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* It is reported (5743 ) commonly that there is fornication among you , and such fornication as is not so much as named (5743 ) among the Gentiles , that one should have (5721 ) his fathers wife . * And ye are (5748 ) puffed up (5772 ), and have not rather mourned (5656 ), that he that hath done (5660 ) this deed might be taken away (5686 ) from among you . * For I verily , as absent (5752 ) in body , but present (5752 ) in spirit , have judged (5758 ) already , as though I were present (5752 ), concerning him that hath so done (5666 ) this deed , * In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ , when ye are gathered together (5685 ), and my spirit , with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ , * To deliver (5629 ) such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh , that the spirit may be saved (5686 ) in the day of the Lord Jesus . * Your glorying is not good . Know ye (5758 ) not that a little leaven leaveneth (5719 ) the whole lump ? * Purge out (5657 ) therefore the old leaven , that ye may be (5753 ) a new lump , as ye are (5748 ) unleavened . For even Christ our passover is sacrificed (5681 ) for us : * Therefore let us keep the feast (5725 ), not with old leaven , neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness ; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth . * I wrote (5656 ) unto you in an epistle not to company (5733 ) with fornicators : * Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world , or with the covetous , or extortioners , or with idolaters ; for then must ye needs (5719 ) go (5629 ) out of the world . * But now I have written (5656 ) unto you not to keep company (5733 ), if any man that is called (5746 ) a brother be a fornicator , or covetous , or an idolater , or a railer , or a drunkard , or an extortioner ; with such an one no not to eat (5721 ). * For what have I to do to judge (5721 ) them also that are without ? do not ye judge (5719 ) them that are within ? * But them that are without God judgeth (5692 ). Therefore put away (5692 ) from among yourselves that wicked person . * Dare (5719 ) any of you , having (5723 ) a matter against another , go to law (5745 ) before the unjust , and not before the saints ? * Do ye not know (5758 ) that the saints shall judge (5692 ) the world ? and if the world shall be judged (5743 ) by you , are ye (5748 ) unworthy to judge the smallest matters ? * Know ye (5758 ) not that we shall judge (5692 ) angels ? how much more things that pertain to this life ? * If then ye have (5725 ) judgments of things pertaining to this life , set (5719 ) them to judge who are least esteemed (5772 ) in the church . * I speak (5719 ) to your shame . Is it so , that there (5748 ) is not a wise man among you ? no , not one that shall be able (5695 ) to judge (5658 ) between his brethren ? * But brother goeth to law (5743 ) with brother , and that before the unbelievers . * Now therefore there is (5748 ) utterly a fault among you , because ye go (5719 ) to law one with another . Why do ye not rather take wrong (5743 )? why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded (5743 )? * Nay , ye do wrong (5719 ), and defraud (5719 ), and that your brethren . * Know ye (5758 ) not that the unrighteous shall not inherit (5692 ) the kingdom of God ? Be not deceived (5744 ): neither fornicators , nor idolaters , nor adulterers , nor effeminate , nor abusers of themselves with mankind , * Nor thieves , nor covetous , nor drunkards , nor revilers , nor extortioners , shall inherit (5692 ) the kingdom of God . * And such were (5713 ) some of you : but ye are washed (5668 ), but ye are sanctified (5681 ), but ye are justified (5681 ) in the name of the Lord Jesus , and by the Spirit of our God . * All things are lawful (5748 ) unto me , but all things are not expedient (5719 ): all things are lawful (5748 ) for me , but I will not be brought under the power (5701 ) of any . * Meats for the belly , and the belly for meats : but God shall destroy (5692 ) both it and them . Now the body is not for fornication , but for the Lord ; and the Lord for the body . * And God hath both raised up (5656 ) the Lord , and will also raise up (5692 ) us by his own power . * Know ye (5758 ) not that your bodies are (5748 ) the members of Christ ? shall I then take (5660 ) the members of Christ , and make (5661 ) them the members of an harlot ? God forbid (5636 ). * What ? know ye (5758 ) not that he which is joined (5746 ) to an harlot is (5748 ) one body ? for two , saith he (5748 ), shall be (5704 ) one flesh . * But he that is joined (5746 ) unto the Lord is (5748 ) one spirit . * Flee (5720 ) fornication . Every sin that a man doeth (5661 ) is (5748 ) without the body ; but he that committeth fornication (5723 ) sinneth (5719 ) against his own body . * What ? know ye (5758 ) not that your body is (5748 ) the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you , which ye have (5719 ) of God , and ye are (5748 ) not your own ? * For ye are bought (5681 ) with a price : therefore glorify (5657 ) God in your body , and in your spirit , which are (5748 ) Gods . * Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote (5656 ) unto me : It is good for a man not to touch (5733 ) a woman .

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