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* For John truly baptized (5656 ) with water ; but ye shall be baptized (5701 ) with the Holy Ghost not many days hence . * When they therefore were come together (5631 ), they asked (5707 ) of him , saying (5723 ), Lord , wilt thou at this time restore again (5719 ) the kingdom to Israel ? * And he said (5627 ) unto them , It is (5748 ) not for you to know (5629 ) the times or the seasons , which the Father hath put (5639 ) in his own power . * But ye shall receive (5695 ) power , after that the Holy Ghost is come (5631 ) upon you : and ye shall be (5704 ) witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem , and in all Judaea , and in Samaria , and unto the uttermost part of the earth . * And when he had spoken (5631 ) these things , while they beheld (5723 ), he was taken up (5681 ); and a cloud received (5627 ) him out of their sight . * And while they looked stedfastly (5713 ) (5723 ) toward heaven as he went up (5740 ), behold (5628 ), two men stood by (5715 ) them in white apparel ; * Which also said (5627 ), Ye men of Galilee , why stand ye (5758 ) gazing up (5723 ) into heaven ? this same Jesus , which is taken up (5685 ) from you into heaven , shall so come (5695 ) in like manner as ye have seen (5662 ) him go (5740 ) into heaven .

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