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* And the apostles and brethren that were (5752 ) in Judaea heard (5656 ) that the Gentiles had also received (5662 ) the word of God . * And when Peter was come up (5627 ) to Jerusalem , they that were of the circumcision contended (5710 ) with him , * Saying (5723 ), Thou wentest in (5627 ) to men uncircumcised (5723 ), and didst eat (5627 ) with them . * But Peter rehearsed the matter from the beginning (5671 ), and expounded (5710 ) it by order unto them , saying (5723 ), * I was (5713 ) in the city of Joppa praying (5740 ): and in a trance I saw (5627 ) a vision , A certain vessel descend (5723 ), as it had been a great sheet , let down (5746 ) from heaven by four corners ; and it came (5627 ) even to me : * Upon the which when I had fastened mine eyes (5660 ), I considered (5707 ), and saw (5627 ) fourfooted beasts of the earth , and wild beasts , and creeping things , and fowls of the air . * And I heard (5656 ) a voice saying (5723 ) unto me , Arise (5631 ), Peter ; slay (5657 ) and eat (5628 ). * But I said (5627 ), Not so , Lord : for nothing common or unclean hath at any time entered (5627 ) into my mouth . * But the voice answered (5662 ) me again from heaven , What God hath cleansed (5656 ), that call not thou common (5720 ). * And this was done (5633 ) three times : and all were drawn up (5681 ) again into heaven . * And , behold (5628 ), immediately there were three men already come (5627 ) unto the house where I was (5713 ), sent (5772 ) from Caesarea unto me . * And the Spirit bade (5627 ) me go with (5629 ) them , nothing doubting (5734 ). Moreover these six brethren accompanied (5627 ) me , and we entered (5627 ) into the mans house : * And he shewed (5656 ) us how he had seen (5627 ) an angel in his house , which stood (5685 ) and said (5631 ) unto him , Send (5657 ) men to Joppa , and call for (5663 ) Simon , whose surname is (5746 ) Peter ; * Who shall tell (5692 ) thee words , whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved (5701 ). * And as I began (5670 ) to speak (5721 ), the Holy Ghost fell (5627 ) on them , as on us at the beginning . * Then remembered I (5681 ) the word of the Lord , how that he said (5707 ), John indeed baptized (5656 ) with water ; but ye shall be baptized (5701 ) with the Holy Ghost . * Forasmuch then as God gave (5656 ) them the like gift as he did unto us , who believed (5660 ) on the Lord Jesus Christ ; what was (5713 ) I , that I could withstand (5658 ) God ? * When they heard (5660 ) these things , they held their peace (5656 ), and glorified (5707 ) God , saying (5723 ), Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted (5656 ) repentance unto life .

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