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* Rebuke (5661 ) not an elder , but intreat (5720 ) him as a father ; and the younger men as brethren ; * The elder women as mothers ; the younger as sisters , with all purity . * Honour (5720 ) widows that are widows indeed . * But if any widow have (5719 ) children or nephews , let them learn (5720 ) first to shew piety (5721 ) at home , and to requite (5721 ) their parents : for that is (5748 ) good and acceptable before God . * Now she that is a widow indeed , and desolate (5772 ), trusteth (5758 ) in God , and continueth (5719 ) in supplications and prayers night and day . * But she that liveth in pleasure (5723 ) is dead (5758 ) while she liveth (5723 ). * And these things give in charge (5720 ), that they may be (5753 ) blameless . * But if any provide (5719 ) not for his own , and specially for those of his own house , he hath denied (5763 ) the faith , and is (5748 ) worse than an infidel . * Let not a widow be taken into the number (5744 ) under threescore years old , having been (5756 ) the wife of one man , * Well reported of (5746 ) for good works ; if she have brought up (5656 ) children , if she have lodged strangers (5656 ), if she have washed (5656 ) the saints feet , if she have relieved (5656 ) the afflicted (5746 ), if she have diligently followed (5656 ) every good work . * But the younger widows refuse (5737 ): for when they have begun to wax wanton against (5661 ) Christ , they will (5719 ) marry (5721 ); * Having (5723 ) damnation , because they have cast off (5656 ) their first faith . * And withal they learn (5719 ) to be idle , wandering about (5740 ) from house to house ; and not only idle , but tattlers also and busybodies , speaking (5723 ) things which they ought (5752 ) not . * I will (5736 ) therefore that the younger women marry (5721 ), bear children (5721 ), guide the house (5721 ), give (5721 ) none occasion to the adversary (5740 ) to speak reproachfully . * For some are already turned aside (5648 ) after Satan . * If any man or woman that believeth have (5719 ) widows , let them relieve (5720 ) them , and let not the church be charged (5744 ); that it may relieve (5661 ) them that are widows indeed . * Let the elders that rule (5761 ) well be counted worthy (5744 ) of double honour , especially they who labour (5723 ) in the word and doctrine . * For the scripture saith (5719 ), Thou shalt not muzzle (5692 ) the ox that treadeth out the corn (5723 ). And , The labourer is worthy of his reward . * Against an elder receive (5737 ) not an accusation , but before two or three witnesses . * Them that sin (5723 ) rebuke (5720 ) before all , that others also may (5725 ) fear .

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