I , but the grace of God which was with me . * Therefore whether it were I or they , so we preach (5719 ), and so ye believed (5656 ). * Now if Christ be preached (5743 ) that he rose (5769 ) from the dead , how say (5719 ) some among you that there is (5748 ) no resurrection of the dead ? * But if there be (5748 ) no resurrection of the dead , then is Christ not risen (5769 ): * And if Christ be not risen (5769 ), then is our preaching vain , and your faith is also vain . * Yea , and we are found (5743 ) false witnesses of God ; because we have testified (5656 ) of God that he raised up (5656 ) Christ : whom he raised not up (5656 ), if so be that the dead rise (5743 ) not . * For if the dead rise (5743 ) not , then is not Christ raised (5769 ): * And if Christ be not raised (5769 ), your faith is vain ; ye are (5748 ) yet in your sins . * Then they also which are fallen asleep (5685 ) in Christ are perished (5639 ). * If in this life only we have hope (5761 ) (5748 ) in Christ , we are (5748 ) of all men most miserable . * But now is Christ risen (5769 ) from the dead , and become (5633 ) the firstfruits of them that slept (5772 ). * For since by man came death , by man came also the resurrection of the dead . * For as in Adam all die (5719 ), even so in Christ shall all be made alive (5701 ). * But every man in his own order : Christ the firstfruits ; afterward they that are Christs at his coming . * Then cometh the end , when he shall have delivered up (5632 ) the kingdom to God , even the Father ; when he shall have put down (5661 ) all rule and all authority and power . * For he must (5748 ) reign (5721 ), till he hath put (5632 ) all enemies under his feet . * The last enemy that shall be destroyed (5743 ) is death . * For he hath put (5656 ) all things under his feet . But when he saith (5632 ) all things are put under (5769 ) him , it is manifest that he is excepted , which did put all things under (5660 ) him . * And when all things shall be subdued (5652 ) unto him , then shall the Son also himself be subject (5691 ) unto him that put all things under (5660 ) him , that God may be (5753 ) all in all . * Else what shall they do (5692 ) which are baptized (5746 ) for the dead , if the dead rise (5743 ) not at all ? why are they then baptized (5743 ) for the dead ? * And why stand we in jeopardy (5719 ) every hour ? * I protest by your rejoicing which I have (5719 ) in Christ Jesus our Lord , I die (5719 ) daily . * If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts (5656 ) at Ephesus , what advantageth it me , if the dead rise (5743 ) not ? let us eat (5632 ) and drink (5632 ); for to morrow we die (5719 ). * Be not deceived (5744 ): evil communications corrupt (5719 ) good manners . * Awake (5657 ) to righteousness , and sin (5720 ) not ; for some have (5719 ) not the knowledge of God : I speak (5719 ) this to your shame . * But some man will say (5692 ), How are the dead raised up (5743 )? and with what body do they come (5736 )? * Thou fool , that which thou sowest (5719 ) is not quickened (5743 ), except it die (5632 ): * And that which thou sowest (5719 ), thou sowest (5719 ) not that body that shall be (5697 ), but bare grain , it may chance (5630 ) of wheat , or of some other grain : * But God giveth (5719 ) it a body as it hath pleased him (5656 ), and to every seed his own body . * All flesh is not the same flesh : but there is one kind of flesh of men , another flesh of beasts , another of fishes , and another of birds . * There are also celestial bodies , and bodies terrestrial : but the glory of the celestial is one , and the glory of the terrestrial is another . * There is one glory of the sun , and another glory of the moon , and another glory of the stars : for one star differeth from (5719 ) another star in glory . * So also is the resurrection of the dead . It is sown (5743 ) in corruption ; it is raised (5743 ) in incorruption : * It is sown (5743 ) in dishonour ; it is raised (5743 ) in glory : it is sown (5743 ) in weakness ; it is raised (5743 ) in power : * It is sown (5743 ) a natural body ; it is raised (5743 ) a spiritual body . There is (5748 ) a natural body , and there is (5748 ) a spiritual body . * And so it is written (5769 ), The first man Adam was made (5633 ) a living (5723 ) soul ; the last Adam was made a quickening (5723 ) spirit . * Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual , but that which is natural ; and afterward that which is spiritual . * The first man is of the earth , earthy : the second man is the Lord from heaven . * As is the earthy , such are they also that are earthy : and as is the heavenly , such are they also that are heavenly . * And as we have borne (5656 ) the image of the earthy , we shall also bear (5692 ) the image of the heavenly . * Now this I say (5748 ), brethren , that flesh and blood cannot (5736 ) inherit (5658 ) the kingdom of God ; neither doth corruption inherit (5719 ) incorruption . * Behold (5628 ), I shew (5719 ) you a mystery ; We shall not all sleep (5701 ), but we shall all be changed (5691 ), * In a moment , in the twinkling of an eye , at the last trump : for the trumpet shall sound (5692 ), and the dead shall be raised (5701 ) incorruptible , and we shall be changed (5691 ). * For this corruptible must (5748 ) put on (5670 ) incorruption , and this mortal must put on (5670 ) immortality . * So when this corruptible shall have put on (5672 ) incorruption , and this mortal shall have put on (5672 ) immortality , then shall be brought to pass (5695 ) the saying that is written (5772 ), Death is swallowed up (5681 ) in victory . * O death , where is thy sting ? O grave , where is thy victory ? * The sting of death is sin ; and the strength of sin is the law . * But thanks be to God , which giveth (5723 ) us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ . * Therefore , my beloved brethren , be ye (5737 ) stedfast , unmoveable , always abounding (5723 ) in the work of the Lord , forasmuch as ye know (5761 ) that your labour is (5748 ) not in vain in the Lord .

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