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* Then Saul sought to pin David to the wall with the spear , but he slipped away from Saul 's presence ; and he drove the spear into the wall . So David fled and escaped that night . * Saul also sent messengers to David 's house to watch him and to kill him in the morning . And Michal , David 's wife , told him , saying , "If you do not save your life tonight , tomorrow you will be killed ." * So Michal let David down through a window . And he went and fled and escaped . * And Michal took an image and laid it in the bed , put a cover of goats ' hair for his head , and covered it with clothes . * So when Saul sent messengers to take David , she said , "He is sick ." * Then Saul sent the messengers back to see David , saying , "Bring him up to me in the bed , that I may kill him ." * And when the messengers had come in , there was the image in the bed , with a cover of goats ' hair for his head . * Then Saul said to Michal , "Why have you deceived me like this , and sent my enemy away , so that he has escaped ?" And Michal answered Saul , "He said to me , "Let me go ! Why should I kill you ?"'

Seeker Overlay: Off On