
mkjv@2Chronicles:29:1 @ Hezekiah began to reign [being] twenty-five years old, and he reigned twenty-nine years in Jerusalem. And his mother's name [was] Abijah the daughter of Zechariah.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:2 @ And he did the right in the sight of the LORD, according to all that David his father had done.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:3 @ In the first year of his reign, in the first month, he opened the doors of the house of the LORD and repaired them.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:4 @ And [he] brought in the priests and the Levites, and gathered them into the east street.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:5 @ And he said to them, Hear me, Levites, now sanctify yourselves and sanctify the house of the LORD God of your fathers, and carry out the filthiness out of the holy [place].

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:6 @ For our fathers have sinned and did the evil in the eyes of the LORD our God, and have forsaken Him, and have turned away their faces from the house of the LORD, and have turned [their] backs.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:7 @ Also they have shut up the doors of the porch, and put out the lamps, and have not burned incense nor offered burnt offerings in the sanctuary to the God of Israel.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:8 @ Therefore the wrath of the LORD was on Judah and Jerusalem, and He has delivered them to trouble, to ruin, and to hissing as you see with your eyes.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:9 @ For lo, our fathers have fallen by the sword, and our sons and our daughters and our wives [are] in captivity for this.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:10 @ And [it is] in my heart to make a covenant with the LORD God of Israel, that His fierce wrath may turn away from us.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:11 @ My sons, do not be negligent now. For the LORD has chosen you to stand before Him, to serve Him, and that you should minister to Him and burn incense.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:12 @ And the Levites arose, Mahath the son of Amasai, and Joel the son of Azariah, of the sons of the Kohathites. And of the sons of Merari arose Kish the son of Abdi, and Azariah the son of Jehalelel. And of the Gershonites: Joah the son of Zimmah, and Eden the son of Joah.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:13 @ And of the sons of Elizaphan: Shimri and Jeiel. And of the sons of Asaph: Zechariah and Mattaniah.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:14 @ And of the sons of Heman: Jehiel and Shimei. And of the sons of Jeduthun: Shemaiah and Uzziel.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:15 @ And they gathered their brothers and sanctified themselves, and came, according to the command of the king, by the words of the LORD, to clean the house of the LORD.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:16 @ And the priests went into the inner part of the house of the LORD to clean [it]. And they brought out all the uncleanness that they found in the temple of the LORD into the court of the house of the LORD. And the Levites took [it] out to the torrent Kidron.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:17 @ And they began to sanctify on the first of the first month. And on the eighth day of the month they came to the porch of the LORD. And they made the house of the LORD pure in eight days, and in the sixteenth day of the first month they made an end.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:18 @ And they went in to Hezekiah the king and said, We have cleaned all the house of the LORD, and the altar of burnt offering, with all its vessels, and the showbread table, and all its vessels.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:19 @ And we have prepared and sanctified all the vessels which king Ahaz in his reign cast away in his sin. And behold, they [are] before the altar of the LORD.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:20 @ And Hezekiah the king rose early and gathered the rulers of the city, and went up to the house of the LORD.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:21 @ And they brought seven bulls and seven rams and seven lambs and seven he-goats, for a sin offering for the kingdom, and for the sanctuary, and for Judah. And he commanded the priests, the sons of Aaron, to offer [them] on the altar of the LORD.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:22 @ And they killed the bulls, and the priests received the blood and sprinkled [it] on the altar. And they killed the rams, and sprinkled the blood on the altar. They also killed the lambs, and they sprinkled the blood on the altar.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:23 @ And they brought out the he-goats [for] the sin offering before the king and the congregation. And they laid their hands on them.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:24 @ And the priest killed them, and they made atonement with their blood on the altar, to make atonement for all Israel. For the king commanded the burnt offering and the sin offering [to be made] for all Israel.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:25 @ And he set the Levites in the house of the LORD with cymbals, with harps, and with lyres, according to the command of David, and of Gad the king's seer and Nathan the prophet. For the commandment was] by the hand of the LORD by His prophets.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:26 @ And the Levites stood with the instruments of David, and the priests with the trumpets.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:27 @ And Hezekiah commanded to offer the burnt offering on the altar. And when the burnt offering began, the song of the LORD began with the trumpets and with the instruments [ordained] by David king of Israel.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:28 @ And all the congregation worshiped, and the singers sang, and the trumpeters sounded. All this [went on] until the burnt offering was finished.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:29 @ And when they had made an end of offering, the king and all who were present with him bowed themselves and worshiped.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:30 @ And Hezekiah the king and the rulers commanded the Levites to sing praise to the LORD with the words of David and of Asaph the seer. And they sang praises with gladness, and they bowed their heads and worshiped.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:31 @ And Hezekiah answered and said, And you have consecrated yourselves to the LORD. Come near and bring sacrifices and thank offerings into the house of the LORD. And the congregation brought in sacrifices and thank offerings. And as many as were of a free heart [brought] burnt offerings.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:32 @ And the number of the burnt offerings which the congregation brought was seventy oxen, a hundred rams, two hundred lambs. All these [were] for a burnt offering to the LORD.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:33 @ And the things consecrated [were] six hundred oxen and three thousand sheep.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:34 @ But the priests were too few, so that they could not skin all the burnt offerings. And their brothers the Levites helped them until the work was ended, and until the priests had sanctified themselves. For the Levites [were] more upright of heart to make themselves pure than the priests.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:35 @ And also the burnt offerings [were] in abundance, with the fat of the peace offerings and the drink offerings for [every] burnt offering. And the service of the house of the LORD was set in order.

mkjv@2Chronicles:29:36 @ And Hezekiah rejoiced, and all the people, that God had prepared the people. For the thing happened suddenly.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:1 @ And Hezekiah sent to all Israel and Judah, and wrote letters also to Ephraim and Manasseh, that they should come to the house of the LORD at Jerusalem, to keep the Passover to the LORD God of Israel.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:2 @ And the king and his leaders, and all the congregation in Jerusalem, took counsel to keep the Passover in the second month.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:3 @ For they could not keep it at that time, because the priests had not made themselves pure enough, nor had the people gathered to Jerusalem.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:4 @ And the thing pleased the king and all the congregation.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:5 @ And they established a decree to send a notice throughout all Israel, from Beer-sheba even to Dan, that they should come to keep the Passover to the LORD God of Israel at Jerusalem. For not many [of them] had done as it was written.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:6 @ And the runners went with the letters from the king and his rulers to Israel and Judah, and according to the command of the king, saying, O sons of Israel, turn again to the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, and He will return to the remnant of you who have escaped out of the hands of the king of Assyria.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:7 @ And do not be like your fathers and like your brothers who sinned against the LORD God of their fathers, and He made them for a horror, as you see.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:8 @ And do not be stiffnecked like your fathers. Yield yourselves to the LORD and enter into His temple which He has sanctified forever. And serve the LORD your God, so that the fierceness of His wrath may turn away from you.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:9 @ For if you turn again to the LORD, your brothers and your sons will have mercies before those who lead them captive, so that they shall come again into this land. For the LORD your God [is] gracious and merciful, and will not turn His face away from you if you return to Him.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:10 @ And the runners passed from city to city in the land of Ephraim and Manasseh, even to Zebulun. But they laughed them to scorn, and mocked them.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:11 @ However, men from Asher and Manasseh and Zebulun humbled themselves and came to Jerusalem.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:12 @ Also in Judah the hand of God was to give them one heart to do the command of the king and of the rulers, by the word of the LORD.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:13 @ And many people gathered at Jerusalem to keep the Feast of Unleavened [Bread] in the second month, a very great congregation.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:14 @ And they arose and took away the altars in Jerusalem, and all the altars for incense they took away, and threw [them] into the torrent Kidron.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:15 @ And they killed the Passover on the fourteenth of the second month. And the priests and the Levites were ashamed and made themselves pure, and brought in the burnt offerings into the house of the LORD.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:16 @ And they stood in their place in their manner, according to the law of Moses the man of God. The priests sprinkled the blood from the hand of the Levites.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:17 @ For many in the congregation [were] not sanctified. And the Levites were over the killing of the passovers for every one [who was] not clean, to sanctify them to the LORD.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:18 @ For many of the people, many from Ephraim and Manasseh, Issachar and Zebulun, had not been cleansed, but ate the Passover otherwise than it was written. But Hezekiah prayed for them, saying, May the good LORD pardon everyone

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:19 @ [who] prepares his heart to seek God, the LORD God of his fathers, though not [cleansed] according to the purification of the sanctuary.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:20 @ And the LORD listened to Hezekiah and healed the people.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:21 @ And the sons of Israel found at Jerusalem kept the Feast of Unleavened [Bread] seven days with great gladness. And the Levites and the priests praised the LORD day by day with loud instruments to the LORD.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:22 @ And Hezekiah spoke comfortably to all the Levites who taught the good knowledge of the LORD. And they ate the appointed things seven days, offering peace offerings and making confession to the LORD God of their fathers.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:23 @ And the whole gathering agreed to keep another seven days. And they kept [another] seven days with gladness.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:24 @ For Hezekiah king of Judah gave to the congregation a thousand bulls and seven thousand sheep. And the rulers gave to the congregation a thousand bulls and ten thousand sheep. And a great number of priests sanctified themselves.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:25 @ And all the congregation of Judah, with the priests and the Levites, and all the congregation that came out of Israel, and the strangers that came out of the land of Israel, and who lived in Judah, rejoiced.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:26 @ And there was great joy in Jerusalem. For from the days of Solomon the son of David the king of Israel [there was] nothing like this in Jerusalem.

mkjv@2Chronicles:30:27 @ And the priests, the Levites, arose and blessed the people. And their voice was heard, and their prayer came to His holy dwelling-place, to Heaven.

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:1 @ And when all this was finished, all Israel who were present went out to the cities of Judah and broke the images in pieces, and cut down the Asherahs, and threw down the high places and the altars out of all Judah and Benjamin, also in Ephraim and Manasseh, even to the end. And all the sons of Israel returned, each to his possession, into their own cities.

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:2 @ And Hezekiah set the courses of the priests and the Levites according to their divisions, each according to his service, the priests and Levites for burnt offerings and for peace offerings, to minister and to give thanks, and to praise in the gates of the tents of the LORD.

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:3 @ And the king's portion from his goods [was] for burnt offerings, and for burnt offerings, of the morning and the evening and the burnt offerings of the sabbaths, and for the new moons, and for the set feasts, as [it is] written in the law of the LORD.

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:4 @ And he commanded the people who lived in Jerusalem to give the portion of the priests and the Levites so that they might be strong in the law of the LORD.

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:5 @ And as the command spread, the sons of Israel brought plentifully of the firstfruits of corn, wine, and oil, and honey, and of all the increase of the field. And the tithe of all [things] they brought in abundance.

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:6 @ And the sons of Israel and Judah who lived in the cities of Judah, they also brought in the tithe of oxen and sheep, and the tithe of holy things which were consecrated to the LORD their God, and laid it up by heaps.

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:7 @ In the third month they began to lay the foundation of the heaps, and finished in the seventh month.

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:8 @ And Hezekiah and the rulers came and saw the heaps, and they blessed the LORD and His people Israel.

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:9 @ And Hezekiah asked the priests and the Levites concerning the heaps.

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:10 @ And Azariah the chief priest of the house of Zadok answered him and said, Since [the people] began to bring the offerings into the house of the LORD, we have had enough to eat and have plenty left. For the LORD has blessed His people, and this great store is left.

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:11 @ And Hezekiah commanded storehouses to be prepared in the house of the LORD. And they prepared,

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:12 @ and brought in the offerings and the tithes and the [things] dedicated to God faithfully. And over them [was] Cononiah the Levite ruler, and Shimei his brother the next.

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:13 @ And Jehiel, and Azaziah, and Nahath, and Asahel, and Jerimoth, and Jozabad, and Eliel, and Ismachiah, and Mahath, and Benaiah, [were] overseers under the hand of Cononiah and Shimei his brother, at the command of Hezekiah the king, and Azariah the ruler of the house of God.

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:14 @ And Kore the son of Imnah the Levite, the gatekeeper toward the east, [was] over the freewill offerings of God, to distribute the sacrifices of the LORD and the most holy things.

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:15 @ And next to him Eden, and Miniamin, and Jeshua, and Shemaiah, Amariah, and Shecaniah, in the cities of the priests, in [their] set office, to give to their brothers by divisions, to the great as well as to the small,

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:16 @ besides registering the males from three years and upward, to everyone who enters into the house of the LORD, giving his daily portion for their service in their charges according to their divisions

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:17 @ both to the genealogy of the priests by the house of their fathers, and the Levites from twenty years old and upward, and their charges by their divisions,

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:18 @ and to the genealogy of all their little ones, their wives, and their sons, and their daughters, through all the congregation. For in their set office they set themselves apart in holiness.

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:19 @ And to the sons of Aaron, the priests, in the fields of the open lands of their cities, in each separate city [were] the men who were named by name, to give shares to all the males among the priests, and to all who were counted by genealogies among the Levites.

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:20 @ And Hezekiah did throughout all Judah, and did the good and the right and the true before the LORD his God.

mkjv@2Chronicles:31:21 @ And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, and in the law, and in the commandments, to seek his God, he did [it] with all his heart, and prospered.

mkjv@2Chronicles:32:1 @ After these things done in faithfulness, Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, came and entered into Judah, and camped against the fortified cities, and commanded to break them open to himself.

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