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* And he came thither unto a cave , and lodged there ; and , behold , the word of the LORD came to him , and he said unto him , What doest thou here , Elijah ? * And he said , I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts : for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant , thrown down thine altars , and slain thy prophets with the sword ; and I , even I only , am left ; and they seek my life , to take it away . * And he said , Go forth , and stand upon the mount before the LORD . And , behold , the LORD passed by , and a great and strong wind rent the mountains , and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD ; but the LORD was not in the wind : and after the wind an earthquake ; but the LORD was not in the earthquake : * And after the earthquake a fire ; but the LORD was not in the fire : and after the fire a still small voice . * And it was so , when Elijah heard it , that he wrapped his face in his mantle , and went out , and stood in the entering in of the cave . And , behold , there came a voice unto him , and said , What doest thou here , Elijah ? * And he said , I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts : because the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant , thrown down thine altars , and slain thy prophets with the sword ; and I , even I only , am left ; and they seek my life , to take it away . * And the LORD said unto him , Go , return on thy way to the wilderness of Damascus : and when thou comest , anoint Hazael to be king over Syria : * And Jehu the son of Nimshi shalt thou anoint to be king over Israel : and Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abelmeholah shalt thou anoint to be prophet in thy room . * And it shall come to pass , that him that escapeth the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay : and him that escapeth from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay . * Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel , all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal , and every mouth which hath not kissed him . * So he departed thence , and found Elisha the son of Shaphat , who was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen before him , and he with the twelfth : and Elijah passed by him , and cast his mantle upon him . * And he left the oxen , and ran after Elijah , and said , Let me , I pray thee , kiss my father and my mother , and then I will follow thee . And he said unto him , Go back again : for what have I done to thee ? * And he returned back from him , and took a yoke of oxen , and slew them , and boiled their flesh with the instruments of the oxen , and gave unto the people , and they did eat . Then he arose , and went after Elijah , and ministered unto him .

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