
rwp@1Timothy:2:6 @{A ransom for all} (\antilutron huper pant“n\). "A reminiscence of the Lord's own saying" (Lock) in strkjv@Matthew:20:28| (Mark:10:45|) where we have \lutron anti poll“n\. In the papyri \huper\ is the ordinary preposition for the notion of substitution where benefit is involved as in this passage. \Anti\ has more the idea of exchange and \antilutron huper\ combines both ideas. \Lutron\ is the common word for ransom for a slave or a prisoner. Paul may have coined \antilutron\ with the saying of Christ in mind (only one MS. of strkjv@Psalms:48:9| and Orph. _Litt_. 588). See strkjv@Galatians:1:4| "who gave himself for our sins." {The testimony} (\to marturion\). Either the nominative absolute or the accusative absolute in apposition to the preceding clause like \to adunaton\ in strkjv@Romans:8:3|. {In its own times} (\kairois idiois\). Locative case as in strkjv@6:15; strkjv@Titus:1:3|. See strkjv@Galatians:6:9| for "due season." There is no predicate or participle here, "the testimony in its due seasons" (plural).

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