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* And he brake down the houses of the sodomites , that were by the house of the LORD , where the women wove hangings for the grove . * And he brought all the priests out of the cities of Judah , and defiled the high places where the priests had burned incense , from Geba to Beersheba B @#er , and brake down the high places of the gates that were in the entering in of the gate of Joshua the governor of the city , which were on a mans left hand at the gate of the city . * Nevertheless the priests of the high places came not up to the altar of the LORD in Jerusalem , but they did eat of the unleavened bread among their brethren . * And he defiled Topheth , which is in the valley of the children of Hinnom , that no man might make his son or his daughter to pass through the fire to Molech . * And he took away the horses that the kings of Judah had given to the sun , at the entering in of the house of the LORD , by the chamber of Nathanmelech N @than-Melek # the chamberlain , which was in the suburbs , and burned the chariots of the sun with fire . * And the altars that were on the top of the upper chamber of Ahaz , which the kings of Judah had made , and the altars which Manasseh had made in the two courts of the house of the LORD , did the king beat down , and brake them down from thence , and cast the dust of them into the brook Kidron . * And the high places that were before Jerusalem , which were on the right hand of the mount of corruption , which Solomon the king of Israel had builded for Ashtoreth the abomination of the Zidonians , and for Chemosh the abomination of the Moabites Mow #ab #, and for Milcom the abomination of the children of Ammon , did the king defile . * And he brake in pieces the images , and cut down the groves , and filled their places with the bones of men .

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