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* For we are (5748 ) labourers together with God : ye are (5748 ) Gods husbandry , ye are Gods building . * According to the grace of God which is given (5685 ) unto me , as a wise masterbuilder , I have laid (5758 ) the foundation , and another buildeth (5719 ) thereon . But let every man take heed (5720 ) how he buildeth (5719 ) thereupon . * For other foundation can (5736 ) no man lay (5629 ) than that is laid (5740 ), which is (5748 ) Jesus Christ . * Now if any man build (5719 ) upon this foundation gold , silver , precious stones , wood , hay , stubble ; * Every mans work shall be made (5695 ) manifest : for the day shall declare (5692 ) it , because it shall be revealed (5743 ) by fire ; and the fire shall try (5692 ) every mans work of what sort it is (5748 ). * If any mans work abide (5719 ) which he hath built (5656 ) thereupon , he shall receive (5695 ) a reward . * If any mans work shall be burned (5691 ), he shall suffer loss (5701 ): but he himself shall be saved (5701 ); yet so as by fire . * Know ye (5758 ) not that ye are (5748 ) the temple of God , and that the Spirit of God dwelleth (5719 ) in you ? * If any man defile (5719 ) the temple of God , him shall God destroy (5692 ); for the temple of God is (5748 ) holy , which temple ye are (5748 ).

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