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* And it came to pass after this , that Benhadad king of Syria gathered all his host , and went up , and besieged Samaria . * And there was a great famine in Samaria : and , behold , they besieged it , until an ass 's head was sold for fourscore pieces of silver , and the fourth part of a cab of dove 's dung for five pieces of silver . * And as the king of Israel was passing by upon the wall , there cried a woman unto him , saying , Help , my lord , O king . * And he said , If the LORD do not help thee , whence shall I help thee ? out of the barnfloor , or out of the winepress ? * And the king said unto her , What aileth thee ? And she answered , This woman said unto me , Give thy son , that we may eat him to day , and we will eat my son to morrow . * So we boiled my son , and did eat him : and I said unto her on the next day , Give thy son , that we may eat him : and she hath hid her son . * And it came to pass , when the king heard the words of the woman , that he rent his clothes ; and he passed by upon the wall , and the people looked , and , behold , he had sackcloth within upon his flesh . * Then he said , God do so and more also to me , if the head of Elisha the son of Shaphat shall stand on him this day . * But Elisha sat in his house , and the elders sat with him ; and the king sent a man from before him : but ere the messenger came to him , he said to the elders , See ye how this son of a murderer hath sent to take away mine head ? look , when the messenger cometh , shut the door , and hold him fast at the door : is not the sound of his master 's feet behind him ? * And while he yet talked with them , behold , the messenger came down unto him : and he said , Behold , this evil is of the LORD ; what should I wait for the LORD any longer ?

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