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* And when they had preached the gospel (5671 ) to that city , and had taught (5660 ) many , they returned again (5656 ) to Lystra , and to Iconium , and Antioch , * Confirming (5723 ) the souls of the disciples , and exhorting them (5723 ) to continue (5721 ) in the faith , and that we must (5748 ) through much tribulation enter (5629 ) into the kingdom of God . * And when they had ordained (5660 ) them elders in every church , and had prayed (5666 ) with fasting , they commended (5639 ) them to the Lord , on whom they believed (5715 ). * And after they had passed throughout (5631 ) Pisidia , they came (5627 ) to Pamphylia . * And when they had preached (5660 ) the word in Perga , they went down (5627 ) into Attalia : * And thence sailed (5656 ) to Antioch , from whence they had been (5713 ) recommended (5772 ) to the grace of God for the work which they fulfilled (5656 ). * And when they were come (5637 ), and had gathered the church together (5631 ), they rehearsed (5656 ) all that God had done (5656 ) with them , and how he had opened (5656 ) the door of faith unto the Gentiles . * And there they abode (5707 ) long time with the disciples .

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