
geneva@Acts:2:1 @ And (note:)The Apostles being gathered together on a most solemn feast day in one place, that it might evidently appear to all the world that they all had one office, one Spirit, and one faith, are by a double sign from heaven authorised, and anointed with all the most excellent gifts of the Holy Spirit, and especially with an extraordinary and necessary gift of tongues.(:note) when the day of Pentecost was Literally, «was fulfilled»: that is, was begun, as in (Luk_2:21). For the Hebrews say that a day or a year is fulfilled or ended when the former days or years are ended, and the other has begun; (Jer_25:12): «And it will come to pass that when seventy years are fulfilled, I will visit, etc.» For the Lord did not bring his people home after the seventieth year was ended, but in the seventieth year: Now the day of Pentecost was the fiftieth day after the feast of the Passover. fully come, they were The twelve apostles, who were to be the patriarchs as it were of the Church. all with one accord in one place.

geneva@Acts:2:2 @ And suddenly there came a sounde from heauen, as of a russhing and mightie winde, and it filled all the house where they sate.

geneva@Acts:2:3 @ And there appeared vnto them clouen tongues, like fire, and it sate vpon eche of them.

geneva@Acts:2:4 @ And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with (note:)He calls them «other tongues» which were not the same as the apostles commonly used, and Mark calls them «new tongues».(:note) other tongues, as the By this we understand that the apostles were not speaking one language and then another by chance at random, or as eccentric men used to do, but that they kept in mind the languages of their hearers: and to be short, that they only spoke as the Holy Spirit directed them to speak. Spirit gave them utterance.

geneva@Acts:2:5 @ And there were dwelling at Hierusalem Iewes, men that feared God, of euery nation vnder heauen.

geneva@Acts:2:6 @ Nowe when this was noised, the multitude came together and were astonied, because that euery man heard them speake his owne language.

geneva@Acts:2:7 @ And they wondered al, and marueiled, saying among themselues, Beholde, are not all these which speake, of Galile?

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geneva@Acts:2:9 @ Parthians, and Medes, & Elamites, and the inhabitants of Mesopotamia, and of Iudea, and of Cappadocia, of Pontus, and Asia,

geneva@Acts:2:10 @ Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, (note:)By Jews he means those that were both Jews by birth and Jews by profession of religion, though they were born in other places: and these latter ones were proselytes, who were born Gentiles, and embraced the Jewish religion.(:note) Jews and proselytes,

geneva@Acts:2:11 @ Creetes, and Arabians: wee hearde them speake in our owne tongues the wonderful works of God.

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geneva@Acts:2:13 @ Others (note:)The word which he uses here signifies a kind of mocking which is reproachful and insolent: and by this reproachful mocking we see that no matter how great and excellent the miracle, the wickedness of man still dares to speak evil against it.(:note) mocking said, These men are full of new wine.

geneva@Acts:2:14 @ But Peter, standing up with the eleven, (note:)The holiness of Peter is to be marked, in which the grace of the Holy Spirit is to be seen, even from the very beginning.(:note) lifted up his voice, and said unto them, Ye men of Judaea, and all [ye] that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words:

geneva@Acts:2:15 @ For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is [but] the (note:)After the sunrise, which may be about seven or eight o'clock to us.(:note) third hour of the day.

geneva@Acts:2:16 @ But this is that which was spoken by the (note:)There is nothing that can dissolve questions and doubt except testimony taken out of the Prophets: for men's reasonings may be overturned, but God's voice cannot be overturned.(:note) prophet Joel;

geneva@Acts:2:17 @

geneva@Acts:2:18 @ And on my seruauntes, and on mine handmaides I will powre out of my Spirite in those daies, and they shall prophecie.

geneva@Acts:2:19 @ And I wil shew wonders in heauen aboue, and tokens in the earth beneath, blood, and fire, and the vapour of smoke.

geneva@Acts:2:20 @ The Sunne shalbe turned into darkenesse, and the moone into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come.

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geneva@Acts:2:23 @ Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and (note:)God's everlasting foreknowledge, which can neither be separated from his determinate counsel, as the Epicureans say, neither yet be the cause of evil: for God in his everlasting and unchangeable counsel appointed the wicked act of Judas to an excellent end: and God does that well which the instrument does wickedly.(:note) foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked God's counsel does not excuse the Jews, whose hands were wicked. hands have crucified and The fact is said to be theirs by whose counsel and urging on it is done. slain:

geneva@Acts:2:24 @

geneva@Acts:2:25 @ For Dauid sayeth concerning him, I beheld the Lorde alwaies before me: for hee is at my right hand, that l should not be shaken.

geneva@Acts:2:26 @ Therefore did mine heart reioyce, and my tongue was glad, and moreouer also my flesh shall rest in hope,

geneva@Acts:2:27 @ Because thou wilt not (note:)You will not allow me to remain in the grave.(:note) leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.

geneva@Acts:2:28 @ Thou hast (note:)You have opened to me the way of true life.(:note) made known to me the ways of life; thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance.

geneva@Acts:2:29 @ Men and brethren, I may boldly speake vnto you of the Patriarke Dauid, that hee is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre remaineth with vs vnto this day.

geneva@Acts:2:30 @ Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had (note:)Had sworn solemnly.(:note) sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne;

geneva@Acts:2:31 @ Hee knowing this before, spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soule shoulde not bee left in graue, neither his flesh shoulde see corruption.

geneva@Acts:2:32 @

geneva@Acts:2:33 @ Therefore being by the (note:)Might and power of God.(:note) right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear.

geneva@Acts:2:34 @ For Dauid is not ascended into heauen, but he sayth, The Lord sayd to my Lorde, Sit at my right hande,

geneva@Acts:2:35 @ Vntill I make thine enemies thy footestoole.

geneva@Acts:2:36 @ Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath (note:)Christ is said to be «made» because he was advanced to that dignity, and therefore it is not spoken with reference to his nature, but with reference to his position and high dignity.(:note) made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.

geneva@Acts:2:37 @ Now when they heard it, they were pricked in their heartes, and said vnto Peter and the other Apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we doe?

geneva@Acts:2:38 @

geneva@Acts:2:39 @ For the (note:)The word that is used here shows us that it was a free gift.(:note) promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, [even] as many as the Lord our God shall call.

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