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* Therefore , tighten the "readiness " belt of your mind , a mind that is kovesh es yitzro (note :)self-controlled (:note ). Set your tikvah completely on the Chen v 'Chesed Hashem that is being brought to you at the Apocalypse of Moshiach Yehoshua . * As Bnei Mishma 'at (note :)Children of Obedience--1:2 (:note ), not conforming yourselves to your former ta 'avot , when you lacked da 'as personal , saving knowledge , * but , als (note :)since (:note ) the One who bestows on you the keri 'ah calling is KADOSH HU TEHILLIM strkjv @99:5 , so also yourselves become kedoshim in hitnahagut conduct , * because it says in the Torah , KEDOSHIM TIH 'YU KI KADOSH ANI (note :)"YOU MUST BE HOLY ONES FOR I AM HOLY "--VAYIKRA strkjv @19:2 (:note ). MOSHIACH THE TRUE KORBAN PESACH OF THE GEULAH * And if you call upon as "Avinu " [Mt .6:9 ] the One who is the impartial Shofet (note :)Shofet kol ha 'aretz (:note ) of each man L 'ISH K 'MA 'ASEIHU "TO EACH AS HIS DEEDS "--TEHILLIM strkjv @62:13 , then conduct yourself with yirat Shomayim during your time in the Golus of Olam Hazeh , * knowing that the padut nafsheynu (note :)redemption of our souls (:note ) was not with perishable things such as silver or gold when your Geulah Redemption was purchased from the Derech haHevel handed down to you from your Avot . * No , it was the precious DAM (note :)VAYIKRA strkjv @17:11 (:note ) as of a SEH TAMIM U 'MUM "lamb unblemished and unspotted " --SHEMOT strkjv @12:5 ; VAYIKRA strkjv @22:20 ; YESHAYAH strkjv @53:7-9 , the DAM of Moshiach Mt .26:28 * who , on the one hand , having been foreknown lifnei hivvased tevel (note :)before the foundation of the world (:note ), but , on the other hand , having been manifested [5:4 ] at the Ketz Hayamim End of Days because of you . * Through him [Moshiach ] you have emunah in Hashem , the One who brought forth Moshiach 's Techiyas (note :)Resurrection (:note ) from Hamesim the dead ones and gave him Kavod . And so your emunah and your tikvah [1:13 ] are in Hashem . * Having purified your nefashot (note :)souls (:note ) by mishma 'at obedience--1:2 to haEmes , resulting in ahavah shel achvah brotherly love without tzevi 'ut hypocrisy , have fervent ahavah agap for one another , from a lev tahor . NEW BIRTH IN MOSHIACH WHO IS THE DVAR ELOHEYNU YAKUM L 'OLAM * You have been given a new birth , not from perishable zerah (note :)seed (:note ), but zerah that is without shachat corruption--Tehillim strkjv @16:10 , through the Dvar Elohim who is Chai v 'Nitzav l 'Olam living and remaining firm forever . * For , KOL HABASAR CHATZIR V 'CHOL CHASEDO K 'TZITZ HASSADEH , YAVESH CHATZIR , NAVEL TZITZ UDVAR ELOHEYNU YAKUM L 'OLAM ("All flesh is grass and all of [mankind 's ] glory is like the flower : the grass withers , the flower falls , * but the Word of our G-d stands forever " YESHAYAH strkjv @40:6-8 ). And this is the Dvar proclaimed to you as Besura HaGeulah [in Moshiach ].

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