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* And it came to pass (5633 ), that , while Apollos was (5750 ) at Corinth , Paul having passed (5631 ) through the upper coasts came (5629 ) to Ephesus : and finding (5631 ) certain disciples , * He said (5627 ) unto them , Have ye received (5627 ) the Holy Ghost since ye believed (5660 )? And they said (5627 ) unto him , We have not so much as heard (5656 ) whether there be any (5748 ) Holy Ghost . * And he said (5627 ) unto them , Unto what then were ye baptized (5681 )? And they said (5627 ), Unto Johns baptism . * Then said (5627 ) Paul , John verily baptized (5656 ) with the baptism of repentance , saying (5723 ) unto the people , that they should believe (5661 ) on him which should come (5740 ) after him , that is (5748 ), on Christ Jesus . * When they heard (5660 ) this , they were baptized (5681 ) in the name of the Lord Jesus . * And when Paul had laid his hands upon (5631 ) them , the Holy Ghost came (5627 ) on them ; and they spake (5707 ) with tongues , and prophesied (5707 ). * And all the men were (5713 ) about twelve . * And he went (5631 ) into the synagogue , and spake boldly (5711 ) for the space of three months , disputing (5740 ) and persuading (5723 ) the things concerning the kingdom of God . * But when divers were hardened (5712 ), and believed not (5707 ), but spake evil (5723 ) of that way before the multitude , he departed (5631 ) from them , and separated (5656 ) the disciples , disputing (5740 ) daily in the school of one Tyrannus . * And this continued (5633 ) by the space of two years ; so that all they which dwelt in (5723 ) Asia heard (5658 ) the word of the Lord Jesus , both Jews and Greeks . * And God wrought (5707 ) special (5631 ) miracles by the hands of Paul : * So that from his body were brought (5745 ) unto the sick (5723 ) handkerchiefs or aprons , and the diseases departed (5745 ) from them , and the evil spirits went (5738 ) out of them . * Then certain of the vagabond (5740 ) Jews , exorcists , took upon them (5656 ) to call (5721 ) over them which had (5723 ) evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus , saying (5723 ), We adjure (5719 ) you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth (5719 ). * And there were (5713 ) seven sons of one Sceva , a Jew , and chief of the priests , which did (5723 ) so . * And the evil spirit answered (5679 ) and said (5627 ), Jesus I know (5719 ), and Paul I know (5736 ); but who are (5748 ) ye ? * And the man in whom the evil spirit was (5713 ) leaped (5740 ) on them , and overcame (5660 ) them , and prevailed (5656 ) against them , so that they fled (5629 ) out of that house naked and wounded (5772 ). * And this was (5633 ) known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling (5723 ) at Ephesus ; and fear fell (5627 ) on them all , and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified (5712 ). * And many that believed (5761 ) came (5711 ), and confessed (5734 ), and shewed (5723 ) their deeds . * Many of them also which used (5660 ) curious arts brought their books together (5631 ), and burned them (5707 ) before all men : and they counted (5656 ) the price of them , and found (5627 ) it fifty thousand pieces of silver . * So mightily grew (5707 ) the word of God and prevailed (5707 ).

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