
rwp@2Thessalonians:1:3 @{We are bound} (\opheilomen\). Paul feels a sense of obligation to keep on giving thanks to God (\eucharistein t“i the“i\, present infinitive with dative case) because of God's continued blessings on the Thessalonians. He uses the same idiom again in strkjv@2:13| and nowhere else in his thanksgivings. It is not necessity (\dei\) that Paul here notes, but a sense of personal obligation as in strkjv@1John:2:6| (Milligan). {Even as it is meet} (\kath“s axion estin\). \Opheilomen\ points to the divine, \axion\ to the human side of the obligation (Lightfoot), perhaps to cheer the fainthearted in a possible letter to him in reply to Paul's First Thessalonian epistle (Milligan). This adjective \axios\ is from \ag“\, to drag down the scales, and so weighty, worthy, worthwhile, old word and appropriate here. {For that your faith groweth exceedingly} (\hoti huperauxanei hˆ pistis hum“n\). Causal use of \hoti\ referring to the obligation stated in \opheilomen\. The verb \huperauxan“\ is one of Paul's frequent compounds in \huper\ (\huper-bain“\, strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:6|; \huper-ek-tein“\, strkjv@2Corinthians:10:14|; \huper-en-tugchan“\, strkjv@Romans:8:26|; \huper-nika“\, strkjv@Romans:8:37|; \huper-pleonaz“\, strkjv@1Timothy:1:14|) and occurs only here in N.T. and rare elsewhere (Galen, Dio Cass.). Figure of the tree of faith growing above (\huper\) measure. Cf. parable of Jesus about faith-like a grain of mustard seed (Matthew:13:31f.|). {Aboundeth} (\pleonazei\). Same verb in strkjv@1Thessalonians:3:12|, here a fulfilment of the prayer made there. Milligan finds _diffusive_ growth of love in this word because of "each one" (\henos hekastou\). Frame finds in this fulfilment of the prayer of strkjv@1Thessalonians:3:12| one proof that II Thessalonians is later than I Thessalonians.

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