
rwp@1John:3:16 @{Know we} (\egn“kamen\). Perfect active indicative, "we have come to know and still know." See strkjv@2:3| for "hereby" (\en tout“i\). {Love} (\tˆn agapˆn\). "The thing called love" (D. Smith). {He for us} (\ekeinos huper hˆm“n\). \Ekeinos\ as in strkjv@2:6; strkjv@3:3,5|, \huper\ here alone in this Epistle, though common in John's Gospel (10:11,15; strkjv@11:50|, etc.) and in strkjv@3John:1:7|. {Laid down his life} (\tˆn psuchˆn autou ethˆken\). First aorist active indicative of \tithˆmi\, the very idiom used by Jesus of himself in strkjv@John:10:11,17f|. {We ought} (\hˆmeis opheilomen\). Emphatic \hˆmeis\ again. For \opheil“\ see strkjv@2:6|. Of course our laying down our lives for the brethren has no atoning value in our cases as in that of Christ, but is a supreme proof of one's love (John:13:37f.; strkjv@15:13|), as often happens.

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