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* Now we ask you , Achim b 'Moshiach , to have havanah (note :)understanding (:note ) and discern the ones laboring among you who are your Mashgichim Ruchaniyim Spiritual Overseers in Adoneinu , the ones who admonish and warn you . * And express chibbah (note :)esteem (:note ) toward them most exceedingly in ahavah agape , because of their work . Among yourselves , live in shalom bayis family peace . WARNING AGAINST BATULLA IDLENESS * And we exhort you , Achim b 'Moshiach , warn the batlanim (note :)loafers , idlers (:note ), comfort the congregant who is mug-lev faint-hearted , those who are weak take an interest in , have zitzfleisch patience with all . * See that no one returns ra 'ah for ra 'ah , but always pursue haTov both for one another and for all . * Have simcha always . * Daven unceasingly . * In everything offer todot , for this is the ratzon Hashem in Moshiach Yehoshua for you . * Do not quench the Ruach Hakodesh . * Do not reject nevu 'ot (note :)prophecies (:note ). * But test kol davar (note :)everything (:note ); hold fast to haTov . * Abstain from every appearance of ra 'ah (note :)evil (:note ). * And now Elohei haShalom wholly set you apart as kedoshim and may your whole ruach and nefesh and basar be reserved without blame at the Bias of Moshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua . * Ne 'eman (note :)Faithful (:note ) is the One who summons you to your keri 'ah calling . He will do it . * Achim b 'Moshiach , offer tefillos also concerning us . * Greet all the Achim b 'Moshiach with a neshikat kedoshah . * By Adoneinu , I solemnly give you the mitzvah that this letter has to be read to all the Achim b 'Moshiach . * The Chen v 'Chesed of Adoneinu , Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua , be with you .

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