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* And when the people saw (5631 ) what Paul had done (5656 ), they lifted up (5656 ) their voices , saying (5723 ) in the speech of Lycaonia , The gods are come down (5627 ) to us in the likeness (5685 ) of men . * And they called (5707 ) Barnabas , Jupiter ; and Paul , Mercurius , because he was (5713 ) the chief (5740 ) speaker . * Then the priest of Jupiter , which was (5752 ) before their city , brought (5660 ) oxen and garlands unto the gates , and would (5707 ) have done sacrifice (5721 ) with the people . * Which when the apostles , Barnabas and Paul , heard (5660 ) of , they rent (5660 ) their clothes , and ran (5656 ) in among the people , crying out (5723 ), * And saying (5723 ), Sirs , why do ye (5719 ) these things ? We also are (5748 ) men of like passions with you , and preach (5734 ) unto you that ye should turn (5721 ) from these vanities unto the living (5723 ) God , which made (5656 ) heaven , and earth , and the sea , and all things that are therein : * Who in times past (5768 ) suffered (5656 ) all nations to walk (5738 ) in their own ways . * Nevertheless he left (5656 ) not himself without witness , in that he did good (5723 ), and gave (5723 ) us rain from heaven , and fruitful seasons , filling (5723 ) our hearts with food and gladness . * And with these sayings (5723 ) scarce restrained they (5656 ) the people , that they had not done sacrifice (5721 ) unto them . * And there came thither (5627 ) certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium , who persuaded (5660 ) the people , and , having stoned (5660 ) Paul , drew (5707 ) him out of the city , supposing (5660 ) he had been dead (5755 ). * Howbeit , as the disciples stood round about (5660 ) him , he rose up (5631 ), and came (5627 ) into the city : and the next day he departed (5627 ) with Barnabas to Derbe .

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