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* To whom coming (5740 ), as unto a living (5723 ) stone , disallowed (5772 ) indeed of men , but chosen of God , and precious , * Ye also , as lively (5723 ) stones , are built up (5743 ) a spiritual house , an holy priesthood , to offer up (5658 ) spiritual sacrifices , acceptable to God by Jesus Christ . * Wherefore also it is contained (5719 ) in the scripture , Behold (5628 ), I lay (5719 ) in Sion a chief corner stone , elect , precious : and he that believeth (5723 ) on him shall not be confounded (5686 ). * Unto you therefore which believe (5723 ) he is precious : but unto them which be disobedient (5723 ), the stone which the builders (5723 ) disallowed (5656 ), the same is made (5675 ) the head of the corner ,

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