





strkjv Acts:2:22- SEEK

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* Ye men of Israel , hear (5657 ) these words ; Jesus of Nazareth , a man approved (5772 ) of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs , which God did (5656 ) by him in the midst of you , as ye yourselves also know (5758 ): * Him , being delivered by the determinate (5772 ) counsel and foreknowledge of God , ye have taken (5631 ), and by wicked hands have crucified (5660 ) and slain (5627 ): * Whom God hath raised up (5656 ), having loosed (5660 ) the pains of death : because it was (5713 ) not possible that he should be holden (5745 ) of it . * For David speaketh (5719 ) concerning him , I foresaw (5710 ) the Lord always before my face , for he is (5748 ) on my right hand , that I should not be moved (5686 ): * Therefore did my heart rejoice (5681 ), and my tongue was glad (5662 ); moreover also my flesh shall rest (5692 ) in hope : * Because thou wilt not leave (5692 ) my soul in hell , neither wilt thou suffer (5692 ) thine Holy One to see (5629 ) corruption . * Thou hast made known (5656 ) to me the ways of life ; thou shalt make me full (5692 ) of joy with thy countenance . * Men and brethren , let me (5752 ) freely speak (5629 ) unto you of the patriarch David , that he is both dead (5656 ) and buried (5648 ), and his sepulchre is (5748 ) with us unto this day . * Therefore being (5723 ) a prophet , and knowing (5761 ) that God had sworn (5656 ) with an oath to him , that of the fruit of his loins , according to the flesh , he would raise up (5693 ) Christ to sit (5658 ) on his throne ; * He seeing this before (5631 ) spake (5656 ) of the resurrection of Christ , that his soul was not left (5681 ) in hell , neither his flesh did see (5627 ) corruption . * This Jesus hath God raised up (5656 ), whereof we all are (5748 ) witnesses . * Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted (5685 ), and having received (5631 ) of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost , he hath shed forth (5656 ) this , which ye now see (5719 ) and hear (5719 ). * For David is not ascended (5627 ) into the heavens : but he saith (5719 ) himself , The LORD said (5627 ) unto my Lord , Sit thou (5737 ) on my right hand , * Until I make (5632 ) thy foes thy footstool . * Therefore let all the house of Israel know (5720 ) assuredly , that God hath made (5656 ) that same Jesus , whom ye have crucified (5656 ), both Lord and Christ . * Now when they heard (5660 ) this , they were pricked (5648 ) in their heart , and said (5627 ) unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles , Men and brethren , what shall we do (5692 )? * Then Peter said (5713 ) unto them , Repent (5657 ), and be baptized (5682 ) every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins , and ye shall receive (5695 ) the gift of the Holy Ghost . * For the promise is (5748 ) unto you , and to your children , and to all that are afar off , even as many as the Lord our God shall call (5667 ). * And with many other words did he testify (5711 ) and exhort (5707 ), saying (5723 ), Save yourselves (5682 ) from this untoward generation . * Then they that gladly received (5666 ) his word were baptized (5681 ): and the same day there were added (5681 ) unto them about three thousand souls . * And they continued (5713 ) stedfastly (5723 ) in the apostles doctrine and fellowship , and in breaking of bread , and in prayers . * And fear came upon (5633 ) every soul : and many wonders and signs were done (5711 ) by the apostles . * And all that believed (5723 ) were (5713 ) together , and had (5707 ) all things common ; * And sold (5707 ) their possessions and goods , and parted (5707 ) them to all men , as every man had (5707 ) need . * And they , continuing (5723 ) daily with one accord in the temple , and breaking (5723 ) bread from house to house , did eat (5707 ) their meat with gladness and singleness of heart , * Praising (5723 ) God , and having (5723 ) favour with all the people . And the Lord added (5707 ) to the church daily such as should be saved (5746 ). * And after the uproar was ceased (5670 ), Paul called (5666 ) unto him the disciples , and embraced (5666 ) them , and departed (5627 ) for to go (5677 ) into Macedonia . * And when he had gone over (5631 ) those parts , and had given them much exhortation (5660 ), he came (5627 ) into Greece , * And there abode (5660 ) three months . And when the Jews laid (5637 ) wait for him , as he was about (5723 ) to sail (5745 ) into Syria , he purposed (5633 ) to return (5721 ) through Macedonia . * And there accompanied (5711 ) him into Asia Sopater of Berea ; and of the Thessalonians , Aristarchus and Secundus ; and Gaius of Derbe , and Timotheus ; and of Asia , Tychicus and Trophimus . * These going before (531 ) tarried (5707 ) for us at Troas . * And we sailed away (5656 ) from Philippi after the days of unleavened bread , and came (5627 ) unto them to Troas in five days ; where we abode (5656 ) seven days . * And upon the first day of the week , when the disciples came together (5772 ) to break (5658 ) bread , Paul preached (5711 ) unto them , ready (5723 ) to depart (5750 ) on the morrow ; and continued (5707 ) his speech until midnight . * And there were (5713 ) many lights in the upper chamber , where they were (5713 ) gathered together (5772 ). * And there sat (5740 ) in a window a certain young man named Eutychus , being fallen (5746 ) into a deep sleep : and as Paul was long preaching (5740 ), he sunk down (5685 ) with sleep , and fell down (5627 ) from the third loft , and was taken up (5681 ) dead . * And Paul went down (5631 ), and fell on (5627 ) him , and embracing (5631 ) him said (5627 ), Trouble not yourselves (5744 ); for his life is (5748 ) in him . * When he therefore was come up again (5631 ), and had broken (5660 ) bread , and eaten (5666 ), and talked (5660 ) a long while , even till break of day , so he departed (5627 ). * And they brought (5627 ) the young man alive (5723 ), and were not a little comforted (5681 ). * And we went before (5631 ) to ship , and sailed (5681 ) unto Assos , there intending (5723 ) to take in (5721 ) Paul : for so had he (5713 ) appointed (5772 ), minding (5723 ) himself to go afoot (5721 ). * And when he met (5627 ) with us at Assos , we took him in (5631 ), and came (5627 ) to Mitylene . * And we sailed (5660 ) thence , and came (5656 ) the next (5752 ) day over against Chios ; and the next day we arrived (5627 ) at Samos , and tarried (5660 ) at Trogyllium ; and the next (5746 ) day we came (5627 ) to Miletus . * For Paul had determined (5656 ) to sail by (5658 ) Ephesus , because he would (5638 ) not spend the time (5658 ) in Asia : for he hasted (5707 ), if it were (5713 ) possible for him , to be (5635 ) at Jerusalem the day of Pentecost . * And from Miletus he sent (5660 ) to Ephesus , and called (5668 ) the elders of the church . * And when they were come (5633 ) to him , he said (5627 ) unto them , Ye know (5736 ), from the first day that I came (5627 ) into Asia , after what manner I have been (5633 ) with you at all seasons , * Serving (5723 ) the Lord with all humility of mind , and with many tears , and temptations , which befell (5631 ) me by the lying in wait of the Jews : * And how I kept back (5668 ) nothing that was profitable (5723 ) unto you , but have shewed (5658 ) you , and have taught (5658 ) you publickly , and from house to house , * Testifying (5740 ) both to the Jews , and also to the Greeks , repentance toward God , and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ . * And now , behold (5628 ), I go (5736 ) bound (5772 ) in the spirit unto Jerusalem , not knowing (5761 ) the things that shall befall (5694 ) me there : * Save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth (5736 ) in every city , saying (5723 ) that bonds and afflictions abide (5719 ) me . * But none of these things move me (5731 ), neither count I (5719 ) my life dear unto myself , so that I might finish (5658 ) my course with joy , and the ministry , which I have received (5627 ) of the Lord Jesus , to testify (5664 ) the gospel of the grace of God . * And now , behold (5628 ), I know (5758 ) that ye all , among whom I have gone (5627 ) preaching (5723 ) the kingdom of God , shall see (5695 ) my face no more . * Wherefore I take you to record (5736 ) this day , that I am pure from the blood of all men . * For I have not shunned (5668 ) to declare (5658 ) unto you all the counsel of God . * Take heed (5720 ) therefore unto yourselves , and to all the flock , over the which the Holy Ghost hath made (5639 ) you overseers , to feed (5721 ) the church of God , which he hath purchased (5668 ) with his own blood . * For I know (5758 ) this , that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in (5695 ) among you , not sparing (5740 ) the flock . * Also of your own selves shall men arise (5698 ), speaking (5723 ) perverse things (5772 ), to draw away (5721 ) disciples after them . * Therefore watch (5720 ), and remember (5723 ), that by the space of three years I ceased (5668 ) not to warn (5723 ) every one night and day with tears . * And now , brethren , I commend (5731 ) you to God , and to the word of his grace , which is able (5740 ) to build you up (5658 ), and to give (5629 ) you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified (5772 ). * I have coveted (5656 ) no mans silver , or gold , or apparel . * Yea , ye yourselves know (5719 ), that these hands have ministered (5656 ) unto my necessities , and to them that were (5752 ) with me . * I have shewed (5656 ) you all things , how that so labouring (5723 ) ye ought (5748 ) to support (5738 ) the weak (5723 ), and to remember (5721 ) the words of the Lord Jesus , how he said (5627 ), It is (5748 ) more blessed to give (5721 ) than to receive (5721 ). * And when he had thus spoken (5631 ), he kneeled down (5631 ), and prayed (5662 ) with them all . * And they all wept (5633 ) sore , and fell (5631 ) on Pauls neck , and kissed (5707 ) him , * Sorrowing (5746 ) most of all for the words which he spake (5715 ), that they should (5719 ) see (5721 ) his face no more . And they accompanied (5707 ) him unto the ship . * And it came to pass (5633 ), that after we were gotten (5685 ) from them , and had launched (5683 ), we came (5627 ) with a straight course (5660 ) unto Coos , and the day following unto Rhodes , and from thence unto Patara : * And finding (5631 ) a ship sailing over (5723 ) unto Phenicia , we went aboard (5631 ), and set forth (5681 ). * Now when we had discovered (5631 ) Cyprus , we left (5631 ) it on the left hand , and sailed (5707 ) into Syria , and landed (5648 ) at Tyre : for there the ship was (5713 ) to unlade (5740 ) her burden . * And finding (5631 ) disciples , we tarried (5656 ) there seven days : who said (5707 ) to Paul through the Spirit , that he should not go up (5721 ) to Jerusalem . * And when we had (5633 ) accomplished (5658 ) those days , we departed (5631 ) and went our way (5711 ); and they all brought us on our way (5723 ), with wives and children , till we were out of the city : and we kneeled down (5631 ) on the shore , and prayed (5662 ). * And when we had taken our leave (5666 ) one of another , we took (5627 ) ship ; and they returned # home again (5656 ). * And when we had finished (5660 ) our course from Tyre , we came (5656 ) to Ptolemais , and saluted (5666 ) the brethren , and abode (5656 ) with them one day . * And the next day we that were of Pauls company departed (5631 ), and came (5627 ) (5625 ) (5627 ) unto Caesarea : and we entered (5631 ) into the house of Philip the evangelist , which was (5752 ) one of the seven ; and abode (5656 ) with him . * And the same man had (5713 ) four daughters , virgins , which did prophesy (5723 ). * And as we tarried (5723 ) there many days , there came down (5627 ) from Judaea a certain prophet , named Agabus . * And when he was come (5631 ) unto us , he took (5660 ) Pauls girdle , and bound (5660 ) his own hands and feet , and said (5627 ), Thus saith (5719 ) the Holy Ghost , So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind (5692 ) the man that owneth (5748 ) this girdle , and shall deliver (5692 ) him into the hands of the Gentiles . * And when we heard (5656 ) these things , both we , and they of that place , besought (5707 ) him not to go up (5721 ) to Jerusalem . * Then Paul answered (5662 ), What mean ye (5719 ) to weep (5723 ) and to break (5723 ) mine heart ? for I am (5719 ) ready not to be bound (5683 ) only , but also to die (5629 ) at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus . * And when he would not be persuaded (5746 ), we ceased (5656 ), saying (5631 ), The will of the Lord be done (5634 ). * And after those days we took up our carriages (5666 ), and went up (5707 ) to Jerusalem . * There went (5627 ) with us also certain of the disciples of Caesarea , and brought (5723 ) with them one Mnason of Cyprus , an old disciple , with whom we should lodge (5686 ). * And when we were come (5637 ) to Jerusalem , the brethren received (5662 ) us gladly . * And the day following (5752 ) Paul went in (5715 ) with us unto James ; and all the elders were present (5633 ). * And when he had saluted (5666 ) them , he declared (5711 ) particularly what things God had wrought (5656 ) among the Gentiles by his ministry . * And when they heard (5660 ) it , they glorified (5707 ) the Lord , and said (5627 ) unto him , Thou seest (5719 ), brother , how many thousands of Jews there are (5748 ) which believe (5761 ); and they are (5719 ) all zealous of the law : * And they are informed (5681 ) of thee , that thou teachest (5719 ) all the Jews which are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses , saying (5723 ) that they ought not to circumcise (5721 ) their children , neither to walk (5721 ) after the customs . * What is it (5748 ) therefore ? the multitude must (5748 ) needs come together (5629 ): for they will hear (5695 ) that thou art come (5754 ). * Do (5657 ) therefore this that we say (5719 ) to thee : We have (5748 ) four men which have (5723 ) a vow on them ; * Them take (5631 ), and purify thyself (5682 ) with them , and be at charges (5657 ) with them , that they may shave (5667 ) their heads : and all may know (5632 ) that those things , whereof they were informed (5769 ) concerning thee , are (5748 ) nothing ; but that thou thyself also walkest orderly (5719 ), and keepest (5723 ) the law . * As touching the Gentiles which believe (5761 ), we have written (5656 ) and concluded (5660 ) that they observe (5721 ) no such thing , save only that they keep (5733 ) themselves from things offered to idols , and from blood , and from strangled , and from fornication . * Then Paul took (5631 ) the men , and the next (5746 ) day purifying himself (5685 ) with them entered (5715 ) into the temple , to signify (5723 ) the accomplishment of the days of purification , until that an offering should be offered (5681 ) for every one of them . * And when the seven days were almost (5707 ) ended (5745 ), the Jews which were of Asia , when they saw (5666 ) him in the temple , stirred up (5707 ) all the people , and laid (5627 ) hands on him , * Crying out (5723 ), Men of Israel , help (5720 ): This is (5748 ) the man , that teacheth (5723 ) all men every where against the people , and the law , and this place : and further brought (5627 ) Greeks also into the temple , and hath polluted (5758 ) this holy place . * (For they had (5713 ) seen before (5761 ) with him in the city Trophimus an Ephesian , whom they supposed (5707 ) that Paul had brought (5627 ) into the temple .) * And all the city was moved (5681 ), and the people ran together (5633 ): and they took (5637 ) Paul , and drew (5707 ) him out of the temple : and forthwith the doors were shut (5681 ). * And as they went about (5723 ) to kill (5658 ) him , tidings came (5627 ) unto the chief captain of the band , that all Jerusalem was in an uproar (5769 ). * Who immediately took (5631 ) soldiers and centurions , and ran down (5627 ) unto them : and when they saw (5631 ) the chief captain and the soldiers , they left (5668 ) beating (5723 ) of Paul . * Then the chief captain came near (5660 ), and took (5633 ) him , and commanded (5656 ) him to be bound with (5683 ) two chains ; and demanded (5711 ) who he was (5751 ), and what he had (5748 ) done (5761 ). * And some cried (5707 ) one thing , some another , among the multitude : and when he could (5740 ) not know (5629 ) the certainty for the tumult , he commanded (5656 ) him to be carried (5745 ) into the castle . * And when he came (5633 ) upon the stairs , so it was (5627 ), that he was borne (5745 ) of the soldiers for the violence of the people . * For the multitude of the people followed after (5707 ), crying (5723 ), Away (5720 ) with him . * And as Paul was to be (5723 ) led (5745 ) into the castle , he said (5719 ) unto the chief captain , May (5748 ) I speak (5629 ) unto thee ? Who said (5713 ), Canst thou speak (5719 ) Greek ? * Art (5748 ) not thou that Egyptian , which before these days madest an uproar (5660 ), and leddest out (5631 ) into the wilderness four thousand men that were murderers ? * But Paul said (5627 ), I am (5748 ) a man which am a Jew of Tarsus , a city in Cilicia , a citizen of no mean city : and , I beseech (5736 ) thee , suffer (5657 ) me to speak (5658 ) unto the people . * And when he had given him licence (5660 ), Paul stood (5761 ) on the stairs , and beckoned (5656 ) with the hand unto the people . And when there was made (5637 ) a great silence , he spake (5656 ) unto them in the Hebrew tongue , saying (5723 ), * Men , brethren , and fathers , hear ye (5657 ) my defence which I make now unto you . * (And when they heard (5660 ) that he spake (5707 ) in the Hebrew tongue to them , they kept (5627 ) the more silence : and he saith (5748 ),) * I am (5748 ) verily a man which am a Jew , born (5772 ) in Tarsus , a city in Cilicia , yet brought up (5772 ) in this city at the feet of Gamaliel , and taught (5772 ) according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers , and was (5723 ) zealous toward God , as ye all are (5748 ) this day . * And I persecuted (5656 ) this way unto the death , binding (5723 ) and delivering (5723 ) into prisons both men and women . * As also the high priest doth bear me witness (5719 ), and all the estate of the elders : from whom also I received (5666 ) letters unto the brethren , and went (5711 ) to Damascus , to bring (5694 ) them which were (5752 ) there bound (5772 ) unto Jerusalem , for to be punished (5686 ). * And it came to pass (5633 ), that , as I made my journey (5740 ), and was come nigh (5723 ) unto Damascus about noon , suddenly there shone from heaven a great light round (5658 ) about me . * And I fell (5627 ) unto the ground , and heard (5656 ) a voice saying (5723 ) unto me , Saul , Saul , why persecutest thou (5719 ) me ? * And I answered (5662 ), Who art thou (5748 ), Lord ? And he said (5627 ) unto me , I am (5748 ) Jesus of Nazareth , whom thou persecutest (5719 ). * And they that were (5752 ) with me saw (5662 ) indeed the light , and were (5633 ) afraid ; but they heard (5656 ) not the voice of him that spake (5723 ) to me . * And I said (5627 ), What shall I do (5661 ), Lord ? And the Lord said (5627 ) unto me , Arise (5631 ), and go (5737 ) into Damascus ; and there it shall be told (5701 ) thee of all things which are appointed (5769 ) for thee to do (5658 ). * And when I could not see (5707 ) for the glory of that light , being led by the hand (5746 ) of them that were (5752 ) with me , I came (5627 ) into Damascus . * And one Ananias , a devout man according to the law , having a good report (5746 ) of all the Jews which dwelt (5723 ) there , * Came (5631 ) unto me , and stood (5631 ), and said (5627 ) unto me , Brother Saul , receive thy sight (5657 ). And the same hour I looked up (5656 ) upon him . * And he said (5627 ), The God of our fathers hath chosen (5662 ) thee , that thou shouldest know (5629 ) his will , and see (5629 ) that Just One , and shouldest hear (5658 ) the voice of his mouth . * For thou shalt be (5704 ) his witness unto all men of what thou hast seen (5758 ) and heard (5656 ). * And now why tarriest thou (5719 )? arise (5631 ), and be baptized (5669 ), and wash away (5669 ) thy sins , calling on (5671 ) the name of the Lord . * And it came to pass (5633 ), that , when I was come again (5660 ) to Jerusalem , even while I prayed (5740 ) in the temple , I was (5635 ) in a trance ; * And saw (5629 ) him saying (5723 ) unto me , Make haste (5657 ), and get thee (5628 ) quickly out of Jerusalem : for they will not receive (5699 ) thy testimony concerning me . * And I said (5627 ), Lord , they know (5736 ) that I imprisoned (5713 ) (5723 ) and beat (5723 ) in every synagogue them that believed (5723 ) on thee : * And when the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed (5712 ), I also was (5713 ) standing by (5761 ), and consenting (5723 ) unto his death , and kept (5723 ) the raiment of them that slew (5723 ) him . * And he said (5627 ) unto me , Depart (5737 ): for I will send (5692 ) thee far hence unto the Gentiles . * And they gave him audience (5707 ) unto this word , and then lifted up (5656 ) their voices , and said (5723 ), Away with (5720 ) such a fellow from the earth : for it is not fit (5723 ) that he should live (5721 ). * And as they cried out (5723 ), and cast off (5723 ) their clothes , and threw (5723 ) dust into the air , * The chief captain commanded (5656 ) him to be brought (5745 ) into the castle , and bade (5631 ) that he should be examined (5745 ) by scourging ; that he might know (5632 ) wherefore they cried so against (5707 ) him . * And as they bound (5656 ) (5625 ) (5656 ) him with thongs , Paul said (5627 ) unto the centurion that stood by (5761 ), Is it lawful (5748 ) for you to scourge (5721 ) a man that is a Roman , and uncondemned ? * When the centurion heard (5660 ) that , he went (5631 ) and told (5656 ) the chief captain , saying (5723 ), Take heed (5720 ) what thou doest (5719 ) (5721 ): for this man is (5748 ) a Roman . * Then the chief captain came (5631 ), and said (5627 ) unto him , Tell (5720 ) me , art (5748 ) thou a Roman ? He said (5713 ), Yea . * And the chief captain answered (5662 ), With a great sum obtained (5662 ) I this freedom . And Paul said (5713 ), But I was free born (5769 ). * Then straightway they departed (5627 ) from him which should (5723 ) have examined (5721 ) him : and the chief captain also was afraid (5675 ), after he knew (5631 ) that he was (5748 ) a Roman , and because he had (5713 ) bound (5761 ) him . * On the morrow , because he would (5740 ) have known (5629 ) the certainty wherefore he was accused (5743 ) of the Jews , he loosed (5656 ) him from his bands , and commanded (5656 ) the chief priests and all their council to appear (5629 ), and brought Paul down (5631 ), and set him (5656 ) before them . * And Paul , earnestly beholding (5660 ) the council , said (5627 ), Men and brethren , I have lived (5769 ) in all good conscience before God until this day . * And the high priest Ananias commanded (5656 ) them that stood by (5761 ) him to smite (5721 ) him on the mouth . * Then said (5627 ) Paul unto him , God shall (5719 ) smite (5721 ) thee , thou whited (5772 ) wall : for sittest (5736 ) thou to judge (5723 ) me after the law , and commandest (5719 ) me to be smitten (5745 ) contrary to the law (5723 )? * And they that stood by (5761 ) said (5627 ), Revilest thou (5719 ) Gods high priest ? * Then said (5713 ) Paul , I wist (5715 ) not , brethren , that he was (5748 ) the high priest : for it is written (5769 ), Thou shalt not speak (5692 ) evil of the ruler of thy people . * But when Paul perceived (5631 ) that the one part were (5748 ) Sadducees , and the other Pharisees , he cried out (5656 ) in the council , Men and brethren , I am (5748 ) a Pharisee , the son of a Pharisee : of the hope and resurrection of the dead I am called in question (5743 ). * And when he had so said (5660 ), there arose (5633 ) a dissension between the Pharisees and the Sadducees : and the multitude was divided (5681 ). * For the Sadducees say (5719 ) that there is (5750 ) no resurrection , neither angel , nor spirit : but the Pharisees confess (5719 ) both . * And there arose (5633 ) a great cry : and the scribes that were of the Pharisees part arose (5631 ), and strove (5711 ), saying (5723 ), We find (5719 ) no evil in this man : but if a spirit or an angel hath spoken (5656 ) to him , let us not fight (5725 ) against God . * And when there arose (5637 ) a great dissension , the chief captain , fearing (5685 ) lest Paul should have been pulled in pieces (5686 ) of them , commanded (5656 ) the soldiers to go down (5631 ), and to take him by force (5658 ) from among them , and to bring (5721 ) him into the castle . * And the night following (5752 ) the Lord stood by (5631 ) him , and said (5627 ), Be of good cheer (5720 ), Paul : for as thou hast testified (5662 ) of me in Jerusalem , so must (5748 ) thou bear witness (5658 ) also at Rome . * And when it was (5637 ) day , certain of the Jews banded together (5660 ), and bound themselves under a curse (5656 ), saying (5723 ) that they would neither eat (5629 ) nor drink (5629 ) till they had killed (5725 ) Paul . * And they were (5713 ) more than forty which had made (5761 ) this conspiracy . * And they came to (5631 ) the chief priests and elders , and said (5627 ), We have bound (5656 ) ourselves under a great curse , that we will eat (5664 ) nothing until we have slain (5725 ) Paul . * Now therefore ye with the council signify (5657 ) to the chief captain that he bring him down (5632 ) unto you to morrow , as though ye would (5723 ) enquire (5721 ) something more perfectly concerning him : and we , or ever he come near (5658 ), are (5748 ) ready to kill (5629 ) him . * And when Pauls sisters son heard (5660 ) of their lying in wait , he went (5637 ) and entered (5631 ) into the castle , and told (5656 ) Paul . * Then Paul called (5666 ) one of the centurions unto him , and said (5713 ), Bring (5628 ) this young man unto the chief captain : for he hath (5719 ) a certain thing to tell (5658 ) him . * So he took (5631 ) him , and brought (5627 ) him to the chief captain , and said (5748 ), Paul the prisoner called (5666 ) me unto him , and prayed me (5656 ) to bring (5629 ) this young man unto thee , who hath (5723 ) something to say (5658 ) unto thee . * Then the chief captain took (5637 ) him by the hand , and went with him aside (5660 ) privately , and asked (5711 ) him , What is (5748 ) that thou hast (5719 ) to tell (5658 ) me ? * And he said (5627 ), The Jews have agreed (5639 ) to desire (5658 ) thee that thou wouldest bring down (5632 ) Paul to morrow into the council , as though they would (5723 ) enquire (5738 ) somewhat of him more perfectly . * But do not thou yield (5686 ) unto them : for there lie in wait for (5719 ) him of them more than forty men , which have bound themselves with an oath (5656 ), that they will neither eat (5629 ) nor drink (5629 ) till they have killed (5661 ) him : and now are they (5748 ) ready , looking for (5740 ) a promise from thee . * So the chief captain then let the young man depart (5656 ), and charged (5660 ) him , See thou tell (5658 ) no man that thou hast shewed (5656 ) these things to me . * And he called unto (5666 ) him two centurions , saying (5627 ), Make ready (5657 ) two hundred soldiers to go (5680 ) to Caesarea , and horsemen threescore and ten , and spearmen two hundred , at the third hour of the night ; * And provide (5658 ) them beasts , that they may set Paul on (5660 ), and bring him safe (5661 ) unto Felix the governor . * And he wrote (5660 ) a letter after (5723 ) this manner : * Claudius Lysias unto the most excellent governor Felix sendeth greeting (5721 ). * This man was taken (5685 ) of the Jews , and should (5723 ) have been killed (5745 ) of them : then came I (5631 ) with an army , and rescued (5639 ) him , having understood (5631 ) that he was (5748 ) a Roman . * And when I would (5740 ) have known (5629 ) the cause wherefore they accused (5707 ) him , I brought him forth (5627 ) into their council : * Whom I perceived (5627 ) to be accused (5746 ) of questions of their law , but to have (5723 ) nothing laid to his charge worthy of death or of bonds . * And when it was told (5685 ) me how that the Jews laid wait (5721 ) (5705 ) for the man , I sent (5656 ) straightway to thee , and gave commandment (5660 ) to his accusers also to say (5721 ) before thee what they had against him . Farewell (5770 ). * Then the soldiers , as it was commanded (5772 ) them , took (5631 ) Paul , and brought (5627 ) him by night to Antipatris . * On the morrow they left (5660 ) the horsemen to go (5738 ) with him , and returned (5656 ) to the castle : * Who , when they came (5631 ) to Caesarea , and delivered (5631 ) the epistle to the governor , presented (5656 ) Paul also before him . * And when the governor had read (5631 ) the letter , he asked (5660 ) of what province he was (5748 ). And when he understood (5637 ) that he was of Cilicia ; * I will hear (5695 ) thee , said he (5713 ), when thine accusers are also come (5638 ). And he commanded (5656 ) him to be kept (5733 ) in Herods judgment hall . * And after five days Ananias the high priest descended (5627 ) with the elders , and with a certain orator named Tertullus , who informed (5656 ) the governor against Paul . * And when he was called forth (5685 ), Tertullus began (5662 ) to accuse (5721 ) him , saying (5723 ), Seeing that by thee we enjoy (5723 ) great quietness , and that very worthy deeds are done (5740 ) unto this nation by thy providence , * We accept (5736 ) it always , and in all places , most noble Felix , with all thankfulness . * Notwithstanding , that I be not further tedious (5725 ) unto thee , I pray (5719 ) thee that thou wouldest hear (5658 ) us of thy clemency a few words . * For we have found (5631 ) this man a pestilent fellow , and a mover (5723 ) of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world , and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes : * Who also hath gone about (5707 ) to profane (5658 ) the temple : whom we took (5656 ), and would (5656 ) have judged (5721 ) according to our law . * But the chief captain Lysias came (5631 ) upon us , and with great violence took him away (5627 ) out of our hands , * Commanding (5660 ) his accusers to come (5738 ) unto thee : by examining (5660 ) of whom thyself mayest (5695 ) take knowledge (5629 ) of all these things , whereof we accuse (5719 ) him . * And the Jews also assented (5639 ), saying (5723 ) that these things were (5721 ) so . * Then Paul , after that the governor had beckoned (5660 ) unto him to speak (5721 ), answered (5662 ), Forasmuch as I know (5740 ) that thou hast been (5752 ) of many years a judge unto this nation , I do the more cheerfully answer (5736 ) for myself : * Because that thou mayest (5740 ) understand (5629 ), that there are (5748 ) yet but twelve days since I went up (5627 ) to Jerusalem for to worship (5694 ). * And they neither found (5627 ) me in the temple disputing (5740 ) with any man , neither raising up # (5723 ) the people , neither in the synagogues , nor in the city : * Neither can (5736 ) they prove (5658 ) the things whereof they now accuse (5719 ) me . * But this I confess (5719 ) unto thee , that after the way which they call (5719 ) heresy , so worship I (5719 ) the God of my fathers , believing (5723 ) all things which are written (5772 ) in the law and in the prophets : * And have (5723 ) hope toward God , which they themselves also allow (5736 ), that there shall be (5721 ) (5705 ) a resurrection of the dead , both of the just and unjust . * And herein do I exercise (5719 ) myself , to have (5721 ) always a conscience void of offence toward God , and toward men . * Now after many years I came (5633 ) to bring (5694 ) alms to my nation , and offerings . * Whereupon certain Jews from Asia found (5627 ) me purified (5772 ) in the temple , neither with multitude , nor with tumult . * Who ought (5748 ) (5625 ) (5713 ) to have been here (5750 ) before thee , and object (5721 ), if they had (5722 ) ought against me . * Or else let these same here say (5628 ), if they have found (5627 ) any evil doing in me , while I stood (5631 ) before the council , * Except it be for this one voice , that I cried (5656 ) standing (5761 ) among them , Touching the resurrection of the dead I am called in question (5743 ) by you this day . * And when Felix heard (5660 ) these things , having more perfect knowledge (5761 ) of that way , he deferred (5639 ) them , and said (5631 ), When Lysias the chief captain shall come down (5632 ), I will know the uttermost (5695 ) of your matter . * And he commanded (5671 ) a centurion to keep (5745 ) Paul , and to let him have (5721 ) liberty , and that he should forbid (5721 ) none of his acquaintance to minister (5721 ) or come (5738 ) unto him . * And after certain days , when Felix came (5637 ) with his wife Drusilla , which was (5752 ) a Jewess , he sent for (5662 ) Paul , and heard (5656 ) him concerning the faith in Christ . * And as he reasoned (5740 ) of righteousness , temperance , and judgment to come (5723 ) (5705 ), Felix trembled (5637 ), and answered (5662 ), Go thy way (5737 ) for this time ; when I have (5723 ) (5631 ) a convenient season , I will call for (5698 ) thee . * He hoped (5723 ) also that money should have been given (5701 ) him of Paul , that he might loose (5661 ) him : wherefore he sent for (5740 ) him the oftener , and communed with (5707 ) him . * But after (5685 ) two years Porcius Festus came (5627 ) into Felix room : and Felix , willing (5723 ) to shew (5641 ) the Jews a pleasure , left (5627 ) Paul bound (5772 ). * Now when Festus was come (5631 ) into the province , after three days he ascended (5627 ) from Caesarea to Jerusalem . * Then the high priest and the chief of the Jews informed (5656 ) him against Paul , and besought (5707 ) him , * And desired (5734 ) favour against him , that he would send for (5667 ) him to Jerusalem , laying (5723 ) wait in the way to kill (5629 ) him . * But Festus answered (5662 ), that Paul should be kept (5745 ) at Caesarea , and that he himself would (5721 ) depart (5738 ) shortly thither . * Let them therefore , said (5748 ) he , which among you are able , go down with (5631 ) me , and accuse (5720 ) this man , if there be (5748 ) any wickedness in him . * And when he had tarried (5660 ) among them more than ten days , he went down (5631 ) unto Caesarea ; and the next day sitting (5660 ) on the judgment seat commanded (5656 ) Paul to be brought (5683 ). * And when he was come (5637 ), the Jews which came down (5761 ) from Jerusalem stood round about (5627 ), and laid (5723 ) many and grievous complaints against Paul , which they could (5707 ) not prove (5658 ). * While he answered (5740 ) for himself , Neither against the law of the Jews , neither against the temple , nor yet against Caesar , have I offended (5627 ) any thing at all . * But Festus , willing (5723 ) to do (5641 ) the Jews a pleasure , answered (5679 ) Paul , and said (5627 ), Wilt thou (5719 ) go up (5631 ) to Jerusalem , and there be judged (5745 ) of these things before me ? * Then said (5627 ) Paul , I stand (5748 ) (5761 ) at Caesars judgment seat , where I ought (5748 ) to be judged (5745 ): to the Jews have I done no wrong (5656 ), as thou very well knowest (5719 ). * For if I be an offender (5719 ), or have committed (5758 ) any thing worthy of death , I refuse (5736 ) not to die (5629 ): but if there be (5748 ) none of these things whereof these accuse (5719 ) me , no man may (5736 ) deliver (5664 ) me unto them . I appeal unto (5731 ) Caesar . * Then Festus , when he had conferred (5660 ) with the council , answered (5662 ), Hast thou appealed unto (5764 ) Caesar ? unto Caesar shalt thou go (5695 ). * And after (5637 ) certain days king Agrippa and Bernice came (5656 ) unto Caesarea to salute (5697 ) Festus . * And when they had been (5707 ) there many days , Festus declared (5639 ) Pauls cause unto the king , saying (5723 ), There is (5748 ) a certain man left (5772 ) in bonds by Felix : * About whom , when I was (5637 ) at Jerusalem , the chief priests and the elders of the Jews informed (5656 ) me , desiring (5734 ) to have judgment against him . * To whom I answered (5662 ), It is (5748 ) not the manner of the Romans to deliver (5738 ) any man to die , before that he which is accused (5746 ) have (5722 ) the accusers face to face , and have (5630 ) licence to answer for himself concerning the crime laid against him . * Therefore , when they were come (5631 ) hither , without (5671 ) any delay on the morrow I sat (5660 ) on the judgment seat , and commanded (5656 ) the man to be brought forth (5683 ). * Against whom when the accusers stood up (5685 ), they brought (5707 ) none accusation of such things as I supposed (5707 ): * But had (5707 ) certain questions against him of their own superstition , and of one Jesus , which was dead (5761 ), whom Paul affirmed (5707 ) to be alive (5721 ). * And because I doubted (5734 ) of such manner of questions , I asked (5707 ) him whether he would (5739 ) go (5738 ) to Jerusalem , and there be judged (5745 ) of these matters . * But when Paul had appealed (5671 ) to be reserved (5683 ) unto the hearing of Augustus , I commanded (5656 ) him to be kept (5745 ) till I might send (5661 ) him to Caesar . * Then Agrippa said (5713 ) unto Festus , I would (5711 ) also hear (5658 ) the man myself . To morrow , said (5748 ) he , thou shalt hear (5695 ) him . * And on the morrow , when Agrippa was come (5631 ), and Bernice , with great pomp , and was entered (5631 ) into the place of hearing , with the chief captains , and principal men of (5752 ) the city , at Festus commandment (5660 ) Paul was brought forth (5681 ). * And Festus said (5748 ), King Agrippa , and all men which are here present (5752 ) with us , ye see (5719 ) this man , about whom all the multitude of the Jews have dealt (5627 ) with me , both at Jerusalem , and also here , crying (5723 ) that he ought (5750 ) not to live (5721 ) any longer . * But when I found (5642 ) that he had committed (5760 ) nothing worthy of death , and that he himself hath appealed to (5671 ) Augustus , I have determined (5656 ) to send (5721 ) him . * Of whom I have (5719 ) no certain thing to write (5658 ) unto my lord . Wherefore I have brought him forth (5627 ) before you , and specially before thee , O king Agrippa , that , after examination had (5637 ), I might have (5632 ) somewhat to write (5658 ). * For it seemeth (5719 ) to me unreasonable to send (5723 ) a prisoner , and not withal to signify (5658 ) the crimes laid against him . * Then Agrippa said (5713 ) unto Paul , Thou art permitted (5743 ) to speak (5721 ) for thyself . Then Paul stretched forth (5660 ) the hand , and answered for himself (5711 ): * I think (5766 ) myself happy , king Agrippa , because I shall (5723 ) answer for myself (5738 ) this day before thee touching all the things whereof I am accused (5743 ) of the Jews : * Especially because I know (5761 ) thee to be (5752 ) expert in all customs and questions which are among the Jews : wherefore I beseech (5736 ) thee to hear (5658 ) me patiently . * My manner of life from my youth , which was (5637 ) at the first among mine own nation at Jerusalem , know (5758 ) all the Jews ; * Which knew (5723 ) me from the beginning , if they would (5725 ) testify (5721 ), that after the most straitest sect of our religion I lived (5656 ) a Pharisee . * And now I stand (5758 ) and am judged (5746 ) for the hope of the promise made (5637 ) of God unto our fathers : * Unto which promise our twelve tribes , instantly serving (5723 ) God day and night , hope (5719 ) to come (5658 ). For which hopes sake , king Agrippa , I am accused (5743 ) of the Jews . * Why should it be thought a thing (5743 ) incredible with you , that God should raise (5719 ) the dead ? * I verily thought (5656 ) with myself , that I ought (5750 ) to do (5658 ) many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth . * Which thing I also did (5656 ) in Jerusalem : and many of the saints did I shut up (5656 ) in prison , having received (5631 ) authority from the chief priests ; and when they were put to death (5746 ), I gave (5656 ) my voice against them . * And I punished (5723 ) them oft in every synagogue , and compelled (5707 ) them to blaspheme (5721 ); and being exceedingly mad against (5740 ) them , I persecuted (5707 ) them even unto strange cities . * Whereupon as I went (5740 ) to Damascus with authority and commission from the chief priests , * At midday , O king , I saw (5627 ) in the way a light from heaven , above the brightness of the sun , shining round about (5660 ) me and them which journeyed (5740 ) with me . * And when we were all fallen (5631 ) to the earth , I heard (5656 ) a voice speaking (5723 ) unto me , and saying (5723 ) in the Hebrew tongue , Saul , Saul , why persecutest thou (5719 ) me ? it is hard for thee to kick (5721 ) against the pricks . * And I said (5627 ), Who art thou (5748 ), Lord ? And he said (5627 ), I am (5748 ) Jesus whom thou persecutest (5719 ). * But rise (5628 ), and stand (5628 ) upon thy feet : for I have appeared (5681 ) unto thee for this purpose , to make (5664 ) thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast seen (5627 ), and of those things in the which I will appear (5701 ) unto thee ; * Delivering (5734 ) thee from the people , and from the Gentiles , unto whom now I send (5719 ) thee , * To open (5658 ) their eyes , and to turn (5658 ) them from darkness to light , and from the power of Satan unto God , that they may receive (5629 ) forgiveness of sins , and inheritance among them which are sanctified (5772 ) by faith that is in me . * Whereupon , O king Agrippa , I was (5633 ) not disobedient unto the heavenly vision : * But shewed (5723 ) (5625 ) (5707 ) first unto them of Damascus , and at Jerusalem , and throughout all the coasts of Judaea , and then to the Gentiles , that they should repent (5721 ) and turn (5721 ) to God , and do (5723 ) works meet for repentance . * For these causes the Jews caught (5642 ) me in the temple , and went about (5711 ) to kill (5670 ) me . * Having therefore obtained (5631 ) help of God , I continue (5758 ) unto this day , witnessing (5746 ) both to small and great , saying (5723 ) none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say (5656 ) should (5723 ) come (5738 ): * That Christ should suffer , and that he should be the first that should rise from the dead , and should (5719 ) shew (5721 ) light unto the people , and to the Gentiles . * And as he thus spake for himself (5740 ), Festus said (5713 ) with a loud voice , Paul , thou art beside thyself (5736 ); much learning doth make (5719 ) thee mad . * But he said (5748 ), I am not mad (5736 ), most noble Festus ; but speak forth (5736 ) the words of truth and soberness . * For the king knoweth (5736 ) of these things , before whom also I speak (5719 ) freely (5740 ): for I am persuaded (5743 ) that none of these things are hidden (5721 ) from him ; for this thing was (5748 ) not done (5772 ) in a corner . * King Agrippa , believest thou (5719 ) the prophets ? I know (5758 ) that thou believest (5719 ). * Then Agrippa said (5713 ) unto Paul , Almost thou persuadest (5719 ) me to be (5635 ) a Christian . * And Paul said (5627 ), I would (5665 ) to God , that not only thou , but also all that hear (5723 ) me this day , were (5635 ) both almost , and altogether such as I am (5748 ), except these bonds . * And when he had thus spoken (5631 ), the king rose up (5627 ), and the governor , and Bernice , and they that sat with (5740 ) them : * And when they were gone aside (5660 ), they talked (5707 ) between themselves , saying (5723 ), This man doeth (5719 ) nothing worthy of death or of bonds . * Then said (5713 ) Agrippa unto Festus , This man might (5711 ) have been set at liberty (5771 ), if he had not appealed unto (5716 ) Caesar . * And when it was determined (5681 ) that we should sail (5721 ) into Italy , they delivered (5707 ) Paul and certain other prisoners unto one named Julius , a centurion of Augustus band . * And entering (5631 ) into a ship of Adramyttium , we launched (5681 ), meaning (5723 ) to sail (5721 ) by the coasts of Asia ; one Aristarchus , a Macedonian of Thessalonica , being (5752 ) with us . * And the next day we touched (5648 ) at Sidon . And Julius courteously entreated (5666 ) Paul , and gave him liberty (5656 ) to go (5679 ) unto his friends to refresh himself (5629 ). * And when we had launched (5685 ) from thence , we sailed under (5656 ) Cyprus , because the winds were (5750 ) contrary . * And when we had sailed over (5660 ) the sea of Cilicia and Pamphylia , we came (5627 ) to Myra , a city of Lycia . * And there the centurion found (5631 ) a ship of Alexandria sailing (5723 ) into Italy ; and he put (5656 ) us therein . * And when we had sailed slowly (5723 ) many days , and scarce were come (5637 ) over against Cnidus , the wind not suffering (5723 ) us , we sailed under (5656 ) Crete , over against Salmone ; * And , hardly passing (5740 ) it , came (5627 ) unto a place which is called (5746 ) The fair havens ; nigh whereunto was (5713 ) the city of Lasea . * Now when much time was spent (5637 ), and when sailing was (5752 ) now dangerous , because the fast was now already past (5755 ), Paul admonished (5707 ) them , * And said (5723 ) unto them , Sirs , I perceive (5719 ) that this voyage will be (5721 ) (5705 ) with hurt and much damage , not only of the lading and ship , but also of our lives . * Nevertheless the centurion believed (5712 ) the master and the owner of the ship , more than those things which were spoken (5746 ) by Paul . * And because the haven was (5723 ) not commodious to winter in , the more part advised (5639 ) to depart (5683 ) thence also , if by any means they might (5739 ) attain (5660 ) to Phenice , and there to winter (5658 ); which is an haven of Crete , and lieth (5723 ) toward the south west and north west . * And when the south wind blew softly (5660 ), supposing (5660 ) that they had obtained (5760 ) their purpose , loosing (5660 ) thence , they sailed (5711 ) close by Crete . * But not long after there arose (5627 ) against it a tempestuous wind , called (5746 ) Euroclydon . * And when the ship was caught (5685 ), and could (5740 ) not bear up into (5721 ) the wind , we let her drive (5631 ) (5712 ). * And running under (5631 ) a certain island which is called (5746 ) Clauda , we had much work (5656 ) to come by (5635 ) the boat : * Which when they had taken up (5660 ), they used (5711 ) helps , undergirding (5723 ) the ship ; and , fearing (5740 ) lest they should fall (5632 ) into the quicksands , strake (5660 ) sail , and so were driven (5712 ). * And we being exceedingly tossed with a tempest (5746 ), the next day they lightened the ship (5710 ); * And the third day we cast out (5656 ) with our own hands the tackling of the ship . * And when neither sun nor stars in many days appeared (5723 ), and no small tempest lay on (5740 ) us , all hope that we should be saved (5745 ) was then taken away (5712 ). * But after (5723 ) long abstinence Paul stood forth (5685 ) in the midst of them , and said (5627 ), Sirs , ye should (5713 ) have hearkened (5660 ) unto me , and not have loosed (5745 ) from Crete , and to have gained (5658 ) this harm and loss . * And now I exhort (5719 ) you to be of good cheer (5721 ): for there shall be (5704 ) no loss of any mans life among you , but of the ship . * For there stood by (5627 ) me this night the angel of God , whose I am (5748 ), and whom I serve (5719 ), * Saying (5723 ), Fear (5737 ) not , Paul ; thou must (5748 ) be brought before (5629 ) Caesar : and , lo (5628 ), God hath given (5766 ) thee all them that sail (5723 ) with thee . * Wherefore , sirs , be of good cheer (5720 ): for I believe (5719 ) God , that it shall be (5704 ) even as it was told (5769 ) me . * Howbeit we must (5748 ) be cast (5629 ) upon a certain island . * But when the fourteenth night was come (5633 ), as we were driven up and down (5746 ) in Adria , about midnight the shipmen deemed (5707 ) that they drew near (5721 ) to some country ; * And sounded (5660 ), and found (5627 ) it twenty fathoms : and when they had gone (5660 ) a little further , they sounded (5660 ) again , and found (5627 ) it fifteen fathoms . * Then fearing (5740 ) lest we should have fallen (5632 ) (5625 ) (5632 ) upon rocks , they cast (5660 ) four anchors out of the stern , and wished (5711 ) (5635 ) for the day . * And as the shipmen were about (5723 ) to flee (5629 ) out of the ship , when they had let down (5660 ) the boat into the sea , under colour as though they would (5723 ) have cast (5721 ) anchors out of the foreship , * Paul said (5627 ) to the centurion and to the soldiers , Except these abide (5661 ) in the ship , ye cannot (5736 ) be saved (5683 ). * Then the soldiers cut off (5656 ) the ropes of the boat , and let (5656 ) her fall off (5629 ). * And while the day was coming (5738 ) on (5707 ), Paul besought (5707 ) them all to take (5629 ) meat , saying (5723 ), This day is the fourteenth day that ye have tarried (5723 ) and continued (5719 ) fasting , having taken (5642 ) nothing . * Wherefore I pray (5719 ) you to take (5629 ) some meat : for this is (5719 ) for your health : for there shall not an hair fall (5695 ) from the head of any of you . * And when he had thus spoken (5631 ), he took (5631 ) bread , and gave thanks (5656 ) to God in presence of them all : and when he had broken (5660 ) it , he began (5662 ) to eat (5721 ). * Then were they (5637 ) all of good cheer , and they also took (5639 ) some meat . * And we were (5713 ) in all in the ship two hundred threescore and sixteen souls . * And when they had eaten enough (5685 ), they lightened (5707 ) the ship , and cast out (5734 ) the wheat into the sea . * And when it was (5633 ) day , they knew (5707 ) not the land : but they discovered (5707 ) a certain creek with (5723 ) a shore , into the which they were minded (5662 ), if it were possible (5739 ), to thrust in (5658 ) the ship . * And when they had taken up (5631 ) the anchors , they committed (5707 ) themselves unto the sea , and loosed (5631 ) the rudder bands , and hoised up (5660 ) the mainsail to the wind (5723 ), and made (5707 ) toward shore . * And falling (5631 ) into a place where two seas met , they ran the ship aground (5656 ); and the forepart stuck fast (5660 ), and remained (5656 ) unmoveable , but the hinder part was broken (5712 ) with the violence of the waves . * And the soldiers counsel was (5633 ) to kill (5725 ) the prisoners , lest any of them should swim out (5660 ), and escape (5630 ). * But the centurion , willing (5740 ) to save (5658 ) Paul , kept (5656 ) them from their purpose ; and commanded (5656 ) that they which could (5740 ) swim (5721 ) should cast (5660 ) themselves first into the sea , and get (5750 ) to land : * And the rest , some on boards , and some on broken pieces of the ship . And so it came to pass (5633 ), that they escaped all safe (5683 ) to land . * And when they were escaped (5685 ), then they knew (5627 ) that the island was called (5743 ) Melita . * And the barbarous people shewed (5707 ) us no little (5631 ) kindness : for they kindled (5660 ) a fire , and received (5639 ) us every one , because of the present (5761 ) rain , and because of the cold . * And when Paul had gathered (5660 ) a bundle of sticks , and laid (5631 ) them on the fire , there came (5631 ) a viper out of the heat , and fastened on (5656 ) his hand . * And when the barbarians saw (5627 ) the venomous beast hang (5734 ) on his hand , they said (5707 ) among themselves , No doubt this man is (5748 ) a murderer , whom , though he hath escaped (5685 ) the sea , yet vengeance suffereth (5656 ) not to live (5721 ). * And he shook off (5660 ) the beast into the fire , and felt (5627 ) no harm . * Howbeit they looked (5707 ) when he should (5721 ) have swollen (5745 ), or fallen down (5721 ) dead suddenly : but after they had looked (5723 ) a great while , and saw (5723 ) no harm come (5740 ) to him , they changed their minds (5734 ), and said (5707 ) that he was (5750 ) a god . * In the same quarters were (5707 ) possessions of the chief man of the island , whose name was Publius ; who received (5666 ) us , and lodged us (5656 ) three days courteously . * And it came to pass (5633 ), that the father of Publius lay (5738 ) sick of (5746 ) a fever and of a bloody flux : to whom Paul entered in (5631 ), and prayed (5666 ), and laid his hands on (5631 ) him , and healed (5662 ) him . * So when this was done (5637 ), others also , which had (5723 ) diseases in the island , came (5711 ), and were healed (5712 ): * Who also honoured us with many honours (5656 ); and when we departed (5746 ), they laded (5639 ) us with such things as were necessary . * And after three months we departed (5681 ) in a ship of Alexandria , which had wintered (5761 ) in the isle , whose sign was Castor and Pollux . * And landing (5685 ) at Syracuse , we tarried (5656 ) there three days . * And from thence we fetched a compass (5631 ), and came (5656 ) to Rhegium : and after one day the south wind blew (5637 ), and we came (5627 ) the next day to Puteoli : * Where we found (5631 ) brethren , and were desired (5681 ) to tarry (5658 ) with them seven days : and so we went (5627 ) toward Rome . * And from thence , when the brethren heard (5660 ) of us , they came (5627 ) to meet us as far as Appii forum , and The three taverns : whom when Paul saw (5631 ), he thanked (5660 ) God , and took (5627 ) courage . * And when we came (5627 ) to Rome , the centurion delivered (5656 ) the prisoners to the captain of the guard : but Paul was suffered (5681 ) to dwell (5721 ) by himself with a soldier that kept (5723 ) him . * And it came to pass (5633 ), that after three days Paul called the chief (5752 ) of the Jews together (5670 ): and when they were come together (5631 ), he said (5707 ) unto them , Men and brethren , though I have committed (5660 ) nothing against the people , or customs of our fathers , yet was I delivered (5681 ) prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans . * Who , when they had examined (5660 ) me , would (5711 ) have let me go (5658 ), because there was (5721 ) no cause of death in me . * But when the Jews spake against (5723 ) it , I was constrained (5681 ) to appeal (5670 ) unto Caesar ; not that I had (5723 ) ought to accuse my nation of (5658 ). * For this cause therefore have I called (5656 ) for you , to see (5629 ) you , and to speak with (5658 ) you : because that for the hope of Israel I am bound with (5736 ) this chain . * And they said (5627 ) unto him , We neither received (5662 ) letters out of Judaea concerning thee , neither any of the brethren that came (5637 ) shewed (5656 ) or spake (5656 ) any harm of thee . * But we desire (5719 ) to hear (5658 ) of thee what thou thinkest (5719 ): for as concerning this sect , we know (5748 ) that every where it is spoken against (5743 ). * And when they had appointed (5671 ) him a day , there came (5707 ) many to him into his lodging ; to whom he expounded (5710 ) and testified (5740 ) the kingdom of God , persuading (5723 ) them concerning Jesus , both out of the law of Moses , and out of the prophets , from morning till evening . * And some believed (5712 ) the things which were spoken (5746 ), and some believed not (5707 ). * And when they agreed not (5752 ) among themselves , they departed (5710 ), after that Paul had spoken (5631 ) one word , Well spake (5656 ) the Holy Ghost by Esaias the prophet unto our fathers , * Saying (5723 ), Go (5676 ) unto this people , and say (5628 ), Hearing ye shall hear (5692 ), and shall not understand (5655 ); and seeing (5723 ) ye shall see (5692 ), and not perceive (5632 ): * For the heart of this people is waxed gross (5681 ), and their ears are dull of hearing (5656 ), and their eyes have they closed (5656 ); lest they should see (5632 ) with their eyes , and hear (5661 ) with their ears , and understand (5632 ) with their heart , and should be converted (5661 ), and I should heal (5667 ) them . * Be it (5749 ) known therefore unto you , that the salvation of God is sent (5648 ) unto the Gentiles , and that they will hear (5695 ) it . * And when he had said (5631 ) these words , the Jews departed (5627 ), and had (5723 ) great reasoning among themselves . * And Paul dwelt (5656 ) two whole years in his own hired house , and received (5711 ) all that came in (5740 ) unto him , * Preaching (5723 ) the kingdom of God , and teaching (5723 ) those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ , with all confidence , no man forbidding him .

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